Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 24, 1906, Page 8, Image 8

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In evoking the .Douma from the chaos
of Russian life, the Czar raised a spirit
more potent than himself. To the na
tion it seemed the harbinger of hope,
to the terrified despot an angel of doom.
Nicholas tried at first to belittle the
National Parliament; by treating It
with contempt. The messengers who
conveyed to the palace the reply of the
Douma to his ppening speech he treated
with studied ignominy. His ministers
made It the burden of all their speeches
to reiterate to the representatives of
the people the story of their dependence
on the Czar's will and their utter pow
er! essness to initiate reforms.
The representatives believed that
their authority came from the nation
which had chosen them, and that its
only limit was the nation's welfare.
They acted from the first day of their
meeting upon the theory that the peo
ple are the source of all political power
and proceeded to debate every ques
tion that arose, without regard to the
restrictions which- Nicholas had im
posed. Russia saw in its representa
tive assembly a power higher than the
monarch. It was the organ of the na
tion's will. It voiced the precept of
the new world that the people are their
own masters, to work out their own
destiny. The struggle between despot
ism and democracy in the capital has
spread over the whole country. No
where in Europe, for many centuries,
has civil society come so near to utter
disorganization as it has in Russia to
day. But matters there must be worse
before they can be better. There seems
no hope for that unhappy land except
to begin at the foundation and build its
political institutions anew.
Had Nicholas been a man of courage
arid information, either he would never
have called a National Assembly, or
else, after calling it, he would have
been prepared for the consequences. As
a matter of fact, he called it because
tie was frightened, and he has tried at
every step to neutralize its work by
trickery. Scarcely a straightforward
word has passed from him t the
Douma. In all his dealing with it not
one act has been reported that an hon
orable man would not be ashamed of.
His only contributions to the enormous
work of civilizing Russia and righting
Its hideous wrongs have been a mass
of childish twaddle about his "divine
rights" and a number xf foolish at
tempts to create dissension among the
representatives - of the people. To be
perfectly just, we must nof forget his
attempts to punish the contumacy of
the Jewish members of the Douma by
ordering his soldiers to murder their
relatives at home.
Discovering Anally that the Parlia
ment of a nation with evils like Rus
sia's could neither be a toy nor a sham,
Nicholas has dissolved the Douma in
the hope that the army will support
him in a return to that -tyranny which
he and his relations remember with
fond regret. It is quite likely that he
will take revenge on the representa
tives, who have opposed him actively,
by scourging them to death In prison.
If he acts up to his reputation he will
burn their dwellings, have their women
outraged and their children murdered.
Such is the way divine right, or
vested right, or special privilege, how
ever it may be named, defends itself
and justifies its existence. Everywhere
end always Its methods are the same,
though it sometimes lacks the power to
carry them out as It would. There Is
not a holder of special privilege in the
United States who does not feel and
act. In his degree, exactly like Nicholas
toward the people whom he despises
' and robs.
Whether the Douma will stay dis
solved is another question. Many of
he members hae fled to Finland,
where liberty is not yet quite dead, but
this may have been largely from fear
of military terrorism. On the other
hand, they may succeed in a second at
tempt to reorganize and defy the Czar.
Should they do so and issue commands
to Russia fjom some retreat in Finland,
perhaps the nation would obey them
rather than Nicholas. The army will
have work in St. Petersburg and other
home cities without invading Finland,
If the general strike is declared. Thus
Russia may have two governments, one
backed by the people, the other by the
army, though part of the army would
probably side with the Douma.
Which of these governments-would
be the rightful one? Nicholas, with his
army and his loyal band of relations
and grafters, or the representatives of
the people? Which would foreign na-
Ions recognize? Germany and Austria,
from sympathy and interest, would side
with Nicholas. The triumph of free
dom In Russia would deprive these
courts of their fat plunder lit Poland
for one thing, while neither William
nor Joseph Is especially fond of democ
racy; nor would a free republic across
the border be a good example to their
own subjects.
Apart from its money klngsl France
sympathizes -with the people rather
than the aristocracy. That nation
would be pleased to eee Eastern Europe
erected Into a gTeat republic from
which a heartier concord with its. own
Institutions might toe expected than
from the Czar, who is dangerously in
fluenced by the Kaiser at critical mo
ments. Bat France is a heavy creditor
of Russia, and, if reTolution inclines
toward repudiation of debts, will not
countenance it. As to England, the
natural feeling of the people, united
with the strong radical element in Par
liament, would probably make it the
first European nation to recognize a
revolutionary government in Russia.
The Oregonian willingly admits that,
together with the people of Portland, it
did not see until late through the seem
ing goodness or the "respected" crowd
of first-family' franchise fllchers, who,
headed by A. L. Mills and J. N. Teal
and other sharpers, framed the city
charter to conform with their franchise
interests, secured for nothing through
political jobbery, additional valuable
street-car privileges at the expense of
the public and finally sold them for a
clean profit of $4,000,000; and who now,
through their newspaper organ, charge
The Oregonian with "treachery" to the
people for not having perceived this
infamy when it whs done and held its
doers up to the community for what
they are now seen to be.
In their opinion, the charter is a good
instrument, made by. best men, and
perfect throughout. It is not to be ex
pected that anybody can successfully
dispute with them in this. They have
been Portland's "best" always, and all
their works have been perfect at least
for their own interests and they were
never "caught with the goods" until
recently. Now, after having been ac
counted excellent and high-minded men
so long a time without the public's
"catching on," and having "run" poli
tics by means of money bags and
thumbscrew pressure, their conscience
may feel the swash of the reform wave
that is cleaning the land of rapacity
and greed euch as theirs.
It has occurred! to them, therefore,
that The Oregonian was a "traitor" to
the public when it trusted their sup
posed honesty and allowed them to
make the charter as they did, and se
cure by stealth car franchises which
they sold for millions of dollars. In the
present awakening of the doers of this
franchise infamy The Oregonian should
have exposed the wickedness of -Mills,
Teal, Ladd, Lewis, Swigert, Campbell
and other "respected" men, and should
not have spoken a good word for their
charter nor their franchises, nor should
The Oregonian's editor, who was a
member of their charter -board, but
took no part in the drafting of the in
strument, have accepted their, word
that it was good and perfect.
. These evidences of reformed con
science, on the part of Mills, Teal and
other rich contrivers should be grate
fully received by the people who have
been rudely shocked by their du
plicity and Trill have to pay the
price of it for years to come.
The "organ," which they own, protest
ed at the time, against what its booses
its owners, the charter-makers and
the franchise-mongers were doing; yet
what they did was "all right" and -high
ly creditable; it portended a great deal
for the upbuilding of the city, said the
organ meaning, of course, the upbuild
ing of plutocratic fortunes, wjiich have
grown accustomed to believing them
selves the only things in. Portland
worth while and the sale of the use of
the public streets toy rich schemers was
a highly creditable achievement. .
The hypocrisy of the franchise-grab
bing gang in Portland is coming to be
well understood, now that all its vil
lainies have been reviewed consecutive
ly. It is a gain for morals, public and
plutocratic, and for Individual de
cency, that the doers of this ignominy
should perceive "treachery" somewhere,
but If they can draw nearer the fold of
Portland's Teally decent citizens, they
may behold the beam in their own eye.
As a means for cementing interna
tional friendships and promoting the
commercial, political and social inter
ests of practically the entire Western
world, the Pan-American Conference,
now in session at Rio de Janeiro, is one
of the most important organizations
ever effected. The United States is
represented at this conference by Sec
retary Root, whose unquestioned diplo
macy of course will admit of the best
possible showing on the part of the
United States. The session which be
gan in Rio de Janeiro last Saturday is
the third so far held, the first assem
bling' In Washington in 1889 and -the
second in the City of Mexico In 1901.
That the present one is vastly more im
portant for the United States than any
of the others is easily understood, when
we consider the steadily growing Im
portance of this country as a trade fac
tor in the Latin-American countries.
With the British and Germans firmly
intrenched in so many of the South and
Central American republics, American
traders have had to overcome no small
prejudice, worked up toy trade rivals.
The building of the Panama Canal
and the Pan-American Railroad, and
even the Tehuantepec Railroad, will
contribute to the growing prestige of
the United States in those countries ly
ing to the south. The Tehuantepec
road is, of course, financed by British
capital, but it is, to all intents and
purposes, an American transportation
utility, for its business will be confined
largely to handling American goods, en
route to and from the Atlantic and Pa
cific Coaste and for distribution north
and south of the Isthmus of Tehuante
Our trade with those Southern coun
tries will grow with the aid of this new
transportation line, but it will grow
more rapidly when the Panama Canal
is completed. The Pan-American Con
ference, however, does not limit its de1
liberations to business matters, . al
though its favorable action on recip
rocal trade relations at the initial meet
ing gave American trade an Impetus
which, had it been properly taken ad
vantage of, would have given Ameri
cans a much firmer foothold than they
now 'enjoy In Pan-American trade
Recognizing that the railroad Is the
greatest civilizing influence In modern
industrial life, the first conference went
on record as favoring and urging the
construction of a Pan-American rail
road. It is not yet a reality, but the
bands of steel are slowly creeping to
gether from the north and from the
south, with intervening sections which,
in the not far distant future, will be
come parts of one grand trunk line
running the entire length of the West
ern world. . '
Prior to the meeting of the first Pan
American Conference the peppery little
nations, as well as the big ones, were
in an almost constant state of turmoil
over their territorial possessions and
political ambitions. ' That conference
placed a ban on the acquisition of ter
ritory by conquest and insisted on the
settlement of such disputes by arbitra
tion. Jt is a notable tribute to the
work of the conference that the period
of peace since that meeting has been
longer than ever before in the history
of the countries concerned.
One of the most Important matters to
come before the conference at Rio de
Janeiro is the Indorsement of the policy
that public debts shall .not be collected
by force. This matter was approved at
the City of Mexico conference, but re
affirmation is now desired in rjrder that
it may have the greatest possible effect
at the great peace tribunal at The
Hague. There are a large number of
other topics for discussion, such as con
sular reforms, treaties, patents, copy-rights,-
etc. With the interests of the
United States in the hands of Secretary
Root, much good, both commercially
and politically. Is assured.
A pathetic story, and yet one too
often rehearsed, is that of Fredrich No
dine and wife, of Union County the
one 80 years old and blind, the other 70j
and working in me oeet neias tor mo
support of the two, for the bare pit
tance that suffices to keep life afoot. '
An energetic young man was Fred-
rich Nodine and a prosperous man In
middle life kind, generous and help
ful to others and a faithful helpmeet
was his wife. The "hard times" of '93-
94 found him with plenty and, as he
thought, to spare. With generous pur
pose he came to the assistance of
friends and neighbors, lending his
name to notes to save them from finan
cial ruin, but with the result that he
went down with them into bankruptcy.
The outcome is told in the story lately
printed, wherein he is depicted as sit
ting stone blind In his lowly home while
bis wife toils for his bread and hers at
work unsuited to her age and sex.
There is a possibility, it is said, that
they "may recover, through litigation.
now in progress, enough of their once
ample fortune to assure them food and
shelter during the brief span of life yet
remaining to them.
This sad story is npt without its les
son in prudence. A certain amount of
selfishness Is necessary to carry even
a' thrifty, capable, accumulative man
through life to ' a serene old age, the
shadows of which are unhaunted by the
ghost of want. The eecurity debt, as
sumed with generous intent, and in a
purely unselfish spirit, has been the
rock upon which many a fortune has
been wrecked. Ingratitude is not the
unfailing accompaniment of disaster of
this kind. The man to whose note his
friend lent his name is often sincerely
smitten with sorrow at the loss entailed
by his inability to make payment, but
this does not prevent the disaster, nor
does it mitigate" theeinjustlce, the smart
of which every one who has had to pay
a security debt has felt.
We can only hope that this old
plainsman, whose generosity has cost
him so dearly, will yet, by the grace of
the Supreme Court of the state, or
through the principle of abstract jus
tice for which it stands, be restored to
enough of his property to insure free
dom from, want for himself and wife
during the few remaining years of their
life allotment. It may be hoped also
that the story of their descent from
wealth to poverty will be beneficial, as
counselling prudence in assuming a
debt for which value has never been
received and which may easily become
a weight that will drag a generous man
down without "saving the friend for
whom the risk was generously but un
wisely taken. - -
The assertion, which comes from an
authoritative source, that Oregon leads
all other states In the packing and
handling of fruit, will surprise many
people who do not expect a state to
excel in an enterprise in which it is
comparatively new, Tet perhaps the
fact that Oregon is young in the fruit
packing industry is one explanation for
its superiority. Older states adopted
certain packing methods years ago and
have kept along in old ruts. Oregon, in
order to put its fruit upon the- market
in competition with the product of
states that" had already established a
regular trade, was compelled to pack
fruit in better and more attractive
shape, so that it would keep while be
ing shipped and win favor by its ap
pearance when displayed for the In
spection of Jconsumers. Hood River
and Rogue River apple-growers have
been packing their apples in a manner
that wins commendation in the largest
markets in the world. Small fruits
could not be better packed for shipment
or for display in the market than they
are here in Oregon. Prunes, which are
a standing joke all over the East, have
a new character when packed In ten
pound boxes, carefully faced and partly
covered with a border of lace paper.
The prunes that were formerly bought
In bulk from bags were exactly the
same as the prunes packed in boxes,
except that the latter are cleaned by a
steaming process and have a brighter
appearance. ,
The packing of the fruit has a double
value to the state, for it not only gives
it a better standing in the opinion of
consumers, but it brings a price enough
higher to pay the Oregon laborer's
wages In packing. While there will al
ways be a market for prunes or apples,
or other fruit carelessly packed, at
lower prices, -the fruit that gains a
state or a community a desirable repu
tation Is that which has been put up in
an attractive manner and with a name
or trademark that will make it remem
GROWN. The accident which placed the steam
er Tv J. Potter out of commission for
practically the entire period when its
owners are accustomed to reap a
golden harvest out of the beach travel
offers a good illustration of peculiar
transportation methods in the North
west. The Potter was built about sev
enteen years ago, its machinery and
cabins having been taken from the old
Wide West, which had outlived useful
ness. At that time the population of
Portland was about one-half that of
the present day, and travel to the
beaches was probably less than one-
third as great ae it is now. The Potter
was crowded during the beach season
even in the old days, but while the pop
ulation of Portland has doubled and
the beach travel has trebled, there have
been no Increased facilities to meet the
demands of North Beach travel.
From year to year . the report has
gone forth that the Ilwaco road would
be extended up to a point where the
ordinary sternwheeler could run in
safety, thus affording proper facilities
in case the one lone boat, built for the
travel, should meet with a mishap, but
the road has never been built. .
There were ten cottages on the Ne
canlcum peninsula at South Beach
when the Potter began running to Il
waco. Today there are more than 250
cottages and half a dozen hotels and
lodging-houses there, while no such in
crease has been noted at North Beach,
where the people were dependent on
one boat. It is much the same in other
lines of transportation in the Pacific
Northwest. Aside from - the Ilwaco
road, the State of Washington is as
weir provided with transportation facil
ities as is the South. Beach, in Oregon.
This country is too rich in resources
and is developing traffic too rapidly to
be held down much longer to a one
railroad or one-steamboat basis. It is
not alone the river and the rail lines
that exhibit indifference to prepara
tions for the future. The traffic be
tween Portland and San Francisco by
water is more than five times as great
as it was when the steamers Columbia,
Elder and Oregon were plying on the
route, but today the sole representative
of that fleet which flew the house flag
of the O. R. & N. is an ancient tramp,
too old and expensive for any use. The
Oregon has been . sold, the Elder
wrecked, and the Columbia disabled,
and If any effort has been made to re
place them it has been concealed from
the public. But this system of busi
ness cannot go on forever. The coun
try is too rich in possibilities-and there
is too much idle capital. -
Not all Portlanders. care- to spend
their Summer season on the South
Beach. Some "of them would even like
to divide their time with the North
Beach, and eventually the numbers of
this class will be sufficient to - induce
some one to provide facilities in keep
ing with the onward march of progress.
In 1850 the steamer Columbia, with its
three-day Strips between Oregon City
and Astoria, was able to handle all of
the business. In 1872 th Emma Hay-
ward handled all of the seaside busi
ness and had room to spare. Neither
of those craft, however, would fill the
bill ' today, and the one lone steamer
Potter was unable to do it when the
inevitable emergency developed and ex
posed its weakness.
Russell Sage is dead and it is esti
mated that he has left a fortune of
100,000,000. The reason he left it, of
course, was his inability to take it with
him. He lived out his long life doing
few deeds for the betterment of his fel-low-sinan.
All around him, in the great
est and wickedest city on earth, chi
dren were dying every hour in the year
for want of the bare necessaries of life.
The Income from a fortune of $100,000,
000, Judiciously expended, would have
brought light and comfort and even life
Itself to the perishing innocents. But
there was nothing on the tape of the
Wall-street ticker that told Uncle Rus
sell that any money could be made in
saving the lives of children. Money
was the only idol before which he wor
shiped, but he eventually found its lim
itations. His transportation on old
Charon's ferry is no better than that of
the poorest Bowery outcast, who per
ished for want of some of the things
which Russell Sage had, but would not
give up. The world is hardly better for
Russell Sage's having lived in it. Per
haps it is better for his leaving it.
A. B. Hammond, who is in Portland
again on annual inspection of his As
toria and Yaquina railroads, will eee
more evidences of progress here than
ever before due to the increasinginde-
penoence oi tne country iroin uie -plu
tocratic influences which have ruled
commercial enterprises and which ad
mitted him with .poor grace to this in
vestment field.- Mr. Hammond broke
their jetty rock trust on the Columbia
River three years ago, and that marked
the beginning of new things In this
country, and the rise of new blood and
the growth of new opportunities, un
throttled by the old regime. Glad to
see you, Mr. Hammond; come again.
Congressman "Yakima" Jones, of the
State of Washington, says he will not
move to Spokane, even for the sake of
getting in position for the 'United
States Senatorship. perhaps the Hon.
Wesley L. is fearful lest the voters mis
take him for a former Congressman
Jones, of Spokane, who gained a fleet
ing fame with a wheat chart, with
which he theoretically proved that
wheat and sliver, to quote the Minne
sota statesman, were 'both worth a
dollar a bushel."
It turns out that Mayor Lane's Civil
Service Commission did "monkey" with
the charter for appointment of "that
Philippine Islander," Bruin, as captain
of police. If Bruin had been a battle
scarred Democratic patriot instead of a
strajiger like Joe Malley, for example.
or Lamont, or Armitage, or Ryan, or
Judge Foley, or General Killfeather, or
Pat Powers the uncivil service of the
commission might be easier excused.
As the first step in needed reform,
there has been evolved the non-breakable,
non-combustible passenger car,
made of steel. Now for the flawless
axle, the non-adjustable switch, the
sleepless telegraph operator, the non-mistake-making
train dispatcher, the
non-breakable rail, the non-explodable
boiler, the non-washable embankment
and the non-collapsible bridge. Mean
time, renew your accident policy.
. It is curious to read the latest criti
cism of China. The empire of Tsi An
wants to go ahead too fast, we af e told.
Five years ago China was still a case
of arrested development- Changes
come rapidly in the Orient since Japan
set the example.
The staid and loyal Democracy surely
is being vindicated. There's Word put
out of the Sheriff's office and here's
Bruin ousted from captain of police.
There may toe time yet for Mayor Lane
to prove himself a true Democrat-
Wide demand for dwellings by fami
lies whom the great disaster drove
away is a cheering sign for theTehabll
itation of San Franciscor-ft city sought
by multitudes, engaged in varied ac
tivities, oannot long be held back.
Russell Sage laid the foundations of
his wealth In tb.e liquor traffic. Port
land has seen a great estate grow from
the same beginnings and understands
fully how it can be done.
If Secretary Hitchcock, - as charged
by his enemies, is in his dotage, what
would have happened to land thieves
had he been in full possession of nor
mal mental faculties?
All Oregon will agree with Mr. Yagd
Joglou, wholesale fruit dealer, of Vladi
vostok, that the finest apples in the
world are grown in this state.
Tf the land trials should be- delayed
long enough the defendants some day
might Join Hitchcock's dotage class.
We Are Now Living; In Comparative
ly Cool Period.
Eighty degrees in the shade is about
as high a temperature as human nature
can patiently endure for an extended per
riod. Weather can be so much hotter.
however, that 80 degrees would seem
blissfully cool.
Whenever an unusually hot season is
unon us. sweltering humanity talks about
the changes in climate, and shakes its
head in a foreboding fashion.
But let no one feel that he has seen
the worst. There have been many super
latively hot waves in different parts of
the globe and in different centuries. For
tunately, they do not come often.
New York: Ronated In 1773.
In times long gone by people grumbled
at and enjoyed heat waves much the
same way as we do. That they had some
scorching seasons a dip Into the records
amply testifies.
For example, in 1809, so fearfully hot
was it in Spain that the streets of Mad
rid and other cities were deserted, while
laborers expired in the fields, and the
vines were scorched and spoiled.
The Summer of 1T72 was a dreadful one
In New York, and it is related that the
principal thoroughfares resembled battle
fields In miniature; people were strucs.
down by the score, no fewer ,than 155
cases of sunstrqke occurring on July 4, of
whom nearly one-half died. The follow
ing year in FrarrSe the thermometer rose
to 118 degrrees Fahrenheit
France also experienced two periods of
great heat in 1705 and 1718. In the former
year it was described as being "equal to
that of a glass furnace. Meat couia De
prepared for the table merely by exposing
it to the rays of the sun, and between
noon and 4 in the afternoon It was cer
tain death to venture out of doors. In
the latter year it was so hot that many
shops had to close, and the theaters did
not open for three months, while not a
drop of rain fell during double that pe
riod. Rhine Dried Up In 113Z.
Going- back many centuries, one comes
across years when great heat was expe
rienced. In 1132 the Rhine dried up, as It
did partially, together with the Danube,
In 1303; and that it Vas more than warm
in the Summer of 1152 is indicated by the
statement that during that season eggs
were cooked merely by being placed In
the sand.
That man can exist under great neat
has often been shown, although no one
has probably demonstrated it more clear
ly than did a Spaniard June 26, 1828. In
Paris an oven was heated to over 290 de
grees Fahrenheit, and the man entered
this inferno, where he remained for five
minutes. On emerging, his pulse was
found to be beating 200 times in 60 sec
onds, but a few minutes later he seemed
none the worse for his experiment-
This was an extreme case, for as-heat
of 160 to 180 degrees Fahrenheit would
atinear to be the utmost that man can
remain in for any length of time. In this
respect the men-who worked in the Corn-
stock silver mines ln Nevada the hottest
mines In the world are to be pitied. The
shafts and galleries of the'se mines are
over 250 miles in length, are more than
SOOO feet deep, and at the 2700-foot level
the temperature of the water Is 153 de
grees, and the air 126 degrees. In an
other shaft the temperature rises to 170
degrees, and it is only possible for men
to work in it for 10 or 15 minutes at a
Heat In Persian ttuir.
There are other parts of the world, too.
where the heat- even in the open air, is
terrible. For instance, on the deck of a
Persian Gulf steamer 120 degrees Fahren
heit has been recorded in the morning,
while on shore at Muscat a black bulb
solar thermometer in the sun has regis
tered 187 degrees.
Great Britain has once or twice ap
proached this high record. The heat of
the Summer of 1826 was so great that In
some localities wheat and barley were
pulled up by hand, being too short in the
stalk to cut in the usual manner. The
pastures were so burned that cattle had
to be fed oft sprouts of gorse, streams
dried up, and It was years later before
many of them got their fish again.
In 1851 a disastrous heat wave was ex
perience In different parts of Europe. In
Hyde Park the shade reading varied from
90 to 94 degrees; In Paris during a review
scores of soldiers fell victims to sun
stroke, while at Aldershot men dropped
dead at drill. Two years later New York
spent a week in dreadful heat; the -city
seemed as if it were on fire, 214 people
being killed by sunstroke.
Another great heat experience fell to
the lot of the, United States in July, 1876.
especially in the Middle and Southern
States. In Washington, D. C, the heat
was so intense that a prominent official
declared the car rails became so expanded
by the action of the sun as to rise up In
curved lines, drawing the bolts. In 1881
again we stewed in an atmosphere of 106
degrees in the shade, and in the same
year 101 degrees was reached in England.
London Day Beats Record.
The day really entitled to the proud dis
tinction of being the hottest of the nine
teenth century, in London, was July 28.
1885, when 162 degrees Fahrenheit was
registered in the open air. July 7. 1886.
155 degrees Fahrenheit was recorded, the
previous day's reading having been 151.5;
the 4th of the same month in the follow
ing year it was 151.7, and on August 14,
1876, 147 degrees was registered.
The hottest place in the United States
is in Arizona- In the town of Yuma,
which ifs at the junction of the Gila and
Colorado Rivers, in the southwestern por
tion of the state, the temperature record
ed as normal for July is 118 degrees not
high, perhaps, when compared to the phe
nomenal jumps which the mercary has
taken, but certainly high when one reflects
on its being the normal every-day weather.
Force of Solar Heat.
Sir Robert Ball, the famous astronomer,
has stated that if the earth were likened
to a grain of mustard-seed, the sun by
the same cdmparison wo,nld be as large as
a cocoanut, while the heating power of a
single square foot of its surface would
be sufficient, if placed under the boilers
of an Atlantic liner to enable her to
break the record In crossing the "herring
If the sun's heat were maintained by
earthly means, in doing so all the coal
in existence would be consumed in a tenth
part of a second.
Another famous astronomer in his day,
the late Richard Anthony Proctor, ex
plained the total heat of the sun in an
other way. According to him, it was
equal to that which would result from
burning something like twelve billion tons
of coal per second, and its heat would be
strong enough to melt, not far short of
three trillion tons of ice in an- hour. But
of this almost unthinkable force of heat
the earth receives but a small proportion
only about one in two thousand millions
of solar rays.
Keeping a Weather Eye on Mr. Bryan.
Boston Transcript.
The London Morning Post in a re
cent issue contains this impressive an
nouncement: "Mr. Jennings Bryan, the
Democratic candidate for the United
States Presidency, arrived in London
yesterday afternoon." Who can here
after speak of London papers as slow
on the news?
Stokes' Type of Socialism Is Old,
Boston Herald.
J. G. Phelps Stokes, the millionaire,
who has decided to become a Socialist,
will not carry his conversion so far as
to make an actual division of his
wealth. Besides, he says he has only
enough to support himself and those
dependent upon him. This sounds familiar.
Politicians' Object Lesson in Favoring;
Milk Against Beer.
New York Sun.
Hon. Charles Warren Fairbanks, calm
as a clam and irresistible as gravitation,
has made Indiana his own and Is now
moving majestically in all directions from
his farm in Piatt County, Hlinois. He
radiates from that center. Every day he
reduces the Democratic vote by his auto
mobile and Increases the Fairbanks vote
by his relentless consumption of butter
milk. Meanwhile, Hon. "Steve" Sumner
is pushing the buttermilk boom In Chi
cago. He convened a meeting of 500 mem
bers of the Milk Drivers' Union. He
"opened" a keg of beer and a can of but
termilk. He let the drivers decide for
themselves which was the more beneficent
drink. Particulars from the Chicago Trib
une, which is not a Fairbanks organ:
Sumner irew a glass of beer and ottered
it to a driver, who drank It thirstily. .-
"How do you feel?" Sumner aaked the
"Pretty good," ires the reply. He was
given another Klass.
- "Now how do you feel?" Sumner asked.
"Like having another," was the response,
amid a?;ilause.
"That's Just it," announced the union tem
perance demonstrator. "You drink one glass
of beer and want more. Now, we will try
the buttermilk."
- A driver consumed two glasses of butter
milk and acknowledged that he had enough.
Another was persuaded to drink three glasses,
but that was the most that any teamster in
the ball cared to imbibe.
Sumner gave the following figures to show
that it costs less to drink buttermilk than
Average amount of liquid consumed
per man dally... ...8 quarts
Cost of three quarts of beer -.30 cents
Cost of three quarts of buttermilk 24 cents
"In a year," said Sumner, "each teamster
can save $21.00 at this rate."
All but 18 members, signed the pledge
for buttermilk and Fairbanks.
Hon. Leslie Mortier Shaw "signifies"
higher prices. Hon. Charles Warren Fair
banks means 21.90 a year in the pocket
of every moderate beer-drinker who turns
from the brewery to the -dairy. And
three quarts of beer is but a beggarly
allowance for a man with any serious de
votion to the "light, airy child of malt
and hops."
By tens, by hundreds, by thousands, the
Chicagoans forswear beer and expense,
and swear by buttermilk, Fairbanks and
money in the pocket The "drys" will
name no candidate but Fairbanks. The
"wets" are running "dry" for the butter
milk ticket. From Illinois, from Wiscon
sin, from Michigan and Minnesota, from
every state that knows beer or milk,
comes the heartening chorus:
Fairbanks, Fairbanks! He's aa smooth a
Fairbanks. Fairbanks! He loves buttermilk;
Down with the beer keg and up with the can.
And Buttermilk Charley, the Pee-pul's Manl
The cows chew it. The churns turn it.
The people bawl lt-
Liquor Interest Geta l-'nt Political John
In Classic Boston.
Boston Journal.
Watching John B. Moran, as he leads
and illuminates the Prohibition ticket, let
us not forget to pay due tribute to the
work against the demon rum now being
carried on in his own inimitable manner
by the Mayor of Boston.
He removed William F. McClellan from
the saloon business in East Boston and
made him president of the Democratic
city committee, without power.
He Induced James H. Doyle to retire
from the wholesale and retail liquor busi
ness In Roxbury and planted him in the
office of superintendent of streets.
Hunting for the most competent candi
date for superintendent of public build
ings, he discovered James F. Nolan, and
the latter was compelled to become a re
tired liquor dealer.
There was need of a tried and true fore
man for the sanitary department's Rox
bury district. The right man was found
in Thomas Tlrrell, one of the most pop
ular bartenders in Boston
Requiring the services of a special and
personal legislative agent on Beacon Hill,
Frank J. Doherty, bartender, of Charles
ton, was the diplomat naturally selected.
Garrett W. Scollard, city collector, was
doing his level best, but he lacked the
right kind of help. Hence he is to be
braced and encouraged by Deputy Col
lector John L. Donovan, peculiarly expert
in the preparation of mixed drinks.
For years it was felt that the depart
ment of weights and measures was lack
ing in technical knowledge of barrels and
glasses. When the appointment of new
deputies was made, Manasseh E. Bradley
and James J. Sweeney were chosen as
qualified experts.
And now, determined to reform the
board of health and put new spirit into
Its movements, the Mayor has summoned
Michael W. Norrls, liquor dealer, of
South Boston, to the rescue, and has com
manded him to sit on the right of Samuel
H Durgin, M. D., and chairman.
Give the Mayor time and money enough,
and there will be neither liquor dealers
nor bartenders In Boston, and the con
sumers will be obliged to devote their in
come to taxes.
Sick Marines Go North From Panama.
San Juan, Porto Rico, Dispatch.
The United States cruiser Columbia has
sailed for Boston with 300 marines on
board, of whom 165 are suffering from ma
laria contracted at Panama, where they
were stationed in anticipation of trouble
during the recent elections there.
Nineteen of the marines are seriously
ill. Dr. Stokes, of the San Juan naval
hospital, had made plans to establish a
hospital camp here, as five days' quaran
tine is necessary in such cases, but he
suggested that the time be consumed in
going northward under climatic conditions
more favorable for. the treatment of the
The Navy Department accepted Dr.
Stokes' recommendations and gave sailing
orders to the Columbia.
Stars and Stripes for Uncle Joe.
Nebraska State Journal..
Uncle Joe Cannon is going down into
New England to stump for the Republi
can ticket. If he finds any more char
acteristic Yankee in speech or make up
than himself, it will be remarkable. AH
that "Uncle Joe" requires to be Uncle
Sam Is a stars-and-stripes suit.
Eighty Warships Sold for (400,000.
Portsmouth (Eng.) Dispatch.
The 80 British warships of all
classes, which were condemned recent
ly as being unfit for present-day war
fare, have just been sold, bringing a
total of $400,005. The vessels repre
sent an outlay of J50.000.000. .
Quiet, Unobtrusive and Fond of Hid
ing;, Golf and Good Pictures.
From Various Sources.
"If my photograph were put on exhibi
tion in the most crowded street in Lon
don, not a dozen people would recognize
Such was said to have been the remark
of Alfred Belt, the diamond king, reputed
power behind the Rhodes throne and rich
est man in the world, concerning himself.
Belt was a quiet, unobtrusive-like man.
well-balanced and well-groomed. Polite
and courteous to all who came Into con
tact with him. he was reticent to a de
gree, and never spoke of his own enter
prises. He had traveled extensively and
read much, but cared little about Impart
ing' information to others.
He did not look like a millionaire, and
was always very plainly dressed. His
mild voice and sunny-tempered optimism
belled the real character of the man.
His eyes- were peculiarly those of a
dreamer large. Bof t nut-brown eyes that
shone out of his clear-cut face.
Beit was a ready giver to charity, and
made annual donations to many hospitals.
He quite recently gave tSOO.OOO to Hamburg
University and founded a professorship
of colonial history at Oxford University.
He Is said to have placed his purse at the
disposal of the grand rabb of France
when funds were needed for the Dreyfus
He was fond of riding, of golf and of
good pictures. His collection of Louis XVI
furniture was considered one of the finest
in Europe, and on the rare occasions he
entertained he did so In a princely man
ner. At a ball in South Africa several
years ago .he presented each of his 300
lady guests a large diamond as a souvenir
of the occasion.
He died a bachelor, although It was at
one time reported that he was about to
marry Mrs. Adolf Ladenburg. Like many
other great men, he was too absorbed in
the realization of his ambition to devote
any time to domestic affairs, and, al
though kind-hearted, he earned the repu
tation of being a woman-hater.
Less than 40 years ago the first diamond
was picked up in South Africa. Beit was
at that time a student at Heidelberg, for
his father, who had amassed a goodly
fortune, was determined his son should
have the education he himself had so
sorely lacked.
From college he went Into a Hamburg
bank as clerk, and at 21 was taken Into
his father's firm.' Demands for credit
were pouring In from South Africa, and
old Beit sent his son to the newly discov
ered diamond fields. He had a free hand
and plenty of money. Credit he gave to
all who were willing to work.
He was content to take diamonds In
payment, and bought first the precious
stones, then the mines themselves. He
met Cecil Rhodes, and with Barnato en
tered into fierce competition. Prices of
diamonds were hardly remunerative. He
formed the combine now known as the
De Beers,, and the shares he held then,
worth 5, are now standing over 60.
With his associates he extracted over
nine tons of diamonds from the mines,
and later his wealth enabled him to con
trol the gold output, too.
He had the "gift of the grab," and
never entered into a combine of which he
did not get control. In the De Beers he
was up against the Rothschilds, and the
highest praise that can be paid to his
formidable genius is that they were forced
to play second fiddle to him in South
African affairs.
World's Richest Man Grows Peevish.
Compiegne, France, Dispatch.
John D. Rockefeller knows that a war
rant and a subpena in a civil suit await
him in the United States. According to
his friends, he views the warrant as spite
work and politics. He has been in com
munication -."dth his lawyers, and will re
turn to Cleveland Immediately after land-'
lng. The past week has been hard on
America s richest man. Mrs. Strong, his
daughter, whom he came over to see, is
not improving. Mrs. Prentice, his other
daughter, is taking treatment at Carls- -bad.
These conditions, together with the war
rant, have so unnerved Mr. Rockefeller
that he has become peevish. The most
significant indication of his condition is
the way he played golf today. He was
disastrously defeated, and this so aroused
him that he had Dr. Biggar get after the
French reporters, who have been tracking
him as though they were taking part in
a fox-hunt. Dr. Biggar ordered the re
porters off the golf course.
Impudent Dog's Bark Leads to Fine.
Lahore Tribune.
A dog had the audacity to bark at the
Deputy Commissioner of Purulia in Ben
gal when he came to the house of the
master of the dog orf a bike. The owners
of the dog were sent up for trial under
section 289, and one of them, Karusha,
was fined 20 rupees.
Minnehaha's Shirtwaist.
New York World.
The newspapers assert that a crusade,
far from puritanical, is being waged in
America against the peek-a-boo shirt
waist. Cable from London.
Then appeared fair Minnehaha,
Minnehaha, Laughing Water
Spoke she thus to Hlawatha.
Thus she. spoke and made him listen:
"Can't you take a little notice?
' Can't you see I need some clothing?
Must you always spend your wampum
All on bows and feathered arrows?
Will you see your little wlfey 1
Going to a luncheon party
Looking like a last year's bird's nest?
Can you never, never, never.
Get a move at least approaching
Something like a gentle hustle?"
Up spoke then the Hiawatha:
"What would have, O Minnehaha?"
Then her heart was filled with gladness-
"Ha!" she cried, "I'd have a shirtwaist
Of tha brand called peekaboowls."
Thereupon did Hiawatha
Hie him to the nearest knot-hole:
Cut a piece from out the knot-hole;
Then he found a darning needle
And constructed such a shirtwaist
As would make the heart of maiden
Sing for Joy to see such beauty.
Thus we .see. In the beginning,
Minnehaha, Laughing Water,
Fairest maid of the Bakotas,
Made her husband. Hiawatha,
Get a move akin to hustle.
And construct a lovely shirtwaist
-ith a needle and a knot-hole,
Of the kind called peakaboowls.
From the Detroit Journal.
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