Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 23, 1906, Image 1

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    VOL,. X1VL- ISO. 14,234.
St. Petersburg Resem
bles an Armed Camp.
Dictatorial Powers Are Given
Civil Authorities.
Peasants Have Been Enlisted In the
Elaborate Plan Laid Out by
Leaders of the Social Demo
crats and Group of Toil.
The powers conferred upon M. Von
Der Launlti. Prefect of Police, and M.
Zlnovieff. Governor of the province,
are little short of those of petty dic
tator. Searches and arrests can be
made without process of law. news
papers forced to suspend publication
and persons deported by administra
tive order without trial.
Public and private meetings are for
bidden. Those arrested may, if it is
desired, be tried by military court
and summarily executed. The only
real difference between "extraordinary
security" and full martial law is that
power Is exercised by the so-called
civil Instead of military authority.
ST. PETERSBURG. July 22. With the
Imperial ukase dissolving Parliament,
which was promulgated early this morn
ing;, the curtain rose upon probably the
last act In. the great drama of 'the Rus
sian revolution. The people and the gov
ernment now stand face to face, and upon
the army depends the immediate issue. -
Even should the government, however,
succeed In restraining an outbreak of the
people, the victory probably will only be
temporary, and will simply confine the
.steam for the final explosion. No one
doubts that the severity of the storm
will rise in the country in response
to the Emperor's dispersal of the men
whom he welcomed two months ago to
the palace as "the best men In Russia";
but the die Is cast.
The government has elected to fight,
and the capital today bore eloquent testi
mony of the preparations made to repress
the masses by force. The city was packed
with soldiers and resembled aft armed
camp. During Saturday night additional
troops were brought in and disposed of
according to plans previously adopted.
These reinforcements Included four in
fantry regiments of the Chevalier Guards,
Hussars, mounted Grenadiers and a bat
tery of machine guns. The troops occu
pied railroad stations and the bridge
across the rivers and canals, and the
patrols of both police and gendarmes
were everywhere distributed.
Hundreds of Agitators Arrested.
The work of gathering In revolutionary
agitators began immediately after the
ukase placing St. Petersburg in "a state
of extraordinary security" was promul
gated, and hundreds of arrests were made
before daylight.
The powers conferred upon M. von der
Launltz, Prefect of Police, and M. Zlno
vieff, Governor of the Province, are little
short of those of petty dictators. Searches
and arrests can be made without process
of law, newspapers forced to suspend
publication and persons deported by ad
ministrative order without trial.
Public and private meetings are forbid
den. Those arrested may. if It is desired,
be tried by military court and summarily
executed. The only real difference be
tween "extraordinary security" and full
martial law Is that power Is exercised by
the so-called civil instead of military
News Carried to Feasants.
Although the news of the dissolution
of Parliament spread like wildfire among
the members of the various political or
ganizations, the' masses here generally
are hardly awake to the momentous
event. The news traveled fast in the
country, and the general expectation is
that the peasantry, accepting the dis
persal of Parliament as the final blow to
their hopes, will rise en masse.
The proletariat organizations have been
preparing for months for Just such provo
cation to declare open war. It is impos
sible to describe the consternation with
which the Constitutional Democrats
learned the news. Although It had been
bruited for the past three days, the ukase
was received by them in blank amaze
ment. Parliament Is Not Terrorized.
Even Saturday night's caucus did not
believe the government would dare to
take, the threatened step, and seriously
discussed the attitude to be taken toward
Minister of the Interior Stolypin when he
appears in Parliament tomorrow to an
swer Interpellations. The government un
doubtedly calculated on catching the op
position off its guard, but if it expected to
strike terror to the hearts of the mem
bers of Parliament it has failed signally.
Some time ago, when dissolution seemed
Imminent, the various groups of the op
position virtually agreed to follow the
example of their French compatriots of
the States-General and meet, if driven
out of the Taurlds Palace, wherever and
whenever circumstances dictated until-a
constitution was firmly established.
Members Depart for Finland.
After a hurried secret conference this
morning it was decided, on account of
the possibility of the meeting - being
broken up and the members arrested,
that they go immediately to Finland and
decide upon the future course to be pur
sued, and small groups left this after
noon and evening by train. Whether
word was given them to meet at Vlborg
or Helsingfors is unknown, but it seems
probable that Finland, In future Russian
history, will become synonymous with the
"tennis court" of the French Revolu
tion. Even Count Heydon, the leader, and
other members of the Right, are under
stood to have departed. It Is improba
ble, however, that Parliament as a body
will attempt formally to set up its au
thority against that of the Government.
The Constitutional Democrats and intel
lectuals generally recognize that they
have no weapon with which to fight the
Government bayonets. .
General Strike Follows.
The initiative, therefore, naturally will
fall to the proletariat. This the Social
Democrats and the Group of Toil in Par
liament all along have recognized and
the most elaborate preparations have been
made to repeat the tactics of last Fa'i
and paralyze the country with a -generi.l
strike. But the plans at this time hae
been perfected with much more delib
eration, and Involve not only the paraly
sis of cities, telegraphs, railroads and all
means of telegraph throughout the em
pire, but a complete strike of peasants
in the country as well.
They confidently believe the loyalty of
the troops has been so shaken that the
military supports of the Government will
give way and that when put to the test
the army will be divided against itself.
A council of workmen's deputies already
has been elected at Moscow and with a
similar convention here in conjunction
with the Group of Toll of Parliament a
rising of the people will be' engineered.
Collisions to Be Avoided at First,
The leaders at a recent meeting . in
Moscow Issued instructions ' to branch or
ganizations thoughout the empire, warn
ing them against premature divided ac
tion and specifically instructing them,
when the signal is given, to extend the
strike gradually and carefully, avoiding
collisions at the beginning.
M. Chernoff, who escaped Friday from
the offices of the MLsla, when a raid
was made upon a sitting of the central
committee of the Social Revolutionary
party, which was being held there, is
regarded as one of their most skillful
While M. Stolypin, who succeeds M.
Goremykin as Premier, undoubtedly is a
much stronger man than his predecessor,
he probably will be unequal to the task
of piloting the country through the rev
olutionary upheaval which Is just ahead,
and the general belief Is that a dictator
ship must come soon.
Sop for the Peasants.
. The Government's action, as indicated
in an Interview by the Associated Press
of Controller of the Empire Von Schwane
bach, will prove that the dissolution of
Parliament does not mean an annull
ment of the principle of popular repre
sentation granted last Fall, and is cer
tain to have little effect upon the people.
It Is the Intention of the Government,
however, to follow up the dissolution
with the promulgation, under authority
of the fundamental law, of the Govern
ment's agrarian programme, in the hope
that it will somewhat appease the peas
ants and give the Government a minor
ity in the next Parliament.
The vacillation which existed at Peter
hof, even to the last moment la evident
from the fact that two drafts of the
ukase declaring St Petersburg in a state
of extraordinary security were read. The
stronger one, which proclaimed full mar
tial law, was discarded at the eleventh
No Warning of Dissolution.
Perhaps the most remarkable feature of
the events connected with the dissolu
tion of Parliament la that the Govern
ment carefully avoided notifying the rep
resentatives of the foreign powers of what
was coming. No word of official warn
ing was received even by the representa
tive of Russia's ally, France.
The only intimation that something was
about to happen was the appearance of
guards at the embassies, legations and
consulates shortly after midnight, but this
morning, immediately after the guards
had been stationed, notes were sent ex
plaining the measures taken to protect
the representatives. Up to this evening
no communication had been transmitted
to them. ' v
The representatives of the powers were
busy today dispatching long telegrams to
their Governments, advising them of the
sudden turn of events. There were sev
eral conferences of diplomats this after
noon concerning the advisability of ask
I Jg for warships or at least hiring steam
Alps to take off foreign subjects. In case
it necessity, but no concerted action was
decided upon. Tonight the trains are
filled with foreigners departing abroad.
Strong Sentiment In Favor of Aid
ing the Linemen.
SAN FRANCISCO. July 22. That the
strike of the electricians and linemen on
the United Railroads1 will spread to other
departments of the street car system and
that the carmen will inevitably be -drawn
in if a settlement is not speedily arrived
at. is the opinion of President Richard
Cornelius, of the Carmen's Union.
Cornelius stated that there is a strong
sentiment among the men in favor of
the linemen and declared that rather
than see the union crushed, the carmen
will strike, but he did not think it would
come to that. Cornelius intimated that
there is much discontent and dissatisfac
tion among the carmen with conditions
under which they are working at pres.
ent. The electricians held a meeting this
afternoon, but no action looking toward
a settlement was taken.
Peace Delegates of Salvador.
SAN SALVADOR. July 21, Saturday.
The Salvadorean delegates to the confer
ence which arranged the treaty of peace
between Salvador, Honduras and Guate
mala arrived here today accompanied by
American Minister Merry.
Only Way to Deliver the Em
pire From Reign of Blood
and Terrorism.
Dissolution Does Not Mean Return
to the Old Regime, .and Repre
sentative Government Is
Not Abandoned.
Imperial ukase relieves M. Goremykin
of the Premiership and appoints M.
Stolypin Premier. He also retains his
.present post of Minister of the In-,
M. Stlcjlnsky. Minister of Agricul
ture, has resigned.
The Parliament building was closed
today and guarded by police, who re
fused admission except to the Pres
ident and Vice-President of the
House. The streets are empty and
bear the usual Sunday aspect.
. ST. . PETERSBURG. July 22. General
von Sehwabach, Controller of the Em
pire, and one of the members of the
Ministry who remains in office, tonight
gave the Associated Press the govern
ment's explanation of the motive neces
sitating the dissolution of Parliament. In
a most emphatic fashion he tried to Im
press upon the correspondent the Idea
that the dissolution did not mean a re
turn to the old regime and that the Em
peror had not abandoned his purpose to
introduce a representative government
Into Russia.
"You can tell the American people,"
said General von Sehwabach, "that this
step was forced upon- us as the
only way of extricating the country from
the horrible reign of blood and terrorism
which prevails. The dissolution of the
present Parliament does not mean to re
turn to irresponsible absolutism. The past
Is dead forever.
Believes In Popular Representation.
"rom His Majesty s own Hps I can
assure you that he still believes in the
principle of popular representation and
firmly intends to adhere to it; but he be
came? convinced that the Parliament was
elected under abnormal conditions and
did not represent the true sentiment of
the country, and it was necessary to
make another appeal to the nation."
, "What la the history of the ukase?"
was asked the Controller
"Ever since the assembly of Parlia
ment," he replied, "the intransigeant
temper displayed convinced us (the Min
istry) that the principal object of those
in control was to make It the center of
revolutionary agitation, instead of set
tling down to constructive work, and
therefore that sooner or later its dis
persal would be necessary, but we wished
to wait until Its incapacity and true role
burned themselves into the minds of the
Wrote Its Own Death Sentence.
"As we anticipated. Parliament pro
ceeded to write its own death sentence
by demonstrating that it neither was nor
desired to be a legislative body, but
simply a revolutionary tribunal. Never
theless Emperor Nicholas continued to
hope for a change of tactics and only
consented to dissolve it when every other
alternative had been expressed.
"Ten days ago His Majesty was pre
pared to accept a Parliamentary Minis
try; but the Constitutional Democrats,
by their mad insistence on impossible
conditions, deliberately rejected the op
portunity. Thereupon the Emperor con
ferred with men of all shades of polit
ical opinion dozens of them every day
and finally became convinced that dis
solution was imperative." f
Basis of Representation Undecided.
"Does the delay in announcing the
date of the new election indicate- a
change in the basis of representation to
universal suffrage?" was asked.
"Not necessarily," replied General von
Sehwabach. "On that point no definite
decision has been reached."
. "Do you think there will be an out
break?" .
"Certainly not In St. Petersburg; prob
ably they will be worse In the south. 1
am convinced the army is loyal. The
dissensions which occurred among the
troops have not sapped their fidelity as
a whole, and once they are engaged
against revolutionaries who do not hesi
tate to resort to the throwing of bombs
they will do their duty."
Stolypin Has All the Resignations.
General von Sehwabach was not cer
tain what other changes in the Cabinet
were involved by the accession of M.
Stolypin to the Premiership. AU the
Ministers, he said, had placed their resig
nations at the disposal of M. Stolypin,
as he was entitled to make any changes
he deemed wise.
General Sehwabach pointed out that
M. Stolypin was not a bureaucrat of the
old school and never could be Induced
slavishly to attempt to execute a pol
icy of repression like that which marked
the careers of Ignatieff and "Von Plehve.
Of M. Goremykin. the retiring Premier,
the General said" he was well intentloned.
but too old and inactive to cope with the
The General said there would be no
final meeting of Parliament to hear the
ukase ordering Its dissolution.
Troops Will Bar Parliament Doors.
"The life of Parliament has terminat
ed," he declared. "A session tomorrow
would be simply made the occasion for
seditious speeches, perhaps necessitating
bloodshed. If the members attempt to
enter the building they will find It in
possession of troops."
General von Sehwabach declared that
the members of Parliament would not be
arrested either for their acts or speeches
in Parliament, however treasonable they
might have been, as they were covered
by legislative immunity; but he did not
conceal the purpose of the Government
hereafter to , hold members strictly to
account for open acts of treason.
In conclusion the General expressed the
hope that the dissolution of Parliament,
as bad as it looked, would turn out for
the best, and did not hide the joy with
which the government at the present mo
ment would welcome the support of the
Constitutional Democrats.
New Premier Talks on Situation.
PARIS, July 23. M. Stolypin, the
successor to the Premiership, tele
graphs to the Matin as follows:
"The Emperor is firmly and absolute
ly decided to maintain the regime of
the national representation accorded by
the manifesto of. October last, and for
that reason has dissolved Parliament,
whose abstract discussions and at
tempts at infringement seriously men
ace the existence of the new regime.
"St. Petersburg is absolutely calm,
and communications from the interior
show that the opportuneness of the
measure taken is generally under
stood." . -
Manifesto Will Be Issned to . the
People Stating That Time for
Action Has Arrived.
ST. PETERSBURG, July 23, 1:30 A. M.
The following dispatch has been received
from the representative of the Associated
Press who accompanied the Parliament
members to Viborg. It is dated Viborg,
midnight, and says:
"Two hundred members of Russia's out
law Parliament are gathering here at
the Hotel Belvidere, awaiting the arrival
of Count Hayden, M. Stakovitch and other
prominent members of the Right, before
opening the session, at which will be
adopted a manifesto that the people be
summoned -and that they stand by the
dissolved Assembly. The members are of
all shades of opinion, especially the Con
stitutional Democrats, Group of Toil and
Social Democrats.
'Present among the members here are
M. Mouromtseff, President of the. House;
Prince Peter Dolgoroukoff and Professor
Grozkull, its Vice-President, and other
officers. The meeting will 'be called to
gether as a regular session p Partial
xnent. .
"The dining-room of the hotel " where
they are assembled Is in great contrast to
the surroundings of the Tauride Palace.
It is crowded to suffocation with excited,
perspiring delegates, who are gathered
according to party affiliations and In
formally caucusing and debating the text
of their appeal. There is a strong possi
bility that all parties will come to an
agreement on the appeal, as the radicals
are not disposed to insist on an over
violent manifesto demanding the immedi
ate summoning of a constituent Assembly
by revolutionary means, to which the
Constitutional Democrats object.
"The Constitutional Democrats appear to
be downcast over the dissolution of Par
liament, but the members of the Group
of Toil and the Socialists are in an ex
ceedingly combative mood.
"The corridors of the hotel are crowded
with correspondents and sympathizers
with the members of Parliament. Among
these latter are a number of members
of the Council of the Empire. A crowd
gathered in adjoining streets, but there
was no demonstration."
The correspondent telephoned later that
the conference had adjourned until 8
A. M. No action was decided upon, but
K was resolved in principle to adopt an
address to the people stating that the
time for action had come, in view of the
unconstitutional procedure of the govern
ment, but appealing to them not to re
sort to measures which would entail
1 f
r-,Asy?t - . . - i
Great New York Financier
Was Very Close to His
90th Birthday.
It Is Said That the Great Interests in
, Which He Had Holdings Will
' Not Be Affected by
His Death.
NEW YORK, July 22. Russell Sage
died suddenly today at his country
home, Cedarcroft, at Lawrence, L. I.
The immediate cause of death was
heart failure, resulting from a com
plication of diseases Incident to old
age. The veteran financier would have
celebrated his 90th birthday August 4.
Mr. Sage had been In exceptionally
good health since his arrival at his
Summer home about six weeks ago.
At noon today he was Beized with a
sinking spell and collapsed, falling into
unconsciousness about two hours be
fore his death, which occurred at 4:39
There were bresent at the end Mrs.
Sage, her brother. Colonel J. J. Slo
cum; Rev. Dr. Robert Leetch, Dr. Theo
dore S. Janeway, of New York; Dr. J.
Carl Schmuck, a local physician, and
Dr." John P. Munn, for many years Mr.
Sage's family physician-, who was sum
moned from New York when the first
alarming symptoms were manifested.
The funeral services will be held
Wednesday at the West Presbyterian
Church, in West Forty-second street,
of which Mr. Sage had been a member
for many years. The interment will
take place in Troy Thursday. Mrs.
Sage and her brother. Colonel Slocum,
are named as the executors of Mr.
Sage's will. "
It . Is generally believed that Mr.
Sage's vast Interests will not be seri
ously affected by his death. Several
times within the last few years rumors
have been set afloat of Mr. Sage's
death. On one such occasion, in June,
1898, Mr. Sage said:
"I suppose somebody wanted to make
a little money by affecting stock values,
and they hrt on this old trick."
Asked if stocks had been much af
fected, he answered:
"I understand not. The properties in
which I am interested cannot be seri
ously ' affected ' by the rumor of my
Rnssell Sage Learned the Art of
"Dicker". Early in Life.
Russell Sage, multi-millionaire and
Nestor of American financiers, was born
on August 4, 1816, in Verona township,
Oneida County, N. Y., where his parents,
Elisha and Prudence Sage, members of a
little company of pioneers from Con
necticut, had halted while on their west
ward march in quest of a homestead.
Like many other financiers, he was the
son of poor parents, his father and
mother, Elisha and Prudence Risley
Sage, being able to give him little be
sides an example in thrift and Industry
and a common country school education.
Until he was two years of age his par
ents lived near the village of Sconon
doah, where he was born. They then re
moved to another farm near Durham
ville, in the same county, where the
future multi-millionaire spent his boy
hood, working on the farm in the Sum
mer and attending the district school in
the Winter.
The boy began his business career at
- : r-
the age of 12 years, when he was ap
prenticed to his brother, Henry Risley
Sage, who kept a grocery store at Troy.
Here young Sage worked first as an er
rand boy and later as a salesman, spend
ing his leisure time, of which there was
little, in- perfecting his rudimentary
knowledge of reading, writing and arith
metic. .
The boy early showed signs of the re
markable talent for "dickering." which
subsequently made him one of the earli
est and most famous millionaires of the
United States. Here he formed the parsi
monious habits which In his later life
made him a laughing stock on Wall
street and the butt of the humorists of
the Nation.
He saved every penny possible, and, by
judicious Investments and "dickers" in
creased in remarkable fashion. He was
a good judge of horseflesh and In course
of a few years became recognized as the
shrewdest of the many "hoss traders"
who swapped lies and laid plans to cheat
one another around the red-hot stove
in the Sage grocery store, of Winter days
and evenings.
After he had annexed most of the spare
cash of this contingent of bucolic "sure
thing" men, to whom he sold tobacco
and rum over the counter. In addition to
staple groceries, young Sage became am
bitious to play for higher stakes. Ac
cordingly, he obtained a release from
his apprenticeship at the age of 20 years
and formed a partnership with another
brother, Elisha, and embarked in the gro
cery business at Troy.
In this store also young Sage sold rum
and other cheering and inebriating drinks
by the glass over the counter, and if
the oldest inhabitants of Troy were to be
believed, took a peculiar delight in 'this
particular branch of the corner grocery
The partnership flourished. Elisha Sage
soon dropped out and John P. Bates suc
ceeded him. The partners soon built up a
large business, dealing largely in West
ern and Northern New England products.
They also drove a large trade in horses,
and for some years controlled the Troy
and Albany markets In Vermont and
Canadian horses.
In 1841, when only 25 years of age, Rus
sell Sage had acquired a fortune, exclusive
of his business, of J75,000. He had become
a man of importance in Troy, and, being
a member of the dominant Whig party,
was consulted on all questions of party
weaL In 1842 his partner, John P. Bates,
retired from the firm, leaving him sole
At this period the whole Mohawk Valley
was ablaze with projects for the building
of railroads. Thurlow Weed, at that time
editor of the Albany Journal; Lew Bene
dict and other Whig politicians at Albany
were among the most energetic promoters
of the new enterprises. When the Albany
& Schenectady Railroad was opened some
years previous they had invited Sage to
accompany them on the initial trip of the
first train. He did so, and was so
charmed-with the possibilities of railroad
ing that he minutely inspected the con
struction and equipment of the road. Re
turning home, he at once put aside all
other business and made an extended
trip through Central New York, where
the various roads between Albany and
Buffalo were under construction. He be
came a railroad enthusiast, and, seeing
a new and profitable career before him,
he thus early began to advocate the con
solidation of all the short roads under
one company, his Ideas being crystallized
later in the formation of the New York
In 1850 Russell Sage Was nominated by
the Whigs of Troy for member of Con
gress. Owing, however, to the defection
of the Silver Grays, he was beaten by
David Seymour, a Democrat. In 1852,
however. Sage was elected by a smaH
majority, beating Seymour, but In 1854
he was re-elected by 7000 majority, the
largest ever given at that time In the
While In Congress Sage passed a most
active life. He kept his business inter
ests in Troy and New York going at full
blast, and it was While on one of his
flying trips home from Washington that
he first met Jay Gould, the meeting tak
ing place in the Troy Union Depot, while
Gould was In Troy turning over the con
trol of the Troy & Rutland Railroad to
the Delaware & Hudson Canal Company.
He was an abolitionist of the most
outspoken kind. It was mainly due to
his efforts that attention was called to
Concluded on Pagre 2.)
The Weather.
TODAY'S Fair and warmer. Northwest
YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature, 73
deg.; minimum, 50. Clear.
Goremykin Is deposed and Stolypin la raised
to Premiership. Page 1.
Government gives Its reason for the dissolu
tion of Parliament. Page 1.
Outlaw Parliament escapes to Finland, and
will hold sessions1 there. Page 1.
Troops in great numbers have been poured
into St. Petersburg. Page 1.
Great strike, engineered by the Social Dmo-
crate, will soon be precipitated in the em
pire. Page 1.
Russell Sage ddes suddenly at his Summer
home in Long Island. Page 1
Salvatlon of souls comes high in the City of
Chicago. Page 2.
lightning strikes grandstand at ball game at
Manitowoc, . Wis., killing five outright.
Page 2.
Seventy persons killed in railroad wreck: In
North Carolina. Page 3.
Bryan raims goosefleeh on sound-money Demo
crats by his free-silver interview In Lon
don. Page 2.
Mormon bugaboo ie invoked by Senator Du
bois, of Idaho. Page 2.
American Federation of Labor announces its
entrance into the political field. Page 3.
Lieutenant "Worswick and. 12 privates of the
constabulary killed In battle with Pula
janes. Page 3.
General Kodama. Chief of the General Staff
of the Japanese army, is dead. Page 3.
Pacific Coast.
San Franciscans determined to return to old
homes as soon as possible. Page 1.
Home Fire & Marine Insurance Company
will go into liquidation. Page 2.
After ; a reasonably successful session the
Chautauqua Assembly closes at Gladstone
Park. Page 4.
, Sports.
tJchillers defeat Hop Golds, winning amateur
baseball championship and side bet. Page 6.
Portland wins from Seattle by a score of 4
to 2. Page fi.
Portland and Vicinity.
How Portland people pay tribute to owners of
franchises they gave to local capitalist.
Page 8.
Escape of murderer of Julius Kuhn the re
sult of jealousy among detectives. Page 12.
Draw poker game operated In Portland under
"club" method. Page 5.
Witnesses for defense to be Introduced when
land-fraud trial is resumed today. Page 9.
Oregon National Guard well drilled for en
campment at American Lake, Vah., next
month. Page 8.
Opponents of Hodson, Multnomah candidate
for President of Senate, working at cross
purposes. Pace 9.
Irvinirton residents to present protest to Mayor
against proposed location of city barn.
Page 8.
Most successful practice march in history of
First Battery, O. N. G., ends today.
Page 8.
Rev. Dr. Kirtiey, of Elgin. TIL, occupies pul
pit at White Temple. Page 4.
Irvin Rlt ten house may leave Government serv
ice and go with Heney after land-fraud tri
als have been concluded, page 4.
No Houses for People
Who Would Return.
Some Place Must Be Found
for Multitude Now in Tents.
Site or City Resembles a Railroad
Camp, With Thousands of Toil,
ers Cleaning up With Teams, i
Scrapers and Cars
SAN FRANCISCO. July 22. SDecial
Correspondence.) San Francisco's great
est need is homes. The people who wera
driven from the city at the time of thei
disaster are eager to return, several
thousand laborers are imperatively needed
to aid in the work of rebuilding, but
there are no houses for them. The re
habilitation committee has set to wort
to furnish relief, but the resources at
its command will admit of only slight as
sistance. This committee will build some
3000 homes for workmen, but this will
not even serve to house the thousands
still Hving In tents. '
It Is to individual initiative that the'
city must look. Evidences that this will
be forthcoming are beginning to appear.
In the Richmond district, the section
located between Golden Gate Park and
the neck of the bay, several homes are
being erected and have been rented in
Still It is to the stretch of land south
of Market street that the people must
look for the rebuilding of homes in suffi
cient quantity to solve the problem. Here
dwelt the thousands of the city's poorest
and It 4s to this section, that they wish,
to return. -
Old Quarters Have Strong Hold.
In passing it may be mentioned that
this desire to return to the .old loca
tion Is stronger than anyone imagined
it would be. The Chinese will be satis
fied with nothing but the old Chinatown.
The Italians will have nothing but the
old Latin quarter. They spurn sections
where more air and light are possible.
After all the old location is "home,"
even though it be only ashes and debris
and that is what counts.
It is this spirit in a broader sense which:
insures the rapid making of the New
San Francisco. People want . to come
home. Those who went in alarm in April
are anxious to return. Outsiders have
repeatedly remarked upon the love of
8an Franciscans for their city. There;
was a suspicion that it was not genuine,
that it was mere bradoccio. '
' "You in San Francisco are boomers,''
remarked a New Yorker to the writer;
some months before the disaster. "You
are always shouting, but I think you;
shout more .because it makes business
than because you believe what you say.'
Schools Open Today.
The error of his argument has beer
proved by the events of the last week.
The city schools will open on' Monday
and the great army which for two months
poured out of the city has begun to pour
back again. Travel to the city has In
creased this week until it La greater than
it was a year ago.
People are coming back because they
like to live here. They have in the last
three months tried Oakland, the other"
cities about the bay, Las Angeles, and.
the cities of nearby states, but they have
nearly all felt the call of "home" anl
are returning.
The truth is that they are coming back;
too rapidly for the 'good of the city.
They cannot be accommodated. They
have driven rents up to prohibitive fig
ures1. They are driving the men of small
means from their houses.
A case in point will give a fair Idea'
of the situation. A printer paying J35
a month was' this week told that afte
August 1 his rent would be (100 a month.
Of courso he will ; have to move out.
The landlord will receive J100 a month
for the house from a wealthy family,
which has returned to the city, which
it vacated at the time of the disaster.
Rents Are Mounting Fast.
All rents are advancing. The man of
moderate means with a family will be
hard put until 10,000 or 15,000 homes can
be built Single men likewise are feel
ing the pinch. Rooms in private families
which formerly could be had from tlO to
J15 a month now bring from $30 to J30.
So far all of the restaurants have
shown a most commendable spirit in
keeping the price of meals to refugee
prices. The restaurants today give more
for Jess money than before the disaster.
Moved by a generous impulse at the out
set they refused to raise prices and in
several cases even lowered them. New
restaurants which have sprung up with
the rapidity of the proverbial mushroom,
have followed the example thus set for
. The housing situation grows more se
rious every day. The outside field is be
ing scoured to secure workmen, but when
brought here there is no place for , them
to live. Tenting ordinarily would not bs
a bad experience in San Francisco dur
ing the Summer, but this season the
nights have been unusually cold, and
(Concluded on Fags 4.)