ill VOL. XL.VI.-NO. 14,233. PORTLAND, OREGON, SATURDAY. JULY 21, 1906. PRICE FIVE CENTS. CHIEF JUSTICE ASKS FOR REBATE Marshall of Wisconsin in the Light. INSURANCE MAN REBUKES HIM Judge Then Pays, but Cannot See Anything Wrong. LETTERS PUT IN EVIDENCE Wisconsin Legislature Turns Glare on Member of Judiciary, Who Grows Angry, but Acknowl edges Letters He Wrote. MILWAUKEE. July 30. In the proceed ings before the committee of the Wiscon sin Legislature engaged In investigating 11 1 k mauraiict' cvuw uuiu t una oi.ic, State Manager M. G. Albright, of the Union Central Life Insurance company, of Cincinnati, yesterday introduced cor respondence showing that Chief Justice R. D. Marshall, of the Supreme Court, asked that the life insurance agents' com mission for collecting premium on his pol icy be paid to him. The letters were written by Chief Justice Marshall, who this afternoon vouched for the authen ticity of the correspondence. The Justice, however, said he thought there was noth ing irregular in any of the letters. The original correspondence was produced by Mr. Albright late today. The letter solic iting the commission for " collection is as follows: Judge's Plea for Rebate. State of Wisconsin, Supreme Court, Madison, Wis.. October 1, 1902. Union Central L.ICei Insurance Company. Cin cinnati. Ohio: Gentlemen I hold policy No. 232,009 in your company on which there falls due on the 18th day of this month the annual premium of $671.40. I am not at present advUeJ as to whether I will be, obliged to remit to the principal office. Not knowing- that you have an agent In thla city and supposing that, if you have such agent, he has no claims upon you for a percentage for the collection of my premium, I suggest that you send my receipt to the First National Bank of Madison, Wis., with a draft attached for the S071.4O and instructions to deliver the receipt upon payment of the draft qn or before the due date of the premium, and that in such case you permit the bank to take the usual agent's commission for collection, with permission to pay the same to me. My policy came from one agent entirely outside of my circle of busi ness acquaintances. I see no reason myself why I cannot be permlttted to make the pay ment in the manner suggested, but. If there ra reasons, of course, you will write me uggcetlng where to send the money. Very truly yours, R. D. MARSHALL. Albright's Pointed Keply. The above letter from Justice Marshall was referred by the home office of the Insurance company to Mr. Albright, who. In turn, wrote to his superior officer as follows: Milwaukee. Wis.. October fi, 10O2. S3. F. Marshall. Secretary of the Union Centra: Life Insurance Company, Cincinnati. Ohio: D-ar Sir I am today in receipt of yours of the 3d, inclosing a letter from a Judge of the Supreme Court of Wisconsin, Hon R. IX Marshall, asking that you grant him a rebate upon his renewal premium. When a Judge of the Supreme Court of this state makes an appeal for a rebate and does it direct u the home office, is it not time that there be some elevation in the moral conscience of the people in high places before we can hope for much change for the better among the rank and Ale on the rebate question? This gives you an idea of some of the difficulties we are obliged to contend with in this state. Respectfully yours, J. G. ALBRIGHT. State Manager. Judge Admits Knowing Law. Mr. Albright also wrote to the Justice Informing him that rebating was for bidden by law in Wisconsin. The final answer of Justice Marshall was written to Mr. Albright, as follows: Madison, Wis, Oct. 14, 1902. J. G. Al bright Dear Sir: Here Is the draft for pay ment on my policy. 1 am not unacquainted with tne law to which you refer. On re flection you will probably see that there la nothing In the law to prevent your company from paying to any bank, any collection charges you see fit. I do not take your let ter very seriously. It would not be out of place for your company to establish au agency outside of Milwaukee. Yours, R. D. MARSHALL. P. S. Send receipt to Madison, Wis. Denies He Asked Rebate. "I wrote the letters which were read before the life Insurance committee Thursday," said Judge H. D. Marshall over tne long-distance telephone from his farm in Kllbourne late this after noon. "I wrote, as the letters will show, that the company had no local agent in Madison, that I did not know where to send the money for the prem ium, and submitted to the general of fice of the company the propriety of allowing me to pay the premium Into the bank and receive the usual agent's collection fee back, suggesting that they so direct the bank, if it seemed proper to them. They evidently did not dem it proper and I sent the money in full. That is all there is in it. "I defy anyone to read into my letter any request for a rebate or allowance other than the usual collection fee al lowed agents who handle premium re newals. I submitted the question to the company whether or not It would be proper to allow me such fee in the absence of any authorized agent of the company in the vicinity. It is as plain as the noonday sun and no other meaning can be placed upon any sen . tence in either of my letters. 1 wrote for information and as soon as I got it I acted upon it and remitted my prem ium in full. 1 added that, in my opinion, the company would do well to appoint agents at other places than Milwaukee with the idea that It would tend to convenience in collections. That is all there is to the matter." Not Ground of Impeachment. The disclosures were the sujbect of conversation very generally today. Impeachment proceedings were hinted at In some quarters, but the members of the Insurance -Investigating commit tee scoffed at any such proposition. "The very worst construction that can be placed on the incident," said one of the committee," is that a Judge attempted to find a way In which the law might be evaded and suggested It to the agent. There is absolutely nothing upon which any criminal ac tion can be based." The legislative committee this after noon wrote a letter to Mr. Albright instructing him to submit to the com mittee at its next meeting the original correspondence, which, of course, con tains the signature of the writer. The committee will meet again on July 31. RECEIVER FOR YEOMEN Ex-Agent of Fraternal Insurance So- clety Makes the Application. DES MOINES, la.. July 30. Attorneys for J. B. Gossage, of San Francisco, to day served notice of application in the District Court for a reeciver for the Brotherhood of American Yeomen, a fra ternal Insurance order, covering many Western States, with headquarters in Des Moines. They also served notice of suits for $150,000 which Gossage claims to be due him in damages for cancellation of his agent's contract and for commissions on new members secured through his agency. The application for a receiver is the outgrowth of factional trouble in the or der, which resulted in the ousting of the administration a little more than a year ago and the installation of new officers. Gossage held his contract, a lucrative one, under the o.a management, and it was set aside at the time the new officers took hold. He had the Pacific Coast agency, and did a large business for the order in or ganizing lodges and securing members. Must Xot Experiment on Patients. VIENNA, July 30 The Minister of the Interior has issued an order absolutely prohibiting physicians in Government ser vice to experiment on patients unless the method they intend to use is generally approved. A few exceptions are made to the order for the purpose of diagnosis. CONTENTS TODAY'S PAPER The Weather. YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature. 83 de.; minimum. 5S. TODAY'S Fair and continued warm. North west winds. Russia. Cxar confers with Council on dissolution of Douma. Pace I. J Democrats discredited by weakening of man ifesto to pea . : Page 1. Whole city of Syxran destroyed by fire Page I. Odessa strikers threatened with death or exile. Page l. Suppression of newspapers causes riot In St Petersburg. Page , Foreign. Peace signed among Central American re publics, rage 3. Alfred Beit leaves millions for public good. Page 2. Revolution in Mexico threatens; inspired by hostility to Americans. Page 1. Great fire in Yokohama. Page 4. National. Panama Canal bonds subscribed many times at premium. Page 3. Last of ladrone chiefs in Philippines sur renders. Page 2. Government will not reinstate Mrs. Clark as Postmistress of St. Johns. Page 2. Delay in purchase of Ankeny canal hampers Klamath irrigation work. Page 2. Germany proposes to exclude American canned meat. Page 4. Politics. Andrew D. White speaks against technical appeals of criminals. Page 4. Churchill begins campaign against corpora tions. Page 4. Domestic John D. Rockefeller to be arrested on arrival in New York. Page l. Chief Justice of Wisconsin asks rebate on life insurance. Page 1. Negro's confession of perjury against Mrs. Hartje causes sensation in court. Page 1. Bult against Fields by New York Life. Page 3. Hibernians will stand up for Irish against humorists. Page 4. Elks to enjoin use of name by negro order. Page 4. Pacific Coast. Banner programme will be given at Glad stone Park by Chautauqua Assembly to day. Page 6. Murderer Barnes abuses prosecuting officers at Roseburg when resentenced to be hanged. Page 6. Congressman J ones denies rumor that he will leave Yakima to make home in Spo kane. Page 6. Few winners in Billings land lottery make selections; water rights too costly. Page 6. Cattlerustlers order settlers out of Salmon River country. Idaho. Page 6. Contract for construction of Lewis ton & Southeastern Electric Railway let. Page 7. Bloodhound owner gives up search for miss ing Walla Walla boy; kidnaping probable. Page 7. Commercial and Marine. Southern Oregon apple crop unusually large. Page 15. M. H. Durst writes of English hop condi tions. Page 15. Chicago wheat market weaker. Page 13- Improved tone in stock market. Page 13. General trade reports optimistic. Page 15. Repairs to be rushed on steamer Elder. Page 14. Schooner Carmencita, of Sea Wolf fame, Is sold to Mexicans. Page 14. Portland and Vicinity. Secret service rqen shadow house of Judge Thomas O'Day and are mistaken for burglars, arousing whole neighborhood. Page 9. Mitchell brothers will aid Esther Mitchell. Page 16. Initiative One Hundred attacks O. R. & N. franchise for East Third street. Page 11. Portland Traction, Light & Power Company will establish model club for its employes. Page 10. State commission of Lewis and Clark Ex position meets and winds up affairs. Page 10. Frank L. Kincart tells story of timber-land swindles. Page 11. Oregonlan girls return from Yellowstone Park. Page 11. Street-car men's wages wi be raised; union votes down strike. Page 10. Two persons attempt to commit suicide and both fail. Page 9. Four divorces granted by State Circuit Court Page 10. Report of expert accountants shows no seri ous discrepancies In city's books. Page ltf. Irving ton property -owners to tke up fight against city barn with the courts. Page 14. City will give Insurance business to com panies that treat San Francisco clients fairly. Page 5. HATED "BRINGOES" TO LEAVE MEXICO Revolution Brews in Neighbor Republic. AMERICANS TO BE DRIVEN OUT Politics and Labor Question Strangely Mixed. REYES AS RIVAL TO DIAZ President of Mexico Calls Council of Governors on Threatened Uprising Aiia in st America ns Ca na nea Has Become Stronghold. LAREDO, Texas, July 20. (Special.) Americans are hastening across the bor der, fearing to remain in Mexico under the present critical conditions. The cry of revolution is in the air. Under the sur face of strikes, riots, hasty assembling of guns, there is a sinister threat to rid the country of all hated "gringoes" on the Mexican Independence Day, Septem ber lti. There are other Americans, however, who will remain, hoping for nothing bet ter than a vital clash with the greasers. At Colonel Greene's mines and other con centration points, machine guns and large supplies of ammunition are said to have been assembled. Labor agitators from the States are said to be responsible for the uprising, but volatile Mexicans see an opportunity for revolution. Threats to Drive Out Gringoes. That there Is trouble of a serious kind brewing beyond the Rio Grande there is now no longer the slightest doubt. There are threats against Americans, circulars distributed about the streets, and posted In every public place, warning the grin goes to leave the country or suffer the consequences. These consequences are that every American found in the repub lic after September 16 will be "driven into the sea." One night this week a number of Amer icans were In a Monterey barber shop, waiting their turn, when a boy came among them distributing printed sheets which threatened them with death If they did not quit the country before Septem ber 16, the Mexican Independence Day. The burden of the cry in these circulars is "Mexico for Mexicans." Among the Americans were two prominent railroad men, one a trainmaster, the other a su perintendent of division. Great Strike Threatened. At San Luis Potosi, Monterey, Saltillo, Guadalajara, Durango, and, in fact, all the Important cities of the republic, one is greeted at every turn by these printed signs, threatening death to gringoes if they don't quit the country. A great strike of all the laboring classes in the country is proclaimed for Septem ber 16. The entire laboring element is now thoroughly organized and secret meetings are being held nightly. The la borers have demanded a wage equal to that paid to Americans, and, as this has been refused on all railroads andMn other lines, the Mexican laborer proposes to drive his Gringo rival from the country. Appeals to United States. Many Americans are already leaving, and last night the Brotherhood of Loco motive Engineers and Conductors on the IMPERIAL ANNOUNCEMENT B-B-EAR AND National lines of Mexico, known as the merger system and a Mexican govern ment road, sent an appeal to the State Department at Washington asking pro tection from the Mexican laboring ele ment. However, it is claimed that a far deeper significance attaches to this agitation than appears on the surface. It is as serted by prominent Americans residing in Mexico that a revolution is brewing, with two or three prominent Governors of states in the lead. Political Revolution Brewing. Supreme over all is said to be General Bernardo Reyes, Governor of Nuevo Leon and a General of division in the Mex ican army. Bernardo Reyes is probably the most ambitious and enterprising spirit of the time in Mexico, with the exception only of President Diaz. The very latest news tonight at this point is that President Diaz has called a number of Governors of states to the national capital for a consultation. Among these is mentioned Governor Rafael Iza bel, of Sonora, in whose state is located Cananea, one of the revolutionary hot beds of the republic. Here American agi tators are leading the riffraff from the Colorado mines, driven out by the author ities of that state. These agitators have been in the Cananea district for some time fomenting trouble. WANT MEXICO FOR MEXICANS Revolutionists Complain That Amer icans Control Industries. LAREDO, Tex., July 20. Circulars have been posted In Monterey, San Luis Potosi and other large cities throughout the Republic warning all foreigners to leave the country before September 16, the Independence day of the Republic. The circular says In substance: "We desire Mexico for the Mexicans and warn all foreigners that, if they do not leave the country by September 16 they will be driven into the sea." Continuing, the circular says: "The principal industries and business of the Republic are in the hands of for eigners, principally Americans. The rail roads, although they apparently belong to the Nation, are exclusive property of Americans; the Americans direct them. The mining industry is largely controlled by the foreign element and our Nation, heretofore independent, is being made the servant of foreign capital. "We are on the border of an abyss and a great catastrophe menaces us all, un less we force all foreigners out of the country and give our own people a chance." ARREST STANDARD OIL KING WARRANT READY TO SERVE OX JOHN 1. ROCKEFELLER. Ohio Sheriff Will Make Magnate Prisoner on Arrival for Violat ing Anti-Trust Law. PINDLAT, Ohio, July 20. Sheriff Groves, who has in his possession a war rant for the arrest of John D. Rocke feller based on the criminal Information recently filed in the Probate Court here by County Prosecutor David, charging Mr. Rockefeller, as the alleged head of the Standard Oil Company, with viola tion of the Valentine anti-trust law, says either he or one of his deputies will at tempt to serve the warrant upon the landing of Mr. Rockefeller In New York. It is said further that, if the papers are served, Governor Harris will at once be asked to make requisition on Governor Higgins of New York, for extradition pa pers. The claim Is set up, however, that, as the information only charges a misde meanor, no requisition under the law can be issued. PARIS, July 30. John D. Rockefeller will sail for New York this afternoon on the Hamburg-American Line steamer Amerlka. He occupied a private car at tached to the special steamer train and was accompanied by his physician and members of his family. Mr. Rockefeller declined to discuss the announcements of legal proceedings against him which are awaiting his arrival In the United States. FROM NICHOLAS "I'M G-G-G0ING R-RIGHT UP TO THAT P-PUT THIS R-R-R-ING IN HIS N-N-N0-0SE." CZAR IS INCLINED TO CRUSH DOUMA Holds Council on Mani festo to Nation. DIVISION IN LOWER HOUSE Democrats' Moderation Has Caused Dissension. RIOTING IN ST. PETERSBURG Suppression of Newspapers Causes Mob to Stone Police Hundreds Killed in Burning of Syzran by Revolutionists. WHOLE CITY OF SYZRAN BCRNED SYZRAN, Province of Simbirsk, Russia, July 20. -A fire which was started here July 10 continued throughout the most of today and the whole city with the exception of a small section near the railway sta tion was consumed. The conflagra tion has rendered 35.000 persons homeless, who also are without food. ST. PETERSBURG. July 21. (Special.) The political aspect of last night's dis turbances convinces analysts of the pres ent condition that the bureaucracy Is In the saddle and that from now on the government will ride its own race without sparing whip and spur. A special conference of Ministers was in progress at Peterhof while St. Petersburg was In the throes of rioting. The Czar Is reported to have expressed great dissatis faction with the work of the Douma in Its address to the people. On high authority it is Intimated that the Czar will within a day or two announce a decision of pro found importance with reference to the Douma. . In his present temper, as indicated by his reported attitude at last night's con ference with his Ministers, it will be no surprise if the Czar deems even the mod ified manifesto adopted by the Douma a sufficient warrant to dismiss that body. ST. PETERSBURG. July 20. The Brouse Gazette says that an extraodli- nary council is sitting this afternoon at Peterhof, with General Count Ignatleff, the noted reactionary procurator-general of the holy synod; General Trepoff, com mandant of the' palace; M. Stichlnsky, Minister of War, and others In attend ance, discussing the advisability of the immediate dissolution of Parliament. MOB STONES MOUNTED POLICE St. Petersburg People Angry at Sup pression of Newspapers. ST. PETERSBURG. July 20. The Mlsla and three other newspapers of this city were confiscated today. The resentment occasioned by the whole sale suppression of newspapers and the closing of the printing establishments led to disorders this evening. A large crowd stoned the mounted police In the vicinity of the Stosossensky Prospect, and some stones also were thrown at a small de tachment of cavalry. Other parties of cavalry soon arrived from all directions The attitude of the crowd was menacing and the cavalry twice fired volleys of blank cartridges before the mob dis persed. As M. Solomka. the chief editor of the Mlsla, is a member of Parliament, M. Mouromtseff and Prince Shakoffskolk, re spectively President and Secretary of the lower house, immediately communicated with the Prefect of Police and demanded and received assurances that M. Solom ka should not be arrested. A demonstration occurred when the po lice appeared to seal the printing estab lishment of the Mlsla, In the heart of St. Petersburg. At a late hour tonight knots of people, after the police patrols had passed, sang the "Marseillaise." So far known the disorders resulted in no casualties. MANIFESTO ENDS IN FIASCO Democrats Discredited and Court Chuckles Over Enemy's Quarrels. ST. PETERSBURG, July 20. No fur ther action regarding the proposed ad dress to the people was taken by the lower house of Parliament today. The Constitutional Democratic members ap peared to be heartily sick of the whole episode, and anxious to drop the sub ject if the government is so minded, and there is a disposition to shelve the ad dress by Indefinite postponement of the question as to the manner of its publi cation. Professor Milukoff and other leaders of the Constitutional Democratic party to day carefully pointed out that the docu ment is not technically an appeal directed specifically to the people, but might be considered as an "explanation," addressed to nobody in particular, and from this standpoint harmless. Democrats Are Discredited. There Is no question but that the fiasco has enormously shaken the prestige of the Constitutional Democrats, and the leaders of that party are crestfallen over having been Induced to play with such sharp-edged tools. Professor Milukoff, M. Struve and others admitted frankly to day that one effect will be to postpone to the dim future the advent of a Consti tutional Democratic Ministry, as the vote on the adoption of the address showed that the party was actually in the minor ity in the House and too weak to con trol the situation when opposed by the combined opposition of the right and left on any measure. i Will Profit by Dissension. Professor Milukoff told the Associated Press tonight that he believed there was no longer any reason to apprehend the dissolution of Parliament, as the govern ment would rather seek to profit by its dissensions. The Peterhoff circles are reported to be Jubilant over the discomfiture of the Constitutional Democrats. At the opening of the session of the lower house the question of the publica tion of the address to the country, which President Mouromtseff last night decided had not been carried owing to the lack of a quotum, was . allowed to go over until Monday, when M. Moroumtseff will again occupy the chair. Without debate, the House then adopted a resolution on the subject of the Blalystok massacre, demanding the pros ecution of the military and police officials Involved, irrespective of rank. The reso lution, which constitutes a strongly word ed indictment of the general government. which is held responsible for the secret propaganda inciting class against class, says: "Realizing its powerlessness to suppress the revolutionary movement, the govern ment attempts to suppress it by inciting one portion of the population against the other, especially selecting the Jews for victims." The resolution concludes with another expression of distrust of the Ministry and a demand for it resignation. Predicts Outbreak at Odessa. Earlier in the day, while the House was debating the recent statement of the Assistant Minister of the Interior that the Minister of the Interior would not neglect his duty of upholding law and order, Professor Stchepkln, of Odessa, made a violent speech against the present state of martial law In Odessa. He de clared that the shores of the Black Sea shortly would be the scene of terrible events. Fifty thousand Odessans, he said, hoped for the failure of all the plans of the Minister of the Interior, and hoped to be able to make good the damage caused them by Minister Stolypin, when Russia should have a Minister responsl- ible to Parliament. "Martial law," the Deputy declared, was ruining Odessa, which, until recently, was a flourishing town. The speech was loudly cheered. TOO BUSY TO VISIT WILLIAM Czar Abandons Tour and Germany Sighs With Relief. COLOGNE, July 20. A dispatch from St. Petersburg to the Gazette says: "It Is stated that, in view of political considerations necessitaing his presence In Russia, Emperor Nicholas has aban doned his proposed tour abroad and has informed Emperor v imam to that effect. The Gazette, commenting on this dis patch, says: "From the German point of view, we are of the opinion that the abandonment of the visit this year will hardly be found unwelcome, as a meeting of the sov ereigns would give rise to misconstruction and distortion of facts, a wrongful sus picion of Germany's world-policy, and make it appear as If Germany was seek ing to exercise a reactionary Influence on events in Russia. Germany's complete reserve, at all events, is rendered thereby- clearer to the whole world." on edge of crisis Russia Expects Violent Dissolution of Parliament Any Hour. ST. PETERSBURG, July 20. Extreme nervousness and excitement pervade al! clashes, owing to the fear that the action of the lower house of Parliament in adopting at 2 o'clock thjs morning an ad dress to the people may be the signal for a coup d'etat against Parliament. It is rumored that the step has been decided upon, and the Strana prints a report that an Imperial ukase ordering the dissolution of Parliament has already been signed. The feeling of general alarm is increased by the fact that all night long regiments have been marching into the city from the guards' camp at Krasnoye-Selo. More- (Concluded on Page 4.) NEGRO ADMITTED DEMNG WOMAN Confession Admitted as Evidence. GREAT DAY IN HARTJE TRIAL Accused Woman Denounces Charges as False. , - PLOT TO KIDNAP CHILDREN Lawyers Battle Savagely Over Evi dence That Negro Coachman Admitted Falsehood of State ment Woman Was Guilty. PITTSBURG, July 20. Charges of crooked methods made by both sides were a feature of the sensational Hartje di vorce case during its hearing today. What are apparently a series of legal victories for Mrs. Hartje, the respondent, also marked the day's session and culminated In the admission of the confessions of Clifford Hooe, the colored coachman, m which he is said to have declared that ha tied when he swore that he had improper relations with the respondent. This most important point was not gained until after a bitterly contested struggle be tween opposing counsel which lasted for over an hour and a han, during which J. Scott Ferguson made many sensational threats. With the offering of this confession and of several other documents today, the case for the respondent was practically closed, although John Freeman, of Mrs. Hartje's counsel, told the court that he might have some matter to present later. An adjournment was then taken until Monday morning. Negro's Repudiated Confession. Detective Edgar Ray, of the Perkins Agency, and Superintendent G. P. Per kins told of the arrest of Hooe in Ohio and -of M feeing brought back to Pitts, burg, where he made his confession. John Marron, of Augustus Hartje's counsel, put both Ray and Perkins through a rigid cross-examination, in which he tried to show that Hooe was made drunk and coerced into making his confession. The witness testified that Hooe said he wanted to make a confession. It was the first peaceful day Hooe said he had had for four months. His wife and mother shunned him, the persons who had em ployed him had not done what was rignc by him, and every time he came to Pitts burg he was sent away again. He felt, ha said, that he should have had his head cut off for talking against the woman. The witness denied that any inducement was offered Hooe to make the statement. Alderman King, who followed Ray, said that when the deposition was read to Hooe at the hearing he said the state ments were correct. In reply to a ques tion as to Hooe's mental condition at the time the statement was read to him, tho witness said he seemed sober and sensible. Mrs. Mary Scott Hartje, the respondent, testified that she was present when the first deposition of the negro coachmau was taken, and that what he said there was "outrageously false." Lawyers Have Verbal Battle. There was a hard battle of argument when counsel for Augustus Hartje tried to get stricken from the case the evi dence concerning Hooe, given by John JL. Welshons, Hartje's close friend. Mr. Ferguson led the argument for Hartje and bitterly arraigned Mrs. Hartje. John M. Freeman, chief of coun sel for Mrs. Hartje, replied sharply and was reinforced with typewritten and carefully prepared papers to establish his contention that the evidence was proper. Judge Robert S. Frazer gave the coun sel for Hartje no encouragement, and finally ordered that the evidence be con sidered and made a part of the case. The opposing counsel had difficulty in agreeing upon a statement of fact to bo considered upon which the conclusions of law were based. Hooe's Statement Not Read. At the close of the day Judge Frazer said that the four statements made by the negro coachman would not be read In open court. The Judge said it would not be well to have them made public at this time, and corrected an intimation that he was acting solely in the interest of public morals. Hooe has made four statements, tho first accusing Mrs. Hartje, and the other three, made later, declaring this to be false. With the unexpected throwing open of all the doors in the celebrated case, sensations even bigger than those heretofore promised are expected. Adjournment was taken late this after noon until Monday morning. Mrs. Hartje's side was given the privilege of examining the 40 love letters until Mon day. Plot to Abduct Children. Telegrams read by the police tonight in dicate a plot to kidnap the two Hartje children. The telegram was sent by Su- i perintendent Taylor, of the Philadelphia Police Department, and read: "Rumor here plot completed abduct one or both Hartje children. Three men re ported left here this morning for Pitts burg. No description." As s result, two special officers are on guard about the home of John F. Scott, (.Concluded on Page 2.) I