10 THE MORNING OREGONIAN. WEDNESDAY. JULY 18, 1906. Fall Arrivals IN Roxbury Rugs We have received a large shipment of new Roxbury Brussels Rugs. These rugs are the same in fabric and quality as the celebrated Roxbury Carpets. The new patterns include Oriental and con ventional designs in reds, blues, tans and greens. The designs are excellent, and the wearing qualities unmatched at the price. Size 9x12 Price $24.75 J.G.MACK&CO. Exclusive Carpet House 86-88 THIRD STREET JU1L MJ5TSCHAJT. President and Manager. Seventh and Washington European Plan - -- -- -- AUCTION SAXES TODAY. At the Portland Auction Rooms, 211 First at. Sale 2 P. M. C. L. Ford, auctioneer. At 208 Third St., 10 A. M. J. T. Wilson, auctioneer. DIED. DECKENBACH In this city, July 16, 1906, at his home, corner East Morrison street and Grand ave.. Jacob Deckentoach. aged 70 years. Funeral notice later. FUNERAL NOTICES. DECKENBACH At his late residence, 404H4 E. Morrison St.. July 16. 1906. Jacob Deck enbach, aged 75 years, 3 months and 10 days. Funeral WlU take place Wednesday, July 18. at 10 A. M. from F. S. Dunnlng's chapel, cor. of E. Alder and E. 6th ats. Friends Invited. San Francisco and New York City papers please copy. F1TTELKAU At residence, 200 Park street, July 16, 1906, Christina Plttclkau, aged 82 years. Private funeral servlcea will be held at late residence today at 2 P. M. Interment Rlvervlew Cemetery. EDWARD HOLMAN & CO.. the leading funeral directors and embalmers, 220 and 222 Third street, corner Salmon, have the finest establishment and the most reasonable charges. We have an experienced lady who takes full charge of all lady cases. Phone Main 50". DUNNING. M'ENTEE ft GILBAUGH, Suc cessors to Dunning ft Campion, undertakers and embaimers; modern in every detail; 7th and Pine. Phnae Main 430. Lady assistant. J. P. FIN LEY ft SON. Funeral Directors, No. 61 Sd St., cor. Madison. Phone Main 9. F. S. DUNNING, Undertaker. 414 East Alder. Lady assistant. Phone East 62, ZELI.ER-BYRNES CO.. Undertakers. Em baimers, 273 Russell. East 1088. Lady ass't. ERICSON UNDERTAKING CO., 409 Alder at. Lady assistant. Phone Main 613S. TONSETII ft CO., florists. Artistic floral designs. 123 Utii st. Phone Main 5102. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES. "Rooms, "Room nnd Board," "House keeping; Room." "Situations Wanted," 15 i;rU or less. 15 cents; 16 to SO words. SO cents; 21 to 35 words. 25 cents, etc. No dis count for additional Insertions. UNDER AM. OTHER HEADS, except "New Today," SO cents tor 15 words or less: 16 to 20 words, 40 cents; 21 to 25 words. 50 rents, etc. first Insertion. Each additional Insertion, one-half: no farther discount un der one month. "NEW TODAY' (ffniiRe measure agate), 15 cents per Une. first Insertion; 10 cents per line fm- each additional Insertion. ANSWERS TO ADVEKTISKMENTS. ad dressed care The Oregontan. and left at this office, should always be Inclosed in sealed envelopes. No stamp Is required on such letters. The Oregonian will not be responsible for errors In advertisements taken through the telephone. NKW TODAY. WANTED RESrONSlBLE AND ENER getle canvassers to Introduce Hislop's high-class coffees, spices, flavoring ex tracts and baking powder; liberal commis sion to right parties. Apply at 63 Front street. OLD GOLD, JEWF.LR1 . BOUGHT. MADE over, txrhange!; diamonds, precious stones, loose and mounted; watches, jewelry, re paired. Uncle Itvers. jeweler. 143 3d-Alder. Residence Sites 50x65. northwest corner of 25th and North rup. $2350. 50x05, Joining the above and oa the weet llde of 23th St., $1050. No flats, one houae only to be built on each lot. R. M. WILBUR 110 Second St. AETNA FIRE INSURANCE CO. Dollar Company Grindstaff & Schalk, Agents 264 Stark St. Tel. Main 392 Fine Investment Quarter-block on N. 9th st. with new buildings yielding about 50 per month or 8 per cent after paying: taxes and insurance. This property I only 4 blocks from Wash ington it. and will rapidly enhance in value. F.I SSELL -v BLYTH, 82Vi THIRD ST. New House For Sale 7-room house with all modern conveniences on Franklin st., Willamette Heights. Fine view and splendid neighbor hood. Price $5800. Easy terms. HUSSELI & BLYTH s ." .. THIKI ST. BONDS WW w School. Municipal. Irrigation. FRANK ROBERTSON. vil;ar Bids. Third and WasQ. Sta. Exclusive Carpet House Streets, -- Portland, Oregon. - $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 per Day. AMUSEMENTS. THE BAKER TODAY. TONIGHT, ALL WEEK Matinee Dally, 2:15. Evenings, S:15 MILES BROTHERS' Moving Pictures of the Earthquake and Fire. Most Complete Disaster Show Interesting Lecture. Two Pictures at Same Time. Showing Scenes Before and After. MATINEES 10c EVENINGS 15c and 25c LYRIC THEATER Week Beginning Monday. July 16 THE CHARMING COMEDY DRAMA "A Soldier's Bride" IN THREE ACTS. Admission, 10c. Reserved Seats, 20c. PANT AGES Firkhs"d METROPOLITAN QUARTETTE. Thomas and Evans. Meadows and Lasaare. Widow Davis and Troupe. Uttle Helen. Jean Wilson. The Biograph. Performances daily at 2:30. 7:30 and 9 P. M. Admission. 10c and 20c; boxes, 25c. Ladies and children take any seat at week day matinees for 10 cents. l WEEK OF JULY 16. T lift nFSflfl 1 Mttto PrawfMii & Co. HlVl UlUUU : HUdebrand & Vivian The Three Miss Sidonne Dixon MUSICAL Mr. James Burke HELTONS. 1 Grnndiscope Three performances daily at 2:30, 7:50 and 9:30 P. M. Prices remain as usual. THE STAR ELEVENTH WEEK STAR STOCK CO. it A QUIET FAMILY-" In Connection With a. Fine Vaudeville Olio, Headed by Madam Wanda's Edu cated Coach Dogs. NOTE THE TIME Performances dally at 2:30. 7:50 and 9:30 P. M. NEW TODAY. PROFITABLE AND SAFE Money deposited In this bank on Special Certificates of Deposit earns a good rate of Interest while here, and it is also ABSOLUTELY SAFE and la here when you want it. Interest computed at 3 to 4 per cent, according to the length of time the money is on deposit. Ask us more there's a lot that Is Inter esting about these Special Certificates. PORTLAND TRUST CO. OF OREGON S. E. Cor. 3d and Oak Sts. Phone Ex. 72. BEN J. I. COHEN President H. L. PITTOCK Vice-President B. LEE PAGET Secretary J. O. GOLTRA '..Assistant Secretary Ideal Home Worth $5000 Price considerably under value. Not in hands of any agent, and pur chaser to tret benefit of agent's com mission from price asked. 8 rooms, all modern conveniences; must be seen to be appreciated. Lot 50x120 feet, faces south. For price and terms 691 East Ash. Phone E. 1524. - 6 FIRST MORTGAGE SECURITIES NORTHWESTERN GUARANTEE AND TRUST COMPANY. Li;rnber Exchange Building Second Floor. WILL PAY 11 $6000 14-room modern built houae, lot 37 x 100. leased at $35 per month, with privilege of renewal for A years; you can not build the house for $6000. J. B. Reed. 2S1 Alder. NEW TODAY. An Old Story The man who pavs rent for ten years pays nearly the original cost of the property and In most cases the appreciation Is more than the Interest on the Investment. The EAST SIDE has the most HOMES, has the GREATEST population. Is growing the most RAPIDLY, and the GREATER PORTLAND MUST and WILL bs there. Holladay 's Addition Is the geographical center of the city, and Is the most DESIRABLE residence district, and much of this will become BUSINESS property. Do not overlook these FACTS when making Investments, and call and in spect the property, for seeing Is believing. The Oregon Real Estate Company 66 u Third St.. Room 4. Portland. Oregon. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE SPLENDID BARGAINS. WEST SIDE 12650 Ne w 7-room house ; will pay $25 rent per month for ayear in advance. 93400 Very nice nearly new modern 7 room houee on Montgomery at., paying $30 rent per month. Very swell 10-room residence with block on Nob Hill; will sell for little more than cost of ground. $2600 Lovely 7-room large cottage on E. Taylor St., ground S4xl42 feet, lots of fruit; must go. STAUB & ROSS. 227'-, Washington et., room 17. Phone Pacific 652. $750 FIVE ACRES $750 1 miles beyond Fulton Park, on survey of new motor line sure to be built soon, 30 minutes walk now of 5c fare, high tablo land, excellent soil and charming outlook, spring water, good neighborhood of small homes and fine school buildings, 50 min utes to cities, postofflce, over a most lovely macadamized drive. We know of nothing like this In 5 miles of City Hall. Do you ? Buy now and treble your money in the next year. B. S. Cook & Co.. 251 Alder. $1300 $1400 TWO COTTAGES ON TILLA mook st., walking distance from center of city, near Union ave. ; terms. $13"j0 New modern suburban home, 30 minutes ride from center of city, near Willamette river, fruit and berries, 14 acris. an ideal home, near school, Dost offtce and store; owner going East, celling at sacrifice. John B. Matthews, 722 Cham ber of Commerce. GBNULNB BARGAINS FINE NEW MOD ern h mes, $300 to $700 ; less than cost ; high ind desirable locations; you'll not be disappointed in these. 5 rooms, full lot, $1300. 0 rooms, full lot, $1700. 7 rooms, full lot, $2100. 7 rooms, two lots, $2900. C. E. West, 103 Sherlock bldg. $2400 BEAUTIFUL SUBURBAN HOME. New, modern, 7 rooms and reception hall; light, high, good-sized rooms, an acre of ground; fine well of water, force pump; brooder. 18x100, place all fenced and patnt ed. near Willamette River, 30 minutes ride from center of city. Owner, John B. Matth ews, 722 Chamber of Commerce. $575 FINE BUILDING SITE BAST SIDE, on car Une, two others, convenient alley, gas. water, sewer, easy terms. $2500 Modern 7-room house, corner S. E-, lawn, roses, fruit trees ; $500 down, terms. $825 Quarter block, upper Alblna, terms. John B. Matthews, 722 Chamber of Com merce. SEVEN ROOMS, MODERN 2 LOTS, GAR den, close to car; $2500; terms to emit. Beautiful 5-room cottage, 2 lots, house sur rounded by trees, good lawn, snap if taken at once. 6 rooms, full lot. great bargain, $1050. 612 Commercial Bldg. Tel. Main 1940. REAL ESTATE "WEI HANDLE CITT AND suburban property, make mortgage loans and do a general rental business. Agents for Aetna Fire Insurance Co. We solicit your patronage. Grindstaff & Schalk. 204 Etark st. Phone Main 392. $3250 FRACTIONAL LOT, ON ELLA. BAST frontage. Just north of Washington ; street and sewer improvements all made; nothing like It on the market; only little way from heart of city. Grindstaff & Schalk. 264 Etark st. Tel. Main 392. A SNAP 00 ACRES, CHEAPEST PROPER ty on the market, near the city ; good road and fine neighborhood, for a few days only, can be divided, only $30 per acre. Fred C. King, 506 Commercial Blk., 2d and Washington. FOR SALE 7-ROOM HOUSE IN IRVING ton, lot 50x100. all improved ; fruit and roses in abundance. House In good con dition not new, but a bargain at $2800. See Owner, 443 E. 13th st., North. .Phone Scott 1075. TENT HOUSE, 12x24. COMPLETELY FUR nished. with equity In two lots in Willam ette, price $175, balance due on lots $420; paid in installments of $10 per month. C. C Fisher, room 7, 142 First et. Mala 2278. CORNER ONLY $550. ON GRAND AVE. N. ; very fine location, high and sightly ; on car line, city water, gas and sewer; a snap. Fred C. King, 506 Commercial Elk., 2d and Washington. A BEAUTIFUL LOT ON THE NORTHWEST corner of 21st and Laurel St.. Portland Heights, near Mr. Page's fine residence, for $21O0; this Is a bargain. 181 Fourth st. Phone Pacific 572. NEW HOME. MODERN, T ROOMS, BATH, hot water, basement, lot 50x100, on car line; terms can be arranged. Inaulre C. T. Woodman, care Loewenberg & Going Co.. 13th and Irvine. WELL-IMPROVED -BLOCK ON IRVING st., paying 8 per cent; this Is the best Im proved property In the neighborhood; It Is good and reasonable. Sphinx Agency, 305 H Stark st. SNAP. For a few days we can offer you a choice lot 50 foot front, ten blocks south of the postofflce. $4500. Henkle & Harrison, 217 Ab.ngton bldg. $16,500 BUSINESS PROPEP.TY. 4 LOTS best buy on East Side, close to Morrison bridge, switch connections. -'Vanduyn ft Walton. 303 Chamber Commerce. NOW IS YOUR TIME TO BUY DOORS, windows, flooring and all kinds of building materials at a great bargain. Apply to American Inn. Phone Pacific 1076. . $3000 LOT 50x100 AND UP-TO-DATE 5 room cottage on N. 23d st. This will make you a nice horn. Phone Main 392. Grlnd itaff & Schalk. 264 Stark st. $900 40x100 FT. HOLLAD AY'S. NEAR Union ave. Corner lot E. 7th and Schuy ler, 3 11 1 50. terms. Culver, 623 Chamber of Commerce. J2400 100 FEET FRONT BY 75 FEET deep in Alblna; present rental $20 per month; buy from owner and save commission. F 74, Oregonian. 6-BOOM COTTAGE. SMALL BARN, LOT 50x100, fruit and shade trees, 4-block fmm Par line, $1100. Hatfield ft Smith. 165 Vi 4 th st. 0-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. LOT 100X150 feet, choicest fruit and shrubbery, an Ideal home. $7000. Hatfield & Smith, 105 fc 4th st. $100 CASH: TERMS TO SUIT ON BAL ance; will buy good 6-room house. East Side, fine car service. M. B. Lee. 93 6th St. HOUSES. ALL PARTS OF CITY. BUILT AND sold on Installments. Kroner, 1617 Cam bridge bldg., southwest cor. 3d and Morrison. EELLYTOOD LOTS. $5 A MONTH: $125 UP. Sellwood Townsite Co.. H. P. Palmer, man ager. Phone Sellwood 161. 1665 E. 13th. MODERN 5-ROOM COTTAGE, CORNER lot, bath, gas and electric light; price $2600. Inculre 760 E. 8th et. N. or 248 Flanders. LOT WITH 9-ROOM HOUSE; MUST BE sold; near City Hall; price $4600; easy terms. Inquire at 242 Madison st. WILLAMETTE LOTS, $25 DOWN, $5 PER month: from $250 to S300. C. A. Zygowskl Willamette Station, St. Johns car. FOR SALE BUSINESS LOT ON EAST SIDE, very central; big bargain If sold soon. In quire at 390 East Washington st. $250 LOTS 65x100. LINWOOD ADDITION. 2th and Division sty. cash or installments. J. B. Red. 251 Alder at. CORNER LOT. CLOSE IN ON IRVING. AT a bargain; switch facilities. Sphinx Agency. 305 Stark st. FOR SALE CHEAP -ACRE AT MT. TA bor; terms. Owner. 381 E. Morrison, cor. Union a vs. NEW 6-ROOM MODERN HOUSE, $3000; $500, balance $25 monthly. Owner, phone East 675. $4O0 CASH CORN-ER 100XM5. AT UNIVER slty Park. Inquire 645 William? avenue. 1 TO 10 ACRES. 4 BLOCKS STREET CARS; irreat bargain. See Owner, 328 Park st. We can sell your residence or business real estate. thlnx Asency. 305 Stark st DOUBLE FLAT, LOT 31x100; ALMOST new; 34650; terms. 484 Columbia FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. WANTED TO BUT WE HAVE A RELIA- ble lumber company that is in the market ior a tract or about ooo,iuu,uw xeet oi. "Western or California, white and sugar pine, saw and planing mill. We also have customers for tracts from 20,000,000 to 200,000,000 feet in same territory. Ad dress L- P. Swanstrom Investment Co.. 630 Manhattan bldg., Duluth, Minnesota. A BARGAIN. 1480 acres fir and pine, Douglas and Curry County, cruise 3O.000 per acre; price $6.50 cash. 22c per thousand. W. F. Slaughter, 517 Chamber of Commerce. FOUR SECTIONS GOOD PINE ON SOUTH ern Pacific; properly handled the profits manufacturing this will be immense. N. J. Reasoner, Anhland. Or. 3360 ACRES YELLOW FIR IN OREGON, convenient to good logging river, mill and good harbor; low price. V 78, Oregonian. 280 ACRES OF FINE CEDAR AND timber for sale, location good. Addre 83. Oreeonian. FIR 38 G GOOD YELLOW PINE TIMBER CLAIM FOR location. Homeseekens' Land Co., 312 Pine st., Portland. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED ONE BLOCK OF VACANT ground In McMinnville. Forest Grove or Hlllsboro: must be bargain; give description, exact locailon and price; no agents. X S3, Oregonian. WANT TO BUY GOOD INCOME PROPER ty. West Side; can pay $2000 cash; want time and low rate of Interest on balance. Address O 84, Oregonian. I HAVE A FEW THOUSAND DOLLARS TO invest In Portland real estate. If you hav a bargain, I will Investigate. Address L 82, Oregonian. WANTED SEVERAL HUNDRED ACRES deeded land In White Salmon country; must be reasonable for cash. P- O. box 327. GOOD INCOME PROPERTY AND RBSI dences anywhere In Portland; have buyers waiting. H. W. Ltndhard. McKay bldg. LOT ON EAST ANKENY. OR NEAR BY, west of 20th. 285V4 Washington. WANTED LOT OR HOUSE AND LOT. 612 Commercial bldg. Main 1840. FOR SALE FARMS. SNAP 45 ACRES FINE LAND, 14 ACRES cultivated, all slashed, 200 fruit trees, 11 room 2H-story house, barn 40x50 feet, out buildings, cow, calf, horse, plow, harrow, running water through place, fine trout stream, on country road, 2 miles from Carrols, Wash.; lots of out range; price $1200; terms. F. J. Barnard & Co., Kalama, Wash. Timber, farms, farm lands, stock land, cruising done. A NICE LEVEL FARM AND RICH SOIL and fine Improvements near Reaverton, of 124 acres, at $120 per acre. 1S1 Fourth st. Phone Pacific 572. 26-ACRE FARM, 19 IN CULTIVATION, very rich land, at Tlgardville. Washington County, for $2500. 181 Fourth st. Phone Pacific 572. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN 35 ACRES OF cleared farming land, 5 miles from Eugene. Phcne Main 3690. or address H 73. Ore gonian. SMALL FARM. 14 ACRES. ALL IN CULTI vatlon, 7 miles from Portland; at sacrifice if taken at once. Apply 315 Williams ave. WANTED AND FOR SALE LAND SCRIP. WANTED AND FOR SALE LAND SCRIP. AH kinds, including approved forest re serve and railroad land scrip, for surveyed, unsurveyed, timbered and prairie Govern ment land; approved United States mili tary bounty land warrants; recertified sol diers' additional scrip. H. M. Hamilton, The Portland, Portland. Or. TO EXCHANGE. WHAT HAVE YOU TO EXCHANGE FOR improved Portland real estate from $1000 up? I prefer San Diego or Los Angeles real eMate. W. E. McPherson, San Diego, Cal. FOR RENT FARMS. A GOOD FARM IN WILLAMETTE VALLEY; responsible persons apply only. 918 E. Tay lor st. FOR SALE. Horses. Vehicles and Harness. SNAP $80 BUYS PAIR OF MATCHED SOR rel horsee, good workers, or ride; also nice light farm wagon, $27.50, one stake truck, 2 sets heavy teaming harness, 3 sets express harness, 5 rubber-tire runabouts, several good delivery horses. Call Regal Stables, 14th and Burnslde sts. NOTICE I WILL SACRIFICE TO FARM er or old couple my seal-brown mare, 8 years old, weight 1190 lbs., fine work and mal; no horse dealers need answer. Phone Pacific 974. Call stable, 14th and Couch sts., ask for Scott's mare. BIG TEAM FOR SALE SOUND AND TRUE; coior aarx aappie; weigru ouw pounas; mate well. For inquiry write me or phone M. H. Finney, same address. Lee Dadidsman, Newberg, Or. VEHICLES OF ALL KINDS, NEW AND second-hand; largest stock, lowest prices; horses and rigs rented by day or month. Tomllnson ft Cas&iday, 211 Wash. Pac. 507. WANTED A FIRST-CLASS DRIVING horse, or horse and buggy; will also take horse and buggy for Its keeping. Address 6 58. Oregonian. HORSES AND BUGGIES FOR RENT BY day, week and month ; special rates to business houses. 6th and Hawthorne, TeL East 72. $130 BUYS BAY HORSE. WEIGHT 1100 LBS. gentle for ladles use, new cut-under run about, new harness, whip, robe. Call 23 N. 14th st. ONE GOOD SADDLE OR BUGGY HORSE for sale; 6 years old and children can ride; city broke. 181 4th st. Phone Pacific 572. We buy. sell. rent, excn&nge, horses, wag ons, saddles, harness. Hubert & Hall, 266 4th GOOD TOP BUGGY AND HARNESS, CHEAP Bulllvant's rig, 270 12th et. FOR SALE NATIONAL CASH REGISTER, second hand. C. E. Mowery. 235 Holladay ave. FOR SALE OR TRADE FINE UPRIGHT piano, at C. O. Pick's Warehouse. Miscellaneous. FOR BALE NEW AND SECOND-HAND billiard and pool tables; easy payments: we rent tables, with privilege of buying; mod ern bar fixtures ; cheap prices. Bruswlck-Balke-Collender. 49 3d st. FOR SALE CHEAP 2 60 H. P. bollens; 1 40 H. P. 'Russell Boiler and engine; 1 60 H P. Fross automatic engine; 1 1200-llght dynamo. J. Simon & Bro., 244-240 Front. FOR SALE CHEAP 50.000 FEET -INCH and -lnch galvanized pipe, practically new ; will sell in any quantity. J. Simon & Bro.. 244-246 Front St. COLLIE PUPS, SIRED BY RADIANCE, winner of 47 firsts at Eastern bench shows. 699 Schuyler St., or phone Union 2483. FOR SALE CHEAP STUDEBAKER PANEL top, bracket-front delivery wagon; coat $250. Inquire 379-381 Bast Morrison. SCOTCH COLLIE PUPS, sable, with white collars, mlchael, Gaston, Oregon. REGISTERED; Address Car- LAUNCH, 25-FOOT. 8-HORSEPOWER, AT A bargain to settle estate. Call at 255 Grand ave., cor. Madison. FOR SALE GOOD FRESH SHORTHORN and Jerfcey cow. Address 228 West Ave., North Mt. Tabor. FOR SALE GOOD BICYCLE. IN FIRST class order, great bargain, $10. 526 Lum ber Exchange. SAILBOAT SEABIRD: 40 FEET; PRAC tlcally new; all fitted out; must sell; cheap. Foot 14th at. FOR SALE TWO AUTOMOBILES, TUNA cars, can be bought cheap; $750 closes the deaL 181 3d St. DONKEY ENGINES BOUGHT, sold and rented. 324 Chamber Commerce. Main 2363. FOR SALE CHEAP 50.000 GRAIN BAG8. J. Simon & Bro., 244-246 Front St. TWO WOODSAWS FOR SALE CHEAP, quire 313 Water at. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED TWO TRUCKERS. FOUR SHOV elers. McMahon Bros.. 43d and Division sta. WANT GAS COOK. Peerless Saloon. APPLY AT 41 3D ST.. HELP WANTED MALE. HAT MAN FOR A DEPARTMENT STORE: practical man whn knows the art of selling and can keep stock. Man wanted who can, when necessary, sell clothing and furnishings. Applicants should give suf ficient Information about themselves to enable us to get some idea of their record and ability. O. A. Hale & Co., San Jose, Cal. WANTED BOY K TO 17 TO MAKE HIM self generally useful around of Qce : $4 a week to start : excellent opportunity for promotion; must have references and live with parents; one with wheel preferred. Apply 9 A. M , 616 Chamber of Commerce. ALL DISEASES OF MEN SUCCESSFULLY treated; discharges positively cured in from 8 to 0 days; consultation free and strictly confidential; aend for our symptom blank. X-Radlum Medical Institute. 3d and Alder sts. ; entrance 253 Alder st.. Portland. WANTED EXPERIENCED WINDOW trimmer and ticket writer for store that handles "everything for men and women to wear." Wages $25 per week. Apply by letter with reference. The Berry Cloth ing & Shoe Company, Spokane, Wash. I NEED TWO MORE MEN IF YOU HAVE ever been successful in any line of insur ance you will be successful with us; pro motion immediate and permanent; big money; it's your opportunity. Call 209 Columbia bldg., 9 to 12. Goddard. AGENTS WANTED TO SELL SUPERIOR, high-grade nursery stock ; complete outfit furnished free ; cash weekly ; write tdday for choice of territory. Capital City Nur sery Company, Salem. Or. WANTED A BRASS RULE MAKER; PER manent position for competent man; state experience and salary wanted. Address Key stone Type Foundry, 304 Telegraph avenue, Oakland, Cal. WANTED 500 MEN AND TEAMS; Gov ernment work; Klamath Falls. Or.; labor ers, $2.70 ; teams, $3. 75 ; special rates ; ship every day. D. E. Budd. 110 1st st. Mason, Davis & Co. WANTED YOUNG MEN TO LEARN TEL egraphy and railroad accounting; salaries $75 to $90. For free catalogue address Morse Col lege of Telegraphy, 300 12th st. Oakland, Cai. WIDOW WISHES TO MEET GENTLEMAN who will assist In procuring small rooming house, room and board in exchange for part pay; can give security. W 84. Oregonian. GOVERNMENT POSITIONS YOUNG MEN wanted to prepare for letter-carrier and rail way mail clerk. West Coast Correspondence School. 513 Mr Kay bldg. Open evenings. A STENOGRAPHER AND BOOKKEEPER that Is competent, both branches, and ha3 satisfactory references can get permanent position. Address w 82. uregonian. WANTED 8 EXPERIENCED LINEMEN, 3 dvnamo tenders. 5 inside electricians. Ap ply Mr. Stone. Room 9. Van Noy Hotel, 3d and Pine sts., 11 A. M. to 8 P. M. HOTEL AND RESTAURANT EMPLOYES' free international registration buieau. Help needed and supplied, male ana lemaic. 247 N. 12th. Phone Main 1459. The Great Western Employment Office, 300 Couch st. Phone Main 3518. We make a specialty of furnishing all kinds of labor. S. St. Clair, general manager. WANTED A FIRST-CLASS FOREMAN. Apply In writing, giving references and experience. Washington Steam Laundry jo., topoKane, wasn. WANTED GOOD BROOMMAKERS. AND one operator on Lioe-Walrath sewer: steady work. Washington Broom & Woodenware Co., Seattle, wasn. WANTED TWO OR THREE FIRST-CLASS all-round machine men; permanent position, good wages. Oregon Furniture Mfg. Co., Macadam Road. WANT CONTRACTOR IMMEDIATELY TO furnish material and build house for part cash, balance good property. Q 84, Ore gonian. WANTED A COMPETENT DRYGOODS man In Eastern Oregon store ; state refer ences and salary expected. L 64. Oregonian. WANTED A GOOD CANDYMAKER WITH $250 to take full charge of candy factory must be sober. Address O 83, Oregonian Men to learn barber trade special Inducements tr.is montn; wages while learning. oilman Barber College. 627 Clay St., San Francisco $100 CASH; TERMS TO SUIT ON BAL ance ; will buy good 6-room house. East Bide, nne car service, ji. tx uee, wa otn st. WANTED SOLICITOR, GOOD SALARY and commission. Write or call, W. R. Taylor & Co., S-9 Labbe bldg., city. SOLICIT ORDERS, PRINTING; LIBERAL commission; experience unnecessary; 'J to $5 earned dally. 603 Goodnough bldg. WANTED FIRST-CLASS SALESMAN Portland aad throughout the state; wages to rustlers. 206 McKay bldg. IX b!S WANTED 25 HARNESSM AKERS. APPLY Los Angeles Saddlery & Finding Co., 225 N Los Angeles St.. Los Angeles, Cal. WANTED BY OSWALD FURNITURE Manufacturing Co., of Oregon City, one ex perienced machine bench carver. WANTED STEADY MAN TO TAKE CARE of horses and do chores; one not afraid of work. Address J 82. oregonian. WANTED TWO STRONG YOUNG MEN, 18 or 20, to work around factory. Apply to Lowengart & (Jo., Tom st. STEADY WORK FOR STEADY MEN TEN helpers wanted. Columbia Engineering Works. 10th and Jonnson ste. WANTED UNION ELECTRICIANS, steadv work, $4 a day. Levy Electric Co., 1005 Post st.. San Francisco. WANTED CLIMAX B ASKETM AKERS , good wages. Apply Portland Basket & Handle Co.. 541 Alblna ave. OFFICE BOY. WHOLESALE HOUSE; AD dress own handwriting; state age and ex perlence. O 82, Oregonian. ABOUT 25 MEN TO DO RAILROAD GRAD ing. Apply at office Eastern & Western Lumrjer t-'o.. root oi bask WANTED OFFICE BOY WHO HAS FIN ished school ; apply in own handwriting. Address P 82, Oregonian. FIR ST-CI-ASS CLOAK AND SUIT MAN. capable of managing buying and advertls In. Apply 131 5th st. AT ONCE ALL ROUND HARNESS MAK- er; must understand Lanais macnine. fa. J Frank. Hood River. Or. WANTED TEN FIRST-CLASS NON-UNION barbers, $10 a week guaranteed. Address N 84. Oregonian. WANTED GOOD STRONG BOY TO LEARN breadbaklng; good wages. Apply forenoons, 114 Russell st. BARBER MUST BE FIRST CLASS WORK man. good wages; Occident Barber Shop, Astoria. Ore. WANTED MAN TO WORK ON FARM IN suburbs. Apply Lang & Co., cor. 1st and Ankeny sts. WANTED OFFICE BOY 17 OR IS YEARS old. Address in own handwriting, F 83, Oregonian. WANTED BRAKEMAN FOR WORK TRAIN on construction logging road. F 82. Ore gonian. WANTED FOUNDRY HELPERS WILLING to work. Heacock & Lawrence, 424 Bel mont st. . WANTED A BOY OR YOUNG MAN help gardening and run lawnmower. Gllsan. 3 PLUMBERS. STEADY EMPLOYMENT TO good men. Lamer & Klgglns, Vancouver, Wash. WANTED fi BRICKLAYERS AT 6TH AND Gllsan. W. B. Steele Construction Co. WE SECURE EMPLOYMENT bers. Special membership, $2. FOR MEM Y. M. C. A. WANTED MEN'S OLD CLOTHING. SHOES, highest price paid. 82 3d. Phone Pacific 46. WANTED FIRST-CLASS FURNITURE RE pairer and finisher. William Gadsby & Sona. THE MEIER & FRANK STORE REQUIRE8 experienced grocery salesmen. Apply at once. WANTED TWO MEN FOR CONCRETE work. Call at once. 7th and Lincoln sts. WANTED A MATTRESS MAKER. PETERS & Roberts. 55 N. Front, corner Davis at. WANT GAS COOK AND A WAITER, at 47 3d St.. Peerless saloon. BARBER FIRST-CLASS BARBER ed. Washington St. WANTED BOY ABOUT work. 55 N. Front st. 17, A GOOD BCSHELMAN WANTED AT Gilbert. 106W 6th st. BRICK -SETTER WANTED, land Brick Company. SOUTH PORT- FARM HANDS WANTED. Abington bldg. INQUIRE 325 WANTED BUTTERMAKER. Washington et. CALL 429 HELP WANTED MALE. ASSISTANT SHIPPING CLERK. $50. YOU NO man .-all arlv: P-band saw filer. $5: 11 carpenters, $3 and $3.25, rough work; 10 carpenter helpers. $2.50, free fare; black smiths, cooks for hotels, restaurants and eteam boats, waiters and kitchen help, deck hanSs for river boats, harvest hands, saw mill and woods help, railroad men foe lot miles of new work, all free. fare. Hansen's Employment Offices, 26 N. 2d st. 250 Burnslde st. THE PACIFIC SUGAR Company at Hamilton city, uienn wiuni-, California, wishes to employ all classes of skilled mechanics. Machinists, pipe fitters, carpenters, rivetters, tinsmiths, galvanize iron workers, brick layers, painters and com mon tabor. Location on branch of Southern Pacific Railroad 12 miles east of Orland and 12 miles west of Chtco. Good accommoda tions. Regular wages. MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN BARBER traae in eight weeks. uraauaie em from $15 to $25 weekly. Expert instruct ors. Catalogue free. Moier System of Col leges, 35 North itb St.. Portland. WANTED TWO COOPERS. APPLY 183 Madison st. HELP WANTED FEMALE. GIRLS work ABOUT 16 YEARS OF AGs TO In factory. Apply at once, Ames- Harris-Neville Co em and uavis sts. CAMP COOK. SMALL LOGGING CAMP, $50. can early; cook for saw mill boarding house, $60. party here; 2 cooks, $40; pastry cook, $40. and 3 waitresses for same springs. Summer resort, $30, fares ad vanced; 4 waitresses, same mountain re sort, $25; 5 chambermaids; 7 family cooks; 35 house girls, nurse girls and second girls, call early. Some, fine places on the list today. Hansen's Ladles' Agency, 343 Washington st., corner 7th, upstairs. LIPMAN, WOLFE & CO. REQUIRE SALE6 women with experience and ability to sell goods; good salary and permanent positions. ATTENTION. Applicants for all kinds of work register with us, free of charge, so we may locate you on short notice. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY, 843 Washington at., cor. 7th. upstairs. GOVERNMENT POSITIONS YOUNG LADY to prepare for Postofflce clerk wanted Im mediately. West Coast Correspondence School, 513 McKay bldg. Open evenings. A STENOGRAPHER AND BOOKKEEPER that Is competent, both branches, and has satisfactory references can get permanent ' position. Address W 82, Oregonian. GIRLS WANTED OPERATORS TO WORK on shirts and overalls. Lessens given to inexperienced. Apply at Standard Factory. 2 Grsnd ave.. and East Taylor st. 4 FIRST-CLASS EXPERIENCED MANGLE girts, $1.50 day; assistant marker and sorter. Apply this morning, Independent Laundry Co., 206 GUsan. WOMAN TO TEACH EMBROIDERY; MUST understand all branchts ; arrangement can be made for all or part time. T 83, Ore gonian. WANTED GOOD PEOPLE FOR GOOD electric Irons; good, comfortable place for work, at Union Laundry Co., 2d and Co lumbia. DISEASES OF WOMEN A SPECIALTY X Radlum Medical Institute and Sanitarium, 3d and Alder; entrance 253 Alder St.. Port land. WANTED HOUSEKEEPERS, COOKS, SEC ond girls, nurses, waitresses. St. Louis Ladles' Agency. 230H Yamhill. Main 5413. THE HOME- LADIES' AGENCY FEMALE help wanted ; registration free. 165 4th St., upstairs, suite 23. Phone Main 5S26. $100 CASH; TERMSf TO SUIT ON BAL ance; will buy good 6-room house. East Side, fine car service. M. D. Lee, 93 6th St. WANTED HOUSEKEEPER ON A RANCH at Edel Brau Hotel. Call until 2 o'clock or address Thos. Dixon, Rldgeneld, Wash. STRANGER IN CITY WISHES TO MEET working girl 25 to 30; object, matrlmoy ; can give good home. S 82, Oregonian. WANTED OPERATORS AND GIRLS TO learn shlrtmaklng. Apply Standard Fac tory, 2 Grand ave.. and E. Taylor st. WANTED A GIRL TO ASSIST IN GEN eral housework ; must understand cook ing. Apply at 770 Overton st. WANTED FIRST-CLASS CLOAK AND suit salesladies. Apply with references to J. S. Graham, Seattle, Wash. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. $43 Washington St., cor. 7th, upstairs. Phone Main 2692. WANTED THOROUGHLY CAPABLE COOK, first-class private family; wages $35. 230 Yamhill. Phone Main 5413. WANTED EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR second work and care of baby; wages $25. 230 Yamhill. Main 5413. WOMAN TO ASSIST WITH WORK; NO OB jectlon to child. Riverside Hotel, St. Johns. Phone Union 3102. GIRLS WANTED FOR LAUNDRY WORK, steady employment, good wages, cool work rooms. Troy Laundry Co. WANTED A GIRL TO GO TO THE BEACH: must have a knowledge of cooking, small family. 251 N. 21st st. WANTED GIRL TO DO SECOND WORK In a home bakery : good wages and short hours. Call 183 3d st. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOL'SE- work In family of two. at 253 Union Ave. N. Inqulre mornings WORKING GIRLS GET room, $2.50 week; bath. Phone East 261. BOARD AND 385 E. Ankeny. COAT FINISHERS MUST WORK BUTTON holes. Columbia Woolen Mills, corner 7th and Stark sts. WANTED AT HOB ART-CURTIS WATT ressee and a pantry woman at once, 14th and Jefferson. COOK AND HELPER; PREFER 2 GOOD strong women or man and wife. Golden West Hotel. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work; good plain cook, two In family. 812 Johnson si. BRIGHT WOMEN TO SELL dress forms; good commission. 6th st. SCHELL'S Apply 228 WANTED TWO EXPERIENCED CHAM bermalds; Scandinavian preferred. The Hill. WANTED COMPETENT GIRL FOR GEN eral housework. 715 Lovejoy St., cor. 22d. FIRST-CLASS WAITRESS 20. ROOM AND board and chambermaid. 285U Washington. GIRL OR WOMAN TO WASH DISHES AND help in kitchen. 350 Madison, cor Park. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK; good wages. 585 5th, or phone Main 3579. WANTED GOOD CHAMBERMAID. NEW Grand Central Hotel. Phone Main 1528. WANTED WAITRESSES FOR BREAKERS Hotel. Phone J. M. Arthur, East 325. EXPERIENCED SALESGIRL APPLY THIS morning before 10 o'clock, 171 3d st. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. two In family. 146 N. 24th st. WANTED YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST second work. Apply 506 Hoyt st. WANTED GIRL. STEADY WORK. CALL at 55 N. Front, comer Davis. WANTED LADY TEACHER. APPLY 145H 1st St.. from 1 to 4:30 F. M. WANTED A GIRL TO DO HOUSEWORK. Aprly at 246 Caruthers St. YOUNG GIRL TO ADDRESS ENVELOPES at home. D 83, Oregonian. 1684 10TH GOOD STRONG GIRL TO As sist in general housework. WANTED GIRLS TO MAKE) All" overalls at 75 1st at. WANTED A YOUNG GIRL TO TAKE CARB of baby. Phone E. 1950. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED WAITRESS at 103 12th st. LADY COOK 6th St. WANTED. APPLY 82 N. HELP WANTED cMALE OR FEMALE. WANTED A MAN AND WIFE TO WORK at my home adjoining city. Staples the Jeweler, 162 lat at. HELP WANTED MALE OR FKMAI.1. tO WAITRESSES, 3 COAST, CITY, VIL lages; chambermaids, cooks, housework, dishwashers, waiters, donkey engineer, tallers, buckers, graders, farmhands. Drake's. 205Vfc Washington. WANTED 20 LIVE MEN OR WOMEN, city or road, salary and commission, ex perience unnecessary ; easy proposition. 191 14th st., city. COMPOSITOR WANTED IN WEEKLY printing office; prefer girl or boy with one or two years' experience. L 84, Oregonian. WANTED GIRLS IN SHIRT FACTORY; good wages, steady work. Apply Oregon City Woolen Mills, Oregon City, Or. LADY OR' GENTLEMAN TO JOIN LIGHT comedy company at coast, also pianist. Ad dress G 82. Oregonian. MORE ARTISTS WANTED; BXPBRI enced; bring sanplea of work. Chapman Adv. Co. SITUATION WANTED MAXE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. BOOKKEEPING I WILL POST YOUR books, make up your statements and take off monthly trial balance, at small expense; sat isfaction guaranteed. Murton, the account ant. 318 Chamber Commerce. Main 36S1. A PRACTICAL MAN OF UNQUESTIONED ability, accurate accountant and stenog rapher and of exemplary habits, desires position. C S3, Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER OR CLERK WOULD PUR chase interest if suited; sober, responsible; bank references. H 73, Oregonian. EMPLOYMENT OFFICES. . The Directory. 412 Dekum old., has the largest list of applicants In the city; every occupation, reliable help supplied promptly without charge. Phone Pacific 2520. WANTED HOTEL MAN, 15 YEARS' Ex perience; lost position by earthquake In California; desires position as chief clerk or manager. 390 North 21st st. Phone Main 4042. JAPANESE LABOR ASSOCIATION CAN furnish domestic servants, farmers also; all kinds of help. Main 4659. 268 Evarett. YOUNG MAN HANDY WITH TOOLS would like to learn the plumbing trade. S. J. Petersen. 201 Cherry st.. city. SOBER MAN WANTS POSITION AT PR1 vate place as coachman and take care of lawn. Q 82, Oregonian. LANDSCAPE GARDENING BY COMPETENT man. by the day or week. Address W. C. West. 389 B. Davis st. JAPANESE BOY WANTS SITUATION AS bellboy In hotel or any other place. N 83, Oregonian. BOY WANTS TO WORK ON DAIRY, GOOD milker. Call 206 Harrison at. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers, WANTED POSITION AS BOOKKEEPER and stenographer; experience in lumber of fice; good references. V 84. Oregonian. Dressmakers. DRESSMAKING OR PLAIN SEWING IN your homes; terms reasonable. Phone Main 4660. MRS TAFORCE. OF SAN FRANCISCO; fashionable dressmaking and designing. 195 10th st. Housekeepers. WANTED BY MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN, housekeeper for gentleman, good cook, neat housekeeper, with 6-year-old boy; no ob jection to country. Apply 28 ,5th St., Port land, Or., room 8. SITUATION WANTED; young woman with boy widower's family. 230 5413. RESPECTABLE 3 housekeeper Yamhill. Main Nurses. EXPERIENCED MIDDLE-AGED NURSE, references, wishes care Invalid or elderly couple; willing to travel. 230 Yamhill. Phone Main 5413. YOUNG LADY, PRACTICAL NURSE, would) nurse gentleman going to Denver for fare. R 84. Oregonian. Miscellaneous. YOUNG LADY DESIRES SITUATION AS companion and assistant In family where she might have a good home. M 82, Ore gonian. WOMAN WANTS PLACE AS COOK, daughter as waitress, In the- same private family. Phone East 1182. TWO GIRLS WANT A PLACE TO DO D1N-ing-room work In or out of town. 60S Thurmon st. WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS WANTED TO REPRESENT THH Old Reliable Nurseries; commissions ad vanced weekly; write quick for choice of territory. Albany Nurseries, Albany, Or. A RARE OPPORTUNITY FOR EXPBRI enced mercantile salesman In or out of Portland. Coll this week, 215 Oregonian bldg. BIG PAY TO ONE AGENT IN EACH COUN ty, working for the Investors' Guide. 311 Marquam bldg. , Portland, Or. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO RENT HOUSES, COTTAGES, flats, stores, offices, rooming-bouses, etc. Landlords will do well to call on Portland Trust Company of Oregon, S. E. cor. 3d and Oak. Phone Exchange 72. WANTED TO RENT FOR 2 MONTHS OR longer by mother and daughter, a 3 to 5 room furnished cottage or flat ; must bo modem, on the West Side and close In. J 83, Oregonian, WANTED HOUSES AND COTTAGES. EAST and West Sides; will rent at once. Donald G. Woodward, agent, 104 2d st. Phone Main 1436. Administrator of estates. WANTED COTTAGE AT BEACH FOR July and August; must be desirably lo cated. 324 Chamber of Commerce, or phone Main 2363. WANTED BY NURSE, HOUSEKEEPING room, unfurnished; telephone and gas, pri vate family. S 84, Oregonian. HOUSES, FLATS, STORES. ROOMING- houses, orrices. etc; carerul attention astmrej. H. W. Lindhard. McKay bldg. MAN AND WIFE WOULD LIKE TO TAKB care of a furnished house lor people leav ing city. P 84. Oregonian. WANTED BY MAN AND WIFE, ROOM and board in private family, close in; state price. E 83, Oregonian. WANTED FURNISHED HOUSE BY MAN and wife and grown daughter; references, B 80, Oregonian. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. Main 5655. Main 5655. FURNITURE WANTED for SPOT CASH. Portland Auction Rooms. A. Schubach, Prop. 211 First Street Main 5655. Main 5635. DEADsIIORSES HAULED AWAY PROMPTLY free; highest prices paid for bones. Oregon Fertilizer Works, 792 Thurman. Main 1966. WANTED MEN'S CART-OFF CLOTHING and shoes: highest price paid. Call at the "Fair Deal," 62 N. 3d. Phone Pacific 1722. WANTED TO BUY NATIONAL CASH REG lsters, both new and second-hand; highest cash price paid. C 11, Oregonian. WE WILL BUY FOR CASH YOUR FTJRNI ture, carpers, etc., now. Western Salvage Co., 627 Washington st. FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS . Don't worry, lose time or money. Call up Pacific 793. WANTED TWO MEN WITH TEAMS TO haul wood In the country. Apply 183 Mad ison st. WANTED LARGE city; late edition. WALL MAP OF THE 303 Chamber Commerce. WE CALL FOR DEAD HORSES AND CAT tle free of charge. Phone East 223$. WANTED LOCATION FOR PHOTOGRAPH gallery. R 83. Oregonian. FOR RENT. THE ANGELUS, 272 OTH ST.. CORNER Jefferson. Front suites and single rooms; prices reasonable. 394 COLUMBIA. CORNER 10TH. NICELY furnished rooms, gas, porcelain bath, walk ing distance. PLEASANT FURNISHED ROOMS. MOD era and very reasonable, at 168 11th st.