Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 17, 1906, Page 15, Image 15

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Government's Forecast Indi
cates a Record-Breaker.
Xast Year, Even With an Immense
Yield, Export Prices at Calcutta
Were 25 Per Cent Larger
Than in Previous Season.
JUTE Indian crop will be largest on
WHEAT New crop buying at spot
FLOTTR Oriental demand holds off.
FRUIT Wreck holds back supplies.
POTATOES Future of market un
certain. EGOS Local and shipping; movement
Frank Woolsey. agent for Ralli Bros., re
ceived a cablegram yesterday giving" the In
dian government's first forecast this season
of the Jute crop, which. If present conditions
are borne out, will break all records. The
government makca two estimates each year,
which In the past have been found to cor
respond closely with the actual outturn. The
acreage this year Is placed at 3,275,000, and
the production at 8,850,000 bales. The con
dition is given at 90 per cent, which is very
The Jute acreage and production, according
to the British Government's figures, in the
past six years was as follows:
Acres. Balea
1900 8,145,000 8,200.000
1904 2,860,000 7,400.000
fl08 . 2,250,000 7,150,000
1902 2.200,000 6,500.000
1901 2.244,000 7,300,000
3900 2,433.400 6,450,000
What effect this big crop will have upon
prices remains to be seen, but from the ex
periences of the past oeason it does not look
as If values can be lowered materially. The
production In 1906 wot 8,200.000 bales, ths
largest on record, yet the average export price
at Calcutta was 25 per cent higher than in
the previous year. This goes to show that al
though the production of jute Is growing, the
demand is Increasing even faster than the pro
duction. Tho crop as above estimated will be
harvested In the next few weeks and deliv
eries will be made on this coast In (he com
ing Spring.
The local bag market holds firm around the
lO-cent mark. Buying for the season is about
over, though there are still some farmers who
have held off waiting to see If there would be
a break In prices.
Puget Syind Buyers Paying Same as for
Spot Grain.
A LIVERPOOL, cable received by a wheat
exporter yesterday quoted the English market
"very firm and Russian crop conditions de
plorable." The local wheat market was quiet
and unchanged. There has been some buying
of :icw crop club wheat by Puget Sound In
terests at 71 cents, the same price as quoted
on .spot wheat, which would Indicate that no
decline in new wheat prices Is looked for. In
fact some dealers express the opinion that the
bottom of the market has been reached andi
any change from now on will be In the na
ture of an advance. Fragmentary crop re
ports received from East of the mountains In
dicate considerable damage in some sectiona
by hot winds. One exporter' stated It as hls
belief yesterday that the damage to the crop
as a whole would amount to 25 per cent.
The weekly wheat statistics of the Mer
chants' exchange show the American visible
supply as follows:
Bushels. Decrease.
July 10, 1906 - 24.248,000 TOO, 000
July 17. 1005 12,839,000 1,084,000
July 18, 1004 12. 7 1 0, 0OO 809, OOO
July 13, 190a : 14311.000 1.65WOOU
July 14, 1002 19,805,000 tl86,000
July 15, 1901 27.079,000 1,709,000
July 1ft, 1900 , 46,081,000 790.000
July 17, 1890 34.440.000 424.(00
July 18, 1896 10,461.000 2,056.000
Quantities on passage compare as follows:
3 3 3
i - fever tv
FOR. erg cr
; ; ?
bu. bu. I bu
Cntt.4 Klnirtfom. 21.440.000 23.600.000l24,400.000
Continent 8,240.0001 9.8CO,0O0lT.200.OO0
ToUl 29,680,000, 33.520.00t41, 600.000
' World's shipments of wheat, flour Included,
from the principal exporting; countries:
i s-
alt si -ss
FROM. 5j 5s bZ
: :
bu. . ! bu. bu.
V. S . Canada. . 1.502.0001 1.3S6.000 1.030,000
Argentina 1.132,000 SS8.000I 2.PS4.00O
Australia 80.0001 160.000 1 18.000
Panublan port.. SBO.OOOI 336.000 ' 472.000
r.jsela 1.96S.00O 2.4i0.000 4,720.000
India 1. 160.0001 &3V.000 1.824.000
Total a.282.00ol 6.108.000 11.136.000
Deciduous Fruit Held Buck by Wreck Down
the Road.
Two cam of watermelons arrived yesterday
Two cars of watermelons arrived yesterday
and two cars of cantaloupes were unloaded.
The latter were not all In good condition. A
car of bananas was also received that was too
ripe. 0?her heavy arrivals were a car each
of lemons. oranges. and potatoes and
anions. The wreck on the Southern Pacific has
tied up a lot of produce. In two cara
of green fruit, one car of lemons, one of
cantaloupes and two of onions. Peaches were
In only moderate supply yesterday, and were
D.eM Arm. Some fancy Crawfords from Win
ters brought SI. 10 a box. A San Francisco
wire etates that fruit Is scarce in California,
as plums are giving out and it Is between
times In peaches.
Potato shippers are without definite Informa
tion yet on which to base forecasts of the
coming season. It is known the Oregon crop
will be large, but what effect the unusual
weather has had on Quality Is uncertain. Some
damage has been dons to the California crop
by floods.
Ears Move Better.
The cooler weather stimulate,! the local de
mand for eggs somewhat and with, better
shipping orders the market had a steadier
There were no receipts of poultry during the
The butter market was without fresh feat
ure. Royal Annee About Cleaned Cp.
SAN FRANCISCO. July 16. (Special.)
Thar were few scattered sales In Royal
Annas at 7H and 8 cents. The market l.
oxteariy ciwuq up.
wnpunrw ri"vir nujrrn wail.
Ths export flour market is atlll aulet. A lit-
A business Is being done with South and
central American ports and soma flour la go
ing to Hong Kong, but the expected buying
by the Japanese in anticipation of the In
crease in duty on October 1 has not yet ma
terialized. If ths Japanese expect to stock
up before that date the hip meats will have
to be made not later Chan the coming
month, but up to the present time they have
given no Indication of liberal buying. It Is
surmised that the Orientals arc figuring on
securing cheaper flour when the new crop
comes in that will offset the higher tarilT, but
they may get left in this deal.
Bank Clearings.
Bank clearings of the leading cities of the
Northwest yesterday were :
Clearings. Balances.
Portland. $1,171,193 $172,380
Seattle . 1,590.489 873.9TO
Tacoma 747.226 178.139
Spokane 669.520 22.669
FLOUR Patents. $4.10 per barrel;
straights, $3.45: clears. 3.253.40; Valley.
$3.503.65; Dakota hard wheat, patents.
$5.4O5.60; clears. $4.25; graham, $3.50;
whole wheat, $3.75; rye flour, local, $3;
Eastern, $5.40; cornmeal, per bale, $1,90 9
MILLSTUFFS Bran, city. $17; country,
$18 per ton; middlings, $25.5026; shorts,
city, $1S; country, $11 per ton; chop, U. S.
Mills, $17.50; linseed dairy food, $18; Acalfa
meal, $18 per ton. on
WHEAT Club, 71c; bluestem, 73c; red, 69c;
Valley. 7lc.
OATS No. 1 white feed. $32; gray, $3i
per ton.
BARLEY Feed, $23.75 per ton; brewing,
$24; rolled, $24.5025.50.
RYE $1.50 per cwt.
CEREAL FOODS Rolled oats, cream, 90
pound sacks, $7; lower grades, $5.506.75;
oatmeal, steel cut, 50-pound sacks, $3 per
barrel; 10-pound sacks, $4,116 per bale; oat
meal (ground), 30-pound sacks. $7.50 per
barrel; 10-pound sacks, $4 per bale; split
peas, $5 per 100-pound sacks; 25-pound
boxes. $1.40; pearl barley, $4.25 per 100
pounds; 25-pound boxes, $1.25 per box,
pastry flour, 10-pound sacks, $2.50 per bale.
HAY Valley timothy. No. 1, $11012.50
per ton; clover, $8.50 9; cheat, $0.507;
grain hay, $7S; alfalfa. $11.
Vegetables, Fruits, Etc.
DOMESTIC FRUITS Apples, $1.5001.75 per
box; apricots, $1.50u.75: cherries, 48c per
pound; currants, 9&d0c; figs, Diack, $2; grapee,
$1,756-2 per box of 20 pounds; peaches, 75c
$1.10; pears, $1.5oti&.25; plums, $131.25; Lo
gan berries, $1.351.40 pel crate; raspberries,
$1.751.85; blackberries, 8c; gooseberries, 8c
per pound.
MELONS Cantaloupes, 55 25 per crate;
watermelons. 2CJc per pound.
TROPICAL FRUITS Lemons. $5 7 per
box; oranges, Mediterranean sweets, $4.50;
Valenclas. $4.50 5; navels, $4.50 4.75;
grapefruit, $44.50, pineapples, $3 4 per
doxen; bananas, 5544c per pound; limes,
75c per 100.
cabbage, l&4c per pound; corn, 25035c per
dozen ; cucumbers, hothouse, 30 50c per
dozen; field, 75c$l per box; egg plant. 35c
per pound; lettuce, head, 25c per dozen;
onions, 10 912 He per dozen; peas, 4 5c,
peppers, 25c ; radishes, 1015c per
dozea; rhubarb, 22o per pound; spinach, 2
3o per pound; tomatoes. $1.252.26 per box;
hothouse, S2.503.50; parsley, 25c; squash,
$191.25 per crate.
ROOT VEGETABLES Turnips, 90c $1
per sack; carrots, $l1.25 per sack; beets,
$1.251.50 per sack; garlic. 1012&c per
ONIONS New, red, llc per pound;
new yellow, 134 2c per pound.
POTATOES Buying prices: Fancy grades
old Burbanks, 4050c per sack; ordinary, nom
inal : new potatoes, 75c$l.50.
DRIED FRUITS Apples, 14c per pound;
apricots, 13 15c; peaches, 12 13c; pears,
llH14c; Italian prunes. 5I-iSc; California
figs, white, in sacks, 56Hc per pound;
black. 45c; brlckB, 1214-ounce packages,
75 S5c per box ; Smyrna, 20c per pound,
dates, Persian, 66Hc per pound.
RAISINS Seeded. 12-ounce packages. 8
8c; 16-ounce, 9V4 10c; loose muscatels,
2-crown. 64 7c; 3-crown, Q 74c; 4
cro wn, 7 7 c ; unbleached, seedless Sul
tanas, 67c; Thompson's fancy bleached, 10
llc; London layers, 3-crown. whole boxes
of 20 pounds. $2; 2-crown, $1.75.
Butter, Eggs, Poultry, Etc.
BUTTER City creameries: Extra cream
ery, 21 c per pound. State creameries:
Fancy creamery, 17H20c; store butter,
EGGS Oregon ranch, 21ii22c per dozen;
Eastern, 2021c.
CHEESE Oregon full cream twins, 12H
13c; Young America, : , n -.
POULTRY Average old hens, HeiZc:
mixed chickens, 11 12c ; fryers, 16 17c :
broilers, 151646c; roosters, 910c; dressed
chickens, 1415c; turkeys, live, 16617c;
turkeys, dressed, choice. 17 22 c ; geese,
live, per pound. 88Uc ; ducks. l2H13c ;
pigeons. $11.50, squabs, $1.75 2.
Hops, Wool. Hides, Etc.
HOPS Oregon. 1905. 11c ; olds, 8c per
WOOL Eastern Oregon average best, 18
23Hc; Valley, coarse. 2223fcc; fine, 24c
per pound.
MOHAIR Choice, 28 30c per pound.
HIDES Dry: No. 1, 16 pounds and up.
per pound, 1820c; dry kip, No. L 5 to 15
pounds, 1821c per pound; dry salted bull
and stags, one-third less than dry flint;
culls, moth-eaten, badly cut. scored, mur
rain, halr-sllpped, weatherbeaten or grubby,
2c to 3c per pound less. Salted hides:
Steers, sound, 60 pounds and over, per
pound, 10 11c; steers. Bound, 50 to 60
pounds, 10llc per pound; steers, sound,
under 50 pounds, and cows, 9 10c per
pound; stags and bulls, sound. 7c per pound,
kip, sound, 15 to 30 pounds, 10c per pound;
veal, sound. 10 to 14 pounds, 11c per pound;
calf, sound, under 10 pounds, 11 12c per
pound; green (unsalted), 1c per pound less;
veals, lc per pound less. Sheepskins: Shear
lings, No. 1 butchers' stock, each, 25 30 o;
short wool. No. 1 butchers' stock, each, 50
60c; medium wool. No. 1 butchers' stock,
each. $1.25 2; murrain pelts, from 10 to 20
per cent less, or 15 16c per pound. Horse
hides: Salted, each, according to size, $1.50
2.50; dry. each, according to size. $11.50;
colts' hides, each, 2550c. Goatskins: Com
mon, each, 1525c, Angora, with wool on,
each. 30c$1.50.
FURS No. l skins: Bearskins, as to size,
each. $5 20; cubs, each. $13; badger,
prime, each, 2550c; cat. wild, with head
perfect, 30 50c; house cat, 5 20c; fox,
common gray, large prime, each. 50 70c ;
red, each. $3 5 , cross, each. $5 13 ; silver
and black, each. $100 300; fishers each,
$58; lynx, each, $4. 50 6; mink, strictly
No. 1. each, according to size. $13; mar
ten, dark Northern, according to size and
color, each, $1015; pale pine, according to
size and color, each. $2,50 4 ; muskrat,
large, each, 12 15c; skunk, each. 40QOc;
civet or pole cat, each. 5 15c; otter, large,
prime skin, each, $6 10; panther with head
and claws perfect, each, $2 5; raccoon
prime large, each, 5075c; mountain wolf,
with head perfect, each. $3.50 5; prairie
(coyote). 60c$l; wolverine, each, $ti8
beaver, per skin, large, $56; medium, $3
7; small. $11.50; kits. 5075c.
BEESWAX Good, clean and pure 22 &
25c per pound.
TALLOW Prime, per pound, 44UC- No
2 and urease, 23c.
CASCARA SAGRADA (chlttam bark)
New 2 2 He per pound; 1904 and 1905. 3c in
small lots. 344c In carlots.
GRAIN BAGS 10c apiece.
Groceries. Nuts, Etc.
RICE Imperial Japan No. 1. 5Hc; South
ern Japan, 5.40c; head. 6.75c.
COFFEE Mocha. 262Sc; Java, ordinary
18 22c ; Costa Rica, fancy, is 20c ; good
16 18c; ordinary. 1922c per pound- Co
lumbia roast, cases. 100s, $14 73; 50s $14 75
Arbuckle. $16.23; Lion. $14.75 e-iw.
SALMON Columbia River. 1-pound tails
$1.73 per dozen; 2-pound talis. $2.40. 1-pound
flats, $1.10; Alaska pink. 1-pound tallsf 90c
red, 1-pound talis, $125; sockeye, 1-pound
tails. $1.70.
SUGAR Sack basis, 100 pounds: Cubs
$5.40; powdered. $5.15; dry granulated'
$5.05; extra C, $460; golden C. $4.45; fruit
sugar, $5.05. Advances over sack basis as
follows: Barrels, 10c; H-harrels. 25c, boxes
SOe per 100 pounds. .Terms: On remittances
within 15 days deduct He per pound; if later
than 15 days and within 30 days, deduct He
Sugac granulated. $4.83 per 100 pounds
maple sugar, 1518c per pound. '
NUTS Walnuts, 15 He per pound by aaek
Hc extra for less than sack; Brazil nuts!
16c; filberts, 16c; pecans. Jumbos. 16c; extra
large. 17c; "almonds. 14 H 15c, chestnut
Italian, l2H16c; Ohio. 20c; peanuts, raw,
7Hc per pound; roasted, 9c; pinenuts, lo
12c; bictory nuts. TH8c; cocoanuts. 33
90c per dozen.
SALT California dairy, $11 per ton; imi
tation Liverpool. $12 per ton; half-ground
100s. $9: 50s. $9.50, lump Liverpool, $17.30
BEANS Small white, 4Hc; large white
4Hc; pink. 2c; bayou. 4Hc; Lima, 5Vc,
Mexican red. 4Hc
TURPENTINE Cases, Sic per gallon.
COAL Cases, 19c per gallon; tanks, 12Hc
psr gallon.
WHITE LEAD Ton lota, 7c; 500-pound
lots. Sc; less than 500-pound lots. SHc. .In
23-pound tin palls, lc above keg price; 1 to
5-pound tin palls, lc above keg price; 1 to
5-pound tin cans, 100 pounds per case, 2 He
per pound above keg price.)
GASOLINE Stove, cases, 24 He; 72 test.
27 He; 88 test, 35c; iron tanks, 19c.
LINSEED Raw, in barrela, 47c; In cases,
5Sc : boiled, in barrels, 50c ; in cases, 35c ;
25-gallon lots, lc less.
Provisions and Canned Meats.
BACON Fancy breakfast. 20c per pound;
standard breakfast, ISc; choice. 17c; English.
11 to 14 pounds. 16c; peach. 15c.
HAMS 10 'to 14 pounds. 16c per pound;
14 to 16 pounds, 15Hc; IS to 20 pounds,
ISHc; California (picmo. 12c; cottage,
none; shoulders. UHc; boiled. 23c; boiled
picnic, boneless. 18c.
PICKLED GOODS Pork, barrels, $21 ;
H-barrels, $11; beef, barrels, $11; H-barrels.
SAUSAGE Ham. 13c per pound; minced
ham. 10c; Summer, choice dry. 17c; bo
logna, long, 7c; welnerwurst. 10c; liver, 6c;
pork. 9 10c ; headcheese, 6c ; blood, 6c ;
bologna sausage. -link. 4c.
DRY SALT CURED R'egular short clears,
dry salt. llc; Bmoked, 12?4c; clear backs,
dry salt. 11 He; smoked. 12Hc; clear bellies,
14 to' 17 pounds average, dry salt, 13tAc;
smoked, 14Hc; Oregon exports, 20 to 25
pounds average, dry salt 12c, smoked 13c;
Union bellies, 10 to IS pounds average, none.
LARD Leaf lard, kettle rendered: Tierces
llHc. tuba llHc; 50a, HHc; 20s. HHc:
10s. 12c; 5s, l-'sc. Standard pure: Tierces,
10Hc; tubs, lOHc; 50s, IOHc; 20s, 10'c;
10s, 11c; 5s, llHc. Compound: Tierces,
7Hc; tubs, 7c; 50s. 7c; 10s. 8Hc; 5s.8Hc
Dressed Meats.
VEAL Dressed, 75 to 125 pounds, 6H7c.
125 to 50 pounds, 7c; 150 to 200 pounds. 6c;
200 pounds and up. 5H6c.
BEEF Dressed bulls. 3c per pound; cows,
4Vi5Hc; country steers, 5 6c.
MUTTON Dressed fancy, 7 8c per
pound; ordinary, 5 6c; lambs, fancy, 8
PORK Dressed. 100 to ISO pounds, 8
&c; 150 to 2O0 pounds, 7H8c; 200 pounds
and up, 77Hc.
Dried Fruit at New York.
NEW YORK, July 18. The market for
evaporated apples Is firm; prime, lld4c;
choice, ! i : : : fancy, 12c.
Prunes are said to be maturing earlier than
expected, thus promising larger supplies for
the early Autumn than previously anticipat
ed. Spot, firm, 7Hc to 8c, according to
Apricots, unchanged; choice, 13c; extra
choice. 1314c; fancy. 1414Hc.
Peaches, firm; choice. 10 lie; extra
choice, lUiCllHc; fancy, ll3412c; extra
fancy. 1212Hc.
Raisins are In good jobbing demand. Loose
muscatels. 6H7c; seeded raisins,
London layers. $1.65.
Xield Is Estimated by Local Dealer
at Only Half of Last
Henry L. Bents, of Aurora, yesterday re
ceived) the following cablegram from M. II.
Durst, who is now in London:
"Prospects much better than at this time
last week. Mould and vermine causing much
damage. English hop crop will be small."
Even the most sanguine bears in the hop
trade have about given up hope of the Eng
lish crop helping them out this year. A prom
inent dealer stated yesterday that according
to his advices the English crop would only
be half what it was last year. In 1905, ac
cording to the English government's figures,
the crop was 695,043 cwt. An average crop
in England is about 500,000 cwt.
The Maidstone Southeastern Gazette, of June
26, said of crop conditions in that country:
The bine has made good progress as a re
sult of the warm weather of the past week.
The insect trouble, however. Is Mill very se
vere, and growers find repeated washings of
little avail, as fresh fly arrive daily in large
quantities. The thunderstorm of Saturday
night Is expected to improve the condition of
the plant, but a large crop cannot be looked
A dally contemporary, speaking the other
day on the prevalence of vermin among hops,
fruit and crops generally, remarked that "we
are on the verge of an insect peat unprece
dented for many years." So far as the hops
are concerned, the attack of aphis is already
more severe than It has been for a number of
seasons, and growers are hoping that they .are
no "on the verge" of the pest, but have
passed through the worst part of It. The
quantity of aphides, however, have at present
shown no signs of diminution In any of the
districts, notwithstanding the fact that In
many cases gardens have been thoroughly
washed three times. Immediately After each
wash the leaves have apparently been clean of
their unwelcome guests, but in a comparatively
short period they have once more been cov
ered as quickly as ever, and it has been al
most impossible to recognize that the work
has been carried out.
Prices Current Locally on Cattle. Sheep and
The following livestock prices were quoted
In the local markets yesterday:
CATTLE Beet steers. $3.753.86; medium,
$3.253.50; cows, $2.75; second-grade cows,
$2.25; bulls, $1.502; calves, $44.50.
SHEEP Clipped, $4: lambs, $5.
H OG B $77. 25 ; light. $6.506.75.
Prices Current at Chicago. Kansas City and
CHICAGO, July 18. Cattle Receipts, 27,
000. 5 10c lower; beeves, r$4. 106.2O ; stock-
ers and feeders. $2.604.40; cows and heifers,
$1.305.3O; calves, $57.
Hogs Receipts today, 56,000; 10c lower;
mixed and butchers, $6.456.80; good to
choice heavy, $6.506.85; rough heavy, $6.10
6.35; light, $6.356.80; pigs, $5.656.30; bulk
of sales, $6.706.SO.
Sheep Receipts, 20.000; 10c lower; sheep,
$3.106; lambs, $4.758.
KANSAS CITY. Mo., July 16. Cattle Re
ceipts, 11,000; market, steady; native steers,
$46.10; native cows and heifers, $25.50:
atockers and feeders, $2.504.25 ; Western
cows. $2.504.50; Western steers, $S.755.75;
bulls. $2.254; calves. $2.506.
Hogs Receipts, 6000; market, 10c lower;
bulk of sales, $6.606.65; heavy, $6.62
6.67H: packers, $6.62H0.70; pigs and light,
Sheep Receipts, 4000; market, steady;
muttons, $56.25; Iambs, $68; range wethers,
$5. 25 0.25; range ewes, $4.755.50.
SOUTH OMAHA, July 16. Cattle Re
ceipts, 3500; market, steady; native Bteers,
$4.356.06; cows and heifers. $34.40; West
ern steers. $S.504.75; cows and heifers, $2.25
4.50; etockers and feeders, $34.25; calves,
$2.755.75; bulls, stags, etc., $2.504.30.
Hogs Receipts, 5000; market, 610c lower;
heavy, $6.456.S5; mixed. $6.456.50; light,
$6.47H6.52H; PlSS. $5.506.25; bulk of sales,
Sheep Receipts, 7500; market, steady;
yearlings, $5.256.25; wethers, $55.75; ewes,
$4.755.40; lambs, $6.507.45.
Dairy Produce In the East.
CHICAGO, July 16. On the Produce Ex
change today the butter market was steady;
creameries, 1619Hc; dairies, 1517Hc. Eggs,
steady at mark, cases Included, 1214Hc;
firsts, 14Hc; prime firsts, 16c; extras, 18c
Cheese, firm. 1 1 ;e,
" NEW YORK, July 16. Butter, steady;
street prices, extra creamery, 2021c; of
ficial prices, creamery, common to extra, 16H
OtaOHc: renovated, common to extra, 1218Hc;
Western factory, common to firsts, 1317c;
Western Imitation creamery extras, ISHe; do
firsts. 16tiUl7Hc.
Cheese Firm ; new state full cream, large
rancy, ll4c; fair to good, 10ic; all small
fancy. llHc; fair to good, 10Hio4c; infe
rior. 894c.
Egga Firm; Western firsts, 1717Hc: do
lower grades, l516Hc: Southerns. 1516c
Coffee and Sugar.
NEW YORK. July 16 Market for cof
fee futures closed steady, net unchanged to 5
points higher. Trading was very quiet here
most of the session, but there was some
switching In the late trading, which brought
the day's total business up to 35,250 bags, in
cluding December, at 6.06.5oc; March, 6.75c;
May, 699c: Spot Rio, steady; No. 7, 7c;
mild, steady.
Sugar Raw, steady; fair reflnlng. 3 7-32c;
centrifugal. 06 test. 3 31-32c: molasses sugar,
2 31 -32c. Refined, steady: crushed, $5.40;
powdered, $4.60: granulated. $9.70.
Elgin Butter Market.
ELGIN, 111.. July 16 Butter was firm to
trtrtnv Anil imr.han irrvl frnm last l- -. m
1 cents. Output for the weak, 996.000 pounds.
Stocks Recover Partly From
Selling Attack.
Easier Feeling Over Money Situation
Caused by Purchase of Gold in
London Amalgamated Cop
per Helped Along.
NEW YORK, JuJy 16. Ths relaxation In
the pressure to sell stocks, which had been in
evidence at declines for several days, was
not altered materially today by the advance
in prices. A material change in the tone of
the market was the consequence. Hitherto,
the sentiment of the speculation has contend
ed in vain against the steady and determined
pressure to sell stocks whenever prices turned
upwards and on every occurence which could
be interpreted in a way favorable to values.
Uncovered bears showed more uneasiness to
day than at any time since the decline, as a
result of the light offerings of stocks which
appeared in the market. Their buying was not
on a very heavy scale, as is testified by the
moderate aggregate of the day's sales, but
they were obliged to raise bids consecutively
to fill up their needs and a rather wide and
comprehensive rise in prices followed. Opin
ion was general that the demand was still
largely confined to the short interest, and It
was not considered probable that their de
mand would spring up at the sharp recovery
after having been so backward at all reces
sions. The belief has become prevalent, how
ever, that buying of a substantial character
has been in effect for several days.
The principal event of the day was the pur
chase in the open market in London of
$2,000,000 in gold for shipment to New York.
The demonstration of the ability to draw gold
without the facility of Government deposits
caused an easier feeling over the money sit
uation. The pries for the gold, however, was
at an advance of a tull penny over the mar
ket price. Sterling exchange at Paris also
fell back. The call money market here was
easy in spite of some large requlrepaents fall
ing due on the 15th, and the 40 per cent in
stallment payable on Baltimore & Ohio stock
subscriptions. Saturday's strong bank state
ment had some belated influence in helping
stocks. Something was made also of the
coming return of J. P. Morgan to New York,
which occasioned a revival of the rumor of the
Greet Northern ore lands deal wrth the United
States Steel Corporation.
Hopes are entertained that the manner in
which tho Panama Canal bond flotation is be
ing managed may yield some help to the
money market by the shifting about of Gov
ernment deposit. A strong market for cop
per in London -was a favorable factor for
Amalgamated Copper. The rise in the minor
Vanaerbilts was based on the organised agita
tion for an increase in the dividend distribu
tion on Michigan Central. The demand be
came very dull late in the day, so that there
were fractional recessions and a slightly
heavy closing, but active selling pressure was
not renewed and substantial net gains re
mained as a result of the day's business.
Bonds were irregular. Total sales, par val
ue, $1. 726,000. United States new 4s ad
vanced 54, the 3e and old c and the 2s
per cent on call.
Sale High. Low. bid.
Adams Express ... ..... 2J0..
Amalg. Copper 85,900 96 93 9o
Am. Car st Fdy... 22,000 35 3
do. preferred 100 99 99 9S
Am. Cotton Oil 200 29 28i 28
do. preferred - 90
Am. Express SO
Am. Hd. & Lr., ptd 700 30 28 23
Am. Ice Securities. 6,200 60 67 59
Am. Linseed Oil JJ
do. preferred 28
Am. Locomotive .. 12,400 69 67 68
do. preferred H2
Am. Smelt. & Ref. 28,000 144 144 143
do. preferred .... 100 115 115 115
Am. Sugar Ref.... 1.400 129 129 129
Am. Tobacco, pfd
Anaconda Mug. Co. 31.700 231 224 230,
Atchison 7.600 87 86 87
do. preferred ..... 99
Atlantic Coast Line. 500 135 133 134
Baltimore Sc Ohio. . 4,500 116 115 116
do. preferred 100 92 92 92
Brook. Rapid Tran. 28,500 74 72Vs 73
Canadian Pacific .. L100 160 158 159
Central Leather ... 800 36 35 30
do. preferred 100
Central of N. J.... 400 222 220 220
Chespk. & Ohio 600 66 65 53
Chicago Gt. West. 400 17 16 16
Chicago & N. W.. 600 197 196 194
Chi., Mil. & St. P. 34,700 176 173 175
Chi. Ter. & Trans Li
do. preferred 32
C, C, & St. L... 1.400 92 80 92
Colo. Fuel Sc Iron.. 12,000 48 46 47
Colo. & Southern.. 1,300 33 32 33
do. 1st preferred. 200 68 68 67
do. 2d preferred. . 500 47 47 47
Consolidated Gas . . 900 138 137 138
Corn Products 500 20 18 19
do. preferred 800 78 77 77
Del. Sc Hudson 500 208 206 208
Del.. Lack. Sc West. 100 495 495 495
Denver & Rio G.. 400 38 38 39
do. preferred 82
Dist. Securities ... 500 65 56 65
Brie 14.100 40 38 40
do 1st preferred. 7.309 77 76 75
do. 2d preferred. . 2.200 68 66 67
Gt. Northern, pfd.. 51,500 293 287 292
Hocking Valley 120
Illinois Central ... 600 176 175 175
Int. Paper 200 17 17 17
do. preferred 82
Int. Pump 400 44 41 41
do. preferred 500 82 81 82
Int. Met 4,100 36 35 35
do. preferred 600 74 73 73
Iowa Central 200 24 24 24
do. preferred 46
K. C. Southern 23
Louis. Sc Nash 1.5O0 141 140 141
Mexican Central .. 300 20 19 20
Minn. & fit. Louts. 200 65 65 64
M.. St. P. & S.S.M 151
do. preferred 169
Missouri Pacific . . . 2,800 90 88 90
Mo., Kan. & Tex. 1,600 32 31 31
do. preferred 300 66 66 66
National Lead 3,600 73 72 73
Nat. R. R. of Mex. 200 39 39 88
N. Y., Ont. & West. 900 47 46 46
Norfolk Sc West... 500 86 86 88
do. preferred 90
North American .. 400 92 92 92
Northern Pacific .. 8,100 201 197 199
Pacific Mail 1.800 S3 32 32
People's Gas 300 89 89 89
P.. C. C. 4 St. I... 100 80 80 75
Pressed Steel Car.. 100 45 45 43
do. preferred 95 u
Reading 115,100 120 117 119
do. 1st preferred 90
do. 2d preferred 90
Republic Steel .... 400 26 25 25
do. preferred .... 700 93 92 93
Rock Mand Co 1.600 23 23 23
do. preferred 300 61 60 60
Schloss Sheffield .. 100 70 70 70
St.L.4iS.F. 2d pfd 41
St. Louis S. W 100 21 21 21
do. preferred 200 51 61 50H
Southern Pacific .. 42,100 67 64 66
do. preferred 600 116 110 116
Soutljem Ry 3,100 34 33 34
do. preferred 1,100 98 97 97
Tenn. Coal & Iron. 200 '141 141 141
Texas & Pacific... 200 30 30 30
Tol.. St. L. & W. . 400 27 27 26
do. preferred 100 45 44 45
Union Pacific- 76.90O 144 141 143
do. preferred 100 92 82 92
TJ. S. Express 118
TJ. S. Realty 700 78 78 78
U. S. Rubber 1,300 40 S9 40
do. preferred 100 107 107 106
U. S. Steel 4.500 S4 33 34
do. preferred 2,000 102 100 101
Va. Car. Chemical. 200 34 34 34
do. preferred 100 106 106 108
Wabash IOO 19 19 19
do. preferred 44
Wells Fargo Ex 270
Westlnghouse Elec 150
Western Union ... 100 91 91 91
Wheeling t L. E 16
Wis. Central 200 23 23 23
do. preferred 200 45 44 45
Total sales for the day. 692,700 shares.
NEW YORK, July 16. Closing Quotations:
U. S. ref. 2s reg.l04!D. Sc R. G. 4s. ..100
do coupon 104!N. Y. a O. 3s. 95
V. S. 3s reg 102 Nor. Pacific 3V . 77
do coupon 103Nor. Pacific 4s.. 104
U. S. new 4s Teg. 128 'So. Pacific 4s... 91'-.
do coupon 129 Vi Union Pacific 4s. 103 H
U. S. old 4s reg.l03Wls. Central 4s.. 89
do coupon 103 'Jap. 6s. 2d ser... 99
Atchison Adj. 4s 94! Jap. 4s, cer 94
Stocks at London.
LONDON. July -16. Consols for money.
87 : consols for account. 87 15-16.
Anaconda 12 Norfolk. & West. 89
j do preferred... 94
Ontario Sc West. 47
p.n..vlvari. ... 644
Baltimore Sc O. . 56
tan. pacific 164
jRand "Mines 5
Ches. & Ohio... 56
rteaoung vv -m
do 1st pref 46
do 2d pref 45
I So. Railway 34
! an nrf erred.. . 102
u. Gt. western. 17
C, M. Sc St. P. .179
De Beers 17
D. & R. Grande. 404
do preferred.. S6
'So. Pacific 60
Brie 40
do 1st pref 79
do 2d pref. ... 69
Illinois Central. 181
Union Pacific 147
do preferred... 9T
!U. S. Steel 34
A nrAfnrrMl 1 03 V,
i-ouls. & Nash.. 145
j do preferred... 454
Mo.. Kas. & T.. 32 S
N. Y. Central. . .133
jSpanlsn ours... vo
Money. Exchange, Kte.
NEW YORK. July 16. Money on call,
easy. 23 per cent: ruling rate. 2 per
cent; closing bid, 2 per cemt; offered, 2
per cent. Time loans, very strong; 60 days.
4B4 per cent; 90 days, 4 per cent, and
ix months, 5e6 per cent, mme mercan
tile paper. $565 per cent.
Sterling exchange, steady at 4.845bh.woo
tor demand, and at 4. 81 8064.8185 for 60-day
bills-. Posted rates. 14.82 and $4.88. Com
mercial bills. $4.81.
Bar silver. 65 c.
Mexican dollars, 50c.
Government bonds, strong; railroad bonds,
r nvnnv swt i -no. nilv.r. firm. 30 7-16d
I).-.-.-.,- 11. 7. nor rent. Discount
rate, short bills, 3 per cent; three months'
bills, 3 1-16 per cent.
SAN FRANCISCO. July 16. Silver bars.
65e. Mexican dollars, 52c. Drafts. 2c; tele
graph, 4c. Sterling on London, 60 days,
$4.82; sight. $4.85.
Daily Treasury Statement.
WASHINGTON, July 16. Today's state
ment of the Treasury balances in the general
fund shows:
Available cash balances . .
Gold coin and bullion ....
Gold certificates
Prices Paid for Products In the Bay City
SAN FRANCISCO. July 16. The following
prices were quoted in the produce market to
day: FRUITS Apples, choice, $1.25: common
60c; bananas, 7ocl-75; Mexican limes, $7
7.50: California lemons, choice. $4.50; com
mon, $2.60; oranges, n.vels, $2.60&4; pineap
ples, Si : 1
VEGJ2TABLBS Cucumbers. 50c; -arlic. 4
Sc; green peas, $101 25; string beans, 103c:
asparagus, $1.251.75; tomatoes, $11.25.
EGGS Store. 1819c; fancy ranch, 20c.
POULTRY Roosters, old, $5"7.60; do
young, $6-56; broilers, small, nominal; broil
ers, large. $2S2.50; fryers. $380.50; hens.
BUTTER Fancy creamery, 20c; creamery
seconds. 18c; fancy dairy. 16c; dairy sec
onds. 18c; pickled, 1617c
CHEESE Young America, 13c; Eastern,
16c; Western, 15c.
WOOL Fall Humboldt and Mendocino, 160
ISc; mountains. 9Mc: South Plains and San
Joaquin, 9'llc.
MILLSTUFFS Bran. $19630; middlings,
HAY Wheat, $17(318: wheat and oats. $12
16: barley, $7H0: alfalfa, nominal; stock,
$78; straw, 303p50c per bale.
RECEIPTS Flour, 10,168 quartersacks; bar
ley, 3831 centals; oats, 418 centals: beans, 273
sacks; potatoes, 3820 sacks; bran, 195 sacks;
hay, 1833 tons; wool. 12 bales; hides. 387.
Mining Stocks.
SAN FRANCISCO, July 16. The official
closing quotations for mining stocks today
were as follows:
Alta $ .01
Julia $ 05
Justice 04
Mexican 69
Occidental Con. .74
Ophir 3.45
Overman 12
Alpha Con
Best & Belcher
Challenge Con.
Confidence . . .
Con. Cal. Sc V.
Crown Point...
Exchequer ....
Gould Sc Curry
Hale & Nor. . .
Potosl ,. .14
Savage 67
Scorpion 07
Seg. Belcher. . . .04
Sierra Nevada. .23
ISilver Hill 81
union con 20
Utah Con 04
Yellow Jacket.. .11
Adams Con. ...J .20
Alice 2.50
Breece 25
Brunswick C. . .30
Comstock Tun. .14
Con. Cal. Sc V. .94
Horn Sliver... 2.00
Iron Silver..., 5.25
Leadville Con. .03
16. Closing quotations:
ILittle Chief $ .05
Ontario 2.50
Ophir 3.65
Phoenix 02
Potosl 09
Savage 67
Sierra Nevada.. .22
Small Hopes. . . .30
IStandard 2 50
BOSTON, July 16.
Closing quotations:
Adventure ..$ 5.50
Alloues 32.00
Amalgamatd 96.00
Am. Zinc 9.00
Atlantic 14.00
Bingham . . . 26.50
Cal. Sc Hecla 690.00
Centennial .. 19.00
Cop. Range. . 69.50
Daly West. . 15.00
Franklin . . . 15.25
Granby 10.25
Greene Con.. 21.50
Isle Royale. 15.50
Michigan ... 11.00
Mohawk 68.00
N. Butte 84.75
Mont. C. Sc C.$ 2.00
Old Dominion 34.00
Osceola 99.50
Parrot 24.00
Qulncy 81.00
Tamarack . .
United Cop. .
U. S. Mining.
V. S. Oil
Winona . . .
Wolverine . .
Metal Markets.
NEW YORK. July 16. There was a sharp
advance in the London tin market, which
closed at 168 16s for spot and 168 10s for
futures, or about 2 5s above the closing prices
of Friday. The local market was also firm
and higher, with spot quoted at 36.75C6.90c.
Copper had a sharp advance in the London
market, closing at 79 15s for apot and 79
for futures. Locally, however, the market
waB dull and nominally unchanged, with Lake
quoted at 18.3718.75c: electrolytic, 18.12
1825c; casting, 17.7548c.
Lead was unchanged at 5.75c locally. In
London it was la 3d higher, at 16 83 9d.
Spelter declined 2e 6d to 26 7s 6d In Lon
don. Locally the market was quiet, at 6.95
Iron was 3d higher, at 49s lOd for stand
ard foundry and at 50s 114d for Cleveland
warrants in the London market. Locally iron
was steady, with some dealers reporting prices
a ehade higher, although there was no quot
able change in the general range. No. 1
foundry Northern. $18. 2518. 75c; No. 2 foun
dry Northern. ' $17.7618.20; No. 1 foundry
southern. $17. 50(518; No. 2 foundry Southern,
New York Cotton Market.
NEW YORK. July 16. The cotton market
closed steady at a, net advance of 811 points.
July, 10.27c; Auugst. 10.34c; September, 10.31c:
October. 10.37c; November, 10.48c; December,
10.54c: January, 10.59c: February, 10.60c;
March. ltk6Sc.
Bays Gold in England.
LONDON. July 16. After strong competi
tion the United States secured In the open
market today about $2,500,000 of this week's
gold arrivals, the price, 77s 103, being a
penny advance.
Wool at St. Louis.
ST. LOUIS. July 16. Wool, steady; medium
grades, combing and clothing, 2428c; light
fine, 1822c; heavy fine, 1417c; tub washed,
Supreme Court Afiked For New Trial
on Alleged Errors.
WASHINGTON, July 16. The petition
of ex-United States Senator Burton
for a rehearing by the Supreme Court of
the United States in the case against
him was today received by the clerk of
that court. The petition is signed by all
of Mr. Burton's counsel. They contend
that the court snouia have sustained the
contention that section 1782, the statute
under which Burton was prosecuted, was
unconstitutional and void, and it is urged
that the opinion of the court snows that
many important considerations bearing
on that statute were overlooked.
It is also urged that there was no proof
to sustain the charge of the indictment
that Burton rendered services to the
Rialto Grain Company in the proceedings
of the United States against it; that the
offense, if any, was committed only once,
and not continuously every month during
the term of Burton's employment as
counsel by the company; that the letters
of complaint sent to the Postoffice De
partment should not have been read to
the jury and that much testimony was
admitted that should have been excluded
and much excluded that should have been
Atchison 89
do pref erred ... 103
Bought and sold for cash and on margin.
Private Wires ROOM 4, CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Phone Main 37
Chicago Market Closes With
Gain of Three-Fourths Cent, i
But This Factor Is Offset by Advices
of Unfavorable Weather for Har
vesting in Russia and by
Decreased Exports.
CHICAGO. July 16. Notwithstanding
enormous receipts at primary points in this
country, the wheat market was interesting all
day because of advices from Russia which
told of, continued unfavorable weather for har
vesting and the decrease of exports. Weekly
statistics were favorable to the bulls, the
amount of breadstuffs on ocean passage show
ing a decrease of 3,176,000 bushels and the
world's shipments being only 6,066,000 bush
els for the week, against 9.920.000 bushels last
week. September opened c to Tslc
higher, at 7S9c to 7Hc, sold up to 7914c
and closed at 78c, a gain of 9&0v4c.
Sentiment In the corn market was bearish
because of rains in various sections of the
corn belt. September closed easy, tfrc
lower, at 6151;c.
Weather conditions were favorable for the
oats crop and the market had. an easier under
tone. September closed at 34434c. a loss
of !4?4c.
Provisions were dull and easy because of
unusually large receipts of live hogs at the
stockyards. At the close September pork
was unchanged; lard was off 6c and ribs were
5c lower.
Open. High. Low. Close.
July $ .78?i $ .78 $ .78 $ .78
September ... .19 IWA. -low 'ixi?
81 .81
.51 -51
.52 .52
.49 .49
.38 .38
.35 .36
.37 .37
July ,
.61 .51
.61 .81
.49 .49
July ..r.
December ... .
.37 .37
.35 .35
.37 .87
July 18.75 18.75
September ...17.25 17.30
July 8.92
September ... 9.05 9.05 9.02 9.05
October 9.10 9.12 8.07 S.10
July 9.35 9.40 9-35 9.40
September ... 9.35 9.37 9.32 9.35
October 9.10 9.17 9J.0 9.15
Cash quotations were as follows
Flour Steady.
Wheat No. 2 6prlng. 8082c: No. 3, 78
79c; No. 2 red. 7980c.
Corn No. 2, 51c; No. 2 yellow. 62c.
Oats No. 2, 37c; No. 2, white, 89c;
No. 8 white, 3539c.
Rye No. 2, 69c.
Barley Good feeding, 3840c; -fair to choice
malting, 4350c.
Flaxseed No. 1, $1.05; No. 1 Northwest
ern. $1.09.
Timothy seed Prime. $4.25.
Clover Contract grades, $11.25.
Short ribs, sides Loose, $9-35 9.40.
Mess pork Per barrel, $18.65.
Lard Per 100 pounds. $8.92.
Short clear sides Boxed, $9.759.87.
Whisky Basis of high wines, $1.29.
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, barrels 1T.000 9.200
Wheat, bushels 27O.O00 7.000
Corn, bushels 330,400 175.GO0
Oats, bushels 267.700 24S.OOO
Barley 12,100 8,900
Grain and Produce at New York.
NEW YORK, July 16. Flour Receipt 11,
200 barrels; exports, 5200 barrels; steady but
Wheat Receipts, 17,000 bushels; exports,
firm: No. 2 red, 84 c erevator; No. 2 red,
84c f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 Northern Duluth,
86c f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 hard Winter. 84c
nominal f. o. b. afloat. There was a strong
upturn In wheat today and considerable ac
tivity. It started? out c higher, and re
mained generally firm all day, having few re
actions, although much of the home news
was bearish. The advance was based on bull
ish foreign news, export buying, a scare of
shorts and higher Western markets. Final
prices showed c net rise. May closed
89c: July closed 84c; September closed
84ic; December closed 86c.
Hops, hides, wool and petroleum Steady.
Visible Supply of Grain.
NEW YORK. July 16 The -visible supply
of grain Saturday, July 14, as compiled by
New York Produce Exchange, was as fol
lows: Bushels.
Wheat 24.247.000
Corn -15.156.0OO
Oats 6,108.000
Rye 1,147,000
Barley 892,000
Grain at San Francisco.
CAN FRANCISCO. July 16. Wheat and
barley, steady. Spot quotations:
Wheat Shipping. $1.S01.32: milling.
$1 32146-1.45.
Barley Feed, 9267c; brewing, 97c
Oats Red, $1.15(8.40.
Call board sales: Wheat., December, $1.29.
Barley, December, 95c. Com, large yellow,
Kuropean Grain Markets.
LIVERPOOL. July 16. Wheat. July, 6s
8d: September. 6s 7ti: December, Os 8d-
Weather, fair but cloudy; English country
markets, quiet: French, holiday.
LONDON. July 16- Cargoes. Paclflo Coast,
Sis 6d.
Wheat at Tacoma.
TACOMA, July 16. Wheat, unchanged: ex
port, bluestem, 73c; club, 71c, red, 68c.
Hops at London.
LIVERPOOL. July 16. Hops in London, Pa.
clflc Coast, steady. 3 5s3 15s.
St. Iiouis Prosecutor Rewards Man
Who Turned State's Evidence.
ST. LOUIS, July 16. The last of St.
Louis' noted boodle cases with one ex
ception was disposed of today, when Cir
cuit Attorney Sager nolle prosequied
three charges two of bribery and one of
perjury against Charles Gutke, a former
memebr of the House of Delegates.
Mr. Sager announced that Gutke had
turned state's evidence and had been used
in the prosecution of other members of
the alleged boodle combine. The charges
were then wiped from the docket.
This action leaves onl yone of the boo
dle cases open, that of Robert Snyder,
the Kansas City promoter and capital
ist, against whom revised charges have
been filed.
Swept From Swimming Horse.
NEWPORT, Or., July 16. This morning
William iicilillan was drowned la tao
Alsea River, about six miles above W aids
port. He was swimming his horse across,
and it is thought was swept off the ani
mal's back by the current. A launch
coming up the river picked up the horse,
and towed it ashore. The body of the
man was not recovered. McMillan was
single, aged about 25 years and left no
Marriage Licenses,
WELLS-CAR AHER P. J. Wells, 40, Mary
Caraher, 30.
DUFF-HOLDIMAN Jacob M. Duff, 40.
Fort Stevens; Lena Holdlman, 22.
OMAN-KIEFER Peter Oman, 43, Trout
dale: Lena Klefer, 86.
nett. 26, Oregon City; Anna J. Scharta
man, 24.
BROWER At 574 Borthwlck street, July
12. to the wife of A. G. B rower, a daughter.
COOKE At 73 North Fourteenth street.
July 12. to the wife of James P. Cooks, a
HOFFNBR At 167 West Park street. July
10. to the wife of James G. Hoftner, a son.
KNAPTON At 1023 East Eleventh street.
July 11, to the wife of Charles Knapton, a
MARETT At Milwaukle. July 5, to the
wife of Charles Marett. a son.
MARK At 672 Mississippi avenue. July
13, to the wife of Otto A. Mark, a daughter.
MENGES At 956 East Flanders street,
July 13. to the wife of Harvey H. Menges.
a daughter.
BRAY At 471 East Twelfth street, July
13, Wiley D. Bray a native of North Caro
lina, aged 79 years. Remains taken to For
est Grove for interment.
HOOPDE At Moore street, between Jar
rett and Ainsworth. July 14, Mrs. Annie
Hoople, a native of England, aged 32 years.
2 months and 7 days.
HOUGHTON At 808 Corbett street. July
15, Charles Houghton, a native of England,
aged 58 years, 7 months and 29 days.
M'KINLEY At Walla Walla, July 12.
George McKinley, a native of Portland. Re
mains brought to Portland for interment.
MATHERSON At Good Samaritan Hos
pital, July 15, William P. Matherson, a na
tive of Illinois, aged 37 years, 4 months and
10 days.
NESETRIL At Banfleld-Veysey dock.
July 13, Joseph Nesetrll, a native of Iowa,
aged 23 years.
PARKS At Oregon City, July 15. Mrs.
Marie Elizabeth Parks, a native of Michi
gan, aged 26 years and 11 months.
STAIGER At Roseburg. July 14, Robert
C. Stalger, aged 32 years. Remains taken
to California for interment.
STOCKFORD At North Pacific Sanitar
ium. July 15, WiHIam S. Stockford, a native
of Oregon; aged 13 years, 9 months and 26
Building Permit B.
B. F. THEIS Repair of dwelling. Fif
teenth street, between Everett and Flanders,
J. B. DEMARS Two-story frame dwell
ing, Clinton street between East Twenty
first and East Twenty-second. $1500.
G. H. PETERS One-story frame dwelling.
East Twenty-first street, between Ellsworth
and Taggart, $500.
C. O. SIGGLER One-story frame Summer-house,
Fern avenue and Montgomery
Drive, $500.
E. E. MERGES Excavation for stores,
Russell street and Alblna avenue, $250.
BUSHONG & CO. Floor of store, Wash
ington street, between Seventeenth and
Eighteenth, $200.
OWEN TAYLOR One-story frame store.
Union avenue and Dekum street, $600.
store. Third street, between Morrison and
Yamhill. $300.
W. C. HENDERSON 1 -story frame
dwelling. East Eighteenth and Tibbetts
streets. $500.
Real Estate Transfers.
N. W. Gray to Bertha Moores, lots 1
and 2, southern block 3, Columbia
Heights ' $ 1,350
T. M. and Louise J. Stevens to W. T.
and Nellie A. Williamson, undivided
half of lots 6 and 7 and N of lot
3. block 167, Couch Addition 10,000
Isa M. and George Landls to Richard
and Jane A. Lewis, E of lot 20,
DeLashmutt's Little Homes Subdi
vision No. 2 2,200
Louisa and W. S. Lauthera to Charles
S. Butler, lots 4 and 5, block 12,
Alblna Homestead 2,100
T. J. and Julia A. Monahan to H.
F. Rose, lots 29, 30 and 31. block
11, Point View 1,600
Investment Co. to John Q. Somerville,
lots 9 and 10. block 22. and lots 15
and 16. block 39, Piedmont 2,250
Hazard Stevens to Fletcher Linn,
blocks 1 and 2. Bingham Addition. 4.500
otal. Including minor deeds $39,182
Portland Home Telephone & Tele
graph Securities.
Consistent with ABSOLUTE SAPETT.
Rooms S, 4 and 5. Lafayette Bide
Cor. Sixth and Washington Sta
Portland, Oregon.
C. QeeVVo
The Great
At No. 162 First St. Cor. Morrison
No misleading statements to the afflicted.
I guarantee a complete, safe and lasting our
In the quickest possible time, and at the
lowest cost possible for honest and success
ful treatment. I cure catarrh, asthma, lung,
throat, rheumatism, nervousness, stomach,
liver, kidney end lost manhood.
My remedies are harmless, composed of
note, herbs, buds and barks especially se
lected and Imported direct by us from the
Interior of China.
If you cannot call, write for symptom
blank and circular. Inclose 4 cents In stamps.
The C. Gee Wo Chinese Medicine Co.. 103)
First St.. Cor. Morrison, Portland, Or,
pVtsst mention this paper,.
Bis? 49 is a nonsrtBAneni
I remedy for Gonorrhoea,
Gleet. Bpermatorrhcee,
Whites, unnatural die?
charges, or any ioflammv
tlon of m u c o u f mear
ItheEvaksChebIIOAlOO. branes. Non -astringent.
L0IKmiflaTl.e.r"Bn Sold by Id rag! sta,
m seat in plain wrapper,
by ax press, prepaid, fog
i.oo. or s Dottles, s?-7a.
tiLMM td t strut!-.
tSSrfMsts mb tastes.