Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 13, 1906, Page 3, Image 3

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Ciptnan, Wolfe $ Co,
Good Merchandise Only Quality Considered Our Prices Are Always the Lowest
$2.75 Peter Pan Waists at $1.85
This is a special lot of these popular
Summer Waists the balance of the stock
of a leading New York Manufacturer. It
is the same waist we have always sold at
$2.75. There are only 400 in the lot, and if
you want one you will have to come
bright and early for the selling will be
Most of them are like cut made of union
linen, with two large plaits on each side,
elbow sleeves with deep turnback cuffs, loose
negligee collar, others of lawn with panel of
embroidery each side, and clusters of pin tuck
ing back and front.
$1.50 White Duck Hats for 75c
A special purchase of this season's nobbiest white Duck Hats ;
all very latest styles some with embroidered tops and bands of
velvet in very striking combinations; other styles with dainty
white embroidered mull drape.
Sale White Walking Skirts $2.20
These skirts are NOW right in season, and they've an indi
viduality of style. You wouldn't expect to get them under regu
lar prices, and other stores are charging DOUBLE for skirts less
stylish and dainty. Only 50 of them you must come as early as.
you can.
They are Walking Skirts made of white . union linen, fancily
trimmed with white braid and open-work; 13 gores; the very latest
styles and a very special value.
Wash Goods Clearance, 8c a Yard
For Wash Goods selling regularly at 25c, 20c and 15c a yard.
The distinctly remarkable wash goods event of the year the
lowest price ever quoted for the daintiest and most popular wash
fabrics. All goods cut from piece this is not a remnant sale.
The lot includes the daintiest patterns in Printed Organdies,
Solid Color Lawns, Embroidered Voiles, Plain Voile, Printed Batiste,
Embroidered Swiss.
Men's Straw Hats Reduced to $2
Every Straw Hat in stock will be sold for $2 on Friday and
Saturday regardless of former selling prce. Take your choice.
Many cost more than $2 wholesale.
Our Great Friday Bargain Day: Special Money-Saving Sales
Every one of these bargains is on sale ALL DAY FRIDAY. They're real bargains, too no old shopworn goods, in spite of the little
prices. Every special offered is the most remarkable value of its kind in Portland and we back up that statement with our guarantee
Very Newest Outing Hat
Is the new Mountain Hat, made of felt, in attractive
colors; broad flat brims and pretty trimmings; latest
model just in from New York is ideal for beach and
Sale of Trimmed Hats
Two Very Special Values
$5.00 and $8.00 Trimmed Hats $2.95
They are all the newest and most desirable styles:
Chip, Milan and fancy hair braid hats, trimmed in
most approved manner with wings, flowers, ribbons,
etc. Regular $5.00 and $7.00 $2.95
$2.75 Trimmed Hats 89c Each
Ready-to-Wear Hats, fine hand-made Untrimmed Hats,
in all the season's most approved shapesand com
bination of trimmings 89?
Outing Ready-to-Wear
Here are the new model Bathing Suits in all their
daintiness and charm; knit blouses, knit box coats
and sweaters for women you'll find them the smart
est thing when the cool nights come. Of course, you
want several College Blouses.
ll TflE "WjPj
m OF THE "y t
y cvtln W TIIR CI B H
Kj watui tS m J u nu water nf
Camping Blankets $3.59
Special Sale of Gray Wool Blankets, Pull 5-lb. Weight.
300 Silkoline Comforts, filled with good quality white
laminated cotton and. covered with fine quality of
figured sikoline on white and dark grounds.
Special $1.49
3-lb. selected Feather Pillows, covered with good
quality of striped ticking special 79
Campers Hammocks 85c
Twine Hammock, with cushion and valance effect,
just the hammock for the vacation. Special value.
Turkish Towels,Specl. 25c
Fringed and hemmed Turkish Towels, full bleached,
extra large and extra good.
Pillow Tops Very Special
Splendid vacation recreation get our famous "Mount
Hood" Pillow Top; regular 50c value, now. . . . 25?
"Leap Frog" Pillow Top, typifying Oregon's cease
less rain 50
The easiest Pillow Tops to work are those for couch
ing at only . 29
You never saw a more striking top than our famous
"California Poppies." A ruffle to match comes with it.
The question of stocking satisfaction isn't an
swered by any means by the "price you paid."
Nor is it answered by the shape and fit of the
It IS answered by the color and shape they re
tain after their first tubbing.
The "WEARWELL" Hosiery for women
comes out of the tub BEST AND BLACKEST.
It costs 25c a pair. Its real value is much more.
Hosiery: Special Bargains
50c Hose for 33c
A great variety of pat
terns in women 's
Black Lace Lisle
Hose ; all imported
goods, and have sold
all the season at 50c.
Women's New
Just received a new
early Fall importation
of women's Fine Lisle
Lace and Embroidered
Hose; embroidered in
steps, new "swell
checks and verticals,
Pair 50c, 85c, $1.25.
Children's 20c Hose 2V2c Pair
Children's fine grade Ribbed BJack Cotton Hose,
double heels and toes, and well finished.
25c Rib Vests, 3 for 50c
Women's ribbed Cotton Vests, low neck, with
trimming, sleeveless; regular 25c quality.
3 O For 85c fine grade Swiss Ribbed Lisle Vests,
wdjCr low neck, no sleeves.
1Ci For women's 35c Cotton Ribbed Umbrella
Drawers, lace trimmed.
Rsi For 63c fine grade Swiss Ribbed Lisle Vests,
JVJW low neck, no sleeves.
C9i For women's 85c fine Ribbed Lisle Um
hrella Drawers, trimmed with wide lace, and
always sold at 85c.
Cp For women's fine grade Corset Covers, low
neck, no sleeves.
For women's fine Lisle Corset Covers, high
vOls neck, no sleeves.
25c Music, Special for 9c
Hundreds of pieces of miscellaneous music, all
late and popular, selling regularly for 25c and
30c Special clearance at 9-
$1.25 Silk Gloves, 98c Pr.
Ladies' 2-clasp
Milanese Silk
Gloves, in white,
black and every
wanted shade. Our
regular line, in all
sizes; special for
Friday jand Satur
day only.
"Our Rigo"
Women's Best
$1 Kid Gloves
A complete showing
of colors in our
celebrated "Rigo" two-clasp Kid Gloves, with silk
embroidered stitching; also in white and black. Fitted
and guaranteed by us. Nothing better ever shown at
the price.
Men's 50c Suspenders 25c
Men's extra fine web suspenders, leather ends
and castoffs. 50c quality.
Summer Belts for men in great variety ; made of
calf, morocco, alligator and walrus. Very good
value at 50 1 and 75', both tan and black;
others SI, SI. 25, 1.50.
Men's fine quality balbriggan Undershirts,
ribbed skirts; drawers to match. These are the
celebrated "Otis" brand and are the best goods in
the market for the mcney, 50t a garment.
There are some new shirts in that are so smart
and conservative that they look like made-to-order
$10 shirts; only SI and SI. 50.
Kimonos: Special Sale 75c
A sample lot made of fancy striped dimity, yoke
back and-front, flowing sleeves. A very good value.
White Wash Belts g Bags
This is the ONLY Portland store that has a com
plete showing of the new belts those of white kid,
those that buckle in the back, the Adele Ritchie and
other specialties. Everything new in leather goods.
12V2C Ginghams 8V2C Yard
A wonderful value -in this ever-popular Summer
fabric. They come in plain colors light blue and tan ;
also striped ginghams pink and black, red and black
extra special value.
Little Household Needs
Whiteole, enough to keep your canvas shoes clean all
Summer . - 15
Swiftole, similar 25t
Pretty Paper Napkins, in Dresden patterns, 100. .25t
7-inch Paper Plates, dozen .. 4
9-inch Wooden Plates, dozen tOt
Fly Paper, new kind, to be placed anywhere, comes in
paper box 1 inch square 5
Toilet Necessities: Savings
You can save money on every toilet need at our
cut-rate store. Especially ready with every vaca
De Miracle, the great hair remover. .. 81. OO
Dolmr..1. TnilAf TTuIaJ lil.,,. -1 1 1 .-I ..Inl.t .
' W Cold Cream. pound size 29i
u. f urn oratea laicum r-owaer 4C
Violet Toilet Water .. 48
Pompeiian Massage Cream 25c
Best imported Tooth Brushes 12c
Hair Brushes, very Rood bristles 48c
"Mum" removes odor ot perspiration ... 23c
The best Imported perfumes, every make,
every odor, every price.
Great Friday Jewelry Sale
Novelty Ribbon Brooches, assorted designs and fin
ishes; some worth up to $1.25, sale price 50t?
Pair of pretty Beauty Pins, some plain, some set with
different colored stones; worth 50c to 65c pair 39
Novelty Hatpins, new designs in wide variety; regular
50c value ,- 23
Novelty Hatpins in the new amber color; also many
other pretty designs; worth 25c each, for.... 12
Collar Extenders to hold the collar up in place; the
50c ones for 39o
Novelty Bead Necklaces in turquoise, coral, green,
amethyst and amber colors; regular 75c and $1.00
values, reduced to 48.
Our Friday Drug Specials
White Rock, qts., 20c; pts., 13S; nips. .10
Cream Tartar, 1 lb 35c
Soda Bicarbonate, 1 lb 5
Alum, 1 lb lOc
U',.,H, T UUIn TnKlt r,
M "JCU1 -i- auici, " Ki ooc
V- AIM T.lth.a Tahloro . ffr C -4,
- . " ...... ahi.
llH Carbolic Salve ........ .214
" " Alt
WHrh WrtpI Salvia .
Sm Housp.holrl Ammonia, nts 1 fir
Hyposulphite Soda, 5 lbs . -lvC
Strikes, Murder, Pillage, Riot
and Mutiny on All
While Czar Hesitates About New
Cabinet, Empire Falls Into An
archy and Governors Call
for Troops In Vain.
ST. PETERSBURG. July 13. (Special.)
With the expected announcement of the
retirement of the old Cabinet and the
make-up of the new again deferred, mat
ters in the Russian Empire are becoming
more and more critical, and the official
classes, that have heretofore declared that
there was no fear of a general uprising,
are constrained to admit now that further
continuance of the present state of uncer
tainty must have a most dangerous effect.
Strikes are spreading everywhere, and
discontented workingmen are murdering
and pillaging, while even Cossacks, who
have heretofore been loyal to the crown,
are declared to have served notice on their
offlcers in many instances that they will
no longer act as police. In the Caucasus
& state of civil war exists, and in several
instances Cossacks have been defeated by
peasants, after desperate fighting, in
which both sides sustained heavy losses.
So serious are conditions there that
urgent appeals for more troops have been
sent by the Governors to the authorities
at St. Petersburg, but in every Instance
it has baen necessary to end word that
no more Cossacks could be spared for
ervlce in the Caucasus.
At Saratoff. there has been practically
a continuous series of fights between the
peasants and the troops, in which the lat
ter have lost heavily. Because of the
fierceness of the attacks by rioters, dum
dum" bullets have been served out by offi
cers and are being used by the troops. It
is estimated that 20 soldiers have been
killed and twice that number wounded,
while the loss to the rioters is declared to
be three times these figures.
Czar Proposes Coalition of Conserva
tives and Liberals.
ST. PETERSBURG, July 12. Finance
Minister Kokovsoff Is given authority for
the statement that the resignation of the
entire Cabinet is in the hands of the Em
peror. So far as can be learned, however.
His Majesty is not yet ready to charge
the Constitutional Democrats, with the
task of forming a Ministry, and is still
seeking to compromise the issue by form
ing a coalition Cabinet composed of the
more solid of the Conservative and Lib
eral elements in the lower and upper
houses of Parliament, under the leader
ship of Count Heyden and M. Stakovlch.
There were rumors In the corridor of
the lower house of Parliament today that
a split had developed among the Consti
tutional Democrats over the question of
accepting office in a coalition Ministry.
The Russ today says the country is
not yet ripe for the acceptance of the prin
ciple of a responsible Ministry
Grand Duke Nicholas Nlcholaievitch.
Commander of the Guards Corps and the
troops in the military district of St.
Petersburg, has tendered his resignation
to the Emperor, on account of the Preob
lajensky affair, but His Majesty declined
to accept it.
The police have not found any trace of
the men who robbed the assistant cashier
of the Admiralty In broad daylight yes
terday, but there Is reason to believe that
they were former workmen from Port Ar
thur, who turned revolutionists on account
of the treatment to which they were sub
jected there.
Forty Thousand Flee Before Rumors
of Massacre.
WARSAW, Russian Poland, July li
lt Is estimated that no less than 40,000
Jews, old men. women and children, fled
from Warsaw yesterday. Most of the
able-bodied male Jews remained to pro
tect their property. Many of the Jewish
shops are closed today and the houses
of the Jews are empty. Intense depres
sion prevails In the Jewish quarter,
where the inhabitants have organized a
settlement of self-defense. Armed guards
are posted at the gates of all the houses
and patrols parade the streets. The au
thorities have taken precautions against
an antl-Jewlsh outbreak and the police
have authorized the newspapers to issue
extra editions with the view of allaying
the panic.
The day passed quietly, and, convinced
that apogrom here Is out of the ques
tion, the Jews are returning to their
Open Fire on Relief Force, but Flee
Before Cossacks.
TIFL.1S. July 12. At Etchmlanzi, the ec
clesiastical capital of Armenia, Tartars
last night attacked the monastery and
residence of the Armenian patriarch. The
Tartars, who had hidden themselves in
the surrounding hills, opened fire and
charged the monastery after nightfall.
They, were repulsed, but formed for a
second attempt when a force of Infantry
and Cossacks arrived on the scene.
The officers tried to persuade the Tar
tars to desist from their attack, but the
latter opened fire on the troops, wound
ing several of them. The Cossacks there
upon charged and dispersed' the Tartars,
killing one and wounding several.
Never Regains Senses Arter Bullet
Strikes Him.
SEBASTOPOU July 12. Vice-Admiral
Chouknin, commanurr of the Black Sea
fleet, who was shot yesterday, supposedly
by a sailor of the battleship Otchakoff,
died this morning, without having re
gained consciousness.
The under-gardener of Admiral Chouk
nin s villa is suspected of having knowl
edge of the murderer, as he has disappeared.
People Resist Authorities In Pro
vinces, but Capital Is Quiet.
ST. PETERSBURG. July 12. Contrary
to expectations no case of disorder lit St.
Petersburg has been reported up to a late
hour today. The streets throughout the
day were heavily guarded with troops and
the workmen's quarters were crowded
with troops. Several meetings were held
in the various suburbs, but they were of
a peaceful character.
From the provinces the news is less sat
isfactory. Everywhere collisions with the
police are reported. No further news has
been received from Poltava, but the whole
pale is terrorized by rumors of an anti
Jewish outbreak.
Panic Among Poltava Jews.
POLTAVA. July 12. Hundreds of Jews
left this city last night, fearing an anti
Jewish . outbreak today, but the spirit
shops were closed and the authorities
have promised to prevent any disturbances.
Jews Will Move to Palestine.
BIALTSTOK. July 12. The proprietors
of eight Jewish factories here are wind
ing up their affairs with the intention of
removing to Palestine and setting up in
business there.
Texas Negro Admits Crime Before
He Is Hung.
FORT WORTH. Tex.. July 12. Rufus
Martin, a negro, was hanged here today
for the murder on October 23. 1903. of an
old German farmer named Charles
Schwackhammer, who had sold a bale of
cotton at Arlington and was proceeding
home with the money, $45. Martin denied
his guilt until a few days ago. when he
admitted it, in a letter to his mother, who
lives in New Mexico. He also confessed
the crime on the gallows today. Martin
was baptized yesterday in Jail by a negro
Baptist preacher.
Dr. Lester F. Ward, who nas long been
connected with the United States Geological
Survey and " National Museum, and who Is
eminent for his contributions both In so
ciology and paleo-botany, has been elected
professor of sociology at Brown Cniverslty.
He will assume, his position In September.
General Regalado Falls Lead
ing Salvadoreans.
Popular Idol and ex-President of
Republics Toledo Claims Deci
sive Victor' for the Rebels
Against Cabrera's Forces.
WASHINGTON. July 12. Regalado, for
mer president of Salvador and the leader
of the Salvador troops in the present con
flict with Guatemala, was killed In battle
today. The announcement of his death
reached the State Department through a
dispatch from United States Minister
Merry at San Salvador. The dispatch
stated that Regalado was killed In the
last movement of the Salvadorean troops
against the Guatemalans, but did not in
dicate the result of the battle.
Thomas Regalado was president of Sal
vador from 1S99 to 1903. A provision of
the Salvadorean constitution prevented
him from having a second term immedi
ately following his first, but he was a
candidate to succeed President Escalon,
whose term will expire next year, and
doubtless) would have been elected, as
he was a popular idol who hflfl achieved
much fame as a soldier.
NEW ORLEANS, July 12. An official
cablegram to the Guatemalan Consul here
says that the battle in which Regalado
was killed was fought Wednesday after
noon at E3 Jicaro, a place about seven
miles from the frontier, in the Depart
ment of Jutiopa, Guatemala, and 25
miles from the Pacific Coast. The dis
patch says that the Salvadoreans were
Toledo Routs Government Forces
With Great Loss.
MEXICO CITY. July 12 According to
advices received here. General Toledo,
the Guatemalan revolutionist, who has
been recruiting his forces and has now
some good artillery, offered battle yes
terday to Guatemalan regular troops in
the Department of Jutlnpa, at a point
about four miles from the Salvadorean
border. Inflicting decisive defeat on Gua
temalan forces. There was heavy loss on
both sides. The revolutionists are Jubi
lant over their success.
Regalado, former President of Salvador,
and the leader of the Salvadorean troops
in the present conflict with Guatemala,
was killed in the battle.
Salvador Invades Guatemala.
NEW YORK, July 12. A cable dispatch
which was received at the Guatemalan
Consulate in this city today formally noti
fied the Guatemalan representative here
that Salvadorean troops have invaded
Guatemala. The cablegram was as fol
lows: "Government forces from Salvador have
invaded Guatemala territory, thus forcing
us to make determined stand."
Guatemala Proclaims Victory.
PANAMA. July 12. Senor Barrios, For
eign Minister of Guatemala, cabled to
the Panaman government this afternoon
as follows:
Guatemala, July 12. The Salvadorean
government has invaded Guatemala ter
ritory, compelling us to make an ener
getic defense. We obtained a complete
victory yesterday at Jicaro, where Gen
rela Tomas Regalado, the chief com
mander of the Salvadorean army, was
Steel Trust Will Pay Great Northern
One Billion Dollars.
LONDON. July 12. (Special.) Several
American financiers now in London have
been informed from official sources that
a deal Involving Jl, 000,000,000 for the
lease of the Great Northern Railway
Company's ore land to the United States
Steel Corporation has been consummated.
A prominent director of the steel cor
poration, who has recently been here. la
given as authority for the statement
Asked what state negotiations were in,
he replied that an agreement had been
reached with the interests controlling
Believe Nasal Catarrh, allay inflamma
tion, soothe and heal the mucous mem
brane, sweeten and purify XsT
the breath. Best gargle
for Sore Throat. 50c. or Made by
$1. Druggists of mail. I HOOD )
Dyspeplets y
Give instant relief in Sour Stomach,
Heartburn, Nausea, all discomforts of
indigestion and dyspepsia. Pleasant
and economical. Medium size, 25c.;
Large, $1 ; Pocket, handsome aluminum
bonbonniere, 10c. Druggists or mail.
C-L HOOD CO.7Low.ell, Mass.
the ore lands and that the deal had been
Says He Had No Intimation Marcum
Was to Die.
BEATTYVILLE, Ky., July 12. Former
Judge James Hargis, charged with the
murder of Lawyer James B. Marcum, was
the principal witness today In the case ot
the State vs. Hargis and Callahan. Har
gis described his whereabouts when Mar
cum was shot. Witness said he had no
Intimation that Marcum was killed, and
said he never spoke of it to Curtis Jett
or any other man with reference to the
killing of Marcum or any other persons.
Hargis said Moses Feltner never re-
mean good deal
It studs for t oo m. tcriil.. (nod style, B
good workmanship and good fit
91.00 ud 91.25
LsqsM Xstscs at OoUais sad Shirt, fat tio World
celved any money from him not to testify
against him. He added that he had no
ill-feeling against Marcum as a result of
the contest election cases, but said they
never spoke after the indictment for crim
inal libel was returned against Marcum.
Big Fire at Stockholm.
STOCKHOLM. July 12. Stockholm has
just had the most destructive fire in SO
years. Five residence blocks recently
built, in the southern part of the city,
were burned. Loss estimated at 3,000,000
kroner, or $710,000.
Max Pracht Gets Promotion.
ington, D. C, July 13. Max Pracht, of
Oregon, former special agent of the Gen
eral Land Office, now clerk in the Treas
ury Department, was today promoted
from t900 to HOOP,
Tutf s Pills
Cure All
Liver Ills.
disease by the timely use ol
Tutt's Liver Pills, an old and
favorite remedy of increasing
popularity. Always cures
sour stomach, malaria, indi
gestion, torpid liver, constipa
tion and all bilious diseases.