TIIE MORNINGOREGON1AN, SATURDAY, JUNE 23, 1906. MEETING NOTICES. ALRTNA LODGE. NO. 101. A. F. ft A. M. Special communication thl (Saturday) evening, 8 o'clock. Work in j. m. degree, visiung oreinrea cordially Invited. By order W. M. A, J. HAXDLAN, Secretary TV1LLAMBTTE) IODOEfc NO. 2. A. F. & A. M. Special communlca tion this (Saturday P. M. at 1 o'clock sharp, for the purpose of conducting the funeral services over the remains or Hrotner w. aa.. TCdrfn; late a member of Euclid Lodge, Prosser, Wash. Full attendance deatred. W. 6. WEEKS, Secretary. HARMONY LODGE, NO. 12. A. F. & A. M. Special communication today (Saturday), 2 o'clock P. M., Masonic Temple, Third and Alder streets. Work in M. M. degree. All M. ' M. welcome. By order of W. M. RUFUS R. BALL, Secretary. HARMONY LODGH. NO. 12, A. P. & A, M. Special communication tonight (Saturday), 7:30 o'clock. Ma sonic Temple. Third and Alder streets. Work In the M. M. degree. AU M. M. welcome. By order of W. M. RUFUS R. HALL, Secretary. BORN. DHKCM-To Mr. and Mrs. Adolph A. Dekum a daughter, June 22, 1906. ITMRAI. NOTICES. KOSPrAt Hlllsboro, Or., June 21, 1906. Jo seph T. Bon, aged 65 years, 5 months and 2:! days, Friends and acquaintances are re spectfully Invited to attend the funeral ser vices, which will be held at Hlllsboro at 3 PM. today (Saturday), after which the remains will be shipped to Portland tor in' In thA fnmilv nlat. Lone Fir ceme tery, Sunday, June 24. The remains will be at Flnley s cnapel till JO a, ju., aunaaj. GARDINER Friends are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral services or uorotny. Infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter L. Gardiner, of 508 Rodnev avenue. Sunday, June 24. at 2 P. M. Interment Rlvervlew cemetery. EDRIS At his late residence, ST.T Marguerite avenue, June 21, 19U0, William Edne, agea 73 years. Funeral will take place today (Saturday). June 23, at 1 :30 P. M-. from the residence of W. G. Espey, 434. Margue ' rite avenue. Friends Invited. RKKD At the residence of his daughter, Mrs. William H. Bequealth, 04 Bast Twelfth at.. June 22, 1006. Levi Reed, aged 78 years, 8 months and 21 days. Funeral will take place Sunday, June 24, at 3 P. M., from the above residence. Friends Invited. MURTINOER June 21. 1006, Peter Murtln ger, aged 54. years. Funeral will take place from residence, 373 B. Seventh street, Sun day. June 24. at 3:30 P. M.. thence to St. Francis Church, East Eleventh and Oak street, at 4 P. M., where services will be held. Interment Mt. Calvary cemetery. Friends respectfully invited. KDWARO HOLMAX CO., the leading funeral direltor ami rmbalmers, 220 and 222 Third street, corner Salmon, have the finest establishment and the most reasonable charges. We have an experienced lady who takes full charge of all lady cases. Phone Main 507. J. P. F1NI.EY SON, funeral directors and enibaliners. No. 2l 2d St., cor. Madison. 1ht or night mils promptly attended. Kx perienred lady assistant when desired. Of fice of County Coroner. Phone Main 0. DUNNING. M'KNTKE fill.BAI Gil. Suc cessors to Dunning ft Campion, undertakers and embalmers; modem in every detail; 7th and Pine. Phone Main 430. Lady assistant. K. 8. DUNNING. Undertaker. 414 East Alder. Lady assistant. l'bone East A2. ZF.LLER-RVRNES CO.. Undertakers. Em balmers. 273 Kussell. East 1088. Lady ass't. TONSETH ft CO., florists. Art I. tic floral designs. 123 th st. I'hone Main 6102. UNCALLED-FOR ANSWERS ANSWERS ARE HELD AT THIS OFFICE FOR THE FOLIX)WING ANSWER CHECKS AND MAY HE HAD HY PRESENTING VOIR CHECKS AT THE OREGONIAN OFFICE: A 25. 29, S7, S. 23. 27. SS, S3, SB, 67. 4' 25, 26, 4, 88, 88. I 12. 21). 22. 25. 30. S3. 36. S8. K 26, SI. S3. 88. ' 2. 23, S6. i 2, 4, IS. 25, 87. K 19. 28. . 4. 24. 28. 29. 82. 89. K 21. 22. 28. 81. 60. 38. 39. 1, 8, 9, 19, 25, 32. 33. 84, 85. 88. 40. M 18, 20, 29, 80. N 19, 27. SS, 83. 85, 87. 88. O 3 L. S7. 38. V in. 20. 27. 17. 25. 27, 84, 38, 88. K 27, 29, 84. S, 89. M 81. 85. S. 69. T 23. 28. 27, 29, 88. V 1. 2. W 38, 40. X 2, 27. 28. 87. NEW TODAY. 201 N. 18TH 8-ROOM HOUSE. IN GOOD condition, rent $30. Arply to R. W. Bchmeer. car. U. S. National Bank. GREAT SACRIFICE! ATTENTION, HOTELMEN ! For Sale Furniture and bar of a good, paying hotel of 45 rooms in North Portland. Owner will add 16 more rooms and two stores. Hotel is crowded with good, pay ing boarders. House clears $275 to $300 net. This can be increased to $400 per month, net, with addi tional rooms. The greatest hotel snap ever offered if taken at once. Owner wishes to leave the city. For full particulars regarding lease, etc., call at Scandinavian American Co., 107i Sixth Street, Room 4. . THRIFT THE Oldest Trust Company in Oregon KESOURCES OVER $1,600,000 Issues Special Certificates of Deposit that pay from 84 to 4 per cent Interest, and can be drawn at any time by giving a cer tain number of days' notice. Full particu lars are contained In our boo It of "ILLUSTRATIONS" Which we sball be glad to send you. Portland Trust Company of Oregon B. E. Cor. 3d and Oak Eta. Phone Ex. 72. BEN J. I. COHEN President H. L. PITTOCK Vice-President B. LEE PAGET ....Secretary J. O. GOLTRA Assistant Secretary Good Investment , 5250 Two dwellings. 3d sL, paying over 10 per cent. Must sell. E. 8. JACKSON ft CO.. Phone Main 345. 248 Stark St. 15 Net Income 33000 net Income on $20,000 piece of real estate. This la an excellent opportunity to make an Investment, but It must be made at once. Terms. Sphinx Agency, 305 Stark St., ground floor. Special Buy $4450 Corner lot, 8-room new and modern dwelling. 391 E. 12th St.. Hol iday's Addition; select neighborhood, good terms, and must be sold im mediately. E. S. JACKSON COMPANY. Fhone Main 345. 248 Stark Street. AMUSEMENTS. THE 14th and Washington HEILIG THEATER Phone Main 1 Special-Price Matinee Today Last Time Tonight 8:15 HENRIETTA CROSMAN In the Merry Comedy "MART, MARY, QUITE CONTRARY" EVENING PRICES Lower floor. $2. $1.50. Balcony, $1, 75c, 50c. Gallery, 50c. MATINEE PRICES Lower floor. $1.50, $1. Balcony. 75c and 50c. Baker Theater horn Mala 1907 Bilges rhiaiir io.,limi 6m. L liksr, Maaizif Matinee 2:15 Last Time Tonight THE BAKER THEATER COMPANY IN Henry V. Esmond's Beautiful and Inspired Play "When We Were Twenty-One Evening prices 25c. 35c and 50c. Matinee, 15c and 25c. Next Week, Starting Tomorrow Matinee, "MADAME SANS GENE." 12th and T-.;.. Trias tor Phone Morrison auvuivi Main 117 TWO PERFORMANCES TODAY Family Mntlnee at 2:15 Last Time Tonight 8:15 KENDALL MUSICAL COMPANY In the Oriental Comic Opera "SAID PASHA." MATINEE PRICES 15c and 25c. EVENING PRICES 15c. 25c. 35c and 50c. Beginning: Tomorrow (Knnday) Night avt Meilig Theater "THE TELEPHONE GIRL." Empire Theater lv?zmr Monday, June 25th, 8:15 P.M. The U. S. S. Princeton Minstrel and Specialty Co. Under the management of C. TV. ADAMS, Chief MastPr-at-Arms U. S. S. Princeton, for benefit of Seamen's Institute. Prices, 2oc, M)c, 75c and $1. Seats on sale at the box office, commencing Thursday, June 21. until date of entertainment. THE STAR Commencing Monday. June 18, Seventh Week STAR STOCK COMPANY IN "A GOOD-NATURED MAN" In Connection With a Strong Vaudeville Olio, Including Song and Moving Pictures. THE GRAND WEEK OF JUNE 18. Big Orphenm Vaudeville. Hugh Emmctt. World-Renowned Ventriloquist. The Hoffmans. Herbert Mitchell. LonK & Mitchell. Grand Uc ope. St 1th SUth. Harold Hon. PANT AGES. 4TH AND STARK 8TS. FlrM-Clnsn Vaudeville House. GRACE HUNTINGTON and Troup in the Rvwina; Fnrce. "A Matrimonial Mixup. George & Alien. McFee & Carlton. Jean "Wilson. The Zanfrella. Hilly Kvans. The liiojrraph. Shows Dally. 2:30, 7:30. 9 P. M. Ad mission. 10c and 20c; boxes, 25c. Toa dies and children 10c any seat week day matinees. LYRIC THEATER Every Afternoon and Evenlni? Portland's Popular Stock House. A Romance of the Mine.. THE SERPENT'S STING' ft In Four Acts. FOLLOW THE CROWD CONTINUOUS PERFORMANCE. Admission, 10c. Reserved Seats, 20c. BASEBALL Athletic Park Corner Vaughn and Twenty-fourth, PORTLAND VS. SAN FRANCISCO, tiamee Called at 3-.X0 P. M. Dally, tiamea Called 2:30 1'. M. Sunday. Ladlen' Day. Friday. ADMISSION. 25c. GRANDSTAND. 25c. CHILDREN, 10c. BOX SEATS. 25c CL.ARKMONT TAVERN. LAUNCH ROVER leaves foot Starlc at. daily. 3::i0. 6:30 and 8:45 P. M.. returning at 5. 7:80 and 11 P. M. NORTHERN PA CIFIC Pusret Sound Limited leaves 4:30 P. M.. returning 10:40 P. M., stops at Claremont Tavern. ST. JOHNS CAR every 20 minutes to St. Johns, then ferry to LiaremoDt xavern. San Francisco Disaster Movinir-Plcture Machines. Also movinir pictures and slide views of the ereat dis aster. For sale cheap. Small investment win make you blK money. Newman's The atrical Circuit. 145 hi tith, rooms 1 and 2. NEW TODAY. 4e Per Cent Interest ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS The Saving's Bank OF THE Title Guarantee & Trust Company Pays 4 per cent on Certificates of Deposit. Pays 4 per cent on savings (interest compounded semi-annually.) Pays 3 per cent on daily balances of check accounts. Banking hours 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. Saturdays 9 A. M. to 1 P. M. tsaturday evenings 5 to 8 o'clock 240 WASHINGTON STREET, Corner Second, PORTLAND, OREGON. An Old Story The man who cava rent for ten Tears nearly the original cost of the property and In most cases the appreciation is znqre than iae interest on me investment. The EAST SIDE has tha mnmt -nrnwe has the GREATEST population. Is rrowlnn the most RAPIDLY, and the GREATER PORTLAND MUST and WILL be there. Holladay's Addition Is the geographical center of the city, and Is the most DESIRABLE residence district, and much of this will become BUSINESS property. Do not overlook these FACTS when maKins; investments, and call and In spect the property, for seeing Is believing. The Oregon Real Estate Company inira bi.. itoom . foruana. Uregoa. For sale cheap, empty ink barrels. Apply pressroom Oregonian Publish ing Company. A BIG BARGAIN A nice level farm on the Molalla. River. one mile from railroad, -with 7-room house. Darn and outouildlngs, with crops and au cattle and horses and faxmlnK Implements tor Kim; one-nan cash: party selling out going East: must be sold. Call 1S1 4th st. Phone Pacific 872. ST. JOHNS For Sah? Blocks 4 an 10 naar r4vr. Inquire Dudley. New SC Johns HoteL NEW TODAY. The City Is Moving to the East Side The best of business locations for wholesale houses and manufacturing sites, on railroad switches, in center of city. Splendid opportunity for retail dealers. Choicest residence sites in the city. There is new life everywhere. Come and see what we are doing, live and do business with us. We believe in helping one another. For particulars inquire of JOSEPH BUCHTEL Manager Information Bureau, East Side Improvement Association. 362 EAST MORRISON ST. Near East Third Street. Phone East 5422. HOTEL FURNISHINGS Ail GOODWILL For Sale as a Going Concern A thoroughly modern and well equipped hotel in the City of Victo ria, B. C. Sixty-four rooms, baths, etc. Adaptable either for commer cial or tourist trade, to rent at $2.00 to $2.50 a day. Profitable bar busi ness, easy rental and valuable good will in connection. Terms of pur chase can be arranged, if necessary. Address "Trustee," P.O.Box 275, VANCOUVER, B. C. t 600 feet St. Johns river frontage; the best sawmill site ever offered, deep water, solid ground, plenty of storage for logs and piling ground can be had at a bargain. Address owner, T 38, Oregonian. A seven-room house and lot 50x100 feet, 783 Northmp street, between Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth streets a choice residence section for sale for Jj54000. Call mornings, between 10 and 12 o'clock. FOR SALE REALi ESTATE FOUR-ROOM COTTAGE, LARGE GROUNDS, 100 feet or car; a Dartrain t $'J00 If taken soon. Modern, up-to-date 8-room house, wtth large grounds, ISO feot of car; $iJO0; $2H month. Phone East 4169, or call ii3 Cason st., Monta villa. 3f,00 HIGHLY IMPROVHD HOME, 4 acres, with jo-room modern house, -acro raspberries, 3r00 strawberry plant; own water system from spring; ftc fare; JJi-miie. B. S. Oook & Co., 251 Aider st. Phone Main 053. R3AL FSTATE-WE HANDLE CITY AND uournan property, write nre insurance, make mortgage loans and do a general rental busi ness; we solicit your patronage. GRIND STAFF & SCHALK. 264 Stark st. Phone Main 392. $;M00 SIX-ROOM , MODERN NEW HOUSE ana lot, nice resrdence part East Portland; S7r0 down, $500 in year, balance 3 years. $.'t2o0 tf-room house and lot, close in. East Portland. Culver, 623 Chamber of Com merce. WHILE YOU ARB DOWN TOWN TOMOR- row dror In' and list your houses and lots or anything you want to sell; if nothing to aell, come in and look our list over. 1:13 let St., room 2. Buckbee Real Estate Co. $2ti00 MOUNTAIN VIEW IDEAL HOME. New, 8 rooms, corner, quarter block, fine lawn, good car service, 20 minutes from center of city, facing north and ea.n. John B. Matthews. 720 Chamber of Commerce. $17.10 TEN ACRES. ALL CULTIVATED, o miles city Hall ; macadamized road, spring water, splendid soil, very sightly, on survey for new motor; no need looking further. B. S. Cook & Co., 2ol Alder. 9-ROOM HOUSE IN HOLLADAY'S ADDI- tion, $43oO; 8-room tiouee, Johnson st., $3700; 6-room house, Montgomery' st., $375o; 7-room house, S. 10th st. , bargain, easy terms. Sphinx Agency, 305' Stark. $350 PER ACRE. 21 acres, line level land, near 42d and Freemont sts. (east of Irvlngton); others in Immediate vicinity asking $000 and upwards. Owner, AV 36, Oregonian. ACRE TRACTS WE HANDLE ACREAGE as a specialty, within city limits or outside. Some acres with terms1 as low a $10 per month, with water. A. C. Churchill & Co., "inc.," 110 2d st. NEW 6-ROOM COTTAGE, MODERN plumbing, ground ooxlOO feet; located in Wil lamette on St. Johns car line ; price $16So. Call Willamette Station, owner, D 40, Oregonian. DO YOU WANT TO BUY CITY LOTS OR acreage? If eo, see Bast Bide Real Estate Co. East Side property a specialty. 407 Haw thorne ave., near Grand. Phone East lu07. FOR SALE CHEAP LA RGB 7-ROOM MOD- ern house, Holladay Park Addition, lot 60x loO; full cement basement, cement sidewalks, furnace, fine lawn, etc. Phone East 475X FOR SALE. FURNISHED OR UN FUR - niched, new o-room noiuse, with two lots, two blocks from car line ; terms to suit. Phone Tabor 42, or call 1045 East Grant. $800 STOCK OF GROCERIES. NEATLY Kept; nxtures, norse ana wagon; nne dusi tiesa, 3 years established; good will. John B. Matthews, 720 Chamber of Commerce. NOW IS YOUR TIME TO BUY DOORS, windows, nooring ana au Kinas oi building materials at a great bargain. Apply to American Inn. Phone Pacific 1076. FINE. NEW, MODERN 5-ROOM COTTAGE at EX Morrison, Detween 3dth and 36th; $2000; $300 down, balance monthly pay men ls. A. P. Smith, 429 Washington st. $5,KX) VERY MODERN lO-ROOM HOUSE, nearly new. win ann tiaisey, iionaaay Add., at a bargain, on irst ailments If wanted. C. W. Pallett, 304 Fenton bldsr. $3000 LOT 50x100 AND UP-TO-DATE 5- room coiiage on n. ou ei. mis win maKS you a nice horn. Phone Main 392. Grind staff & Schalk. 264 Stark st. $2850 HALF CASH. NICE NEW 6-ROOM house, lot ooxiuu. io. vvasco St., Holla- day Park; take Broadway car to E. 19th and Halsey. Key at 662 Wasco. WILL FELL MY ELRGANT HOME, WALK- lng distance, on iast coucn sc. . ror K0 below cost to build; deal direct with owner. T 36, Oregonian. SEVEN-ROOM HOUSE, TWO LOTS, ON Peninsula, rw, t?aay ierme; we nave bar gains, all locations. Best & Van Fossen, 291 Morrison. HOUSES, ALL PARTS OF CITY, BUILT AND sold on installments. Kroner, 16-17 Cam bridge bldg.. southwest cor. 3d and Morrison, $200 FINE. FULL-SIZED LOT, ABOVE graae, convenient iu wtr, guuu vicinity ana place for home; terms. X 39, Oregonian. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 6-ROOM house, lot ooxloo reet, on fepokane ave.. Sell wood. Owner, C. Reynolds, 264 Jefferson. SELLWOOD LOTS, $R A MONTH; $125 UP. Sell wood lownsite to., n. f. faimer. man ager. Phone Sellwood 161. 1665 E. 13th. EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE, BUILT TWO YEARS, $1300; terms; owner leaving. am Jjom merclal Blk. Phone Main 3953. FOR SALE AN 8-ROOM MODERN HOUSE in Holladay Park at a bargain, by owner; terms to suit. H 27, Oregonian. TWO CHOICE LOTS, PORTLAND HEIGHTS, Laurel St., $1500 each; must sell. Far rlngton, 318 Chamber Commerce. FOR SALE CHEAP lf-ACRB AT MT. TA bor; terms. Owner, 381 E. Morrison, cor. Union ave. FINE, UP-TO-DATE 6-ROOM HOUSE, fS00, balance $25 per month. Phone East 675. Water Fi on FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FIVE ACRES. ALL. IN CROPS. HOUSE, stable, good well and windmill. 12 minutes' walk from car line: nrice S2500: terms. 10 acres, all In cultivation; houae, stable, chicken-bouses; 18.000 strawberries, Mc Goons, Clark seedlings and Wilsons; mile from mr lin: 4000: terms. s acres. Inside city haunts, S blocks from car line; $550 per acre; water mains iaiQ 10; easy terms. 8 acres, 80 rods from car line, light orusn clearing; price f2bQ0; terms. 1 acre, cleared: water mains laid: 4 mile from car line; price f550; $50 cash. 10 VKr montn. 1 acre and house. 3 blocks from car line, ail In cultivation, price 100O, easy terms. Lois 50x100. 3 blocks from Woodstock car, 1150 and (200, (10 down. 5 per month. Choice lots, 60x100 feet, located on Divi sion street and Marguerite ave., 2 blocks from car line; price 350. $10 down. $10 per month. 1 86-100 acre. 1B0 feet from car Una, good soli. In cultivation: price fuu. A. C. CHURCHILL & CO.. HO 2d St. TtKH HAWTWrmNTC-AVm CAR TO BUN"a- alow Glade, 31st and Main, where you find a brand-new, cosy Dungaiow, or a i-roora UD-to-date residence that challenges their equal for the price and terms. Goldschmldl's. Agency, zaft Washington iu PIBDMnNT prenMONT PIEDMONT. Fine corner. 4 lots facing east, foot above wide graded St., building restrictions, alleys, block from car. 3 blocks from Will iams-ave. station; sell together or sep arate; prices cheapest in Piedmont; easy terms. John B. Maltnewat Lim. vom. WEST SIDE 2.V TO $375: BIG BARGAIN In a few lots in South Portland; these lots lay good and only 12 minutes rrom center of city; no need of spending an hour on the car or waiting for the bridges; a chance in a uietime and will sen on signu i;Buimei, 90 5th st., near Stark. REAL ESTATE WE HANDLE CITY, Su burban property and farm lands, write Are insurance, make mortgage loans and do a general rental business; we solicit your pat ronage. Scandinavian-American Co., Sam H. Davis, manager, 107 & Sixth street, joom 4. Phone Main 909. W A MODERN AND BEAUTIFUL HOUSE, 100 xlOO, on East Side, with stable, trees and shrubbery, furnace, fireplace, oak floors, nickel-plated plumbing; interior finished In the highest art and brand new; by owner; easy terms. Main 3401 or A 21, Oregonian. $3250 FRACTIONAL LOT, ON ELLA, EAST frontage. Just north of Washington; street and sewer Improvements all made; nothing like It on the market; only little ways from heart of city. Grlndstaff & Schalk. 264 Stark st. Tel. Main 392. SNAP CHOICE CORNER ON BOULEVARD, near station; other lots; easy terms. In quire White cottage, one block west Arbor Lodge Station. FOR SALE AN 8-ROOM MODERN HOUSE in Holladay Park at a bargain, by owner; terms to suit. H 27, Oregonian. Phone Main 3401. We can sell your residence or business real estate. Sphinx Agency. 303 Stark st. FOB SALE FARMS. SOMETHING. THE LIKE OF WHICH YOU have never seen. Nearly 700 acres of the richest land In the State, within driving distance of the city ; new railroad just built through the land; an ideal place to divide into small acre tracts. The estimated crops this year are over looO tons hay, 6000 bushels grain, besides the potatoes, onions, hops and other products. Place has been supporting over 200 head cattle, over 3o0 head hogs. About $8000 Invested in modern machinery, implements, etc. Must sell to satisfy heirs. Price lower than they wish to have published. Can assure the purchaser to double his money by platting the place and selling in small tracts. We have been Instructed to sell Spring Hill farm. One of the handsomest places your eyes has ever gazed upon. 346 acres, 1 mile railway station, 22 miles out. You should not fall to see this. Can be sold for $13,000, which Is but little over half price. Also have for sale the Sunflower Dlace, near Salem. 130 acres, with a 10-room resi dence that cos, nearly half the price of the place; perfect system of waterworks, affording modern conveniences. Place all fenced and in cultivation, except a very at tractive park. Very beautiful drive into the city, convenient to railway station, 30 aure hopyard that produced two years ago $7o4K). Price of the whole place only $10,kk. We are also instructed to sell Pioneer place, containing 130 acres, on Lewis River, near La Center, right where the Union Traction Company has selected to cross the river with its new electric car line. This place has very rich soil, extraordinary fine buildings,-and is a charming country home. Price only $6000, including stock, crop and fixtures. We have a long list of very desirable farm; suburban acreage, places ranging from 1 acre to looo acres; prices from $500 up. You should not fail to see THE DUNN LAWRENCE COMPANY, 149 First Street. 1G0-ACRE FARM, 3 MILES FROM TOWN ana railroad; good 7-rfoorn house and farm buildings; 20 head cattle, all farm imple ments and 15 acres crop go with farm at $:I500. If you want something good, come In and see us. Lafayette Realty Co.. 313 & Wash 1 ng ton st., room 18. FOR SALE 160 ACRES, CLOSE IN. $13 per acre ; 5. 10 and 20-acre tracts on river. $20 per acre; house and 25xlOO-foot lot, 14th St., for $2750; this property Is close In; 2 lots In Peninsula, cneap; 7-ioom house and 2 lots at Firland, very cheap, tall 181 4th st. Phone Pacific 572. TEN-ACRE FARM, 0 MILES FROM PORT- land, near car line; 4 acres 8-year-old orch ard. 1 acre strawberries, new 5-room house, good bam; very cheap for cash, or will ex change for good Portland property. Lafay ette Realty Co., 313 Washington st. 60 FARMS FOR SALE IN THE FAMOUS Klickitat valley. Northern Pacific building 75 m!les of railroad through county; wheat, hay and re hard land from $11.60 to $60. Klick itat Real Estate Co., Centerville, Wash. 197 ACRES, 165 CULTIVATION. 100 CROP; nouse, nam, warenouse, orcnara. lots of wood; all level, on Willamette River; very cheap; no agent. T. Jackson, crockery store, 5th and Stark. A GOOD FARM OF 40 ACRES. 32 IN CUL- tivation; all implements, crop and stock, 13 miles east of Portland. Apply to owner, H. Rettig, Damascus. P. O. Gresham, Or., R. F. D. 4. COWLITZ COUNTY. WASH. F. J. BARNARD & CO.. KALAMA. Timber lands, improved farms, unimproved farm and stock lands; cruising done. 39 ACRES, WELL IMPROVED; DAIRY, iruit, poultry ranch, 31,. miles or Dallas; price $1300; terms. J. C. Hoyt, Dallas, Or. 70 ACRES NEAR OREGON CITY ONLY $800. M. Walton, 313 Washington st. FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. FOR SALE 76,000,000 FEET OF FIR TIM- ber, close in on railroad, including logging outfit and sawmill with capacity of 90,000 feet daily; if taken at once can be pur chased for the price of the timber; act Quick If you want a bargain; must sell. Owner, J 40, Oregonian. WE CAN LOCATE YOU AT ONCE ON A fine timber claim in boutnern Oregon, and we guarantee you to- be' located on the claim that we show you and assist you in filing on your claim. Gregg Bros., 317-18 Fenton bids., 84 6th St. S. W. y, SBC. 32, T. 5, R. 3, 2 MILES rrom i'lttsnurg, coiumma county, or. ; will cut 8,000,oc0 feet. Address R. Goodrich, R. F. D. 2. Tacoma, Wash. TIB MILL AND TIMBER AT SACRIFICE buyers only. W 40, Oregonian. WANTED TO BUY TIMBER LAND IN Washington and Oregon, from 80 acres and up. Box 637. Portland. Or. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED REAL ESTATE, IMPROVED AND unimproved; we can sen it ior you; list with us. Best & Van Fossen, 291 Mor rison. RESIDENCE LOT BETWEEN BURNSIDE ana iriancocK, west ot m. etn; must be rea sonable; owners only. P. O. Box 277, city. RESIDENCE" BETWEEN MORRISON AND Montgomery, 7th and 14th; cost not more than $500O. P. O. Box 277, city. PROPERTY WANTED. CITY OR SUBURB an. Improved or unimproved; we have buy ers waiting. H 39, Oregonian. WANTED 8 TO 8-ROOM HOUSE, OR UN Improved lot. south ot Jefferson. M 39, Ore gonian. WANTED LOT OR HOUSE AND LOT. 613 Commercial bldg. Main 1940. FOR SALE LAND SCRIP. ALL KINDS OF LAND SCRIP APPROVED and guaranteed. Military bounty warrants bought and sold. Collins Land Co., Helena, Mont. APPROVED LAND SCRIP FOR SURVEYED or un surveyed timbered or prairie land. H. M. Hamilton, Portland Hotel, Portland, Or. TO EXCHANGE. FOR PROPERTY EQUAL VALUE IN PORT land Will trade my 9-roora house and lot at the Government dock and yards, Bremer ton, Wash.; splendid place for business; on account of permanent, large Government mommy payroll. Address a 35, oregoman. I HAVE 10 ACRES, 1 MILES FROM CAR line, with good 5-oom house and 8-year-old apple orchard, to exchange for bouse and lot; price $3000. V 41, Oregonian. WHAT HAVE YOU IN FARM PROPERTY, ciose in, to exenange ror vest siae resi dence; $40OO. Q 41, Oregonian. FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles and Harness, HORSE SALE. I will sell at the Union Stockyards, Port land, ur., on xuesaay, June ia, at 1 P. M. sharp, one carload of unbroken horses and one car of broke horses; 60 head In all; in this lot will be horses to suit everybody, saddlers, drivers and crood workhnrapi and horses for all uses. My last sale was a grand success and I will sell these horses just as fast as I did before. Come and see me. Remember the date and be on time, Tuesday, June 19. at 1 P. M. sharp. John xwaaaie. Auctioneer. WANTED A FIRST-CLASS DRIVING norse. or horse and buggy; will also take norse ana buggy for lis keeping. Ad are S 69, Oregonian. WANTED BARN. SUITABLE FOR THE Ac commodation of 40 head of horses, with shelter for t wagons and storage room. Q o, uregoman. HORSES AND BUGOIES FOR RENT BY day, week and month; special rates to Dusiness nouses, otn ana Hawthorne. Tel. East 72. FOR SALE SECOND-HAND WAGONS. buggies and harness; also horses; one small luraiture wagon. 420 Hawthorne ave. We buy. sell. rent, exenange. horses, wag ons, saddles, harness. Hubert & Hall, 266 4th Horses and vehicles bought, sold, rented or exenangea. zil Washington. -acmo dot. TOP BUGGY AND HARNESS, CHEAP. Bullivant's rig. 270 12th st. $50 BUYS A GOOD DRIVING MARE, TEN years oia. n. 40, oregonian. ALL-ROUND CITY HORSE FOR SALE) Call 160 Grand ave. Pianos. FOR SALE A BEAUTIFUL DECKER UP- right grand, mahogany case, practically new; to be sacrificed. 350 Alder st. Miscellaneous. FOR SALE NEW AND SECOND-HAND billiard and pool tables; easy payments; we rent tables, with privilege of buying; mod ern bar fixtures; cheap prices. Bruswlck Ba Ike-Coll en der. 49 3d st. FINE LARGE GASOLINE LAUNCH, CAPA- clty 100 people; new engine, nothing better; rare bargain If sold now. Owner, 349 tith, Portland, Or., or phone Pacific 1167. WANTED GOOD SECOND-HAND SINGLE blocker shingle machine: also 40-horse tubular boiler. Kalama Lumber Co., 404 Lumber Exchange Bldg. LAUNCH AND BOATHOUSE. LENGTH 25 feet, taper to stem; 10 H. P. engine, double cylinder; in use 4 months. B 29, Oregonian. FOR SALE TWO AUTOMOBILES, TUNA cars, can ne nougni cneap; soo closes the deal. 1S1 3d st. GOOD WRITING DESK AND OFFICP3 Fix tures ror sale cheap. Inquire 303 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE WHEELER & WILSON SEW- lng machine; also fine upright piano. F 37, Oregonian. DONKEY ENGINES BOUGHT. sold and rented. 324 tnamoer commerce. Main Z3&3. FOR SALE FAMOUS THOROUGH BRED S. C Hamburg chickens. 871 B. 12th st. FOR SALE NEW L. C. SMITH BROS. VIS- ibls typewriter, $65. X 25, Oregonian. FOR SALE NEW NO. 7 REMINGTON typewriter, $70. W 25. Oregonian. BARGE FOR SALE. INQUIRE 336 SHER- lock Block, i'hone Main 529. 81-FOOT LAUNCH, 22 H. P. VERY FINE ana cast. l it, oregonian. THOROUGHBRED BUFF COCHIN CHICK- ens. Phone East 6353. FOR SALE A- 5-FOOT FRENCH RANGE, 25. Phone Pacific 922. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED A GOOD BOOKKEEPER AND stenographer who has had experience in keeping stock In shipping and receiving de partment. Address B 34, Oregonian. GOVERNMENT POSITIONS YOUNG MEN wanted to prepare for letter-carrier and rail way mall clerk. West Coast Correspondence School. 246 Stark st!; open 7 to 9. WANTED AT ONCE. A GOOD DRESSBR tender on plain work; steady work, good pay. Address John P. Wilbur, superintend ent Union Woolen Mills, Union, Or. THOROUGHLY EXPERIENCED SALESMAN in dressgoods and domestic department. Ap ply 8 A. M. ready for work to manager Golden Eagle, 3d and Yamhill. The Great Western Employment Office. 3O04 (Jouch st. pnone Main 3018. v e make a specialty of furnishing all kinds of labor. S, St. Clair, general manager. WANTED EXPERIENCED CIGAR SALES- man to travel for local house; fine line of goods; must be well acquainted and furnish references. H 40, Oregonian. ENERGETIC YOUNO MAN WITH SOME OF- nee experience, able to operate typewriter. Address, stating age, experience and refer ences. C" 39, Orgonlan. UNION HOTEL 81 North Sixth Street. Weekly rates: Room $1 . 25 up ; room with board. $4.50 up. Anderson, prop. WANTED TEN FIRST-CLASS SALESMEN for clothing, shoes hats and furnishings; good salaries to good men. Apply this morn ing at The Hub. SAWMILL FOREMAN WANTED TO TAKE charge of modem band-saw mill plant. Ad dress, giving references, Tacoma, care Ore gonian. PARTNER WANTED MANUFACTURE nl.nla .ptM. 1 a rtrn nmflt. small x.nlnT required; permanent business. 100 Grand ave. Men to learn barber trad special Inducements tun montn: wagon wnue learning. Oilman Barber College. 62T Clay t.. San Francisco. WANTED FIRST-CLASS SALESMAN IJJ Portland and throughout the Ftate; big wages to rustlers. 206 McKay bldg. WANTED EXPERIENCED MACHINE men for railroad tunnel work; good pay; steady work. D 39. Oregonian. WANTED ALL-ROUND BLACKSMITH. S3 per dav, more ir satisfactory. Fhone W. P. Scribner, Heppner, Or. WANTED ROY OR MAN TO HELP IN Kitchen; nort nours. iworrls Kestaurant, 229 Washington st. BOOTBLACK TO RENT SPACE. GOOD Lo cation: no opposition; rent reasonable. Call 606 Washington St. WANTED FAST, ACCURATE STBXOG- rapher. male or female; salary SS0. O 41, Oregonian. BARBER WANTED WILL PELE, OR RENT ehop or pay commission, inquire 43 Union avenue. WANTED EXPERIENCED BRAKEMAN lor wora train on luggiMS roao. r 39, Ore gonian. California Wine Depot Cooks' headquarters ana neipers. i.n .in ei. lei. faciflc 2183. ENGINEERS fumtehed by Sorenson, Eng., UBlom-riouse, auer o r. m. lei. Alain M73. SALESMAN WITH BUSINESS ACQUAINT- ... ! - hi. . oik , , ... WANTED MEN'S OLD CLOTHING. SHOES, highest price paia. 02 sa. fnone Pacific 46. EXPERIENCED ATTENDANT IN PRIVATE I.-.'.. - Innlv wuim t . , . We secure employment for members; special mempersmp a moni.ii, 2. jn. 1. A. WAITERS. COOKS FAMIT.IAR BEST Ho tels. 247 jn. iztn si. JMr. james. WANTED TWO FARMHANDS, IMMEDI- ateiy. Appty duo iawtnorne ave. TPVET-INQ SALESMAN FOR HOTEL, AND restaurant supplies. 20ft Stark at. WANTED FIRST-CLASS PANTS MAKERS. xsioou. me xaiior. iw inira wl. WANTED A TAILOR FOR GENERA! wora. ijUDeri, luoi oia si. WANTED BOY ABOUT IT; STEADY wora. v rTont. cor. uavw. WANTBD HARNESS MAKERS. , APPLY W. a. scnaaer, Stockton, tu. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED FOR TJ. S. ARMY ABLE-BOD-ied unmarried men, between ages of 21 and 35, citizens of United States, of good char acter and temperate habits, who can jpeak, read and write English. Apply to Recruit ing Officer, Alnsworth block, 3d and Oak sts, Portland Or. ALL DISEASES OF MEN SUCCESSFULLY treated; discharges positively cured in frem S to 6 days; consultation free and strictly confidential; send for our symptom blank. X-Radium Medical Institute. Sd and Alder sts.; entrance 253 Alder at.. Portland. PROMISING YOUNG MAN, OVER 18 TBS., wanted Immediately to prepare for an ex cellent Government position, paying $S00 to 11600 per annum. Call this afternoon or evening, E. O. Heynen, 215 Columbia bldg., 365 Washington St. YOU CAN EARN $25 WEEKLY AS A MOV-Ing-picture machine operator; nice, easy work, short hours, steady employment; you learn proression in snort time; terms nw onable. Motion Picture Machine Co., 145V4 Sixth. WANTED FIRST-CLASS SHORT-ORDER and dinner man; also pastry and bread cook, at once; steady place to sober men; $14 to 18 per week. Address M. F. Hadley, 215 west Main st.. Walla Walla, MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN BARBER trade In eight weeks. Graduates eara from $15 to $25 weekly. Expert Instruct ors. Catalogue free. Moler System of Col leges, oa isorth 4th st., Portland. WANTED 20 MEN, EXPERIENCED IN the art of vulcanizing automobile tires; goodv steady positions. Write or call and state salary. The Diamond Rubber Co., Hu ll 2 Telegraph ave., Oakland, Cal. AGENTS WANTED TO BELL SUPERIOR. high-grade nursery stock; complete outfit furnished free; cash weekly; write, tdday ior cnoice of territory, capital ;ity nur sery company, Salem, or. WANTED AT ONCE, 250 LABORERS AT Cazadero; wages $2.25 per day. Call at engineering department, Oregon Water Power c Railway Co., 1st ana Aiaer sis., for particulars. WANTED ROAD SOLICITOR CAPABLE earning $150 month. Buyer In dry goods $150 month. Clerk gen. mdse. ana ciotnmg $75. Clerks' Registration Bureau, 265 Mor rison at. WANTED BY WHOLESALE HOUSE, 1 city, young man wtio is strong and capable of doing heavy work In shipping department; state age and references. H 41, Oregonian. WANTED MAN TO MANAGE PLACER mine in Eastern Oregon; salary $150 per month and board; must have $500 to $lo00 to Invest as security. P 39, oregonian. WANTED EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER tn wholesale house; must have good refer ences. Address L 35, Oregonian. WANTED SODA WATER DISPENSER. 145 Third St. HELP WANTED FEMALE. GIRLS ABOUT 16 YEARS OF AGP) TO work In factory. Apply at once, Ames HarrU-NavUla Co.. 6ta asd Davis sts. GOOD MIDDLE-AGED. MOTHERLY WOMAN by young Southern couple to assist in care of babe and general housework; we want party who will appreciate good home and become permanent member of our family. L 40, Oregonian. YOUNG LADY, RAPID AT FIGURES, AS .checker in a first-class restaurant; one with hotel or restaurant bookkeeper or cashier ex perience; $:J5 and board. Hansen's Ladles' Agency. 343& Washington St., corner 7th, upstairs. WAITRESSES CITY. CENTRA LI A, ELGIN; housework; 2 farmhands (8 cows), $;i5; an other, $30; cooks, Japanese, Chinese, dish washers, everybody. Drake, 2ubVft Wash ington, WANTED STRONG. RELIABLE GIUL FOR general housework In family of three; must be experienced cook; wages $25. Mrs. P. W. Nordby. Phone East 1157 . 778 B. Sal mon st. WANTED YOUNG LADY SOLICITORS TO take orders for coffee; must be experienced and able to furnish best of references. Mar tin Marks Coffee Co.. 326 Flanders St. GOVERNMENT POSITIONS YOU.MJ LADY to prepare for postofllee clerk wanted im mediately. West Coast Correspondence School, '246 Stark St.; open evenings. GIRLS WANTED OPERATORS TO WORK on shirts and overalls. Lessons given to inexperienced. Apply at Standard Factory, 2 Grand ave., and East Taylor st. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work, July 1 : 3 in family; good wages; must be good cook. Apply Mrs. Gates, the Hill Hotel, 23d and Washington sts. COMPETENT G1HL, GENERAL HOUSE- work and cooking, family of tnree; gooa wages and good home. 399 Hancock. Tel. East 1685. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED WRAPPER, must be experienced. Apply 8 A. M., ready for work, to manager Golden Eagle, 3d and Yamhill. DISEASES OF WOMEN A SPECIALTY X Radium Medical Institute and Sanitarium, 3d and Alder; entrance 253 Alder St., Fort land. THE HOMB LADIES' AGENCY; FEMALE help wanted: registration rree. lo 4tn St.. upstairs, suite 23. Phone Main 58'JO. WANTED HOUSEKEEPERS. COOKS. nurses, waitresses, second girls, bt. louis Ladles' Agency. 230 Yamhill. Main 541.1. A GIRL ABOUT- 15 YEARS TO HELP IN delicatessen kitcnen; Sleep norae; tio per month. 162 Grand ave., near Belmont. WANTED OPERATORS AND GIRLS TO leam shirtmaklng. Apply Standard Fac tory, 2 Grand ave.. and E. Taylor St. GIRL WANTED TO DO GENERAL HOUSE- work, small ramlly, good wages, call S8i Sandy road; take Efest Ankeny car. REFINED, INTELLIGENT WAITRESS IN restaurant; must be experienced and Uior- oughly competent. Call 229 2d St. WANTED COOK AND SECOND GIRL FOR country home; references required. Apply In the morning. Phone Main 1652. WANTED IMMEDIATELY EXPERIENCEn cook for first-class private ramlly; $:S5. 230 , Yamhill. Main 5413. WANTED AN ELDERLY LADY FOR GEN- eral housework in family of lour; one who can sleep at home. 252 7th St. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY, 343 Washington St., cor. 7th, upstairs. Phone Main 2692. WANTED A GIRL TO DO PLAIN COOK- lng. family of four: no wasning. Apply 4J4 Main st,, between 9 and 12. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- work and plain coosing. smau lamuy. euu Savier St.; call mornings. y WANTED EXPERIENCED GIRL, FAMILY waitress, $5; also upstairs girl, sza. zsoft Yamhill. Main 5413. WANTED AT ONCE. A COMPETENT woman cook. Apply to airs. jr. fa. btanley. IS- N. 23d St. CAPABLE. GIRL OR WOMAN FOR GENER- al housework; gooa wages to ljio rignt party. 8u9 Lovejoy St. WANTED SMALL GIRL TO TAKE CARE of a child: gooa nome ana gooa wages. 3UU Sherman at- WANTED YOUNG WOMAN OR GIRL FOR light housekeeping, call 898 Maryland av., afternoon. WAITRESSES. CHAMBERMAIDS FAMIL- iar best places. Z47 rx. lztn st. Mr. Jamos. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- work. Call at 59 Nortn zotn st., a. m. WANTED GIRL FOR COOKING IN FAM- Uy of two. liu xm. -Ki., near Johnson. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSB- work, 3 in lamwy. Apply 214 King St. , WANTED AT ONCE. SALESLADY AT Wolf itemovai bale, zzu Morrison. WANTED GIRLS TO MAKE "BOSS OF All overalls it to lit st. COMPETENT HAIRDRESSER AND MANI- cure. 308 wasnington st. GIRL TO HELP WITH GENERAL HOUSB- work. 696 Everett st. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK AND cooking. 301 Ttn st. WANTED A GOOD DINING-ROOM GIRL. 340 Ankeny. WANTED A WAITRESS AT THE BEAVER, 8O6 Burnsias. WANTED A COOK. PHONE MAIN 2511. 236 King st. CHAMBERMAID AT THE- UNION HOTEL, Bi is. eui sc. HELP WANTED FEMALE. . ATTENTION. Applicants for all kinds of work register with us. free of charge, so ws mar locals you on short notice. .oHA?rSEJf'8 LADIES" AGENCY. 343H Washington St.. cor. 7th. upstairs. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. MAN TO COOK SANDWICHES, STEADY employment: girl to attend cigar stand ex perience necessary; also porter, good wages. Call at Oaks Tavern WANTED GOOD COOK FOR BOARDING house, at Seavlew. E 39, Oregonian. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. BOOKKEEPING I WILL POST YOUR books, make up your statements and take off monthly trial balance, at small expense -satisfaction guaranteed. Murton, the ac countant. 634 Chamber Commerce. Main 4886. WANTED POSITION BY BOOKKEEPER who is also stenographer and understands advertising; 11 years' experience; Al refer ences; competent to take charge of office B 37, Oregonian. YOUNG MAN. 22 YEARS OF AGE FOUR years' experience In selling shoes and up-to-date men's furnishings, wishes position as salesman at once. T 41, Oregonian EXPERIENCED CLOTHING CLERK FOR permanent position in town near Portland Address, giving age, experience, references and expected salary, M 40, Oregonian. YOUNG MAN. STENOGRAPHER, DESIRES permanent positilon that offers opportunity for advancement; experienced; references fur nlshed. Address B 40, Oregonian. A YOUNG MAN. FOUR YJJARS' EXPERI ence general merchandise. Eastern Oregon, desires position same locality; a rustler. N 40, Oregonian. Miscellaneous. FIRST-CLASS ENGINEER WANTS SITUA tlon, steady worker; has long experience and can furnish a good reference. Address Joseph Rajant, Winchester House, 13W 3d St. Phone Pacific 1713. WANTED BY YOUNG MAN, A PLACH with civil engineer in city to learn draft ing; have had two years' experience tn field work: can run transit or level. li2 B. 8th street North. JAPANESE LABOR ASSOCIATION CAN furnish domestic servants, farmers also; all kinds of help. Main 4659. 26S Everett. FIRST-CLASS JAPANESE COOK WANTS situation to "do fancy cooking and dainty pastry work. V 37. Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS FILER WANTS POSITION IN circular mill or logging camp; best refer ences. N 28. Oresonian. JAPANESE COUPLE WANTS WORK. MAN1 for cooking and wife help, all kinds, and country. 29 North 3d st. JAPANESE BOY, GOING TO SCHOOL, wants work in small family. Address s. Kuma, 61 N. 2d St. Men's csst-ofr clothing, shoes, highest prices paid. 734 N. 3d St. Phoae Pacific 1684. JAPANESE BOY WANTS GENERAL HOUSB work In city. G 41, Oregonian. SITUATION 'WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. STENOGRAPHER WITH SOME EXPERI ence and knowledge of bookkeeping; moder ate ealary to commence. 3 41, Oregonian. YOUNO WOMAN OF EXPERIENCE WANTS position as bookkeeper; city references. Ad dress F 08, oregonian. Biurse. TERMS REASONABLE WHEN WANTING experienced nurse phone Main 6723; also phone Main 1528. -.; Housekeepers. EXPERIENCED EDUCATED LADY. NOT young, would like housekeeping for single gentleman. J 39, Oregonian. Miscellaneous, RESPONSIBLE WOMAN WANTS POSITION as caretaker of home during owner's ab sence; would put up the season's fruits and Jellies. T 39, Oregonian. RESPECTABLE YOUNG WOMAN WILL As sist housework after 3 o'clock and before 7 mornings for room, board. 2303 Yamhill. Main 5413. WANTED POSITION AS SALESLADY Cloak and suit department or millinery preferred. V 39, Oregonian. EDUCATED YOUNG LADY DESIRES 6ITU atlon as governess or care of children. Zivft Yamhill. Main 5413. POSITION BY YOUNG LADY IN DENTIST'S or doctor's office; had experience in hospi tal. R 40, Oregonian. HOMB - LAUNDERED CURTAINS; LAC 13 bedspreads also. Phone Scott 3841. Mrs. a. M. Scott. GERMAN WOMAN WANTS HOUSECLEAN lng or washing by the day. Phone Bast 3U56. LADY DESIRES POSITION AS CLERK IN drug or muslo store. A 28, Oregonian. WOMAN WANTS WORK BY THE DAY. 995 E. 11th st. North. WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS WANTED TO REPRESENT THB Old Reliable Nurseries; commissions ad vanced weekly; write quick for choice ot territory. Albany Nurseries. Albany, Or. AGENTS WANTED TO SELL OUR high-grade nursery stock; big commissions and premiums; cash advanced weekly. Ad dress Chlco Nursery, Salem, Or. Bid PAY TO ONE AGENT IN EACH COUN ty, working for the Investors' Guide. 311 Marquam bldg., Portland. Or. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO RENT HOUSES. COTTAGES, FLATS ROOMING-HOUSES. STORES. ETC. Our rental department has been en larged and provided with additional staff. We Invite listing from LANDLORDS, offer personal attention to and continuous supervision over all property intrusted to our care. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OR.EXJON. 8. E. .cor. 3d and Oak sts. Phons Ex. 73. WANTED A WELL FURNISHED HOUSH of 7 or 8 rooms. West Side, good location, by couple without children for a term of month; references given and taken. C 38, Oregonian. WANTED HOUSES AND COTTAGES. EAST and West Sides; will rent at once. Donald G. Woodward, agent, 104. 2d st. Phons Main 1436. Administrator of estates. TYPEWRITING AND COPYING TO DO AT home; stenograpnic aiciation taaen; manu script' corrected; reasonable. W 3, Orego nian. ONE. TWO OR THBEHJ UNFURNISHED housekeeping rooms, witn gas, near ateet bridge. G 40, Oregonian. THREF1 OR FOUR WELL FURNISHED housekeeping rooms lor adults. J 41. gonlan. TWO ROOMS WITH OR WITHOUT BOARD for two ladles ana cnlia of tt. , urego nlan. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. TYPEWRITING AND COPYING TO DO AT home; stenographic dictation taken; manu script corrected; reasonable. W 8, Ore gonian. WANTED MEN'S CAST-OFF CLOTHING and shoes; highest price paia. can at the "Fair Deal." 62 N. 3d. Phons Pacific 1722. WANTED TO BUY NATIONAL CASH R Bo lsters, both new ana secona-nana; Highest cash price paid. C 11, Oregonian. WE WILL BUY FOR CASH YOUR FURNI ture, carpets, etc.. now. Western Saivags Co., 627 Washington st. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. Main 5655. Main S655. f-Uttliin UftlS WANTSO for SPOT CASH. Portland Auction Rooms, A. Schubach. Prop. 11 irsc oireei. Main 5655. Main 86SS. FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS Don't worry, loss tims or money, Csil up Paclflo 793. WANTED HYDRAULIC PRESS FOR FBR tlllzer. Address J. 8. Kirkley, 792 Tour man st. WANTED TWO" TENTS, 8x10 TO 10x12; state condition and price. B 37. Oregonian! WE CALL FOR DEAD HORSES AND CAT tle free of charge. Fhone East 2233. 1