TOE MORNING OREGONIAN, TUESDAY, JUNE 19, 1906. 10 AMUSEMENTS. wanton The Heflig Theater Tonight 8:15 Wednesday. Thursday Nights Family Matinee Wediwlw. KENDALL MUSICAL COMPANY In the Comic Opera "tAID PASHA." Same Bill at Empire Theater Friday and Saturday Nights Saturday Matinee. POPULAR PRICES AT BOTH THEATERS Evening. 15c, 25c. 35c and 50c. Matinee, 15c and 25c. ADVANCE SALE TOMORROW. HENRIETTA CROSMAN "MARY. MARY. QUITE CONTRARY HEILIG THEATER Friday mud Saturday Nights Saturday Mat- tnr June Si and S3. EVENING PRICES Lower flooi $2; last 6 rows. $1.50. Balcony. $1. 73c and 50c Gallery, 50c. MATINEE PRICES Lower floor, $1.50, $1. Balcony. $1. 75c. 50c. Gallery, 35c, 25c Baker Theater S;r Tonight All This Week Matinee Saturday THE BAKER THEATER COMPANY IN Henry V. Esmond' Beautiful and Inspired Play "When We Were Twenty-One" Evening price 23c 35c and 50c. Matinee, 15c and 2"c. Next Week "MADAME SANS GENE. Empire Theater saswr Monday, June 25th, 8:15 .P.M. The U. S. S. Princeton Minstrel and Specialty Co. Under the management of C. W. ADAMS, Chief Mater-at-Arms U. S. S. Princeton, for benefit of Seamen's Institute. Prices, 25c. 50c. 75c and $1. Seats on sale at the box office, commencing Thursday. June 21. until date of entertainment. Graham String Quartet THIRD CONCERT TUESDAY. JUNE 19 8:30 P. M. I'NITARIAN CHAPEL 7th and Yamhill Sts. Wm. Wallace Graham and Mrs. Sherman D. Brown. Soloists. Harold V. Mllllgan, Accompanist. QUARTETTE Moxart CONCERTO for two violins Bach QUARTETTE Haydn PATRONESSES. Mrs. Helen Ladd Corbett, Mrs. J. Wesley Ladd. Mrs. Richard Koehler. Mrs. Sol Hlrsch. THE STAR Commencing Monday, June 18, Seventh Week STAR STOCK COMPANY IN "A GOOD-NATURED MAN" In Connection With a Strong Vaudeville Olio. InrludinK Honr and Mo vine ricturea. THE GRAND WEER OF JUNE 18. Big Orpheum Vaudeville. Hugh Emmrtt, World-Renowned entriloqulst. The Hoffman. With & Stith. Harold Hon. Herbert Mitchell. Lone Mitchell, llrandlscope. PANTAGES Fsrwhsund GRAC'K Hl'NTlNGTOV and Troop In the Koarinic Farce, "A Matrimonial Mixup. Cieortre ft Allen. McKee ft Carlton. Jean IYUmoii. The Znnfrella. Billy Kvann. The Biofrraph. Prformanren dally at 2:.'iO. 7:30 and 9 P. M. Admission, ltc and iiOc; boxes, iMc. Ladles and children take any aeat at week day matinees for TEN cents. 100 Men Wanted To buy moving-picture machines and mov ing; pictures of San Kranclsco fire and eartn quake. Motion picture machines, films, gas outfits, views, song slides, phonographs, etc., bought, sold, rented and exchanged. New man's. 14."-' tith. Portland. Or. BASEBALL Athletic Park Corner Vaughn and Twenty-fourth, PORTLAND VS. HAN FRANCISCO, (iames Called at 3:30 P. M. Dally. Game Called 2:30 P. M. Sunday. Ladles' Day, Friday. ADMISSION, 25c. GRANDSTAND, 25c. CHILDREN. 100, BOX SEATS. 25c. AUCTION SALES TODAY. At the Portland Auction Rooms, 211 First street. Sale 2 I'. M. C. L. Ford, Auctioneer. At Oilman's Auction Rooms, 413 Washing ton street, at 10 o'clock A. M. S. L. N. Gil man, Auctioneer. At Baker's Auction House, corner Alder and Park streets. Sale at 10 A. M. Geo. Baker & Son, Auctioneers. MEETING NOTICES. WILLAMETTE LODGE, NO. 2, A. F. & A. M.; Special communi- (OV cation this (Tuesday) afternoon at i o tim-s. rur in purpose or con ducting the funeral services over the remains of our deceased brother, T. P. Cleveland. Full attendance desired. W. S. WEEKS, Secretary. PORTLAND I.ODGE. NO. 55, A. F. & A. M. Special communication will be held this (Tuesday) eve ning. June ID. at 7:30 P. M. Work In F. C. degree. Visiting brethren cordially Invited. By order of W. 1. W. PRATT, Secretary. M. DIED. JOHNSON in this city. June 18. loon, Anna C. Johnson, aged 66 years. Notice of funeral hereafter. FUNERAL NOTICES. JONES IN Montavilla, June 17, lftOfl, at the family residence. George W. Jones, aged 87 years, 8 months and 2 days. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully Invited to at tend the funeral services, which win h. held at Flnley's chapel at lo A. M. today tiucoucj,. iiiiruuriu Vancouver, v asn. JHEILLY At 91ft Fourth street. June 18 l!"i, William B. O'Reilly, aged 34 year brother of Wade O'Reilly, of this city. Fu neral will take place Wednesday. June 2rt at 1:45 P. M., from Dunning, McEntee & uuoaugn s cnapei, seventh and Pine streets theme to the Cathedral. Fifteenth and Da vis streets, at 2 P. M., where services will be held. Interment Mount Calvarv ceme tery. Friends respectfully Invited. Hart Mlcn.) papers please copy. EDWARD HOLM AN CO.. th. lesulliist funeral director and cmbalmers, ttS and ft. Third street, corner salmon, hay to finest establishment and the moat reasonable charges. We have an experienced lady who takes run coarse aua way ease, rasa slain 607. J. r. FINLKY SON. funeral directors nd embatmers. No. 161 td t-. cor. Madison. Kay or night call promptly attended. Ex perienced lady assistant when desired, Of fice of County Coroner. Phono Mala V. DENNING. M'KNTEE s) GILBACGH. Bas ses tors to Donning M Campion, undertaker and embalm ers i modern in svery detail i 7ta aad Pine. Phono Main ill. Lady assistant. T. a. DCNNINO. Undertaker. 414 Alder. Lady assistant. Phono East M. ZELLEK-BYKNKS CO.. Undertakers, Em. aimers. (71 Russell. East las. Lady ass's. TON SET H CO, florists. Artist!, floral deaiaus. l-'S Cth st. Phono Mala sis. NEW TODAY. 201 N. 18TH 8-ROOM HOUSE. IN GOOD condition, rent $30. Apply to R. W. car. U. S. National Bank. BARGAIN $4800 Modern, up-to-date ft-room bunga low In rholce part of Holladay Park Addi tion with over -acrf of ground. Less r round ran be sold with the house. If de sired. Harttnan & Thompson, Chamber of Commerce. A NEW TODAY. Beautiful Evans Addition Large Lots On Commercial, near Knott street, with streets improved and water and sewers laid, $725 and $825 These are worth more money today, and are rapidly in creasing in value. ATTRACTIVE PRICES. ONLY NINE LEFT You are intending to have one of these choice lots. Don't wait too long. Better call at once and have one re served. For terms apply Portland Trust Company oi Oregon Southeast Corner Third and Oak Streets. 4 Per Cent Interest ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS The Savings Bank OF THE Title Guarantee & Trust Company Pays 4 per cent on Certificates of Deposit (interest compounded semi annually.) Pays 3 per cent on daily balances of check accounts. Banking hours ... .9 A. M. to 4 P. M. Saturdays 9 A. M. to 1 P. M. Saturday evenings 5 to 8 o'clock 240 WASHINGTON STREET, Corner Second, PORTLAND, OREGON. The City Is Moving to the East Side The best of business locations for wholesale houses and manufacturing sites, on railroad switches, in center of city. Splendid opportunity for retail dealers. Choicest residence sites in the city. There is new life everywhere. Come and see what we are doing, live and do business with us. We believe in helping one another. For particulars inquire of JOSEPH BUCHTEL Manager Information Bureau, East Side Improvement Association. 362 EAST MORRISON ST. Near East Third Street. Phone East 5422. Who Desire Absolute Safety In Their FIRE INSURANCE POLICIES Are Reminded That The Home Insurance Co. Of New York Is the "GIANT Of AMERICAN COMPANIES" With a Surplus of Over $7,000,000 For Insurance in this most reliable com pany call on Portland Trust Company of Oregon S. E. Cor. 3d and Oak Sts. Phone Ex. 72. BEN J. I. COHEN President J. O. GOLTRA Assistant Secretary In Charge of Insurance Department. $1700 Fractional lot Overton street, near Twenty-second, S3y2xl00. Will make terms and build to suit purchaser if desired. ?1650 Corner lot, 50x50,- Fourth and Sheridan. Can be made to pay good income on small investment. $1100 Fractional lot on Kearney near Twenty-second. 50 feet frontage, $3000 Hoyt, between Twenty- third and Twenty-fourth. Full lot in excellent neighborhood. - Morgan & Fliedner Suite 213, Abington Building HOTEL FURNISHINGS AND GOODWILL For Sale as a Going Concern A thoroughly modern and well equipped hotel in the City of Victo ria, B. C. ftixty-four rooms, baths, etc. Adaptable either for commer cial or tourist trade, to rent at $2.00 to $2.50 a day. Profitable bar busi ness, easy rental and valuable good will in connection. Terms of pur chase can be arranged, if necessary. Address "Trustee," P.O.Box 275, VAIsCOUVKK, B. C. Quarter Block On Park Street For. Sale With two houses thereon, brinelmr i good rental. This Is the only 100x100 feet that I know of for sale now on Park St.. and property on the Park streets is very inviting and becoming more so every year. For price and particulars call on or ad- oress t. i. si tiLUbt,, zou Main street. NEW TODAY. Hoisting Gable for Sale 600 feet 34-inch, and 600 feet -inch, Swedish iron Standard Roeb ling hoisting cable, in A-l condition. Eight cents per pound. 534 pounds 34-inch; 372 pounds of - -inch. Address A. W. Cochran, The Ore gonian. A 6even-room house and lot 50x100 feet, 783 Northrup street, between Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth streets a choice residence section for sale for 4000. Call mornings, between 10 and 12 o'clock. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE S-ROOM RESIDENCE. LOT BOX 160. fruit trees and flowers. East Side, easy walking distance to business center, two car lines, house la modern throughout, dou ble lined and double floor, wood panels and Interior finish In hardwood and redwood, with plenty of closets, drawers and shelves, furnace heat, cement basement floor; built by a master mechanic for a home, and is the most substantial and convenient house In the city; should be seen to be appreci ated; furniture If desired. Phone between 0 A. M. and 3 P. M.. East 636S. TAKES HAWTHORNE-AVE. CAR TO BUNG alow Glade, 31st and Main, where you find a brand-new, cozy bungalow, or a 7-room up-to-date residence that challenges their equal for the price and terms. Goldschmldt's Agency, 253ft. Washington st. MODERN 5-KOOM HOUSE, CONCRETE basement, steps, walk; fine lot, improved St., $1?00, including new range and shades; 5 rooms, close In, 1400. 7 room house. West Side. $2650: houses built on Install ments; lota if desired. City Realty Building Co., 612 Commercial bldg.. Main 1040. REAL ESTATE WE HANDLE CITY, Su burban property and farm lands, write fire Insurance, make mortgage loans and do a general rental business; we solicit your pat ronage. Scandinavian-American Co., Sam H. Davis, manager, 107 ft Sixth street, room 4. Phone Main 5909. INVESTORS. HERE IS 15 PER CENT. Modern two-story store building, 6 rooms, 2d floor, hard finish, porcelain bath, woodllft, gas; store separate; corner lot worth $60O, building $25oo; price $2200; will rent $30 month. John B. Matthews, 720 Chamber of Commerce. A MODERN AND BEAUTIFUL HOUSES 100 X100, on East Side, with stable, trees and shrubbery, furnace, fireplace. oak floors, nickel-plated plumbing; Interior .finished in the highest art and brand new; by owner; easy terms. 'Main 3401 or A 21, Oregonlan. flOOO NEARLY FULL LOT. Et 8D ST., near Kchuylcr: streets improved; sewer, wa ter, gas; elevation Just right; would shads price some if taken soon. $1150 Cor. lot on Schuyler, east of Union ave. Culver, (523 Chamber of Commerce. 132RO FRACTIONAL LOT. ON ELLA. EAST frontage. Just north of Washington; street and sewer Improvements all made; nothing like It on the market; only little ways from heart of city. Grlndstaft ft Schalk. 264 Stark' st. Tel. Main 392. 13400 SIX-ROOM MODERN NEW HOUSE ana lot, nice resiaence part tiast foruana; 1750 .down, S50O in year, balance 3 years. J32O0 rt-room house and lot, close In, East Portland. Culver, 023 Chamber of Com merce. FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE, NEARLY NEW. bath and hot water plumbing. Improved street, cement walk and sewer connection, near Sunnyside car; 150O cash, balance $20 monthly; $2000. Hatfield & Smith, 166 4th st. NOB HILL STRICTLY MODERN 7-ROOM house, furnace, fireplace, cement basement, lawn, foses, cement walks; Irving St., near 22d; $4700; terms: bargain. Lafayette Realty Co., 313 Washington St., room IS. A BIG SNAP. $15,000 only for an extra fine 4-block, close in on 3d st.,; $2.VK can be made on this property In 60 to 00 days. F. Dubois, Washlnston bldg., room 1. RiiAL ESTATE WE HANDLE CITY AND suburban property, write fire insurance, make mortgage loans and do a general rental busi ness; we solicit your patronage. GRIND STAFF & SCHALK. 264 Stark at. Phone Main 382. DO YOU WANT TO BUY CITY LOTS OR acreage? If so. see Bast Side Real Estate Co. East Side property a specialty. 407 Haw thorne ave.. near Grand. Phone East 1067. FOR SALE CHEAP LARGE- 7-ROOM MOD- ern house, Holladay Park Addition, lot oOx 100; full cement basement, cement sidewalks, furnace, fine lawn, etc. Phone East 4750. FOR SALE. FURNISHED OR IINFITR nlshed, new 6-room houe, with two lots, two blocks from csr line; terms to suit. Phone Tabor 42. or call 1045 East Grant. 8i0 STOCK OF GROCERIES. NEATLY kept; nxtures, norse ana wagon; nne dusi ness, 3 years established; good will. John 3. Matthews, 720 Chamber of Commerce. NOW IS YOUR TIME TO BUY DOORS, windows, flooring and all kinds of building materials at a great bargain. Apply to American inn. rnone facinc lOTtf. FINE, NEW, MODERN 6-ROOM COTTAGB at K, Morrison, Detween 3om ana tfotn; $2000; $300 down, balance monthly payments. A. P. Smith, 429 Washlnston st. SEVEN-ROOM HOIT8EX BATH AND GAS. full brick basement, stationary tuns, corner lot, fruit and lawn, cement walks; $2800. Hatfield & Smith, 165 4th St. 7-ROOM HOUSE. GOOD CONDITION. MOD. em conveniences, lot otxioo, l block from car line. Tabor Heights; price reasonable terms cash. Phone East 5577. $3000 LOT 50x100 AND UP-TO-DATE 5 room cottage on N. 23d st. This will make you a nice noma, pnone Main 302. t Grlnd stsff It. Schalk, 264 Stark st. $3SSO HALF CASH. NICB NEW 6-HOOM house, lot 50x100. No. 838 Wasco St., Holla day Park: take Broadway car to E. 19th and Halsey. Key at 6uZ asco. FOR SALE AN 8-ROOM MODERN HOUSE In Holladay park at a bargain, by owner terms to suit. H 27, Oregonlan. Phone Main 3401. THE BIGGBST SNAP ON UNION AVE. Full lot. Btore. 4 rooms above, rent $23 month: $iswo. r. ijudois, waamngton bldg.. room 1. HOUSES, ALL PARTS OF CITY, BUILT AND sold on installments. kroner, ju-17 cam bridge bldg.. southwest cor. 3d and Morrison. SELLWOOD LOTS. $5 A MONTH: $125 UP. Sellwood Townslte Co., H. P. Palmer, man ager. Phone Sellwood 161. 16B5 E. 13th. THE BIGGEST SNAP ON PORTLAND Heights Lrfirge j Dloca. wltn nne view. $4ijO. wasninaion oiag., room i. $2200 NICE 6-ROOM MODERN HOME. ON Stanton st., upper Aimna. tel. Main 302. Grindstaff Schalk. Z4 Stark at. FOR SALE AN 8-ROOM MODERN HOUSt In Holladay Park at a bargain, by owner terms to suit. H 27. Oregonlan. 1 it vriun-s ' i "i. i u.-i ... i ntnill i s, Laurel St., $1500 each; must sell. Far- $22O0 NEW MODERN 6-ROOM HOUSE. CB ment basement; East Holladay. D. Miller, 114 inaiuuei rotm-ROOM BUNGALOW AND TWO IYra on Mt. Scott line, only $850. Call 133! Otn Bl.. room x. FOR SALE DBSIRABLE LOT, RICHMOND Addition, ironung laggan, east of 59th. P. O. BOX Zt7. FOR SALE CHEAP V.-ACHK AT MT Tl bor: terms. Owner. 381 E. Morrison, cor. . union ave. CHOICE LOT. JOHNSON. NEAR 23TV a. room cottage, full lot. Kenllwortb. Phone East 1103. $1076 FINE CORNER LOT SOUTHWEST corner lotn ana xiancoca sts. M. is. Lee. 83 6th St. I GIVE RELIABLE INFORMATION ABOUT Alberta for tne asxing. ti. is. urlggs. 133ft First St. SPLENDID. MODERN. NEW BUNGALOW. 6 rooms. 821 Multnomah st. Phone East 1263. 6 ACRES. NEAR PIEDMONT. $4000. W. W. Payne. 1200 Williams ave. Phone East 344. $1650 NICB. MODERN 5-ROOM COTTAGE. on B. Alder, Sunnyside. 165 ft 3d St., room B. HOUSES BUILT. ANY PART CITY, EASY payments. 313 Commercial blk. Main 3953. K-flOO LARGE LOT. NEAR 2.1D AND WASH ington; fine building site. 165 3d, room B. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. GOOD LO-. cation, in seuwooa. x B, uregoaian. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE $1200 NEW COTTAGE. ROOMS. GAS and electric lights, batn. Maple sx., oe--tween Hamilton ave. and Seymour St.. does to S car and school. South Portland. Terms, 208 4th su Tel. Pacific 212S or res. Main 3000. ACRE TRACTS WE HANDLE ACREAGE as a specialty, within city limits or outsioe. Some acres with terms as low as $10 per month, with water. A. C. Churchill & Co.. Inc.." 110 2d St. NEW 6-ROOM HOUSE. MODERN, $3250, terms. 302 E. lltn. FOB SALE TIMBER LANDS. 180 ACRES FIR AND CEDAR, 3,000,000; 4 mile irom logging iui v ...... large body adjoining. Box 1U69. Vancouver, B. C. WANTED TIMBER LANDS. WANT TO MEET OWNER 15.000,000 TO 20,000.000 feet of fir timber, on or trmutary to Columbia River or railroad; give particu lars, terms, etc. R 35, Oregonlan. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED IRON ORE. GRAPHITE OR limestone lands or claims II you own or know of any large deposits of Iron ore, graphite or limestone In Oregon or Wash ington and which are for sale, send samples and correspond with C. D. Charles. 327 Chamber of Commerce. Portland. Or. WANTED FOR CASH. VACANT LOT BBT. Washington and Kearney, lotn and S4tn; state location and price. H 35, Oregonlan. WANTED LOT OR HOUSE AND LOT. 612 Commercial bldg. Main 1940. TO EXCHANGE. A FINE FRUIT FARM OF 40 ACRES, 5 acres In Winter apples, 2 in peacnes. l in English walnuts. 17 in Italian prunes and 15 in timber: a large dryer of 300 bushels per day capacity; a fine spring, 50 cords of wood cut for this season's drying; will trade for good inside city property. Call on owner at 146 6th st. L. J. Shell. FOR PROPERTY EQUAL VALUE IN PORT- land will trade my u-room nouse ana lot at the Government dock and yards, Bremer ton, Waah.; splendid place for business; on account of permanent, large Government monthly payroll. Address S 35, Oregonlan. WHAT HAVb YOU TO EXCHANGE FOR printing? All offers considered; satisfaction guaranteed. D 24, Oregonlan. FOR SALE LAND SCRIP. ALL KINDS OF LAND SCRIP APPROVED and guaranteed. Military bounty warrants bought and sold. Collins Land Co.. Helena. Mont. APPROVED LAND SCRIP FOR SURVEYED or unsurveyed timbered or prairie land. H. . M. Hamilton, Portland Hotel. Portland, Or. FOR SALE FARMS. SOMETHING, THB LIK13 OF WHICH YOU nave never seen. Nearly 700 acres of the richest land In the State, within driving distance of the city; new railroad Just built through the land; an Ideal place to divide into small acre tracts. The estimated crops this year are over looO tons hay, 600O bushels grain, besides ths potatoes, onions, hops and other products. Place has been supporting over 200 head cattle, over 3O0 head hogs. About $8000 Invested In modern machinery, Implements, etc Must sell to satisfy heirs. Price lower than they wish to have published. Can assure the purchaser to double his money by platting - the place and selling In small tracts. We have been Instructed to sell Spring Hill farm. One of the handsomest places your eyes has ever gazed upon. 346 acres. 1 mile railway station, 22 miles out. You should not fall to see this. Can be sold for $15,000, which Is but little over half price. Also have for sale the Sunflower dace, near Salem. 130 acres, with a 10-room resi dence that cost nearly half the price of the place; perfect system of waterworks, affording modern conveniences. Place all fenced and In cultivation, except a very at tractive park. Very beautiful drive into the city, convenient to railway station, 30 aore hopyard that produced two years ago $7000. Price of the whole place only $10,OuO. We are also Instructed to sell Pioneer place, containing 130 acres, on Lewis River, near La Center, right where the Union Traction Company has selected to cross the river with Its new electric car line. This place has very rich soli, extraordinary fine buildings, and Is a charming country home. Price only $6000. including stock, crop and fixtures. We have a long list of very desirable farms, suburban acreage, places ranging from 1 acre to 1000 acres; prices from $5(K) up. You should not fall to see THE DUNN LAWRENCE COMPANY. 140 Mi First Street. 670 ACRES FIRST-CLASS CLOVER LAND, 400 clear, 250 plow, 170 acres oak grub and vine maple, some fine pasture; 6-room house, large barn and other buildings; om fine bottom land; P. O.. store snd echoolhoufie snd blacksmith shop at - station by the place at the R. R. ; 4 miles to Normal school; price $25 per acre; some money down, bal ance 5 or 6 years at a low rate of Interest; can be divided Into small farms if wished. W. W. Espey, room 319, Commercial bldg. FOR SALE 160 ACRES, CLOSE IN. $13 per acre; 5, 10 and 20-acre tracts on river, $20 per acre; house and 25xl00-foot lot. 14th st., for $2750: this property Is close In; 2 lots in Peninsula, cneap; 7-room house and 2 lots at Flrland. very cheap. Call 181 4th st. Phone Pacific 572. STOCK FARM. 165 ACRES, $24 PER ACRE; 7-room house, 2 barns, bo acres In crop. Including wagon, horses, 6 head of cattle and farm Implements; 6 miles from town. Quincy E. Cralne, Carlton, Or., R. F. D. 60 FARMS FOR SALE IN THB FAMOUS Klickitat valley, Nortnern pacinc building 70 miles of railroad through county; wheat, hay and orchard land from $11.50 to $60. Klick itat Real Estate Co., Centervllle, Wash. 60 FARMS FOR SALE IN THE FAMOUS Klickitat Valley. Northern Pacific building 75 miles of railroad through county; wheat, hay and orchard land from $11.50 to $60: Klick itat Real Estate Co., Centervllle, Wash. JUST RETURNED FROM EASTERN ORB gon; crops looking fine; we expect to lo cate 60O people in the next month; come and Join us. 202 Worcester bldg., Portland, Or. $3500 BUYS A GOOD GRAIN WAREHOUSE, in a good farming section, on railroad; ca pacity 80,000 bushels, besides large hop storage. Address S. Potter. Sheridan, Or. COWLITZ COUNTY. WASH. F. J. BARNARD CO., KALAMA. Timber lands. Improved farms, unimproved farm and stock lands; cruising done. A GOOD FARM. WORTH $60 PKR ACRB, for sale at $30; bargain. Apply 453 12th st. 70 ACRES NEAR OREGON CITY ONLY $800. M. Walton. 313 Washington st. FOR SALE. Horses. Vehicles and Harness. HORSE SALE. I will sell at the Union Stockyards, Port land. Or., on Tuesday, June i, at l p. m. sham, nne carload of unbroken horses and one car of broke horses; 60 head in all: in this lot will be horses to sun everynoay, saddlers, drivers and good workhorses and horses for all uses. My last sale was a grand success and I will sell these horses Just as fast as I aid before. Come and ses me. Remember the date and be on time, Tuesday, June 19, at 1 P. M. sharp. John 'i waddle. Auctioneer. SNAP $140 BUYS TBAM AND HARNESS; team weighs 1125 each. 7 and 8 years old, sound, work every way; harness Is new. Call Regal Stables, 14th and Burneide sts. I HAVE STOCK IN A NO. 1 PROPOSITION; will stand closest Investigation; will trade for first-class driving team and pay diner ence. P. O. Box 246. WANTED A FIRST-CLASS DRIVING horse, or horse and buggy; will also take horse and buggy for Its keeping. Address B on. uregoman. PAIR OF BIG BAY MARES. WEIGHT 2690 pounds; are sound, good workers, also new set of heavy teaming Harness. st owuer, 23 N. 14th St. HORSES AND BUGGIES FOR RENT BY day, week and month: special rates to business houses. 6th ana Hawtnorne. East 72. SNAP XMI HI7VS RAY MARE3. WEIGHT 1050 pounds; drives single or double; also nice harness, $12.50. call M i. inn sc. FOR RAI.W SECOND-HAND1 WAGONS. buggies and harness: also horses; one smaU furniture wagon. 4u nawtnorne ave. ons. saddles.' harness. Hubert Hall, 266 4th THB BEST ONLY PONTIAC DELIVERY wagons for sale at 34Z n.. wasnington st. Horses and vehicles bought, sold, rented or exchanged. 211 Washington, racinc ooi. TOP BUGGY AND HARNESS, CHEAP. Bulllvant s rig. 270 lztn st. $40 SADDLE PONY AND SADDLE. Oi,L FOR. SALE. Pianos. FOR SALE A KRANICH BACH PIANO for $100; cost $600. 354 Oak st. p Miscellaneous. FOR SALE TENDERS WILL BE Re ceived by the undersigned at the German Consulate, Victoria, B. C up to noon. June 20. for the purchase of the German steamer "Marlechen." where she now lies In her damaged condition. Right reserved to reject any or all tenders. P. Schoen wandt, agent, Victoria, B. C, June 11. 19u6. 60 SLIGHTLY DAMAGED SEWING MA chlnes at very low prices; singer. Wheeler Wilson, Domestic, White, Household, Davis and others; to make room for new stock. Wheeler & Wilson and Singers. S. S. Slgel, 335 Morrison St., Marquam bldg. FOR SALE THREE DOUBLE-DRUM, IN cllne lowering machines built by Lambert Hoisting Engine Company; four quarrying horsepower No. 8 American Hoist and Der rick Co., also derrick fixtures. For prices apply F. D. Kuettner, Astoria. Or. FOR 8ALE NEW AND SECOND-HAND billiard and pool tables; easy payments; we rent tables, with privilege of buying; mod ern bar fixtures; cheap prices. Bruswlck-Balke-Colleader. 49 3d st. 16-FOOT RACINE GASOLINB LAUNCH, with canopy top, side curtains, cushions, carpet and headlight; also boathouse; all In first-class condition. B 27. Oregonlan. FINE LARGE GASOLINE LAUNCH. CAPA city 100 people: new engine, nothing better; rare bargain if sold now. Owner. 349 6th, Portland. Or., or phone Pacific 1167. PARCEL DELIVERY CART WITH TOP; good mall, delivery or butcher cart, wltn horse and harness, cheap. Call 136 Sell wood at. Phone East 4380. WOLFF-AMERICAN BICYCLES. CLOSING out; 40 Dicycies at o; oo racers, jo for cash; 130 rims. 50c on the dollar. S. S. Slgel. 335 Morrison st. FOR SALE A FEW SECOND-HAND HOT- air Incubators, 120 and 240-egg capacity; good as new. 321 E. Morrison. Phone Bant 1859. LAUNCH AND BOATHOUSE, LENGTH 25 feet, taper to stem; 10 H. P. engine, double cylinder; In use 4 months. B 29, Oregonlan. JERSEY HEIFER CALF. 2 MONTHS OLD, fine order. St. Lambert-Stoke Pogk) stock; price $12. East 30th and Sherman sts. FOR SALE TWO AUTOMOBILES. TUNA cars, can be bought cheap; $i50 closes the deal. 181 3d St. PURE) HOMER PIGEONS TO BE HAD FROM one pair to hundred pair. James A.. Miller, Centralis, Wash. NEW TYPEWRITER FOR SALE CHEAP; Smith No. Z; never been used. J 29, Ore gonlan. DONKEY ENGINES BOUGHT, sold and rented. 324 Chamber Commerce. Main 2363. FOR S ALB NEW L. C. SMITH BROS.' Vis ible typewriter. $65. X 25, Uregoman. FOR BALE-NEW NO. 7 REMINGTON typewriter, $io. w 2o, uregoman. CANVAS FLOOR CLOTH FOR SALE, 45X22, used twice. A. 3o, uregoman. 81-FOOT LAUNCH, 22 H. P. VERY FINE and fast. K. 17, Oregonlan. FOR SALB A 5-FOOT FRBNCH RANGE, $25. Phone Pacific 922. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED ROAD 4 SOLICITOR CAPABLE earning siov monin. xsuyer in ary gooas $150 month. Clerk gen. mdse. and clothing $75. Clerks' Registration Bureau, 265 Mor rison st. WANTED MACHINE OPERATORS, THOR- oughly experienced, st tent factory work; steady employment and good wages. C. H. Jones & Son, S Water St., Vancouver, B. C. WANTED A GOOD BOOKKEEPER AND stenographer who has- had experience In keeping stock In shipping and receiving de partment. Address B 84, Oregonlan. WANTED AT ONCE, A GOOD DRESSBR tender on plain work; steady work, good pay. Address John P. Wilbur, superintend ent Union Woolen Mills, Union, Or. UNION HOTEL 81 North Sixth Street. Weekly rates: Room $1.25 up; room with board, $4.60 up. Anderson, prop. GOVERNMENT POSITIONS YOUNG MEN wanted to prepare for letter-carrier and railway mall clerk. West Coast Correspond ence School. 246 Stark st. WANTED YOUNG MAN FOR GROCERY clerk, delivery, care of horses: hustler, references. Call evenings. Archer Place Store, Mt. Scott car. ' WANTED MALE BOOKKEEPER WHO can operate typewriter. Address In own handwriting, giving ' age and references, L 33. Oregonlan. BARBERS WE WANT 100 GOOD SECOND hand barber chairs for spot cash. Apply to G. N. W. Wilson Co., Barber Supply House, 72 6th. EXPERIENCED DOMESTIC AND DRY- goods man; one who understands his busi ness. Apply to Manager at once. Golden Eagle. Men to learn barber trade special Inducements this month; wages while learning. Oilman Barber College, 627 Clay st., San Francisco. WANTED A STEADY. RELIABLE YOUNG man; one experienced in dressing ana pack ing fish preferred. Apply 65 Front st. FIRST-CLASS MEATCUTTER. $20 WEEK. steady, to right man; answer with refer ences; confidential. M 35, Oregonlan. WANTED FIRST-CLASS SALESMAN IN Portland and throughout the state; big wages to rustlers. 206 McKay bldg. WANTED EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER In wholesale house; must have good refer ences. Address L 35. Oregonlan. YOUR OPPORTUNITY PROSPEROUS ORB gon dally, weekly and printing plant, $10,000; $3000 down, J 35, Oregonlan. BOY, 16 OR 17 YEARS OF AGE. WITH wheel. Apply at Superintendent's office. Olds, Wortman & King. BOOTBLACK TO RENT SPACE. GOOD I0 cation; no opposition; rent reasonable. Call 506 Washington st. ' WANTED FOUR JACQUARD OR FANCY weavers; good wages. Apply Woolen Mills. Pendleton. Or. BOY WANTED IN BAKERY WITH ROME experience preferred; Vancouver, Wash. V 35, Oregonlan. BARBER WANTED WILL SBIJ. OR RENT shop or pay commission. Inquire 43 Union avenue. MEATCUTTER WANTED AT DE FRANCO, 791 Mississippi ave. r steady work to right man. WANTED YOUNG MEN FOR HYPNOTIC subjects: answer with phone number, D 35, Oregonlan. WANTED j CANDY HELPER IN CREAM department. Aldon Candy Co., loth and Glisan. California Wine Depot Cooks' headquarters and helpers. 148 4th st. Tel. Pacific 2183. ENGINEERS furnished by Sorensor.. Eng., Custom-House, after 5 P. M. Tel. Main 6473. SALESMAN WITH BUSINESS ACQUAINT ance: city; big wages. 216 Commercial blk. WANTED MEN'S OLD CLOTHTNG. SHOES, highest price paid. 62 3d. Phone Pacific 46. GOOD 'BARBER WANTED. JOHN MUEN slnger. O. K. Barber Shop. Baker City, Or. COOK, SOBER AND STEADY, GOOD PLACE. 247 N. 12th st.. near Marshall, room 61. WANTED WAITER: ALL DAY WORK. Morris' Restaurant. 229 Washington st. SOLICITORS WANTED AT THB VIENNA Dyeing and Cleaning Works. 226 3d st. We secure employment for members; special membership 1 month. $2. Y. M. C. A. TPAVF.LING SALESMAN FOR HOTEL AND restaurant supplies. 208 Stark st. WANTED TWO MEN TO WORK IN FAC tory, out of city. 185 Madison sr. WANTED MAN WITH SMALL CAPITAL; real 'estate work. 63ft 6th. WANTED FIRST-CLASS PANTSMAKERS. Nlcoll. the Tailor. 108 Third st. WANTED BOY ABOUT 17; work. 49 Front, cor. Davla. STEADY WANTED TEN MEN TO SHOVEL. $2.25 per day. 338 Belmont st. WANTED HARNESS MAKERS. APPLY W. H. Schaffer, Stockton, Cal. BARBBR WANTED Morrison st. STEADY JOB. 205 BOY WITH BICYCLE, STEADY WORK. 309 Sixth St. A SCAVENGER WANTED. APPLY JLT THE Hub. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED FOR U. 8. ARMY ABLE-BOD- ied unmarried men, between ages ot -i ana 35, citlrens of United States, of good char acter and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write English. Apply to Recruit ing Officer. Alnsworth block, 3d and Oak sts, Portland Or. MAN AND WIFE. COOK AND HELPER, $100, for big farm; bridge carpenters, sui ter, woodsmen, sawmill help; waiter, coun try, $12 a week: railroad men for construc tion, all over; buggy washer, $S0. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICES, 26 North Second St. 250 Burnslde St. AM HERE FROM DENVER FOR THB PUR- pose of establishing braacn ot our manu factory; w5 want sober man to manage same; one with $500; can secure salary at $100 monthly and Interest; experience un necessary; references. Mr. Wales, Portland Hotel. ALL DISEASES OF MEN SUCCESSFULLY treated: discharges positively cured In from 8 to 6 days; consultation free and strictly confidential; send for our symptom blank. X-Radlum Medical Institute. 3d and Alder sts.; entrance 253 Alder St., Portland. WANTED MOTORMEN, OUT OF TOWN. good wages, free fare, no fee; reterences required. Apply between 11 A. M. and 3 P. M. and between 6 and 8 P. M., to room 9. Van Noy Hotel, 3d and Pine sts.; en trance on Pine. MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN BARBER trade In eight weeks. Graduates earn from $15 to $25 weekly. Expert Instruct ors. Catalogue free. Moler System of Col leges, 35 North 4th St., Portland. NEW PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT 150 visiting cards. 50c; 1000 good business cards, $2.50; 10t0 letterheads, $3.50; 1000 envelopes, $2.75; representatives wanted. 603 Good nough bldg., opposite Postoffice. AGENTS WANTED TO SELL SUPERIOR, high-grade nursery stock; oomplets outfit furnished free: cash weekly: write today for choice of territory. Capital City Nur sery Company, Salem, Or. WANTED 60 CARPENTERS AT ONCE: "open shop," steady work guaranteed by Master Builders' Association, Boise, Idaho. I. J. Allen, president, A. S. Whlteway. secretary. HELP WANTED FEMALE. PRESSER FOR DYEHOUSE. $1.25 DAY; working housekeeper, hotel, $25, room and board; mother and daughter for kitchen and dining-room work no cooking, in logging camp or sawmill boarding-house, $oo; 3 chambermaids, $20, room and board; 6 wait resses, $8 and $7 a week and $20 a month, room and board; second girls; 3 cooks, $40 and $35; some nice housework places and many nice places of various kinds, city and country. Call early. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 343 ft Washington St.. corner 7th. upstairs. GIRLS ABOUT IS YEARS OF- AGE TO work in factory. Apply at once, Ames-Harrls-NevUle Co., 6th aad Davis sts. ATTENTION. Applicants for all kinds of work register with us, free of charge, so ws may locats you on short notice, HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY, 343 Washington St., cor. 7th. upstairs. GIRLS WANTED OPERATORS TO WORK on shirts and overallB. Lessons given to Inexperienced. Apply at Standard Factory, 2 Grand ave., and East Taylor at. GOVERNMENT POSITIONS YOUNG LADY to prepare for nostoffice clerk wanted Im mediately. West Coast Correspondence School, 246 Btark st. WANTED LADY STENOGRAPHER; MUST understand double entry and have lumber experience; references required. Address B 3d, uregoman. DISEASES OF WOMEN A SPECIALTY X Radlum Medical Institute and Sanitarium, 3d and Alder; entrance 253 Alder st., Port land. THB HOMB LADIES' AGENCY; FEMALE neip wanted; registration free. ino 4tn St.. upstairs, suite 23. Phone Main 6826. WANTED GIRL FOR CLEANING WORKS; one who understands pressing men's suits preferred. 305ft Stark st. Call early. WANTED OPERATORS AND GIRLS TO learn shirtmaklng. Apply Standard Fac tory, 2 Grand ave., and E. Taylor st. A GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK Small family; first-class wages to competent woman. 769 E. Taylor st. Phone East 1652. WANTED TWO HOUSE-TO-HOUSE DBM- onstrators, experience not necessary; good pay to right parties. X 35, Oregonlan.' WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOU8E- work; good home and wages for right party, Call 362 E. 30th St., cor. Harrison. WANTED ENERGETIC. AMBITIOUS wo man over 25. for responsible position; school teacher preferred. E 16. Oregonlan. WANTED I M M EDI ATELY EX PBRIBNCBD cook for first-class private family; wages $35. 230ft Yamhill. Main Ml J. WANTED GIRL TO DO HOUSEWORK IN small family, select neighborhood. Apply 1009 Raleigh St., near zotn. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. S43ft Washington st., cor. 7th, upstairs. Phone Main 2692. WANTED A GIRL FOR HOUSEWORK AND assist In store, family or two; good wages. Address 215 North 23d St. WANTED GIRL OR MIDDLE-AGED Wo man for general nousewora in wie country. Call 204 24th St. North. WANTED A GIRL TO DO COOKING AND general housework. Inquire mornings, 227 7th st., near Salmon. WANTED GIRL IN A SMALL FAMILY; one who can sleep at home; easy place. Phone Main 6833. WANTED GIRL TO DO CHAMBERWORK and help in kitchen In private boarding house. 186 6th st. WANTED YOUNG GIRL FOR HOUSB work; no washing; 3 adults; wages $15. Apply 367 10th st. GIRL TO DO COOKING AND LIGHT housework, small family, good wages. Ap ply 231 7th st. WANTED LADY TO CARB FOR BABY 1 year old at her home. Call at room 40. Avalon Hotel. WOMAN AS COOK AND TO ASSIST WITH housework, small family. Call mornings, 291 W. Park. MILLINERY MAKERS HAVING JUST FIN ished apprenticeship; moderate wages. Fraley, 214 3d st. WANTED GOOD GENERAL HOUSEWORK woman. 260 Wheeler st., take U car. Phons East 1018. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSRJ work. good plain cook, two In family. 812 Johnson st. WANTED WAITRESSES: ALSO ONE FOR dinner only, at once. Hobart-Curtls, 14th and Jefferson. WANTED GENERAL HOUSEWORK GIRL at 205 21st St. N. Call about 1 o'clock OT 6:30.' GIRL FOR COOK AND GENERAL HOUSE work: $30. 433 E. 15th st. N. Irvlngton car. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSB work. Apply immediately 147 West Park st. WANTED A GIRL TO DO GENERAL housework, $25 per month. 435 14th st. S. NICE. CLEAN YOUNG GIRL FOR LIGHT housework; good wages. 335 Market st. EXPERIENCED 8ALESLADY WANTED New England Department 8tore. 9 N. 3d St. COLORED. GIRL FOR COOK AND GENER al work. Bast 15th and Tillamook sts. ; $30. TWO SALESLADIES: MUST BE EXPBRI enced. Apply this morning, 171 3d st. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. 662 Johnson st. Phone Main 6317. WANTED A COMPETENT GIRL FOR GEN era! housework at 735 Flanders St. WANTED EXPERIENCED TAILORESS. 8. Rosenblatt c Co.. clothiers. ELDERLY LADY WANTS GIRL FOR GEN eral housework. 647 7th. WANTED GIRLS TO MAKB All" overalls at 75 lit st EXPERIENCED OIRL TO PACK AND LA bel spices. 26 Front St. GIRL TO HELP WITH GENERAL HOUSE work. 696 Everett st. WANTED GIRL TO WASH DISHES. 490ft Washington st. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. 300 N. 24th St. BEDMAKER, AT THE UNION HOTEL, 81 N. 6th St. . HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. ANYONE NEEDING MEDICAL HELP should call on the old reliable physician. Dr. J. D. Walker, 25 years' successful prac tice In Portland; lady physician In attend ance. 181 1st st., cor. Yamhill. WAITRESSES C1TY, CENTRALIAL housekeepers, chamberwork, housework, cooks, waiters, farmhands, Japanese laundry-man, Chinese. 205ft Washington, Drake's. WANTED TWO GIRLS AND TWO BOYS to strip tobacco at the Schiller Cigar Fac tory, 281 Washington st. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. BOOKKEEPING I WILL POST YOUR books, make up your statements and take off monthly trial balance, at small expense; satisfaction guaranteed. Murton, the ac countant, 634 Chamber Commerce. Main 4886. FULLY QUALIFIED BOOKKEEPER DE sires situation with honorable and estab lished firm; 10 years' continuous experience; good penman; undoubted reference. Chas. K. Fllnn. 1028 Front st. AN EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER AND office man wants a position in wholesale or retail business or general office; can fur nish the best of references. A 34, Orego nlan. YOUNG MAN, S YEARS' ROAD EXPERI ence as salesman, desires first-class posi tion; either salary or commission: Al ref erences. Address D 34. Oregonlan. SITUATION WANTED AT ONCE BY AN experienced hotel clerk. E 34, Oregonlan. Miscellaneous. EDUCATED. MIDDLE-AGED, SOBER. DIL lgent Japanese wants a position as store helper or any other work of that kind. In city or country: references. Horikawa, cars Inouye Hotel, 63 4th st. CUTTER FROM SAN FRANCISCO WANTS permanent position; first-class man on clothing and mechanics' clothing; best of references; answer all week, J 33. Ore gonlan. JAPANESE DOMESTIC SERVANTS. HOUSE cleaners and other laborers furnished. The Nippon Employment Office, room 2. 29 N. Sd St.. city. Main 5154. P. O. Box 175. A YOUNG MAN FROM THE EAST WOULD like work as pianist: have no bad habits. ' Phone Pacific 406; residence 548ft Wash ington. COACHMAN WANTS SITUATION: ENG lishman; age 39; good reference. Hotel Quimby. Fourth and Couch sts., Portland. JAPANESE LABOR ASSOCIATION CAN furnish domestic servants, farmers also; all kinds of help. Main 4650. 268 Everett. WANTED BY PRACTICAL BRICKMAKER, position as foreman or burner on good yard. J. L. Cooper. General Delivery. FIRST-CLASS FILER WANTS POSITION IN circular mill or logging camp; best refer ences. N 28. Oresonlan. AS KITCHEN HELPER OR DISHWASHER bv man not able to do hard work. Phons East 5264. SITUATION WANTED AT ONCE BY AN experienced flagman or watchman. J 34, Oregonlan. Men's cast-off clothing, shoes, highest prices paid. 73ft N. 3d st. Phone Paclflo 1694. STATIONARY ENGINEER WANTS Posi tion; good references. G 35. Oregonlan. CAMP COOK FOR LARGE CREW; WILL GO out of city. T 85. Oregonlan. SITUATION WANTED BY COOK AND PA8 try baker. W 35, Oregonlan. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. Bookksspers and 8 tenoogra p h era. WANTED POSITION A3 8TBONGRAPHER by an experienced lady operator;- four years' experience in heavy business office; can take any class of dictation and rapid on machine. Address L 3u. Oregonlan. STENOGRAPHER. 7 YEARS WITH PORT land houses; general experience; rapid writer; will accept $50 monthly. J 27, Oregonlan. BRIGHT GIRL. 19. JUST FINISHED BOOK keeptng course, desires situation in office, 230ft Yamhill. Main 6413. Dressmakers. ALL KINDS OF SEWING DONE BY Ex perienced party: skirts a specialty: work guaranteed. 385ft East Washington, bet. Union and Grand ave. LADIES' HATS REMADE AND RETRIM med; order work a specialty. Mrs. West phal. 211 12th st. Main 7151. WANTED ANY KIND OF PLAIN SEWING; infants' wardrobes a specialty, 254 Mont gomery st. Main 63S9. A FEW MORE ENGAGEMENTS BY THB day. Phone East 6175. MOOD, EXPERIENCED NURSE, CONFINB- mAn, .... ..... a .......(.. It.- Phnna V.amt R.t11 RESPECT A RLE WOMAN DESIRES 8ITUA tion as housekeeper in widower's family, city, suburbs. 230ft Yamhill. Main 6413. At laeellaneotia. HOMB - LAUNDERED CURTAINS; LACfS bedspreads also. Phone Scott 3641. Mrs. S. M. Scott. LADY DESIRES POSITION AS CLERK IN drug or rousla store. A 28, Oregonlan. WIDOW WITH NO INCUMBRANCE WANTS work of any kind.. Phone Main 3389. WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS WANTED TO REPRESENT THfl Old Reliable Nurseries; commissions ad vanced weekly; write quick for choice uf territory. Albany Nurseries, Albany, Or. WANTED 10 STUDENTS OR OTHERS TO work among their friends; pleasant em ployment; no samples to carry; can make $50 per week. Inquire 050 Alder st. AGENTS WANTED TO SELL OUR high-grade nursery stock; big commissions and premiums; cash advanced weekly. Ad dress Chlco Nursery, Salem. Or. AGENTS NEW MONEY-MAKER; HOU6E hold necessity; 2.40.000 sold; costs 6c. sells 25c:. outfit free. Domestic Mfg. Co., Minne apolis, Mlnru . AGENTS WANTED TO SELL 6TERBO scoplc views of San Francisco Disaster. Western Photo Co., 1462 7th at., Oakland, Cal. BIG PAY TO ONE AGENT IN EACH COUN ty, working for the Investors' Guide. 31 Marquam bldg., Portland. Or. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO RENT HOUSES. COTTAGES, FLATS ROOMING-HOUSES, . STORES, ETC. Our rental department has been en larged and provided with additional staff. Ws invite listing from LANDLORDS, offer personal attention to and continuous supervision over all property Intrusted to our care. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF ORiXSON, 8. E. cor. 3d and Oak sts. Phone Ex. 72. WANTED HOUSES AND COTTAGES, EAST and West Sides; will rent at once. Donald G. Woodward, agent, 104 2d st. Phons Main 1436. Administrator of estates. WANTED BOARD AND ROOM IN THB country for two children, aged 7 and , for the Summer; religiously inclined family pre ferred. N 35. Oregonlan. WANTED ROOM AND BOARD FOR YOUNG married couple on Portland Helgths or Mt. Tabor: price must be reasonable. Q, 35. Oregonlan. WANTED A FURNISHED HOUSE OR COT tage of 6 or 7 rooms In a desirable residence district. Address C 34, Oregonlan. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED MEN'S CAST-OFF CLOTHING and shoes: highest price paid. Call at the "Fair Deal." 62 N. 3d. Phone Paclflo 1722. DEAD HORSES hauled away promptly free; highest price paid for bones. Oregon Fer tilizer Works, 792 Thurman. Main 1966. WE WILL BUY FOR CASH YOUR FURNI ture, carpets, etc., now. Western Salvage Co., 627 Washington st. FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS Don't worry, loss tlms or money. Call up Pacific 793. WANTED SMALL OFFICE DESK. TRAV elers" Aid Department, Y. W. C. A. Phons Main 6267. WANTBD HYDRAULIC PRESS FOR FBR tlllzer. Address J. 8. Klrkley, 7'J2 Thur man st. WE CALL FOR DEAD HORSES AND CAT tle free of charge. Phone East 2233. 4 A