VOL. XLVI. JTO. 14,198- PORTLAND, OREGON, MONDAY, JUNE 11, 1906. PRICE FIVE CENTS. BRYAN IS READY TO FIGHT HEARST Grand Reception to Be Given in New York. THEN HE PEELS HIS COAT Radical Democrats Are to Be Whipped Into Line. BELMONT PULLS STRINGS William Hoge, Cnknown to Political Fame, Is Ostensibly in Charge of the Citizens' Committee, Ar ranging for Home-Comlng. NEW YORK. June JO. (Special.) Wil liam Jennings Bryan on the stump, plead ing for votes against William Randolph Hearst, because the editor is too radical, and furthermore is no longer a Demo crat! That Is the spectacle which Is promised In New York State this Kail, and the leaders of the Democratic organization regard it as their trump card. They are only speaking of it in whispers as yet. Bryan, who is now traveling around the world, is due to arrive here early in August, and plans are under way to give him a grand reception, and one that will convince him that he alone Is the idol of the Democratic party. Prominent Men Interested. Preparations are now under way to hold a great meeting in Madison Square Garden to be attended by Democrats from all parts of the country. Among those who have already signified their intention of being present are: United States Senator William J. Stone, of Missouri; Clark Howell, of Georgia; Moses Wetmore, of St. Louis; Carter Harrison, of Chicago; Joseph J. Wlllett, of Alabama; ex-United States Senator Towne, of Minnesota (now Congressman Towne, of New York); O. H. P. Belmont, and Democrats of every shade of opinion in New York "State. This meeting will be one grand hurrah for Bryan as the Presidential nominee in UK'S. The men who voted against him In two Presidential elections will be prominent among those who will do him homage, and he will be shown that noth ing but his own positive declination can prevent him from securing the nomina tion almost unanimously. And then he will be apked to get to work right away, and aid in killing off Hearst. It Is planned to use him as the headline speaker during the campaign. He will be Bent all over the state to expound to voters on the danger of "Hearsteria," or whatever else you may call it, and the belief is that he will be able to whip the radical Democrats into line for the regu lar party candiate for Governor. Bryan in Full Sympathy. That Bryan is in sympathy with this movement is shown by a letter which he wrote to one of his friends, and which was mailed in Constantinople. In it he dwells upon the Hearst movement at length and winds up by saying: "It is time to call a halt on socialism In the United States. The movement has gone too far. It must be checked now, and checked decisively." That Mayor McClellan and his forces will join in the movement is shown by a statement by "Big Tim" Sullivan, who Is the real Tammany ruler of New York. He declares he is in favor of the re nomination of Bryan, and that Richard Croker will return to the United States expressly to attend the national conven tion as a delegate, and to cast the Empire State's votes for the man from Nebraska. The activity on the part of Bryan's friends has caused considerable worrl ment to the Hearst forces, especially elnce a number of their own active mem bers are enlisted in It. Among them are Assemblyman Charles Campbell, deputy leader of the Independence League forces at Albany last Winter; A. H. Bastmond. ex-president of the Brooklyn Democratio Club; Dr. William J. O'Sulllvan, the law yer, and Augustus Thomas, the play wright, who helped to organize the "The atrical 'Men's Municipal Ownership . League Club." Belmont at Head of Reception. Plans for the Bryan reception, while ostensibly under the charge of a com mittee of citizens, named and headed by William Hoge, who is practically unknown to political fame, are really being directed by August Belmont, chairman of the Democratio National committee, and a close friend and ad viser of Alton B. Parker. Maurice B. Minton, representing Mr. Belmont, has a suite of rooms in the Exchange building on lower Broad way, and from it invitations are being sent out to leading Democrats all over the United States urging them to assist the celebration, either by their presence or by letter. From these same rooms the contest for control of the Democratic state convention is be ing conducted, and Mr. Minton, al though he is making no statements, is supremely satisfied with the outlook. "We will kill off Hearst with Bryan." declared one Democratio reorganizes "although it hasn't been positively de cided I would not be surprised to see the state convention pass a resolution indorsing Bryan. "The strength of Hearst is really the Bryan vote, and in a choice be tween the two men I am confident the one who was twice his party's nom inee for President will sweep the other off the political map." MAY FORCE ROOSEVELT IN. Interests Opposed to President's Plans Are Working Quietly. WASHINGTON', June 10. (Special.) A politician of National prominence who has been prominent in the Republican organ ization of recent years is quoted as having told friends within a few days that it Is no longr a question of 190S, but a ques tion of 1912, and that the main effort of the Republicans two years hence must be concentrated In maintaining control of the organization and keeping the ultra-radicals from capturing It four years later. This astounding declaration brings Pres ident Roosevelt into the equation again, It is whispered that certain "Interests" fear Roosevelt may be forced Into the fight as it repeatedly has been stated he would be and they Intend to balk such a contingency, if possible. It is reported they have been quietly working, having become angered by the President's cru sade against them, and wanting to get even. What will a man of Roosevelt's temper ament do when he awakens to this cam paign of the "interests" to undo his work, and the further possibility that the old organization, which was not for him at heart two years ago, is bent on suppress ing his influence In the next National con vention. This question has formed a topic of lively discussion for the last day or two. It is pointed out that when President Roosevelt declared, as soon as the ballots were counted in 1904. that he would not accept a renomlnatlon. he could not have foreseen the things that were to arise. The question as to what the President might do. If confronted with the situation outlined above, was put bluntly to a close friend of the Administration today: "You cannot tell how certain forces will operate," was the reply. "But what suc cess would the President have In putting through the reforms he has set about if he were a candidate for another tem? He would fail, because it naturally would be assumed he was working for purely personal ends." There is much food for reflection in this observation of the "close friend of the Administration." President Roosevelt has a programme he is determined to put through. It will be a gigantic task to accomplish all of it within the remaining period of his term. It was learned from the highest authority today that next Winter the President will push his scheme of limiting great fortunes by a progres sive tax. as suggested in his famous "muck rake" speech. Then there is the Government control of coal lands designed to thwart the future greed of the coal barons and the Standard Oil trust. That will be another live Issue when Congress meets again. There are plenty of other things on the programme that must have legislative, action before the job Is completed. Will the President be willing to lay down his work if it is unfinished when his term expires and he finds a hostile organization confronting him with the possible chance that a Republican suc cessor. If there be one, may not take up the work where he leaves off? CLEVELAND'S HELP EXPECTED Former Cabinet Members Have Come Out for the Xebraskan. WASHINGTON, June 10. More prob lems have passed forward in the field of National politics within the last week and more interest has been aroused over tlie question of candidates for 1908 than the oldest politicians are able to recall In connection with any previous season two years ahead of the conventions. The developments of the last two days, have added several elements of importance to the situation. The Bryan boom stands out as the greatest object of wonder. In a general way it is not a surprise to the observers who see farthest. They long ago pre dicted that the Nebraskan would be the choice of the conservatives who formerly opposed him, as well as the masses who remained "regular" in 1S96 and 1900. How ever, they did not expect things to move so suddenly, and they are astonished at the precipitateness with which most of the old regime seem to be jumping for the Bryan wagon. About all that is now needed to make the conservative indorsement of Bryan complete is Is a word from ex-President Grover Cleveland. Cleveland's former Cabinet officials have been heard from with considerable emphasis. First came David R. Francis, of Missouri; yesterday William F. Vilas, of Wisconsin, gave the boom a further shove, and It is reported here that ex-Attorney-General Judson Harmon, of Ohio, has declared himself privately as favoring Bryan, and that he will give public utterance soon. One of the most significant of Bryan Indorsements is that of ex-Senator, Postmaster-General and Secretary of the In terior Vilas, who was one of the fore most leaders of the anti-silver wing at the Chicago convention in 1S96. When the split came he was a ruling spirit in ar ranging and carrying out the Indianapolis convention that resulted in the nomina tion of Palmer and Buckner. Of particular significance, however. Is the fact that Mr. Vilas, of all of Cleve land's friends, has been in closest touch with the sage of Princeton from a purely political standpoint. OIL TANK SET ON FIRE Lightning Causes Loss of $150,000 in Kansas, NEODESHA. Kan., June 10. Lightning struck an oil tank containing 18,000 barrels pf oil. the property of the Prairie Oil & Gas Company, a Standard Oil branch here, early today and caused a fire loss of $150. 000. The burning oil set fire to the pump ing station and all the company's build ings,' including some of the largest pumps In the world, were destroyed. The destruction of these pumps will stop the pumping of oil to the Kansas City and Waiting, Ind., refineries and may cause the Prairie Company to cease buying oil. as the storage capacity is almost ex hausted. The hot oil flew in every direc tion, burning several men who were fight ing the flames. None was seriously hurt. WORK OR BE DISCHARGED Ultimatum Given Utah Miners Who Would Have a Picnic. SALT LAKE CITY, June 10. Friction has arisen at the copper camp at Bing ham between the Western Federation of Miners and the mlneowners. Six hundred miners having decided to attend an an nual outing in this city June 13, the Utah Consolidated and the Boston Consolidated Companies have given notice that men who fall to appear for work on that day will be discharged. A majority of the men will undoubtedly go on the outing. WRECK ON EAST SIDE CAR LINE Eight Passengers Are Badly Hurt and Several Less Severely Injured. MOTORMAN LOSES HEAD Heavily Loaded Woodlawn Car, In bound, - Gets Beyond His Control and Crashes Into Outbound No. 332 on Curve. LIST OF THE INJURED. JAMES BENTSEN. 207 Columbia street Head and face badly cut; taken to Good Samaritan Hospital. A. G. OLSON, 820 Grand avenue North Slight injury to left hand, dressed at Good Samaritan Hospital and taken home. C. R. DELTES, 3S1 Atnsworth street Leg Injured; taken home. BERT A. KELLOGG, 484 Everett street Hand cut; taken home. ROBERT L. HEN1NGER, 300 Ivy street Hand cut by flying glass; taken home. MRS. PEASE, address unknown Husband said to be employed at Weatherly Creamery; went home unassisted. About 15 unknown persons of both sexes, more or less injured, none seriously. As a result of a head-on collision about 10:30 yesterday morning between two Woodlawn streetcars on the curve at the intersection of Union and Holladay ave nues, eight persons were badly injured, while a number of others were more or less hurt. It was almost a miracle that there were no fatalities. Both cars were badly damaged, and flying glass from the broken windows was scattered in all di rections, causing a panic among the pas sengers. The accident was due to the fact that Motorman Beidleman, of Car No. 334, which was coming into town, lost control of the car while going down a slight in cline on Union avenue before reaching Holladay avenue, and instead of stopping at the point indicated and switching so as to continue south along Union avenue, he rounded the curve Into Holladay ave nue towards the Steel bridge at a high rate of speed and crashed with terrific force into Car No. 332 of the same line, which had stopped for 334 to pass. So great was the force of the Impact that the front of one of the cars was lift ed from its truck, while the floors of both were badly buckled. All the windows were smashed and considerable woodwork demolished. Firemen to the Rescue. Lieutenant C. E. Wood, of fire truck company No. 4, which is located about a block distant from the scene of the acci dent, was an eye-witness of the smash-up and immediately telephoned to the police station for the patrol wagon. Patrolmen E. Burke and John Price responded, and, assisted by Lieutenant Wood and other firemen, besides several citizens living near-by, rendered material assistance to the Injured. Battalion Fire Chief L. G. Holden, who resides in the vicinity, also came to the rescue. Those known to be hurt quite badly were James Bentsen, a iaborer In the employ of the Portland Lumber Company, residing at 267 Columbia street, who j-e-ceived severe cuts about the face and head from flying glass; A. G. Olson, also employed by the Portland Lumber Com pany, and residing at 829 Grand avenue North, slight cut on left hand; C. R. Deltes, of 381 Ainsworth street, injury to leg; Bert A. Kellogg, a clothescleaner, re siding at 4S4 Everett street, had his hand lacerated; R. L. Heninger, manager Northwest Detective Coil Company, re siding at 360 Ivy street. Woodstock, hand cut by flying glass; Mrs. Pease, address unknown, but said to be the wife of Elmer Pease, an Ice-cream maker of 1200 Union avenue North, who was slightly hurt. In addition, two small children are said to have received slight cuts. One Taken to Hospital. Bentsen, who seemed to be more seri ously injured than anybody else, was first taken to a private residence on the northwest corner of East Third street and Holladay avenue, where his wounds were dressed by a colored ser vant, after which he and Olson were taken In the patrol wagon to Good Sa maritan Hospital. The latter had his hand dressed at the hospital and left immediately after, but Bentsen will be confined to one of the wards for several days. A man and woman, supposed to be Elmer Pease and wife, of 1200 Union avenue North, were taken into the resi dence of Mrs. Davids, at 214 Union ave nue, and had slight cuts attended to. All the others of those more seriously hurt were sent to their homes. Robert L. Heninger, who was one of the passengers and who was slightly cut about the wrist and had his ankle sprained, gave a very clear account of the collision last night. He was stand ing in the rear vestibule of "car No. 334 when the accident occurred, and in dis cussing the matter stated that the car was going at such an unusual rate of speed that many remarked the circum stance, and he saw that Motorman Beidleman had lost control of the car. Passenger Tells His Story. "We were crowded with passengers going to church," continued Heninger, "and as we approached Holladay avenue I noticed that while the motorman had put on the brakes he had failed to throw oft the power,' hence we approached the curve at a high rate of speed. I grabbed for the trolley rope to throw it off the wire and thus 6hut off the power, but it was too late, and we crashed Into car No. 332 of the Woodlawn line, which was around the corner on Holladay avenue waiting for us to pass. "I was formerly in the employ of the Portland Railway Company, and , am positive that Beidleman has had but slight experience as a motorman, al though he has been years on the route as a conductor. He appeared to have lost his head at a critical moment, and the car got beyond his control." Fred Gifford, assistant electrician of the Fire Department, who was at Chemical Engine Company No. 3 at, the time, corroborates Heninger on several material points. Grease on Rails Blamed. Richard G. Sloan, assistant superin tendent of the Portland Railway Com pany, declared last night that the acci dent was due to the car track having been freshly greased, causing the car to obtain such a momentum that the motor man was unable to turn the switch. "Owing to track repairs," said Mr. Sloan, "the cars going to Woodlawn cross the steel bridge and continue east on Holladay avenue to Union avenue, turning north along that thoroughfare. The Incoming cars proceed along Union avenue to East Burnside street, and then turn westerly and cross the Burn side street hridg1ntd the city. "There is quite a noticeable incline from Hassalo street to Holladay avenue. A car must have just passed and opened the switch, and as the track had been freshly greased the heavy car coming, which was crowded with church-goers, must have acquired such headway that Motorman Beidleman was unable to throw the switch. The reportB we get do not indicate that the car was travel ing at an unusual rate of speed." Says Beidleman Is Competent. Mr. Sloan, while admitting that Beidle man was a regular conductor who had been placed "on the head end" tempor arily, was positive that he was compet ent to handle the car, having formerly worked as a motorman. Car No. 334, the more badly damaged of the two, was in charge of Conductor Dawson, while Conductor Phelas and Motorman Springer were running No. 332. I. A. Peters, of 352 Hassalo street, ren dered much assistance to the injured. YACHT IS CAPSIZED. Three Men Are Browned in New York Bay. NEW YORK, June 10. Three men were drowned in New York Bay this after noon, when the yacht Lottie W., with a fishing party on board, capsized during a sudden storm off West Bank Light. William Moran. Paul Smith and George Geise, all of Brooklyn, were drowned. Eight members of the party clung to the side of the yacht until taken off by a tug. The thunder slower which swept the harbor late " In the ' ilay was the most severe of the season. Many small boats were turned topsy-turvy, but In most Instances the Imperiled persons were quickly rescued. One of the mu nicipal ferryboats running to Staten Island picked up a party from a naph that launch in distress oft Robbin's Reef. Six boys In a rowboat were dashed against the seawall of the Ellis Island immigrant station. Their craft was smashed to bits, but their cries for help brought rescuers to the scene. Members of the Ocean Yacht Club, Stapleton, S. I., tonight noticed a launch afire in the middle of the bay. A minute afterward a report was heard like an explosion. Three members put out from the clubhouse in a small boat, but when they got to the place where they had seen the blaze they could find no boat nor anybody in the water. CONTENTS TODAY'S PAPER The Weather. YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature, 75 deg-; minimum, 49 deg. TODAY'S Showers and cooler; south winds. Congress. Pruning of geological survey appropriation by the House means great loss to the West. Conference report on the statehood bill comes up Tuesday In the House. Page Livestock Interests urge speed in considera tion of the agricultural bill. Page National. Judge Alfred W. Benson accepts appointment as United States Senator from Kansas. Foreign. Empfror Francis Joseph gives audience to Austrian and Hungarian delegates. Page 2. Representative Longworth and his bride are guests of the American Arussador in London. Pav T. ' Reported plot to kill the Pop creates great excitement at Rome. Page 1. " Chief of Police In Russian city shot and killed while out driving. Page 4. Domestic. Million-dollar Christian Science temple dedi cated at Boston. Page 2. President Casaatt, of the Pennsylavnia, gives an accounting of his stock ownership. Page 4. Pacific Coast. San Franciscans have recovered their spirits and greet poverty with laughter. Page 2. Washington labor leaders forming a political organization. Page Linn County will be surrounded on all sides by prohibition territory. Page Sport. Three .entries in the trans-Pacific yacht race at San Pedro, Cal. Page Beavers take last game of series from An gels. Page 0. Dynamos at Oregon City electric plant ruined by cross circuit at Portland. Page 12. Political. Grand reception is to be given Bryan on his return from abroad. Page 1. Cleveeland expected soon to give Bryan Presi dential boom a shove. Page Interests opposed to Roosevelt may force him into the Presidential race. Page 1. Democratic party in New York Is hopelessly spilt up Into factions. Page 4. Investigation of Packers. Chancellor Day, of Syracuse University, im pugns the President's motives and defends the packers. Page 1. a Secret service men obtain evidence against the beef trust that will bring it to time. Page L Portland and Vicinity. Mrs. I. Frohman writes of earthquakes in Japan and national prosperity there. Page 12. Many Injured, eight badly, in street-car wreck on East Side. Page 1. Passing of George C. Brownell, Clackamas County political boss. Page 1. Irish-Americans hold " memorial exercises for Michael Davitt. Page 8. Girl ushers make a decided hit at the White Temple Page 8. GEORGE BRQWFJEL L S 001 AND OUT Enemies of Clackamas County Leader Rejoice Over His Defeat. BUT ARE THEY RIGHT? Foes May Yet Find Him to Be Reck oned With Unique Career of the Boss Who Made and Unmade Men In State of Oregon. OREGON CITY. Or.. June 10. (Staff Correspondent.) The old saw given birth by some political wiseacre years agone, "Politics make strange bedfellows and makes and mars many men," is applic able just now to the passing of George C. Brownell, who for 12 years past not only has dominated the-polltics of Clacka mas County, but has been one of the foremost figures. In the political history of Oregon. His defeat at the recent elec tion, while it was freely predicted by his enemies, who, by the way, are legion, was a thing that until the votes were all counted was more of a hope than an ex pectation. Yet the former State Senator from Clackamas went the way of countless others before him, and now the question Is, will they say "was" when they talk of him or will it still, be ' is . . George C. Brownell is a strange mix ture. When the probe is shot In beneath the politician, the best of the man is ex posed; a human side of him that stands out in bold contrast to George C. Brow nell the political manipulator. There is no use denying it, he is some will say was a born political trickster. Like a general planning his battle beforehand, he entered every political fight to iwln he played politics to win. He has won and lost and won and lost again, and now perhaps for the last time. Of George C. Brownell, the man, and of George C. Brownell, the politician, vol umes could be written. The things which have been charged against him during his career as a political manipulator will hang overalls head like a pall as long as he lives. Neither political effacement nor the passing of years will wipe them out. Nor will the deeds of kindness, the fa vors he hi.? done nor the financial aid that he has scattered broadcast among; his constituency ever be forgotten. Wise Ones Not Surprised. The defeat of Brownell by J. E. Hedges, while it surprised many, was no sur prise to the close observers ' of the po litical game In Clackamas County. Brownell owes his defeat to" three causes. First and foremost, he has never recovered from the mistake he made in leaving J. N. Dolph, after standing with him during the famous forty-day dead lock. At the last moment he turned to McBrlde and this was the beginning of the end of Brownell's political career. It Is true that the end was a long time coming, but the friends of Dolph never forgave the Clackamas politician and they never ceased to camp on his trail. The second cause of his defeat was his failure to get through the Legislature an eight-hour law that he had promised his labor constituency, and the last and final cause was the burden of carrying a Fed eral Indictment. Brownell admits the mistakes he has made. In leaving Dolph when he did, he says he acted because he was firmly con vinced that Mr. Dolph was without a chance of securing the Senatorial toga. Ask him now about this incident in his career and he will say that it was his one great mistake. He will also say that had he to do It over again, he would go down to defeat with Mr, Dolph. Of his failure to pass the eight-hour law, he says that the success of that act was hindered by certain Portland labor lead ers. Brownell explains that he was "kissed oft" by the Portland leaders, who urged him to drop the matter, because it would ' block the passage of certain other and more important labor measures then pending, and that the time was not yet ripe for an eight-hour law. This may serve to appease Brownell's conscience, but the laboring people of Oregon City, who were vitally Interested in getting the law passed, have never got over the belief that Brownell de liberately threw them down In order to play politics for something greater. At any rate, this cost him perhaps 200 votes, and. he himself estimates that the stigma of the Federal indictment cost him fully 400 more. Plenty of Weak Points. In fighting Brownell his opponents had plenty of campaign thunder. Few men in Oregon politics have been openly charged with as many crooked deals as has Brownell. His enemies say that he has grown wealthy in politics, that he always looked out for himself and played the game for George C. Brownell. This is de nied by his friends and by himself. He is not a stickler for terms, and he will ad mit that he has not always played the political game on the square. The crime of graft has been laid at his door; he is charged with having grown rich, and of having at all times served the big corpo rations, but a close friend of the Clack amas County statesman declared today most emphatically that Brownell was a poor man. This friend admitted that Brownell, during his long political career, had handled a great deal of money, but asserted that none of it has found lodge ment in Brownell's coffers. One thing is sure, if Brownell has saved any money during his political career, he has never made display of it. The contrary would seem to be the case, for now that he has been defeated and is out of active politics, he has stated that he Is eolng to devote his time to his tjaw practice and endeavor to make some money for his family, whom. It is said, he feels he has neglected during the years of his activity in politics. He has a little home in Oregon City, and from the stump he has repeatedly stated that this Is all he possesses. His home is not large, but it is well appointed, and he has a small, but very carefully selected, library. He has neglected his law practice to play politics, and it is said of htm that he was a poor lawyer. In that it never made any difference to him when a client called upon him for his services whether the client had money or not. Is He Down and Out? The defeat of Brownell, a week ago. those who have opposed and fought him bitterly for years say without hesitation, made him a full-fledged member of the "Down and Out Club." But a man who has dominated as Brownell has, and for as many years as he has. Is not so easily eliminated. Brownell has given it out that he will never again be a candidate for any office. He has not said, however, that he will let go of the political reins. He won't. No man who polled 1860 votes In Clackamas County can be relegated to tSe political boneyard. Shrewd politicians & Oregon City admit that the people who voted for him on Monday last would vote for him again. They are his friends, many of them having at odd times received aid from the dethroned statesman. So, while It may be true that he will not again be a candidate, George C. Brownell will al ways have a hand in Clackamas County politics. He will have to do with the naming and bringing out of candidates. He is too wise perhaps soon to show his hand in political deals, that is, to have a can didate known as a Brownell candidate, for this would bring those who knifed him to the front and they would take a hand in defeating such a candidate. Now that Brownell Is apparently out of the game, there is a scramble to suc ceed him in leadership. Perhaps no one politician in the state had such absolute control as had Brownell. He had with him, obedient to his beck and call at all times, J. U. Campbell, Judge Ryan and Grant Dimick. He was master and they were men and now that Brownell Is out of the way, the leadership will fall upon the shoulders of some one else. Grant Dimick. Campbell, Judge Ryan, C. H. Dye or Harvey Cross, while they may not be willing to admit it, would be glad to succeed Brownell as the master whip of things political in Clackamas County. There Is danger, however, that in the scramble for the leadership these men may get at loggerheads and that In the quarrel which would follow some of them may again turn to Brownell. L. L. Por ter is also mentioned as a possible leader, but it Is doubtful If the friends of Brownell, who will remain loyal, no mat ter what happens, will stand for Porter's leadership, for Porter is one of Brownell's most bitter enemies and fought him tooth and nail. . Made Men; Unmade Himself. If It be possible that this means the passing of Brownell from the political councils of Clackamas County, certainly a potent factor will have passed. His career has been unique. Brownell has had a hand In the making of three United States Senators and had much to do with the creation of Binger Hermann. He made speeches nominating the late Senator Mitchell, and Senator Fulton and Senator Simon. He delivered the address of wel come to President Roosevelt when he came to Portland. President Roosevelt was greatly taken by the speech and told Brownell so. It was Brownell who got the Senate and House together and In troduced a resolution calling for the nom ination of Vice-President Roosevelt as President. This was something unique. Brownell is perhaps one of the best known men in Oregon, for he has spoken and delivered adresses in almost every town in the state. It can be said of him that he made mm and at the same time was unmaking t imself. PLOT TO KILL THE POPE INCEPTION IN AMERICA; DE VELOPMENT IN PARIS. All the Available Police in Rome Are Present at Sen-Ices at St. Peter's. ROMS June 11. (Special.) Never be fore in the history of the Vatican has a service at historic St. Peter's been con ducted under so strict a guard as was that of yesterday, when the pope offi ciated at the beatification services for the Spanish martyrs, with a guard of 400 police officers in and about the edi fice. Receipt of information from Paris that a plot against the life of the pontiff had been discovered caused the Roman police to use the strictest of precautions, and nearly every member of the secret service was on duty. It developed yesterday that .although the plot was perfected in France, it had its inception In America, and, according to the police, the plan was to kill the pontiff as soon as he appeared in the cathedral. All the officials of the Vati can are greatly worked up over the re ported plot against the pontiff. During the last week a number of mys terious warnings have been received by Cardinal Merry del Val and other high church dignitaries, all of them couched in the same terms, and stating that the pontiff had been marked to die. Prior to the opening of the services in St. Peter's many suspects who could not give a good account of themselves were re moved from the church and several ar rested, among them being two men and a woman who answered the description sent here from Paris of three persons who had been selected to kill the pope. This trio, however, later proved that they had no connection with any plot, and were released. The activity of the police is unprece dented, and a number of higher officials were on duty all Sunday night, directing the search for the suspectsi It is now stated that, according to French advices, the woman suspect was to pretend to faint in the church, so as to attract at tention and give her accomplices an op portunluty to attack the pontiff. It is announced that nearly 100 known anarchists have been arrested in various parts of Italy since the order was issued Saturday to gather them in, preparatory to the visit of the King to Ancona. The police will not relax their vigilance, but will continue to arrest all anarchists, no matter of what nationality, Italian "Reds" being sent to Jail and foreigners banished. APPEAL MADETO POPULAR PASSION Investigations Have Led to Hysteria. DAY DEFENDS THE PACKERS Syracuse Chancellor Impugns President's Motives, IN DANGER OF MONARCHY Slanders, He Says, Have Put the Country in a False Position Be fore the Civilized World and Cost Millions of Money. SYRACUSE, N. T., June 10. Chan cellor Day, of Syracuse University, in his annual baccalaureate sermon to day reaffirmed his attitude toward the large corporations, saying they were the logical result of the great stride that the world Is making. He again issued a warning against the assump tion of too much power by the Presi dent, and in referring to the reports of conditions of packing town slaught er houses, said that if one hundredth, part of what was printed was true people would be dying by tens of thou sands. The sermon in part was as fol lows: "When Senators and Representatives receive orders from the Executive, when appeals to popular passion are made to force them to action to which their sound Judgment and honest con victions are opposed, the Government by the people and for the people be comes a misnomer and a deception. 'In that hour we are a monarchy without the name. "It is to be hoped that we are not so dazed and so daft by an office that has grown great with our greatnesa that it may be permitted to set aside courts. Senates and Congreses. Appeal to Prepared Prejudices. "Recently pressure was brought by a message, the purpose of which the Senators Instantly understood and which evidently was Intended to ap peal to long-prepared prejudices of the people. "Is this the method of legislation to which this great nation has descended? Is this new way the best way to make our laws? The people should awaken to the danger that threatens repre sentative government. "We have fallen into a scandalmon gerlng epoch. The foul harpies ot slander have created a condition and all of the civilized world is nauseated at the thought of us. It has cost us tens of millions of money and the re spect of mankind. It will cost us our self respect if we do not burn out with the caustic of a hot indignation this sort of slander. Alleges Pure Scandalmongers. "The scandalmongers who drag the people through slaughter-houses to ex hibit in lowest forms the food of their tables by exaggerations and stories of things that always must be offensive t best, are mistaken agitators and especial ly dangerous to us as a people at this time. "A man writes a book or publishes a series of magazine articles and makes frantic efforts to have a condition of frenzy created that will sell his foul smelling pages to a people delirious with the fever of sensationalism. But there are hundreds of thousands who never ask a question or apply the simplest analysis to any charge. A scare line In a yellow" paper is equivalent to the verdict of a Jury and the people upon this verdict pronounce sentence of damnation. Everybody Wrong but Accusers. "This is the epoch we are in. Nothing Is right. Everything Is wrong. Every body is bad except the accusers. Every body seems to be on the verge of being y drawn into the filth and slime of damna tion or deadly fire-damp of suspicion. "Committees are sent out to bring back shocking things, and if they come back without them others are sent, with more sensitive powers. Those whose judicial temperament unfit them for hysteria are threatened with dismissal or branded as remiss in duty. The people who wait for both sides of the case are tools of the trusts. "How long can a ration endure such, action of things? They threaten the sta bility of all forms of business and create universal distrust." Cast Lot With Fulflllers. PRINCETON, N. J.. June 10. Bacca laureate sermon of Princeton's commence ment was delivered today In Alexander Hall by Dr. Henry Van Dyke. "Voices of despair are heard," he said, "crying that all is rotten." On the other side, he said, conservative and soothing voices are heard protesting against the tempest. He condemned the "muckraker," and said: "If indeed the age be critical, suspicious, conscious, let us then strengthen ourselves by the contagion of virtue to play the bet ter part. Let us cast In our lot, not with the destroyers, but with the fulflllers." Investigation in Mexico. MEXICO CITY, June 10. Governor Landa. of the Federal district, and other officials, have been inspecting the meth ods, of slaughtering animals for the supply of the city market and will institute needed reforms. Cattle, it is said, com ing from distant points, go four or rive days without being fed- and are killed when in bad condition.