1 THE MORNING OREGOXIAN, SATURDAY, JTfNE V, l'JOO. E Stowaway Aboard Dulwich Endures Hardships. CAPTAIN GIVES HIM BERTH diaries Ottelli lias Been Trying to Keach His Family in Jfew Zea land for Three Years' Dul wich to Carry Him There. When the United States customs offi cials boarded the British steamship Dul wlch, as she tied up at the dock of the Portland Lumber Company yesterday morning, a pathetic and remarkable tale of hardships endured in the effort to re turn home was foroug-ht to light. Charles Ottelli was before the officials of Uncle Sam's revenue service, and the reason for the inquisltivenejss of the officers was the fact that the man was not legally a mem ber of the Dulwich's crew. In other .words.- he was a stowaway. According to the tale he unfolded to the officers, lie had stowed away aboard the Dulwich while the vessel lay at Van couver, B. C, for he had been informed that she Was going direct to his home country. New Zealand, and as he was practically penniless, the idea of stealing passage appealed to him, and no difficulty was experienced in securing a secluded 6 pot on the vessel wherein to hide him self. In stowing away, members of the crew to whom he told his tale, assisted him in securing food during the trip to Port land, and only the anticipated Inspection of the revenue officers made his presence known, and as soon as the vessel tied up at her dock, Captain Dudley informed British Consul Laidlaw of the stowaway. Ottelli accompanied Captain Dudley to the office of the British Consul, where the young man was signed as a member of the crew, and will be taken to his home in far-off New Zealand. The stowaway say3 that he left that country about three years ago to go to Switzerland to see his aged mother, who was thought to be dying, but who has since recovered, and is presumably well at the present time, although 95 years of age. In the effort to return to his family in New Zealand, he has met with many reverses, for it seems that every time he ships for home the vessel gets orders to proceed elsewhere, and during the two years and a half he has 'been trying to reach his home, he has been taken to all parts of the world except the desired quarter. The Dulwich is taking on the first part of her lumber cargo, and will be tnkeji down to the Eastern & Western Mills about Monday, where another portion will be loaded, and the finishing part will be loaded at the North Pacific .Mills. . LIXEKS AYILL - CALIj HERE A'cssels of American-Hawaiian Lino to Visit Portland. HONOLULU, May 30. (Special.) Port land will probably have far closer com mercial relations with Honolulu next Winter. There is a general understand ing here that the American-Hawaiian Steamship Company will have some, if not all, of its big freighters call at that port, beginning with the sugar season in November. As a result of a general ru mor to tliis effect, the local agent for the company, Mr. Morse, was asked if it were true, and he replied: "I have had no official information to that effect, but have heard that plans are being considered to include Portland next year among the ports to be visitted by our ships." The American-Hawaiian Company owns a large fleet of steam freighters that ply between New York, San Francisco, Pu get Sound and the Hawaiian Islands. Two of these vessels, the Nebraskan and Ne vadan, do not go to the Atlantio Coast, but are limited to local trips to the Ha waiian Islands, Seattle and San Fran cisco. Three new steamers, two of which are larger than any of those now In service, are 'being built for the American-Hawaiian Company at the Union Iron Works, in San Francisco. The smallest of these new vessels will be the Mexican, which will carry 6000 tons. The other two, the Columbia and the Isthmian, will each carry 12,000 tons. The largest vessel now being used by the company are the Texan, the Alaskan and Arlzonan. Each, of these carries 11,500 tons of freight. It was announced some time ago that the Oregonian, one of the finest of the lleet, would be retained next year on the Atlantic Coast, but the Increased demand for freighters during the sugar season, which lasts the entire year with the ex ception of two or three months, may cause a change in that plan. Charles F. Beebe, local agent for the American-Hawaiian Steamship Company, stated last evening that to the best of his knowledge, the company intended to operate its vessels out of Portland by the first of the year. In response to a query, Mr. Beebe said: "Yes. To the best of my knowledge, Portland is to be a regular port of call for the vessels of the American-Hawaiian Company, and the service will probably be established here by the first of the year. The Tehauntepec, Mex., and Puget Sound vessels of the fleet will also call here en route. The company has looked over the held, and the business to be had here seems to warrant Portland being made a port of call." CLEARING-HOUSE REPORT. May Shipping Shows Well During Past Month. Portland made a splendid showing In chipping during the month of May, ac cording to the clearance-house accounts 3 ust issued for the month. The value of the exports cleared shows the handsome rigure of $168,709, while the duties col lected by the Government aggregate $S3, 373.36. The tablefor the month follows: Vessel entered from foreign porta 6 Vefela cleared for foreign porta 2 VeKels entered from domestic ports. ...... 42 VetMs cleared for domestic porta. . . . .. . 88 Kntries of merchandise for duty ......121 Kntrlpa of merchandise free of duty 24 TTntrleei for warehouse S Kntries for warehouse and exportation 1 Kntries from warehouse for consumption.., 89 Kntries for Immediate transportation with out appraisement 34 Total number of entries of merchandise. .. .227 Certificate of enrollment granted 3 Licenses for coasting trade granted l.'t license to vessels under 20 tons granted.. 2 Total number of documents to vessels issued 18 Value of exports domestic . .1163,700 Foreign 81 Receipt from all sources Put! es on Imports $83,373.36 Fines, penalties and forfeitures.,., 14.33 Miscellaneous customs receipts 382. 50 htoruge' labor and cartage 6ti.r5 Official fees 19.40 Total . : f83.856.14, Amount of refunds and drawbacks paid 1,368.33 STRIKERS HOLD ALOOF. o Effort at Conference Between Sailors and Owners. SAN FRANCISCO, June f The Ion se wm to OM ries of negotiations that preceded the water-front strike seems to be a bar to compromise between the dissatisfied sail ors and the steamship owners. No ad vance has been made -on the part of either, and the situation remains the same today as it has been since the out set, except that It has been aggravated in a slight degree by some of the owners who have manned their vessels with non union crews. GRACE DOLLAR IS LIBELED Sailors Institute Proceedings for Wages Due. ABERDEEN. Wash.. June 8. (Special.) Libel proceedings were instituted today against the steamer Grace Dollar, which arrived in this port Wednesday. The preliminary hearing will be held tomor row morning at 10 o'clock before United States Commissioner Warren at Hoquiam. When the men left the vessel upon her arrival there was the Bum of $549.83 in the aggregate due oh wages. For this amount the Dollar may be libeled, the captain refusing to pay the men until ne was able to communicate with her own ers, which could not be done. If the case warrants an attachment, the necessary papers will be sent to Tacoma, and a United States Marshal will come to this city to libel the vessel. STEAMER CHESTER FLOATED Vessel Is Sow Being Repaired at Castle Rock. CASTLE ROCK. Wash.. May 8. (Spe cial.) The steamer Chester has been raised, and was brought to this city yes terday, not much the worse for her acci dent. She is now undergoing repairs, and will probably resume her run to To ledo tomorrow morning. The officers of the company will in all probability bring suit for damages against the loggers, who turned the logs loose contrary to the provisions of the law, as this is the sec ond time she has been 6unk recently from the same cause. Peculiar Collision at Sydney. VICTORIA. B. C, June 8. Mall ad vices from Australia state that the bark Criffel, which took lumber to Sydney, Australia, from Chemainus, was serious ly damaged as a result of a peculiar col lision with the steamer Bunlyong when she was leaving Sydney harbor and that she was beached in a sinking condition and her passengers and crew had a nar row escape from death. The steamer was entering the harbor and the bark was in tow of the tug Advance, which was far in front of her, and the steamer ran between the tug and tow, which re sulted in the collision. Marine ?otes. The schooner Admiral, which is load ing lumber at the Portland Mill, is ex pected to finish in time to leave Monday. The Harvest Queen brought the Italian ship Erasmo up from Astoria yesterday, and the vessel anchored In the stream late last evening. She is scheduled to load lumber for the Orient. The steamers Alliance and Berwick sailed from the Couch-street doqk last evening. Both vessels are taking a gener al cargo and a few passengers to Coos Bay and) way ports. Domestic and Foreign Ports. ASTORIA. June 8. Condition of the bar at 6 P. M., obscured; wind west; weather, rain ing. Arrived down at 4:30 and Balled at 6:30 A. M. Steamer Aurella. for San Francisco. Left up at 0 A. M. Italian bark Erasmo. Arrived down at 6:30 and Balled at 11:45 A. M. Steamer Roanoke, for Port Ijob Angeles and way ports. Arrived down at 10:4O A. M. and sailed at 12:25 P. M. Steamer Break water, for San Francisco. Sailed at noon Schooner Omega, for San Francisco. Arrived down at 12:4t P. M. Schooner Monterey. Sailed at 2:15 P. M. Barkentlne Fullerton, In tow of tug Sea Rover, for San Francisco. Ar rived at 2:25 P. M. Barkentine Echo, from San Francisco. Arrived at 4 P. M. Barkentine Mary Wlnkelman, from San Pedro. Sailed at 3 P. M. 8cho'oner Monterey, In tow of tug Dauntless, for San Francisco. San Francisco, June 8. Sailed Schooner Glondale, for Columbia River; steamer Johan Poulsen, for Portland. Shanghai, June 7. Arrived American bark Koko Head, from "Portland. London, June 8. Denderah, from Ham burg, for Tacoma, via South and Central American ports. Hollo. June 8. Sailed Sutherland, for San Francisco. San Francisco, June 8. Arrived British steamer Dakotah, from Hongkong; British steamer Capac, from lqultiue; steamer Che halls, from Gray's Harbor; British steamer Indradeo, from Port Townend. Sailed steamer Johan Poulson. for Astoria; steam er Kosecrans, for Nome; schooner Advance, for Coqullle. SECRET SESSION OF COURT Illinois Highest Tribunal Sup presses News ol Decree. CHICAGO. June 8. A dispatch to the Tribune from Springfield, 111., says: What practically amounted to a secret session of the Supreme Court of Illinois was held late last night. An order was entered in some cases in which the Attorney-General is interested, but all in formation was carefully suppressed. The clerk of the court denied that any action was taken, but Chief Justice Scott ad mitted that an order had been made, but he said he was under obligations to the court to refuse information on the sub ject. The Chief Justice did not deny that sup pressing information was in violation of the court's policy, but said that it was in the interest of justice. Attorney-General Stead took the same ground. Lawmakers Quell Capitol Fire. BATON ROUGE, La., June 8. The saving of the State Capitol from de struction by fire last night was ac complished in a spectacular manner by Governor Blanchard, assisted by many Louisiana legislators, dcessed In their night clothes, and by hundreds of cit izens supplementing the fire depart ment. The Are started from defective wiring near the roof of the Senate Chamber, destroying the Cttpitol's east wingr above tho first floor. The loss was between $53,000 and J100.000. Among the valuables in the Senate chamber, where the roof fell in, was the famous painting, "The Battle of New Orleans," valued at $40,aoo. Governor Blanchard directed the work of saving valuable papers. The Capitol is an imposing piece of archi tecture on the bank of the Mississippi. It was first built in 1847 and was de stroyed by fire during the Civil War. The present structure was erected in 18S0. Great Demonstration on Education. LONDON, June 8. Thirty-three special trains brought to London this morning 12,000 Lancashire churchmen to protest against the education bill. The chief reso lution submitted recorded in-behalf of the Lancashire churchmen an emphatic pro test against the bill on the ground that it is destructive of all forms of religious Instruction in the elementary schools. It contained the assertion that the only true safeguard of religious education In the schools Is a continuation of the de nominational schools. Much enthusiasm was evinced. The bishops were the re cipients of frequent demonstrations in the streets and hall. The visitors for the most part were fac tory employes, forming a typically Lan cashire crowd, but all classes were repre sented, and they all came at their own expense. Consequently the protest was more significant than most of such demonstrations. FAULT OF SENATORS Muddle About Canal Due to Committee's Delay. TIME TOO SHORT TO DECIDE Millard and Klttredge Lead Fac tions and Deadlock May Pre vent Action President Ready to Adopt Lock Plan. OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU, Washington, June 8. It is an even bet that Congress will adjourn with out fixing the type of canal to be built across the Isthmus of Panama. If this important mater is passed over to the next session, It will be due in a large measure to the impractical manner in which the Senate commit tee on interoceanic canals has con ducted Its investigations during the past Winter. Long before Congress convened in December it was known that the canal question would be brought up, and it was expected that there would be leg islation before adjournment. Ample time was afTorded for framing a com prehensive bill, and yet the Senate committee dawdled along, gave many worthless hearings, permitted Sena tor Morgan and 'W. M. Cromwell to engage in personal mud-slinging for days and weeks at a time, with the result that a bill is brought into the Senate when adjournment is in sight. Committee AVasted Time.. All that can be said is that the com mittee has not acted in good faith. Chairman Millard found himself in the minority and he was not anxious to press a vote, for he did not want to Invite de feat. The majority favored a sea-level canal; Millard favored a lock canal. Fi nally Klttredge, the leader of the, faction in favor of a sea-level canal, was able to get a vote, but it is possible that the re ported bill will fail to become a law, be cause of the lack of time for Its consid eration. Klttredge, now that his bill is reported, intends to avail himself of every opportu nity to secure the enactment of that bill or some similar provision. If It becomes tfpparent that the canal bill cannot pass as an individual measure, he will move to have it made a rider to the sundry civil bill, and has hopes of winning his fight by that means. Legislation by this latter method will be liable to fall, but Klttredge is going to take the chance. With him it is anything to have the sea-level canal adopted. President Works for Locks. The fact that President Roosevelt is de termined to beat the sea-level movement will prove a material obstacle In the way of passing the Klttredge bill. The Presi dent used his influence with members of the committee to secure a report favoring a lock canal, but he failed. Since the bill fccame out of committee, he has talked with many Senators In the hope of inducing them to vote for a lock canal. There is little time remaining to conduct a cam paign of this character, and tue President may fail of his purpose if a material ma jority of the Senate favors the, Klttredge Dill. But the greatest obstacle that confronts canal legislation is the difference of opin ion existing between Senate and House. It is generally believed that the Senate, on a vote, would pass the Klttredge bill. The House, on the other hand, will stand by the President and vote for a lock canal. With the two branches of Con gress deadlocked this late In the session, a compromise is almost if not entirely out of the question. The House would have to accept the Senate bill or there would be no legislation. The word has been passed around that, if Congress does not fix the type of canal, the President will shoulder the responsi bility, and this rumor has had the effect of hampering legislation. This ugly sit uation could have been avoided If the Sen ate canal committee, instead of haggling away with Cromwell, had devoted its time to ascertaining facts about the two types of canal and had, upon concluding its in vestigation, made a report. DUBOIS GAME OF POLITICS. Works Women to Oust Smoot and Secure Re-election. OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU, Wash ington, June 8 The Smoot case in the Senate is becoming' a fierce game of politics and the principal prize is a seat In the United States Senate not the one occupied by Smoot, but that occu pied by Fred T. Dubois, of Idaho. For a year or more the Smoot case has been run Just about as Dubois di rected. If he wanted it pressed to the front, it came forward into the lime light; if he wanted it dropped out of sight, it would disappear and would not reappear until he deemed it expe dient to again bring it into promi NEW KANSAS SENATOR AN AUTHORITY ON AGRICULTURE TOPEKA, Kan., June 8. (Special.) As Secretary of the Kansas Board of Agri culture, the name of F. D. Coburn, who has been appointed United States Senator by Governor Hoch to succeed J. R. Bur ton, resigned, has been inseparably linked with agriculture in the Middle West, and his statements and figures concerning crops have come to be regarded as au thentic by the Boards of Trade of Eastern cities. He Is probably best known outside of Kansas as the author of his 'Red Line" series of agricultural reports which have made his fame world-wide among persons who take an Interest in agricul ture and animal' husbandry. Some of the more important of these productions are: The Beef Steer and His Sister, the Help ful Hen"; "Cow Culture," "The Pork Pro duction," "The Modern Sheep." "The Horse Useful," "Wheatgrowing," Potato Production," "The Corn Book," "Forage and Fodders" and' "Alfalfa Growing." To such extent did the latter arouse interest in the alfalfa plant that Mr. Coburn fol lowed the state publication with two more exhaustive copyright works on the sub ject. Another of his copyright books is "Swine Husbandry." Mr. Coburn was born in Jefferson County, Wisconsin, in 1S46. After a mea ger education in the common schools he entered the Union Army, serving In two Illinois regiments. He became a Kansas farmhand in 1867. Direct from his farm In Franklin County he came to the posi tion he now holds, to which he was first elected in 1881. He has been re-elected seven times since, six times by acclama tion. For six years he was editor of the Livestock Indicator. He suggested and presided at the organization of the first livestock show held In the Louisiana Pur chase territory; served as an expert Judge of livestock at the Columbian and various lesser -expositions, and without solicita tion was appointed chief of the depart ment of livestock at the Louisiana expo sition, for the planning organization and success of which the exposition manage ment awarded him its highest honors for his work. He was unanimously granted nence. Dubois thought it would be un wise to report the case at the begin ning of the present session of Con gress, so no report was made. There were numerous and suffclent excuses. Dubois comes up for re-election be fore tne Idaho Legislature next Win ter. The Legislature will be over whelmingly Republican, but the Re publicans of Idaho are divided to a cer tain extent, and Dubois hopes to take advantage of the split and secure a re-election. But he knows he can only do this on an Issue that will divide the Republicans and hold the Idaho Demo crats together. The Mormon Issue is better suited for his purpose than any other, so he is playing tho Smoot case for all It is worth, and he has played very cleverly so far. He has even moulded Chairman Burrows, of the committee on privileges and elections, until he can direct and Burrows will follow. It looked a short time ago as If Burrows would wake up, but he did not. The Army canteen was abolished be cause of the adverse sentiment that was worked up against It by and among the women of the country; It is commonly acknowledged that the W. C. T. U. forced the passage of the law against the will of a vast majority of both Senate and House. The same in fluence shut oft the sale of liquors in the Capitol. Dubois observed these things and it was largely due to his own efforts that . the movement was started among the American women to arouse public sentiment against Smoot If the women could destroy the can teen, Dubois figured that they could drive a Mormon out of the Senate, and he made this play for all it was worth. He staked all. for if he falls to oust Smoot he must expect to lose his own seat, whereas if he can force the Mormon out of the Senate he him self will stand a good chance of being? re-elected. The Smoot case is now In a delicate position. As it stands the advantage lies with Dubois, for Smoot rests under the virtual censure of the committee on privileges and elections and the im pression has gone forth that the Sen ate wants Smoot to vacate. Whether Dubois can get together enough votes to unseat Smoot is yet to be deter mined. If be can it may be set down for a fact that the Senate will vote, but, if there is Joubt about it "or if it be comes apparent that there are not enough votes to force him out, the case will not come to a final vote this ses sion. Dubois claims enough votes to cause a vacancy from Utah; he is banking on the women of the country to force Senators into line, and he de clares the vote will be against Smoot Time will decide whether Dubois is speaking by the card or whether he is running a great big bluff. But, what ever the outcome, Dubois is the win ner up to the present time. BRIEF TELEGRAPHIC NEWS Tokio. The Fushun coal min will be taken over by the South Manchurian Railway Com pany, the organization of which was promul gated by Imperial ordnance on Thursday. Kingston, Jamaica. The 68 Chinese arriving here "Wednesday on board the steamer Beta from Halifax were finally allowed to land, bond having been furnished for them under the new local pauper alien's law. Berlin. The total debt of the German states In 1906 was $3,04S.2T0,0(H and that of the em pire $756,000,000, plus $05,000,000 in short-term bills outstanding. The value of the etate owned railways was $3,490, 780,000, or slightly more than the debts. The states own 1,748,415 acres of cleared land and 11,20,414 of forest. Madrid. The Duke of Almodovar, Minister for Foreign Affairs, who has been ailing for some time, has suffered a relapee, the original disease being complicated by pleurisy.' Paris. The Cabinet haa decided to propose general amnesty and an increase of the wines and spirits and estate duties. It is aeserted that the government Intends to promote a bill providing for the purchase of the French railroads. Cheyenne, Wyo. The Los Angeles Limited was wrecked at Pine Bluffs, 20 miles east of Cheyenne, at midnight. The locomotive, bag gage and dining cars, one coach and a stand ard sleeper left the track, the first two, with the engine, going down an embankment. The fireman was Injured, but the passengers es caped. Chicago. Jokers In Evanston Thursday night tied a 300-pound iron tank to the carriage of a newly married couple. It made so much noise as the vehicle was driven to the North western Railroad station that frightened resi dents who had retired sent in calls for the police. Miss Rebekah Louise Cooley, daughter of Lyman E. Cooley, former consulting engineer of the Panama Canal Commission, was the bride, and Charles M. Graham, of Maryvllle, Mo., the groom. Students at Northwestern University are suspected of being the perpe trators. Miss Cooley was a freshman at Northwestern. St. Louis. A collision between passenger trains occurred on the Iron Mountain road, near Men go. Friday, resulting in the death of Frank Reitchars, a fireman, and Injuries to four trainmen. No .passengers were injured. Davenport, la. Rock Island passenger No. 6, east bound, was derailed at Jennings, Kan., Friday, and 12 passengers were hurt, none dangerously. A surgeon on the train made It possible for all the passengers to come on with the train when the wreck was cleared. Chicago. At the final session of the 12th annual convention of the American Congress of Religions Thursday, resolutions were adopt ed In sympathy with the persecuted Jews of Russia and the natives of the Congo Free States in Africa, pledging the co-operation of all denominations to effect suppression of ail such abuses. New York. A portrait of President Roose velt will be sent to Germany to be placed In the gallery of the University of Berlin, to gether with portraits of President Butler, of Columbia, and John W. Burgess, the first In- 1. D. Coburn, United State, Senator From Kansas. indefinite leave of absence to begin dur ing the present Summer by the State Board of Agriculture at its meeting last Winter. He has been vice-president and president of the board of regents of the Kansas Agricultural College and president of the Kansas State Temperance Union for several years. He was indorsed by nearly all of the stockmen In the Missouri River valley for the position of Secretary of Agriculture in the cabinet of Presi dent McKinley, although in no sense was he an applicant for the place. rum bent' of the Theodore Roosevelt professor ship of American Institutions and government in the University of Berlin. They have been presented to the German University by Colum bia University. Syracuse, N. T. The explosion of an oil stove In an apartment Thursday resulted In trie de&tn of .Mrs. resmond Davis, axed 2ri; Mrs. Homer Alexander, sister-in-law of Mm. Davis, and her 3-year-old daughter, Gladys. ' New York. David Hobbs, 48 years old, a native of Scotland, was arrested Thursday night to answer to a cnarge of forgery In Montreal He was Canadian Pacific Railway customs agent at Montreal, and it la alleged that by skillful manipulation of the invoices he robbed the customs of very larg-e sums. Chicago. After completing the equivalent of Ave years' work in three years, with his dip loma almost in his hands, Rtklnosuke Ho Jo, a Japanese student in Northwestern Univer sity, is dying of quick consumption in the Evanston Hospital. He cannot live more than three weeks. Commencement exercises are but two weeks off, and it ie a question if he will live to receive the diploma. DAVIS PLEADS PREJUDICE Iroquois Theater Manager Says Chi cago Cannot Try Him Fairly. CHICAGO, June 8. Arguments on the motion for a change of venue on the charge of manslaughter against Will Davis, ex-manager of the Iroquois The ater, were commenced today before Judge Smith. It Is probable that they will con tinue for several days. Counsel for Davis Insisted that all classes of people in this city are still so prejudiced against Davis, on account of the Are In the Iroquois Theater, where so many lives were lost, that it is im possible for him to have a fair trial in Cook County. It was asserted by the at torneys that they had more than 10,000 affidavits by persons who admitted hav ing prejudice against Davis. Sheep Shipped Into Montana. There was a heavy movement of sheep yesterday over the O. R. & N. from Eastern Oregon to the ranges of Montana and Wyoming, where they will be fed during the Summer and taken to the packing-houses in the Fall. Large ship ments have been held up by the recent washouts in Eastern Oregon, but are again moving. There were 27,000 sheep waiting at Shaniko the first of the week for the line to be cleared, and probably not less than 60,000 animals were held at branch terminals awaiting shipment. Kate Made for Red Men. The passenger department of the Oregon Railroad & Navigation Company an nounces a rate of one and one-third fare for the round-trip from all points in its territory to Marshneld, on account of the annual meeting of the council of Red Men of Oregon, which takes place there on June 19. "SEE AMERICA FIRST, The Denver & Rio Grande has resumed the operation of its open-top and parlor observation cars through Colorado's famous scenery scenery not found else where in the world. All reduced rates. Apply via this route. For whatever in formation you may desire call upon W. C McBride. 124 Third street. L Suffered for a Long Time Without Relief Had Three Doctors and Derived No Benefit One Doctor Was Afraid to Touch Them Soreness Disappeared and Hands vNow Smooth After Application of . i CUTICURA SOAP AND CUTICURA OINTMENT "For long time I Buffered with ores on the hands which were itching, painful, and disagreeable. I bad three doctors and derived no benefit from any of them. One doctor said he was) afraid to touch my hands, so you must know how bad they were; an other said I never could be cured; and the third said the sores were caused by the dipping of my hands in water in the dye-bouse where I work. I saw in the papers about the wonderful cures of the Cuticura Remedies and procured some of the Cutioura Soap and Cuticura Ointment. In three days after the application of the Cuticura Ointment my hands began to peel and were better. The sore ness disappeared, and they are now smooth and clean, and I am still working in the dye-house. "I Btrongly recommend Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ointment to any one with sore hands, and I hope that this letter will be the means of help ing other sufferers. Very truly yours, Mrs. A. E. Maurer, 2340 State St, Chicago, 111., July 1, 1905." MOTHERS! MOTHERS! To know that a warm bath with Cuticura Soap and a single anointing with Cuticura, the great Skin Cure, and purest and sweetest of emollients, will afford instant relief and refreshing sleep to skin-tortured babies, and rest for tired and worn-out mothers. field throTJraoot the world. Concur Soap, JSc, Oint ment, 0c., KeaolTent.40c. (Is form of Chocolate Coated Plla,ScprTUJof SO). Potter Xraf Chmm. Corp, Sois Props., Bocton, MtM. k-Mailed rm,"Hor toCvraEessnsMssdMAl AtasS the Skin, Seals, Hair, sad Hand." UNPRECEDENTED SUCCESS OP CGeeWo The Great Chinese Doctor At No. 162 First St. Cor. Morrison No misleading statements to the afflicted. I guarantee a complete, safe and lasting cure In the quickest possible time, and at the lowest cost possible .for honest and success ful treatment. I cure catarrh, asthma, lung, throat, rheumatism, nervousness stomsca liver, kidney and lost manhood. r 'AKULiiLkg ANU AXA FIUVAXS DISEASES. My remedies are harmless, composed of roots, herbs, buds and barks especially se lected and Imported direct br us from the Interior of China. W TOU ABE AFFLICTED DON'T DEUS.T. DEI-AYS ARE DANGEROUS. If you cannot call, write for symptom blank and circular, inclose 4 cents In stampe, CONSULTATION FREE. Xbe C. Cee Wo Chinese Medicine Co.. 162Vs Xlrst Bt- Cor. Morrison. Portland. Or. CleSM neaUoa tbia par ITCHING PI SORES HANDS TRAVELERS' 6UIDK, Oregon SiaoijriiME S TRAINS TO THE EAST DAILT Through Pullman standards and tourist sleeping-cars dally to Omaha. Chicago. Spo kane; tourist sleeping-car dally to Kansas City. Reclining chair-cars tseaca free) to the East dally. lip UNION DEPOT. Leaves. Arrives. CHICAGO-PORTLAND 9:30 A. M. 5:00 P. M. SPECIAL for the East Dally. Dally. via Huntington. SPOKANE rLTER. Dany1" Iia'liy'1" For Eastern 'Washington. Walla Walla. Lewtston. Coeur d'Alene and Great Northers points. ATLANTIC EXPRESS u -.. . M fnstol Kart V" HUUt "auV? PORTLAND-BIGGS 8:15 A.M. 6:00 P. M. LOCAL, for all lo cal points between Biggs and Portland. RIVER SCHEDULE. FOR ASTORIA and 8:00 P. M. B:00 P. M. way points, connecting Daily. Dally, with steamer for ljwt- except except Co and North Beach Sunday. Sunday, steamer Hassalo. Ash Saturday st. dock 10:00 P. M. FOR DAYTON, Ore- 7:00 A. M. 5:30 P. M. con City and Yamhill Dally. Dally. River points. Ash-st. except except dock (water per.) Sunday. Sunday. For Lewlston. Idaho, and way points from Rlparla, Wash. Leave Rlparia S:40 A M-r or upon arrival train No. 4, daily except Saturday. Arrive Rlparla 4 P. M. dally ex cept Friday. Ticket Office. Third and Washington. Telephone Main 112. O. W. Stinger. C'ty Ticket Agt. A. L. Craig. Gen. Pass. Agt, EAST via SOUTH UNION DEPOT. OVERLAND EX PRESS TRAINS for Saiem. Rose burg, Ashland. Sacramento, Og den. Ban Fran cisco, Stockton, Los Angeles, El Paso, New Or leans and the East. Morning train conneots at Woodburn dally except Sunday with trains for ML Angel. Silver ton, Brownsville. Springfield, "Wen ti ling and Natron. Eugene passenger conneots at Woodburn with Mt. Angel and lilverton local. Corvallia passen xer. Sheridan passen. er. Forest Grove pas senger. 8:48 P. M. 7:25 A. st. 8:80 A. M. 8:53 P. M. :16 P. it. 1-J0 A. II. 4:50 P. M. HO. '48 P. M. 10:3S A. U. 6:50 P. M. 8:25 ATM. 11:50 P. M. Dally. tDally except Sunday. PORTLAND-OSWBGO SUBURBAW SERVICE! AND YAMHILL. DIVISION. Depot. Foot of Jefferson Street. Leave Portland dally for Oswego at 7:30 A. M.; 13:50. 2:05, 4:00, 6:20, 6:25, 8:30, 10:10, 11:30 P. M. Dally except Sunday, 5:30. :i 8:35. 10:25 A. M. Sunday only. 9 A. M. Returning from Oswego, arrive Portland, dally. 8:30 A M. ; 1:55. 3:05, 6:05, 6:15. 7:35, 8:55. 11:10 P. M : 12:25 A. M. Dally except Sunday. 6:25. 7:25. 8:30. 11:45 A. M. Sun day only, 10 A M. Leave from same depot for Dallas and In termediate points dally. 4:15 P. M. Arrive Portland, 10:15 A. M. The Independence-Monmoutn Motor Line operates dally to Monmouth and Alrlle. con necting with S. P. Co'a trains at Dallas and Independence. First-class fare from Portland to Sacra mento and San Francisco. $20; berth. $3. Second-class far. $15: second-class berth. $2.50. Tickets to Eastern points and Europe; also Japan, China. Honolulu and Australia. ClTx TICKET OFFICE. Corner Third and Washington Sts. Phone Main 712. C. W. STINGER. City Ticket Agent. A. L. CRAIO. Gen. Pass. Agt, " REGULATOR LINE" The Dalles, Portland & Astoria Navigation Co. Boats leave Portland and The Dalles dally, except Sunday, at 7 A. M., arriv ing about 6 P. M.. carrying freight and passengers. Splendid accommodations for outfits and livestock. Dock Foot of Alder St.. Portland: Foot of Court St., The Dalles. Phone Main 814. Portland. San Francisco 5 Portland Steamship Co. Operating the Only Direct Paste nxei Steamers. Future sailings postponed Indefinitely ac count San Francisco water-front strike. JAS. H. DEWSOX. AGENT. Phone Main 268. 48 Washington fit. Steamer Chas. R. Spencer FAST TIME. TJp thsNieantlful Columbia, the most en Joyabl. of river trips. Leaves foot Oak s. for The Dalles and way points dally at 7 A. M., except Friday and Sunday; return ing at 10 P. M. Sunday excursions for Cascade Locks leave at v A. la.; return P. M. Phone Main 2860. WILLAMETTE RIVER ROUTE Steamers for Balem. Independence and Al bany l.av. 6:4S A. M. daily (ecept Sunday . Steamers for Corvallls and way points leave :4 A. M. Tuesday. Thursday aas Saturday. CKtOOJf CITT TRANSPORTATION CO, Offls. and. dock, foot Taylor St. ALASKA FAST AM) POPrLAK STEAMSHIPS LEAVE SEATTLE 8 P. M. "Jefferson," May 27; June 6. 18. S P. M., via WrangeL "Dolphin," May 22; June L 12. 24. CHEAP EXCURSION BATES. On excursion trips steamer calls at Eltka. Metlakahtla, Glacier. Wrangel. tc in addition to regular ports of call. Call or send for "Trip to Wonderful Alaska.' "Indian Baskstry.' Totsa Poles." TILE ALASKA S. S. CO. Frank Woolsey Co, Agents. 252 Oak St. Portland. On, TRAVELERS' GUIDE. DUHEl TOE COMFORTABLE WAY. TWO OVERLAND TRAINS DAILY THE ORIENTAL I.1.M1TEJJ The Fast Mall VIA SEATTLE OR EPOKANS. Dally. Portland Dally. Leave Time Schedule. Arrive To and from Spo g:30amkane. St. Paul. Uln-7:00 am neapolls, Duluth and 11:45pm All Points East Via 8:50pm Seattle. To and from St. Paul. Minneapolis, :15 pm Duluth and All S:00pn Points East Via Spokane. GPeat Northern Steamship Co. Palling; from Seattle for Japan and China ports and Manila, carrying passengers and freight. 8. S. MLnnetvota, July 25. S. S. Irakota, Sept. . NIPPON TCSEN KAISHA (Japan Mall Steamship Co.) S. S. KAN AG AW A MARU will satl from Seattle about June 12 for Japan and China ports, carrying passengers and frelsht. For tickets, rates, berth r serra tions, etc.. can on or address H. DICKSON. C. P. T. A. 122 Third St.. Portland. On Phone Main 680. TIME CARD OFTRAINS PORTLAND daily. Depart. Arrlva. Yellowstone Park - Kansas City - St. Louis Special for Chehalls. Centralis. . Olympla. Gray's Harbor, Soutn Bend. Tacoma, Se attle, Spokane, Lewtston. Butte, Bllllnss, Denver. Omaha. Kansas City, St. Louis and SouthwesL..M.. g:30aa& 4:00 pa North Coast Limited, eleo. trio lighted, for Tacoma. Seattle. Spokane. Butte. Minneapolis. St. Paul and the Kast 2:00 pm 7:00 am Pnget Sound Limited for Claremont. Chehalls, Cen tralla. Tacoma and Seattle only :S0pm 10:55 pee Twin City Express for Ta coma. Seattle, Spokane. Helena. Butte. St. Paul. Minneapolis. Lincoln. Oma ha, St. Joseph, St. Louis, Kansas City, without change of cars. Direct connections for ail points East and Southeast ..11:45 pm 6:50 pos A. D. Charlton, Assistant General Passenger Agent, 2S6 Morrison St.. corner Third. Port land. Or. ALASKA EXCURSIONS 8. 8. Spokane. June 7, 21s July S. 20; August S. "abouxd rrr.ET rocxd" excursions EVERY FIVE DAVS. SOUTHEASTERN ALASKA ROUTE. From Seattle at 9 P. M. for Ketchikan. Juneau. Skagway. White Horse. Dawson and Fairbanks S. s City of Seattle, June ID, 20, 30. S. 8. Humboldt, June 4, 14. 23. S S. City of Topeka (via Sitka). June 15, 29. NOME ROUTE. Second sailing S. S. Senator about June 2S. FOR SAN FRANCISCO DIRECT. From Seattle at 9 A. M. Queen. June . 21; Umatilla, June 13, 28; City of Puebla, June IK. July 3. Portland Office. 249 Washington St. Main 229. G. M. LEE, Pass. & Ft. Agt. C. T. DUNANN. G. P. A.. 10 Market St.. San Francisco. Astoria and Columbia River Railroad Co. Leaven. UNION DEPOT. Arrives. Sally. For Mavgers. Rainier. Sally. Clatskanle, Westport. Clllton. Astoria, War 1:00 A. M renton. Flavel, Ham- 11:20 A.M. mond. Fort Stevens, Gearbart Park, Sea side. Astoria and Sa shors. 1:00 P.M. Express Dally. 9:50 P.M. Astoria Express. Dally. C. A. STEWART. J. & MAYO. Comtn'l Agt, 248 Alder st. G. b P. A. Phone Main 90S. PORTLAND -ASTORIA ROUTE Fast Str. TELEGRAPH Makes round trip daily (except San day). Leaves Alder-street dock 7 A M. ; returning leaves Astoria 2:30 P. M., arriving Portland 9 P. M. Telephone Main 5G5. CcantUnavlan Am.rican Una Largs Fast Twin 8orav Puisngar Steirawa Direct to Korway, Swedan and Denmark Balling beat New Tor at oon. C. F. TIEXliEN June 28 lFt Cabin S0O and upwards. 2d Cabin $r0. HEDDIG OLAV July 5, Aug. 1 UNITED STATES July 19, Aug. 30 OSCAR II Aug. 2. Sept. IS For Tickets apply to Local Agents, or to A E JOHNSON. 1 Broadway. N. T. HAND SAP OLIO Is especially valuable during tha Summer season, when outdoor oo cupations and sports are most lb order. GRASS STAJN8, MUD STAIN3 and CALLOUS SPOTS field to it, and It Is particularly agreeable when used in the bath liter violent exercise. tvL GSOCEKSANO DRUaOISTA pEHfiYROYAL PILLS K .V ytf- BAFE."1 "liable. Ladle., a. Dnurltl yiJ" CHICHlMTJE.Il.-a iL-tTiLXSH ri't3t-A U. ttKO u "old SMiaUU hoist. aala4 T lT:WiSu"',",k,- Take. e ether. Ber.es TJ f Jsatweai B.kaUt.tle.s mmi Ilta I d-' ' W Hams, B.; f roar Drauut. 1 Mas 4e. I. r f4 " f La a Ul. t.ra Mall. Se.OOO TManlu Bed br enPrasgU C-kUhestwCliUaaCei sesar. Msdtl lltain, PHJXA, PA. Tmdy tor Oonorrbaa, Gleet, Bp.rmitorrboia, Whites., nftn.t.ttl dt charge, or mar inflajDmsv "ti MDitfUa. tion -of DQeom mem ITHeEvamsOkemioalOo. broe. Kon-utri&tT& LtMWMiTi..Kfl ami fcy .Drag!. or tent In plain wrapper, by Jxprese, pi-i-paid, tot 11.00. or S bet i lee. $2.74. m -V Is 1st dara,X leg fisaraataas w'aB va!r I