Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 08, 1906, Page 14, Image 14

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Coastwise Trade Paralyzed
as Result of Sailors'
Oceanic Steamship Company Latest
to Combine Against Request of
Sailors' Union and Notice
.. of lockout Given.
BAN FRANCISCO, June 7. That the
lockout which now ties up the shipping
on the San Francisco water front is not
to cease for some time is evident from
the action taken by the Oceanic Steam
ship Company today. The company sent
notice to the sailors, firemen and cooks'
and waiters' unions that the agreement
entered Into between these unions and
the company, which regulates wages and
conditions of work, will be abrogated
July 6. This notice was given in accord
ance with a mutual understanding where
iby notice of a strike or lockout must be
Kiven 30 days before action is taken. The
.business of the Pacific Coast Steamship
Company in this port is now entirely at a
Neither Vessel Clears.
The State of California, belonging to
this company, was to sail today at 10
A. M. for San Diego, and the Curacaoa
was to sail for Mextcart ports. Neither
vessel cleared, and many passengers who
had engaged passage aboard them had
their money refunded. Captain Wallace,
of the Pacific Coast Steamship Company,
stated that no men are now working
at their wharves, and that they are not
receiving freight. Not only the long
shoreman on their dock have been laid
off. but also the sailors, cooks, waiters
and firemen on the State of California,
the City of Fuebla, the Curacaoa and the
iBonlta. which are now In this port. The
rarlflc Mall Steamship Company, which
yesterday iHid off 150 longshoremen at
the mail nock., took back enough men to
day to finish- the loading of the New
port, which is to sail to Panama and
v-way puda, No work is being done on the
' Will Try to End Trouble.
The executive committees of the steam
ship arbitration and the United Shipping
Transportation Association met today to
appoint a committee named by the City
Front Federation. When these two com
mittees meet an effort will be made to
put an end to the trouble, which has crip
pled the shipping business.
Only One Local Vessel Likely to
Operate Regularly.
As a result of the sailors' strike now in
effect at San Francisco. Portland is
threatened with a practical cessation of
most of the local coast-wise traffic. As
fast as the steam schooners and vessels
belonging to the Shippers' Association ar
rive at the Bay City they are taken over
to Oakland and tied up for the present,
and. according to the operators, the ves
sels will remain tied up until the sailors
reconsider their demands.
Yesterday the steamers Barracouta and
Oosta Rica reached San Francisco from
Portland and were almost immediately
relegated to the anchorage of the tied-up
craft, and. according to the owners, they
will remain there until the strike is ended.
Kvery effort was used by the two fac
tions to reach an amicable agreement in
the past two years, as the present strike
has been threatening during this period.
The steamship companies comprising the
shipping association on the Pacific Coast
absolutely refuse to consider the demands
of the sailors, and have elected to tie up
their boats sooner than grant the slight
est concession to the strikers, and on
this account the shipping of the Coast la
practically paralyzed.
Shipping men along -the water front who
are well versed in the causes of the strike
state that they have no idea when it may
be ended, and in the meantime are hoping
for the best, although the situation is
very gloomy.
Of all tho steam craft plying from Port
land to San Francisco and way ports, the
Alliance, of the Gray Steamship Com
pany, which is operated between Portland
and Coos Bay, is the only vessel not likely
to be temporarily tied up. The reason for
the continuance of the Alliance on her
regular run is on account of her being a
mall carrier, and this precludes her being
tied up by a strike. She is the regular
mall boat between Portland and Coos Bay
The steamer Breakwater, which arrived
with a light cargo from San Francisco
yesterday, is likely to be tied up here
without any effort being made to take her
ion the return trip. While there is no cer
tainty of this happening, persons connect
ed with the company operating the craft
are of the opinion that she will be laid up
here until the strike may be settled.
The steamer - Roanoke sailed for San
Francisco last evening, and is slated to
be laid off immediately on her arrival at
that port.
Unless one side or the other relents very
shortly, freight is expected to congest to
an alarming extent in the local ware
houses, for the operation of the steam
vessels along the coast is necessary to
relieve the situation.
Sunken River Craft Will Be Re
paired at Castle Rock.
CASTLE ROCK. Wash., June I. (Spe
cial.) The steamer Chester, of the
Kellogg line, which was sunk last Sat
urday when it was rammed by a large
log. is lying in shallow water near
Olequa bridge. Captain Orrin Kellogg
lias arrived, here to superintend the
work of raising and repairing the craft.
The Bteamer Northwest Is assisting in
the work of floating the Chester, and
as soon as floated she will be brought
here for repairs. All the freight on the
boat. Including J. C. Ainsworth's large
automobile, has been safely transferred
to the shore.
Almost Entire Crew Walks Ashore
In Response to Instructions.
ABERDEEN, Wash., June 7. (Special.)
The tie-up of the steamer Grace Dollar
was made more effective this morning,
when the cooks, waiters and firemen came
ashore. They took this action in answer
to telegraphic instructions received from
John Carney, secretary of the Firemen's
Union; Eugene Steele, secretary of the
Cooks' Union, and A. Furuseth, secretary
of the Seamen's Union. There remain
aboard only the master, the mate and
second mate and,, chief engineer. The
men have something like J300 due them
from the owners.
The captain has been trying to place
himself in communication with his own
ers, but has thus far been unable to reach
them. If, after a reasonable length of
time, the money due is not paid, the ves
sel will be libeled. However, this course
of action will probably not be compelled.
. . Steamboats In Collision.
PORTLAND, Me., June 7. The steamers
City of Bangor and City of Rockland
were in collision near Monhegan this
morning. The City of Bangor was con
siderably damaged, but managed to reach
this port In safety. The City of Rock
land was hardly damaged at all, and pro
ceeded on her way. None of the passen
gers were injured. The boats are operat
ed by the same company.
Towing Drydock to Manila.
MANILA, June 7. The naval tug Pesca
taqua has been ordered from here to meet
the floating drydock Dewey at Singapore
and assist in towing it to this port.
Steamer Sonoma Overdue.
HONOLULU, June 7. 12:30 P. M.) The
steamer Sonoma, from San Francisco, is
24 hours overdue, and has not yet been
Marine Notes.
Another lumber carrier has been secured
to load here. She is the new steamer
Yosemlte, which sailed from Manila for
Portland May 3L
The steamer Alliance is scheduled to
leave for Coos Bay this evening. This is
practically the only coastwise vessel not
affected by the sailors' strike.
The Italian bark Erasmo surprised her
charterers by arriving at the mouth of
the Columbia yesterday, as she was not
expected for ten days yet. She made the
trip across the Pacific in 30 days.
The tugs Sea Rover and Dauntless ar
rived at Linnton and Portsmouth yester
day with the oil-carriers Monterey and
Fullerton. Captain Berg, of the Monterey,
says that the strike win not afreet the
crews of the oil-carriers.
Domestic and Foreign Forts.
ASTORIA. Or., June 7. Condition of the
bar at 8 A. M., smooth; wind, northwest;
weather, cloudy. Sailed at 5:15 A. M.
Steamer Cascade, for San Pedro. Arrived
down at 6 A. M. and nailed at 11:45 A. M.
Steamer F. A. Kllburn. for San Francisco
and way ports. Arrived at 9:15 A. M. and
left up at 12:30 P. M. British steamer Dul
wlch. from Comm. Sailed at 11:45 A. M.
Schooner Andy Mahony. for San Francisco.
Sailed at 1:15 P. M. German steamer Al
benga. for Muroran, for orders. Bailed at
2:15 P. M. Barkentlne Portland, for Re
dondo. Outside at 5 P. M. A four-masted
Pan Francisco, June 7. Arrived at 5 A. M.
Steamer Barracouta, from Portland. Ar
rived at 1 P. M. Steamer Costa Rica, from
Portland. Arrived Steamer M. V. Plant,
from Coos Bay; British steamer Coptic, from
Hongkong. Sailed Schooner Charles R. Wil
son, for Gray's Harbor; schooner James H.
Bruce, for Tacoma; schooner Sequoia, for
Strange Proposal by Member of
Louisiana Legislature. -
CHICAGO, June 7. A dispatch to the
Tribune from New Orleans says:
T. Spence Smith, of Rapides, yester
day introduced into the State Legisla
ture a bill to regulate marriage con
tracts and prevent race suicide. The
bill applies only to whites, and pro
vides: It shall be unlawful for any young
man to attempt to court any young
woman before he is 24 years of age.
Before making such attempt he shall
inform the parents or guardian of the
woman he proposes to court of his in
tention to do so.
He shall also make affidavit before
a Justice of the Peace that his court
ship will be in good faith and for the
purpose of trying to convince the
young woman that it will be profitable
for her to marry him.
It shall be unlawful for widowers
over the age of 40 years to attempt to
court any woman under the age of 18
beyond the confines of the parish of
their residence.
After the passage of the act all chil
dren born legally to married people In
this state shall be raised and educated
at public expense. All boy children
shall be sent to the State University at
Baton Rouge, and all girl children to
the State Normal School at Natchi
toches. An appropriation of $17,000,000 to
carry out this education feature is pro
vided for in the bill.
Title to Road Is in Doubt.
EUGENE, Or., June 7. (Special.)
The Blue River road, closed some time
ago by the owners of the Lucky Boy
mine, is still obstructed. A committee
of citizens from the Merchants' Pro
tective Association today asked the
County Court to purchase the road for
the county, so that it might be opened
to travel. The court will. , upon the
presentation of a petition from the
people along the road, take the mat
ter up of declaring this a county road.
There seems to be considerable
doubt as to the right of the county
to buy this road, as It Is claimed the
Lucky Boy people have nothing to
sell. There is no question that the
miners have spent several thousand
dollars in building the road and the
price they ask, $3000, Is quite reason
able, but they seem to have no title.
Course In Naval Architecture.
SEATTLE, Wash., June 7. Marine en
gineering and naval architecture will be
added to the University of Washington
engineering curriculum in the very near
future, the work being gradually added
until a complete course in naval construc
tion can be offered. Professor Everett O.
Eastwood, formerly head of the marine
department at Lehigh University, who is
now dean of the college of mechanical
engineering at the University of Wash
ington, says that the work will be done
on a small scale next year, and that the
year following he hopes to be able to
offer a complete course.
Accused of Theft In Los Angeles.
NEW YORK, June 7. Frederick P. "Wil
son, aged 29, was arrested here last night
on the request oX the Chief of Police of
Los Angeles, Cal., who' alleged that Wil
son was a fugitive from justice. He is
wanted in connection with the theft of
a certificate of deposit of $2100 issued by
the Security Bank of Havre, Montana, to
the Title Guarantee & Trust Company, of
Los Angeles, of which Wilson is alleged
to be clerk.
Five hundred dollars was offered for
Wilson's capture. He is said to have
confessed his Identity.
Rare Chance to See the T'pprr Columbia
River by Way of the O. R. N.
Until September 30, the O. R. & N. Co.
announces the following very low return
trip Sunday rates to Upper Columbia Riv
er points, good on any train:
Latourelle, $1.25; Bridal Veil, $1.25; Mult
nomah Falls, $1.25; Bonneville. $1.25; Cas
cade Locks, $1.25: Collins, $2; Hood River.
$2: The Dalles. $3.
Parties taking advantage of the new
local train, leaving here at 8:15 A. M., will
have six hours at Multnomah Falls, five
hours at Bonneville, and four hours at
Hood River and Mosler.
Particulars by asuing C. W. STINGER,
City Ticket Agent. Third and Washington
Pacific Mail Company Is the
Honolulu Corporation Wants $155,
000 From Portland Concern
for Alleged Breach of
The second trial of the suit of the Pa
cific Mill Company, of Honolulu, against
Inman. Poulsen & Co., for $155,000 dam
ages for breach of contract, was begun
yesterday before Judge Cleland and a
Jury in the State Circuit Court. The suit
was begun April 10, 1902, and the com
plaint recites that in the year 1900 Inman,
Poulsen & Co. entered into an agreement
with the Pacific Mill Company to take
stock in the latter company, and to in
crease its capital to $50,000 from $12,000.
Inman, Poulsen & Co. were to take $15,000
of the increase, and to ship Oregon pine
lumber to the Honolulu market. The Pa
cific Mill Company people say they ob
tained railroad facilities, sold stock and
did everything required to carry out the
agreement. Two cargoes of lumber were
sent to Honolulu by Inman, Poulsen &
Co., but that firm refused to permit the
Paclflcjtfill Company to handle the car
goes. Inman, Poulsen & Co. sent agents
to Honolulu, and Emmett May. president
of the Pacific Mill Company, went to San
Francisco to Interview Johan Poulsen.
The Pacific Mill Company expected to do
a big business in Oregon lumber, and its
members allege heavy losses for the
breach of contract.
Inman, Poulsen & Co. as a defense con
tend that the scheme was a failure; that
the Pacific Mill Company did not have
the facilities alleged, did not sell the in
crease in stock for cash, as promised;
that the company was insolvent, and
many other things. When the case was
tried two years ago, 17 days' time was
consumed in taking testimony. Judge
Sears granted a nonsuit, and the Supreme
Court granted a new trial. Ralph Dunl
way appears as attorney for the Pacific
Mill Company, and Cake & Cake and J.
T. McKee are the attorneys for the de
If Husband Behaves, Mrs. Kelly
Will Not Seek Divorce.
Mrs. Fred C. T. Kelly is not to has
ten divorce proceedings. If her hus
band does not behave himself she will
obtain a divorce from him in the State
Circuit Court. A month ago she caused
his arrest on a warrant Issued in the
Municipal Court for beating her, and
the same day she sued him for a dis
solution of the matrimonial bonds.
Kelly several days later pleaded guil
ty in the State Circuit Court, and
Judge Sears, who does not believe in
the whipping post law, fined him $50.
Deputy District Attorney Haney, how
ever, informed the court that the of
fense was not a serious one, and that
Kelly's wife did not want him whipped.
Mrs. Kelly paid the lino and her hus
band was released. She next declared
that she did not want a divorce. Yes
terday her attorney, John F. Logan,
took an order of default against Kelly
for want of an answer. Mrs. Kelly
will hold the case over him, and if he
does not continue to be a good hus
band she will prosecute the divorce
suit to a finish. Kelly says he will be
good, and if so Mrs. Kelly says she
will remain true and will not require
the further services of the court and
a lawyer.
Goldie R. Ellis Is Granted Divorce
by Judge Frazer.
The hearing of the divorce suit of Goldie
R. Ellis against Joseph T. Ellis, was con
cluded In Judge Frazer's court yesterday,
and the divorce was granted. The defend
ant made a good defense to his wife's
charges of outrageous offenses, but the
court concluded that the burden of proof
was with the plaintiff, and that she was
entitled to a legal separation. Mrs. Ellis
is only 5 years old. The litigants were
married in January last.
"I believe the testimony as told by this
little child-wife," said Judge Frazer, in
rendering his decree. "This little girl
told the truth, if I was ever able to tell
when a witness told the truth. She is not
happy. She Is of a timid, retiring dis
position, but earnest in her manner. I
have found in my experience that chil
dren more often tell the truth than grown
"But I am not impressed with the evi
dence given by the foster-mother of the
plaintiff, Mrs. R. C. Kinney. I do not
understand that woman. On the other
hand, Mr. Ellis has a good reputation in
the business world. - He Is aggressive.
The mating of this couple was like the
story of the mating of the hawk and the
Cannot Find His Opponent.
W. T. Vaughn. Councilman and attor
ney, says he does not know the where
abouts of M. B, Keefer, a lawyer, who
represents C. L. Case in a suit filed by
Mr. Case against R. A. Proudfoot. Mr.
Vaughn has been engaged to defend the
case, and he prepared a demurrer which
he filed yesterday in the State Circuit
Court, together with the following pecu
liar affidavit:
I. W. T. Vaughn, being- first duly sworn,
say that after diligent search and due In
quiry. I am unable to locate the office or
place of business of plaintiff's attorney here
in, and have this day left a copy of the
within demurrer with the clerk of thU court,
to bo served upon said attorney, provided ho
meandsri within the optical range of said
Jury Disagrees In Damage Suit.
In the case of John Krell against
Marion County, to recover $2000 damages
for the loss of a leg tried in Judge Fra
zer's court, the Jury disagreed, standing
11 for the plaintiff and 1 for the defend
ant. The lone Juror is said to have been
Thomas Hlslop., Krell was driving on
a county road, and came to a big hole
caused by a washout, and was thrown out
of his wagon.
Desires to Compromise Claim.
David M. Dunne, administrator of the
estate of John B. Price, and trustee for
George A. Price, petitioned, the County
Court yesterday for leave to compromise
a claim of $1500 against James E. Hunt
for $800. On April 2, 1903. Senator John
H. Mitchell, then in charge of the estate,
lent $1500 to Mr. Hunt. In December, B04,
Mr. Hunt filed a petition in bankruptcy.
His wife offers to buy the claim tor $800.
Three Are Adjudged Insane.
AI Siegenthaler, a butcher, has been
committed to the insane asylum. Several
days ago he visited the office of Dr. A. J.
Glesy for treatment, and while there
seized with a violent attack. He was ar
rested and taken to the County Jail. An
examination by Judge Webster disclosed
that Siegenthaler requires treatment by
Insanity specialists. The man said he was
injured in a train wreck last Wednesday,
and told other stories that were all illu
sions. S. B. Mosby, a civil engineer, born in
Virginia, has been declared insane. He
is dangerous because he thinks he ought
to kill people.
Hilda Gamp, a native of Finland, has
been committed to the insane asylum.
Three Months for Diamond Thief.
Because of alleged ill health Minnie
Davids, accused of stealing diamonds,
Jewelry and gloves -belonging to Abie E.
Forney, was permitted by District Attor
ney Manning to plead guilty of simple
larceny in Judge Sears' court yesterday,
and was sentenced to three months' im
prisonment in the County Jail. Mrs.
Davids appeared in the court in fashion
able attire, and was represented by Ralph,
R. Moody, attorney. She has a reputa
tion as a diamond thief in various Pacific
Coast cities, and is said to have invaria
bly worked the sympathy dodge with suc
cess. Her little daughter is being cared
for by the authorities.
Mr. Moody informed the court that the
prisoner was a very sick woman, and was
under the care of a physician. She was
suffering with a tumor and her condition
was thought to be critical.
Mrs. Davids began to sob aloud, and
Judge Sears ordered her to stop, and
Deputy Sheriff Parrott led her away and
back to her cell.
Widow Made Administratrix.
N. D. Simon, attorney, has had Mrs.
Elizabeth Scott, widow of Harry W.
Scott, appointed administrator of Mr.
Scott's estate. Mr. Scott left real prop
erty valued at about .$6000. His heirs
are his widow and child, a girl 13 years
of age. Mr. Scott left a will in his own
handwriting, but as there were no wit
nesses to it. Judge Webster decided
that it was not a legal will under Ore
gon law.
It Is Thought Manufacturers and
Carriers Will Find the Tariff
New minlmums on lumber for shipment
East have been complied by the railroads
that are about 9 per cent less than the
minlmums recently announced. The new
minlmums are the result of the confer
ence between the railroads and the lum
ber manufacturers of the Northwest last
week at St. Paul, when objections were
urged to the minlmums proposed, on the
ground that shippers could not load many
classes of lumber to the minlmums re
quired to secure low lumber tariffs.
The figures arrived at are the result
of the conference between shippers and
railroads, and are thought to be satisfac
tory to both. Lumbermen will make prac
tical experiments by loading cars of dif
ferent lengths with different classes of
lumber, in order to demonstrate whether
the minlmums will be practical. They
will not become effective until July 15.
The minlmums are based on cubical ca
pacity of cars, and follow:
Cubical ca- Minimum Minimum
paclty of car, carload carload
feet weight, welgnt.
1150 or under. 23.000 81.000
1551 to IrtOO... 23.0iO 32,000
1001 to 1650.... 23,000 33,000
1H51 to 1700... 23.500 34,000
1701 to 17.lO .....24.000 35,000
1751 to 1R00 25.0O0 3B.H00
1ROI to 1S50 ....2r..S00 37.000
IRS I to 1000 26,500 88.500
1901 to 10.10 27,000 80,500
IBM to 2000 27,500 40.500
20O1 to 2050 2S.SOO 41.500
2051 to 2100 .... .20.0K0 42.500
2101 to 2150 30,000 43.500
2151 to 22O0 30,500 44.500
2201 to 22M 31.000 45.500
2251 to 2300 . .....32.000 46.500
2301 to 2350. S2.SOO 47.500
2351 to 2400... 33.5O0 48,500
2401 to 2450 34.000 4D.5O0
2451 to 2500 34.500 B0.5CI0
2501 to 2."3V. 35,5(10 51.500
2551 to 26O0........ 36.000 52,500
2601 to 2650 37.000 53.500
2651 to 2700 37,500 54.500
2701 to 2750 3K.000 55,500
2751 to 2R00 .'1W.000 56.500
2X01 to 2S50 3,50rt 57.500
2851 to 2000 40.500 58.500
2001 to 2950 .. 41.000 50.500
2951 and over 41,500 60,000
Shingles, cedar, lumber or article taking
same rate in box or stock cars, except as
otherwise provided.
Pine. fir. hemlock. larch and spruce
lumber or articles taking same rate; In box,
stock or refrigerator cars, except as other
wise provided.
Stock cars equipped with watering trouprhs
or feed racks, which prevent complete use
of lnetrior space, will be subject to mini
mum weights, 10 per cent less than above
Marked weight capacity of car will govern
when less than provided herein.
Shingles or articles taking same rates. In
refrigerator cars, will be subject to mini
mum weight of 20.000 pounds.
Harrlman Railway System Issues
a New Advertising Pamphlet.
Taking for his motto the statement that
"The trouth about Oregon is good
enough," Rlnaldo M. Hall, advertising
agent for the Harrlman lines, has Just
Issued the 1906 edition of "Oregon, Wash
ington and Idaho," the annual advertis
ing publication of the O. R.' & N. and
Southern Pacific. The new pamphlet is
a handsome one of 88 pages, profusely
illustrated with new and interesting pho
tographs, showing the industrial and
scenic wonders of the three states.
Mr. Hall is the author of the text and
has drawn an attractive picture of the
Pacific Northwest, but he believes it is not
overdrawn. Following an introductory
chapter, Mr. Hall gives attention to the
industries of the three states. Statistics
of production are quoted and In a num
ber of Instances the name and address of
the producer is given, so that the reader
may write and verify the statements of
the book and secure additional informa
tion. Ten pages are devoted to fruitgrowing,
and the fact is brought out that Oregon
was first in foreign and domestic mar
kets in 1905, Hood River Newtowns selling
in London in March for $5.43 a bushel
and Cornice pears, raised at Medford,
bringing an average of $6.80 a box in New
York in October. Other industries of
the three states are also given full ex
ploitation. B. E. Duncan Has Resigned.
B. E. Duncan, who has been chief clerk
in the freight office of the New York
Central for some time, has resigned, and
his place will be taken by F. L. Baker,
who was formerly employed in the O. R.
& N. car supply department. The change
will take place June 15. Mr. Duncan is
well known along . Railroad Row. and his
many friends will regret to see him leave
the city. He owns a valuable fruit or
chard at Hood River, which demands his
personal attention.
It Is Dangerous to Neglect a Cold.
How often do we hear it remarked: "It's
only a cold," and a few days later learn
that the man is on his back with pneu
monia. This is of such common occur
rence that a cold, however slight, should
not be disregarded. Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy counteracts any. tendency of a
cold to result in pneumonia, and has
gained its great popularity and extensive
sale by its prompt cures of this most com.
mon ailment. It always cures and is
pleasant to take. For sale by all drug-xiata.
Another Large English Tramp
Steamer Coming Here.
Demand for Building Material In
Orient Causes Great Activity In
Local Shipping Circles.
Dulwich Reaches Port.
Another large tramp steamship has been
added to the local lumber-carrying fleet
to take the products of Oregon forests
and mills to the Orient. The latest addi
tion is that of the British steamer Man
chester Port, which is under charter to
Balfour, Guthrie & Co. to load lumber
for Shanghai.
The Manchester Port is practically a
new vessel, having been built in England
in 1904. During the two years she has
been afloat she has been engaged in tne
tramp trade. Her trip to this city will be
her initial voyage on the Pacific Ocean,
her previous operations having been con
fined to the vicinity of Bombay and Col
ombo. She is at the latter port at pres
ent. The Manchester Port is a steel vessel of
2662 net tons register, and she can carry
about 3.000,000 feet of lumber. Her cnar
terers are also loading the British steam
ship Tottenham, now in the harbor, and
the aggregate cargoes of both vessels will
be considerably over 6,000,000 feet.
J. J. Moore & Co. have two large steam
ships under charter to take lumber for
the Orient, which are expected to com
mence loading soon. The first of the two
to arrive here was the British steamer
Dulwich, which arrived from Comox and
Wellington last evening.
The Dulwich is a sister ship of the Kll
burn, which finished loading last week,
and both would have been in me harbor
at the same time, had it not been for
necessary delays to the Dulwich at Co
mox for the purpose of making some
minor repairs. After being repaired she
was delayed several days by rough
weather off the Juan de Fuca Straits.
The Dulwich will commence loading her
lumber cargo in the next few days, while
the Richmond is expected to arrive about
June 20.
The German ship Emllie and the Brit
ish ship Galgate are also loading lumber
for the Orient. Another of the local dis
engaged sailing fleet was taken oft the
list yesterday when the Italian ship Cat
erina Accame was chartered to load lum
ber for Antofogasta, Chile.
The Accame has been lying at the O.
W. P. dock during the past weeks, await
ing a charter, which was consummated
yesterday by Balfour, Guthrie & Co. tak
ing the vessel to load lumber at the
Eastern & Western Mills for the South
American port.
Word has been received again that,
same as a few years ago, some clever and
gllb-tongued solicitors are calling upon
piano owners, making them believe that
their pianos are "moth-eaten,"' or "rusted
out." and offering, usually for a big
amount of money, to restore them, .and
furthermore, to "moth-proof" and "rust
proof" them. We wish to caution our
patrons again, as we have found from
experience that most of such work is
nothing more nor less than an attempt
to obtain money under false pretenses.
Ring up Exchange 23 for information,
should anyone call on you to "restore" or
"work over" your piano! As a usual
thing, a great deal of harm la done to
pianos by tramp tuners. If you have a
fine piano take no chances. Eilers Piano
Heat Kills In New York.
NEW YORK. June 7. Signs that the
campaign of the heat against vitality
has begun were observed throughout
the city yesterday, and one death and
several prostrations were reported.
Government records showed a maxi
mum temperature of only 83 in the up
per regions, yet sidewalk temperatures
were taken which revealed a maxi
mum of 93.
Tonr Tmgrlt will Tefl Ton
that Murine Eye Remedy Cures Eyes. Make
Weak Eyes Strong. Doesn't Smart. Booths
Eve Pain, and Sells for 60 cents.
Dr. W. Norton Davis & Co.
Van Hoy Hotel, Cor. Md and Pine Sis.
Portland, Oregon
For the Treatment of Special, Nervous and Chronic
Special attention paid to treatment
by mall.
Office Hours: Dally, I to B and 7 to
P. M. Sunday, 10 A. M. to 11 M.
Should you desire you may pay after
cure has been effected. Consultation
free and confidential.
All sac die lues free) utll csres.
, Through Pullman standards and tourist
aleeplng-cars Bally to Omaha. Chicago. Spo
kane; tourist sleeping-car dally to Kansas
City. Reclining chair-cars (seat free) u
xno East gaily.
TJNION DEPOT. I Leaves. Arrives.
CHICAGO-PORTLAND 8:30 A. M. 5:00 P. M.
SPECIAL for tha Eaat Dally. Dally.
via Huntington.
IrOKANBFLTEk "aTly" Dafiy."
For Eastern Washington. Walla Walla,
Lewlston, Coeur A' Alan and Oraat North era
fngt'o E"' Vl HUnt "EV. D-fty.
PORTLAND-BIGGS 8:15 A.M. 8:00 P. M."
LOCAL, for all lo
cal points between
Biggs and Portland.
FOR ASTORIA and 8:00 P. M. 6:00 P. U.
way points, connecting Dally. Dally,
with steamer for Ilwa- except except
co and North Beach Sunday. Sunday,
steamer Haasalo. Ash Saturday
St. dock 10:00 P.M.
FOR DAYTON. Ore- 7:00 A. M. 8:80 P. M.
gon City and Yamhill Dally. Dally.
River points, Ash-sr. except except
dock twator per.) Sunday. Sunday.
For Lewlston, Idaho, and way points from
Rlparla. Wash. Leave Rlparla 5:40 A. M.,
or upon arrival train No. 4, dally except
Saturday. Arrive Rlparla P. M. daily ex
cept Friday.
Ticket Office. Third and Washington.
Telephone Mala tit. O. W. Etinger. City
Ticket Act. i A. L. Cralx, Gen. Pass. Act.
EAST via
(or Salem. Roae
burg. Ashland,
Sacramento. Og
den, San Fran
cisco, Stockton
Loe Angeles, HI
Paso, New Or
leans and tae
Morning train
eonaeota at
Woodbura dally
except Sunday
with trains for
Mt. Angel. Stlyer
ton, Brownsville,
Springfield, Wend
Ung and Natron.
Eugene passenger
conneots) at
Woodbura with
Mt. Angel aad
SUverton local.
Corvallis passen
ger. Bherldaa passen
ger. Forest Grove pas
senger. 8:40 P. la.
8:80 A. II.
1M T. 1L
P. If.
TdO A. 1L
:B0 P. It
tl0:S P. M.
10 M - M-
:A0 P. H
8:25 A-"m.
tl:8 P. M.
Dally. tOally except Sunday.
Depot. Toot of Jefferson Street.
Leave Portland dally for Oswego at T:S
A. M.; 12:50, 2:05, :00, 8:20. 8:23, i:30, 10:10.
ll:3v P. M. Dally except Sunday, 8:30. 6:30.
8:35. 10:23 A. M. Sunday only. B A. M.
Returning from Oswego, arrive Portland,
dally. 8:80 A. 1:53. 8:05, 5:05. :15. 7:35,
9:65. 11:10 P. M. : 12:25 A. M. Dally except
Sunday. 8:25, 7:25. 0:80. 11:45 A. M. Sun
day only, 10 A. M.
Leave from same depot for Dallaa and In
termediate pointa dally. 4:13 P. M. Arrive
Portland. 10:15 A. M.
The Independence-Monmouth Motor Line
operates dally to Monmouth and Alrlle, con
necting with S. P. Co's trains at Dallaa and
First-class far from Portland to Sacra
mento and Ban Francisco, 820; berth, 85.
Second-class tar. 815; second-class berth,
Tickets to Eastern points and Europe; alse
Japan. China. Honolulu and Australia,
CITY TICKET OFFICE, Corner Third and
Washington St. Phone Aain 718.
City Ticket Agent.
CJeu. Pass. Art.
Str. Breakwater
San Francisco
Coos Bay
(Passengers Only)
Freight and passengers for Marshfleld,
North- Bend. Myrtle Point. Coquille, Bandon
and all Coquille River points.
Thursday, June 7th
AT 8 P. M.
From Oak-Street Dock. Tel. Main 2960.
San Francisco 6 Portland
Steamship Co.
Operating the Only Direct Passenger
Future sailings postponed Indefinitely ac
count San Francisco water-front strike.
Phone Main 268. 248 Washlngtoa St.
Steamer Chas. R. Spencer
TJp the beautiful Columbia, the moat en
joyable of river trips. Leave foot Oak a,
tor The Dalle and way point dally at 7
A. X.. except Friday and Sunday; return
ing at 10 P. M. Sunday excursions for
Cascade Locks leave it t A. a,; return 8
P. M. Phone Main 2880.
Steamers for Salem, Independence and Al
bany leave 8:45 A. M. dally (ecept Sunday).
Steamer for Corvallis and way point
teav 6:4 A. M. Tuesday. Thursday aa4
Office and dock, foot Taylor St.
"Jefferson," May 27: Jun 8, 18. 8 '
P. M., via WrangeL
"Dolphin," May 22: Jun 1. 12. 24.
On excursion trips steamer call at
Sitka. Metlakahtla, Glacier. Wrangel,
tc. in addition to regular ports of call.
Call or send for "Trip to Wonderful
Alaska," "Indian Basketry," "Toteta
Frank Woolaey Co, Agents.
252 Oak BU Portland, O.
The Fast Mall
Dally. Portland Daily.
Leave Time Schedule. Arrive
To and from Spo
S:S0amkan. St. Paul. Mln- 7:00 am
neapolls, Duluth and
11:45 pm All Pointa East Via 8:50 pm
To and from St
Paul. Minneapolis,
6:15 pm Duluth and All 8:00 pm
Pointa Fast Via
Great Northern Steeunshlp Co.
Sailing from Seattle for Japan and
China porta and Manila, carrying
passengers and freight.
8. 8. Minnesota, July 25.
8. 8. Dakota, Sept. 2.
. (Japan Mall Steamship Co.)
8. S. KAN AG AW A MARU will
sail from Seattle about June 12 for
Japan and China ports, carrying
passengers and freight.
For tickets, rates, berth reserva
tions, to.. call on or address
H. DICKSON. C. P. ' T. A.
122 Third St.. Portlsnd. Or.
cuum in win MS,
Denart. Arrive
Yetlowston Park - Kansas
City - St. Loula Special
for Chehalls. Centrall.
Olympla. Gray's Harbor.
South Bend. Tacoma. Se
attle. Spokane. Lewiaton.
Butte, Billing. Denver.
Omaha, Kansas City, BU
Loula and Southwest.. .. 8:80 ant 4.80 9m
North Coaat Limited, eleo
trlo lighted, for Tacoma.
Seattle, Spokane, Butte,
Minneapolis. SC Paul and
tha at 8:00 pat T.-00 am
Pnget Sound Limited for
Claremont, Chehalls, Cen
tra lta, Tacoma and Seattle
only 4:80 pa 10:88 pa
Twin City Bxprea for Ta
coma. Seattle, Spokane,
Helena, Butte St. Paul.
Minneapolis, Lincoln, Oma
ha. St. Joseph. St. Louis.
Kansa City, without
change of car. Direct
connection for all point)
at and Southeast ll:46pa 6:80 pm
A. D. Charlton Assistant General Passenger
Agent. 255 Morrison su, corner Third. Port
land. Or.
8. S. Spokane, June 7, Sit
July 6. 20; August 2.
From Seattle at 9 P. M. for Ketchikan,
Juneau. Skagway, White Horse, Dawson and
S. S. City of Seattle. June 10. 20, SO.
B. S. Humboldt. June 4, 14. 2,1.
S. S. City ot Topeka (via Sitka). Jun
15. 29.
Second sailing 8. S. Senator about
June 2N.
From Seattle at 9 A. M. Queen. June 8.
21: Umatilla. June 13. 28; City ot Puebla.
June 18. July 8.
Portland Office. 249 Washington St.
Main 229.
O. M. l.EK, Pass. A Ft. Agt.
C. D. CUNANN. G. P. A..
10 Market St.. San Francisco.
The Dalles, Portland &
Astoria Navigation Co.
Boats leave Portland and Tho Dalle
dally, except Sunday, at 7 A. M arriv
ing about 6 P. M., carrying: freight and.
passengers. Splendid accommodations foe
outfits and livestock.
Dock: Foot of Alder St., Portland; Foot
of Court St., The Dalles.
Phono Main 814. Portland.
Astoria and Columbia
River Railroad Co.
Leaves. UNION DEPOT. Arrives.
Dally. For Mergers, Rainier. Dally.
Ciatskanl. Westport.
Clifton. Astoria. War
8:00 A. M renton. Flavel, Ham- 11:20 A. 1C
mond. Fort Stevens,
Oearhart Park, Sea
side, Astoria and Sea
shore. 1:00 P.M. Express Dally. 8:50 P. K
Astoria Express.
Comn'l Act.. 248 Alder st. O. F. j P. A.
Phone Main 80S.
Makes round trip daily (except Sun
day). Leaves Alder-street dock 7 A.
M.; returning leaves Astoria 2:30
P. M., arriving Portland 9- P. M.
Telephone Main 565.
Superior accommodation. Excellent Cuisine.
The Comfort of Passengers Carefully Con
sidered. Single or Round Trip Tickets Issued
between New York and Scotch, English.
Irish and all principal continental points at
attractive rates. Send for. Book of Tours.
For tickets or general Information apply to
any local agent of the Anchor Line or to
HP3NT3F,RSOV PROS.. Oen'l Agts.. Chicago. I1L
Varicocele, Stricture,
Kidney and Bladder
Troubles, Nervous and
Private Diseases cured
quickly and perma
nently. DR. PIERCE
Every Woman
Ulntaraatd and ihoald know
About tha wondrfnl
MARVEL Whirling Spray
Th near Vaglaal Srrlare. Jnjee-
lion and &u-
ucctoa. Best Saf
est Most Convenient.
ltOaaases laslaauj.
ask Tew eracelat fee tt.
it ne cannot .apply th
ltfARVKL, accept no
other, but send stamp for
Illustrated book leM. It give
full particulars and 1tr wtinnn In
valuable to ladles. M.RVRI, CO..
K. asd ST., SEW loKk.
Woodard, Clark Co.. Portland, Orsgasv
a. ft cutout .. Ul M. CertiaaA,