12 THE MOEXIXO OREGOXIAN, FRIDAY MAY 25, 1906. TW TODAT. FOR BALE REAL ESTATE WATET REAL ESTATE. HELP WANTEDMALE. SPRING SHOWING OF INLAID LINOLEUMS We have just received several large shipments of Inlaid Linoleums, includ ing the following celebrated makes: GERMAN Rixdorfer and Delmenhorst. ENGLISH Greenwich. AMERICAN Wilds and Nairns. These Linoleums represent the perfec tion of the manufacturers' art. These designs include the Black and Par quetry effects. Price, laid, ' $1.49 to $2.25 per sq. yd. J.G JACKS CO, Exclusive Carpet House 86-88 THIRD FU1X. MJETaCKAJV, mm. European Plan T Case Against Mute Dismissed. OREGON CITY, Or.. May 24. (Special.) The charge of threatening to kill, on whlrh Wall Harris, a deafmute, was held to the Circuit Court yesterday, was today dismissed by Deputy Prosecuting Attor ney Scheubel, upon the payment of all costs In the case by Harris' relatives, who Rgree to take Harris with them to Tillamook, where ho will remain perma nently. Harris is the fellow who threat ened to beat an older man named Decker at Clackamas Heights last Sunday after noon, and In the unequal contest that fnllnwod the mute whs badly worsted. AUCTION SALES TODAY. At Oilman's, No. 41H Washington street, 10 A. M. S. L. N. Oilman. Auctioneer. At the Portland Auction Room. 211 First st. Sal 2 P. M. C. 1a Ford, auotloneer. Fy J. T. Wilson, at salesroom, 208 First etrert at 10 A. M. J. T. Wilson, auctioneer. At Faker's Auction House, comer Alder and Park sts. Kale at 10 A. M. Geo. Baker & Son. auctioneers. MEETING NOTICES. MULTNOMAH CAMP. W. O. TV. Meets every Friday evening at East Alder and East Sixth streets. All Woodmen cordially Invited to meet with us. J. M. WOODWORTH, Clerk. MT. HOOT) CTRCIJ0. Women of WoooV craft, will give a military whist party Tues day, May 2. East Side Woodmen Hall; food prizes; ice cream and cake, dancing. 2f MYRTLE CHAPTER, NO. 15, O. F. 8. Regular communication this ( Friday) evening In Masonic Tem ple at 8 o'clock. By order W. M. JENNIE H. GALLOWAY, Sec HASSALO IDOK, NO. 15, I. O. O. F. Regular meeting thin (Friday) evening at 8 o'clock. Initiation and election of officers; a full attendance is requested; visitors wel come. HEN R Y B RO W X, Secretary. MT. TAROR I yVy F. &. A. M Sta VXO this tFrtdav) ev A and E. Hurnside. By order W. M. MT. TAROR LODGE. NO. 42. A. It ated communication evening. Grand av. All M. M. lnviteo. GEO. P. LENT, Sec. PIED. LAN TUB At residence, 342 Tillamook street. May 24. lOort, Mrs. Bridget Lanius, aged 78 yearn. Funeral notice later. FUNERAL NOTICES. DARRFTTOX In this city. May 22. 1006, Charles W. Garrett son. aged 80 years. Frienria and acquaintances are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral services, which will be held at Flnley'a chapel at 1:30 P. M. today (Friday), May 20. Interment Riv-t-rview cemetery- EDWARD HOLM AN CO.. the Inadlna f nnerml directors and em balm era. 2Sw ami JfJ Third street, corner Salmon, have the finest establishment end the most reweoubie charges. We have aa experienced lady wue lakes full coarse or ail lady oases. .These Main Ml. 9. P. FTNLKT HON. funeral directors and embalmere. No. tl td t eor. Madisoa. ttmy or night calls prompt It attended. Ki perlenced lady assistant Khn desired. Of fice of County Coroner. Phone Main fL PUNXTNG. M'ENTEE GILBAUOR. vceeors to Dunning A Campion, undertakers and embalmere: modern In every detail) 7th and Phie. Phono Ittaln 43S. Lady asatetmas, F. S. DUNNING. Undertaker. 414 East Alder. Ladr assistant. Phone Kaet 54. ZELLER-BYRNES CC Undextakerm. Km halmers, K?S KusseU. East lttea. Lady aea, TON SET H ).. florists. Artist le noral designs. 13 6th . Phone Main 1M. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES. "Rooms," "Rooms and Board." -Honss-ktvptna: Rooms." "Situation, wanted." 15 word, or loss. IS erats; 18 to XS words. X. eratst XI to tfl words, ts cent. ta. fio dis count for additional Insertions. CMKR All. OTHER ILEAP. axosot "New Today." St cents tor 15 words or les I" to to words. 4 cents i SI to 8S words. M cents, etc.". tirsi Insertion. Each additional buertkm. one-naltt no further d''W't u aer one montn. "K fc W TODAY" (nm measnr ante, 15 cents per line, first insertion: IS osnts per line for earn additional Insertion. AS8WKRS TO ADVEKTlsbMFVTS. ad dressed car. Tbe Oreconlan. and left at this office, should always be Inclosed la scaled envelopes. 2'o stamp is required oa soon letters. The Oretronlan will aot bo veerjoasfbt. for errors In advertisement, ialtep tnronjra to. telephone. HEW TODAT. - Mortgaae Loans 5, Upwards Real Estate City and Farm. Insurance In All Lines. A. H. BIRRELL. t- VoKar pld. Third aasl Shark aha $350.00 Per Acre XI sve res level land. E. 4?d and Fremont stsw east of Irving ton. O die. Oregroiiian. Exclusive Carpet House STREET C VT. MJtOWXES, $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 per Day. AMUSEMENTS. Baker Theater -iSfe- The Home of Hitch-Class Stock Productions. ALL, THIS WEEK MATINEE SATURDAY. Dramatization ot Barrle's Famous Novel, "The Little Minister" A eharmlnif production. Full strength of the popular company. PRICES Eve.. 25c, 3Kc. KOc; Mat. lfie, 23c Xeit Week "Hands Across the ea." STAR THEATER WEEK OP MAT 21 THIRD WEEK. STAR 6TOCK COMPANY "The Twins' Christening; " A Rood vaudeville show In connection with the above screaming musical fares. GRAND Week of May 1. BOHEMIAN COJ1EHY FOUR KINGPINS OF COMEDY Mllllo Brothers Kate Hope Kins; Marco Brothers The Sewards Harold Hoff Grandlscope SUMMER PRICES Evenings, Sundays and holidays. 10c, 20c and 30c; mat inees, 10c to any seat except boxes. Pantages Theater S&SSP THE GREATEST SHOW OF THE SEASON. First Actual Movlns; Pictures of THE UKSTRCCTION OF SAN FRANCISCO TKCHAC TAVERN gi'ARTET. FOUR GEORGES ARTHUR KLWELL HILLY CARTWRKiHT TRACY AND CARTER MICKEY FEELEY Performances dally at 2:30. 7:30 and P. M. Admission, 10c; reserved seats, 20c; boxes, 2.1c. Ladles snd children admitted to weekday matinees for 10c Grand Educational FREE Entertainment At ARION HALL, Second and Oak, FRIDAY evening:. 8 o'clock prompt. May 25, 1900, un der auspices of DR. STODDART, the silver tongued Scotch- American lecturer, who Is known on the American and European Con tinents as the second Ingersoll, will deliver his celebrated lectures on Travel and Sci ence. Charles McCarthy, the funny Irish come dian, who Is known as "Casey's Friend." will make you forget your troubles for one night enough ced. Master Max Shaull, the only 6-year-old child wonder, will sing beau tifully illustrated senfts. A series of views of the terrible earthquake and fire of San Francisco, also of our National Parks all free. The entertainment to conclude with a series of comic moving pictures. BASEBALL ATHLETIC PARK Corner Vaughn and Twenty-fourth PORTLAND vs. LOS ANGELES MAY S3. 24. XS. SB. 7. Games Called 8:30 V. U. Dally. Games Called Z:Su P. M. Sundays. Ladies' nav Friday. ADMISSION. 2 Sc. GRANDSTAND. 23c. CHILDREN. lOo BOX SEATS. 25c SAN FRANCISCO DISASTER Moving pictures and also beautiful colored slide views of San Francisco, before, during and after disaster. Buy quick and make money. Motion Picture Machine Company, 14.'iH th. Portland, Or. -r- NEW TODAY. A Special Certificate of Deposit WITH THE "OLDEST TRUST COMPANY IN OREGON' WILL DO FOR TOU. It will have the money ready for you whenever you may need it for the day of opportunity or for the "Rainy Day." It will work with you and for you all the time; the earnings of 3 to 4 per cent In terest can be drawn out or added to the principal, as you choosa. It will strengthen and build up vour char acter. Every dollar saved Is a Victory of your common sense and will power. Call and talk it over with us. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON 5. E. Cor. 3d and Oak Sts. Phone Ex. 72. BENJ. I. COHEN H. L. PITTOCK B. LEE PAGET J. O. GOLTHA .President Vice-President Secretary . .Assistant Secretary Beaverton 15 acres, all cleared, fenced. 2 well, house, barn, and orchard for cale a a whole or in parcels: half mile south of station; price low and terms verv eaay. R, M. WILBUR. 110 2d st. BUSINESS MAN DESIRES BOARD IN PRI vste family on Portland Heights; self and wife; no children; permanent. Address, slating particulars, Mr. Kins. 612 Com mercial blk. v The City Is Moving to the East Side The best of business locations for wholesale houses and manufacturing sites, on railroad switches, in center of city. Splendid opportunity for retail dealers. Choicest residence sites in the city. There is new life everywhere. Come and see what we are doing, live and do business with us. We believe In helping one another. For particulars inquire of JOSEPH BUCHTEL Manager Information Bureau, East Side Improvement Association. 362 EAST MORRISON ST. Near East Third Street. Phone East 5422. Water Front 00 feet, oppoPite deep water, O.- R. & N. track, on ground suitable for docks or manufacturins. near university park. Nob Hill Mansion, lPOxlOO, corner, built by owner at a cost of $17,500; land worth $9000; price 415,000. This la a snap. Seventh St. Corner, rente $112; can ba Increased; $17,000. Edgar J. Daly 222 Falltnr bide. Phone Main A383. Sure Bargain 10-acre tract In bearing fruit of many kinds. 2 good residences. 1 large barn. Bull Run water, 3 blocks car line, on good road, good school. See us at once. J. L. WELLS CO.. 94 Grand Av. MONEY MAKER 15 acres highly Improved land on Section Line Road, near Reservoir. Can be divided Into acre tracts. Terms easy. J. L. Wells Co., 94 Grand ave. - For sale A single-seat runabout automobile ; engine in front under hood. Call mornings or evenings at 783 Northrup street. TOR SALE REAL ESTATE. SOME) ESPECIALLY DESIRABLE BAR GAINS. $1050 Beautiful 6-room cottage, full lot, abundance bearing fruit; a charming home, East Ninth st. $1600 Beautiful. new 6-room cottage, sightly place, quarter acre ground, - close to business center, St. Johns. This Is a rare bargain. $2200 IOtf. containing 3 acres or more, with beautiful 4-room cottage, nice bam, excellent garden, fruit and berries, only about S blocks electric cars; very desirable suburban home. fOfttO Swell, new and strictly modern 7-room house, corner lot, just the place you have been wishing for: need- only $200 or $3O0 cash down, balance like paying rent. Just think of it. only $4.VK for one of the handsomest places on west elope of Mt. Tabor, nearly half acre elegant grcamd with swell 8-room residence. No bargain ever offered to equal thl. For further particulars see THE DUNN LAWRENCE COMPANY. U94 1st at. PLAE YOU CANNOT DUPLICATE 75 acres within nine miles of the business center of city, all fenced, 65 acres in culti vation, 10 acres timber, 10 acre good pasture, 12 acres beaver dam. onion land: crops yielded last year nearly $2000; two years ago they netted nearly $4OO0; hand pome 8-room residence, modern conveniences, 2 good barns, abundance fruit, living water; an ideal country home on graveled road; price, including crop, $10,500: reserving crone, $WxrO. For further particulars apply to THE DUNN LAWRENCE COMPANY. 149 1st St. $4700 CASH. $48O0 ON TIME; TERMS. NO other such bargain in town. New, 8-room house, built with the best of material, ar tistically designed, double lined, cement cel lar floor, furnace, modern bathroom and plumbing, selected wood for all inside work, with fine eggshell stain finish, dining-room paneled up to the plate rail, house tinted throughout, ready for use. The most choice location In Holladay and Irving ton Additions, corner of East 15th and Hancock sta. Chaa. L. Boss, office phone Cast 92, horns phone East 728. FOR SALE BY OWNER FINE HOME, 8 rooms, corner, 100x100; two car lines, 20 minutes' walk to city center; streets im proved; gas, sewer, cement walks, large fruit trees, lawn, and one of the best col lections of fancy shrubbery and roses In the city. Will divide ,lots and sell furnished If desired. B 78, Oregonlan. FOR SALE BY OWNER NEW, THOR oughly modern 6-room houae, ceiled, papered and sided ; fiber plaster, tinted throughout to suit purchaser; fine location, east front; full lot: West Irvington. Moderate price; terms if desired; 6 per cent interest. Call or address 541 Broadway. $100.000 TWO CORNERS. STARK STREET, property " actually worth $120,000, and will sell for more within 6 months; if you want real eataia investment you can't improve on this; email amount will handle thia; quick decision necessary; principals only. Lock box 441. HOLLADAY'S ADDITION LOT 40x100 FEET. Ptreets Improved, water, sewer, gas, all paid; $900. Corner lot on Schuyler, between Union and E. 9th, $12.V. Would sell corner, 60 feet square, for $750, or inside half lot, $550. Culver, 023 Chamber' of Commerce. TWO MODERN NEW HOUSES. 392 AND 894 San Rafael at., near Union ave., are ready for inspection; home buyers must see them to appreciate them; 6 and 8 rooms; cash or terms to suit. D. G. Tomaslnl, 399 Han cock st. Phone East 1BS5. $1200 NEW COTTAGE. 4 ROOMS, GAS and electric lights, bath. Maple st.. be tween Hamilton ave. and Seymour st. ; close to S car and school. South Portland. Terms. 20S 4th. Tel. Pacific 2125 or res. Main 8990. REAL ESTATE WE HANDLE CITY AND suburban property, write fire Insurance, make mortgage loans and do a general rental busi ness; we solicit your patronage. GRIND STAFF & flCHALK, 264. Stark st. Phona Main 392. FOR SALE MODERN 6-ROOM BUNGALOW; screens, awnings, beautiful grounds, trees and roses: lot 50x100. or lOOxlOO as pre ferred. 756 Multnomah at., Holladay Park. NEW 6-ROOM COTTAGE, STRICTLY MOD ern lot ft feet front, 3 blocks to station; $1200, terms. Tower, owner. University Sta tion. FOR SALE. REASONABLE 3 LOTS. 45x126 each, situated In North Mt. Tahor. Inquire 381 E. Morrison, corner Union ave. BARGAIN MODERN COTTAGE, IRVING ton corner lot. plenty fruit and roses. In quire room 405. Dekum bldg. LOOK HERE 3 10-ROOM GOOD HOUSES, rent $fiO month, only $3750; terms. F. Du bois, Washington bldg., room 1. FULL BLOCK. PATTON'S ADD, NORTH Alblna; $1750; easy terms; sea owner, F. Vanduyne, 313 Washington. EELLWOOD LOTS. $5 A MONTH: $126 TIP. Sell wood Townslte Co., H. P. Palmer, man ager. Phone Sellwood 161. FOR SALE OR TRADE 3 LOTS ON D AV en port st- Portland Heights, near Observa tory. W 87. Oreaonian. CORNER LOT IN HOLLADAY'S ADD., FOR sale at a bargain. See M. E. Lee, 53 eth st. Phone Pacific LOT. 22D ST. BETWEEN PETTTGROVB and Qulmby; also acreage. Mra. P. M. Daly, The Brown. 8-ROOM HOUSE. BUILT TWO YEARS. $1250, easy terms- Owner, .Main 3953. 313 Com mercial block. FOR SALE A GOOD-PAYING PROPERTY on Front good location; owner. C 84, Oregonlan. HOUSES BUILT ANY PART OF CITY easy payments. Main 8963, 813 Commercial block. BUSINESS PROPERTY FOR SALE; ONE block from Portland Hotel; owner. 801 Hood st. HOUSES. ALL PARTS OF CITY, BUILT AND sold on Installments. Kroner, 165 3d. PORTLAND REAL ESTATE CO. C. R. DeBUOH. Manager. INVESTMENTS. Offica: 218-220 Abington Building. Phone Pacific 773. $S6,5O0 i-block on E. Morrison and 6th- good business location. - $15,000 14 -block on Grand, ave. and Oak; good business. $30,000 50x100 on Stark, near 10th; good Investment, sure Increase. $15,0X Good corner on 1st and Jeffer- ; son; good business. I $15.000 block on Grand ave.. near l E. Morrison; improved. $18.000 50x100 on E. Morrison, near E- j Sd; good improvements. $45,000 Good 3-story brick block on ; Grand ave. and Washington. 1 $5500 SO-foot front on E. Washington, only 40 feet from Grand ave,; good house, ; good rent. $12,000 14 -block on Holladay ave. and E. 8th; an up-to-date residence of 13 ; rooms: fine lawns and shrubbery. $15,000 H -block on 3d and Montgom ery: good Improvements. I $4500 33 1-S on 7 th, bet. Hall and Har rison; good house. $6000 Very choice corner, fine 12-room ! house, 14th at., near HalL " j $2500 Fractional lot on 17th and Mont- I gomery; good, new. 6-room house. $7000 Harrison and 10th, 2 good houses. 1 This Is very good. $23.000 Fine brick on let. near Oak; cannot be beat. $15.000 Fine brick on Front, near Ash; big value. $13,500 Fins brick on Front, very cheap now; $15(10 profit. $4000 50x106 on 6th, good house, only 8 blocks from City HalL HO. OOO H -block on 4th. near Oak; very choice for skyscraper. $55,000 Fine i -block on 8th, near Da vis; good for skyscraper. $125.000 The beet 4-block In the city for skyscraper: Burns! de and 6th. $75,000 100 front on 6th and Couch; good improvements, good income. $4O0O Two good houses on E. Washing ton and 8th; good large lot. We have a large list of good propositions we can sell that we cannot advertise; owners object. We have some good farms and timber lands cheap. THIS WILL INTEREST YOTJ I AM GOING TO SACRTFICB MY ELEGANT RESIDENCE. For Sale At sacrifice, my elegant room furnished residence and lot 50x150. erituated on the East Side of the river; will sell with or without furniture; all modern Improvements and very choice location, only one block from car line; large, apacloue grounds, frui. trees and flower garden; if you are looking for a bargain, this will bear close investigation. A 66, care Ore gonlan. BETTER THAN SAVINGS DEPOSITS SUB scribe for one of our guaranteed certificates, convertible at your option into either share In one of the best lumber manufacturing enterprises on the Coast, standing Umber, agricultural or fruit land, or a home; coupons guaranteed by a National bank; safest, best, surest, most profitable form of investment ; $150 upward ; cash or in stallments to suit. Let . us tell you about it. Call or address Sunset Development Co., suite 612 Commercial block. MODERN BIGHT-ROOM HOUSE, BXCEL lent condition; gas, electricity; cement base ment; furnace; lot 50x100; fine neighbor hood; price $:i500; $1000 cash, balance terms. 884 East Yamhill. East 4689. FOR SALE HOUSE AND LOT AT MT. Tabor, Prettyman Station. $3500; small cash payment, balance in 100 equal monthly pay ments; possession immediately. Inquire 710 Chamber of Commerce. ACRE TRACTS WE HANDLE ACREAGE as a specialty, within city limits or outside. Some acres with terms as low as $10 per month, with water. A. C. Churchill & Co., "inc.," 110 2d st. 8-ROOM FURNISHED HOUSE, $5000. S-room unfurnished house, $4O0O. 8 rooms, partly furnished house, $4T0. In best East-Side residence sec; terms. A 87, Oregonlan. NOW IS YOUR TIME TO BUY DOORS, windows, flooring and all kinds of building materials at a great bargain. Apply to American Inn. Phone Pacina 1076. $3000 LOT 60x100 AND UP-TO-DATE 5 room cottage on N. 23d at. This will make you a nice home. Phone Main 392. Grind staff A Schalk. 264 Stark st. FINE SNAP 2 CHOICE LOTS ON EAST Ankeny car line, $1500; $500 down, balance to suit. F. Dubois, Washington bldg., room 1. Phone Pacific 1230. A SNAP NEW, MODERN WELL-BUILT home, furnace, etc., complete, fine corner, 9th and Schuyler, terms. Inquire 208 4th, or tel. Pacific 2125. FOR SALE NEW 6-ROOM COTTAGE. FULL cement basement, good plumbing, nice loca tion, $1650; easy terms. O. M. Smith, 730 Cham. Commerce. BUSINESS PROPERTY. FINEST ON UNION ave., corner, 100x100, for $2250; will he worth $10,000 In five years. Maguire. 808 Union North. $1600 5-ROOM. MODERN COTTAGE; FULL basement, fractional lot. 19th and Mill cts. Terms. State Investment Co., 118 Abington bldg. FOR SALE BY OWNER NEW MODERN 7 room house, at 24th and Wasco, Holladay Park, and lots for sale. R. B. Rice. Phone East 1085. WILL SACRIFICE 6-ROOM HOUSE, LARGE lot, fine location; $1400; owners going away. Inquire soon at 3SO E. Washington st. FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. HOMESTEAD RELINQUISHMENT FOR sale on account I am a lady now 60 years of age and am in failing health and cannot stay on claim any longer; have had claim 4 years: It is worth $2600 if proved up on, but will have to sell at whatever I car get; I want $300. Box 637, city. WE WANT TIMBER. We have cash buyers for large tracts of good timber In Oregon, Washington or California. GREGG BROS. Phone Main 6303. 317-318 Fenton bldg. FOR SALE A FINE, LARGE BODY OF timber, consisting of yellow fir, larch and some cedar; well located, on good logging stream and railroad; only buyers need ap ply. For particulars address C 88, Orego nlan. 1280 ACRES DOUGLAS CO., OREGON; will cut 3O.000.O0O feet of Douglas County fir and cedar; one mile to new railroad from Drain to Coos Bay. Good mill on railroad. Address C. W. Kellle. Garfield, Wash. FOR SALE 360 ACRES OF GOOD SUGAR pine timber land; have a good deed: no bet ter land in Southern Oregon for $1200; have to sell to raise money. Box 637, city. HAVE SEEN VERY FINE) TIMBER claims that must be located at once; party will leave Mav 30. Call and investigate. 206 Mohawk bldg. GOOD LOGGING SHOW. TRIBUTARY Co lumbia River, cheap. 35.000.0fto to 100.000, OOO yellow fir. Call at 20&K Morrison, room 4. FOR SALE FARMS. FOR SALE 140 ACRES OF LAND, ALL fenced, 6 acres cleared, 140 fruit trees, 5 -room house, good barn and other build ings, 2.O0O.O00 saw timber, 7 milch cows and 3 calves and farm implements: price $3500. Apply to J. P. Gillette. Stevenson, Wash. 60 FARMS FOR SALE IN THE FAMOUS Klickitat Valley, Northern Pacific building 75 miles bf railroad through county; wheat, hay and orchard land from $11. 50 to $60. Klickitat Real Estate Co., Centerville, Wash. FARM HOMESTEADS AND TIMBER claims located ; satisfaction guaranteed ; charges reasonable. 315 Abington bldg. $2 PER ACRE FOR 900 ACRES OF TTM ber and pasture land, well watered, good soil. F. T. Berry. 4 6th at. FARM NEAR PORTLAND: GOOD BUILD ings. fruit, water, soil, pasture, timber, or would rent. 233 Hall. TO EXCHANGE. FOR SALE OR TRADE A FARM OF 120 acres; best location In the Valley. Ad dress W. R. Lord. Irving. Or. 160 ACRES GOOD TIMBER AND GRASS land, will exchange for house and lot. In aulre 291 Stark st. TO EXCHANGE VACANT LOTS. WEST Side, for house and lot; no agents. B fc7, Oregonlan. FOR tjAU-LLVl) SCRIP. ALL KINDS OF LAND SCRIP APPROVED and guaranteed. Military bounty warrants bought and sold. Collin Land Co.. Helena, Mont. APPROVED LAND SCRIP FOR SURVEYED or unsurveved timbered or prairie land. H. M. Hamilton. Portland Hotel. Portland, Or, WANTED GOOD INCOME PROPERTY Im mediately; I have buyers; sold 4 the last 2 weeks. See me for quick sale. F. Dubois, Washington bldg., room 1. WANT TO PURCHASE 8 OR 9-ROOM HOUSE on installments; $250 cash and balance $40 per month; no interest. D 86, Oregonlan. $20ft0 TO $25,000 CASH FOR A BARGAIN IN city property; owner or agent, submit what you have. H 86. Oregonlan. I WIL INVEST $10,000 TO $50,000 ON IN side realty; what have 'you? No brokers. K 85, Oregonlan. WANTED 2 OR S LOTS IN ST. JOHNS Heighta, or near; cash. S Sf . Oregonlan. WANTED LOT. OR HOUSE AND LOT, 612 Commercial bldg. Main 1940. FOR SALE. Horses. Vehicles and Harnes. SNAP $150 BUYS ENTIRE RIG. CONSISTS of fine driving mare, weigh 1050 lbs., new rubber tire Studebaker runabout, new har ness; mare is safe for ladies; call Regal Boarding Stables, 14th and Burnaide sls., ask for Mr. Robinson's rig. WANTED A FIRST-CLASS DRIVING horse, or horse and buggy; will aiso take horse and buggy for lta keeping. Address 8 59, Oregon ian. HORSES AND BUGGIES FOR RENT BT day, week and month; special rates to business houses. 6th and Hawthorne. Tel. Kast 72. WANTED A DRIVING TQAM WEIGHING 1150 each; must be sound and cheap. B. S. Cook & Co.. 251 Alder St., Portland, Or. FOR SALE SECOND-HAND WAGONS, buggies -and harness; also horses; one small furniture wagon. 420 Hawthorne ave. HORSE, WAGON, TOP AND HARNESS AND paying express business; a bargain. Call mornings, 854 Oak at. FOR SALE THE BEST VALUE IN THE land; all kinds of spring wagons. 342 E. Washington. We Buy. Sell, Rent. Exchange. Horses, Wag ons, saddles, harness. Hubert & Hall. 266 4th Horses and vehicles bought, sold, rented or exchanged. 211 Washington. Pacific BOT. YOUNG WORK TEAM, CHEAP. 1NQUIRS 462 Flanders st. Pianos. CLOSING-OUT SALE OF EILBRS PIANO house retail department, 351 Washington st. Pianos at cost and less than cost. Sale closes May 31. when store is to be vacant. Used pianos, $15. $23, $88, $57, $86, $118; your own terms. $55 PAID ON PIANO; WILL EXCHANGE for sewing machine or anything useful. M 87, Oregonlan. $55 EILBRS PIANO HOUSE PIANO CER tlficate for sale at a bargain. Inquire 135 10th ft. MAKE OFFER FOR $65 CERTIFICATE ON Ellens. Phone Pacific 89, or call 133 6th st. FOR SALE EILERS CERTIFICATE FOR $100, cheap. Box 43, Vancouver, Wash. Miscellaneous. FOR SALE NEW AND SECOND-HAND billiard and pool tab lea; easy payments; we rent tables, with privilege of buying; mod ern bar fixtures; cheap prices. Brunswlck-Balke-Col lender, 49 3d st. For genuineness, quality and durability, the Reliable Self-playing Piano, with operatic tone endless music roll. Transcontinental Machine Co., sole agents for Oregon. 0NB 30-H.-P. GASOLINE ENGINE, $150; second-hand motors, generators, power drills and lathes, at a bargain. Northwest Elec tric Engineering Co., 94 7th st. WILL SACRIFICE EXCELLENT, GUARAN teed high-rate Interest-bearing securities; must have ready cash- by Saturday. Lock Box 88. TWO FLOOR CASES, 1 WALL CASE, 3 wire guards, suitable for cigar store. Western Salvage Co.. 627 Washington st. BLACK BEAR FUR RUG AND ONE ORE gnn cougar skin rug, mounted with full head and jaws; cheap. Call 44 First st. FOR SALE CHEAP LARGE LOT OF 30 AND 40-pound rails. J. Simon & Bro., 244 Front street. Donkey engines bought, sold and rested.- 324 Chamber Commerce. Phone Main 2363. I WISH TO GET CUSTOMERS FOR EGGS and butter year round. R 88, Oregonian. FOR SALE CHEAP 2 60-HORSE-POWER boilers. J. Simon & Bro., 244 Front st. FIELD AND HOUSE DOGS FOR SALE. Multnomah Kennel, Irvington car. FOR SALE FINE FRESH MILCH COW. Call 810 Union av. North. FOR SALE STORE FIXTURES, CHEAP. 220 1st st., corner Salmon. FOR SALE STEAM WOODSAW. 124 10TH iftreet. HELP WANTED MALE. A WELL - EDUCATED YOUNG MAN, about 25. of good address, desired for trav eling position ; permanent employment to right party. Address J 87, Oregonian. UNION HOTEL 81 North Sixth Street. Weekly rates; room, $1.25 up; room with board, $4.50 up. Andersen, prop. WANTED MAN WtTH BUSINESS ABIL ity, honesty and small capital, to Join me in big paying enterprise; no competition. S 85, Oregonlan. DRUGGIST FIRST-CLASS REGISTERED man, at present employed, wishes to make change; highest credentials. Address T 89, Oregonlan. WANTED BRIGHT YOUNG MAN, HIGH School graduate preferred, for collector and office assistant ; must write well. Q 87, Oregonian. WANTED A ROUTER. ONE WHO UNDER stands brass work preferred. Apply at once, Ames, Harris, Neville Co., Fifth and Davis. Men to learn barber trade 8pecial inducements this month: wages while learning. Glllman Barber College, 62T Clay St., San Francisco. Wanted first-class salesmen in Portland and throughout the state; big wages to rustlers. 206 McKay bldg. SALESMAN FIRST-CLASS CLOTHING salesman, steady work for good man. Ask for Joe Levy, 3d and Couch sts. WANTED Sd-OTCH BAGPIPER IN HIGH land costume. 291 Alder St. Dr. Lleblg Staff. Apply from 8 to 10 A. M. WANTED CHORE MAN, ONE WHO UN . derstands milking; good job for right man. Inquire 325 Abington bldg. TWO EXPERIENCED MACHINE MEN FOR railroad tunnel work; good pay; steady work. . H 87, Oregonian. BUYER IN DRY GOODS, FINE OPENING to right man. Clerks' Registration Bu reau, 265 Morrison st. "WANTED BOY 16 YEARS OLD TO LEARN coremaklng. Columbia Engineering Works, 10th and Johnson sts. WANTED STEADY BARBER, WAGES $15 A week. Apply at The Wonder, 486 Wash ington St., near 14th. WANTED AT ONCE FIRST-CLASS SHOE (talesman. Apply Oregon shoe store, 247 Morrison St. WANTED SALESMAN IN GENERAL store. Eastern Oregon. Address V 88, Ore gonlan. HORSESHOER WANTED. APPLY TO Louttel & Mark ley, 7th St., between Hoyt Gllsan. "WANTED Picture men for photos and por traits; a winner. Rembrandt, 106 3d t. WANTED MEN'S OLD CLOTHING. SHOES, highest-price paid. 62 Sd. Phone Pacific 46. We secure employment for members; special membership 1 month, $2. Y. M. C. A. Salesman for Hoe Safety Razor; best ever; bonanza side line. 315 Oregonlan bldg. WANTED A BOY WITH A WHEEL. $1 per OB) . j-m l 1 1 I 'J v,uurr Prs MIHB. BARBER 1"2 GRAND AV. ; OR WILL SELL half or whole interest very reasonably. WANTED YOUNG MEN ACQUAINTED IN Albina to solicit. 538 Williams ave. WANTED GOOD STRONG BOY TO RUN elevator. Apply I. Gevurtz & Sons. WANTED FIRST-CLASS PANTSMAKERS. Nlcoll, the Tailor. 108 Third st. WANTED BOY: $6 PER WEEK; STEADY work. 49 Front, cor. Davis. BOY WANTED AT M. & A. EHOGREN'S, 141 10th Ft. ; whel required. BOY WANTED FOR DELIVERY. 207 SEC and street. WANTED COOK FOR SMALL CAMP. 10 men; grading foreman, $75 month; steam hovel men, $2.50; hammermen. $2.50 to $2 75; rockmen, $2.60: teamsters. $2.25; track and surface men, $2 25 to $2.50; section fore man, $57.50 month; men to work In the woods and on farms, free fare. Scandinavian-American Employment Co., 9 N. 2d a. CLERKS WANTED IMMEDIATELY FOR Portland Postoflloe; fine opportunity to se cure a Government position: special exam ination June 9; see at once B. O. Heynen In regard to your preparation. Call this evening. 7 to 9, 215 Columbia bldg.. 305 Washington st. 1000 ROCKMEN WANTED On construction work of Copper River Rall WT. A lawks; wages $3.30 and upwards per day. M. J. HENB?Y, Contractor. Oolman Building, Seattle. ALL DISEASES OF MEN SUCCESSFULLY trted; discharges positively cured in from to 8 days; consultation tree and strictly confidential; send for our symptom blank. X-Radium Medical Institute, 3d and Alder ta; entrance 253 Alder St.. Portland. WANTED SALESMAN TO CARRY EITHER a side line or a main line, goods that are good sellers, good money-makers and with out competition; good money for a sales man; nothing for order takers. Address, with reference, W 86, Oregonian. SALESMEN TO SELL OUR OFFICIO SP& claltles to all classes of merchants; big harvest for live men in San Francisco and the Coast; fine aide line; big pro fits. Model Mfg. Co., Dept. 69, South Bend, Ind. MEN ANT WOMEN TO LEARN BARBER trade In eight weeks. Graduates earn from $15 to $25 weekly. Expert Instruct ors. Catalogue free. Moler System, of Col leges; 85 North 4th st., Portland. AGENTS WANTED TO SELL SUPERIOR, high-grade nursery stock; complete outfit furnished free; cash weekly; write today for choice of territory. Capital City Nur sery Company, Salem, Or. AT ONCE? MAN TO WORK FOR MANU faoturlng company; must have $500 and references; can make $150 per month. Room 9, Breed en bldg., 3d and Washington. MILLWRIGHT. $4; PLANERMAN, $3.50; IO laborers, $2.25, no fee; steady work. 705 Marquam bldg. WANTED BOY ABOUT 18 TO WORK ON machine. 404 Davis st. HELP WANTED FEMALE. ATTENTION. Applicants for all kinds ot work register with ua, free of charge, so we may locate you on short notice. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY, 48 H Washington st.. eor. 7th, upstairs. WANTED LADY STENOGRAPHER. ONE who knows a little about bookkeeping and willing to work for small salary; good Sractioe; give telephone number. Address 88, Oregonian. WANTED A COMPETENT, WELL-RECOM-mended woman cook; i.ood wages. Apply by letter, with references enclosed, to Mrs. Chester Thorn e, 448 8. C at., Tacoma, Wash. CITY AND COUNTRY SALESMAN FOR novelties and souvenirs; must be a good rustler; give age, experience, references and salary wanted. Address X 89, Oregonian. WANTED A WOMAN OF TACT AND ability who Is thoroughly experienced in general office work; good opening for the right party. Address E 88, Oregonian. A COMPETENT YOUNG WOMAN FOR GBN eral housework in a small family; must un derstand cooking; good wages paid. Apply 175 N. 17th, corner Johnson, forenoon. WANTED BRIGHT WOMAN EXPERI enced In the auditing of sales checks for large department store. Address, with ref erences, T 86, Oregon lan. WANTED STENOGRAPHER. ONE WHO has come knowledge of bookkeeping and general office work; give references. Ad dress F 88, Oregonlan. WANTED WOMAN COOK FOR SMALL camp and one to assist; also a woman for a camp of 8 men. Scandinavian Employ ment Co., 9 N. 2d st. WANTED HOUSEKEEPERS, COOKS, chambermaids, nurses, waltrepses, house maids. Mrs. Wilson Ladles' Agency, 291 Morrison. Pacific 610. LAUNDRY HELP, CHAMBERMAID. 8 waitresses, housework; cooks. $50, farm hands (married, $350), dishwashers. Drake's, 205 Washington. DISEASES OF WOMEN A SPECIALTY X Badlum Medical Institute and Sanitarium, 8d and Alder; entrance 253 Alder sl, Portland. WANTED HOUSEKEEPERS, COOKS, nurses, waitresses, second girls. St. Louis Ladles' Agency, 230 YamhilL Main 5413. WANTED YOUNG WOMAN AS ASSIST ant bookkeeper; must be experienced and good penman; salary $35. S 88, Oregonlan. WANTED HOUSEKEEPERS, COOKS, nurses, waitresses, second girls. St. Louis Ladies' Agency, 230 Yamhill. Main 5413. THE HOME LADIES AGENCY; FEMALE help wanted; registration free. 160 4th st., upstairs, suite 23. Phone Main 5826. WANTED A GOOD COOK, GENERAL housework; good wages. Apply 429 East 21st. North; Irvington. Phone East 548. COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL housework, family of two, $30, 349 32d St., Willamette Heights. Phone Main 1483. WOMAN TO DO LIGHT HOUSEWORK FOR two; sleep at home preferred. Room 3T, Hotel Palmer, Alder and Park sts. WANTED OPERATORS AND GIRLS TO learn shlrtmaklng. Apply Standard Fao tory, 2 Grand ave. and E. Taylor st. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. $48 Washington St., cor. 7tb, upstairs. Phone Main 2692. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. IN small family; washing and ironing sent out. 543 Myrtle st. Main 3328. SALES LADIES IN CLOAKS. SUITS. HOS lery, musllnware, notions. Clerks' Registra tion Bureau. 265 Morrison. WANTED GIRLS TO LEARN TO MAKE overalls. Apply at Mt. Hood Factory, Sec ond and Couch streets. FIRST-CLASS OPERATORS ON POWER machines, on shirts and shirt waists. The Spencer Co., 125 10th. WANTED NEAT, EXPERIENCED GIRL from 20 to 30 as child's nurse. 230 Yam hill. Main 5413. LADY BOOKKEEPERS, CITY. PERMANENT $40 to $75. Clerks' Registration Bureau, 265 Morrison St. WANTED FOR HOUSEWORK AND COOK lng; must be first-class cook, family of 3. 250 Salmon St. GIRL WANTED TO DO GENERAL HOUSE work. Apply 881 Sandy Road. Take D. Ankeny car. $30 PER MONTH GTRL FOR GENERAL housework ; good home and room. 680 E. Ankeny st. FOR LIGHT GENERAL HOUSEWORK, family of two. 228 Park st. Phone Main 7106. WANTED EXPERIENCED GIRLS TO make "Boss of AH" overalls at TB 1st st. WANTED GOOD GIRL FOR HOUSEWORK: good wages. Call today 772 E. Taylor st. WANTED COMPETENT GIRL FOR GEN eral housework. Apply 186 B. 16th st. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. Apply 40 Ella, near Washington. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work; very light; no family. 547 7th. A GIRL TO ASSIST WITH GENERAL housework. 692 Hancock, Irvington. COMPETENT NURSBGIRL TO ASSIST IN care of two children. 794- Irving st. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work; no cooking. 3R8 Salmon st. WANTED GIRL TO HELP IN SMALL FAM ily. Inquire mornings. 546 Taylor. WANTED GIRL. STEADY FACTORY work. 49 Front, cor. Davis. GIRL TO DO COOKING AND GENERAL housework. 381 12th st. SECOND GIRL. 35 11TH ST. CALL mornings. Phone 3144. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. 434 Salmon st. WANTED (CHAMBERMAID, tel. 350 GUsan st. PARK HO- BARBER WANTED Morrison st. ST E A D Y JOB. 2o3 HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. ONE GIRL TO ENTER TRAINING SCHOOL for nures: also young man to act as or derly. Address Gray s Harbor Hospital, Ab erdeen, Wash. FIRST-f'I-APS C(W)K AND W A ITER (MAN and wife for country boarding-house; wages, $60. Address E 76, Oregonian. y HELP WANTED MALE OR FKMAUL WANTED 3000 STRAWBERRY PICKERS and packers In Hood River; berry picking Is just beginning and about May $1 pick ing will be splendid; pickers and packers are expected to come prepared to camp; growers furnish camping ground, wood and water and haul parties to and from the boat and railroad; growers pay 1 cents for picking and -cent per box for pack ing; either come right away or. if you want further particulars, write the Hood River Fruit Growers' Union. E. H. Shep ard, manager. WANTED LADY OR GENTLEMAN OF fair education, with good references, to rep resent a large business firm. Good salsry for right party. Address, Mrs. Olive Jensen. 28 Sandy Road, city. The Great Western Employment Office. 300 Couch st. Phone Main 3618. We make a specialty of furnishing all kinds of labor. S. St. Clair, general manager. 15 GIRLS (FLOATS), 10 MEN (LEAD horses, parade). Call early, costumes fur nished, lunch free, $1.50, without fee. Drake's, L5 Washington. HOUSE-TO-HOUSE SOLICITORS. NEW AND easy proposition. Call 10 to 12 or 2 to ft, "The Carleton." 13th and Alder. wanted colored man and wifb for general housework. 2n McKay bldg. SITUATION WANTED MAMS. Bookkeepers and Clerks. BOOK KEEPING I WILL POST YOU R books dally, make up your statements and take off moathly trial balance, at small ex pease; satisfaction guaranteed. Murton the accountant. 534 Chamber Commerce. Mam 4886. SITUATION WANTED SALESMAN. WELL acquainted in Oregon, Washington and Ida ho, well posted, energetic, competent and good reference; moderate salary. Address W 89. Oregonian. Miscellaneous. JAPANESE DOMESTIC SERVANTS. HOI'S B cleanere and other laborers furalshed. The Nippon Employment Office, room 2, 29 N. 3d St., city. Main 6154. P. O. Box 175. SOBER MAN WANTS STEADY PLACE DO chores around place: understands care of garden, horses, can milk; small wages; good home preferred. P 87, Oregonlan. GARDENER, SINGLE. COMPETENT IN ALL branches of gardening, wishes situation; good California references. D 87, Oregonlan. JAPANESE! LABOR ASSOCIATION CAN furnish domestic servants, farmers also; ail kinds of blp. Main 4659. 268 Bveratt. ENGINEER WITH FULL KIT OF TOOLS, capable of repairing any light repairs on engine, wishes job. P. O. Box 3o4. WINDOW AND HOUSECLEANING Dwelling houses and flats a specialty. Thomas Green. Phone Pacific 143. GOOD JAPANESE BOY WANTS SITUATION plain cook or general housework. 45 N. 1st st. MAN. SPEAKING BOTH ENGLISH AND German, wishes position. J 85. Oregonlan. Men's cast-off clothing, shoes, highest prices paid. 73 N. 3d st. Phone Pact no 1694. A SOBER CAKE BAKER WANTS A GOOD Job. Q 88. Oregonlan. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. YOUNG WOMAN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIA tlon wants positions for 4 experienced type writers and stenographers; also copy work ers; one experienced mailorder clerk; com petent .second girl, 3 years last place $25; ' refined woman, with references, wants fur nished home where she can board Y, W. C. A. girls. BOOKKEEPING I WILL POST YOUR books daily, make up your statements and take off monthly trial balance, at small expense; satisfaction guaranteed. Murton the accountant, 534 Chamber Commerce. Main 4886. Dreesmakers. LOCOMOTIVE ENGINEER, MARRIED. 35 years old, 10 years' experience, wants posi tion as engineer in logging camp; good ref erences. X 88, Oregonlan. SPECIALS SHIRTWAISTS, $1; SHIRT walst suits. $3.50; Eton suits. $5.50; pony jacket suits. $6; workmanship the best, s t y les I a t est. An ge les Dressmak in g Par lors, 242 5th st. ALL KINDS OF SEWING DONE BT Ex perienced party sk irts a specialty ; work guaranteed. 385 East Washington, bet. Union and Grand ave. , DRESSMAKING SHIRTWAISTS, BOC AND up; suits. $5. 268 Market st. FIRST-CLASS DRESSMAKER; SKIRTS A specialty. 320 4th St. Domestics, SITUATION WANTED BY A GERMAN woman, a first-class cook. In a private fam ily. Address L 87, Oregonian. Housekeepers. " SWEDISH YOUNG LADY WISHES Posi tion as housekeeper. 659 Savier st. Miscellaneous. SITUATIONS HOUSEKEEPERS,' COOKS, chambermaids, waitresses, nurses, house maids. Mrs. Wilson's Ladles Agency, 291 Morrison. Pacific 610. SITUATIONS WANTED STRONG. CAPA ble girl, chamberwork; young woman, house keeper, has child. 23U Yamhill. Main " 5413. SITUATION WANTED BY A GERMAN woman who don't speak any English; a first-clans cook. A 88, Oregonlan. HOME LAUNDERED LACE CURTAINS, bedspreads and wool blankets. Phone Scott 3841. Mrs. S. M. Scott. WOMAN WANTS WORK BY THE DAY. washing or housecleaning. Apply 223 Mar ket St., room 27. . WAITRES8 WORK PREFERRED OR ANY other respectable work at reasonable wages. V 89, Oregonlan. WANTED BY YOUNG LADY. POSITION AS manicure in hotel or first-class barber shop. M 88. Oregonian. WANTED AGENTS. WANTED SALESMEN TO SELL OUR SPE clalties; steady position; outfit furnished tree; select your territory. Start at once and make $30 to $50 per week. Write today to Oregon Nursery Company. Salem, Or. AGENTS WANTED TO REPRESENT THE Old Reliable Nurseries; commissions ad vanced weekly; write quick for choice of territory. Albany Nurseries, Albany, Or. AODNTS WANTED TO SELL OUR high grade nursery stock ; big commissions and premiums; cash advanced weekly. Ad dress Chico Nursery, Salem, Or. Gentlemen agents. Portland and throughout state ; big wages. 815 Oregonlan building. wanted to rent. Wanted to rent houses, cottages. FLATS. ROOMING-HOUSES. STORflS. ETC. Our rental department has been en larged and provided with additional staff. We Invite listing from LANDLORDS, offer personal attention to and continuous supervision over all property Intrusted to our cars. PORTLAND TRUST CO. OF OREGON, 8. E. Cor. 3d and Oak sts. Phone Ex. 7X. WANTED HOUSES AND COTTAGES, EAST and Weet Sides; will rent at once. Donald G. Woodward, agent, 104 3d st. Phone Main 1436. Administrator of estates. WANTED SUITE OF TWO ROOMS. UN furnished, for man and wife, walking dis tance of Postofflce. on West Side; stale p r i ee. A ddress J 88, Oregon lan. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. DEAD HORSES hauled away promptly free; highest price paid for all kinds bones. Ore gon Fertilizer W'ks.. 7l2 Thurman. M. 1966. WANTED MEN'S CAST-OFF CLOTHING and shoes; highest price paid. Call at ths Fair Deal," 62 N. 3d. Phone Pacific 1722. WANTED LOAN OF $6000; GOOD CEX tral income property security; no commis sion; 6 per cent. 88, Oregonian. WE WILL BUY FOR CASH YOUR FURNI ture, carpets, etc., now. Western Salvage Co., 627 Washington St. WANTED MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN A3 companion In exchange for good horns. In quire 540 E. 15th st. WANTED BUY OR LEASE GASOLINE freight launch; give description and price. B 88, Oregonian. FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS Dont worry, lose time or money. Call up Pacific 793. WE CALL FOR DEAD HORSES AND CAT tie fres of charge. Phone East 2233. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR HENS MAIN 4017.