Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 05, 1906, Page 9, Image 9

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Ceuntlnn-Rnom Main 7070
MnKlng Edluir Main 7070
Sunday Editor Main 7070
City Editor Main 7070
Society Editor Main 7070
Composing-Room Main 7070
Superintendent Bulldlne Main 7070
Eaet Elde Office Eaat 81
THHJ HETI.IG THEATKR U4th and AVaslllns;
ton streets) The Pollard Lilliputian Opera
Company. Tribe afternoon at 2:15 o'clock.
"H. M. 8. Pinafore"; tonight at 8:19. the
musical comedy, "An American Millionaire."
fcAKEIl THEATER d and Tamhlll)
Ten vaudeville arts, headed by the James
F. Lee Comedy Sketch Company; matinee
2:15 P. M-; tonight at 8:15.
EMPIRE THEKTER (ISth and MorrleonV
The Silver Dagger"; matinee 2:15 P. M.;
tonleht at 8:15.
OKAMJ THEaTER mm and Wash!n
ton Cortinuoua vaudeville. 3:30. 7:30
and Pi M.
PANT AGES THEATER 4:Tfl and Stark)
Continuous vaudeville. 1:30. 7:30 and 9
P. M.
STAR THEATER (Park and Washington)
Continuous vaudeville. 2:30. 7:30. 8 P. M.
Home-That xino Branch Meets. The
Sunnysldo Branch, Home-Training Soci
ety, met yesterday Bfiernoon in the as
sembly hall of the Sunnyside School and
listened to an interesting; address by Rev.
George B. Van Waters, D. D., on "What
Is Obedience and How to Obtain It." The
additional numbers on the programme
were: "Slumber Song," pupils from the
rooms of MIpsps Krull and Dlnneen; hu
morous recitation. Wiiinifred Shakely;
marching song, pupils of school; recita
tion, Prlscllla Putnam and Alblne Fra
wlck; recitation. Marguerite Kgbert; pi
ano solo. Vera Hall. It was decided to
hold a general parents' meeting on the
evening of May 21 in the assembly hall of
the Sunnyside School. At the meeting
yesterday Mrs. McPhcrson presided. There
was a good attendance of members.
KuNKRAt, or William T. Kelly. Serf
ices will be held Sunday afternoon at 2
o'clock over the remains of the late
William T. Kelly, traveling freight agent
for the New York Central lines, in the
Klks' Hall, under the auspices of Port
and Lodge 142. B. P. O. B.. of which the
deceased was a member. Railroad men of
Portland and vicinity will be present in
largo numbers, and there will be a pro
fusion of flowers, the tributes of the many
friends of the dead. Probably few rail
road men on the Coast were more popu
lar than Mr. Kelly, and his death has
called forth expressions of regret and
sympathy from railroad men of the whole
Protest Against Iupro ements. Pro
tests against the Improvement of East
Washington street, between East Sixth
and East Eighth, were filed with the
Council- yesterday by J. Wesley Ladd, ex
ecutor of the estate of W. S. Ladd, de
ceased, and Joseph M. Healy. A remon
strance was also filed against the pro
posed improvement of East Thirty-fourth
street, between Division and Clinton, by
3L T. Palmer and Jelt Myers. Both Im
provements were authorized by resolu
tions passed by the Council at its meet
ing April 14. No grounds were set up by
the remonstrators in either case why the
improvements should not be made.
Wht the Delay. The contract for the
improvement of Cnion avenue, between
East Oak and iOast Burnslde streets, was
let for bUullthlc pavement several weeks
Hgo, but no steps have been tnken to
tart work. Property-owners are anx
ious that work shall start, and are won
dering If there is to be an interminable
and exasperating delay, especially while
the street is in such a bad condition.
They want the contractors to get busy
and improve the street, and improve it
now, and will insist, that no extensions
or cf clays be allowed.
Polish National Holiday. The na
tional holiday of the Polish people falls
each year on the 3d of May. Its cele
bration has been transferred to tomor
row, when there will be a solemn high
mass at St. Francis Church, East Elev
enth and East Oak streets, at 8:30 A. M.
Father Seroskl will deliver the address
In Polish. All lnteres'ted In the welfare
and Independence of this nation are In
vited to attend. The music will be by
men and boys, under the direction of
Professor F. W. Goodrich.
For Rmnt. 2S7 Salmon at. C. W. Pallett.
The undersigned takes pleasure in an
nouncing that his company. The Home of
New York. will, after paying all San
Francisco losses in cash, have over 319,-'
OiiO.OOO of assets remaining, placing The
Home pre-eminently In a class by Itself as
the leading Fire Insurance Company of
America, no other company approaching
within millions of it In point of strength.
All losses are adjusted and paid through
the general agency office, 250 Stark street,
this city.
Thknix Insurance Co. of Brooklyn.
Portland, Me.. 1S66. Boston, Mass., 1S72.
Chicago, 111., 1ST1. Baltimore. Md., 1904.
Toronto, Canada. 1904.
In these and all other conflagrations of
the past fifty years the Phenlx has paid
its losses promptly and without assessing
Its stockholders for a dollar. This record
will be maintained in the case of San
Francisco. Our adjusters are already on
the way to' pay every legitimate claim.
J. H. Lenehan, General Agent, Chicago.
Concert for Sax Francisco Sufferers.
The concert to be given by the Arion
Society, at Arlon Hall, Tuesday evening,
for the San Francisco sufferers, will be
participated In by Anne Beatrice Sheldon,
soprano: W. Graham Hodsdon, tenor: the
Arlon Singing Society, under the leader
ship of Ixuils Dammach; the Philhar-
monic Quartet, and the Norwegian Sing
ing Society. An excellent programme has
been prepared.
Alumnae Elect Officers. At the sec
ond, meeting of the Portland Association
of Oregon I'iiiverslty Alumnae, which
took place May 3. In the Hamilton build
ing, a constitution was adopted, and the
following officers were elected for the
coming year:- President, Miss Gaeta
Wold; vice-president. Mrs. B. D. Sigler:
secretary. Miss Cora Patlee; treasurer, '
Dr. Katherlne Manlon.
Rbv. Ben Ezra Stiles Ely. Jr.. X). D.,
the new pastor of Calvary Presbyterian
Church, will begin his work tomorrow
morning and will preach on "The Rock
Foundation of the Church." Rev. J. R.
Wilson, D. D., will occupy the pulpit with
him. In the evening Rev. J. A. P. Mc
Uaw, D. D.. will preach.
Sale of River Frontage tor Sawmill.
M. L. Holbrook has sold to C. C. Barker
and S. B. Stuart, of the Peninsula Lum
ber Company, a tract of 25 acres at St.
Johns for tCO.000. The property has 1500
feet frontage upon the Willamette, and
will be used as the site for a large ex
lort sawmill.
Y. W. C A. Sundat at Home. Attorney
R. 8. J. McAltster will address the usual
Sunday afternoon meeting at the Young
AYomen's Christian Association tomorrow.
The discourse will be followed by a mu
sical programme. The exercises will ex
tend from 4 to o'clock.
Dr. Brouoher's Tones. White Temple.
Sunday. 10:3a "The Seven Conflicts of
Genesis"; I-ord's Supper observed; 7:3n.
'Chased Out of the World With Blood
hounds on Your Trail." Orchestra. Great
First Presbyterian Church, corner
Twelfth and Alder Streets. Services Sun
day conducted by Rev. H. T. Baboock. of 1
Salem. At 10:30: "Gods Wisdom Re
vealed." At 7:45. "The Unpardonable Sin."
Wants Street Sewered. Mrs. Abbie
Roe has petitioned the Council for a i
sewer In Kerby street from 175 feet south
of Beech to a connection with the sewer
in Beech street.
Str. Cascade for San Pedro and San
Francisco, Saturday. May 6, P. M. Tick
ets at. Oak-st. dock or Thompson's agencv,
128 Third st.
Notice. Hereafter all bootblack shops
In the city will close on Sunday at 4 P. M.
(Signed, Bootblacks' Union.
Headquarters for fine Panamas at A.
3- Stelnbach & Cot's.
Woman's Exc, 13S 10th. lunch 11:30 to
Dr. Hawk returned. S0S-9 Oregonian Bg.
i'or Rent il Ella, turn, rooms, modern. ,
Improvement of East Main Street.
The Improvement of East Main street, be
tween East Water street and Union ave
nue, is now considered assured. Yester
day at noon the time In which to remon
strate was passed without such docu
ment being filed. The street will be
filled to grade. A strong effort was made
to defeat the Improvement, but It was not
successful. It was proposed to pave the
fill at once, but the property-owners will
ask that the paving be deferred for a
year to give the embankment time to set
tle, as they consider It would be waste
of money to put In a first-class pavement
on a new embankment.
Will Examine Physicians. The Board
of Medical Examiners of the .State of Ore
gon will hold examinations In this city for
applicants who desire to practice in this
state on May 10, 11 and 12 at the Port
land Business College. AH physicians be
fore being admitted to practice are re
quired to pass an examination before the
State Board. Application must be made
to the secretary, Byron El Miller, M. D.,
prior to date of examination.
Sunday Equal Suffrage Meetings.
Beginning with Sunday, May 13. the Ore
gon Equal Suffrage Association, will con
duct a series of Sunday-afternoon meet
ings at the Heilig Theater, Fourteenth
and Washington streets. Rev. Anna H.
Shaw. Dr. House, Rabbi Wise and other
prominent lecturers will deliver addresses.
Admission will be free.
Excursion. Str. Chas. R. Spencer will
leave Oak-st. dock 9 A. M. Sunday, May
6, for Cascade Locks and return. The
first excursion of the season. Stiles' pop
ular orchestra will furnish music. A good
time assured. Fare 31.00 round trip.
Steamship Alliance sails from Couch
street dock for Coos Bay and Eureka at
8 P. M. Sunday, May 6. C. H. Thompson,
128 Third street. F. P. Baumgartner,
agent, Couch-st. dock. Main 861.
Equal Suffrage Meeting Today. The
Oregon Equal Suffrage Association will
hold ita regular meeting Saiurday, May 5,
3 P. M., at 193 Sixth street. Members and
friends are welcome.
"Tennessee's Partner; on. Honor
Bright Loyalty," a story from Bret
Harte, is Dr. House's topic Sunday night
at First Congregational Church. Special
Boys and Youths go to A. B. Steinbach
& Co.'s for correct Summer clothing,
Togs for Men, the kind that Is right,
at A. B. Stelnbach & Co.'s.
Woobter's great fruit store. 408 Wash.
Dr. E. De Witt Connell has returned.
Harry McCraken Legally Separated
From His Wife, Formerly a
Society Belle of Spokane.
Harry McCraken, a teller in the Mer
chants' National Bank, was divorced from
Sallie McCraken yesterday by Judge Sears
because of desertion, beginning April 13,
1905. The plaintiff was formerly Miss Sal
lie Slayden, and she was a society belle
of Spokane. The marriage of the couple
took place In that city June 7, 1904. Since
the separation Mrs. McCraken returned
to the home of her parents In Spokane.
In the testimony given at the trial noth
ing was said concerning any domestic dif
ferences between the two.
Mabel O'Connell was granted a divorce
by Judge 8ears from Daniel O'Connell.
and . was granted the legal custody of
three children. They were married In Sil
ver City, Idaho, In 1S86, and he left her In
Flora E. Gabel was divorced by Judge
Sears from Ration Gabel because of cruel
treatment. She said he would not sup
port her and wrote her an Insulting letter
In response to a request made by her that
he pay a doctor's bill for the treatment
of their child. They were married in De
cember, 1902. and lived at Montavilla.
Judge Sears granted B. A. Cook a de
cree of separation from Alice Cook on ac
count of desertion beginning in November,
1897. The marriage of the couple was
celebrated in Portland in 1894 Mrs. Cook
Is now In California.
Florence Neitzert testified that her hus
band loafed in saloons and talked social
Ism and anarchism instead of working
and supporting her. She conducted a res
taurant at Gresham. She further stated
that her husband was possessed of a very
bad temper. On one occasion he struck
her mother. Mrs. Stocker, in the face and
knocked her down. He then picked up a
water pitcher and threatened to kill her
mother. The couple were married in Oc
tober, 1905, and in the month of December
following, Mrs. Neitzert said she was
compelled to leave him because she feared
serious bodily harm at his hands. Mrs.
Neitzert was granted a divorce by Judge
Sears, and her maiden name Fausher was
restored to her.
Money and a Carload of Supplies for
San Francisco.
GRESHAM. Or.. May 4. (Special.) The
citizens of Gresham and vicinity have
raised a carload of provision and clothing
which will be sent to San Francisco to
morrow. A mass meeting was held, pre
sided over by Mayor Shattuck. who ap
pointed relief and soliciting committees
for the work. The relief committee con
sisted of H. E. Davis. Timothy Brown
hill. Mrs. Minnie Clanahan. Mrs. Emma
Metzger and Mrs. Hattle Worstell, headed
by Mayor Shattuck. The soliciting com
mittee comprised D. M. Roberts, Rev. 'C.
A. Nutley, Charles Cleveland. Mrs. Nellie
Metzger, Mrs. H. E. Davis and Mrs. Gus
Larson. The local bank was named as
custodian of funds, the actual amount of
cash subscribed being 1216. In. addition to
the money received, there were donations
of produce, groceries and clothing enough
to fill' a boxcar, the total value of which Is
estimated at over $600. Nearly 1000 pieces
of clothing, 225 sacks of potatoes and
nearly a ton of flour and canned goods
comprises the principal articles. The car
was donated by the Oregon Water Power
& Railway Company, and is consigned to
the care of the War Department In San
Francisco. Besides the donations of
Oresham people, the Swedish Church of
Powell Valley sent $20 by money order
yesterday to their suffering brethren in
San Francisco. Considering the popula
tion of this section and relative wealth
of the people, the contribution from
Gresham and vicinity will compare favor
ably with that of any locality, including
All the delicacies of the season at tha
Portland Restaurant; fine private apart
ments for parties, lift Washington, nr. Sen.
The 3eoU Restaurant. Seventh and An.
keny. serves the best 25c lunch In town.
11.80 to S. Dinner with wine daily, except
Sunday, from 12 to 8, 50c. Sunday dinner,
12 to 8, 75c. Music from 4:30 to 7:30. Meals
a la carte any time.
Pictures, taken from 8:30 .to 5:30. Gal
lery. Washington and West Park. Phone
Main 1635.
Portland Brewing Co. Select Beer.
Edel Brau.
For sale everywhere.
Phone Main 70S, e
tour r ,
(fepj1 BER NHARDT f
;) V D 'ReErcri0Ni 5aMSWLEE SHUBERT' k
1.0 &
TO GUARD AGAINST TICKET SPECULATION Mail orders will now be received from Port
land and all points, when accompanied by express money order, 'Postoffice money order or cer
tified check and stamped addressed envelope for reply. Address and make check payable to
EILERS PIANO HOUSE, 351 Washington Street, Portland.
Greater Norris & Rowe Circus Cele
brates Its Eighteenth Birthday.
The present season marks the 18th an
nual tour of the new and greater Norris
& Rowe Circus. That hard experience
counts for something will be demonstrated
when the show visits this section this
The Norris & Rowe circus ha now
reached the zenith of perfection. It Is
as large a circus as any person could
wish and In Ita entirety It embodies every
feature known to the circus world. " The
horses, bofh the heavy-draught stock as
well as the thorouKhbreds, are the finest
specimens that could be procured for
money; the equipment, as to- costumes,
wardrobe, wagons, dens, cages, tableau,
floats, chariots, band wagons and all the
paraphernalia of the bis;, successful show
are now being used for the first time.
Everything Is bright and new, from the
tents to the performers, for among the
latter it is doubtful If a face has ever
been seen here before. The programme
is a lengthy one and is headed by the
following bareback-riding contingent: Ja
net Stetson and her famous high-school
horses; Evie Melville, the sensational
somersault bareback rider, one of the
very few women who accomplish this
difficult trick; Herbert Rumley. the cele
brated' roughrlder; Edith Maskelyn and
Mark Hayden, " European menage and
trick riders; Frank and Dolly Miller In
their four-horse carrying act; Austin
King, the clever jockey and mule hurdle
rider; Edna Moretta and George Settler
with his six' pure white ponies.
There are so many other acts and nov
elties that it is impossible to enumerate
them all in the limits of one newspaper
article. The Js'ew and Greater Norris &
Rowe Circus will exhibit here Thursday,
May 10, and Friday, May 11, at the reg
ular circus grounds, corner Twenty-fifth
and Raleigh streets.
Missouri Defeats Main, and Will
Probably Win Target Trophy.
NEW YORK. May 4. When the battle
ships Maine, Missouri, Kearsarge and
Kentucky, the first squadron, first division
of the North Atlantic fleet, under com
mand of Rear-Admiral Evans, left Guan
tanamo at 3 P. M. last Saturday, it was
known In advance, gays today's Tribune,
that the Maine and the Missouri would
race to New York under natural and
forced draft, and nearly every dollar the
men had was wagered on the result.
The Kentucky and the Kearsarge were
also to test their racing powers, and near
ly all the money aboard these 3hips was
put up in bets.
At 8 A. M. Sunday the signal for the
start was made from the Maine, and for
two hours the battleships steamed under
ordinary draft, the Maine finally 1200 yards
In the lead. ,
From 10 A. M. until 2 P. M. the ships
raced under forced draft, and at 12:30 P.
M. the Missouri overtook the Maine and
led her by 1500 yards, when the test under
forced draft ended.
The pressure of steam generated on the.
battleships was unusual and when the
squadron reached port yesterday the ochre
funnels were black with soot and ournea
The entire fleet admit that the Missouri
will probably carry the honors for target
practice and speed tests.
According to the best reports obtainable
yesterday, the Missouri, commanded by
Captain Edwin C. Pendleton, has the high
est average in great gun and torpedo prac
tice, and unless the Ohio s average ex
ceeds that of the Missouri, the latter ship
will capture the trophy now held by the
Her 12-inch eun record Is 37 hits In 37
shots, and she also has a record of 12
hits in 12 shots with her torpedoes.
Mrs. George Sythe Causes Arrest of
H. D. Winters.
On a. charge of using violent and threat
ening language to Mrs. George Sythe, H.
r. Winters, an East Side capitalist and
property-holder, was arrested yesterday
afternoon and taken to polK-e headquar
ters. Mrs. Sythe swore to a warrant In
Municipal Court yesterday. She is a ten
ant in an apartment-house owned by Win
ters at Grand avenue and i.ast uavis
Mrs. Sythe. with her two little sons,
was threatened with violence and ejec
tion, she says, and her rooms were locked
by the landlord. The trouble arose when
Winters demanded that the rent be paid.
The woman told the irate capitalist that
her husband was the custodian of the
funds and would attend to settling the
rent. Winters, the complaint alleges, be
came excited and In the presence of other
tenants, much to the humiliation of Mrs.
8ythe. swore at her and threatened her
with a stick. He then locked her rooms
and departed. Mrs. Sythe, after the Irate
landlord had disappeared down the stairs
unlocked the door and summoned the po
lice for protection. She was advised to
procure a warrant. She did. and the ar
rest of Winters followed.
Winters has been in a peck of trouble
Friday Evening, May 11 ... SAPPHO
Saturday Matinee, May 12 . CAMILLE
PRICES-$3.00, $2.00, $1.00
with his tenants and neighbors and onfy
recently figured in a family quarrel.
Citizens of Sellwood Are Addressed
by Campaign Speakers.
A largely attended meeting was held
last evening in Firemen's Hall, in Sell
wood, under the auspices of the Sellwood
Republican Club. T. C. Austin presiding.
A considerable portion of the audience
was made up of women, who came out
to hear Rev. Anna Howard Shaw on the
equal-suffrage amendment. After music
by the band. Judge Lionel Webster, Re
publican candidate for County Judge, was
Introduced. He asked the audience at the
beginning of his talk to forget the fact
that he was a candidate, as he desired to
speak for' the whole Republican ticket.
He first spoke of the direct primary, and
said that It had been thoroughly tested In
the April election, and the Republicans
can put forth a ticket, as their choice.
R. R. Glltner made a brief talk, pledg
ing his hearty support of the Republican
ticket. N. H. Bird also spoke briefly
along: the same line, declaring that he
should work for and support the entire
Republican ticket.
Rev. Anna Howard Shaw, of the Na
tional Equal Suffrage Association, was
then Introduced, and delivered an appeal
for support of the equal-suffrage amend
ment at the June election.
Y. M. C. A. Junior Field Meet.
The Y. M. C. A. junior athletic field
meet will be held at the Irvington race
track this afternoon, and a large list of
entries has been registered for the con
tests. Gold, silver and bronze medals have
been hung up for the first, second and
third places In each event. The pro
gramme follows: 50-yard dash. 100-yard
dash, one-half mile run. putting eight
pound shot, running high jump and broad
Aquatic night at the Y. M. C. A. is set
for Mny 11, when excellent prizes will be
offered for the different events.
High-Grade Flanos for Rent.
And sold on easy payments. Piano tuntns
and repairing. H. Sinsheimer. 72 Third at.
A firm of Iondon florists employ a staff
of milliner who will trim any hat with nat
ural flowers from 11.25 up,-according to the
value of the blossoms used.'
" Rain Will Not Spot Them."
Will tailor well, keep their shape. wiH never cockle
or shrink. "The yarn arc moisture - proof."
Cool, Dressy and Comfortable.
Come in laree variety of destem and shades. Very
popular in all tropical countries for the
past three summers.
For booklet write
you find a
Gordon Hat
you're pretty
sure to re in
good Company
California m y s t a r d has
strength but lacks flavor.
Trieste has flavor but lacks
strength. Schilling's Best is
the two mixed, nothing else,
no color. The next - best
mustard sold here is weak but
has good flavor.
Your grocer's; moneyback.
IVIen's Summer ar I
The Autobiography of
an Elderly Woman
In Everybody's for May, a
dear old lady, with a gentle
and kindly pen, tells how her
grown-up children, with the
best intentions in the world,
are making her life miserable
by their over-devotion.
The story of a rich life full
of golden memories. Beau
tiful ! But oh ! if young peo
ple only knew how their old
mothers and fathers loved to
share both the joys and sor
rows of their life of today !
1 5 cents a c;py .
f, 1.50 a year
The perfection of reproduction
reached In the new Columbia Cylinder
Machines and six-Inch records. Sold
on easy payments.
345 Washington Street. Portland, Or.
The Old English Candy
Think for a. minute of the most deli
clous eatable that'you have ever tasted
and then go out and buy a cake of
will find it even more delicious.
5c and 10c packasre. At all dealers.
John Mackintosh. 78 Hudson St., Kesv York.
When you buy
you WcM-vt ,
and long
These and many
other good points
cure comoincu 111
Cl&u P.0ANO
Tou cAirt ejtord
to biry any other
La Contributor
is made to maintain a
high reputation To
win favor by merit.
Sold by the First Hotels- ef the East
fSr. Refit. Aster. Heirtnmn, Smy, greslin mndttktrs)
Offered for the Choice Custom el the West.
Distributors, PORTLAND.
y-r From
f ' v SIX
11 . - I to
1 . - SIXTY
Lt r
10 and lit Fnartfc Street,
Sole Distributers for Orarren and Waehlartoa.
New York Udewriters, Agency;
Assets $18,061,926.87
Pacific Department, 464 Tenth St., Oakland, Cal. e
All losses incurred by the NEW YORK UNDERWRITERS' AGENCY
will be honorably adjusted and promptly paid, and the record established alT
Chicago, Boston and Baltimore will remain unbroken. '
Hartford, Conn., April 21, 180.
MANX st WILSOX, Managers,
Oakland, Cal. '
Every legitimate claim against the XfSW YORK TJNDKR WRITERS AGENCT
will be paid promptly and In fall as at Baltimore and Chicago.
(Signed) t GEORGE l CHASE, Fres.
Aintworth BIdg., Portland, Or.
THE KRYPTOK 1$ the only real
"Invisible" bifocal in existence
Denver, Omaha. Kansas City, Salt
133 Sixth St Successor to
Ona thine
h rmm Kj fnselv 4heT are Bf
I Iff Vfe -ZVl'iJ
a a m . m m . x i sutuV. k v m
MM mf a aTlB'
That Bpells salvation for many a row of
teeth. Good brldgework 1 one of the
wonders of modern dental science. Many
a nearly lost set of teeth has been saved
bv Its application. Perhaps it's exactly
what you need. Ask us.
WISE BROS., Dentists
Failing Bide., Sd and Washington. A.
M. to P. M. Sundays, 9 to 12. Main 2029.
Dr. W. A. Wise.
Dr. Lyon's
Tooth Poudor
Cleanses and beautifies the
teeth and purifies the breath.
Used 'by people of refinement
for over a quarter of a century.
Convenient for tourists.
prepared sv
if. tf jrA.JZ.,?.
Annual Dog Show
Get information and make entries now at
110 Third street,
. . . Entries close May 22.
a rail se
Reorei 403 Deknaa
Schwab Printing Co.
. America's
Without a Rival
The Bear (Bare)
Of petting anjihing but the best
paints never presents itself if you use
Bay State Paint. Our paint prices
are anything but startling. See our
color cards and ask all the questions
you like.
The BlTSnt Store
Front and Morriaon Streets
250 Alder Street. Portland, Or
Laics. Dallas, Te
Walter RW
a; Portland, Oregon)
Oregonian Bldg.
Chocolate Bonbons
I are the most delicious and have
the largest, sale of any la
the world.
In their making nothing is
used but the choicest choco
late. Dure cane sugar, finest
and fruits, and purest ex
tracts of fruits and flowers.
eecullar te Lsrwncy's Candle Is that
and wholcMQBil
CO., Chocolate and Cocoa Makers.
et. C I. Wise.
Muffins that Fairly
Melt in Your Mouth
Just the thing to tempt the appe
tite (or breakfast, luncheon or
supper. Light and dainty with
a flavor beyond compare. Made
wkh k
Cream :
Nothing but pure milk and cream,
minus the germs and water. Its t
high percentage of butter-fat gives
to cooking that much desired rich- '
ii ess and savorinesa ., s .
Carnation Muffins s
One elet flour, r en, r riblespoeBf j! eufar. full retsporte
fuj. faektes uJ.l.i. Dilute neuee CroarJon Cream wttb
equal amouet of water te mefce a batter when added- Salt te
taste. Pour int. hot eiufiiri tie trtiih r-aa beca well buttered,
end bake !a a quick even. Try rltA a broortt straw. If straw
coroea out dry, tber are does. .
tlaoald bf of ntmtt to rrry woman. If
Qraf or Blwnvebwd, It etn h rftorvl to it
atorml aolor, or m4vdr ad? itiAtl AmlnA.
Th. Imperial Hair Regenerator
is the acknewledsjed STANDARD
HAIR COLORING ot tbe acre. Ills
easll" applied, makes the hair eoffe
and flossy, is absolutely h armies.
Sample of bair colored free. Corre
spond enee confidential,
lsn serial Cken. Mir. CO., WW. Zit St.,N.Y.
eld nr weeds. re. Clarke e Oe. .