Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 04, 1906, Page 9, Image 9

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ountlmr-Room Main 77I
(aliasing Editor Main 7070
unday Editor Main 770
lty Editor Main 7070
ociefy Editor Main 7070
ompo.Hnr-Room Main 7070
Superintendent Balldtna Main 7070
p-:at Eide Office Eut 61
fTHB HEII.IO THEATER (14th and Wash
ington at) Tonight at 8:15 o'clock the
Pollard Lilliputian Opera Company In the
musical comedy, "The Belle of New York."
Tn vaudeville acta, headed by the Jamea
T. Lea Comedy Sketch Company: tonight at
EMPIRE THEATER (12th and Morrlaon)
l silver Uaager." tonight at 8:15 P. M.
GRAND THEaTER (Park and Waihinr-
ton coptlououa vaudeville. 1:80. J:S
and P. M.
-ominuou vaudeville. 3:30. 7:30 and s
P. M.
TAR THEATER fPark and Wanhlngton)
vuwtuuaum vauaeviue. j:au, i:ao. u f. .
Sats Fn-i. Will. Not Stop. Tne com
mittee from the Kast Side Improvement
Association appointed to bring the Grand
avenue fill before the Council was not
ble to do. so Wednesday evening, but it
ntervlewed most of the Councllmen, and
obtained assurances that the work on the
fill would not be stopped. H. H. New
hall said that the City Attorney consid
ers that the contract of the Pacific Bridge
Company will enable it to go on with the
work regardless of the estimates of the
City Engineer, which were not final as
to the amount of material required to fill
up the street. The estimate was that
B1.00O cubic yards would complete the em
bankment, but wnen made, it was not
known how much the embankment would
settle. If it required a less amount, then
the contractor would receive pay only for
the amount of material, but If more Is re
quired, then the contractor would receive
pay for above the 51,000 cuoic yards esti
mated. However, tne committee will ap
pear before the Mayor and executive com
mittee and talk the matter over. Man
ager Simon said yesterday that about 4S,
OfiO cubic yards of material had been
dumped in the street, and that the' em
bankment appeared to have reached solid
Ttuv.. Anna Shaw Will Speak. During
the lecturer's hour tomorrow afternoon
in the hall of Kvening Star Grange, Pa
trons of Husbandry, on the Section ' Line
road, all tne pending initiative legisla
tion will be discussed. Rev. Anna Snaw.
the distinguished equal suffrage advocate,
has consented to be present and speak.
She will talk on the equal suffrage amend
ment. J. J. Johnson, master, will talk
about the Harlow road legislation; Judge
Lionel R. Webster will talk about good
roads, and toll what is contemplated in
this county and state. B. Lee Paget will
speak on the local-option amendment; C.
H. Welch will talk on some phase of pend
ing Grange bills. There will be one or
two more short talks. During the pro
gramme, which will be In charge of Mrs.
it. L. Vail, lecturer, the meeting will be
open to the public, and all are invited to
hear the addresses. Before and follow
ing the time given to tne programme the
Grange will be in secret session.- The
third and fourth degrees wnl be given.
The hall may be reached either from the
reservoir car on Hawthorne avenue or by
the Montavilla car, the ends of both lines
being about a mile from u.e hall.
Fire in the . Restricted District.
Fire which threatened the restricted dis
trict at 4:30 o'clock yesterday afternoon
( partially consumed a building on Fourth
street, between Da,is and Everett, and
one or tne inmates, Annie Martin, who
had been suffering with rheumatism, was
carried from one of the rooms In an ex
hausted condition. The Are was got un
der control quickly, before It spread to
tlie rows of shacks on each side of the
burned structure. Hundreds of curious
women, with the tire as a pretext for go
ing below the dead line, hurried to the
scene, and remained until the tire - had
been completely extinguished. Although
the building was partially destroyed, the
loss will not amount to more than a few
hundred dollars.
Eqial Suffrage Question Box. At
the People's Forum next Sunday evening
Itev. ' A'ina Shaw, president of the Na
tional E.iual Suffrage Association, will
conduct a "question box" for the purpose
of meeting and answering the objections
fc.nd arguments of the opponents of the
equal suffrage movement. All who wisa
questions answered will be expected ta
bring them to the meeting in writing.
Mr.) Abigail Scott Duniway will preside.
The public is Invited.
B'cjlai, StiFFnAQisTR Mket A tiloctlng
was held in Peninsula Hall last evening,
in the interests of the pending equal suf
frage amendment. Mrs. Skelton presid
ed. Addresses were made by Mrs. Ida
Porter Boyer and Miss Alice Stone Black
well. In leply to the suggestion that the
bad women might outvote the good ones,
Mrs. Voyer said that In the State Prison
i t fr.!m there were 396 men and but
three women. The vicious and criminal
class, she said, was comparatively small
among women.
Home Training: Association. The Home
Training Association held Its weekly
meeting yesterday at the City Hall. Alter
reading the minutes of the previous meet
ing, .Mrs. A. D. Soper read a paper on
Judicious Management of Emotional
Outbursts." which was well received liy
the members present. The association
will hold a mothers' meeting at Mount
Tabor, West Avenue School, today at 2
P. M.
Zinn'b Troi-pb Escapes Loss. A. M.
7-inn writes to The, Oregonian requesting
the denial of the report that Zinn's Trav
esty Company suffered In l..e San Fran
cisco disaster. He says: "AH members es
caped without a scratch and saved all
costumes and street' wardrobes. We are
under contract with John Cort, and open
at Utahna Park, Salt Lake, May 20, for
the Summer."
Home Training) Association to Mbest.
The Ladies' Home Training Association
will have, a meeting at the Sunnyside
sehoolhouse, Friday afternoon at 2:30. A
good programme has been arranged. Rev.
George B. Van Waters will deliver an
address. The children will be taken care
of In the nursery.
Alumni Elects Officers. At the 39th
annual commencement exercises of the
medical department of the Willamette
Vnlverslty, of Salem, neid on tne evening
of May 1, Dr. E. D. Johnson, of Port
land, was elected the first president of
Alumnla. and Dr. W. W. Allen, of Jeffer
son, secretary.
Portland Will Send Delegates.
Portland will be represented at the an
nual grand council of the United Com
mercial Travelers, which meets today in
Seattle, by about 25 delegates. The Coun
cil will select delegates to the National
Council, ' which meets this Summer at
Yocth Charged With Stealing Bicy
cle. Bert Enerson. a youth, was seen
stealing a bicycle by Detective Mears
yesterday afternoon, and after a chase
of several blocks Enerson was captured.
He was taken to the City Prison, where
a charge of larceny was placed against
Death of Salmon Crandall Salmon
Cranflall, an old Minnesota pioneer and
father of E. E. Crandall. of Coburg. Or.,
died last week at that i.lace, from hear-,
failure. Mr. Crandall arrived in Oregon
in 1S98. and died In his 87th year.
Steamship Alliance, sails from Couch
street dock for Coos Bay and Eureka at
8 P. M. Saturday, May 6. C. H. Thomp
son. 12S. Third street. F. P, Baumgart
ner. Agent. Couch-St. dock. Main 861.
Exct-RsiON. Str. Chas. R. Spencer wlU
leave Oak st, dock 9 A. M. Sunday. May
6. for Cascade I.ocks and return. The
nrst excursion or the season. A good
time assured. Fare MOO round trip.
Al-ne s Lifelike Pictures taken from
f :30 to 5:30. Gallery Wash, and W. Park.
Phone Main 135.
Watch Wooster's cigar store, 405 Wash.
usiness Men
Conveniently appointed desks and comfortable
chairs for the man who holds the reins of business.
They facilitate work smooth rough roads of
hum-drum office life and teach system.
Sat !
1 : '! r . S t i? I
up from
Thin oa? la. the? :
" nine oak, quarter
awed t; will rot
yoo only .
Besides desks and chairs we have tables, cabinets,
letter-files, clothes-trees and everything else re
quired in the modern office.
Smart carpets and rugs in smart office patterns.
Step in today and allow us to show you our beau
tiful line. ,
Gevurtz & Sons
173-5 First Street
219-227 Yamhill
Street-Car and Automobile Collide.
A street-car and the automobile of P.
A. Staples came together yesterday at
noon. Just south of Kast Morrison street,
on" Grand avenue, with the result that
the automobile was crippled, but was
able to limp away. The automobile had
been close to the curb, behind a wagon,
which hid the approach from the north.
It was started around toward the middle
of the street just as a car came around
from East Morrison street, and they came
together. The car was moving slowly
and was quickly stopped. The glass in the
canopy of the automobile was broken out
and one wheel was knocked out of line.
No one was hurt.
Sellwood Republican Rally. The Re
publican campaign in Multnomah County
will be opened at Sellwood this evening
with a rally in Firemen's Hall. Local
Republican workers planned the rally and
will have charge of the proceedings, but
hereafter all rallies and open club meet
ings will be held after consultation with
tlie chairman of the County Centraf Com
mittee. L. R. Webster, Republican can
didate for re-election as County Judge,
ill be the principal speaker this eve
ning. All candidates are invited to be
Newspaper Mailers Give Benefit
Dancb. The Portland newspaper mailers
gave a benefit dance at the Armory last
night, and quite a neat sum was realized.
which will be sent to San Francisco. Four
of the San Francisco mailers were killed
in the earthquake, and many others lost
all they had. L. M. Kimmell and Ed J.
Glosser composed the special committee,
and the reception committee consisted of
A. K. Slocum. R. C. Putnam, J. H. Shere,
. H. Proebstel, E, D. Dewey; M. 'B. Clark,
Glenn Raymond and IS. Russell. .
Raid Opium Joint. Acting Detective
Smith and Patrolmen Parker, Tichnor,
Anderson and Peterson raided an opium
Joint at Fifth and Pine streets, at 11:45
o'clock Wednesday evening and arrested
four colored men. A full smoking outfit
was found, and the room smelt strongly
of the drug when the officers entered.
Bob Hicks, Louis Roy, Lewis Parker and
Will Jones were the names under which
the quartet were registered with Captain
Successful Fire Drill. Principal Cur
tis had a successful fire drill yesterday,
by which the 600 pupils of the Sunnyside
sehoolhouse were marched from the
building in a little more than three min
utes, without confusion or excitement. In
order to give the drill a realistic turn, a
smudge smoke was started in the base
ment, and the firemen from Engine Com
pany No. 9, near the sehoolhouse, came,
but this did not cause confusion.
Funeral of J. B. Dbardorff. The fu
neral of J. B. Deardorff. a native-born
Oregonian and son of the founder of tue
Deardorff settlement, took place yester
day afternoon from tne sehoolhouse in
that ' neighborhood. The services were
largely attended by the residents.
Dr. Van Waters Will Speak. The
Home Training Branch Society of the
Sunnyside School will meet this afternoon
at 4 o'clock, in the .assembly hall, and
listen to an address by Kev. George B.
Van Waters. D. D. All interested are In
vited to attend the meeting.
Democrats Will Hold Joint Meeting.
The Young Men's Democratic Club and
the Multnomah Democratic Club will hold
a joint meeting in Unity Hall this eve
ning, at which all Democratic candidates
who desire will be given an opportunity
to speak.
Concert to Aid San Fhancisco Suf
ferers. The Arion concert for the bene
fit of the San Francisco sufferers will
take place at Arion Hall. Second and
Oak streets. Tuesday evening. An elao
orate programme has been prepared.
Will Repair Roadway. Timbers were
delivered yesterday for the repair of the
elevated roadway on Union avenue, near
East Oak street, which settled with the
weight of about 1000 cubic yards of earth.
Holds Parlor Meeting. Miss Kate
Gordon held a parlor meeting yesterday
isfternoon at the home of Mrs. P. P.' Bod
ley, of Mount Tabor, in the'lnterest of the
equal suffrage amendment.
All Hoo Hoo attending concatenation
at Eugene meet R. D. Inman at Union
Depot Saturday at 8:30 A. M.
Dr. Hawke returned. 60S-9 Oregonian Bg.
Keduced Kate to Convention.
On account of the annual convention,
of the Knights of Columbus at New
Haven, Conn., June 3 to June 9. 1906,
the railroads have issued reduced
round-trip tickets. Announcement has
been made by the Harriman lines in
Oregon that the fare from Portland
and return will bo $104.60. The going
limit will be June 9 and passengers
can return on the reduced ticket at
any time until August 31. Rates from
other points, in Oregon and the other
Northwestern States are the same as
from Portland.
Alonzo Gesner, a civil engineer at Salem,
spent yesterday In Portland.
C. A. Park, Horticultural Commissioner
for the second district, was In Portland
J. K. Weatherford. an attorney of Al
bany, spent yesterday transacting bust-'
ness in Portland.
E. T. Judd, a horse-breeder at Turner
and ex-member of the Legislature, Is in
the city conferring with Republican cam
paign managers.
W. C. Hawley. Republican "nominee for
Congress in the First District, was in
Portland yesterday on his way home from
Champoeg, where he attended the pioneer
Rev. Ben Ezra Stiles Ely, Jr.. who
las been engaged to fill the pastorate
of the Calvary Presbyterian Church of
Portland, is expected to arrive in .the
city this morning, and will occupy his
new pulpit for the first time next Sun
day morning.
Dudley Evans, of New York, president
of Wells, Fargo & Co., is a guest at
the Hotel Portland. Mr. Evans is on his
way East from San Francisco, where he
has been to straighten out the affairs of
the company at that place. " 'He states
that the building of Wells, Fargo & Co
In San Francisco was not badly damaged
by the Are and that it can be repaired at
small- cost. Mr. Evans visited Portland
to see the new building that Is being
erected by the company here. He was
agent for Wells. Fargo & Co. in port-
land, beginning in 1872.
Charles C. Gardiner, a retired mer
chant of Prince Edwards Island, spent
some time yesterday in trying to locate
the spot in Portland where, 65 years
ago, he cut cordwood. He finally de
cided that, as near as he could tell, it
was at Fifth and Stark streets, where
then was a dense forest. Mr. Gardiner,
accompanied by his wife and Miss Mc
Neill, reached Portland yesterday from
Los Angeles, where they spent the
Winter. They are now on their way
home by way of the Sound and the
Canadian paciflc.
NEW YORK, May 3. (Special.) North
western people registered here today as
From Portland Albert R. Salomon and
wife. Miss L. Johnson, at the Victoria
From Seattle H. Walker and wife, at
the York: J. C. Green, at the Imperial
J. M. Frinck and wife, Miss Frinck, J. M,
Frinck, at the Gilroy.
From Tacoma E. P. Savage, at the
CHICAGO. May 3. (Special.) Oregon
people registered today as follows:
From Portland P. J. Jennings, G. O
Lowit. J. H. Wood, at the Great "North
ern: Frank Williams, at the Auditorium;
T. P. Jordan, at the Annex.
Sunday, May 6.
Another popular JJ.50 excursion to Sea
side via the A. C. R. R. . will leave the
Union Depot next Sunday at 8 A. 21.
Ticket sales limited to seating capacity
of train. Tickets on sale at 248 Alder
street during the week, and at the Union
Depot Sunday morning.
For information telephone C. A. Stew
art, agent. Main 906.
In Le Palais Royal millinery department
every day. 375 Washington street. ,
Hla-h-Grad. Pianos for Rent.
And sold on easy payments. Piano tuning
and repairing. H. Sinshelmer. 72 Third st.
Dresden. Max Olttrich, " a leather
worker, confessed Thursday to the murder
of eight women within seven years. . '
Portland Brewing Co.' Select Beer.
Edel Brau,
For sale everywhere.
Phona Main 70S.
. :
- Jw- -
flip Qcj
i :::::::-:-::..-:.v.:: -rpMIH'! WUA- f
i S i
? fit '
. .
If You Want Assurance of Dress, Su
periority in Style, Fit and Quality, Look
for the Following Label
It is your guarantee, and every garment so
labeled has been expressly tailored for us.
Our fine clothing has more ACTUAL HAND
WORK in their making than any other
ready-to-wear garments on the market
A noticeable feature of our Summer Suits
is the rich handsome effects of the cloth
patterns. , Hundreds of these new weaves
in single and double - breasted models.
Outing suits in novelty effects, Topcoats
of the most correct mold.
Men's Suits -Outing
Topcoats - -
$10 to $35
$10 to $25
$10 to $35
Onr new style Booklets are belag lean ed. .Ask ua to sead one to yon, to
getber with sampler and self -meaanre meats. You will find enr Mail Order
system very satisfactory. Please atate whether for Men, Youth or Children.
All the delicacies of the season at the
Portland Restaurant: fine private apart
ment for parties. Sua Washington, nr. Sen,
The Scott Restaurant. Seventh and An-
Iteny, semes the best 2oc lunch in town,
11:30 to 3. Dinner with wine dally, except
Sunday, from 12 to 8, 60c. Sunday dinner.
12 to 8, 76c Music from 3 to 7.
' President.
General Manager
Assistant Manager
A fine assortment of white and colored
linen coats, suits and skirts. Le Palais
Royal. 375 Washington street.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signatofa of
Buy -a Gabler Piano. If will
J be as good a piano for your
grandchildren as it is for. you.
Of the few high-quality pianos
s made, the Gabler is the lowest in
J We recommend them heartily
and sell them on liberal terms.
i -
50 Cases of Office Filing
to Sail FrailCiSCO by Wednesday's Steamer
on hurry-up orders from biggest firms there, we still have on
and Wood, and can promptly ship
Everything Used in the Office"
Glass & Prudhomxne Company
123-125 First Street PORTLAND, OREGON
In addition, two large steel and wood shipments for us,
passed Council Bluffs Wednesday. Place your orders early
Phone Main 7T.
Better than money:
Schilling's Best is as good for
you as it is for your grocer ;
and moneyback.
Northwestern Mutual Life
of MUwaukee, Wis. -
This company's Oregon agencv
was established over a quarter of a
century ago.
New insurance written in April
1906, larger than during any other
month in the history of the agency.
Our Policyholders Are Satisfied
S. T. L0CKW00D 6 SON
General Agents, "
Concord Bldg., Portland Or.
Annual Dog Show
Get information and make ntris now at
110 Third atreet,
Entrie eloaa Mar 22.
HIM Fnll Set
rRED rasHS
Rsom 43 Dekn
chwah Printing Co,
imst ironr. kusovjilx rtictt
The Portland
Do you lov rood maaWst Ton
M icleot your cholcn from port
folio of too piece, of popular nualo
f Ih. world, and Profnaaof
.tarda m and hla Hungarian ore ban
tra will render It for you.
Everything to cat and drink, mat
tt coats no mnr. In th
Portland Hotel Rathskeller
than alaewher. la the city. IS vary
weekday nlsht from : t IX
All work (ruaranteed for ten years. Lady
attendant always present. All work done
absolutely without pain by specialist, of
from 12 to 20 years' experience.
Gold Fillings. Bridge Work. Gold
Crowns, Artificial Teeth.
Boston Painless Dentists
291 Morrison 8t.. Op p. Meier fc Tnmk
and Postofflce.
waukee. Wis. For Tounr ldl and slrla.
CI)ot: Full 4 rears' course. Semlaarys A
col less preparatory school, accredited by
Eastern and Western Collet a and Universi
ties. Music: Directed by Em 11 Llebllns; di
plomas. Home Eoomnntas: 2 years sours
for teachers; diplomas. firnasitlii 1 years'
course for teachers; diplomas. Art Elocu
tion.. Physical Training. Resident Nurse. AH
building-a new and well appointed.
b th. watchword for hasltS mn4 wWo
contort and boasty. Mankind Is tearoUi
Mt only th necessity but th loary el
ctMsltntss. SAPOUO, 'which has
rronght such chaoses In tits hiis, as
boancM her sister trTasapb
k special top which 1ms th whota
Mdy, start th drculatfea and leaves am
txt!l!i.eai sjow. ti tmen mk
Connoisseurs Understand That There Is Nothing Better
Whiskey. Old, mellow and delightfully palatable, it is the ideal stimulant
The T oriscus
Easily The Leader Among:
Curved Lenses .
Manufactured exclusively by us.
(DanTW, Ontaka, Kaaaas Citf. Salt Lake, Dallas. T.raaj Partlaatl, Orafoa)
133 Sixth St Successor to Walter RmsI Oregonian BIdf.
w .LadysSKoeC-P
Made entirely of selected leather.
We could not aHotA this except
that we caa use the poorer .elec
tions In our cheaper shoes. We allow only the most
ful of our larg'e force of men to build the Tourist shoe.
It feels right; looks right; wears right; costs out $3.00.
Said Vy tas Wit asaW armrywVsn.
Br. W. A. Wlaa.
That spells salvation for many a. row of
t.eth. Good brtdgework 1. one of the
w.nders of modern dental science. Many
a nearly lost set of teeth has been saved
by its application. Perhaps it's exactly
what you need. Ask us.
WISE BROS, Dentists
Faillna Bldr.. 3d and Washlm-ton. It A.
M. to ! P. M. Sundays. to 12. Main 2029.
C. r. Wlaa,