Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 04, 1906, Page 4, Image 4

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    THE MORAIKU . ORE(H)SiA5, FRIDAY, MAX 4, 1906.
;San Francisco. Puzzled Over
" Fund for Rebuilding. ..
Everjr-Idle Man Put . to,- Work by
" Force Plan for Widening Streets
Causes Mayor to Warn
Against Extravagance.
SAX FRANCISCO, May 3. No plan has
yet been dnclded upon for securing funds
tor the restoration of this city. Although
.various schemes, some of them apparently
feasible, have been, submitted to the gen
eral committee, none of them have been
Klven even the semblance of official in
dorsement, and the local financiers con
tinue to worry over the problem, hopeful
that the early future will -produce a solu
tion that will relieve San Francisco from
hor great burden of municipal and individ
ual distress, iiich day at the assembling
'of the general and finance committees the
.subject has been up for discussion, but
the disposition of those bodies 1b to be
conservative and cautious, and It is prob
wble that several of the great centers of
the financial world will be consulted be
fore any definite proposition is formulated.
Putting Loafers to Work.
Other than an early morning fire that
"threatened the safety of the several hun
dred patients In the Presidio Hospital,
today passed without special Incident. The
gigantic task of cleaning up the great
ruined district was commenced today on
hroader lines. The curtailment of the re
lief list .together with the decision of the
police to arrest as vagrants all able-bodied
men without visible means of support who
refuse to work, has had the effect of re
moving many idlers from the streets and
added materially to the strength of the
army engaged in municipal housecleaning.
Tiie larger railroads have made good
progress In running spur tracks into the
burned sections, and next week will begin
to remove all useless material, which will
le used in other sections of the county for
lining and grading.
Although the water supply In the ruined
part of the city is Increasing daily, there
is not yet an adequate flow for use In case
of fire, and all cooking is still carried on
in the streets. It is anticipated that this
uncomfortable situation will be remedied
within a few weeks, and then a thorough
hnusp-to-house inspection of chimneys will
he made -before residents will be allowed
to uso their kitchen stoves.
Resumption of Business.
. JVIl of the banks resumed business today
in their temporary quarters and reported
that at each place the deposits exceeded
the withdrawals, which fact they accept
ed as an Indication of the confidence of
the merchants In the future prosperity of
the city.
The number of permits issued for the
resumption of retail business grows larger
as each day passes. The committee hav
ing this matter in charge reports that 500
retailers are now operating In new quar
ters. Most of the larger stores have
commenced to pick up the ends of their
shattered trade and are installed in the
residence section.
Plan fop Rebuilding.
City Knglneer Woodward today submit
ted a comprehensive plan1 for the . rebuild
ing of the city. It included the broaden
ing and extension of many streets, the
purpose being to Insure better protection
against the spread of fire, as well as to
beautify the city.
In this connection. Mayor Schmltz has
advised against entertaining any .extrav
agant Ideas of the beautillcatlon of the
new city. He; estimated that the replace
ment of ruined, .nuinlcrnal building. In
cluding Hcliiml and flrerhouses, wouiU
alone cost J100.000.000.
j Mors' I'Nmd Soon Needed.
' Ctoncral Oreely gave warning to the
finance committee of the citizens' relief
committee this afternoon that he had
only 11 days' rations on hand, that the
Army could not furnish an ounce of food
beyond that which has already been pur
chased or Is in sight, and that the feed
ing of the people is a problem which de
mands immediate attention. After con
siderable discussion, the. committee de
cided to have a summing up of resources
and needs at a conference tomorrow
afternoon. Following this meeting, it Is
probable that an appeal for food supplies
will be made to the country at large.
Earthquake's Effect at Paralso New
Springs CJush Forth.
'OAKLAND. May 3 A strange phe
nomenon of the earthquake has been re
ported from Varalso Hot Springs in Mon
terey County. Since- the shock the tem
perature of the water In the hot soda
springs, which for many years has been
growing steadily colder, has Increased
from lio to 12J degrees, making It impos
sible for any one to bathe in the springs.
Several new springs have been opened,
ranging In temperature from 100 degrees
to Ice-cold.
fVonMnued From Tnn .)
this commute to clearly understand what
rnav happen In the futuro. I hava fr food
tn liand lor just 11 days and am receiving
requisitions for sanitation and many other
thtnga. It Is th question ot food that must
recelva the most earnest consideration, not
the clearing of streets. . Some of the people
are in a fearful condition. The army cannot
furntnh an ounce of food beyond that already
purchased or In sight. -
Apleal for More Supplies.
General Greyly thought the existing
condition mljzht be mot by appealing to
towns ami cities to send supplies that are
not immediately perishable. William F.
Herrin. of the Southern Pacific Company,
zaid auch guppllea would be carried free.
Dr. Pevlne remarked that there was a
tiiFerepancy of about $10,000,000 .between
fhc reported subscriptions and the amount
the committee has actually received.
"tMr. Phelan juentloned . that George
Gould's contribution had been "first cred-.
itcd personally nd then included in the
contribution of the New York Chamber
of Commerce.
William Pft Herrtn. In speaking further
of the food problem, suggested that the
committee appeal for contributions of
Hour, coffee, rice, bacon, ham, sugar and
such articles.
President Explains Attitude Towards
t Foreign Relief Subscriptions.
WASHINGTON, May S. A special mes
esge van sent to Congress today, by
President Roosevelt tn which he ex
jtlRltifd the attitude of this Government
regarding the offer of contributions to
t'rte Fan FYHncisoo fire and earthquake
aufTfrera from foreign countries.
ThciPixsldeiit says that where tbVcon-.
trlbutlons were made to this Government,
he did not feel warranted in accepting
them, but where, they were made to the
citizens relief committee of San Francis
co, no official action was, or could be
taken in regard to them.
The message indicates that the govern
ments of the entire civilized world
promptly responded in messages of sym
pathy and many of them with contribu
tions or offers of contributions.
The-text of the message is in part as
Immediately after the disaster at San
Francisco, many offers of assistance in the
shape of contributions were tendered by for
eign Individuals, corporations, governments
and municipalities.
The Canadian Government, with instant
generosity, peculiarly pleasant as a proof of
the close and friendly ties which knit us
to our neighbors oZ the Norih. ofTered to
pass a resolution appropriating $100,000 for
the relief of the sufferers by earthquake and
With a generosity equally marked and
equally appreciated, the Republic of Mexico,
our nearest neighbor to the South, voted to
appropriate $30,000, and the Republio of
Guatemala voted to appropriate $10,000 for
the same purpose.
The Empress of China, in addition to send
lng money to be used for the Chinese who
suffered in San Francisco, offered to send
more than double as much to be used for the
inhabitants generally.
The Japanese Government immediately of
fered to send across the ocean one of Its
beautifully equipped hospital ships, to be
used in any way for the sufferers, and also
offered 200,000 yen to the relief committee,
in addition to more than 100,000 yen sent by
Japanese subjects.
The Government of far-distant New Zea
land voted $25,000.
The Government of Martinique voted 1000
francs, the municipality of Edmonton, Can
ada, $1000.
Many municipalities, corporations and in
dividuals In England, Germany, France,
Japan, Cuba and other countries proffered
Where the offerings of aid were made to
the private relief committees organlred to
leal with the distress in San Francisco I
have, of course, no official action to take
concerning them. Where they were tendered
me in my official capacity I did not feel
warranted In accepting them.
But I am certain I gave utterance to the
feelings of all our countrymen when I ex
press . my very lively appreciation of the
warm-hearted generosity and eagerness to
help us in the time of our affliction shown
by the governments, the municipalities, the
corporations and the individuals mentioned
We are deeply grateful to them, and we
are deeply grateful for the way in which
they showed In such practical fashion the
growth of the spirit of brotherhood among
the nations.
The messago here gives a list of almost
every country oh the globe which sent
offerings of sympathy. It adds:
Appropriate expressions of gratitude to all
those friends have been returned by the
State Department or -myself, but It seems
to me that the real depth of grateful feeling
awakened in our people by all these evi
dences of genuine sympathy and friendship
should be expressed al?o by formal action
of the supreme legislative power of the na
tion. I recommend the passage by the Congress
of an appropriate resolution to that end.
Monster Performance Today Fund
Keaches $916,883.
NEW YORK, May 3. The programme
of the monster benefit for the San Fran
cisco sufferers to be given at the Metro
politan Opera-House tomorrow waa com
pleted last night.
Jacob H. Schlff, treasurer of the Red
Cross and Ban Francisco relief funds, re
ports that since the last public acknowl
edgment the combined amount of the
two funds has reached $916.61. For the
relief of artists of San Francisco, there
will be a sale of contributed paintings
and art works at the American Institute.
May 7 and '8, under the auspices of tno
artists1 relief committee of this city.
The Vnssar Students1 Aid Society's New
York City. branch will give a benefit en
tertainment for the. relief of the San
Francisco members of the Pacific Coast
branch t that society, at the Hotel As
tor, Saturday night. -1
Mme; Eames has volunteered to sing
at the benefit concert of tne Oerman
clubwomen of New York, to be given
in- Carnegie .hall, Monday night. Other
artists will be Maude Powell, the violin
ist :i Rafael Joseffy,' 'pianist, and Davis
Bispham, baritone. Victor Herbert will
direct an orchestra of 65.
Japanese Care for Their Own.
8AN FRANCISCO. uay S. The local
Japanese have undertaken systematically
the care of Japanese reiugees. Of the
10.(100 Japanese affected by the earthquake
and fire, approximately 6000 have been
sent to interior points.
Of the remaining 5000, about 3000 are at
the various relief camps In Ban Francisco
and 2000 at Oakland.
The Japanese goernment has wired a
contribution of J25.0O0.
New York Cares for Refugees.
NEW YORK. May 3. The joint applica
tion bureau, which Is supported by the
Charity Organization Society, took care
yesterday of about 50 persons who came
in from San Francisco as refugees. They
have been distributed in lodging-houses
and private families. The bureau expects
to get employment for them. Other ar
rivals are .expected.
Accused of Stripping House of Dead
President's Brother of Fur
niture at Night.
SOMERSET, Pa., May 3. Geo. B. Somer
vllle, auditor of the estate of Abner Mc
Kinley, brother of the late President Mo
Klnley, held a hearing in the Courthouse
hero today relative to the exceptions filed
against the account of Mrs. Annie B. Mc
Kinley, executrix. . .
John R. Scott, of Somerset, who repre
sents several creditors, petitioned the
auditor to Issue a subpena for Mrs. Mc
Kinley, who is at Tampa. Fla., alleging
that she has been attempting ever since
the filing of her account to evade exam
ination. He also alleged that the McKln
ley place, which was sold at an Orphan's
Court sale to Mrs. Hermanus L. Baer, for
116.000, last Fall, was. .during the life of
Abner McKinley, furnished elaborately;
that the furniture was spirited away un
der cover of darkness prior to the sale,
and at the time of the sale there was
scarcely enough personal property in the
house to fill an ordinary car. The McKin
ley estate has been said to be practically
Will Capture Bandit Stronghold.
MANILA. May 3. Next week a force
of constabulary, acting in conjunction
with Governor Juan Schaick, of the prov
ince of Cavite. will begin a movement to
capture Montalon and his band of out
laws, now located south of Taal volcano.
The authorities predict that it will be
impossible for the bandits and ther lead
er to escape" on this occasion.
Harrlman Tells the Committee
How to Rebuild.
Definite Plan Needed Before Money
Can Be Raised Schmltz Fears
Burnham Plan Will Be
Too Expensive.
SAN FRANCISCO, May 3. The com
mittee appointed by Mayor Schmltz to
discuss plans for the reconstruction of
San Francisco met today. E. H. Harrl
man was chosen vice-chairman, P. H. Mc
Carthy second vice-chairman and Rufus
P. Jennings secretary, The Mayor called
upon Mr. Harrlman for an expression of
his views. Mr. Harriman said:
I am less qualified to advance Ideas than
any member of the committee. While I rep
resent large, property Interests, there are
perhaps others better acquainted with the
conditions, and better able to throw valuable
light upon the problems which confront us.
I believe, however, that we ought to get to
work. We should talk less and do more. I
don't care if mistakes are made. It Is bet
ter to be doing something than remain Idle.
If you want me to work I will pay a man
to do it If I can get him, but if I cannot I
will go into the streets and pitch bricks my
self. Committee to Draft Plan.
Abraham Ruef suggested that a com
mittee of five, to be known as the cora
mittee on organization, should be appoint
ed by the Mayor to draft a scheme of
subcommittees, which should take up in
detail the general outline of the work
proposed to be accomplished. The Mayor
appointed for this purpose A. Ruef. Wil
liam H. Mebon, Colonel J. R. Howell, W.
H. Leahy and Downey Harvey.
Gavin McNabb suggested that the May
or should call into consultation all the
representatives of the Insurance compa
nies, so that the public could be informed
what could be expected in the way of col
lecting the insurance of destroyed prop
erties. He said that no definite announce
ment had been made, and until the property-owners
knew when they were to re
ceive their money no advance could be
made toward rebuilding. The suggestion
was adopted, with the understanding that
the representatives of the several com
panies would meet the committee day
after tomorrow.
Must Have Definite Plan.
Mr. Harriman said that it would be fu
tile to attempt to raise money until it
was definitely known to what use the
money would be put. He declared it
would be impossible to go to the money
market with a hazy idea of what the
money was to be used for.
Mr. Ruef thought it should be first de
cided what amount of debt the city could
carry. He wanted to know what the taxes
would be If the city were bonded for a
large sum, and whether it would be Just
to saddle the great indebtedness upon fu
ture generations.
City Engineer Woodward came pre
pared with an elaborate scheme for uie
Improvement of the burned district. He
also recognized that finances would be a
material factor In carrying out the
scheme, but the end to be accomplished
would outweigh any other consideration.
This scheme provided for widening or ex
tending a large number of streets.
Burnham Plan Too Costly.
The Mayor pointed out the danger of
outlining work on an extravagant scale.
He declared that the . city was less able
to reconstruct on the Burnham plan than
It had been a month ago. At present there
are the City Hall, the Hall of Justice, a
prison and many other public buildings
to be erected. He thought that ilOO.OHO.000
would hardly pay the cost. If the Burn
ham plans were to be adopted, the ex
pense would be in addition to this sum.
Villous Will Not Kalse Wages Chain
Gang for Prisoners.
SAN FRANCISCO, May 3. According
to P. H. McCarthy, president of the
Building Trades' Council, there is no
dearth of mechanics in the city at the
present time. Between 2000 and 2100 men
affiliated with the Council are registered
and this number, he says, will be more
than ample to handle current operations.
He advises against mechanics coming to
San Francisco.
Regarding wages and hours, Mr. . Mc
Carthy was pronounced in a statement
that the Council would not ratify the
slightest change of the previous standard
and that no advantage would be taken
of the people who contemplate recon
structing buildings within the near fu
ture. For the first time in a quarter of a cen
tury; Sah Francisco is to have a munici
pal chain gang. Prisoners of this class
will all be put to work on the city streets.
This order will apply particularly to va
grants who have refused to work when
employment Is offered them, and bunco
men who are already at work.
General Greely and Dr. Devlne, of the
Red Cross, wish to emphasize strongly
the lnadvisabllity of doctors, nurses or
other relief agents coming to' San Fran
cisco. Their presence here will bo worse
than useless, they say.
C. E. Loss, of the contracting firm of
C. 1 Loss & Co., which was awarded
the contract to reconstruct the Geary
Street Cable Railroad as a municipal
electric conduit system, today said that
it is no longer practicable to build a con
duit system in San Francisco. The Uni
ted Railroads Company was able to op
erate its overhead trolley system within
a few days after the fire, while It will be
months before any of the cable lines will
be started. As It was with the cable, so
It would be with the conduit in case of an
other earthquake.
Blazing Laundry Causes Patients to
. Flee Half-Clad.
SAN FRANCISCO. May 3. The 700 pa
tients In the general hospital at the Pre
sidio were thrown into a panic at 4:15
o'clock this morning by the cry of "fire."
At that moment flames were discovered
in the hospital laundry, which waa only
a few yards awayi , The close proximity
of the two buildings gave rlae to the
fear that the hospital would be destroyed.
In anticipation of such a contingency
hurried arrangements were made for the
removal of the patients to a place of
For a few minutes, until the fire In the
laundry was gotten under control and
there was no danger of the flames spread
ing beyond that building, pandemonium
reigned among the hundreds of patients.
Those who were not dangerously ill, or
could help themselves. Jumped from their
cots and beds, and hastily -donning what
clothes they could find, fled from the hos
pital out into the cool morning air..
Many of the indisposed men and women
did not wait to secure their clothes, but
wrapped themseli-es in bedding and made
their exit as quickly as possible.
In more than one instance men bA
women fled out into the air with nothing
on but their night clothes.
Scores of patients who had the physical
strength ' stopped sufBclentyl long to as
sist more weak and unstrung men and
women from the hospital.
Within 16 minutes after the alarm was
given the majority of the patients had
left the hospital building, and stood .in
groups or lay upon the ground upon bed
clothes watching the firemen and soldiers
fight the flames in the laundry.
When the flames had been extinguished
the nurses, physicians and soldiers turned
their attention to the patient-refugees,
and assisted in taking them back to their
cots and beds in private rooms and
. Men and women became hysterical dur
ing the progress of the fire, and it was
with difficulty that many of them could be
Induced to return to the hospital.
It is feared that the shock to many of
the more seriously sick patients will have
a serious if not fatal effect.
When the fire was discovered In the
hospital a general alarm was sounded. Be
sides the regular post fire department,
hundreds of soldiers turned out to fight
the flames.
It was only by hard work that the
flames were confined to the laundry
which, with its contents, was entirely
destroyed, and prevented from spreading
to the general hospital.
The origin of the fire Is unknown.
Companies Will Be Generous, but
Not Exceed Legal Liability.
NEW YORK, May 3. The Tribune to
day says:
Representatives of both foreign and
American fire insurance' companies, who
were in the city yesterday, discussed ac
tion to effect a compromise in the adjust
ment of losses by the San Francisco fire.
The great companies express a strong
purpose to be not only Just, but generous
in cases of doubt, but one insurance pres
ident said:
"The adjusters for this company will
not be allowed to waive the conditions of
its policies, nor the conditions and re
strictions of its charters. We have no
more right to pay a loss occasioned by
earthquake than we have to pay a loss
of life. We are not an earthquake insur
ance company, nor a life insurance com
pany." Insurance men estimate that the com
panies will ultimately pay from 60 to 75
per cent of the aggregate amount of the
The message from London insurance
companies to adjusters in Oakland, pub
lished this morning, should have read :
"Under any circumstances, the British
offices will only pay the losses for which
they are legally liable, since to go beyond
their contracts would be illegal.
"They cannot recognize any liability for
damage by earthquake where no fire en
sued, nor for damage by fire to fallen or
partly fallen buildings, nor for damages
to buildings pulled down or destroyed by
order of the San Francisco authorities."
HARTFORD. Conn., May 3. The esti
mated net losses of the Hartford insur
ance companies in the recent San Fran
cisco fire is given out by the officials of
the companies touay as follows: Aetna,
32.700,000: Hartford Fire, 35,750.000; Na
tional Fire, 31,500,000; Orient, 3700.000;
Phoenix. 31,600.000: Scottish Union & Na
tional, 31,000,000; total, 313,150,000.
CHICAGO, May 3. (Special.) Influenced
by the San Francisco disaster, the Trad
ers' Insurance Company has decided to
curtail by three-fourths its insurance in
Chicago. It carries about 37,000.000 worth
of risks in Chicago, and will cut them to
about 32,000,000.
Receive and Pay Sloney Pending
Opening of Vaults.
mercial banks .belonging "to theC Clearing
House Association have arranged, to open
for "new''' or "special" business. -
The arrangement is to receive all de
posits that customers may desire, to make
on new accounts. The depositors may
check out these new-balances without
restriction -Or limit. "This plan, was adopt
ed in Oakland and .other parts of Ala
meda County, .and the. banks have now
resumed regular business and are receiv
ing more money than they are paying
The savings banks are. afraid- to open
their vaults a moment before . it is quite
safe to do so. Several vaults (not savings
banks) have been prematurely .. opened
and their contents destroyed.
Within the past 72 hours there have
been 578 safes and vaults opened, and In
not more than 60 per cent of these in
stances were the contents found intact.
In many cases a .pile of ashes repre
sented thousands of dollars -worth of ac
counts. '.
Close estimates show the' actual prop
erty loss to be close to 3350,uw,000.
Medical Department Applies Army
Methods Regular Field Hospital.
SAN FRANCISCO, May 3. The medi
cal department of the regular Army has
been putting into practice the experiences
gained in the camps established on the
Atlantic Coast during the Spanish-American
War of 1898. Surgeons and assist
ants who attended the dying and sick,
when typhoid fever and other maladies
infested the regiments in camp, have been
safeguarding the health of San Fran
cisco, and sanitary regulations have been
provided, in accordance with the bitter
lessons taught during that period. . They
have established on a level lawn south of
the music Btand in Golden Gate Park a
complete regimental field hospital, con
ducted by 100 men under command of
Captain H. L. Gilchrist, and, with a ca
pacity of 300 patients, although but 80
have been received to date.
Twenty-six of the drugstores in the dis
tricts not wiped out by fire have been
made free dispensaries. Within three
days, at the most, each of these stores
will be supplied with drugs and will be
placed in charge of competent druggists.
Heavy Loss in San Mateo County.
SAN MATEO'. Cal.. May 3. The losses
In San Mateo County resulting from the
recent earthquake, can never be even ap
proximately estimated.
Practically every building in the county
suffered some damage in chimneys, plas
ter, broken furniture or crockery- Here,
as elsewhere, brick and stone buildings
suffered the most.
The loss of life was small.
In Half Moon Bay a painter and two
children were killed in the collapse of an
old adobe building.
The heaviest losses were in Redwood
City, where the new 3150.000 Courthouse
was almost totally destroyed.
Molten Gold and Silver Found.
SAN FRANCISCO, May J A mass of
gold and silver valued at 33500. melted by
the Are in the store of Tai Sing, a Chi
nese merchant, at Washington and Du
pont streets, and which' had disappeared
from the ruins, has been recovered by the
police at Broadway and Stockton streets,
where it was found hidden in the ruins.
'The gold and silver was melted with
other metal articles ' and made a mass
three feet long and IS Inches wide by six
Inches thick.
Emperor's Honor to Von Buelow.
BERLIN. May 3. The Emperor today
sent Chancellor von Buelow a porcelain
vase as a birthday present and called
personally during the afternoon to con
gratulate the Chancellor on attaining his
57th year. The official, social and diplo
matic world made the day the occasion
for showing Von Buelow the esteem In
which, he is held.
I II i '' Slf rfli!
( if1, K Bearer f:5Sav3t5' ' rtV-ri
Copyright 1906 by Hart Schaffner fcj Mane
Assess to Limit Men Who Charge Ex
orbitant Rent Relief Funds
Received Total $3,790,000.
SAN FRANCISCO. "May 3. The general
committee of 50 heard with satisfaction
this morning from its representative, Mr.
Dlliman, that the sources of the water
supply in San Francisco were intact. "
A personal Inspection by him showed
the great reservoir at Fillarcitos to be
full to overflowing; that there were 110
feet of water in the lake at Crystal
Springs, and that other sources are In
equally good shape.
It heard with lesB satisfaction that the
lines leading from these reservoirs are so
badly broken that It will be a month or
six weeks before the city can count on
receiving Its normal supply of 33,000.000
gallons daily. The present supply is 13.
000.000 gallons, drawn from the San An
dreas reservoir and Lake Merced, and de
pendence must be placed upon this until
the pipe lines and conduits running
through San Mateo County can be re
paired. In the meantime the reservoirs within
the city are gradually filling, and water
protection against Are is as gradually ex
tending. Assess Rackrenters to Limit.
The water company has been authorized
to deliver water to every laundry in the
city, provided the chimneys have been in
spected. Bight or nine laundries will be
opened within two or three days. Two or
three laundries have already been opened
for the use of the hospital service.
The exactions practiced by renters and
owners of land in the unburned district
adjacent to the temporary civic center, as
well as the practice of some retailers in
raising the price of their commodities be
yond all reason, was again the subject
of consideration. For instance, it was
pointed out that some firms were now
asking for lime $2.30 a barrel, which they
were glad to sell before the fire for 70
cents. Mayor Schmitz said that there was
only one way to get at these people, and
that was by making a record of them, and
he directed every member of the commit
tee to constitute himself a special com
mittee of one to report these persons to
Mr. Wittmann, chairman of the commit
tee on resumption of retail business.
As to those , owners of buildings and
lands who are asking impossible rentals,
he said he proposed to request the As
sessor, in making up bis assessment roll,
to assess these people for the purpose of
taxation on the valuation they now placed
upon their properties, and not on the
normal valuation.
New Location of Chinatown.
Mr. " Ruef, chairman . of committee on
permanent location of the Chinese, report
ed that he had had a conference with the
first secretary of the Chinese Legation at
Washington and the Chinese Consul-General
and Vice-Consul at this port. These
gentlemen had Intimated that the Hunt
ers' Point site would not be acceptable,
nor would a site at the Potrero, and he
now had under consideration a plan for
locating them to the . east of Telegraph
On motion of J. B. Reinstein, Governor
Pardee. Lieutenant-Governor Alderson.
Attorney-General Webb and the president
of the San Francisco Harbor Committee,
Charles S. Spear, were added to the com
mittee on reconstruction of San Francisco.
Funds Received Total $3,790,000.
Chairman Phelan, of the finance com
mittee, reported that the outside contribu
tions on Wednesday amounted to 177.000
and the local contributions to $23,000, mak
ing a total for- the day of $102,000. or a
grand total since April 18 of $3,790,000.
The reading of the finance report
brought on a general discussion of the
means whereby San Francisco is to raise
the money with which she is to be rebuilt.
Mr. Phelan pointed out the reasons why
this money must be sought elsewhere and
called upon E. H. Harrlman, who had en
tered the room during the debate, to give
his views. The discussion resulted in
nothing definite.
Tax Rate Will Be 2 1-2 Per Cent.
Horton has filed his estimate of the re
ceipts and expenditures of the city for
the coming fiscal year. He figure the
latter will amount to $8,648,100. The esti
mate is made on an assessed valuation
of $600,000,000.
The receipts are figured at a rate of
$1 on $600,000,000 or $6,000,000. and $i21'8.400
from other sources, making a tax rate,
with 7 cents for the parks, of $1.07.
The fire, however, has reduced the
value of assessable property and the ex1-
Gash Capital $4,000,000
Cash Assets, $16,815,297
Net Surplus $7,036,011
Available for Policyholders $11,036,011
After Tins all San FmnrUco lonea In full, bawd Optra liberal esti
mate of our total liability In that city, this Company will atlU have Its
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lng policies of the Aetna Company.
General Agfnty for Pacific Coast Is now located at
458 Ninth Street
Near Broadway
BOARDMAN & SPENCER, General Agents
OF- .
The Weekly Examiner is being published temporarily in Los
Angeles, Cal., and is going ahead as though there had been neither
earthquake or fire. ,
We respectfully ask each and all of our subscribers to send us
either an old 'wrapper showing their name and address, or a copy of
their receipt, giving the number, date and name of person who signed
it. Address
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- 7th and Townsend Sts San Francisco, Calif. 7
Largest Hardware Jobbers West of Missouri River
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penses will be greater than the Audlto
estimates. It is stated that' the taxe
will be nearly $.50 on each $100 of- valu
To Its natural color by using Alfredum'r
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1 1