Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 04, 1906, Page 18, Image 18

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Meier t Frank's 849th Friday Surprise Sale
300 Beautiful New Parasols
Values to $3 for $1.39
Every woman wants a pretty new parasol this Summer
and every woman can certainly afford one and even
two at the price we are offering them at today 300 of
them in the lot They won't last many hours so better
plan to come early if you want one real badly Up-tc
date styles in very pleasing assortment Fine linen em
broidered novelties, plain linen and all silk with colored
borders or ruffles, also hemstitched pongee parasols,
23 and 24-inch frames Straight and novelty handles
Values up to $3.00, your choice while (t m f
they last today at this exceptionally I t M
low price of each.
See Fifth-Street Window Display
No Mail or Phone Orders Filled
Meier &. Frank's 849th Friday Surprise Sale
50c 'to $
.50 Kelts for 25e
400 Women's Belts and Girdles on sale today at a ridiculously low price. A complete line for your choos
ing. Plaited, shirred and 'stitched novelties in black, white, tan, brown, gTeen, blue and red with gilt,
gaitnutetal and oxidized buckles. Very pretty styles in large variety Best Belt bargains we have
evpr placed on salej regular 50o to $1.50 values, your choice today at ,Jw
Meier (& Frank's 849th Friday Surprise Sale
$4.50 Axminster Itugs $2.89 Each
$2.50 Axminster Rugs $1.69 Each
High-Class Axminster Rugs at very special prices for
today's 849th Friday Surprise Sale Chance for the
housewife to supply rug needs at a big saving 500
fine quality Axminster rugs, size 36x63 inches Magnifi
cent Oriental and floral designs, beautiful colorings,
great assortment Rugs we sell every
day at $4.50 each, your choice.
500 Axminster Rugs 27x54 inches Oriental and floral
designs in the very best colorings Rugs always sold at
$3.50 each, your choice today only, at
See Fifth-Street Window Display
Mail and Phone Orders Promptly Filled
5000 Thin-Blown Tumblers 4c Eg.
On sale on the main floor near elevators today, 5000 thin-blown Table Tumblers buy all you want of
then? at the wouderfully low price of 4c each. Anticipate your coast needs, each
Also 10,000 Jelly or Table Tumblers just the glass for coast use. Buy all you want of them today OSl
at this low price, dozen &CJV
All coast articles on sale here at the very lowest prices.
Men's 5 0-7 5 c Hosiery 29c
(f them at
Sfw patterns in men's fine Madras Negligee Shirts;
soft collar: all sizes; big. variety; values for. 83d
Men's mercerized lisle Underwear, new shades of pink,
and blue: best weight; all sizes shirts and drawers.
Regular $1.25 values for 95
Men's honeycombed Underwear, nice soft Summer un
derwear; all slses shirts and drawers; great
value 45
2000 pairs of Men's Fancy Half Hose This season's newest
patterns in fine quality lisles Blues, tans, grays and blacks
Stripes, checks and embroidered novelties in splendid assort
ment, all sizes Regular 50c and 75c values on
sale today and tomorrow at per pair
Men's tine quality twilled muslin Nightshirts, made full size and
extra long; 75c values TlJC
Men's fine lawn Handkerchiefs with white satin stripe border; 1 Ol
great special value at i &C
Men's fine Japanese Crepe Golf Shirts in plain shades of cream white and
gray, coat style, cuffs attached or detached; best $l.o0.
values on sale tor
50c Foulard Ties 29c
Another great lot of 100 dozen men's foulard silk Four-in-Hands and Bat
Ties in navy blue with white dots, figures and allover effects, also white
grounds with figures; regular oUc values buy all you want
Men's new pongee Shirts in white or champagne, with
collar attached, or regular golf style. Best J2.00
values, in all sizes at. t 91.35.
Men's new washable 4-ln-hands, made of mercerized
materials, all new shades. Great values at 25
Bole Portland agents for the celebrated "Hawes" Hats
for men; always 83.00
DrugSundry, Stationery and Notion Specials
Japanse Bath Sponges, great value, each 4
Best grade Bath Sponges, 1.2.r .values, each
Half pint beHt machine oil, for .-12?
Carter's Photo Paste. 4': Carter's Inks It
1m Page's Glue, mends everything, special 7
Steel Nail Piles, assorted snapes 19
Solid Steel Shears, guaranteed, pair 39
Pearl Dog Collars. 8. 50 values for ..'$2.59
Coral Band Necklaces, special, each 29
Great sale of Pipes at, each 19, 28 and 39
"Iustre" perfect Piano Polish, special .....
Toilet Paper, 10c roils for, roll
"Danderine" Hair Tonic, special, bottle....
Fountain Syringe Tubing, yard -8?
Rainier" Mineral Soap. "Made in Oregon,"
septic and disinfectant, S cakes for
Armour's Transparent Glycerine Soap, cake
Double strengtn Tarlne Bags for. each ....
Torrey"s best Horsehide Razor Straps, each.
and 12
an anti-
Meier (Hk Frank
Garden Tools
At Saving Prices
Long and short handled Spades
and Shovels; 75c values for,
each .'.63t
Specials in Hoes 22S 29S 430
Rakes, all sizes 220, 250, 560
3-pc. Garden Sets, including spade,
rake and hoe 890
Grass Hooks, best grade... .330
Grass Shears, pair 290
Pruning Shears 220, 570
Trowels, each 50, 80
Spading Forks, each 50, 60
Weeding Hooks, each 60
Hose Nozzles, each 290
Garden Hose, all grades;
Sprinkling Cans, all sizes; Screen
Doors and Windows Basement.
Phone Exchange 4. :
SLOP Gloves 72c
Women's high-grade Silk Gloves
2 and 3-clasp styles with double
tipped fingers, Paris point
stitching on the back. All sizes,
all the best colors black, white,
browil, champagne, ' navy and
mode. Every pair regular $1.Q0
value; your choice for a 0
few days only at, pair. . C
Mail orders filled.
The Meier ? Frank Store
1 000 Prs. Women's Tan Oxfords
$3.00 Values $2.08 Pr.
1906 Tan Oxfords for women to be sold today at a price
one dollar below value Tan and chocolate in Russia calf
and vici kid- Regular and Blucher cut Heavy and light
.-. ..... T
soles All the very newest models in all sizes and widths.
The coolest and most comfortable of all Summer foot
wearEvery pair in the lot regular $3.00 value Antici
pate your Summer footwear needs today
at the special low price of, pair
y1 J&r7jiL5it
Mail and Phone Orders Will Be Promptly Filled
Meier & Frank's 849th Friday Surprise Sale
1 " 1 1
25 c Embroidered Ginghams 1 5 c Yd.
Tor today, 849th Eriday" Surprise Sale, we offer 5000 yards of handsome new Embroidered Ginghams for
Summer dresses tan, blue and gray grounds in neat, rich effects and the best colorings. All the sea
son's leading styles, absolutely fast colors. 32 inches wide; every yard regular 25 cent value. 1
Your choice today only at this exceptionally low price, yard J
See Fifth-street window display.
The Meier dS Frank Store's 849th Friday Surprise Sale
Great Annual Summer Sale off
1 E 1 11 1 a r 3 D H V 1 1 E I It M .111 El II I
1Kb G&KSfii&i
Vals. to
2.. for $3o45
Today's phenomenal Surprise Sale offering of Japanese Silk Waists will make lively
times in the Waist Section as long as they last Opportunity to buy high-grade., hot
weather waists at a small fraction of their real value It is by far the best waist
bargain you will be invited to share in this season 600 of them in the lot Made with
fancy yokes front and back, trimmed with platt val. laces, double-thread, round-mesh
val. laces, Batiste and silk embroidery, Irish crochet and baby Irish lace, medallions,
shirred and tucked novelties Long or short sleeves White and black Sizes in white
are 34, 36 and 38 Sizes in black are 34, 36, 38, 40 and 42
Waists selling at prices from $7.50 to $12.00 each Your choice afj
whfle they last at this low price, ach
See Fifth-Street Window Display No Mail or Phone Orders Filled Come Early
Special Sale of Infants Wear
Special lot of infants Dresses, made of lawn and nainsook, trimmed in lace
Insertion and tucks; regular $3.25, S3.50 values for....' $2.69
Infants' nalnBOok Skirts on waists, trimmed in lace or embroidery: very
pretty, serviceable styles: reg. S3 ad $3.o0 values on sale for $2.69
Infants' flannel Skirts, with cambric waists, silk embroidered scallop: best
J2.50 values for this low price 91.98
Infants' flannel Pinning: Blankets on waists, well made, very best styles:
great special values at this low price ...67
"Arnold" Nightgowns for Infants; regular 85c values 67j
The "Arnold" Knit Bath Apron; $1.25 value for, each $1.03
"Arnold" Knit Diapers; regular 25c value for, each 19!
Infants' Knit Wool Bands; best oOc values for,- each 43d
Special in Infants' Crocheted Sacques at, each ....... 41
Special in Infants' Crocheted Bootees at.pair.-. '. ...lo
Women's Knit Underwear Specials
Complete stock of Women's Vests -with elbow sleeves just what you
want for wear with short-sleeve waists, all sizes; best styles, at 50
Women 's .Richelien rib. low neck, sleeveless Vests, in cream color, all
sizes; best OOc values for , '. 4T
Women's Swiss ribbed Vests, low neck, no sleeves, fancy yokes; best
35c values on sale at 27
Women's fine ribbed lace trimmed Umbrella Pants, all sizes; regular
40c values on sale for'. :'..- . ,.29
Women's .-Union Suits,;khee length; 63c Rvalues. ... ... I ...... .49
The Meier &b Frank Store's 849th Friday Surprise Sale
500 Men's Hug!
16.50 to
Vetoes for $10.65
Great Friday Surprise Sale offering of men's high grade suits 40 styles
500 garments made up to our special order by three of the best known
manufacturers in the country Every garment 1906 styles, handsomely
made and finished throughout and a perfect fit guaranteed Materials include
silk mixtures in light and dark shades, new grays in large variety, invisible
plaids, checks and stripes and fancy worsteds Single and double breasted
sacks and the popular straight front sacks All sizes, regular and stouts
Suits that we have sold hundreds of at $ 1 6.5 0 and $ 1 8.00 each, the exclu
sive clothier sells you no better garment for $20.00
Economical men will give attention to their spring and i fl JV
summer clothing needs today sure Your choice
See Big Morrison-Street Window Display
Mail Orders Will Receive Our Carefull Attention- Give Correct Measure-
ments and Details
mmi k'J . f
.. corvuotrt.
4 1 L. ADUI MO. 4XO
urn. iv
L It I
I'arnier Wlio Inquired at Women's
Exchange for Wife Given Letter.
"There is a romanco hoverine
Fonlajid -Women's Kxchangre. . It is not
Impossible. Indeed, that the- Exchange
may develop Into a ort of bureau for
bringinR ugether bachelors in search of
wives and women looking: for homes.
Not long; Rgo a farmer went to th
Exchange one day asking If he could got
a wife there "one willing to live on a
farm and not afraid of work, one who
ruld cook."
j III atorjf wu copied in tha Jackaon-
ville (Fla.) Metropolis, of ApHl 17, and It
fell under the eye of a widow with one
little girl now living In that city. This
woman addressed the following letter to
the ladies of the Exchange:
"Dear Ladles If the enclosed Is true,
will you please send me the gentleman's
name? I am a widow with one little girl:
have no home, good cook, clean and neat
In house; can, sew and fit dresses, and I
always wanted to go to Oregon. So If you
will help me to get a home, I know God
will bless you, for I need it. Thanking
you for your kindneBS, I remain, yours
respectfully." In a postscript she adds:
"I am 45 years of age. good health."
It happened that the farmer left his
address at the Kxchangc, and the ladies
have learned that ho Is in every way a
fine fellow; that he has a good farm and
would undoubtedly provide well for a wife
and be kind to her. The letter from
Jacksonville has been forwarded to him,
and the ladies at the Exchange are await
ing developments.
Socialist Nominations Filed.
Nominations have been filed with the
County Clerk by Joseph Melndl and Jo
seph Ehalainen, both Socialists. Melndl
Is candidate for Joint Representative, and
Ehalainen for Jont Senator, for Multno
mah and Clackamas Counties. Certificates
were filed showing that they were regu
larly nominated at a convention of the
Socialist party in tola city, March. 12.
Woman Arrested, Who Proves That
It AVas Due to Misapprehension.
On a charge of obtaining money under
false pretenses sworn out before Munici
pal Judge Cameron yesterday, Mrs. Kath
ertne Huntsman was arrested at her
apartments at the home of Dr. I,. A.
Kent by Detective Murphy and taken be
fore Captain Slover last evening. The
complaint was sworn to by R. I. Kcker
Bon. who alleged that Mrs. Huntsman
purchased some, furniture from him which
was installed in a house occupied by Iter
on the East Side, from which place she
recently moved, and her creditor, acting
under the misapprehension that she had
disposed of the furniture which had not
been paid for in full, secured a warrant
for her arrest.
Mrs. Huntsman explained to Captain
Slover that she had to 'vacate the
premises occupied by her, and on taking
up her residence at the home of Dr. Kent
stored the furniture until she could secure
another residence. As the bail had been
fixed to cover the value of the chattels,
the police were unable to do anything
toward relieving the situation without the
consent of the District Attorney's office,
and Dr. Kent secured a talk with Dis
trict Attorney Manning which resulted in
the release of Mrs. Huntsman on her
own recognizance, Mr. Manning taking
the same view of the case as the police,
which was that undue haste had been
used In swearing to the complaint. An
investigation on the part of the com
plainants would have shown that the
debtor had paid Interest on the furniture
and had not disposed of it, is the claim
of the - friends of Mrs. Huntsman. The
tangle will probably be straightened out
this morning.
Several Dozen Refugees Arrive.-
Several dozen refugees arrived In Port
land yesterday, and all who were In des
titute circumstances were provided for by
the Travelers' Aid Department of the T.
W. C A. The refugees who are now
coming to Portland are In much better
circumstances than the first arrivals.
Those who apply are Btlll furnished with
requisitions for meals and lodging. The
work of meeting the refugees has all
been turned over to the Travelers' Aid
by the local relief committee.
Croup Quickly Cured.
A few doses of Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy bring surprising results when a
child shows symptoms of croup. There 1m
no cause for alarm when this medicine is
in the houae as It rarely takes more than
three or four doses to bring about a com
plete cure. It has never failed, even In
the most severe and dangerous cases, and
no home where there are small children
can afford to be without It. For sale by
all druggists.