It, THE MORNING OREGOMAN, THURSDAY, MAY 3. 1906. Meier Frank's 849th Friday Surprise Sale The Meier (HS Frank Store's 849th Friday Surprise Sale 0. Beautiful Pfew Parasols reat AemciI Summer Sale f Values to for $1.39 30 Ilk Wm Better arrange the housework so you can come down early in the morning if you want to share in this very unusual Surprise Sale offering of pretty, new Parasols tomorrow A special purchase of 300 from the largest and best maker in the country, en ables us to place them on sale at less than half regular value Up-to-date styles, every one of them and a very pleasing assortment to select from Fine linen embroidered novelties, plain linen and all-silk with colored borders or ruffles; also hemstitched Pongee Parasols 22 and 24-in. frames Straight and novelty handles Values are so very tempting that we doubt very much if a single one of them remains after noon Values up to $3.00 each Your choice tomorrow only at, each See Fifth-Street Window Display No Mail or Phone Orders Filled $1.39 Meier & Frank's 849th Friday Surprise Sale 25c Embroidered Ginghams 1 5c Yd. For tomorrow's 840th Friday Surprise Sale we offer a very unusual bargain in fine Dress tiinsrhains that must interest every woman who has hot-weather apparel to supply ; 3000 yards of fine embroidered ginghams in tan, blue and gray grounds; all this season's very best styles; last colors and 62 inches wide; every yard regular 2oc value; your choice tomorrow only at this low price, yard , i . . . . See Fifth-Street Window Display. 15c Meier & Frank's 849th Friday Surprise Sale B OOONewAxminst'r Regs $4.50Val.$2.89$2.?5Val.$1.69 Great Friday Surprise Sale offering of 1 000 high grade Axminster Rugs in two sizes Every home in the city can make good use of at least two of them Parties furnishing up are particularly interested in these splendid bargains 500 fine quality Axminster Rugs in Oriental and floral designs Beautiful colorings Size 36 x 63 inches Very large assortment to select from Regu lar $4.50 values on sale tomorrow filO AO at this low price, each p4&OZf Lot 2500 fine quality Axminster Rugs in Oriental and floral designs and beautiful color combinations Size 27x54 inches Regular $2.75 values on sale tomorrow only at the special low See 5th-St. Window Display price row only at the special low C 1 of, each I.U7 Meier & Frank's 849th Friday Surprise Sale 50c-$ 1 .50 Belts 2 5 c Ea. Grand Friday Surprise Sale of Women's Belts and Girdles, comprising a complete line of plaited, shirred and stitched novelties in black, white, brown, tan, green, blue and red, with gilt, gun-metal or oxidized buckles; very pretty styles in large variety; values ranging from 50e up to $1.50 each; on sale tomorrow at this low price ". 25c $ 1 .00 Silk Gloves 72c Women's High-Crade Silk Cloves 2 and 3-clasp styles with double-ti pped fingers Paris point stitch ing on the back All sizes All the best colors Black, white, brown, champagne, navy and mode Every pair regular $1 value Your choice for a fSf few days only at, pair I &j $1.50, $1.75 Handbags 98c Ea. SpeciaMot of 200 hig;li-rade Handbags, seal and walrus leather in black, brown and tan; regular $1.50 and $1.75 values on QO- . sale, at this low price, each rOC Special lot of new 'White Wash Belts, embroidered and hem stitched effects with-gilt buckles; grand values today T 1 at tins low price .' Full line of Gold and Silver Belts, every new, pretty style, im mense assortment; grand values at prices from 35 to $o.OO 50c Ribbons 23c 30,000 yards of high-grade Ribbons at a -.wonderfully low price Dresdens, Persians and Bulgar ian Ribbons Tab and Collar Ribbons, ribbons for trimming purposes Hundreds of styles all the newest and prettiest col orings and effects. Widths, 9 and 12 Values ranging from 35c to 50c yard. Your choice for a few days only at this tin usually low price. ?C 5000 yards of 5-inch all-silk satin Taffeta Ribbons in a very wide range . of colors; regular 35o values on sale today only at, yard Baby Carriages and Go-Carts on the third floor 50 new models, all sizes. Prices to fit every purse. - 17c There'll be great excitement in the Waist Section bright and early tomorrow morning Our, Annual Summer Surprise Sale of Japanese Silk Waists will, as usual, attract an enthusiastic throng of buyers The woman who wants to share in this extraordinary bargain should plan to be here promptly when the doors open at 8 o'clock The offering is equal to last years, which statement alone is sufficient to draw a crowd 600 of them in the lot Made with fancy yokes, front and back trimmed with platt vol. laces, double-thread round mesh vol. laces, Batiste and silk embroidery, Irish crochet and baby Irish laces, medallions, shirred and tucked noveltiesLong or short sleeves White and black Sizes in white, 34, 36 and 38 Sizes in black, 34, 36. 38, 40 and 42 Waists selling regularly C & at $7.50 to $12.00 each Your choice tomorrow only at the phenomenally low price of, each See Fifth-Street Window Display No Mail or Phone Orders Filled Doors Open at 8 o'Clock-Not a Single Waist Sold Until That Hour Infants' Wear Bargains Today BEST VALUES OF THE YEAR 2D FLOOR Special lot of Infants' Dresses made of lawn and nainsook, trimmed in lace insertion and tucks; regular $3.25, $3.50 values for. ...$2.69 Infants' Nainsook Skirts on waists, trimmed in lace or embroidery: very pretty, serviceable styles; reg. $3 and $3.50 values on sale for $2.69 Infants' Flannel Skirts, with cambric waists, silk embroidered scallop; best $2.50 values for this low price $1.98 Infants' Flannel Pinning Blankets on waists, well made, very best styles; great special values at this low price 67 "Arnold" Nightgowns for infants; regular 85c values 67 The "Arnold" Knit Bath Apron; $1.25 value for. each .... . ,.$1.03 "Arnold" Knit Diapers; regular 25c value for, each. ....J 190 Infants' Knit Wool Bands; best 50c values for, each 430 Special in Infants' Crocheted Sacques at, each 410 Special in Infants' Crocheted Bootees at, pair . 150 Infants' open-front Outing Flannel Wrappers in attractive styles, all sizes; great special value at, each : 430 Infantswear of every description on sale at the lowest prices High Chairs, Baby Walkers, Fly Nets. Go-Carts, Baby Carriages, Cribs, Ham mocks, Toilet Chairs, etc., on sale on the Third Floor Largest and best stock of Baby Bonnets in the city Second Floor Infants' Toilet articles, complete stock, all grades. Striped Madras Curtains $1.15 Pair Sale of Curtain Swiss at 11c a Yard Great sale of 1000 pairs Striped Madras Curtains at a phenomenally low price light grounds with green, red and blue stripes very neat, serv iceable curtains; just the thing for the coast or country 1 I C cottage buy all you want of them at this low price, pair. ..V J 5000 yards of Striped Madras to match the above curtains good materials for a great many purposes; values extraordinary at this special 1 Os . ... a price, yard CURTAIN 25,000 yards of new Curtain Swiss, dots, figures and stripes in very large variety; regular 15c value 11- SVISS on Baie today at, yard. Austrian Oriental R.iig Sale Exact reproductions of the genuine, new desigus and colorings Best Rugs for the money we ever offered Third Floor. 16x32 inches, $1.25 value $1.09 24x24 inches, $3.50 value $2.65 36x63 inches, $6.50 value $4.95 57x79 inches, $12.50 value $10. lO Austrian Oriental Hall Runners great values at these special prices: 36x120 inches, $12.50 value $10.10 36x99 inches, $10.00 value $S.lO Men The Meier (Mb Frank Store's 849th Friday Surprise Sale 9 Sipts $!0.(85 A phenomenal bargain in Men's Spring and Summer Suits is announced for tomorrow's 849th Friday Surprise Sale 500 suits made up to our special instructions by three of the leading manufacturers in Rochester, New York , and New York City 40 patterns Every garment 1906 style Single and double-breasted sacks and straight-front sacks in all sizes Regular and stout Materials include handsome silk mixtures in light and dark shades New grays in large variety Invisible plaids, checks and stripes and fancy worsteds Suits that are beautifully tailored throughout Hand-felled collar, hand-padded shoulders Best Italian serge linings, etc. Perfect fit guaran teed in every instance Suits that we have sold hundreds of at $16.50 and $18.00 each On sale tomorrow only at this spec-" ial low price . . ....... The economical man will give immediate attention to his Summer Clothing Needs and profit by the big saving offered ; . See Morrison -Street Window Display Today Mail Orders Will Be Promptly and Carefully Filled and Be Explicit in Giving . Details of Measurements Write Today f .0.65 A 1 ! fcM 7 ' J 9 i J"- 4i not xcC far PLANING MILL COMBINE IMants May Be Merped to Save Opor , atlng Expenses. Leading planing mill owners of Portland are planning a combine of their holdings to effovi cheaper operation and accord ingly Increase, the profits of the business. It is hoped to effect a merger so that the entire, trade of the city In planing-tnill products can he handled through one headquarters. It Is mid, the following Portland companies have agreed to join mich a combine: Xicolal Bros. Company, North Pacific Planing Mill Company, Frank Sohmltt Co.. Alblna Planing Mill Company and George C. Ainslle & Co. By merging the different companies. It ' is expected to do away with several ex pensive positions. Collections and ac counts would be handled through one of fice Instead of several, and the forces In the various offices reduced materially. In this way alone much saving . would be effected. By maintaining one. buyer -ioi -all Che mills, a number of high salaried men could be turned off and a considerable saving effected. It is also said that one estimater to figure on the material needed for doors windows and finishing work from specifications submitted could handle all the work in his line for all the mills, while at present each mill must have man for this work. Mill owners say the present condition of the trade is not one that brings large profits for them, owing to the high prices of logs and labor. They will accordingly welcome any plan that promises to reduce the fixed charges and add to the net earnings. - Mining Company Incorporates. Articles of incorporation of the Watson Mining Company were filed in the Coun ty Clerk's office yesterday by J. Frank Watson, R. J. Jennings and William T. Mulr: capital stock, 11.000.000. HOR8FORIVS ACTO PHOSPHATE Reitore Hedaohe cause by Fammir heat, overwork, nerveus disorder or impaired digestion. Rllves Quickly. NOW IN LARGER QUARTERS Commercial Club Takes Over Con cordia Club's Old Rooms. The quarters formerly occupied by the Concordia Club have been taken over by the Commercial Club. The Concordia Club has moved into its new building. The Commercial Club is fairly well sit uated now, as the quarters vacated by the Concordia Club are in the same building and just over the Commercial Club Tavern. The Commercial Club will remain in its present quarters until its new building is erected, which will be some months. The subscriptions for the new building now amount to almost $200,000. and no diffi culty is anticipated in securing the neces sary SoO.000 more. It is planned to expend $350.0(0 in erecting the building. Many large subscriptions have been made, but it is expected that from now the money will be subscribed in smaller amounts. ' Manager Tom Richardson lias moved his office from the Commercial Club Tav ern to the floor above. Mr. Richardson has had his office in the Commercial Club Tavern ever since the fire in the Chamber of Commerce building. Student Insane From Overwork. Charles Rupell, a barber, medical and dental student, was committed to the Insane asylum yesterday. He has been working at his trade three nights in each week and keeping up his studies in the medical and dental schools for the past two years, and has broken down. He slept only four to six hours dally. He imagines he is wealthy, and has other delusions. It is believed to be a case of temporary insanity. Building for the Reservation. MANY MEMBERS ARE ADDED Montavilla Board of Trade Holds a , Rousing Meeting. Things are booming with the Monta villa Board of Trade" and last night's meeting was a roaring success, a large turnout showing up. The secretary re ported 52 new members and stated that the rolls are steadily on the increase. The organization is rapidly becoming a power for good in the community. The meeting place was changed to White's Hall on the Base Une road, and lc was decided to meet Friday evening here after. At the next meeting the feature of the evening will be an address by Whitney L. Boise on the advantages to be derived by Montavilla through annexation to Portland. PENDLETON", Or.. May 2. (Special.) Notice of advertisement for bids for the construction of a commissary building on the Umatilla Indian reservation was re ceived in this city yesterday. The bulld lna:' is to be modern with up-to-date fur- nlshiBjrs and is to tie constructed of brick, jjiivoice suit of Maude A. Gheen against Gheen Divorce Case Tried. There was a . partial hearing of the. George A. Gheen in Judge Bears" court yesterday, and the case will be taken up again on May 12. Mrs. Gheen ac cuses her husband of drunkenness and cruel treatment, and asks for J10.0D0. Mr. Gheen as a defense says the trouble with his wife has been all caused by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jackson, with whom they lived. Mrs. Gueen testified that they lived away from her parents for a year, and during all that time George drank and did not treat her well. Mr. Gheen owns two confectionery and cigar stores, hunting grounds, an auto mobile and a gasoline launch, also land, and is a successful business man. New Color for Anarchist Ilag. NEWARK. N. J., May 2. Policemen broke up a socialist parade here last night and arrested two of the leaders be cause a red flag was planted in the van. Chief of Police Adams had received word that the Socialists Intended to use the red flag, and directed them not to do so. v They denied they intended to exploit anarchy, and maintained that the an archist flag .was black and white. STOLEN RIG RECOVERED Fred Campbell, Who Took It, Now in County Jail. Fred Campbell, a young man of good appearance, hired a team and buggy at the Fashion Stables on Monday after noon. He did not return and on Tuesday it was learned that he tried to sell the rig to a farmer near the Sandy River bridge. The farmer suspected that Camp bell waf not the owner, and telephoned Sheriff Word, who instructed him to hold the man. Deputy Sheriffs Parrott and Moreland went after Campbell and reached Portland with him yesterday morning at 3 o'clock. He was locked up In the County Jail, and a charge of larceny will be filed against him. Campbell said he came here from Kan sas, and offered no excuse for his crime, except that he was broke and needed the money. Spring humors, pimples and boils r rured by Hood's Sarsaparllla, the treat blood purifier. -