Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 27, 1906, Page 18, Image 18

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Merchandise Purchased on Credit Today, Saturday . and Monday Will Go on Your May Account
The Meier Frank Store Offers the
Meier Sb Frank's 848th Friday Surprise Sale
500 New Silk Petticoats
Season's Newest Tailored Hats at
I -4 Off the Regular Prices
Values to $12.50 at $6.95 Each
$7.50 Values for $4.85 Each
"Burgesser" "Atchimoii," "Keiths" "Fiske," "Spiers,"
"Lichtenstein," Etc.
For today and tomorrow we offer choice from our immense stock of new nd beauti
ful Tailored Hats at one-fourth off regalar prices Over 500 styles to select from
Every new shape and effect shown this season All the promlncat manufacturer
of Tailored Hats are represented "Lichtenstein' "Burgesser," "AtchiMSon." "Spiers,"
"Keith," "Fiske," "Gage," "Francois." "Joseph" and "Gatery" Thousands of nofcby
creations in all the litest shades Rich, jaunty headgear for Spring and Summer wear
By far the largest and best showing in the City Regular prices from $4.50 to $20
Your choice today and tomorrow at one-fourth off Our display of Trimmed Dress
Hats commands the attention of every woman who admires Headgear
that combines attractiveness with serviceability Second Floor
Today's Greet Surprise Sale of High-Grade Silk Petticoats will
attract hundreds of shrewd buyers to Portland's Leading Cloak
Store The immense lots purchased from a well-known manu
facturer at an unusually low figure Of course you are invited
to share in our good fortune
Lot 1250 fine Silk Underskirts; four styles; deep flounce; three
shirred bands and pin tucks; deep flounce, corded ruffle and
niching; graduated accordion-pleated flounce with tucked ruffle
or two rows of rncbing; beautiful styles; all shades of green,
tans, brown, gray, blue, red, rose, lavender, purple, AC
white, black and changeable silks; values to $12.50 $Oi J
Lot 2250 Silk Underskirts of good quality taffeta silk; made
deep flounce with half-inch tucks; accordion pleating and ruffle;
also flounce pleated and tucked ruffle; navy, red, OC
brown, green, white, black; vols, to $7.50; today $TTOJ
See Fifth-Street Window Display
Today's Great Sale of
600 Belts and Girdles
Values to $4.00, 98c Each
600 Belts in the handsomest styles and best qualities to be
sold at today's 848th Friday Surprise Sale at a price
far below regular value Hand-Made Belts and Girdles in
pleated, shirred and princess effects Included will be
found every belt in bur mammoth stock, as described
above, which has been and is sold today at
as high as $4.50 each Choice at this low price
Women's Hosiery Specials
r.000 pairs of Women's Fine Maco Ingrain Cotton Hose, double and tvhite
sole, all sizes; a quality of hose most stores ask f0c a pair for; your
choice Jit, per pair .....23d
Women's Plain Black Cotton Hose, double sole, full fashioned feet, light
weight; a quality hose easily worth 3ic a pair, unusual value during this
sale at. pair j.t. ........ ............................18
Meier (2b Frank's 848th Friday Surprise Sale
700 Arabian Bonne Femmes
Phenomenal Vals. $2.65
In the upholstery section today the best Lace Cur
tain bargain we ever placed on sale A Friday
Surprise offering of the greatest importance to
every housewife in the community 700 beautiful
fnfAtA Arikinn Rmna ITommoe f V e e-rTrl f
(i diculously low price The handsomest of all
draperies at a price never before known on cur
tains of equal style and qualityThey are all heavily
corded, Arabian color; 50 inches wide and 2lh yds.
long; six rich patterns to select from There isn't
a house in the City but can make good use of
least two of them Your choice to
day only at this low price ..
See Fifth-Street Window Display
848th Friday Surprise Sale
Allover Embroideries
$4.50 Values $ 1 . 1 9 Yd.
3000 yards of beautiful, new all-
over Embroideries on sale today
at a marvelously low price Swiss,
blind Embroidery and English eye
let designs and lace stripe effects
The very newest patterns in very
large assortment Material that
will make handsome waists and
yokes; values in lot up to $4.50 a
yard; your choice today at this
phenomenally low tf 1 a
price, yard 1 1 -7
Better come early if you want
to share in these splendid values
wear Sale
Women's Drawers of Fine Cambric, Xaln
sook and Muslin, trimmed in fine em
broldcrles, tucks, laces, beading and
ribbons. Great values at
nrc Drarrrm, pnlr .................. .25
r.Oc Urnwrrx, pair 39
StTi Drawer, pair --8QC
S1.T.0 and $S.OO Dranrrc, pnlr SI. 33
"Women's High-grado Gowns, made of fine
cambrics, nainsook and muslin, trimmed
ir dainty Val. laces, embroidered edg
ings. Insertion, tucks, braiding and rib
bon. Long and short sleeves: $1.55
and $1.7.". values SI. 29
$2.00 and $2.50 values $1.69
Great special values In Corset Covers.
Best styles. Grand bargains at...-9S
$l.r.O and $1-75 White Petticoats.. $1.22
$4.00 White Petticoats $2.98
Sleeve and Bosom Ironing Boards.
Special value 33d
Wire Toasters for, each 10 6
9-Holo Granite Gem Pans 3Gd
Granite Bread Pans 15c
Granite Lipped Kettles 2-1 C
14-Quart Granite Dlshpana....-lSC
No. S Copper Rim Boilers.... S1.04
Heavy Tin Steamers 28
Wire Potato Mashers, cach.....'.8d
Stove Brushes for. each ..12
Carpet Beaters for, each 12d
12-Quart Galv. Buckets, cach...l9
Extension Strainers, each 19d
Glass Juice Extractors '.'. C
Wins Clothes Line, for 19d
$2.0ft Challenge Wringer ....$1.59
4, 6, S, 10-Quart Watering Cans, for
each. 18c, 21c, 32c and 39d
Towels and
Extra Specials
Hemmed Linen Hupk Towels. Reg
ular lSc values, each lid
Hemmed Linen Jfuck Towels. The
25c values. Today 17d
Hemstitched Linen Huck Towels.
Reguler 35c values 2,-1 C
Knotted Fringe Damask Towels. 20c
values, at 14 d
Fringed Marseilles Pattern Bed
spreads: cut corners. Regular $2
values, at 81.38
Hemmed Marseilles Bedspreads.
Regular $2.50 values 82.28
103 Dozen Large Sire Hemmed Tur
kish Bath Towels. Great Special
value today li. each 27c
10,000 Yards Beautiful Ribbons
Values Up to $2.00, 58c Yard
10,000 yards of the finest imported Ribbons to be sold today at
about one-third value The entire surplus stock of New York's
largest commission house The assortment includes printed warp
Taffetas, hand-embroidered brocades with satin borders, heavy
French Moire Ribbons in a beautiful variety of colorings Floral
and conventional designs Magnificent Ribbons for sashes and trim
ming purposes, fancy work, opera bags, etc. Widths from 5 to.
9 inches; values up to $2.00 the yard; your choice today r
only, at this exceptionally low price, yard OC
See Fifth-Street Window Display
Drug Sundries at Special
Fairbanks Gyccrlne Tar Sonp. great value
!. Promlr Castile Soap, great special value for
471.1" Perfumes, all the new odors;' great value, or
Bone Handle Nnll Brushes; great special value, each
Pompelan Massage Cream, healing, soothing. Jar
Allen's Tooth Powder, guaranteed pure: special
Coke's Famous Dandruff Cure: great value
Palm Olive Soap: grand for- the bath: special, each
Hand Scrub and Vegetable Brushes; special, each...........
Complexion Brushes: pure bristles, best quality, each.
Rubber Complexion Brushes; great special value...
Satin Traveling Cases; rubber lined; frpeclal, J2.50 values at.
$3.50 values for - --
Alcohol Stoves at -
Gem Safety Razors
Stationery Specials
Leather Souvenir Post Cards, each ....5
Baton Hurlburfs Linen Writing Papers; regular Sic and 25c value. for.lOC
Pocket Pen and Pencil Holders; great special value, each -!
All lines of stationery at low prices.
Men's Suit Sale Today - Tomorrow
Men's Blue Serge Suits at
Men's $ 1 8 Suits for $ 1 3.85
TWO great nyeeUI Iot ef Mcb'h 5a Hw on sale today wad tomorrow at
remarkably low price. ThU Mtioa'i beat style and material. All Ue.
f ecead Floor.
lien's strictly all-wool and fast color navy blue serge suits. In single and
double-breasted sack coats, newest cut. best serge lining, hand-felled,
collar and "band-padded shoulders. The grade of suit the exclusive cloth
iers ask 51S.00 for. Our special price. Today and Tomorrow 812.65
Men's fine all-wool suits, in light and dark grays and fancy mixed wor
steds, round cut or double-breasted sack coats. This season's very best
styles and materials. .Perfect-fitting garments, well-made and finished.
Regular 31S.00 values. Today and Tomorrow, your choice at 13.85
Today's Surprise Sale of
$2.25 Pictures for $1.45
75c Pictures for 44c
In the picture Store two exceptional values in.Framed
Pictures for today's 84Btb Friday Surprise Sale Every
housewife is interested Better Come early Second Floor
LOT 1 300 23x24-Inch Oleograph Framed Pictures of fruits and scenes:
handsome gold frame: large variety of subjects to select from: pictures
suitable for the dining-room, parlor; regular J2.25 values, on sale today
at - 91.45
LOT 2 300 Bryson's Photo Colors, framed In wide, fancy frames; gilt,
brown and black: size Sxl4 Inches: very handsome pictures; large as
sortment; best 75c values; on sale Today at this unusually low price. .44
Artistic framing, to your order. New mouldings in great variety. All orders
promptly executed and at the very lowest prices. Second Floor.
" 11 I AW
George L Baker Talks of Things Theatrical
Christian Company MeeU Success on the Road Stock Companies
Soon to Open Moniter Benefit Stage People Suggetted
George L. Baker, theatrical manager
and all round popular man about town.
returned to Portland
tour of seven weeks
over the Northwest
country in the In- t
terests of his travel- j j
lug "Chrletlan com- 1$
nnnv and to lay t
Plans for extensive O.
future theatrical op- jL
ever icit so wcu
In my life." re
marked the big six
footer - and - thrce
4 inches.
"The. whole North
west vregon, an
ington, Idaho. Mon
tana. British Co
lumbia and Utah are
they possibly could be. but It seems
good to gazo again on the beautiful
green swards and balmy luxuriance of
this God's country around Portland,
v "There no place like home,
i "I traveled something over SSOO miles,
.visiting all Ihc towns la which the
TinJlMlll rQ""' fcr, bJ sA it is na of ha Ut tmwmv -una.
Gee. X- Baker.
as prosperous as
have been able to examine the situation
fo that future tours may be laid out suc
cessfully. In some of the larger places
on this circuit I may book my mock
company for a season of twenty weeks,
or more, to advantage.
T found nothing but well-being and
the high ildo of prosperity everywhere.
"Take The case of any town you might
mention Belllnghaxn. for random ex
ample boomlngly sailing on teeming
waves of progress. There's Victoria,
Vancouver, B. C. Go there now and you
would not know It was an English place.
It s certainly American In Its push and
go. The 'Christian did a big business
even In "Victoria, and that's Johnny
Bull 'way through. Everybody works
everywhere in the Northwest, and every
body is getting a share of the profits of
active industry.
Splendid Era of Good Times.
"Commercially, I don't think a person
staying at home here realises the splen
did era of good times we are having all
over this section of the United States.
Butte. Montana. Is a peach in this re
spect. Talk about your unionizing labor
everything there is unionised all right.
No man there, even a waiter, gets less
titan $3 a day for his labor. The differ- i
ences between Helnze and the Standard
OH people have been settled, and the
miners are. at least for the present, on
a firm foundation of liberal wages and
lots of work. Jobs for everyone and
money in abundance makes a city alive.
1 never saw anything In my life to beat
"We feel indeed satisfied at the record
of the 'Christian tour thus far. By
actual count the gross receipts of my
company have been, town for town, from
JK5 to $309 over the gro?a receipts of the
original 'Christian production put out by
Llebler &. Co.
"Mr. Salnpolis John Storm has been
universally praised by the critics, and
Miss Lawrence's Glory Quale has been
warmly received for Its artistic finish.
In fact the -company ha? given an excel
lent performance of a great play, and
they have been appreciated and gener
ously patronized In each city and town
where they have stopped. The enthu
siastic reception fctgan on the Sound was
continued in the British province, and
repeated, itself especially In the larger
cities like Spokane, Butte. Salt Lake. etc.
The conditions are right fcr the people
to attend the theater. present an
interesting play. attraeU-elr cast,
moulded Into very effective stage picture
through Mr. Seinpolls direction, and the
result has been uqaal!3ed success all
along the road.
YF, 1 a glad to say that bp to now
we have ma4e a Kitfe smmkt- Ife a &r
the song, 'everything going out, and noth
ing coming In.'
"The Christian reaches the Heilig The
ater here in Portland to open Sunday,
May 6. and will play here Sunday, Mon
day and Tuesday. May C. and &.
"All along the line, la every town, they
remembered Miss Countiss. who starred
In my 'Christian company two yearn ago
over the same territory. They all re
membered her, spoke In the highest
terms, and wanted to know how she Is
getting along and where she was.
Plans for Stock Companies.
"Yes. preparations for the opening of
stock companies here at the Baker and
the Heilig Theaters are nearly completed.
"The Baker Stock Company, which Is
to Include as many as possible of the
old favorites, who have proved their
worth and wen the hearts ef Portias iters,
is to open at the Baker Theater In
"Prince "Karl" May IV Toe """M prob
ably see- come os the stage at that gala
day Edgar Suae, John SawpoUa. Don
ald Bowles, William DUls, Howard Rus
sell. Frederick Esmettos. Lilian Law
rence. E?h Aagas. Miaa' G4easoo. Bite
Xstaoad. Ives are negytiatlag with oth
ers, who may ftM part f the Baker
roMer. and this company will prpdce
the high-class society and costume plays,
the best that can he procured among
these la the East that have hee released
fer stock predKctioa.
"Under the Mme control and maaa-ge-
skm will opea m the same date the
Heilig. devoted to melodrama and the
more spectacular productions."
"We are negotiating with Herschel
Maya 11. George P. Webster and others to
fill out a very strong company there- Of.
course the many people thrown out down
at San Francisco makes them glad to
secure an engagement In so near-by a
town as Portland. We are sorry that
they were deprived of work down there,
but we are benefited that they are so
near us now. I do not believe one could
get together two companies better fitted
for the dramatic work In hand at these
two theaters than we shall present to
the people of Portland May 13. The Fourteenth-Street
company will probably
open with 'Hands Across the Sea. or
The Still Alarm We'll show yoa
some brilliant work at both theaters, and
I believe the public will appreciate It.
"I think the move Mr. Erlckson. Mr.
Keating and myself are maklBj: at the
Baker Theater for the coming week will
Interest the public There fas a week opea
there, and we will devote the theater,
beginning Sunday afteraoos. April 2e. to
vaudeville, giving work to all the artists
who were burned out In Saa Francisco
and who have come here to seek work
and refuge. They want work and here
we furnish it to them. Let them apply
right away. It bm't la the form of char,
lty. It is In the regular Use of bustoosa.
We pay them their salaries for their
tarns, and have arranged se that they
can centinse right on in the Northwest
circuit. Thus, they wiM he pcwMed
Meady keoMagcs awl can he Mftf-KMtaia-
Another word I want very much to
sar comes from the bottom of my heart.
I think it Is an Important suggestion, and
I hope with the greatest sincerity tnat
It will bo taken ud and adopted by the
people to whom It Is directed.
Monster Benefits for Stage People.
"I believe that the best thing on earth
the theatrical people of America can do
at this moment Is to get up a monster
benefit night for the help of the theatri-.
cal people who have suffered in the Cali
fornia earthquake and great fire. There
are upwards of 4000 theatrical people, em
ployes and actors and actresses, all told,
who have lost not only their jobs.- but in
most cases all theler belongings. They
are destitute absolutely and all In need
of immediate help.
"New the general fund for the relief of
sufferers is, of course, magnificent, but
theatrical circles should make a move to
take care of their own.
"Let every theater in the United States
name a Right oa which the box office re
ceipts shall he given to a theatrical fund
to be plaeed la the hands of the theater
managers of San Francisco, who know
heat who are.f needy and how best to dis
tribute the money.
"I know all theatrical managers, all
artists and all employes' connected with
the theaters wat gladly do this If the
Idea Is pet properly before them.
"WW not the Associated Presa send out
the jwnat.stlon to the cities and call upon
the manager to take aetfen in the mat
tmcZ Svery town and city wetttd he lm-
Issue the call. Not a single theater far
this country but would earnestly and
heartily give one evening to this humane
use. and a splendid fund for immediate
and Intelligent relief would be gathered,
in a day.
"Will you put the proposal to the great
news bureau of the world, and ask 1C
they will call upon the big-hearted pro
fession to act at once for its stricken
brethren in this way? It seems the niost
practical and surest way of accomplishing
what 'the entire profession desires'
Losses In San Francisco
All losses will bo promptly adjusted and
paid in fulL The Royal has assets of
$70,000,000. and an annual income of $15.
000,000. The company's representative In
Portland is ' Mr. W. J.- Clemens, whose
office Is at 1Z!Z Stark "Street. Chamber of
Commerce. Cities may burn, but the
Boyal will pay.
Present your prize credit certificate
at Eilers Piano House and .actually
pave its faco value la purchasing a.
fine new piano. Do it today.. Certl&-