k3 VOL. XXVI. NO. 14,155. P0RTIA2OV OREGON,- SATURDAY, -APRIL . 21, - 1906. PRICE FIVE CENTS. 4 FIRE VEERS AND ATTACKS WAREHOUSES Fanned by Fierce Nearly Reached Gale It Ferry FLAMES SUBDUED ON WEST Sparse Settlement of Western Addition Denies Them Further Fuel. CITY IN PITCH DARKNESS Many Deeds of Vandalism Are Avenged With Bullets. HUNDREDS DEAD IN HOTELS Three Men Killed While Attacking Mint Thousand Special Police to Itcslrain the Hoodlums. Rum Poured in Gutters. OAKLAND. Cal.. April 2Q. It was re ported at 11:30 P. M. that the lire in the neighborhood of the Ferry bund-" ing had been checked. ..SAN . FRANCISCO, April 20. Plunged Into absolute darkness to night at 10 o'clock, San Francisco has not seen the conclusion of the devas tating work of tho conflagration. Fierce Gale Spreads Flnirs. The fire that started at Nob Hill and worked Its way to the North Beach fectlon, sweeping that section clean of buidlngs, was later Vecrd around by a tierce wind and made its way south erly to the immense seawall sheds and grain warehouses. The flames were heading directly for the immense Fer ry building, the terminal point of all central overland and local trains of the Southern Pacific road. The dnrk ness and the wind, which at times amounted to a ga'le, added fresh ter rors to tho situation. Police to Shoot looters. It was decided to swear In Imme diately 1000 special policemen armed with rifles furnished by the Federal Government. In addition to this force, companies of the National Guard ar rived from many interior points. It was reported tonight that three white men had been shot and kilcl while attempting to work their way Into the ruins of the United States Fub-Treasury on Commercial street. Two Chinese were shot and killed on Market street for refusing to obey or ders of Jhc soldiery. Six hundred laborers from the ocean shore arrived tonight to. look after the city's sewers and prevent an epidemic and the United Railways Company concentrated its efforts to clean up tome of the streets. Babes Born in Park. Reports of' babes being born in the refugee camps were frequently re reived. Five women became mothers In Golden Gate Park. Tonight the principal remaining Are was confined tinst of Van Ness avenue and north of Union street, but was burning its way to the shore. Late this afternoon the police broke open every saloon and corner grocery in the saved districts and poured nil mnit and snlrltous liquors into the gutters. RAGING AliONG WATER FRONT wttiH l.'nns Them, but Supply of Fuel Runs Low. SAN FRANCISCO, April 20.-At 7 P. M the fire was raging over W acres of the water front lying between Bay street and the end of Melggs and Fisherman's wharf. To tho eastward the flames ex tended down to the sea wall, but had not reached the piers, which He a quarter of a mile to the east. The canneries and buildings of the Cen tral California Canneries Company, to gether with many thousands of cases of canned fruit, were totally destroyed, as were also the Simpson and other lumber companies yards. Flames Reach Gas Tanks. The flames had reached the tanks of 1 the San Francisco Gas Company, which had been pumped out and were burning the ends of the grain sheds, five In num ber, which extend further out toward the point. Flame and smoke hid from view the vessels that lay off-shore, vainly at- , tempting to check th; fire. No water was department -was able to turn its atten tion to this point. At 6 o'clock It was believed that the fire had been checked at Van New avenue and Filbert streets. The buildings on the high slope between Van Ness and Polk, Union and Filbert streets, were Waxing fiercely, fanned by a high wind, but the blocks wero so sparsely settled that the fire appeared to have but a slender chance of crossing Van Ness at this point. Western Addition Saved. Mayor Schmltz, who directed operations at this point, conferred with the military authorities and decided that It was not necessary to dynamite the buildings on the west side of Van Ness. Thli would seem to assure the safety of what re mains of the Western Addition. It is the only point of exposure to which this sec tion of the city was subjected. As much of the Firo Department as could be col lected was assembled to make a stand at this point. WATER AGAIN FLOWS TO CITY Principal Break in Mains Repaired. Clearing Market Street. SAN FRANCISCO, April 20. Pelham "W. Ames, secretary of the Spring Valley vaxcr worKs, says that water is now coming into San Francisco in many places. California street, Van Ness ave- MORE SUPPLIES ARE NEEDED. To the Public: The Portland relief committee is gratified at the response made by our citi- -zens with subscriptions and do nations, but requirements for food, shelter, cooking utensils and bedding are still urgent and wc again appeal to you for prompt and generous giving. Remittances may be sent to A. L. Wills, president First Nation al Bank, treasurer, or E. C. Giltner, secretary, At Chamber of Commerce, or notify either treasurer or secretary ivbcre to call for donations. R. R. HOGE, Chairman, I. N. PLE1SCHNER, T. B. WILCOX, W. M. LADD, A. L. MILLS, Committee. nuc and Golden Gate avenue all have water in plenty. The principal main was 1roken at the flv-mlle house, but has been repaired by Engineer Schusslcr. , Market street Is being cleared, so that food can be transported through the city to the needy. , The representative bankers and busi ness men of this city arc going to organ ize a new temporary bank to solve the currency problem. HUNDREDS DEAD IS HOTELS Over 7 Bodies Taken Out rOno Hundred in Cosmopolitan. SAN FRANCISCO. April 20. The three story lodging-house at Fifth and Minna streets collapsed and over 75 dead bodies have been taken out. There are at least B0 other dead bodies exposed. This build ing was one of the first to take firo on Fifth street. At least 100 people were lost In tho Cosmopolitan on Fourth street. The only building standing between Mission, Howard, East and Stewart streets Is the San Pablo Hotel, which is occupied and running. The shot tower at First and Howard street Is gone. This landmark was .built 40 years ago. Tho Rlsdon Iron Works Is partially destroyed. Tho. Great Western Smelting & Refining "Works escaped damage, also tho Mutual Electric Light Works, with slight damage to the American Rubber Company, Vleta gas Engine Company. Folgcr Bros. Cof fee and spice house Is uninjured. and the firm Is giving away large quantities of bread and milk. Many are dropping dead from the heat and from suffocation. Over 150 people are reported lost in the Brunswick Hotel, Seventh and Mission streets. Send Pacific Squadron. OAKLAND, April 20. Governor Pardee today wired President Roosevelt asking him to send the Pacific squadron to San Francisco with all possible speed In or der that the marine may help the un fortunate sufferers, and also that the sup plies of the squadron may be used for the relief of the needy. - isEvVs x. sH wessWH Bntv. Jr. ef rrt- E IN LEAD IN E Withycombe Seems the Choice for Governor. GATGH AHEAD OF BENSON Hoyt Has Probably Won Nom ination for Treasurer. DUNIWAY FOR PRINTER Returns From Uie Republican Pri maries in Oregon Are Comlnjc In Very Slowly, and Several Places Yet In Doubt. TROBABLE KK TUB LI CAN TICKET. Senator, short term. F. W, ilu1ky. Senator, lone term. H. M. Cake. Governor. Jam Withycombe. Secretary of State, Claud Catch. State Treasurer, Tlalph Hoyt. Supremo Judge. 'Robert EaVlc. Congressman. First District. Hawley or Toore; Second District. W. It EIH. Attorney-General. A- M. Crawford. State Printer. Willis TDunlwar. Labor Commissioner. O. P. Hoff- With returns from the primary election very far from complete at an early hour this morning, it seems probable that Withycombe has won the Republican nomination for Governor, though Geer Is apparently a close second and Is a pos sible leader. Bourne has gone down before Cake in the fight for party indorsement for United States Senator, with neither Lowell, Smith or Watson a good third. Ellis Is the nominee for Congress In tiie Second District, and probably Haw ley In the First, though the returns arc so meager that- It i In doubt. The fight 1s"lWtween Hawley and Tooze, Huston is a poor third. The contest for Secretary of State is still In the air, with the guessing In favor of Gatch, though Benson may get enough strength In Southern Oregon to make up the difference between them. Neither Pearcc nor Wrlghtman had a chance. The State Treasurer's office Is also in doubt, but It is probable that his plurality in Multnomah County will make Hoyt the nominee. Either Steel or Carter is a pos sibility, with Carter ahead of StccL Dunlway has a long lead over Whitney for State Printer. Returns should be com plete enough by tonight to remove all the uncertainties. J. H. Ackcrman was nominated for Su perintendent of Public Instruction and O. P. Hoff for Labor Commissioner, without opposition. A. M. Crawford has been re nominated for Attorney-General. So far as figures have been received the vote stands: Senator Bourno 17KS. Cake 27. Lowell 1121. Smith 771, Watson 742. Governor Brown 731, Geer 25J2. Johns 1253. Sehlbrede 167. Withycombe 2JJ. Secretary of State Benson 20. Gatch 7, Pearce (S3. Wrlghtman H. Treasurer Aitkin 7M. Carter 103. Hoyt 2150. Jennings 217. Ryan RS2, Steel 1771. WITHYCOMBC WINS IS POLK Cake, Hatvlcy. Gntrh and Carter Will Have Plenty. DALLAS. Or., April M.-(SpecUl.) Complete returns from ten qui of 20 pre cincts In Polk County give: Senator Bourne US, Cake 2U5, Lowell 117. Smith 72, Watson 27. Congressman Hawley 290, Huston 130. Tooze Hi. Governor Brown 53, Geer 122, Johns 19. Sehlbrede 17, Withycombe i. Secretary' of State Benson 121, Gatch 21S. Pearce 157, Wrlghtman 27. Treasurer Aitkin 52. Carter 221, Hoyt 179. Jennings 28. Ryan 37. Steel 71 Attorney-General Crawford 355, Dur ham 95. Printer Clarke S3. Dunlway 309, Whit ney 1S2. Joint Representative J. S. Cooper 2i2. B. F. Jones XI. Representative J. 1L Flower SS, C L. Hawley IRS. Dr. B. P. McCallon 3IL Returns at this hour Indicate that Cake. CANDIDATES FOR REPUBLICAN NOMINATION FOR UNITED STATES SENATOR ... .-m "- H X. X. Cake, ef PmIIuI Hawley. 'Withycombe. Gatch. Carter aad Thmlway have carried the county by sub stantial pltaralltlec. B. F. Jose. Tor Joist Representative, and Dr. B. H. aiccation will probably be nominated. The rote In Polk County, will be abot W per cent short of the regis trail chb. K CLACKAMAS OASTS FUIiTj'YOTE Brow-sell All cad in Oregon City, Porter on the West Side. OREGON' CITY. Or.. April 20. Special.) Practically the full registered Republi can vote of the county was polled in to day's election. The count Is proceeding slowly. A complete vote not having been received from a single precinct. In Ore gon City No. 2. the largest precinct In the county, 113 votes counted out of SS cast give: Senator Bourne 55. Cake 13, Lowell 13. Smith 7. Watson 5. Congressman Hawley 37. Huston 23, Toozo St. CASH XEL1EF CONTRIBUTIONS. Sabucrtbed. tfedred. rortuaa I Macro V. S. Government. l.KfltTOO S. F. bankers.... 3,o).n - New York WJ.t Ji.COO.COi cblcaga jexso Loxxooo Kansas City 10.005 W.OM 3Jsj-ncburu cUl Uxclnilr.r Bos ton) 10H.OM Modern "Woodmen of America 10000 3Jrs. John V. backer. Part.. Gordon BUndlnrr.. lO.oco Carneite hero fund 30.CAO - - - - -- Bton SOO.cmO Los Acgele 50O.WM Chines R.0C C J. Burrs ire jco.oro Stockton. Cal. ... 3.000 Sacranveato. Cal... 1CA0CO President Itooo-velt l.W Senator Knox..... S-1 ....... Atlanta. Ga 10.PU0 K. H. Harriman and associate.. 2rt.Gfv Ilrno. Nev lo.C Goldtleld. Xer 10.000 IXroiln. of Canada loo.OCO Americana In Lon don irsm Miuburg an.iJ Indianapolis W.coi Omaha l.Cf Philadelphia SS. J. D. lUvVefeller. inn.f Elks of V. S. . Wasbtsctoo. D. C. lO.CXO Tarlflc Northwest dtle 5tn.o Total .VS.OSJ.SS0 Governor Brown 7. Geer So. Johns 35. Sehlbrede 2. Withycombe 33. Secretary of State Benson , oaten i, Pearce 5, Wrlghtman 12. Treasurer Aitkin 0. Carter 3. Hoyt IS. Jennings 1, Ryan S3, Steel 22. Supreme Judge fcjiun si. Attorney-General Crawford -IS. Dur ham 2S. (Concluded on Face ID CONTENTS TODAY'S PAPER The Weather. TODAY'S Shower and coaler; possibly thun der 'storms; winds shirting to sotnherir. YESTERDAY'S Uaxltautn ttrnp-ralur. 90 dep.: minimum temptratore. 32 le, Fit- -"'cir oMtoe-. none Tae CftHfnsI Disaster. Gale sweeps Same to water front, but they are checked before reaching ferry. Pace t. Fire becomlrg exhausted In weatera addi tion, rare I. Distribution of food axnor.ic the vople. Pate 1. Eleven clerks rescued from PAstomc after three daya entombed. Pafe 7. Experiences or Metropolitan Opera alneera. Tage 9. Losses In San Jose and points eouth of San Francisco. Pare Mayor Sehrnttx appeal to Roosevelt. Pa 17. Fir re veils hideous ecrcM or Chinatown. Page 3. Millions In money and supplier given by all section of country. Pae 1. Law may prevent payment af insurance on earthquake tosses. Pac 7. Spreckels will rebuild swear refinery- Pane 7. rolltlcs. II. M. Cake Is ahead In Multnomah Cccnty. Page 10. Stevens leads for Sheriff. Page 10. Word defeat Malley. Pag 10. Returns from Orecon Republican primaries Indicate what ticket will be. Pajre 1. Oregon Democratic primaries held with practically ro contests. Pase 17. Paciflo CoasL Tralnloads of food from the Northwest are on the way to Fan Francisco. Pax 2. Hill a sent will bring suit for stock of the Paciric & Idaho Northern. Page fi. Oovemor Goodimr. of Idaho, calls for food for Callfornlans. Pa Re 12. Joy Chrlstensen. It years old. of Albany. Or., bancs himself while at play. Page 17. Commercial and Jlarlac. Jobbet take steps to prevenj eornerina; of ucar upply. Pace 17. Paclnr Mall Orients I liner mlieht be ordered to Portland for earsoe. PK 17. Peculiar weather condlUoa at mouth of Co lumbia River. Page 17. FvrtlaBd aad Vicinity. Portland relief work for Kan FrancVco trows apace. Page 13. Popular fund lncreaj: Oregon headquarters . will be In big circus tent In San Fran cisco, where food will be supplied and news of Oregon men and women tele graphed to Portland. Page 14. Women doing a noble work In Portland for stricken f California metropolis. Page "11. Nine carloads of provisions are sent to Bay City. Page 34. Portland Railway and O. "W. P. Company will be coecoUdaled- under former management. Page 18. Refugee ca the second train to reach Port- land after the San Francisco dlmcer tell graphic storira of tho horror of It all. Page S. Ceseml rw. Government finally abandons Malheur Irrtga. lion to prlvau enterprls. Page 12. Two towna In Philippines destroyed by fire. Page 3. In" IHil9 SHbI - .h ran coming NOBLY TO BELIEF Fund of $12,000,000 For San Francisco. T0TALMAYRBACH$20,000(000 War Department Assumes En tire Control of Situation. RED CROSS WILL ASSIST Secretary "Taft Has Already Ex ceeded 91,000,000 Appropria tion, and Congress Is Likely ' to Double It. Associated Press dispatches from every Important city In the land Indicate that J12.tt,C:0 In cash Is already In sight for the relief ot the fire and earthquake suf ferers In and about San Francisco, .and that a total of OXCW.C09 Is likely to be raised. The United States will grapple alone with the situation growing out of the total destruction of one ot her richest and most populous cities. Foreign coun tries. In view of the magnificent responses of the American people to the call for aid. will not be asked to contribute, though numerous offers have been made. Before the Cabinet, at Its meeting yes terday, had resolved upon this course, however, the Dominion of Canada had taken cognizance of the situation In San Francisco by voting J1CO.G00 In cash for relief, and dispatches from the seaport cltltjs of British Columbia Indicate that they arc ignoring the existence of the In ternational boundary line and are join ing In the work of forwarding money and provision with their sister cities- on the Pacific Coast. , - Government? Ta'kcs Head: t" " "Plans for tho distribution "of the con tributions among the homeless and starv ing residents of San Francisco and Its suburbs, where the majority ot the refu gees are now gathered, have been fully completed, and It Is safe to say that the climax of the suffering resulting from the overwhelming calamity virtually has been reached. The War Department, as was Indicated by the dispatches Thursday, will bear the great weight of the bur den, assisted by the National Red Cross Society and the city and county officials ot San Francisco, who are at the head ot the local relief work In the stricken city. For months to come San Francisco will be under virtual martial law, and Gen eral Funston. with the authority ot the Federal Government behind him. and with the consent of the city officials, will rule with an fron hand during the- tur bulent period which must Inevitably be Inaugurated when the citizens ot the fallen city rouse themselves from the stupor of fright and grlct in which they arc now plunged and set to work to re build their ruined fortunes Congress Will Double Donation. Already Secretary of War Taft has ex ceeded the limits of the SI.CQO.C0i) appro priation made by Congress Thursday by purchasing and forwarding to the scene of the disaster supplies valued at more than SL.5m1.CCO. and In all probability an other appropriation of the same size as the first will be made Immediately. These supplies are now being rushed to the Golden Gate as fast as steam will carry them and will arrive In time to. relieve the distress now beginning to make Itself apparenL , Donations from the country at large will follow rapidly. Already magnificent work for the relief of the metropolis has been done by the cities of California nearest the scene of destruction, and the results of tho hurried efforts of the coast cities further removed will today further relieve the situation. Harriman Carries "All Free. Second only to the prompt relief from Congress In Importance is the action of J H. Harriman and his associates In the Harriman railroad and steamship lines In giving over that entire system to the X X feskkv ef Heed River. free traaspGrtatiea of the food. . clothing, beddlag- and tents for temporary shelter gtvea by the War Department and con tributed bj" towns and cities reached by the Harriaaan line. Several ot thf larger railroads of the country have lillowed suit, and undoubtedly others wllf follow their example. Whole Xatlon Sends Aid. Stimulated by the offer of the railroads, donations ot 'food and clothing from ail over the country, aggregating In value, several millions of dollars, are now be ing haitened forward, but so appalling are the results of the disaster that at least 100.CIXV or nearly one-fifth of San Francisco's population, are now living from hand to mouth and will for weeks be compelled to depend upon the charlty of the .Nation! Ixs Angeles Great "Work. The most spectacular part in the programme of relief Is now being played by Los Angeles, the metropolis ot Southern California and the sec ond largest city In the state prior to the destruction of San Francisco. Pos sessed of great natural resources and thousands of citizens of large wealth. Los Angeles Is doing- facr part to re lieve the sufferln In San Francisco on THE POPULAR RELIEF - FUND. Stipscriptions to the popular relief fund being raised by The Orcgonian, in coujunctioit with the Evening Telegram, yester day reached the handsome total, in.caih and Lewis and Clark stock, of $10r5SS5, making a grand total of .$14,471.75. The fund will be used to establish an "Oregon Headquarters' at San Francisco or Oakland, or both, for general relief service and especially for the accommoda tion and benefit of former Ore gon people, or their relatives. An information bureau will be maintained by The Oregonian in connection with the head quarters, through which missing friends - and relatives may be traced- Send in names, and The Oregonian will hunt up your friends and relatives. But the main purpose of- the head quartersto give relief to all .needy applicants will be car ried out fully and thoroughly. To thai end, send in your sub scriptions in cash, or Lewis and Clark stock, on -which The 1 1 Oregonian .will be able to realize full redemption value. The stock ; is to The Oregonian and to the public as good as money. I For full details and list of subscriptions to date, see local news story. n, scale that completely dwarfs anything- of thb kind In the previous his tory of the country. The railroads have agreed, to ship all relief stores to San Francisco on express time, giving It the right of way over every other kind ot traffic. Including passenger. Joseph Desmond, a railroad contractor, has been au thorized to "equip and supply five out fits of "cook trains which will reach San Francisco by Saturday. Desmond will work two or three shifts of cooks and cook food on the way to Sart Francisco ready to give out the minute his freight arrles. ' Free Houses for IlefuRecs. Bishop Conaty lias donated J 1000 from his privatepurse to the. citizens' relief committee. Real estate dealers have announced the donation for 90 days of all the vacant houses on their lists for the shelter of homeless refu gees arriving In Los Angeles. Twenty-six carloads of food, cloth Ing and other supplies had left Los 'Angeles before noon yesterday. At all headquarters where supplies were re celved. express wagons, automobiles, private carriages and even pedestrians appeared, loaded down with contrlbu tlous. Tho sidewalks at the offices of he Santa Fe and Southern Pacific Com panies were plied high with offerings, Chinese Make Donations. The spirit extended to the Chinese pop ulation and they subscribed J30C0 in cash. (Concluded on Page 5.) X. B. Wateea. of PsrtUad. ALL EQUAL WHEN HUNGER PINCHES Rich and Poor of San Fran cisco Line Up Together for Bread. ALL SUPPLIES ARE SEIZED Famished Children Make Rush for Sandwiches Sent From Stockton. FRUIT SUCKED FROM TIN CANS Soldiers Break Open Boxes and Toss Food to Crowds. THOUSANDS CAMP IN PARKS AVuole Population Driven to Open- Air Iilfe Under Primitive Condi tions "Fear of Disease From linck. of Facilities. . SAN FRANCISCO, April 20. Although every effort ot the various relief com mittees today was bent to appease the gnawing hunger of the destitute thou sandsefforts that; were, in a large meas ure entirely ''successful there are tonight In this city many persons either without sufficient food or entirely without It. The Government officials took charge of every grocery store in that part of the city still standing.' and gave out food stuffs to ali those who were- hungry Bread lines were established at Fillmore and Turk streets, at Golden Gate Park and at the Presidio, and every person who stood in line was given a whole ioar of bread. The line at Fillmore and Turk streets was four blocks long all afternoon, and those at the parks were even longer. A large supply of milk came from Oakland this morning, and this was distributed to women and chil dren wherever they were found In need. A great deal ot this milk was used for the exhausted women who arrived at the ferry throughout the day, and proved a great boon to them. Hunger the Great Equalizer. .The bread lines at the parks furnished striking Instances of the absolute pa tience and fortitude that have marked the behavior of the people throughout their trying experience. There were no dis orders when the hungry thousands were told to form a line and receive their bread "and canned goods. All were con tent to wait their turn. Sllk-hatted men of affairs followed good naturedly behind Chinese, and took their loaf from the same hand. Soup kitchens were established in the streets and many hungry persons were fed there. Bread and such other food stuffs as may " be . at,, hand will be dis tributed at the various stations twice a day. Children Rush for Sandwiches. At the ferry station today there were some pathetic scenes among the hungry people. "When ihe boat came in from Stockton with tons of supplies, a num ber of small children were the first to spy a large box ot sandwiches with cries of. delight. They made a rush for the food, seized as much as they could hold and rushed to their mothers with shouts of: "Oh. mamma, look at the sandwiches: Seated around the Ferry building were hundreds of people sucking canned fruits from the tins. Some were drinking con densed cream, and some were Iucky enough to have sardines or cheese. At several places along Market street scores of men were digging with their hands among the still smoking debris of some large grocery-house for canned goods. Supply "Wapons Besieged. When they found it, which they did without molestation from anybody, they broke the tins and devoured' the contents. At Filbert and Van Ness avenue, at 6 o'clock tonight, a wagon of supplies con veyed by soldiers was besieged by a. crowd of hungry people. They appealed to the soldiers for food, and their appeals were quickly heeded. Seizing an ax. a soldier smashed the boxes and tossed the supplies to the crowd,, which took time to cheer lustliy. Danger of Pestilence. A later estimate places the numhar of refugees camping In Golden Gate Park, from the Panhandle to the beach, at 15,000 men, woinen and children- So far. their privations have been comparatively Insig nificant. It is feared by the health au thorities that great suffering will result unless shelter can be found in the near future for these thousands. They are. ot course, living wholly in the open. The most unsanitary conditions prevail. Hill sides and wooded copses are being utilized A 'u sit. itaUl ilszm. gs& Vtei Csajtafofr oh Pace .4,1