16 THE XORXIXG OREGOXULJf, THUMDAY, APRIL 19, 190. XEW TODAY. REAL ESTATE S3O0O Nice, modern home on 23d st- North Portland. Easy terms. SOfHSO New modern home on d it.; cannot be duplicated for the price. $7000- lota. 24th and BooseveJt:- best bur In that locality. S70O6 12-room modern, up-to-date Some. Willamette Height, beautiful view. SlO.eoO li-block. Portland Heights. hest part and Ightly; can be divided Into -3 building sites. $12,000 U-block. 17th and Lovejoy. 3 dwell ings: room to build another house. $13.000 Property 15th and Lovejoy; corner: covered with large building that can b converted Into manufacturing -purposes. inside lot vacant. SI 5.600 Fractional lot on North Third. SI7.CO0 S. W. cor. 10th and Pfcttygrove. resting lor f ICO; xoom for anotherfculld Ing. 'SS5.000 Lot on 2d. near Burnslde; can leas 5 yearn. $200 per month. S30.0OH 4-story brick. Front street. $33,000 Quarter block on Third at. A snap. WEST SIDE HOME 100x100 with modern house In choice part of city. The owner has grown out of the house and it will pay you to lnevstlgate. ARDMORE Exclusively high-class residence property, bllulithlc streets, cement walks, gas. sewers .and Bull Run water laid to each lot. Only a few lots left. Buy now be fore prices are advanced. Take Portland Heights car and get oft at Park ave. OVER THE RIVER Lot 11. block SO. Woodlawn. $200 Lots IS and IS. block 20. Highland Park. SI550 Lot on Williams ave.. near Broadway. $2350 Nice modern home on Stanton st. i500 50x66 and modern -room house. 1024 F. Main. House cost $3000 to build. $800 Lot 50x120. modern cottage, stone foundation. Rodney ave., close to car line. 3250 Corner and modern home. East 10th and Schuyler. $4750 Sightly U-block N. E. cor. E. 11th and E. Morrison. Better see this. $1750110 feet facing Williams ave.; Just the opportunity for business block. X5000 4 -block, modern house and barn, overlooking river; high, sightly. J.V500 50x100. nice modern 8-room house. clot; In. built to live In. WANTED Warehouse and manufacturing property, bet- Grar.il ave and Hawthorne, Water and Union ave. Buyers waiting. SUBURBAN HOMES $3500 10 acres, highly Improved, best of soli, high and sightly; Mllwaukle, part of the lienneman -property, near Oregon City car. We offer for sale the beautiful and sightly Tlfft home, at Prettyman ave.. Mt, Tabor, consisting of nearly an acre with, a mod ern and up-to-date new house, steam heat and everything first-class. Th dwelling .s of Colonial design, and was built to live In. If you are looking for a ML Tabor home, do not fall to seehls. THE STEELE FARM Kaclng the Section Line Road, east or Mt. Tabor and consist ing of 30 acres highly Improved, with a modern and up-to-date house, barn and everything in first-class condition. Anyone wanting a suburban acreage . home had bettor see this. Best buy on the market. GRINDSTAFF & SCHALK 2G4 Stark Street. TELEPHONE MAIN 382. Business Property On First street, near Madi son; a good piece of property 75x100 feet with substantial brick improvement. Price Attractive APPLY PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON S. E. Corner 3rd and Oak Sts. EAST SIDE f 5300 Two houses on Er "th, close in; Jjrehent rental $47 per month; can be in ceased as the district fills up. $6500 U-bldck on Grand ave. 10-room house, rented for $35 per month; room for four flats. 7500 i-bIock on track In warehouse dlt trlct: an investment with a sure increase in value. $10,500 Improved corner on Union ave. $12,500 U-block with two houses on E. 0th; store building would bring good rental in this location. $35,000 U-block and 3-storv brick on 1 nion ave. The building could not be dupli cated for less than $40 000. Union avenue Is the longest street In Portland. It Is soon to be paved and filled where necessarv and it will be the best street on the East Side. The belt line will pass this property. Pres ent Income is 6 per cent on Investment and can be increased at once. Hartman.Thompson & Powers Chamber of Commerce. Prolific Orchard Land Is desJred by many who aro not ln a position to surrender their present In comes and devote their time to the lnakinsr or a commercial on-hard and who are unable to purchase estab lished orchards. For such as these wc have arranged a plan wherebv jome f TJie llnest apple land In the 'famous Mosler district may be secured upon the payment of small sums down and monthly or quarterly Installments without Interest on deferred pay ments, or taxes. The land will be cleared, set with standard apple trees cultivated and cared for durinc a period of five years, or until final pav ment Is made, by a competent orchard 1st who will build up his own place alone with yours. This Is a bona fide offer never he fore made in this locality. Let us jrive you the particulars. LANGILLE & RAND 73 SIXTH STREET. $40,000 lO-ixlO) feet, close in, 100 feet from Washington St. F. V. ANDREWS & CO. Hamilton Bids.. 131 3d st. T)1. Main 3349. $17,000 Anartmcnt-boufce. Kental. $206 per month. Hartnian, Thompson & Powers Chamber of Commerce. ' American Reserve Bonds For Sale atjaJDiscount. 311 DEKUM BLDG. For sale, at Sea View, Wash., the gray shingled cottage on the ridge; 6 rooms; fine view of ocean. Particu lars at 783 Northrup St. Phone 6907. FOR SALE REAL "ESTATE. BIG SNAP 100x120. WILLIAMS AY. THREE beautiful cottages, rent $54 month, $5250; terms. Washington bldg., room 1. Pacific 1230. s W E HAVE SEVERAL INVESTMENT PROP ltloiut paying 10 per cent and better. Call 243 Stark. $350 EACH FOR LOTS ON BANCROFT AV South Portland. Owner, 419 McKay, 3d and Stark. NEW. UP-TO-DATTJ 5-ROOM COTTAGK. $2000, J2W. $20 per month. Phone East 073. POR SALE REAIi ESTATE. . TAFT Jfc CO.. 275 etark Su C. of C Bldg. Phase M. II A FBW SELECT BUYS ON WBST SIDE. S-rooro cottage on Clh at.. 10 mlnutea walk from the FostosHce; house all anUaed ln hardwood, oak, maple and mahogany; 2 marble fireplaces -with bevel-edged mirrors, one mahogany bookcase built In wall -with bevel-edged mirror, full cement basement, furnace heat, bath and gas. Jot 43x106. Price for a quick sale. $3260. GOOD INVESTMENT. Two 6-room cottages, lot 50x1 00. on 10th tU. near Montgomery; cottages are strictly modern .and rented to a good advantage. A good buy for $7000. SOUTH -PORTLAND. Two 7-room modern flat, one 7-rooai mod ern house, lot 100x100, only partly Improved, income $94.50. can be Increased to $150 with but a small amount of money. Pries $10,500. EAST SIDE. S-room house, all modem, streets all Im proved, lots fruit, full lot; the test huy In Williams Avenue Addition. Price only $2250. S-room cottsxe. built of stone, just aa modern and up-to-date as can be made; very best of material and full lot. stnae fence, large fine place. Price $2600. 11-room house. 3 loU, on Ease Salmon St.: this is a swell house and all up-to-date; come lnand look at It. Price $5000. -rooms, large reception halL full lot, modern house; nice lawn and fruit trees; must be .seen to be appreciated. Price oary $2800. 7-room house on Tillamook si., near "Wil liams ave.; good house and close In. Price only $3100, small payment down, balaaca monthlv. ON MT. SCOTT CAR LINE. -rootn new cottage. Just as modern and up-to-date as can be -built: hot and cold water, porcelain bath, electric lights, full cement foundation and basement; large porches, near car line. Price $1350, on jn stallments. 4-room house and full! acre of ground, all In fruit, near station; thla Is In the best llon on Mt. Scott at Laurelwood. Price $2000. part payment. tf-room new house. 4 acre, all ln cher ries, bearing; right near station: this swell little place right on best gravel road In the country. Price only $1000. -room cottage, modern In every way. Electric lights, porcelain bath, hot and cold Twuer. full cement foundation, large porches, woodflber plaster; at Flrland. the most beau tiful residence suburb on Mt- Scott car line. Price $1400. on Installments. Call at our office at Laurelwood .Station. nave many choice bargains In lots, houses and Iota and acreage. Our office will be open Sunday. Call and let us show you what we have. Don't forget the loea 5J?n. THE NEW OFFICE AT LAUREL MOOD; always someone there. ACRE TRACTS. 0 1-6 acres on the Mt. Scott car line, all cleared and fenced. lay perfectly level, can be cut up ln acre tracts and sold for $1000 per acre: price $2000. Have a party who will loan $U00 on It at 6 per cent.- acres on west slope ML Tabor, fronting on Kunnyslde corner and Base Line road; all fenced and et out to fruit; all bear ing; lots all around thla tract are selling for $400 each. Price SS000. VACANT LOTS. 0xl00 on East Main, near 15th: one of the best lots In this locality; all good houses adjoining; this Is the best ln this locality. Price only $1250. M block In Holladay's Addition, on Broad way; one of the swellest corners ln this locality. Only $2250. Corner lot on Schuyler at,, best location; thla Is surely a great, bargain; $1200. TAFT it CO.. 275 Stark Street. BEAUTIFUL 8-ROOM HOUSE IN HOLLA f.aj's Addition; all modern, papered and tinted, porcelain bath. gas. hot and cold water, full-sized basement, cement walks, fine lawn and fruit trees; terms part cash. L 20, Oregonlan. RARE CHANCE TO GET A HOME. 112x200. iioukf, an or .singly; jst ana cam triers, close ln; 50x50, modern house. 7 rooms. 5d and Sheridan; 00x100. 10th st.. near Stark. Mm. Flledner, 200 E. 2d. or 10th and Washington. $1500. SNAP BLDG. S0x2C DWELLING 24x 30. 30-ton Icehouse, 5-ton Hoae scales. 16 miles "Walla Walla, worth $2000. for 30 days $1500. Apply Elmer Blake. 101 Hubbard at., Montavlla. Multnomah County, Oregon. NINE ACRES CHOICE LAND. P MILES oi j-oniana. on we Hlllsboro road, near Btaverton; one acre In cultivation, bal ance partly cleared; only $850; $400 cash. Owner. V 2fi. Oregonlan. ACRE TRACTS WB HANDLE ACREAGE as a specialty, within city limits or outside. Some acre wltli terms as low as $10 per month with water. A C Churchill U Co.. "Inc." 110 2d at. NEW 5-ROOM HOUSE. MODERN PLUMB ER, kiuuiiu v:;itiu irei. nar Willamette boulevard .'price $1400. Call on owner. C A. Xygowski Willamette SUtlon. Phone Wood Jawn 143. NOW IE TOUR TIME TO BUT DOORS, windows, flooring, rustics and all kinds of building materials at a great bargain. Hp- . ply to American Inn. Phone Pacific 107fl. BARGAIN IF SOLD BEFORE MAY 1. FINE full double story 7-room houae. good barn. 2 lots with fruit. $1300. -well worth $ISO0. Apply owner, 32 Hart ave., Montavllts. Or. DO YOU WANT TO BUT CITT LOTS OR ansci u mo. arc tiMi aiae Ketl estate Co. East Side property a specialty. 407 Haw thorne ave., near Grand. Phone East 1067. 3 IMPROVED LOTS. 100x50. FRUIT TREES, wnict, U.UIUF, uruuppry, 8-room cotlag. barn. Inquire of owner, on premises. 440 2Cth, near Tillamook. Take Irvlngton car. 'BARGAIN NEW. MODERN 7 ROOMS. AT- iir. crnimi luiwncm. one oi me oest-bullt houses; Holladay's Addition: will sell car pets; owner leaving. S05 E. 2d North. IN IRVINGTON QUARTER BLOCK. EIGHT- room nous, nam. an moaern improvements; very desirable; corner 16th and Tillamook. See owner. W. C Reed. 64 N. 3d at. $1200 6-ROOM HOUSE: $150 CASH. $2200 New -room house; $300 cash. $1200 7room house; $100 cash. C12 Commercial Building. Main 1910 TOU CAN BIT A GOOD RESIDENCE OF t jnuni, iuii lot. wrKi aiae. Illgn. Mghtly and "worth $10,000; we ask $K00. The Con tinental Co.. 243 Stark tn. BIG SNAP-CP, ACRES ON CAR LINE. rii. riur. in idis. nona ik; price this week $3000. F. Dubois. Washington Mdg.. room 1. Pacific 1230. A SNAP BEAUTIFUL 40-ACRE HOME. near v. aino. sn.. inrome fiooo year; $3000 this w-U. Washington bWg.. room 1. Tactile 1230. SEVBX-ROOM HOUSE IN HOLLA DAY Park, modern and premises fully Improved; can be bought on easy term. F 16, Ore gonlan. $35O02i ACRES WITH NEW S-ROOM nousc, unesi location on Oregon City line. State Investment Company, lis Ablngton bldg. BARGAIN $1750 FOR FULL BLOCK. PAT- lon Acouion, .i oiocks irom car; easy terms. Seo owner. F. Vanduyn. 313 "Washington. CHOICE RESIDENCE LOT ON FARGO ST KAtMAm t!nlmi mA T) n.tH.n . . . , ""'' . j a. r. . iuh price. Inquire 357 Monroe st. Phone East 31C3. FOR SALEr-CH EAP. 3 1J3TS. SfwlOO EACH. raiuiee una uarn; un Kinas oi iruits. hear ing. Owner. 355 Broad -st-. MonUvIlla. FOR SALE REASONABLE. 3 LOTS, 45x125 racu. suuaica in .onn jut. laDor. inoutre 381 E. Morrison, corner Union ave. WE WANT TIMBER LANDS IN XARGE OR small tuw. can naaoir ji at once. Call or address TAFT & CO.. 275 Stark st. SNAP TWO STORES. S LIVING ROOMS. l-nmr TT.vllU. rwnt S.1S mnntk- lngton bldg.. 'room 1. Paclllc 1230. WE HAVE A SPLENDID BUT ON NOB mil. corcrr or insiae vacant; see tnls Quick. 243 Stark ft., the ContlnenUl Co. A l-ROOM HOUSE. IMPROVEMENTS. Irvlngton. full lot. $3100; cheap. Phone East 154U. W 10. Oregonlan. NEW 6-ROOM MODERN HOME, "WEST Side, near car. $2650; $250 casfe. $25 mo. The Continental Co.. 243 Stark. SELLWOOD LOTS. $5.00 DOWN AND $3.00 a month: from $75.00 to $200.00, Sell wood Townslte Co. Phone East 4704. LOT a W. COR. OF J6TH AND HANCOCK iw.. for sale at a bargain If taken this week. M. E. Lee, 93 6th St.. CHOICEST 100x100 RESIDENCE CORNER IN Hawthorne' First Addition; an. excellent bur. Inquire 233 Washington .t, A BEAUTIFUL QUARTER BLOCK, HOL ladayV Addition; Improvement all In; miwi he sold. Pacific 3342. near Union ave. State Investment Company. 11S Ablngton bldg. $2750 FOR INSIDE LOT ON COLLEGE ST.. near 10th. thla is a bargain. See M. E. Lee, 03 6th st. SO ACRES. 3, MILES FROM OREGON City. Owner. Emma Wilkinson, box $42. Oregon City. NEW, UP-TO-DATE 0-ROOM HOUSE. $$50. $500 down, balance monthly. Owner, phoae East C7S. House built, monthly payments: "will f ureiah lots, Millar. 612 Commercial bldg. Main 2910. FINE HOUSE. NEARLY TWO IjOTS. -455 23d sL Inquire Lowengardt, 35 Par- FOR SALE REAL HSTATE. A SELECT LIST OF HOMES. 7 rooms, all on one Soar, modern, im proved, walking distance. East Ash. dose in; a bargain for $3600. & rooms, on Selenoct. Scssyflde; price JSSO0. cash. X room, is M on ta villa, laws, fruit, on car line; price $400. cash. C rooma. on S. 5th sc. waOclng distance. "Wert Side; price $100; H S rooaaa on Grand ave.. Highland, fall lot: price $SO00. & cash. 5 roots, la Holladay's Addition, on car line, modern: price $2100. $1000 cash, bal ance monthly. 6 rooms, modern, brand sew. on Leo ave.. Sell wood: price $2400. $1100 casfe. C rooms, modern, full lot. basse ln ex cellent condition, ln Irrtngtos; price $2503. . Vt cash. fi rooms, on "East Oak. walking distance, a rp!ad!d home: pric $3650. one-third cash. 8 rooms, on E. Salmon. Hawthorne Park, atrictly modern, including furnace; $1500 cash will handle this, balance monthly. 6 rooms en Williams are., near Ecgene. strict Ir modern, slped for furnace; price only $2S50. 6-rooa brand-new house and lot. SOx 133 1-3 in Cloverdale Annex Addition, two blorks from car; 30 bearing fruit trees of an varieties; this Is certainly an elegant home and the mice and terms are right, too. . S-room brand-new bouse and full lot on Sharer near Mh; price $2100. easy terms. We have others in all partn of the city, PORTLAND REAL ESTATE AGENCY. 133, 5th, t-. cor. Alder. Phone Main 61 IS. SACRIFICED AT $2,000 BECAUSE THE owner goes to California the extra large lot (55x100) and 3 roonilng-hotues. contain ing nearly lOO rooms, on Tashill at. Just above the Hotel Portland; surrounded hy substantial rewal'. which means a low Insurance rate; supplied with an elaborate and costly hot-water heating system; built In modern and substantial style: they are cousrqwntly always leased at the highest rental produced by any similar Investment In Portland, viz.. $0000 yearly. Figure on -the Income: there U no large property left on the market that pays that rate now. WHITING & ROUNTREE, 419 Ablngton 816c. HOLLADAY'S ADDITION WHILE IT IS vaslse to build a nous that Is a freak from an architectural Masdpolnt. jet the building can be a novelty and posses qual ities that will be generally plraslnc. You don't want a house that Is a mere curiosity. Some .of our houses are decidedly unique, but comfort, convenience and beauty are not sacrificed to make them odd. Call and see them. A. H. FABER. architect. Uth and Hahvey sis. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. $2500 Nice 7-room house, la Irvlngtcn. one block from car; 'terms. $SOO down and monthly Installments of $30. Apply to Arthur A. Kerr. Care RUSSELL & BLYTH. &2& Third it. $3200 FRACTIONAL LOT. STEPHENS ST.. near 12th; splendid, thoroughly modern new house, fireplace, furnace, paneled dining-room, adamant tiled bathroom ami kitchen; elegantly finished and a beauti ful home, Morgan & Flledner. 213 Ablng ton bldg. 53200 HERB IS YOUR CHANCE. $3200 Good modem U-room house and AO-foot lot for sale at less thsn cost of house by owner, must sell; It e-!U .pay you to see thhv 493 E. 23d st- near Division; Woodstock or Richmond car. FOR SALE TIMBK5. LANDS. WE WANT TIMBER. We have cash buyer for large and small tracts or good Umber ln Oregon. Washington cr California. GREGG BROS Phone Main C303. 3I7-31S Fealon bVdg. FOR SALE TIMBER LAND. 35f0 ACRBS. fine umber land; will cruise 130.000.000 feet fir and cedar. In Douglas) County. Oregon. This Is a snap. C. C. Cherry. 0 Sullivan block. Seattle. Wash. 500 ACRES OAK TIMBER, FINE PROPO sltlon to put In portable sawmill; will sett stumpage; good oak trees. C3H Cth. bet. Pine and Oak. TIMBER LAND FOR SALE 100 ACRES OF timber on Hock Creek. In Polk County; 3.000.WO to 4.W0.OC0; price $1k0l Phone Pacific 20S2. WE WANT TIMBER LANDS IN LARGE OR smsll tracts; can handle It at one. Call or address TAFT & CO., 275 Stark sl FOR SALE 250 ACRES OF GOOD TIM ber. close In. on R. R. and water; a good bargain. N 20. Oregonlan. WANTED TIMBER. HAVE CASH BUY ers for timber In Southern Oregon. 205 H Morrlhon. room 3. Free Government land Tlmbrr homestead. Ir rigation. Orfgon Iocatlng Co.. SIS Oregonlan. WANTED KEAL ESTATE. WE WANT PROPERTY ON TJIE EAST Side, between Grand ave.. East Burnslde. Hawthorne ave. and the river. The Healy Investment Co- -10-214 AUngten. 100't 3d street. 1 WANTED IMMEDIATELY SEVERAL Pieces of Income properly from $2fl00 to Jlo.ocO; I have buyers watting. F. Dubai. Washington bldg- room 1. Pacific 123t. WANTED FRACTIONAL LOT 50x50 FEET, north of Columbia and outh of Northrup; state location and price. G 20. Ofgonlan. WE WANT TIMBER LANDS IN LARGE OR small tract: ran handle It at once. Call or address TAFT Si CO.. 275 Stark t. WANTED CITY AND SUBURBAN REAL esratw Improved or unlm pro veal; bay em watting. P. O. Box V8. FOR RENT r ARMS. FARM FOR RENT. 40-acre farm, insilde city limits, far rent to resixiastbte party. For particulars see THE HEALY INVESTMENT CO-210-214 Ablngton. 10Cj 34 St. 20 ACRES NEAR BEAVERTON. ALL ploughed, ready for crop; cheap rent, gvoa soil. 3( Ankcny. TO EXCIUNGE. DAIRY. 33 COWS. OTHER STOCK; TRADE city property; x-al. $1000. 34 th. nr. Pine. $2000 STOCK OF PICTURES FOR CASH OR rral.rsla.tr. Gruber. C17 fomm-rrlal bkvlc MODERN 0-ROOM HOUSE. CORNER LOT, for Inside lot or acreage. W IS. Oregonlan. FOR hALK LAND SCRIP. ALL KINDS OF LAND ..CRIP APPROVED and guaranteed. Military bouaty warrants bought and sold. Collins Land Co., Helena. Mont. APPROVED LAND SCRIP FOR SURVEYED or unsurveyed timbered or prairie laad.- H. M. Hamilton, the Portland. Portland. Or. OK SALE KAJUts. AN IDEAL FARM IN WESTERN WASH l net on of 922 acres, all good land for stock, grain or dairy purpoies; sold with or without sUk and tools; prices and terms on application. J. E. Calder. Men tesano. Warn. $10.00 PER acre: IRRIGATED LAND. $10.00 - Crock County. Oregon. Deed direct from State. Write for pamphlet and map. B. S. Cook & Co 231 Alder st- Portland. Oregon. COWLITZ COUNTY. WASH. IMPROVED and' unimproved farm lands; also timber landr. F. J. Barnard & Co- Kalatr.a. HOMESTEADS 1 CO ACRES FINE I AND", watered, vicinity Vancouver; soap. Onser. F 20. Oregonlan. TO LEASE. WANTED TO IJIASE A U-BIXXTK FROM a party who will build a barn; will tak long lease. XXX Oregonlan. TOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles as4 Kirssn, PAIR OF GELOUGS. BLACK AND BAT. welrht 2754 pounds, are sound and true pullrrs. single or double; also one bay borse. weight 1275 pounds, suitable for deHrery or sdnde track. Call Regal Stables. Urn and Burnslde sts. 6 HEAD OF HEAVY DRAFT HORSES JUST arrived, more coming; also a nice, gentle :or.y for children. At the stable, 2d and Main U . cab Ir, John Dick. TEAM FOR SALE. WEIGHT 10 POUNDS each, aUo wagon and harness, all for $250. horsen 4 years old. Call at room 4. West Hotel, on N. Cth at. SALE A GOOD FURNITURE WAS ON", nearly new. $300; aUo oeveral farm wag ons; 3 good farm teams, also 2 good inw?. 420 Hawthorne. I HAVE A 1LVNDSOMB STANHOPE. CO lumbus make, rubber tires, cutender: has never been used; will uterine. Call 23 N 14th ct. EOJtSES AND BUGGIES FOR RENT ST day. week ad mestth; aeedai rates to hutkseM -'-ue. fXh astd Mawthorae, TtL Xart. 72. fH KALE. Horsea, YeMelea Hsmaeae. ONK SAT GELDING TKS. OLD. STANDS US, weighs KMC, tmwst driver, city hroke, not afraid of atess or electric ran? serfeei T ed. wtthovt a aJesalsli: strea by Arthur vtiutea t3S). he ky Qwr Wilkes C:1UK). da Dorothy Tenseat. J"w particulars see Joha Sawyer, imsgtoei racetrack. WANTED SOUND. HEAVY AND LIGHT how to sell: hare orders for SO teasaa. at corner 2d and Mala St.. stable. John Die bold. FOR SALE CHEAP HANDSOME STCDE baktr rcsaboBt. I'jQG Eastern saodeL Apply Foster & Kl riser Suble. 5lh a 3d Everett su. SOME OF THE BEST HORSES CAN BE found at l&fe and JeSersoa: ranging from 1500 to 1700 pounds. Prices to sell all. TEAM OF 1400-POUND HORSES. 6 AND S years, well broken, sound and true. SCO Front. "We Buy. Sea. Heat. Ex charge. Horses. Wag oca. aadeles, harxeia, Hsfcert Hall. 2M 4 IX Horars and vehicles fcoegkt. sold, rested or "charged. 211 -fTashtegtoa. Pacific 307. GOOD DELIVERY HORSE FOR SALE. IN qnlre 1004 MUwacxIe it. TWO WORK TEAMS CHEAP. 43 FLAN ders st. v alaoa. ALL PRIZE WORD CONTEST CERTD7I catet of EUers Piano House passes genuine value, hat should he comtersigced' and reg istered at cur Portland, or Spokase. wr Boise cSlcc. . FOR SALE OR TRADE $S5 EILERS certificate. Scren Sorenton. Amity. Or. $100 EILERS PLVNO CERTIFICATE FOR sale cheap. Main 1031 $70 EILERS PI ANO"CE RTIFI CATE FOR $15. H IS, Oregonlan. MlscelUaeeaa. WniTE ST2AMBR AUTOMOBILE. 1KM model. $1250. gusraoteed to be In Srstcetass condition; the bt-eqctpped machine la Port land; canopy top. 2 acetylene and 3 oil lamps; also electric light, dock, basfc-t. foot horn, new tires, extra casing and tubes; cost owner $3500. P 3d. Orrxoaias. M.O00 FEET SECOND-HAND BLACK AND galvanized pipe, from H to 9 Inches: refitted and rethreaded; also 24 tons ae plow steel cable remnantii at half cf new price; call or rlte for prices oa anything In macalstry Une and Junk. it. Barde & Son. 8th an4 Gllaxa su Portland. Or. i 0 bLIGHTLY DAMAGED SEWINO MA chlst at vcrv low trices- Singer. Whlr X; WUsox DomTsttc, "While. HoustaoIJ. Darii and others; to mak room for ntw rtcck. TVheeltr Jk. Wllvon ad Singers. S. E. ElgeL 333 Morrison st MarCuas bldg. FOR SALE NEW AND SECOND-HAND fcflllard and pool, tables; easy payments; w tent table, with privilege of 'buying; mod ern bar fixtures: cheap prices. Brunswick-Balke-Collender. 49 3d st. f ROM THE BIG GROCERY FIRB-UI-ported aardlne, reguUr J 2.25 dor., salvage Price SOc per doz.; also a lot of unlabeled corn at 50c doz. 210 2d st-, between Salmon and Taylor. WOLFF-AMERICAN BICYCLES. CLOSING cat; $40 bicycles at $25; $53 racers. $30 for cash: 130 rime. 10c ca the collar, a. A ElgeL Z3S Morrison st. for sale industrial stock. 30 shares. $100. each paying 20 per cent; will sell any portion, not less than 5 shares. Ad dress K 20. OrexonUn. MOVING PICTURE MACHINE. OAS OUT pts. Sims, song slides, phonographs, for sale, bought, rented and exchanged. 14J4 Cth it room 1. SHOWCASES. COUNTERS. SHELVING, yrccbt. cld or exchanged. Western Salragt Co- C27 Waahlegtca su Pactac 783. FOR SALE-JEWEL GAS RANGE AND water beater. csd 4 months: also large AMlton rug. SCO E. Lt. near HolUday. CORNET FOR SALE CHEAP; GOOD Op portunity for be&naer. Address, giving phone number. D IS. Oregonlan. FOR SALE AN OCEAN WAVE FLYING machine, similar to mrry-go-round: must be told at once. 407 24th st. ONE WHITE ROCK COCKEREI AVHITE Rocks T)d s4lrer-taced Wyandottrjt; eggs "for hatching. Phone East C1CS. TWO ROLLTO'P DESKS. IN GOOD CONDI tloer. 4 chairs, one state and one dty map: $125. P. O. Box S. city. COW FOR SALE FRESH MILCH COW. with cair. $33. S23 William ave. Phone East era. PASTURAGE WANTED FOR HORSE 'AND two colts. Address J. B. Wilson. 231 Mor rison st. GOOD. LIVE. DRY. 4 -FT. FIR WOOD. Hoover. 313 Water. Phone Mala 4594. Doneey engines bought sold and rented. 321 Chamber Commerce, Psoee Main 2343. HELP WANTED MALE. Men. women, learn watchmaking, engraving. Jewelry work, optics. Eas terms, positions guaranteed: mosey made learning. Watch-rcaklng-EngraVg School. 1426 4th r. Seattle. WANTED YOUNG MEN. PREPARE FOR railway telegraph i Trice, easily anu quickly acquired; call Immediately. Vcflr Tele graph Institute. Grand Theater bldg. WANTED TWO SINGLE YOUNG MEN TO rrprrsni as roaa ssuesmen: position per manent If reference are satisfactory. Call 10 to 12 A. M- Hotel ImtvriaL WANTED AN EXPERIENCED SALES agnt to handle automatic electrical pianos; a great proposition; Investigate It: rtfer- ene. required. Apply 334 Oak it. W." SALESMEN TRAVELING IN V i States,, to sell boats and ma- ehtu...- specialties as side line. Relersoa Machinery Co- 152 Morrison st. WANTED. IMMEDIATELY A WASHMAN capable of handling 3 machines and boil er; state experience. Mirror Laundry. Hoqulam. C, F. Simpson. STOP WORKING FOR OTHERS AT SMALL salary: learn a business that pays and be Independent Write Spokane Optical Col lege. Spokane. Waah. THE MEIER & FRANK STORE RE qulres the services of experienced rtf tnea for men's and boys clothing depart ment. Any Intelligent person may earn good lacots tori espoa ding for newspapers: expert race ua necesiarr. Press Syndicate. Lock port. N. T. Mta to Warn barber trade Special inducements thU month: wages while learning. GITlman Barber College. C27 Clay st.. San Francisco. WANTED STATIONARY ENGINEER FOR hotL with knowledge of electricity and SIX BRIGHT. AGGRESSIVE. DETERMINED young mea. salary to snarl, J1S per week. Call 3C7 SUric rt SAM. sharp. WANTED FIRST-CLASS SALESMEN IN Portland aad throughout the state; tlr waxes to rustlers. 20$ McKay bldg. WANTED WINDOY.- TRIMMER FOR DRY goods store la Tacoaa. at once; experience necessary. L 27, Oregoslaa. MEALS. SOC; 21 MEALS. $3-50: ROOMS. 23C and 50c: weekly room and board. $4.50 ta xs. Unlca Hotel, bl N. th st. WANTED STRONG BOY TO WORK IN bakery. Apply 114 Rcstell it- Phone East 579. WANTED MEN'S OLD CLOTHING. SHOES, htgbeit crtce paid. 3d. Phone PactSc 4C CO ATM A K ER WANTED. DEIERUNG &. Padd'n. 50S-5I0 Mala st Vancouver, Wash. SALESMAN FOR HOE SAFETY RAZOR; beet ever; bonanza aide line. 410 Featoa. WANTED A GOOD BAKER, MT. SCOTT Bakery Teats. Apply after 12 o'clock. BENCH HANDS. FRAME MAKERS. GEO. Alnslle Jt Co- IClh and Pettysrove. WANTED GOOD. FOBER HARNESS MAK er. Besker & Miller. Odes. AVash. WANTED FIRST-CLASS FITTER. APPLY Marine Iron Works. St- Jobs. Or. LABORERS FOR FOUNDRY: PERMANENT employment. 330 Sherlock bldg. BOY WANTED BOY. 15 OR 16 YEARS: $ week. Apply 18 17th st. WANTED PRESSER, GOOD WAGES. Ap ply 432 Waahlagtoa at. WANT BO BOY ABOUT 17. STEADY WORK. 44) Frost, comer Darts. YOUTH WANTED NICOLIr THE TAIL or. IN Sd st. OOATMAKER WANTHD BY AL ANDREWS. La Grasde. Or. Pl.UMWEK WANTBO AT 39? "SB ST. H. L Brace KELP WANTBD XALE. B.RBER. STUDENTS. TAKE NOTICE! That the law gavcramr the barber huslassa la the State of Oregoa requires that an as Trzsticea shall serve at leafi three years as as aprestice tmder a registered barber before e ess awear before the Slate Beard of "Barber Exaalsera for aa exaalsatlaa. and that apprentices cannrtt coadact or 09 erau a barber stop la this iUU satH h has takes the examination and a eerUacate has beea granted him by said board. Aay other Rf&rrsatlosi upon these Uaes caa b d ay comsacalcausg with H, G. Meyer. Presldeat of the Beard of Exasaisers. So Icao. Oregaa. k CILVCfMAN, $40 AND BOARD. SURVEY, free fare; millwrights. $4; sawmill carpea tere. $X50; bridgemen. $3. hours; bridge carpenters. LewUton. Idaho. $3.5tfrfree fare; 2 edgtrmta. $X50 and $3JS; woodsmen, sawmill help; shovelers. $23 to $3; second foot, beach. $43; dishwasher, same' place, $23; saloon porter. $3o; kitchen help; others. HANSEN'S EUPLOFMENT OFFICE, 23 Norm Second Street. - WANTED LOGGING CONTRACTOR TO PUT la three million feet timber, averaging Inches; skid -road, cne-half mile haul, con structed Into timber, suitable for team log ging; camp btrlldicra complete; must begin at ooce; further contract cf ten taintoa feet If c Hired; haul from one-half to three-quarters mile. Address Palmer Lumber Co., Drain, Or. WANTED TWO BAND RESAATYERS. $2.75; 4 edgermen. $3. $X50 and $4; 2 rough car penters. $3.50. steady work; 2C0 others. - 10O mill and yardmen. $2 to $2.50. free fare: no office (ee. Fifty loggers, top wages. LUMBERMEN'S LABOR BUREAU. 25 BuarsJde it. and 12 N. Second su W ANTED FOR V. S. ARMY ABLE-BO D leu uanurried men. between ages of 21 and 35. titlzesa of Ualted States, of good char cter and temperate hablu. who can speak, read and write English. Apply to Recruit ing Officer. Alnsworth block. 3d aad Oak su.. Portland. Or. WANTED CABINET-MAKERS. 1T.50 TO $x. zsathlce man for woodihop $2.75. shoddy man 1 2. CO. handsaw man. helper: for wood scop, mattress makers, first-class upaolster ood turner, carpenters. Washington Mattrtfn it Furniture Co.. Seattle. Waih. ALL DISEASES OF MEN SUCCESSFULLY treated; discharges positively cured ta fiom 3 to 3 day; consultation free aad strictly ccnSdentUl: snd for our symptom blank. X-Radlam Medical Institute. 3d and Alder its.; entrance 253 Alder it. Portland. THREE LABORERS (BRICKYARD). FARM hands. porters (yardmen), waiters, dish washers". Chinese. Japan se (city. Condon). 15 waitresses: laundry mangier; woman cook. $33; boasrkeepers; Zj housewcrk. Drake's. 205 Vj Washington. WANTED GENTLEMEN OF ABILITY AND acquaintance with business men who can place with their friends stock of high-grade Industrial stock, which will pay a dividend this year and appreciate enormously In value. AUtth it 20. Oreconlan. ACTIVE. RESPONSIBLE GENERAL AGENT for best acetylene generator made; large commlralon; ilatr. full position for reply. Address Manufacturer. 151-153 N. Clarence St.. Los Angeles. Superior Light & Heat Co. MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN BARBER trace in eight weeks. Graduates eara from $13 :o $25 weekly. Expert instruct- ors. Catategue free. Meter System of Coliegrr. 35 North 4th St.. Porthtcd. WANTED TOUNO MEN TO LEARN SHOW Card Writing. We teach by maU aad guar antee ncMM. Complete course. $10. Writs for free catalogue. Western Designing Co.. 131 Montgomery at- San FrancUco. WANTED A HAND TO DRESS WARPS AND draw In; a good spinner; two good blanket weavers, at ooce; good pay; steady work. Address John P. Wilbur, superintendent. Union Woolen Mills; Union. O.-. AGENTS WANTED TO SELL SUPERIOR, high-grade nunsery stock: complete outfit fcrnlshed free: cash weakly: write today for choice of territory. Capital City Nursery Company. Salem. Or. WANTED AT ONCE. SALESMEN TO SELX, our whips: second largest factory In the U. S and twit line; commission only. Consolidated Whip Co., 12lh and CastelUr sts- Omaha. Neb. BRIGHT YOUNG MEN. OVER 21 YEARS, to prepare for Government positions as gauger In Internal Revenue service; $5 per day. E. Heynen. 213 Columbia btdg.. 3 Washington at. PAINTER WANTED ALL-ROUND MAN: must be good: top wages; steady Job. Phonei Union 301 S after 7 V. M. HALF INTEREST IN A SALOON. CEN tral location: this ! a bargain for $250. See Wallar. KJ Cth st. WANTED AT ONCE. TRAINERS AND I wlner for Finney's hopyard. near Brooks, Or. E. M. Finney. BOY TO WORK IN HARDWARE STORE, over 1 years: state age and references. Ad dress o S. Oregonlan. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED. WELL driller for Keystone machine. J. C. Mc Eachtrn. Clem. Or. BARBER TRADE TAUGHT FREE. SAN Francisco Barber College, S30 Howard st San Franrlico. WANTED -MARRIED MAN FOR RANCH I wnrs; musi dc gooa teamster. 623 Cham ber Commerce. COATMAKERS WANTED AT ONCE TO work Inside. Columbia" Woolen Mills. 7th and Stark St.. COAT AND PANTS MAKERS WANTED. Apply Thomas Malrs. 3(9 Commerce st.. Ta coma. Wash. FIRST-CLASS BROILER AND LUNCHMAN. Address- G. M. Campbell. 32u James st- Se attle. Wash. WANTED OFFICE CLERKS: MUST BE good prnrctn and quick at figures. A 20 Oregonlan. RELIABLE SALESMAN: MUST BE A hustler. Apply 210 Columbia bldg.. 9 to II A M. COOK AND 3 HELPERS. $160 FOR A CAMP, er man and wife and helpers. Hansen. 20 N.-2d st. HELP WANTED ITXMALE. EXPERIENCED. GIRL FOR GENERAL -""housework, who understands cooking; good wages. Apply mornings. $24 Marshall st. WANTED - GOOD STOUT WOMAN FOR hand washing; good wages. Apply In per son. Troy Laundry C.. 201 E. Water. WANTED OPERATORS AND GIRLS TO learn sblrtmaktng. Apply Standard Fac tory. 2 Grand ave. and E. Taylor sc. SINCERE. EA itN EST. AMBtTIOUS WOMAN of high moral standing to engage at once In educational work. O 99. Oregooian. WANTED ALL KINDS OF FIRST-CLASS help. Mrs. Wilson's Ladles Employment Agency, 2914 Morrison, corner 5th. WANTED MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN AS housekeeper; wages $25. Address John Le lard Henderson, Hood River. Or. THE MEIER A FJtANK STORE RE qutres the services of an experienced sew er for their drapery workroom. WANTED A GIRL TO DO GENERAL housework and assist In care of child la zmaU TamRy, Apply 20O Park it. COOKS. MEN 550. WOMEN $30 UP (CITY. era. Drake's, 2UCi Washington. WANTED AT ONCE. EXPERIENCED glove saleslady, none other need apply. Rob erts) Bro.. 3d and Morrison sts. HANSEN'S LADIES AGENCY. 3434 Wajhisgton st car. 7th, up lairs. Paoa-a Main 292. WANTED A GIRL TO DO COOKING IN private family, wages xot. can at 791 Johnson st. or phone Main 2907. THE HOME "LADIES AGENCY OPEN Sundays and evenings. 1C34 4th st- up stairs. Ph. Main 5320. (JlRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK WHO understands cooking, where second girl Is kept. CSO Flanders st. A COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL iwwww. ti.vM oo dsciisoa a v., head of Johnann st. GIRL WANTED TO COOK AND DO GBN- eral nooeeworx: per month. Inquire 75 North 23d L ELDERLY LADY TO CARE FOR BABY AND are.. SeBwood. GIRL WANTED FOR GENERAL HOCSB wtk. a iu wagex. APPIx 773 Hoyt st. WANTED A GIRL FOR GENERAL. HOUSE- wonc Appiy ! iita sc corner Clay. WANTED A GOOD COMPETENT WOMAX to cook, inquire paoce xain ax. WANTED COMPETENT GIRL FOR OKX eral hetssework. 64) Lovejoy st, ; WANTKD GIRL TO ASST "WITH .GssK- 'KELT TANTB FX3CAZJC WANT3D STBROGBAFHERS DESIRING gonHlaas To Teglster wHh the Uaderwoed TypewrKer Co- ga the demand Is greater thaa. w can voplj. We are making a specialty of placing steaographers in desir able. pesKlons. Come 1& aad let's get ac MhUed. as Sixth at. FOR BBACH.RBSORTS. WaMrrases. chamhcrauldav pastry woaea. reslster bow for Summer reaeet efigagemeats. ReKlatratlea Free. BANSSK'S LADIES AGENCY. 5431a Wasfejfigtaa st career 7th. upstairs. DRESSMAKERS. $1 TO J1J0 A' DAY; waitress. $7 week: 4 hotel waitresses, $20; 2 chambermaids. $20; 2 waitresses. Walla Walla. $30. fares here: 3 cooks. $40? others. HANSEN'S LADIES AGENCY. 343a Washington st-. corner Tin. upstairs. ATTENTION. AppUcasU for all kinds of work register with as. free of charge, so ws may locals yea oa short aotlce. HANSEN'S LADIES AGENCY. 343H Washington st- cor. 7th. upstairs. LADIES EMPLOYED TO DO FANCY WORK: material seat, easy- rapid work: good pay: steady: for samples aad particulars address N. C HuUn. 1344 Market lU San Francisco. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOCSE wock: must be good cook: family of two; references required: good wages. Apply 777 Overton st, Telsphpne Main 1723. COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL HOU3E work: apply 1083 Thurman, Willamette Heights: good wages to good girl. Phone Mala 1353. DISEASES OF WOMEN A SPECIALTY X Radlura Medical Institute and Sanitarium. 3d and Alder: entrance 253 Alder st Portland. "WAN mj GIRL APPRENTICE TO LEARN dressmaking; wages $5 per week and two meals. Appty 2tl 1st. Lewis and Clark Res taurant. THE MEIER & FRANK STORE REQUIRES services of experienced sewers for their cloak department alteration rocros. Apply at once. WANTED CONSCIENTIOUS. ENERGETIC woman to take management for Vlavl Co. Ad dress room 23, Lewis bldg- Portland. Or. WANTED HOUSEKEEPERS COOKS, nurses, waitresses, second girls. St. Louis Ladies Agency. 220 Yamhill. Main 3413 EXPERIENCED MILLINER TO TAKE FULL charge of workroom: salary $20 to $25 per week; must be competent. R 21. Oregonlan. YOUNG .GIRL GENERAL HOUSEWORK, small family; take Irvlngton car. 440 E. 10th st. N. WANTED BRIGHT. PROGRESSIVE WOM en to take orders for a high-grade coffee. 203 2d st. WANTED GIRL. TO DO SECOND WORK: references. Apply 32S 10th st. Phone Main 21 6S. W'ANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work: no children. Inquire 223 North 21t street. GIRL FOR COOKING AND GENERAL housework. Apply mornings at 663 Overton street. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. small family, fair cook. Phone East 4O0S. WANTED EXPERIENCED SKIRT AND waist hands. Mrs. Rolfson. 2i Hamilton bldg. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work and care of children. Phone Scott 719. EXPERIENCED GIRL TO DO GENERAL housework: no cooking. 225 West Park. WANTED A GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work at Mt, Tabor. Phone Scott 53. GIRL OR WOMAN TO DO COOKING AT Baumann Hotel. 412 N. 10th. WANTED FIRST-CLASS SKIRT AND coat helpers. 508 Marquam. NURSEGIRL WANTED, ond st.. ncrnlngs. APPLY 410 SEC- SECOND GIRL. MRS. R. NUNN, 777 FLAN ders st. WANTED GIRL FOR HOUSEWORK. 543 Third. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. The Great Western Employment Office. 3004 Couch at. Phone Main 3SIS. We make a specialty of furnishing all kinds of labor. S. St. Clair, general manager. MAN OR WOMAN TO TRAVEL: $00 PER month and expenses: $2.50 per day In city. Room 43. Cosmos bldg.. 4 th and Morrison. Hours 9 to 3. WANTED CHORCS GIRLS; ALSO VAUDB vllle. dramatic peopte and musicians; good salary. Room 1. 1454 6th st. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. BOOKKEEPING I WILL POST YOUR books dally, make up your statement and take -off monthly trial balance, at small ex penis; satisfaction guaranteed. Murtoa th accountant. 334 Chamber Commerce. Mala 48SS. XOUNG MAN. 21. SPEAKING FRENCH AND English, jsome buflness experience, wishes situation In a Ann: no objection small wages if advancement, X 21. Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED SALESMAN. GENERAL store, wants position In or out of dty; steady, good address, best reference. Sales man. 255 Clackamas st. YOUNG MAN OF OFFICIO EXPERIENCE wants position; competent bookkeeper and typewriter; neat penman; best references. W 20. Oregonlan. SITUATION WANTED BY YOUNG MAN AS stenographer and to assist In office work: best of references. Address S 11, care Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED SHIPPING CLERK WANTS situation wholesale house or with railroad. P 21. Oregonlan. SITUATION WANTED BY REGISTERED druggist, S years' experience. II 20. Ore gonlan. MUcellaaeoes, JAPANESE DOMESTIC SERVANTS, HOUSE deanen and other laborers furnished. Tea Nippon Employment Office, room 2. 29 N. 2d st- dty. Uatn 3131. P. O. Box 173. EXPERIENCED LANDSCAPE GARDENER wants work tending lawns, yards and shrubbery and gardening, prdfesslonal ex perience. J 18. Oregonlan. TELEPHONE DRAKE'S. 2054 WASHINC ton. for cooks, waiters, dishwashers, por ter.', railroad, farm help: also Chinese. Jap anese. EXPERIENCED. SOBER BARTENDER wants place, employed, but wishes to change; .moderate wages. Apply E 20. Oregonlan. JAPANESS LABOR ASSOCIATION CAN famish domestic servants, farmers also: all kinds of help- Mala 4859. 268 Everett. YOUNG MAN. SOBER AND RELIABLE, acquainted with steam machinery, wants position May L K 13. Oregonlan. JAPANESE WANTS "SITUATION TO DO cooking or waiting: boarding, restaurant; ln country. W 12. Oregonlan. JAPANESE" BOY WANTS POSITION TO DO housework la private family; speak English. O 20. Oregonlan. HONEST JAPANESE BOY WANTS WORK any klad In family. lodging or store. N 21. Oregonlan. JAPANESE BOY WANTS SMALL FAMILY cooklnr or housework; wages $23 up. 273 Burnslde. JAPANESE BOY WISHES WORK OF ANY kind evenings from 7 to 10. R IS. Ore gonlan. Men's cast-off clothing, shoes, highest prices paid. 734 N. 3d st. Phone Pacific 1694. JAPANESE SCHOOLBOY WISHES WORK, room, board. O 21. Oregonlan. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. Dresssaakers. it.t. KINDS OF SEWING DONE BT EX partiacad party: skirts a specialty; war guaranteed. 2S64 Ease Washiagtoa, sac Vales aad Grand aveav LADIES HATS REMADE AND RETRIM med: order work a specialty. -Mrs. West phal. 211 12th. Main 7151. LADIES HATS REMADE AND RETRIMMEO Order work a specialty. Mrs. Westpaal. 211 13th- Mala 71SL Domestics JAPANESE GIRL WANTS POSITION TO da housework la small family, dty. Ad dress) L 18. Oregealaa. KTUATIOK WANTED BY TOUNO LADY mm heakssaer Jar hiahelor or w Maw sr. Ae areas V 9$. car OiignwUs. WTPATION WANTED FBXA 7, a. Knokkrepera aad S4eaaotaanhn., BOOKKEEPING I WILL POST YOUR hooka dally, maka up year stateBseats aad taxa eg monthly trial balaace. at small, axpeas: saUstactlaa guaranteed. Murtoa -the accountant. 334, Chamber Commerca, Male 48SS. EXPERIENCED YOUNG "WOMAN STENOG ragher desires permanent position; salary moderate. Phone Pacific 1S64. room 14, be fore 9 AM. EXPERIENCED LADY STENOGRAPHER, knowledge of bookkeeping, desires position; references. Apply M 20. Oregonlar. Miscellaneous. SITUATIONS FIRST-CLASS SWEDISH cook: also experienced chambermaid. Mrs, Wlhroa's Ladles' Employment Agency. 2014 Morrison st- CHAMBERMAIDS. WAITRESSES. CASH lers. reception girls, factory, camp, family, resort help furnished. Drake's. .2034 Wash ington. " , YOUNG WOMAN WANTS WORK IN Doc tor's or dentist's office or with dressmaker a part of each day. G 14. Oregonlan. GIRL. EMPLOYED DURING DAY. WOULD like place to work for room and hoard. Phone Main 2S33. Apply at once. A NORWEGIAN GIRL THAT CAN'T SPEAK English, like to get a place. Address 6o Thurman st. , WANTED A CHILD TO BOARD: GOOD home. kindly care. 272 Montgomery, bet. 3d and 4th. HOME LAUNDERED LACK CURTAINS. Phone Union 1273. Call up 9 to 11. Mrs. Scott, YOUNG LADY WISHES TO LEARN DRESS maklng; had some experience. T 20. Ore gonlan. WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS WANTED TO REPRESENT THE Old Reliable Nurseries; commissions1 ad vanced weekly: write quick for choice of territory. Albany Nurseries. Albany. Or. MEN OR WOMEN WANTED IN EVERY locality throughout the state to aell reliable stock; liberal commission. B 20. Oregonlan. GENTLEMEN AGENTS. PORTLAND AND throughout state: big wages. 410 Fenton bldg. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO RENT HOUSES. COTTAGES. ELATS. ROOMING-HOUSES. STORES. ETC. Our rental department has been en larged and provided with additional staff. We Invite listing from LANDLORDS, offer personal- attention to and continuous supervision over all property intrusted to our care. PORTLAND TRUST CO. OF OREGON. S. E. Cor. 3d and Oak sts. Phone Ex. 72. WANTED HOUSES AND COTTAGES. EAST and West Sides: wni rent at once. Donald G. Woodward, agent. 246 Stark st. Phono Main 345. Administrator of estates. WANTED BOARD AND ROOM IN PRI vate family for mechanic and little girl tl years old. T 21. Oregonlan. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR FUR nlture In any quantity: also take same oa commission and guarantee best results. The Portland Auction Rooms'. A Schubach. prop. Phone Main 5625. 211 1st st. WANTED MEN'S CAST-OFF CLOTHING and shoes: highest price paid. Call at the "Fair Deal." 62 N. 3d. Phono Pacific 1722. DEAD HORSES hauled away promptly free; highest price paid for all kinds bones. Ore gon Fertiliser Wks.. 792 Thurman. M. 10G. WANTED TO BUY OR TRADE FOR LOG Ing engine. 612 Commercial bldg. Main. 1940. . WANTED TO BUY OR LEASE. HY- draullc placer property. S 18. Oregonlan. WE CALL FOR DEAD HORSES AND CAT tl free of charge. Phone East 2233. WANTED LAND TO SLASH OR CLEAR by contract. D 19, Oregonlan. WANTED CHEAP CART; MUST BE IN good condition. Main 4017. WANTED ONE OR TWO FIGHTING GAMB cocks. M 21. Oregonlan. FOR RENT. Rooms. HOTEL OXFORD. COR. 6TH AND OAK i New brick buitdlng In business center, fur nished entirely new throughout and un der new management: elegant Tooms with all modern conveniences. $1 -day; baths free; special attention, given 'he tourMt and commercial trade; rates reasonable to permanent roomers; suites -with prlvato baths. Mrs. A. J. Walters, prop. Main S9. FOR RENT. REASONABLE 2 FURNISHED rooms, only one block from two car lines; suitable for two gentlemen: with privilege of using cooking utensils, and also use of piano, organ, pianola and musical library: owner will give lessons if desired; a very desirable opportunity for bachelors quar ters. For further particulars, address Q 96. Oregonlan. THE COMMERCIAL. Nicely furnished rooms, single or en smile, $2 per week up; steam heat; hot and cold water, free hatha, free phone; dining-room, in connection; transients solicited; open all night: best location in the city: office and reading-room ground floor. 488 Washington. HOTEL ANTLERS. COR. 10TH AND WASH ington sts. Under new management: every thing new. dean and modern; all the prin cipal car lines pass the door; private bath suites: rates reasonable. Phono Main 2333. Mrs. F. H. Powers, prop. v THE AUDITORIUM. 2084 3d. bet. Taylor and Salmon, one of the best and most respect able rooming-houses) ln Portland: elevator, steam heat, baths, hot and cold water In rooms: we cater to the traveling public John Granstrom, prop. SWELLEST ROOMING-HOUSE IN PORT land. Stone" and brick bldg.: elegantly fur nished; electric lights, hot and cold water, furnace beat, porcelain baths. Hotel Ar menia!. 4104 Morrison, cor. 11th. Main 5263. HOTEL KENYON ELEGANT FURNISHED rooms; also housekeeping suites; gas. electrlo light; hot. cold water: every room steam heat; free hatha. 18th and Wash. Pac 496. FOR RENT ROOMS OR OFFICES OR light manufacturing: central location, 7th. and Oak. Apply to G. N. W. Wilson Co barber supply house. 72 6th. THE ANGELUS. COR. 6TH AND JEFFER iwn Beautiful- furnished front smite, also single rooms, everything new and strictly modern: prices reasonable. SUITE OF THREE BEAUTIFUL FRONT rooms, suitable for 2 or 3 gentlemen. clcw in; no car fare. No. 212 7th st. Phono Main 1712. NEWLY FURNISHED SUITES AND SINGLE, hot and cold water in all rooms: furnaco heat, reasonable. 207 14th. Phone Main 1133. THE GRAHAM. 5434 WASHINGTON Housekeeping suites. $12 a month: rooms by tho day. 20c and $1; tourist trade solicited. 122 12TH. COR. WASHINGTON CLEAN, finely furnished sunny srooms. free phone, baths, electric lights, reasonable. NEWLY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM. SUIT able for two young men or man and wife; cheap, modern. 1S9 7th st. 394 ALDER. COR. 10TH ST. TWO NICE ly furnished front rooms with bath; also single room: reasonable. TWO LARGE. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT rcoms. one furnished .for housekeeping. Clayton. 15 N. 10th st. " NICE FRONT ROOM. CLOSE IN: PRIVATE family: $6. 546 Lovejoy. Phone Pacific 1330. References. LARGE FRONT ROOM. CONTAINING HOT and cold water. 15 minutes walk; $10. Pa cific 22. 431 MAIN SUITE OF FURNISHED ROOMS, ground floor, for housekeeping: no small children. ' LARGE FRONT ROOM. HOME COMFORTS, bath, phone; also small front room, cheap. 212 7th. 188 12TH- PLEASANT FRONT ROOM" FOR gentlemen;; phone, gas, porcelain batn; cen tral. The Monastes. 1st and Jefferson Large rooms. 25c and 50c per day. $2 and up per week. ALBERTA HOUSE FEW FRONT ROOMS: also single rooms. $1.25 up. 2114 1st st. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED SUITB OF 3 housekeeping rooms. Inquire 22914 1st st. NICHLY FURNISHED CLEAN "ROOM, heat. hath, phoae: $10 month. 2S N". 16th st WKa TUB UNION HOTEL. SI N. 6TH ST. TRY one week, roots aad hoard at J 4 .Mr satis faction guaranteed. J. Aaderses, proprietor: :T"