THE MORNING OREGONIAJf, WEDNESDAY. APRIL 18, ISO. CUE IS LOST E THROUGH Hight Misplays Combine to the Seals' Advantage at Oakland. UMPIRE'S DECISION COSTLY Knell Calls McHalo Out lor Not Touching First Base When the Player Was Interfered With by Schofleld. PACIFIC COAST IXAGUE. Yesterday's Boores. Ban Francisco, : Portland. 2. Los Angeles. 2; Seattle. 1. Oakland", 6; Fresno, 6. V Standing of the Clubs. Won. Lost. T.C Los Angeles 8 1 .SHI Eon Francisco 8 2 .818 Portland 6 4 .656 Freeno 3 -33S Oakland 2 7 .222 Seattle 2 9 .182 OAKLAND. Cal., April 17. Eight costly errors, combined with a streak of hard luck cost the TVebfooters the game with San Francisco at Mora Park this after noon, the score being 6 to 2 In favor of the Seals. In spite of the fact that the score was so one-sided, the Northerners played good ball, a number of the errors made being excusable because of the men making them accepting almost Impossible chances. One of the cases of hard luck for Mc Crcdle's bunch was when Umpire Knell, who made his debut with the indicator on the local grounds today, called McHale out for not touching first base on a two base drive. The runner should have been safe, for he was Interfered with at the bag by Scofield. The Seals started out with wo In the first, landed two more In the second and a brace of tallies In the eighth. Port land got one in the third and one In the fourth, which was the total of their marks In the run column. .Manager McCredle has purchased Fred Raymer from the Boston Nationals to play second base. The new man Is ex pected here about Saturday. The score: PORTLAND. McHale. cf. .. McCredle, rf. Sweeney, ss. . Mitchell. If. . Lister, lb. ... McLean, c . Moore, Sb Donohue, 2b. . French, p. AB. .. 4 :i .. 3 .. 3 .. 3 Totals 29 SAX FRANCISCO. R. BH. PO. A. E. O 0 1 0 O 0 10 0 0 O 1 8 3 1110 1 0 1 tt 1 1 O S 2 0 O O 2 6 1 1112 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 24 18 8 AB. ... 3 ... 4 R. BH. PO. A. Hlldebrand. If. Mohler. 2b. . Vsldron. rf. . Irwln. 3b 4 Spencer, cf. Scofield. lb 4 Street, c .4. Gouchnauer. ss 3 Wheeler, p 3 Total 112 0 2 1 1 B 1 O 3 1 0 0 1 S O110 0 1 14 0 0 0 2 1 10 2 2 12 14 6 0 27 28 31 SCORE BY INMKOB. 0 1 O O JO 1 1 02 03 0 00 Portland 0 0 110 0 Hits 0 12 10 San Francisco.... 2 2 0 0 0 Hits 1 2 O 0 0 SUMMARY. Three-base hit Scofield. Two-bane hit Lister. Sacrifice hits Lister, Hlldebrand. TValdron. First bane on errors Portland, 1; San Fran Cisco, 4. Bases on balls Off French. 1: off Wheeler. 1. Left on bases Portland, 2: San Francisco. 4. Struck out By French 1; by Wheeler, 1. Double play Sweeney to Lister. Time of came One hour and 20 minutes. Umpire Knell. STELTZ WAS IX BAD FOIISI FltZRcrald Takes Place 'and Fresno Loses the Game Right There. FRESNO. Cal.. April 17. After Steltz had walked three men and forced In a run that tied the score, Fitzgerald was pent Into the box In the seventh inning today without any warming up. Dever eaux lined out a two-bagger and three runs were scored. Fresno scored twice in the same Inning, but was unable to catch tip. The game was. the poorest exhibition of the season. The score: R. H. E. Oakland 0 1 0 0 1 0 4 0 0-6 6 7 Fresno 1 20000200-5 7 1 Batteries Cox. Graham and Hackett; Steltz. Fitzgerald and Hogan. Umpire Perrlne. JOXES WEAKENS IX THE NINTH Fills the Bases and Forces In Run That Gives Angels the Game. LOS ANGELES. April 17. Gray's pitch ing was the feature of today's game with Seattle. He allowed the visitors but three singles, struck out flvemen and gave not a base on balls. His fielding, however, was bad, and his two successive errors, followed by a wild throw by Eager, gave Seattle its only run. The game was decided in the ninth inn ing, when Jones, after pitching a good came for eight innings, when to pieces and filled the bases and then forced In the winning run by a wild pitch. Four double plays, two on each side, were fea tures of the game. The score: R. H. E. Los Angeles 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 12 6 S Seattle 0 0 010 0 0 0 01 3 l Batteries Gray and Eager: Jones and Blankenship. Umpire McDonald. AMERICAN LEAGUE. Cleveland 3, St. Louis 1. ST. LOUIS. April 17.-SL Louis opened the American League championship sea son today with a, miserable exhibition against Cleveland. The home team's er rors were all bad breaks, and figured prominently In the vicltors run-getting. Attendance, $300. The score: R.H.E.1 R.H.E SL Louis 1 3 6 Cleveland 3 S i Batteries Howell and Spencer; Hess and Buelow. Xew York 4, Boston 3. BOSTON. April .17. The baseball season In Boston was opened today under favor able conditions. Attendance. 17,700. The cere: R.H.E.1 R.H.E. Boston . 3 5 lNew Tork 4 10 0 Batteries 'Winter and Graham; Hogg, Orta and Kleinow. Wasbiagton 5, Philadelphia 2. WASHINGTON. April 17. Waelogtoa won its first g&rae of the season today. Attendaace, 4M8. The score: JbLH.E.1 R-HJsL "Washington 7 2 Philadelphia .-2 S 1 Batteries Falkenberg and Heydon; Dy gert, Coakley and Schreck. Chicago 5, Detroit 5. DETROIT, April 17. Chicago was the winner of the opening game in this city, a game that would sot have been espe cially Interesting but for the record breaking crowd. Attendance, 13.960. The score: R.H.E.1 R.H.E. Detroit .3 OJChlcago 5 13 4 Batteries Mullen and "Warner; Owen and Sullivan. NATIONAL LEAGUE. Pittsburg 3, Cincinnati 2. PITTSBURG. April 17. The season opened today with fine weather and one of the largest crowds that ever attended a gome here. The winning run was mado In the twelfth inning, when Wagner hit for two bases Into the crowd and Nealon followed with another. Attendance, 17,000. The score: R.H.E.1 R.H.E. Pittsburg 3 13 z Cincinnati .....2 It 3 Batteries Phllllppl and Gibson and Carish; Welmer and Phelps. Umpires Klem and Carpenter. New York 3, Brooklyn 1. BROOKLYN, April 17. The New Tork aNtionais won from the Srooklyns here today in a. ten-inning struggle. Attend ance, R500. The score: R.H.E.! R.H.E. Brooklyn i 4 2New Tork 3 8 2 Batteries Mclntyre and Screen; Mc Ginnity and Bresnahan. Umpires Conway and Emsllc. St. Louis 6, Chicago 3. CHICAGO. April 17. The opening con test of the local season proved a. farce on the National game. Outside of the third inning, -when the visitors made five hits for four scores, the batting was de cidedly weak and all the other runs were gifts on errors and wildness by the flvo pitchers. Attendance. 16,000. The score: R.H.E.! R.H.E. Chicago 3 5 3 St. Louis 6 7 2 Batterie. Pfeister. Wicker, Beebe and Moran; Puttmann. McFarland and Grady. Umpire Johnstone. Philadelphia 1, Boston 0. PHILADELPHIA. April 17. Philadel phia shut out Boston today in a game that was a battle of the pitchers from start to finish. Attendance, 4600. The score: R.H.R! RH.E. Boston 0 S 2 Philadelphia ..1 7 1 Batteries Pfeffer and Needham; Dug gleby and Dooln. Umpire O'Day. At Tale, S College Baseball Games. Washington Georgetown, HEEDS TWO INFIELDERS M'CREDIE SATISFIED WITH HIS OTHER PLAYERS. x Pitching Staff, Says Portland 3Iana ger, Is Second to Xono in the League. SAN FRANCISCO. April 17,-CSpecIal.) Judge McCredle would give a kingdom for a couple of lnnoldera.' With a couple of new men on his payroll the Portland manager would be In high feather and not afraid of the best club In the league. Not having thefe two lnflelders, McCredle is worrying -a bit, but he is doing his best to fill the gaps. He has lines out in dif ferent directions with the hope of bene ficial results. "If Flood and Smith had reported. Port land would have -been in the best shape of any club In the league," remarked Mc Credle this morning. "I would have had a team that would have been very hard to beat. I would have been strong In every departmenL As the team is now constituted, the Infield needs men. Dona hue, who Is playing second. Is a finished ball player and too good a catcher to be playing second. I want him behind the bat. but 1 must keep him there until I find somebody. As to Jud Smith. McCredle expects to have a talk with him when he reaches Los Angeles next wecki but he has no idea what will be the outcome. McCredle has an Idea that some one is tampering with Smith with the expectation that the Judge will sell him rather than lose him entirely. McCredle Is satisfied with his pitching staff, which he pronounces second to none. He said Henderson would he a second Baum and that CalllfT. French. Esslck, Jones and Garvin would all be In their best form directly. Essick has not performed yet, but will work against the Seals this week. Garvin Is now coaching a college team In Oregon and will not report until the Giants reach home untess some of the pitchers now with them should go wrong. ATHLETES LEAVE BRIXD1SI. Mitchell Still Lame From Contact With Wave on Atlantic BRINDISI. April 17. The American ath letes who are to compete In the Olympic games at Athens next week arrived to day. James S. Mitchell, the weight thrower of the New York Athletic Club, whose shoulder was dislocated by a sea which boarded the steamer on the voy age across the Atlantic. Is still lame. Charles Parsons, the California sprinter, is in fair condition, as also are the others of the team. The party which came aa far as Naples on. board the Barbarosa was joined by the members of the team who traveled in advance. The team left at midnight on board the Italian Steamer Montenegro. On board the same vessel Is the German athletic team. At Oakland. SAN FRANCISCO. April 17. Oakland face results: Three and a half furlong- Valeurums won. Pescadara second. Gold Heather third; time, 0:42 3-5. . Six furlonpv Earlr Hours won. Maxapan second. Alma Gardla third; time. l:lti. Six furlongs F. K. Shaw won. Prince "Wheeler second. Standard third; time. 1:1SU- Mlle and an eighth Ink won. Badly Used second. Calculate third; time, 1:56. Mile and a rtxteenth Bonar won. Bloomy Gu second. Eat? Street third; time. IMS;. Mile and a sixteenth Piquet won. Harbor second. MIm May Bowdih third; time. 1:47. Mile and 50 yards Red Light won. Be nighted necond. Dewey third; time, 1:43H- Anemone to Enter Rkcc. SAN FRANCISCO. April 17. The coming of the yacht Anemone from New York is awaited with anxiety by people Interested In the international sailing contest that will begin here May 19 and end at a point off Diamond Head, at the entrance to Honolulu har bor. Tbe Anemone will represent the New York Tacht Club. There is little doubt In the minds of those who know xier best that she will be here, for she is fitted with auxiliary power and docs A ivk atuvi uyvn niuu iuuuc tu I this port. "At last accounts the yacht was In the Straits of Magellan, but that was several weeks ago. The flne yacht Ma ple Leaf, of Vaaue liver, 2. rsptra- Weighty Professional Endorsements. That the several Americas medicinal roots, the ceaceatnUed glyceric extracts of which saike ap Dr. Prce'a Golden Medical Discovery, hare the strongest id ad of eadoreeiaea. by scores of lead ing medical writers of all the several schools of -practice, a brief fiance at the staadard works oa Xoterxo, JfeaVca will show. Of Golden Seal root, which is oae of the prominent ingredients of " Golden Medical Discovery, Dr.Roberts Bartholow, of Jefferson Medical Col lege, says: "Very useful as a stom achic (stomach) tonic and in atonic dyspepsia. Cares gastric (stomach) catarrh and headaches accompanying same." He also mentions catarrh ot the gall dnct, jaundice and constipa tion as diseases which the nse of Golden Seal root overcomes ; also catarrh of the intestines, even when it has. proceeded to ulceration, is remarkably benefited by Hydrastis (Golden Seal root). Dr. Graver Coe. of 2ew York, says: Hydrastis (Golden Seal root) exer cises an especial influence over mu cous surfaces. Upon the liver it acts with equal certainty and ef ficacy. As a cholagogue (liver invig orator) it has few equals. Dr. Coe also advises it for affections of the spleen and other abdominal viscera generally, and for scrofulous and gland ular diseases, cutaneous eruptions, in digestion, debility, chronic diarrhoea, constipation, also in several affections peculiar to women, and in all chronic derangements of the liver; also for chronic inflammation of bladder, for which Dr. Coe says it is one of the most reliable agents of cure. Prof. Hobart A. Hare, 31. D., of the University of Pa., says of Golden Seal root that it is "of service in chronic catarrh of the stomach and bowels, following abuse of alcohol, and as a tonic after malarial fever. He further says, it "has a distinct anti-malarial influence." Also ngood in all catarrhal conditions, as uterine catarrh, leucor rhcea, etc, and asRa curative agent in chronic dyspepsia. Prof. Laurence Johnson, M. D., of the Medical Department, University City of N. Y., is equally loud in his J iraise of Golden Seal root, especially or its tonic effects in convalescence from acute diseases and its special tonic influence upon mucous surfaces and upon the gall bladder. Doctors Barton and Tully recom mended Golden Seal root as a pare tonic and as an alterative in dis eased conditions of the mucous mem branes. Prof. John King, M. D., late of Cin cinnati, author of the America:: Dis peksatobv. gives it a prominent place among medicinal agents, reiterates all the foregoing writers have said about it, as does also Prof. John 31. Scudder, M. D., late of Cincinnati. Dr. Scud der 6ays: "It stimulates the digestive processes and increases the assimilation of food. By these means tht blood is enriched, the consequent improvement on the glandular and nervous svstems are natural results. Dr. Scudder further says, "in relation to its general effect upon the system, there is no medicine in use about which there is such general unanimity of opinion. It is universally regarded as the tonic, useful in all debilitated elates Prof. Haley ElHnrwood, M. D.. of Beanett Medical College, Chicago, says of Goktea beal root: "it is a ssoet seperior remedy ia catarrhal gastritis (iaSaasBatioB of the stomach), chroaic coBEtipattoB, general debility, in cos vakecssce from protracted fevers, ia prostrating sight-sweats. It is en tw- pertant remedy in tkserienef tht teems." (lius agent, uowea teal root, is an important ingredient of Doctor Pierce's Favorite Prescription for wom an's weaknesses, as well as of tb "Golden Medical Disco very.) Dr. El lingwood contiBTjes, "ia all catarrhal conditions" it Jause'el. Much more, did space permit, cos Id be quoted from prominent authorities as to-the wonderfal vearative properties possessed by Golden Seal root. We want to secure the "reader that "Golden "Medical Discovery can. be relied apon to do all that is claimed for Golden Seal root in the care of all the various diseases as set forth in the above brief extracts, for its most prominent and important ingredient as Golden Seal root. This agent is. bow ever, strongly reinforced, and its cura tive action greatly enhanced by the addition, in jest the right proportion .of Queen's root, Stone root. Black Cherry bark, Blood root, Mandrake root and chemically pure glycerine. All of these are happily and harmoniously blended into a most perfect phar maceutical compound, now favorably known throughout most of the civilized countries of the world. Bear in mind that each and every ingredient entering in the "Discovery has received the endorsement of the leading medical men of our land, who extol each article named above in the highest terms. "What other medicine put up for sale through druggists can show any such professional endorsement? For dys pepsia, liver troubles, all chronic catar rhal affections of whatever name or nature, lingering coughs, bronchial, throat and lung affections, the "Dis covery can be relied upon as a sover eign remedy. By reading the little book noted below any one will readily see the applicability of the "Golden Medical Discovery" to the cure of all the fore going list of diseases as well as many other chronic affections, especially those of the heart, kidneys, bladder, skin and blood. A little book of extracts treating of all the several jngredients entering into Dr. Pierce's medicines, being extracts from standard medical works, of the different schools of practice will be mailed free to any one asking (by postal card or letter), for the same, addressed to Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y., and giving the writer's full post-office ad dress plainly written. In cases of chronic ailments, at tended by marked, or persistent, con stipation. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant PeHets should be taken conjojntly with the use of the "Golden Medical Discov ery, to regulate the bowels. They act in harmony with the " Discovery." and will be found to be a most valuable laxative, or, in fuller doses a cleans ing cathartic. Podopbyllin, the active medicinal Iirinciple of Mandrake root, enters argely into the composition of the lit tle sugar-coated "Pellets, in fact is one of their chief ingredients. They rrtmlate the liver, stomach and bowels. scntin? the English colors In the race, will be here in good time. TOO FAST FOR KID" KItAXT Billy Iiundlc Puts the Seattle Boy Out In the Third. SEATTLE. April 17. SpcclaL)-BIlly Lunelle, of San Frandsco. beat Harry "Kid" Krant, of Seattle. In three round, at Pleasant Beach' last night. Lundie carried the flght to Krant In each round and sent the Seattle boy out In the third with a risht swing to the Jaw as Krant was getting out ot a clinch. Krant was not all in. but he had broken his richt knuckle In the first round, and Referee Morrison called the fight off. The light was the fastest and hardest Seattle fans have seen. The two lads be gan to mix It from the time they were sent to the center, and the pace simply swept Krant off his feet. Lundie butted the Seattle boy with his head repeatedly. but even without this move would have won. "Scurvy Sam. one of the managers of a prcllmltfary bout, furnished the side amusement by a mlx-up on tho floor. which the Kitsap County Sheriff ended by throwing him out. This fight was the first of a jtcrics Intended to reintroduce the game here by pulling off fights In Kitsap County. Handball Singles Played. In the handball singles at the Multno mah Club last evening Jones won from Hcusncr by scores of 21-e and 3-1S. Wednesday night the contestants will be Zan vs. Peterson. Friday night the winner of the Zan- Pcterson match plays Morris Dunne, and the finals will be played Monday. April jt at S r. M. Dalalh. Minn. After lt yean of bard work Gorre I Ton. or lh! dtr. Iwu njecrttf. In "loop's tt loop on roller tkatf. lie auo leaps a 23-foot sap after cocsIbs Gown an Ni-toni incline. Buffalo LithiaWater Has for Thirty Years been Recognized by the Medical Profession as an Invaluable Remedy in B right's Disease, Albuminuria of Pregnancy, Renal Calculi, Gout, Rheumatism and all Dis eases Dependent upon a Uric Acid Diathesis. Time adds to the Voluminous Testimony of Leading Clinical Observers. "THE MOST VALUABLE MINERAL WATER IN USE" Dr. Graemo M. Hammond, of New York, Professor of Diseases of the Mind and Nervous System in the New York Posi-Grad stale Medical School and Hospital: "Inall cases of B RIGHT'S DISEASE of the have found Buffalo LiTHiAterER In lB.creasf.Hg the quan tity of urine and In ELIMINATING the ALBUMEN. Ia certain cases of Melancholia, accompanied by excessive elimination of URATES aad URIC ACID, it Is often the only remedy necessary. In GOUT and RHEUMATISM it is highly bene- ft I TTTtK VtlTB ficiaL I have long regarded DUrWIUI UllUil IMU t most valuable mineral water la use. "especially BUEFAL0 LlTiiUWrtTElt of Virginia." Samuel O. L. Potter, A.M., M. D.f M. R. C. P., London, Pro fessor of the Principles and Practice of Medicine in the College of Physicians and Surgeons,San Francisco, in his handbook of PHARMACY, MATERIA MEDICA and THERAPEUTICS, a text book ia many of the !cadhs medical colleges of the cottatry, under the head of ALBUMINURIA, citation ofre medics, savs : 'Buffalo UiwAWkitR highly ecommesded.,' Under the head of "CHRONIC BRWHTS DISEASE," page 601, same edition, la the citation of resaedles, he says: wTSSSisys Botfalo Lithu Water VJIFv:; maay advocates." "A VERITABLE ANTIDOTE." well as la the graver Albamiauria ftjrrr'rAl it I IT1AK laCnva of Precnancv. I have found DVZTilLV UllTLrl IWULR. to act as a VERITABLE ANTIDOTE, & I know of NO OTHER NATURAL AGENT POSSESSING THIS UTPORTANT QUALITY." "NO REMEDY 4fO ABSOLUTELY SPECIFIC." cute i specific diet. Ia all cases of Prcgaaacy -where Alastmlfl is fonnd ia the arise as late as the last -week before confinement, if tkk .Water and a asilk diet are prescribed, the Albania disappears rapidly from the ariae a4 the patient has a positive guaranty agaiast PverperaJ Ceavalsloaa. Used as a stabctiraie for ordinary -water during the period of Gsatatiea, Ka9l he found iavakiaMe as a preventive of Puerperal Cava4sieas and other disturbaEces incident to this conditio. It is also aa undoubted tstaictoboth asother aa4 cMM, a&ayisg at the sasae tiase Nausea aa4 Vowlting." BilTOMllTWAl Testimonials -which defy all iatpatatioa or questions seat to say darcst. Hotel at Springs Opens June ISth; PROPRIETOR, BUFFALO LITH1A SPRINGS, VtHCINIA, SUPPORT H. M. CAKE BHkBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBS BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBk: aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBj BBaaaal PPfl!' TftaaaaaaS rBBBBBBBBT"H"""nr iTBJBJBJBJB BBBBBBBBBBBBBjBJT - . -BBBBBBBBBBBBBBj Baaaa:V;-3eg - LaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaKaaaH BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsrBBBBBBBKaI'.! BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBI BaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaW flligM BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BvBBBBBBBftr . ' 'fBBBBBBBBBaBf? : wBBBIBBBBhhhVJ BaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaW- aaaaar 'Laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamk iiHBaaPv' -aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaV . "" " B.-IIIBB'WiZB.-H BiBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBH x kggBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBJBV '-j BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBKbv BBBBBBBBKhhV BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBw. YbBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBj Substantial Citizens Indorse His Candidacy for United States Senator H. M. Cake's candidacy for United States Senator is strongly indorsed by the substantia! business Interests of Port land. Erer since bis candidacy was announced, he has received assurances of their support. This comes It! recognition of the work he lias done tor the advancement and development of Oregon, and the unselfish Interest he has taken In public affairs. That Mr. Cak has the support of the business interests of this city Is evident from the following- voluntary let ter and Indorsements written since the opening of the campaign: I understand that there Is a movement on foot among the business element of this city to give you some indorse ment as to their position regarding your candidacy for United States Senator, and I want to be among the first to assist In the movement. Our acquaintance, covering; a period of nearlr twenty years warrants me In stating that I am positive that the people of Or ron can make no mistake In making- you their standard-bearer from the State ot Oregon, and I sincerely trust that O-ou will be elected by a Urge majority. H. "WrrrEXBERG. Tour candidacy for the Vnited States Senate has comelo our attention through the papers: permit us to congratu late you and assure you of our hearty support. believe you are well fitted for the position to which you aspire, and would honor our state In the performance of your duties. Having- been in close touch with the Commercial Club for so many years, certainly has put you in a posi tion to appreciate the needs ot our state. Assuring you that we shall do everything possible for you. and feeling positive of your success, we are. yours truly, OKTH PACltrTC FXuAXd'G MILT. CO.. C. It. Jackson. Oregon will make no mistake in sending II. il. Cake to the United States Senate. He Is sound, able, courageous and persevering. - L. GERLIXOER. Of all cardldates mentioned for the United States Senatorshlp. you are unqualiritdlv our choice. ST. X. GILBERT. President Allen & Gllbert-Ramaker Co. For the past ten years t have known Mr. H. M. Cake, candidate for United States Senator on the Republican ticket. To my knowledge, he Is thoroughly acquainted with the needs of the state, possessing fine, executive ability, and as United States Senator would undouhtedlr be ot gTeat benefit to the country and the State of Oregon. I heartily In- dorse his candidacy. It. II. XEAVHALLi President East Side Bank. Portland. Or. We can conscientiously Indorse Mr. If, M. Cake's candidacy tor United States Senator. Our knowledge of Mr. Cake and association with him convince us of his fitness to creditably represent Oregon in the United States Senate. His un selfish devotion to the best Interests of the state along lines looking to Its expansion and upbuilding- amply demonstrate hU qualifications to undertake the official representation of this state at Washington. THE IRA i POWERS MANUFACTURING CO.. I. F. Powers. President. "We have known Mr. II. M. Cake for a' great many years. He Is a man who. if placed In a position of trust would. In our opinion, fulfill every obligation devolving upon him. and as a representative of the State of Oregon, would not fall In any duty or emergency affecting either the welfare of th? Nation or the state. MASON. EHRMAN & CO. I have known Mr. II. M. Cake tor a number of years, and I know that hn in thoroughly competent and qualified to represent the State of Oregon as United States Senator, and I most heartily Indorse him for that position. COVELX. FURNITURE CO.. E. A. COTfll. I have known H. M. Cake Intimately for many years. He Is a man of high principle, much experience and public spirited. He knows the needs of Oregon and Is a hard worker for anything tending toward civic advancement. In my opinion, he would make an excellent United States Senator. OTTO J. KRAEMXK, I wish to heartily Indorse the candidacy of H. M. Cake for United States Senator. He is a man who accomplishes something in a positive manner, and results ot .his efforts and work, unselfish and Intelligent, are evidences of what he will do if permitted to represent this state in the Upper House of Congress. I am firmly of the belief that' we should concentrate upon Mr. Cake aa the proper nominee of the Republican party for this office. C. M. IDLEMAN. I desire to express my approbation of youc candidacy for the United States Senate, feeling sure that you are In thor ough sympathy and touch with the wants and conditions of our state, and believe that no one Is better qualified to look after Ita welfare than yourself. J. C. G RIPPER. Regarding your candidacy for United States Senator from this state, we wish to say there is no one who Is morn entitled to this office than you are. As President of the Commercial Club, you have done more for the advancement of Portland and the State of Oregon than any other one man. Tour efforts have been untiring, and In consequence results have been accomplished such as had never been dreamed of before. There Is no reason we know of why you ah quid not have the hearty support of every business man. ont only of Port land, but in the State of Oregon. Tou certainly are enttltled to It. "We wish you every success. W. B. GLAFKE. TVe take pleajure in indorsing your candidacy for the United States Senate. Too are our choice for Senator. PETERS & ROBERTS FURNITURE CO., by J. C. Roberts. Pres. Realizing the importance ot having honest and efficient public officials, and feeling sure that you are endowed with these requirements, together with a thorough knowledge of the wants of the people in the State of Oregon, we would most sincerely indorse your candidacy for United States Senator. . W. II. McMONIES Jfc CO.. W. H. McMoales. VC understand you are a candidate for the United States Senate at the primary election, and desire to assure you of , our hearty-support and indorsement. Vt'c are sure you will represent the state in an able manner, if elected. ADVANCE THRESHER CO.. per J. O. Humphrey, Manager. In view of the long experience our people have had with Mr. Cake, and our knowledge of him In his public work, we believe him to be thoroughly capable of representing the State of Oregon In the United States Senate, and that the Interest of the state would he advanced and protected under his care. JOHN A. ROEBLTNG'S SONS CO.. by I H. Parker, Manager. We believe there Is no one better fitted to represent the State of Oregon In the United States Senate than yourself, owing to your knowledge ot the various Interests of the state. J. G. MACK & CO. I have known Mr. H. M. Cake for the past two years and have had occasion to consult him on legal affairs and know him to be strictly reliable and one whose integrity cannot be questioned. I believe he Is thoroughly qualified to represent the State of Oregon as United States Senator and I heartily Indorse hint for that office. R. L. BARROW. Maaager John Deere Plow Co. I have been acquainted with H. M. Cake for several rears, and know him to be an honest, competent man. and believe he Is In every way fitted to serve the people ot Oregon In the capacity of United States Senator. I will be pleased to see him elected. J. S. GREENY. Manager of Gaar, Scott Co. We take pleasure In Indorsing your candidacy for the United States Senate. We believe you are qualified to repre sent Oregon In the Senate In a way that will reflect credit upon the state and upon yourself as well. Tou are our choice for the office, and we sincerely hope that you will be elected. THE CHAS. If- IJIXY CO.. per H. A. Curbing. Manager. I have known Mr. H. M. Cake for many years. I know of his enthusiasm in the upbuilding ef Oregon, and am confident that as United States Senator he will serve the people with credit to the state and to the Nation. II. K. SARGENT. Having known you for many years. I cheerfully Indorse you In your contest for the United States Senatorshlp. I be lieve Oregon will be honored and ably represented If you are elected. C. A. MACRUM. M., D. I have known Mr. H- M. Cake for several years, and I believe ho Is In every way qualified to fill the office of United States Senator, and am pleased to Indorse htm for that position. JNO. S. MORGAN. Tou are our choice for United States Senator at the primaries April 20th. , NEUSTADTER BROS., per B. Neustadter. I have known Mr. H. M. Cake Intimately for over fifteen years, and for three years served with him on the Board of Governors of the Portland "Commercial Club. He Is a fine and most successful lawyer, pleasing and forceful speaker. Is possessed of excellent business qualifications, is thoroughly honest and high-minded, and In every way eminently well qualified for a United States Senator. By his tact and strength of character, he made the Commercial Club reach Its highly successful and prominent condition. The club was $11,000 In debt when he was elected President. Largely through his Individual efforts, the .membership was greatly Increased, the indebtedness was all paid, over $40,000 was expended for improving and beautifying the clubrooms. and when he resigned the presidency a few weeks ago. there were about J3000 in the treasury. "He does things." GEORGE W. HAZEN. It Is with pleasure that we learn you have decided to become a. candidate for United States Senator. Tour long residence In this city, together with ycur experience for several years as the head of one ot Portland's most active com mercial bodies, gives yon a familiarity with conditions and needa of this state that few men can have. The Immediate future means much for the State of Oregon, and It Is Imperative that her representative in the Upper House of Congress be the strongest man available. We are convinced that you are the man for the place, and we heartily indorse your candidacy. SECURITT ABSTRACT AND TRUST CO.. per J. F. Daly. President. I have known Mr. Cake for some time, and I believe he is thoroughly competent to represent the State ot Ore gon as United States Senator, and I heartily Indorse him for that position. REIERSON MACHINERY CO.. lac. by R. Relerson. Treas. and Mgr. I heartily Indorse the candidacy of H. M. Cake for United States Senator. He has always worked hard to advertise and upbuild the State of Oregon, Is thoroughly acquainted with Its resources and Is keenly alive to Its needs. Mr. Cake: has resided In Oregon for twenty-five years, and enjoys the very best personal standing- and reputation. CLARENCE H. GILBERT. Tou hare my hearty Indorsement and support in your contest for the United States Senatorshlp. R F. FRAEL. President Prael. Hegele Co. I most cheerfully Indorse Mr. IT. M. Cake for the position of United States Senator. He Is In the prime of -life, with a robust constitution, a man of energy and push, loyal to our country, and Is eminently fitted by sound Judgment and legal ability, to discharge the duties ot Senator with honor to himself and credit to the great State of Oregon. J. E. HASELTINE. Having known H. M. Cake Intimately for a number of years. I heartily Indorse him for the position which he. seeks that ot United States Senator. In my estimation, he Is most worthy. In every respect, of the full confidence of all the people. E. W. BROWN. Treasurer Zlmmerman-YV'ells-Browa Co. The people and the press of the state generally. I believe, concede the United States Senatorshlp to a Portland man. and no -one. in my Judgment, wilt more fully come up to the requirements of the high office than H. M. Cake, whose force ot character and executive ability are so well known. L. A. McNARY. No better representative and champion of the business Interests of Oregon and the Pacific Northwest can at this time be sent to the United States Senate than H. M. Cake. There should be no doubt of his Indorsement at the approaching- primaries and June election. W. A. CLELAND. The writer has doubtless been a little tardy In recognising the merit of your candidacy for the United States Senate. Aside from any personal Interest that my friendship for you might prompt me to take In your campaign, I am sure that the commercial Interests'" of this city and of the state at large could not find a more able advocate. There are few men in the state who have such a complete knowledge of Its resources and possibilities, coupled with the ability to properly direct and foster them. , My experience with the business Interests of this city, at least, and the men who control it. would warrant my anticipating for yon such co-operation a mast Insure your success. I wish to ie considered one of the number who are advocating your cause, and. while In no sense a politician, and. having no favors to ask. I shall be pleased to devote ray best efforts to the good of yoar cause as you may direct. . W. II. BEHARKELL. Maaager Heywood Bros, ft Wakefield. We are heartily In favor of your candidacy for the United States Senate, ande believe. If elected, you will represent the State ef Oregon and promote Its Interests in a way that will do great credit to yourself and to the State ot Oregon. Wishing- yoa success, we remain, yours very -truly. GAULD Jr. KLINE CO- per Charles Gaald. President. It was with much pleasure that we saw your announcement as a candidate for United States Senator In The Ore gonlan of recent date, aad assare yes that you will have our unqualified support In your campaign. We feel that It la lata of your standing: that should represent us In the Senate, and trust that you will be successful In entering- the Senate. THE GEORGE LAWRENCE CO., Geo. Lawrence. Jr. We notice yon are in the field for the United States Senatorshlp. It gives us pleasure. We. Indorse you for the position, aa we believe the state could have Bo better representative than 'yourself. ABBOTT CHURCH CO. We were very aiacH pleased to notice year announcement for the United States Senatorshlp. We believe you would ably represent us In the Senate, aad you are emphatically our choice. We wish you success. ' PARLIN ORENDORFF CO.. by L. E. Treat. Maaaer. It Is - with pleasure that we uotles In. tVj precc of this city that you have yielded to the perraaslon of your friends to heeesse a castdte fpr the office of Usited States Senator for Oregon. In our opinion yo posse sa all oC the necessary qualities to discharge the duties of tbt hlzh office for the best Inter ests -aad benefit of the entire state aad with honor aad credit to yoarself. We truet that you will receive such hearty aad uaaahraee ladcrseaaest at the cofi&tes; priaarlea aa the Legislature will aoU dare to ignore. E. C. OLIVER. Mgr. F. S. Harmon X Co, I take great pleaaere Is fadersiajc yoa as a candidate for the office of United States Senator, believing that the In terests ef the acate will be best cared for by jeer el-tetles. H. S. TUTRIX ". Mgr. Oregon Casket Compear. I Taave known If. M. Cake, candidate for Ualted States Senator, tor maay years. He 'la a man of the highest character. He saeaas every word ef his platform. I ceastder him to be a nan who can do as much for the State of Ors ga aad Ka varied Interest te the parities ef United States Senator- as any man is the state, aad I is heartily in favec ef alt telectlen aa the candidate ef the RepaMieaa yarty. F. W. LXAD BETTER, President Perttend Ceawerclal Clafe.