THE MOBXPfG OREGOXIAy,t WEDNESDAY, APRIL 18, 1906. 3 Cipman, Oloffe $ Co. HUNDREDS OF SUITS IN A GREAT PRICE-CUT EVENT You Can Save From $6.75 to $13.50 on a Suit by Purchasing Today $28.00 Tailored Suits $19.00 OF PANAMA, BEOAD CLOTH AND FANCY MIXED MATERIALS; ETON AND JACKET STYLES IN BLACK, NAVY, ALICE AND RESEDA. $48.50 Tailored Suits $35.00 OF FINEST BROADCLOTH, PANAMA AND TAILOR SUITINGS; 0N, PONY-JACKET and NOVELTY STYLES. BLACK, NAVY, GRAY, ALICE. BLUE, RdSE, RESEDA. $23.50 Tailored Suits $16.75 OF BROADCLOTH AND. PANAMA, IN BLACK, NAVY, ALICE, ROSE, RESEDA AND FANCY MIXED CLOTHS. ' $37.50 Tailored Suits $26.00 OF PANAMAS, BROADCLOTHS AND SERGES, IN JACKET, ETON AND PONY-JACKET STYLES; BLACK, NAVY, RESEDA, ALICE BLUE AND FANCY MIXED CLOTHS. -1 1 -.!, ALL READY TO SIGN Columbia River Jetty Bill Is Passed by Senate. TO WHOM THANKS ARE DUE Fulton Gives Credit to Burton and Jones for Pushing Appropriation Through HoiibC President "Will Soon Sign Bill. OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU, Wash ington, April IT. On motion of Senator Fulton, the Senate today passed the bill which tvns adopted by the Houpp of Rep resentatives yesterday appropriating J400.0UO to continue .construction of the Columbia River Jetty. It took only one minute to secure itu final enactment. When the cnpinssed copy of the bill reaches the President, It will take him even less time to slpn it. The bill which the Senate passed today was that introduced by Representative Jones and. although identical with Mr. Fulton's bill, which went through the Senate a month ago. It was necessary' to put the House bill through the Senate in order to make it a law. This required the Senate to pass two bills, each appro priating J400.000. When the Hpusc bill waa agreed to today the Senate, on mo tion of Mr. Fulton, recalled its original bill from the House and tabled it. The bill should reach the President the latter part" of this week. Commenting on Its nnal passage. Mr. Fulton today said: To Mr. Burton, chairman, and Mr. Jones, of Washington, a member of the House river and harbor committee, are we especially indebted. Both these gen tlemen should be held In kindly remen brancc by the people of Oregon. It is fortunate for us that Mr. Jones is a member of that committee, for he Is not only a friend of Oregon, but he is ono of the strongest men in the House, and is recognised as one of the leaders." of the Treasury to ascertain whether or not he can secure reappointment over the protest of the Washington Senators. NO POWER TO INVESTIGATE Court Declares Cincinnati Graft In qulry Va6 Illegal. CINCINNATI. April 17. The State Sen ate had no authority to authorize the in vestigation of the public officers of Cin cinnati and Hamilton County as carried on by the Drake committee, according to a decision filed by the Common Pleas Court In this city today. . The decision was made in the case of Thomas J. Davis, cashier of the First National Bank of tills city, who refused to appear and waB arrested. The cour holds that the committee had exercised Judicial and not legislative power and that the Senate was without right Jo au thorize an Investigation of the kind con ducted. The cashier was right in rcfui ing to answer, the Information requested being of a confidential nature between the bankind its customers. In the Wild and Woolly KasU NEW YORK. April 17. Two men fought ovor a girl on a surface, car coming In from Coney Island early today, and three of their friends took tides, drew revolvers and knives and began firing and stabbing. The carmen and other passengers fled and called the police, who found that four windows had been shot out and the inte rior of the car was wrecked. Three men were stretched on the floor. The others fled at the approach of the police, but five of them were captured. Vlnceso Car rera was shot through the right thigh. Carroll SImono and Antonio Notaro were cut so badly with knives that they may die. 1NDQ0RTRAGKMEE I Some of the Best Talent in the State Entered. LIST- OF COMPETITORS May Escape Being Frozen Out. ST. PAUI April 17. Judge Sanborn, in the Court of Appeals today, handed down ati opinion in the case of Morgan Jones, appellant, vs. the Missouri Edison Elec tric Company et al. The case involved the merger of all the electric and power companies- of St. Louis, and. if the state ments of the plaintiffs arc true, involves an attempt to freeze out, by means of al leged stock manipulation, some of the mi nority stockholders from the merger. The Circuit Court below sustained a demurrer entered by the company, and the decision of Judge Sanbron today reverses the de cision. Judge Sanbron practically holds that there Is-basis for an action. IDAHUANS CLASH ONCE AGAIN ! Ilcylmrn's Attempt to Force Action v Blocked by Dubois. OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU. Wash-j ington, D. C, April 17. Senators Heyburn ' and Dubois clashed again today over the jaonipener posimastersiup. when Hey burn In executive session attempted to fore tho confirmation of Winters; a Mor mon. Dubois renewed his objection of yesterday, and Heyburn replied that no Republican but Winters wanted the office. Dubois retorted that Republicans and Democrats cut no figure in Bear Lake County. It was all Mormon and Gentile, and he did not propose to have a Mormon postmaster in a Gentile town. The dis cussion was so heated that Carter sug gested that the case go over without ac tion. This was done. Problems Need His Dutch Courage. CHICAGO. April 17. President Roose velt was lauded as the most conspicuous example of "Dutch courage" by Judge C. S. Cutting last night at the IHh annual dinner of the Holland Society. "There never will be a time in a re public when we hall not need this trait of the Dutch." said Judge Cutting. "New problems are coming up.. There can be no such thing as popular government unless there also is popular unrest. Th Ameri can people have solved their problems because they have quarreled vigorously, aired them out. and settled them through the enlightened majority." BIDS FOR COLD SPHIXGS DAM Killed In Auto Accident. PHILADELPHIA. April 17 Robert J. Wright, a lawyer of this city, was killed and five other persons were severely In jured in an automobile accident near Mlll vlllc, N. J., today. The automobile col lided with a carriage. Opened in Portland .Tunc 1 1 and Work Begun in July. OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU. Wash ington, April 17. Bids will be opened In Portland June 11 for the construction of the Cold Springs dam of the Umatilla reclamation project in Oregon. If bids arc reasonable, this contract should be awarded and work begun In July. On the same date bids will b opened in Portland for the construction of the storage works near Conconully. which form part of the Okanogan project in Eastern Washington. IDE MAY FIGHT FOR HIS JOB Pugct Sound Collector in Capital to Interview Officials. OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU, Wash ington. D. C April 17.-Collector of Cus toms Ide o Washington, whose ttrm soon expires, arrived here tonight. In view of tho fact that Senator Piles will recom mend Fred C Harper of Seattle to suc ceed Mr. Ide, Jt is presumed that he will confer with the President and Secretary BRIEF TELEGRAPHIC NEWS Wtlkesbarrf. Pa. Tb National Convention of the Catholic Lithuanian SocJrU of the United States convened Tuetday. Mobile. Ala. The plant of the Tlnesar Bc&d Lumber Company, at Vinegar Bend. 5 milea north of Mobile, wu troj-cI by 2re Hon day nlsht. Lcf. 3100.000. Madrid. The newpaper here r sport that the dormant volcano at Pal ma. Canary lalantVt. U thowln? rirna of resumption. Co hi mm of smoke are Usultur from tbn crater. Chicago. The will of BerthoSdt Loenthal disposes of an eitate valued- at $2,XM,fKa. the bulk of whtch jcoe to the widow and chil dren. To various charitable lrntltutSo&a la riven 3K000. Minneapolis, Harry Spencer, who wa near ly mobbed In Chlcato three weeks co oa ac count of hia threat against hia divorced wife. Monday night phot her three times and escaped. She will probably die. Mrs. Spencer baa teen trying to hide, and has been living with friends In Minneapolis New York. One hundred members of tba Veteran Association of the Department of the South and the South Atlantic blockading squadron, attended the ISth annual dinner of that organization Monday evening. Admiral Coughlan and General N. M. Curtis made peeches. De Forrest Barton, of New Tork, was chosen president. City of Mexico. President XM&z and party returned Monday from a bunting trip, having killed three mountain cat and 37 deer. Annapolla. Md. The .V. R. R. Colorado, -with the body of Captain Duncan Keenedr aboard, arrived oC the Naval Academy Tury morn ing. TJie funeral retrices aad iwtemeet will be held at the acadeaay Wedfiee4ay. Tie od cers of Ike Sect will participate. Oregon, Willamette mid Pacific Uni versities, -Agricultural College, Multnomah Club and ". M. C. .. Will Participate. The list of entries for the Columbia Uni versity indoor track meet next Saturday lias been completed, and among tho number who will participate In this event are some of the best talent In the State of Oregon. The teams entered will rep resent the University of Oregon. Oregon Agricultural College. Willamette Univer sity and Pacific University. In addition to the Multnomah Club and the T. M. C. A. or Portland. The local Intcrscholaslir league teams will also have a part of the programme. In which the youngsters will contend for the honors in their class. The University of Oregon will send 17 athletes to the meet. In the 16-pound ehotput it 1ms McKlnney, Moullcn and Hug. In the polcvault. Moullcn. Winslow, and Bean. In the high Jump. Kelly. Kuy kcndall and Frlesell. The nme contesi- . ants in the high Jump will compete in the -broad Jump. In the mllo run there will be Mitchell. Ramp and Wood. In the half-mile dash there will be Wood. Lowell , and Held. For the -yard run arc Prldeaux. Obertcuffcr and Watch. In the ! 230 are Kelly, Jloores and Frlell. They will also run In the 50-yard dash. Kuyen dall. Moore and Frlesell arc slated for the hurdles. In the open relay half-mile there will be Kelly. Moore. Veatch. Frlwj clL.and Prideaux. substitute. The O. A. C. team has in the -shotput Finn, Schroder and Smlthson; in the hlgn I Jump Swann, Cathey. Smlthson and Bel- den: In the broad Jump. Schroder. Swann. Cathey. Smlthson and Bcldn: in the mile run. Goodrich. Davolt. Grecnhow and Beach. The half-mile entries are the same as In the mile. In the 4W yards are Davolt. Schroder. Greenhow and Cathey: in the 230 yards. Smlthson. Schroder. Beach. Cathey. Swann. The entries for the SO-yard dash arc the nmr as In th 230-yard run. In the 54-yard hurdles ar Schroder. Swann. Caihey. Smlthson and Belden. The relnv iMni lx mtA. u.. r Schroder. Grecnbow. Smlthson. Cathey and Beach, substitute. Willamette University has only one man In the ahotput, polevault. high and broad Jumps. He Is Lounsburry. In the half milo and 440-yard run It will have Fordes. In the 230-yard dash, the 50-yard dash and 50-yard hurdles It has Gray and Kornolk. Pacific University will enter a full team in the academic events, but has only two men in the open events. The two old men arc Peterson In the broad Jump, and Fletcher In the mile run. In the half-mile run Fletcher and Peterson arts entered. PIRATES OX CHINESE IUVERS Third Officer- Jess, of Oriental Liner Aragonfa, Brings Hcport, Third Officer Jess, of the Oriental liner Aragonla. , which arrived here Sunday night from Hongkong via Yokohama, re ports that at the time the Aragonla was at Yokohama, snow was still falling in some parts of the country. Sengokunara mura. a. small village In a valley sur rounded by hills, was entirely cut off from communication with the outside world by snow to a depth of over ten feet. Prepar ations were being made to rescue the people of the isolated village. "Preparations for an exhibition to be held at Osaka in commemoration of Japan's success In the war. under the auspices of the Osaka municipality, were being rapidly pushed forward when we were in Yokohama," said Mr. Jess. "The Japan Sea Is not yet free from the danger of floating jnlnes. Not long ago three men were killed by the explo sion of a mine at Urago. Okl Island. "River pirates are still doing business on the Chinese rivers. Only a. short while ago one of the most daring escapades on the part of the pirates in the North lUver occurred, when nearly a dosen of them attacked a steam xaotor-boat owned by a British company. There were 139 pas- scJHrers on beard and awiong- these as It -turned out later tkere were atae pirates. About half an hour after leaving port the pirates appeared, flourishing revol vers, spears and other arms. Naturally the passengers were terrified but in the presence of the combined force of the pirates they were absolutely helpless. There was no doubt that the affair was prearranged. The pirates came on deck In a body, coerced the passengers Into subjection, sent one man to disable the pilot by pointing a revolver at his head, put auother in the stokehold where the engineer was at their mercy and had the boat within their Iron control. The first they did was to rifle the cabin of the of ficers. There they got JX0 In hard cash, besides other booty. In real Captain Star light fashion they -held up the entire pas sengers. They actually ruled the boat for four or five hours. The master was help less, the officers had no weapons, the crew could or would do nothing and the passengers seemed like a flock of sheep. The pirates took everything they wanted. When they were finished they ordered the engineer to ground the boat, one of the robbers taking the wheel. When the boat had grounded they leaped ashore and bade farewell to the disturbed pas sengers Ip the most Impudent fashion. Al together they sot about worth of goods and valuables. No attempt is said to bavo been made to capture the pirates. Drlnkwatcr Family Troubles. SAN FItANCISCO. April 17. Joseph M. Drinkwalcr. of Chicago, and his sister-in-law. Mrs. Dora Drlnkwatcr, were ar rested here today on complaint made by Charles Drlnkwatcr. the woman's husband, charging- that they eloped from Chicago, inking 11.430 of his money. They are being- held on a 100 Doses $1 True only or Hood's Ssrsaparilla, in the usual (liquid) ionn ; or in the new and equally efJectlre tablet form. 100 Doses $1 Tiie 5est Bitter Liqueur' Underben Bitters Bracer tonic and cordial. Delicious at all hoars. An "Elixir of Life." InvrgraTes, strengthens, enlivens bat does ; not intoxicate. Gives an ap petite, and good health. ENJOYABLE AS A COCKTAIL AH1 lETTEft rOJt YOU. CM, BOTTLES IVrORTXD TO TKZ UNITED STATES. . At all taunt, dsfcs. resusrasu. via Bottles Cdlr y iH, CXDEXSBSfi ALBKSCST. Stecaim. LUYTESMMTMU, GceerxJ Xgtata, Jw Terr. TOXMAX Jt MRCMCU raettc ! Mvtrfbvtcrs. DpmaivlUoffe$o. Cut Rate Druggists of Portland " Our New Drug Store Courts Comparison No store in tfee city devotes mere space or iatslligeat attention to its drugs than we do no store bays witfc greater discriaination or more shrewdly. No drugstore ia Portland dare sell as cheaply-as we do. Thsy are bo and by an iron contract,, to aaiatain the highest possible prices on all standard, well-bio ws aad popalar patent medicines- We of er ho cheap baits on inferior home-made drugs to lure yea to the store. The above facts are well known to a host of Portland shoppers. The remarkably generous res spouse to our advertisements stands as eTideace ofthat fact. The business is phenomenal. If You Want to Save Money Gome to Our Drug Store Marchaud's Peroxide, large, our price 33 Marchaud's Peroxide, small, cut price 17 Listeria e, large size, cut price 63 Listerine, mediam size, cut price ..33 Listeria e, small size, cut price 17e Pond's Extract, regular 50c; cut price 33 Pond's Extract, regular 31; cut price 63 Horlick's Malted Milk, cut price 41 Malt Nutrine, Pabst Tonic, cut price.-. 19 CUT RATE PEICE 79d Bromo Selzer. Pierce's Medical Discovery. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Swamp Boot. Horlick's Malted Milk. Eskay's Pood. CUT RATE PRICE 88(5 Miles' Remedies. MALT EXTRACTS, MINERAL WATERS, PLAS TERS, BABY FOODS, EMULSIONS, ALL AT GUT PRICES. EVERY ARTICLE IN PATENT MEDI CINES AT CUT-RATE PRICES CUT RATE PRICE... 83 Scott's Emulsion Stearn's Wine. : Wampole's Extract, C. L. O. Philip's Emulsion. Ozomnlsion. Angier's Emulsion. Liquozone. KodoL charge of srand larceny. Only J33 was found In their possession. TO DEBATE WITH PACIFIC "Washington "University cnds an En tirely Xcw Lot of Men. UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON. April 17. iSpeclal.) The University of Walhington debating team, which is to meet Pacific University next Friday at Forest Grove. Or., will leave for the southern institution Thursday morning-. The team consist? of Clarence Martin. Victor Zedniclc and Harlan Trumbull. The question to be debated Is "Resolved. That the Fifteenth Amendment should be re pealed." Washington has the negative and Pacific the affirmative Martin, who Is leader of the team, has been sufferlmr from an attack of tons 111 tL for the past couple of weeks. Should he j tread. let It be borne In mind that angels not be physically capable of taking his have their board and clothes found them. part Friday, Zednlck will lead the team and Alternate Wiley Hemphill will take Martin's place. This Is the second Intercollegiate de bate the two Institutions have had togeth er. Pacific last Spring. None of the men who met Pacific last year are on the team this year. whereas the fools probably have theirs to hustle for. Puck. Four thousand and slity-one muscles have bn observed In the body of a moth. Have a Smile? Where hot air Is so much cheaper to make than love, there can hardly he much doubt as to what It Is that causes the .world to go round. Pending a settlement of thoscdlffer- ySfl Cocoa beans grow in ) ; and limbs of a deli- ' YEjpV cate tropical tree. j yH They contain six isHcjl times more food val- I ' We use the highest J ml cost beans tnat are j M grown and there is M nothing in our cocoa. i Tthe most delicious of I vg TarniLTrjta.iewjiTce. 1 ences of opinion as to whether or not poverty is a crime, the usual penalty will continue to be Imposed. There is a difference between liberty and license. If you don't believe It. ask any man who has taken out a marriage license. Looking pretty, and especially looking pretty out of doors. Is exercise enough to keep most women m good health. Truth Is crushed to earth by the band wagon about as often as otherwise. If fools' rush In where angels fear to Tutfs Pills Cure All Liver Ills. Twenty Years Proof, Tutt's Liver Pills keep the bow els in natural motion and cleanse the system of all impurities An absolute cure for sickheadache, dyspepsia, sour stomach, con stipation and kindred diseases. "Can't do without them" R. P. Smith, Chiissburg", Va. writes I don't know how I could do without them. I have had Liver disease for over twenty years. Am now entirely cured, Tutt's Liver Pills IIlI Arclay ARROW IS Ceats eacfe. 2 for 25 Ceata CLUETT, PEABODY & CO. J Malm f CUutl and Monarch Shirtu ' ' "ill THE WOMAN'S STORE Leading Outfitters Fourth and Morrison Leading Furriers Tailored Street SUITS A SPECIAL EASTER WEEK'S SALE Splendid examples of smart, catchy Spring styles of 1906 novelty mixtures. The swell new pastel shades, Pony, Golos and Stons; values np to $25.00; Easter week price $18.75 Charming Easter Styles Here are displayed the most heautifnl creations of both foreign and domestic manufacture, supplemented by the great est display of moderatly-priced garments all most attractively priced. Our Easter Week Offerings Are of Special Interest See Them. Infants' Wear We make a specialty of Babies' Wear, and have the moat complete assortment to fulfill their needs in the city. Dresses of all kinds, hoods, stockings, bootees, caps, coats and sweaters. Everything any baby needs. Children's Wear Our department for Children is most complete; everything any lit tle girl needs; everything of the beet and everything at the lowest prices. Newness in Trimmed Millinery THAT'S THE CHARM OF SXLVERTTT.T.T)'S MILLINERY PARLOR. Our force is kept as busy as bees turning out freshly-new creations there 's nothing but the latest in our styles and operations, SUPPLY YOUR CORSET WANTS HERE A magniceat stock of all the leading nukes, many of them confined to us ex clasively; several mew makes shown the first time tomorrow, including the new front-lacing" Corsets. Millinery Workroom Which is uder the svpervisien ef an cxperieaeed. aad competent high-class desigxer, who will give all the infsrma t& aad assist aace desired. WmtSt PIKES PAH FMl PUIS. Si'ft Hew Prict list.