THE MORKTN'G pREGONIAX, MOl-fDAY, JLPJtIL 16, 190. SHUTS BUT MUFF FRESNO BATSMEN Giants Find Wolters, a Santa Clara College Boy, Easy. Picking. GOOD WORK BY SWEENEY Arellanes Wild Throw to First in r the Fifth Allows Two Men From the North to Cross the Home Plate. rACIFIC COAST LEAGUE. YeMerday's .score. Portland 4. FrcFno 3. Seattle G-5. San Francisco 0-10 Lo Angeles U. Oakland 0. Standinc of the Club1 Won. LoL Lor AnKClOS.-...-San Francisco.... Portland . Fresno Seattle -Oakland V.C. -STo .soo .023 .373 .200 .125 FRESNO, Cal.. April 15. (Special.) Portland won the final same of the scries in the poorest exhibition of the week, by iVib cKn of 7 to o. "Woltcrs. a young southpaw from Santa Clara College, was on the Fresno llring line. ne wa wnu. but up till the final Inning, when he was found three times successively, managed I to keep hits well scattered. The Fresno club save "Wolters poor support. Arellanos, after covering himself with glory in the first inning by a sensational one-hand catch, retiring the Giants when two men were on the bases, threw the ball over the first sackman's head In the fifth and let In two runners. Califf pitched a steady same and Fresno could do nothing with him. In the eighth the locals had three men on bases and nobody out, but the batters could not poke the ball past the Infield. Sweeney did some remarkable fielding. The score: PORTLAND. ab n IB ro A K Mcllale. cf $ 'i 1 I o o McCredle. rf 'I , i S ft 0 Mitchell. It V 2 n J" l McLean, c J S Moore. ::b " ? ' - ." Donahue, 2b 3 " f. j Califf. p 4 1 1 v " of the management, aad tt seers "t "be successful. Any person who did net ea tribute. and these were lew. passed la without hindrance. Deputy Police Com mlssoner O'Kecfe. with special policemen, was present, but the Commissioner says he saw no cause for Interference. There B.-DB on infmHrTi nf the law. so far as he could Judge. Fire thousand perse rw witnessed the game, which was played cm a rain-soaked diamond. The score: Tt. H. E.J R. H. E. Boston 8 llBrooklyn ..3 10 3 , Batteries Toung and Need ham; Eason, Fastonus ana Jicrgen. Umpires Emslie and Conway. Pittsburg 5, St, IxjhIr 3. ST. LOUIS. April 15. Pittsburg won today. Hbelsketter was hit hard and base-running on the part of the home team was poor. In the ninth Karger was hit hard and Llefleld was substi tuted. "U'eathcr, chilly. The attend ance Is 17.000. The score: n. H. E. R. II. E. St, Louis.. 2 1 Pittsburg .5 13 3 Batteries Hoelsketter and Grady: Lief eld. Karger and Carrlsch. Umpires Carpenter and Klem, Chicago 8, Cincinnati 5. CINCINNATI. April 15. Today's tramp vent ten Innlnrs. In which L'm- ii ire Johnstone allowed Stelnfcldt a three-base hit, which he said went into the crowd, although Odwcll ttnt.ncrf It lioforo It reached the rone. The arguments of the locals availed nothing and Chicago was f-ivcn a. run to which it was not entitled. lio ness marked the work of the three pitchers who took part in the game. The attendance was iz.ovv. score: Tt. H. K.1 R. IL E. Cincinnati 5 7 3Chicago 5 1 Batteries Overall. Haffcr ana Phelps; Reulbach and Moran. Umpire Johnstone. Too Cold for Baseball. vtnoriAM Wsli Anrll 13. (Spe cial.) The Qray's Harbor team de feated tne lcrcnams loaaj in su "- i....n. rwa-n. h. h nr nf 4 luiviuiiiih "J - , to 4. Manager Brown worked Tour pitchers, but nothing could ne toia of their -work. The reatures oi me Baker's home run and Hiatt's three-base hit with the bases full. The weather was cold and tne r.nn mstt9tnr. were, uncomfortable. The management win try 10 secure the Tacoma team tor next, sunuaj attraction. Prosscr "Wins at North Yakima. vrmTU vakima. "Wash.. April 13. Rnt3i i Tho second of a series of .mnc in the Yakima Valley League was plaved here this afternoon oeiwecn North Yakima and Prosscr. the lat ter winning in a score of to -. Turned Out tt) Sec New Players. a crnnffP.V Wash.. Anrll 15. (Special. Tho new Gray's Harbor ball team of the Northwcast League appeared uwy in a practice game with the Century ball team of this city. Tnere was a o.g ciu to see the new players. SAYS SHE HOODOO "Jack" Marshall on Seattle's . Baseball Team. Total S 27 14 FRESNO. AB II IB PO A E 10 12 0 0 ... ru iv. i o o s " ' ' O 0 7 2 0 1 1 1' . on- k .; A 1 - ft 1 Woltero. u 2 ! 0 1 - i Dnshwood 1 0 0 0 0 0 Total 0 0 3 27 11 Dashwood batted for llopan In nlntn. ecoRE nr innings. . r. .1 rinnnnOlO S 7 n n n ft II O 0 0 0 0 in... "''.'.''.U 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 03 SUMMARY. Sacrifice lilt Sweeney. Two-base hit McLean. Flret baee on balls Oft CalltT off "Vol tf'!truck out By Califf 2. by Welters 3. Left on baecs Portland J. Fresno J. Double play Sweeney to Lister. Stolen bases McCrcdie. Sweeney. Lister. tJonahue and Cnsey. . First base nn errors Portland ... Tresno 1. lilt bv pltcner sweeneyaim Time "of panic Two hours and 10 minute, Vmplre jacuonam. SI WASHES SCOHK A SHUTOUT Vlckcrs Pitches Great Game in Aft ernoon Seals AVin in Morning. eiv PTtAXHISCO. Anrll 15. Seattle mrtini rvoniT this afternoon for a week of reverses by administering a shut-out to the home team. Vlckers was tiio r.itfV,rr for the visitors, and he ..itMirwi an unusuallv stronc came. 10 of the local batsmen fanning his curves. Ho cot nerfect support and that helped tnnke the whitewash. Nick Williams made a sorry showing fnr Ran Francisco. In fact, he virtually gave away the game. In the first two Innings ho hit a batsman and gave llvo nn 'nnrt two lilts followinc cave Se attle four runs. "Williams was retired In the middle of the second Inning, and Movers, a soldier from tne I'rcsiaio, nltehed creditably the balance of the The morning game to a walk-over for San Francisco, six runs being scored In The third inninc. The scores: Morning came K I! 15 Seattle 0 0 2 0 3 0 0 0 05 3 5 San Francisco ....2 0600020 -10 7 2 Batteries Loucke, JJclt and Blankcn sblp; Shea and Street. Afternoon game K H K Seattle 0 4 000 00 2 0 S O San Franclpco 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 6 2 Batterief Vickers and Frarj" Williams, Meyers and StrecL Umpire Pcrrinc. Tells of the Games la the East and Gives His OplHkms of the Varl ohs CIrs Wlilch Arc Playing; There. t r intopfi Morh2ll -who acted as exploitation agent for .the Lewis and Clack Exposition la the ast iwi summer, re ttimH from an extended trip through out the East and South last week. Mr. iiarsaau once occupica uw po&iuua of secretary of the Portland Baseball fi.,v and whtt in that canacitT was in strumental In organizing the Pacific Coast League, which was first lormea m Before coming home, the former baseball mamate visited San Frandsco and wit nessed several games between the Seat tle and San Francisco teams, ana in speaking of the relative strength of the Inn olnhs Kflld: "I believe the Seattle club is stronger than the San Francisco 'club, and I think GARTER HANDICAP TODAY HOSEBEX IS FAVORITE IX BET TING AT 2 TO 1. Lord of the Vale Will Be Jlcard From If the Golnp; Is Rather Heavy. CAN BEAT SAN FRANCISCO bedy e-C stoggers aay team to the coun-; try. All tM ge to seow it -"t ' what cewtta. fc the Bocten Anerteaaa .--ia. t. wv ajHTitJa fa tae SMtog Ke. asd yet u.ey Jt1?d a y)ae. Fraaa cmwwk i. East I wortd sck NeWTerk aa Cleve umi a tv uuim in the AaKxieaa League tU year, for beth are straw te batting aMHty aaa ponwii excewcai era aa yKcaers, ' nv t dA -not m tk PsrtVaad team owa In. CaUferata. tat frera theaoeemta sent oat frem Frestte I weiM uwk iac McCree baa, a geod team, aad with a j njuu. tnaaiders to fill est. he steal make a streag te4d fer the aMers." Test Case of Bookmaker Darts. WASHINGTON. Apdl IS. As a result of the evidence quietly gotten at the Bennings track. Bookmaker Davis, who laid odds at that track daring the meet ing which was closed yesterday, was In dicted and it Is expected that his case, which' will be a test one. will be brought up in the courts here wlthla a oath. The facts became kaewn today. The evidence against Davis was secured by the District Attorney's office. United States District Attorney Baker tenight stated everr effort weld be made to have the case decided before another season of racing In the District of Columbia. Death Postpones Oakland Races. SAN FRANCISCO. April 15, There will be no racing at Oakland tomor row, owing to the death of William Flcldwlck. the veteran track superin tendent, who was killed by a train near Emeryville, at an early hoar this morning. "When President Thomas H. "Wil liams, of the New California Jockey Club, learned of the tragic close of the career of the man who was associated GRAIN VESSELS EX ROUTE AND LISTED TOR PORTLAND. on o NAME. Jgj p rRoi raVterS. ; ; c Xluskoka Br. bark.. 2255iAntwerp 'McCraken Feb. 17Bardowie- Br. ship.. 30llNewcasUe. Eng. Nov. 22 Procyon Br. bark.Jl9ijHamburs " S Meyer Bracadale Br. bark..'lS2iCallao ::VS",V " Dec. SI Galgate . Br. ship.. 2227 Rotterdam iHi'SUour Det 20 Vllirde Mulhouse Fr bark.. I Antwerp Meyer Nov. 16 raterlna Accame ItaL ship. 171l)Hambarg Wf-v La Tour d'Auvergne Fr.bark.. 17aJ Antwerp "liiifn" Ii Perousc Ft. ship.. 1T2S; Swansea w aflS?? Mar. HLaennec JFr.shln.. 17Antwerp.. jRcobsen Fr. bark.. 1771 Dunkirk N fc co Glcnalvon -Br. ship.. IJWfliNeweasUa. Sac...'. IgJS lavernessshlre Br. bark..2147lAtwer ISEIi Genevieve Mollnos -Fr, bark.. lKiLsadft Vgg'yL r. Turgot . .. Fr. bark.. 179LAtwer L!STl 5 Empercur Mcncllk Fr. barki. jKstterdMi.i & Bankburn iBr. bark..falltabwT IrUlfou- ::::::::: ZXtfxmin:::. 5.::::::::::::: General de Bolsdeffre.. .jFrsark.. IjajCardW n: "Pur Total grain tonnage en route and listed. 36,39 tfM. Arrived at San Frandsco. ' CR.UN VESSELS IN PORT. NAME. J?p5g. J m BERTH. -Charterer. a Nov i Urabloch iBr. ship.. l20fiAstoria....v Disengaged Mar i'GmlNemmyVn.r.r Fr. bark.. MHIColumblaNo. 1 Stevens 29lFSncoisd'Amis:: &&ZSSgl I1 April s'lS-JiUle Gt- ship. lT73S.Gas Dock........ J Total grain tonnage In port. 6.E21 tone. , lhev cet o!ng good. At present. Hall's many years, he ordered that racing dc j v.. . (ImJnw. nAlnnr.Ml nne liar out of reSDCCt tO man whoss onlv reoulsltc for that port- , his memory. The races scheduled for LOOK LIKE WINNERS Portland Fans Pleased With Work of McCredie's Men. SHOWING OF FIRST WEEK Treason of Tim Flood and Jad Smith Has 2ot Weakened Team. Two Who Richly Deserve to Be Blacklisted. DILLON AND ATX THE STARS. Angels Take a Battlnfr Streak, and Commuters Arc Shut Out. LOS ANGELES, Cal.. April 15. Berg man allowed the visitors but three hits today, and they wcro shul out. On the other hand, the locals baited with ter rific vigor. They scored a total of 18 hits, retting ten runs, off Catcs and Smith. The latter went in in the third inning, but was unable to stop- the stick work of the Los Angeles team. Dillon and Atz were the batting stars. The former got four singles and a paps to first out of five times at hat. Atz got two doubles and two singles out of four times up. Broadbent pulled off a difficult double play that won the plaud its of tho crowd. Score: It HE lx5 Ancdcs 0 3 3 0 2 2 0 0 10 IS 3 Oakland 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 v 0 0 3 l ' Batteries Bergman and Eager: Cates, i Smith and T. HacketL Umpire Knell. j NO CHARGE TO SEE BALD GAME Contribution Boxes Receive Coins of Fans at Brooklyn. BROOK LTN. April 15. The grounds of the Brooklyn National League baseball club were open to the public today when the Bpston and Brooklyn teams played the first Sunday game of the season here. No admission was charged, nor were any score cards or programmes sold. At all the gates contribution boxes were placed and the majority of those who passed through voluntarily dropped the regular amount charged for the grand stand, pa vilion or bleachers on week days Into the receptacles. This was a new experiment on the part vew YORK. April 15,-The Carter i,ni,rtioan. the $10,000 feature of the open t in. of the metropolitan racing, wm be run" at Aqueduct tomorrow, probably ,.i.. riMr VieAuse of the heavy rains today. The Carter has always been an interesting race, as ii-mm5 im u.nilCu . f. . i ..niiwi Tietwern Mi oetirr emu of horses, and has oftentimes developd the horse of the year. This was notably the case In 14. when tne spceuy ociumno ,-nmrw..i mw the seven furlongs of the Aqueduct course and won the first race of a vear, wlucn prociaimcu uvi - ...4 plon of the turf. Last year's Carter was won by Ormondes RlghL who Is again a candidate this year. y Public opinion as to the outcome oi wc Carter handicap tomorrow is as diversi fied as usual when a big race is about to be run. The consensus of opinion, how ever, seems to favor the chances of Tto eben. If the going is at all good. This champion sprinter of last season has been training splendidly, and if he is sent to the post he doubtless will bo favorite. Whimsical, the champion 2-ycar-old filly of last season. Is another candidate whose chances will be fancied by many expert handlcappcrs. Lord of the Vale is from the stable or August ncimoni. ana ma Carter preparation was at Bennings, where he was returned an easy winner during the past week. He like. heay going and is regarded as a sure factor In tomorrow's feature. Tho two New Or leans representatives. Rams Hornand Phil Finch, the latter one of the stars of the Winter season In the South, have had a refreshing rest and have attracted much attention In their Carter trials. The horses. Jockeys and probable odds are as follows: Horse. Wt. Jockey. Bettings Ro.eben 129 1-yne 2-1 Lord of the Vale..,120 J. Jones 6-1 T-. Il.n, TV! rvvii 1A.1 Phil Finch 116 J. Martin ..10-1 Ormonde's Rlght..lU Shaw 4-1 Red Knight 10S Treubcl 40-1 Southern Cross.. ..105 G. Morris 6-1 Bohemia 104 Miller 10-1 Whimsical 103 L. Smith S-l Rcbo 1M Gamer 60-1 Goldsmith M Flclschon 60-1 Battle-Axe ! Noonr 20-1 D'Arkle S5 Chandler .100-1 Green Room S3 D. O'Connor.... 12-1 Belmere 32 McDanlel 15-1 "Ballot ta 93 G. Barnes .VKM. Hermitage M Notter 100-1 Williams entry. Bennington entry. ,i i. m, vttin- abllltv. for he is with out doubt the poorest fielding first-baseman I have ever seen. 1 understand hs Is a voung college student picked up by Hall to fill In, but I would advise a switch, for he lost both the Sunday games which I witnessed. Shake the Hoodoo. "The Seattle pitchers arc as good as any In the league, to my notion, and as soon as their teammates snaxe inc wuw. watch their smoke. The loquadous former local magnate then began to Impart to Sammy Vlgneux. Billy Ott and Jack O'Connor some of h s experiences among the big league aggre gations during last Fall. "I was at Philadelphia last Summer, continued Marshall, "when McGraw arid the New York Giants became Involved in a small-sired riot alter a game -nuium. fy's men. and as I was at the same hotel, was much in contact with the champions. Before 1eaing for the baseball grounds, it was the dally custom of the little man ager to call his men to the barroom of the hotel and order two rounds of drinks, which he paid for wit the remark: Drink up fellows; this is all you are to NATIONAL GUARD SHOOT. Good Scores Made hy Men or Com panies C and K. Interest In the weekly shoots of the Oregon National Guard continues to be on the Increase, for the time of sdcctlng teams to represent the different states In the annual shoot at Seagirt is near at hand, and the local militia bodies are anxious to be represented In the team which will be sent from Oregon. Several members of Companies C and K went out to the range yesterday and made some highly creditable scores. Ser jeant Schwarz of Company K. made the highest score of the day. with a total of 1SS. Two companies shoot every Sun day, and yesterday's shoot was notice able for several of the best scores this season. Last year at the Seagirt the Oregon team landed 21st In the tourney, and the Oregon boys are anxious to raise this rank during the coming competition. The scores made on the range yester- aay lowow; Contestant yds. Captain Scott. Co. K 1 Sergeant Schwarz. Co. K 44 Sergeant Worrell. Co. K .. Corporal Pcttlnger. Co. C 38 Private Walter. Co. C, 2 Lieutenant Hlbb&rd 41 yds. yds. Tofl 43 41 127 45 46 12$ - $7 27 26 .. 72 24 22 10S 42 40 121 24 102 The best Spring snedidne Is Ho&d'a Sar s&parilla because It yurlAe the Meod. STEAMER INTELLIGENCE. Dae to Arrlre. Steamer From. D Nome City. San Tranclsco... April T. A. Kllburn. 8an Frand"CO. April Ammonia. Orient Apri Columbia. San Frmclfco ....April Alliance, Eureka and way... April Roanoke. Lo Angeles .Apri Costa. Ttlca, 5an Frandsco... Apri 7f. A. Kllburn. Ston Francisco. Apri NlcomedU. Orient Apri Arabia. Orient Ji Dae to Depart. Steamer Destination. Di Costa nica. Sn KrsncWco Apri Bedondo. Sn Francisco Apri Aureus- San Frandsco Apri Northland. Sn Francisco. ...Apri Columbia. San Franclieo Apr! Alliance. Eureka and way.. .Apr! Itoatioke, Uo Anceles. Apri AragonU. Orfsn Apr) Nleomedla. Orient Ma; Arabia. Orient Jul; Carrylnr malt .iii i fme in over. and the war his followers rushed up to the bar was not slow. And yet now many persons una fault with this aggregation of balltofsers which won the world's championship In so dedslve a manner? Why. If McCredle were to do that, the peop' OI J'omana would never get tired of roasting him for i rr .itk It ma v not be lust the proper caper to advocate drinking among any class of men. nut au mm urn "i ootmu and boozers among the baseball profes sions does not count for much, when tne fact is taken Into consiaerauon max. mere Is only one man on McGraWa team who does not drink. Joe Tinker Pride or Chlcafco. "Our old friend Joe Tinker is the pride r.t mirsm ami the wav thev whoop and veil for him would do your heart good were you to hear it as i cue wnea some 16.O00 fans Joined In calling upon Joe for a hit, and when he neatly complied by. lac ing out a two-bagger which won the game I thought they were all on the verge of Insanity. Tinker Is playing great ball for the Chicago team and is a dedded favor ite all over the circuit. 1 was not fortunate enough to witness ti, rrut Tatolf rLs.v. but I saw alias Wagner, who is rated as the next best batsman, and his hitting and fielding are worth the price of admission alone. Pitts w . mod. well-trained team and will always be a contending club in the National League. IllttlBf; That Which Ceants. The Boston American League team Is a sample oi waai may oe cxpccxca o; k ,Vilti1nrhnt creal flelilnr- tear- when aralnst teams -noseesslnc fine bats men. The Athletics have several strong Vitttr vhlrh m responsible for their victory, but were outclassed In this par-' inmnrmtt- -.-ill ii. run Tuesdav. Mr. i j Fieldwlck was well known throughout 5 the country among horsemen. 1 Domestic and Forclffn Port?. j ASTORIA. April 15. Condition er the bar at 5 P. smooth: wind outhat: weather j rainy. Arrived down at 7 A. TH British ship J Clackmannanshire. Sailed at 7:15 A. M j French bark Crilloa. for Tacoma. Sailed at K:t0 A. IL.. siesmer Alliance, for Eurexa and way ports: arrived at SJ0 A. M. and left up at 12:13 Ti M.. German steamer Ara sonla. from Hongkong and way ports: ar rived at 11:25 A. M. and left up t Z V. steamer Nome City, from San Frandsco; arrived down at 4 P. M- schooner Virginia. Ssn Francisco. April 1. .vmvco nniun steamer Henley, from Newcastle. Australia: German steamer Itaurt. from Seattle; bark en! Ine Coronado. from Honolulu. rcrt Gamble, April 15. Sailed Norwegian ship Hording, for Delsgoa Bay. Astoria. April 15. gauea rceaen snip Crtllon. for Tacoma aed United Kingdom. Arrived German steamer Aragoala. from Tokohama. ' Honolulu. April 15. Arrived Steamer Argyll, from Monterey: steamer Koiccram. frem Monterey. Ssn Francisco. April IS. Arrived Brig lAJrilne. from Cray's Harbor; steamer G. C Mndauer. from Gray's narbor. Salted Ship Standard, for Bristol Bay: ship Oriental, for Bristol Bay; steamer Queen, for Poctt Sound: schooner Comano. for Port Gamble: steamer Asuncion, for SeatU: steamer Komfc Ttav. for Grv" Harbor. Newport News. April 15. Steamer La Bretarae. for New Tork. passed Nantucket tJrh;hln tfeta afternoon. New Tork. April 15. Arrived Steamer Celtic from Liverpool and Queenstown; "Sanlta. from Genoa asd Naples; steamer TLaChampsgn. from Havre: steam er Cltta dl Genera, from Genoa and Naples; steamer Columbia, frem Glsirow and 3to-v!e- steamer Bluecatr. from Hamburg. Dover and Boolorne; steamer Onelssenau. from Bremen. Sailed steamer xroomana. for Dover and Antwerp; Vmer Astoria, for f:irorr. Sabl Island. Aortl 15. Steamer Otoltke. from Otaoa. for New Tork. reported by wlr le; nlll dock A. M.. Tuesdsr. Browhtsd. April 15. Steamsr Kron Prlns TCUhelm. from New Tork. for mrrJracth. rhimtrr and Rrfafa. reoorted bv wire. lese; wtll probably reach Plymouth 9 A. M., Vor.Jtr. Southaanton. April 12. Arrived Steamer St. Louis, from Nsw Terr. riyxaouth. April 15. Arrived Amerlks. from New Tork. for cnerooarg ana jiara taw SfftJl trasf taA- Queenstowa, April J. nec um;u:i, from Liverpool, for New Tork. rvvr. ArrHl is. Sailed lalasd. from Antwerp, for New Tork; Pallida, from ITariVrt-t-,- tar NlV TOMC Slssconset, Mars, April Is. Steamer Kaiser Ytllhelm II. frem Bremen. Southamp ton aad Cherbourg-, for New Tork. reported by wireless telegraphy. Movttle. April 15- Arnveo caieconia. t v-w TnrV far fltssrow. SnH nroeeedeA. Roturdam, April 14. Sailed Statendam. fn- V- VnrV via. Boalesme. UverpooL April 15. salleo Devonian, for Boston. Movllle. April 15. Railed Tursesrie. from Glasrew. for New Tone Orfeenstown. April 15. Failed Uavtrford frem Ll-erpool. lor Phllaaslpala. rir mtt nf elrht arames is the win ning record of the Portland team for the first week or the season, ana tne irwal fans i well rjlcased with the showing. While It is too early to size up the various teams in tne uoast ijini. or evei to fltrure that Port land will remain In the runnms aricr the season gets settled down in iae long; race for 'the pennant. It looks' as If Manae-ar Mr-Cradle. In Snlta Of the de- sertion of Tim Flood and Jud Smith. has surrounded himself with a, pretty I. . Viill (aim I m 7 nf annwinc au u. fr wnniii eera as If Seattle. Oakland and Fresno are the weakest teams In the league, yet there is a chance tnat all these teams will be strengthened 'linfAf. Innr With the easy picking mat tne atn v. j -tth. tT.n 9iihiic. the Bar City -iiinin inmned off In the lead and It looked, until yesterday, that they were going to take aucn a coromanaius AmtA at t rnttid not b overtaken. P.uss Hall's Indians took revenge by ipin. nn nf tho Kahbath frames ana by JoIng so toppled the aeais or meir inn. An rriri iia uau uik nlckintr against Oakland, and by taking seven out of the eight games Is now in me ieu. Tt,,. iIm tim in the first division .. .tin i.inn tnr(hr ana it will taac another week before the three leading teams will have a chance to snow meir real strength. Indians on Down Grade. Ciiiiii nnn this week at Los An gcles and unless the Indians ..take a brace Jim Morley's Highbinders will nave another week of easy sailing and are apl to take a very formidable lead . 1. - ,lr r-nm JIW OVeVw The Giants book up with the Seals this -a t Vip. thnvine that the Portland- ers make will give some Idea of Just how strong a bunch Manager McCredle has rounded up. With Flood and Judd Smith at second and third. Portland would have mii hotter howlnc axalnst Fresno. and right here let it be said. If Manager McCredle ever allows the Los Angeles tooth carpenter to don another Pacific rn t j r-iri uniform, or anv other uni form In organized baseball, he does not deserve to be a manager. Anyooay wuu knows Smith xnotrs that he wanted to nt halt in Portland, and ther also know that the reason he is not wearing a Portland uniform now la Dccause no ha 1t.n tn Jim Morlev. That baby story that Smith did not want tn nil V hall awav from LOS AnCClfiS because he has cstaaiisnca a acntai prac tice there Is pure moonsnine. mnn at IaitmI rnrtv tn tall? tn him and undoubt iri him tn understand, that Me rvlM tcnnM cut him loo wnen nn found that he would not play with Portland. Tho FtnrwA Ami I another matter. To hp that Tlrtrwl t a havn tnttf Is hut putting It mildly. By Jumping to Altoona he has proved mis. But tor juage . W. McCredle. Flood would still be on is without shame Is shown by the way he has treated, not only the McCredlea. out tne I'acnic coast league tans. Flood 3Ilnus True Manhood. "When hl wifo died at Lo. Anieles every fan throughout the entire Coast League circuit contributed to the benefit arhloh -ma Hii htm In T nm 3. ni-.1. Flood was never overburdened with fine instincts, ana genuine mannoou was left out rrhen hi Tn ereiilM Kt honrt h was alwaj an outlaw, and outalde or the rowdies like Muggsy McGraw. Don- nn ana otnes witn wnom tne manager oz me .-iT:n tut, uiiia o fUTraya aur mttnflril hlmvolf nn mnn hs hoon mlrM up in more disgraceful scraps on the dla- mona man mis same Tim tlooa. I. tiro .Ifloir I iinriAn . rrr ITTaa.Y turned to his kind, and so long as he is fit to play ball he will have to remain In the company he is In. Organized base- hatl l -Broil ntT .w- Flood stripe. From now on hebclongs to Mm. o V. ii .-.-. Vnuarurtaaa la "Cl9terv wack drsvethecn Xr, America, and j took la the Hevelutkmary War and the --"- at tho ITnWxt. h twnalia- s4aed the lm9rtace eC their covtritMitioa to the oaaee af civft aad reliw IHserty aad the free wstltutieM a pea which the coa-m-falu was Toanaea. BIG POLICIES WERE KEPT Smaller Holders la Eqaltahle Saf- fercd From Recent Agitation. NEW TORK. Anrll 13. A statement glvta out te-nlght by the Equitable Life Assurance "Society says: "InvestigatiOB shaws that the fears RcosdorofI hv tho tlevelonmonts of the year resulted la the lapsing- of 27.3S5 policies rer fiwss or unaer, -wntie oniy one policy oi jzuv.qoj was aiiowca to lapse. Of the entire volume of lapsed nellclea in the Equitable. Si per cent were for 3398s or less." In commenting on the results ox his efforts to restore the standing of lapsed policy-holders. President Mor ten today said: -My belief that the small pollcy hntdo m tho ohlof sufferer from the agitation and excitement regardlnf: life insurance is now connrraeo. iu holders of policies of SoQQO ana up- wiint ro mnerallrNien of business experience. Through fear based on misapprehension of the real tacts ana often on misrepresentation, thousands ot small poiicy-noiacrs awntu wcu policies to lapse." jjB llslM m iiii c-anKsa liiasuit ua mni' kaae; teartst sleeplsz-car daily to Kaasaa wi. Anuiuus uuran ihih &rJ V. -E-... -1 - II J&trolnJin Lytle Is Suspended. -Patmtman V. T.vtle. of the fitSt night relief, was suspended oy capiain aiovcr last evening for drunkenness. The offi cer, who has heretofore borne an excel lent reputation, reported at tne station for rollcall considerably under the Influ onM ne iimion and hl suoerior had no other alternative. He will be summoned before the Police Commissioners ror an examination, and his past gooa rccom may serve to mitigate the offense. Gives Advice to Voters. t tho t. "r. rr. a. meetlnz1 vesterday Tv T Whltonmh Rrnn rhpr advocated the nomination or atepnen a. loweii tor United States Senator because he was a good man and of E. V. Carter for State Treasurer, because as he said, the sa loon men were lighting mm ror nis op position to tne jayne out in tne tresis lature. TJNION DKPOT. Leaves. Arrtrsa, CHICAGCPORTLAND 0:15 A.M. 5:25 P. M. SPECIALIST th Sast Daily. Dally. via Haattestea . SPOKANE 5XTER- 'nij S'Dat?" For Sastera WasalBxtoa. Walla Walla, LawlstoE. Cosar d'Alsas aad Orsat Northsra go lata. ATLANTIC EXPRESS ils -z. xr t-is 3d. for ths East via Hunt- dsJIt DaUr lastoa. y' RIVER SCHEDULE. FOR ASTORIA asd 8:00 P. M. 5:00 P. M. war polats. coaaecUag Dally. Dally, with steamer tor Uwa- exespt xcpt co and North Beach. Saaday. Susday. itwrner Haasalo. Ash- Saturday st. dock 19:0eP.M. . FOR DATTON. Ore- 70 A. M. 5:SOP.M. soa City aad Tamhlll Dally. Dally. River point. Ash-st. except sxcepv toclc (water psr.) Sunday. Sunday r For Lawliton. Idafto. aad way polau trota Rlpsrla. Wash. . . Lsava Rlparta 5:40 A. it. or upoa amw trala No. 4. dally except Saturday. ArrlTo Bloarla. 4 P. a. daily except Fri day. Ah! it I rout her I shall die, mnnIeur., 'H'm! Starvation. I presume.- Judge. K. P. WILSON. V. ENG1NGEH. FRANK X. BROWN. BROWN, WIISON fi CO. INCORPORATED. FINANCIAL AGENTS INVESTMENT SECURITIES SAN FRANCISCO. TJNIOX TRUST BLPO. NEW TORK. TRINITY BLDG. TRAVELERS GUIDE. T-tro of Crew Escape at Astoria ASTORIA. Or.. April liWSpedaL) The Britsh ship Clacloaannanshlre lost two of her crew today. The vessel U -i.Hnf anohnr la the lower harbor, and this afternoon a tuaiag Boat aropcm un der the how er tne snip, wo or use saji nn iiinvH into It and were taken ashore. They were not missed until well out of way of suceeasiai parsmu vessel will go to sea tomorrow xaorning without waiting to nil tut aer ctreeau Steasaer Released From Quarantine. Dim srtTzrJHTA AnrU 15. Th British steamer Brrsid. frem Bembay with a cargA of ere, was today reHeved from Natieaal araatlne at Reedy Ialaad. Del . vaioro the steamer ta-w. been de- talaed' for tea days with several cases ot tidoiese aboard, wmca was oeesarea By ouaraatlae Bys4ciB- te be VasoBie placse. . After shartag. waea lUs U wt. apa-ly Satta sua erraaB. wbuih aa ai. TIME i tAe comfortable way. TWO OVERLAND TRAINS DAILY The ORIENTAL LIMITED . Tho Fast Mail VIA SEATTLE OR SPOKANE. Dally. Portland j Dally. Leave. Time Schedule. I Arrive. To and from Spo-5 X)- tane. St. Paul. Mia- 7:00 ami 11:45 chi neapollx. Duluth and 3:30 pm All Points East Yla SeatUs. JTo and from SL Paul. Minneapolis. Duluth and All 8:06 am IPolnU East Via Spokane. TALKS ON PRIMARY LAW. IT. "W. Stone, Prohibitionist Candi date, at People's Fortini. TT TV 5tnno annVo hofnro tho "DArttj. xorum, in aciuns-riirjcu nan. last, nignt. on uic uirrcL ynnu i&vr. Jir. atone haa li'.'tn an ii-llr (nl,r In .vnlltln. uiu is iuc rrouioiuun canaiaaie tor -oa rrfuman :n tno mni iiiaTnor Mr. Stone gave a detailed account of the probable workings and provisions of the law and upheld IL He was optimistic as to the political situation In Oregon. vimcrs iook. pari, in inc aucussion, ana Statement Vn 1 was threahorl nror All who spoke said it was a fine thing, but some czpressea aeouot as to wneiner tne next, legislature wouia xaiiow tne wltl of the people. Mr. Stone will speak at the People's Forum next Sunday night upon 'Boyol ogy." This Is a subject near to the heart of Mr. Stone, and it Is expected that his an areas wm oe interesting ana instructive. ATTACK AT CHURCH DOOR "P;cds In Geneva Attempt to Mur der Russian 3I!nIstcr Jadowsky. mrXVrCA. Anrll IS. fSoorUIl A rlnt which is likely to be followed by grave international comnlications. followed an attempt at assassination of M. Jadowsky. Xtussian jiiauicr awiucriaBa, sunns ine ceieorauon di is&sa m uic nusaian r-hnroh horo Rnniliv. Sorao woolr a am Geneva authorities were notified that it cad been Geteraunca try -Tea tsat, ow ing to the activity of Jadowsky in fur nishing the Russian government with in formation as to the proceedings of meet ings of the Russian revolutionary society here, he was to he "removed." M. J&dowsky was tola that it would be safe for him to attend mass yesterday. Detectives went along as usual, however, and as the Minister passed through the outer corridor and was entering the audi torium of the sacred edifice four men sprang at him with daggers. Revolvers were freely used by both s4des. and when the police finally arrived more than a doses wounded were found, on the Soor. Sixty-five people have so 'far been ar rested. America's Debt- te Presbytcrlanlsra. Wallace McCamant delivered a stirring address at Calvary Freeby&rlaa Church last night oa "America's Debt to Presby terlaalsm." Begiaaiag with the peraecu- VnriSfni Ktramahla fit Salllag from Seattle for Japan and csiaa ports ana jiaaiu. caum passenxers and freight. S. 8- Mlaaesota, April 29. 8. S. Dakota. Jit Bo 7. NIPPON YTJSEN KAISTIA fJanan Mali Steamshlo Co.) E. S. SHINANO 5IARTJ will salt hum Seattla about Slav 15 far Ja. paa and China ports, carrying pas sengers ana rreisnt. For tickets, ratas. berth reserva tions, eta. call oa or address H. DICKSON. C. T. T. A. 122 Third St. Portland. Or. Pfaetlo Mala 680. 0REG0H SHQjrrJUirjB Union Pacihc 3 IKAS 10 XIX IAST OAILT TLiV rtrlr TUtrJ nmA Washlasrtea. Telrphose Mala 715. C W. St laser. Oty Ticket Art.; A. J. tTa-c. uea. xaaa. ai. EAST via SOUTH Leaves. jNION DEPOT. I Arrlvs. 8:45 P. 31 5:20 A. 2d 1:13 P. 31 7:30 A. M. 4 JO P.M. 810:45 P. M. OVERLAND EX- PREES for Salsm. Rosa burr. Ashlaad. Sirrimfnto. Of den, Saa Fran dsco, Stockton. Los Angsles, EI Paso, Nsw Or leans and ths East. Morning train connects at Woodbura dally except Sunday with trains for ML AnxeL Sll verton. Browns ville. Springfield. Wecdllnr n d Natron. Eugena passenger connects at Woodburn with ML Angel and Sllvertoa .local Corvallls passen ger. Sheridan passen ger. Forest Grovs Passenger. T:2S A. M 5:53 P- 10:33 A. ii 5:30 P. SV 8:23 A. t. 11:30 P. M. Dally. Dally except Sunday. PORTLAND-OSWEGO SUBURBAN SERVICE AND YAMHILL DIVISION. Depot. Foot of Jefferson. Strsst- A. M.; 12:50, 2:03. 4. 5:10. 6:23. 8:30 10:10. 11:20 P. M. Dally except Sunday. 5:-0. 8:35. 10:23 A- M. Sunday only. 9 A. St. Returning from Oswego, arrive PorUand. daUr. 3:30 A. M.. 1:33. 3:03. 3:03. 6:13. T:35. SundaVt:6:25: 7 atfVui XT. Sub day only. 10 A. M. . Ieave irom ino ntpoi -, ..lata nolnta daUr. 4:13 P. M. Arrlvs Portland. 10:15 A. M. ... .....Unnmnnth Mntor Lias operates dally to Monmouth and Alrllt. coa "ctlnr with S. P. Cos train at DaUas aad lBFl cl8as""faro from Portland to facra- . cm t7TiMarti 4C7n riA'PTR. 33. iecond-clasn fare. $15: second-class berth. $2.50.. . Tickets lo ssastora poinu also Japan. China. Honolulu and AnstraUs C1TX TICKET OFFICE. Corner Third aad C WashteKtoa Sts. Pheao Blaw 712 C. TV. STINGER. A. X. OtAIO. CAr Ticket Agent. Gea. Pass. Aarf. Astoria and Columbia River Railroad Co. TIME CARD ' OF TRAINS PORTLAND DAILY. T)Yart. JLrrtvo. Ycllowstoca Psrk-Kansaa aty-St. Louis Special for Chehalla. Centralla. Olytapla, Gray Harbor. Soata Bead. Tacoma. ecattle. Epokaan. Lw Istoa. Butte. Bllllaa-3. . tt . V . XTan as atr. fit. Loafs aad Seuthsaat S:3dam 49pm North Coast Limited, lectiie lighted, for Ta coma. Seattle. Spokane. Bat I". MlnBeapolts. St. Paul asd. the Eait...... 2:00 pm. T:08 asa Puret Sound Limited for Claremont. Chehalls. Centralla. Tacoma and Seattle only 4:30 pm 10:33 pm "ZMta. CSty Express for Ta coma. Ssattle. Spokaaa. Helena. Butts. St. PauL Miaaeasolls. Lincoln. Omaha. St. Joseph. St. IxjbJ. Kaasas City, without Chans of cars. Dlrset ccaaectlana for all points East aad South- rn cut ............11:43pm 8:30pm A. D. CharltoB. Assistaat General Passea- cer AxsaL 2S3 Morrlsoa it, earner Third. portlsaa. Or. T,eves. UNION DEPOT. Arrives. Dally. For Maygera Rainier. Dally. Clatskanie. Westport. CUfton. Astoria, War- , ,r 8-00 A. M renton. FlaveL Ham- 1120 A. 21. mond. Fort Steven. Gearbart Park. 3aa ilde. Astoria and Sea shore. 7:00 P. M Express Dally. 0:50 P. M Astoria Expresa Dally. . C A. STEWART. . J. C. . Comm'l Agt. 24S Alder st. a. F. Phone Main 303. & P. A. NOME ROUTE S.S, SENATOR June 1 Secure Tickets Now SOUTHEASTERN ALASKA. ROUTE From Seattle at 9 P. M. for Ketchi kan. Juneau. Skagway. TVhite Horse. Dawson and Fairbanks. S. S. City of Seattle. April 21. a S. Humboldt. April 15-23. S .S. Cottage City (via Sitka) April 20. ALASKA EXCURSIONS. S. S. Spokane, June 7-21; July 5-20: August 2. FOR SAN FRANCISCO DIRECT From Seattle at 3 A. M.; Umatilla. April 3-1S; Queen, April 8-23; Senator, April 3. Fartlaad OSSc. 34S Waahlasten st. Mala aW. G. X. LEE. Psss. Jtr Ft. Aft. C D. DUN ANN, CP. Av 19 Mrrket St Sam Fraaciace. San Francisco & Portland Steamsliip Co. Operating tho Only Passenrer Steamers for Saa Francisco Direct. S. S. COLUMBIA- April 21. May I 8. S. COSTA RICA April 18 aad 28 Excursion to loa auscicj inu isjvim, 1. Sob rouna irip. mciuamg am ".- clsco to Los' Angeles and back to Portland. JAM. H. DEWSON. Ag.. Phoae Mala 288. 248 Washlagtea St. Steamer Chas. R.Spencer Tin the Columbia, the finest river trip. In Vip tno v. Unltcd states. Leaves Oak-street dock 7 A. M., Mon davs. "Wednesdays and Fridays, arriving at -The Dalle3, 4 P. M. " Leaves The Dalles A. M.. Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturdays, arriving Port- Office and wharf foot Oak street. Pfaon Main 2960. CHARLES E. STEELSMITH. Agent. WILLAMETTE RIVER ROUTE Steamers for Salem. Independence and Al baay leavo 8:45 A- M. dally (ecept Susday . Steamers for Corvallls and way polata leave 6:45 A. M. Tuesday. -Thursday aad Eatarday. OREGON CITY TRANSPORTATION CO. Offlca and, dock, foot Taylor at. ALASKA FAST AND POPULAR STEAMSHIPS LEAVE SEATTLE 9 P. M. "JeerB" April IT. 27. ft P. M.. via WrangeL "DolphlH.' April 22. alrljco. April 28. "FaralloB. May 1. CHEAP EXCURSION RATES. Oa excursion trips steamer call al Sitka. MetUkahtla. Gladsr. WraaL etc.. la additloa to regular part oi call. Call or send for Trip to Woader ful Alaska.' MIadlaa BasksUTi' "Totem Poles." THE ATASXA S. 8. C9. Fraak Woalssy Co.. Axeats. 2i2 Oak SL Partlaad. Or.