THJC KORXIXG OUGOXIAJC, MOKDAY, APJRIl 1C, lt06. f lt.Ni.KAL NOTICES. RHODES?-The funeral services of W. C Rhodes -will be held at Edward Holmas's uedartaklsg chcpel. Third and Salmon, at 4 P. M., Monday. April 16. Friends In vited. BERRT At Good Samaritan Hospital April If. 1 WO. Frederick W. Berry, aired yra. Friends are respectfully Invited to attend 'the funeral service, which will be held at St. David's Church, corner of E. 12th and Belmont sts at 2 P. M. today. Interment, Lone Fir Cemetery. CHAPMAN In EL Johns. Or.. April 31. 190. Harry Chapman, aged S4 years. Friends and acquaintance are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral sen-Ices, which will be held at Flnleys chapel at 10 A. M.. Tuesday. April 17. Interment, Lone Fir Cemetery. EDWARD HOLMAN M CO.. tha leadlas faaerml rrtors ajtd embalm ers, 229 aad 222 Tfclrd street, corner "almes. bars ths finest ewtsWUeimeBi aad the most rssi snails cha-nres. We stave ae experleaeeatadx wbe takes faH charge ef aH Udjr case. Phasn Mam 807. J. P. FTXLET ft 60N. feaeral directors and embalraers. No. 261 2d at, ear. Madlsoa. Day or night calls promptly attended. z perieaeed ladr suslstant when desired. Of fice ef Coanty Coroner. Phose Main S. DUNNING. M'KNTEE A-GILBAUGH, 8 se res tors to Duaalag A Campion, aadertakers and eaabalmers; modem la every detail : ?t and Pine. Phone Mala 40. Lady aaatstaai. F. 8. DUXNTNG. Undertaker. 411 East Alder. Lady assistant Phone ast St. 7IK r.T.KK-B VEXES CO. Undertakers. Em fealmers. 273 KBsaeU. East 10S8. Lady aae'i. TONSJBTH .. florists. Artistic floral designs. 12 6th si. Phone Mala Slat. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES. "Rooms "Rooms and Board." "Hoase Jteepta' Rooms." "Sitaations Wanted." IS words er less. IS cents; 16 to 20 words. 20 cents; 21 to SB words. 26 cent, etc. "o dis count for additional Insertions. UNDER ALL OTHER HEADS, except Xcw Today." SO cents for 15 words or less: 30 to 20 words. 40 cents: 21 to 25 words. 50 cents, etc first Insertion. Each additional lEiertion. one-half: bo further disco oat un der one month. XEW TODAY" (ranee measure agate). 15 cents per line, first Insertion: 10 cents per Use for each additional Insertion. ANSWERS TO ADVERTISEMENTS, ad dressed care The Orearonlaa. and left at this office, should always be, Inclosed la sealed envelopes. No stamp Is required en such letters. The Oregonian will sot be responsible for errors In advertisements taken throuxh the telephone. NEW TODAY. TOURISTS (onteraplaling trips through foreign lands should carry our travelers' vhecks and Letters of Credit i Available for travelers throughout the world, issued by us on the most favorable terms. For the convenience of those who have occasion to send money abroad, we issue drafts payable in nearly every country on the globe. Portland Trust Company ot Oregon RESOURCES OVER $1,500,000. E E. Cor. Sd and Oak Sts. Thone Ex. 72. SE?J T,l-j"EN - President lEE'r-.-.vr.v .r:.:::!&1 J O. GGLTRA Assistant Secretary East First Street Choice lot. .Vx10t. on Kast First, near E Morrison; switch In and street filled; $5000. East Washington Corner. 100 feet on railroad track and 50 on B. Washington; $7000. Grand Avenue Xlre corner lot. . blocks south of E. Morrison; $6500; sure to advance. Union Avenue Quarter block. 100x100. on Union ave., near E. Morrison; solid ground: 58500. THE H E ALA INVESTMENT CO.. 210-214 Abington. 106' Third SU Prolific Orchard Land Is def-irer! fby many who are not In a position to surrender their present in comes and devote their time to the making; of a ommerclal orchard and who are unable to purchase estab lished orchards. For such as these we have arranged a plan whereby some of the finest apple land In the famous Mosler district may be secured upon the payment of small sums down and monthly or quarterly Installments without Interest on deferred pay ments, or taxes. The land will be cleared, set with standard apple trees, cultivated and cared for during; a period of five years, or until final pay ment Is made, by a competent orchard 1st who will build up his own place alone with yours. This is a bona fide offer never be fore made In this locality. Let us give you the particulars. LANGILLE & RAND 73 SIXTH STREET. . WE HAVE SOME GOOD . Warehouse Property On K. Washington and E. Water sts. For prices and terms call on J. L. WELLS & CO. Sl Grand Ave. R. M. WILBUR Second near Washington Wants for customers any business or prospective business property. Pre fer quarter blocks or single lots with poor wooden buildings. Quick cash buyers for anything of that kind. See me Monday if possible. Only $1375 For choice level lot. 27xl00. south frontage. faclnc- car line, fine loca tion, on Nqrthrup. between 22d and 23d st., or would sell 53x100. same locality. Xor $2700. C. H. KORELL.. 251 Washing ton St. Attention Investor 1 have 50 feet frontage on Fark st.. near Stark, and lots at St. Johns that must be old. Terms. E. C HURL.BERT. lOVt Jersey St. St. Johns, Or. 17 Eft New modern 6-room house, six 4x1 0U blocks to Steel Bridge. F. W. TORGLER 106 SHERLOCK BLDG. S35 Per Lot on Car Line 30x160 feet each. high, sightly and level, on the river, splendid location. The Htbernla Savings Bank will sell what few there are left ot the, lots at $35 per lot to close out tha tract Title perfect. Call at room SOS, McKay bldg.. cor. 3d and Stark sts. Fer sale, at Sa View,, the gray skiaglecl cottage en tie ridge; 6 rMu; fee view of ocmb. Fartica Um at 7SS Xtctkrap &H. J9 9M7. AMTJIEMXXTS. . THE . TJP IT T" THEATER Hth and 11 r.l 1 ,11 T Those TVaahtertoa. Mala 1. Tonight and Tomorrow Xixht. Hctarn of the Favorite Actor CKKSTON CI-VRKK la the Comedy Irama "MONSIEUR BEACCALRE. An artist in all that the word Implies." New York Herald. "Worthy his Illustrious , aacettora tha Bpoths." Philadelphia Public I.e4xer. Only qualed br-Mansfleld's Beau Brum melL" San Francisco .Chronicle. riUCES TX'ESDAT NIGHT Lower fleor, first 0 rows. UR0: balanee lower floor. Jl. Balcony, rirst 7 rows; 75c; balance bal cony. 50c. Entire gallery. "SJc. TONIGHT Grand TeMfcaontsJ Jieeedl FIREMEN'S .VND POLICEMEN'S KEL1EF FUND. rRICES TONIGHT Lower floor, flirt rows. JJ.SO; balance, ft. EnUre balcony. SL Entire gallery. 0c. Exchange seat bought fra downtown' stores or member ot the Fire or Police office of The Heilig Theater. Fourteenth and nuiiitiog siren. Baker Theater 'sssss.iisr Tamhlll and 2d fits. rhontr Main 1S07 The Home of Mb .leal Burleikeae. NOTE Bargtin-Day Matinee Wednesday. 25c to any teat. All This Week The One The Only Bur lesque Company "The Merry Maidens" Presentlnr Screamlnr Farce n Three Acts "THE MAIDAM) THE MULE" Saturday Matlnte lat performance lrfC 25c. .Lie and 50c Night prices. 25c wfc 50c and 75c Next Week "The New Crnturr Girls." Empire liludlUi ! tk 117 Milton W. Seaman. Manager. U'f"1 A" Week Matinee Saturday Hal field's Beautiful Flay f Old Virginia "ROANOKE" yHh Lee Morris and a Oreat Cat. All scenerj- carried An Interesting and thrllllnr production- Matinee Saturday. PRICES Evening. 15c. 25e. S5c and 50c, Matlner, 10c. 15c and 25c Next Attraction "A Thoroughbred Tramp." Pantatfes Family-Theater irth McCloud Melville, tireat Comedy rrodacers Bobby Boyle. Erratic Kid Cetnrdtan. Carl BrosM Singing and Discing Comedians Itrt Moving Picture BUT Bang, "45 Minute Rougb-llense Fan" Ray Southern Co- Socirty Skelrh ArtlMs Arthur KItrell. "In the Valley f YesUrday" Performnnce dslh at 2:30. 7.50 and It P. M. AdmlFslon. 10c. reserved seats. 20c; boxes. 25c I-dl and children admitted to any seat for 10c at week-day matinees. OR AND !Whil Aade4 IValore viAV-r-1- D'UrbaaoV Royal Ital Week of April. 10. Ian Baad. "DaJnty" Klor- J ReBtf row & Janhrn. race and Charles Mr. and Mrs. Mead TJregoti. MHtlral- M. Wrrnti. Cotnedy Stars. Croneh Richards. Next Week: Harold Hon. T. Nelson Towns. Srandlicpe. PRICES Evenings and Sundays. 15c. 25c and boxes 35c Matinees. 15c to any gest except boxes. STAR THEATER Week of April 16. Tlelds Hanon In "Music Con quered." The Two English n. Row Buds. Burke Bros. The Great Torley. Berkley Danstaa. James Burke Staroncepe. 10c to any seat except boxes 10c WEST SIDE Business Property $40,000 100x100. thrce-storv brick, best business district; income S3j0 per month, can be raised to JoW: only 315.000 cash required: will pay 17 per cent net on monev Invest ed; a good conservative buy for 5W.0M. APARTMENT HOUSE ?4 rrtnma. hnt anrl v1d t-q 1 1 n room, full cement basement, furnace heat. income jiza per niontn; price, 15,w3. APARTMENT HOUSE ?3 rooms, strictly modern, hot and cold water In all rooms, furnace heat: Inconic $125 per month; price, $1100. TAFT & CO. 275 Stark, C. of C. Bids. Phone Main 156. R. M. WILBUR 118 Second St. Near Washingtea OFFERS FOR SALE: Corner lot, 100 feet, on East Water, and SO feet on East Washington, with two story building: railway snitch on Water st. There will soon be something doing Jn this vicinity .which will cause lare and rapid advances in values. Would lease this lot. If not sold. Look at this and the possibilities, and you will buy It. Lots on Kearney. Lovejoy, Overton. Sa vier. Thurman and other streets. North End Is good now. Fine buy on northeast corner of 20th and Savier. covered with good houses, paying: well: only 310.500. Quarter near this re cently sold for 5H.0D0; others held at $16.- m to $20,000. First Street .Vxl00. with three-story brick, near Mad ison; $28,000. Alder Street Fractional corner, with three-story brick; S34.00O; only TSW) required cash down; can rent for $375 month. First Street Full lot. SflxlOO. on First.' near Washing ton, for $33.O0; only $13,000 cash down. THE HEA1.Y INVESTMENT CO. $85,000 Fine Morrison-su corner lot, well im proved. JENNINGS St CO. 222' WASHINGTON ST. $17,000 Apart men t-hoH Re. Keats. L. S2M per meath. Hartman, Thompson S Powers Chamber ef Commerce. R. M. WILBUR Second near Washington Offers for sale SOxlOO. northeast cor ner of HaM and Second, six fiat, rents $2000 per year, l'rice only 31C.000. with Jfiooo cash payment. See about this today. $2100 Special Fine level lot, 30xlCO feet. south front age, all street Improvements made. Choicest residence district on Kearney, near 24th st. teasy terms), or would sell 60x100 feet, same lo cality, for $4000. C. H. KORELL, 251 Washington st. TO ft 6 AUK REAL EMA7E. E1X-ROOM MODERN HOC5E. XSW; $39 down. talanc $15 per month. "Owner, phone Kast 675. MODERN 7-TtOOM HOUSE AT KODXT TA ber. W. X. Stokes Ce 18 Gra4 arc I. KOCKE AND LOT, KAJBT SKD STL brUse. $3M caste. J II. Orcfcaiue. res sals rxal bstate. BLL1S ic KAXUCR. - Reesa 21, Caararea!laiBc. 2(( 3erri St.. . W. cor. Thtra tt. ATTBACTIVK I NVE8TM KNTS. . rail lot la TVet SMe business district. rtte for iRiroreasent. rise trick bulldlacs elac built all aroesd. 112.66 ;4-lock. 369 aear corner Hawtharae tn 5raad. with 6 well-balli moeera homes, 6 rooms each, pajirr 10 per cent: room for 3 more bovses to wake Income 12 jer eat- 6 Flae corner, close In, Union ave.; 2 lota with 4 houses aaytxuc 11 Ttr cent. Can be Increased. RKSIDEXCES FOR SALT. !35X New, modern. 7 rooms, near TVilllarns and lloltaday ave- walking dls twice, lot 40x160; all Improvenenu ic asd paid: 3I0eX down, balance to suit. HOM New, taodern Colonial. 7 rooms, lot ZfrrZO. sear Z-d asd Tttlysrove; fine llule horse. J1PO0 Xtce 7-roora home at Riverside, rtton e ; lot SOs:!). or lta 2 raore lots, naklnc lOOslSO. with fruit trees and berries; $2800. $iW) Fine modern home In Hlshland. 2 block ot car, lull li -block, bardvood finish. SACRIFICED AT J2.l0 BECAUSE THE o-ner t?o to CaliroreU. the extra lanre lot Sxl9) and 3 roomlnE-boose. coctaln lrjc crsrly 1O0 rootnc on YarrhHl U: Jnst above tbe Hotel Portland; surroanded by -substantial firewall, which catans a low Irsura-Dce rate: rapplled with an elaborate and costly hot-water hattac systrm; bcllt In modern and substantial style; they are cowqunty alwaya leased at the hbchest rental produced by any .similar Inveiuaeat Jn rortland, vls $6000 yearly. Flrure ca the Income; there is no large property left oa the market that pays that rate sow. WHITING k nOUNTREE. 4l Ablr.rtcn Bide OWNER IN A FINCH. Must raise SKXO by Monday soon, and of fers lOOxlOO. flne corner. 10 squares outh of lhi osriee. with large 10-room modern rejldence. -which you could not build for 6XO. for $10,000; XiSOO haadlesi It. OfTer good only until Monday noon. Ground alone worth price. ELLIS Sz HAULER. Room 21. 26 Morrison. S. W. cor. 3d ft. HOLLA DAVS ADDITION WHILE OURS Is an exclusive residence district, and we have many of the finest residences owned and occupied by people of Influence la the professions and business, you should dl abus your mind of tbe Idea that it Is costly; give us an opportunity to show S'ou by actual figures that a completed boute uch as yon want will cost you no more here than elsewhere; other have been convinced, and we are sore you can be. A. H. Faber, architect. 15th and HaT-sej- sts. FOR SALE. HENDERSON-SCOTT LAND CO.. If you arc looking for a suburban home rr good Investment, don't fall to call on tx relative to that snap In City View Park, f -room house for $27oo; term. HENDERSON-SCOTT I .AND CO.. tOl-I-02 Ftnlon bWg FOR SALTS AT A BARGAIN. IF SOLD IN day A flne up-to-date '-room house, hard finish. Bull Run water, bet and cold, full basement, lot 100x100. all kinds flne fruit In abundance; will sell rcrnUhed or unfur nished. Call or addree the owner. Wm. lu. Manning. 1202 Ti. Taylor rt., rortland. Or. BARGAIN DONT DELAY If you want It. Corner lot In Cedar Hill, near Washington and 23d sl-. 44x112. some lots sold in same locality lately for Ji.'.OO to $7000: you can make no mistake in taking this for home or speculation Ellis & Kahler. room 21. CM Morrison st. $SG0 BEAUTIFUL HOME. WELL BUILT, new. modern, new design, comer lot. Holla day's Addition. Owner, 20S 4lh. or phone Main 3SS0. $1S00 Very desirable new 4-room cottage, bath. ga. electric llchts: South Portland; ' terms. Inquire SOS -4th st. $3200 FRACTIONAL LOT. STEPHENS 8T.. near 12th; splendid, thorouchly modern new house, fireplace, furnace, paneled dining-room, adamant tiled bathroom and kitchen; elegantly finished and a beauti ful home. Morgan &. Flledner. 213 Ablng ton bldg. HOMES FOR SALE. Modern 7-room cottage and full lot. on Efcxt Bumslde and E. l&th newly built and in flrst-class condition. $(2M. THE HEALV INVESTMENT CO.. 210-21 Ablngtcn. IOSH 3d St. $3200 HBRB IS TOUR dlANCK. $3200 Good modern mroom hOUe and 30-foot lot for Mle at less than cost of boute by owner; must sell. It will pay you to see thV. 4U3 E. 33d st.. near Division; Woodstock or Richmond car. RARE CHANCE TO GET A HOME. 112x203. 7 hoceee. all or slncly: 1st and Caruthers: close In; SOxW). modern house, 7 rooms, 24 and Sheridan; 50x100. 10th st-. near Stark. Wm. Flledner. 2fl E. 22d, or 10th and Wuli tngton. WILT. EXCHANGE A BEAUTIFUL NEW. modern pressed brick double one-sccry ter race In Denver. Colo.. In beat part ot city, close In. rents fZS, for good Portland -property. 1S1 Morrison L Fbone Main 2410. ACRE TRACTS WD HANDLE ACREtAGB as a seeclaltr. within city limits or outside. Soaie acre with terms, as low as $10 per "Inc." 110 2d st. FOR SALE S-ROOM HOUSE IN IRVINO ton; house and grounds In good condllios; modern improvementt; will make term. Call phone Scott 1075. owner; or N 14. Ore gonlan. SNAP 40X100 CORNER. STORE BUILDING and living rooms; rented for two years. $1S month; $1600. terms, this week Dubois. Washington bldg. room 1, Pacific 1230. HOUSE "AND LARGE LOT AT MOUNT Tabor, near car line, to trade for small farm near city. What have you? Whlt tcn Bryant. 716 Marquam. MUST BE SOLD IN TEN DATS FINE -block on Union ave.. good location tor buslnesa; price $2000. Inquire at fOH Union ave. Phone East 42S3. 4 NEW 6-ROOM COTTAGES: BARGAIN FOR cash or half cash; $750 to $SCti each. Owner. Joe Nash, at Nashville Addition. Take Mount Scott car line. 7-ROOM HOUSE. GOOD CONDITION; LOT 40x125. fenced, good barn, one block from car line; $1100. Hatfield &. Smith. lC5'i 4th st SEVEN-ROOM HOUSE IN HOLlADAT Park, modern and premises fully Improved; can bo bought, on easy ttrrsa. F IC. Ore gonian. FOR SALE OR RENT S-ROOM HOUSE, barn. 4 lots, on West and Tabor avea. In quire at Schiller, tin and Washington. BEAUTIFUL -BLOCK HIGH GROUND. K. Stark and 16th. near new Hlch School; or sell lot 33 feet front. IS3H 3d st. FOR SALE REASONABLE. 3 LOTS, -45x123 each, situated In North Mt. Tabor. Inoulre SSI E. Morrison, corner Union ave. FULL BLOCK, 8 LOTS. NORTH AL3IXA. Patlon'a Addition. $1750: easy terms, gee owsesft F. Vanduys. 313 Washlncten. SELLWOOD LOTS. $5.90 DOWN AND $5.00 a month; from $75.00 to $200.00. Sellwood TownUte Co. Peoca East 4704. CHOICEST 100x100 RESIDENCE CORNER IN Hawtherne'a First A ditties: an cxceUtst buy. Inquire 331 Washington t- 71 ACRES. PARTLT IMPROVED.. NEAR Oregoa city, only $700. esxy term. Shoa Store. 313 Washington L A BEAXTTIFtTL QUARTER BLOCK. HOI 3sdsya Addition; improvement all In; muse be sold. Pacific 1S4Z A BARGAIN 710100 FEET 13TH ST.. ON ear line; 2 old houies; JKKX1. Hatfield & Smith. 163. 4th sL NEW. ATTRACTTVE SUBURBAN COTTAGE. T rooms. flretAace, bath, ceaest butmest. T f. Oregoclan. $3750 NICE. MODERN 7-ROOM HOUSE, near new HUh School. Owner. S4 Eaat Waehlagton st. FOR SALE MODERN HOUSE AND LOT, 405 7th t.. near Harrison. Apply owner. 334 Front st. . . SECURE THIS FARM NEAR ESTACADA . no better land In Oregon. A bargain. Ap ply 453 12th. BUSINESS LOT. CLOSE IN. WILUAMS ave.: bargain. Owner, ahoe atore. 313 Waah. lagton tt. J3M BUTS LOT IN SOUTH PORTLAND, ON RanrroTt ave. Owner. 4U McKay. IS and Stark. BARGAIN I TO 10 ACRES. CHOICE, close In. 15-mlnute sen Ice. Owner. 336 Fark it. $250 WILT. BUT NICE LOTS. WEST SLOPE ML Tabor. Hatfield A SmHfc, lMi 4th st. Hoaxes festltt. aelh!y payeta; will fra4sa lets. Miller. 2 Cammercial k-Mr. Mate iH. FINE BOUSE. NKARLT TWO LOTS. 44 SU st. !qtr Lewsagaiilt. M rak- TWO LOTS. MT. "TABOR. ONT.T fUB 3sUCX. ih t lsaaagisiT ssm SAIX-KAL MUTX. FOR. SALE AT A SACRIFICE. MT ELZ caat S-resa rarattlte resides cs aad lt fxW: WW sM vHh er wttat ran! ": all mod era Improvements aad vsrr ceelea lecaUaa. Ix ye arc laattag.fsr a Wsrrsia this' wtM bear cloie UvesUgmUaa. car Orrgcslaa. BARGAINS IN EEAL ESTATE ISM acre whut Uad. 1B acres ta cultiva tion. 700 in Ssaasatr fallow wheat: flaa soate igs barn. IS xaltea from marks:. ia all down hill: all icood lever laad; price. ( per acre, tadedlng crop. $24: oa easy tercaa. Stock ranch. 7299 acres. 73 acres trt to alfalfa. 230 acres mors plowed. 2 good heepsae4s. 3 bouses, plcaty cf raa alair water, all (taced with 3 wires; 9 KUlcs from market: this U foothill Und. the best crasa land la Eastern Oregoa; Price $.rd per acre, oae-thlrd cas. bal ance ea easy terms: write or call oa Mote Ashbaugh. Elchunlle. Morrow Coun ty. Or egos. SELLWOOD HOMES. J9JO will buy one of the prettiest 5-room cottages In Sellwood. It Is on a corner lot and only two blocks from car line. We have a number of other houses from a few hundred dollars up. Lots In Sellwood. Portland's prettiest suburb, are. rood Investments. SELLWOOD TOWNSITE CO.. 1H3 K. 13th St- Thone. East -1704. H. r. PALMER. Manager. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. $3500 Nice 7-room house, la Irvlsgten, en block from car: terms. $SO) down and monthly Installments of $30. Apply to Arthur A. Kerr. Care RUS3ELL BLTTH, 82 4 Third ju $3IO0 S-ROOM HOUSE. HOLLADAT'S AD dltloa. $2700 S-room house. Rusjell sL, near Union ave. D. Miller. 714 Chamber Cons. $11S0 CORNER LOT EAST 7TH. NEAR Broadway car line; comer COcxSO and six room modern house. J2O00: also 3-room new house and -10x20 feet. E. 24th. $1000: terms on both. Culver. 023 Chamber oX Commerce. $ WO INSIDE FRACTIONAL LOT 39XA3 feel. $1000 Corner. SOxSO: also inside fraction. 40x100. for $SSO; all In Itolla Uy Addition, near Union ave. Culver, 23 Chamber of Commerce. NINE ACRES CHOICE LAND. 9 MILES west of Portland, on the lillbboro road, near Beaverton; one acre -tn cultivation, bal ance DarUy cleared; only $420; $4lO cash. Owner. F 14. Orcfonlaa. NOW IS TOUR TIME TO BUT DOORS, wtaaews, SeertBg. rustics asd all klads of baUteg materlau at a grear bargata. Ap ply to American laa. rbesa Padac 197 &. DO YOU WANT TO BUT CITT LOTS OR acrtaca? If eo. tec East We Real EsUtc Co. Eaxt Side property a sjcisJty. 407 Haw thorne ave-. sear Graad. Psoas East 1057. IN nrVIXGTbN DARTER BLOCK. E1GHT room boaee. barn. alffiSsisd IsBprovesacnu; very desirable: corner lthwEa-iTCACJ30k. Ee owner. W. C Reed. 64 N. 3d at. 40 ACRES. NEAR WHITE SALMON. Wash.. 10 am good apple land. 10 open land. 30 brush, only $SWX M. Walton. 313 Washington at., shoe store. $2260 SIX-ROOM MODERN HOME, 21 Stanton st-. fell basemeat. firry Lace, gas: half block from car line; a ssap. GrlndstaS It Schalk. 2I Stark st. A BARGAIN LOT 130x120. UP-TO-DATE 3 room cottage, on Rodney ave.. clssa to car line. See sa about thU. Grindstaff t Schalk. 264 Stark at. MAGNIFICENT IjOTS. EAST EVERETT ard Flanders, street graded, sewer, water. Kas. $So4: eaay termss. Washington bldg., room 1. Pacific 1239. $3750 9-ROOM HOUSE. NEW. SWELL Lo cation, Everett at, bet. 33d and 24th: $3000 cash, balance 6 per cent. No cgents. 443 Sherlock bldg. BIG SNAr I0OXr. WILLIAMS AVENUE. 3 beautiful cottages, rent $S4 month. $3230. terms. Washlsgtoa bldg., room 1. Pacific 12X OWNER NEEDS MONET AND WILL NOT refoe a reajjnable offer cn Improved' 11th street property near Alder. L 2. OrtgonUs. CHOICES RESIDENCE LOT ON FARGO ST . between Union and Rodney avrs.: low price. Inquire 3S7 Monroe st. Itrane Eat 3163. 200X150. 24 BLOCKS FROM A R LET A Station. Mount Scott line. $900. Owner. 2f9 Hall L. or phone Main 3304. A P-KOOM HOUSE. IMPROVEMENTS. Irvlngton. fall lot. $3100: cheap. Phone East 1349. W 10, Otegonlan. FOB SALE FARMS. 300 FARMS Of various sixes and prices, located near Portland. For full particulars call on J. F. 0DONNELL iz CO.. 207-S Mohawk blJjc.. cor. 2d and Morrison. Phone Main 3C9S. MUSHROOMS MAKE BIG MONET. Large demand: easily grown the whole year without capital or experience. A small space tn your cellar or other waste place will make cro Stable mushroom beds. If Inter ested, write Interstate Culture Co., Dept. 2S, 373 Broadway, New York. AN IDEAL FARM IN WESTERN WASH legton of $22 acres, all Rood land for stock, grain er dairy purposes: sold with or without stock asd tools; prices and terms on application. J. E. CsJder. Moo tesano. Wash. 200-ACRE FARM IN HEART OF WILLAM ctte Valley, flne bottom land.siltab!e for grain, bops and fruits; will sell cheap to dose up an estate. Apply to one of owners. J. C. Bryant. 71S Marquam. 155-ACRE FARM. 43 ACRES CLEARED. AND a number of acres slashed; rich soil, good nocse. barn and orchard, on rood road. 4 miles rrbm Lenta; price $50 per acre. J. L. Well & Co.. t4 Grand ave. FOR SALE IMPROVED fft-ACRE FARM; 50 la cultivation; crop, stock and Imple ments. $3000. Best buy of the jear. S0 The Dekutn. Portland. Or. COWLITZ COUNTT. WASH. IMPROVED and unimproved farm lands; also timber lands. F. J. Barnard i. Co.. Kalaeta. WANTED KKAL ESTATE. WE WANT PROPERTT ON THE EAST Side, between Grand ave.. Eaet Bornilde. Hawthorne ave. and tbe river. The Healy Investment Ca. 21 0-21 4 Ablngton. 1S 3d street. A MODERN 5 OR 6-ROOM HOUSE WITH basement, within 1H milts of Poto3Ice; sute location, price, terms. B II. Ore gonlan. WANTED FOR CASH. A LOT IN IRVIXG- ioa or i-jramont; must oe reasosaiHe; ctve lot and Wock number. D 10. OregcaUs. WANT PORTLAND . REAL ESTATE- FOR caafe and millinery cota In good Valley town. G S7. Ortgosian. TO EXCHANGE. $3000 INCOME PROPERTT. MT. TABOR, country hotel, general merchandise or farm. G 10. Oregonian. LOST GOLD BELT BUCKLE WITH white satin belt. Return to 15. The Lewis bldg. Reward. IMPROVED ACREAGE. $2100; EXCHANGE for launch and tfJSertnce. or dry pro&trty. 513 McKay bldg. WANTED TO KENT FAXMS. WANTED TO LSASK FARM OR STOCK ranch with improvements, with privilege of buy Inc. would buy stock and tools: aaawer fun psrticclars. X 8S. Oregoslan. WANTED TO RENT CHICKEN RANCH wKa good bolMtaa. Ad-dres with location aad net. R 8, Ortcamlaa. WANTED TO RBNT A DAIRT. FOR PAR tlculsrs Inquire O IX Orrx-ealaa. r8K SAXX-LAXD SCaUT. ALL. KINDS OF LAND tCRIP APPROVED aad gvaraateed. MUKary tsaaty warraafa bought aad aatd. Cattlaa Land Cc. Helaaa. Moat- AFPROVBO LAND SCRIP FOR 8UKVjnXI r smmrrt Usabttsd or pratria laava. M. X. HissrMsei. Hm Fertlaad. Partlasa. Or. WAN7TKD TO LKAK a ii-BLOOC FROM a cctr wh wsa fc-4i. a bant; wtH taks ImiImk. XXX. Oruanlis., TW aAU-TBIMK XAXBsV WK WANT TTMBSR. We have eaaa bwyeea far large a4 ama8 tracts af good tlmbar m Orefoa. Waa4gta or CaMfaraU. GRBGG BROS.. Ffcae Mala OSOt. . 317-3M Feetes bMg. 1 ACRES IN MARION COUNTT. B3TI mates feet Sr. price $is per acrs. Laazine Rand. 71 etch st. WANTED TIMBER. HAVE CASH BUT ra for timber In Soathera Oregon. 20 Morrisoa. room 3. SOME SNAPS IN T1MRBK, L.NDS. ALSO rttcittt!s4asBta ' for sale. 3SC Worcvster bMa;. . Portlasd. .Or. $40 ACRES GOOD TIMBER NEAR Portland; Some now but lain c td tan4. T 14. Orezoclaa. FOR KENT FARMS. FARM FOR RENT. 4a-acr farm, hutde city Itmtu. foe reat to resrsstbla party. For partlcalars- sea THE HEALT INVESTMENT CO, 210-214 Ablngton, I3Uj C St. DAIRT RANCH FOR RENT. 24 COWS; 8EP arator. ail farm ImateraenU. elxht attlea frcm Artoria. For particulars call er ad. dreza I. J. legal!. 311 Bosd at-. Aatarta. Or. GOOD FARM. WITH DWELLING. X MILES from Portland; cars every two hours. Ap ply ta or 453 12ih. FOR SALE. Horse. Vehicles aad Haraets. PAIR OF HORSES. WEIGHT 2S00 POUNDS, perfectly sound and true every way; one pair, weight 200; one 7-yar-old bay ' mare, weixbt 143. Call Rexat Stables. 14th and Burnslde sts. Pacific 974. SALE A GOOD FURNITURE WAGON, nearly new, $3CO; alao several farm wag ens; 3 good farm team, also 2 good tiara. 420 Hawthorne. HORSES AND BUOGIES FOR RENT BT day, week and month; special rates to buatcesa houses. 0th and Hawt&erae. Tel. East 72. FOR SALE CHEAP HANDSOME STUDE baker runabout. 10C6 Eastern model. Apply Foster . Klelsr Stable. Sth and Everett sts. SOME- OP THE BEST HORSES CAN BE found at 10th and Jeffereon; ranging frcm Wy to IT CO pounds. Prices to autt all. COAT. WAGON AND HARNESS FOR SALE or trade for showcase or any kind ot res taurant outfit. Phone East 1470. IF YOU WANT A HACK. HCRSE .VND buczv- or saddle horse, phone East 35S2. W. A. Iielan. We Bay. Sell, Rent. Exchange. Horses. Wag on, saddles, harness. Hubert & Hall. 26 4tn. Horses and vehicles bouxht. sold, rented or exchanged. 311 Washington. PadSc 607. Flaaos. ALL PRIZE WORD CONTEST CERTTFT cates of Ellers Piano Housa possess genuine value, but ahould be countersigned aad reg istered at our Portland, or Spokane, ur Beta oClce. FOR SALE OR TRADE $83 EILERS certificate. Soren Sorenson, Amity. Or. MlsceRaaeesta. W.XO FEET SECOND-HAND BLACK AND galvanized pipe, from S to 9 Inches; refitted and rt threaded; also 24 tens new plow steel cable remnant at -half of new price: call or write for prices on anything in machinery line and Junk. M. Barde t Son. bth and Gllsan sts., Portland. Or. ' MARINE ENGINE FOR SALE. ONE COM pound service coudenalng enxtne. 7x14x12 Inches. all complete, ready to Install in boat: only used short time; good as new. Address room CO, Sullivan block. Seattle. Wash. FOR SALE NEW AND SBCOND-HAND billiard and pool tables; easy payments: we rent tables, with privilege of buying: moA ern bar fixtures: cheap prices. Brunswick BalkeCollender, 4 3d at. FOR RENT OR SALE HOUSEBOATS, furnished or unfurnished, for rent or for sale, and all kind of launches for sale. Phone East 1$4. MOVING PICTURE MACHINES. GAS OUT f It, films, soncr slide.- etc.. for sale. bought, rented and exchanged. 115'z 6th sL. room 1. 4 GOOD COWS. FRESH. $30 AND UP. Weodstock car to Kenllworth curve, south 3 blocks In fl'Id. house to right. Phone East 331$. FOR SALE CAt'OE. EASTERN-MADE, almost new. rood condition, with fittings $20: cost $75. snap. Phone East 1SI. SHOWCASES. COUNTERS. SHELVING, bought, sold er exchanged. Western Salvaga Co,. CZ7 Washington at. Padac 793. FOR SALE NO. ft REMINGTON AND NO. 3 Ssltb-Premler trpewriters: abio safa aad deak. Addrcs L 68, OrtgonUs. TUFFTS COPPER CARBONATOR. TAKEN under mortgasje; will sell for amount of loan. 10 Washington bldg. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE J f DUE BILL on Ellers Piano House. Address Mrs. F. A. Yates. Hermlatoo. Or. DAMAGED CAN GOODS. FRUITS AND vegetables, from the big grocery Sre, Ic a can. 200 2d it. FOR SALE SODA FOUNTAIN. GOOSE nclc with lead tublnt; and box. $10. Phone Eait 4476. Vi FEET PRACTICALLY NEW 3-INCH standard pipe. M. Barde i Son. Sth and ClUan sts. LAW LIBRART. OVER 4CO VOLUMES. ALL up to date, cash er real estate. C & Ole ics Un. Osa J.-L Caw 33-30 Separator, good coadl tlea: cheap. Call rccm 9. Washington bldg. FOR S.M.E 3 FRESH COWS: GOOD MILK era. 1C6S 19th. near Umatilla. Sellwood. SECOND-HAND NATIONAL CASH REG li ters for sale cheap; also boughL It 1st. GOOD. LIVE. DRT. 4-FT. FIR WOOD. Hoover. 213 Water. Phone Mala 4594. FOR SALE NAPHTHA LAUNCH. 33 footer; bargain. Phone East 1SI. Donkey esgises bought, sold and rented. 324 Chamber Commerce. Phone Main 3333. FOR SALE THOROUGHBRED COCKER fpanlc! pupa. chap. 651 Belmont it. 18 LOT OF GOOD. FRESH MILCH COWS for sale cheap Holbrook Ranch. TWO-CHAIR BARBER SHOP FOR SALE. Box 344. Tillamook. Or. ENVELOPES. EXTRA HIGH GRADE. BOX of 5f for 40c. 209 2d H. HELP WANTED MALE. BARBER TRADE TAUGHT FREE. SAN Francisco Barber College. S3D Howard st., San Francisco. COATMAKERS WANTED AT ONCE TO work IsMde. Columbia Woolen Mills. 7th and Stark sts. FIRST-CLASS BROILER AND LUNCHMAN. AddrctwG. M. Campbell. 320 James st.. Se attle. Wash. WANTED MATTRESS MAKERS AND boys to learn mattress making. 49 Front, cor. Davis. WA NT ED TWO EXPERIENCED BOOK or picture men; big money. Rembrandt. 104 3d si COOK. AND 3 HELPERS. $160 FOR A CAMP, er man and wife asd helpers. Haasen. 23 N. 2d st. WANTED TOUNG MAN. EXPERIENCED, a stock-cutter la printing oSlcs. Alvta 9 Hawk Co. BOOM AND BOARD. $4.54; MBALS. 30 eeats. The Ualaa Hottl. 81 N. Ota, carasr Ererttt, WANTED TTRST-CLASS CABINET MAK era. Apply Lutke Mfg. Co., 0th aad Hoyt streeta. A CLOTHING SALESMAN WANTED AT me. Apply Galdca Eagle. 3d sadTaaUsili. WANTED GOOD FARMHAND. 16e4 MIL waukle st. Sllwood car to G ratios Grove. WANTED MBtTS OLD CLOTHING. SKOBB. hlgaett prica'pali. SS 3d. Yam FacMc 44. EAXJKMAN FOR HOS SAFETT RAZOR; beat, aver: kcaaaaa aMs llae. 4IO Feataa. WANTED TAILOR: GOOD FANTSMAKXR to mi icaebiae. 232 Tamnll! st. WANTED BOT, 8TBADT WORK: CHANCS for gcaoiatioB. 3M DavU st. WANTBD BOT ABOUT 17, STEADY WORK. 44 Frswt. ssnMr DarJa. WANTED MAN TO WORX OS? FARM. IN 4t4ra JOB Abtagtaa) Vtsc. COATMAKER WAXTSD. M-40 MAIN sc, Vaacwxrar, Wak. HELP WANTEB -.MALaV BARBER STUDENTS. TAKE NOTICE: That tha law govtmtac the barker ba4aa ia tha. Mats tC Ortgaa requlrea that all ap prratieea ataH aerva at leaet tXrse years aa aa appreailca sMtra registered barbee befara he cast appear befera tha State Board of Barber Examteers for aa examination, and That appraatlccs caaaot ceadact er op erata a barber shep la this state until ha has taken tke cxamiaatioa aad a certlflcats baa s-ssa graatew htm by said beard. Aa7 other tafarmatien upea taes Hbs can b bad by eesamualeatter with K. G. Meyr. FreaMeat ot tha Eeard oC Bxamlaars. Sa lem. Ortgae. Wanted we want to contract tor. ISO to 260 svw CMsese to tabor In the tur peatia woeda aad at railroad aad sawmill wcrk; would like tea address of amplay meat bureaus wha rurajlh cood Chlaeae la bar. Jacksca Lamber Ceapaay. Lockhart. Cevlagtea Couaty. Ala. "WANTED CABINET-MAKERS. 32.50 TO 98. maebtae raan far weedahoe $2.75. shoddy, maa $2.50. baadsaw raaa. helper for wood shop, mattress makers, ftrsl-clasa upholster ers, weed taraeh. carpenters. Washington Mattreea 4e Furalture Co.. Seattle. Wash, ALL DISEASES OF MEN SUCCESSFULLY treated; discharges positively cured in fxom 3 to $ dars: consultation trea and atrictly coaadeatlal; scad fer our symptom blank. X-Radtum Medical Institute. 3d aad Aldtr sts.; eatraaea 338 Alder St.. Portland. NOTICE TO DAIRYMEN WANTED; Strictly responsible milkman to furnish the supply of good and pure milk the year rousd to O. K. Coffee House. 1st and Madi son sts. Present use CO to 75 gallons per day. J Christen j-n. TOUNG MAN OF GOOD ADDRESS TO travel and learn business of old-established firm: excellent opening for the right party:20 references required; others need not apply. Call 10 to 12 A. M.. Hotel Imperial. WANTED IMMEDIATELY. BRIGHT yoena men over IS years to prepare for Government position a. Postofflce clerks; salary good; excellent opportunities. See E. O. Heynen, 215 Columbia bldg., 365 Waah Ington. MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN BARBER trade in eight weeks. Graduates earn from $15 to $25 weekly. Expert Instruct ors. Catalcgu free. Moler System of Colleges, 35 North 4th st, Portland. WANTED TOUNG MEN TO LEARN SHOW Card Writing. We teach by mall and guar antee success. Complete course. $10. Write for free catalogue. Western Designing Co., 131 Montgomery at.. San Francisco. AGENTS WANTED TO SELL SUPERIOR, high-grade nursery stock; complete outfit furalshed free; cash weekly; writs today tar choice, of territory. Capital City Nursery Company. Salem. Or. YOUNG MAN TO GO TO OREGON CITY; one . thoroughly experienced la dry goods, clothing and shoes; none other need apply. Apply by letter or person to L Selling. Ore xoa City. Or. WANTED MALE TEACHERS TO TRAVEL and represent, a well-established Chicago house: experience not necessary: compensa tion $ per month; write to 230 Poplar st., Portland. Or. Men. women, learn watchmaking, engraving. Jewelry work, optica. Easy terms, positions guaranteed; money made learning. Watch-maklng-Engrav'g School. 142S 4th av. Seattle. WANTED TOCNG MEN. PREPARE FOR rajlway telegraph service, easily and quickly acquired: call Immediately. Psclfic Tele graph Institute. Grand Theater bldg. WANTED BXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER for manufacturing establishment; none but thoroughly competent need apply; give ref erences. B 18. Oregonian. WANT HONEST. STEADY YOUNG JIAN to invest $S0 In good-paying business, at tend office and take cash. K 7. Oregonian. Any Intelligent person may earn good Income corresponding for newspapers: experience un necessary. Press Syndicate. Lock port. N. Y. Men to learn barber trade Special Inducements th!a month: wages while learning. Glllman Barber College. 627 Clay st.. San Francisco. I WANT A BUSINESS MAN AS PARTNER: good established business Particulars, call at Goods Furniture Store. 215 2d st. WANTED YOUNG MAN. BOOKKEEPER, good penman, salary $73. Address with ref erences. P. O. box 97. Astoria. Or. WANTED FIRST-CLASS SALESMEN IN Portland and throughout the state: big wages to rustlers. 204 McKay bldg. WANTED WINDOW TRIMMER FOR DRY goods store Is Tacoma. at once; experience necessary. L 97. Oregonian. MEALS. 20C: 21 MEALS. $3.00: R0O4IS. 23C and 50c: weekly room and board, JI.&O to $5. Union Hotel. St N. 6th st. WANTED BOOTBLACK TO RENT SPACE Immedlatalr: no opposition; rent reasonable. Call 503 Washington st. P03ITI0N FOR A HUSTLER WHO WILL hustle and hustle other hustlers. Call 303 Stearns block. 9 to 5. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED. WELL driller for Keystone machine. J. C. Mc Eachern. Oem, Or. STRONG BOT TO WORK IN HARDWARE store; state ace, references. Addreas O 8. Oregonian. WANTED TAILORS. TWO PANTSMAK ers wanted: $4" to $4.75. Dean ii Curtlss, Seattle. Wash. BOY WANTED AT REFFLING'S, 231 Washington st. WANTED AN ELEVATOR BOY AT Es mond Hotel. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WXNTED A GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE--work; most be good cook. Apply mornings. 594 12th st. Phone Main 5842. HANSEN'S LADIES AGENCY. 343H Washington st. cor. 7th. upstairs. Faaaa Main 2992. WANTED WAITRESSES TO WORK short hours for lunch-counter at Morris" Restaurant. 229 Washington. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK THAT understand:) cooking, where second girl Is kept. 080 Flanders st. GIRL TO DO HOUSEWORK: NONE BUT experienced; good wages. Apply 470 Park st Phone Main 5412. THE HOME LADIES' AGENCY OPEN Sundays and evenings. 1C5 4 4th st. up stairs. Ph. Main 5S2S. A GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK: no washing;: good wages. 340 Montgomery st. Phone Main 6990. WANTED A SECOND GIRL IN PRIVATE family: good, wages. Call Monday morn ing. 432 Morrison st. WANTED TOUNG LADY WITH BXPERI ence tn photograph studio: references. Lu cerne. Dekum bldg. WANTED COMPETENT GIRL FOR GEN eral housework: small family; good wages. 789 Lovejoy. GIRL TOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK: MUST understand plain cooking. 995 EL Burnslde at. cor. 20th. WANTED HIGH-GRADE TEACHERS FOR Chinese Mission. Apply 206 Vi 2d st at 7 o'clock P. M. WANTED BRIGHT. PROGRESSIVE WOM en to take orders for a high-grade coffee. 200 3d st. GOOD GIRL FOR COOKING AND HOUSE work. small family; good wages. 4ft East Davis st. WANTEDj TAILORESS: EXPERIENCED coat finisher. Apply 224 Washington st. Room 19. GIRL FOR COOKING AND GENERAL housework. Apply mornings at 665 Over ton at. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. Inquire 223 N. 31st st, cor. Love Joy. A GOOD WOMAN COOK IN A SMALL PP.I vate beardlag-house. Apply at once. 361 7th st A. GIRL FOR REPAIR WORK IN CLEAN ing aad pressing parlor. Call 247 Madison st WANTED EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR gt serai homework. Apply 410 2d st WANTED GIRL TO ASSIST WITH GEN eral housework. 70rt Flanders st WANTED A GIRL TO DO GENBRAL heusvwork; wages $38. 43a 14th st WANTED EXPERIENCED KITCHEN maa. $7 week. WS Washlsgtoa st GIRL OR WOMAN TO DO COOKING AT Baumasa Hotal, 412. N. 19th. WANTED A GIRL FOR. GEN BRA I HOUSS wsrk. Appry 670 Lavajey st. GIRL TOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK; sfep heme. 144" W. Park". 1KL FOR a4WUX IsXXJSBWOXK. 141 HELP WAX1 FOR REACH RB4SORTS. f Waitresses, ehambaimalJg. pantry women, register saw far Summer resort, eaaagaments. Reeiatraties Free. HANSBN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 343 1, Washiaxton st. earner 7th. upstair. ATTENTION. Applicants tor aU kinds of work register with us. free of charge, so wa may locate you oa short notice. HAN3EN3 LADIES AGENCY. 3434 Washington at, cor. 7th. upstairs. LADIES EMPLOYED TO DO FANCY WORK: material aeat.. eaay rapid work: good pay; steady; for samples aad particulars address N. C HullH. 1344 Market St.. San Francisco. EXTRA WAITRESSES (SUNDAYS). $2: steady waitresses, housekeepers, camp cook. housework. porter, farmhands. Drake's. 203 ii Washington. WANTED HOUSEKEEPERS. COOKS. nurses, waitresses, second girls. St. Louis Ladles' Agency. 230 U Yamhill. Main 5413. DISEASES OF WOMEN A SPECIALTY X Radluna Medical Institute and Sanitarium. 3d and Alder; entrance 252 Aider st-. Portland. WANTED WAITRESSES. AT ONCE: MUST be good and experienced In hotel work; wages $20. 345 Everett st Phone. Main 4854. WANTED OPERATORS AND GIRLS TO learn shirtmaklng. Apply Standard Fac tory. 2 Grand ave. and E. Taylor st. SINCERE, EARNEST. AMBITIOUS WOMAN of high moral standing to engage at on co in educational work. O S. Oregonian. WANTED A COMPETENT GIRL FOR general housework; no washing; light cooking. 309 10th st Stain 4614. ,", WANTED A GIRL TO DO GENERAL housework and assist tn care of child in small family. Apply 200 Park st WANTED FOUR SMALL GIRLS FOR A theatrical production; no experience re quired. Call at SS W. Park st SELF WANTED KALE OR FEMALE. The Great Western Employment Office. 300H Couch st Phone Main 3518. We mak a specialty of furnishing all kinds of labor. S. St Clair, general manager. MAN OR WOMAN TO TRAVEL; $0O PER month and expenses: $3.30 per day in city. Room 43. Cosmos bldg.. 4th and Morrison. Hours 9 to LADIES OR GENTLEMEN TO SOLICIT for fine article of necessity used by every body . good pay to workers, fl 17. Ore gonian. . WANTED FOUR SMALL GIRLS. ALSO mall boy for a theatrical production: no experience -required. Call at 8 W. Park st. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. BOOKKEEPING I WILL POST TOUR books dally, maks up your statements aad take off monthly trial balance, at small ex pense: satisfaction guaranteed. Murtoa ths accountant. 534 Chamber Commerce. Main 486. BOOKKEEPER "AND GENERAL OFFICE man. hustler, reliable, references; no ob jection tn going outside of city. Address O 18. Oregonian. SITUATION WANTED BY YOUNG MAN AS stenographer and to assist In office work; best of references. Address S 11, care Oregonian. YOUNG MAN WANTS POSITION AS SALES man or collector for reliable firm; can give good reference. Address B 12. Oregonian. ARCHITECTURAL DRAFTSMAN DESIRES position; has had 12 years experience, in building line. Address V 88, Oregonian. COMPETENT. EXPERIENCED. MALE stenographer desires position where ability will be recognized. N 12. Oregonian. WANTED POSITION BY YOUNG MAN AS salesman or solicitor. Address C 13, Orego nian. Miscellaneous. FIRST-CLASS BLACKSMITH. REFERENCES for ability and reliability, wants location free from malaria; will run ahop for owner on share of profits. Addresa C 7. Oregonian. JAPANESE DOMESTIC SERVANTS. HOU3S cleaners asd other laborers furnished. Tha Nippon Employment Office, room 2. 29 N. . Zd. at. city. Main 6154. P. O. Box 173. A FRENCH COOK. FIRST-CLASS. DIRECT from Cherbourg. France, would like a sit uation as cook. In a hotel, restaurant or family. P 18. Oregonian. STATIONARY ENGINEER WANTS Posi tion; understands electricity: either erecting er operating; best references given. T 0, Oregonian. JAPANESE LABOR ASSOCIATION CAN furnish domestic servants, farmers also; all kinds of help. Main 4653. 203 Everett HONEST JAPANESE BOY WISHES Posi tion to do any kind work, domestic or store. Address M IS. Oregonian. JAPANESE BOY WANTS POSITION TO DO housework, private family; speaks good English. 520 Washington st. JAPANESE BOY WISHES WORK OF ANY kind evenings from 7 to 10. R 18, Ore gonian. WANTED ALL KINDS OF GARDEN work, lawn and shrubbery a specialty. Phone East 143. JAPANESE BOY WANTS A POSITION TO do general housework. Address T, Pacific 2118. STRONG YOUNG MAN WANTS WORK AS apprentice to good carpenter. F 10, Orego nian. Men's cast-off clothing, shoes, highest prices paid. 734 N. 3d st Phone Pacific 1684. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. . Bookkeepers aad Steaoocranhers. BOOKKEEPING I WILL POST YOUR books dally, make up your statements and take off monthly trial balance, at small expense; satisfaction guaranteed. Murtoa the accountant 534 Chamber Commtrca Main STENOGRAPHER. 5 YEARS' EXPERIENCE, wants permanent position. W 15. Oregonian. Housekeepers. SITUATION WANTED BY YOUNG LAD 7 aa housekeeper for bachelor or widower. Ad dress V 03. care Oregonian. Dressmakers. iT.t. KINDS OF SEWING DONE BY Ex perienced party: skirts a specialty: wock guarastesd. 3S5H East Wasalsgtoa. b:. Union aad Grand avea. LADIES" HATS REMADE AND RETRIMirBD Order work a specialty. Mrs. Westphal. 211 12th. Main 7151. GIRL WANTS TO DO HOUSEWORK IN small family: Alblna preferred. Residence 114 Humboldt st Phone Wood lawn 50. MIicellaaeoBS. THE TOUNG- WOMAN'S CHRISTIAN As sociation furnishes good position to reli able housemaids and cooks. Apply 9:30 to' 11. or 2 to 4, 312 Oak st JAPANESE GIRL WANTS POSITION TO do housework in small family, city. Ad' dress L 18. Oregonian. WANTED A CHILD TO BOARD; OOOD home, kindly care. 272 Montgomery, bet 3d and -4 th. HOME LAUNDER ED LACE CURTAINS. Phone Union 1275. Call up 0 to 11. Mrs. Scott TOUNG WOMAN WANTS WORK IN Doc tor's or dentist's office or with dressmaker a part of each day. G 14. Oregonian. A GOOD. COMPE-CENT NURSE; ALSO ths cars of children. Pbose Main 4S68. LACE CURTAINS WASHED AND STRETCH ed: 40 cents per pair. Phone Main 7014. WANTED AGENTS. RELIABLE REPRESENTATIVE TO ACT A3 stats agent appointing and drilling sub agents for the sale of the best combination, Investment asd loan proposition on the mar ket A hustler can make big money and build up a pleasant and profitable business. Addrew. The Standard Real Estate, Loan Co.. 096-000 Scollard Bldg.. Dallas, Tex. EXCLUSIVE TERRITORY GIVEN LADIES' aad gentlemen aa distributing- agents far st broteercd walat and full embroidered, suit patterns; sew styles Just out. Writs, quiek. Mexican Fancy Bmsreldsry Co., Bos 1209, Seattle. Wash. AGENTS WANTED TO REPRESENT THE Old Reliable Nurseries; cemmlssiea ad asced weekly: write quick for eheica o territsry. Albany Nurseries. Albaay. .Or., 9BKTLBea3K AGBHTSV-" 5RTLAXa rKgb titrttglMMt. stats; Ms wum. aie Tsaaa l,