4 THE MORNING OREGONIAX. FRIDAY, APRLL 13, 1906. DUE'S DEATH Fl Life of First Apostle Fast Wearing Itself -Out, -V 'in 'Rage. MAUNDERS LIKE INSANE .Sudden Chungc of Plan Cau.-cs An nouncement That 31c Will Fight for Restoration to Power and Retraction. CHICAGO. April 12. (Special.) The most probable solution of the Dowle-Vo-llva eruption appears tonight to be the early removal from all earthly strife of the once mighty and militant Elijah III. Dowle'H fiercsonal attendants are keep ing up a brave front and strenuously deny that their leader Ls fast losing his hold on life, but through other sources Jn quite as close touch with the first apostle, reports that appear authentic hay that John Alexander Dowie is almost :t dead man: that ho has frequent lapses f memory and maunders like an iiiKino man; also that he has had several lapses into unconsciousness within the just 2i hours. He spends almost the entire time on a couch or in bed. The slightest opposition Is said to throw him into a towering rage, which leaves him entirely ex hausted. ' " DEMANDS FULL RESTORATION Jovlc Roncws .Determination to Fight Voliva, hut Still .Negotiates. CHICAGO, April 12. Dr. John Alexan der Dowic will not turn tall and flee to Mexico. He will wage a vigorous legal warfare to regain control of Zion City, and, as soon as he considers that he has taken the proper preliminary steps, ho will descend upon that place and proclaim himself the only "firt apostle." This statement Is authorized by Dr. Dowie himself and by the firm of lawyers which rrprcesnts him. In this connection, P. C. Haley, of the firm of Edson, Haley & Wctten. who rep resent Dowie and his counselors, made the following statement: Demand Power He Restored. We hav advanced nnd will Advance only ono condition the prownt reMoratlon tf ixtwer. temporal an well hr ecclesiastical. nn4 n demand for an alixolute retraction of the nlanderoua rtatenient mad by Ueneral Over seer Vollvla and his followers acatnst the moral character of Uowlc. We are preparing a hill In chancery peti tioning the tourts to eel alde the transfer of the property t Zion City, made between Grneral Overseer Vollva and Deacon Alexander Uranxer, because the Instrument wan nniuv lutcl void. Dowie revoked the power of at torney which he delegated to Vollva two days before the Illegal yapxfer was -made. Dowie will not Immediately proceed to YAn Olt, but will remain. In his niiartmenU at the Auditorium. Annex. Or this city, until every preliminary legal ' step has been taken. He will then proceed t Zlim City and enter It with all of the jowcr Vnd "authority whleh he poMsehrtcd when he last left the place. Lawyers Confer on Settlement. Despite tJte positive assertion on the part of Mr. Haley, attorneys for both factions were in . numerous conferences throughout the clay. Judge V. Y. Barnes, head of the legal department of the City of Zion. came lo- Chicago today and wn's ilosetod with Etnil C. Wetten. represent ing Dowie. for a considerable length of time. The attorneys for Dowie have secured svn order from the Postofnec Department directing that all mall addresed to Dr. Dowie be delivered to his apartments in the Annex. Tills they consider a very Important strategic movement, as the ma jority of the letters are from members of the church remitting their tithes. This. Ihey claim, will eheckniHto the general or der sent out by Voliva and his associates in Zion City that no money be remitted to Dowif hereafter. Conciliatory Talk in Morning. The statement of Mr. Haley Is in. direct contradiction to one made by Mr. Wctten this morning, in which he said:' I can only re!eat what I said !at night, and that ls there in a good prospect for the adjuiittnent or the troubles without resorting to the courts. The situation has not chanced k far as I know. "VVe do not wish to plunge Zion City and JHon Church Into an expensive lawtmtt. In ltn present condition. Zion cannot afford a long and expensive litigation. We are. trylrjir to guard the interests of the creditors, so that they will receive mi cents on the dollar. No middle ground has yetWn reached, but I have strong hopes that It will he found in n short time, a both rides are anxious t avoid law yrweedlncs. DOWIE RACKED WITH PAINS Prophet Struggles From Red, Re jects Doetors and Mutters Prayer. CHICAGO. April 12.-The Kecord-Heral'd today says: John Alexander Dowie's con troversy with Voliva and the other revo lutionists at ZJqn City shrank into Insig nltleance shortly befor last midnight, at which hour the self-styled apostle faced the Great Maker of All. On his knees in the center of his cham ber in tho Auditorium Annex, whence he hud stumbled from his bed In the midst of a racking illness. Dr. Dowie Invoked heavenly aid in what may be hLs Jlnat struggle with disease. It was'at the close of a strenuous day that tho Zionist was attacked. His collapse scorned so ex treme that his personal attendants, all of -whom have been taught to shun medi cine, urged that they be allowed to send for a physician. "I want no doctor." said Dowie, feebly. "I will Imve no physician. I shall ask divine assistance that is the only real help. With a convulsive movoment Dowie struggled from his bed and stumbled toward the center of the room. He had gone but a few feet when he satfk to his knees and muttered a prayer. His attendants carried him back to bed again, and at 3 o'clock this morning lie was said to me sleeping. FURNITURE UNDER HAMMER Auctioneer Sells Costly Fittings or Dowio's Summer Home. DETROIT. April 12. A Free Press special from Muskegon, Mich., says: In the lofty stand where In years past John Alexander DowJe with ereat pomp and ceremony delivered Impas sioned addresses to thousands assem bled at Ben MacDhuI. the -splendid Summer home of the former ruler of 1 W T Zion City, an auctioneer today waved, his hammer and sold for a paltry J2500 the expensive furniture and fittings of Dowie's White Lake establishment. It Is estimated that the property -was worth $20,000. Ben MacDhul :was" Included In- the property which -the .Voliva faction of Zion -City recently took through power of attorney. "" " " " " 0 INTRIGUE WITH JIOR3IOXS Dowie Say's Jle Threw Tliclr 3Iis; titularies" Out of Zion. CHICAGO. April 12. One of th charges that hHR been brought against Dowie that to the effect that he had agreed secretly with a. commis sion of Mormon missionaries to turn over to the Mormon Church Zion and all of it, vast holding was emphat ically denied by Dowie today. The-only possible basis for this story. It was explained, was that' some months ago a coterie of Mormon missionaries appeared In Zion CUy and distributed pamphlets expounding the doctrines of Mormonism. According to the state ment of Dr. Dowie and his counsellors, these men were Immediately thrown out of the city. TO BE LANDIS MAKES UNIQUE EXCUSE FOR SENATE. Tells Indiana Republicans to Be warc of Political Hysteria and Have Confidence In Congress. INDIANAPOLIS. April 12. The Republi can state oonvenJkm today unanimously adopted the platform agreed upon and reported by the cnmtMtttct- on resolutions and nominated a state ticket. Charles H. Landis of Delphi. Uoprcsentatlve from tho Ninth CoBgrossionat District, pre sided as permanent chairman. In ad drcMsfng the convention he saM: Wewre of the . advance agents f th imMtleal bynteria. The yeitaw newspaper dim! the yellow magazine are tww t the fre. Any magazlno that will carry an artlele n the "Treason of the Totted States Senate ought la ho debarred from every Keif-respecting home. The Senate is Mow, but 11 was made to be slew. Have e-onfldcnee In the National House and Senate. In the Vlee-Presldent. whom w will elevate to the Presidency, and In the 1'resldent. He then spoke for the Dingley law. These wero nominated by acclamation: SecretHry of State. Fred Sims, of Frank-fH-t; Attorney-General, James Bingham. f Muncie; State Statistician, James S. Stubbs, of Indianapolis: Judge of the Su preme Court. First District. James H. Jordan, of Martinsville; State Auditor. John C. Blllhelmer. of Washington; State Treasurer. Oscar Hadley. of Danville; Superintendent of Public lnstractlna, Fas sHl A. Cotton. of Indianapolis; Stale Geologist. W. S. Blntchley. of Terre Ihiute; Judge of the Supreme Court from the Fourth District. L. J. Monks, of Win chester. Executive Campaign Committee. WASHINGTON. April li-Chalrman Sherman, of the Republican Congressional Campaign Committee, today appointed an executive committee, as follows: Charles II. Burke. -.chairman; James A, Tawnoy. H. C. Uoudenslager, George S. Nixon, of Nevada: Nicholas Longworth. Sydney Mudd. Jarrtos R Mann. James M. Miller. Richard Bartholdt. H. N. Hogg. John W. WceksiandJ. Burd Cassoll. MAKES EL R10CH0 SMILE Hernandez Calls Castros Retirement Comedy, tind Possible Tragedy. NEW YORK. April 12. -General Jose Manuel Hemdndcz K1 Mocho), who" led, the revolution against President Castro, of Venezuela, several yoars mrh. and who was imprisoned for .threw -years. sM, last night, that he had heard of. Castro's res ignation of the PrejsWeacy. aild that It caused him to smile, Ke said: Yes. Indeed. It Is news. When 1 renin l think of It. there Is grim burner hv. a eem edy that with the change ef a few linen may be transformed Into a 'trageiy. Wh krws wliat "Is Jwirk of this lateet wwc ef the 1 'fert ile n I of VeHeauetai? I can 4Rene ky men tal t4etathy thi' detlcatr han4s that mve4 the pawit en the cinsboar t( my cwwnto :itxi must iwl allow myeetf Ut tec tT9Hue vtn jsk-lurlar Comet In tMe efcalr. GitmM ltt h HrlMlaM. for years the tool ft CaitMw, will he net Wtter le a Me l h the MMInR f th! bile IiMeM Mn that he hi sealed In the lre44ej"s eiwtr? Castr wilt new le better aMe t sather tte fruit f his fflee. wltttetM mi sinning tmf - M Ik retiHitstMlitlee, r meay f thew. wMeh ha.e re4HiH4ed to hhs dUere4IC Tills' comedy may last a -week er a trifle htnger. Then wc WW! rcuetee atMKher cable gram that Caatre has Twinned Ms sat. or that the uemedy has been 4lreele4 1M attether er mere dangereus channel. The machination of the pane wilt jk he Mocked am that Castro lias Mepe4 from the thnene. They may be even aoeeatvateA. VeneMiela can never he a pforpttoufi eomtry until the hw shall have arrived when the "gang" is driven frem the cetmlrj' and that cwuntry iut e a fwHlec where H may thrive and grew wltheat the Iran barid et onfWt.slen upn the' threats ef the peie. I'erhaps a week this wilt last, perhaps until thtt moment (wnttv when eueeer vi1M nmif to the sere aad the llred In thai beautiful land. Only Retires for l'cw Veck?. WASHINGTON. April 12.-Senor Car bints, tlie Venezuelan Charge here, has received a cablegram from Caracas, con firmatory of the one received yosterday In New Vork by the Consul-General there, to the effect that President Castro has temporarily resigned his office The Charge behevos the President has decided to make one of his periodical trips to La Victoria for rest antt recuperation after the severe labors -of the past Winter, but he does not doubt i!mt the rcflrcmunt "Is only for the space of a few weeks. Venezuelan Stocks Rise. I.ONDCSN. April 12. To those who are interested financially in Venezuela the change In the presidency .Is not unwelcome. On tht -stock X change Venezuela bonds opened U higher. Denver Demands Ixnvcr Ralc. CHICAGO. April 12. Through the Den ver Commercial Club, the shippers of that city have made a- determined protest against alleged discriminations in freight rates. A committee of Donver shippers met ytterday with the traffic executives of Western roads and tho Western rate fabric was discussed. The Denver meji declare. that If relief is not afforded them they will go to the Interstate Commerce Commission and to the courts. In general, the complaint Is that the Missouri River Jobbers can get goodp from Chicago and ship them through Denver to Salt Lake City and to points west and northwest at a lower combination, of rates than Denver can ship to the same points. Russia Agrees to Postponement- WASHINGTON. April 12. Baron Rosen, the Russian Ambassador, (oday advised Secretary Root that the Russian govern ment is entirely willing to have the meet, lng of the second liasue jwalcreucc poit- CHEAT AND HUMBUG Foraker's Strong Language Against Rate Bili. jHISiBLUNT REPLY TO CLAPP Court Review Provision of Hohsc Denounced by Opponent of Bill. Almighty Discriminates In Favor of Coast. WASHINGTON. April J2. After a brief speech by LatUmcr In suport of of the House railroad rate bill. Forakcr today took the floor on that" measure and consumed practically all of the remainder of the days Session of the Senate. He spent otn time In' the discussion of some of the amend ments he has suggested, and then en tered upon the consideration of the entire question of railroad-rate regu lation, arguing against the constitu tionality of the pending- bill from vari ous points of view. He was freauentlr. Interupted by other Senators. Lodge spone oneny in support oi tne practice of granting lower rates on goods In-, tended for export than on those used 'lorr.esU" consumption? Charging that consolidation of transportation facilities has reached a climax where the people are powerless to prevent abuse of railroad power. Ittlmer said he would he glad to eo the pending bill pass with an amend ment distinctly forbidding- any intcr Jetenee by the courts with the work of the Commission. Whether a measure of that charac ter would he unconstitutional he be lieved would have to be decided by the Supreme Court. Forakcr Returns to Attack. Koraker urged consideration or his amendment forbidding- rebates and regulating the Issuance of passes. Hansbrough asked whether the antl .pass amendment would prevent the continuance of a custom which haa grown up In North Dakota, under which the railroads carry representa tive farmers from all parts of the state to the capital each year for recreation. Forakcr replied that the amendment would cover them and added that the fact illustrated the difficulty of deal ing with the question. Forakcr then discussed his amendment giving com plainants the alternative or taking their cases immediately to the oouru in preference to the Interstate Com merce Commission. He sold the pend ing hill was not satisfactory to any one, and If not nmended. would present many constitutional difficulties. He declared that a greater eheat and humbug' could not be conceived than the court review suggested In the hill. Review Proviso Called Humbug. Clnpp explained that the purpoe of the bill was to carry Into effect the orders of the Commission and that the provision for taking tne ca; to the courts was for a mere supplemental proceeding and that It 50s as far as Is necessary. -Why Is 4hc-Senator arinckin that provision. he asked, .md Forakcr to xponded by adding to the wWda al Toady'employcd: $ - '. Because. he said. 1t Is a fraud and a cheat and a hur.'bijc-. and I am going to expose It as such. Referring to the fact that the rates charged for transcontinental freight were lower than the rates to Interior points. Tillman declared that the sys tem was a burden on the Interior to'wns. "Discrimination by the Almighty. Foraker defended the'system as the best that could be devised and sug gested that the people of the Interior wore suffering: from "disadvantages Imposed by the Almighty In creating the world. Lodge spoke briefly on the distinc tion between the rates on goods for domestic consumption nnd on those In tended for export, snyinir that there was no country that did not make low rate to control the foreign markets. The conference report of thchirgent deficiency hill was agreed to. Padlock Senators Mouths. Culberson presented a concurrent resolution, including Senators and members of the House, in the hill pro hibiting officials of the Government from prematurely giving out private Information of the Government, and It was adopted. The conference report on the bill providing for the settlement of the affairs of the Five Civilized Tribes of Indians was accepted without further debate, by a vote of 41 to 11. The House substitute for the Senate bill ratifying an agreement with the lower Rrule Indians or South Dakota was accepted. FOUH-YBAR TERMS IX HOUSE Committee Also Proposes Direct Election of Senators. WASHINGTON. April 12.-A resolution We Trust Doctors Tf you are. suffering from impure blood" thin blood,N debility, nervous ness, exhaustion, you should begin at once witfr- Ayer s Sarsaparilla, the Sarsaparilla you have known all your life.- Your doctor knows it, too. Ask him all about it Then do as he says. We have no secrets We publish the formulas of all our Medicines. ltU fcj- J. C Ayr Oe lt, Kml AY3RH mxm mOK-Tfr the Uic. ATJR'S KLIX-Tm tmtUftiUm. MULTNOMAH mm Sam'l Rosenblatt & Co. providing for the election of Senators by direct vote of the people has been favor ably acted upon by the House committee on election of President. Vice-President and Representatives In Congress. The resolution, introduced, by Mr. Morris, of Nebraska, makes the term of members of the House four years Instead of two. Both propositions arc to be accomplished by amendments to the Constitution. Rea sons why the terms of membership should be four years are stated to be because no party can Inaugurate its policy in two years. "The people are tired." the report says, "of this continuous drama, and as a re sult are Inclined to give no attention to the primaries and the conventions the very foundation of our political system the forum wherein the country's Inter ests can best bo guarded and protected. "With an election every two years, the political grafter who thrives on partisan strife and on the nervous uncertainty of controlling candidates for office, is able to live from one election to another by the boodle secured at his unholy business. The adoption of the proposed amendment would render It less possible for this creature to ply his trade." Regarding the election of Senators by direct vote, the report says: "The proposition to provide for the election of Senators by direct vole of the people has been before the House, and has received favorable consideration upon several different occasions. A prop osition to amend the Constitution having this object In view passed the House at four different times, and each time by a practically unanimous vole." Divide Fortune Among O sages. WASHINGTON. April 12.-The House committee on Indian affairs today took favorable action on the McGuIre bill pro viding for the pro rata distribution of the trust funds, money, land and oil. coal and gas leases of the Osage tribes of Indian Territory and Oklahoma. The trust fund In the United States Treasury aggregates JS.TCO.fX-1 The tribe holds title to l.mtCO ncres of valuable land, and Is beneficiary In many leases of coal, oil and gas prop erties. Emperor Bids Storcr Adieu. VIENNA. April R. Emperor Francis Joseph this afternoon privately received the retiring American Ambassador. Bel lamy Storer. The Emperor congratulated Mr. Storer on the excellent relations he had established with the Austro-Hun-garlan foreign ministry, and assured him that he was leaving many cordial friends in Vienna. The Emperor also expressed his personal regret at Mr. Storers depar ture. Totify for Ship Subsidy. BUI. WASHINGTON. April 12. Harvey D. Gouldcr. president of the Merchant Ma rino Ivcague of the United States; EL C riummer. of Bath, president of the Atlan tic Carriers' Association, and F. W. Wood, president of the Maryland Steel Company, gave testimony favorable to the ship sub sidy bill before the House committee on merchant marine and fisheries today. Goinpers on Antl-Injunctlon BUI. WASHINGTON. April 12. The House committee on Judiciary today began hear ings on the anti-injunction bill, Samuel Gompers was heard In its. favor and placed In the record a letter by ex-Senator Turner, of Washington, favoring the legislation. Japan Pledges Open Door. WASHINGTON. April 12. The State Department has received through the FOR EASTER $3.00 Hat "FOR STYLE AND QUAL ITY LEADS THEM ALL" ALL THE VERY LATEST SHAPES IN BOTH SOFT AND DERBY American Embassy at Toklo another as surance from the Japanese government ot Its Arm adherence to the principle of the open door in Manchuria. This follows the announcement last Tuesday that for eign Consuls would be permitted to open their offices In certain Manchurian ports and Interior business towns In May and June next. Business Interests In the ex port trade had been getting apprehensive that this great country was to be swamped and glutted with Japanese goods before any opportunity was afford ed to foreign trade. ConTcr With Roosevelt on Rates. WASHINGTON. April 12.-Scnators Al lison and Dolliver. or Iowa, had a con ference with the President tonight at the White House, on the railroad rate bill. Neither of the Senators would discuss the talk they had with the PrcsUlent beyond saying that there was "a merely Incidental discussion or the rate bill sit uation." Crul.scr Washington Makes Good. BOSTON. April IT The armored cruis er Washington successfully completed her official speed trial today, making 223T2 knots an hour. The contract re quires Postmaster Farrar Confirmed. WASHINGTON. April 12. The Sen ate in executive session today con firmed the nomination of S. K. Farrar as Postmaster or Salem. Or. Exports or Farm Products. WASHINGTON. April 12. According to a bulletin Issued by the Department of Commerce and Labor, the total value of agricultural products export- . , THE WOMAN'S STORE LADIES' OUTFITTERS EASTER MIUINERY Tor leae than you can buy elsewhere, when yon compare quality with, price. We have spared bo effort to make our Millinery Sec tion irresistible, and in determining the tempting price in dTiceme&ts on the highest-grade im ported and "own dedgned" mode. Ladies9 Gloves Special attention is directed to our complete stock f Ladies' Glores. A fall line of Street and Dress Glores, all leag'ths, in Kid and Silk, all mew Sariag shades. Prices from $L25 to $3.50 mUSt PWCES FAJ Ftt RAW FUR SQi Ft NEW PtKf UST mi cd , from the United States for the eight months of "the fiscal year 1906, ending with February. 190S. -was $700. 000,090, as against 3568,000.000 In the same period of 2305. The gain In breadstuffs was J7O.0OO.CCO. In provisions 3,000.000 and In cotton 0. CCO.OOO. FOREST RESERVE REVENUES Ansyver to Heyburn's Inquiry Falls to Sustain His Protest. OREGON! AN" NEWS BUREAU, Wash ington. April 12. Secretary Wilson today sent to the Senate his reply to Senator Heyburn's resolution calling for a state ment of receipts from timber sales, graz ing permits, etc In forest reserves, with expenditures. The statement falls to show any extravagant use pf this money, as Mr. Heyburn contemplated. From February 1. 1903, when the Forest Service was turned over to Gifford Pln chot. to March 31 last, the receipts were JSIT.STI. and It Is -estimated that by June 30 next the total receipts from all sources will be J521.500. Out of this total only S 11.512 has been expended, and every cent has gone to pay salaries and expenses of forest officers and to build roads, trails and otherwise Improve reserves. The total receipts In Oregon were HOSt; Washington, $10.06?. and Idaho. J12.96S. The report shows expenditures so small and so wisely made that Mr. Heyburn has failed to make out a case. Spanish Wedding on June 1, - MADRID. April 12. The marriage of King Alfonso and Princess Ena of Bat tenberg has definitely been fixed for Juno 1. Foarth and Morrison LEADING FURRIERS Charming ' Easter Styles Here are displayed the most beamtiful creations of both foreign and domestic manufacture, supplemented by the ereatest display of moderately priced garments, all most attractively priced. Our Easter offerings are of special bargain interest see them. Prices range from $15.00 to $100 Special attention is called to our Millinery Workroom which is under the supervision of an experienced and competent high class designer, who will give all the information and assistance desired. Good Second Hand Pianos Cheap Now is the time to secure one. Remember, you save enough on this sale to give your child-a good start in musie, and some are just as good as new. Look over this list and 'then get busy. Mail or ders receive prompt attention aud satisfaction guaranteed: Light .& Co $ 75 Arion, good 75 Mannsfeldt $ 85 Sterling $125 Hinze, oak case 150 Willard $165 Hamilton $175 Smith & Barnes S175 Wellington 185 Kingsbury $21S Packard $225 The above are some of the bar gains that we have in stock today. All must be disposed of this month, so first come first choice. Easy payments. KNABE PACKARD EVERETT LUDWIG FISCHER And our entire line of new high grade Pianos at a wonderful re duction in order to. reduce the stock this month. If you need a new Piano do not let this opportunity- pass. Easy payments. New and Second- r Hand Organs We have about 50 left arid they go at about one-half their value. No reasonable offer Avill be re jected. Yon will find them from $10 up and all sold on easv. pay ments. " . ' . Allen & Gilbert Ramaker Co. Corner Sixth and Morrison Rheumatism Like Neuralgia, is jiow known to be a nervous disease. The kidneys become weak through lack of nerve energy, and fail to filter the uric acid from the blood; this acid attacks and burns the nerves and muscles, and consumes the oil in the joints, producing inflammation, fever, swelling pain. To cure Rheumatism, then, you must restore the kidney nerves and muscles, and neu tralize the effect of the acid upon the joints and tissues with Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine, a nerve medicine, which has made many cures of this painful disease. Nervine strengthens the kidney nerves and increases the circulation, and relief is assured. "Before I took Dr. Miles' "Nervine. I had been looking for a cure for Eheumatlam for 25 years. The last time I was laid up for several months, could not get out of bed or set foot on the floor. I tried remedies to rub In. to drink, doctors prescriptions, etc.. but none of them had any effect. One day I read about Dr. Miles' Nervine and got a bottle. After the first dose I had a good night's rest, and after taking: half a bottle, the pains disappeared, and I went out and walked aU around the town. In a week I went to work, and was perfectly cured, hut continued to take the medicine for a Ume. to make sure tha pains would not come back." THOS. LONG. 313 N. Chatham St. Racine, "Wis. Dr. Miles' Nervine Is sold by your druaglst. who will guaranies that the first bottle will benefit. If it falls, ha will refund your money. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind HAND SAP OLIO I especially valuable during tha Summer raasoa, when outdoor oc cupations and aparts are moat tk fder. GRASS STAINS, MUD STAINS and CALLOUS SPOTS yield to it, and it is particularly tereeable when used in the bath liter violent exercise. -l.L GKOCERS AND OBUQCISTS CU1I0S, Aititrftities, Besgkt ana Sele. IndUn Sfcmc Kxuret, Relics. Cirriags and Idols in I Tory. Stone. Broaze. etc. War dubs. Spears. Boas. DTNAX STfMil AJUMW AX S?ZiU JMIXTS Muka, Boskets BcJos. Mils. SkalU of all Nations. MXABS aai MtJfS fAsWk. Warlfefek. Nature Body Oraament a&d Drew, Anoest flint Goas ami Piststs. Coias, SkieMs. AatiqveSihrrr and. Armor, Shells. Scad for Photos.. Wholesale DeaJer. 1 If 14 fm MM , rm W. W . i