THE MORNING OREGOXIAJf, THUBMIA:T. vAPRH 12, 10. UMATILLA AGENT ; OR T PUPS Trouble Over Cattle Crossing the Indian Reservation Has Reached a Crisis. officials .will take, some expreaslna; a. willingness to pay the duty, -while othcm will allow their property to be confiscated. It ie atated that the Oregon leaked like a. sieve when en route front the Orient, and that she will be out of commission for almost thvec years. ROAD IS TO BE BUILT. Abcrdccn- De- MAJQR'S LIFE THREATENED Patrol to Drive -Off" Intruders '"Haa Been Kept "Up- JTiRht and Day. Superintendent "Would Have. Tribesmen Relieved. City CoHHcil Talccs clsivc Action. ABERDEEN. Wash.. April lL-.Spdal.) The City Council tonljrht, took. action which -RiH result In the buildinj? of the dty'8 part of the Ions-delayed :Mont'eno road; which will civ the citr a waron T outlet important agricultural sec tion. The city will fceue warrants to tne amount of 0.Wl. whkh leadtar taxpay er will take and "hold untiL the city li able to pay. The county haa said out many tnouana dollar to build the road to the limits of Aberdeen, where the project baa Iohb been held up. The reason -for the- delay le that the,dty rauet .build .around a bluff and practically on the soutn nanx. ot ine Chehalla Biver. where drivinjr piles," is difficult. The buildlnjj of Uie road twxs finally hastened by determined action or the Chamber of Commerce. INQUIRY ON WES Searching-Forms Prepared by Tax Commission. COVER MANY FEATURES PENDLETON. Or., April 11. (Spe cial.) Major O. C. Edwards, superin tendent of the Umatilla reservation, has sent for a troop of cavalry from Fort "Walla Walla. Trouble-on the Uma tlila reservation has reached a crisis, and preventative measures arc bcinff taken. Major Edwards says he has asked for the cavalry to protect the Indians from the invading1 stockmen, and also tho stockmen from the Indians. Jt Is cur rently believed, since the petition filed by the Indians asking for the removal of Major Edwards and practically threatening that his death may follow the failure to remove him. that the call for troops has been made in order to show the Indian that Edwards has the Government behind him. The stockmen are causing much trouble by attempting to cross the res ervation with their stock under cover of darkness. This has been brought about by the order from Washington, since rescinded, permitting one stock man, John Todd, to cross with 100 head of cattle. Now all stockmen are at tempting to cross. The Indians resent this and to pre vent a clnsh Major Edwards and his In dian police are patrolling the reserva tion night and day. Even the larger students at the agency .scnool have been pressed into service. Being asked by the department if he needed any assistance. Major Ed wards asked for a troop of cavalry, to nid in tho patrol and relieve Ms weary men. Upon the arrival of the troops it js sxpected that q:ict will again be restored, and that the Indians who arc opposed to Major Edwards will be good as well. Effort to .Be Made to Force Several Classes of Corporations to Pay a Just Share ot the . PHblio Daes. EFFORT TO STOP GAMBLING Council of Aberdeen Rcfnfes to Join Mayor In Closing DancchalU. ABERDEEN. Wash.. April 11. (Special.) Gambling, which bobs up with unpleas ant persistency every now ana tnen, was suppressed toaay lor me xouriu umo since January. Mayor Mndstroin stands plcdKed to. kill the evil, as well as dance halls, but the dancehalls continue to run. although the voters were guaranteed that the ordinance permitting them to run would be repealed. Mayor Undstrom has twice tnea to get the Council to act. but It has so far refused. T STEALS WHEELS TO "TREAT' HER GIRL FRIENDS. Alice Heath, of Walla WallR, Aged 13, Was Very Bold In Her Work. DIRECT APPEAL TO PRESIDENT Fulton Asks RlRht of Way for Sheep Through Umatilla Land. OREQONIAN NEWS BUREAU. Wash ncton. April 11. Senator Fulton today ap pealed directly to the President In behalf, of the stockmen of I matllla County, wno arc forbidden to cross the umatjlyi.Indlan reservation with their nocks,- pn tnoir way to or from the Summer rante, -Secretary Hitchcock ruled that his department will do nothing to secure this right unless it Is with the full voluntary consent of tho Indians. Secretary Dan P. Smyse, of the Umatilla Woolgrowcrs' Association, re ports that there Is no hope of getting tho Indians to agree upon any rcasonablo terms. In making the appeal. Mr. Fulton called attention to a provision in the treaty ot 1833. when tho Umatilla reservation was created, explicitly providing that the Pres ident might intervene to establish a right of way for a highway or railroad across Indian land when the public interest re quired. Mr. Fulton shows that the route across Ls but 15 miles long, whereas a tour -f SO miles is requisite to reach the Sum mer range when avoiding the reservation. Peculiar local conditions mako this de tour almost Impracticable. If stockmen try another alternative, shipment by rail way is all that Is left them, and the price s practically prohibitive. More than 100. XK head of stock would naturally take the route across the reservation, which the Senator argues Is sufficiently a public in terest for the President to exercise the power preserved Tiy the treaty. Stockmen agree to take Indian police with them while on the reservation, paying the In dians. Every assurance is given against abuse of the privilege. The Senator recalls the fact that abso lute title to property with white people does not confer the right to exclude public travel, where -public interests require right of way. and argues that Indians should not be given the unqualified privi lege of blocking public Intercourse along reasonably necessary lines. Umatilla stockmen received only about half the range on the Wenaha reservation they believed they were entitled to. and are prevented from reaching It. save by great effort, because of the Indian reser vation. Mr. Fulton has spent much time in the past three months in an effort to get their affairs In a more satisfactory conaition REWARDED FOR DEVOTION. Harry E. Smith Wins His Brother's Widow's Heart and Hand..' OREGON CITY. Or.. April 11. (Spe cial.) In the marriage in this city yester day afternoon of Mrs. Tillle Smith, of Colton. "this county, and Harry E. Smith. of Rainier, was terminated an unusual romancethat had its beginning about alt years ago. At mat ume me onae oi yes- terday was married to Budd Smith, young Clackamas County fanner, who died two years Jater. leaving the wife and a, young child un niS aeaiuDca aroiiu sunimunca ius brother, Harry, from whom he exacted the willing promise to guard the interests of the widow and provide for the educa tion of his young offspring. The brother remained true to his iwomise-and In the performance of his pledge won the affec tions of the ypung widow as well. The .marriage that followed yesterday was the result. J the -ceremony being per formed by Rev. E. S. Bollinger, of the First Congregational Church of this city. Mr. and-Mrs. Smith have gone to Rainier, where they will reside.' - SMALL AMOUNT iER CAPITA Aggregate of Goods Brought oh the Oregon Was Very Large. SEATTLE, April 1L Members of the crew of the United States battleship Ore gon, which arrived at the Bremerton Navy-Yard this morning, admit having brought thousands ot aouars worm ot dutiable goods to this country from the Orient. Certain of the sailors state that an average of JX per asen weuld cover the iadividttal value of the merchandise. The crew allege that nearly all of the goods were- sent ashore at San Francisco and that but very little jnow remain on board th-flhtex. The,, sailors do not uppear to care, what -action Gey era meat WALLA WALLA. Wash., April lL-Myr tic Tipton, who gained such notoriety in Eastern Washington by stealing-a span ot horses last Fall, has a rival In the field of female criminality in the person of 13- vear-old Alice Heath, who lives a mile cast of Walla Walla. Alloc was arrested bv the nollce today -while engaged in spending H she had just received from the sain of a bicycle borrowed from a local rennlr shoD. When taken to the nollce station the girl acknowledged stealing and disposing of four other wheels during the past few Auvx. Her olan was to approach a girl with whom she had no acquaintance and upon some urgent pretext ask to borrow her wheel. In nearly every caee the re- nnoKt whs cranted. whereupon she wouia sell it to some -dealer in second-hand -x-heelfi. With the money the girl bought laces. ribbons, shoes, candies and sweetmeats, with which she treated her girl friends. DELEGATES TO ASSEMBLY. Chosen by United Presbyterians In Session at Albany. at.baxY. Or.. Anril 1L (Speclal.)-The annual meeting of the presbytery of the United Presbyterian Church in Oregon came to a close today. The sessions were rtei-nted to routine business, witn me ex- ception of the first evening, when some speaking cnuvenoa mings. .ociurc u journing the presbytery elected commls inn trt urn ucncrai ABacmoiy, o ui i.c- -Rev a. W. Morrison, of Ontario -r- w p. "White, of Albany: Mr. namu ton of Oakvllle. ana me session oi mo kii.nv 7hurcii was aawonxwi io jcuu The Woman's Missionary socjeiy w uie TTnttoH PreKbyterlan Church in Oregon mM nt the same time also. Officers of the organization were elected aa follows: Mrs, H. C Marshall, of oaKvnie. presiacni tr t p. Sor. of AlDany. vice-preeiocju. Mrs. Jennie B. Gaff, of Shedd, secretary; vn. S. E. Tounc. of Aioany. treasurer. i .,., oninr the annual missionary ser mon of the organization was preached by Re-. I. B. DuBoIsc, ot roruana. tm " fvio ctronr sermons that Albany people have been permitted to bear this year.. Tne meeting " -. ' . slons of appreciation oi ; inn)""j Albany's cttlrcns. GRAND COUNCIL ELECTION. Next Annual Meeting Is to Be Held in CorralHs. cT.wAf .Or Anril 1L (Special.) The Grand Council. Royal and Select Master Masons of Oregon, met today In annual assembly and elected me iouowing um cers for the ensuing year. W. A. Dempsey, Portland. L G. M.. Ho ratio H. Parker. Portland. L D. G. M.: G. O. B. Debar. Eugene. G. P. C v..: S. Bullock. Portland, G. T.: S. L. Pope. Portland, G. R,: J. H. Irvine. Corvallls, G. C; S. S. Spencer. Eugene. G. C. of C: Milton L. Meyers. Salem, G. of C.: J. M. Howe. Eugene. G. S.: J. N. Hougouex, G. M.; C. W. Lowe. Eugene. G, S. The next meeting u to be, at Corvallls Jn April. 1M7. Tonight Hodson Council exemplified the work for the visiting offi cers, and following .-is. a grand banquet was spread by the local council, at which several speeches were delivered by grand officers and visiting brethren. OLVMPIAl April U. (SpeciaX)-It is piobable that among the bills to be pre Tred bv the State Tax Commission and submitted to the next Legltlature will be one or mor to enable Assessors more acliy and cerlalnlr to reach the property nd assets of corporations xor purposes oi taxation. The necwlty for aaauionai letrislation on this subject l felt by mora bers of the Tax Commission and by As- Beisors as welL It ls alleged that several classes of cor- norations have escaped a large share of iut taxation In this state In the past, and that the necessity oi more npo iw ou thi sniirt will be mrlv demonstrated to the Legislature. The Tax Commission has endeavored to meet the situation as far as possible under present laws, by the preparation of new blanks which will be .nt to Oountv Assessors for use this Mr -re himVn are three in number, des ignated as Tax Commission forms 5. S and 7. Form 5 is a schedule xor me wc mcnt of gas and water companies, form 6 for the assessment of telephone con: pa nics, and form 7 for the assessment of .nit mhin street railways, anu Mtrtr- uht nri nower companies. k v.r-M forms have me line ttiiub bl franchise" conspicuously aispiayea, anu ii tho Mank snace following it Is not filled out by the corporation making the return, the Assessor is Instructed to fix the value ot the franchise himself. In addition to this the forms arc much more compre hensive than anything of the kind hereto fore used in this state, ana it cxpccid. ,t,w -rill result in showing a very great increase In the valuation of property as sessed to such corporauons ma compared with returns for any previous year. , The schedule xor me and water companies calls for full Infor mation about the franchise, as to date granted, term ot years, powers and privi leges conferred by. etc. Returns must be made on tne amoum oi - ; number and par value of share. "it of capital stock paid in. amount mortgages or omer .:. V "it Hid cow try, as mntd in votone MC at paxc 3K. of ti 4tMoft oi aid eeort, aad arerffittec 111.6 acrt for taw lute set exctoc ST.9 acre, sitatted ia one or mr coaiact.feeait. to towsfMa Zl and 32 eUu of raxs lL 12 aafi 12 east. In Hid rmrratlee. sala 12 w w x- cbaace to t elected. act to Wc ap proval of tkt Secsrtary of the Interior; as la ordr to facOksta taeh exraanxe aal ta dercloyaest tba Ub4i to be to takra tberrandtr. tbr nur ateo aeHctfd la lOe aaaaaer and aa jart ot Use- (jaacllty aicre- ald. other Ixai In ld refcrrauoB. xor toe locatloa. -eo&rtrbctloa and operatioa of tUl and power plaau. and with the rlitfit to con tract rMlroa. ilimr. icuii4r and power UaaralHloB llnw. oabject to ta proruieas of extMlnr law and men raits and retuU Uooa aa tha S3Tiary of Cm; Interior ay prcrfbe taerenadrr. And wlsen ch ex- cbaare Is etTrcted. pat:ti tor me ixaca to ceieeted and approved J tall fcwus therefor. ALASKA FAIR IS LAUNCHED Banquet Held by Northern and Scat tic Business Men. SEATTLE April 11. The Alaska-Yukon fair was launched la Seattle tonight at a banquet at the Washington Hotel, attend ed by representative business men ot Seattle and the North.. Judge R- A- Bal lingcr. ex-Mayor of Seattle, presided at the dinner, and addresses were tnade by a number of those present. " The fair and its different phases were discussed at great length, and It was at last decided to leave the matter to a com xalttee headed bv I. A. Nadeau. vice- president and executive of the Chamber of Commerce, which ls to now a ousiness .. .i i- ,,.. mi- ftttltr Rcqalbitlon for a Horscthler. SALEM, Or, April 11. SpcciaL-Gover-nor Chamberlain today honored a requisi tion from the Governor of Washington for tho arrest and return ot Frank Evcretts. accused of hoscstealing. Robert H. Rich ards is named as the agent of the state to convey the prVoner to Asotin County, LAID IN WAIT AT BRIDGE OFFICERS SHOOT WHO GETS AT CONVICT, AWAY. HUN. COLLISION Laborer on Work Train Is In stantly Killed. desirable draft animals,- the purchase prices being- paid ranging fxera $369 to $790. according to the bread &T tire anlnwds. Aa a rule. Clackamas Cewity farmers of re cent years have been devoting .consider-' aWe attention te thy breeding ot an im proved standard of horses and cattle, and they fiad themselves the gainer now -when the-sale ot these animals is being nego tiated. FIVE OTHERS ARE INJURED James Cannum, Desperate Halfbrccd Horsethicf, Is Expected lo Give Battle Be Tore Recapture. WEISER. Idaho. April 11. SpeciaI- James Cannum. the convict who escaped from the Idaho State Prison last Friday, was shot at three times, at 2 o'clock this morning, by Deputy Sheriff Thomas Pence and Special Deputy George Dlgctz, while attempting to cross the bridge across the Snake River at this place, in orccr to wag received here Operator Is Blamed tor Accident Near Huntington From: Failure to Deliver the Proper Or ders to Extra Train. BOISE. Idaho. April IL-tA collision oc curred on the O: R. & N. at 1:3$ thte afternoon. 15 miles west of Huntington. between No. So and a work train, by which one roan was killed, another fatally hurt and four others seriously in jured. The dead man te John Lilly, of Ia Grande. Or. Elraer Earl, of Portland, was fatally hurt. . The wreck was caused by failure of an operator to give orders to the extra train Advices received by Portland O. R. r X. officials arc to the effect that Elraer Earl was only slightly injured In the wreck near Huntington, the extent of hi wounds being slight cuts on the head. Railroad reports do not -state where Mr. Earl's home Is. but the Portland directory contains no such name. J. B. Lilly, of La Grande. U reported aa the only man killed in telegrams received here from D. W. Campbell, general superintendent of the O. R. & X.. wno Has gone to me scene of the wreck. TEACHERS LOSE ON WARRANTS Threaten to Sue Washington School Districts for Difference. OL.TMPIA. Wash.. April 11. Special.) State School Supcrintendent.Bryan flnda that in many school districts tnrougnou the state suits are threatened against the district by teachers employed for cat anccs due on salaries because warrants are below par and the teachers therefore do not receive their contract price, m tonev-General Atkinson has been appealed to by the State Superintendent to Know, it it would be legal to make the teachers warrants tor an amount large enough to cover the discount. The Attorney-General says the only le gal way to payithe larger sum would be to make a new contract with the teach ers for an amount sufficient to mako up the warrant discount. reach Oregon. Word last evening that Cannum had stolen tTtandlng, total cash value of all horse at Payette. 15 miles tt of tangible personal propenj total cash value of all real property, gross receipts and the -it r.,r for the xear. gross re- t. nncnnfn ana liuiu total disbursements for the year. intn nnoratlne expenses, cx- 'w"' i tension of service, nuww. -" and was headed in this direction would probably attempt to cross bridge into Oregon. Pence and Digctx stationed themselves about midway of the bridge and walled. About 2 A. M. a man rode up on the bridge. When within about 9) feet of the DEAD OF THE NORTHWEST William Dickson. TACOMA. Wash.. April lj.-(Spccial.) WlKlara Dickson, a leading, business man o Tacoma. died this morning from long ceatlaued heart trouble. He is survived by Mrs, Dickson, a .sen, Sdward Dickson, of Spokane, and his brother, James Dick son. Jay L. Andrews. HOQUIAM. Wash.. April !L-(SpecIal.) Jay L. Andrews, a well-known, tlmber- fauer of this county, was found dead in his bed this rooming at StekweUs camp. Andrews retired last night in the best of spirits, but when called thls morning failed to respond, and an Investigation showed lire to be extinct. He was S8 years ef axe. and had been a resident here foe years. He left a widow. DOCTOR CURED OF EH Marand Physician Cures Himself of Eczema w'rth Cuticura Remedies. Prescribes Them, and Has Cured Many Cases Where Other Formulas Have Failed Dr. Fisher Sayss CUTICURA REMEDIES POSSESS TRUE MERIT Girl's Fnther Will Sue Company. SAX FRANCISCO. April H.-Cnlted States. Inspectors" Boiler and Bulger held an examination today in the matter ot the death of 12-year-old Maggie B. Dono van, ot Seattle, who was washed from the deck of the steamer Santa Barbara off the JJendocino coast. March 31. No blame was attached to Captain Fl B. Zod dark, but the Inspectors recommended that cleats b? added to the rail to pre vent such" accidents in future. John J. Donovan, the girl's father, an nounced Intention to sua the steamship company for damages. Old Citizen Tries Suicide. THE DALLES. Or.. April 11. (Special.) W. H. Jones, proprietor of a cigar store in this city, attempted suicide today at hia place of business by shooting" himself in the right temple, with a 3S-calIber pis tol, the ball entering the brain. Despond ency resulting from 111 health caused the act. Mr. Jones has been a respected resi dent of The Dalles for 23 years. His con dition Is critical. . Mt.(. and dividends and I men they ordered him to halt and throw ??.fl. I Um hon anT 1arteT back at f M sZ nf or water sovpiicu m i - ...m tu. wu mw.- municipality and revenues derived tficrc- out effect. He went west, and was fol- tanks, amount ot insurance carried, etc they could not locate him. lorinc this U a blank tor making de- Deputy. Warden Mills, of the penlten- tsJlpd returns of property, fully ltemited, tlary. and a posse arc In pursuit, and' It mnrislng the plant, each item to be sep- is thought they will capture him. Can- -tf.-w lifted and valued. no la halfbrccd Indian, and la a des- .. - t 1 mm. hr-art., an. Mlt t. , " ..1.. i, iivwlse very compre- I without a fight. He was sent ud from Senslvrand is entirely new to this state, tbls county for grand larceny. While in J ui -m-ndinc- full information I the Welser Jail ha made several attempts recardlng francnise privncse .-.., . ..c . . f. tTJ J .i.. -h.r of telcsbones fur- Boise, and stolo another at Payette, leav- Jl CTU. " w " .r . " . I Iner thf. flrf nn. --hl.u V. j, 1 ..J nlshed free in any cuy or i7. "il " " " . fnv teleonones oi mc i " -..... Hasses: amount of the gross receipts for local and long-distance service separate- GOLD IS "WHERE YOU FIND IT ly; expenses of operation: amoun- ui and cable ot -u r .v.snarri and orlvate exchanges. and a full detailed list ot all property. In cluding poles, phones. desK lunusnings. .1M. ntltfltK. rtC The schedule for assessment of street 1 1 -n -nower slants Is likewise n-..aiitr nrfirinni for this year. In ad- Atnnn h nuestions about franchises. Information Is demanded trom electric railways about the number of miles or tracks of all kinds: number and klnda of passenger cars electrically equipped: num trailer cars not electri cally equipped; number of freight cars of all classes and miscellaneous equipment. Separate questions of a similar nature nr nronounded covering cable railways. Steam power stations and distribution sys tems are likewise required to be itemized as to property comprising the plant. Water-oower plants and transmission lines are each given a separate space for j making returns. They must show the cnaracter and value of the headworks or intake: the forebay or reservoir; water wheels, water-gates, generators, trans formers wiring, lights, etc All are re- aulrcd to list surplus equipment on hand. this entire schedule having a total of S3 auesUons to be answered. Taken alto- ether. the report of the Tax Commis sion to the Legislature next Winter Is ex pected to be a valuable ana interesting document, especially on the subject of assessment of corporations. M ;SPAT IN HIS FACE 3EISS LINN OBJECTED TO CON DUCTOR'S ATTENTIONS. Governor Will Not Interfere. OLTMPIA. Wash., April 1L (Special.) Governor Mead today refused to Inter fere In the matter of the death sentence Imposed on Simon Brooks, sentenced by the Superior Court of Clark County to be hanged at the state penitentiary Fri day. April 13. A long petition asking for executive clemency, and that the sen tence be commuted to life laaprinonment. was received by the Governor from Coulee City, the former home ot Brooks, and In replying to the petitioners the Governor points out that neither the trial Judge, the Prosecuting Attorney nor any of the jurors signed the petition and mat no showing is made in behalf of the eon deroned man that was not presented at the time of his trial. Gift to Albany College Library. ALBANY. Or.. April U.-SpeciaU-Al-bany College's excellent library has been added to ' by the gift ot 275 volumes by Rev. William M. Robinson, of Salem. The library gift consists of the collections and selections ef a lifetime by Mr. JtoeUson, who ls a retired Presbyterian minister. and is a highly-prized addition to the 11 brary of the local Presbyterian iastitu tion. Child Awarded to tae M ether. SAN FRANCISCO. April li. Superier Ceurt Judge Duns today awarded Mrs. Lisale Debsrd. t Portland. Dr.. the ens tedy of her daughter. Grace. red 3 years. The child bad been brought to this city by Its -father, though it had ben -awarded to the mother after the separation, of the When Repulsed the Ungallant Elec tric-Car "Man Slapped Woman on the Nose. ABERDEEN, Wash., April 11. (Special.) R. P. Lucart. a conductor on the Cos- mepolls branch ot the Gray's Harbor electric .road, haa been discharged on oomDlalnt of Miss Vera linn, of Cos- mopolU. Miss Linn alleges that Lucart Discoveries Made in Different Parts of tho Northwest. TACOMA. Wash.. April 11. While dig ging a well on the tide fiats for the Carstens Packing Company, workmen struck gold-bearing rock at a depth of 300 feet and work on the well was Im mediately suspended. Tho ore will be tested to ascertain it It is rich enough to warrant working. BELLINGHAM. Wash.. April 11. A mountain ot gold-bearing ore has been discovered by William Cox on the north aide of Orcas Island. It Is estimated there are more than lM.tOQ.000 tons of ore In xlght. Assays taken show a value of K ton. The deposit In places runs up sheer 109 feet from the water's edge, and it can be mined merely by quarrying. Estimates place the value of the ore In sight at J3.0O3,(VO. ARLINGTON. Or.. April It-Gold-bear ing ore has been discovered at Cleveland, a small town IS miles north ot Arlington. In Klickitat County. Wash. People there have been worked up to the highest pitch of excitement by news of the strike. It ls stated that a ledge of flae gold-bear ing quartz haa been uncovered in the center ef that town, ana minis g claims have been filed en all land within a ra dius ot two miles of the point of dlscov-crr. The vein Is said to do more man xz inches wide, and between 0 and 10 feet deep. It is alleged that the ore will, go more than to the ton. Presbyterian Looking; for Reunion. TACOMA. Wash.. April 11. The Puget Sound Presbytery of the United Presby terian Church, la session la Tacoma to day, adopted a memorial to the general assembly, which meets at iuenmona. ma.. in MSy. lO SUOtnit greriuic w n't. Individual churches looking to a union ot all denominations along .rreaByienaa lines. BONDS AND WARRANTS TAXABLE Oregon Attorney-General Gives De cision on Important Question. SALEM. Or., April 11. (Special.) An swering a question ot Assessor B. F. Keener, of Lane County, as to whether city bonds and county warrants are tax able.. Attorney-General Crawford, after an exhaustive presentation of authori ties, sums up his opinion as follows: In th lljcht of the abov autnorltlo I am of the opinion that under the provision of one conitltutlon and tb Uwa enacted In pursuance thereof, all moneys due or to be come du from the state or any suoatrmoa thereof are subject to taxation. FlrebHR Agitates' Seaside. SEASIDE. Or.. April 11. (Special.) At an early hour Tuesday morning. Lee Kee. who keeps a restaurant on Main street, discovered names Issuing from a pile of boxcs In the rear of the Jo ha n son Com pany's store The fire was extinguished easily. Then some one noticed smoke es caping from an outbuilding back of B. J. Calllhan's saloon. This was also extin guished, the only damage being a small hole burned through the floor of the building: An investigation brought to light several partly burned gunny-bags. saturated with coal oil. The time the fire occurred and places fired seemed to indicate a desire on the part of the incendiary to create excitement and do very little damage. The Identity ot the firebug Is suspected. Giants In Caps and Gowns. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, Eugene. April lL (Special.) Thirty seniors made their appearance at assemoiy mis morn ins. clad In caps and gowns. As the last bell sounded, the '03 class, led by Pres ident Carl McClaln. formed In order and marched to Its place while the lower classmen applauded vigorously. The class contains an unusual propor tion of tall men. over one-third of the members being six feet and above, and this height, exaggerated by the long Kowns and hlxh caps, gave unusual Im presslvcness to the solemn giants as they marched to their seats ot nonor. Working on StHdcnt-Body Fnnd. PACIFIC UNIVERSITY. Forest Grove Or., April 11. (Special.) H. H. Market, 07. and H. H. Arnston. . have gone to Portland to continue the work of the for mer solicitation committee for the student body J1O.0CO Jund. to build a young wom an's dormitory to replace the one burned last month. Up to the present time JTsOO has been secured from Forest Grove. Port land, and the student-body hoped soon to complete the sum. Good Prices for Heavy Horse. OREGON CITY. Or.. April 1L (Special.) Williams Bros- teamsters, of this city. today sold a team of heavy draft horses for MOO. The demand for heavy work horses was never before so great In Clack amas County, which la being thoroughly canvassed by horsed sale rs la search ot Pacific Coast Telegraphic Briefs. Xewberg. Or. Tuesday, April 17. a city election will be held to decide, on tho ques tion ot bonding for a new .water works sys tem. Astoria. Or. Hugh McLoughlin. once one of the .gambling princes, on Pacific Coast, died a pauper and wu burled at the expense C the county a few daye since. When Mc laughlin was flush he wore sold coins on his clothing :nated ot buttons. Seattle. Wash. II. J. Heney. the con tractor who built the White Pass k Yukon Railway, has returned from New Tork and gives out official announcement of plans to construct a railroad in Alaska from tho coast at Orca through the CopDcr River Country to Fairbanks. Clo Bros., of Xew Tork City, and the Interests In tho White Pan.i A Yukon are behind the new nroject. ' My face was afflicted tvith eczema in the year 1897. I used tho Cuticura Remedies, and war entirely cured. I am a practicing physician and very often prescribe Cuticura Resolvent and Cuticura Soap in cases of eczema, and thev have cured where other formulas have failed. I am not- in the habit of endoning patent medicines, but when I find remedies possessing true merit, such as the Cuticura Remedies do, I am broad-minded enough to proclaim their virtues to the world. I have'been prac ticing medicine for sixteen years, and must say I find your Remedies A No. 1. You are at liberty to publish this letter, or any part of it. I remain, very truly Sours, G. M. Fiaher, M. D., Big Pool, d., May 24, 1905." CUnCDRA-THESET,$l. Complete Treatment for Every Humor from Pimples to Scrofula Bathe the affected parts with hot water and Cuticura Soap, to cleansa the surface- of crusts and scales and soften the thickened cuticle; dry, without hard rubbing, and apply Cuticura Ointment freely, to allay iteoiBf, irritation, and inflammation, and seothe and heal; and, lastly, take CaWeura Resolvent Pills to cool and cleanse, the blood. A single set, costing bat one dollar, is often sufficient to cvsti the most torturing, disfiguring, Itching, burning, and scaly skin, scalp, and blood humors, with loss of hair, from infancy to age, when all else fails. CaHrars 8op, 3Sc Oinbsrat, A0-, .Root-rest 5Tc- (ta fma t ChooUt Cn P02, 35c pr rUl of Ot), sis ttM ilreuxhont Ua valid. Potter Drag sad Citss. Corp, Bala Ptom-, Botton. r xaa rm, -gov to cars xeraKSf,JHS4z&g sag tt I 7 sad Afa." Df. Pierce's Favorite Prescrfptioi, Is not a secret or patent medicine, asalnst which the most Intelligent people are quite naturally averse Decanse oi tne un certainty aa V) their harmless character, but I a medicine or crowx coMPOtmox, a foil list of all its Ingredients being printed, to plain. English, on ftTery bottle wrapper. An examination of thte list of IngTvalenta will disclose the fact that It is n on-alcoholic In its composition, cheta leally pars glycerine taking the place of tae comsaonlr sd aleohou in its make up. The" "Favorite description of Dr. Plaree ! In fact the only medicine put up for the curs of woman's peculiar weak nesses and ailments, sold through drug gists, that does not contain aiconoi ana fhrttooinlarawsntiHei. Furthermore. It is the only raedlcina for woman's special diseases, the ingredients of which have the unanimous endorsement of all the leading medical writers and teachers of all the several schools of practice, and that too as remedies for tho aliments for which "Favorite Prescription Is recom mended. A little book: of some ot these endorse ments will be sent to any address, post paid, and absolutely free if yon request ume by postal card or letter, ot Dr. R. V. Flarce, Buffalo, N. T. Don't forget that Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, for woman's weaknesses and delicate ailments. Is not a patent or secret madl cine, being the "Favorite Prescrip tion "of a regularly educated and gradu ated physIeUn, egafed in the practice of hi chosen specialty that ot diseases of wosaesr-that m ingredients are printed 1npla&n XnQlfah on every bottis-wrapper; that It is the only madid ne especially da signed for the cure of woman's diseases that eostalas no alcohol, and the only one that has a professional endorsement worth more than all the so-called "testi monials" ever published for other med icines. Eend for these endorsements as above. They are Vs for tne asking. If you suffer from periodical, headache, backache, dlsalness. pain or dragging down sensation low down In tae abdomen, weak back, have disagreeable and weak Ing, catarrhal, pelvic drain, or are in distress trom being long on your feet, then you may be sure of benefit from taking Dr. Pleree's Favorite Prescription. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant f siiew tne oest iax lative and regulator of the bowels. They Invigorate rtomacn, liver ana coweis. One a laxative; two or three a cathartic OLD SORES OFTEN LEAS TO CANCER Whenf-vera. sore or txlcer doet not heal and shows lirns of becoming1 persisted m taWa hole of ner band while ekjoaic, it should arottse sttspiooa, btcaose many oi these places lead to sne w " ' . 1 Cane- It hit aDoesT as art ordanaxv sore at nm, ana is riven spat in ms isce. wncrxopoa mean. . ; . " ,-' . " v iW V, Vv- f lapped her on the nose, making- the fetooe Tjeanneai as smca, wiua wmc auapic wtc, nau. w JK?"-j , , j now. The case has caused a great deal ot cessment, as Miss una is quite well known. Trocar! was in business In Mob- tetsano and In this citr before taJdnr posltlen on the road. TO EXCHANGE TIMBER IiAXDS Bill Introduced In Cengreee fer the .Booth-Kelly Company. SALK. Or.. April 1L (SeeeUlO Gov. erner CharaberkJa has reeetred freea Sen ator Fulton a cepv ot the hQl which he has latrodnced relative to the exchanre of Uade with the Beeth-Kelr. Cceaeeay. and the feUewtag Is the v text: Se St eMCtei. etc- TSal the Seerctarr f the Scterier he. sac te herMT. aethsrteeJL ls his slacmtee. to csefctact Ike what t M BHMahere sectteftf a yart Uertf ta t4 KteMth teetaa sseom-Haa. fta the Stxte ef Ortc. stew held tat rtrae vseettla oi-Am- ike. m1 ee ft4 tustias f the ytrecMi Court C fee ratted fai? rftrsoter the tltte tt the Csntentle . Orteam Xaad Ca- that the place will heal, bat the real seat of the trouble is ia the blood and MflnoHv raavrlwd rrr external remedies, aad soon tke sore will return. Alter awhile t hsyrtcarily potto perms to ems iato the smrroasKiiaeT leak and the ulcer spread rapidly, becoming saore ooeaeire axa aianuxg mu w the snferer finds he is afflicted with Caacer. CaaceroBS ulcers oftea start frosa a boil, wart, mole or pistole, which has beea braised or roarhly v.-tJ .I.; th tW taint va ia th blood, taarj ttaentecL Asouatr caae jot aoa-ucaiias; suevxa sores tM resaaia o asc ixiwrnm. - -r- 7- speU sicJcaeas. 5. s. s. foei aowi w wr root of the troable sad care thecwtrh- lythat there k acrer aay aira of the trsahlt ia after years, as soost a tae sysccaa sjw Xwaa aasfsrias' rreatlyfreaaesajieeT. a as vice en aay left heeeet, whftek haa hecmateeat, aad at sisaee iM Us eharge Terr etfsaetve abetter. X kxe w the trestle was herealtexr as aa ealy eisr. say aether ana we ed her sUtera dlsd f Caaesr. I asa rally sat-isaeaX-weaMhavarraas ttsniwty Bgew bss awtetSwimJMSKf S. S. S. the ylaeaharhaa tfceiecaeHrra4asil7!rrawa awtieei kavee, the fteai tmmm id rUWtlaT WlitjPl.C. the MfesaWka kavee. kahealthT color, aad sooevthe aece ia well, becaC7aryTshieat U the mH'9C vh Can ataUs aeV 4 Wj the stest cseceafaatei hem l UNFIECEDEfra) SUCCESS OF C. Gee Wo The Great Chinese Doctor Atlfc MX First St Cor. Morriso No mteleadiBr italatiits ta tha sffllcttd. t r. rsnntata ufi ud lastlsa ear la the qslcxeat posalht Una, sad at tie lew est csit poaalbla tor hsst sad rsasa rml treats Z ear catarrh, asthaw. lsss. tvrar TheaeBatlssa. arvowtM. stemaaa. Hur kMitr aad. k)t mukeei. nadaxx Taocazxs axb aix vsxyatk ji bji f inn Xt raiiM an aanslMc. eewsosed Mh haAa aad. harks elallT 1 Uetaa aad hBMrtca dkrm sy a tram the tattarier at ChlB- XT "TCKJ ARE JimiCTSD DON'T DXXtAT. OKLJLTa AXK DAKfiSROCa If tn eaaaat call. wrMa tar trvatem liuk,it eimter. jcim 4 mw is stssssa onNMiLTATSaK rasa. . 1. C g .We-r tan 1 Mtdjataaj Cm 1SH nsst car. "J TStetersaeetsta thlaseeww Dine) from Our Disiillsry ! YOU Saves Dealers' Profits Prevents Adulteration HAYNER WHISKEY A FULL QUIRTS A QQ "ff EXPRESS PREPAID afflUlaf M FULL QUARTS SIC Qlt FREIGHT PREPAID !WlBhlJP Ssnd m tha ahaTQ imowrt ar4 wa effiahSshiapIain sealed case, with no majta ta iter cantsnt. Try tie whit kay. Hxvayoo- dcetertestit Kyoa dent fted It ail riant and tha parstt asd bett wMsksy yoa ever tatted, snip It Ntck to us at car expenje and year maney viH te promptly refanded. - Ysacan bava altharRye or Bourbeni Remember, we pay the express or frdziit charze. You sava money hy ordering: 20 Quarts by freight. If yea cant ese so much yourself, 2t a iriead to loin you. I?AYNER WHISKEY, aroes direct to yotx from oar distillery, one of the larzest aad best equipped in the world, thns asscrioyouof perfect parity and aavinr youths dealers' bis: profits. It is prescribed by doctors and used ia hospitals and by half a million satisfied castomers, because it Is seed and pore aad yet so cheap. waiTs oua nzasest officz. THE HAYNER D1ST1LL1X6 CO. in ST. PAUL MINN. ATLANTA. OA ST LOUIS. U0. DAYTON, a Dnrxnsav. Tsot, O. Estasz-zshss 1866 m Capital 3500,000.00 Paid In Full DR. W. NORTON DAVIS 5 CO. Established 1889 si'IaaBailaW We treat successfully all private nerv ous and enronic diseases ui mcu. blood, stomach, heart, liver. Wdney and throat trouble. We cure SYPHILIS (without mercury) to stay cured forever. We remove STRICTURE without opera tion or pain, in ia cays. WE CURE GONORRHOEA IN A WEEK The doctors of this Institute are all reg ular graduates, have had many years' ex perience, have been known In Portland for 15 years, have a reputation to main tain, and will undertake no case unless certain cure can be effected. AU Medicine free Until Cured. We guarantee a cure m every case we undertake or charges no fee. Consultation free. Letters confidential. Instructive BOOK FOR MEN mailed free in plain wrapper. If you cannot call at office, write for ?uestion blank. Home treatment success or All medicines free until cured. Office house. 9 to 5 and 7 to 8. Sundays and holidays, 10 to 12. Dr.WMon Davis & Co. Offices in Van 2foy Hotel. 52 Third St, Garner Pine. Portland. Or. aftaW aa at f BS Saf ii,.u Mtnati. miTinrrni Ss m a aca.yetacBMi Taaaady fer Ooaorrhcea, Qfaet. Spermatorrhoea, Whiles, aaaatara.1 ti eaarges, or aar lnl' ties of BsesBS ateer On nil tat It- bra. So-artniafc SOtay aiasaana, er Mat la "pWa twt hr txmm. raaaM. fC Ma or S Mttfaa, ?a7,-