THE HORNING OKE4SOXIAX, THUKSDAY, APJKIL. 12, 10. 13 JOB KXXZ. FOR KENT SIX-ROOM MODEKf .FLAT, centrally locate, references required. - Grand ave., city. HeaeekecplBC Boons. THE HOWLAND APARTMENTS, 68144 Washington "t.. cor. 2tn iceiy iur nlshed housekeeping rooms; gas ranges, hot water, free bath, free pbon on both floors, sice sunny suites for $10 and SL. per month; the very best rooms 1b the cltr for the money. THE ONKONTA. 187 I7TH ST.. NEAR Tamhlll New house, elegantly furnished apartments. Jn suites of 2. 2 and 4 room; hot and cold water; gas ranee In each kitchen; steam heat, baths, free phone on ach floor. WELLINGTON COURT. 13TH AND EVER ett Handsomely furnished two-room house keeping aparmente. possessing modern Con veniences, excellent neighborhood and sur roundings; no children. ( FOH RENT SINGLE ROOMS. ALSO housekeeping suites; elegantly furnishes, walking distance; lowest price In the city. Tha Otis. 871 M East Burnalde it. TWO NICELT FURNISHED ROOMS IN TUB Tourney block for rent and furniture for sale; suitable for light housekeeping. Phone Main 00. FOR RENT TWO OR THREE NICELT FUR nlshed rooms for light houseukeeping. cen trally located. 135 10th St.. corner Morri son St. 1 WEEK UP CLEAN. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, parlor, laundry, bath, yard, furnace heat. 2034 Stanton Al bina. FRONT SUITE OF HOUSEKEEPING room for rent. S3 per wek. or $12 per month. 504 Washington at. Pacinc 1688. $5 PER MONTH LARGE. PLEASANT, -neat furnished housekeeping room. , - walking distance. 338 17th. near Market. THREE DESIRABLE ROOMS. COMPLETB ly furnished for housekeeping, with everj convenience. 641 6th St.. near Jackson. LARGE. FLEA6AXT NEATLY FURNISHED housekeeping rooms; bath, phobe. gaa. pan try, sink, running water. CS3 Irving st. $I.K WEEK UP LARGE. CLEAN. FUR nlshed housekeeping rooms; laundry and bain. 164 Sherman St., South Portland. $10 3 UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rems; part of a house;- bath, phone ana electric light. Phone. East 4178. 471 ALDER NICE HOUSEKEEPING rooms, en suite; gas stove, bath, phone; dose to business; reasonable. 300 4 TH NICELY FURNISHED FRONT housekeeping suites of Jwo, gas ranges; low rent: central location. THREE NICELT FURNISHED House keeping rooms, centrally located: gas, bath, phone. 1434 11th irt. A SUITE OF THREE ROOMS. FURNISHED for housekeeping. 106 13th, near Morrison; references required. SEVERAL UNFURNISHED HOU8EKEEP Ing rooms, large yard. $10. water Included. Phone East 3S47. $123 COMPLETELT FURNISHED HOUSE keeping rooms In private family; 2 beds. 471 Everett. HOUSEKEEPING SUITES. REASONABLE rent, brick building, centrally located. 211 2d -Salmon. THE NEWCASTLE. 402 SD ST. FURNISH ed and unfurnished housekeeping rooms. Phone 1375. FOR RENT THREE WELL-FURNISHED rooms for housekeeping, close in. 163 W. PArk st. 54 CLAT 3 UNFURNISHED HOUSE keeping rooms, ground floor; separate en trance. BAT-WINDOW SUITE OR 3 OR 4 ROOMS on first floor. 146 North 16th. Phone Main 5173. New. attractive unfurnished housekeeping rooms, clone. The Jefferson. 3th and Jefferson The Heller 280 H Grand ave. Furnlahed and unfurnished housekeeping suites. $10 up. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, electric lights, bath, phone. 310 10th st. TWO NICELT FURNISHED ROOMS FOR housekeeping, no children. 246 7th t. ONE SUITE OF ROOMS. FURNISHED COM pWe for housekeeping. S8 N. 11th st. DRMRABLE HOUSEKEEPING APART nenu. J7R 14th. Houses. . HOUSES FOR RENT. i7.Jfi 53, store and 4 rooms, large basement. S10 538 Durham ave. (Woodlawn). 5-room cottage. larae yard. $10 871 E. 12th st. North. 5-room cot tage. $12 832 E. 11th st. North. 6-room two story house, bath, basement, etc. $12.60861 Corbett sU. 2 artfe-rooms and hall, suitable for lodge purposes. $13-1-1180 Taggart at.. S-room house, bath, etc.. one block south of Richmond car. at end of line. $15 HPS Taggart at.. S-room house, bath, etc., one block eouth of Richmond car. at end of line. $16780 Williams ave., near Boach St.. modern 5-room cottage. $20 44ft E. 13th rt. North, between Tilla mook and Thompson sts., 7-room hous. bsth, concrete basement, etc $S0 56 E. 6th st.. corner Brooklyn st., new. modern S-room house. THE TITLE GUARANTEE &. TRUST -CO., 240 Washington St., cor. 2d. Portland. Or. GOOD IT-TO-DATE HOUSE. 10 ROOMS. lth and Northrup. large yard, cared for by ownr; have lately put In first-claw shape. $33 to good tenant. POHTLAND TRUST CO OF OREGON, S. E. cor. 3d nd Oak. Phone Exchange 72. FOR RENT BEAUTIFUL RESIDENCE ON Mt. Scott car line, Tremont Place; 9-room house, quarter block, lots of fruit and ber rits; $12 per month. Beswlck, 250 Oak st. TO RENT COTTAGE ON ALDER ST.. NEAR 10th. or will lease the property (23x73 feet) for term of years to any one desiring to im prove. 109 Sherlock bldg. NEW STRICTLY MODERN 7-ROOM HOUSES -Close In. large light basement, yard, elec tricity, gas. furnace, tubs. Inquire 248 Lin coln, near Third. THREE 3-ROOM COTTAGES. JUST COM pleted; gas. rine bath: one. block from car. SU. Mai lory ave. and Mason. Phone East 1039. 6 FURNISHED ROOMS. WELL LOCATED. West Bide, central. $27.30 month. The Amea Mercantile Agency, Ablngton bldg. Pbose Main 92S. MODERN SEVEN-ROOM HOUSE. NEWLY painted and papered. 467 Tenth street. Ap ply to F. L. Bunting. Room 40. Worcester Bldg. ,F0R RENT 432 EAST COUCH; MODERN 6 rootn house: beet plumbing: window shades; gas fixture; $23. Phone East 1S17. Settle mler 8-nOOM HOUSE. CORNER CORBETT AND Whlttaker. on car line; large room. Apply r9 Sherlock bldg. Phone Main 1410. DONALD G. WOODWARD. 246 STARK ST. Rent and Insurance. Phone Main 343. ADMINISTRATOR OF ESTATES. $30 A MODERN 7-ROOM HOUSE WITH bath, furnace- and neat yard. Northeast corner East 8th ar- Pine sts. SIX-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. FULL LOT. Sunnyside; reasonable rent. Shoe Store. 313 Washington at. Pacific 1933. THE FINE 0-ROOM RESIDENCE. 473 HOL laday. S. B. corner 9th. $35. Key at Stan Card Box & Lumber Co. NEW 5-ROOM COTTAGE. UTH ST. SOUTH, walking distance. F. O. Northrup & Co.. 211 Commercial block. FOR RENT GOOD 7-ROOM HOUSE BATH. basement: would ell furniture. 1S7 Chap man, near jaomson. FOR RENT HOUSE OF 11 ROOMS. MOD em improvements. 325 12th st. Apply 327 12th st. GOOD 6-ROOM HOUSE. FURNACE. BATH. gas. stationary tubs. etc. Phone Main 4434. FOR RENT MODERN 6-ROOM HOUSE. 206 Whltaker st- Key at S21 Front. S13 FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE, CLOSE IN. East Side. Apply 93 B. Sth North. FOR KENT 9-ROOM HOUSE. 1M 16TII ST. cor. Taylor. Inquire ISO 16th st. COZY S-ROOM COTTAGE. RENT VERY REA nmM. 4S1 Union ave. North. MODERN S-ROOX COTTAGE. CLOSE West 44e. Phone PactSc -MK. IN, FOR RENT NEW S-ROOM HOUSE. 334 Meigmtry. Aply 328 7th. m juqcz. 6-ROOM HOUSE. 306 17TK ST.: BATH: rent SIS. Pi ess East 169. HOUSE 666 G LIS AN ST.. FOR RENT; GOOD location. Phone Main S7K. FOR RENT 8-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. $3. Pboas Union 37. Fat-a4eaea Hoassa. FOR RENT A COMPLETE FURNISHED, modern upper flat, S rooms and bath. cor. 12th and Columbia at. Apply between 10 A. M. and 2 P. M. Phone Mate 8169. HANDEOMELT FURNISHED NINE-ROOM house, has electric lights, piano, gas aad wood ranges, and modern corrvealeae ; near Ladd School. Inquire 1M IM it. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED NEW FINE flat, all modern convenience: eelect neigh borhood; no children; only those wattlsr best apply. Phone Main 6409. FOR RENT FURNISHED 4-ROOM COT. tage. centrally located. F. T. Berry, No. 4 6th st. N. Phoaa Pacific 208. COMPLETELT FURNISHED 6-ROOM HOUSE Even convenience. 236 J3th. Phoaa Pa. cine 17S2 or-Main 24S7. NEATLY FURNISHED 3-ROOM COTTAGE, close In. East Side, cheap. Call 60 7th. Main 5443. 12-ROOM HOUSE NEW FURNITURE; would sell; suitable for boarders or home. 175 14th st COMPLETELT FURXISHBD 6-ROOM HOUSE for rent May L 691 Gllsan st. Pbooa Mala 1902. FURNISHED FOUR-ROOM COTTAGE. ELEO trie lights, bath: central. Inquire S7S& 7ta. FOR RENT-r-Fn'E-ROOM COTTAGE. "WEST Side; modern. Inquire 1SS N. 14th at. WELL-FURNISHED HOUSE FOR RENT; good location. 175 23d, cor. Johnson. CLEAN. NEATLT FURNISHED 7 -ROOM cottage. SS4 S. 4th rt. Heaaea For Rest PsraHsra tor Bate. "FURNITURE OF 6 ROOMS FOR SALE- Rooms to rent; these rooms are located la the central busmeao district aad are for rent. The Ames Mercantile Agency. Ablat ion bldg. Phone Main J) 28. 12-ROOM HOUSE, CENTRAL- LOCATION, good furniture, any reasonable offer will buy it. Hatneld ft Smith. lM 4th st. A SNAP WILL SELL FURNITURE OF -room house, valued at f 7M. for $400. If taken at coce. 827 Taylor si. Summer Keorts. FOR .RENT A DESIRABLE SUMMER borne., at North Beach. Washington. Apply to Mrs. W. R. Mackenxle. 231 King street. Store. TO RENT TWO-STORY BRICK BUILDING, tore and 16 rooms upalalra, Salmon st.. near First, will be leased separately or to gether. Apply to Bemiteln & Cohen. 31.34 Washington bldg., cor. 4th and Washington sts. FOR RENT TWO SAMPLE ROOMS. TTH and Oak. Apply to G. N. W. Wllaea Co. 72 6th. STORE FOR RENT AT 33 CTH ST. OfBee. DESIRABLE ROOMS FOR PHYSICIAN. 3D floor Columbia bldg.; exceptional advantages. Phone Main 263. C NICE OFFICES. SUITABLE FOR MANU factcrj' agents. Kreldt Printing Ca, 4-61 Finst st. FOR SALE-FOUR NICELY FURNISHED office rooms. Call room 4, Lewis bldg. PERSONAL. LADIES TWENTY-FIVE YEARS OF Suc cessful practice In Portland In the lreat mrnt of diseases peculiar to women should be sufficient guarantee to those seeking the aid -of an experienced physician and sur geon. I hare amlsted hundreds of anxious and .suffering women. I can assist you. If in trouble, call on Dr. J. D. Walker, the old reliable specialist; no charge for con sultation or advice 181 1st st.. corner Yamhill. Portland, Or. Correspondence sa credly confldentlsl. CONFIDENTIAL MEDICAL ADVICE TO women We treat diseases of women exclu sively, curing with unvarying mccras all femaln ailments, from the jllrhtest local Ir ritation to the most complicated Internal troubles; maternity cases given special at tention; private hospital a ccorn monition; professional lady nurse In attendapce; con sultation and advice free. X-Radlum Medi cal Institute and Sanitarium. Sd and Alder sts.. entrance 2S3 Alder St.. Portland. Detective Agency Confidential Investigations: property; mining relatives found: bad debu collected; charges reasonable: correspondence ollclted. Oregon Detective Ssrrlce, 214-313 Columbia bldg.. SCO Washington. Main 5615. SWEDISH TRAINED NURSE. HELSING- xors graduate, positively cures: rheumatism, nervous disorders and stomach troubles by hand-rubbing; art ram. sweat and tub baths; both sexes. 7 E. 11th st South, two doors irom iz. Ankeny car line. Phone Eat 260. SUITS PRESSED WHILE YOU WAIT. 50c jo me visitor of Portland hotels and to the public at larae: Suits tiremed at SOe at Gilbert, the tailor's, 106H Sixth st- next w ine wueiie. .Laaies" starts presstc wc Phone Pacific 3088. THE HOME LADIES' EMPLOYMENT Agency will register sou free: we furnish female help for all kinds of potltlons. 23 Russel bldg. Take stairway next the T. M. i A. Diog. Phone Main 5S26. Manly vigor restored br Dr. Roberts Nerve Globule. One month's treatment. $2; S months' $3. Seat securely sealed bv maiL Agents. Woodard. Clarke k. Co- Portland. DR. KKTCHUM CURES SKIN AND KIDNEY diseases: also nervous, private and special female troubles. Red Cross Dispensary, cor ner intra ana Asn si a.. I'ortiana. or. BOOK OF NATURE" "AGNES." "DROLL Stories." "Her Hidden Charms." "A Hot Tamale." "A Modern Lover." 60c ea. Lists iree. a. w. fccnmaie co.. 223 1st, LOST POWERS RESTORED BY THE great Dr. Lorcnf Nerve Tonic Tablets; 24c a uox. vt nie or can si Kyasen s 1'nannacy. z juomson sr.. ori. isi ana za. YOUNG SCIENTIFIC MASSEUSE GIVES electrical, alcoholic, thermal and medicated. treatments. 12 Langc Hotel, corner 6th and vasntngton sui. BACHELOR. AGED 40. MECHANIC. GOOD position, sooer ana nonest. would venture matrimony; no objection to children. N 0. uregonian. FINE DAY-BUY MEREDITH'S UMBREL- las; repairing ana recovering; two tores. Washington and 6th and Washington A. 5th. MAGNETIC HEALING. ELECTRIC AND massage treatments at 14&4 cth. Marquam House; hours 9 A. M. to 6 M. MRS. GUSSIE ADLER. MAKER OF LADIES hats; hats remodeled: wire frame aad spring mmroicga iotmuc iv x.m ru MRS. ROUTH McCURDT. LATE OF 60 9TH s:.. Aonn, anst-er iois 10 your aa van tage. l. jicv uray. at. uiarini xioieu 100 NEAT VISITING CARDS 'WITH YOUR name. aoc. w icr aoc; xxi ouaisee cat da. ROEES. 30 FOR $1.50: SWEET PKA Mcicags iw aaeas. Ail uaas eeas.. Mala 7131, V lO 12 A. &. YOUNG "LADY CIVES FACE AND SCALP massage, ine ixismos, j Morrison su. parlors i ana m SWEDISH NURSE. WILL GIVE MASSAGE and bath. at your home. Ladles only. rnunr Jiai n iivi. MEET ME AT THE WELLINGTON POOL ana xuuisxa rvim. eerser i mru aad Morri' son. Allsky bldg. BALM OF FIGS FOR ALL FEMALE Dig- eases. DciHionu i xione Kart lmh. DR. PAUL CROMWELL. THE COLORED apeclaiut. gamtanum iz n. lite. MalaS47S. TWO LADIES. BATII. FACE AND SCALP massage. 208 Sth. bet. Taylor and Salmon. class; ladlea only. SSI Wash- bet. ISih-l TnrSC LADY BATHES FACE AKD rtitb massage. The Tacoasa, 366H Stark, parlor 27 TURKISH BATHS. 396 Oregoalan bldg-: ladles daya. geatleaaea Talgbtx. Phone' Main 293$. MISS EFFIB HALL, SCIENTIFIC CARD- reaaer, it tia, rrwair4 ieruad. WOULD YOU MARRY IF SUITED? SEND stamp tor rrpiy. ix ib. j-aruaae. or. TWO YOUNG LADIES GIVE FACE AND tcaip massarr iipm im ear. T sh. BOOKS BOUGHT. SOLD AND EXCHANGED at tne ma book tere. saw jaasalu st. DR LAVOTTES FRENCH CORN PAINT. i ne asi cara care, bc; jui ruaets4a. WATER.PROOF HALF SOLsTe. e KOIAJl w T tWI Wl. w Mt 4 til. PaTaagOKAL. DRBS6 SCTT5 FOR MKT. ALL SXB5 a. saaau- xhs jw eisraiT ejeeaea priamd. Vuttoa snret e. rVes sewed a. Tiumpi calls and eeitvrrHs. rJaleae Taller tag Co. see Stark at. ear 6th. MADAME VASHTL MAGNETIC HEALER. iwi i me or aa-aa, jhh m. cot. iaj-c. CHANCES. PARTNER WANTED IN A COUNTRY newspaper located te Use beat ed to Ore roc; only SaOO aeeded, as I -will give Use ft the balance: the oSlee U brtoriajr In $30 per month; the party ape-tying be aa all-round printer aad able to write aad attend to the bueiaees ad. the plaat consist of a cylinder $rr. two Job prease. paper-ratter, stapler. gesoHae engls aad about ISO lotus of type, aad all the mo&etro faces of a. small oSlce. the plant cost $466: all is wasted Is SKX) down aad balaac la monthly payment. O 7. Oregoalaa. GOOD INVESTMENT 100 rooms, corner on Waaelagton st.. nicely furnUbed. rest only $390 per is oath; positively eleariaz $244 pr csMth. above all expessea: the very bc buy la the ety; price $800. "TAFT it CO Main 136. 275 Stark at. C of C bl4g. PRBEIDENT ROOSEVELT IN XXS MB6SAGB to CJeng-saa. December s. i3a, raasmsaeaoa ta m of all practical devices taax win pro mote the safety of -lis traveler pafcHc aa railroads; the Bant Mecaaalaal Aotaesatle Swltoh abtolaU-ly preTtats all ea aa4 sals placed switch w reeks axd caa b 9rat(a from cither the eagtes or taa last ear of tat trala. Far fall taSsnaaUea aa4l prteaa e stock sea J. F, Bsrat a: Ce ftaeal agaata for the Harat Asteaattc Swttals Sigaal Co.. 996 McKay buig., Partltai. Or. Pbeaa Mala 417. SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY. rooms, beautiful new buildings, sua ny corner, all outside rooms, elegantly rur al shed, oouta atrictly modern, rest only $83. a fine money maker aad very cheap, only $1400. TAFT & CO., Main 135. 275 Stark at.. C. of C lig. DO TOU WANT TO MAXE MONEY? OO and examine for your own satisracuoa tnai wonderful railroad switch Invention: factory. 26th and Upstaur sts.; a model. 206 McKay bldg.; after inspection call at my office. X am felling the Hurst Company's stock at a big discount. See me; It will pay you. ParUculara free. Apply to W. J. Curtis. 215 Commercial block. Phoae Mai 53SI. START IN BUSINESS IN TOUR OWN HOME or add sew tine to business already eetao Hsbed; I furnish everything needed to taks in SSo for $13; chance rcr one person in every town In Oregon aad Washington. Busi ness nous In Aiblna or on the Prnl&sola win do well to answer this. PartleuUra for stamp. Box 218, Portland. Or. . RESTAURANTS. We have two flrst-daas rccoositlons In this line, one located on Washington X. and one on Mortrson at. PORTLAND REAL ESTATE AGENCY. 1334 5th sL, cor. Alder. Phone Msln 61 IS. OFFICE BUSINESS. Beat paring in the city, half Interest for sale; manufacturer's representative; large contiacts on hand; will bar closest Investi gation; can ehow you the business: only man of ability ant ofSce experience ac ceptable; $1300 lets you In. Ellis & Kafcler, room 21. 24 Morrlxon st. FOR SALE A GENERAL MERCHANDISE Business in Eastern Oregon: stocx consisting of dry goods, clothing, fomlahlnr good, boots and aboea and groceries, amounting to about $12,000. doing a business of $75,000. For terms and particulars Inquire at Fleisch ner, Mayer & Co.. Aa and First sts. THIS MEANS DOLLARS TO YOU. The Investors Guide will sell your prop erty, no matter where located, or give you aa opportunity to exchange Jt for what you want. Call or addrrm The Guide Publish ing Co- 311 Marquam bldg., Portland. Or. MANUFACTURING PARTNER WANTED: we bare the business that win stand your fullest investigation; duties easily learned: owner will guarantee you $150 a month, and only $1650 required. Particulars, 245H Stark rt. ESTABLISHED SEATTLE WHOLESALE produce bouse wants party with S2300 to $3000 to open offlr In Portland; yalary and big profits to hustler with rood referesce; flne opening; experience tmnecersary. N 92, Orrgbnlan. FOR SALE I1KK); THE BEST OTKTER nouse in the city, doing a go3 business; good reason for selling; come In and eei. details and you will want It. Edwards, Harris, Lament Realty Co- 107 H 6th st. DRUG STOCK AND FIXTURES FOR SALE. fine location In growing Willamette' Valley tows: win sen on invoice: gooa soaa foun tain and ice crram trade. Pacific Northwest, 215 Oregonlan bldg- Portland. Or. REAL ESTATE BUSINESS SMALL CAPI tal win place you Into a good reliable office and pay you well; will be required to attend office and ahow property. Particulars at 24bH Stark K. OWNER OF GOLD MINE. WITH LARGE oody of prontasla ore. equipped with mills and drills, will furnish electric power for percentage of grec retursa. Address S 36. Oregonlan. $1000 WITH SERVICE WILL PAY-- INTER t in a tmunesa giving u&nic reference, ana will make you 3150 to $230 per month. Lumber Exchange bide- S. E. cer. 2dStark Us. Room 331. VERY LOW RENTAL WILL SECURE TWO larre storerooms, 549 aad 531 Morrison xt for any business purpose: Urge, naturally lighted workroom beneath each. Phone Main 1344. HALF INTEREST IN BUSINESS AVERAG- Ing $18 per day; energetic man to ahare part of work aad responsibility; Al references given ana required; conriarrauos, $000. 211 4th st. WANTED A PARTNER WITH SMALL capital tor amusement panor to go on the roaa. IM a n tk earuy mac above ex penorc. Call 63i 6th rc bet. Pine and Oak. GOOD DAIRY PROPOSITION. 20 MILES down riven S3 cows. nor, wagon, all tools: sell for cash or trade: what have you to trade? 63 0th sL, between Oak and Plat. STOCK COMPANIES INCORPORATED IF you nave stocks or ooncs ror sale, 1st me try and sell them for you. George M. Kel logg, urokcr. i3 Eiueoii square. Buffalo, WANTED ADVERTISING BY THE GOAT team for a montn; aiM oo the road to Saa Francisco, witn moving pictures: also a part ner. Address V. Edwards. 124 Mead st. $300 PARTNER WANTED IN A COMMIS- 4on business oomg wa"J a montn; open for isvceugation. Fanner parucwars, 401 Lum per Exchange tidg- cor. za ana Stark. A SMALL CASH GROCERY. WITH LTV- lac-rooms, can oe ooucbt, on account of rlcknear. tor 3X. uimser ExcAaage bldg- K. zl cor. ro-MarK ats. Koom zzi. WB HAVE THE BEST BUY IN A CORNER csah grocery In the city; uj Cauy; $2400 re quired. Lumber Exchange bldg.. S. E. cor. 26-Stark SU. Room 33L S00 WE HAVE TODAY FOR tSALB A NICE grocery store- wttn lirisg-rooms la rear; good trade. Call 401 Lumber Exchange bldg- cor; 2d and Stark. PARTNER WANTED WITH SMALL CAPI tal. to handle financial end of bmineas: a snap for the right man. Call SS. West Park st- room L 1130 RELIABLE PARTNER WANTED; nill pay you $IS to $35 weekly; experience unnecessary. Call 24SH Stark st. WANTBO MAN TO WORK IN SALOON who caa invest $30 In Ike business. See ML K. Lee. H 6tb at. WANTBO TO BUY PARTNERSHIP I?C good paylar bastaesc Afidreat. with fell partlcnlarw. S 8. Ore reals n. DRUG STORE. RESIDENCE DISTRICT. West Side- clean stock. Brat fixtures; $4600 ef-y L 6. OregOBlan. REAL ESTATE PARTNER WANTED Ex perience not aeceaeary. No. 3, 6th. bet. Oak and Pine. FOR SALE. CHEAP FIRST-CLASS TEXT aad photo oattH. AMeeas Lock Bos 12. HUlsboro, Or. THE 'BBST IRON "AND WOODWORKING plant la the city for aaie. $40. S 7. Ore reataa. CASH AND MILLINBRT STORE TO XX caaace forPertiaad real eetate. N t. Ore goo lac RESTAURANT AT MILWAUKXE CLUBrOR reed. tceapUtely faratsaed. Apply at clvb. NOTICE riXST-C LA W ROOMING-HOUSE fer sale hea. Call at 41-9 Waaalagten. TOR SALE HOTBC SCOTT BARBER (fee-p. 7th aad Betraasde. . A ttim RBSTAURA NT. HALF FOt CASH. $. . T . Xrg4a. aTrUKXBM CHAJfCBg- BOOMING-HOOSaS TOR SALE. 144 rates, location Al aa aH fall of atas4y reenter: reat oaly $1M te moath. wBa 3 years lease: Uste baase is eJeartax w-k- $eee a aseatk; prie $6000. 26 reeaM, leeaUea Bear Uajeet Deeet. reat $79. wRk lean: price SSe; ttrmi. $3BS cask, rulf art aMSttaiy. IS, rromi. Wat tea sear Uaiaa Depot, reat MS: lata aeaee la dearlag from $Se ta $109 a BtesHb: ewaer has eaxaged ta etaer Tsl Bess m.b4 caa't glT It a!s atteaUoa; price $6241. 6 rooms, locatla best part of 7th st- sear Partlaad Hotel: fwraltare aearry saw; 3 roe reeted for $SS; price caly $96. W aave soar mere cf all sUea and la all parts of lie eky. If yea waat a room-lag-aeeee. aeul or small ruralse! aoese. fe ua before bvytar. PORTLAND REAL ESTATE AGENCY. laSH 3a at. or. Alder. Pbeae Mala ellS. GfiOCSRYMBN WE OFTBR. TODAY A clean s4ck of groceries ax laretce: pnea aboM S1S63; this stare U so sitsatcd that ye wtH alwaya do a rood beslaeae. Pxr UcsUrs. 2444 Stark at, ' OPPORTUNtTT FOR BUSINESS MEN Oeo epa4aga ta all liaae. air ar coun try: drlaiU at etflce of the Abu Mer cantile Ageecy. AMagtoa bide WANTED TO RENT OR BUT A GOOD roomwg bease. from IS to 20 rooau; must be eeatrally Ideated. Address. xtaUag prise, E 5. care Ore go dsn. BEST MANUFACTURING AND RETAIL bsalaeas ta efly: 4 years: lease- Dest loca tion; rent reaaoaabU; price $3660. Ad dra M 1. Oregonlan. TOR SALE OR EXCHANGE $6966- SOUTH. era Ortgoa BOtsl. la Hra. rrewiag rallreaS town ef 1999: ocly fcettL Addrsu N 38, Orageaiaa. DRUG STORE IN EASTERN ORSGON IN- valee aboat saew: meaeyasaxer: gooo. rea aoas far atlllag: t trass. Assreaa A 8. Ore gonlan. . BARGAIN FOR SALE FINE BAKERY AND lsacaroois delsg a atg Basiaees; nair uter est $600. cr all for 100. Pbose Male 4144. FIRST-CLASS RBSTAURANT AND DELI- cateaeen: low rent aaa a tsaaey-maxer; owner sick: tf00 bays It, D S. Oregoalaa. SPECIAL WILL SELL TODAT A NICE oaah store on best atreel lor pay yoa clear $100 monthly. Call 24SH Stark it, FOR SALE RESTAURANT. FINE PLACE for man and wife; rooms. cevit r u; cheap rent; sell very rea sows TMe. SALOON IF .YOU WANT A FIRST-CLASS oiac. witn a very rnxni ruxcrr. cu ior partlcular. 2CSVi Surk it. WANTED TO BUY BAKERY IN COUNTRY town, outside of Portland. Aaares r v. Oregonlan. SPECIAL NOTICES. Mlscella aeons. POLLING PLACES. Following are the locations of polling places of the precinct of Multnomah County for the primary election to be held April 20. 190G: CITT OF PORTLAND (WEST SIDE). Ward No. 1. Precinct No. 1. SCO Themaa street. Precinct No. . carpenter shop. North Twenty-first and. Wltion streets- FTedcct Jio. 3. 341 MXteenta sircci .mnn. Ward No. 2. Precinct No. 4. 327 Flanders streec rrednct No. 3. 94 Fourteenth street North. Precinct No. S. I Foarteeatn street North. Precinct No. 7. tent, routnesit cenxer Nineteenth and Hoyt strestx. Precinct No. 5. 251 rmeteentn street North. Ward No. X Precinct No, 9. 47 SUth street North. Precinct No. 10. 331 Ankeny street. Precinct No, 11. Merriira building. Sev enth and Oak street. Precinct No. 12. 468 Bunuide street. Precinct No. 13. 33 Nineteenth street North, Ward No. 4. Precinct No. 14. 334 Alder street. Precinct No. 13. K. P. Hall, Eleventh and Alder streets. Precinct No. 16. 203 Tamniiv street. Precinct No. 17. 347 Yamhill street. Precinct No. IS. tent, southeast corner Fourth and Salmon street. Precinct No. IB, 210 Sixteenth street. Precinct No. 20. west end Exposition build Inc. Precinct no. 21. tent, aorinwest corner Third and Madlton streets. Precinct No, 22. tent, soutneaxi corner wen Park and Madison streets. Ward No. 3. Precinct No. 23. 306 First atrceL Precinct No. 24. 333 Second street. Precinct No. 23, tent, northwest corner Seventh aad Mill streets. Precinct No. 26. tent, southwest corser Tenth and Columbia streets. Precinct No. 27. SIS Jefferson street. Precinct No. 28. Harrison street. Precinct No. 2. 433 Sixth street. Precinct No. 20. reat estate office opposite Observatory. Precinct No. 21. 331 First streeL Ward No. 6. rrednct No. 32. 631 First street. Precinct No. 33. 732 First street. Precinct No. 34. rarpel-cleaclag works. First aad Glbb streets. Precinct No. 33. 563 Coram street. Precinct No. 36. 146S Macadam itreeL EAST SIDE. " Ward No, 7. rrednct No. 37, Flreman'a Hall, Precinct No. 3S. Fireman's Hall. Predact No- 39. 567 Powell street. Precinct No. 40. 292 Grand avenue. Precinct No. 41. 373 East Eleventh street. Precinct No. 42. tent, southeast corner Twentr.slxth and Powell strut. Prednet No. 43. East Forty-alnth srxttt and Section Line Road. Ward No, S. Prednet No. 41. 133 Grand avenue, corner Morri to a streeL Predact No. 43. 694) East Morrison streeL Prednet No. 46. tent, southwest corner East Twcaty-streata aad Belmont streets. Predact No. 47. 174 East Thirty-fourth streeL Prednet No- 45. W. O. W. Hall. West avenue. Prednet No. 49. 33 Grand avenue. Prednt No. 50. 3S3 East Bunuide streeL Prednet No. 51. tent, northeast corner East Eighteenth and East Ash streets. Precinct No. 52. teat. East Twenty-eighth aad East Gllsan streets. Ward No. 9. Prednet No. S3. 373 Hoi la day avenue. Precinct No. 54. 341 Williams avenue. Prednet No. 33. 73 Bus! street. Prednet No. 56. 172 Rcstell street. Prednet No. 37. 290 Russell streeL Prednet No. 55. 416 Uaion avenue. Predact No. 5. rear Dreuera store. Exit Fifteenth and Broadway streets. Ward No. 10. Predact No. 60. S59 MUtUiiepl aveaue. Predact No. SI. 531 Williams aveaue. Pr telnet No. 62. barn. East Seventh aad Skidmare streets. Predact Ns. 63. Eajt Eighth aad Dekam aveaue. Predact No. 64. Carter's Hall, Peninsular Station. Predact No. 63, Poruaaoath Grocery. Portameath Station. Prednet No. 9S. Northers Hill StaUon. grocery stere. " COUNTRY PRBCIXCTS. Predact No. 67 (St. Job as), seheolhouse. Predact No. M fCetembla). sdseelaease. Predact No. 69 (Meaat Taber). stora buildlBg. Base Line aad West avenue. Bredact No. 76- (Soath Moaat Tsberl. Arleta Statiea, Predact Ne. 71 (Woodstock). Woodstock HalL Predact No. 72 (Leats). Davis Hall. Precise t No. 73 (Xllgaver). Kllgartr Halt Precinct No. 74 (MeaUvllU). MesUvtlt Hall. Predact No. 73 (RsMellvtlle). BaseeilriUe store. Predact No. 76 (Reclrsod). Bodcwoed HalL Precistt No. 77 (Falrrltw). Falrriiw HalL Predact 78 (Trestaale). Valea HalL Predact Ne. 79 (Greaaaaa). Oddfellows bnlldisg. Predact Ne. S (Pewell Valley). Eltlstt Hall. Predact Ne, St (HerJbwrt). Horrbiirt's HalL Prectect No, S3 (Bridal Veil), scaeelketue. Predact Ne. SS (Saa-rte'a Island), GI11I haa'a sdwolBeaae. Predact Ne. 84 (HeibrMk). Helbreek HalL Predaet Ne. SC (Llaalea). Ltaatea BeteL Preetact No. K (Sylvaai. Ceekrg Tstaea amith ebeev. Preelaet -Ne. 87 (Mr. Me). Mr. ZSea achooDtaiut- Preetaet Ne. M (Bertha), sefceetae. Predact N. (Rlrerdala). seheeWiaaja. Predact Ne. W (Wert PerUaad). seaeei aeaee. 1 hereby,, certify that tbt ahere leeatieas have been selected by erder ef the Cewry Ceart aa Tetter piece fer the pdaury etee Uoa to Tee held Apr 36. 1966V F. S. FIELDS. Cwcaty Clerk. Dated April 9. 1996. MOHAIR POOL. The acderatraed win receive sealed Met at KehHsatty. Or- p to P. X Aj-ril is! 1996. fer a peel f mefcak- OSf fieeeea er mere), said taeaelr wfcea seat to be de livered at AJtairWi. Or., the rrrbta-cr to pay Scr seeks taislasr mshslr. We re serve ta ri4vt to reeet ar er aM aid. E. C Deasey. X. C Dewafar. F. G. D. Vee. ale eemsshtee. SsVttaisty. Or- A aril leeBa PROCLAMATION" "KUWKMXS, THB SBCRE- sary ec suit w ura- aai az uregee aas aetaSed ae ta wrttlar taat. pwsaaat ta the prevtsleae oC aa act eatllW, -As act aaak lar e4fectlv the taltUUve aad referendum srovletoae o SecUoa 1 of Article 4 of taa Coestttattea of the State of Oregon, and re-gulAUar electloaa thtreaadsc-. aad prevM tag penal Ilea fer vtetatleae of arevlsieaj of thU act," approved Feeraary 21. 19S, the People Power Leagse ef Or toe daly Sled tn hta oTlce o Febraary 3, 1966. aa talti atlve petltloa ceatatalar SS42 algaatarea property attached to a copy of said meae ure cert IS ed tn accordance with law. de maadtar that a propceed aasesdsaeat to Ar ticle 4 of the Cosetltutloa of the dtate of Oregon, to be desigaated tn. the CaaetltutloR as Sectiea 1A of Article 4 of said Coaett tutlos. ahalT be scbrnKted ta the legal voters of the State of Orcoa for their approval or rejection at the general election to be held tn said state oa the 4th day of Juae. betas the first Monday la Jane. 1906. destrsated by said People's Power Leagae of Oregon as "Coeatltatloaal asesdaaeat fer tha Initi ative and rt fere a dum oat local, special aad sanaldpal laws aad carta of taws." which eaid araposad aaseadateat is heretaatter yar tlcolarly set forth. Now. taereeere. I. George E. Chambertala. Geveraer of the State of Oregoa. in obdltace to the pro vUIo&s of said act hertabefore first men tioned, do hereby make aad lua this procla mation to the people of the State of Oregoa. annouadcg that the People's Power League or Oregon has filed said taUiatlve petition with the requisite number of signatures thereto attached, demaadlnr that there be eubsaltted to the legal voters of the State of Oregoa for their approval or rejection at the regular election to be held oa the 4th day of June. 1984L said day being the first Monday in said month, a proposed amend ment to Article 4 of the Coaatltatlea of the State of Oregea. to be deetgnated la the Constitution aa Section 1A of Article 4 cr said CaastltutloB. designated by said Peo ple's Power Leeran of Oregon as "Ceaatt tutloaal amendment for tha Initiative aad referendum on local, special aad mar. 11 pal lawi and parts of laws." which said pro posed a mend aa eat la aa follows. "Article 4 of the Constitution of the State of Oregoa shall be and hereby Is amended by Insert ing the follow Lag section la said Article 4 after Sectlca 1 and before Section 2. aad it shall be designated ta the Constitution aa Section 1A of Article 4: SecUoa 1A. Tb referendum may be demanded by the people axe lnst one or more Items. Motions or parts or any act of the Legislative Assembly In the same manner In which raeh power may be exercised against a complete act. The filing of a referendum petition against one or more Item, sectlose or parts of aa act shall not delay the remainder of that act from becoming operative. The initiative and referendum powers reserved to the people by this CcRMltutloa are hereby further re served to the legal voters of every munici pality and district as to ail local, special and municipal legislation of every character in or for their respective municipalities aad districts. The manner of exercising said powers shalt be prescribed by general laws, except that cities and towns may provide for the manner of exereisiar the initiative aad refereadum powers aa to their muaidcal legislation. Net mere than 10 per cent of the It cal voters mar be required to order s. the referendum, nor more than 15 per cent to propose any .measure oy ine iniuatire in any dty or town." Done at the Capitol at Salem, this 2Sth day of March. A. D. 190. (Signed) Geo. E. Chamberlain. Gov ernor, kt xcs uoverner: tsignea) i - x. Dunbar. Secretary of Stat. (Seal.) PORTLAND COMMERCIAL CLUB. OF PORT. lano. or. Notice of meeting to adopt sup plementary articles of incorporation. The Board of Govemore of the Portland Com mercial Club, of Portland. Or- does hereby give notice that a spedal meeting of m ea ters will he held la the rooms' the dub. ta Portland. Or., on the 16th dur of April. 1906. at S odock 1. M. That the object of such spedal meetinr Is to adopt supplemen tary articles of Incorporation of the dub caaaging Its corporate aame from that of "Commercial Club of Portland. Or- to Portland Commercial Club of Portland. Or.": also ameadlnr. enlarxlar aad chaas Ing the object, enterprise and pursuit of the duo so as to enable it to enlarge tts field of osefulneaa la the community. Dated Portland. Or., this 2d day of April. 1906. F. W. Leadbetter. president; EL L. Thomp son, secretary. Proposal IarHed. PROPOSALS FOR BEEF. CORN. GROCER tea. etc Department of the Interior. Of fice of Indian Affairs. Washington. D. C. March 23. 1CC0. Sealed rropoevls. plainly marked on the outside of the envelope. "Pro posals for beef, corn." etc aa the case may be. and atfdreseed to the "Commlsaloner of Indian AEairs. Washington. D. C. will be received at the Indian OfSce until 2 o'clock P. M. of Tuesday. May S. 1906. and then opened, for furnishing the Indian service wttn ronea parley. Deer. corn, rait coffee, sugar, lea. soap, baking powder, aad other groceries. Rids must be made out on Government blanks. Schedules giving all necessary Information for bidden will be furnished oa application to the Indian Offic Washnlgton. D. C the U. 8. Indian Ware houses at New York City. Chicago. IIL. St. Louut, Mo., uimbs. eo.. ana sen Fran cisco. Cat.: the commissary of subsistence, U. S. A at Cheyenne. Wyo.. the Quarter- mater. U. B. A.. Seattle. Wash., and the Postmasters at Tucson. Portland. Spokane and Tacoma. The department reserves the right to reject any and ail bid, or any part of any bid. t . K. Leupp. lommusiouer. PROPOSALS FOR BEES AND MUTTON Vancouver Barracks. Wash.. March 15. 190S Sealed proponus ror lurnkeninr ana aeilv ertnr frrert beef and muttcn for six month. ""beginning July 1. ISOtf, will be received here aad at office cf commlssariea at Fort Stev ens. Or.: Boise Barracks. Idaho: Forts Ca sey. Columbia. Flagler. Lawton. Walla Walla. Ward. Word en. Wright and Vancou ver Barracks. Wash., until 10 A. M.. April 14. 1K6, aad then opened. Envelopes con taining proposals could he indorsed. "Pro posal fer fresh beef aad mutton, to b opened April 14. 1906. aad addrtetsed to Commissary of Peat to be supplied, or to Lieutenaat-Cetonel George B. Davis. Chief Commissary. OFFICE OF C Q. M-. VANCOUVER BAR racks. Wash- March 21, 1906 Sealed pro posals. In triplicate, will be received here until 11 o'dodc-A. M April 21. 1906. for job printlnr at these headquarters dur ing the fiscal year ending June 36. 1967. t. 5. reserves we ngnt to reject or ac cept any or all proposals. Information furnished oa application. Eaveloaes eon talnlcg proposals should be marked "Pro posals zor iTinung.- aaareased i. U. Hodgson. C Q. M. PROPOSALS FOR COAL OFFICE OF GEN era! Sucemiteadent. Army Transeort Serr. ice. Saa Francisco. Cal.. April 10. 1906. Sealed - proposajs. in triplicate, rot- furnish ing and delivering oa board Army transports at San FraadJCO. average steam coal, aa may be required, will be received at this office, until 12 M.. May IS. 1906. and then opened. Information furnished on applica tion. Envelope containing proposals snould be Indorsed "Proposals for Coal." addressed to C A. DevoL General Superintendent, LOST AND FOUND. TEN DOLLARS REWARD THE OREGO- alaa wilt pay Sio reward for tha arrest and convictloa of anyone caaxht steallaa The Oregoalaa frera the doors ot Its sab- scrlbers. cucutaxion taaagtr. FOUND A PLACE TO HAVE HAIR MAT. uma reaevated aad retaraed si me day. 398 Treat at, Maia 474. reruaad caned- Hair Factary. H. Mitxrer. proprietor. LOST NEAR SD AND MORRISON. LADIES red eaameie! watca aaa io. Ktnrars. Pheae Eaat 24HS. LOST POCKETBOOK. CONTAINING CON tracts. ledge ptaa. totface Key. etc 34215 Washington st. LOST GOLD QUARTZ-WATCH CHARM. D. J. Sulllvaa, 474 laatnin st,; reward. Paeee Mala 9W9. LOST SOMEWHERE ON 12TH ST.. TUR- ttaoue araceiec itewara it rttttraed. 191 11th Mt, LOST A GOLD LINK BRACELET. CAR"BT ta wateriily deatra. steward. Faeae East FOUND HMMBRT. THB CHTMNET SW5SP aad faraace mas. at Bern! a. Faeae KjlM 469 FINANCIAL. MONET LOANED IX SUMS OF $C AND UP aa all kiaa oc secanty. w. A. ifataawar. reeaa 19, Wartlegtea Mdr. PaeKle 1S32. MONET TO LEND OX REAL ESTATE No cemmiseMa. H. jc. Sar geat. S34 Chameer ef ceasaMree, MONEY ON STRAIGHT LOAN. PBR cent; ea wetauateau, ti: ue aeet pri rate toaas m. enr. n re. vregeataa. WANT LOAN $. $!$. $; GILT-HOG K real estate -eeartir. z? sfbtrx: WANT TO BORROW $66e OK CLACKAMAS Ceaaty preaerty, weram aeasee. aa am SMrt- X a, ureceaeaa. WANTBO TO-BORBOW e469; BXCaaLBKT etty real eaaaee teearky. Farrigtes. 31S Caaaaber ceaeaseree. WANTED LOAN $4999. TTRST MORT- gage. 7 per ceat. 1 year er z. Aaaresa 6. Oiegs alia. LOWB45T RATB45 OX FURNTTURE. PI saee. ether secarKy. 449 Saerleek. Pac. 2113 VONXT TO LOAN ON ALL KIND OF KC carMy. Wat. HetL rsm. 9. Wasalagtea MeVg, Mate faaes leeaeeL 6 per eeat. W. S. Theeaa 1 Mate act-Mastaeasah C.. 464 Caasa. Cess, imuxaAu AN BAST MOKBT PROPOSITION. Meaey ts eaar ta get tf yea kaew where to ( fer It. We have ready atoaey at all timea aad yea caa get It from aa aa year salary. $14 to SB. best terms aad at loweec rates. We toaja &r unuat claa the plan that htepa yea aad gets you out of dsbt. Tea get the cash. aH you aak for. and repay in laeeeu yea caa eeaveaieBuy s4 payday. We do aet file papers, require ao tadors . tto rsfereace to frieccU or emplorer, m fact, aee every precaatiea to avoid publlslty. It wW par yea s ee ue before berrowlar Open every evealar aatll 8 o'clock. . HUTTON CREDIT CO.. 312 Dekaas Balldlar. fifth floor. MONEY TO LOAN Ob Improved city property or for building parpeses, for from 3 to 10 year time, with Prlrlltre to repay all cr part of lean after two years. Leans approved from plaaa aad money advanced aa building pro gresses: mortgages token up and replaced. PRED If. 8TRONO. Flaaadal Agent. 342 Stark StreeL THE STAR LOAN CO. Any salaried employe, wage-earner, can get ea his note, without mortgage (Con fidential): Month. i-month. Week. $50 Repsy to as.. $13.23 or $8.65 or Sf23 325 Repay to 6.03 or S3.23 or $1.63 $15 Repay to ua..$ 4.00 or $2.00 or $L60 210 M'KAT BLDG.. 102 THIRD. LOANS MADE TO SALARIED PEOPLE noiaing permanent positions and respon sible firms: eary payments and strictly confidential; also CHATTEL LOANS en personal property; rooming-houses a specialty. NEW ERA LOAN fc TRUST COMPANY. 265 Ablngton Building. THE CRESCENT LOAN CO.. 428-429 MO- nawtc Didc. 3d and Morrison. loans money to reliable salesmen, trainmen, raotenaea. conductors or other salaried employes. Just oa his Bote, la sums of $10 to $100. Re turaabla In convenient weekly or moathlr payment. Payments suspended In case of sickaess. CenfldentlaL No Inquiries. MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLE aad others upon their own names without security: cheapest rates, easiest payments: offices in 33 principal cities; save yourself money by gettlnr oar terms first. TOLMAN. 223 Ablngton bldg.. 106 H 3d st. LOANS ON EAST PAYMENT PLAN TO salaried people at lowest rates: strictly confidential. Employee Loan Co.. room 716 The Dekura. 3d aad Washington sts. Phone 224. HIGHLY respectable place where ladles and ana gentlemen caa borrow money on dia monds and Jewelry. Collateral Loan Bank, 26fl Washington at. Phone Hood 431. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE AND otner goovx .securities; small building loans a specialty. W". H. Nunn. 332 Sherlock bldg. Phone Clay 329. PRIVATE MONEY FOR QUICK REAL Es tate loans: any amount, jsoo or over, at 5. 6 and 7 per cent. M. G. Griffin. 266 Stark st. IMMEDIATE LOANS IN SUMS FROM 33 TO $3000 on all securities. R. L Sckerson Co.. room 5. Washlngtoa bldg. Phoae Pa cific 1831. LOANS ON FURNITURE. PIANOS AND other securities: lowest rates. S. W. King, room 43. Washington bldg. Phone Main 6100. $366,060 TO LOAN AT 3 AND 6 PER CENT wra. u. liecjc room 307. railing mag. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Accordbrm Ptaltiag. KIS0 a GOULD. 861 MARQUAM BLDO Aeeerdloa aad anils puiuag aad pinning. Accountants. GEORGE T. MURTON. 334 CHAMBER OF Commerce. Phone Main 4833. Bookkeep ing, expertinr. teaching. Architects. ARCHITECT L. ENGELMANN. Rooms 19-20 Lafayette bldg. (formerly New York City). Aseayers aad Analysts. OREENLET 4 CRAWFORD. ANALYTICAL chemists, mining engineers. 204 '.5 Wash ington at. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE. 186 MORRI son st. Best facilities, rricea reasonable. rAUL BAUMEL. ASSAYER AND ANALYST Gold dust bought, 207 Ajaer st. Beatbellders. Graham's Boatyard, foot E. Fine; gasoline launches. Agent standard gasoline engine. Chiropodist aad Manicuring. W3L DEVENY & ESTELLE DEVEST. THE only scientific cniropoaisis: parlors room 203 Drew bldg-. 162 2d st. Phone Mala 1361. This Is the long-haired gentleman. He is the man you are looking for. YOUNG LADY GRADUATE CHIROPODIST. manicurist, face ana scaip specialist, su perfluous hair permanently removed. 11 'anil 12. Lange Hotel. CfcaSrveyaat. Send date birth with stamp for pen picture your life. II- ltiu. 1JV suiter sc. Ban rran. Cleaning. New process for cleanlnc and stretching lace curtains: rename: reierences. jiain Blue. Cieaaar aad Dyeiaa. BERLIN DYE WORKS SPECIALTIES ; Frnicn err cieaainr. steam cieaainr. ave- tng to sample: reasonable- prices, prompt service. 347 so. em.. Carpenters aad Builders. W. L. Buckner. office, store fixtures, geaeral Jobbing, contracting. 330 starir, Main 3381 Carpet CleenlBg. Sanitary carpet cleaning carpets cleaned on floor: suction ana compressea air. J. 0i34. Com mission Merchants. HERMAN METZGER. PURCHASER OF hides, pelts, furs. wool, mohair, tallow, old rubber and old metal, and general com mission merchants. Front st. near Main. Portland. Or. Cash advanced on consign ments. TAYLOR. YOUNG CO- SHIP BROKERS and commission mercnanw. Sherlock bldg.. Portland, or. ALLEN & LEWIS. COMMISSION AND produce merchants. Front aad Davis sts.. I'ortiana. ur. Cob tractors. LONG A- MYERS. CONTRACTORS ESTI mates given on excavating aad heavy haul lag. Phoae East 72. 42 Hawthorne. DetC and Is arse H seal tal. Dr. C E. Brews. D.V.S.. D.CM. Deg. horse hospital. 36 Barostce. xain rxciae 340. THE GHOROE LAWRENCE CO.. WHOLE- ale saddle ana neraeis miz.. leather and saddlery hardware, m-sa is. Mala 326. J sale. Hldec aad PeHs. I SHANK it CO.. PURCHASBRS OF HIDES. Belts, wool. rare, uuiew. oia ruoDeri, met als aad saeks. 312 Treat st. BEE US FOR LAUNCHES. ANY SIZE, atyle aad price. "Little Special" launch. $195: also sailbeatsL rawbeata aad canoe. Beleysea jnscniaery vo., iss Morrison. GRANT- LAUNDRY CO., 17th and Q aim by ts. Fatly eaalpaed for any thing ta the laaaary aae; reaga ary. oc per pound. Xaeaiaery. Sheffield xxtsMne beat eagiaes, fresh cr sale water, fish er yacht speed; right price. FUrssaxs,- -aerie jc -o.. isx and Stark, partwsa. ft. TRKNKMAN Jfc CO. MINING. SAW. attVl legglar maehtaery: aydfaallc pipes, eXttiac: all klade repaired. 184 N. 4th. THE H. Q. ALBBK CO- SBCOND-HAND maeaMiery, mwawu. etc. -13 Grand ave. XasiemL MR B. T. 33RISCOLL, PUPIL SHBR- weed. Chlesge; piaao leseeae. 39 cento. Btaeae. 46 7ta sc. near jaeKsea. KMIL THIKLIIORN. ppt of SKVCIX. TieUa teacher. Stadto. 196 6th. TeL Mala 3666. MUSaC STUDsO, 269 14TH. NEAR JEFTBB Xre-caweet VSart Ca. LEWIS BLDS.. PARK: AND MORRISON sta. Can er sead etaaea Jer Health tok. DR. T. W. BLOHM. D4XUOLXS PHYSfCLVX. 2tl Tn7 btdr.. 3d aad Taylor eto. Pheae BUSINESS 1HXSCXORY. Baaetec. Mrs. Ntaa Larawe's Hall. 23d aad Kearney. Class aad private lessens. Inquire 18. te MATTINQLY ACADEMY OF DANCING. 269 14tb. near JefTersoa. Fhoae Mala 3663. Leather aad Fiedler. J. A. STROWBRIDGE LEATHER CO. Es tablished 1S38. Leather and findings. Stockton sole leather, and cut. stock; full Una Eastern Jumbos. 1S9 Front sc. Osteopathic PTaysJdeaa. DRS. ADIK & NORTHRUP. 413-16-17 DE kum bldg., 3d and Washington. Phones: Office. Main 349: residence. Mala 1363: East 10S8. Exam.' free Sun. "by appehttni'S DR. PIERCE. Osteopath. Electric Treat ments. Vibrator. Massage: both sexes; try new light- Offices 32 ,i 3d. Pacific 867. DR. L. B. SMITH. PIONEER OSTEOPATH of Oregoa; graduate Kirkvlllo. Mo. 408 Oregoalaa bldg. Mala 1242; res. M. 2732. Paiats. Oils aad GIas. R.SMCSSEX & CO.. JOBBERS, paint.", oils. glass. sah and doors. Cor. 2d and Taylor. F. E. Beach & tro.. tne Plonoer Falat Ca. window- glass and glazing. 133 1st, M. 1334. Ptaaoe Repaired. PIANOS REPOLISHED. EQUAL TO NEW rracucai piano-repairing and rimsning. J. D. Johnson. 273 3d st. Pacific 2331. Pat eats. Patents Guaranteed. Handsome Guide Book free. E. E. Vrooman, box 44, Wash.. D. C Patent Lawyers. R. a WRIGHT. DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN patents: infringement cases. 604 Deicum. Patt era-Maklar. C. A. MARRHTT. PATTERN31AKING. 253 Grand ave., cor. Madison. Phone East 130. Safes'. DIEBOLD SAFES. ALWAYS RELIABLE. Not in trust. Norton and Buckeye jaocs. Metal office fixtures. Repairs. Phone Main 1633. Jno. E. Davis, agent, 6tf 3d sL PORTLAND SAFE CO.. SOLE AGENTS FOR. H ERRING-HALL-MARVIN sate ana MANGANESE Steel Safe Co.'s bank safee. 92 7th sL Showcases. Baals and Store Fixtures. R. H. Blrdsall, designer: agt. M. Winter Lumber Co., 7 Hamilton bldg., 131 3d. Main 3339. THE LUTKE MANUFACTURING CO.. Hth and Hoyt. Phone Main It 05. PORTLAND SHOWCAE & FIXTURE CO.. SIS 1st. near Market. Phone Pacific 1020. tilga Painters. WALL SIGNS. OFFICE DOORS' AND WIN- dows lettered at cut prices. Zlrnglebei. 213 H Washington sr. Phone Pacific 1433. Spiritualist. ORMONDE. EGYPTIAN SEER OF DELHI Trance medium. Clairvoyant, pnimisi. psjcaiu healer, tells of marriage. love, bualnevi, health, lawsuits; restores lost or falling vi tality, breaks weak habits, locates mines, burled treasures, mUslng ones; makes good luck, remove evil influences, unite the sep arated; settles love, business or fr.mlly trou bles; r-Jllftble readings by mail; III luck: de velops clairvoyance. 228 Washington. MME. ADWARD. SPIRITUALIST MEDIUM. can be consulted on Dueine5a. lawsuits, tove, matrimony: unites the separated, no mat ter distance or cause: satisfaction guaran teed: reading 50 cents, dally and Sunday. Moved to Goodnough bldg.. Cth and Tamhill. opposite Postoffice. Elevator Sth floor, par lor 332 and 333. No sign. MRS. WALLACE. 23 YEARS FOBIL.V.MJ S most rename meaium; an in iruumo cnu aad get her valuable advice on all affair of life, business, love, troubles: abent friends a specialty. 2S6 Taylor st. Hours. 9- A. M. to 8 P. M. ZING A. THB EGYPTIAN SEERESS- WILL noia a test Circle ever- h-uiktiuiij day evening at 8: 10c Ladles. 50c. satis faction. 2USVS Morrison. MRS. S. B. SEIP. noted prophetess and puj- cbometrlst, 234 'i Momson. cor. -u; rcuuis- dally; drcles Tuea. and Frl. S P. M. Pac. 1U. PROF. NORMAN. ASTR0L0GI5T. PALMIST and clairvoyant. 33 Aiisxy 010s Morrison, comer 3d. MRS. STEVENS. Portland's leading paimis eplrituitl life reader, igu 7tn. opp. iozi j. MME. DREYFUS. PALMIST AND CARU reader. OfHces aut'.a -Morrison, si., cor. ju. MRS. LADD FINNICAN CAN 'iy-N'" suited. 6 eemng-itirscn Diog. ohj- Storage aad Transfer. SAFES. PIANOS AND FURNITURE MOVED. pacxea reaay ir 5"iyi""s auivti. work guaranteed: large 3-etory brick tire proof warehouse for storage. Office, 123 1st C. M. Olsen. Phone Main 347. C. O. PICK. OFFICE 88 1ST.. BET. STARK and Oak. rnoce oyu. Pianos ami inu ture moved and packed for shipment: com modious brick warehouse, with separata iron rooms. Front and Clay sts. FRED BICKBL. STORES AT 31 X. FRONT st- housenoia gooes ana lurmiurc. yinn. trunks, tool chests, sewing machines and ail movable articles at reasonable prices. Typewriters. New typawrlters. all makes, rented, sold aad repaired, coast Agency, ii amx. -let. " Wholesale Grocers. ALLEN & LEWIS. WHOLESALE GROCERY, cor. X Front ana jjavis rwusau. BANKS. LADD & TILTON. KA7..nate UlAUiiuniw 1.- hwj. Transacts a General Banking Business. Interest Allowed on Time Deposits. Collections made at pointa on favorable- terms Letters ot creau ireueu avauaoie m Europe and all points in the United States. Slxht exchange and telegraphic transfers sold on New York. Washington. Chicago. St. Louis Denver. Omaha. San Francisco and various points In Oregon. Washington and Idaho. Montana and British Columbia, Exchange on London. Paris. Berlin. Frank fort, Hongkong Yokohama, Manila and Hono lulu. . MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK PORTLAND. OR. J FRANK WATSON iresiaent R. L. DURHAM Vice-President rT W. HOYT....... ..........Cashier GEORGE W. HUM. AOTUuui .uiitct TRANSACTS GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. United States Depositary. Drafts and letter of credit Issued, avail able tn all parts of the world. Collections a specialty. THE BANK, OF CALIFORNIA (Established In 1864.) HEAD OFFICE. SAN FRANCISCO. CAT. President HOMER S. KING Gen Man. of Branches. ..W. MACKINTOSH CapitaL psTld up 34.000.000 Surplus and undivided profits. $3,770,143 A General Banking and Exchange Business Transacted. Letters of "credit Issued, available is. all parts ot the world. Intereet paid on time deposits. SAVrN.GS DEPARTMENT. Accounts opened for sums of $10 and up- WS? A. MACRAE -Manager J. T. BURCHAELL Assistant Manager- UNrXED STATES NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND. OREGON. Northwest Comer Third and Oak Sts. Transacts a General Banking Business. Drafts Issued, available In all dties of the United States aad Europe. Hongkong and Ma nila. Collections Made on Favorable Term. President J. C. A INS WORTH Vice-President W. B. AYER Vice-President R- LEA BARNES Cashier 7- R, W. SCHMEER 4.sslstant Cashier A. M. WRIGHT Am titan t Cashier .W. A. HOLT FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAXD, OR. Designated Depositary and Financial Ageat of the United States. President - - - - -A- J, 3 Cashier J- - NEWKIRK Assistant Cashier ...W. a ALVOflD Second Assistant Cashier B. F. STEVENS Letters of credit Issued available is Europe aad the Eastern States. Sight exchange and telegraphic transfers sold oa New York. Boston. Chicago. SL Louis. St. PauL Omaha. Saa Francisco aad -the prin cipal potato of the Northwest. SUht and time bills drawn in sums to suit oa Loadon, Paris. Berlin. Frankfort-on-the-Mala. Hoagkong. Yokohama, Copenhagen. . Christian la. Stockholm. St. Petersburg. Mos cow Zurich. Honolulu. -CeUectloas Made oa Favorable Tense. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF ORSGON, The Oldest Tract Cempaay- tn Orexea. RBSOURCBS OVER $166.666-. Geaeral ban king- Exchange on all parts of the world. Savtaxa aeeouets. -Thsa eertiS catos. 3 to 4 per ceat: short -call -.epffolsl eer terflcates. $ft8f or over. 3i to 4 per cent. Ca fer Book of "ILLUSTRATION 5. " Phoae Private Ezchsflge "2. . S. g. Cerner Third aad Oak Streets. BENJ. L COHBX.... Preeieeat X. L. PnTOCK.. Vtee-PrtMrideac B. LBS- PA GST. ...............Secretary 3. O. GOLTXA...' ...Aseirtaat Seeretary