THE MORNING OREGONIJty, MONDAY, AMU, 9, 106. 11 tuatiox wasted-f-ocaxx. MlsceUaseeBS. FI RST-CLASS -SELECTED HELP OF ALL kind. St. Louis Ladles' Employment Agency. 2304 Yamhill Main 5413. YOUNG JAPANESE GIRL "WANTS Posi tion, help cooking or do housework. T 97, Oregonlan, LADY WANTS LAUNDRY OR HOUSEWORK. 2 or 3 days each week. Phone Bast 4358. i.ace Curtains washed and stretched. 40c pair. 230 12th U Main 7014. WANTED AGENTS, GENTLEMEN AGENTS. PORTLAND AND throughout state; big wages. 410 Fenton bldg. WANTED XO BENT. WANTED TO RENT HOUSES. COTTAGES. FLATS. ROOMING-HOUSES. STORES. ETC , , Our rental department lias been en larged and provided with additional state. We invite listing from LANDLORDS, offer personal attention to and continuous supervision over all property Intrusted to our care. S. E. Cor. 3d and Oak ats. Phone Ex. 72. WANTED AT ONCE HOUSES AND COT tages. East and West Side; will rent at once. Donald G. Woodward, agent. 240 Start St.. Tel. Main 345. STORE TO RENT ALL OR PART OK store, centrally located; etate location and rent. E 94. Oregonlan. STORE FOR OFFICE GOODS. BET. 1-' Washlngton and Pine. C .' Oregonlan. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. I POSITIVELY GUARANTEE TOU THE best trade price for household, hotel or restaurant furniture; be sure to consult me before disposing of your goods elsewhere; this beats selling by auction. Address or rail Oke. care Gould & Kline., S. W. cor. Fjont and Burnsidc Phone Main 307. niture in any quviiiiy; atso iuc bud ra commission and guarantee best results. The rvriuuja jvuttii." a. iiiwih I IIUilB 4nWUf AX k. Bfc. WANTED MEN'S CAST-OFF CLOTHING BSU UUII, UlLtimi UilK WU Mil M IU n-a v I ft M a . Ti i im im. rwr xrcvi eu. jruuuw -etuw WANTED TWO GOOD TEAMS FOR HAUL Ing lumber; $2.00 per M. For particulars. call 105 Sherlock blag. JAPANESE BOY WANTS ENGLISH TEACH rr lur yrtiaic vicumi buivuu i. iiibv nian. Dead horse, cattle hauled away promptly fret vicosilQ. isrvgon rcruiizer ivi. nuia jww. PRACTICAL MINER WOULD LIKE TO JON party going to Alaska. F 4, Oregonlan. WILL BUY $100 EILBRS CERTIFICATE .tLiue tuwcni prtw. r 4t. ureKui'i-"- WD CALL FOR DEAD HORSES AND CAT- wv Arc o ui uui'sc j uvur iaai WANTED 2 DELIVERY HORSES. WEIGHT J 1100. Washington Cream Co. ej FOR KENT. Rooms. the nvwren rnr rth vn oak tik der sew management. Mrs. A. J. Walters. Prop. This elegant new brick hotel hat Just been thoroughly renovated, walls re tinted and refurnished entirely new through out; steam heat, hot, cold running water, electric lights, callbells In every room; some elegant front suites, with or without private FOR RENT. REASONABLE 2 FURNISHED rooms, only one block from two car lines; suitable for two gentlemen; with privilege of using cooking utensils, and also use of piano, organ, pianola and musical library; owner will give lesaons If desired: a very ueBiruoie opporiunity tor oacneiora quar ters. For further particulars, addrees Q tC. -ft Taylor and 8almon This elegant hotel has been thoroughly renovated and Is now one '..I iniut jtbucculuid ivuuiiiik- -- - . Mil . UI UftU JU , I IU V A VUi . 0llil .1 1 fc. ba&hs. hot and cold water In rooms; we cater y mo traveling puDiic. rnoue aooa i. John Granetrom. proprietor. , , THE COMMERCIAL Jwleely furnished rooms, single or en suite. 2 per week up; steam heat; hot and cold water, fiee baths, free pboae: dining-room in connection; transients solicited: open all night, beit location In the city: office and reading-room fround floor. 4S8 Washington. HOTEL AVALON (EUROPEAN). 413';. a.lilnston st-. 4 block- wef-t or Imperial Hotel Newly furnished rooms, tslnglr or en . uite. hot and cold water, steam heat, eiec- ttic light, -bath and all modern conveniences; permanent roomers and tourists solicited. FOR RENT ELEGANTLY FURNISHED city; this is a rare opportunity if you de- a luiiuuriBuic noma in a privaie iam H.v. 33 Ella fct.. bet. 20th and 2lst. near Washington, or phone Pacific St50. HOTEL ANTLERS. COR. 10TH AND WASH ington Hts. Under new management; every thing new. clean and modern; all the prin cipal car lines pass the door; Jprlvatc bath suites: rate? reasonable. Phone Main 2333. Mrs. F. H. Powers, prop. i STVELLEST ROOMING-HOUSE IN PORT , r', Etone and brick bldg.; elegantly fur nished; electric lights, hot and cold water, furnace heat, porcelain baths. Hotel Ar raenius. 410)$ Morrison, cor. 11th. Main 5243. HOTEL KENTON ELEGANT FURNISHED rooms; also housekeeping suites; gas. electric light; hot, cold water; every room steam heat; free baths. 18th and Waah. Pac 4B8. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS. DESIRA ble location, West Side, close In; modern conveniences: rent $8 to $12 monthly. Gentlemen only. Telephone Main 0578. FOR RENT SINGLE ROOMS. ALPO housekeeping suites; elegantlv furnished; walking dlKtance; lowest prices In the city. The Otis. 371 j East Burwlde st. NEWLY FURNISHED SUITES AND SINGLE, hot and cold water in all rooms: furnace heat, reasonable. 207 14th. Phone Main 1153. THE PALM. 1R814 Sd UNDER NEW MAN agement: comfortable furnished rooms: transient and weekly; rates reasonable. 250 7TH ST. COMFORTABLY FURNISH- ' 1P 'N' Uth "U eil room for two; every convenience; 3 HOUSEKEEPING SUITF TiPiQnvimc blocks south of Portland Hotel. reX brlrk building, cenlrallyl0 2114 ISU.i FIRST ST.. COR. YAMHILL NICELY --smoli- furnished rooms, very reasonable: brick SUITE OF TWO OR THRFE Fr?iv-ttTi-T building; phone, poreelaln bath. houkeVpIng roorSa? 4 14 jfff e.lf H5 PARLOR SUITE. SUITABLE FOR 2 PEO- nlr of " : ?-li.Jir,lVJ' . "'-Jw10' tl etc- 350 K THE NEWCASTLE. 402t4 sd ST.-FURNI:H. Columbia, bet. 7th and Tark. ed andunfurnlhed houpeleplSg IroomX THE TEMPLE. 3434 YAMHILL ST.. OP- posltc Hotel Portland Furnlthefl rooms; FOUR OR FIVE UNFURNISHED HOrF- rates reasonable; transient. keeping rooms. 214 N. lcth it. PhfS" Main 1003. inone CHANGED HANDS NICE. CLEAN. COM- -Si ac,t,Ii25 tJ?r,.d'i5'' Rcrk or aotn. FURNISHED SUITE; ALSO LARGE FROVT The State. SSo lamhlll st, room, flrst floor; gat and wood stoves, cheap. 241 6TII ST. WELL-FURNISHED ROOMS "" . cl one or two: one housekeeping room The Heller 2S04 Grand are. Furnished and reasonable; close In. unfurnUtyd housekeeping suites. $io ttpT 394 ALDER. COR. 10TH-NICELY FURNISH- FOR RENT 2 HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS td front room with bath, llrst floor; also completely furnished. 240 7tli st. nic room. FLEASANT FRONT ROOM. SUITABLE FOR ' WW 'jhSFSfc one o- two gentlemen: modern, central. 188 I - 7w'h- $12-FH-R ROOMS. NEATLT FURNISHED MRU, FURNISHED ROOMS. MCIDEBN U Key 22 7th ,U lhone Main 4529. yock from Portland Hotel. 1H9 7th. Main HOUSEKEEPING UOOMS. 342 CLAY T 41"- corner or 7th sL , " ' ri0N7IIAV.1', SLEEPING ROOM. NEWLY " House. " T 'urnlKhed; light and airy. J 53 lth st cor Si6'r' " $0-SIX-R00M COTTAGE. 29 EAST 7TH ST.. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED SUITE OF 3 ..V' housekeeping rooms. Inquire 229 H 1st st. l WASIUNGTON ST., rLAT C. ONE OR tFlgS two gentlemen; heat, gas, bath. J12. Main 3S27. Pno IC11 i'-i1?"-31 ROOMS AT THE TWO MODERN C-ROOM FLATS. GA FL'n Clayton. 15 N. 10th st. ClflcSw"1 E,!n Arof ffc Rooms With Beard. ' . NICE FURNISHED ROOMS. FIRST-CLASS ISSSSS tSS." 'n5 .".uh0Ine conveniences. 225 West 54. ,onc M"ln Park st. three blocks from Portland Hotel. .riI.r, .. FOR RENT CONVENIENT COTTAGE Frerr- r&4J !roatNEroom . " Mwawtt- P board; very reasonable. $30-UGHT SIX-ROOM FLAT. 4S MILlT DESIRABLE ROOMS WITH BOVRD ONE "m n tgomery. PhSneMaln &('? ,onlb'e Jefferson.' FOR RENT MODERN C-ROOM HOUSE. i none Main 04.5. 200 Whltaker st. Key at S21 FrootT Ptlwt f?.JC'1Vr3: Private modern home. $13 FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE. CLOSE Uv" Uble and service lst-class. 120 isth-Gllsan. East Side Apply 5 Bast th North; ' Rh?me nP rZTE rTlk?; FOIt RENT--ROOM HOUSE. IK 1CTH ST. cooking. jn . iQtn at. Paclflc Mi. cor, Taylor. Inquire IBB 16th at. fsa.vggjyg0" "TO-yig-iff a," rOK KENT. WMfe Beard. ELEGANTLT FURNISHED ALCOVE AND flrst-claks table board In private family and beautiful home: 3 minutes walk from Oregonlan; choice neighborhood. Pbona Main 2385. PORTLAND WOMEN'S. UNION. 17TH year; rooms with board; use of sewing room; use of library; "Women Exchange. Address Mrs. E. B. Hamlin. Sopt. 510 FJandere. BLAKELY HALL. 270 TH ST. ONE OF invent iiivic warning-nouses m cuy; house new, modern ctmrrnitnc; terms reasonable; 4 blocks south Hotel Portland. LARGE PARLOR. BAY-WINDOW; ALSO bright room, desirable neighborhood, with or without board. 275 22d St. N. Matn 1091. Quite moderate. THE HAWTHORNE. 221 13TH PLEASANT by week or month; suites, hot and cold water. Flats. MODERN STEAM-HEATED fi-ROOM FLAT to rent. 17th and Gllean St.; will be va cated April 1. Apply to janitor on prem ises or to the Ames Mercantile Agency, phone Main 628. FOR RENT LOWER FLAT AND BASE- mrnt of 7 rooms'; all tn alee order. S40; water and telephone free; central location. tb and Oak. Apply to G. N. W. Wilson Co.. 72 6th. . ELEGANT FURNITURE OF FIVE-ROOM . flat for sale, entirely new, 2 rooms rented: one block from Washington; will take part payment, phone Main G37. Call mornings. FOR RENT A COMPLETE. FURNISHED, modern upper flat. 8 rooms and bath. cor. J2th and Columbia sts. Apply la after noon. Phone Main 3 ICS. FOR RENT NEW S-ROOM LOWER FLAT, strictly modern; good view; on car line; rent $18.50. Jones' Drug Store. Front and Glbbe. Phone Mstn 396. ELEGANT. NEW. ALL MODERN CONVF.NI ences. corner 5th and Course, reasonable rent to dtelrable jartles. Inquire 713 De kum bldg. Pacific 1658. NEW S-ROOM "FLAT. GAS. HYDRAULIC woodbolst. cement basement; 10 minute. walk; from Postofflce. Phone before 2. Main 2220. FOR RENT FINELY FURNISHED LARGE 4-room modern flat. $32.50 month; close In; no children. 28J4 N. I6th u near Wash ington. UNFURNISHED 5-ROOM FLAT. BASE ment and yard. Nob Hill; rent reason able. Inquire 124 N. 19th. VERY TJESIHABLE FLAT. ROOMS, steam heat, furnished. 651 Washington st.. flat is. Phone Main 42SS. CENTRALLY LOCATED. COMPLETELY furnished modern 3-room flat with bath. Inquire 103 W. Park st. FOR RENT 7-ROOM MODERN NEW flat 547 H 0th st. Phone Pacific SS3. A. H. Maegly. 210 4th st. VERY DESIRABLE 6 ROOMS AND LARGE reception hall: strictly modern, laundry and basement. 3494 Clh. MODERN FOUR-ROOM FLAT. YARD AND basement. 444 Rodney ave., cor. Tillamook East 4863. 15. 2S4 16TH ST. NICELY ARRANGED MOD- -m -ra nai, iulii ana porcn. 316. Morgan, 213 Ablngton. NEW. MODERN; RENT INCLUDES WATER, w. ijir uarjana, o;j Viasninglon, near 19th. $20 CHOICE NEW MODERN G-ROOM flat. Inquire IDS Union ave.. near Holla day. NEW MODERN ft-ROOM LOWER FLAT. 50 ... -m ,i. juvjuirr k i'arK si. MODERN 0-ROOM FLAT. 429 RODNEY AV.; iiu "iu uascmcni; reasonacie. UPPER FLAT. MODERN. 2324 CLAY, near 5th ?30. Apply 292 Clay. MODERN 0 ROOMS. FURNACE. TINTED wall-. 3I34 23d rt. North. HouekrBlac Rootni. THE HOWLAND APARTMENTS. CSl'i sshlnrton f ir -nv. viui. .. hot wAfr. free bath, free phone on both "'"i nice sunny suites lor 1U and 12 per month; the very best rooms In the city Lie wunc). TE ONEONTA. 187 37TH ST- NEAR . . . no.u,lc' "egantiy furnished iu,v,u,, ,n Kunrs oi . na 4 rooms; ivltclien; steam heat, baths, tree phone dn NEATLY FURNISHED HDL'KrarraPtvc and Mief TllnP.I-rwm 1 It . o.,2C. M car Union depot, get off 26tli. turn to rlrht -rji fr.t NICE FUHNIKHKn rn l-VPl-nvient-r. l0Ur,"'cp,nR room's Of tents; fruit and 1 ' , i nun- w i it. (j. oiar ter. Mt. Tabor, THE JEFFERSnvtAV mn i-r-tr v-t ttk .. i P-io-aate nmral houif; " r;" icrms mooerate. i'hone Main 432. l-23 A WEEK UP CLEAN. FURNISHED ..v,wv, tt,iR rooms, wun yarn, parlor, laundry, bath, furnace. 203 Ji Stanton. THREE OR FOUR FURNISHED HOUSE- h "j'hh, w mi pantry, nasement. bath. . . . . .nrouMin, ,w umcn St. C JI?OMS pARTLY FIjRNISTIED. LOWER . V, ' " rk. m. walton, 313 """" w" - i none i-acmc IVitH. $103 UNFURNISHED HOI'RRlF!fP-vrj iT i. 5w "oup- db in. pnone and -.w... .iinr. j iirar rsi 1J. $1.50. WEEK UP LARGEL CLEAN. Fi:n. ned housekeeping rooms; laundry and bain. -w- mmm. . v.. ovum fTTiinn. 3 LIGHT rnf vtciti r mn.-. hounekepplng. sink. ga. convenient to -. - - Jiiujiiu. w. from. HOl'SEKEEPINQ SUITES AND ROOMS. ciose in. now building, new furniture; gas. bath, phone. 320 Second. THREE OR FOUR NICE LARGE MODERN tbk xrxz. TOK RENT HOUSE 7 BOOMS. MODERN iiraowc rmu n water, oo ear line, oni House. reom. ew. mo6rra pltsmblag. kltcaea range. hsd. aodera pltsaslsg. 3 FRANCIS L McKENNA. university Station. Pbone East 5575. 5-ROOM FLAT. S4S CORBETT. $15; 6-ROOK i3 E. Market. J12J0-. 6-roota cottage. 364 E Market. $17.50; 6-reora cotUge. 305 E. Third. $15. 5-room cottage. 311 Uniorn ave.. !; ii-nnm souse. ii jtarxet. f. 1. Taompson & Col. 238 2d. room bouse; ruraaec Are place, gas. elec tric lights; good as new. choicest location. 781 Kearney, bet. 2Sd and 24th st form erly rented at S&0: will rent to desirable tea ants at X35 Der month. CL IT Vrtt 1 AMilUIH, 16 VERY DESIRABLE S-ROOM OOTTARC tance. S7 East Sth North, between Ererett uo issuers. i"cone xatn zzrr. wwt to. wit iigst M-icarat. yaro. esse trtdtr. ru. fcrrjrf f tiH Tfinnlr. ut l. PlOn IIPVT 1 tlOIVTLVm? lAnt-ov- uwu uuc. Eomcx ivcuy asa Jaae South Peril and, tor $20 per month. Phone racinc HOUSE FOR RENT 60 STH ST.; WILL cnange iront lor Business psrpotes If 6t stred. Inquire Donald G. Woodward. 244 MODERN SEVEN-ROOM HOUSE. NEWLY i"" o papereo. Tenia street. Ap Plr to F. L. BunUng, Room 40. Worceiter FOR RENT 452 EAST COKCJT- vnriFnv . xnora .house; beet , plumbing; window shades; gas fixtures; tn. Paoae East 1517. SeUle- FOR RENT HOUSE R ROOMS. WITH BATH mvu'-ra. waiiung cistanc; rent Ff? 7rA to '"Ll . - orta Jim at. I'acne stun FOR RENT MODERN 10-ROOM HOUSE iiui. wmrca vtasningioa ana Coucn. Ap ply 53 North 16th. corner Darts. Paoae Main ONE 8-ROOM HOUSE AND 2 NEW FLATS ct w s"1 na Appir w """"f H lamcm. near 4tn. 8-ROOM HOUSE. MODERN. READY FOR i. '"ancocK. DONALD G. WOODWARD. 240 STARK ST. ana insurance. I'nonr Main 343. ADMINISTRATOR OF ESTATES. S-ROOM HOUSE, CORNER CORBETT AND o Ti; imc; targe rooms, .ppiy - cmvuwv UlUJ. 1'IJODC joain 14IU S A MONTH SIX-ROOM HOUSE, NEAR rooKiyn cnooi. free noddy. Overland jioici. ii i city. FHrBlife"rd nosses. COMPLETELY FURNISHED SIX-ROOM (iduk ever convenience. nth st. I'hone Pacific 1762 or Main 2IS7. FOR RENT FURNISHED 4-ROOM COT- ige. centrally located. F. T. Berry. No. 4 oin l mat Paclflc 20S2. 2D4 ICTn NICELY FUF.NISHED C-ROOM momuinij- moaern nouie. Morgan St meaner. Ablngton bldg. FOR RENT S-ROOM. WELL-FURNISHED conscr. i-none Mil 121 East 2tn ITJK KENT FURNISHED HOUSE OF S rooms, .is -orin vin st. ob lilil dlt trlct. FURNISHED FOUR-ROOM COTTAGE. ELEC- " it iigniE, oaui; crntrau inquire 7th. COMPLETELY FURNISHED B ROOM HOUSE iwr cui. -icry rravonaoie. 1U0OC Scott 2522 CLEAN. NEATLY FURNISHED T-IlOOir coivage. j. -itn at. Sesses For Kent FBrnltsre far Sale. FOR SALT FURNITURE OF A 4-ROOM. modern fist, facing river; flae view. Calf -o iwiiui c, . j; no cnnoren BIIUMCU. $500 WILL BUT FURNITURE OF 3-ROOM house, valued at $750; t-aexceUd location; modern house, nicely arranged. Phone Main SIX-ROOM HOUSE. GAS. BATH AND bnement; furniture for rale, cash or In- Miioioiu, t i in si. i-none tsant 4S4 FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS OF ii mu ior raie; party leaving cltr. ZnS tuwooa nsr Williams are. FURNmTRE OF S-ROOM HOUSE FOR rale, and house for rent, leased. Pbone FURNITURE OF S-ROOM FLAT FOR SALE inoonic xaontii. it 93, Oregenlan. Samner Resorts. FOR RENT A DESIRABLE SUMMEI home, at North Brach. Washington. Atply - -uurni.ic. ving street. Stores. TO REXT TtfO-STOBT nmnw rjr-rr tmv- ncar First, win be leased separately or to- Washington bldg., cor. 4ta And Waahlagtoa FOR IirVT nT. nr Tiir ntwr and dry goods comers la tbe city; rent . -xaoiiaea years; mck ness. Address P &0, care Oreronlan. mi.w(iui, iine joraiien tor loan oxnee or iwiniui, riorr. Jennings & Co.. Wash Ington st. BOOTBLACK STAND WITH FIRST-CLASS ii cOTineciion. is nest locatiaa In Ington M. FOR RENT TWO SAMPLE ROOMS. 7TH i?J Oak. Apply to O. N. W. Wilson Co, 2 otll. STORE FOR RENT-S43 MORRISON ST. IN OfSeea. TWO DESIRABLE OFFICES FOR RENT. w ucor. w. Kin ft- Apply tbe Title Gusraritee & Trust Co.. 240 Waaalagtoa it FOR RENT PART OF m STORE. 34 N. 3D vw. vouch. --ppiy .v . petert-on. on premises. 5 NICE OFFICES. SUITABLE FOR MANT Flrit St. Jvrciai mniicg wo., 40-l FOR SALE FOCR NICET.T rrmvisnrn office rooms. Call room 4. Lewis bldg. DESKROOM IN A NICELY LOCATED 0- -.r. -ii . juonawK oicr.. BUSINESS CHANCES. SPECIAU wood yard, pay SI so monthly ggjo orpcerj-. pay 150 monthly 20no Saloon at a big dltcount $2500 Butter and egg store, only jsjo ALSO Partner wanted, pay 20 week J230 Partner wanted, pay XI 50 month J7f Before -rou buy business call and see us. WESTERN LAND CO, 248 -4 Stark St. PARTNER WANTED IN OFFICE BURI- w pay nn montaiy. yivo re-, quired. Lumber Exchange Bldg. S. E. cor. 2d and Starle sts. room 231. FOR SALE A RESTAURANT DOtVO good business, cheap rent, good location, S2O0 takes It. part cash. Call and Investi gate. 1S2 Burnslde st PARTNER WANTED MACHINE SHOP. Euinnire wi to montaiy. Lumber Exchange bldg. S. C cor. 2d and Stark etK. Boom 331. FOR SALE "TOURA INEZ im 7TH ItI i B5niiaa-jjcrase. mil zuu aaa colng ex cellent business, very cheap. 1J takes at once. PARTNER WANTED IN A CASH ORO- cery. itKj. number ncbange bldg. S. E. cor. 2d and Stark sts. room 231. SMALL CASH STORE WITH LIVIVfi rooms. XXJ 0. Lumber Excbaag Hldg. a. E. cor. 2d and Stark sts. room 331. OLD ESTABLISHED EMPLOYMENT BUSI- " iw ie at a oargain. inquire of Mortenron. ZSZ Burnslde st. FOR SALE OR FOR RBNT A BUTCHER wim ooa ouaisese; rooc locauoe. R 94. OrefB&lan. LUMBER. CHEAP. AT THE CTfrrrr V K Fair grounds; lcg tbnben. Call l-2 to 4 every sjr. - I WILL BUT A SAWMILL WITH OR WTTK- i umrrr. nme IBII parUOiiM. M iregoeiait. CHANCB8. ROOMING-HOUSE HEADQUARTERS. ELLIS A. KAHLER. Roois 21 Cambridge Bslldlar. -CI Morrison iU S. W. coraer Third st. If you wast a. roofnUg-hotue. large or u m-i utc ucmi. rve save tbesa fram SITS tn icysa . n . .,7 Jtyles. ll Prices: can sbow you the 'best 9 cseapest. xersaa on any. HAS NO EOnAt. IS rooms, within three blocks of this office, nice trick balldleg. ose of the best iuiiiuro in foruasd and nearlr new, gooa transient. n inu 1 1 - ..,i. clear. Price only J 1550: easy terms, small Py as eat down. Big bargain, sold a. year WORTH INVESTIRATlvrs 31 rooms, ticht In beart of the ltt. m ner brick, steam heat, best furnished house now on market: an up-to-date, homelike place, always filled with high-class of roomers: profits J 200 a month. Price only WE'RE GIVING THIS TO TOU. 22 rooms, la central bustaesa rfi-tH- roams nil on one floor, good furniture. cneap rent, pays 3I0O a month clear. Owner must leave city and sacrifices for ONE OF THE FINEST. 18 rooms. In best part of 10th st. swell corner bouse with tbe best of furniture, ferns ce. bath, gas: par von XlSO m month abore all expeasea. Come aad get It quick HERE IS YOUR PRIZE. 1 rooms, near Union Deoon wher vnn get the transient business that pays; your reat here, only 150. will never be noticed from the money taken In during the zaouia; a mere bagatelle in comparison metier ice inif. j or onir Zaj. SOME LITTLE ONES. 9 rooms. aer City Hall, see It. only.. 3 150 iuuiiu, near uianoDOM, very good. -J 17! rooms, near foruaaa Hotel, big bargain. Income 1IC0. rent $50. modern ........1325 1C rooms, brick flat, central, lease. .J 423 9 rooms, near imperial Hotel, always full, paya all expenses and then some : ROOMING-HOUSE HEADQUARTERS. TAFT & CO. Main 15& 273 Stark St C of C II Mt- Below Is a list of rooming and board log-houses that are extra, rrwt ht,- Prices will be a third higher In 30 days, so be wise and buy sow. 40 rooms Corner brick, hot and cold water in all rooms, best location In the city and has always been a big tacaey- beat; let us show you this bouse and It you win oner us witnln 32000 of wbat It Is actually worth you can bare It. 22 rooms. 1 block from Postofflce. not ana com water In all rooms, furnace beat cheap rent and cood lease; nrtc 1T.V) 10 rooms, 2 blocks from Portland Hotel, nicely furnished, nice large yard, house foil of good roomers: owner paid $1100 for this 7 months ago: price $530. 8 rooms. 3 blocks from Portland Ho jei; rent; nicely furnlnhed: splendid "r sor C-roora flat, modern. 2 blocks from JVii JliO65 r'nt 32-50: rl' Iralhed; price 12 nice large sunny rooms, nicely fur '"hfd: rent only 50 per month: located on Third St., near Taylor; you can buy this Monday for XC73. 175 cash, bataace WBUWIf . TAFT & CO. Mala 15C. 275 Stark St.. C. of C. Bldg PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT IN HIS MESSAGE avu IHUUB1 (.Ct ictm usa wui tnr asete tbe safety of tbe traveling public oa . . ' ' - tj ami awninmi Anwgiiiic Switch abcojately prevests all opea aad mls- fro-n either tbe caglae or ts last car eMht Jjoek e J. T. Hunrt & Co. fiscal agsau for SOS McKay buix. ParUaad. Or. Pbes Mala WW. GO AND EXAMINE THE HURST AUTO- imiroio tiwitca laveauon. now on exhibition at 206 McKay bldg. If you alnk It has merit and Is a good Invest ment, rail at mv office. T can sell this corporation' stock at a blr discount. It Till pay you to trade with me. W. J. 13 Commercial blk. Facrae Main START IN BUSINESS IN TOUR OWN HOME or aaa new line to bta-lnests already estab lished: I furnish everything needed to take i or sis; cnaace for one person in every town la Oregon aad Washington. Boil ness bouses la Alblna or cn the Peninsula. jiu oo wtii to answer this. Particulars iw sxamp. uox 315. ForUasd. Or. ESTABLISHED SEATTLE WHOLESALE proauce noose wants party with S2504 to W0 to open office In Portland; salary and big profits to bustler with good reference; wp-'oing; experience unnecessary. . urrgcaiaa. WANTED MAN TO FimxiSH WflRKINH capital and take half-Interest In tbe In troduction and erection of a new style of building; construction as well as sale of material. Address D 2. Oregonlan. BEST GROCERY BUSINESS ON THE EAST siae. ror J200O; sell at Invoice; best loca tion; rent only $20. We bare others. JC0O. $1400. $1500 and 16000. Ellis 'Kahltr. room i. zs4 Morrisoa st. Washington srr. 20 rooms, nicely furnWhed. rent enly $100 irr raonia; gooa lease ana a money-maker; pnee I or jjoaday. Jimo. very easy pay- tncsia. iail It VO. -i sunt St. BARGAIN ON ACCOUNT OF SICKNESS. rraaii uutiness. all fixtures, furniture of 5 rcoms. complete; good comer; good chance to work up Urge buslnesa; price $275; rent ! n vz, urrgoaua. OWNER OF GOLD MINE. WITH LARGE ooar ox prouiaaie ore. equipped with mills u sniii, wiii tcroisn eiccine power tor percentage of gross it turns. Address S 5S. Oregonlan. ERY LOW RENTAL WILL SECURE TWO large storerooms. irW aad 551 Morrison at-. rer any business purpose; large, naturally lighted workroom bents th each. Phone J l Sill 1M(. WANTED ADVERTISING BY THE GOAT icasa ibt a xTN-nin; aoso co me road to San Francisco, with moving pictures; also a part- wmra i tawim, I Mt3LO St. $lCCO TO $2WJ WANTED IN A LUMBER uuiwuiiih; caier77i; uTMuatsi sa.; and profltable; good poslUoa If desired. Mil ler. 12 .Commercial bldg. Mala 1940. FOR SALE PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY IN rwiimo, ia. completely turnlshed; good trade: a aca-i: must sell at osce. G. Harden, at Skid-sore Drug Store. OPPORTUNITY FOR BUSINESS MEN wu op?aias m noes, city or coun try: details at offices of tbe Ames Mer cantile Agency. Ablngton bldg. WANTED TO RENT OR BUY A GOOD rooming bouse, from IS to 20 rooms; must be centrally located. Address, stating price. E 5. rare Oregonlan. BEST MANUFACTURING AND RETAIL Business in cuy: -f years" lease: best loca tion: rent reasonable: price 35000. Ad dress M 1. Orcgonlaa. FOR SALE RBSTAURANT WITH A GOOD psytag buslaess la a- good location; a. saap U taken at oocv iply Internal local Ho tel. 3d cad Evertt- . ONE-HALF INTERST IN DA HIT. 45 COWS. quire at V. D. Smith dairy. St. Helens road. nar A-pericaa lea. BUSINESS FOR SALE; MORE STAPLE man groceries so iwice as profitable; takes about 120C0; bank references given. X 1. Oregonlan. , FOR SALE CHEAP 13-ROOM BOARDING bouse, centrally located and doing good bust tens: Oregon City. Ox. Mrs. M. Saaer. Ore gon City. Oregon. HAVE TOU $1000 TO INVEST (NOT SPEC- bw n raanujacturiBs; monopoly west of the Rocky Mountains; Address M. 3. Oregonlaa. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY W BUYS nice waoiemie DSMaeaa. rpleadld eesorm. nitv for reliable btulseaa 20&H Mor- rUoa. room 3. TOR SALE OR EXCHANGE $9M SOUTH- town of leOO; only botsL Address N 3. Ortgealsn. BARGAIN FOR SALE FINE BAKERT AND luacferoeaa dotng a btg besUiMs- kair i., est JBWt or all for $X Pbeaa Mala -tin AN INVESTMBNT OF J I SCO WILL CLEAR 11V. iieal k4 u rt.V- 1 .-.7 .rt-' bet lots of work. F ST. OrecoaUa. CLOTHING BUSINESS. BEST STAND. ON A reed cerser: 16660 cash: leas coraer. Address O ft. Oregoatlaa. BUTCHER SHOP DOING A GOOD BUSI- w li utni S90BU Asdresa C O. cteel. SvrlagSeM. Or. $275 BUYS A NICE CIGAR AND CONFEC- uoauj . iri(u( -uate: must eii. are 10 uw iu "JO-ROOM LODGING HOUSE. RENT IB 2I-ROOM LODGING-HOUSE. VHRT CSV. trl wvrtb SUM 9ar XTM T v t-?2 9 Ce. 238 M. TOR SALE. CHKAP FI RST-CLASS TSNT a paeto e-nau Aearres Iek Bex 12. BOSTN1 BOHXBM CHAXOMU LARGE GRANITE BUILDING STONE quarry. uaUzalted quantities; 3, feet nae Uraber. a&d aallmlted qwLBtlty of fire clay for sale ax a great bargala far cash: very accessible. 20 salle from Pertlaad. Address W 2. Oregonlan. PBRSONAX. FREE. TO ereryece sua"erlag with nervous or chron ic disease, rheumatism Is all its forms can be cured; the electro radiator. The won derful apparatus that caaaot be described tn words It U one of three appliances which must be sees and tested; otherwise 1U vir tue and excellencies cannot be kaown. It Is a combination of all the excellencies of scientifically applied electricity, adeatiac n-assage. the Turkish bath, the restful Joy aad placidity of Kind which it creates, the sease of youth rtaewed and the removal of fear that disease, will return again. Come aad try one test treatmeat free at 555 5th ru. corner of Lincoln. Pfeoae Main 5602. ' CONFIDENTIAL MEDICAL ADVICE TO wosen We treat diseases of woeaea exclu sively, curing with unvarying success all female ailments, from the- slightest local ir ritation to the most complicated Internal troubles; maternity cases given special at tention: private hospital accossa-odatloa: professional lady nurse la attendance; con sultation and advloe free. X-Radlum Medi cal Institute and Sanitarium. 3d aad Alder sts. entrance 2S3 Alder at.. Portlcad. Detective Agency Confidential lnTMtlgatioas: reports made oa any Individual, buetaess or property; mtsetag relatives found; bad debts collected; charges reasonable: correspondence solicited. Oregon Detective Service. 314-315 Columbia hldr.. 363 Washington. Mala 5S13. SWEDISH TRAINSD NURSE. HELS1NG fora graduate, positively cures rheumatism, nervous disorders and stomach troubles t7 nand-rshetng: ccsm. sweat aad tub baths; 5a sexes. 7 E. 11th it. South, two doors frcm E. Ankrny car 11ns. Phone Eat 250. surra pressed wiin.E you wait, soc To the vUttors of Portland hotels and to the 5?M,C larger Suits pressed at 50c at Gilbert, the tailor's. 106H Sixth iU next to the QueRe. Indies skirts pressed. 50c Phone Pacific 2CS8. DRESS SUITS FOR RENT. ALL SIZES 31 a month keeps your clothlnr cleaned and Prraacd. buttons sewed on. rlpa sewed up. Prompt.calUi aad deliveries. Unique TaUor c Co.. son Stark St.. near th. THE HOME LADIES HMPLOYMKNT Agency win register yoa free; we furnish female help for all kinds of positions; 23 Rtmel bldg. Take stairway next the T. M. C. A. bldg. Phone Main 362a. Maaly vigor restored by Dr. Roberts' Nerve Globules. One month's treatment. $2; 3 months. 13. Seat securely sealed by maiL Agents. Woods rd. Clarke & Co.. Portland. DR. KETCH UM CURES SKIN AND KIDNEY a-rrrous. pnnuo ana special female trouble. Red Crew Dispensary, cor ner Third and Ash ats., Portland. Or. "BOOK OF NATURE." "AGNES." "DROLL Stories." "Her Hidden Charms." "A Hot Tamale." "A Modern Lover." 50c ex. Lists free. A. W. Schmale Co.. 223 1st. LOST POWERS RESTORED BY THE great Dr. Lorenx" Nerve Tonic Tablets; 25c box. Write or call at Eysselta Pharmacy. 227 Morrison St., bet, 1st and 2d. WHISKY. TOBACCO AND MORPHINE HA Ti ns curea: aioo sdentlfic treatments for rheumatism aad nervourness. Madam VasbtL room 50. 52 North 6th. YOUNG SCIENTIFIC MASSEUSE GIVES ciectncai. alcoholic, thermal and medl-cat-d treatments. 12 Laage Hotel, co ner Clh and Washington U. YOUNG. SCIENTIFIC MASSEUSE GIVES ukuihi. cuaoitc. tnermai and medi cated treatments. 12 Laage Hotel, ccr. W.M VlUUtUfcUC SIS. YOUNG SCIENTIFIC MASSEUSE GIVES lunncu. ucwwiic, tnermai and medicated treatmentr. 12 Lange Hotel, corner Sth and FINE DAY-BUY MEREDITH'S UMBREL- -. . ,.vw,4. iwg inures. Washington and 0th and Washington & 5th. ELDERLY WOMAN TO TAKE ROOM IN """' im iwj girts lor cnaperonage: .uutr x j. uregonian. MR? cirssrr: tni.rn vii-to r. ixragociea; wire xrames aad spring '"- t-r. JtUI ST. M.GNET1C HIXUNG. ELECTniC aot ZZ?2r?"-i r"Z'Z -Hrquam 1CO NE.T VISITING CARDS WITH YOUR came SA tnr- ? .i 1 1 V if !W,.u rvT' 2Si"-T' "" rarc-'- 7121. 9 to r .-. Mg mat seeus. ifnln PRIVATE INSTRUCTION GIVEN ENOLISE to foreigners x specUlty; best referent F P2. Oregonlan. YOUNG LADY GIVES FACE AND SCALP garicr? 12 ad uT' MOrTUo SWEDISH NURSE. WILL CrVE MASSAGE Phne Main 7167. ' "a,es 1,3? .POOL BALM OF FIGS FOR ALL FEMALE DIU ... . "vf g SMI MfH. DR. PAUL CROMWELL. THE COLOnrn speclalWit. SantUrium 127 N. 12th. Mal?MT? TWO LADIES. BATH. FACE AND SCAT P " " moo. aaimon. Turkish baths: raws re. hydritric parlors- 1st class; ladles only. 551 Wash., bet. ISth-iTth. YOUNG L.VDY BATHES FACTS AND SCALP. m'Muc ti. AmKuioM. oo Btarg. parlor 27 nutl.u luu JlAitKl if SUITED? SEND r icytj ira. jia. mrtiana. Or. TWO TOUNG L.VDIES GIVE FACE AND BOOKS BOUGHT. SOLD AND EXCHANGED jifc iar vtq More, xatahlll St. DR. L.MOTTES FRENCH CORN PAINT Th best rem rar. atl rfn-4.. WATER-PROOF HALF SOLES. 50c HOLLA- . -q, .jior. oeu aj and 4th. SPECIAL NOTICES. reoaaai IsnrHee. GENERAL DEPOT. Q. M. DEPT. Trpvro uutiiic. iu'i., .ipitt sealed propo- vii4tf...n, wuviini im cover 1TO POJ, fr Q. M. Supplies." iad addressed w undersigned, will be received here until 10 o'clock A. if.. May 3, 190. for Army ranges and range parts, hardware, horse shoes and nails, and other Q. 3t. supplies, required for Manila. P. I., as per schedule which will be furnished on application to thU depot and the depots at New York City and San Francisco. Preference given to ar ticles of domestic production, or manufac ture. The right Is reserved to reject or ac cept any or all bids or any part thereof. J. M MARSHALL. Asst. Qr. Mr. Geaeral and Depot Q. M. HlsceBaaceas PORTLAND COMMERCIAL CLUB. OF PORT- ujN, vr. .iouci u mreuug to adopt sup plementary articles of Incorporation. The Board of Governors of the Portland Com mercial Club, of Portland. Or., does hereby give notice that a special meetlar of mem bers will be held la the rooms of the dub. In Portland. Or., oo the leth day of April. 2S03. at 2 o'clock P. M. That the object of such special meeting- Is to adopt sspptea-ea-tary articles of lacorporatloa of the dab changing Its corporate naase frost that of "Commercial Club of Portland, Or., to "Portlaad Coenmerelal Club of Portland, Or."; also amending, enlarging- aad chang ing; the object, enterprise aad parsult of the club so as to enable it to enlarge its field of usefulaesa la the comxssslty. Dated Portland. Or. this 3d day of AprlL l&G. F. W. Leadbettcr. presldest; S. L. Thatap sca. secretary. NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS MEETING Tee annual meeuar or the stockholders of the Oregon A California. Rellroad Ce. will be held at the office of the compaay. 343 Worcester bldg. Portlaad. Or. oa Tuesday. April 10. 1966. at 11 o'clock A. M. for the purpose of electing directors for the' r a ruing year aad the transaction of such other business as tsay legally come before the usee Hag. W. W. Cattoa. secretary. Portland. Or. March 10. lMg. FINANCIAL. MONEY TO LEND ON REAL ESTATE i'&i. i -.tuiwu-t wmcin. MONEY LOANED IN SUMS OF $5 AND UP Kit ut mirmu.r. n. ji. stataaway. rotfsa 19. Washtegtoa Mdg. FacKIc 1&4S. MONEY ON STRAIGHT LOAN. PER ceii; oa uiuiuniii. tae best pri' vate touts la city. W 7. Oregsataa. LOWEST RATES ON FURNITURE, pr axes, otaersecuniy. -t aaeriecic Pac. 2113 MOSTCY TO LOAN; OJt ALL KINDS' OF SE- nw w, nuw(ws .OMLg. State faads loams. per eeat. W. E. TTnms XimM TO LOAN AT 3 AND K P9K CBJiT FINANCIAL. Meaey la easy to get If you kaow where to Id fA l T)L' V w. .-Ml-tf . . , .11 tlsaesi aad yos caa get It from us oa your alary. $W to $W. oa best terms aad at We leaa oa tae ear payment plaa the r" nwfH job aaa gets yow oai ot o-. Ye get the cash, all you ask for. aad repay yday. We do not file papers, require no lndars ers. ao referrBce ta friends o eiBB-lOTer: la fact, sse every precautiaa to avoid publicity. It will pay you to see us before borrowing uPea evarv .vuu, ,,mii -M.v-lr. HUTTON CREDIT CO.. 512 Dekum Building, fifth floor. LOANS MADE TO SALARIED PEOPLE noldlag permanent positions and respoa MBI flrraa; easy payments and strictly ".tnui; awo CHATTEL LOANS special'ty0n1 5roprty: roomlag-houses a -- t,KA LOAN 9c TRUST COMPANt. 23 Ablngton Building. on Improved city property or for building. BBPS. for from 3 to 10 years time. with. ' ip rray ai or part or loan atior Jrr' Lons approved from plans . u.wuaji aunBaii as outturns v,u """: mortgages taken up aad replaced. 242 Stark Street. THE STAR LOAN CO. Aay salaried' employe, wage-earner, can get on his note, without mortgage (Con xlant4ll- Montn. Vs-monia. n t-K. RPy to ns.. $13.33 or $8.05 or 13.25 25 Repay to us..$ 6.03 or 8X25 or J1.05 u.. or 9 .TO or ivv w n aai itUJU 1 11UHU, TnE CRESCENT LOAN CO.. 42S-423 MO- 7 salesinen. trainmen, motormen. 7 Mitariva cmpiaj-v, j uj c . C, ta jumi oi iu 10 iw. re turnable In convenient weekly or monthly T . " " jii'cu lap-DQra in case vi wiiuiucnuai. .-o inquiries. MONEY ADVANCED S.VLARIED PEOPLE na otners upon their own names without Security: eheaoest rate -lr nmn1T offices In 53 principal c'lUes; save yourself XvZ.Bl g"ng our- terms iirat. TOLMAN. 223 Ablngton bldg.. 10t4 3d st. LOANS ON EASY PAYMENT PLAN TO salaried people at lowest rates; strictly coaiiaeauai. Employes Loan Co.. room 7t T. t J - J TIT..VI ... Phone 224. HIGHLY respectable place where ladies and and gentlemen can borrow money on dia wonds and Jewelry. Collateral Loan Bank, nunmiign ji. r'none nooa 43i MONET TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE AND other good securities: small building loans specialty. W. H. Nunn. 332 Sherlock utoK. j'none day 323. PRIVATE MONEY FOR OtllCnC T1TTAT. V.a, tate loans; aay amount. $300 or over, at 5. 6 and 7 per cent. SI. g. Griffin, 200 rMMEDIATE LOANS IN SUMS FROM $5 TO ww-j on an securities, k. I. uclcerson & -o.. room 3. Washington bldg. Phone Pa clflc 1831. i.UAJS U.v FURNITURE. PIANOS AND oiner securities: lowest rates. S. W. King. room, Washington bldg. Phone Main oiuv. LOST AND IX) UND. LOST A LADIES" GOLD WATCH AND clasp, with monogram K. M. F. on case. Finder well rewarded at 95 H E. 18th. TEN DOLLARS REWARD THE OREGO nian will pay $10 reward for the arrest and conviction of anyone caught stealing The' Oregonlan from the doors of Its sub scribers. Circulation Manager. FOUND A PLACE TO HAVE HAIR MAT tressea renovated aad returned sams day. 223 Treat st. Mala 474. Portland Curled-Hate- Factory. H. Metxger. proprietor. LOST A CHECK ON EAST SIDE BANK. No. 103. to Nile Addison, from. J. O'Don nel. given April 2. 123.50 check. Return to East Side Bank. Reward. LOST SATURDAY EVENING. CRESCENT brooch, set with pearl3. small diamond In center. Phone East 730. Reward. LOST AT LYRIC THEATER SATURDAY night .gold chain bracelet. Return to 2S7 Morrison st. Reward. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Accoaataats. OEORGE T. MURTON. 534 CHAMBER OF Commerce. Phone Main 4338. Bookkeep ing, expertlng. teaching. Architects. ARCHITECT L. ENGELMANN. Rooms 19-20 Lafayette bldg. (formerly New York City). Aasayera aad Analysts. GREENLEY i CRAWFORD. ANALYTICAL chemists, mining engineers. 204 Wash ington at. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE. ISO MORRI- son su iiesi lacumes. iTices reasonable. PAUL Tt.VTTMKT JRSTT'Tt A VP! 1YAT.VQT . Gold dust bought. 207 Alder st- Boatbullder. Graham's Boatyard, foot E. Pine; gasoline launenss. Agent Standard gasoline engine. Chiropodist aad Manicuring. WM. D EVENT t ESTELLE DEVENY. TnE omy sctenuiic cairopoauts; parlors room 203 Drew bldg.. 182 2d st. Phone Main 1501. This Is the long-haired gentleman. He Is the man you are looking for. YOUNG LADY GRADUATE CHIROPODIST. manicurist, race and scalp specialist, su perfluous hair permanently removed. II and 12. Lange Hotel. Oalrvsyaat. Send date birth with stamp for pen picture juur- me. xi. tm. autter at. aan mtn. Cleaalas;. New process foe cleaning and stretching lace curtains; reuaoie: rererences. Main 640C Cleaalflg aad Dyeing. BERLIN DYE WORKS SPECIALTtES : French dry cteanlag. steam cleaning, dye lag to sample: reasonable prices, prompt service. 317 2d. Mala 6417. Carpeatcrs aad Builders. W. L. Buckner, office, store fixtures, general juuuiui, niuuscuni. atarx. jiam uaSL Carpet Cleaning. Sanitary carpet cleaning carpets cleaned on xioor: suction ana compressed air. M. 5534. Commission Merchants. HERMAN METZGBR. PURCHASER OF peiis.-iur. wool, monair, tallow, old rubber and old metal, and general com mission merchants. Front st.. near Main. Portlaad. Or Cash advanced on consign ments. TAYLOR. YOUNG & CO.. SHIP BROKERS ana commission raercnants. Sherlock bid?.. Portlaad. Or. ALLEN LEWIS. COMMISSION AND produce merchants. Front and Davis sts Portland. Or. Contractors. LONG k MYERS. CONTRACTORS EST r- raates given on excavating and heavy haul lag. Phone East 72. 429 Hawthorne. Haraeas aad Saddles. THE GKORGE LAWRENCE CO.. WHOLE- sate sasaie ana aaraess mis., leather and saddlery hardware. 60.83 1st. Main 22C Jaak. Hides aad FeKs. L. SHANK A CO.. PURCHASERS OF HIDES, pens, wo?!, iitrii uuuir, oia ruDoers. met als and sacks. 312 Front st. La sacXes. SEE US FOR LAUNCHES. ANY SIZE. style aad price. "Little Special" launch. 3195: also sailboats, rowboats and canoes. Relersoa Machinery Co.. 182 Morrison. Tanadriea. GRAND LA UND RT CO., 17th and Qulmby Usadry Iiaer rgh dry. 6c ssr pound. Setfetd gassUne boat esglaes. fresh or salt wK-r, t . rigat price. Fatrbaaks, Mors &. Co., 1st aad Stark. Perttaad. B. TRENKMAN ft. CO. MINING. SAW. mm Wg t-saehteory; hyArxaHc pises, exsttag- a kinds Hpalred. 14 x74th. BUSTNBSS DIRECTORI Daacisg. Mrs. -Nina Larowe's-Hall. 23d and Kearney. Qw sad private lessons. Jaqulre io to 2. Musical. MRS. B F. DRISCOLL. PUPIL SHER wood. Chicago; plaao lessons. 3 cenu. Studio. 48 7th st. near Jackson. EMIL THIELHORN. pupil of SEA'CIK. violin teacher. Studio. 105 Cth. TeL Mala 3968: Leather aad Findings. J'.V..s7TtoWBKIIJsE LEATHER CO. Es tablished 1883. Leather and findings: Stockton sole leather and cut stock. fnt Une Eastern Jumbos. 1S9 Front at. Northwest Ylavl Co. LEWIS BLDG.. PARK AND MORRISON Call or send stamp for Health, Bool Osteopathic Physiclaas. RS- ADIX & NORTHRUP. 4I3-1G-17 DE Kum bldg. 3d and Washington. Phones; StfIce:Ma,n Si9 residence. Main 1503; East 102S. Exam. free SUn: by appomtm't. DR. PIERCE. Osteopath. Electric Treat ments. Vibrator. Massage; both sexes; try new- light- Offices 32 li 3d. Pacific S07. D2 B- SMITH. PIONEER OSTEOPATH of Oregon; graduate Klrkvlllc. Mo. 4DS Oregonlan bldg. Main 1242: res. M. 2732. ' Palais. Oils aad Glass. RASMUSSEN & CO., JOBBERS, paints, oil". glass, sash and doors. Cor. 2d and Tayla-. Piano Repaired. PIANOS REPOLISHED. EQUAL TO NEW. Practical, piano-repairing and finishing. J. D. Johnson. 273 3d st. Pacific 2331. Patents'. Patents Guaranteed. Handsome Guldo' Boofc free. E. E. Vrooroan. box 44. Wash.. D, C Patent Lawyers. R. a WRIGHT. DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN patents; infringement cases. 604 Dekuhv Pattera-Maklnff. C A. MARRLITT. PATTERNMAKING. 255 Qrand ave.. cor. Madison. Phone EaatiK Physiclaas. DR. F. W. BLOHM. DRUGLESS PITYSICIAN; an tourney oiag., -a and Taylor sts. Phone Main 6218. Safes. DIEBOLD SAFES. ALWAYS RELIABLE. Not in trust. Norton and Buckeye Jacks. Metal office fixtures. Repairs. Phone Main 1035. Jno. E. Davis, agent', 60 3d st. Showcases. Baak aad store Fixtures. B. H. Blrdsall. designer: agt, Winter Lumber Co.. 7 Hamilton bldg.;-131 3d. Main 5539. THE LUTKE MANUFACTURING CO.. COR. Cth and Hoyt. Phone Main 1408. PORTLAND SHOWCASE &. FIXTURE CO . 348 1st. near Market- Phono Pacific 1620. Sign Painters. WALL SIGNS. OFFICE DOORS AND WIN dows lettered at cut prices. ZIrng!ebl. 2134 Washington st. Phono Pacific 1433. Spiritualists. ORMONDE. EGYPTIAN SEER OF DELHI Trance medium, clairvoyant, palmist, psych to healer, tells of marriage, love. bujlne, health, lawsuits; restores lost or failing vi tality' breaks weak habits. locates mines, buried treasures, missing ones; makes goo-i luck, removes evil Influences, unites the sep arated: settles love, business or family trou bles; rollable readings by mall; III luck, de velops clairvoyance. 2233 Washington. MRS. WALLACE. 25 YEARS PORTLAND'S most reliable medium; all in trouble call and get her. valuable advice on all affalrA of life, business, love, troubles; absent friends a specialty. 28tf Taylor st. Houm. 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. ZINGA has resumed business; palmist, clair voyant ana test medium; readings dally; la dies 50c for short tune only; circle every Sunday night at 8. Cosmos, 2GSH Morrison. MRS. S. B. SEIP, noted prophetess and ph- cnometrisc Morrison, cor. -U; readings dally; circles Tueo. and Frl. 8 P. M. Pac. Iu'i. PROF. NORMAN. ASTROLOGIST. PALMIST and clairvoyant. 323 Alisky bldg., 2t Morrison, corner 3d. MRS. STEVENS. Portland's leading paltnlit. epintu! lite reader. IK) 7th. opp. Hot:l l HUE. DREYFUS. PALMIST AND CARD reaaer. winces uia jaorri-on si., cor. i;n. MRS. LADD FINNICAN CN BE CON aulted. 60 Selling-HIrsch bldg. Main 17:. Storage aad Transfer. SAFES. PIANOS AND FURNITURE MOVBl. packed ready for shipping and shipped; all work guaranteed: large 3-story brick Are-" proof warehouse for storage. Office. 123 lsc C. M. Olsen. Phone Main 547. C. O. PICK, OFFICE 88 1ST.. BET. STARK and Oak. Phone 566. Pianos and furni ture moved and packed for shipment; com modious brick warehouse, with separate Iron rooms. Front and Clay sts. FRED BICKEL, STORES AT 31 N FRONT .si.. Bouseaoia goods ana xuraiiure. pianos, trunks, tool chests, sewing machines and all movable articles at reasonable prices. Typewriters. New typewriters, all makes, rented, sold and repairea. least Agency, ii biarx. uei. 14T. Whole-ale, Grocers. ALLEN LEWIS. WHOLESALE GROCERY. cor. N Front and Davis sts.. Portland. Or. BANKS. UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK ' OF PORTLAND, OREGON. Northwest Corner Third and Oak Sts. Transacts a. General Banking Business. Drafts Issued, available In all cities or the' United States and .Europe. Hongkong and Ma nila. Collections Made on Favorable Terms. President J. C. AINSWORTH" Vice-President - W. B. AYES Vice-President R. LEA BARNES Cashier R. W. SCHMEBR Assistant Cashier ...A. M. WRIOHT Assistant Cashier .W. A. HOLT FIRST NATIONAL BANK " OF PORTLAND. OR. Designated Depositary and Financial Agen oc tne umtea states. President A. L. MILLS Cashier i....J. W. NEWKIRK Assistant Cashier W. C ALVORD Second Assistant Cashier B. F. STEVENS Tjtttern of credit Issued available- In Rflrnnn- and the Eastern States. Slzht exchange and telcgranhle f transfers sold on New York. Boston. Chicago. St. Louis. St. PauL Omaha, ban irancisco and the nrln- elpal points of the Northwest. Sight and time ouis arawn in sums to suit on London. Paris. Berlin. Fraakfort-on-the-Main. Hongkong. Yokohama. Copenhagen, Christian ia. Stockholm, St. Petersburg, Mos cow. Zurich. Honolulu. Collections Made on Favorable Terms. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON, The Oldest Trust Company In Oregon. RESOURCES OVER $1,500,000. General banking. Exchange on all parts of the world. Savings accounts. Time certifi cates. 3 to 4 per cent; short-call "special cer tificates. $500 or over. 3 to 4 per cent. Call for Book of "TLLUSTRATI0.4." Phone Private Exchange 72. S. B. Corner' Third and Oak Streets. BENJ. I. COHEN ...-President H. L. PITTOCK Vice-President B. LEE PAGET "..Secretary J. O. GOLTRA Assistant Secretary LADD St TTLTON. BANKERS X ESTABLISHED IN 1850. Transacts' a General Banking-Business. Interest Allowed on Time Deposits. Collections made at points on favorable, terms. Letters of credit Ireued acariab'e, la Europe and all- points in the United States. Sight exchange and telegraphic transfers sold on New York. Washington. Chicago. St. Louts. Denver, Omaha, San Francisco and various points In Oregon. Washington and Idaho. Montana,, and British Columbia: Exchafise on London. Paris. Berlin. Frank fort. Hongkong. Yokohama. Manila and. Hobo-' lulu. MERCHANTS" NATIONAL BANK PORTLAND. OR. J. FRANK WATSON President R. L DURHAM... ...Vice-President R. W. HOTT...4I. Cashier GEORGE W. HOYT Assistant .Cashier TRANSACTS GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. United States Depositary. Drafts aad letters of credit Issued, avail' able in all parts of the world. Collections a specialty. THE BANK OF CALIFORNIA 'Hstastlrtiea m 1SS4.1 ITS! .W OFKlfTH SAV TOAVriWft CAT. President . HOMER S. KING Gea. Man. of Branches... W. MACKINTOSH Capital paid up ...34.60,ft?O SursftM and usdtvided m-o.t m tta ut A Gesent Banking- aad . Exchange m-!tjm Transacted. Letters nf matt Immni. anllakt. Im .11 carts ef the werld. Tatar t mU deposits. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Asaayiita oaohm tat? hm a ward! ' " " ar WX A VACJtATB u - Hllbera, Or. - THX H. G- ALB BE CO. flBCOMD-HAND iu. tKiM aye. J. TV BURCHAKLL... . .... .AStatMna2r;