, ; ' V THE; MORNING OBEGOXIASf, THUBSDAY, APRIL 5, 19Q6. 13 for rent, rote Marx, re-K jukxt. westxm chaxcm. wtow cmajkm. fixacial. . wasg pnacroKY. ), House keesAac Rooms. Faa-Matied Hsasc. ROOMIXG-HOCSB HKADQ CARTBRS. HALT IN7WHT IX AX OUVBSXAB " Leather aad Flsdlax. TJfr Jrtr. jWa7tsr." THE HOWLAND APAXTM KCTS 1 4 FOR RE.VT-HOCEr 777 JOHNSON ST.. BE- KUS ft KAHLER, JSVmi if itaS? whir to X A. STROWBRIDGE.LEATHER TWAtabridr fcSt W'ashlngton iU r. 30th Nicely fur- tween 3W ,and 34ta: 7 rea, aoAera; car- Sem a. CmM JUMtas. wk op taptojawt aloat; (tta b m nrte- i ftr It We Iatc ri4T moty at ill tab II shed 1858. Leather and finding: ESf'been orotisrhrr raovaSd wui ! nlshed housekeeping rooms; gas raacei. 1 wm faaltare for salt: 3M Macrfeoa &t-. S. W. Coraer Txlrd St. e: SaM ruiil; rr for selllag. goto ttae in cu pt It rra-a us oh your Stocktoa sole leather and cut stock: full nd rerurn&ed UrSV'tteWS: h,00'Bee suany 'suites' ft?!!? iaVlu a to B 9T. Oreradfaa. atary. '1! " ' "ag E"tera jBffiboa- W t- ia.rtrTcUrttilidV. S'irrSmi; J nth' the vcry roomt la the city XKTLJ FDTtSTSUED HOUSE. CXNTRAL acuUL call st the above address. We have ST HELENS MINT-VO STOCK FOR SALE We j0a oa the easy payment plaa-the , Nortawes Vtari Co. ant iiSt 5t with oV wlthnrivats or the n5oner- 10 Wlf " at rci3iLl!:t Ai- tbtat from JITS to J10.eea all sUe. styles tfim CwadU. 560 Coat Moaatata. plan that helps you and ge ts you out of debt. S RaTe.eslonablc JUJn fisl . , , &,, SbEJBOC Co.. 34 Dekum aad prtc. iktacuirdluat cheapest. CjUXanL Hoae, 14.0W Oregaad Tea get the cash, all yoS ask for. aad repay LEWIS BLDG.. PARK AND ilORRISO.V JW . THE OKCONTA 167 17TH ST NEAR bgOaiac Trrmi at aT ajMacun. 5O.0) Gr2ssl. mil lor Ia aeaat, yoVdm convwleatly pax eacS sts. Call or send stomp for Health Book. FOP RENT REASONABLE" FCRNISHED Yamhill New house, elegaatlr fnrnUhed- N'OTHINC EQUAL TO THIS: H SS. OnKonUa. Baydar. , . rooms, oni v one bl'ockfiW two car Un w ; apirtraenU. In nltea of 2. 3 and 4 rooms; TOR RENT rURNTCTEO 4-KOOM COT- 31 room. rUfct ia srt of lie dir. cor- i We do not fll papers, require no lndors- Osteopathic rhyslctaas. suitable for two centlemen" wlUj prlvUeee hot and cold water; rane In each taje, ccstrally located. F. T. Berry, 2o. so- brick. :eas heat, beat foratehed hooie . era. no reference to friends or employer: la or uhIdk cooking utensils, and also use of Kitchen; steam heat, baths, free phone on CKh L N. Phone Pacific now os ihe sarket: aa up-to-date. hxKselik STXCZAX KOTZCSsL fact, use every precaution to avoid publicity. xn&. ADIX & N'ORTHRUP. 415-10-17 tE- plano. orcan. pianola and musical library. each floor. ' . ... Sif6 1lia "" tlh-claj rooster; proal .... It will pay you to aee us before borrowing-. kum bldx-. 3d and Washington. Phones. owner will rive lessons If desired; a very TX.-V. ; gosaea For KegV Fgrattera for Brta. SXO a aoeth; price caly J1KO- srw. Opes erery erentae until 8 o'clock. Office. Mam 349; residence. Main' 150.1; desirable opportunity for bachelors Quar- "T2f .99? yiiZ 2. wrmv-rrni- nr. wnnus tvitj it JUST GIVING IT AWAY. Tnn-rr ivn 7 V.B. TTTT- HUTTON" CREDIT CO.. East 102S. Exam, free Sun. by appolntm't ten. For further parUculars. address Q Vi. furnished aunny bay-window rooms, free FtTRNTTDRE OF 6 ROOlfS FOR EALB roossa. tmclsea center, all oae Coor. PORTLAND. OIL. MARCH -$, I8W. 312 Dekum. Bulldmr. flfth floor. . : . Oitronlan. v ' Phone and baths, electric llsnts; reaaocable Roosss to rent; thesa rooms are located ta well furnteaed. cheap rest: pays 5100 a Sea!d tlds will be received at the School Dr PIERCE. OsteoDath Electric Treat- g rates, new management. the central buclness district and are for month clSowaer most leave Sry and win Cleric'a office. City HaU. usr to 12 o'clock menu. Vibrator MaSsase- both sesestry THE AUDITORIUM. 208 THIRD. BET. prt -,,p.t-t rU'' P'.ff AreT, AblE- take 0. .fVff T-.?,mI 4 ,1' 5r.ta LOAN'S MADE TO SALARIED PEOPLE new lifht. Office KS 3d. Pacific S67. Taylor and Salmon This elecant hotel has NEW S-ROOM FLAT. GAS. HYDRAULIC ton bleg. Phone Main KS. SWELL PLACE. eojueUo or the IdlUon to the Suaay. hotdlnir permanent positions and respon- tieen thoroughly renovated and Is now one wopdholst. cement basement; 0 minutefc ..., r , - ! room, fine corBer bolldlnr. 10th :.. fide School building-. Holmaa School build- ilble rirm: easy payments and strtcUy DR. L. B. SMITH. PIONEER OSTEOPATH cr the best and most respectable rooming- walk from Postofflce. Phone before 2. THjDFURN 1TURE OF BOTH A AND 7- furnace, porcelain bath. ga. furniture, ex- lng and Ears 2Sth School buUdlar. Sepa- confidential: also of Oregon; graduate Klrkvllle. Mo 40S houses in Portland: elevator, steam heat. Main 2220. house, centrally located, will beaold tra good; pay you J13o a month above all rate bid wUI oe taksn as foUowa: First CHATTEL LOANS OregonUn bldiT Main l-iai: res M -73" bath, hot and wld water in rooms: we cater ' a lease on houe aliened, or will be expend Prlc only 75. Brickwork, plastering, concrete, excavat- on persoasJTSe- romlng-housea a "regomn 01K- Ma' res. M. ,.5- to the traveling public Phone Hood 36. JL25 A WEEK UP CLEAN. FURNISHED rented furnished. Apply to FA B. Simmons SOME LITTLE ONES. tar. iron work. etc. Second Carpenter apecialty - ' nou . pafata. oUa an,l Glass John Granstrom. proprietor. housekeeping rooms, with yard, parlor. Co 504 Dekum bide i; rooma. near Portland HoteL iBcesca work. etc. Third GLxsj and gfaxisg. NEW ERA LOAN & TRUrr COMPANY THE CQMMERCIAIj H Stanton. WILL BUY FURNITURE OF 9-ROOK d SSTcefledW 5 Ba"dI' "SSIS Nicely furnished rooms, single or en aulte. hotme. valued at 7W: tmexceUed location; 9 room, near Imperial Hotel, good rural- cent of the amount ot the bid must accoa- vnvrr to loav "u xajriur. J2 per week up; steam heat: hot and cold THREE WELL FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP- raodern aouse. nicely arraared. Phone Mala ture, rent only fXTM. always full; only 32S. pany the same. Plan and specineatloas Cn Improved city property or for building F. E. Beach eo. xne Pioneer Paint Co water, fiee baths, free Phone; dining-room lng rooms, large pantry, bath, first floor of 4. can be seen at ths School CTerk's office. ?or torn jTOror "ume with wlSdow gUaf and gSSnr 1S?13 t S 1334 In connecUon; tranelenu solicited; open all modern home. &b0 4th at. Phone Pacific The School Board reterrea the right to r- SriVn.l , ..VL. .1, '"!f r J,. " 3t- t"- nlght; befct locaUon In the city: offce- and 1324. i-nonejnc ErX-ROOM HOUSE. OAS. BATH AND BIO BARGAINS IN Jeet any asdall bids. THOMAS J. JONES fi tfSrl ?5inJ ni.nl irt reading-room fround floor. 468 Waahlngtoa. . bement; furniture foriale. cash or in- irchlteff, o-iuj.JU.. two years. 'JPff,0 P PUao Krgallrcd- 6WELLEST ROOMrVG-HOUSE IN PORT- T',siARE' PtEJAN7 NEATLT FUR' 432 & 7th V Phone East 4334. ROOMING-HOUSES. PT gree: .rnTrtgaVea Tlak. ip andreplaied. PIANOS REPOLISHED. EQUAL. TO NEW. 'AMltlM; tZTh Ilng1 rur-rrURE A.VD HOUSEHOLD GOODS OF 39 rooms, part sweU light hooekeolnr. dSo'IaT?- IgugeUI ASent. K J' nUlied; electric lights, hot and coT.avn.ltr, all kinds for sSe; party leaving city. 2S4 balance Mlectroomlag: fine location; partlc- Uy. April 3. ltC. for the A. Jaloff Jc Co. t,xrK atreeu JonDaon- st- fac'e -1- S2S?nb 5m ss T'O NEWLY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP- Sellwood aL. near Willlaca ave- ulara at Bice; Investigate this. stock ot merchandUe at Astoria. Or., con- THE STAR LOW CO Patents menius. 410 Morrison, cor. Uth. Main S2S3. ,n roo :a fl modern convenience; T,t,v.T.T,T. r .. 133 rooms. hotuekeepSr and boarding; rent jUUrg of dryroodj. toot, asd afcosj. farnUi- . salaried emnlore 'a-earner ran HOTEL KENTON ELEGANT FURNISHED ne locaUon. ia Hft, cor. Morrison. FURNTTUROP a?P HOUS WfAtogUgr, , c ta; U the iflnerV gUT1 (. MWtSfotfaK Patent, Guaranteed. Handsome Guide Book ffhtcZwr'S S8S JEFFERSON FOUR NICHLY FURNISH- Main 41rtag Sifd 'clo iS.' " nJcutItlth: dentlal: free. E. E. Vrooman. box 41. Wash.. D. c hfik- ifii L wlh pL- ei housekeeping rooms, gas range, bath, 28 rooms, near Union Depot; rent $70: axturea to the amount of S337.86. located t-vTl,nv- ... i Patent Lawrer heat, free hatha. 18th and Wash. Pac 4g. phoae su. ctral location; rferncx; 8tere. lease: price only ISO. and cash will on Bond atreet and Commercial street, la s-sZr!? 2" 55 l l Patent Lawyers. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM. SUITABLE THREE OR FOUR FURNISHED HOUSE- TWO GOOD STORES. M5 AND 547 WASH- e quick, thl. at be ld this ?05 JlS-RepayS us.':! ilw or iroS or 3L0O R. C. WRIGHT. DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN or III' KoDriwtllwa!wS S K s?S, pTISenFS "V. to brick b-uUdlrTg. Vely put to roorn,. rent only 133; a big snap- fee t preHt AcrJTJldeS 210 MKAY BLDG.. 102 THIRD. patents; Infringement cases. C04 Dekum. y 0 phone, gas; reasonable. 400 Couch it. first-dajw condition, for rent, J33 per month 5CO for 10 per cent of the amount oSered must ,Tc.c.tr.,.. , , , .. . . tance. 260 Montgomery. -1 ' ' ' ' each; site 22x48 and 22Hx48 feet; law two THE ABOVE ARE ONLY A FEW SPE- accompany each bid. and the right Is re- T"E 5fiSCEiT If)Af ?" i2S'A2 mO Pattern-Makrnx. FRONT nooM rvFiTRNMSHFD FUR- THB LOWNSDALB. 60S ALDER NICELY ? 1? ,m4e room. Store- CIAL BARGAINS. IF TOU WANT A served to reject any and all bldk. R. L. , T.n. m5 ".t ..".1, . l".' i?-". 1' c varmitt vattt'rnm atctvo unt iiooM. LNFUKNibHKU.-'. furnlahed rooma. caa ranre. sink, with water room. 233 Market sc. comer 2d. for rent: ROOinvo or ROARDiNO-MOtTSF Ton Sabln. Front and Ankeny its.. Portland. Or. " reliable salesmen, trainmen, matormen. a. makrlitzt. fa.tteknmak.ing. -. nlnhed. $8; also small room. 15; 2 blocks u kitenabSh. tm equled for meat raiketVW per month. emm AmRn to blt Rmw- Ton y ' xnoroxB conductors or other salaried employes, just Grand ave.. cor. Madison. Phone East 4307. Urnde brtdce: board lf d"lre1- SW ' baU"' rCOU "Monat"e' ApplTiS Portland TrtS CoSpaTy 0 HAVENS OVER OUR LlSTEKMS THE UNDERSIGNED WILL RECBIVE BIDS hU not In sum. ot J10, to J 100. JRe- - Bast couch. 6 ROOMS. PARTLY FURNISHED. LOWER Phone Exchange 72. CAN BE HAD ON ALL THE HOUSES. ?P Jo J2 o'clock noon of Monday. April X 5,"?;'! tS?,?".'"1 weekiL.f monih1 aafe' floor hnuut 4R1 cMt r. t-v xr TTaifnn 2n . 16C4L for the H. W. Ttmaa stock of mer- payments, payments suspended In case of JFoV 5r-J,t!'X5?2 S'rtVW H Ph'e PcTn?iM ' 313 TO RENT-TWO-STORT BRICK BUTLDINC. PORTLAND REAL ESTATE AGENCY. ciindieT conslSlng prtaclpaIly"otware. sickness ConfldentlaL No Inquiries. D5gBO" ,SAFEf- tALY RELIABIjE. rooms for J gentlemen or 2 lidles. V- ! store and 10 rooms upstairs. Salmon sL. 133J4 5th st. PhooT Mata 6118. tinware, paints aad oils, stoves and grocer- ; n Norton and Buckeye jacks. lege ot kitchen It desired; rent reasonable. TOR renTREABON-ABLE. a VERY DESIR- r First, will be leased separately or to- les; of the tnreatory TaluaUoa of 413.87. MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLE Metal office fixtures. Repairs. Phone Main .,n..j,,, -,,,. . CT.-T r. able rooms for housekeeping partly furn- rether. Apply to Bernstein it Cohen. 31-34 togeUer with trade fixtures to the amount nd others upon their own names without 1635. Jno. E. Davis, agent. Oil 3d st, i FURNISHED SU ITES AND SINGLE. , nrf Irvln near 2let Waaalngton bldg.. cor. 4th aad WaaUngton READ THIS AND MAKE MONEY. J242.75. located at Halsey. Or. The In- security: cheapest rates, easiest payments; " hot and cold water In all rooms; furnace . . "v'". t. A' t'' ventory asay be seen at ar cm and in-' offices in S3 principal cities; save yourself Showcase. Bank and Store Fixtures. heat, reasonable. -0 14th. Phone Main nw. 34T jjxhkct TWO ROOMS FURNISHED apectlon of stock saay be had oa the praa- money by getting our terms first. FOR nFST vfatiy FI7RNIKHFP FRONT for housekeeping, fir fioor. fine locution; TOU RENT-ONE OF THE BEST CLOTH- 12 nice large sunny rooms ce 3d cn- at Hatsey. A certified check for 10 per TOLMAN. 223 Abington bldg.. 10 3d st. n- H- Blralt. designer: agt. M. Winter 3-OR RENT NEATLx Fj RN ISH ED FRONT reasonable to desirable parties ing aad dry goods comers in the city; rent ter of dt-- rest onlv 130- rood leajwnleelr cl the amouat oScred must accom- Lumber Co.. 7 Hamilton bldg.. 131 3d. Mala r- l?2 2d 8t-- PPfu JS'b.b,: Parties. fyoO per month; established 20 years; sick- tSnSiiEt 'gal bath alectricft'alsrjyi Wd xd " rlcht Is reservtd to LOANS ON EASY PAY3IENT PLAN TO 33:19. suitable for two or four; reasonable rent, THREE NEATLY FURBISHED HOUSE- Addreas P W. care Oreronlaa. a nveyTm5er aad the price 1? coly 3730 reject any aad all hlda. R. L. Saa. Front salaried people at lowest rates; strictly 4ir,a ,vn tttFp keeping rooms, bath anipu Trent reason- 3150 caVh icTmonUJly. aad Ankeny sta,, Portland. Or. confldentlaL Employes IJan Co.. room THE LUTKE MANUFACTURING CO., COR. T"1?, A$g5kV&JSA i,EFJhER; ble. 202 16th. near Jefferiaa. FOR RENT ONE OF THE BEST CORNER taFT4 CO 7 710 The Dekum. 3d and Washington ats. 0th and Hoyt- Phone Main 1408. son Nicely furnished rooms. everything " """'" tors In the city. 23x73. with large base- Main 154. -73 Stark StL O of C BIdr C. S. ENGINEER OFFICE. 818 BRADBURY Phone 221. new and strictly modern; reasonable. $1 M WEEK TJP LARGE. CLEAN FUR- rfck hulldtnr. vacating not yet pub- REGULAR NAP Wg Los Angeles. CaL. March 23. 1904. 1 PORTLAND SHOWav? & FIXTURE CO . vnnrpv ppamrwp -a'ATViNr DTK- nlshed housekeeping rooms; laundry and bath. lie m addrcHi T H8. OregonUn. " " Sealed propcaI f dredging at Saa Diego HIGHLY respectable place where ladles and 348.1st. near Market. Phone Pacific 1020. "ffiSrgjSlSS Sed 1S4 Sherman .L. fc,Ui Portland. FOR RENT STORE ON CTH ST.. NEAR 1.27. dl.uS -g?. 1 Sign Painter,. month; bath, phone, heat, 202 10th. THREE LOVELY ROOMS. FIRST FLOOR. rood location for restaurant! M. E. . cpeaed. lafcrmatlori furntahed on appllca- Washington st. Phone Hood 431 ,rPY DESIRABLE FURNISHED ROOM. vtZr. t Smale. "mnce'r: Cth. PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT IN HIS ME4SAOS C5,Ula !. "'hlngton ,U Phone Hood 43U WALL SlOSf. OFFICE DOORS AND WW- lor or Twonti if - Tm hell! pantry.- references. CSS Irving. to Cengreaa DwrnbeT 3. 19. aSSmeaS p- s- MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE AND I."" at cut prices. Zlrnglebel.. bath Flat C iS Washington rt FOR RENT TWO SAMPLEROOM3. 7TH ttewollSiaal derlcthat wHl pro- : other good securtUes; .mall building loans 213V. Washington at- Phone Pacific 1453. bath. Fiat C. 551 Washington trt. SUITE OF LARGE FRONT FURNISHED i?4.0, Ap;)lr 10 - X- w- WUson Co. aiote the aafetref the trarellAg pabUc ca MaMers yptlee. ipe.ulty, w H Xunn 330 Sherlock NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS. UP-TO- &fl9Ay&',J&vy? itmUy' " SwLJ?0JJl?Sf FRENCH BARK FRANCOISB CAMBOISE. hldg. Phone Pay 320. Spiritualists. date suites and fclngle; free phone and reasonable. 240 N. l.th st. STORE FOR RENT 39 MORRISON ST. I.N- pSed Switch wVedSadTS wrSed ar. Sn Francisco- PRIVATE MONEY FOR QUICK PEAL E3- ORMONDE. EGYPTIAN SEER OF DELHI bath; reasonable. 392 Salmon. FOR RENT-NICELY FURNISHED HOUSE- quire 343 Morrison st. ? rom eSSg. ttctoftte JT 8 'lllJnr' nvmutrlt Trance medium clairvoyant, palmist, psychic THE ALDER 251 ALDER ST NICELY keeping suites ot two or three rooms; bath, train. For full isfersatiOB aad price ot iiSSSiwl fe? JTdlhtfthai 'i S"M .V 8 and 7 -per cent. M. O. Griffin. 20 ??? ,te"8 of ove-, htaew. furnished rwms ctea-rmanenor tran Kas. Phone. 61B Yamhill. Mlscellaaeoas. Jjock see J. F. Hurst A Co.. fiscal agtata for '"S'l16 fSl -!5Rnrrt:r Stark st- health. Uwsults; restores lost or falling vl- ;uJ?i ? !iffil TS.Jriv the Hunat Autosaatie Sa-Itch . Signal Co.. tracted by the crew. TAYLOR. YOUNG & tallty. breaks weak habits, locates mines, sicnt, onice rooms, invesucate. MARQUAM ROOMING-HOUSE. CTH AND FOR RENT DONKEY ENGINE. IN- McKay bedg, PorUaad. Or. Psoas Mala Co" agtnta. April 2. 1M. IMMEDIATE LOANS IN SUMS FROM J3 TO buried treasures, mi-sing ones; makes good 161.., FIRST ST.. COR. YAMHILL NICELY ts'Fn&. nd gte Ji t- Phone aOaeaHsaai. Com's" W.s'hlnonId.r noSTpa irated'eUlTs ?ZV XmltlSZ furnlched rooms, very reasonable; brick nouseKeeping. itti utn. raain . . , VP- room 0, Washington bldg. Phone Pa- Wes. reliahif reaiiinrs hv mall- ill luck- de- building; phone, porcelain bath. THREE FXTRNIHED HOUSEKEEPING D3ffl$$&lffiS 2 JE UEh I oPs"cta JJJELJh 313-THREE COMPLETELY FURNISHED r. tfoUh.g SKV 4 vate loan, la city. W 70. Oregonlan. SAtSrLg .... -n-.,,.,,-., tir.T-cr-irr-r-p.xr: rltaUoa to the most complicated Internal M- leg penalties for violations of provisions of gent. 334 Chamber of Commerce. elevator, parlor 632-333; no sign. Booma With Board. NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING troublets; maternity cases given special at- , . tblx act." approved February 24. 1003. tha ' ,"tutr "'"- room gas. phone; reasonable to desirable tentloa; private ho-pltat aceommodatloo. IN BLSINESS IN YOUR OTAN llOML People's Power League of Oregoa duly filed State funds loaned. -per cent, W. E. Thoma MRS. WALLACE. 25 YEARS PORTLAND'S PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION. 17TH tenants. 4&0 CUv. professional lady nure in attendance; con- Jtae to huslneas already esub- ln h!, oSlx February 3. 19.J6. aa IntU- state agt. Multnomah Co.. 400 Cham. Com. llable medium; aR In trouble call year; rooms with board; use of sewing- T,T,. TTtT nrvr. tTT.T, p eultaUon and advice free. X-Radlum Medl- I 'BrJfth Jrythlag needed totalj aUre petition containing 8342 signatures get her vSuahte advice on '"u afralr room; Uhe of llbrarj-; Women'a Exchange. BRICK BUILDING. OCCUPIED BY FAMI- cal Institute and Sanitarium. 3d and Aider LlJ,2I .J'kf. S 5ZtJtnCSj,a properlF attached to a- copy of said raeaa- MONEY TO LOAN ON ALL KINDS OF SE- Zz lffeT bn love trouMts" absent Address Mrs. E. B. Hamlin. Supt,. 510 lies: no transients; save time aad car fare. su.. entrance -233 Alder St.. Portiaad. !la,S " ure certified In accordance with law. de- curlty. War. Holl. rra. . Washington bldg. friends a salty 2S0 Taylor ? st.' Hours. Flanders. 211 -d-Salmon. " , Vra,a. Allaa or cn the Peolcaua niandlag that a proposed amendment to Ar- 0 A M. to 8 P II 7 r . . wg WE TREAT TO CURE. , " ' 1IM' ParUcuUra lWe 4 ot tBe Constitution of the State or $300,000 TO LOAN AT 3 AND rt PER CENT BLAKDLT' HALL, 270 fiTH ST. ONE OF THREE LIGHT ROOMS. GAS. BATH. NICE Rheumatism, stomach, liver and kidney zor Pox 21S. Portland. Or. Oregon, to be designated In the Constitution Wm. G. Beck, room 307. Falling bldg. ZINGA has resumed buslnes-r Dalmlst clalr- the nicest private boarding-houses In city; yard; houwkeepln; 312 month. 2 Front, troubles, constipation. Indigestion, parity- - ... aa Section IA of Article 4 of said Coastl- voyaat and test medium- readings daily- la house new. modern conveniences: terms rea- S car south. 1. los of vitality, and all chronic r nerv- "."PJL ;KND FUnNlTURE BUSI- tutlon. shall be submitted to the legal voters dies 30c for short time only- clrele evers- sonable; 4 blocks south Hotel Portland. ous dleaea. b- increasing the circulation 23TvJS? - la .F.TO"?c!'..town old and ot the State of Oregon for their approval or HUHIVEKK niRETTORY Sundaynl-ht at 8 Cosmos "tatt Morrison : SriTE OF TWO OR THREE FURNISHED and strengthening the nerve. well-known firm, will wll all or half Inter- rejection at the general election to be held xILMINIubW nuoaUBl. aunaay ni.nt at a. cosmos, -rata .Morrison. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED ALCOVE AND housekeeping rooms, 414 Jefferson tu. cor- OUR CHARGES ARE PER MONTH. ""iff "c2l5tato.SfbwJbJ,nf: la said state oa the 4lh day of June, belajr A -, P!,.,!Hr vrs s b seip noted nroohetesa and uiu- first-clkss table board In private family and ner "of 11th, PH YS I O-TH ERAPAT1 lC DISPENSARY, ZIIZSh J 30??.to Am he first Monday In June. IDOL designated Accordxoa Plaltlag. b. B. SP, PnroP"te" beautiful home; 3 minutes' walk from Ore- 1 411 Morriron SL jaercanuie Agency. ALIcgtoa bldj. by said People's Power League of Oregon uiu 0 cinm.T) soi vaRDITAm rt.txv dailv-circles Tue and Fri sp v'pm io gonlan; choice neighborhood. Phone Mala BAY-WINDOW SUITE, FIRST FLOOR. GAS CROPPB- -- rrvrn.,Tr t.rm" a- 'Corltutlonal amendment for the InlU- jSardloi aad Tkalfi PlilUax wd pTaktoiT ' 2305. ranee, furnace heaL 140 N. 10th. Phone Detective Agency Confidential lavevtlratlont; GR.p.y. STORE. CENTRAI.LY LOCATED. alive aad referendum on local. pec!ai and M" pnnp NORMAN 4.STROLOG1ST PALMIST Main 5172. report made on any individual, burtfitw. or i,,' rUJfble m P5mlT' oId municipal Un and part of Ta;" which Accooatants and claSyanL S MUky ' hWc $3 NICE FURNISHED ROOMS. FIRST-CLASS property; missing relative, found; bad debts V?1 . .bBia?4i. T1 P"ng In city ,xli proposed amendment U herelnaKer par- Acconatams. Mortsoo rae?3d ' board; all home conveniences. 225 West FOR RENT THREE FURNISHED ROOMS. collected; charges reasonable: crrepoaAenc 15 'hJ i bntlaesi: Invoice from tlcuUrly set forth. Now. therefore. X, oeorge T 3IURTON 334 CHAMBEP OF Park st.. three blocks from Portland Hotel. for housekeeping, on ground floor. At 220 S(PSJiZJl!? Acy! Ab Won Wc Mercantile Cecrge Ehberlhu ,r?or tt UCommrrc Phone Mala 48a Bookkeep- MRS. STEVENS. Portland's leading palmist. . . Park at, Columbia bldg.. 3C5 Washington. Main M15. ' " pips-. State o. Oregon, la obedience to the pro- . -xnertlne- te-chinr- SDlrltual life reader lea 7th odd Hotel P LARGE FRONT ROOM WITH EXCELLENT ... tt .w....7T vUIoas of said act hereinbefore first men- in., experung. teaching. spiritual ute reaaer. icu tn. opp. otei r. board for two. walking dlstarice; private UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS SWEDISH TRAINED NURSE. HELSING- iSESL ,"MEDIATE?T RESTAURANT tiened. do hereby make and Usue this procU- i,tnm MMEL DREYFUS palmist and CARD cool place. Phone Main 1181. The Jefferson. 6th and Jefferson. for graduate, positively cure rheumatism. furniture lenna chair, French range and matlon to the people or the Stole of Oregon. .wauects. reader Offices 201 U Morrison st? cor 3th. nervous disorders and itomach troubles by ilc5. .uW- 0 T, S-fL- ch coun'. announcing that the People's Power Leagu ,.... T T,nm, m n rcaucr- ofnce3 Morrlson at" cor" oUl- "TOURAINE." 1S8 7TH ST.. NEXT TO HO- Houses. hand-rubbing: steam, sweat aad tub baths; Jf rf!?;er' "vf'Z'ii1 ,a KOod Oregon has filed said Initiative petition fTl ; r. XSi NeW Citvi MRS LADD FINNICAN CAN BE CON- M Portland Elegant front roomft. with both vexes. 7 . 11th st. South, two doors condition. Add rra. H ag. Oregonlan. with the requUlte number of signatures Lafayette bldg. formcrl New York City), ai. iiinr.Htraeh hide Main B170 board; very reasonable. $10 VERY DESIRABLE S-ROOM COTTAGE. from E. Ankeny car line. Phone Eat 200. T thereto attached, demanding that there tx 7 , .... anweo. oj aemng Kirscn piag. jtain 01. j. strictly modern, nice yard p. walking dls- OWNER OF GOLD MINE. WITH LARGE submitted to the legal- voters of the State Amojfra aad Analysts. . ICS'- 10TH TWO PLEASANT ROOMS; tance. 67 East 6th. or Fred English. Ore- SUITS PRESSED WHILE YOU WAIT. 30c body of profltabl. ore. equipped with mills of Oregon for their approval or rejection at pb.VIPv 1. rp.wmpn ivirrrrfu storage ana ATanmer. running water; en suite or single, with to- gonlan buslnees office. To the visitor of Portland hotels and to the lU rnUh electric power for the regular election to b held on the 4th U ll,.,. m7n W. .1 ifr,. l w. .1, SAFES PIANOS vD FURNITURE MOVED b e board. public at large: Sulla premed at 50e at "?!rc"ti'"e of greas returns. Address S day of June. 1005. said day being the first chemists mining engineers. 204k Wash- PlANOb AND furn ituke mo tu. NEW STRICTLY MODERN 7-ROOM HOUSES Gilbert, the Utlor's. 1S Sixth XL. ae M. OregonUn. . Monday In said month, a proposed amend- '"Eton sL Pack ed ready for shipping and WPPg. LARGE PARLOR ROOMS WITH BOARD; Clone in. large light basement, yard, elec- , to the Quelle. Indies' skirts prexted. 50c. ment to Article 4 of the Constitution of the ... .co.v ' ,orf ' tr( oaict 12! Irt sood home cooking. S95 6th. Phone Main trlclty. gas. fumaee. tubs. Inquire 248 Lin- Phone Pacific StiSS. ll-0 TO f0 WANTED IN A LUMBER State of Oregon, to be designated la the MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE. IS MORRX- Proof wareh for ras e. Office. l 1st. 5490. coin, .near Third. manufacturing enterprise; Inveatmenl safe Constitution as Section UMf Article 4 of vn st. Best facilities. Prices reasonable. L. M. Olsen. Phone Main 54.. , DRESS SUITS FOR RENT. ALL SIZES 31 na profitable; good poll tl on If desired. Mil- said Constitution, designated by said Peo- " . . r n virzr ruwur ks kt nrr srrvrK raying guests received, private modern home. HOUSE FOR RENT 88 3TH ST.; WILL a month keeps your clothing cleaned and . C12 Commercial bldg Main 1W0. pie' Power League of Oregon as "Constl- PALL BALMEU ASSAYER AND ANALYST C. O. PICK. OFFICERS 1ST.. BET. STARK table and service lst-class. 120 ISth-Gllsan. change front for business purpo. If de- pressed, buttons- ewed on. rip sewed up. . tutlonal amendment for the Initiative and Gold dust bought. 207 Alder st. mvVd Sdtv7d rShfm?nt- coi- Mred. Inqulra Donald G. Woodward. 240 Prompt calls and dellverlea. Unique Tailor- FOR SALD a JOB PRINTING PLANT IN tefereadum on local, special and municipal tu . 1 Sme 1 FURNISHED ROOMS WITH OR WITHOIT Stark st. fng Co.. 309 Stark V. mr Oth. cood small town, near Portland; doing law and parts of laws." which said pro- Boatballders. SSrn Zlr?v' separate iron board; running water. 305 Morrison st. good burtne; half cost price If taken at posed amendment la a follow.: "Article 4 - rooms. j-Toni ana t,iay sis. . 6 FURNISHED ROOMS. WELL LOCATED. Manly lgor j-eitored by Dr. Roberts Nerve wee. Owner sick. O S3. OregocUn. of the Constitution of the State of Oregon Graham' Boatyard, foot E. Pine; gasoline r t vrovt LADY. ALONU WILL BOARD AND ROOM West Side, central. $27.30 month. The Ames Olobules. One month's treatment, . 3 j shall be and hereby Is amended by Insert- launches. Agent Standard gasoline engine.- fT.rnitt.vl' niWni. lady. J12 month: modern. 165 N. 12th. Mercantile Agency. Ablngton bldg. Thone months'. 13. Sent securely eald by malL OPPORTUNITY FOR BUSINESS MEN th fotlowrlng section In said Article 4 7 tTOnl ool chesw n- mTcnVnM andali Main 928. Agents. Woodard. Oarke Co.. Portland. Good openings In all Une. city or coun- f"00. 1 and before Section 2. and It Carpeaters aad Bafldew. rnoable articles at reasonabll oricesf ROOMS WITH OR WITHOUT BOARD. " try; detail, at offices of the Ames Mer- f11 he designated ia the Constitution aa movaDie articles at reaaonaaie prices, modern. 350 Madison St.. cor. Park. LARGE BARN. CORNER E. 19TH AND DR. KETCHUM CURES SKIN AND KIDNEY caatlle Agency. Ablngton bldg. Section IA ot Article 4: Section IA. The W. L. Buckner. office, store fixtures, general , . r Pacific sts.. room for IB horses, rent cheap. dlwase: also aenous. private and special " referendum may be demanded by the people Jobbing, contracting. 330 Stark. Main 3831. AC'Cgrnpny. THE OZARK ROOMS. FIRST-CLASS SERV- Inquire Wakefield. Fries & Co.. 229 Stark. fernale trouble. Red Croes DWpeasary. cor- FOR SALE A SMALL PAYING BUSINESS on or lJT,!eJf:f-.,ctJvT1J "I?"." ; Telerranhv toucht nnlcklv- noitlons secured- lce; hot. cold water. 225 11th st. , ' aer Third and Ash eta.. Portland. Or. In city; over 10 legitimate coin operating m- t of the Legislative Assembly Ia Carpet Cleaning. itTVi t n 4. wS- : VERY NEAT C-ROOM COTTAGE WITHIN ch!a placed and earning- revenue- Sx) lte me m!lnner which such power may . Pac Tel. Institute. 1-2 Grand Theater bldg. Flats 10 m,nu's, from Postofflce. at $20 per "BOOK OF NATURE" "AGNES." "DROLL buy lot; investigate. 334 Oak at. rdted against a complete acL The Sanitary carpet cleaning carpet cleaned on ZT . t . month. J. W. Ogllbee. room 11. 145 1st st. Stories.- "Her Hidden Charm." "A Hot fillcs of a referendum petition against one floor: auction and compressed air. M. 3334. Typewriters. Tamalr." "A Modem Lover." 50c ea. Llrts FOR SALE A FIRST-CLASS HOTEL PROP- or more "ems. section or part of aa act ; " ' DONALD O. WOODWARD. 240 STARK ST. fre. A. W. Schmale Co.. 229 lit. osltiea. centrally located la the city: from an not d'u" lhe remainder of that act Chiropodist aad Maakmriag. typewriters, all makes, rented, sold and KLEQINT PUT Rents and Insurance. Phone Main 345. . $4000 to $7000 required. The Ames Mercas- from becoming operative. The Initiative and repaired. Coast Agency. 231 Stark. Tel. 1407. Situated at 5th and Gram; contains 0-rooms ADMINISTRATOR OF ESTATES. IX) ST POWERS RESTORED BY THE tile Agency. Ablngton bldg. referendum powers reserved to the people WM. DEVENY 4: ESTELLE DEVENY, THE n and all moderr Tappliances including furnace. Ttt Dr. Lorenf Nene Tonic Tablet; 23c hy this Constitution are hereby further re- only scientific chiropodists; parlors room TThoIesale Grccers. gas. electricity, bath, hot and cold water MODERN 7-ROOM HOUSE. NEWLY PAINT- abox. Write or call at EyMeir Pharmacy. GROCERY FOR SALE WILL BEAR THE T.?1 toJhf. '."J?.1 votefs f. e,TerT '": 203 Drew bldg.. 162 2d t- Phone Main , T T . . c , 5n InTOwdluonli ttatld to nfl, ,PPereo. 467 10th at. Apply to F. 227 Morriton t.. bet. 1st and 2d. closest Inve.ilgatlon: doing $33,000 JJer ir&VJrj" "0- Thla 1 the long-haired gentleman. Aldt fo' cood colors. The building Is nearly new; s- Bunting. Room 40. Worcester bldg. year: this 1 no cut-rate business; good f LfJ'fJ leEV !5f.. of TefT mIt" We ' th mxn you are looking for. cor. N Front and Davis sto. Portland, or. lent to deMrahle- tenant. 428 m Anlr ti WHISKY. TOBACCO AND MORPHINE HAD- location. N 62, OregonUn. ,n tor heir respecUve municipalities and a PORTLAND TRUST CO OF' OREGON 6-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. FULL LOT. t cured; also scientific treatments for : . dLKrlcts pe nmser qf extrcU'.ng aald ClalrToyaat. RANKS. S. rx cor. 3d and Oak. ' Phone Exc. 72. Sunnyslde; reasonable rent. Shoe Store. rheumatism and nuTOuness. Madam REAL ESTATE BUSINESS $130 WILL !? ft?) J??JTT? VlL l-"! I7?' - 313 Washington st- Pacific 1055. Vashtl. room 50. 32 North Uth. place you la a good -reliable office; will be ""?; , ST12 .mr. P"T'de Send date birth with stamp for pen picture MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK FJ. EG A NT FURNITURE OF FIVE-ROOM . ,r,n required to attend effice and show property. J. "f?,?r " ,ie'r,e,sX JfJiiSli.T.t yar fe- H- H11L 120 Sutter st. San Fran. PORTLAND. OR. flat for sale, entirely new! . room Trented: FOR RENT GOOD SIX-ROOM HOUSE ONE MADAM ENGLISH. MAGNETIC HEALER. Particulars 248 Stark st. w.wh r? tiA X.'i J. FRANK WATSON President one block from Washington; will take part Wock from Woodlawn station, only $10 per cure all diseases without drug; ha all J,VJ SfiSi !T iliE,"L f Oeaalag. R. L. DURHAM Vice-President payment. Phone Main 663T. Call inornlngs. month. M. E. Lee. 03U 6th st, forms ot electric bath In connecUon. HARNESS MAKER WITH SMALL CAPITAL i5finT?ntef, Jl,. 75Qirt?i 1 0Pder R- W. HOYT Cashier 143 Si 6th. corner Alder. can secure alee clean stock aad good eatab- ! ? . w ,lLce?t New procesa for cleaning and stretching lace GEORGE W. HOYT Assistant Caahler 3IODERN STEAM-HEATED C-ROOM FLAT FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE. NEW. MODERN. . h' .burinew ialargest Iowa la beat couaty tSJ'SJithrt curtains; reliable: references. Main 6400. TRANSACTS GENERAL BANKING to rent. J7th and GlUan st,: will be va- B Northrup. Inquire 371 Lovejoy. FINE DAY-BUY MEREDITH'S UMBREL- la state. A S7. Oregonlan. f c ty r town. Ie at the Capitol at : BUSINESS. catcd April 1. Apply to Janitor on prem- Phone Ialn 6726. la; repairing and recoveriag; two Mores. ;Sw rtiMT n. r rJ? CleaalBsr aad Dyeing. United States Depositary. lees or to the Ames Mercantile Agency. Washington and Cth and Washington & 3th. HALF INTEREST IN REAL ESTATE AND g? e?2. Gv.E,5??rt5a t? t Draft and letters of credit Issued, avail phone Main C28. FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE. BATH AND BASE- : . employment; must be satlefled with $323 tl?":; lL,?r Vl' BERLIN DYF WORKS SPECIALTIES: able la all parts ot the world. ment; full lot. 28th and E. Irving: rent 15. MRS. GUSSIE ADLER. MAKER OF LADIES a month; 3350 required; experience tmaeces- Puabar. Secretory of State. 4SeaL) French dry .feanlag? steam cleaalar. dye! Collections a specialty. TOR RUNT UTPER FLAT OF 5 ROOMS Phone Main 1005. hat; hats remodeled; wire frame aad spring ry. W . OregonUn. PORTL.VNTJ COMMERCIAL rrT.IIR or port lng to sample: reasonable prices, prompt " snd basement; bath and gas; very conve- trimmings for sale. 33U4 Mill L . . ,15, olD vtwfSii .Z, service. 347 2d. Mala 6417. THE BANK OF CALIFORNIA S tiient 487 W. Davis St.. $18. Inquire J. M. $20-SIX-RO0M COTTAGE. 29 EAST 7TH ST.. FOR SALE RESTAURANT WITH A GOOD itTfSff, ll mLi,f,tlo:)t ST (Established in 1864.) Luther. New Western Hotel, cor. 7th and fear Pine: references required. 304 Fenton 100 NEAT VISITING CARDS WITH YOUR F1 husinw la - rood location; a snap K 7P rJmm p thVSti r-IC Oregon Steam aeanlng & Dyeing Works. 287 HEAD OFFICE. SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. JJ irtfcZ&tf' eaVEaveTetLAPP,--Int Vrnslde st.. bet. 4trf and Srth. Pacific 2110, Present, .......UOO FOR RENT LOWER FLAT AND BASE- DESIRABLE 5-ROOM COTTAGE. 369 N. . ?" "SH';Lm , pl F m?T CoaiBilastoa Mercaaato. Capitol paid up $4,000,000 ment of 7 rooms; all In nice order. $40; 16th; rent $14. Wakefield. Fries 4 Co.. REFINED LADY WISHES ACQUAINTANCE GROCERY STOCK AND FIXTURES. HORSE rVSJL ?1 1 l7rVt "l5 Surplus and undivided profits $9,770,143 water and telephone free; central location, 229 Stark. of elderly gentlemaa or means; object, mat- and wagoa: old established store, good brisk Vr.Zi. ?e iS . . 0,AfrtI; HERMAN METZGER PURCHASER OF A General Banking and Exchange Business 7th and Oak. Apply to G. N. W. Wilson Co. : rlmony. O S6. OregoaUa. building, cheap rent; about I1O0 required. & J,., cif5,f- 3 . JJj?."1 0f hide nelto furs wool mohair tallow old Transacted. 72 0th. Ci2 GLISAN. NEAR 21ST ST SEVEN ROOMS D S3. OreronUa. .Ti.', tI,"LiJ,It r "f nC rubber and "d'rnetal aSd g"mera" com- Letters of credit laeued. available In all r and porcelain bath. For particulars phone GENTLEMAN WANTS TO CORRESPOND T Jfl irS5S??lloB rSLZ m!ton merchant?. FroSt stf near parts ot the world. Interest paid on time 1-OR RENT-NEW 5-ROOM LOWER FLAT. Main 3S27. v with widow or young lady; object, main- GENERAL MERCHANDISE STORE FOR flanging its corporate tjame from that of CSSi Or Cuh advanced on eonslzn" deposits. strictly modern; good view; on car line; " mony. R 87. Oregonlaa. sale. In legging, sawmill aad railroad town: . SSf. aull,0? PfrtB tS, V Se2tt advanced on consign- f SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. . rent $16.50. Jones' Drug Store. Front and TWO MODERN 6-ROOM FLATS. GAS. FUR. ssock about $1300; rent store $3 month. .N PJJa:?d Commercial Club of Portland. rncn- Accounts opened for sums ot $10 and up- Glbbs. Phone Main 396. urcc. 14th and E. Salmon eta. Phone Pa- ROSES. 30 FOR $L50: SWEET PEAS. 3c 3. OregoaUa. yr- also aaieadlag. eaUrging aad Chang- TnrKr. . ro q,.IP -nnnv-rotj ward. dfle 790. package 100 seeds. All kinds seeds. Main ' . lag the object, enterprise and pursuit of TAYLOR. TOLNG a CO.. a hip brokers . MACRAH Manacer MODERN D-ROOM FLAT. INCDUDING TmTfl to 12 A. M. FOR SALE OR EXCHANOE-$e00 SOUTH- J' e,,nb l tblJ 11 10 , BUri".ta pu'L0nmo,0n mel"Chan steel ran go and window shades: 2 blocks FOR RENT CONVENIENT COTTAGE FIVE era Oregon hotel. Ia live, growing railroad Held or pfulne in the community Portland, or. north Steel bridge, fronting river. Inquire rooms and basement, 264 Porter st-. cor. 4th, YOUNG LADY GIVES FACE AND SCALP town ot 1600; only hotoL Address N 34. i?rcd. J-..ttIa of ApriL 1906. t.t-wt? rmivimmv UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK 2SS Larrabee. roatsage The Cosmos. 2CSW Morrisoa st Oregonlan. F. W. Leadbetter. president; E. L. Thomp- iiSZr .ni "Evil, aiS 1 Tiati- ... OF PORTLAND. OREGON. FURNISHED FOUR-ROOM COTTAGE. ELEC- rariors 12 and 14. - toa. secretory. produce m-rchaats. Front and Davis sts.. Northwest Corner Third and Oak Sts. 467. ALDER ENTIRE SECOND FLOOR. 3 trie lights, bath; central. Inquire 27 3 h 7th. . GENERAL MERCHANDISE STOCK.TN FINE . Portland, or. x Transacts a General Banking. Business! rooms, alcove, private hou! furnished MEET ME AT THE WELLINGTON POOL location for Portiaad property and some NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS MEETING ' Drafts Issued, available In all cities ot the housekeeping, modern conveniences; central. $30 LIGHT SIX-ROOM FLAT. 49S MILL. and Billiard Parlors, corner Third aad Morri- cash. Henderson-Scott Land Co- 301-302 The annual raeetlaa- of the stockholders tBairactun. United States and Europe, Hongkong and Ma- near 14th: 9-room bouse. 43 Montgomery. soa. Allsky bldg. Featon bldg. of the Oregon & California Railroad Co. r , nlla. NEW. MODERN 4 ROOMS AND BATH; will be aeJd at the office of the company. X-ONG & MYERS. CONTRACTORS ESTI- Collections Made on Favorable Terms. heat and water included; $30. The Gar- HOUSEL 659 GLISAN ST.. FOR RENT; MISS EFFIE HALL. SCIENTIFIC CARD- F1RST-CL.VSS RESTAURANT AND DELICA- 53 Worcester bldgi. Portland. Or- on inale'tSTen ctl? wJlt!! haul" President J. C. AINSWORTH land. 621 Washington, near 19th. heated by hot water, in good location. reader. 23c 383 7th, opposite Hotel Portland. teasca. good location, low rent; a money. Tuesday, April 10. 1908. at 11 o'clock A- lng. Phone Last . 4-Q Hawthorne. Vice-President I-..W. B. AYEU maker: owner stck; $KO takes It, J frc". for the purpose of electing directors ' I " Vice-President R. LEA BARNK? TO RENT NEW COZY 4-ROOM FIAT, FOR RENT MODERN 6-ROOM HOUSE. MRS. .8 B. SEIP. Mort reliable wmn aad OregonUn. for the ensuing year and the transaction Paaclar. Cashier - R. W. SCHMEER with all modem conveniences. 462 Cth st, 206 W'hltaker st. Key at 1521 Front. prophetess in town. 23V, Morrisoa. Pac, 108. or such other bustaesa as may legally rr " , , . . Assistant Cashier A. 31. WRIGHT Inquire 61 McKay bldr. . SALOON IF TOU WANT A GOOD ONE - c,me berore the meeting. W. W. Cotton. Mrs. Nina Larowe Hall. 23d aad Kearney. Assistant Cashier .W A. HOLT CHEAP FTVE-ROOM COTTAGE. CLOSE IN. BALM OF FIGS FOR ALL FEMALE DIS- cheap call today: we also Isare a. good secretory. Portland. Or.. March 10. 190. Cl"3 nd private lessons. Inquire 10 to 2. 1 C ENTRALLT LOCATED. COMPLETELY East Side, Apply 93 East 8th North. ease. G26 E. Belmont. Phone East 4034. chance for a man as partner. Call 24S4 .. viTrrvmr .rmrvT mr nivnvr aa FIRST NATIONAL BANK furnished modern 3-room flat with bath. Stork st. NOTICE MY WIFE. SARAH JANE; HAV- MATTINGIVr -S -ov . OF PORTLAND, OR. Inquire 163 W. Park st. FOR RENT 9-ROOM HOUSE. 193 16TH ST. DR. PAUL CROMWELL. THE COLORED !X left ray bed and board, without cause. 14th. near Jeffersca. Phone Main 803. Designated Depositary aad Financial Agent . cor. Taylor. Inquire 189 16th st- special let Sanitarium 127 N. 12th. Mala 3478. FOR SALE "TOUR-UNE," lfS 7TH ST.: I hereby give notice that I shall not pay . ... of the United States. FOR RENT 7-ROOM MODERN NEW r swell boardleg-bocse. all full aad doing ex- ry debt made by her. Dated at Portiaad Harness, aad Saddles. President a. L. MILLS flat- 347 Oth st. Phone Pacific 8S5. A. FOR RENT NEW BUNGALOW, 3STH AND TWO LADIES. RATH. FACE AND SCALP ceUeat business, very cheap, it taken at thU 4th day ot April. 1908. A. F. Going. .-,,.-, ' Cashier ..J. W. NEWKIRK H. Maegly. 210 4th st. East Alder. Phone Iaclflc 153. massage. 20S 3th. bet. Taylor aad Salmon. once. : z THE GEORGE LAWRENCE CO., WHOLE- ualstant Cashier W. C ALVORD 1 sale saddle and harness mH. leather and second Assistant Cashier B F STEVEN3 A SMALL FLAT. PORCELAIN BATH. GAS. FOrt RENT NEW S-ROOM HOUSE, S50 Turkish baths; massage, hydrftrfc parlors; 1st BARGAIN FOR SALE FINE BAKERY AND "LOST AND FOUND. saddlery hardware. 80-88 1st, Main 226. Letters of credit Issued 'avalfable In Europe also 10-room houfe. 412 2d st,. after 3:30 Montgomery. Apply 328 7th. class; ladies only. 331 Wash- bet, ICth-l'th, lunchroom doing a big business; half later- . " . ' and the Eastern States. P. M. . est $800, or all for 100. Phoss Main 4114. TEN DOLLARS REWARD THE OREGO- Juak. Hides aad PeH. sight exchange and telegraphic transfers COTTAGE OF 6 ROOMS AND BATH. 731 YOUNG LADY BATHES FACE AND SCALP. aUa will pay $10 reward for the arrest . , . . sold on New York. Boston. Chicago. St. Loulf. $20 CHOICE NEW MODERN 6-ROOM Hoyt. Inquire 132 Cth M. maafcage. The Tacoma. 26SH Stark, parlor 27 DO NT WORRY A SMALL INVBSTMENT and conviction of anyone caught stealing SHANK & CO.. PURCHASERS OF HIDES, st, Paul. Omaha". San Francisco and the prin- flat. Inquire 305 Union ave.. near Holla- . i will make you rich. See Newman- Moving The Oregonlan from the doors of Its sub- PfRs. wool furs, tallow, old rubbers, met- clpal points of the Northwest, day. FOR RENT 5-ROOM COTTAGE, 4S3 WEST WOULD YOU MARRY IF SUITED? SEND Picture outfits. 145H 8th sc. cor. Alder. scrtbers. Circulation Manager. ' als and sacks. o!2 Front st. siicht and time hills drawn In sums to suit Tark t Apply within. stamp for reply. Box 318. Portland. Or. ' on London Paris. Berlin. Frankfort-on-the- NEW 6-ROOM UPPER FLAT. 370Vi 1STH. . ; $1 CO WILL SECURE A BUSINESS WHERE FOUND A FLA CIS TO HAVE HAIR MAT- Tjumdrle. Main. Hongkong. Yokohama. Copenhagen, Call 435 Market. Phone Main 65PS. FOR RENT 6-ROOM COTTAGE. 313 SEC- TWO YOUNG LADIES GIVE FACE AND you are sure of 319 a xsoata aad your P- reswvated aad rctaraed ua day. Chrlstlaala. Stockholm. St. Petersburg. Mos- ond and Clay. scalp massage. HOVr 4ih sL. cor. Wash. money secured. Particular 2454 Stork st I3 Frcat at. Mala 474. Portiaad Carted- GRAND LAUNDRY CO.. l.th and Qulmby row Zurich. Honolulu. FIVE LARGE ROOMS AND RATH. 514 E. " : Hals- Factory. H. 3fetoger. prsrieter. sts. Fully equipped for anything In the 'Collections Made oa Favorable Terms.- 21st,. Woodstock or Richmond car. Fmlataed Koases. BOOKS BOUGHT. SOLD AND EXCHANGED MUST BE SOLD AT ONCE FURNITURE . .. laaadry line; rough dry. 6c per pound. . at the Old Book Store. 22 TamhlU st, aad lease ot 89-rocra hotel; good Jocatioa: QFr&k G?.15 IADJrs. ATCH. IN- . PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. UPPER FLAT. MODERN. 292 CLAY. alckaes. S4 Kaott st Lower Alblns. itlals F. P. J., eltteroa Montgomery at, car Macafatery. TheOIdest Trust Company In Oreirot.. n-r 5th. $30. Apply 292 Clay. DR LAMOTTES FRENCH , CORN PAINT. or Sth aad Morrisoa. Phone Mala 409. BEBOURC OVER$l.m000. SMALL FURNISHED HOME The lst corn cure, 23e: all druggist. LIGHT MANUFACTURING WANT YOUNG casaltr: reward. Sheffield gasollae boat engines, fresh or salt Geaeral banking. Exchange on all parts of NEW MODERN 6-ROOM LOWER FLAT. 50 -Of lx rooms, modern, in sightly location; man as partner; dtles attend oCce and ,., . water, flsa or yacht speed: right price, the world. Savings accounts. Time certm- N 9th st. Inquire 49 N. Park st. will rent to desirable tenant for $23 per WATER-PROOF HALF SOLES. 50c HOLLA- collect: $SO0 repaired. Call 245H Stork at. LOST SMALL BOY'S GRAY OVERCOAT Fairbanks. Morse h. Ca. 1st and Stark, cites. 3 to 4 per cent: short-call special c-r- month: a bargain. Apply to baugh'a. 287H Taylor, bet- 3d- aad 4th, near heart of city. Return 723 Chamber Portland. ' tlficates. 1300 or over 3 to 4 per- cent, FOR RENT SIX-ROOM LOWER FLAT. PORTLAND TRUST CO. OF OREGON. RELIABLE PARTNER WANTED: WILL of Commerce. Reward. rj fbrBoolc of "ILLUSTRATIONS." Lownsdale. near Yamhill st, 8. E. cor. 3d and Oak.. . pay yoa $ weekly; $271 required: expert- wr. . -pg- ,.TTV , B. TRENKMAN CC MINING. SAW- Phone Private Exchange 72. ; Phone Exchange 72. BCSXXTbiSS CHAN' CBS. eace not aecessary. Call S48H Stork se, -0",1055f1? FACE. win logging machiaery: hydraulic pipe. S. E. Corner Third and Oak Streets. HoasekeeplBR Rooms. ,-...3 5BTi-".S22H": JlBrtUn1 lfe,e3: Phone casting: all kind, repaired. 104 N. 4th. BENJ. I. COHEN ...President . PARTNER WANTED I WANT A PARTNER FOR RENT HITS iOSmLT AND Mala 373g. reward. . H. L. PITTOCK - .Vice-President FOR RENT FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP- l ro-rcanUle office b twin ess: prefer well- Ice cream stas aad sclrHeges la Roase'a . ,T-,. r.- THE H. G. ALB STS CO.. SECOND-HAND B. LEB PAGET Secretary leg rooms la b-rt brick block on Bast Side; 520 WATER 'INCLUDED, FURNISHED 6- inowiTloeal ywmg wan: ctperieace not ec- Park for the Owwimr. Iaqre at park. ZZJF?'. PiEiC machinery, sawmills, etc 248 Grand ave. J. otaOLTRA.... .Assistant Secretary gas -ranges, bath, etc; so traasle&U: prices room cottage. East Side. Call 90 7th at. tsaarK bustoes strictly legitimate; refer- ,.. aad furnace- man, at Beral a. Phone Mala 400 . moderate. Lofa block. 198Vi Union ara Mala 6443. give and required; application con- AN INVESTMENT OF $1J0Q WILL CLE.VR . LsnseHes. LADD TTLTON. BANKERS r ceraer East Alder. Phons Bast 484, : fideatlal. W 7. Oregoniaa. Ilka assouat and as riric; ral estate security. : ESTABLISHED IN 18C0". -Pv oTTr. t,t-T. tV?LJ' FURNISHED HOUSE. PORCELAIN Tsat tots of work. F W. OregoeU. FINANCIAL. SEE US FOR LAUNCHES, ANY SIZE. Traasacts a General Ban Wag Business. FRONT SUITE HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, bath, gas: for year or less. 412 3d., after WILL BUY lft&r"9 WITTI MODERN Mgg- .T- . . . . '.T,- . style aad pries- See osr -Little SpeciaT Interest Allowed on Time Deposits. gas range aad bath; no chUdrea. 312 3d; 3;30 P. M. rMaeace located betweea 44th aad 4th CLOTHING BUSINESS, BB6T STAND, ON A LOANS ON ITTLNrTURX. PIANOS AND far XI 93. Relersoa Maehlaery Cc. 1S2-4-8 Collect loss made, at potato oaTfavoraWa tM.pv,crn v.. (TrTaear Hawthorae rtrest-car line: thU rood corner: $aeea casJease. 2 years; other earltle: lowest ratea. X W. X!g. Morrisoa st- tern. Letters of credit twued available In ; . , v , 7 FURNISHED fROOM COTTAGE FOR RENT locaiioa is oae of the tsost select resideace coraef. Address O . Org-wlm. roots 43. Wasategtea bldg. Phoao Mala j . jjope and all potato la the United States. The Heller Grsjid ave. FuraUhed aad Near Waahlara st- or woald scU. Call dricU of Portiaad. See M. X. Lee. JCH ,g T ........ 51- MWeal. Sight excliangVaad telegrapfelc traasfers VBtaraUhed housekeepthg ealtes, $10 tip. 79 Park st. j,T,t. A WELL-BSTABLISHED FLUXBING BUS- s . XewYerk WasategtoaVChtea St. ., inet for sale- Address Bar . Rase- MON"CY LOANED IN SUMS OF $8 AND UP MRS. B. F. BRISCOLL. PUPIL SHER- LlfcD. OwtaTaSliS ad FOR RENT NICE SUITE OF HOUSE- ELEGANTLT FURNISHED HOUSE. SUIT- GROCERY WE HAVE A GOOD ONE AND barg. Or. oa all klads of .seewity. W. A- Hats. way. CMeago; irfaale 30 ceaU. tSsoSs In Orrgan. WasfctngtOB aad keeping rooms. 321 .th U cor. Clay. able for two families. Phone Main 5717. will sell at Invoice. Can 345H Stork st. BET ABUSHHD TVIL- "i,a" Washlagtoa bldg. Pactflc Mate S4wdM..458 7ta St.. rtear Jaefctea. rdahe. stWa aad BrittsH CtaatMa. HOt-PKCEIING ROOMS FOR RBNT-2143 CIAN. TLT FURNISHED 7-ROOM WANTED TO BUT A GROCERY STORE Oil or ri:e cheap if takca at a. S LOWSJTr RATES ON TTTRNra-RJC. PI- XXTL THIBLKORN: pMl of SXVCIX. rlolte f chSSIU, YefcSia'Ma'U Park it-r crstr 3talr cotta$x Mi S. 4th at. J a lecaUoa fr aae, K 17, OreeaVaa. Norsla tMk. . I . eUer seewrttr. 44 Saecteclc. rx 2113 J teasaer. Stadia. 19k S'Jr TL Mala. Ot-WT" I lalu. " '