Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 03, 1906, Page 15, Image 15

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Rumor of Shipments to
Made to Vladivostok.
Hongkong Importers Prefer Product
or Australia Local Market Ad
vances, Ouing to Scarcity
of Suitable Wheat.
FLOITR Shipments to Vladivostok
nty be resumed.
WHEAT Local market flow but
FRUIT Frost damage In North
ern California.
VEGETABLES Strong demand tor
Southern produce.
BUTTER General decline In loeal
EGGS Light receipts cause nteadi
Bess. POULTRT Dealers look for lower
The export flour market Is. to all appear
ances, lifeless. There are rumor circulat
ing that the heavy shipment lately made to
Vladivostok represent only half of the or
ders placed here, but the-e cannot be con
firmed. In other foreign quarter, however,
the outlook for the Immediate future is cer
tainly depressing. Only a few Inqulrta are
coming in from China, and those at low
prices. The Japanese markrt. according to
t-ablec received yesterday. Is fufferlng from an
overstock, and it will be some time before
the Importers of that country are In a posi
tion to consider business. Nothing is being
done in the way of United Kingdom or South
African business. ,
Mail advices from Hongkong, dated March
6. said: "Since ours of February fl. hardly
any American flour has been moved, owing to
the large receipts of Australian flour. A this
1 much superior to and canbe bought at the
same prcles as Washington and Oregon flour.
American Hour 1 contiutntly neglected.
Hongkong stocks at till date arc: 292.300
racks of Washington and Oregon; 150.W0
backs of California, and lOO.OrtO sacks of
Australian. The Minnesota also arrives to
day lth C1.000 aacks of Oregon and Wash
ington." A Yokohama letter of March 15 said: "The
market shown no elgns of Improvements
Kobe advices of March 14 were: "Stocks
arc large and In weak hand. There has
been some reck let. a gambling here and the
quantity Imported Is In excess of require
ments. The feature of the local market yesterday
waa an advance of 10 cents a barrel by the
Portland Flouring Mills in patents and Val
ley grades. The reason given fur the ad
vance na the scarcity of wheat suitable for
making these grades of flour.
The mills also put short up SI a ton. Feed
clocks aro low. In fact, are smaller than they
have been for eight months, as the mills have
been running lightly.
Weekly Statistic of "the Movement, a Re
ceived by Ibe Merchant' Exchange.
The wheat market rules extremely dull.
The undertone Is eteady. but little buying or
selling Is heard of and prices are almost nom
inal. Only a comparatlviy small quantity of
wheat remains In first hands In Portland ter
ritory, and the holders of this are not dls
pcd to sell at prices offered by dealers.
The weekly wheat rtiittatlcR of the Mer
chanM Exchange are given below. The Amer
ican Islblc supply yesterday, as compared
with corri.?ondlng dates in former years was
as follow;
RushMft. I5Mrraw
Aflil 2. lWfi 4G,470.JCfo 85lt.OXl
April r.. 11W3 32.327.t!0 4P1.XK
April 4. 1104 31.727.'H.W 784.000
March 30. 11)1)3 43.2M.CO0 1.7l.OO0
March 31. 1002 4il.54l3.GuO I.3S3.(ruu
April 1. llml 54.74,MK 35.0'K)
April 2. II' 34.20S.tHKI 114.000
April 3. 1RW a.'.S7.tX Btl.OOO
April 4. IfeStS rtO.22S.tMH' 1G2.O01)
Quantities on pa in the lad and pre
c'dlng we-k and- a year ago were:
I bu.
United Kingdomin3.o40.0n(i;
Continent ...... MG.lO.Of
.Oi.000 32.OBO.ti00
000 13.V0.tHX
Total 4S.ftO.OOOIfi0.04S.OOrt4.C40.KiO
The world's (-hlpnients of wheat and flour
from the principal exporting countries oora-
ar as follows;
I bu. I bu. I bu.
I 1.343.0"Ki 2.X5W.OO0; 9flS.lxV)
V S.. Canada
Argentina ....
Australia ....
s .sm.ooit r,,wo.ooii
I 81fi.0(lii 2R0.0tK) 12S.000
ports.! ivs.tnM) 2Kfi.otm; 24.O0
1.3t2.O0OI 2.144.IX! 2,112.ttK
' t ; 720.000
ItuU .
India ..
' Total
K.KW S.UI.O0 7.06O.O00
Frost Caught Apricot and Teache Around
Red Blutr.
The. cold snap that caused havoc In the
fruit sections of the Valley month was
not confined to Northern State, according
o a letter from Red Bluff. Cal.. rwlved cs
'erd which tstcd that apricots and peaches
In that neighborhood had been killed by the
The only arrival on Front street during the
day wa a. car of mixed vegetables. The cab
bage and cauliflower were In strongest de
mand and were almost entirely cleaned up at
tull prices.
Apples are being withdrawn rapidly from
cold Ktorage and command higher rrices.
owing to the scarcity of other fruit. Two
cars of bananas and one car of oranges are
due today.
Receipt Exceed Demand and Qualify
Make Movement Necesaary.
The butter market is going to pieces. At
this time last year a decline started that car
ried prices down 20 cents a roll in 20 ds?,
and it looks as If the market would -repeat
lt course thla year. The supply exceods the
demand, and as butter at this time of the
season will not keep the dealers ani crtamery
men mutt keep It going, even at expense of
values. Not only are receipts too large, but
what Is worse from the handlers standpoint,
tbey are constantly growing. It Is this fact,
ana not the presence or California butter, that
haa cauaed the weakness. Comparatively lit
tle California butter is being brosght un.
aa sealers here, do not care to .take the risk
of brlag lar up butter In the face ot "a tall-
from, ?: i i i:
-J n ! Bn
lng -local market "San Franeltro If down to
.20 and 21 cent, but nearly all the surplus
there Is going Into storage.
According to the announcement made Sat
urday evening, the two rortland creameries
that had maintained the top price came down
yesterday moraine to 27H cenU. The other
three, together with a Valley company that
holds to the city price, were already at that
figure, but Immediately dropped to 25. Ac
cording: to all that could be learned, only one
local factory wilt be quoting above 25 cnu
this afternoon. -
On Front street a wider ranee wit quoted
yesterday. The larger handler on the street
lowered some of, bis brands to 25 cents in the
afternoon, and today will not ask over that
for any of his beat stock. Second-grade but
ter was plentiful at 20 cents, and one sale
was reported of a lot at I'M cnts.
-EEC Market Steady.
Light reclpta of esse and a Rood local and
shipping demand steadied the market yester
day, and no quotations were given out under
16 cents. Some dealer asked a half cent bet
ter, but did not report sales at that figure.
PoAry receipts were nominal. Should this
week" supply Increase, a It rave promise to
do latt week, an casing up of quotations can
be expected.
Rank Clearing.
Bank clearing of the Northwestern cities
yesterday were as fololws:
Grain. Floor, Feed. Etc
FLOUR Patents. 3.734.20 per barrel;
straights. S3.40&3.75; clears. S3.33Q3.50:
Valley. $3,4043.63; Dakota hard wheat, pat
ents. $5.30 clears. S3; graham.
3.75; whole wheat. S3.75(&4: ry flour, local.
$5: Eastern. J3 5.25; cornmeal. per bale.
$1.806 2.28.
WHEAT Club. 6MC7c. bluestem, 6C0Sc;
red. 04QC5r. Valley. 6Sc
OATS No. white feed. $27.50; gray. $27
per ton.
MILLSTUFFS Bran, city. $17: country.
S16 ton; middlings. $23,50620: short-. '.
$19; country. $20 per ton; chop U. S. Mills.
$17.50; linced dairy food. $18: Acaifa uiai.
$18 per ton.
CEREAL FOODS Rolled oats, cream. 80
pound sacks. SC. 75; lower grades. $3.23 &
G.50; catmeaL steelcut. 50-pound sacks. $3
per barrel; ID-pound sacks. $4.23 per bale:
oatmeal (ground). 30-pound sacks. $7.50 per
barrel: 10-pound sacks. $4 .per bale; split
peas. $5 per 100-pound sacks: 25-pound
boxes. $1.40: pearl barley. $4.23 per 100
pounds; 25-pound boxes. $1.25 per box: pas
try flour. 10-pound sacks. 32.Su per bale.
BARLEY Feed. $23.30 24 per ton; brew
ing. $24 024.50; rolled. $24.50250.
HAY Eastern Oregon timothy, choice. $17
18 per ton; common. $13 CM 4; Valley tim
othy. JSCS: clover. $7.500 8: cheat. $6tf7;
grain hay, $7 38; alfalfa. $12.
Vegetables, Fruits. Etc
DOMESTIC FRUITS Apples, S1.50&2.75
per box.
TROPICAL FRUITS Lemons. $2.75 ? 3.75
per box: orange, navel. $33-3.30 per box;
tangtrins. $1.63 per half box; grapefruit.
2.50&3.25; pineapples. $4Q4.50 per dozen;
bananas. 5c per pound.
1.25 per dozen; asparagus. Sc per pound:
beant. 22c; cabbage, li2c per pound;
cauliflower. $2.25 per crate; celery. :-3
f0c per dozen; chickory. 23c; cucumber.
$1.50(1.75 per dozen; head lettuce. 23 W 40c
per dozen: hothouse. Sl.S0iil.75: onions, 40c
per dozen; peas. 10c: peppers. 23S40c; radiehet.
20c per dozen, rhubarb. $l(il.23 per box;
spinach. $1 per box; tomatoes, $2.23 y 2.30 per
crate; parsley. 25e.
ROOT VEGETABLES Turnips. $181-23
per sack; carrots. C5r75c per rack; beets.
S3c$l per sack; garlic, 1012c per
ONIONS Buying price: No. 1, 702?tKc
ptr sack: No. 2. nominal.
POTATOES Buying prices; Fancy grid
ed Burbanto. 50000c per hundred; ordinary
nominal; new California. 5S5c per pound;
sweet potatoes. 2(2fec per pound.
DRIED FRUITS Apples. ll12e per
pound; apricot!". 12gl2Hc; peach.. lOj0
12c; pears, none; Italian prunes. 5i &
6Uc: California flgr. white, in sacks. 50Oic
per pound; black, 4 6 5c: bricks. 12-14 ounce
packagta. 73 063c per box: Smyrna. 20c per
pound: dates. Persian. CjrVi per pound.
RAISINS Seeded. 12-ounce packages. S&
S'.jc; IC-ounce. fiH10c; loose muscatels.
2-crown. 0s7c; 3-crown. Gx6lic; 4
crown. 7'7,4c; unbleached seedlci-s Sul
tanas. Gtci Thompson' fancy-bleached. 10
lie: London layers. 3-crown. whole boxes,
of 20 pounds. $2; 2-crown. $1.75.
Butter. Eggs, Poultry, Etc
BUTTER City creameries: Extra cream
ery. 23127 'a c per pound. State CTcamerie:
Fancy creamer', 20&25c; More butter, log
10'.4c. KGGS Oregon ranch. lCc per dozen.
CHEESE Oregon full cream, twins. 14 Vi
13Vic: Y'oung America, 15HI0'c.
POULTRY Average old hen. 13Vj614c;
mixed chickew. 18ai3ic; broilers. 230ac.
younr roo-iter. 13ffl3-ic; old roosters. ll(312r:
dressed chickens. I516c: turkeys, live. lO
16"jic: turkeys, dreswd. choice. Ih(j20c; gesw.
live, pound. S4jR"4c: geese, dressed, per pound,
lOitllc; duck. 17&18c: pigeons, $12, squabs.
Groceries, Nut. Etc
COFFEE Mocna. 202Sc; Java, ordinary.
164122c: Costa Rica, fancy, 18&20r: good,
lOtflKc; ordinary. 1022c per pound; Co
lumbia roast, cases. 100s. $14.75; 50s. $14.75;
Ar buckle. $1C.3&; Lion. $10.38.
RICE Imperial Japan No. L 5lc: South
ern Japan. 5.35c: head. 7c.
SALMON Columbia River. 1-pound talis.
$1.75 per dozen; 2-pound tails, $.u; 1-pound
flats: $1.10; Alaska pink. 1-pound tails. 0c:
rtd. 1-pound tallsr $1.25; sock eye, 1-pound
talis. $1.70.
SUGAR Sack basis. 100 pounds: Cube,
$0.15; powdered. $5.80; dry granulated. $5.$0;
extra C. $5.35; golden C $5.20; fruit sugar.
$5.60. Advanc-j over sack bat Is as follows:
Barrels. 10c; -barrels. 23c; boxes, 50c per
100 pounds. Terms: On remittances within
15 day deduct lc per pouna: if !atr than
15 days and within 30 days, deduct He;
sugar, granulated. $5.60 per 100 pounds;
maple augar. IStjISc per pound.
SALT California. $11 per ton. $1.00 per
bale; Liverpool. 50. $17; 100s. $10.50; 200s.
SIC; i -pounds. 100s. $7; 50s. $7.50.
NUTS Walnuts, 15"ic per pound by sack;
lie extra for less than sack; Braxil nut.
10c; filberts. 10c; pecans. Jumbos. 10c; extra
large. 17c: almonds. 14 t 15c: chestnuts.
Italian, 12'.fetjlCc: Ohio. 20c; peanuts, raw.
7c per pound, roasted, tic; plnenuts. 10
12c; hickory nuts. 7'iC'Sc; cocoa nute. 33fc
80c per dozen.
BEANS Small white. 4c; large white.
3Uc: pink. 2Hc: bayou. 4 4c; Lima. Sc;
red Mexican. 5c,
Hop. Wool. Hides. Etc
HOPS Oregon. 1805. choice. U'glOHc;
prime. S"1c; medium. 7&Sc: old. 37c
WoolKantern Oregon average brat, 10
20c: Valley. 24&2Cc per puuni.
MOHAIRChoice. 2502St,c.
HIDES Dry; No. 1. 10 pounds ana up ptr
pound. 18t20c: dry kip. No. L 3 to 15 pounds,
per lb. 16621c; do- salted, bull and .tag.
1-3 lera than dry flint; culls, moth-eaten, bad
ly -ut. scored, murrain, hair-slipped, weather
beaten or grubby. 2c to 3c per pound less.
Salted hides; Steeia. sound. 00 pounds and
over, per pound. lOJfllc; steers, sound. 60
to CO pounds.' per pound. lOgllc. steers, sound,
under 60 pounds, and cows, per pound. 8310c;
stags and bulls, sound, per pound, 7c; kip.
round. IB to 30 pounds, per pound. 10c; vral.
sound. 10 to 14 pound, per pound. 11c: calf.
ound, under 10 pounds, per pound, 1; if 12c;
green (unsalted), 1c per pound lex; culls, lc
per pound less. Sheepskins. Shearlings. No.
1 butchers stock, each. 23fr30c. hort wool
No. 1 butchers sfock, each. SO&tKtc. medium
wool. No. 1 butchers stock, each. 73cff$l. long
wool. No. 1 butchers' stork, each, $I.23tf2;
murrain pelt, from 10 to 20 per cent leas, or
per pound, l&Slflc; horse tide?, falteo. eacn.
according to size. Jl.WS2.frO. drj'. each, ac
cording to size. $ll.t0; colta hide, each.
2550c; goat skins, common, each. 13321c;
Angora, with wool on. each. 30c$1.5Q.
FURS No. 1 skins: Bearskins, as to Sze.
each. $3020: cubs. each. $103: badtrer. prime,
each. 23e50c; cat, wild. lth head perfect,
50950c: house car, 5&20e; fox. common era,
large prlmt, each. 60tj70c; red. each. $3j3;
cross, each, $5fJ15: silver and black, each,
$1000500; flshertj. each. $508; lynx, each,
$4,5003; mink, utrictlr No. 1. each, accord
ing to size. U-S3; niarten. dark Northern, ac-
i coming to eir ana color, ejen. $iogi3: pue.
1 pine, accordlnc; to aire and color, each. $2,509
4: muskrat, large, rach. 121 l&c; skunk, each.
OffflOc: clrct. or pole cat, each. 6615c. otter.
lor large, prime Kin. each, ss&io: nanthrr.
with head and claws perfect, each. S24J3;
raccoon. ro prime large, eacn. soeisc; noun
tain wolf, vtth head perfect, each. $3JKit3:
prairie (coyote!;. 0eff$l; w-olrertne. each,
$64rS; bearer, per skin, large. $33 C; medium.
$367; smalL Slifl M): kits, SOBTZC
BEESWAX Good, clean and pure, 22325c
per pound
TALLOW Prime, per pound. fl'tHc; No.
2 and crease. 2fT3c
CAECA RA SAGRADA (chlttua bark) 24
Prtvl4ona mad Caaaed Meats.
HAMS 10 to 14 poaeds, 13Uc pound: 14
to ltf pounds. 13 c. IS to ap pounds, 15ic;
California (olcnlc). 8Vc: cottage bama. Lc
shoulders. c: boiled bam, ISc; boiled picnic
nam. &oneie. ioc.
BACON Fancy breakfast. lSjjc per pound
standard breakfaM. ItlHc; choice, 15Uc; Ervr-
nvn Breaxiast. ii to i pia. lt4c: peacn
PICKLED GOOD Pork barrels. $16:
barrel. .: beef, barrels, 112; -barrel.
S4.M. "
SACEACIS Ham. 13c per pouadj mlsced
ham, 10c; Summer, choice dry, lTc: bolog
na, lor.r. 3ic wMnerwurst, Sc: Uvrr. 6:;
pork. Htlfe: headcheese. 6c; blood, 6c; bo
logna saoxare. link. 4Hc-
CANNES MEATS Corned beef, pounds, per
doeen. SI. IS. two pounds. ST. 25; sjx pounds.
17. Roast beet. Sat. pounds, (1.35; two pound.
223: nix pound, sdm. RoMt bef. tall,
pounds, aooe; two pounds. S2.36; six rounds.
DRY SALT CURBD Regular abort dears,
dry salt. 10&C. smoked. Uic; clear backs,
dry salt. lOHc; smoked. 11 He. clear bellies.
14 to 17 pounds average, none: Oreroa ex
porti. 20 to 25 pounds avers re. dry lt. 11c;
fexnoked. llr; Union bellies, 10 to IS poenfis
averace, none.
LARD Leaf lard, kettle rendered: Tierces
10c: tubs. llHc: 50s. HHc; 20. llc:
10s. 11 He; 5s. llc. Standard pore:
Tierces, t4c: tubs. lOHc; 50s. lOHc; 20.
lOHc; 10s. lOSc; 5s. lOVc. Compound:
Tierces. Cc: tubs. 7c: 50. 7c; 10. 7ttc.
3s. 7HC
Dressed Meats.
VEAL Dressed. 75 to 125 pounds. 7 Si 9
Sc; 120 to 150 pounds. CCCic; 130 to 203
pounds. SQUici 200 pounds and tip. ZH9
BEEF Dressed bull. 3c per round; cows,
pSc; country eteers. Hf5Vc.
MUTTON Drew-d fancy Sti9Hc per pound;
ordinary. 4$6c; lambe. with pelt on. 10011c.
PORK Dressed. 100 to 130 pound. s
SHc; 150 and up. oSCHc per pound.
TURPENTINE Cases. Pic er callon.
COAI Caaea. lc per gallon: tank. 12cJ
per gaiion.
GASOLINE Stove gasoline, cases. 23 He:
72 test. 27c; 50 Wf, S5c; Iron tack. 18c
WHITE LEAD Ton lots. 7Hc: 600-pound
lots. Be: Ifss than. 500-pound lota. SUc (lb
25-pound tin palls, lc abova keg price; 1 to-5-pound
tin palls. Ic above Keg price: 1 to
5-pound tin cans. 100 pounds per case. 2 He
per pound above keg price.)
LINSEED OIL Raw. In barrels. 4Se: In
cases. 33c: boiled. In barrels. 50c; in cases.
55c; 25-gallon lets, lc lest.
Prices Current Locally ea Cattle. Sheep and
The following livestock prices were quoted
yesterday In the local market:
CATTLE Good rers. $43-4.:: ncht
weights. $2.20080; eewa, rood. $2.2593.75;
fair to medium. $2.SrCC; calve, good. $4.50
SHEEP Good, fat sheep, $6Cr&23; fair to
medium. $3.50.
HOGS Good. $707.23; light and feeders.
1 6-300.25.
Prices Current at Kaasa City. Chicago aad
KANSAS CITY. Mo.. April 2. Cattle Re
ceipts. 12,0; varktU steady. Native sercrs.
$4.235.'X; stockera and fced-rf. $3.0034.75;
Western eew, $2.75$ 410; Western rtrera,
$3.605.25; bulls. $304.25; calrea, $3QL60.
Hogs Receipt". 7000; market, steady to
stronger. Bulk of sales, $C250jr7i: heavy.
I0.30gfl.40; packers. $C3O0"3.4O; pigs and lights.
Sheep Receipt. 10.000; market, steady.
Muttons. 4.50fi5.S0; lambs. $5r5X50; fed
ewes, $4.2535.40.
CHICAGO. April 2. Cattle Recefpta. 2700;
market, 10c lower. Beeves. $4 03.25 : stockera
and feeder. $2,750 4.S0: cows and heifers. $I,C3
5.20; Texas fed uletTK. $2.75? 4.0X
Hor Receipts today. 28.000: tomorrow (etl
mated). 20.U00; market, SQlOe higher. Mixed
and butchers. Jfl.33S6.50; good to choice
teavy. $0.ri5tiX374; rough heavy. $tS5.43;
light; $C33tjfX53; pig. $3.S3ffC40; balk of
sales. $G.45QfX55.
Bheep lU-ceipt. 22.000: market, c:rog.
2heep. $3.750t3JO; lambs. $t.60fi.7S.
SOUTH OMAHA. April 2. Cattle Re
ceipts, 2700; market, steady to stranger. Na
tive steers. S405.C5; cannerc. $1.7502.'
ctockers and feeders. $2.7505.65: buHs. stagf.
etc.. $2.300 1-23.
Hogs Receipts. 3700; market, a shade to 5c
higher. Heavy. $&250L3S: mixed. $S.27&
$C10; light, $8.200 J0; pip.. $33B.10; bulk
of sales. $C.27V4;C.30.
Sheei Receipt. 13L500; market, steady to
strong. Yearling. $5.4000; wether. $520
5.60; ewe. $4.3017 3.20; lamb. $0Q.4a.
rrices for Produce Current In Ibe Bay City
Cucumbers, $102; sarile 56Cc; green neas.
307c: string beans. C520c; ar;iragiie. 407ic;
POULTRY Turkeys. 13020c: roosters, old.
$404.50: young. SG.5007.50; broiler, small.
$304: broilers, large. $(.50(C.5O: fryer. $3-50
u.t0: hens. $4.500 ; ducks, old, $606: deck.
young. $7fM0.
iikDKK tra crramery, oc; creamery
jeccndf. ibe.
EGGS Fancy ranch, ISc
CHEIE Young America. lO&SllUc:
ucrn. nominal: wtcrn. nomlnaL
HOPS 7(i lie.
WOOL South Plains and S. J.. Ilgl7c:
middle counties. 16024c.
MILLSTUFFS Bran. $170018)0: mid
dling. S27026C
RAY Wheat, $11010; wheat and oatr. $10
14; bartey, $6011; alfalfa. $1 0X60 11.50;
stock. $.06; rtraw. jer bale. 300 SOc.
rui Ajtpje. cnotce. eemman. 73c;
banana. $102.23; Mexican limes. S4012M:
California lemons, choice. $3: common. $1;
orangea, navel, J1.3oyX50; pineapples. $1.50
POTATOES Early Rose. 0c6$l: SaHnaa
Burttanks. $11.5A: swetfj-, nominal; Oregon
Burbankr, 75c0$l.lO.
RECBIITS Flour. 12003 quarter sacks:
wheat 2232 centals; barley 3037 centals, oats
270 centals; beans. S32 sacks; roro. V) era.
tal; potatoes. 4401 sacks; bran. 1965 acks
middlings. 60 sacks; hay, 55o tons; wool, (C
bale; hldts. vCS.
Mining Stock.
SAN FRANCISCO. April 2. The efflclal
clorlng quotations for mining stocks today
rre as leuowa;
AlU $ .02 iJulla S .07
Alpha Con. OP Uurtlce 03
Mexican lO
Occidental Con. .&6
Ophlr COO
Belcher .22
Bet & Belcher 1.13
(Overman .
Challenge Con.
.Savarc .......
lSg. Belcher...
ISIerra Nevada.
silver Hill
Union Cou
Utah Con
'Yellow Jacket..
Con. Cal. & V. 1.40
Con. Imperial.
Crown Point. .
Exchequer -. .
Gould & Curry
Halo & Nor...
NEW YORK. April 2. Closing queta
Adums Con....$ .23
Alice 220
Breece 40
jLltll Chief. ...S .07 H
unians .......
lOphlr 3.00
1 Phoenix te
PotoI ........ .12
Savage ........ .70
Sierra Nevada. 29
Small Hopes... .so
Brunswick C. . 20
Comstock Tun. .20
Con. Cal. & V. 1.23
Horn Silver... 2.05
Iron Silver. . . . 525
Lcadvtllc Con. .05
'Standard ..... 2.00 -
BOSTON. April 2. Closing qnotatlcas:
Adtenture ..$ 7274JMont. C. & C 175
Allouez 320 JOld Dominion 44.73
Amalramatd 111.50 lOsceola 104.73
Am. Zinc. . .. 11.00 'Parrot 29.73
Atlantic . . 2 1. 12 1 J Qulncj- 24.00
Cat & Hecla 7f0.0
..i.l!UUI2 .... , j li
27.25 Tamarack 1TO.00
Centennial ..
Cop. Range.
Daly West .
Granby .. ..
Isle Royale .
Mas. Mining
Mohawk . . .
N. Butte
14.00 United Cep..
2020 1U. a Mining.
13-STu'U. S. Oil....
22.30 JUtah
S.S7 4 Victoria
14.73 Winona
t1.75 IWolverln . .
64 T3
Pried rrR at New York.
NEW YORK. April 2. The markrt for
evaporated appl is Arm with a fair de
mand reported. jart f which 1 for export
account. Common to fancy, 7(rs;c:.falr to
good. 1M&. SVOSc: nearly to strictly prime.
9994c: choice 94910c, and fancy, lie.
Trune are said, to be cleaning ep 00 rrot
and th tone Is firm with Quotation ranging
from 4jec-
Apricou are firm with cholc 10$104c:
choice extras. lOU011c and fancy. llHCr
rach are unchanged.
Ralilns are quiet,
Cffe aad Sagv.
NEW TORK. April 2. CoSee futarea closed
steady. t unchanged to 5 potnU lower.
Sale. AS.&00 baa. Including April, t.te:
May a3 6.70c; July. 6.S54y.Kc: Septrm
Tor, 767.10c Spot Tilo. qut; No. 7 invoice.
S4c: mild, steady.
Sugar Raw, erulet; fair refining. 3c; cea
trirsgal. 1-3 test. 311 Wfjt4c; mAumsm ru--rar.
2c Jte&ied, jsn'.et; crattted, f.: pow
dered. 4-M: graauUted. $3.40.
Sharp Advances in New
Stock Market.
Flurry la Call Money Late in the
Day Is Ignored Heavy Dis
bursements by Banks
and GoTcrnmcnl.
NEW TORK. April 2. The action of the
stock market today was accepted a a en
ofuftratloa of confidence on the part of the
speculative element which embarked on the
lone side last week In the strength- of thelr
positlon. That position was maintained and
prices advanced briskly with more show of
breadth and animation than at any time lace
the movement began. The aggregate trans
actions for tba day roe to over 1.000.0CO
shares for the first time in several weeks.
Last week Improvement la the market
resulted In attracting a considerable incre
ment of outside Interest which offered an ad
vantageous medium for some proSt-Uklng
which was manifested during the first hour
of the market. The manner In which thi
waa aborbd apparently rve satisfaction to
the TT-ecolatlre piny and operations on the
long side were then renewed with consider
able increase of vigor. The movement waa
still largely profesflonaL bet the success
which attended It and seme of the develop
ments In the dsya news were regarded as
Justifying the speculative position and In
creased the coaSdcnce of prevailing opinion.
The money market showed relaxation, the
call loan rate being held at the per cent
level from the opening, except for a flurry to
10 per cent when the day's borrowing was
mostly completed. The comparatively good
condition a to money waa the result of the
heavy dlsbnrsemcnt of dividends and interest
paid by the banks and payment of some
$2.t'0.0 Govtrnment Interest. The arrival
on Saturday of $1,150,009 gold from Germany
had Its effect on the reserves of the banks.
Opinion s not entirely clear aa to how far
the expected relaxation In the money market
may be expected to go.
There Is a sanguine expectation In tee
financial district that tho dtfTerrscea In tba
anthracite Industry will be promptly adjust
ed. Railroad of2 rials East and tl were
reported as giving a rye ranees of large sup
plies of furl on hand both for the railroads
and manufacturing Industry.
The weakness of Consolidated Ga unsettled
the market temporarily, but the late flurry
to 10 per cent Jn the money rate was prac
tically ignored, as It waa not consldertd rep
resentative of conditions In the market. The'
overconfident borrowers left their require
ments uncovered early In the --day. and the
rate was bid tip on them. The- market ckwtd
strong and active, a number of stocks rUIng
vigorously In the closing drallsga.
Bonos were sllxhtly Irregular. There was a
very heavy absorption of the United States
Steel s-Koods. Tout sales. S.CS5.000. United
States bonds were all unchanged on calL
Sales. High. Low.
Adams lix press
Amalgam. Copper.. 132. 111?,
K04 1113
Vra. Car & Found. 2.2O0 4
do preferred KK 1034 12
Amer. Cotton Oil.. 224.')
do preferred
Amer. Exprest..... ......
Am. lid. & Lt, pf. 10U
American Ice 15.i00
Amer. Unseed Oil
do preferred
Amer. Icomoclve. 1020
Ilk Ob
do preferred
Am. Smelt, & Itef. 2J2iO
do preferred woo 123
Am. Surar ReSn.. GLOW 1424
Amer. Tobacco pfd. 4.4 1034 104
Anaconda Min. vo. 4P.4W w
Atchison 1
4ti 934
do preferred OO 1014
1034 1044
Atlantic Coast Line 1200
Baltimore & Ohio. 17.000 113
do preferred 100 97
Brook. Rap. Tran. 22.f SSU
Canadian Pacific .. 4.0V 1734 172
Cent, of N. Jersey 400 214 2o
Central Leather .. 4H
do oreferred J 103
Chesapeake & Ohio 9.16) 004
Chicago &. Alton.. ...... .....
do preferred.,... ......
CbL Gt Western.. 2XO
Chi. Xr Northwest. 7.KO 2144 213
ChU MM, : St, P. 2.400 1794 1774
Chi. Term. & Tran
do Dref erred. ... ...... .....
C. C. C 4 St, L. ffO 102A 101 U 102
CoJrt. Fuel Jb. Iron, 21200 674 MU eT74
Colo. & Southern.. 1V..O
do 1st preferred.. -Kl
do 24 preferred.. ......
Consolidated Gas.. 29'0 143
139S 140h
Corn Products ... lO.PfO
do preferred.. .. 3.400
Delaw. & Hudson. 1.700 210
DeL. Lack. W.. 2" 435
Den. & Rio Grande &20 474
do preferred f2 f4
DIstUlen Eecurit. 2M 61 .
Erie 21200 434
do 1st preferred.. 2.CY 794
do 2d preferred.. 700 71
General Electric . eco
Hocking Valley
I.2O0 126
Illlnot Central ... 2.nJ 171; 1734 17
international Papr 14 4
do preferred..... 1M 6-5 M
Internatloeal Pnmp 7.1CO 37 33
do preferred KO taU 63 "
Iowa Central ..... SCO 314 314
do preferred..... ...... ..... .....
Kansas City Sooth. 2S 2S
do preferred..... 3 39 574
Louis. Jk Nas.vHl lt.700 1S2H 1314
Manhattan L. .... .....
31 '.S
MetropoL St, Ry.. 100 1144 114S
Mexican Central... 2.SOO 23Vj 234
Minn. & SL Louis. 3M 77,
M.. St, P. Jk S.S.M. rpt 19k
do preferred..... ......
Missouri I-artflc... 4.4C0
Mo,. Kan. Texas 1X2O0
do prefwd..... 3.tV
National L-ad .... 1.4C-J
Mex Nt R- R. rf.
90 Vj
101 H
K'i Sis;
New York CentrmL 112M 144 1444
N. T.. Oat, & w.. 10.0J 324 314
Norfolk & Western 11.703 90V SJ4
do pref erred..,..
Northern Pacific . 15.10J 222V 221
North American .. 2200 101 4 jM'i
Pacific Mall 2.4"J 4V 44
Pennsylvania 2L& 1404
People's Gas 1.100 f3
133 140
b Ts
I .. C. C & St. Lt.
Reading 153.COJ 13SS 13t
An 1st raref erred.. ...... ..... ....
do 2d preferred.. 100 P7;
Republic Steel ... 3.400 224
do preferred..... 7C 1V1
Rock Island Co... 12. COO 2'i
do preferred 2.K CS4
Rubber Goods ....
do preferred..... ...... .....
Scb-oas-SbefTleld .. 12.K V
SL L. &. S. F. 2 Pf. 1.700 ,
St. Louis Southw :
do preferred..... ...... .....
Southern Pactflc.. Z.VO 704
do preferred 100 11M
Southern Railway.. 2.700 41 t
do preferred..... I.1CO 70S
Tenn. Ccl 4 Iron 100 143
Texas & PadUe.... W SltJ
ToL. St, L. i W.. 100 aH
do preferred..... 100 t3
31 s:
102V 102V
67 67V
84 70
1144 US
31 414
lfC 1024
149 145'
23U 334
34U 2
33 34J
Vnlon Pacific ....UI.7T 154 J374 13V
do preferred 1W 36 T K
V. S. Exprora - 117
V S. Realty , W
C. S. RuVb-r 2.7W 544 54V 54 V
do preferred 1.100 115 113 114
U. S. Steel 14.100 V 42 434
do preferrd 44.760 lt4 1074 1"K
Vlrg.-Cartx Chea.. 7t 31; 31 31
do preferred..... ...... . ..... 112
Wabash 100 224 224 22 1;
do preferred..... ...... ..... ..... 344
Wells-FsTTO Exp 23
We?tlnghoce Sec. 158
Western Colon ... ...... ..... ..... 014
Wheel. L. Brie. TTrt 2i IP4 20
Wliconsln CentraL. I2 24 4 294
do preferred ann 354 574 354
Total sales for the day. 1253,700 shares.
NEW TORK. April 2. Closing quota
C & ret 2s reg.lMV'D. 4 R. C. 4s. .. J9V
do coupon. ...196V. 7v T. C G. 34s. X
C. & U rg.,..14M Nor. Padfls 3s.. 74
docefcs l4U'Nor. Pacific 4t..l04i
U. K. new 4 rec.lX2iSo. Tadae 4s.. 2 V
do coupon. ..l"t24fCeIoB Pacific 4s.l5V
V. a old 4s rer.lNV'Wls. Ctstral 4s. 24
do coupoB lMVpasv. 6c 2d r.. .161
Atchison ArJ. 4 M4Uap. H. cer.... 2i
S4eks sftw-is.
LONDON. April X Cossets for sae-aey.
99 1-18: etc far ttMtM. afl-JC, . .
AascoJuU. 144:OB4artfe West. 33V
Atcfaim .......
do preferred..
Balttatore At O.
Can. Pacific. ...
Ches. Jc. Ohio...
C GL. Western.
C M. A. St. P..
De Beers
D. Jt R. Grande
do preferred.,
do 1st pref. ...
do 2d pref. .. ,
Illinois Cntral
Louis, tz Nash..
Mo- Kas. 4b T.
N. T. Central..
; JKH.Nortolk West.
107U. do preferred...
USv;TeRnsylTaat. ...
ITTVRand Mines..,..
. 41 i 'Reading ........
.214 do 1st pref....
,1S3 do 2d pref. ... .
1SH So. Railway
, 4h do preferred...
, 91 So. Pacific
. 44 Union Pacific...
, SIH! do preferred.
, 71H.U. SL Steel
.177 do preferred..,
134 1W1M15
3H do preferred...
1304 Spanish Fours...
7t H
a Motsey, Exeka&ge, Etc.
NEW TORK. April 2. Money on can.
steady and higher, tiff 10 per cent: rulmr rate.
6 per cent; last loan. 74 per cent: closing
bid. ? per cent; offered at 9 per cent: time
loans, ateady; SO. 00 days and six months. 3
per cent. Prime mercantile paper. 5UfH
per cent.
Sterling exchange, easier at $4.S340jM.S343
for demand and at $4.S2tS034.82"5 for 60-day
bill. Posted rates. $4.saHtH-6H. Commer
cial tUls. $4.S24M-82Sc
Bar 1 liver. Hc.
Mexican dollars. 4S;c
Government bonds, steady: railroad bocJj.
I1VTV1V 4rr!t R.t- nntet. :d
per exrnce. Mcpey. 3t73U per cent, D!eount
rate, short and three months bills. 34 Pr
SAN FRANCISCO. April Z Silver bars.
64Hc Mexican dollars. nomlnaL Drafts, right.
24c: telegraph. 5c Sterling; CO days. $LS2:
sight. $4.66.
Metal Markets.
NEW YORK. April 2. The London tin
market advanced tl to 1168 13 for spot and
fl&S 17s 01 for futures. Locally the market
was firm and higher In sympathy with spot.
and closed at 5720937.624c
The London copper market waa also higher.
dosing at 154 5a for spot and 131 13s for
future. Locally no change was reported.
Lake ! quoted at 192O0 13.73c: electrolytic.
1S23&1S20C. and casting at l&Q 13.23c Ex
ports of copper for tho month of March were.
16.301 tecs, making a total of 47.121 tons for
the three months, against 30.621 tons for the
same time last year. It Is reported that HOo
tou? of Chinese resales have reached the. local
Lead was unchanged at. 52595.45c In the
local market. The Eegllsh market was also
unchanged at t!5 Ss Od.
Spelter waa unchanged locally. 'cloInx at
6-12Hf?620c The market abroad waa higher
and closed at 23 2s 84.
Iron was higher abroad, with standard
foundry cloMng at 45a 3d and Cleveland war
rants at 42U 3d. Locally the market la re
ported ftteady. and No. 2 foundry Southern la
held a shade higher.
Dairy Produce ia the East.
CHICAGO. April 2. On the prcduee ex
change today the better market tn steady:
creameries. 160264c: dairies. 158 Wc. Eggs,
firm at mark, -cases Included. 134c: firsts.
134c: prime firsts. 164c; extras. 15c Cheese.
steady. Ut3!34c
NEW YORK. April 2. Butter. ea.-y; West
em factory, common to firsts. 12&itSc: West
ern Imitation do. 20c. Cheese. Una. Egrtf.
Arm: Western flrsu. lSic: do seconds. lSUc
3IarrUxe License.
jr.. sa: crystal J, uaroer. is.
son. 23. Vancouver. Wash.; Olive Byren
sen. 2R.
CORLET-BAI'OIIMAN John 31. Corley.
15. The Dalles: Nan Fisher Battghman. -42.
aken-ekikson John Henry Aren. 4
O. R. & N. Co.: Etta Sofia Erikson. 20.
ALLEN At 3S3 Tillamook street. March
12. to the wife of Gilbert Allen, a son.
BARNES At 113 East Eighth street.
March 2 to the wife of L. N. Barnes,
BERG REN At 371 North Seventeenth
street, March 1. to the wife of Carl Bergen,
a son.
CARLSON At 133 Main street, March 23.
to the wife of Charles William Carlson, a
CONCOFF At SSI Sandy Road. March 11.
to tn wife of isase itobert Concorx. a son.
ENCjiiST At 63 Karl street, March 10,
to the wire or EricK Ennuist. a daughter.
FEMEI.L At 741 East Main street.
March S. to the wife of WUhelm Femell. a
FURSELL At 439 Mildred avenue. March
2$. to the wife of Leander Forsell. a daugh
ter. Fl'RRET At Lents. March 27. to the
wife or Donald Furrey, a son.
GENOE At 702. Division street. March
30. to the wife of Samuel S. Genoe. a son,
G RUBER At 932 East Tayfor street.
March 29. to the wire of George Gruber. a
GCSTAFSON At SOS North Fourteenth
street. March . to the wire of John A. Gus
tafson. a dasghtrr.
HAUER At 103 East Couch street. March
29. to the wife of William Hauer. a son.
HAWKINS At 3d7 Front street, March
27, to the wife of John W. Hawkins, a son.
HELZER At 3-19 Falling street, March
31. to the wife of John Helier. a son.
JEFFCOTT At 1019 Cbrbett street.
March 23. to the wife of George W. Jeffcott.
a son.
JENKINS At 621 Francis avenue. March
8. to the wif of George N. J-nktn. a son.
KELLEHER At 333 Monroe street. April
1. to th wife or J. P. Kelleher. a son.
M'INTTRE At 711 East Ankeny street.
March 15. to the wife of Albert IL Mcln
tyre. a son.
MORGAN At 17 East sixle-inth street
North. March 17, to the wife of John S.
Morgan, a son.
NEMERVOST At 307 Hall street. March
23. to the wife of David Nemcrvost, a
OEHLER At 753 Roosevelt avenue.
March 23. to the wife of E. W. Oehler, a son.
PARSONS At 94S Division street, March
30. to the wife of George M. Parsons, a son.
RENNER At Grand avenue and Florence
street, March 27. to the wife of John Ren
ner. a son.
SCHIFFERS At S27 Kellr street. April I,
to the wife of Joseph Scblfler. a an.
SCHMIDT At 343 North Eighteenth
street, March 6. to the wife of Theodore
Schmidt, a daughter.
STENGER At 2d5 Thirteenth street,
March 31. to the wife of George Stsnger. a
STEWART At 340 Montgomery street.
jiarcn 11. to tne-wite or uavic i- Stewart,
of Eufaula. Wash., a daughter.
VAN CARNOP At 1K2 East Sixth street
North. Jlarch 27. to tho wife, of John W.
Tan Carnop. a son.
VAN GROSS Skt East Twenty-soventh
and East Taylor streets. March 29. to the
wir of William Van Gross, a sen.
WILSON At 32S North Seventeenth
street, March 18. to the wife of Walter A.
Wilson, a daughter.
Deaths, -
DAVIS At top of Barnes Heights. April
I. Willis Roswell Davis, aged about SO.
( Suicide.
EATON At St. Vincent's HospltaL April
1. George F, Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. S.
L. Eaton, aged 1 day. (Stillborn.)
DCNN At 414 East Clay street. March
31. John Donald Dunn, a native of Peta
lnma. Cat, aged 3S year.
HOCOHTON At 60S Corbett street. April
1. Mrs. Ellsa Hdughton. a native of Lon
don, axed 57 years. 3 months and 19 days.
ONO At 40 North First street. March
21. S Ono. a native of Japan, aged 32 years
and 2 months.
MERRILL At Good Samaritan Hospital.
March 31. Frank M. MrrtIU of 674 Eat
Tenth itreet, a native of Ohio. aged. 33
3ears. 7 month and 13 days.
MILLER At 334 Commercial street,
April 1. William H. Miller, a native of
Canada, aged 77 years. S months and 24
SMITH At 1309 East Sixteenth stre-t
North. March 31. Mrs. Utile Smith, a na
tive of New Tork. aged 32 years, 4 ssontns
and 10 days.
TAFFLINGER At 331 Madison street.
March 21. Mrs. Mary Taffllnger. a native of
New Tork. aged 33 years, 9 months and 10
WHEELER At 328 East Richmond
street. April 1. Marcus D. Wheeler, a na
tive of New TorSc axed 60 years. 7 months
and 17 days.
BalMtasr Permits.
R. R VET Kit Dwelling; East Taylor
streeL between East Twenty-third and East
Twenty-fifth. X2O00.
LVLC JJTBEE Repair of dwelling. Sev
entli street, between Clay and Columbia.
J 100.
J. F. BECKER Dwelling. East Flanders
street, between East Thirty-first and East
Tblrty-seond. J I OCX).
JAMES L MARSHALL Repair of store.
Second street, between Alder and Morrisos.
E. E. HOCH Shed., Twenty-third street,
between noyt and Irtlnr. 1300.
ney aveaue and Monroe street. 1469.
loon. Fourth and Taylor streets. SiM.
M. JANXOWSKT Ropair of dwellteg.
Mallory avenue and Shaver street. H.
A. F. UNO D-welltar. East Seventh sad
Marios streets. 31500.
JAMES OLSON Kara. Hawthorne ave
nue, between Sixth and Sevemth streets.
C W. XMERT Dwelling. Rart OUsaa and
7St Twenty-third. J13W.
J. XCTTS DwelllAC. 7fiat - -First, sad
M stress err trs, JE2H.
Downing, Hopkins &Co.
EstaMUnatJ IStl
Room 4, Ground Floor
Chicago Market Strengthened
by Advance at Liverpool.
Wemkntrss Develops Soon After thej
Opening on Free Selling: by
Plt-tTraders and the Commission-Houses.
CHICAGO. April .2. The wheat market
opened steady, but commenced to weaken dur
ing the first hour on free selling by pit
traders and commission-houses. The favor
able weather In the Southwest and reports
of Increasing receipts In the Northwert dis
pelled the early flrmnesw. and prices dropped
somewhat. About the middle of the session
the prevailing entiment again favored higher
prices, chiefly because of a strong clcae In
the Liverpool market. Throughout the re
mainder of the day the market held Arm. The
close was firm with prices almost at tho
top. The May option opened a shade lower to
4tf4c higher, at 77U4J774C told oft to 77
77tic and then advanced to 77Vc- The
cloed was 4c higher, at 774J774e.
Corn opened easier, but later became quite
firm on covering by shorts. May closed Jc
up at 4tic 1
Oats opened easier, but held firm later. The
close was ic up. at J4c for May.
Trading In provisions was qulst, but the
market was firm all day. At th close May
pork was up tHc. lard was up 5374c and
rlba were 2Hc higher.
The Board of Trade will be closed tomorrow.
It being election dar.
The leading future ranged as follows:
Open. IHxh.
S .774
-78 V
3lay 3 .774
3 .77V -774
Jury it
H .784
September ...
September ...
.784 .76H
.444 .444
.44V .444
.444 .45
.304 .204
.2114 .20V,
.2S4 .23V
.44 4
.44 4
September ...
May 15.2T, . is.33
July 18.174 187H
18.324 18.324
18.174 l.-3
May S.43 8.45
July s.524 8.374
sepiemoer ... b.o B.0T4
May 8.70 8.724
July 8.70 8.7U
September ... 8.774 8.SO
Cash quotations were as follows:
Flour Dull and easy.
Wheat No. 2 Spring. 777t4c: No. 3. 74
70c: No. 2 red. 848S3c
Corn No. 2. 434c: No. 2 yellow. 44Uc
Oats No. 2. SOTic: No. 2 white. 31V32c:
No. 3 white. 304c
Rye No. 2. 60c.
Barley Good feeding. 2743S4c; fair to
choice maltlnc; 43S0c.
Flaxseed No. 1. ?1.06; No. 1 Northwestern,
Timothy seed Prime. 33.174-
Mess pork Per barrel, 31623618.30.
Lanl Per 100 pounds. 33.40.
Short ribs sides Loose. $.9.338.624.
Short clear sides Boxed. JIO.
Whisky Basis of high wines, 31.2S.
Clover Contract grade. 113.
Flour, barrels 22.900
Wheat, bushels 11.000
Corn, bushels 1S.3CO
Oats, bushels 263.000
Rye. bushels 3.0CO
Barley, buohels 51.200
Grata and Frodace at New Tork.
NEW TORK. April 2. Flour Receipts.
17. CCO barrels: export. 1300 barrels. Finn.
Wheat Receipts. 17.000: exports. 18,000;
spot firm: No. 2 red. SOVc elevator: No. 2 red.
SSVc. nominal f. o. b. afloat: No. 1 Northern
Dulutb. SSSc f. o. b. afloat. Options eased
off under large receipts and favorable weath
er, hut rallied again later and closed steady,
net unchanged to c higher. May closed
SSVc; July. S3Vc: September, 82ic
Hoes Steady.
Wool Firm.
Hides Quiet.
Grain at San Trascisco.
SAN FRANCISCO. April 2. Wheat and
barley, steady. Spot quotations:
Wheat Shipping. J1.224S1-35: milling.
Barley Feed. $1.174L21U.
Oats Red. J 1.23 8 1.63; white, 31.551.70;
black. J1.23.S1.40.
Call board sales: Wheat May. J1.28V.
Barley May. 11.184. Corn Large yellow,
Mlnae-apoUs "Wheat Market.
MINNEAPOLIS. April 2. Wheat May.
764c; July. 7SV37SVc: September. 77c:
No. t hard. 774 e: No. 1 Northern. 7GVc;
No. 2 Northern. 73 U c.
Wheat at Taeoma.
TACOMA. April 2. Wheat. unchanged.
Export, bluestem. 6Sc: club, 67c; red, 68c.
Wheat at Liverpool.
LIVERPOOL. April 2. Wheat.
7Vd: Jnlr. 6a 6V d
Weather, overcast.
New Toric Cot tow Market.
NEW TORK. April 2. Cotton futures
closed quiet and steady at a decline of 4
potnU to an advance of 2 points. April.
10.97c: May. 11.12c: June. 11.01c: July. 11.03c:
August, 10.8Sc: Feptember. 10.3Sc; October
aid November. 10.42c; December, 10.44c; Jan
uary, 10.47c
Gaaellae Is Higher.
CLEVELAND. April 2. The Standard Oil
Company has again advanced the price of
all grade of gasoline and naphtha, the new
quotations ranging from H to 1H cenU per
gallon higher than- former prices.
St. Xoela Wool Market.
ST. LOCTS. April 2. Wool Steady. Me
dium grades, combing and clothing. 18c;
fine. 26921c: heavy fine. IBS 20c; tub
washed. 31 4? 33c.
FJgla Batter "Market.
ELGIN. RL. April 2. Butter was quoted
at the Board of Trade firm at 28 cents. The
weekVoutpt for tho district was 431.000
Wool ate St. Loals.
ST. LOCIS. ""April 2; Wool, steady: terri
tory and Western audla-sur. 224129c; fine ms
dlasss. 21f4Kc; gse. 1S4J21C
Horn la Leades.
LIVERPOOL. April 2. Hoa fa Load,
PadSc Coast, qalet. OIKS 3s. .
Tfteral grtuls Trsawers
Oak park Laad Co- to Frank' Bat
ter, lot 19. block S, Oak Park Addi
tion No. 2......... 3
A. W. Coddard aad wife to George
M. Sawes. lot 3. Vaace....
game t . lot' A. Taaee, 19.M
Hsary Mtlcter a ad wtfe . to I. C
Berger. east 2 fwt lot 8. block 4.
city i
Chamber of Commerce
A. W. Lambert, trustee, to John B,
Pearl. 6 acres, beginning 587.7 fet
north 89 dr. 43 mln. W. o S. W.
corner of Van Schuyxcr D. L. C,
section 7, T. 1 N R. 1 E
Otto E. Warnecke and wife to John
R. Pearl, about 73x180 feet, begin
ning N. W. corner lot 1. Ed s wood.
John Hewitt and wife to John Sulli
van and wife. lot 10. block 2. Al
berta .
Aloys Harold to same. lot II. block.
2. Albert
A. L. Clarke and wife to Ida R.
Stokes, lot 2. tract "B." First-Street
Carrie Laah Williams to W. Wyrci
Johnson. N. 4 of S. E. U of 3-acre
tract of land deeded to J. C.
MaJone by Lehman Blum and wife,
section 1. T.I S.. R. I IX. except
strip 28 feet wide off west side....
C D. Williams, et at. to Joseph J.
Zekey. lots 1 and 2. block 77. Sell
wood William J. Hawkins, administrator,
et ak. to Franklin H. Smith. lot 14.
block 73. Sellwood. ............
Security Savings &. Truat Co. to D.
Freecman. lots 5 and 3. block 78.
Couch Addition
Cosst Investment Co. to C J. Dan
nals. lot 1. block 4; lot 18. block 2.
Barton's Addition
Osalan F. Paxton and wife to Port
land Railway Co., all Vancouver
Island or Hayden Island or ShaWs
Citizens Bank to Ophelia A. De
Groff. lot 1. block 6. Carter's Addi
tion E. V. B. Miller and husband to J. H.
MacDonald. north 110 feet lot 4.
block 54, Woodstock
Same to same, north 108 feet lot 4.
block 34, Woodstock
Albert F. Reed and wife to Martha
Burke, lot 3. block 7. Raffetys Ad
dition .
James L. Cars well and wife to Mrs.
Lllllas Carawell. lot 5. btock 13.
South Portland
J. Frledenshal and wife to Sol. M.
Blumauer. lots C. 7 and 10. block 3.
and lots 5 and S. btock 6. Wilson's
Portland Trust Co. to Louis A- Bough
er. lot 7. block "L," Portsmouth
Villa Extended
George W. Metzger and wife to John
H. Metager. et aL. 38 square rod,
beginning east stake bitwecn lots 4
and 3. block 2. Roberts Addition...
Buena V. Budce to Else O. Porter;
rots 1 and 2. block 3. Henry's Fifth
A. R. GangloC and wife to College
Endowment Association. lots 3, 4. 5
and 6. block 34. East Portland....
John Jr. Plttenger and wife to Mr.
Ellen Kroner, west 5 feet lot 3.
and lot 6. btocl: 3. Williams-Avenue
A. R. Ganglo.T and wife to Charles
V. Dangerfleld. et al.. lot- 1. 2.
7 and S. block 34. East Portland..
Arleta Land Co. to Ray S. Benntt.
lots 3 and 4. block 6. Lester Park..
Louis G. Clarke, et al., to M. E.
Swlgcrt. lots I and 2. block 77. East
Mrs. A, E. Farreil to Walter H.
Bates. lou 9 and 10, block 2. Far
rell'a Addition
Title Guarantee Trust Co. to Mon
terey Beahan. lot H. block 5. Hol
lailay Park Addition...
John Luethe to Samuel Luethe. 77
acres off cast end of N. W. V
of section 3. T. 1 N.. R. 1 W
Samuel Luethe to John Luethe. 674
acres off west end of N. W. V of
section 3. T. I N.. R. 1 W.
Same to Rosa Luethe. 13 acres In
X. W. U of section 3. T. 1 N.. R.
1 W.. north of County Road
Title Guarantee St Trust Co. to Will
iam Reldt. lot 3. block S: lot 3.
block 4: lots 3. 4. 5 and 6. block
3. South St- Johns
Land Co. to J. Flnstad. lot 13. block
14. city view park
J. Flnstad to Peter S. Kogseth. et al..
same property
Pactric Realty & Investment Co.' to
W. M. Heath, lots It and 12. block
2. Stewart Park
George W. Brown to Emma P. Heath.
lot 15. block 1. uaurelwood. ... . . .
Mable Ryder to same. lot 14. block 1.
Hiram F. Tales to Umatilla Oldham.
lot 1. block 10. Hawthorne's FbM
LArthur J. F. Garesche and wife to Oc-
tavla. Ausplund, lot 9. block 3. Wil
son's' Addttlon
Title Guarantee & Trust Co. to same,
east 3 feet lot 10. block 3. same
Eunice G. Sargent to H. H. Gardner,
lou 3 and 6. block 127. Park Ad
dition T. H. Gardner and wife- to Thomas
Hlslop. same property ,
Thomas Hlslop and wife to John Dan
nells. same property....
George W. McCoy to Albert Glesler,
lots 4 and 3. block 2. city.
Same to same. lot If. block 1. Mistle
toe Addition ......................
Doris C Blum to Mrs. Jennie Bach
man, lots 3 and 4. block 4. Kinzel
Park .............................
Oak Park Land Co. to Wilfred R.
Wood, parcel land beginning S. K.'
corner tract "B." Oak Park. Addi
tion No. 2
Conrad RIndlaub to J. M. Pugh. lot
1 to 8. 22. .23. 13. 14. 2S. and 30.
block I. Wheatland's Second Addi
tion, and lots 1. 2. 28. 27. 2S. 29 and
30. block 11. Wheatland Addition..
Jane G. Buckman. et aL. to Bertha
Smith, et at., lots 5 and 20. East
wood Isaiah Buckman to J. H. Setttemler.
lou 3 and 6. block 3. L. Buckman's
Addition .-
Woman Beers 3rcVIcar's Relatives to
"Withhold Judgment.
STOCKTON-. CaL. April 2. Th -rrantl
jury today indicted Mrs. T-e Doux for
the- murder of A. X. McVicar In this city
on March 24. Today a visit was made to
the prisoner by J. C. McVicar. a. brother
of the deceased, -who arrived here a few
days ago. from' Colorado, and ex-Judge
A. N. Sullivan, of Plattsmouth. Neb., who
Is an uncle of the McVicars and who
came here to assist in the prosecution
If he is atlowed to do so.
The woman asked them to withhold
their condemnation of her until the rasa
was presented to a jury.
Xo Quorum Was Present.
SAN FRANCISCO. April 2. A meeting
of the California directora of the Conti
nental life Insurance Sc. Investment Com
pany was scheduled for today, but only
five members attended, tho number betas
two short of a quorum. The avowed pur
pose of the meeting: was to retire Presi
dent Tyrce from office. It was reporteel
today that an attempt will be made te
call a special meeting: of- the stockholder,
at which impeachment proceeding: will
be commenced against President Tyre.
Oregon City Boy on Team.
Wash., April" 2. (Special.) The team
choaen this afternoon to represent Pear
son's Academy in debate for champioa
ship of eight schools of tho Inland Zkn
plre. was Ralph Dlmlclc of Oregon City;
W. Yarnell. of Goldendale. and Ira. Canra.
of Walla. Walla. The finals are to be held
with Colfax High School here next swath
on the shipping: subsidy questtea.
Homo Telephone d: Tel.
graph Securities.
Cossiateat with ABSOLUTE SAFSTT.
Rooms 3. 4 and S. Lafajstte Btdg..
Cor. Sixth and 'Washiagtoa Sis.
Fertlaad, Orgs.