: ' !- ' " ' t ' " ' - ' THE XORXING OREGONULJf, TUESDAY, -APJOIi 5, 1906. 13 -FOB KENT. Rooms, SWELLKST ROOMING-HOUSE IN PORT laad. Stone &nd brick bids.; elegantly fur' nisbed; electric lights hot and cold water, a furnace heat, porcelain baths. Hotel Ar roenlus, 4104 Morrison, cor. 11th. Main 5263. 435 TAMHILL. NICELY FURNISHED rooms; eteam heat, gas and bath. FOR KENT FURNISHED ROOMS. 141 10th st. Room. With Board. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION. 17TH TEAR; rooms with board; use of sewing-room: us of library; Women's Exchange. Address Mrs. E. B. Hamlin. SupU. 510 Flanders. BLAKBLY HALL. 270 CTH ST. ONE OF the nicest private boarding-houses In city; house new, modern conveniences; terms rea sonable; 4 block south Hotel Portland. S95 12TH LARGE FRONT ROOMS. MODERN, phone, good cooking, private family; walk ing distance: very reasonable. 471 ALDER LARGE front parlor and medlum-slied room, bath, phone; board if d col red. reasonable. IF YOU WANT FIRST-CLASS ROOM AND board, with all convenience;, for $20 month, call at 251 7th t. 3S9 ALDER ST. FURNISHED ROOMS, with or without board; strictly home cooking. LARGE PARLOR ROOMS WITH BOARD; rood home cooking. 395 Clh. Phone Main Paying guests receive, private modern home, table and service Ist-clasn. ISO 18th-Gl!ean. FURNISHED ROOMS WITH OR WITHOUT board: running water. S95 Morrison sU NOB HILL. PLEASANT ROOMS, HOME cooking; prices reasonable. Pacific 922. ROOMS WITH OR WITHOUT BOARD: modern. 850 Madison st.. cor. Park. THE OZARK ROOMS, FIRST-CLASS SERV Ice; hot. cold water. 223 11th st. BOARD AND ROOM AT 330 TAYLOR, IJET. Cth and 7th. Flats. MODERN STEAM-HEATED C-ROOM FLAT to rent. 17th and GlUan St.: will be va cated April 1. Apply to Janitor on prem ises or to the Ames Mercantile Agency, phone Main 828. FOR RENT LOWER FLAT AND BASE ment of 7 rooms; all In nice order. $40; wtiter and telephone free;' central location. 7th and Oak. Apply to G. N. W. Wlbwn Co., 72 Cth. FOR "RENT NEW S-ROOM LOWER FLAT, strictly modern; good view; on car line: rent $18.50. Jones' Drug Store, Front and Clbbs. Fhcne Main 398. FOR RENT OR SALE S-ROOM WELL-FUR-ntxhed Bat. new nnd modern, 10 minutes' walk of Postofflce. Apply T. J. Hammer, 1G Commercial block. NEW 5-ROOM FLAT, GAS, HYDRAULIC woodholst, cement baement; 10 minutes' walk from PoctoSlce. Phone before ?. Main. 2220. MODERN 5-ROOM FLAT UPPER. CORNER. lose In. W. M. Martzall. "The Palmer House." 3504 Alder. Phone Main 1883. NEW. MODERN 4 ROOMS AND BATH: heat and water Included; $r,0. The Gar land, C21 Washington, near 19th. MODERN 4-ROOM FLAT. FURNITURE for sale. West Side, near car line. Phone 405! bet. 10 A. M. and 2 P. M. CENTRALLY LOCATED. COMPLETELY furnished modern 8-room flat with bath. In quire 1C3 W. Park st. FOR RENT 7-ROOM MODERN NEW flat. 947 6th st. Phone Pacific S85. A. H Maegiy. 210 4th st. $20-CHOICE NEW MODERN 0-ROOM Tat. Inquire 195 Union ave.. near Holla day. 5-ltOOM FLAT. HOT AND COLD WATER, on car line, $12.50. 42d and Hawthorne ave. TWO FLATS, ft ROOMS EACH. $5; ONE store. Inquire 347 Taylor. Phone Eost C091. NEW C-ROOM UPPER FLAT. 370 13TH. Call 455 Market. Phone Main 5593. SEW MODERN 0-ROOM LOWER FLAT. 50 N 9th st Inquire 49 N. Park ft. I PPER FLAT. MODERN, 2924 CLAY, naar 5th. $30. Apply 292 Clay. "Oil RENT FIX-ROOM LOWER FLAT. Lownsdalo, near Yamhill st. Housekeeping Rooms. THE ROWLAND APARTMENTS. 6314 Washington St.. cor. 20th Nicely furnished housekeeping rooms: gas ranges, hot water, free bath, free phone on both floors, nice tunny suites for $10 and $12 per month: the very best rooms In th city for the money. THE ONEONTA. 1ST 17TH ST.. NEAR YAM hill New bouse, elegantly furnished apart, cents, in suites of 2. 3 and 4 rooms; hot and cold water; gas range In each kitchen; team heat, baths, free phone on each floor. FOR RENT FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP teg roomo In bt brick block on East Side; gas ranges, bath, etc; no transients; prices moderate. Logan block. 1084 Union ave., corner East Alder. Phone East 4624. 2 12TH. COR. ASHINGTON NEWLY urnlshed runny ba -window room, free phone and baths, electric lights; reasonable rates, new management. 11.25 A WEEK UP CLEAN. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, with yard, parlor, laun dry, bath, furnace. 20314 Stanton. U car. .S5 ALDER TWO ROOMS. LARGE AL cox e, private houe; housekeeping, modern conveniences, central, intone Main C272. TWO LARGE. PLEASANT. NEATLY FUR nlslicd room, bath, phone, gas. furnace; flue location; references. 055 Irving U THE LOWNSD LB. f.0S4 ALDER- NICELY fumUhed rooms, gas range, sink, with water n kitchen; bathe; rents reaonable. RQOMS. PARTLY FURNISHED. LOWER floor house. 4fil West Park. M. Walton. 313 Washington t. Phone Pacific 1955. l.ftO WEEK UP LARGE. CLEAN. FUR nlshed housekeeping rooms; laundry and bath. 181 Sherman tit., South Portland. I30 TAMHILL ST.. RET. 11TH AND 12TII sts,- Nicely funitehed front ulte, modem conveniences, light housekeeping. "HREE LOVELY ROOMS. FIRST FLOOR, bath, phune, iras, furnace, running water, panto, tefercnees. C55 Irving. 47 MARKET TWO ROOMS. FURNISHED for housekeeping, first floor, line location; reasonable to dofclrable parties. X RKNT ItEASONAHLE .1 VERY BSlt able room?" for housekeeping; partly rur nlnhed. fiSS Irving, near 21st. -ONDON. 63 FIRST. CORNER PINETWO large, clean, furnished huuf"keeplng rooms, quiet, elderly i-ouple preferred. ?UITE OF LARGE FRONT FURNISHED ' 'onsekeeplng rooms, prh-atc family, dean, reasonable. 246 N. 17th ot. WO FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS $S per month, private tamlly. p7 Belmont sL. take Sunnyside car. 71 ALDER LARGE FRONT PARLOR AND kitchen, with gas stove, bath, phone; rea sonable, near business. WO LOLY CONNECTING HOUSE ktplng rooms, sink, water and us of bath, i-all 5f6 Pattygrove st. riCELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING r.onu gas. phone; reasonable to desirable tenants. 493 Claa. 1RICK BUILDING. OCCUPIED BY FAMI ics, no transient; reive time and car "fare. 211 4 2d-Salmon. JJVELY FURNISHED ROOM, BATH, phone, laundry, close In; cheap; come tce. .-a x. nth. 1VE UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms for rent; electric lights, gas. 47 Columbia st. 11TE OF TWO OR THREE FURNISHED housekeeping roonu, 414 4 Jefferson su. cor ner of 11th. t AY -WINDOW SUITE, FIRST FLOOR, GAS range, furnace henu 146 N. 10th. Phone Main 5 ITS. R0XT SUITE HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, gas Tange and bath; no children. 312 3d: 115.00. Toe Heller 2804 Grand ave. Furnished and unfurnUhed housekeeping suites. $10 up. IINGLE ROOM FOR GENTLEMAN: ALSO one tor light housekeeping. 574 Gltean su TOR RENT NICE SUITE OF HOUSE keeplng rooms. 321 7th st.. cor. Clay. it OS 1.TTH SMALL SUITE ON 3D FLOOR for cue or two ladles. $S per month. rXFURNISHBD HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS The Jeffcrtca. 5th and Jefferson. rOK KENT. Kouteketplng Koobb. THREE WELL FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP lng rooms, large pantry, bath, first floor of modern home. CM) 4th st. Phone Pacific 1324. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FOR RENT 240 Park sU, corner Main. HeBses, FOR RENT FINE MODERN RESIDENCE of 9 rooms, furnace, gas. electric lights, fireplace, etc.; choice locality. 781 Kear ney, bet. 23d and 21th sts,; rent $38. C H. Korell. 251 Washington st. A DESIRABLE HOME FOR RENT: LARGE house, 12 rooms, hot and cold water, aeren blocks and a lot of fruit trees; the finest view in Oregon. Call on A. L. Miner, Su Johns, Or. HOUSES OF ALL SIZES IN ALL PARTS OF the city, all prices, for rent. MORTGAGE GUARANTEE 4 TRUST CO., 0 Seventh Street. STRICTLY XEW. MODERN 7-ROOM HOUSES Close In. large light basement, yard, elec trlcltj, gas, furnace, tub. Inquire 2IS Lincoln, sear Third. FOR RENT 1 S-ROOM HOUSE: FINE Lo cation; 10 minuter walk from PostofTlce. For particulars phone Main C787. or address C 74. Oregonlan. 6 FURNISHED ROOMS. WELL LOCATED. West Side, central, $27.50 month. The Ames Mercantile Agency, Ablngton blig. Phone Main 828. HOUSE WITH 7 ROOMS AND MODERN Improvements, corner lot. 230 Dixon and Benton sts. Call 409 Clay sc. H. Trenkman. LARGE BARN. CORNER E. 19TH AND Paclflc sts.. room for IS horses, rent cheap. Inquire Wakefield. Fries & Co.. 229 Stark. MODERN 7-ROOM HOUSE. NEWLY PAINT--d and papered. 467 loth st. Apply to F. S. Bunting, Room 40, Worcester nldg. DONALD O. WOODWARD. 246 STARK ST. Rents and Insurance. Phone Main 215. ADMINISTRATOR OF ESTATES. C-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. FULL LOT. fiunnyslde: reasonable rent. Shoe Store, 313 Washington st. Pacific 1955. FOR RENT MODERN 10-ROOM HOUSE. 17th. bet. Washington and Couch. Apply 53 N. 18th st., corner Davis. FOR RENT NEW BUNGALOW. 38TH ST. and 'Bust Alder. Inquire 1000 Marquaro. Phone Paclflc 153. FIVE :-ROOM COTTAGE. NEW, MODERN, i. 005 Northrup. Inquire 571 Love Joy. gaa. Phone Main C72C FOR RENT IF YOU WISH A SNAP IN the way of a modrrn. new house, just phone to Paclflc 245. $20 SIX-ROOM COTTAGE. 29 EAST 7TH ST.. near Pine: references required. 304 Fen ton bldc. S4 Cth. NEW MODERN 8-ROOM HOUSE. HAW thorne Park; rent $30, (116 Fenten bide. Phone 831. TWO MODERN 6-R00M FLATS. GAS. FUR nace, 14th and E. Salmon sts. Phene Pa cific 790. . NEARLY NEW C-ROOM COTTAGE. EAST Cth st.. Lincoln Park Annex, $12. Phone Main isS. $17.00 SIX-ROOM HOUSE. MODERN. GAS. bath, fine location. 915 E. Salmon. Phone Bast 523. 12-ROOM JIOUSE. ALSO 7-ROOM. GOOD repair, suitable roomers or store. 107 N. flth. FOR RENT CONVENIENT COTTAGE FIVE room and basement, 2C1 Parter st., cor. 4Uu $30 LIGHT SIX.ROOM FLAT. 498 MILL, near 14th: fi-room house. 493 Montgomery. $30 LIOHT SIX-ROOM FLAT. 49S MILL, near 14th; 9-room house. 493 Montgomery. NEAT. CLEAN 5-ROOM COTTAGE; E. 20TH and Stark ;s. Apply f7 East 27th st. CHEAP FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE. CLOSE IN. East Side. Apply 95 East Sth "North. FOR RENT 0-ROOM HOUSE. 105 10TH T corner Taylor. Inquire 189 lCth st. FOR RENT S-ROOM HOUSE. S. E. COIL 1st and Meade. Inquire 700 IsL FOR RENT NEW 8-ROOM HOUSE. 350 Montromery. Apply 328 7th. FOR RENT MODERN 0-ROOM HOUSE, 09 Whltaker et Key at 821 Front. COTTAGE OF 6 ROOMS AND BATH. 731 Hoyt st. Inquire 132 0th st. FOR RENT 5-ROOM COTTAGE. 483 WEST Park t. Apply within. FOR RENT COTTAGE. 191 FARGO ST.. $14. Phone East 558. FOR RENT C-ROOM COTTAGE. 315 SEC ond and Clay. FBrntshed House. SEVERAL GOOD. SOME FINE FURNISHED houses. $25 to $73 a month. MORTGAGE GUARANTEE TRUST CO.. 90 Seventh Street. NEATLY FURNISHED HOUSE. CENTRAL to buMneAa center, for rent reatonablfi. Ap ply to E. B. Simmons & Co.. SOI Dekum building. 5-ROOM COTTAGE. NEATLY FURNISHED, gas. Hectric light, nice yard: no children. $25 a month. Phone Bast 3232. FOR RENT FURNISHED 4-ROOM COT tage, "centrally located. F. T. Berry. No. 4 Cth t. N. Phone Pacific 2082. CHOICE HOUSE. COMPLETELY FURNISH d. best East Side district; cheap If taken at once. Phone Main CIS, 10-ROOM HOUSE. WELL FURNISHED. FOR roomem or boarders, good location. Hatfield &. Smith. 1034 4th ft. FURNISHED FLAT, NOB HILL. FURNI ture new and first class; desirable. Address "W 95, Oregonlan. C-ROOM FURNISHED COTTAGE, CTH AND East Ash; rent $25 monthly. Porter, 222 Washington st. $20 WATER INCLUDED. FURNISHED r tuvotn cottage. East Side. Call 90 7th st. Main M43. WELL FURNISHED HOUSE. PORCELAIN bath, gas; for ycur or less. 412 2d. after 3:30 I". M. FURNISHED C-ROOM COTTAGE FOR RENT Near Washington su. w would sell. Call 79 Park sL WELL FURNISHED HOUSE. PORCELAIN bsth, gas: for year or less. 412 2d. after 3:30 P. M. FURNISHED FOUR-ROOM COTTAGE. ELEC tric lights, bath, central. Inquire 272)j 7th. CLEAN. NEATLY FURNISHED cottage. 5S4 S. 4th sL -ROOM Bobim For Rent Furniture for Sals. FURNITURE OF 0 ROOMS FOR SALE Rooms to rent, these rooms arc located In the central buslnem district and are for rent. The Ames Mercantile Agcncy. Ablng ton bldg. Phone Main 928. THE FURNITURE OF BOTH A C AND 7 rooru house, centrally located, will be jvld and lease on house ust1gned. or will be rented furnUhed. Arply to J5. B. Simmons & Co., Dekum bldg. SIN-ROOM HOUSE. GAS. BATH AND" basement; furniture for sale, cash or in stallments 432 E. 7th st. Phone East 4394. 5-ROOM FLAT. VERY FINE FURNITURE: cheap rent: central location; $350. Hatfield Smith. 1G5V, 4th iC. FURNITURE OF 11-ROOM HOUSE, MOD ern: rvvrythlng new; bat-gain. 1S8 7th sj. Main 417X Stores, NEW. MODERN STORE. Thoroughly modem store. 22x4S fet. on Mississippi ave. and Failing St.; latel com pleted, and well equipped for any buMncsa: .a good, bright, modern C-rcem flat can be rented in connection if desired at $18 per month: store $20 jer month. Apply to PORTLAND TRUST CO. OF OREGON. E. Corner Third and Oak. Phone Exchange 72. TO "RENT TWO-STORY BRICK BUILDING, store and 16 rooms upstairs. Salmon St.. sear First, will be leased separately or to gether. Apply to Benateln & Cohec 31-34 Washington bids., cor- 4th and Washington ata. FOR RENT TWO SAMPLE ROOMS. TTH and Oak, Apply to G. N. W. WUseB Co, 72 6th. TO RENT TVASHINGTON ST. STORE. Be tween 3d aad 6th sta. Address A t. Orego nlan. MbeettaJMooa. FOR RENT DONKEY ENGINE. IN qulre T. Germain. S40 N. 3th at.- Phone Mala C7. fFBCiAL xonarre. QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE. SEATTLE. Wash March S. 190C Sealed proposals. In triplicate, will be received here eatll 12 o'clock noon, Thursday. April 2. lS-d4 and then opened, for tratisportatloa of Govern-m-nt troops, semalns and supplies from Se attle and Tacoma. Washington, to Ketchi kan. Fort William 1L Seward. Skagwar. Juneau. Sitka. Valdez. Fort Llscum. Seward. St. Michael. Fort Davis (Nome) and to points on the Yukon and Tanasa Rivers, la Alaska. Xrcm St. Michael. Alacfca. to the various points cm the Yukon Riven do between Fort Darts (Nome) and St. MicfeaeL Alaska, and for transportation In opposite directions bettieea all points mentioned. For trans portation to aad from points on the Yukon River via the White Pass aad Yukon route, aloo between way points oa (ha Yukon River. Right U reserv ed, to reject or ac cept any or all proposal or parts thereof. Detailed Information aa to -rvlce required will be furnished upon application. Envelop- containing proposals should be marked "Proposals for Alaska. Transporta tion. and addressed to Major W. S. Wood Quartermaster. U. S. A-. Seattle. Washing ton. PORTLAND. OR.. MARCH 2S, 1SOS. Sealed bids will be received at the School Clerk's office. City Hall, up to 12 o'clock M. on Wednesday. April 4. 190C. for the construction of the additions to the Sunny side School building. Hoi re an School build ing aad East 2Sth School building. Sepa rate bids will be taken as follows: First Brickwork, plastering; concrete, excavat ing. Iron Kork. etc. Second Carpeaur work. etc. Third Glass and glazing. Fourth Painting, etc. Fifth Plumbing and drainage. A certified check of 10 per cent of the amount of the bid must accom pany the same. Plans and specifications can be seea at the School Clerk's office. The School Board reserves the right to re ject any and all bids. THOMAS J.JONES, architect. THE UNDERSIGNED WILL RECEIVE sealed bids up to 12 o'clock noon ct Tues day. April 3. 190C. for the A. JaloCT & Co. stock of merchandise at Astoria, Or con alttlnc of drjgoDii, boots and shoes, furnish ing rooii aad clothing to the amount of about $2050, and millinery goods to the amount of about $1100. together with trade fixtures to the amount ot $367.90. located on Bond street aad Commercial street. In Astoria. Inventory rnay be sea at ray of fice and inspection of goods may be bad on the pmalaea at Astoria, A certified chfk for 10 per cent of the amount offered mutt accompany each bid, and the right It re served to reject any and all bida. R. L. Sabln. Front aad Aakeny sts.. Portland. Or. THE UNDERSIGNED WILL RECEIVE BIDS up to 12 o'clock soon of Menday. April 2, 1900. for the H. W. Ternaa stock of mer chandise, coai-lstlng principally of hardware, tinware, paints and oils, stores aad grocer let, of the Inventor- valuation of $216-87. together with trade fixtures to the amount of $242.75. located at Halsey, Or. The In ventory may be seen at my offic aad In spection of stock may be had on the prem ises at Halsey. A certified check for 10 per ert-t of the amount offered must accom pany each bid and the right Is reserved to reject any aad all bids. R. L. Sib in. Frost and Ankeay trt., Portland. Or. U, S. ENGINEER OFFICE. SIS BRADBURY bldg.. IOt Angeles. CaL. March 23. 1&0S. Sealed proposals for dredging at aa Diego Harbor. CiX, will be received here until 11 A. M., April 27. H06. and lira publicly opened. Information furslahed on applica tion. Amos A. Fries. Captafa Engineers, U. S. A. Masters Notice, FRENCH BARK FRANCOISB D' AM BOISE. Captain RufT. from San Francisco Neither the master ror the undersigned coa slgnee of the above-nrrned reeel will be responMble ror any debts that may tx con tracted by the crew. TAYLOR. YOUNO & Co., ageats. April 2. 190G. KlscelUaesa. PORTLAND COMMERCIAL CLUB. OF PORT land. Or. Notice of meeting to adopt sup plementary articles of incorporation. The Board of Governors of the Portland Com mercial Club, of Portland. Or., dor hereby give notice that a special meeting of aera tor will be held In the rooms f the- club. In Portland. Or., on the 16th da) f April. 1900. at S o'clock P. M. That the object of rach rpedal meeting Is to adept supplemen tary articles of Incorporation of th dub changing, H corporate name from thai of Commercial Club of Portland. Or, to 'Portland Commercial Club of Portland. Or.; ala amending, enlarging and chang ing the object, enterprise and pursuit T the dub so as to enable It to enlarge its field of uefulnes. In the community. Dated Portland. Or. this Sd day of AprIL 1900. F. W. Leadbettrr. president; EL L, Tbemp son. nfcreiarj. . WE. TUB UNDERSIGNED FURNITURE aad piano-movers, will require the payment of all charges upon delivery of goods after December 1. 1903: H. C Haack. C F. Har der. O. F. Hussey. Caegror Bros.. Portlaad ."DeUvery Co Post Special Delivery Co Package Delivery Co.. Holmaa Traaster Co.. North, rrtem Traasfer Co.. Oregon Auto Dispatch Co, John Hampton, James McLla dea, Owea McLladen, Pacific Traasfer Co Oreroa Traasfer Co, Portlaad V'aa dc Sto age Co. Wakemaa. Mdrss Traesfer Co East Side Transfer Cc. C O. Pick Traasfer A rctorag Co, C M. Olsen. Baggags A. Omai bus Traasfer Co.. A. J. Murphy. Xx&itrty Traasfer tc Com ml si! on Co, Jcha X. 1 Aadrsw J. Murphy. F. M. Irdaad. T. Ml? Isr, Finch & Henderson. NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS MEETTXQ The annua! meeting of the stockholders of the Oregon & California Railroad Co. win be held at the office of the coapaay. &u Worcester bldg.. Portland. Or., oa Tuesday April 10. 1P0G. at 11 o'clock A. M.. rorthi purpose of electing directors for the ensuing year and the transaction of such other but! sets as may legally come before the meet ing. W. W. Cotton, secretary. Portlaad. Or.. March 10. 1U06. ALASKA OIL & GUANO CO. The annual meeting of the stockholders of the above com pany will be held In the- office of the oempaay. 43 Concord building, on Wednesday, the ISth Cay of April, UK XX at 12 noon. B. H. NICOLL. Secretary. LOST AND FOUND. LOST A LADY'S GOLD WATCH. ON THE 27'h or March, between M en ta villa aad the Lyric Tbeatyr or Washlnctoa st; a u!t We reward will be paid. Phone Scott ro50. or 702 Eddy st,. MontavilU. TEN DOLLARS REWARD THE OREGON lan will pay $10 reward for the arrest i1 conviction of anyos caught -Hnr TL Oiegonlaa from the doors ot Its antcrt ers. CtrcuU.tloa Manager. FOUND A PLACE TO HAVE HAIR MAT treasea renovated aad etturaed ama day. 22S Front st. Main 474. Portlaad Curled Hair Factory, it. Metzgcr. proprietor. LOST SUNDAY AFTERNOON BETWEEN Selllng-Hlnx-h bldg and Grand Theater, la d gold watch; Initial "K. R. Return and get reward, 292 Washington. LOST BI.ACK MEMORANDUM 1KX)K ON I'nkw ave.. containing Receiver's recelM from U. S. Land Office. Return to J241 Minnesota ave.; reward. PARTY THAT TOOK GOLD-HANDLED TTM brells from Star Theater Sunday nUbJ by ml!take will return same to 501 Da via and receive reward. LOST BETWEEN AL1SKY BLDG. AND reldenh"lrecrs. parrel of stamped Haen. Re turn to 5 Sherlock bldg. LOST AULD TONE TEMPLE 117. PORT Und. and K. P. receipt. P. 11. Sfeulu. Letna Oyster Houe. LOST LARGE RAT HORSE. BALD FACE Return to South Portlaad Brick Co. Pfeea 31aln LOST WIHTB CHINA SILK WAIST. MON day P. M.; reward. D IC Orrgenrtaa. FOUND EMMERT. THE CHIMNEY SWEEP and furnace man. Phone Main 400. LOST GOLD HEART SET WITH PEARLS; reward. Phone East 428S. BUSINESS CHANCES. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE $6000 SOUTH era Oregon hotel, la live, growing railroad town of 1000; only hotel. Address Jf Z.C Oregonlan. BOARDING-HtiUSE. 9 ROOMS. FULL OF steady lvrdet. rn the business part, reat $20; rrice. $450 03H Mcrrrvoe, room X GROCERY CASH STORE THAT WILL dear $150 monthly; tlftiO will buy It to day; rare clianre. Call 264 Stark st BITTER AND EGG" STORE EXPERIENCE unneceesary to make $3 to $3 a day: $275 required. Call 24SH Stark su TO RENT FINE LOCATION ON WASHING ton su for cigar, fruit, aews. tailor store. Address X S9. Oreroalan. FOR RENT RAKERY. SOUTH PORTLAND, good 1 oration, oricg oen. Hrlag rooms; cheap rent. W2 First rU A WELL-ESTABLISHED PLUMBING T1US ir.ert for sale. Address Box 666. Rote burg. Or. SERVICES AND $1000 TO $M00 TO INVEST In business" enterprise. Address Q ST. Ore gon tan. FOR KALE BLACKMITHSHOr. FINJB LO caUoa, In dty. allrui X m. Orgos. BOMXTMfs rrwaxcTM P.OOMING-HOUSX: UKADQCARTTOLt. TAFT - CO W. H- TAFT. J. H. DIETZ. Read thU Ibx throftgh carefully, for there are several Srst-daas burs that win aesrly. If not quite, double yeur casltaL APARTMENT-BOUSE. 100 room, aewly runtlsiied aad remodeled throughosL sice porceUto baths, electric lights aad gas, lease or.tr $3 Per roots per month, post lively clsarlar a&ore all ex penses, over $30o per month. Thte property would not be for salo under aay cootia ra tion if the owner was not sfek. aad cannot attend to It- Price for a quick tale. $3CCX part cash, or will trade for good house aad lot worth that money. WASHINGTON STREET. 50 rooms, corner brick, running water In rooms, steam hear, elevator, cheap rent aad a long lease, clearing- about $250 per month. I-rice. $4500. MONEY-MAKER. 40 rooms, steam heat, hot and co.J water la every room, elegantly furnished, rent $200 per month. Including steam beat, clear lag about $109 per ma nth: price. $330. SWELL FAMILY BOARDING-HOUSE. 35 roam, elegantly furaiahed, fiae loca tion, cheap rent, good lease. beautiful lawn, large veraadas, clearing- tXX) per month above all exprnslrs. Price. $CJ. A LITTLE GEM. 22 rooms, new brick, brart of tbe city, steam heat, hot aad cold rucalag water la every rood, fine porcelain baths, a fiae money-maker. Price. $2rSSO. MORRISON STREET. IC rooms, rent oaly $30. nicely furnished, rvee block from the Pcnlaad Hotel, dearies; $75 st- month. Price. $70". SEVENTH STREET. 9 rooms. 4 block from Portlacd Hotel, nicely furnished, this place will pay all ex pense and give j on a alee horse. Price. $500. TENTH STREET. 7-roosi bouse, all alee Urge rooms, fur nace beat. bath, gas aad electric light, one block from Washlagtca st. rooms all rented- Price. ISM. TAFT CO.. 273 Stark it. ROOMING-HOUSE BARGAINS. Headquarters Can Slav Buyem Mooey. LILLIAN DE K EATER. 22 years la Portland Will locate You Right, Grocery stores for ale. luachcounters. detl catewcti restaurants, real estate, fine bar gains la bomts. $454 will buy a fine business bakery and grocery store, rent only $30. $S will buy a fine lunchroom aad bak ery, blc money to be made. $525 will buy furniture of 12-room house, near Portlaad. Hotel, $2V will buy furniture 11 roosts, fine lo cation. Houses, all sizs aad prices: come let me locate you to mak money. LILLIAN DE K EATER. 425 Taylor Street, HAVE TOU 310 WHICH YOU CAN SPARE for cae year? Would jou Ilka to hava It eara joj 50 cents per month, with no effort en your part? This It a strictly 1 trill mi: proposition made la good faith. All mcney intruattd to ae Is Invested la buslaeac aad can be withdrawn at any time by giving ft days' notice. Co-opera lira jukes this oStr possible: $1000 Invested la s!ae will briar crrater returns thaa $10. I have been la Portlaad 1 years. For particulars addrcas. with stamp. L 9, Oregoalaa. Pboaa Mala 7121. 9 to 12 A. M. PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT IN HIS MESSAGE to Ccnrresa. December S. 1S05. recorssseada the use of all practical devices that win pro mote the safety of the traveling public oa railroads: the Hurst Mechanical Automatic Switch absolutely prevents all open aad mis placed switch wrecks aad can b operated from either the engine "or the last car of the trxla. For full lafersatloa aad prices of stock sm J. F. Hurst tc Co, fiscal agsata far the Hurrct Automatic Switch Ic Signal Co.. McKay buig.. Portlaad. Or. Phcs Mala READ THIS AND MAKE MONEY: 12 nice Urge sunny rooms oa 3J st,. cen ter of dty; rent only $50; good leae. nicely furalsbed, gas. bath aad electricity: always a money-maker aad the price Is caly $750. $150 cash, balance monthly. TAFT X.- CO., Main 156. 273 Stark st. C of C. Bldg. START IN BUSINESS IN TOUR OWN HOME or add sew line to fcutleean already estab lished: I fornleh. everything needed to take la $50 for $15: chince for one r-rnoa In every town In Oregon aad Washington. Business bouses In Alblna or oa the Peninsula, wiu do well to answer this. Particulars for tsrap. V CS, OrtgcnUn. Mala 7131. GO AND EXAMINE TUB HURST AUTO xsaUc Rsllrcsd Swlteh taveatlon. aow ea ex hlWtlca at 20C McKay bldg. If you think tt tut merit and u a good lavestaeat, call at sty etnee. I can sell this corpcrx ilea's stock at TMp rf(on..-it Tt wtlt rmr m ta trA with me. W. J. Curtis. 213 Commercial b:"cTfj iton Mala US I. AN UP-TO-DATE STOCK OF GROCERIES and fixtures) for cash, not one dollar dead stock. Invoke. $14"); live town. 30 miles from Portland; good school, churches, saw mill, water works, largest fruit dryer In state; street lights: a great opportunity; look It up. M C3. Orrgonlan. MECHANICAL INVENTIONS AND IDEAS devrkiped aad perfected; bond given; me chanical draftings and blueprints; also maps drafted from dvil and mining en gineers notes. Address T SI. Oregonlan. PARTNER WANTED IN A WOOD AND coal yard to attend oClce and check wood: this will pay purchaser $150 to ?2CO per month; $lfs) required. Commercial in vestment Cth. 165H 3d at., room A. SMALL STORE BUSINESS. SUITABLE FOR wan and wile: will b nId on account of ickx for $X50. Thl will pay you $6 every day. Commercial Investment Co.. 1G53 3d su. room A. ST. HELENS MINING STOCK FOR SALE 0".O shares Cascadls, 5C-0 Goat Mountain. t:J California Home. 11.000 Oregon and Washlngtoa. 50.000 German la, all for $O0CO. H S2. OrexuBtaa. OLD ESTABLISHED FEED AND BOARD Ing stable, netting $2tC0 yearly, on account of miring from buslnesw will s-rll at Invoice $3000. Commercial Investmeat Co.. 1C3;, 3d su. room A. OWNER OF GOLD MINE. WITH LARGE body of profitable ore. equipped with mills aad drills, will furnish electric power for percentage cf grots returns. Address 3 tiC. Oregonlan. AN OPENING FOR A RESPONSIBLE party to one-thlrd or one-half Interest la a good-paying business doing $100 cash trade per day. Offlco man preferred. I) Ml. Oregonlan. i HALF INTEREST IN AN OLD E5TAB llshed real otatc and employment office: experience unnecessary; cleared $50 Iat month, no swindle; $350 required. II Kt. Oregon la a. MANUFACTURING OPENING FOR A RE llablc man as partner; $1C50 Tcnulrrd. fully secured: duties easily learned and will pay ytm $150 to $2tO a mouth. Call 21S3 Stark , SAIjOON WE HAVE FOR SALE TWO rood one, one we will sll outright, 'price $250-A. and owner of the Ather one will take a reliable partner; $750 r --quired. Call 245'i Stark su $5rj SECURES INTEREST IN MANUFAC turltur business where duties are pleasant and you will receive $123 a month: experi ence unnecessary. Call 24S? Stark st. IF YOU nAVE $1000 AND WISH A PROFFT able burin- that W a monopoly. HIs to business houses and will net you $S.o per mouth, atw-wrr this. J 93. Oregoalaa. FINE BUSINESS. HOME BAKERY AND delleat.sa. lunch-room. etc. beat bur on market If you want to make money. inucc Main iiti. -w a - t--- THE CITY DRUG STORfa. AN OLD-BSTA3-ltthed burtcerw. with a well-slctd stock. Call or address Extcatora Ertata of E. E. Charmsn at Oregoa City. Or. $2) TO $3000 WILL BUT INTEREST IN well-established aad grow Ins; manufacturing business: large profits; will bear dosert la r ligation. S SI. Oregonlan. FOR SALE A FIRST-CLASS HOTEL PROP osltlca. ceatrally located la the dty: from $4000 to $7000 required. The Ames Mercan tile Agency, Ablngton bldg. OPPORTUNITY FOR BUSINESS MKN Good opeal&gs la all Data, city or ceeatry; details at ofnees ef Iks Asbss MereaaUis Agsacy. Abtagtaa blig. IF YOU HAVE $300 TO INVEST (NOT TO peculate) la the best manufacturing mo nopoly was. of the Rocky Mountains, ad dress J W. Oregoalaa. GROCERY STOCK AND FIXTURES. HORSE and wagen; old established store, good brick bulldlec, cheap rent; about $I0 required. D S3. Orexoetaa. PARTNER W'ANTXD ESTABLISHED MER caatlle brokerage; extraordinary opoortualty: X2U00 reaulred S cash; refereaces exchasged. F SS. Orexoalaa. GENERAL MERCHANDISE STORE FOR ale. In logging; sawmill aad railroad town: Mock about $1300; reat store $S month. N 95. Oregonlan. A SNAP NEW. SMALL STOCK OF HAUD ware aad grocerlee-: good Valley towa; 22 Vj CKr cent dlscouat If sold today. See owa-T at 2344 1 - ROOM TNG-HOUSE. S ROOMS. GOOD FUR rltare: will par reat- living- exsasesr tHa reeve: reat $S7: pcica X3. 34SH Mecri soa. xouss 31. WANTED MALI. HOTBL. 44 ROOMS Oft score. IsreaC nsJt rr S X, Orefflin. rsCMNBSe CHAN CS!, ROOMING-HOUSR HKADQ CA1CTBRS. BTLLIS Jb KAHLER. Room 21. Caahrldga Building. 2S4 MorrUoa St. 3. W. Corner Third St, If you waat a' rooming-house, large or assail, cell at the above .address. We have them from 4173 to $10,000. all sixes, styles aad prices, the be, as well as the cheapest. Terms ca say. NOTHING EQUAL TO THIS: 31 rooms, right la heart of the city, cor ner brick. Mearn heat, best furnished house cow os the market; aa up-to-date, homelike place, filled with high-class roomers: proSta $200 a month; price only $1900. JUST GIVING IT AWAY. 22 rooms, business center, alt one floor, well furnished, cheap rent; pays $10 a month dear; owner must leave city and will take $350. ONE OF THE BEST. 40 rooms, corner brick, business center, furnishings, extra good, all one floor: rent oaly $10. long leas; (ays) profit $150 a north. Price oaly $220o. $1000 baadleo IL SOME- LITTLE ONES. 12 rooms, near Portland Hotel. I acorns $160. rent $50. well furnished sad a snap at $523. 9 room!', aear Imperial Hotel, good furni ture, reat only $37.50. always full: only $323. REGULAR SNAP. 17 roots, one block from Posteffice. hut and cold running water In every room: fur nace heat, carpets cost t months ago $145. will sell It today for $750. TAFT i CO.. Mala 154. 275 Stark -U. C. of C. Bldg- 21-ROOM LODGING-HOUSE. FURNISHED: will rent with furniture, or sell furniture aad give lease; well located. Particulars. L. E. Thompson A Co.. 22S 3d. GROCERY FOR SALE WILL BEAR THE closest investigation: doing 335.000 per year; this Is no cut-rate Business; good location. N 62. Oregonlan. 12-R0OM HOUSE. VERY CENTRAL. AL ways full of roomers, rent $35. Income $33; a bargain. $34. Hatfitld it Smith. 143h 4th su BARGAIN FOR SALE FINE BAKERY AND lunchroom doing a big business; half Inter est $300. or all for $SmX Phone Mala 4144. 22-ROOM LODGING-HOUSE. CHEAP AT $1600. for $754). L. E. Thompioa t. Co., 22S 3d. FOR SALE AT .V BARGAIN RESTAURANT, goinr away; must sell at once. 283 Stark st. CIGAR AND FRUIT STAND FOR SALE chtap. 104 N. 3d st. PERSONAL. FREE To every one suffering with nervous or chronic disease; rheumatism la all its forma can b cured. The wonderful apparatus that cannot be described la words. It Is one of thes appliances which must be seea and tested, otherwise Its virtue and excellencies caaaot be known. It la a combination of all the excellecdes of scientifically applied elec tricity, scientific massage, the Turkish bath, the restful Joy aad placidity of mind which It creates, the sense of youth renewed and the' removal of fear that dlMase will rertM again. Come aad try one teat treatment free at 355 3th su. corner of Lincoln. Phone Mala S.-M2. CONFIDENTIAL MEDICAL ADVICE TO wasea We treat diseases of worsts, ex clusively, curiae with uavarylas success all fesal allaeats from the slightest local lr rttatloa to ika moat corasUeated la terns 1 troubles: maternity case given special at ttstloa; private hospital accoaEUSodatloa: prefesaicaal lady aurm la attendance; coa sultatlaa aad advice free. X-Radlua Medi cal Institute aad Saaltarlum, 3d aad Alder U-. catraacs fU Alder rU, Portland. WE TREAT TO CURS- . . . RseuraatUm. stomach, liver aad kidney troubles, cocstlpatlaa. tadlgestloa. paraly sis, liss of vitality, and all chronic cr atrv ccj diseases, by Increasing the circulation aad streagthiar the nerves. OUR CHARGES ARB $3 PER MONTH. PHTSIO-THBRAPATHIC DISPENSARY. 411 Morrison SU Detective Agency Confidential iavestlgatloas: reports mad on any Individual, bustaeza or property; mUstnc relaUvefl found; bad debu collected: charge reasonable; correspocdenct solicited. Oregon DetecUw Service. 314-313 Columbia blig.. W3 Washlngtoa . Mala 3613. SWEDISH TRAINED NURSE HELSING fors graduate, positively cures rheumatism, nervous disorders aad stomach troubles by haad.rubblnr; rtearn, aweat and tub baths; both sexes. 7 K. 11th su. two doors from E. Aakeay car line. Phono East 280. ETJITS PRESSED WHILE YOU WAIT. S0C To the visitors of Portland ho tela and to the public at large: Suits pressed at 60c at Gilbert, the taller lOrSVi Sixth C ntxz to th QutlU. Ladles skirts prcsaed. 00c Ptcae Pacific 2CS8. WANTED INFORMATION AS TO TUB AD dress of Lemuel S. Jecne or his heirs. If he Is dead. Address ku Portland about 1371. Small recovery can probably be made. Ad tires Harvey Spalding tc Sons. Washington. D. C THE CELEBRATED STAR HAIR REMEDY rerstcres gray hair to lis original color; re moves daadruff. prosutss the growth of new hair; act a dye. Paris Hair Store. 308 Waahlagtsa aU. sola agents. DRESS SUITS FOR RENT. ALL SIZES 31 a raoath keeps your clothing cleaned aad greased, buttons sewed on. rips swsd up. Prcmpt calls aad deliveries. Ualqu Tailor bts Ccx. 3C0 Stark, cear Sth. Manly vigor rcstorcc by Dr. Roberts Nerra Olobults. One month's trtatmsau $2; 3 men Irs. $3. Seat securslx sealed by rsall, Agssu. Woodard. Claxka it Co, Portlaad. DR. KETCHUM CUBES SKXN AND KIDNEY diseases; clru nervous, private aad special fmal troubles. Redcross Dispensary, cor ner Third and Ash sta.. Portland. Or. $KCO TO $2000 WANTED IN A LUMBER maaufacturtng enterprise. Investment safe and profitable; good position If desired. Mil ler. K12 Commercial bldg.. Mala 1940. "BOOK OF NATURE." "AGNES." "DROLL Stories." "Her Hidden Charas." "A Hot TassaJa," "A Modern Lover." SOs ea. Lists tree. A. W. Schmale Co.. 223 1st, LOST POWERS RESTORED BY THB great Dr. Loreax Nervs Toale Tablets: 33c a tor. Writ or call at Ejra ell's Pharmacy. 227 MorrUoa su. bU 1st aad 2d. WHISKY. TOBACCO AND MORPHINE HA li lts cured: also scientific treatments ror rheumatism aad nervoune-fl. Madam Vaahtl room 50. 52 North Cth. MADAM ENGLISH. "3LVGNETIC HEALER, cures all diseases without drugs: has all forms of electric baths In connection. 1434 Cth. corner Alder. TINE DAY BUT MEREDITH'S UMBREL las: rspalrtax aad recovering; two store: Wasklngtca aad 6th aad Washington aad &th. MOVING PICTURE MACHINES. GAS OUT flu. films, song slides, etc.. for sale, boughu rented and exchanged. 1454 6th su. room 1. MRS. STEVENS. Portland leadlns palmlsU astrologlst and clairvoyant; rcadlags dally. 163 7tb. opp. Hotel Portland. Pacific 714. MRS. GUSSIE ADLER. MAKER OF LADIES bats; hats remodeled; wire frames and spring trimmings for sal. 3314 Mill sU lf NEAT VISITING CARDS WITH TOUR asst. ftOc SO for 33c; 230 butlasss cards. 1. Schmal Ox, 229 lau REFINED LADY WISHES ACQUAINTANCE of elderly gentleman of means; object, mat rimony. O Sd. Oregoulaa. ROSES. 30 FOR 3L50: SWEET PBAS. 5c package ICO seeds. All kinds seeds. Mala 7131. 9 to 12 A. M. YOUNG LADY GIVES FACE AND SCALP massage. The Cceraos. 2654 Morrlsoa su. parlors 12 sad 14. MEET ME AT THE WELLINGTON POOL aad Billiard Parlors, comer Third aad Morrl aoa. Allaky bldg". MRS. 5. B. SEIP. Most reliable seeress aad proeJsetess la towa. 2344 Morrlsoa. Pac lUC BALM OF FIGS FOR ALL FEMALE Dis eases. fiC &. BalsaoBt. Fae&a East 4W4. DR. PAUL CROMWELL, THE COLORED epeeuttst. Sanitarium. 127 N. 12th. Mais mis. TWO LADIES. BATH. FACE AND SCALP xaassaxc. 204 Cth. beU Taylor aad Salmon. Turkisei bath; rntttage. hydrttrlc parlors; rt class; ladlfs oaly. &51 Wash., beu 16th. 17th. TOUNO LADY BATHES FACE AND SCALP, nil ti iff The Tacoma, 3684 Stark, parlor 27. MISS EFFTE HALli SCIENTIFIC CARD rtsder. 25c 16S 7th, oppostte Hotel Portlaad. WOULD TOU MARRY IF SUITED? SEND stamp for reply. Box 3 IS. Portlaad. Or. TWO TOUNO LADD3B GTSTs TXCZ AND soup massage. 1K4 4ti su. esc. Wassu XURKMH BATHS. .s Or fa. la bldg.. ladies SOOXB BOUGHT. SOLD AND BXCHANG1 Hat tfta OU Beok Hc. 33t TaariMg m. DR. LAMOTTB8 FBBKCH CORN PAINT. ' Ta best sera care. 24K: all dcusrtrts. irATar-t rjoo half socta-. He. holla UMk-m. 2474 Taytar. WU 3d asd 4k. FINANCIAL. AN EASY MO NBY PROPOSITION. Mcaey is esjv to get If you kaow where to go for IU We have ready money at all. time aad you can get it from us ot your salary. $10 to $100. oa best terms and at lowest rates. We loan oa the easy payment plan the Plan that helps you aad gets you out of debu Ton get the cast), all you ask for. aad repay la asiouaia you can conveniently spare each payday. We do not file rapers. require? no indors ers. ro reference to friends or employer: la fact, use every precaution to avoid publicity. It will pay you to see us before borrowing. Open every evening until S o'clock. I1UTTON CREDIT CO.. 512 Dekum Building, fifth Boor. LOANS MADE TO SALARIED PEOPLE holding permanent positions and respon sible nrms: easy paymeats aad strictly confidential; also CHATTEL LOANS ea perseaal property: rooaalag-aouaes a specialty. NEW ERA LOAN 4 TRUST COMPANT. 263 Ablngton Building. MONEY TO LOAN On Improved dty property or for building purposes, for from 3 to 10 years" time, with privilege to repay all or part of loan after two years. Loans approved from plans and mosey advanced as building progress es: mortgages taken up and replaced. FRED IL STRONG. Financial Agent. 242 Stark StreeU THE STAR LOAN CO. Any salaried employe, wage-earner, can get on his aote, without mortgage (Con fidential): Month, H-moath. Wsek $3 Repay to us.. 31X3.1 or $6.65 or $3.23 $23 Repay to UJ..3 6.03 or $3.23 or $1.63 $15 Repay to ui..S 4.08 or $2.00 or $1.00 210 M'KAT BLDG.. 102 THIRD. THE CRESCENT LOAN CO.. 428-429 MO- nwt bldg.. 3d and Morrison, loans money to reliable salesmen, trainmen, motormea. conductors or other salaried employes. Just en his note, la sums of $10 to $100. Re turnable In convenient weekly- or monthly paymtnts. Payments suspended in esse ot sickness. Confidential. No Inquiries. MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLE aad others upon their own names without security: cheapest rates, easiest payments: offices In -S3 principal cities: save -yourself money by getting our terms flrsu TOLMAN. 223 Ablngton bldg.. lOdil 3d st. LOANS ON EAST PAYMENT PLAN TO salaried people at lowest rates: strictly confidential. Employes Loaa Co.. room 718 the Dekum. 3d and Wash. sts. Phone 224. HIGHLY respectable place where ladles and gentlemen can borrow money on diamond and Jewelry. Collateral Loan Bank. 2t) Washington st. Phone Hood 431. MONET TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE AND other good securities; small building loans a specialty. W. H. Nunn. 332 Sherlock bldg. Phone Clay 329. PRIVATE MONEY FOR QUICK REAL Es tate loans; any arjouaf, $S0O or over, at 5. fl. and 7 per cenu M. G. Griffin, 20S Stark st. IMMEDIATE LOANS IN SUMS FROM $3 TO $3000 oa all securities. R. L Eckersoa & Co.. room 3. Washington bldg. Phone Pac. 1831. LOANS ON FURNITURE. PIANOH AND other securities; lowest rates. S. W. King, room 45. Washlagton bldg. Phone Mala 610O. MONEY LOANED IN SUMS OF $3 AND UP oa an smas ot scuniy. a. Hathaway, room 10. Washington bldg. Phone Pac. 1S32. MONEY TO LEND ON REAL ESTATE mortgages. No commission. II. K. Sar genu 531 Chamber of Commerce. MONEY ON STRAIGHT LOAN. 6 PER CENT on installments &,; tne rest private loans la dty. W 78. Oregonlan. LOWEST RATES ON FURNITURE. PIANOS and other security. 443 Sherlock. Pac 2113. MONET TO LOAN ON ALL KINDS OF SE curlty. Wm. Holl. rm 0, Washington bldg. State funds loaned. 6 per cenu W. E. Thoma stats agU Multnomah Co.. 400 Cham. Com. $500,000 TO LOAN AT 3 AND 8 PER CENT. Wm. G. Beck, room 307. Falling bldg. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Accordtaa Plaiting. MISS O. GOULD. 801 MARQUAM BLDO. Accordloa aad knlfs plaiting aad pinking. Accountants. GEORGE T. MURTON. 534 CHAMBER OF Commerce. Phone Main 4334. Bookkeeping, expertlnr. teaching- Architects. ARCHITECT L. ENG ELM ANN. Rooms 19-20. Lafayette bldg. (formerly New- York City). Assayers aad Analysts. GREENLEY & CRAWFORD. ANALYTICAL chemists, mining- engineers. 204 4 Wash ington sU MONTANA ASSAT OFFICE. 1SS MORRI soa sU Best facilities. Prices reasonable. PAUL BAUMEL. A3SAYER AND ANALYST Gold dust boughu 20? Alder sU Boatballders. Graham's Boatyard, foot E. Pine; gasoline launches. Agent Standard gasoline engine. Carpenters aad Ballders. W. L. Buckner. office, store fixtures, general Jobbing, contracting. 330 Stark. Main 38SL T Carpet Cleaning. Sanitary carpet cleaning Carpets cleaned oa floor; sucuoa ana compressed air. j&. 5554. Chiropodist aad Maalcurlac;. WM. DEVENY & ESTELLE DEVENY. THE only scientific chiropodists; parlors room 203 Drew bldg.. 132 2d sU Phone Main 130L This is the long-haired gentleman. vnt-N'C LADY GRADUATE1 CHIROPODIST. manicurist, face and scalp -specialist, su perfluous hair permanently removed. U and 12 Lange ttotei. Clairvoyant. Send date birth with stamp for pen picture your life. H. Hin. 120 Sutter su. San Francisco. Cleaalar. curtains; reliable; references. TeL Main 6401. Cleaalax and Dyeing. BERLIN DYE WORKS SPECIALTIES: French dry cleaning-; steam cleaning, dye Inc to sample: reasonable prices, prompt service. 347 2d. Main 6417. Oregon Steam cleaning; & Dyeing" Works. 2S7 Burnslde sU. beU 4th aad 5th. Pacific 2119. Commlttloa Merr hunts. HERMAN METZOER. PURCHASER OF hides, pelts, furs. wool, mohair, tallow, old rubber aad old metal, and general com mission merchant. Front sU. aear Mala. Portlaad. Or. Cash advanced oa co nil in dents. TAYLOR. YOUNO d: CO.. SHIP BROKERS aad commlssloa merchants.. Sherlock bldg., Portland, Or. ALLEN LEWIS. COMMISSION AND produce merchants. Front aad Da via sts., Portland. Or. Contractors. LONG t MYERS. CONTRACTORS ESTI tnates given on excavating and heavy haul ing. Phone East 72. 420 Hawthorne. Dander. Mrs. Nina. Larowe'a Hall. 23d and Kearney. Class aad private lessors. Inquire 10 to 2. MATTINGLY ACADEMY OF DANCING. 2C3 14th. nr. Jefferson; private or claaa lessoas. Dor aad Horse HospMal. Dr. C. E. Brown. D.V.S.. D.CM. Dog-, horse hospital. 2S7 Burnslde. Mala 40S&, Pacific 340. Karaess aad Saddles. THE GEORGE LAWRENCE CO.. WHOLE aala saddle aad harness mrfs.. leather aad saddlery hardware. S9-8 lsu Mala 2:8. Junk. Hides aad PeRa. 1 SHANK CO PURCHASERS OF HIDES pelt, wool, furs; tallow, old rubbers, met als aad sacks. 312 Frost su Lsaadriea. GRAND LAUNDRY CO.. 17th aad Qaby sta, FuHy et-iul-pped for aaythtog- la ths la as dry Has; reuca dry. Cc per pouad. SMOM aseltB tfre. eszlaex. freak or salt water, ttafc or yaekt tsseed. rixbt price. Fair Tsaaks. Marse Co 1st aad Stark. Portias d. B. TRENXJtAN CO.. MINING. 8AW Bsm. leczMssT rwstiHlTisrr: kydeaatfe pi-t. eastlac; aK kteds rssj-tred. leH N, 4Ur- TKS H. GL ALBX8 CO.. SBCOND-HAND a nMTn r. sawaUTaea, etc 3441 Gnsi are. BDSXNBssS h OUTrCT O R Y. SEE US FOR LAUNCHES. 'ANY "SIZE? style, aad price, see our "XJLUe Special for 319C ReJersaa Machinery Co.. 182-4-3 Morrison su Leather aad Ftadlajs. . A. BTROWBRIDGS LEATHER CO. Es tablished 183S. Leather aad findings: Stock ta sola leather aad cut stock; full 11a XaaUts. Jumbos. 13S Froot sU ssBstisrtfc CATHERINE E. JOHNSON. .129 TTH. BE- r.wa juaer aad washlatctoa. Mala S433. MaslcaL MRS. B. F. DRISCOLL. PUPIL SHERWOOD v.aic3Lco; piaao lessons. SO cents. Studio. 406 ?th sU. naar Jackson. EMIL THIELHORN. pupil of Sevdk. violla cuer. oiuaio iu otn. Tel. Mala 33tf3- Northwest "VTavl Co, LEWIS BLDG... PAPJC AND MORRISON aw. uu or tesa stamp ror Health Book. Osteopathic Phyilciaaa. DRS- ADEX Si NORTHRUP. 413-18-1? DE- oiug.. oc ana waantngton. Pnonts: oztce. Mala 549: residence. Mala 1303: East 1028. Exam, free Sua. by appoIntaVt. DR. PIERCE. Osteopath. Electric Treatments. tioraiur. passage; Doth sexes; try the new llghu Offices 624 3d. Phone Paclflc 867. DR. L. B. SMITH, PIONEER OSTEOPATH u uregoa; graauat Klrkvuie. Mo. 4A9 Oregonlan bldg. Main 1242: res. M. 27SX Palats. Oils aad Glass. RA S MUSS EN & CO.. JOBBERS, palats. oils. sm tun aaa aoors. or. ai ana ay:or. F. E. Beach Co.. tne Ploaoer Paint Co.. wiacow glass and giaxtng. 133 lsu M. 1231. Pianos Repaired. PIANOS REPOLISHED. EQUAL TO "NEU. Practical piano-repalrlng and finishing. J. D. Johnson. 273 3d sU Paclflc 2351. Patents. Patents Guaranteed'. Handsome Guide Buuk free. E. E. Vrooman, box 44, (Wash.. D. C Patent ruawycrs. R. C. WRIGHT. DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN paieats; lniringement cases. C04 Dekura. rattern-Maklnr. C. A. MARRLITT. PATTERNMAKING, 253 uraaa av., cor. jaaatton. rnone tail fzui. Bates. DIEBOLD SAFES. ALWAYS RELIABLE. Not In trust. Norton and Buckeye Jacks. Metal office fixtures. Repairs. Phone Main 153. J no. E. Davis, agent. t6 3d st. THS GENUINE HALL'S SAFE & LOCK CO. safes; the Herrlng-Hall-Marvln. Portlaad Eafe Co.. agents, '92 7th su, near Stark. Showcases. Hank ana Store Fixtures. R. H. BIrdsall. designer: agU M. Winter Lus her Co.. 7 Hamilton bide. 131 3d. ii. 353'J. THE LUTKE MANUFACTURING CO.. COR. eta and Hoyu Phone Mala 1406. PORTLAND SHOWCASE & FIXTURE CO.. 43 1st. near Markeu Phone Pacific ltct). Sign Painters. WALL SIGNS. OFFIC3 DOORS AND WIN dowa lsttersd at cut prices. Zlrngiebsl. 2134 Washlngtoa sU Phoas Faclflo 1433. Spiritualists. MRS. WALLACE. 23 YEARS PORTLAND'S most reliable medium; all la trouble call aad get her valuable advice oa all affairs of life, buslaess. love, troubles: absent friends a specialty. 239 Taylor su Hours. S A. M. to 8 P. M. ZINGA has resumed business: palmist, clair voyant and test medium: readings dally; la dles 30c for short time only: circle every Sunday night at S. Cosmos. 2US4 Morrison. MRS. S. 15. SEIP. noted prophetess and nhy- chometrigt. 2344 Morrison, cor. 2d; reacnp dally; circles Tues. aad Frl. 8 P. M. Pac. 1 PROF. NORMAN. ASTROLOGIST. PALMIST and clalrvoyanU 323 Alisky bldg., 265 Morrison, corner 3d. MRS. STEVENS. Portland's leading palmUt, spiritual life reader. 1G9 7th. opp. Hotel 1. MMK. DREYFUS. PALMIST AND CARD reader. Offices 2914 Morrison sU, cor. 3th. MRS. LADD FINNICAN CAN BE CON sulted. 33 Selling-Hlrsch bldg. Main 6179. Storage and Traaster. SAFES. PIANOS AND FURNITURE MOVED packed ready for shipping and shipped; all work guaranteed; large 3-story brick fire proof warehouse for otorags. Office. 123 1st. C, M. OU a. Phono Main 547. C. O. PICK. OFFICE 83 1ST. BET. STARK aad Oak. Phons SS6. Pianos, and furni ture moved aad packed for shipment: com modious brick warehouse, with acpara: Iron rooms. Front and Clay sts. FRED BICKEL. STORES AT 54 N. FRONT aU. household goods and furniture, pianos, trunks, tool chests, sewing machines and all movahU articles at reasonable prices. Tefej-rraphy. Telegraphy taught quickly: positions secure.1. Pac. Tel. Institute. 1-2 Grand Theater bldg. Typewriters. New typewriters, all makes, rented, sold and repaired. Coast Agency. 23t Stark. Tel. 1407, Wholesale Grocers. ALLEN LEWIS. WHOLESALE GROCERY, cor. N. Front aad Davis sts.. Portlaad. Or. BANKS. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. Xhe Oldest Trust Compaay ta Oregon. RESOURCES OVER 41.500.000. General banking. Exchange on all parts of the world. Savings accounts. Time cer tificates. 3 ta 4 per cent: short-call special, certificates. J30O or over. 3 to 4 per ceou Call for Book o "ILLUSTRATIONS." Phone Private Exchange 72. S E- Corner Third and Oak Streets. BENJ. L COHEN President H. L. PITTOCK Vice-President B. LEE PAOET .....Secretary J. O. GOLTRA ..Aslstant Secretary LADD i TILTON. BANKERS ESTABLISHED IN 1830. Transacts a General Banking Business, Interest Allowed on TIma Deposits. Collections mada at points on favorable terms. Letters of credit Issued available la Europe aad all points la 'the United States. Sight exchange and telegraphic transfer. sold oa New York. Washington. Chicago. SU Louis. Denver; Omaha. San Francisco and various points In Oregon. Washington and Idaho. Montana, and British Columbia. Exchange on London. Paris. Berlin. Frank toru Hongkong. Yokohama. Manila aad Ho aalulB. MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK PORTLAND. OR. J. FRANK WATSON Fres!dnt R. L. DURHAM Vice-Preildsnt R. Wl HOYT Cashier GEORGE W. HOYT Assistant Cashier TRANSACTS GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. United States Depositary. Drafts and letters of credit Issued, avail able In all parts of the world. Collections a specialty. THE BANK OF CALIFORNIA (Established In I8S4.) HEAD OFFICE. SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. President HOMER 8. KINO Gen. Man. of Branches. . .W. MACKINTOSH Capital paid up 34.000.00ti Surplus aad undivided profits... ..$9,770.144 A General Baaklng and Exchange Business Transacted. Letters of credit Issued, available la all parts of the world. Interest paid oa time deposits. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Accounts opened for sums of $10 and up ward. WM. A. MACRAE Maaagsr J. T. BURCHAELL Assistant Maaagsr UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK , OF PORTLAND. OREGON. Northwest Corner Third and Oak Sts. Transacts a General Banking Business. Drafts issued, available In all dtles of th United States aad Europs. Hongkong aad Manila. Collections Made oa Favorable) Terms. President J. C AINS WORTH Vice-President 4 W. B. ATER Vice-President ...R. LEA BARNES Cashier - 1R- W. SCHMEER Asslstaat Caahltr A. M. WRIOHT Assistant Cashier W. A. HOLT FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND. OR. Designated Depositary aad Financial Ageat of th United States. President 4 A. L. MILLS Cashier J. W. NEWKIRK Asslstaat Cashier W. C ALVORD Secoad Asslstaat Cashier.... B. F: STEVSN3 Letters of credit Issued available ta Bears- aad the Eastern States. Sight exefcsxxet aad telegraphic trassfers sold ob New York. Boston. Chicago, St Les4s. St. FaaL Omaha. Sas Frase4e aad tha principal points ot the Norihwesu Sfelght aad time bills draws- la sums ts suit ea Losdea. Paris. BerUs. Fraakfert-OB-tm-laia. 'HoBgkoa:. Yeketasaa. CopewTaacsa. C)r41aa4a. fckbol. 8U FsUrsburg, Xs ssw. ararieh. Hesetoli. CeUecUoBj Made oa FavoralHs Terms.