' 12 - ' TH MORyUiG OKKGOyiAN. TUESDAY. APRIL 3, 1906. AMr5QtEyyS- I CLASSIFIED An RATES I salt-real estate. re saix-real -.-jtatx. f I Marquam Grand Theater Phone Mala 668 FREDERICK WARDE Shakespearean Lecture and Recitals Monday, April 8 (Elks Night) "The Wit and Wisdom of Shakespeare' Fools." Tuesday. April 10 (K. of P- Night) "Dam on Wednesday Matinee. April II "The Women Wednesday Night. April 11 "Julian Caesar.' Under the auspices of Knight of Pythias, PRICES Lower floor. $1 and T.'.c. Balcony. toe ana uc. uoxes ana loges, Vi.su. Sale of seats open Friday. 10 A. SI.. Mar quam Box Office Baker Theater CrtttnTkitttrCi., UiM ItcL likif, Sir. SamhlU and 3d sts. Phone Main 1907. All This Week An Innovation In Spectacular Burlesque. Empire farce comedy co- the Screaming Irish Political Farce -with w iiuuui an tmry, a -osiwv rciiurf, 1ITt' vakv,T-,r rr-- w a w . i mi With 30 Dancing Girls. The moot beautiful stage picture evr presented. Wednesday Matinee. Bargain Day. 25 cents unuaj, iii, j, uu cents. .-me prices. 23. .115. nt 7S ,ent. Next Week "CHERRY BLOSSOMS' CO fWPIRE THEATER Morrison sod lrth. Phone Mala 117. Hilton W. Seaman. Mgr. THE POPULAR THEATER. J Portland' Popular Playhouse. Tonight. All Week. Matin- Saturday, The Latent Musical Farce Comedy, "MY WIFE'S FAMILY." .-Headed by the Well-Known Comedian. APPLETOX AXD PERRY, AND 15 OTHERS. DIRECTION W. McGOWAX. Everything New. A Big Success Everywhere. Fun Fast and Furious. Evening Prices, is. 23. Jts. 50 cents; Mat inee prices. 10. IB. 23 cents. Next Week "THE FATAL WEDDING." GRAND THEATER ' rpraaado Mar Tri rteek of April 2. Jack Connelly t Co. All Selected Acts Carbery Stanton, HeadM by I 15 rod crick. GRACETA AND , Mr. and Mrs. Harry DEMORA , Earle. European Aero- Harold HoflT. bats. Grandlscope. PRICES Evenings and Sundays. 15c. 2"ie. and Boxes 35c. Matinees. 15c to any sent exrept boxen. STAR THEATER Week of April 2. ROSSLKY & ROSTELLK. ItOOXEY FORRESTER. If ALL fc LORH.UNE. CONNWAY & OAKKS. TESSIKA. wru, C. HOYT. STAROSCOPE. 10 Cents to Any Seat Except Boxes. PANTAGES. Fourth and Stark Sta. Held Miller, Maglrian: Nancy Rice. Harp 1 layer, Singer and Dancer: Whit & Franks. Comedy hkrlrl, Artlrt: Great White Zerda. Mystery of the Century; Gilbert Saronl t Co.. "Camllle l p to Date"; Manhattan Hots' Quartet. Direct from New York; Leo White. J'opular Baritone: Latest .Moving Pictures. Performances dally at 2:r.O. 7;30 and 8 T M. Admission. TEN cents; reserved seats 20c: boxes. 2.-.C, Ladles and children ad mitted to any seat at week-day matinees Xor 10 cents. NEW TODAY. West Side BUSINESS AND RESIDENCE PROPERTIES business district, on First L This prop erty shows t per cent net on $80,000; can """j wuve iv,vw insiac oi ij aays. 14th Street Near Taylor 24 rooms, new buildinc one year aio. hot and cold water In every room, furnace "-. ura cement oaaement. cement walks and coment steps; Income. J1500 a Everett St. Near 21st St. 6-room modern cottage, lot 30x100. fur nace. nnrInln Viotii- .,n i "'n1 cement Jdewalks: lays up nice and nlKli. fine roses and shrubbery. This Is a beautiful home, and is worth at least J500 h " i? I r aPK,n' in18 Place must - uuiu nuo price, )fz.iu. TAFT & CO. 275 Stark SL. Chamber of Commerce. Special Auction Sale of Fine Household Fiirnifure At Residence. We are instructed by Mrs. J. 1. Mat- '""" i sen Dy puuuc auction, at resi- No. 635 Fifth St., cor. of Sheridan on Thursday Next, April 5 At 2 oVlnnlr r T ln.lttji.n i i i . . ..... tiiLiuuuig -ircc par lor suit In tapestry and mahogany and .... . .v.! Jlt iiiuquciie ana vcltet carpets, center table, pictures, bric-a-brac rfinkem rniioh moKnn.n.... ..." j ' . - . . . .. ni.uf4WJJ OLtfllU. I."1!1"" 0 curtn,,s' leather seaL dining Kolden oak: dishes, St. Clair ranire treasure, tnble. etc. Bale Thursday at 2 S. L. XT. GILMAN. Auctioneer. What Hood River Fruit Pays Per Acre viwi an a-crase or 65 trees to tha were, six boxes of apples to a tree, at M.BO ri hoi whlr-h !r nmoh Ion., . V, .L w nse price) deductinir M cents for urowinc JXA u nvi Pront of wv.w I" 1 ill. I u. YOU ran hllV olmlno innt. 520.00 to 3160.00 an acre for uncleared land. Sim on VT m m "J '"",nn cu ina at from 3100.00 to 3400.00 per acre. What better would you ak than twenty trlct7 OPP ,n Kood Rlijer DIb- Buy Hood River or Mosler land bv all moans. It has a future. i,Wrleee for ?UL dpcriPtJve booklet and list of farm lands. J. H. HEIL.BRON'NEB. & CO ITood River. Or. Who Wants to Get Ri And Make a Fortune on a $600 Investment? We offer you this rare opportunity. We will e!l you a property today for 3600 to 36000 that will be worth In 12 months from now from 310,000 to 3100,000. Take it quick. It will be offered for this wesk cnlr Please call between 10 and 12 A. M S An tlrew Hartman. 714 Dekum bids;.. Portland. Mortoaoc Loans 5, Upwards Real EstateCity and Farm. Insurance In All Lines. A. H. BIRRELL, 22-3 McKay bid. Third sjSaafc ate, SACRIFICE SALE 57500 To close an estate, this beautiful corner on West Side, vvorth 36000 and el?! rant residence worth another eooo T foV WOOLEN MILL otlT soc m9VlaK kZ:, "Kooffll. iMai asd Kotr" -Ho fcrevter Knomi." natcaatwaa WjtaV IS words er lew. IS oentt: IS to 2fi -word. 2 ceata; 21 to 25 words. 2 ceata, etc. No coast for adaMtlosal tBserUaaa. UNDER ALL OTHER HEADS, exeeot New Today." XS cent for 15 irords or toast IK to St words, a eeets: 21 to 25 words. 5B ceata. eAc first iBScrtioa. Each additional meiLkax. eao-kaU: bo fartaer diaeoaat aer one bobib. NEW TODAY" fcaan annr. acate) 15 cents per Use, first Insertion; 16 eeaU per Ua for each addsUonal lnserUea. AanBS TO ADVERTISEMENTS. .4 dressed care The Orecoalan. aad left at this emce. aaoald always be Inclosed la sealed envelop. Xo stamp Is reBalred oa sach letter. The Orecoalan will not bo respeasifela for errors In advertisements taken tfcronch the leiepaeae. NEW TODAY. Second and Everett LO C K. TWO-STORY FRAME i;ri- JciiiKis ckound; CAN BE REPAIRED AND LEASED TO ariitsuiu 14JSTUJINH. S22.500 Hartmans Thompson & Powers tn amber of Commerce. $17,000 Apartment-house la good location: will alve the owner 10 rooms, separate llvlnc- Hartman,ThQmpson & Powers caaiBber of Commerce. GEORGE BLACK. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. S18 Worcester Building. Phone Pacific 1M7. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. WJ.18 IT t UI TO Room 2L Cambridre nulldlnr 2C Morrison St.. S. W. Corner Third St. ATTRACT I VT--. TV'r-OTvrr-v-r4 ,-TJ?0ftS'7r 2-torj- store bulldlnr.' corner. . v; rupunnioie tenants; rentals 112 YK"ft Tin If ..! wn.. . rfv wthorn a Grand avea, with six m aweuinEB; rentals flZif ..v, . . iy. o more. .uSW5TFlne corn'r on Union ave.. 3 lots with 4 houses, payinc II per cent on price. X7.VKT Vt CIA. i . . ----- w.w. nuic in, turner on I6tb st., pays per cent; values win double lot JS"!!".".1?.' RESIDENCES FOR SALE. new. Eaat Side, walklnjr distance to business ';' wajk to business houses and car t i i"''iYv,!raBnll ,n ""d paid; terms; " - vnii m price J1,v,roirni' lot Mx,0- PaUon ave.. only two bloelui tr t.i. i . . .VIk J'OUi. two. Tnor" ,ot"' tnaklnc 100x130 "' -u "wnw. ior xzooo. LOTS FOR SALE. .."-f-fOxIOO. only 15 minutes' ride on '3p00Cedar Hill. 40x112. within 200 feet Vm i cr "ne ana vasblngton L; .... ,.i wiuci &na a. a.Ar, AN ELEGANT HOME. We are InMniftit At i .... .1 , somest homes on the East Side; bouse has raira, is sinciiy mooern. including fur nfer. ,0JXJR t of cround; bearinK fruit of all kinds; fine new barn; located one iUSSX tTom Wllll,m ve. car line; price 36000. terms J2000 cab, balance lone time at PORTLAND REAL ESTATE ACPAW. 133S 6th st.. cor. Alder. Phone Main Gllfi FOR. RAT.W-.Vlm K-TXViw ,nrt-T- JiL' " room nicely tinted, jrsi. 'electric nui, t-irnrre ooor oeus. run Basement; nice 3'ard; Int. nf miim in minttt . .. Rents for 320 per month; cheap. 32$ San FIVE LOTS. HOLLADAY-6 ADDITION. NO lulldlni; restrictions, two pood fractional vwjjrm. eacn uw; one inside lot. fKSO. and two others reasonable. Culver, C25 ChambtT i v.wjiinrrcr. 3220OS-ROOM HOUSE. MODERN. 312O0 ft-room house, modern. 31450 6-room new house, very easy terms. wuiiucial DICK. Alain 11H0. FOR SALE QUARTER BLOCK. BEST PART ""1. iniiikii.n. .1 diook rrom union- car. uie; narcain ir sold ju!ck; hall i-uoii. Aaarera r no. urrconian. roil BALE C-ROOM COTTAGE, XEW modern, attranlve- nsth t. ment; lot 50x100. Easit Side. Owner. Ad! trow .. vreconian. 12350 SIX-ROOM MODERN HOME, 216 iT'Tlw. IU" "semeai. n rep lace, kss; half block from car line; a snap. .Grtndataff FOR KAT.TV-a.nrrM llnt?ct t. -r.... lawn, one block from station: rrice, 31200 3100 cash, balance to eult purchaser. M wee, u4 uin si. A BAROAIN LOT 350x120. UP-TO-DATE Z- wm wiuir. on naney ave, close to car L,Bw-,.st-. H? boul ihie- Crtndsutr & R-'annur itnrtcr" xrirTt ivr. near car line; 16 minute' ride from business cnnt-r; iriBiaiimrnu, TAX.. liatfleld & cmiiu, icai itn sx. TWO LOTS. 6-ROOM NEW COTTAGt? frulL ph-asant location; near two car lines. JrTT . r. . . '' rrwoaioic u taxen now. -1U AllSKy DIQC. FOR RAI.T" nT. K 1 Vn r Trv T..n, io tt , 1 none 4062, or call "FOR SALE, A BARGAIN J2500 WILL BUY - u"r iiu iui on v-itiy XI. tee this be- UP?" which we will erect three-etor brick o. Ait 1. a. E. Lee. MOl.bE. PLASTERED. 2 IX)TS. M"laT?"l-..m?r- tirst house off boule- i"ra -;S"n Aibina. price 31300. Phons CHOICE RESIDENCE LOT ON FARGO ST. v,l. ' 7- ,t"'"c'. l-.r' - very ".C' " -"uaroc sr. I'noce East BARGAIN. J2S50 7-ROOM MODERN HOME. Ankeny car line. Owner. J St, OreronUi" 4W00-6ROOM HOUSE. RUSSELL STREET. ' TT.. V """r.iu.Krz-n. union avenue. "'"'"t tjcamBer or Commerce. tTMBAt' FOR CASH 7-ROOM Unr-ee .12 -c5lnrnl want, letrersie, nice back ' coe oouin. mcme Main 477 HOUSE FOR SALE MUST UP r-nrr-r. away: 5 rooms, fair condition: will not re fuse a reasonable offer. Inquire 229 nret. o-ROOM COTTAGE, SMALL BARN, LOT 50x 300. li hlnnk fmen r-m 11-. H100. Hatfleld & Smith. 163H 4-1 t! ' 3650100X100. B-ROOM HOUSE, nv t" n njula; 3150 down, balance 310 monthly State Investment Co.. us Ablngton bMg FULL BLOCK. 8 LOTS. NORTH ALBDCA Patton's Addition, xiraar ... i.."1 owner. F. Vanduj-n. 313 Washington. FOR SALE IM . ACRES. NEW fi-Ttrv-ivT nouss. uara. good soli. XIP00; r blocks aorth Iranhoe station. 8 TP. OMgoBlan! B.1RGAIN WILL SELL THREE FIXE LOTS PhonTMa,nTl4r"- ' 34)00 FULL LOT. 5-ROOM COTTAGH. V inmpon; terms, siais Inveetarent Col. lis Ablngton bldg. ' 113 322.000 FIND BLOCK. WEST SIDE, PART- box 'Sir. Cir "-v IXi5LiAn1rM(.SP :OOM HOUSE. lOS i iwe aast sas. 7-ROOM MODERN HOUSE; 33600; tflo down, balance to suit. Paeee KWG. (LRonu -urrvrtwwv rvr-. 313 -per weatn. Pbost Bast flfTs; 1 DOWN I vnr. o . . - - I ' I nir-ut I SATUATIOX WAVTTTI vwavat POJTLAND REAL ESTATE COMPAXT. aa -w Aozaxton Bsiuicr. 100x100 m aih w... ... . - w i uoa la me cny tor lcrestmeati ws r authorized to mil this 1133 e i or i in. too. ton lffiormrmMit. tki. t . u . K . .v.. la a rood opportunity to secors a rood cor- ? e fc-ve other downtown corae rs. Improved , "a ee west we nave in oos laeac lot oa both tACtt of the Ttmmt Cl. V i r .. . .- acres oa ice uoiuaa- your r orchard, full beartfig: Jtitt outside tbsl city limits on the Mae: railroad staked out I nr.- r ooa s-rooci cottage, ant ?J th land; this U upland; we can sell this " per iol. jen tataic. oa tne i- wen. e can sen we seven ri' , tow price i ca. too; rioo. one block from Grand ave oa the - -- ---- " -i c u uuioiuro w r-i" H" ,ro for abort time for 130.500. come before It ls too late; we cannot tvald We . oirl-oa. Tery cheap, only X15.COJ. Ae have a rery- cheap little buy for tome S? P"0 m B"t whlarloa. 40 feet eat We are n! . I-L Forf .'"f11 neJ Estate Co. from 212 Ab- SlSi tS' "eNorthweatem Inreslment A. We solicit our natrrvn. . V.Sf a ee u. We will be pleased to bare you to tnreatirate our banralns la both i rL ! Tit ir,iorncT properties. PORTIt"D KEAL ESTATE COMPANY. -IS and 220 Ablerten Btdr. ueonrrn. Alanaxer. LOOK AT THESE BARGAINS: Basement, porcelain bath, hot and cold tot an aJ1??"?:" moaern. ittivj . . vs, . . ....... c-. . . car line. Price Siaoo. tens t nit -itifCfn,.bu' 1 -CTr r rround. all set ; " lru'i trees; tau is extra rood. V. "-"i roust oe roifl. li-rOOm fin.. Inl tA1llA - . . . ,. Pri'ce'xtS ca Jit. Scott car line. room bnttft l . . i , .tint. n t. Scott car line; is the zreaiest - w me country, price 1XJ. ie nsv ....... v.i . .w. We can shov . , relWOOd. Our nu Mile wrunil rr 4 . tooa im or property in and aiont the ML Scott ear line. Our office at iaurelwaorl -nHti v. . Vli-ll AJ. 4 Af A . w- Ftsrk or at Liurelwood office. TOR SALE AT a c 4 rpirtr- r-t t- V-iV: iurniFafa resiaence ana lot KJtlSO; will rU with or without furnl- ut moaern imnrovementa a-n -et-r cholcs location. U you are looklac for a j." "4" oe- cios investisauon. SQUARE DEAL REAL ESTATE CO. OTOK, W tln.0 & . ... ... land200-7"0 1018 D1 &"roorn cotLiRr. Hlch- 34A Tvt rjiTirin v t xrm vs,n im j . . J.GSO Lot fK)xl2S. Ir-room house. S mln- UTA wik rrom steel ortcce. ILER. room 305. Allakr bMic. HOI-LADAVS ADDITION THE EXTERIOR . jwuro n.-M aiiracts sttentloa and Is a cood Index of what may be expected of the iit-iiui. nunc me same cenerai stjle wrmtaslble, yet It should not servilely copy the desle-n of tnntv.. it., t' v-ir DO "'Jote or a dmeinmc. A, H. romra, twin ana liaisey sfts. lOfiO-ACRE DAIRY OR KTOOT RAXCH. with 100 cose: 350 per acre. i acres Jana... ............... 1A1 irrM ...3 700 ig jiw acres timber land 300 K acres 40a "" niti ana jarce larms. to a t . X 60 ACRES ClV V-tnCTT-y-T I nvtunnMtm u iwo roues jrom nile salmon oa 1J mo; ji acres ieei. r-iJ rolllnr; a vi. icro-jsrn una. in order to close tin n niii. 1. w..-., , a snap, land around selling from to 37i -wT. 11. j-irio. vtmie taimon. wasn. 33250 -FITT.T. T vr 1 vn -svr unnt?t- toilets and baths, eras and electric llcht. mil uurmrai, Booa location. East SMe; - " cnt net. run lot. nrM in ir rt.t . CULVER. G23 Chamber of Commerce. rtTRT TtC CAT Modern K.rrvm ,.t $1 -wt , Hon. electric Ilchta. rood furnace, cement - y ijn.Tiia diu ana 00 csolee ross; , urln win rn tor 32201; owner lesvlnc city; e-e It. Bast 231 and -oone union rojl SALE THREE GOOD LOTS. ON COL- rhasln ,'Y. I" "i ur" v, .Ct'. 1..:: 1 io-iorj- . " " rent, rraoiiy lor xz pe- yooth: the bulldlnr standa near by, M. E. ' . win sl. FOR SALE-32500 WILL BUT A NEW S- ST iSSbSSf lffirKi&&& sts.. Hawthorne Add.; this properly nwi te fcOlfl at rftnr.- ffm. -jv . ---- ' pajance "' purcaaaer. M. E. Ie. f 6th St. hlllflde lot: will finish to cult If taken at .u. iwner. i. urrg oalaa. X'INE AtTlPS rtinier r v-r --r-r- ; UM uiii.no. near xne lllllsooro electric a cultivation, balssce eas ily cleared, only 3800; half cat; a bir- '- wbit v. oi. trregonian. BAROALVS IN LOTS ON EAST 17TH. BE- ta-eea Belmont aad Taylor: also East 12th and Taylor. East Aider' 17tb d lSth- U block East 17th aad Wajblaxtoa. CL W PaUett, 304 Featoa blir. ACRB TRACTS WB HAX'DLE ACR3BAGS mtMnj-. wjiain city umits or ostsiaa. Beaa acre with terss as low as 310 txr maTitr U:urcMIJ cv 2EC1iLt'ENT MODERN COTTAGE. , "-". ".i ome, ciose in. an kinds large and small fruit, fine variety shrub JW, Investment Co.. us Ablng- XOW IR totr "TT-uroi C:..Tr ""At rusucs aac an kinds of builcmg tnaurials at a great bArgxST Apl Ml to American Inn. Phma p.-r. tn- DO YOU WANT TO BUY CITY LOTS OR " "a. see east side Real Etlats v cmc ijroperiy a vpeoajiy. 407 Haw- " - - ii- unmq. 2-tone East 1057. IJi' JRV?iXCTO-UARTER BLOCK. EIGHT- - ? , y miw.ra improvements; " " -. iirea. is. s j 4 ,lA,S -T TABOR. NEAR CAR ""r1 .un" ooinei ior. winiama e-Xl 4T. t aer. aaaisgioa ST. SPTVIAT. TJATtf2 1TV West Side house, of !x rooms, ca a nice FOR SAL&-XEW 3-ROOM COTTAGE. FULL -17"-. "rurr iiaiiar. aiee lo- KELLWOOD LOT&. aceo DOWN AXD .ee HawtboraCa First Additica; aa exaetfcuy! ,jl Mil n awninglfiB SX. 21 1-3 ACRES LEVEL LAND. 1 MILE EAST 22FrtiuA. BAI.N ra-ORY TO? SALE FINE PACING MARE. RUB-e-rootn nous, eaay tersaa. Call sit v. I ber lire nrukMt. tv.. i.-i. Cau 337 Fargo I si. moac cast eaaa. !0 FULL LOT. 5-ROOM COTTAGE, v Jrrlsa-ton: terms. State Isvestraeat Co.! VT TTH SMALL u..,Z atjmre tsao WI1- w.. n. vregoaiaa. "rl. i1 1 ,V2I'T ?tTS A FOUR- - m aaasin irt, L, car. fiat r.wnnn nnurc from, car Un. Just coscDleted. " IIMOl tt! is a Tmr Mt Km, pretty boeae. Itse. corsr Int. IMA' -ia! na- a number of other houses at iuit xroaa up. Flse lata In Tv.t. A'm . .. ... l Jl058 J I CO to TTS. oa aao&taly payiaesu SELLWOOD TOWNS PTE CO.. Phea Eat 470L ISO E. 13th it. 8ooes built, tsoathly payoents: will foroUh ""- oiiirr. ci. vBUBerciai Bias, jssin FOR SALE FARMS. NOTICE ip oirr nv crirr .. ii .T SALE OF STATE FARMS NO- tlce ls bervtir Htmi tt-.at trf hi,. .tti v. recelrtd uaul 2 o'clock P. M. on May 8. -4-.-J, tor tbe louowlsr deeribed farms ac quired by the state tarocrh foreclosure of mSTlrir. fnarl,- Coos County Edwin Crook place. 433. SO a.. K. 16 W. M. A. Davldioa place, lot 1 In setlnn f "P i c . o i . -it- t S H N U of 3. E. U of section 33; " - w. o. . o. imKa JO. i . s lac 100 acres, Mary Gray place, w! H of 3 E. li a&d L nf V rt 1- n -tnn Samuel Saitt . place. N. H . S. 2 OI..S- V"J' ma4 - w of a. E. H Of section 1. T. 1 S.. It- 13 W- contain. lnr 160 acres. ioeia ar. 1. ..1 ,- . Richard Cook place. S. W. of section 10 aad X. W. 14 of section 2S. X 23 S.. R. 8 W.. coatainlns; 320 ictt. jscasoa (bounty Chaxies Xlckell place. X. Vi Of S. W- XI S V I: nf o i- ,.r -. 1 it ot i. . u 01 section also the W. b of S. U. i and S. W. i o containing 1 "1 ... JI 2S1.M acres. J0!?hlns County R. J. and A. Iler place. wuLaiainc- ew Km. County R. A. Pax ton pUce. N. , of X. W. ; W. u of X. IX U of action 1. T. 41 S.. R. IS k. contalnlruc 100 acres. A- J. Pike place. H. H of N. 1. and E. i Of S. W- l- nf T "T- r n cootalnicc 160 acres. W. C- Mc- niuiaros place. , r. U o! section 20. T. Hrrn:erry pUce. N. W. 4 of section' 14! wura is. X. S3 fa.. K. J E. Lane CotmtvR X- e T tVxv tro acre In sections 13 and 21. T. 20 .. IL 5 W. unroin County Peter Msjers place, a W. S. EL t, of section' . T. U S.."r."u V.I S. E. U of section 33." T. 11 S., R. 10 W.' conulnlnr 1 acre. Marion County R. A. Ede place. 51.62 acres near I. O. O. F. Cemterr. Salem. Wallowa County C D. Akin place. W. Or . YZ I. nr aotlnn TIC II VI rnilllnlnr . Terttts Onfmtrth tsi MtfMHh t year and balanc on demand. All bids must W- arDpaaiea oy a ccrtisea cnecK or drart licht (a v1t ire n.l .It KU. I. - . -M To avoid future complaint, applicants mutt T" 0,0 upon iniormaiion cainered ry triiwiii ii!iKiiim o. ue premi&ca only, and not upon Information to bo had at this office. Rids should be addressed to G. G. mown, ork of the State Land Roanl. Sa. I'm. Or., and inarVml tn- Cf... Vam OSWALD WEST. State Ivin.1 ArcnL Dated in. .in fcay o; aiarcn. iau. AN inSAf. nnu I trecrrnv n-. bit Incton of 822 acres, all cood land for er without stock and tools: 'prices and irrms on application, j. ii. caider. Mo: io. an. I10.CO PER ACRE. 310LOO llilllOATEO LAND. CocV X: Co.. 231 Alger St.. Portland. Orexoa. DAIRY FARM. 170 ACRES. 100 BEST BOT- mu; cu 01 ouuaizics. du cows, all farselnp' anA lln-lrp tntt- ,- - V TiVV. ui.ousxai. uy urss. Viwstr, m x.vrrcil s. COWI.TTZ rOI'STY tfisiltvinviv ... jtovcu and unimproved farm lands; also IXILifT F11IV TV UIMTVAirii. A .. price. J35t0 takes It. Inquire 412 2d after . 1 - 1. FOR RENT FARMS. FIV3 ACRES. AIJ. IN CULTIVATION. AT mvsa. ii-rcm vity car line. See r, wnn su v nari-w j lotrl, city. FOR RENT OR SALE-FARM OF 4o ACHES. T-L. r. 1T w aw? rrnu lUocc nftoS2oSVT'J! lA ten -"- I brtvi-r. an acre, on car line. W 89. Orego- FOR. SALE LAND SCRIP. ALL KINDS OF LAND SCRIP APPROVED asa isumhto. jauitary oossty warrants msm, wauiaa usa U9. tlalcaa. APPROVED LAND SCRIP FOR SURVEYED uuurrryra timoerea or prainv lane ii. iinii. inc -ovana. iwiuag, trr. TO EXCHANGR. NICE HOME. 2 BLOCKS FROM MAIN ST KS FROM MAIN ST H-acr ground, eight- cT bearing fruit tr.es; ome and pay a differ Un. . vuiiMnit kj rave, ur.; room honse. rmrtmtv will trails fiw rltr kiim. ence. F SO. OregonUn. FOR SALE FINE LOT. 200x10a COLUMBIA iMiui, ruinisui; crccara ana improve ments; 320no. H cash, balance In bore and v. unurr. w irrjtonian. ROOMING - HOUSE TO EXCHANGE FOR VA- caat lots or small bouse; can pay cash dlffer- rw.. itaioeia a: mita. lOJj -4th St. WANTED REAL ESTATE. a'lvrm Vacant Int. t'nwf AlSlna i-mm .n t let It A tutnn o to .-room house. Upper Alblca. bring It l at once. I 3 to 5-room bcuee. ln suburbs, tea easy lyments. I nrmrsu. Good West Side home. TAFT 4 CO, stark st. , WAXTED AN INCOME PAYING F "rth from 33Q,t0 to 3S0.0C 00 Side; brick building preferred. S 90. PROP O I gonian. 1O0 TtKAT. PBT1TP nsuc f-r-T your property quicker than cne. Pacific fn, ju. a. a. jaain 1 WAXTCD TO BUT A GOOD HORSE FOR uk Dm -io. j i. r . a Arnta. or. FOR SALT. Hrsea. T chic lea aod Haraiss. RTlfV If ATJV" vivn rr -! ; . t good platform spring wsgon; can be seen at i. ir iiwii ana isicii sta. "t wains years 01 a. socno ana sate, for " J new uugxy aac narccss. call .i. j.ui au HORSES AXD SUGG IBS FOR RENT BY ay. hhil ass rnecu; aeoat rates ta btuisess heKsaa. Cth asd Xawtherss. TsL HORSES FOR SALE, OF ALL DESCRIP- H? 1 times. Just arrived. Its head. I Dick Co. cor. 2d aad Main sts. ARRIVED ANOTHER CARLOAD I urajA oorses ana ISBlef. FTeedsan Bros.. 12th aad Flaadem. I FOR SALE OR TRADE 6- YEAR-OLD John Iroaside, Hth an.-v-n nZT 1 and Marshall sta. HOBSB. FIXE ROADSTER. SOUND. PER. irvtij aaie; aiso roao wagon, .NO. 9 East " si. crta. CREDIT CHECK ON EILERS PIANO HOUSE "- vii-p. or excr.s-ige xor sewing, p - - v. fc. w.i.n. Harses aad . vehldas beagbt. sold, reatad ar naaausgtaa. nose 37. VStry. Sa. Rea J-ari-lrtirgtA.Hscsea.Wacaaa. B.tv: nan, aaa tlx. tire runabout, p&eee Pacic 44. FOR SALE Jrppivr -JTT" I m Jt8Srtr?fcG AGON. WITH TOP. Plaaas. ALL PRt7R m-Mn mv-nwe jj. ... ... , -"ra i-iaso nowse possiss gesulae vc,- but eboald be cotrrsigsed aad reg Utered at our Portlaad. or Seokaae. or Boise r?0 BONA FIDB RfLRRS PIANO HOUSE mjw7 ' mxJte ate aa- cCer. MtaeeUaaeev. I SEWING MACHINE3 DO TOC NEED A I ""l"51J niaehlae? If ,o. call at SUnd. ard Sewin,0;;M;. " " ?.- 5i-4ih' fcfrt,.',re he jMt received a . ..VVTAl- t "f'"3r rasrreo. win sell at K.ITI, i " i, , 7 T r arop-neaas at lis; ZZi ot secoaa-BaBd aaa- I,viJGIVrI'T DAMAGED SBWUiO MA- EiU? .tJser,: t? akt room for nrw . StrtL 313 Morrlaea Marquaa b!dr- BOOK BARGAINS Bt'LWER. 40 VOLS.; r-" - " ona s Bet Utera tttre. 4K mli "TVaI'. r?.. .-n. .. 60 TOtS-1 sit nar Bnrf n-t... .1 ... J - n cosu jt 13. oreconlan. rOR SALS NEW A.Vu SECOND-HAND um H poci taaiss; easy paymsats: ws 1-T v jjriTu-xt ox Dsyiac: bm ijivV-.Tr , " Fin- oraaxwicic- "ifiS 11 racers. 530 b. ; 2-1 "f-s eve oa us cauar. a. 3. Jiomsa a. SHOWCASES. COUNTERS. SHELVING. "tBMtw. esters aai- v--. yjju:xTpa St. laclac TM. FOR SALE NO. 6 REMINGTON AND NO 2 Sralth-Preoler typewriters: also nia and I XAAr. t. ril .'. SIX desk. Address L BS, Oreconian. aAXSRy OUTFIT. PORTAHLa mT- troaxh. pans, casdy farnac, etc, Westtra uaB Masaisrton. st. I AUTO. lfi.IT. T niVJIT Pn Tnt'Drv-r. .. . . - runnlnc order; aeats 5. cost $1330; barrain. STEAM-HE.VTINO PLANT. SUITABLB FOR .iwufwuic; icip; wui take purchxss wk :.Ui&-o.u jiANTkI. npn rtv-r- - , s commoce. iai)-a bicycle, one bed- jv. si. I litKr LIEUTENANT'S COAT. ALMOST r7T- ..S01 fof. thtalrtcal purpcj. laouire I 52b 6th sL. X. IT.OUR DAMAGED BY WATER SOLD '"T caeap 1 or reed. Franktirfi & Co.. 131 Front. One J. L Case 2S-SO Sesantm- w.A -"t-v- wan ream . vtasaisctoa bids. OUOO. UVE. DRY. l.FT TTt trrvin lci- A-nonc xatc 433d. vlfir oouxct. sola and rested. 321 . ... ,..1 . iimmwra, jrnoBS 2343. WORK LAUXCH HULL. 20-74. OR WILL " - ivn. 1- engine. 30O 1st. HELP WANTED MALE. SAWTER. TIEinLL. 33; 2 RATCHET SBT- 2 book tender?. 33.50 to l; nook 'tender' hore camp. 33; 2 head falleW. 33? 2 second! " ' " ir": " 1 . sawmill yard men X2S. hMn i f . ... . .,,0oJIwm"1 laborer, city. 323; shoveler. a iiVUIP. Rallreii m, '""fir . . -- - -- - souia ana XOrtheait tn Onnrn TT.-. . , ffTT- x wsses lees than J 2.23 on construc- ;' . ",cn t-ettersoo. Georse 31c Cab .v.. E. CW and others. . - - r i.iiivAU ngni, . ire- lire. 3 bridxemetv. J2.30. ln dt- -Ev JOS EVERY HOUR. HAXSEX-S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. -' .wo accoau street. TV 1 vtimi rnn -v ,t,. t:." .'kr mins ana Office fee " ' ' --ru; Five ?Jh and door maehtne men. 33 to 31. We have a tim. 11.. e , a-- uc. nura CTcry, LUJ1RERMEX"S LABOR R tin EAT 7. 1-0 First Street. 2S3 Burnslde Street. WANTED SPECIAL SIDE LINES FOR ,rmett. that do not conflict with our line. f-"i"n. sMrainern. roast and River ; t. Wl 001 lr" win be ccnsldemi: AVi JSEASES OF MEN SUCCESSFULLY 1 tas'i Ksmveiy cured in from - lire aaa sr.ncr.iy V tT. i t. . V. . . oar aymptom eianjc. -. -.w.. jinni .Esmute. sa and Aide: -. muMct aj Aiaer t.. Fortlasd. 5tl V. KL III Tin tZWCVtt it ftn? i- raent. 110 First St. Two steam shovl y'r'- for city. cook, flunklea. blactc smith. teameterr. 340 and beard, ship rall- ...... uaj , rare; otner work. iZf'SP&XZFtT T -BI-ARE ' iJZ. .JTZL i-iTviore. to 1 4i pr month : nrevlotu rnvrintu ..... I Irrtltory covered once evry 30 days: atv I ' plleatktrji ard correspondence. addres J. X I COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSB Mauchek Candy Co.. 270 First at- I work: good wagey. 75 R. IBth St.. corner necessary, examination Jlay 14. E. Hey- I ' nen. -li ColambU bldg.. 3V Washington st. WANTED EXPERIENCED CHAMBER KN ANn nt,t.v .. I-. J5" -a"'r 11 A M- M - M.?0 WOMEN TO LEARN RARBER eignt. weeas. Graduates earn "Bin to weesctv FT.rr i..tn..t wts. tataiegue free, Moler System of " - .orui nn si.. i"oniand SUof WlfO f Bt1 of Washington; one having expe'rience sober and Y,..". 1 -T...T: dress p. on"r-i2" M- A AX 1 V"I t MtVTTjt: rs,... t-i. . , ... T: mltsrs helthy. mining condlUons t , t tj ra,c?io,i tioos nrst-ciaas. Apply .r. A?Jt2.7rANTED TO SELr- SUPERIOR. high-grade nursery stock; complete outat Jomb.hjd free; cash weekly: write today for choice of territory. Capital City Nnrs-ry Coananr. Salem. Or- iiem. or. AXTED A SALESMAN- TO HANDLE AS goods for an establbhed house with etah. I IKhe.1 trade Address P. O. Bex V&PZk WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE Acgelea. CaL work. Inquire 223 X. 21st st,. corner. LVve- Tgl WAXTED MANAGER. TAKE CHARGE OF Co.: tnuet be capable arvi r,l iVht. A L", Co.: muet be capable and reliable. uicimiu. WANTED TOUNG MAX TO WORK IX r 1 "vi "ranlr wiin tinware and hous- rwi.; " iiuujt. a- i. " .w,'J.,7? rher trade Special Inducements this tBcnth; wages while itarntre- r:iii. v-""rr- -iay su. Han Francisco. AjiiiU5Tat persca may earn good Income VZ,.Jt ZJzL 5.w?pers: experience ttn secessary. Press Syndicate. Loci do rt. N' y pin-nSlF11? SALESMEN IX Portland aad throcrhent th .t.r.- vi- - . . .i.t .Mctvay Dlcg. TRAVKLIXC K IT t-t 1 V 1-tt-rt f-n,.. tors'. Lsdr or rrnl!,w.it r.. J " . lu--a. I loom 1. lALi t. LEARX PRACTICAL BOOKKEEPING OF A -L. .r. J." nnon. tss acotsit- ,i. wiawr iimmerce. WAXTED SIXGLE MAX AS CARDENFR ! o care for stock: mast have good refer- , ws. VI ruifHMn, OUTSIDE ROOM. EXCELLENT BOARD JA so to 33 weekly. Union Hotel. 8t X6th. An- WAXTED SHOEMAKERS: LA8TERS. FAC- nrZr'VZ: v-a anoe Co.. wanted as racprntrvn-n . .. . '"-"ess A . 0. Box v-TT7C-r--T 117 wttrtTT r-n rr ... " i7n vSrTv: i' -aAX. ,u " Se- votTR FARMHANDS Wnt-tT-ti TCT da I MLowaF Trivrrnviv rn Tiirn . " WAXTED MAN TO TAKES CARE OF f ml, farm near Portlasd- Apply to Stand- ard Oil Co. KOOM AXD BOARD. 34.50; MBALS. ?" cents. The Ualoa Hotel. 31 N. 6thco-aer EttrtX ceraer 1 WAXTED FIRST-CL.VSS PAPER Tr-r r4T ArnJr at nee tn T Q n-m-- . n'' ' -o- Astcrta. i liJi.-AN AJvt. A'HQTO TICKET SATrt .. - "- aiasio. AMkBat bid. WANTED MEN'S OLD CLOTHING. SHOES highest price paid. 32 3d. Pbeis Palis? T SALESMAN FOR HOE SAFETY R171B best ever, hcrsnia aide line. 4I9 Fenton. WANTED REGISTERED PHARMACT5T I reorvnrrEdatlocs. C S. Crraxcalaa" I I STRONG ROY TC-rTTT 1 -tx-TT- I . I STRONG BOY WITH A WHEEL WAXTEO at H. B. Litre. 274 Waaaalgtoa Tst. BXPBRIEX'CED SHOB SALESMAN. APPLY U MU , ... IIIIT.I. 11. N-J?1!01 . PIPE FITTERS. Iilvn WE-ABLACKSMITirS HELPRR. 384 A I MACHIviar ave." . WANTED AT 2(1 GRAND Msn. wssta. leara wstfasKatrkctr- mtsr. iBwura; aseaey maae learaicx'. watca-teaktex-EarraVc Seaaol. 1428 4th T Seattle jw ui iae coaauy. pieaae communi- -w Kur. xronx ana uax sis., xoruana. SAILORS WANTED FOR ENOLIEH AND 130 5X3(1 lor Europe, au- 7 . , , Janiia. inquire at au- w4. nuist. cocacr ana Giisaa sts. WANTED TOUNG MEN: RAILROADS wanunr telerrapa ooerators; rood ncn. umr, i-i urana neater Dicr. T1JE JIEIER RANK STORE REQUIRES i t i several gooa orient boys. -- - - 04 ..c, ruuu cuace xai ..it.nniu. .ppiy ai once. WANTED STRONG TOUNG MAN. BET. 20 rU TJ 10 an,I 12and bring; reference. 325 OUR AGENTS MAKE J90 AND OVER PER ttnuai cn ana accident insurance; . . c" co m 15 wori. 400 Ore- soaian oiar. I WANTED TWO LABORERS. CORNER " Vancouver ave.. near Williams HELT WANTED FEMALE. CAMP -COOK. 30. CALL AT R A. M. READY iu. waiiixs. pantry Kin. 320. same hotel: Shanlko fares here; 2 cham- ruwia. some city note I. xaj; wnitres.. Centralis -Hi .n. v n .1 nermald.. una pitv vr i . mhi T-V- . 1 . ' .k-..ij vinfr places. i ienty out-of-town plac-s of all kind. IIAXKEVS r.inipc r?-c-v-i v- 3434 Waahlcirtnn t mi- Tf S nti.llr. iTTffvnnvt Annllcanta fne alt l-t-- .t, ...... with llf frea V, . . u !n.. .1 4vv um liiorc nuuec. HAJiaEivb LADIES' AGENCT- 4-H Washington it., cor. 7th. upstairs. LADIES EMPLOYED TO DO FANCY WORK iS ourln spare lime; no experience 1 v.v, .j iu .nsj. tvrits i. xi una. mm Aiarxet. saa Francisco. UAMF SECOND COOK. 340. CALL 7:30 A. Ai.; - coamoermaias. loxemer. 320: chum A COMPETENT GIRT. TO rwk rru-kt-Tv-r and assist In general housework In a small woere ivo giris are Kept. 273 N. .till SI. DIEEAHT"! OS- TtrnvrB-v o-tt- . -r u,uu ataicai xssuiuis aaa sanitarium. i au.tr; cauaace io Aicer sf. Port- AVNG L.VDY CASHIER FOR THE lit - tm"n Meat to. trail at residence. sr.. dc i. jo ana II o'clock iuty. GOOD BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY FOR AN "'. iiiuuiirra woman, over ex perlence unnecessary. D S4. Oregonlan. A GIRL FOR nrA"f?niT. imt'c-cTvnni.'. good wagesto competent: small family. Call .u.cuuvus. tiw u xayiar si., cor. G. Vi ANTED HOUSEKEEPERS. WAITERS. cooks. cnsmcermakUi, general workers. St. .rtgency. Juja ramblll. ilala 5413. "AXTED TYPEWRITER OPERATOR. ONE .i.uim uts inn envelope """I .fricjrtu. 13 starK St. wanted A COMPETENT GIRL TO DO rcona woric Apply at 84 21st at. North. Mtr.ii. weanesaay evening. ANTED CAMP COOK. 540; SEVHRAL worislng housekeepers: gowl wagei: others. A COMPETENT GIRt. Tit nn qrrn:n work; one accustomed to children; refer- cucra. rtppiy oe'j t.vereii st. TT A N.5T? V-C T. 1 T-T-c-a- nwrrv 3434 "WasalBgton st.. cor. 7th, upstairs. ; AXTED EXPERIENCED WAITRESS FOR raoai Asm cw. I nouse; irp nome. Apply, ready for work. 147 W. Park. East Stark. Phone East 21S0. WANTED EXPERIENCED MILLINERY trimmers; none otner need apply. Lowen- garr. A. 10.. is Kront st. WANTED FIRST-CLASS FAMILY COOK. o; aiso caraDie secana eiri. lamniu. .Main u43. WANTED A GIRL TO AS3IST WITH GEN- erai nousewoTK. s in ramlly. tall this morning; 413H Clay st. APPRENTICE C.IRL WANTED-CALL BR- oening. .Dinston fc litr. trMLi "A corner Burnslde. COMPETENT GIRL FOR HOUSEWORK IN iii lamiiy; gooa wages. iirs. Strong. i- rjoy st. ?iJ"f.5?VA.9''?l"LO. AND COOklnc seenml rlrt Vnr 120 18th st. corner Gllsan. GIRL FOR COOKING AND RlWPPiT. nouiewcrs wnere second girl Is kept. 6S0 r uiiacra si. WANTED GIRL FOR HOUSEWORK; NO imiuimi; no ivajninjc; waaes 11.1 Anniv ' AN rvpnBiFvem r-trtr -rr. Tt-t.. r-JSixSR. GlnJ T OPERATE ON .C, ''t 3 Wor,C- App,r 10001 Washington. GIRL TO ASSIST IN CARE OF HOUSE i 1 - i,. OQ-' 1 none itain 3403 ami Mtiin oiti. small famll " km filZ .. ""'s 1 - aw. 1171U- lOtll. I WANTED EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR GEN- .... ""-j immi iamiiy. ,w Ixavejoy. WANTED GIRL FOR GEXERAL HOUSB- '; rami oe aoie to COOK. 141 N. 18th. GOOD GIRL FOR COOKING AND GEXER- ' Gvtwum. Apply 1.1 savier St. WANTED-EXPERIENCED NURSE GIRU j x uuirc jiain i. GIRL FOR GENERAL Hfllism-noi.- i ........ x. . o. uonsotx 31. GIRL FOR COOKING AND 633 Flanders st. GENERAL houeework. T ni' tO , ASSIST IX HOUSE- waw auv 14Ca(T AsiaCOin. 3S5 ALDER WANTED. A rVlTf T.wr.r-- I girl to ass! alst In housework. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK; smaii ramiiy. 734 Irving. WANTED A GOOD WAITRESS. APPLY 340 SITUATION WAXTED VAT.te. Bookkeeper, aad Clerks. - : - -- - . . ru3i vnm Booas cany, maks up your sutementa ant take off maathlT Hit rit. i. . Len. aaa pease; satiifactlon guarasteed. Murtoa the wanwr wiamerca. Mala A POSITION AT ONCE-FIRST-CLASS OF- 7. j w " ""it oooioceeper. well qual- u Ci erience: nignest references, o TYPEWRITING WORK OF EVERY DE- AJt'5tT' 'pec-Rcatlons a specialty. Q S! fvpctTOe OO KK EEPER. STEXOG- rapher. correspondent and general ofrir- i.niMn,u AJJUh.ivBBPER. STEXOG- !?Pf'r"..Cwrr?"pondent ana xeneral office 304 ALDER. COR. 10TH ONE LARGE FUR maa. high-class references. K 84. nUhed room with bath; also suite and single MIseeQaaeeta. IOUNG MAX. MARRIED. NO PHTT.nct-v . . " lorcmin or stock farm f vi T:JTx?rl'nc1 la outter aad cheeso- -w. unvuTtr, w aen JAPANES3 DOMESTIC SERVANTS. HOUSE- """-' lAiaianu asKVAsrs. HOUSE- I -JSJfST , otl,r X!Z?r furnished. The XlSSGS S99Urr9Ht nfr' r. n no r I m ,t Kii t, "- . m , ,, " Z I JAZA - i5S? I-ADOR ASSOCIATION CAN ?1doTsestIc serTac ts. farmers also; ail I k&tda of hea. Mala 48. 2rW yV.r.M I sjrra w acrv a w. ImII 113. I raraisa oomestle servants, farmers also; all I gyretL JIFlSBIh. 1. I S ! -SEVrtrm-Tr-Lr-nr. - "T ii" iiwt ocip. Aieary xaaara. j in mm m nose e-ML JAA.?iE8E "1ST-CLASS COOK. WANTS pesiUea la a faslbr: rood referesr.. t 82. Orsceaian- JAPANESE WANTS ENGLISH TEACHER for private ereaiar school. F 90. Onrnai,. I fecprt-vaevealaVaooL OgoaiaaT ec esst-oK detaisr. shoes, highest tsrle MM. T3J, X. . T'tH?, iC 'Uf't' eSk?;a. shoes, highest wices Bookkeepers and Stemooxraahera. OKKKEPING I WILL POST TOUR BP your statemeats and . wAisacc av snia.x expense; satisfaction ruaranteed. Murtoa c,SS5atat- Chamber Cominerc. A COMPETENT TOUNG LADY WITH SOME ""cutc ursires a position as bookkeeper: Oh. OrVwnlanT"0 W aalrMa HoBsekeepers. A THOROUGHLY EXPERIENCED HOUSE- r tri . . IOTK wisnes position In hotel or private family; excellent accom- mndatlnnv Atmlf K,. i... r- ... . . Woods st.. Portland. POSITION AS HOUSEKEEPER BY A MID- uic-Btru " mow. uu Jl Hatrlnon st.. room third floor. Domestic. JAPANESE GIRL WANTS A POSITION TO wurK or cook. Aaaresa lionda. Main 2000. Dressmakers. ALL KINDS OF SEWING DONE BY EX- vcti.ucra pony: sicirts a specialty: wort Kcarauieeo. ssa East Washlnstoa. bu Union and Grand avta. WANTED PL.MN SEWING AND run.- cren's cloth, to do at your homes. Phone evening?. Main 4394. 201 10th. cor. Taylor LADIES HATS REMADfl AND Rt. trimmed; order work a spoK-lalty. Mrs. Wcst Phat. 211 12th st. Main 7131. M bcenaneoas. SITUATIONS. FIRST-CLASS. GHAMRKR. malrt. experienced waitress. KardInK-house. i m Vt 1 I?lV? LadIcs Agency. 230fc Yam- HOTKL WAITRESS OR MAID. 6 TEARS t-Ak'TitHcc. uutii porter or nanay man. re. uu-ttr nmitini coupie. any place. U K. Oregonlan. FIRST-CLASS SELECTED HELP OF ALL Kino. m. Louis Ladles Employment Agency. 230, Yamhill. Main 5413. BY YOUNG LADY WHO KNOWS HOW TO ru KDQas. goon penman, ralr knowledge wants day work, full dav only; experienced i unci-, j uobc xTicinc u,xi. THOROUGHLY C03IPETENT WOMN wisnes work by the day. Phone Main 3380. A WOMAN WANTS WORK BY THE DAT. i none i-acmc t. WANTED AGENTS. SOLICITOR WANTED BY INVESTMENT. . c a"u rca esii company. Apply 604 Dekum bldg.. city. GENTLEMEN AGENTS. PORTLAND AND tnrougnout atatc: big wages. 410 Fenton bide. WANTED to RENT. WANTED TO RENT HOUSES. COTTAGES t reuiw uHuiico. ou oeen eniarxsa and provided with additional staff. Wa fnvlta Itittnv fwn T 1 xttit nn. -- effir personal attention to and continuous cpervlslon ovsr all prootrty latrustad to one PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. w. uu uu sis. x'liose ex. 12. WANTED AT ONCE HOUSES AND COT- i5". xjhi ana esi siae: will rent at once. Donald G. Woodward, agent. 248 Stark st. 12 TO 20-ROOM FLAT. CENTRALLY LO- catea. with lease. 2044 Stark at. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR FUR- ... . u t V ... J . SIMI lA&O Oil commlfelon and guarantee best results. Th Portland Auction Rooms. A. Schubacc. prop. Phone Main 5633. 211 1st at. WANTED INVENTORS TO SEND FOR OUR lire iiiuzitiAieu iwuuuwk, & synopsis OL patent laws and regulations. Mllo B. Stev en & Co.. attorneys. S31 14th st.. Wash ington. D. C. WANT SMALL GASOLINE LAUNCH IN nrsi-ciass condition; must do cheap ror cash: state length, beam and draft and where can be seen. E 05. Oregonlan. WANTED GOOD MILK COW. WITH CALF. Dicinicu, nisv w ur jlw nens. lymoum Rocks or Lechams. Artdres T. x.v nr.. gonian. WANTED - MEN'S CAST-OFF CLOTHING I "a inoes; mgnesx price paic. Call at ths I T1..1 w m T-t- n- Dead horses, cattle hauled away promptly fres vi uuuit. urcjoa r ermizer vv as. Jdain lUbl. WE CALL FOR DEAD HORSES AND CAT- lire ui iii,i I.C. raoae jasL ..kI. WANTED 3.1C00 AT 8 PER CENT ON GOOD v uo. uirfii;niiji. WANTED ENGINES. 73 TO 100-HORSE- FOR RENT. Rooms. THE OXFORD. COR. 6TH AND OAK UN- ucn maiuiscuieui, Ji. 3. a. j. wallers. Prop. This elegant new brick hotel has Juift been thoroughly renovated, walls re tlnted nnrf r,'umUioH .ntiMiv Knr...n . out; steam heat. hot. cold running water. elerrtrlrr llpht UV..11 . In .. elegant front suites, with or without private iea reasonaoie. jaain 08. THE AUDITORIUM. 2084 THIRD. BET. "jwr ana oaimon This elegant hotel has tuuiuugniy renovaiea ana is cow ono cf the best and most respectable rooming houses In Tr.rt..t - .1 ... .a. n V. . baths, hot and cold water ln rooms: we cater . w i-raveung puDiic. fnone aooa 3o. John Grasotrom, proprietor. TTTt3T mtmpopf it Nicely furnished rooms, single or en suite. 2 per week up; steam heat; hot and cold water, ft t.,.h. fr.. .,.. , . ..CO UWtC, blliiU(-iWUl night: best location ln the city: office and . i.iiiiin.r oaui. irouna iioor. oa wasnington. I THE ANTLERS. COR. 10TH AND WASH. " iwTOicu uaucr new management, ana now ready for business; everything new. clean and modern. We rent rooms with pri vate bath for the same as other hotels ask Main 2333. Mrs. F. H. Powers. Prop. HOTEL KENTON ELEGANT FURNISHED ,wvui. wki uousearaping suites; gaa. electric light; hot, cold water; every room steam T - rrxr. r,., ,...... nUhed. 38; also small room. 33; 2 blocks from Burnslde bridge; board If desired. 3C3 DU UUUlil. NEWLY FURNISHED SUITES AND SINGLE. "mn vuiwi naicr m mi rwau; lurnaun heat: reasonable. 207 14th. Phraw Main 1153. HOTEL ALEXANDER. COR. 10TH AND muc. uicdm uui, lurnuoea rooms, rei tonable rates. B. N. Hlmebaugh. Main 1730. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM. BATH AD- joining. pnvaie lamuy: gentleman prererrettr uvhuu 11 unircu. ai Moixn uui. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS. UP-TO- date suites and single: free phone and bath; reasonable. 392 Salmon. THE ALDER. 2314 ALDER ST. NICELY I furnished momj. en eft n- nermanent or tran sient; office rooms; Investigate. 1814 FIRST ST.. COR. YAMHILL NICELY furnished rooms, verrr reasnnahte nrli-lr bulldlng; phone, porcelain bath. WALKIXG DISTAXCB NICELY FURXISH- 202 10th. near Jefferson. 122 12TH. COR. WASHINGTON LOVELY sunny oay-wmaow rooms, free phone and baths; reasonable. THE SHERMAN. 123 12TH. COR. WASH- uitwu iTitci lumiaarxi rooms oy tne day. CCA Ul UitMllU . 344 H 7TH ST. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM .li.KI. . r; mT"'" r: " l,"J ; an conveni- WE HAVE ONE FRONT ROOM FOR RENT- running water, everything strictly modern 453 Morrison. rawiern. CAikCB . U.rU. running wate 453 Morrison. NEWLY FURNISHED FRONT Tmnvr bath, heat aad lla-ht: Xlo month 19th. st. PRETTY FRONT SUITE; ALSO TWO LARGH room. trti-o. T' iTr.u -f." i--.. ' "ca- vyasa- ELEGANTLY FURNISHED SUIT3 OF 3 iei.Vttsr r. t..1;? P? hekeg 11 S?,f HAXDSOM ELY FURXISHED FRONT "ROOV wrivxta Xaal'y, reaeoaaJsie. ut 2410.