10 THE MORNING OREGONTAN, MONDAY, MARCH 26, 1906. AMUSEMENTS. Marquam Grand Theater EEm Taslsfat. Taeeday. Wednesday Night. Mat inee Wednesday. kS&SSS Hffl Paff! Poufl S People la the Company 65. Evening Prices Lower floor. $1.50. 51: balcony. $1. 75c, 50c. gallery. 55c and 25c; boxes and loges. $10 Matinee Prices $1. 76c. 60c 35c 25c. Sata now selling. Carriages 10:50 o'clock. Baker Theater CrifHltaUr 6., Utn ti6.LSkr, Mr. Yamhill and 3d sts. Phone Main 1907. Tee Heme of Mutlcal Barletque. !;. Sunday. Saturday and Wedneday. "NOTE Wednesday Matinee Bargain Day. 25 Cents Any Seat Tfcl Week, the Brisk. Breezy and Up-to-Data MISS NEW YORK, JR. A large chorus of Singing dlrla and BILLY ALLEN. Comedian, in the Two-Act Farce, "KING OF KOKOMO." Wednesday Matinee (Special) 25c Any Seat. Other Matinees Saturday and Sunday. 15c, 25r. 55e. 50c Night prices. 25c. 35c. 50c, 75c. Next Week Empire Farce Comedy Co. EMPIRE THEATER Morrison and 12th. Phone Mala 117. Stilton W SfHraon. Mgr. THE POPULAR THEATER. AH This Week. Matinee Saturday. Return of the Always Favorite. BEN HENDRICKS, in OLE OLESON The first, the best Swedish dialect play be fore the American public. Mr. Hendricks Mnn entirely new sons hits. A genuine treat to hear him. Evening- Pries 15c. 25c, 35c. 50c Mat inee. 10c. 15c. 25c. Next Week ".My Wife' Family' GRAND Theater ' TE zeraldas. """"" "'"oiui Mlsf, MARIE Week of Mch 20 LAt'KKNS. THE THREE Mr. & Mm. ROBVNS. ARMSTRONGS i THE HELL TRIO. Greatest Comedy JOHN 4. WELCH. Trick Blc-ycllstH HAROLD II OFF. in the Vorld. I GRANDISCOI'E. PRICES Evenings and Sundays. 15c 25c and 35c. Matinees. I5c to any seat excp boxes STAR THEATER WEEK OF MARCH 20. FOWLER BROTHERS. RILEY & LAVIGNE. DICK AND EK11K GUISK. FAIRFIELD MORTON. HENRY FINK. WILL C. HOYT. STAUOSt'OPE. 10 Cents to Anv Sent Except Bxes. PANTAGES Fourth and Stark Sts. HAZEN, WINCHKLL & CO. I.KO WHITE. THE MARSHALL';. ROSCOE, World's Greatest Hypnotist. DAYTON SISTERS. j;d geter. nioGRArn. Performances dally at 2:30. 7:50 and !l V M-: admission 1( cents: reserved seats, 20 cents, boxes. 25 cents. Women and chll riren admitted to any seat for 10 cents at weekday matinees. NEW TODAY. FAN FRANCISCO EXAMINER. CHRONICLE r Call, dally and Sunday, delivered at your itlaee tor 76 cents per month. Phone Main 3SP2. East Third & Belmont 100x100 Across the street from the litchell-Lewis new brick block. On new switch. Fine location for combination jobbing and retail business. $8500 Hartman, Thompson S Powers Chamber of Commerce. S15,000 Corner. 100 feet square, on ft., not far from business part of city. This Is a select apartment-house location, and there Is a ll-room dwelling on the property. Portland Trust Company of Oregon S E. COR THIRD AND OAK STS. Seventh and Flanders IOOxIOO FRANCHISES FOR STREET RAILW.fYS NOW APPLIED FOR ON FLANDERS AND ON SEVENTH STREETS WILL MAKE THIS CORNER VERY VALUABLE. PRICE $33 "00 Hartman, Thompson & Powers Chamber of Commerce. CORNER LOT 50x100 on 4th s' . In first-class retail district, close in. with improvements pays C per cent. A lot with great future to it. Price $40,000 GOLDSMITH & CO.. 442 Sherlock bldg.. 3d and Oak sts. FOR SALE Lots in North Portland near the Fair Ground. Hartmanjtiompson & Powers Chamber of Commerce. North rup Street Between 19th and 20th Sts 35x100, S1650,EasyTerms Inquire SI Front st. Phone Main 44. WILL- BUILD FOR SUITABLE TENANTS. FOUR STORIES AND BASEMENT. 62x100 On Fifth Street, Between Burnside and Stark. For full information address D 73, Orc xronlan. 25x100 Front Street. Between Alder and Morrison. $16,000.00 . For a Few Days Only. EDWARDS. HARRIS. LAMONT REALTY CO., 10714 Sixth StreeL The Greatest Bargain In Portland This Year' A fine -block with fine residence on corner lot. West Side, clone in. easily worth $ 10.000. for above price tintil Tuesday No fake, but straight l.cin. r . x kv.no. X irsi Street, 11th and Washington Sts. It acres, near American Inn and adjoining Exposition grounds, for sale by J. D Wil cox. 167 Sherlock block. , Washington Street RO feet, clone in. beet bargain offered, pay. 1C S per cent set on the price asked. Ad Arete e-waer,, A 08, care Oregealan, NEW TODAT. BUSINESS AND RESIDENCE PROPERTIES West Side 32-room apartment-houte; rent $125 per month: built new 1R months ago; frac tional lot; house strictly modern; furnace heat, porcelain baths, hot and cold water In all rooms. Price. $11,000. 24 rooms, new one year aso. cement barement and walks, furnace heat, hot and cold running water In every room; the wry best of plumbing: will rent for 5123 per month. Price. $16,003. 8- room house, 12th st.. near Jefferson, lot 40x100. furnace, bath, gas and all mod ern Improvements. Price. S5230. 7-room cottage, furnace heat, electric light and gas, nice porcelain bath, frac tional lot. on Jefferson sl, near 12th sL Price. JSOoO. 7 rooms and new barn, an Gllsan. lot 50x100. good modern cottace. electric light, gas and bath. Price. 51250. 5-room cottage, fractional lot. on 10th St.. near Montgomery, electric light, bath and gas, hot and cold water. Price, $31i. East Side , 9- room 1 o-jsc. East Belmont St., modern, one of ths choicest homes on the East Side. To hoc thlt Is to buy. Price S5500. S-ro.m houst S lots 23x100 at Glen wood Station; can have the use of 10 acres for 3 or 4 years, free rent. Here Is the best buy In the citv. Price J1C0O. 7-room house. East 3d st, near Holla day avt.; stvcllest location East Side of river, strictly modern In every' way; plate glass windows, lots of closets, hot and cold water In bedrooms. This is surely one of tho swellest propositions that can be had for the price, which is $4700. 7- room house on Tillamook St.. near "Williams ave , cement basement, all mod ern, lot 00x175: price only 53250. small pay ment down, if desired. 5-room cottage near Konll worth, with 5 acres of land, good barn, windmill; this is a bargain: only 53000. 5-room modern cottage. Just being com pleted, hot and cold water, porcelain bath, cement foundation, good basement, wired for electric lights; this is surely a little palace; only 51SO0. part cash. 8- room swell home. Hawthorne Park, on East Salmon; this Is modern In every way. Price. 55500. S-room house. Holladay Park, full corner lot. cement basement, furnace, electric lights and gas, lots flowers; this Is surely swell home. Call for further particu lars. Vacant Lots "We have vacant lots In Albina. Central Albinn. Highland; also Williams-Avenue Addition. Lots in Multnomah Addition, on Mich igan ave.. only 5375. Lot 50x150. on Sacramento st.: here Is a good bargain; call for particulars. -Choice lot Williams Avenue Addition, on Cook ave., near Rodney: snap. tour lots. I'atton Tract: want an offer this week; very anxious to sell. Quarter-block on Broadway. Holladav's Addition, in the very best locality, with out any exceptions; has good frontage. Price only $22o0. Quarter block on Schuyler sL. swell sur roundings; here is another good one; only IZloO. Acreage We have a 40-acre tract near Lents, about half In cultivation, balance easily cleared, right on good main gravel road; this is suitable for platting or for any purpose for the -price we can sell it for. which is much less than anything else In this locality. Five acres on Section Line road, near Reservoir, all in cultivation and fruit, good modem house, cost over 53000; call for particulars. Eight acres on Johnson Creek; all A No. 1 bottom land, some beaverdam; car line runs right past It all cleared and in crop. Come In and make offer within 5150 per acre of price asked for adjoining land and we will do business; owner is sick and has to leave city permanently. Three acres on West Side road, only about C miles from city, all In cultivation, partly in an asortment of fruit: house cost 52000; lots of chicken-houses; about 3 thoroujrhbred chickens: good horse, cow; all kinds of tools: this is surely an ele gant little suburban home; must sell right away. Call for particulars. See photo graph. TAFT & CO. 2i Stark St.. Chamber of Commerce. East 1st and Water Sts. 40x200 TRACK FACILITIES ON EACH END. BOLID GROUND. NO FILLING OR PIL ING. JUST BASEMENT DEPTH BELOW TRACKS. A GOOD DISTRIBUTING rOINT. MORE GROUND AVAILABLE. $10,000 Hartman,Thompson & Powers Chamber of Commerce. For the best bar gains on the mar ket in inside prop erty, see F. ABRAHAM At 1 13 Second Street INVESTMENT $40,000 Corner on First st.. with three-story brick bulldlmr. 3 A chance to make a small Investment and clean up a good profit; can be handled on easy terms. Portland Trust Company of Oregon S. E. COR. THIRD AND OAK STS. S4700 Nob Hill Residence of 9 rooms and bath, attic base ment, laundry, nice conservatory, fire place, furnace, gas, electric lights, in fact up-to-date in every way and good as new. with lot 34x100. Choicest residence dis trict, near 24th and Kearney. Terms 51000 or more in cash, balance long time. Par ties looking for a fine home In fine local ity will find this a rare opportunity. C. H. KORELL. 251 Washington st Second and Everett IOOxIOO- TWO-STORT FRAME BUILDING COV ERING ENTIRE GROUND; CAN BE RE PAIRED AND LEASED TO BRING SPLEN DID RETURNS: 57500 CASH WILL HAN DLE. PRICE 522.000. Hartman, Thompson & Powers Chamber ef Commerce. J. W. OGILBEE ROOM 11, 1454 FIRST STREET, fcinpft Corner lot. 50x100 feet, with good vIUUU 6-room cottage, bath, etc.; hard finished, plenty of shrabbcry, on East awh at.. In Tibbetts' Addition, one block frsm Clinton street-car line; very cheap. 2 acres garden land e east slope of Ml Tn.be r; want to aeM quick; hu feeea held at-.f $a&k pSer NEW TODAT. A HIGH STANDARD THE LONG. SUCCESSFUL EXPERIENCE OF THE OFFICERS OF THE Oldest Trust Company in Oregon IS SUFFICIENT GUARANTEE OF Safety, Solvency and Strength In Buftlae Nearly 19 Year. Portland Trust Company of Oregon S. E. Corner Third and Oak Sts. Phone Exchange 72. BENJ.-I. COHEN President H. L PITTOt'K Vice-President B. LEE PAGET Secretary J. O. GOLTR A . . . Assistant Secretary FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. NICE J-ROOM HOME. On Patton ave.. Riverside, two block from car. lot 50xloo. for only $1800; or. with four more lot", with CO fruit tree. and berrie. Ellis & Kahler, room 21, 261 Mor rison M. FOR SALE K. S-ROOM HOUSE. FULt. brick basement, with 6 lot, each 50x103; tm and chlcken-houe; terms fSSQ down, balance C per cent. Inquire of A. N. An derson, care Schiller. 4th and Washington. C NEW G-ROOM COTTAGES. ALL tM plete; wood fiber plaster, fireplace and flrst c!ari. all for 2&00; f 100 down and $15 per month. See owner. Joe Nh. at Nashville Addition, on Mount Scott car line. 5T00 MODERN S-ROOM HOME. TWO FIRE placet, combination flxturef. cement base ment, furnace; everything first-claa. SS3 H Madison at.; Immediate poMslon. Grlndftaff & Schalk. 2H Stark jrt. FIVE LOTS. HOLLADAVS ADDITION. NO building retr!ct!on; 2 good fractional cor ner?, each J10O0; one irutlde lot. S50. and two others reasonable. Culver. 6S3 Cham br of Commerce. HIGH-CLASS RESIDENCE. JH.OCO. SITUAT ed on 2 let, extra fine location. Wmt Side; we solicit a call from any one looking for a superior reidence. The Hart Land Co., 10 Sherlock bldp. ACRB TRACTS WB HANDLE ACRE AGS as a specialty, within city limits or ouuld. Com acre with ter&s as low u X10 pr couth with water. A. C. Churchill & Co., "Inc.," 110 2d. st. GREAT SNAP WEPT SIDE. 12TH ST.. magnificent modern 12-room houe. fancy Vt block, worth ro.tHO, price this week $1.'..(0i. term. Washington bldg., room 1. Phone Pacific 1230. 134 PER CENT INTEREST. INVESTMENT Larjre double houc. rt-rooms each; lot TOxlM feet, on Union avenue; rents Jf30.oo month. Price 13200. Porter. 222 Wash ington rt. NOW IS TOUR TIME TO BUT DOORS, windows, floorlnr. rustics and all klnda of bulldlcs materials at a sreat bargain. Ap ply to American Inn. Phone Pacific 1070. SPECIAL BARGAIN FINE 5 ACRE?', houre, ham. orchard, llvlnc water. 3 mile from Courthouse; only fl700. ear Ifrnt Washington bldg.. room 1. Pacific 1230. IN IRVINGTON QUARTER BLOCK. EIGHT room hotus barn, all modern improvements; very desirable; corner Iflth and Tillamook. See owner, W. C. Reed. St N. 3d t- LOT .Kx!O0-422T.. Union ave. car line. Lincoln Park. IS minutes' ride from centr of city. Ellis & Kahler. room 21. 2W Morrison at. 4 KtxlOO LOTS. MT. TABOR. NEAR CAR line, only $500. One business lot. Williams ave.. c!ee in. bargain. $WO. See owner. Shoe Store. 313 Washington at. 40-FOOT LOT. EAST 20TH. BET. WASH Ington and Stark; JS00; 0 lots on West ave. G. W. Edmonds, owner, 1C40 Bate Line Road. Phone Tabpr S4. FOR SALE 6-ROOM HOUSE. ON EASV IN Kallments. 1 or 2 lots; no cash on; city water and sewer; near Mt. Tabor car. C 60, Oregonlan. LOVELT LOCATION AND P-ROOM RESI drnce. cheap: all Improvements: best part of I ni net on. 452 Eatt 1Mb st. North, near Tillamook. MUST SELL AT ONCE. LOTS IN GROWING ruburb; cash only: worth 30 pr cent more than when purchaea. at cow. F 70, Ore gonlan. MAGNIFICENT LOTS NEAR E. ANKENY If..-. At 4.tl. tvatr. gas; $650. easy term. Washington) room 1. 12-ROOM HOUSE. IN GOOD CONDITION, .suitable for one or two families; electric lights, gas. hatha, basement. Owner. 30S College. 6-ROOM HOUSE. IN HIGHLAND PARK. S lots, full slz. small barn and chicken house; $1500. Hatfield & Smith. IGT.4 4th. FOR SALE 7-ROOM HOUSE. BATH. CE ment walk. yard, near car; price $2C. Owner, phone Main 477P. or 493 Everett L HOUSE FOR SALE MUST BE MOVED a nay; 5 rooms, fair condition; will sot re fuse a reasonable otfer. Inquire 220 First. FOR SALE 5-ROOM MODERN COTTAGE, all In good shape; 15 minutes walk to town; 328 San Rafael t.. Upper Albina; cheap." $2700 S-ROOM HOUSE. RUSSEI.L STREET. J2300 5-room house, modern. Union avenue. D. MILLER. 714 Chamber of Commerce. HOUSE. ' TWO LOTS. UTH AND MASON, fence!, sidewalk, woodhouse. garden, straw- FCfR SALE BT OWNER. ftOxIOO. ON SOUTH eat comer 13th and Clay t price $11,000; COMFORTABLE 7-ROOM HOUSE. BARN, lot CGxl25. I, block Union ave; nice home; $2650, half cih. T 7C. Oregonlan. 6ELLWOOD LOTS. $5.00 DOWN AND $5.00 a month; from $75.00 to $200.00. Sllwood Towcslts Co. Pnoa East 4704, 100x100 ON G LIE AN. BET. 23D AND 24TH $3000 Cows, balance fire years at 7 per cent. Room 12. Hamilton. Main CSS. BLOCK. PAYING GOOD INCOME. NOW $20,000. will double In value In aori time. Hatfield & Smith. 165H 4th et. MODERN 7-ROOM HOUSE. LARGE LOT Sunnyalde; fine house. Holladay Park. Hol llster Phone Main 1840. TWO HIGH. SIGHTLT LOTS. WITH G-ROOM house, within walking distance; $2500. la quire Lowengardt. 33 Park. FULL BLOCK. NORTH ALBINA. PATTONS Addition. $1000: easy terms. See owner. F Vanduvn. 313 Washington. CHOICEST 100x100 RESIDENCE CORNER IN Hawtbome First Addition; aa excellent buy. Inquire 233 Washington nt. FOR SALE CHOICE LOT IN PIEDMONT comer Jarrett and Hendricks ave.. $350 Apply 573 Gantenbeln ave. NEW 10-ROOM MODERN HOME. COR ner lot. cost $7000. .for $3500. L. E. Thompson & Co.. 228 3d. FOR SALE MODERN DWELLING IN best residence portion of Upper Albina $2500. V 77. Oregonlan. YOU CAN BUT A LOT IN HOLLADAT Park Addition for part cash, balance easy terms. P 78. Oregonlan. 8-ROOM HOUSE. FULL LOT. CHOICE Lo cation. Irving at., near 21 . $8300. F. Van- FOR CLOSE-IN ACREAGE, SUITABLE FOR platUnr. Green, 207 Goodsough blflr. Phone Pacific 58. 100x100 ON EAST 43D. NEAR HAWTHORNE ave.. good building alte: price $550. d 72, pregonlan. FINE BUSINESS CORNER Cff ALBINA. grocery or bakery. $3W. Alpine Co.. 152 First U FOR SALE NICE 6-ROOM HOUSE WITH lot 127x30; price $1500. 308 HamUten are. Hoases built, jsesthly payaseau: will raralih lota. Miller. 12 Commercial bldg. Mala ltua NEW MODERN" 6-ROOM HOUSE. iraST Side; a tee home. 211 Waahlagtos at. SIX-ROOM HOUSE AND LOT AT 580 BAST Lincoln st- Owner. 579 First sC, city. FOR SALE MODSftN HOU8B, LOT Sxl&. Tt)K SAUB XEAIi ESTATX. CORNER LOT. 10TH AND. IRVING STS., -.W. AB13 JOt, Will WSlSMIBa U5- Xore June L Cigar aad candy More, best thoroughfare in city, cash trade; takings $150 per month; bargain. $750; rent low; living rooms. Small cigar stand on best part of First St.: rent $10; stock, fixture aad fittings, only $250; good living for one. 40 acres, Gresham Station. O. W. P. line, splendid fruit land, only 12 mlltM from city: belongs to old soldier going to the Home: bargain, $0. worth $2000. Two lota on East 10th St., close in, $1500 for both, to cIom an estate. Saloon on 3d eC. 16 furnished rooms and restaurant: $3200. anap. V BESW1CK. 250 Oak Street. IF SOLD IN FIVE DAYS A BARGAIN. For sale Tho pretty and comfortable home of C A. Allsky. on tho comer of 21st aad Inrlnr at. North. Houm con tains 12 rooms. On mala floor, reeeotlon room, double parlor, dining-room, size 18x23, with fino mantel piece and kitchen and pan try: second floor. 4 bedrooms and. bath, also roof garden; third floor. bUllard-room. lerv anu room and trunkrocm. There are. clos ets In every room: basement cemented throughout: also garage for auto or carri age: gaa aad electric fixtures all through; also furnace for healing and two Areolae. The house. Is completely furnished, even to bed and table linen, which can be bought, if so desired, as urgent business calls owner pWlL App,y 08 VrtmUtt between 2 and 5 FOR SALE AT A SACRIFICE. MY ELE gant 8-room furnished restdVncc and lot 50x100; will sell with or w I tho DT -furniture; all modern improvements and very choice location. If you are looking for a bargain this will hear clese Investigation. B 77. care Oregenlan. LOOK AT THESE. Two new. modem, up-to-date 5-room cot tages on Mt. Scott car line, in the moct active and live suburban district in this city; hot and cold water, porcelain bath, sta tionary wajhstand. wired for electric light, cement foundation, large porches, fine big basement; bouses Just being completed. Easy terms If desired. For further partic ulars call at this office. Price is right. TAFT & CO.. 275 Htark Street. SELLWOOD HOMES. Million finish 5-room cottage, half block from car line. Jut completed. $I2. This U a very pretty home. New 5-room cottage, two blocks from car line, comer lot. $B5o; terms. We have a r.ambrr of other houses at prices- ranging from $525 up. Fine lots In Portland's prettiest suburb, at from $100 to $275. on monthly payments of $5. SELLWOOD TOWNS1TE CO.. Phone East 4701. 1605 E. 13th st. RIVER VILLA. PRICES YET IjOW and terms to suit yea. Do you want to fix up decently an acreage suburban home at same price ef and time going to a lot cWwhcre? Then Join us In the development of rtO acre." between and ad joining -rapid car service and river. Any lz you want, from half acre up. all Ih culti vation; soil excellent, beauty of surround ings unexcelled, and many attractive features not found elsewhere. We a4i your time only for Investigation. "Jones pays the freight." Call and us sure. B. S. Cook & Co.. 231 Aldei st. INVESTMENTS. Choice corner. 100x. on Grand ave. near K. Morrison, with substantial brick; $35.0. Comer. lOOxKO. on Union ave.. near East Morrteon, alt solid ground. $S500. Comer lot on Grand ave. between Haw thorne ave. and E. Morrison, only $0500. Comer, quarter block on Hawthorne ave. and Union ave.. with r-l buildings, $25,000. THE HEALY INVESTMENT CO.. 210-214 Ablngton. K-J4 Third Street. HOLLADAVS ADDITION NO MATTER how fine a house jour friend has. It doem't altogether wult you. There are some feat urr you would want different If you lived In It. It Is easy enough to have them Just as you want them. Consult hs: we ran arrange It fer you. A. 1L Fabr, Architect. 15th and Haltey ts. HOLLADAVS ADDITION. Well-built S-room house, comer. J310 S-room house. 7th St.. bargain. $2000 Very choice comer, cles- In. $425? U block, very choice. Grand ave. D. MILLER. 714 Chamber Commerce. FOR SALE ?M TO $125 EACH. GOOD LOTS In Concord Heights, close to car and school: only 20 minute from city: graded streets, city water: 10 per cent cash and $5 monthly. PORTLAND TRUST CO. OF OREGON, S. n. Cor. Third and Oak Sts. WESTERN OREGON TRUST CO. (INC.) Phone Pacific 69X 291 Stark St. PORTLAND, OR. Real Estate. Timber Lands. Rentals. Fire Insurance. Take full charge of properties, secure ten ants, oversee repairs and collect rents. EXTRA GOOD INVESTMENT. Half block, full 100x200. nar. lUwthorpe and Grand aves.; 6 houses, modem and nearly new. yearly rentals $12is Price only $12,000; sure to Increase 25 per cent In value In few months. Ellis & Kahler. room 21. 2T4 Morrteon et. FIRST STREET. Comer 100x75. with good buildings, pays good Interest on the price. For full particu lars sec THE HEALT INVESTMENT CO.. 210-214 Ablngton bldg.. 10SH 3d sU NORTH SIXTEENTH STREET. Comer. 50x100. close In; Improvements now pay R per cent; only half the lot cov ered; another building make you 14 per cent. Price $7500. will double In value In six months. Ellis &. Kahler. room 21. 24 Mor rison c. WE OFFER A SPLENDID NEW 8-ROOM house, modem and nicely arranged, on full comer tot. East Side, for $2000; this Is less than It could be built for; will take nicely located lots In part payment. West em Oregon Trust Company. 291 Stark st. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A REAL Es tate investment that will bring you income at once and b!g profit in the ground, call on ua re an Improved quarter block on 6th st.. Income $740 per month, price $S5. 000. Hart Land Co.. 100 Sherlock bldg. FOR SALE ELEGANT HOME ON NOB Hill, strictly modem. furnace heat, full ce ment basement; all In good repair. COS Everett st.. 15 minutes walk to Postofflce; price $4500. Phone Main C290 or inquire at 704 Everett t. NICE LITTLE HOME. Sunnyslde. ft rooms, large tot, half block from car. only $1350. Another in Albina. $1300. Terrpe on either. Ellis & Kahler, room 21, 264 Morrison st. DO YOU WANT TOL TSIXY - IJTK Oil acreage? IT eo. see East Bide Re3U Estate Co. East Side property a specialty. 407 Haw thorne ave.. near Grand. Phone East 1067. FOR SALE CHOICE CORNER HOUSE. IN quire 700 1st. FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. FOR SALE 20.000.000 FEET OF CHOICE saw timber, flr. less than 25 miles from Port land: cloe to railroad: the beet logging or milling proposition anywhere to be found; will be sold cheap If taken soon. Particulars at room 515. Marquam bldg. TIMBER LANDS LOCATED FINE quality Oregon flr, well located, suitable for homesteads ana timtxr cuums. handy to stream. For further Information address Box 492. Eugene. Or. S. W. V SECTION 32. T. 5. R. 3. 2 MILES from Pittsburg. Columbia County. Ore gon: will cut S. 000. 000 feet. Address R. Goodrich. R. F. D. No. 2. Tacoma. Wash. $3 PER ACRE 320 ACRES. GOOD TIMBER, near Portlaad; 6.000.000 feet. D 80. Orego nlan. FOK SALX FARMS. SCO-ACRE FARM FOR SALE JN SOUTH Central Missouri. What have you to trade for this farm? John P. Sharkey & Co.. 701 Chamber of Commerce. 583 ACRES. NEAR WILLAMETTE RIVER, suitable for cultivating, timber enough to pay for land: $27 per acre. Hatfield & fSalth. 1SH 4th iL TOM. SAXX LAND SCRIP. ALL KINDS OT LAND SCRIP APPROVED a$ raratee4. Military feewtr warraata ( aad tssM. Crista Ltad C.. M TO EX CHAN GX. 15 ACRES. ALL IN CULTIVATION. GOOD S-rooat house, barn 30x40; other outbuildings; 3 acres orchard: will trade for city prop erty; $3500. ttatfleld A Smith. 165 Mi 4th st. TO EXCHANGE DESIRABLE RESIDENCE lota on East Side for vacant lot or frac tion on Weet Side, within walking distance of P. O. Phone East 43S3. FRACTIONAL CORNER LOT; UPPER WASH- tngton at.; exchange for nouses or fiats; $7.o to $10,000; Weet Side preferred. Room 37, 1656 Fourth st. ELEGANT NEW CARRIAGE. BUGGY AND norse; exchange for real estate. O. M. Smith. Chamber Commerce. TO EXC1LVNGB INCOME PAYING CITY property for horses. 1200 pounds and over. R 77, Oregonlan. TWO NEW. MODERN HOUSES. UPPER Albina. rent $30. for lots same locality. H 73, Oregonlan. LOTS ON THE CAR LINE AND MONEY TO exchange for rooming house. Room 37. 165n Fourth at. WANTED TO BUY CELLO. OR WILL Ex change One violin for same. 51 Ore gonlan. WILL EXCHANGE NEW PIANO FOR plumbing. Ellers Piano House. FOR SALE FARMS. 20 ACRES ON POWELL VALLEY .ROAD, one mile north of Gates Crossing, on O. AV. P. Ry. ; must sell this week; no rea sonable offer refused. John P. 'Sharkey & Co.. 701 Chamber of Commerce. Phone Main ISO. DAIRY FARM. 170 ACRES. 100 BEST BOT tom land; 2 sets of buildings. 30 cows, all farming and dalrylns Implements to run 40 cows; good investment, easy term. Owner. 433 Everett at. See Scottiah American Farm Land Co.. for g6cd dividend paying grain, fruit, stock. garden truck ranches. (Farmers having ranches fer sale write) S. 402 Oregonlan bid. SEVERAL THOUSAND CANS OF FRUIT and vegetables, unlabeled; contents of the -cans are In good condition; been In a fire; all you want at 5c per can. 209 2d st. BEST SO-ACRE FARM ON THE MARKET for the money, near North Yamhill; improved and desirable In many features above all others. See owner at 251 Aider st. 25 ACRES. 16 CLEARED. REST EASILY - cleared : house, bam; 8 miles from Port land, on Base Line road. Call SCO 7th at. $23 ACRB 370 ACRES; ONE BEST FARMS 73; Oregonlan. FOR RENT FARMS. 24 ACRES. ONE-THIRD UNDER CULTIVA tien. 40 fruit trees, one acre berries, slx reem house, good barn, west of city, one mile to car; $12.50 a month; $30 In ad vance to bind lease. Call room 21. 264 Morrison st. FARM FOR RENT TO MAN OF FAMILY 160 acre.. 10 acres apple orchard. 35 acres in cultivation, fair houses, new bams and fence; good place for poultry: rent $5o per year. Inquire of Frank Busch. Oregon City. Or. "DAIRY RANCH ON COLUMBIA RIVER; stock for sale. Inquire or address 2654 24. room 7. WANTED REAL ESTATE. HAVE YOU PORTLAND OR SUBURBAN real estate for sale. Improved or unimproved? We want it; bu)cr waiting. S 32, Orego nlan. FOR SALE. Horses. Vehicles and Hamee. HORSES AND BUGGIES FOR RENT BT day. week and month; rpedal rates to buslneia bouses. 6th and Hawthorne, Tel, East 72. FOR SALE BAY HORSE BETWEEN 6 and 7 years old. sound and gentle, drive single or double. 381 E. Pine. Call Mon day. ONE BLACK PKRCHERON STALLION. 1700 pounds. 7 years old; one farm team. W. El Jacobs. 134 C 34th st. Phone East 2512. Horses and vehicle bought, sold, rented or exchanged. 211 Washington. Pacific 507. We Buy. Sell. Bent. Exchange.Horses.Wagoea. saddles, barnesa. Hubert & Hall. 266 4th. Miscellaneous. FOR SALE NEW ANiJ SECOND-HAND billiard and pool tabln; easy payments; w rent tables, with privilege of buying: mod ern bar fixtures; cheap prices. Brunswick-Balke-Collender. 48 3d st. SEVERAL THOUSAND CANS OF FRUIT and vegetable., unlabeled; content." of th cans are In grod cvntlltlon; been In a fire; all you want at 5e per can. '200 2d et. AUTOMOBILE. FIRST-CLASS CONDITION. Rambler, double cylinder. 16 horsepower touring ear. prlee $500; seats five passen ger).. 414 DekHm bid;. MUST VACATE STORE: WILL SELL cheap showcases and wall cas. cash reg ister and safe. 213 Morrleon n.. near 1st. Phon- Pacific 271. MOVING-PICTURB MACHINES. GAS OUT flts. film, song slide, etc.. for sale, bought, rente. I and exchanged. H5s 6th St.. room 1. SHOWCASES. COUNTERS. SHELVING, bought, sold or exchanged. Wtetern Sal vage Co.. 627 Washington at. Pacific 703. WATSON'S RESTAURANT. 100 4TH ST. furniture and fixtures must be sold; tables, linoleum, rangr. baker's oven. etc. NATIONAL CASH REGISTER NO. 70. TOTAL adder, check and tap printer. Western Salvage Co., 627 Washington st. BAKERS OUTFIT. PORTABLE OVEN, trough, pans, cxnif furnace, etc Western Salvage Co.. 627 Washington st. STEAM-H BATING PLANT. SUITABLE FOR apartment-house: snap; will take purchase prkc In rent, 100 4th st. FOR SALE NO. 0 REMINGTON AND NO. 2 Smith-Premier typewriters: also safe and drek. Address L 66. Oregonlan. SMITH PREMIER TYPEWRITER. FIRST-cla-s condlton. at a bargain. Inquire room 5. Washington bldg. FOR SALE WORK LAUNCH. HULL 30 ft.. 7 b beam, or will lease with 10-H P. engine. 260 IsJ. COLLIB PUPS. 'CHOICE COLLECTION. BEST dog for elty or farm. Nairn's Shadeland Farm. Amity. Or. FOR SALE BARGAIN IN SEWING MA chlne taken for debt. Soule. Bros., 374 Morrison st. ARTICLES FOR SALE 12-FOOT SHOW case. plate-glass top, cheap. E 77, Orego nlan. FOR SALE 0x10 LOGGING ENGINE. RAlL way Equipment Co., 324 Chamber Commerce. One J. I. Case 2S-50 Separator, good condi tion; cheap. Call room 0, Washington bldg. GOOD. LIVE. DRY. 4-FT. FIR WOOD. Hoover. 313 Water. Phone Main 4596. FOR SALB ROLLTOP DESK; ALSO STEEL kitchen range. Inquire COO Dekum bldg. Donkey engine bought, sola and rented. 324 Chamber Coamerca. Phone Mala 2863. 5 TOILETS. 2 WASH BASINS. 2000 FEET Iron pipe: call thU week. 100 4th st. MODERN 7-ROOM FLAT. 3 BLOCKS POST offlce. $35. Call 252 H 6th. HELP WANTED 5IALE. WANTED PANTS AND VESTMAKER and bushelman. Delerllng & Padden. 509 510 51aln st-. Vancouver. Wash. LEARN PRACTICAL BOOKKEEPING OF A practical bookkeeper. Murton. th accunt. ant, 534 Chamber Commerce. WANTED TWO GOOD MOLDBRS. STEADY employment. Apply to Douglaa Bros.. Ab erdeen, Wash. BOYS OVER 16 TEARS OLD TO WORK AT Cordage Company. Apply at factory, 14th and North rup. FIRST-CLASS BROILER AND LTJNCHMAN Address G. M. Campbell, 320 James at.. Ss attle. Wash. WANTED EXPERIENCED AMALGAMATOR and mlltman; also a battery man. C 03, Oregonlan. WANTED rRICE CLERK; MUST BB. CAP able and experienced. Address M 72, Ore gonlan. "WANTED 2 CARRIAGE SETTERS FOR night run. Apply Standard Box A Lumber Co. THREE COATMAKERS WANTED: PRICE 15.50 aad up. Al Andrews; La Grande. Or. "WANTED MSN'S OLD CLOTHING. SHOES. highest price paid. 52 3d. Phone Pacific 46. COATMAKER FIRST-CLASS AND STEADY. - A. Scantier. Pcadletoa, Or. HELP WANTED MALK, WANTED GOOD BUSINBES MAN TO take charge of a. townalte company's Port land office; no stockpiling- Town In rain ing and lumbering section. $100 per month salary to party who can aavance $3500 for building. Amply secured. P 71. vsregoman. WANTED FOR "U. b. ARMT ABLE-BOD-led unmarried men. between ages of 31 aal 86, citizens of United State.- of good char acter and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write English. Apply to Recruit ing O nicer, Alsaworth block. 3d and Oak ata Portlaad. Or. ALL DISEASES OF MEN SUCC ES 3FULLT treated: discharges positively cured lis from 3 to 5 days; consultation free and strictly confidential; send for our symptom blank. X-Radium Medical Institute. 3d and Alder sts.. entrance 253 Alder c. Portland. WE WILL SELL THE EXCLUSIVE RIGHT to manufacture and sell our household gar bage burner la the State of Oregon to the right parties. For price. Information and description of device apply to Domestic Gar bage Burner Company, Kalamazoo, Mich. WANTED CABINET MAKERS. $2.50 TO $3; machine man "for woodshop, $2.73; shoddy man. $2.30; helpers for woodshop. mattress makers, first-class upholsterers, bandoaw filer, wood turner. Washington Mattress & Furniture Co., Seattle. A FIRM IN THE INTERIOR OF OREGON Is about to add a line of Jewelry and watches to its stock and desires the services of a benchman. about May 1; state experience and salary expected. Address D 78, Ore gonlan. WANTED GOOD BLACKSMITH ON PLOW and general repair word; can offer steady work and right wagea to right man. Ad dress, stating full particulars. Twin Falls Manufacturing Company, Ltd., Twin Falls. Idaho. THREE MEN IMMEDIATELY TO PREPARE for positions aa Customs Inspectors; $75 to $125 per month; previous experience not necessary: examination May 14. E. Heynen, 215 Columbia bldg.. 365 Washington st, WANTED MINERS Coeur D'AIene Mines Machine men. $3.50; timber men, $4.00; mill men. $3.50; mines healthy, mining conditions quiet and accommodations flrst-clas. Apply John L. Bayne. Wallace. Idaho. AGENTS WANTED. TO SELL SUPERIOR, high-grade nursery stock; complete outfit furnished free; cash weekly: write today for choice of territory. Capital City Nursery Company. Salem. Or. SEE D. E. BUDD. 110 1ST ST.. GENERAL employment contractor: headauarters log gers, tanners, railroad men; free fare, wages board. $4.50; all classe classes of labor naniea. ANTED BUTCHER FOR KILLING AND sausage making in town of 5000. SO miles from Portland; must be of sober habit and single. Inquire Toft & Co.,-101 Front st. Men. women, learn watenmaking. engraving. Jeweler work, optics- Easy terms, positions guaranteed; money made learning. Watch-maklng-EEgravg School. 1426 4th ar Seattle SAILORS WANTED FOR ENGLISH AND American vessels bound for Europe. Au stralia. China and Manila. Inquire at Sai lors Home, corner 2d and Gllsan sts. WANTED COJIPETENT. EXPERIENCED Insurance producers for best fraternity ex tant: ealary and commission. F. F. Roose. president. Denver, Colo. Any intelligent person may earn good income correeponding for newspapers: experience un necessary. Press Syndicate. Lockport. N. Y. Men to learn barber trade Special inducements this month; wages while learning. Glllman Barber College. 027 Clay st., San Francisco. BLACKSMITH AND MACHINIST WANTS A Job: can handle engine, either portable or stationary. Address Drawer H.. Condon. Or. WANTED YOUNG MAN FOR FAMILY liquor store and bar; must have worked In thl line before. Address E 72. Oregonlan. WANTED FIRST-CLASS SALESMEN IN Portland and throughout the state; big wages to rustlers. 206 McKay bldg. THE MEIER & FRANK STORE REQUIRES the services of boy over 16 years of age; good opportunity for advancement. WANTED THREE GOOD TINNERS. $1.23; steady work. Lumbermen's Labor Bureau. 150 1st st. WANTED A MAN TO WORK ON FARM. Inquire 525 Ablngton bldg. WANTED A GOOD COATMAKER. Jensen. The Dalle. Or. J. S. HELP WANTED FEMALE. ATTENTION! Applicants for all kinds of work register with us. free of charge, so we may locate you on short notice. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 343 H Washington st, cor. 7th. upstairs. LADY WANTED IMMEDIATELY TO REP renent us In Oregon. Washington and Ida ho; previous experience not essential. Ad drees Eastern Novelty Company. Box 2S3. I -os Angeles. Cal. WAITRESSES. CITY: FOUR HOTEL. EAST (fares). $25; chambermaids. domestics, cooke. bar porter (Sells), kitchen help, wait ers, laborers. Drake's. 2031j Washington. LADIES EMPLOYED TO DO FANCY WORK at home during spare time; no experience required; good pay and steady. ' Write N. C Hulls. 1344 Market, San Francisco. LADY FOR OFFICE IN RETAIL STORE, stenographer and fair bookkeeper: also act as cashier. Address, own handwriting. B 69. Oregonlan. WANTED RELIABLE GIRL FOR LIGHT housework: only 3 in family; good wages. Call Monday, 328 Margin St., foot of Mc Mlllen st DISEASES OF WOMEN A SPECIALTY X Radlum Medical Institute and Sanitarium. 3d and Alder; entrance 253 Aider at,. Port land. WANTED FIRST-CLASS LADT REPRE eentatlvee in Portland and throughout state; good pay. Call or write 607 McKay bldg. HELP HOUSEKEEPER FOR COUNTRY: no objection to child. St. Louts Ladles' Em ployment Agency. 230& Yamhill. Main 5413. WANTED HOUSEKEEPERS. WAITERS. co:ks, chambermaids, general workers. St. Louis Agency. 230'., Yamhill. Main 5413. WANTED GIRL TO DO GENERAL housework In small family and assist In care of child. Apply 200 Park st. HANSEN'S LADIES AGENCY. 343 H Washington st,. cor. 7th, upstairs. Phone Main 2602. STENOGRAPHER. INVEST $500; LESS IF competent; Interest: salary $5; give tele phone. A 70. Oregonlan. GIRL WANTED TO AF3IST IN HOUSE work and care of children. Phone East 3170. 6b6 Tillamook. WANTED A COMPETENT GIRL FOR GEN eral housework, small family. CaH after 9 A. M.. 777 Johnson. WANTED LADY RETOUCHER. WELL Ex perienced In photo reception-room. Lu cerne. Dekum bldg. A GIRL WANTED FOR GENERAL HOUSE work; must be of good habits. At 505 Van couver ave. WANTED PLAIN COOK. FAMILY OF 3; wages $25; washing. Call 144. N. 10th, Thursday. WANTED GIRL FOR HOUSEWORK, NO washing, no children; waged $15. Apply 367 10th st, WANTED 6 SALESLADIES. APRIL 1. TO travel for 6 months; good pay. P "0, Ore gonlan. WANTED A GIRL FOR GENERAL HODSE work. Call at 11 A. M-, 240 Park at. Phone 67S6. COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. 616 Spring street, Portland Height. COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work; no washing. 714 Everett, cor. 22d. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. 602 Hancock st, Irvlngton. DRESSMAKER WANTS EXPERIENCED skirt hand. Call 420 Tillamook st. WANTED EXPERIENCED DINING-ROOM girl at 106 N. 7th. at once. HELP WANTED MALE OR TETAIX WANTED A GOOD LOT-SELLER. MALE OR female; good commission and easy lots to sell: on car line. Room 87. 166H 4th at. WANTED SINGER. DRAMATIC AND . vaudeville people, pianists, etc; good salary. Newmans loeatricaj v-ircuu. JlOft HU1, WANTED FOREMAN" OR FORELADY FOR stitching room: must be flrst-clase. Stiteoa Vaivirtr Shoe Co.. Tacoma. Wah WANTED MAN" AND WIFE ON" RANCH In Eastern Oregon: no children. Call Mon day. 416 Larrabee st. GBNTLEMAN OR LADY TO TRAVEL. $60 month; expenses, city. $2.50 day. Room 21. 145 eta. SHEREWOOD Sc. BOYT. 2054 MORRISON ST. Male aad female help. Pheas Mais 4782. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. BOOKKEEPING I WILL POST YOUR books dally, maks up your etatementa and take off monthly! trial balance, at small ex pense; satisfaction guaranteed. Murton the accountant. 531 Chamber Commerce. Mala 4S86. WANT POSITION WITH SOME WHOLE sale house: have had experience as sales man: can give the best of references. Box 332. Portland. , Mlscellaaeoas. JAPANESE DOMESTIC SERVANTS. HOUSE cleaners and other laborers furnished. The Nippon Employment Office, room 2. 20 N. 3d st.. city. Main 5154. P. O. Sox 175. JAPANES3 LABOR ASSOCIATION CAN furnish domestic servants, farmers also; all kinds of help. Main 4653. 268 Everett. JAPANESE-CHINESE EMPLOYMENT OK flce furnishes reliable help. Henry Tahara, 267 N. Everett. Phone Pacific 540. JAPANESE. INTELLIGENT BOY. WISHES position to work in or outside of store. A 77, Oregonlan. Men's cast-off clothing, shoes, highest prlos paid. 73 N. 3d at. Phone Pacific 1694. A JAPANESE GIRL AND BOY WANT GEN. eral housework. ,Q 50. Oregonlan. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and S ten 00 graph era. BOOKKEEPINO I WILL POST TOUR books dally, make up your statements and take off monthly trial balance, at email expense; satisfaction guaranteed. Murton the accountant. 534 Chamber Commerce. Main 48S6. SITUATION WANTED BT EXPERIENCED double-entry bookkeeper as assistant with first-class firm: AJ Eastern and Western references. J 71. Oregonlan. " r Dressmakers. ALL KINDS OF SEWING DONE BY Ex perienced party: skirts a specialty; work guaranteed. 3S5& East Washington, beu Union and Grand aves. AN EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKER WISHES a few more engagements in ramuies. Beech at. Housekeepers. POSITION AS HOUSEKEEPER BT REFINED young widow with little girl. Addrcsa JF 75. Oregonlan. Domestics. YOUNG GIRL WANTS HOUSEWORK, dress 515 Northrup st. AD- Miscellaneous. SITUATIONS WANTED FAJIILY COOKS boardlng-hoiiiie cooks, second cooks, colored cooks, salesladies, xeamstrcs, housekeep ers, waitresses, chambermaids, housemaids, day workers; aelcctcd. first-class help. St. Louis Ladles' Employment Agency, 230 Yamhill. Main 5U3. WANTED BY EXPItT.IENCED HOME L.VUN dress Shirtwaist., also small washings for clerks and waltnsnes; reasonable: laundry called for and dcOCvered. East 1254. illDDLE-AGED WOMAN WISHES HOUSE work. plain cooking, for adults, city or country: no objections to widower. F 71. Oregonlan. WANTED HOUSEKEEPERS, WAITERS, cooks, chambermaids, general workers. St. Louis Agency, 23o4 Yamhill. Main .5413. A WOMAN WOULD LIKE WASHING AT home. 207 N. 11th st. WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS WANTED TO REPRESENT THE "Old Reliable Nurseries." Commissions ad vanced weekly. Write quick for choice ef territory. Address the Albany Nurseries. Inc.. Albany. Oregon. SOLICITOR WANTED BY INVESTMENT, brokerage and real estate company. Apply 504 Dekum bldg.. city. WANTED AGENTS TO SOLICIT FOR OLD reliable concern: liberal commission. Call Savoy, 126 10th st. WANTED TWO PICTURE AGENT3 ON our new offer. Rembrandt. Ablngton bldg. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO RENT HOUSES. COTTAGES. FLATS. ROOMING-HOUSES. STORES. ETC. Our rental department has been enlarged and provided with additional staff. We Invite listing from LANDLORDS, offer personal attention to and continuous supervision over all property Intrusted to our cars. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. E. B. Cor. Sd and Oak sts. Phone Ex. 72. FLAT WANTED. Wanted to rent. 5 to 8-room flat, must be new. strictly modern and close In: can wait several months If necessary: am willing to pay for Just what I want: references given. Address L. J. Wilde, room 5. Fafayette bldg.. cor. 6th and Washington sts. WANTED BY YOUNG WIDOW EMPLOYED, nice boarding place In modem flat with heat, light, use of bath, or will go In with an other lady and share expenses at $20 per month. If not too far out from business cen ter. Address with phone number and full particulars at once to W 68. Oregonlan. RESPONSIBLE FAMILY OF 4 WOULD LIKE to rent furnished house or flat for two or three months; must be In desirable neigh borhood. Telephone Main 325. WANTED TWO OR THREE FURNISHED rooms for light housekeeping; state price and location. S 77. Oregonlan. YOUNG MAN ATTENDING BUSINESS college wants placo to work for board and room. A 76. Oregonlan. WANTED QUIET. STEADY GIRL OR MID-dle-aged woman; homelike place, with lady alone. L 71, Oregonlan. 7 OR 8-ROOM HOUSE. CLOSE IN. GOOD neighborhood: no children. L 73, Oregonlan. WANTED ROOM AND BOARD FOR A girl: must be cheap. T 74, Oregonlan. - WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED CALIFORNIA REDWOOD AND sugar pine. In one or more tracts; must be good timber and well located: will pay cash market price for good tract; give full in formation in letter and amount of cruise per acre. Address Eastern Buyer, caro Box 161, P. O., Portland. Or. HIGHEST CASH PRICB PAID FOR FUR nlture In any quantity; also take same on commission and guarantee best result. The Portland Auction Rooms. A. Schubacb. prop. Fhona Main 5655. 211 1st st. WANTED MEN'S CAST-OFF CLOTHING and shoes; highest price paid. Call at the "Fair Deal." 62 N. 3d. Phone Pacific 1722. Dead horses, cattle hauled away promptly free of charge. Oregon Fertilizer Wks. Main 1963. WB CALL FOR DEAD HORSES AND CAT tle free of charge. Phone East 2233. FOR BENT. Rooms. A CHEERFUL ROOM IN VERY DELIGHT ful location, with private family; use of bath and phone; breakfast If desired. P 60. Oregonlan. NBWLY FURNISHED SUITE3 AND SINGLE, hot and cold water in all rooms; furnace heat; reasonable. 207 14th. Phone Main 1153. HOTEL ALEXANDER. COR. 10TH AND Alder Steam heat, furnished rooms, rea sonable rates. B. N. Hlmebaugh. Main 1756. 453 MORRISON VERY SWELL ROOMS. SIN gle or en suite; running water, furnace heat, reasonable to permanent parties. COMFORTABLE. .WELL - FURNISHED rooms, with or without board; private fam ily, close in. 331 14th etr TWO NICE R005IS; ALL HOME COM forts; modem: breakfast if desired. 505 Jefferson, cor. Stout, FURNISHED BOOMS CLOSB IN CHEAP: new building: new furniture; telephone, bath, gas. 320 Second at. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS. GAS. BATH, phone, reasonable. 18814th at., bet. Taylor and Yamhill. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS AT THB Clayton. 15 N. 10th st.; place under new management. v 448 TAYLOR FIRST-CLASS ROOMS. SIN gle or en suite, all conveniences, .close In, reasonable. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED SUITS OF" 3 housekeeping rooms. Iaqalre 229 1st st. STORE. 4 LIVING ROOMS. $14; 4 ROOMS, $6. JCut 9091. Inquire 347- Taylor at.