THE MORNING OREGONIA3, FRIDAY, MARCH 23, 1906. CORES BF KILLED Qlds WdrjmvN 2c KiNg A Mighty Congress Fifth, Sixth and Washington Streets Store Opens at 8 a. m. and Closes at 6 p, m. A Unique Group of Style and Quality Ex positions of Surpassing Specialty lZj Shops MEN MINE Explosion in Century Shaft, - Near Fairmount, West Virginia. RECOVERY OF BODIES SLOW Afterdamp Delays Work of Rescuers. About 75 Still Jn Mine and Prospect of Survival Is Slight. 1TOKKUXG. W. Va.. March 23.-A re rt (nn the Century mine at 3 o'clock this morning states that nine dead men hvt bee recovered. Sixteen men who wer overcome by pas were brought up. Titer will recover. There now remain In the mine 12 men whose fate is unknown. FAIRMONT. W, Va., March ?2. Fifteen w rc known to be dead. 25 Injured and frMi S to missing: and believed to be tfend x the result of an explosion of pas ta tfc? slmfl of the Century Coal Company mi e'tttwry, a small mining town, situated & mftos south of FairmounU on the Bel IknpxwTec. Buckhannon branch of the Bal timore & Ohio Railroad. The explosion iuk place at 4:30 this afternoon, but. owtttg to the telephone wires bejng put ut of commission by the high winds of in4ft). details arc lacking, and the names f the victims, six of whom are known to tK- foreigners, were not secured at a late h.ur iwntrht. Majority Had Left Mine. The Century mine, which is owned by SImw Brothers, of Baltimore, is one of n largest independent operators in North West Virginia. Over 250 men are tMptoyed dally In the shaft, and, had the -xn4os!on been an hour earlier, the loss f life would have been appalling. As it was. there were but a few remaining In tbe shaft, the main body of the miners Nfcvlng quit work for the clay. The plant fan which furnishes air for the shaft was partially wrecked by the force of the cx j4oku. but was repaired Immediately, nd within an hour aftor the accident. Superintendent James Ward had a relief SMg in the mine. HriiiRiup: Up Dead and Injured. Thc first trip out brought ten men five dfHMl and live badly burned. They were -nii?hi in the main heading near the bot tom of thc shaft. Thc living could give no details of the explosion, saying they wre tm their way to the surface when tin explosion took place behind them. A second expedition immediately wen down and explored the main heading, wMch wa. found to be uninjured by the 'iploaion except that the brattices were Mown out. Four more bodies were found In this heading, and 20 wounded men were making their way toward the bottom of the shaft, and were brought to thc sur face by the rescuers. ' Fourteen subheadings at midnight were M unexplored, and Superintendent "Ward. who was still in the mine, sent word out that, owing to the prevalence of gas, he was undecided at that time whether or not to push the work into the subheadings fw an hour or so. Thc mine, however, was being readily freed from the fumes of thc explosion by tho fan, and the work of rescue will be pushed on throughout the night. Scvcnty-Fivc Still In Mine. Immediately following tho explosion, the nftUials began a house-to-house canvass to ascertain the number of men to bo found on the surface. This resulted In 160 feeing- found who had come out previous to xhf explosion. It is believed that there re many more outside who have not yet leen accounted for. If this is not true. there are still 75 men In the mine, with lit tie hope ot their being alive. Relief trains bearing physicians were hwrrlod from Fhlllpp! and Buckhannon and the doctors immediately took care of tho wounded in the office building. ivnich was transformed into a temporary hospital. Women EuRcr to Enter Mine. The families of the dead, -wounded and missing men gathered quickly at the openlnc and the pathetic scenes always witnessed at such accidents were enacted. Several foreign women insisted upon go ing into tlv? mine, and were only prevent ed by force from entering the cage. Many or tnc women are still hovering about the opening ut midnight, refusing to go into the camp store or other places to escape the biting cola. LIVELY READY TO RETURN Operator Will Testify on Adobe Wreck Death List Grows. DENVER. March 22.-S. Frank Lively the Denver & Rio Grande railroad opera tor, -whose unfortunate nap while on duty at Swallows last Friday morning was tho cause of the disastrous head-end collision at Adobe, arrived at his home in Mun- fordville. Ky.. last evening, according to a dispatch received here today from Louis ville. Lively Is reported to have expressed willingness to return to this state and tell all he knows concerning the cause of the accident. Sheriff Esser, of Fremont Coun ty, -will take steps at once to secure Livoly's attendance at thc inquest when the Coroners Jury reassembles next Mon day. It Is now generally admitted that be tween 40 and 50 persons met death In the collision. A list of over 40 missing per aons who are supposed tt have been pas scngcrs on the wrecked trains has been prepared, but some of these probably are still living. Rich MUwaukccan a Suicide. MILWAUKEE.' March 21 The body of William M. Mariner, son of Ephralm Mari ner, one of the city's richest men. was found in his room at his home today with a bullet hole In thc head. It Is supposed that ho committed suicide. No cause for the act is known. KIMBALL Pipe Organs, America's masterwork, found in all the greatest Au ditoriums, and in the homes of wealth, East and West, are Sold Only By EILERS PIANO HOUSE Sa Fraaie. Steele tea. OoIcImm a4 All Other If aitoat PeioU. The Friday Sales Increase in Interest A SALE OF Women's Belts INTERESTED? First Floor. WOMEN'S 50c AND 75c BELTS 25c Best quality Silk Taffeta Belts, with gilt buckle and gilt back stays, in black, white, brown, navy, green and cardinal; fit perfectly. Regular values 50c and 75c special, each 25 WOMEN'S 75c KID BELTS 25c Women's Kid Belts, with strips of silk and fancy gilt buckle; white with pink stripes, black with while stripes, navy blue with white stripes, white with navy blue stripes, and champagne with brown stripes, all black. Regular value 75c special, each 25 Watch Out! Big Bargains for Shoe Buyers in a Stirring Hourly Sale Today None of These Values at the Advertised Prices Except During the Hours Advertised 8 to 9 A. M. WOMEN'S 75c RUBBERS 10c. A broken line of women's Rubbers, high and low cut, regular ioc value special for one hour at, 1 fir the pair.- 9 to 10 A. M. 25c SHOE POLISH 15c The very best Shoe Polish, cither in bottle or combination, for all kinds of shoes, black or tan. Our 25c value 1 special for one hour at tJC 10 toll A.M.- WOMEN'S SHOES FOR $1.79. A broken lot of women's good Shoes, made by reliable manufacturers; not a pair in the lot worth less than $250, and some up to .$4.00; all sizes, widths AA to C. Special for one hour, (f 1 'TQ the pair -. J 11 to 12 M. CHILD'S $1.50 SHOES 79c Children's fine black kid Shoes, lace style, with hand-turned soles, fancy inserted velvet lace stay, spring heels; all sires from 5 to 8. Special for one 7Qf hour, the pair 7C 12 to 1 P. M. MEN'S SHOES FOR $1.00 LESS. We give you the choice of any of our best grades of men s Shoes, in either patent or dull leathers, at $1.00 less per pair than regular price thus: Buy a pair of .$4.00 Shoes O f)fk for w A pair of .$5.00 Shoes 4.00 $5.00 for Or- a pair of $6.00 Shoes for lto2P. M . WOMEN'S- $1.75 JULTETTES FOR $1.24. Women's Comfort Juliettes, made in four styles, with plain or patent toe, low heels, Prince Albert or medium toe and heel, all sizes. Our $L75 value special for one hour at, If T the pair pi. 2 to 3 P. M. WOMEN'S $2.50 SHOES $f.98. Women's Shoes in three different styles the new college cut, with medium sole and new-style toe; patent Blucher lace; patent six-button Shoes, and black kid Blucher lace. Our $2.50 valuc special for one hour at, 1 QQ the pair pl.&0 3 to 4 P. M. WOMEN'S $4.00 SHOES FOR $2.39. Women's fine patent kid Dress Shoes, with hand-turned soles, dress heel and plain toe, mat "kid tops; a prime favorite; all sizes. Our $4.00 value spe- l O O Q cial for one hour at, pair. . . P- 4 to 5 P. M. GIRLS' SHOES Of fine black kid or box calf, made with an extension sole and medium toe. A desirable shoe for school wear. Sizes 6 to 11 special Q? for one hour at, the pair 70C Sizes 1V& to 2 special for fl 9Q one hour at, the pair P iJ 5 to 6 P. M. BOYS' SHOES-Of fine high-grade kid, lace style, saade with a medium heavy sole, small extension; looks wall and wears all right 0r $2.50 value Sizes 9 to 1 special for one A.k hour at, the pair Siaes 2Yz to 5 special fr l 7Q ooe hour at, the pair T" The Store1 s 151st Friday "Economy Sale" The Shirtwaists WOMEN NEED AND WOMEN NEED PAY $3.50 Waists for $1. 75 Another worth-while economy event in the great Salons of Dress scheduled for today's patrons. We shall place on sale on a counter located in the northwest corner of the spacious salons about 200 of the prettiest waists for every-day wear ever shown in Portland. All colors to match thc various smart shades worn this season in Walking Skirts. Materials embrace alpacas and albatross. Among the color convention you will note light blues, royals, navy, helios, reds, niles and resedas, tans and creams. Mostly in the pretty plaited styles so much favored by fashion this season; some are in the embroidered effects on thc fronts. Metal and covered buttons, full, modish sleeves, and every waist has stock and tie of materials. The best regular $350 value we have ever 7i offered, for today only at HALF PRICE ; tpl.t O Now It's New Millinery "Bijou" Salons Annex, Second Floor. Smart, New $6 to frg ff $8 Street Hats at pO.UU Today we place on sale 50 absolutely new hats never before shown. No two alike, and none like them in thc city. Suit able for street or dress wear. CT fl Cl Values $6.00 to $S.00-special, each pJW Bargain Gems From Jewelry Shops A Brilliant Contribution of Great Values for Friday Shoppers. BELT BUCKLES 29c An assortment of Belt Buckles, in gilt, oxidized and French gray finish, in a variety of sizes and designs. Values to $L35 included in the sale Special Econ omy Sale Price, each 29 BEAUTY PINS 10c. Beauty Pins, in bright gold, Roman gold, rose gold and green gold nnisn, also an assortment of enamel in various colors. Good 15c value Special for today Economy Sale, the pair .10 . COLLAR SUPPORTERS 19c Collar Supporters arc fast becoming, a staple article, as their usefulness makes them almost indispensable. We offer a line of Jeweled Collar Supporters for this sale, a 25c value Special Economy Sale Price, each 19i STERLING SILVER HATPINS 15c A line of new Sterling Silver Hatpins, in many designs. These Pins are well made, with solid backs and long pin stems. Special Economy Sale Price, each... 15 JEWELED BRACELETS 65c A new line of Bracelets, in Roman gold finish, hoop style, set with single and double jewels, in all colors. Price, each 65 An Interesting Ribbon Sale Handsome 40c Mescalines at 25c Yard First Floor. A line of brilliant Messaline Ribbons, soft and fluffy, 6 inches wide; great assort ment of colors; suitable for neckwear or trimming hats. Regular value 40c special, the yard 25 Allover Laces, 75c to $1.50 Values 50c First Floor. A lot of Nottingham and Point de Paris Allover Laces, IS inches wide, white; just the thing for the popular lace waists. Values from 75c to $L50 special, the yard .....50 Friday Economy Specials In the Great Home-Furnishing Stores Fourth Floor. Tapestry Portieres Heavy Tapestry Portieres, silk finish, plain red or green, fringed ends, 3 yards long, 50 inches wide Regular $650 value special, pair$4.T5 Regular $750 value special, pair. .$5.50 Regular 850 valae special, pair. .$6.00 $2. 75 Lace Curtains $1.58 A let of Lace Curtains in Bring olo and Renaissance effects, regular value $2.75 special, ,tfce pair $1.58 WITH THE WEEKS FROM basement to roof these stores arc filled with the best of the Spring's newest merchandise, all priced at unusually favorable figures. Every woman, and every man, who is interested in fashion able attire for the warmer weather at hand is sure to find their wants best cared for at this store. Thc woman who likes pretty things to don, for herself and children, some fresh bit of bright beauty or of solid comfort for tho home a new carpet, curtains or drapes, bit of cut glass or dainty china, refrigerator or gas range, has an oppor tunity such as is afforded to the denizens of few American cities, to satisfy Ecr' wants here and at modest cost. Friday is the day of all the days of nhe week par excellence for UNDERPRICED things. Be sure yoiTget your full share today. BUT HALF! A Bargain Fest in the China Shops and House keeping Helps" Section Third Floor. A Liberal List of "Usefuls" and "Orna mentals" to Choose From Liberal Reductions Allowed. Decorated Toilet Sets, with large roll-edge basin special $1.99 German China Decorated Chocolate Pots special, each 50 German China Pudding Sets, consisting of three pieces platter, baking dish and lining special ... 89 Imported fire clay Pudding Dishes special, each 15 Imported fire clay handled Ramikins special, each 10 Decorated China basket shape Spoon Trays special, each 12 Lunch Boxes special, each 8 New Blue Dinner Sets New Blue Copenhagen Dinner Sets, sold in sets or separate pieces 60-pc set, reg. value $8 speciaLS6.40 100-pc set, reg. value $12 special..$9.60 Fluted Water Tumblers special, set15 1S47 Rogers Bros.' Silver Polish, the kind that does not scratch special .21 40c blue Cuspidors, gold traced sp'1..25 Easter Novelties Special at, each 5S 10 20 Household Needs 6-foot Stepladder special $1.10 Covered Galvanized Chamber Pails special t 45 Japanned oak finish Bread Boxes special 40 Gray Enameled Dishpans, 17-quart sizes special i -53 Grav Enameled Kettles, 4-quart size special 23 Steel Spiders, mirror polished sp'1,.27 Wire Potato Mashers special 3 Round Asbestos Mats special, 2 for.. 5 Furniture Polish, large-size bottles special .42 Japanned and Decorated Umbrella Stands special ..50 Genuine Dover Egg Beaters special.. 8 Stove Polishing Mits special 12p Soup Strainers, bowl shape, wood handles special 8 Baking or Cooking Spoons, 12-inch size special : .x.... 3 Kettle Knobs special, 6 for 5 Heavy Tin Muffin Pans, 12 holes special 25 Coat 'Hangers special 3t5 Garden Tools LoBg-handle solid cast steel Shovels special 68 Spades, solid cast steel special G&ifr Rakes, 12 tines special 23 Hoee special 23 Grass Shears special .23 Pruning Shears special 25 Graee Heoks special 25 Weeding Hooks special 7t The Store's 151st Friday "Economy Sale" Stirring Specials That Benefit Silk and Dress Goods Buyers First Floor Fifth-Street Annex. SUITINGS in Panama, homespun and English tweed effects in soft shades -of gray; it's 56 inches wide, and just the thing for coats and tailor suits. Our $1.25 value Special Econ- 2Qr omv Salt Pricp. thn vnrd Q7C Our $150 SUITINGS Spe- JQ cial Economy Sale Price, yd. BLACK CREPE DE CHINE All silk, a staple fabric that is always desirable for making dressy gown3. Our $1.2o value- Special Economy Sale Price, QQ the vard 07C BLACK CREPE DE PARIS A beautiful piece of material and one of the biggest bargains we have ever offered in black dress goods. Our $150 value Special Economy Sale Price, . QO the yard. iut Women3 s Hosiery and Underwear Specials First Floor. Hosiery WOMEN'S 50c LISLE HOSE 32c Imported black all lace Lisle Hose, regular value oOc special, the pair 32p WOMEN'S 25c LISLE HOSE 19c Black gauze Lisle Hose, finished foot, double sole. Regular value 25c special, the pair 19 CHILDREN'S 35c HOSE 18c Children's black lace mercerized cotton Hose, regular value 35c special, pr-18 Underwear WOMEN'S 20c VESTS 13c White Richelieu Ribbed Vests, low neck, no sleeves, crocheted lace yoke, regular value 20c special, each 13 WOMEN'S 45c VESTS 29c. White fine ribbed, long sleeve Vests, regu lar value 45c special, each '.29 In the Women's Neckwear Aisle, 4 Women's Collars 17c the 25c and 35c Values First Floor. A lot of pretty little Turnover Top Collars, in embroidered Anglais, some with double collar effect and others single; worth each 25c. Also a lot of Embroidered Linen Stocks, washable, handsomely em hroidered in pretty designs; worth each 35c Today we place on sale at Special Economy Prices i ior oOp Or, each 17c Veils, Chic and Fetching, 39c for the $1 Values First Floor. Just received another shipment of the pret ty all-silk Fancy Mesh Veils, in silk chenille dotted patterns, 1 yards long, white, black and white, brown, navy, navy and wite, lavender, etc Regular value $1.00 special, each 397 Need An Extra Bedspread? Here Are Unusual Bargains Domestic Aisle First Floor. $1.50 Bedspreads $1.18 500 Heavy Crochet Bedspreads, extra large size, Marseilles patterns, hemmed and ready for nee. 1 1Q special,, each. . -i . .F O Women9 s Gowns Underpriced Friday Feature in Undermuslin Salons Annex Second Floor. Women 's $L 75 Cambric Gowns $1.17 Fine Cambric Gowns, square yoke, with six rows ot wide embroidery insertion be tween clusters of fine tucks, embroidery edging at yoke, around neck and sleeves. Regular value $1.75 special, each $1.17 Women's $1.25 Cambric Gowns. 73 c Women's Cambric Gowns, V-shaped neck with rows of embroidery insertion be tween clusters of tucks, embroidery edg ing,at yoke, neck and sleeves. Regular value $1.25 special, each 73 A Wonderful Sale of Women's Embroidered Linen Shirtwaist Patterns Linen Aisle First Floor. Sufficient material to make a waist, with embroidery trimming for collar and cuffs Regular OOc value special, each- 40 Regular $1.00 value special, each.. 67 Regular $150 value special, each.. 98 Regular $2.00 value special, each..Jj5133 Regular $3.00 value special, each..$1.98 A Price Squeeze in Corsets Second Floor West Annex. WOMEN'S $2.50 GHtDLES 97c. Women's Ribbon Girdles, in brocaded silk, blue, pink or white, sizes 23 and 24 only. Regular value $250 special, the pair 97J Big Value for Little Lassies Second Floor West Annex. Children's 30c Wash 17c Children's Colored Wash Dresses, Moth er Hubbard styles, made of pink, blue and white gingham, yoke with lace inser tion, fan c y braid trimming; ages 1 to 4 years. Regular value 30c special, J 7 each ' Furnishings Men Need at Special Sale Prices Sixth-Street Annex First Floor. Men's $1.50 Golf Shirts 89 Cents A line of men's new Spring Golf Shirts, gray and blue in plaid and striped et fects, attached and detached cuffs. Regular value $150 special, each...89 Men's 75c Underwear 49c Men's medium-weight ribbed Balbriggan Underwear, in ecru, French neck Shirts. Regular value 75c special, each...49 Men's 10c H'dkerchiefs 5c A lot of men's plain white Cambric Hand kerchiefs. Splendid value at 10c special, each 5i Pickups in Penny Savings A Rattling Bargain Fire From the Small Wares Shops First Floor. 12c Fancy Ruffled Silk Garter Elastic- special 9$ 8c card best quality heavy nickel-plated Safety Pins special 5 15c combination can best Sewing Machine Oil special y? 25c fancy mounted Shell Back Combs special 17 15c fancy crystal top Hatpins spec'1.10 25c bar white Castile, Soap special.. .15 15c can Perfumed Talcum Powder special 9 19c bottle Rose Cucumber Jelly sp'1..12 Williams' 5c cake Quick and Easy Shaving Soap special 3 12c imported Tooth Brushes special.. 7 Roll of 24 sheets White Waxed Paper, for wrapping- lunches, etc. special 4 25c Crepe Paper Lunch Sets 1 doz. Nap kins, 1 ddz. Doilies and Tablecloth to match special 15 35c 1-1 b. packets fine Writing Paper, gray and blue tints special -..5 20c box fine Note Paper, white linen cloth finish special .12