T11J5 MOUSING- OKEGONIAK, THURSDAY, 31 ARCH 22, 1906. STRONG GABLE ON LIBERT! HE GIVES Opportunity A Mighty Congress of Surpassing Specialty Shops QLDS'WollTMAri&ONG The "Different Store" 5th, 6th and Washington Streets Czar's' Popular Government Mainly a Bundle- of, . Pretenses. HIS PROMISES NOT KEPT rkaM Defining Power of Parlia I mcnt Shows It Closely Restricted. Can Be Dissolved Any Time if Troublesome. ST. PETERSBURG, March 2L The lm jmtUU manifesto and the ukases of March K. -wteleta incorporate In the fundamental law rf the empire the provisions for a ClkMta1 Awsoinbly In Russia, promised In the manifesto lust Hill, are disappointing In man)' respects. They constitute neither n constitution nor a 'blll of rights" for the Russian people. They do create a popular assembly, but 'the powers granted m it lire so hodged about with restrictions nmI conditions that it will be rather a jwpalttr government In name than In fact. Nevertheless, by the terms of the mani festo the Emperor himself is powerless to revoke what he has. now given. This con KtitiKs the great victory which the peo jrte have won. They at last have an au thoritative medium through which they tn make their voice heard, and it is In this assembly probably that the great his torical struggle against prerogative and privilege will be fought out. flovcrnment Safely Entrenched. An examination of the documents shows caarly that their purpose has been to in trench the government at every point HgMinrt the assaults of the people. The Council of the Empire, or upper chamber, ujb reorganized, provides for the election cf only half the members, and these are choseti by the nobility, clergy, Zemstvos and commercial interests, so that, with the oilier half directly nominated by the crown, the government can always inter yM a decision of the Council as a buffer V"twecn it and the direct representatives of the people in the Douma, or lower house. Iteatdos certain important questions, uotaMy malfeasance in office by members of the Council of the Empire, the Cabinet, the . provincial general governments and other functionaries of the government be longing to the three highest ranks in the Russian hierarchy, are excluded entirely from the jurisdiction of the Parliament and are consigned to committees or "com jntetsions." as they are called, from the Council of the Empire. Tho composition of such committees is restricted to the members appointed by the Emperor. Other questions which go to similar com mittees are those relating to the reports of the Minister of Finance on the cash In the treasury and savings banks, reports on the state pawnshops and matters re lating to the law of primogeniture and to titles conferred by the crown. These arc all subjects which the representatives of the people will probably want to In quire Into. "Powers Retained hy Czar. The main weapon, retained by the Em peror Is his powox to dissolve Parliament at will. This, coupled with the govern ment's ability to promulgate "temporary law." leaves the government master of the situation whenever It cares to employ this moans of ridding itself of Parlla nwtu when the latter has grown too In quisitive or troublesome. Instead of leaving to the chambers the creation of the rules and questions of procedure which are to govern them, they arc carefully prescribed In the ukases. Enormous power is concentrated In the hands of the presidents of each house, only the prosident of the lower house be ing elected. They- have the authority to adjourn sessions, order the closing of the door during a debate, and to a large meoMire control the publication of the reports of the sittings. They also act as the intermediary for the transmission of reports to the Emperor. The work of nil committees Is done in M-crct. Bills, instead of being Introduced n the Initiative of a single member and referred automatically to committees, as in the American Congress, must be sup ported by the signature of at least 30 members and accompanied by an ex plaiuttory statement to compel the Ire.ldent to start them on their way through the legislative grist mill. Cabinet Not Responsible. All Won that the Cabinet would be re sponsible to Parliament, which was free ty intimated after the publication of the manifesto of last Fall, is abandoned Ke the privilege of Interpellating the Ministers turns out to.be vague and per haps ineffective. This right Is specifically tonnnetl to Inquiries relating to alleged lolatlons of law by Ministers or their subordinates. The Minister has one month within which to furnish the in formation or explanations to be made, "or to Inform the lower house of the a uses, which makes It impossible for him 10 supply the Information requested." a lause which practically Invalidates the light of interpellation. If a Minister hooe to reply to interpellations, he also has the right to demand the closing the doors and -the exclusion of the public. A right of petition is specifically pro hibited, either verbally or In writing. What Parliament Can Do. The following are given as the questions -nithin the jurisdiction of Parliament: First Questions relating to the publica Hon of laws, their amendment, suspension or repeal. Second The budgets of the Ministers and oT the empire arid the assignments to the crown not provided by the budget. "In a- cordance with the special regulations rlutlng to the subject." Third The report of the Controller of the empire upon the execution of the budget. Fourth Matters relating to alienation of any portion of the rights or property of the state requiring the authorization of the Emperor. Fifth Matters relating tothc construe 'la of state railroads and their cost. Sixth Matters relating to stock com panics not covered by existing laws. Seventh Matters submitted to the lower house hy Imperial order. Parliament also has the -power to con s'.der matters ordinarily within the juris diction of the Zemstvos where no Zemst vo exists and also to decree monetary advices to the Zemstvos and municipal Itics under certain conditions. . The members of the Council of the Em plrc are elected for nine years, and the members of th olowcr house for five years, tout by Imperial ukase, when the lw houses are dissolved, the Emperor can order new elections. Oath of Members. The following Is tcxtually the oath which members of Parliament must sign the undersigned, promise before Al mighty God to fulfill to the best of my ability the duties with which I have been charged as a member of the Parliament of the Empire, remaining faithful to Hte Majesty, the Emperor and Autocrat of U the Ruesias, and striving only for the happiness and welfare of Russia. In token whereof 1 hereto append my signa ture." BUY OUT GREAT JjAXD-OWXERS Ktitlcr Proposes to Divide Land Anions; Peasant Proprietors. ST. PETERSBURG. March 21. M. Kut- ler. ex-MInlster of Agriculture and now candidate of the Constitutional Demo crats for election to the lower house of the National Parliament, today began publication of an Interesting series of articles on the agrarian question. He says the only solution of the problem, which Is a most crying Issue before Rus sia, Is the expropriation of the land of the big proprietors for the benefit of the peasants, who, he contends, have a moral right to the land, much of which was stolen from their ancestors by the Boyars when the latter reduced them to slavery. M. Kutler proposes to divide the land into two categories, the portion cultivated by the proprietor himself and the portion rented to the mujlks. The latter portion, M. Kutler says, should be expropriated. The amount to be retained by proprietors hould not exceed 75 deciatlncs (approxi mately 200 acres). The practical question of remuneration of proprietors M. Kutler nas reserved for his next article. An Electric Power Company developing 6000 horse, power with, water power owns 5000-acre Townsitc onJRail-"' road and River in the center of rich Fanning, Fruit and Mining Country, wishes the aid of capital to properly place said Townsite on .the market. Owns some of the-Richest Gold Mines in the state, both Quartz and Placer, will equip with machinery and furnish, electric power for percentage of receipts. Owns Marble, Granite, Limestone and Sandstone Quarries wishes co-operation of capital to develop. Owns and controls Logging Rights to large river with G,000,000,000 feet of Sugar Pine,. Yellow Pine and Fir to be floated out wishes aid of capital to improve river. Owner will be in city for three days only. Address,. S. 58, Care Orcgonian. 4 WE ARE NOT SENT INTO THIS MAKE ELECTION RIDICULOUS Workmen Choose Dor and Factory Chimney as Delegates. ST. PETERSBURG, March 21. The workmen In one of the mills of this city, to ronder the elections ridiculous. today formally chose as their delegate a pet dog- called Rosa, declaring' that the selection was made In a spirit of economy, as. If she should be elected. It would cost the government only 7 cents a day to maintain this delegate. instead of the allowance qf 55. and at the same time the dog would be quite as useful a representative of the work men's interests as any of their candi date who have a chance of election. The workmen of another foundry- designated as their delegate the fac tory chimney, on the ground that It would not suffer from machine-gun tire. The first appearance of anti-Jewish disorders Is reported from Thcodosia. in the Crimea, where a crowd broke Into a. synagogue and destroyed the altar and the religious emblems and pictures. SAYS PEASANTS WILL REVOLT Rebel Leader Predicts Armed Out break lu. Spring. NEW YOR1C March 2L Nicholas Tchaykovsky, associate of Prince Kropot- kin in the beginning of the Russian revo lution and for ten years an exile In London, Is here in the interests of the revolution of the present day. For a month refugees of pure Russian stock have been drifting Into New lork. Tchaykov sky comes in advance of 40 Russian "in tellectuals" and many deserting officers who have fled the country. He has come. he says, to raise the money to buy arms for the uprising which he confidently ex pects as soon as Spring breaks in Russia. Tchaykovsky brings underground news of the. revolution from the standpoint of the Social Revolutionists. The Social Revolutionists believe in a resort to the sword, but are not to lc confused with the Terrorists, who hav been hack of the assassinations. Tchaykovsky was one of those young intellectuals who choked the roads to Siberia in the early fc0s. Serglus Stepnlak and Catherine Breschkovsky were mem bers of the same group with Tchaykovsky He himself was arrested three times and spent ten years of his life In jail. After his last imprisonment he retired to Eng land, and he has lived since In that group which has kept up the revolution at a distance. He was born to wealth, and at one time the firm with which he was as sociated controlled the mineral output of tho Caucasus. It seems to me that the uprising is coming sooner than we desire," he said last night. "The peasants will hardly be denied. The Impression In the United States that the peasants are with- the Conservatives is wrong. Their condition is desperate. They are not organizing for the revolution, but they are ready to break loose on their own account. They want a new allotment of land: that is the chief of their troubles now. "Before the serfs were liberated tho allotment of land was ten acres to a peasant. After the liberation of the serfs this fell to seven acres. The agrarian population of Russia has nearly doubled since, but there has been no Increase In the land allotment. That shortage of land, together with the Increase of taxes. has kept them nearly bankrupt. "Then came the war. Of disease and wounds there died about 300.OW peasants. Their families were thrown on the hands of the other peasants for support: the government would do nothing for them. Then there arrived the crippled soldiers from Manchuria, for a further burden to their friends and relatives. The country has been on the verge of ruin. "Now the peasants declare that in case there Is not a new allotment of land in the Spring they will plow all over the public lands and the estates of the nobles. That plowing over has a meaning .in peasant custom. It signifies that they have taken possession of the land in their own rights. Then the government will send troops, the peasants will resist, and the fight will be on. "Trouble will probably occur when the elections for the Douma really come. The only thing I fear Is that it will come before we have our forces armed and ready." Unrest Grows With Repression. ST. PETERSBURG. March 21. The growing unrest and agitation among tho Russian workmen Is largely due to tho government s repressive measures In the provinces, and especially to the threaten ing situation In the Don and other re gions. At Ekaterinoslav 16,(0) men of the Hughes Iron "Works are already reported to have struck, and at Moscow great agitation prevails In the industrial sec tions. Undoubtedly the whole movement Is connected with the demand of the So cial Democrats and revolutionists for an other great political strike. Latest Improvement in Voting. ST. PETERSBURG. March 21. The seats to be occupied by members of the National Assembly In the Taurlde Palace here have been equipped with electrical apparatus similar to the system proposed several years ago for use In the House of Representatives at Washington, by which th'd members press buttons and register their votes at the clerk's desk, thus avoid' ing the delays of roll-calls. No Revolt at Sevastopol. ST. PETERSBURG. March 21. The sen satlonal reports current last night to the effect thnt the execution of former Lieu tenant Schmidt, the leader of the naval mutiny at Sevastopol in November last. had been followed by an extensive mu tiny of sailors at Sevastopol yesterday, turns out to be unfounded. The corre spondent of the Associated Press at Se vastopol telegraphs that all Js quiet there. WORLD TO DO ANYTHING into which we cannot put our heart. We have certain work to do for our bread, and that is to be done strenuously; other work to do for our delight, and that is to be done heartily; neither is to be done by halves or shifts, but with a will; and what is not worth this effort is not to be done at all." RUSKIN. The application of these splendid principles an unceasing effort to pro duce the best results that brain, energy, enterprise, study, experience and capital can bring forth has prevailed during the preparation and presenta tion of the Grand Opening Shows just concluded. That we are in a Style class by ourselves as a Fashion center was perhaps never before so forcefully dem onstrated as in the past two days of exploitation of the newest and most authoritative creations and models from the world's master creators and modelers in apparel lines befitting the seven ages of woman. And one suc cess only stimulates to another. With the formal Openings over the season is fairly on. Not a day but will be of magnetic interest now to everyone with wants to fill from the City's stores. We claim your patronage on the merit S of newest and best styles in QUALITY MERCHANDISE, and BEST VAL UES FOR YOUR MONEY! We want you to compare and KEEP POSTED; the result we are willing to abide fry. We start 'em off with the following: SPECIAL VALUES THURSDAY! READ! Russia Will Build New Navy- LONDON. March 21. The Pall Mall Ga zette today says it hears that the Russian government has prepared a naval pro gramme Involving the expenditure of $1(0. 000.005 during the next two years, of which amount British shipbuilders will secure a good share. The sum of 525.OW.OW, the paper adds, has been allotted for four first-class battleships similar to those now building for Japan. Jewish Editor Sent to Prison. ST. PETERSBURG. March 21. The Court of Appeals. has sentenced M. Notovltch. ex-editor of the Jewish paper, the Novostl, to Imprisonment for one year in a fortress, for the pub lication of articles against the Em peror and the army. Gendarmes Armed With Rifles. MOSCOW. March 21. In view or the agitation here among the workmen fol lowing the proposal to declare another general strike, the gendarmes on duty at the railroad stations here today are armed with rifles. Reorganizing: Postal Union. ST. PETERSBURG. March 21. The Minister of Posts and Telegraphs has dis covered that concerted efforts arc being made In various parts of the country again to organize a union of the employes of that department. Children Strike in Protest. ODESSA. March 21. As a protest against the execution, March 13, of Lieutenant Schmidt, leader of the naval mutiny at Sevastopol, last night, tho pupils of all the local high schools struck today. Bloomlngton. III. Tie Illinois Central train marooned on the flats near Argents, 12 miles from Dcatur, has been released and reached Cham?algn two daps late. Neighboring farnu supplied the pascengen with food. All road are now open, though tralnt are not running on schedule tiros. Spring Medicine The best is Hood's Sarsaparilla. It is the best because it does the most good. While it makes the blood pure, fresh and lively, it tones the stomach to bet ter digestion, creates an appetite, stimu lates the kidneys and liver, gives new brain, nerve and digestive strength. An unlimited list of cures 40,366 tes testimonials in 2 years proves its merit. aLKcflLLLLH Exceptional Offerings of New Underwear and Hosiery Women 's Knitwear ShopsFirst Floor. Women's Underwear WOMEN'S 35c VESTS AND TIGHTS 25c White long-sleeve Vests, Spring weight, very neatly trimmed, ankle length, opnng-wcigui Tights in white to match; regular value 35c special, each 2o WOMEN'S 75c UNION SUITS 55c. White Cotton Union Suits, Spring weight, long sleeves, ankle length, halt-open iront; regu lar value 75c special, suit 55 $ WOMEN'S 20c VESTS 14c. Exira-size Richelieu ribbed white cotton Vests, love neck, no sleeves; also high neck, short sleeves; regular value 20e special, each .14 Women's Hosiery WOMEN'S 35c HOSE 25c (Black Cotton Hose, extra size (for fleshy women), finished foot, double sole, medium weight; regular value 35c special, the pair 25 ; WOMEN'S 50c HOSE 35c. .Fine Black Cotton Hose, our own importa tion, medium gauze, "white double sole, spliced heel, French toe; regular value 50c special, the pair 35i CHILDREN'S 20c HOSE 12V-C Children's Fine Ribbed Black Cotton Hose, seamless, double knee, heel and toe; regular value 20c special, the pair 12 l-2 1 Good News from the Jewelry Shops (Firat Floor Sixth-Street Abbm.) Special Sale of Jeweled and Mounted Back Combs 33c Back Corafea, 30c. ! A line of Back Combs, mounted and stone set; our 35c value. Special at. each 10c An AaaertracBt of Back Comb, with rhlne- stone sets; our 65c value. Special at. each 25c Fancy Back Comb", in amber, shell and -white, nicely mounted and Jeweled; values from 75c to 53.30. Special at HALF PRICE Sterling Silver Thimbles 12c A lot of Sterling Sliver Thimbles; good value at isc special at. eacn l-c Something New in Scarf Pins A. new thing: in "Imitation Diamonds' is the "Kara Gem Dcautttuiiy cut and very bril liant. We are showing a Hoe of them in Scarf Pins stones set In Tiffany settings of. best gold-filled stock. Pins have patent projecting- points to secure pin to the goods Stirring Specials for Housewives Present and to be. Save by buying today. Buy gifts now for the June brides there's economy In such foresight. (Third Floor.;) Vi-karat size Price, each V-kt,4t size Price, each ....50c ....65c Sterling Silver Stone Set Bar Pins 25c The pretty Utile white stone set Bar Pins wa flj c ruuniiiB 4 c im; ul w e IlilVC ever uau 'A for the price. Pins are sterling- silver. -well made, and set with the finest .brilliants. Come in three lengths. Your choice, each asc A Special Sale of Sterling Silverware Latest Designs. French Gray Handles, Medium Weight. Crrnm Ladles Gold bowl. Special at, each 1.13 After-Dlnner Coffee Spooan Gold bowl. Special at. set - 2.70 Olive Spoon Gold bowl. Special at, cach..$1.13 Gravy- I.ndteN Gold bowl. Special at. each.1.98 Oraage Spoons Gold bowl. Special at. set.. 95.-10 Individual Salad Korku Special at, set.... $510 Butter Spreader Special at. set $5.40 Oynter Korku Special at, set f5.40 Salad Spoon Gold bowl. Special at. each..$2J)3 Sagar Shell Special at. each 90c Susrar Tohkh Special at. each - 1.13, SI .58 and $1.80 Meat Fork Special at. each I-KS. S2.03, $2.25 and $2.93 Pickle Fork? Special at, each ....91.13 Kitchen Needs for Less 940.06 Quick Meal Steel Range, with polished top which requires no blacking. Special sale price 932.00 92.75 Two-Burner Gan Plates Special sale price, each 920 AVaah Holler, copper bottom. Special at... 85c Heavy Galvanized Tub Special at, each.. 63c Clothe Wringer Special at. each 9139 Clothe Pin -Six dozen. Special at 5c Aabeato iron Special at. per set. ..... .92.00 Waah Board Special at. each -23c Good Grade Broom Special at. each 23c Galvanized "Water Pall Special at, each... 18c Woodea Pall Special at, each .ISc Mop Stick Special at. each 10c Mop Cotton Special at. each 13c Rag Beaten Special at. each 13c Tack Hammer Special at. each Sc Tack Three packs. Special 5c Bunt lirunke Special, each .27c Scrub H nm he Special, each 8c 58 Feet Clothe Line Special, each 12c Furniture Polish 9c Picture Cord ....5c PIctare Hook, dozen .....5c Clothe Baxketx ...54c Whlak Broowa 9c UWX 3IOWKRS. GARDEN" TOOLS, GRASS HOOKS. RAKES, SHOVELS, HOES, ETC. A Big Carload of New Iron Beds Arrived Just received, a carload of "White Enameled Brass-Trimmed Iron Beds and Child 's Cribs at $3.50, ?5.00, ?6.00, 6.50, $6.75, $8.50, $10.50, $11.50, $12.00, $15.00, $17.50 to $25.00 each; also all Brass Beds and Cribs at, each, $28.00, $30.00, $42.00, $45.00 to $80.00. SrrciAU To t tie irishe af tfeee wfcs TtTAfM- mndlrJBft in tablet farm."ra are bow pat- iisK sp Heo&'s Sarsaparilh. ia caeeehU-cited Mrs. W. A. Sso-srdes. Milton St.Dedhwn. tablet as -well a in tfee Htnal fe-na. By 3as says:. "I waat every sick woman to reffHcIax Heod's SarMrHU te a extract, kf w the canBP pair s-rf Hee4'a Banaparilla. -rre feav in tfee tabkn tfeo crjr yrnp- After a leac iUses. I hid milk hw ad a. riM6 or ei num. we aeeee wo uar. vwn. 1 mat rsKc pna-e ay Bh&Oa Heet Co., LeneU. Km. aad uri&-rate4 XT fee irrie." Women's Shoes for Street or Home A SPECIAL SALE SCHEDULED FOR THURSDAY First Floor Sixth-Street Annex. Women's $4.00 Street Shoes for $2.39 "Women's fine Patent Kid Lace Shoes, vrith mat kid tops, plain toe, hand-turned soles, leather Lotus heels. A shoe made by Yal Dtittenhofer & Son and intende'd for fine dress wear. In all sizes. Our $4.00 value special at, (O 9fl the pair pJ Reductions in Footwear Comforts This store makes a specialty of "Comfort Shoes" for women folk, and offers for today some forceful values iu these linos. As printed, a big assortment in the choosing, embracing Common Sense Slippers, Juliets and Prince Al berts; built with plain toe, stock tips or patent tips, leather or rubber heels. Special Thursday 91.98 $1.75 values at $1.49 $1.69 $1-50 values at $1.24 $L25 values at 96 250 values at $2.00 values at EXTRA SPECIAL! On Thursday morning, from S A. 51. to 12 M. only, we will sell all the regular 25c Shoe Paste Polishes, at 10l HALF PRICE, box A47C And all the regular 10c Shoe Paste Polishes also at HALF PRICE, or by C the box, each " 7C Men s Furnishings BARGAINS ' Underwear, Hosiery Shirts, Neckwear Sixth-Street Annex First Floor. MEN'S $1.25 UNDERWEAE $1.05. Men's Derby ribbed "Worsted Underwear, in blue, French neck Shirts, heavy satine faced drawers, with .French strap back; regular value $1.25 special, (t J f)E the garment P vV . MEN'S $1.50 GOLF SHIRTS $1.05. New Spring Golf Shirts, in the new blues and grays, in stripes, figures and plaids, at tached or detached cuffs; regu- frf fE? lar value $1.50 special, each. MEN'S 35c SILK LISLE HOSE 19c. The season's newest creations in men's Silk Lisle Hose, mode, navy, black and tan ; reg ular value 35c special 1 the pair x7C MEN'S 75c NECKWEAR 39c. 3-inch French fold Four-in-Hands, with drawn and stitched shoulders; regular -?Q 75c value special, each J7C Special March Sale of Indian Blankets and Rugs Fourth Floor. $7.50 Navajo Blankets $4.50 Very fine all fleece wool Navajo Blankets, size 7VxSV feet, in chocolate and white, gray and white, green and white, blue and white, blue and tan, chocolate and yellow, blue and green; reg ular value $7.50 special, each $4.50 RUGS. A domestic Rug made in exact copies of the real Oriental in both design and coloring Size 9x12, regular value $39.00 special, each $31.00 Size 9xl0, regular value $35.00 special, each $28.00 Size 71xl0, regular value $27.00 special, each $21.00 Fill Towel Needs TODAY First Floor. Among the many bargains in this sale are the famous "Rubdry" Towels for 21. Rub dry Towels are made from Egyptian cotton the most absorbent fiber there is. The little nubs of the cotton give a pleasant friction, and the cotton drinfs up water like blotting paper. More than this, "Rubdrys" do not have to be ironed the best results are ob tained by washing them and simply letting them dry out. Many people will use nothing else. Hemmed Huck Towels, woven border, size 13x24 special, each 4 Hemmed Huck Towels, soft and absorbent, fancy border, size 1Sx36 special, each 8J Hemstitched Cotton Huck Towels for dresser scarfs, size 18x36 special, each 10 Heavy Linen Huck Towels, warranted to wear special, each 10 Extra large Linen Huck Towels, white or col ored borders special, each 12 l-2 All Irish Linen Huck Towels, sold everywhere for 25c special, each 20 "Rubdry," the only towel ready for use with out first washing special, each 215 BATH MATS Imported English Bath Mats, all colors, at. each $1, $1.25, $1.50 and $1.75 Just received, a lot of Richardson's celebrated Shirtwaist Linens at, yard..35 to $2.00 Hundreds of pieces new Novelty "White Goods now in. See them during opening days. Bargain "Grape Shot" From the Small "Wares Ammunition Depots, First Floor. 12c Shoe Laces special, the dozen 7 Cube of best black jet-headed Pins special 5 Best quality white Basting Thread special, 2 spools 5S or I dozen spools 20 1? 65c heavy quality Side or Back Combs special 45 $1.00 hard-rubber Back Hair Brushes special 6oj SOc hard rubber Dressing Combs special.30 25c bottle Violet Ammonia for toilet and bath special 15 75c bar purest quality imported Italian Cas tile Soap special .'...19 25c combination Shaving Razor Strop, with whet back special 15 10c package of 100 Paper Napkins, decorated border special ... 5t 3oc box high-grade Writing Paper spc'1.22 50c cabinet box fine Writing Paper, 50 sheets paper and 50 envelopes special ...... 25 te