Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 21, 1906, Page 9, Image 9

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Counting-Room . . Ma'a 7070
Managing Editor Main 7070
Sunday ildltor .Main 7070
City Editor Main 7070
"fiociety Editor Main 7070
Composing-Room Main 7070
.Superintendent Building Main 7070
East Side Office East 61
t.. bet. 6th and 7th) The spectacular
musical extravaganza, "The Beauty and
the Beast"; matinee, 2:13 P. M.; tonight
at Silo.
BAKER THEATER and Yamhill)
Itoilly & Wood's Burlesque Company;
matinee, 2:15 P. M.; tonight at S:15.
'EMPIRE THEATER 12th and Morrison)
"Scotty. King of the Desert Mine"; to
night at S:15.
Git AND THEATER (Park and Washing
ton) Continuous vaudeville, 2:30. 7:3T
and 9 P. M.
3'ANTAGES' THEATER (4th and Stark)
Continuous vaudeville. 2:."0, 7:30 and 9
P. M.
.rAR THEATER (Park and Washington)
Continuous vaudeville. 2:30. 7;JJ0. 9 P. M.
Challenges Colonel Fitzgeuald.
Colonel Fitzgerald, who has been Icctur
lig In Portland, has found an onponont
Jn the pereon of Henry Goodell, a former
Advcntist clergyman. In his recent lec
tures Colonel Fitzgerald has based the
m olalms of the divinity of the son of Bahal
Ulla on his being descended from Ishmael.
!NIr. Goodell has been making a careful
study of the Scriptures to Investigate tills
IHiint, and has found that it is prophesied
in povernl places that the "new Christ"
ftoaJl descend not through Ishmael, but
through Isaac. Moreover, says Mr.
Goodell; "The Bible states directly that
the Messiah will appear not obscurely,
but by the resurrection of the dead and
universal acknowledgment of his absolute
power." Mr. Goodell Is prepared to quote
Scriptural passages to support his con
Hjulb School. iFor a number of years
ihe First Baptist Church has conducted a
branch Bible school in the Artisans' Hall
on Savler street, between Twenty-first
and Twenty-second. This mission has had
a remarkable growth during the last two
or three months, and the assistant pastor
Mt the "White Temple. Rev. Elnathan
Swoct, has been conducting a preaching
service there each Wednosday night. A
wpoclal service, however, will be held to
Jiight, with preaching by Dr. Brougher.
Jlis subject will be "Busy Bodies." Mr.
Charles Hart will be present with his
guitar to conduct the singing and render
special solos. All members of the "White
Temple living in that vicinity are urged
. 4o be present, and the public in general is
cordially Invited.
KniBs Memorial "Window. A handsome
Mainfed glass window is being made for
the First Congregational Church by the
ordor of F. A. Krlbs, who will install it
Jn memory of his wife, who died one year
ago. The window consists of five panels
and a circular top, and will prove a most
uffective addition to the handsome church
at Park and Madison' streets. The live
jmncls represent "Christ Leaving His
Mothor," "The Two Marys." "Mother of
Jesus on Her Way to the Sepulchre."
"Angel of the Resurrection" and "Ascen
sion of Christ." The design of the circu
lar top Is "Jesus at the Well." The col
ors "being used are rk"h. and the window
is being manufactured by a local dealer.
It is hoped to have It done in time to
install before Easter.
Want Road Improvbd. A special com
mittee from the Woodstock Improvement
League win appear In-fore the County
Court today to urge the permanent im
provement of the county road extending
from the Powell Valley road to the Epis
copal Churclf In Woodstock. At the last
meeting of the league the need of this im
provement was sot forth strongly, and
County Commissioner Llghtner being pres
jiit suggested that a committee lay the
matter ibefore the County Court. This
;road is important for the reason that it
serves a large district, including lvanhoo
and the main portion of "Woodstock. It is
an earth road, and has never been grav
eled. This and probably the Oatmnn and
other roads in that section will also re
ceive attention.
Warrant Ibscbd for Bun Kline. A
warrant for the arrest of a man giving
tlic name of "Bon Kline was issued out of
the Municipal Court by Clerk Hennessy
yesterday, the complaint charging that
.money was obtained by false pretenses.
Kline is said to have swindled M. Rosen
thal, a liquor dealer, out of J2G by pur
chasing a bill of goods aud giving him a
check on a bank for $123. Kline got $23
cash out of the check, saying he wished
some cash, and as the bank was closed
lie would esteem It a favor If Mr. Rosen
thal would give him that amount. Kline
purported to be from Yokohama, and said
he wished to purchase at least $1000
worth of goods. Detective Hartman was
assigned to the case.
Mbthodists Start Missionart Cam
paign. Missionary meetings are leing hold
in the East Side Methodist churches. East
evening meetings were hold in Trinity,
.Stephens Addition, and also at Mount
Tabor. March 27 the meetings will be hold
in the Sunnyside and Sellwood Methodist
Episcopal churches, and April 2 In the Ar
' leta church. April 6 the campaign will
dose with a big rally at Centenary JL E.
Church. At all these meetings there will
be speakers from the pulpits and laymen.
The purpose is to awaken an interest in
.missionary work, to the end that funds
jiiqv be secured to erect several churches
In the growing suburbs this year.
Xo Successor to Detective Kerrigan.
No one has as yet been named to suc
ceed John F. Kerrigan, who resigned from
the headquarters detective staff last week.
Any of the patrolmen on the force are
o)iglblc for appointment, but it is thought
likely that whoever is given the position
will be named from among the plain
clothes staff. It is believed that if a rec
ommendation by Captain of Detectives
Bruin is acted upon, John A. Mears will
receive the position. He is now clerk to
Captain Bruin, Is a lawyer and has hail
wide experience. Others mentioned are
C H. Hellyer. Ace Welch, M. P. Murphy
and "William Jones.
There will bo a meeting of the mem
bers congress of the Y. M. C. A. in the
auditorium of the Y. M. C. A. building at
S o'clock this evening. Tho purpose of
the congress is to arouse the personal in
terest of the members in tho work of the
association along all lines. Matters will
be brought before the meeting this even
ing of interest to all three departments of
the association religious, educational and
physical. Tho physical department Is en
deavoring, among other things, to secure
an athletic fields It is expected that a
large portion of tho membership will be
present -at the meeting this evening.
Motorman Has Smallpox. Frank EI
gcr. conductor of car No. 5L on the Ore
gon "Water Power line, was found to have
smallpox -yesterday morning, and was
taken to the pesthouse. Irb Smith, motor
man on tho car, and Charles Gardner,
motorman on car No 34. are said to have
been exposed to tho disease. City Health
Officer "Wheeler took charge of the cases.
Miss Jorgensen has returned from New
York, where she made extensive pur
chases of Imported millinery; her selection
comprises the most complete stock of Eu
ropean and Eastern novelties, and she In
vites tho ladles to Inspect the same from
Thursday. 22d Inst. In future, parlors will
lo open Saturday evenings.
A Grand Treat was given the patrons
of- the Allen & Gllbert-Ramakcr Co. last
Friday afternoon by Mr. Claud Wilson,
who had been singing- during the week at
the Star, in "The Waif's Appeal." He has
, a remarkable soprano voice, and will at
tract, and entertain all who hear him.
Noondat Lenten Service. Rev. W. G.
Eliot will have charge of the noonday
services for business men at the Chamber
of Commerce Hall today. All men are In
vited to be present.
Dr. Xenatfa's nerve te-slc UMets at
'Ef itVfs yVarmcy usj "MerrtsM bU
WMANe Skck., in Mth; Imch, 12 te 2.
dil 3kau,
Utilization or Waste Power at Cre
mator!. Utilization of the waste power
of the garbage crematory formed tho basis
of discussion at a joint meeting of the
City JJoard of Health and tho health and
police committee of tho Council. In the
Mayor's rooms at the Oregon Hotel last
night. C. L. Daggett, superintendent of
the garbage cremator-, urged the con
struction of two new furnaces of suffi
cient capacity to accommodate the old
boxes and barrels that come to the estab
lishment without the necessity of break
ing them up. He also favored the Installa
tion of a plant for generating electricity
from the 400 horsepower of energy capablo
of development from the waste force of
the crematory fires, and supplying various
municipal departments therewith. It was
claimed that the crematory aggregates an
annual expense to the city of $13,000, and
that under the proposed -system it could
be made practically self-sustaining. Dag
gott's remarks made a deep Impression
upon all present, and it Is more than
probable that he will be permitted to put
up enough machinery to give his theories
practical test.
Committee op Five to Review Fire Re
port. Vice-President R. R. Ncwbegin. of
the Chamber of Commerce, yesterday aft
ernoon appointed a committee of Ave to
review the report ,on Portland made by
the National Board of Fire Underwriters.
The committee is composed of Henry
Hewett. James Hammer. J. C. Flanders,
L. Allen Lewis and Max FJoIscbner. The
committee will hold a meeting and con
sider the recommendations made in the
report. It is probable that the committee
will recommend certain improvements In
the Fir Department-
No Second Ticket Named. No second
ticket was named last night In St. Johns,
as was expected. Opposition to the "Citi
zens' ticket" now in the Held was unable
to agree. It was said, however, that C. R.
Organ and his friends had prepared a
ticket of their own, which will be filed
this evening. Another ticket besides the
Organ ticket will also bo filed this even
ing. Today is the last day in which
nominations can be made for the munici
pal election.
District Scndat School Convention.
The fourth district Sunday school conven
tion will be hold in the First Presbyterian
Church Wednesday, March 28, at 7:30 P. M.
Tho fourth district embraces all that por
tion of the city and coanty west of the
Willamette River and north of Taylor
street. Reports will be expected from all
Sunday schools within the bound of thte
district, and the attendance of all inter
ested in the work Is earnestly desired.
Talented Artist Is Recognized. Mies
Francesca C. R. Grottljcan. of Portland, a
talented artist of Portland, wan among
those recently included in the American
edition of "Who's Who." nn encyclopedia
of civic celebrities, which gives tho names
of persons who are known in literature,
arts, science, politics, finance, philan
thropy, and arms.
Boston Brown Bread and Boston
Baked Beans. The Indies of the Hassalo
Streot Congregational Church will serve
dinner from 11 4o 2 on Friday and Satur
day. March 21 and 31. at 142 Fifth street,
corner Alder. Dinner. 25 cunts. Come and
bring your friends.
Stroke of AVindlaps Prove Fatal.
Carl E. Dax-lB. who was struck by a wind
lass while working in South Portland. dnd
j'csterday afternoon. He was Injured
March 5. but it was thought that he would
recover. The body was removed to Fin
ley's undertaking establishment.
Stcdy of Jewish Sects. A meeting ot
tho class for the study of the Jewish wets
will x held this afternoon 2: 'clock
In Selling-Hirseh Hall. A paper will to
presented on "Tle Kara Ides. t be fol
lowed by a discussion led by Dr. Stephen
S. Wise.
Salvation AnMV Mbrting. Th No. 1
corps of the Salvation Army will hold a
very special and interesting meeting to
morrow (Thursday) evening, hi their liall
at 2C3 Davis street, near Third. Refresh
ments will be served at the dose. All are
PosTroKBR 'Its Dance. MulinontMh
Ixxlge. No. 5, United Artisans, which In
tended to give a dance at Sellwood to
nlcht. has postponed the event indeiltiltely
owlng to tho fact that a case of fmalltox
developed at the last dance given.
Brooklyn RErt'nwrAN Club Meets.
The Brooklyn Republican Club met last
evening in Blanch's Hall, -with good at
tendance. Many of the candidates for
nominations on the Republican ticket were
present and made short talks.
Wanted. "Oregon Code.' lAck Box 22.
Photos. fl.W doz. Rembrandt. 103 3d.
,Lnr;jc Crowd Goes With Pastor to
Enjoy the Anni.-cmciit to
Heart's Content. y
Dr. J. W. Brougher showed his ap
proval of rollor-skating as a recreation
by taking 100 young jHfople of his church
to the Exposition rink last night and In
dulging in a good old-fashioned skating
party. Besides Dr. and Mrs. Brougher.
Rev. and Mrs. Elnathan Sweet, Mr. and
Mrs. Beckwlth,Mr. and Mrs. Grove. Mrs.
O. P. M. Jamison. .Miss Clara Webb and
Mr. and Mrs. Lltzenberg chaperoned the
young folks. One entire sldo or the gal
lery was reserved for the party and their
friends and a happy evening was enjoyed
by the members of the Sunday School
and Bible classes and the young people's
organizations of tho White Temple.
Dr. Brougher has attended the Exposi
tion rink several times and carefully noted
the conduct of the amusement features
there. He preached oijc sermon on it nnd
then announced that he would take u
party there by request.
Tho names began coming in so fast that
it was necessary for tho promoter of tlds
new phase ot church amusement to ask
the rink management for reserved space
to accommodate his crowd. A minister
and his flock on wheels was somothlng
of nn unusual sight, but they had such a
wholesome, enjoyable time that members
of other denominations present were
heard wishing that their pastors would
take their followers on a skate also.
Portland Academy night Is proving one
of the most successful evenings at the
rink lately, the many young folks of this
Institution attending in parties and bring
ing their luncheons to cat during the in
termissions. They make a regular picnic
of their special night and own the rink
for the time being.
If you take out a policy with us you
will put regret permanently to slumber.
It is a plain, simple, old-fashioned "pay-able-whcn-you-dle"
policy. But there Is
calm content In "it. Askfor your age rate.
The Washington Life Insurance Company.
John Lockhart. manager, G10-CH Chamber
o Commerce.
All the delicacies of the season at tha
Portland Restaurant; fine private .apart
ments for parties. Opes all night. 305
Washington, near Fifth.
Accused of Assaulting Officer.
An information charging Thomas Rice
with assaulting Policeman A. C. Welch
with a revolver on February 1, was Hied
in the Statu Circuit Court yesterday by
District Attorney Manning.
Hh-Ora4e PIcbm fr Xwi
And shl oa easy payments. Pi' tuateg
ukl rtfKLiriBrv JtL liHnlmr, n Tk pc.
"The Slrefriag Beaaty and the
React" at the Maraani.
King Bardout Ralph Edwards
Queen Spadln Charles Saunders
Lna. the German nurre
Barney Bernard
Preeldent Petit Edward March
Doctor Squill David DeWelf
Princess Beauty Itofe Kartell
Prince Charming Irabelle Underwood
Malevelentla. a witch. .'d!th Arjwid
Benevolent!, the Fairy Queen
Isabella Miller
AUIc Bertha Silbr
Recirle Minnie Fuller
Freddie ChrUile Waliham
Johnnie ... Laura. Anderron
CelumMne Mabel Sanderit
Kcnlentlne LeulK Memagna
Jessamine Minnie Fuller
M!?nnette Cora, Rice
Daffodil '. Clara Thomas
Vllet May Grace
Gwendoline llazl Regan
Marlanna The! ma MeMahoR
ErcMna Josephine Kelley
MntHHe Roe Thomas
Claud ie Fred Stein
Bora Ethel Barker
Cora Irene K re! tier
Xeraa Alberta. Mesntelalr
Watch's Attendant al Mitchell
S originally constructed by the
kings of the musical comedy and
spectacular turf for London Drury
l.ane and New York Metropolitan houses
of entertainment. "The Sleeping Beauty
and the Beast" must have been a beau
tiful dream for the children and a fetch
ing show for grown people.
The sawed-oft and rather diminutive
edition of It that we saw last evening,
given by a road company at the Mnr
quam. was good of its kind for the price,
but not calculated to set anybody crazy
with delight. There was scenery enough
to sink a ship, but most of It was care
worn, car. wick and pale. The company
is large, and. with tlie exception of a
few of the principals, its quality Indicates
that it was gathered together with an
eye for economy. The costumes are not
yet worn out, and they are shlmmering
ly entrancing. The bewildering number
of scenes, the numberless, drops. the
pretty story of a witch's spell over tho
Sleeping Beauty and how Prince Charm
ing brought her to life with a kiss, all
wrought out with infinite elaboration,
carried one ecstatically to fairyland. To J
work a niece like this nrescnts enormou
difficulties, hut it went smoothly, and i
the grouping and action were soothing in '
lot 1
is , j
rlc ;
strong enough, and the general effect
marred by a sort of Internal theatric
colic, or something that makes you want j
to be stage manager and tell everyhody t
. ,,n Tll nlfWt le LlVftlv fill I .
of melodies and songs and ensemble ami
pictures that compel your expectation of
great news in the, line offered. It is a
groat spectacle In reality, but it h pre
sented inadequately in this Instance.
Thin, however, is not io say that con
spicuous merit and acceptable Ww ar
entirely absent. Ralph Edwards i more
than an average comedian, and handle
the King with miction. His apott?" Is
cleverly taken 'by Charles Saunders
Barney Bernard brings forth In his own
able style some new stunts and new
topical verses. He owns the house when
he is on the stage. The brightest soli
taire was a real Simon-pure gem. Miss
Isabelle Underwood, whwe rich contralto
Invnnnl llto utrwr motallie twktest oAllitled
with her perfect confidence and exquisite J
dash and nlmblcnctts. made the Prince J 4
the star of the night. Miss Rose bar
tella. the Princess Beauty. Is a willow)-.
kitnble. miggabje creature of excessive
witchery, whose llthcnc and sweet voice
compensate for hor detcstaWe manner
isms in Imitating Anna Hold's Broadway
Viueak in the forced high tones. Her
little song. "Roses at Twilight."" in the
llrnt act. was one of the sweetest things
you could imagine. Oh. Rose, cut out that
squeaking. Stockbrokers on Broadway
may like it for a day. But it hs atrocious
art. and It will crack your voice. Mis
Edith Arnold, the Witch. al5o bore down
hard In her own favor when hor mel
low, deep contralto pealed forth 'Vears
Ago." The sparkling ballet features were
quite Kiralfycsque hi their agility and
perfection. They were amour the most
engaging incidentals. The ever-changing,
multi-colored garments, the lights, the
melodies that flavored It all. the tickling
humor of the funmakers It was a pleas
ant evening. But the scenery Is pale
and sick, aft I have said, and It should he
doctored 'so as to give it a higher and
healthier color. The piece is to be repeat
ed this afternoon and evening.
75 DECIDEDLY novel feature in dls
play!ng gowns was introduced by
Mr. Whittier and Miss Bernard at the
Spring opening of Olds, Wortman fc
K,nsr. yesterday, and will be repeated
again thls morning and afternoon. A
long, raised piomenade extending en
tirely across one end of the mammoth
cloak and suit department was used on
which to display coats, hats, parasols
and every description of gown on tine
models, who walked bnck and forth .at
this Vantage point for the benefit of
the great crowd of visitors who filled
the dress saloon. The gowns will have
to be seen to be appreciated, but It can
be said nothing handsomer or of bct
terstyle has been seen in Portland.
First automobile coats, then evening
contK were displayed. After that came
strictly tailored, dcml-tailorcd. fancy
tailored, mid-Summer and evening
gowns, each array eliciting storms 'of
applause from the enthusiastic on
lookers. The models were all tall and
of good figure and the garments fitted
as though made for the wearers. The
evening costumes were especially beau
tiful, two empires being admired to
the extent of enthusiasm. The hats
which were worn with these various
costumes "were exquisite creations of
millinery art. and despite the appar
ently trying shapes of this season's
headgear, proved extremely becoming.
After the models had made their last
promenade of the afternoon the crowd
Instantly turned to the millinery de-
Orcgofi Life
The Policy-Holders Life Insurance Company
A. L. MILLS, President
Adolphe Wolfe.-.. Flrst Vice-President
Louis G. Clarke.. Second Vice-President
William Pollman..Thlrd Vice-President
Dr. A. J. Gl$ey Medical Director
Geo. Sanfora Smith.. Secretary
Leo Tried c Treasurer
It. E. Galferalth... ....... Actuary
J. :N. Teal. General Counsel
L. H. Peters. SuptriatMrieBt f Attala
partment to see the rest of the beauti
ful stock which Mr. Hamberger had
ready for Inspection. In the children's
department a tiny miss of only "a few
years was accommodating' enough to
act as a model and successfully Imi
tated her ciders by parading- around
the counters In the various caps and
bonnets with which she was adorned.
Olds, Wortman & King- have never,
made a handsomer display than they
Kare doing; this Spring-, the class of
goods which they are offering- being
peerless. On the first floor there was
such a bewildering: display of beauti
ful goods that one did not know where
to look first. The laces, neckwear, em
broideries, gloves, linens and cottons,
silk and woolen dress goods, parasols,
shoes, men's toggery and Jcweliy de
partments nil vied with each other In
rich and attractive offerings. The storer
was decorated from top to bottom with
flowers and greens, and luxuriant
palms were grouped In every available
space. On the third floor the china and
glass displays were magnificent, and
still further up the carpets made a
fine showing. Many visited the Indies
underwear, corset and fancy work
aisles to admire the many handsome
articles being shown.
The Y. W. O. A. tenroom did a thriv
ing business all afternoon, and crowds
of visitors enjoyed their refreshments
while they listened .to the strains of
the string music rendered by a fine
orchestra. This firm has long been
noted for the magnlflcence of its open
ing davs, but it was agreed by the
throng of visitors who crowded the
store nil day that this Spring's event
takes the palm from all others. The
opening will continue today and to
morrow, and the display of gowns on
models will begin at 11 this morning
and again at t this afternoon.
Delicious bon bons were served yes
tcrdav throughout the model display.
Supreme Kcprocntntivc Is Given
HcccpUon by Councils.
Gustav Gunzendorfer. supreme represen
tative and past grand regent or the Royal
Arcanum of California, whs the guest of
honor last night at a meeting of the three
local organizations of that order at Audl-
(utatr Ouncrmlorfer. Supreme
turluni Hall. Mr. Gunzendorfer gave an
address upon "Fraternal Brotherhood." In
which he told of the growth of the dif
ferent orders, and especially of the Royal
Arcanum. He congratulated the local
drrh-s upon the progress which is being
made in Portland.
There are at present something more
than TW members of the Royal Arcanum lit
Portland, comprising three bodies, which,
with their officers, are: Multnomah Coun
cil. HSI. Jerry Bronaugh regent. W. L.
A b rams secretary: Oregon Council. 1SS2.
J. W. Hutchinson regent. Dr. G. S. Bar
rett, secretary; Willamette Council. 11W.
Dr. M. L. Holbrook regent. K. J. Huf
fonl. s-ccrvtary. There were formerly four
councils In Portland". Bull Run Council
havl&r been .absorbed by Oregon Council.
The object for which the local councils
are now striving Is a membership of KX
the quota required before the city can
have a grand council or secure direct
representation In the supreme" council.
At the meeting last night. 23 new names
were added to the roll, the number being
distributed about evenly nmong the three
councils. A special crusade for an In
creased membership is to b carried on
during the Spring, and t is hoped to se
cure SCO names in time for the Portland
bodies to bo represented at the next sos
slon of tlie supreme council.
Their Attorney Says: Detectives Must
Xot Break Doors.
Objection is taken by Ralph E. Moody,
attorney for several Chinese on Second
street, to the strenuous methods cm
ployed by Detectives Murphy, Welch and
Jones in breaking down doors to gain
admittance to fantan and lottery rooms,
and safes where tho yellow men arc al
leged to liave hidden evidence which
would convict them in the Muncipul
"Welch. Murphy and Jones havo been
going Stround Chinatown breaking down
doors and demanding that tho Chinese
owners of stores open their safes for in
spectlon. said Attorney Moody last night.
"The Chinese came to my office and com
plained of the action of the detectives and
asked my assistance. I notified tho Dis
trict' Attorney and the City Attorney of
the aotion of the detectives and they
promised to take the matter up. After
I had spoken to tho detectives of their
action they broke into two or three places
on Second street and In one of them they
arrested several Chinese for playing lottery-
No officer has a right to break
through a door without a warrant from
the court."
The detectives assert that if jumbling
is to be broken up In Chinatown
some method must be resorted to other
than standing outside and watching tne
doors. The Chinese play In back rooms
L. SAMUEL, Gen'l Manager
Asetotant Manager.
28 WnUtM Street,
MkWB&C. foktland, or
f - - 1 T
with all doors bolted and when a rap is
heard the games are stopped. Welch.
Murphy and Jones say that the only way
to break up the games is to use force.
Compromise Damage Claim.
W. A. Buchanan, administrator of the
etat of rtoonri w Buchanan, yester
day compromised, a damage claim against
the O. R. & N. Company on payment 01
$2300. George W. Buchanan was killed
at Bridal Veil in a train accident on Feb
ruary 6. last. The company besides tho
amount paid to the administrator, paid
$500 attorney's fees.
Your complexion, as well as your tem
per. Is rendered miserable by a disordered
liver. Improve both by taking Carter's
Little Liver Pills.
BEST $3.00 HAT
We have nil the latest shapes
in both soft and Derby.
j Sam'l Rosenblatt S Co.
Cor. Third and MorrlnoB Sta.
We bu them direct from Eastern
factories. e pay no jobbers prof
its. We soil direct to the customer,
thereby saving the expense of
salesmen, commissions, etc. We
have no word-contest duo bills out.
against us. ami OUR PRICES ARE
RIGHT. Speaking of due bills, we
notice tliat due bills for ?10O have
been offered for $5 CASH, and even
advertised for le at that price.
How much are they actually
Our line of pianos Is second to
none In th city. See them. You
will like them, and our prices will
more than please you now. PI
SouleTJros. Piano Co. :
371 Morrison St.. Cor. West Park. J
Pav Rent?
"We "will loan yon money to
build and allow you to re
pay same in monthly install
ments. You can repay a
thousand dollar loan, prin
cipal and interest, "by pay
ing $16.60 per month for 84
months. Longer or shorter
time if desired. Oall and
see us about it.
Columbia Life S Trust Company
Sixth Hoor Concord Bldg.
Reed Organs Kimballs,
Crown and Pacific Queens
Are sold only by
Stores at Portland, Spokane, Boise,
San Francisco, Stockton, Oakland and
all other important points.
and Records
Sold on asy payments.
Columbia 10-Inch Disc Records. 60c each.
Columbia. Cylinder Records. Z5c each.
345 'Washington St.. Portland. Or.
CUKI0S. Aatljmitles, lmgkt aM5lc
IodUn Stone KntYc, Relics. Carnr Idols m
Ivonr. Stone. Broarc. etc. Wr QnM. Scean. fkri.
MK fUik-U. Boloc, Mats, Stalls of all Natieea.
XEAS5 an A K0KNS f Aalmalx. W&rHtfal.
Natire Body Ornament and Drew, Ana est that
Cues izd Piitoi. Coins, Shield- Aatime SUvrr and
Armor, Shelh. Send for Pbcie. WboJa:e Dealer.
912.M Fall Set
Ream 46 Uekva
)9 :
t wm aer "r y?a. full Set. guaranteed to fit
, t. tW thtoKtftataad drink, aaa , cold Crown-v 22k. .....Uj
Schwab Printing; Co. Portiia Htel Rathskeller ; J1" Work n-;---. "'T H
'nnrw. oymcti t dsstfa :ttBw i Boston Painless Dentists
ROTHCHILD BROS., Portland, Or.
WHEN the Demon DiV
" comfort prods with his
spear, he is giving a hint thai
you need Crossett shoes.
Do away with his torments
buy the shoe that's worth
while. Crossetts at once
bring rest and relief.
Jf your daler doe not ksep thenx, in
will smd any tiy lean receipt of price tcUh
2Sc. additional to pay forwarding charges
Talking Machines
The Oregonian has a limited number of $25.00 Eilers Talking and
Singing Machines which will be given away to old or new subscribers
for The Daily and Sunday Oregonian.
How To Get a Machine for Nothing
I hereby subscribe for The Daily nnd Sunday Oregonjan for 12
months, for which I will pay on demand at the rate of 75 cents a
month, and I am to receive a $25.00 Eilers Talking and Singing
Machine free. I am to purchase $35.00 worth of records for said
machine from the Eilers Piano House, Portland, Oregon. I will pur
chase two or more records upon the delivery of the machine and one
or more records each week thereafter for 33 weeks. The said machine
to remain the property of The Oregonian until the full number of
records have been so purchased, and the subscription for Tlie Oregon
ian has been paid in full. In case of failure to comply with the terms
of this contract, I agree to return said machine on demand without
legal process.
Eilers Piano House
Park and Washington Sts.
Priate Exchange 23
Most narrow
$3.50 and $4 KONQUEROR. SI"frMen
are built on normal lasts that conform to the natural shape o the
feet, allow free play to all the bones and muscles, and afford pro
tection from injury.
Makers. Brockton. Mass.
For Vision, Style and Comfort
(Denver, Omaha, Kansas City, Salt Lake, Dallaa, Txas; Portland, Orefoa)
133 Sixth St. Successor to Walter Reed Oregonian Bids;.
And don't wait until It' past all recovery.
A good silver tilling will often save a back
tooth that means that you can masticate
your food right and not throw too much
work on your stomach. Gold fillings last
a lifetime.
WISE BROS., Dentists
Falling Bldg.. 3d and "Washington. S A. 5L
to 3 P. Sundays. 9 to 12. iraln 2029.
Dr. W. A. WIm.
ftA. q TEETH "jT H
EB . JK L SlV f Have your teeth itracted with- y-
M 3!3E3-0-BrSif WSim " I out Pa'n In the moraine and o I 1 iN
ripoJjlJiyfejQ roH home with the new ones the J 'B
B tzJ2SgjSI224 S-Spfi Q f long- years experience and we Q
rSKMJk J guarantee all dental work by J SBBJ
iRIMJLJLjLBBBBw , j t 1 'written contract for 10 rs-
JJpUssW ; "J work Is the best known to mod- "J
l t ns. r-v c $111 atti Trent I s i ftssfl
irrvTr : Je0cuturccipJrT- Sj QsggSP fcT
MJlrriLJ f&lJe of m pieH r popular musls , 111 i I
f tha world, and Professor Aaa ' 1 , I
steruam and his HungarlaB orchea- Finings 3.
Room 200, Oregonian
Main 7070
- toed shoes destroy the natural
shape of the feet
Sold by W. J. Fullam, 283-285 Morrison
i '' vlH BbSSSbi
Or. X. T. TfU.
.. - rt0MMm. - ir, . mm