Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 21, 1906, Page 6, Image 6

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Oregon. Supreme t Court Sus
tains Demurrer in 'Suit-
C. 8. Jackson Sought to Enjoin Dls
missal of Suit Arranged by Lit
Ifrants . Without Consulta
tion With Him.
dAIiBM. Or.. iMarch 20.-(Speeial.)-The
Supreme Court today handed down, de
cisions in four appealed Ases and ;dis
jHVfod of a nuhiber of mottans and potl
rto5 for rchearihgs. The Qecisions fol
Hw: ,.
C S. Jackfon. appellant, vs. A:.W.
Stearns and U. J. "Wilson, respondent?,
frcm Douglas County, J. W. Hamilton,
Judre; affirmed. Opinion by Justice
.lack son Is an attorney and was employed
V Stearns to brine suit against "Wilson
te owlet title to 3000 acres of land. With
out Jackson knowledge the litigants
promised their case, stipulated that It
he dismissed, and Stearns deeded the land
te WWfob. Jackson then brought this suit
t onjotn the djpmlssal and to seLaside the
leod en to the property on the ground thai
i ho parties dismissed the case In order to
defraud him out of a contingent attorney
He alleged that his client had agreed
wt te dismiss without his consent.
A demurrer to the complaint in Jack
"'R suit was sustained. The Supreme
'""wit approves this, saying that Jackson
vmH have enforced whatever rights he
may have had by proceeding In the orig
in! suit, hence there was no ground for
thf sooond suit.
IHwItan Manufacturing Company, ap
pett&at. vs. Henry Wosiermlre. respond
t. front Multnomah County, A. F.
Judge; affirmed. Opinion by Jus
tice Moore.
, Plaintiffs sought to recover $3S0 alleged
te be due on a contract for the sale of a
MHiantity of jewelry, which contract pro
vided that defective goods could be ex
changed after specified notice. The de
feat was that the jewelry was cheap
jtntd ware and valueless. The defendant
demanded Judgment against plaintiff for
Sii paid as express charges on the jew
ry. and after trial Judgment was so en
ttired in favor of defendant.
This is affirmed by the Supreme Court
ta sm opinion holding that since there
wr an entire failure of guaranty, the
ptolMinf could not insist upon an exc-
Philip Stein, respondent, vs. R. E. and
lora B. Phillips, appellants, from Mult
nwwUi County. A. F. Sears Jr.. Judge:
nwwtfd and dismissed. Opinion by Chief
Justice Boan.
SlelM brought suit to reform a written
Mtreement and for a specific enforcement
f the agreement as reformed. The agree
ment rolated to a lease of a building on
the corner of Third and Pine streets, jn
Portland. In the court below the plaintiff
won. but on appeal the Supreme Court
fcoMs that, in order to prevail, the plaint
iff must show by clear and satisfactory
)rof wot only that there was a mistake
tn the writing, but that such mistake was
MwutuU. and. the evidence having been
vry conflicting, the court holds that the
proof is not full and decisive, hence the
lucre is reversed.
Benjamin Bull respondent, vs. Pettis P.
Payne and Henry Klopper. executors of
the James L,yttle estsf. appellants, from
Jfcseplilnc County. H. K. Hanna Judge;
affirmed. Opinion by Justice Hailey.
Kehoarings were denied in the cases of
Sftraguc vs. Jessup and Goodnough Mer
cantile A Stock Company vs. First Na
tional Bank of Elgin.
Petition for writ of mandamus was de
nied in the case of J. O. Gilbert vs. Judge
J. W. Hamilton.
Motion for judgment for amount of ver
dict. n7(M.S9 single damages, was denied
Jn the case of L. S. Springer vs. Thomas
Jenkins ot al.
Yellowstone Park Contest Trip Grows in Interest With Each Day
Case Against F. Y. Jcwctt Will Be
Pressed to a Conclusion.
SALEM. Or.. March 2). (Spccial.)-It
has been generally supposed and currently
reported that the statute of limitations
Iws run against the state school land
transactions upon which criminal charges
wore brought against F. "W. Jcwctt. of
Hlbbing. Minn., and that since the court
sustained a demurrer to the indictment
against him he cannot be proceeded
against by new Indictment. He was in
dtctod on a charge of subornation of per
jury, alleged to have been committed Jn
August. 1552. and it has been asserted
and generally believed that the crime
wottld be outlawed in August, 1803, three
0117: la:r.
It it. now declared, however, that the
stRtute f limitations has not run. for tho
roaf-ou that Jewett has been absent from
the state most of the time since 1902.
District Attorney McNary believed he
had a clear case against Jewett and that
he could secure a conviction if he got the
case to the Jury. When Judge Burnett
sustained the demurrer to the indict
ment. McXary immediately gave notice of
appeal to the Supreme Court and, will try
to uphold his indictment In that tribunal.
Should ho fail in that he will very prob
ably file new indictments, avoiding the
flaws in the old one. Those who have
worked with "McNary In the case believe
he will .keep at it until he has exhausted
every resource In an effort to convict.
3lcarinjr of Reversion Land Cases
From Forest GroTC Is Postponed.
HIL.LSBORO. Or.. March 20. (Special.)
The celebrated reversion land cases,
wherein Pacific University seeks to re
cover lands because liquor Is alleged to
have been sold contrary to a restrictive
clause in an original deed, were today
continued for the term because Mrs. Mary
Miller, one of the defendants, was ill and
unable to appear in court.
Milton W. Smith, the counsel for the
university, announced he was ready for
trial., hut the court granted the continu
ance. A peculiar fact is that the last'
term the defense had all Its witnesses
present, but the cases were postponed
owing to the illness of Mr. Smith.
Grange Protests Destruction of Rock
OREGON CITY. Or.. March 20. (Spe
cial.) At their last meeting the members
of Milwaukle Grange Patrons ' of Hus
bandry, unanimously adopted tho following-
"Resolved. That we protest against the
proposed destruction of Castle Rock by
any person or persons whatsoever, 'it
.should be preserve as one of Oregon's
Fccalc beauties."
Angora Goats Sent to China.
XONMOUTH. Or.. 'March 39. (Special.)
MMtll & Sos her sold a registered
Agera. buck and two does today that
win be sent to Hongkcmg. China. They
"wore bought by the West Coast Xmnber
0iwy. The price paW was for tho
MiB Agae Wllerea, Corral It n.
IMF; l5
Mi Mary Kcbbcx Vancouver, Wailu
.Ml Reaa Rowland. 3Ioatao, AVh. - Ml Gusie Botiemlller. The Dalle.
Min9 Tern Bhuier. BcUiaffharo. "Wash. IIo Blasche Whlttemore. Pesdleton.
Ml8 Jokle Moorhead, JtiBcUoa City.
MIm Ola Walker. Hood Blrer. l.ulu TeTCtt. Goldendale. Wash.
MU Louifte Raiaer, Portland.
Miks Aalia Crowley. Moamoatli.
IIs Bele Puree II, Ontario.
There are good and substantial reasons
rhy Intelligent people and physicians as
well, employ Dr. PIerce'3 Favorite Pre
scription for the. cure of diseases and
weakness peculiar to women.
In tho first place, it Is not a cure-all,
serving only a singleness of purpose,
being a specific for one class of diseases
onlv thoso oecullar weaknesses and
maladies incident to women. Besides It
frank, confiding open, honest statement
of Its full composition giving every in
gredient In plain English, without fear
of successful criticism and with confi
dence that the good sense of afiictea
women -will lead tnem to appreciate this
honorable manner of confiding to them
what thev are takinir lnto their stomachs
' when making use of this medicine.
n suaering irom Dacwacne, sjueacne,
Miss Marraret German. Bolhe, Idaho.
Mis Alice Ixrd, Seattle. Wah.
3IKs nma Miller, Saleu.
Mis Viva 'Warren. 'Weston.
1 Mbts Ma CaBauasbam. Walla Walla, Waab. Miss Made DIcLnoa. Peaerej-. Wh.
Ml Belva The bo. lajett Idaho.
.MI Ktbel llenderoa. Siatlam.
TWO new candidates have been en
rolled in The OrcRonlan Yellow
stone Park contest. They arc
from the first district and both are
equally conlidcnt that they will see the
beautiful Yellowstone Parle, pictur
esque Boise, old and historic Salt Lake
City, the magnificent scenery along the
O. R. & JC. and many other wonderful
and interesting sights, tho guests of
The Oregon Ian.
Miss Maude Smith, of the Silverfield
Company, and Miss Grace Dow are tho
two brave and determined candidates
who have entered the contes at this
late date. While they have a tremen
dous disadvantages to overcome, as the
other candidates in the district have
been accumulating votes for weeks. If
they prove to be better "hustlers" than
the others they may win out. They evi
dently think they are better suited to
secure votes than the other candidates
in tho first district, or they would not
h.are .'entered the field thus late in the
light.' "
Add Interest to Contest.
The entrance of additional opposition
only makes thcr other candidates more
zealous In their rush after the votes
and they are no seriously alarmed
ovtir tho situation. Of course all the
candidates expect to win.. The flfjht In
the first district is warm 'and promises
much. It would be utterly Impossible
to make a consistent prediction as to
the probable winner, so Intense and so.
hotly-contested is tho nght. Both of
the new candidates !n the first district
come to JThe Oregoaian- with tha very
highest indorsements and arc very
popular, having- hosts of loyal friends.
Interest in all the districts embraced
in the scope of The Orcgonlan Yellow
atone Park contest is at a 'white heat.
It is !af e te say tht- not .more than
two or three &t tho candidates have
become disheartened and their enthu
siasm lessened. Practically all of the
candidates are exerting every energy
to secure votes and ail of them have
dozens of friends working in their In
terests. The Orcgonian contest is as
much talked of in the mining camps ot
Idaho, the small hamlets in Washing
ton and the rural districts of Oregon,
as it is right here in Portland. It Js
the most interesting topic of the day
in every town where there is a candi
date. Running Neck and Neck.
Walla Walla and Boise are running
neck-and-neck. Walla Walla Just at
present is in the. lead with 1000 votes
maJ6rlty but the votes cast any sin
gle day might effect a change. Walla
Walla, Is determined to send its most
popular candidate and the people of
Boise say that their candidate -will be
at the top when the context closes.
There is considerable commercial riv
alry between Walla- Walla and Boise,
they are both of about the same size,
and this only makes the battle for su
premacy all the more interesting.
Salem Is -1000 votes ahead of Pen
dleton. Eugene is in the sane district
and hopca to win. This flght on the
part ot Salem, Eugene andgPenrflcton
is particularly lively. Next week Pen
dleton or Eugene may be In the lead
and Salem Is by no means assured of
Albany Licads JombnYf;.
Albany is yics ahead of Rosc
burg. The latter city is awakening
and promises to give Albany a very
close fight.
Vancouver has fallen behind, as
The Dalles is about S600 votes iu the
lead. It is not believed that Vancouver
will lie duwn and let The. Dalles win
hands tewa. and it is predicted that
the two cities will lock horns in ear
nest within a few days.
Heppncr is forging to the front, as
Dallas is only 2000 votes ahond. This
promises to be one of the warmest
fights In the whole contest.
A little enthusiasm need be in
jected into tho clJLizcns- of Medford. as
they havo allowed the Hillsboro candi
date to secure a lead of S000 votes over
their contestant.
Hoqulam is another exception whore
is evidently lack of interest. Ccntralia's
candidate has an advantage of 15.000
votes over the Hoqulam candidate.
But such cities as Hoqulam and Medford
are rare exceptions. But. in Justico to
these two towns, it must be said that In
terest In the contest" Is growing. The can
didates are as hopeful as ever, and hope
to figure among the leaders when the con
test closes.
St. Johns and Sclhvood.
The most popular contestant of St.
Johns Is but 223 votes ahead of Sellwood.
and so It goes. Among the other cities
where the candidates are running very
close together arc: Mount Angel, 10CO
votes over Amity; Condon. SCO votes ahead
of Lebanon: Pocatcllp. SOO) votes in the
lead of Shoshone: Huntington. 10C0 votes
in the lead of Payette: Wakefield. W
votes In the lead of Elma Goldendale. 203
vote ahead ot Chelialis: Olympla. 400)
vote In, the lend of Aberdeen.
The young ladies whose'photographs are
reproduced are amour the leaders.
Among the prettiest cities th'af'the Orc
gonian party will pass through is Hood
River. It is on the O. R. & X.. and Is one
of the most prosperous and thriving cities
in Oregon. Persons going to Mount Hood
nearly always go by the way of Hood
Hirer. Thre they take the stage to
Cloud Cap Inn. -
About Hood River.
Hood KlvecL-Wasco. County. Or. Popu
lation. .HW. Five churches 3rfcthodLgt,
Congregational. United Brethren, Episco
pal and Unitarian. Good modern public
school system, embracing two "ycara of
high school work; three school buildings,
ten teachers and an enrollment of over
400. Well-kopt hotels and boarding-houses.
Two banking houses. Two rural delivery
mall routes. Telephone system for cit
and country, using over Vfi instruments.
Flourlng-mlll, 10O-barrel capacity. Two
large lumberinc plants, with combined
capacity of over 200.CC) feet daily. Elec
tric lights. Box factory; extensive fruit
warehouses and fruit-shipping concerns.
Backed by valley. 60.0CO acres in extent,
well supplied with Irrigating water. Hood
River apples and strawberries have world
wide reputation. Xo ohcr fruit section
commands such high prices. Successful
orcltardlsts realize S10C0 an acre for Spltz
enberg und Yellow. Xcwtown apples.
Strawberry crop for 1KH. W.OOO crates. Api
pic crop. 75.0CO boxes; will amount to KO.
:0 in a few years. Hood River took 16
medals on fruit at the Chicago exposition,
including seven on apples; also received a
number of medals at the Buffalo and
Charleston oxposltlons. Substantial busN
ncss blocks and handsome homes in the
chy and valley. Purest water and finest
climato and scenery in the world.
Leaders In the Contest. "
The following arc the leaders In the
different districts, and their votes:
Dl&trlcls. constant
First. MIm Susie Smith
Eond. Jllss Etele Koch t
Third. MUt EWe Romotwh
Fourta. Mif Gladys Chamberlain.
Flfh. tl Verna Waslcr
Sixth, an.- Till? ixxvencatx ..A...
Fentb. Ml Helen Goodwin
E!cth. JU9 Ga;ilf BoUcmlH-r ....
Ninth. MUs tHt Irrr
Tenth. 3Jm ae BrtckenHde
Kleventh. MIm Acnes WUon
Twelfth. 311" Kdlth Hopp
Thirteenth. Ml Myrtle Workman
Fourteenth. 3JI I-na lfee
Flfteeath. Ml L.ula Leverett..,..,
Sixteenth. MU Xo!a CoaJ
Seventeenth. Ml Kcna Itowtand...,
Is the only medicine put up for sale periodical hcadache3 and" other recurring
tarouca druggists lor the cure 01 sncn t pains at more or less regular interval,
maladies, all the Ingredients pf which ' disagreeable- drains-as If from pelvic
have the endorsement of .leading medical J catarrh, -sickening sensations, dizziness
practitioners and writers, as being the-. at times, -monthly headaches, Irregulari
ties, oeanng-down or Dragging -aown
sensations in the lower abdomen or any
of the many kindred distressful and pain
ful symptoms which accompany female
weaknesses, then you cannot find any
remedy quite so perfectly adapted for the
cure of your malady as Dr. Pierce's
Favorite Prescription. Bear in mind, it
Is not a secret nostrum, is not a patent
medicine, to'the use of -which most intel
ligent people oblect because of the close
secrecy with -which the formulas of such
medicines are held; and which, no doubt
arc many times harmful in the long rnu.
especially as ajl.those for women contain
large quantities of alcohol and oft time.
other objectionable ingredients. The
only wise and safe course is to- use only
which, like Br. Pierce's Favorite Pre
scription, contain no alcohol or harmful
hablt-formlng drugs.
very best; known remedies for the ail-
- menu tor.wnicn avonte rrescnpnon "
Is advised. All this will be learnetTto tho
. reader's full satisfaction by perusing a
booklet of extracts compiled by Doctor
Pierce from standard authorities of the
-several schools of practice,, and which
will be sent free to any address on request
for same., mailed to Dr. R. V. Pierce,
Buffalo, N. Y.
In the second place. Dr. Pierce's Favor
itc .Presciptibn Is- the only aacdlclno. for
woman's peculiar weaknesses- and affec
. tions, all the ingredients of which are
printed upon the bottle wrapper in plain
' English, so that all who take It may
.Jcnow exactly what they are using.
Js A further reason fortfie unprecedented
5popuIaritv of the K Favorite Prescrip
tion " of Dr. Pierce for the special. uso of
- women, is to be found in the fact that
it contains not .a drop of alcohol
ents used In Dr. Pierce's medicines, as trell as
the worklnc formula and peculiar processes,
apparatus and appliancss employed in their
manufacture, are withheld from publicity
that Dr. Pierce's DroDTletarr rltrhts mar not
be infringed and trespassed upon by uoprln-
purc. triple-refined glycerine, of proper I The ernct proportfoir of the several injrredr-
strength. oemg used instead, ootti ior
extracting and preserving the medicinal
principles extracted from such roots
of native, medicinal, forest plants as
am emnloved in its make-un. The
printed ionnuia will also Dear witness cipiea imitators ana those trno may be pirat
that it contains no narcotics or other 1 ically Inclined.
harmful or habit-forming drugs, being ! rfZr.aif5Ph iand ih.euconse?lV,cni InI
pntlrolv mirlo nn nf fflvcprie fi-rtrarts of digestion or dyspepsia, and the multitude ot
nV!7 J,i5iJEB"f ;?JLQi arious diseases which result therefrom, no
native. American plants of marvelous 1 medicine can be better suited as a curative
efficacy in the cure of the diseases pecu- acent than Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis
liar to women. coTery. The Golden Seal root. Stone root.
Now, In this connection. It Is well to I Mandrake root and Black Cherrrbark. enter
bear in mind, that, carious as It may 1 LnJnt ,tSOSIlf,9,t,(S? !? an recommended
vpt it i 1, firt that T)r Plprr' by such eminent authorities as Dr. Bartho
IwrJt! vZJLltZ: 1- SSi low' P Jefferson Medical Collcze: Prof..7ohn
Favorite Prescription b the only raedl- . Klnr. author of the tajiekica Di3pe.vsa
cine for the cure of women's peculiar j tout": Prof. John M. Scuddcr. late of Cln
wcaknesses and maladies' that does notrcinnati: Dr. William Paine, anthor of Palne's
contain alcohol and that too in large Epltomy of Medicine: Prof. Laurence John
quantlttcs. This fact can be easily , M.D. Medical Dept. University of
ail the best physicians that alcohol. e en ' lcal colleee. Cbicaco. and many others, as
In small quantities, when long continued remedies for indurestlon and dyspepsia, tor
ls very harmful, and especially so to pld liver as well as bronchial, throat and
treafr, invalid, nervous women. While i lunf affections, as will be seen from readinz
the effect of spirituous wines and liquors. !iufe.?oWStTreic,nt compiled by Dr.
Rnlil nnHor varinnq ontiVinir name? mn. . Pierce, of Buffalo; ?. .. who will sendf
!? bJ2? kT ?MtVf the same on request, by postal card or letter,
at first be to exhllerate, brace -up and . to anjr address, free. ThLs little booklet tells
unduly support the system, for a brief of what Dr. Plorce's celebrated medicines
time, vet a reaction comes sooner or later : are made, and gives the properties and uses
and tfic patient Is worse off" than before. 1 of each and e.Tery lnirredlent cntcrlns Into
Besides, a craving for alcohollcx stlmti-1 the,r composition. Write Dr. Pierce, as
lants has gradually fastened itself upon . afcS"s rotlllKl ri inCTedlent
the poor, deludeduffering woman-a 'SSl&VSS
malady generally Tnorp to be dreaded ery"blehly recommended by several of the
than the original affliction. above mentioned authorities for the cure of
Furthermore. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre- chronic or linierinff bronchial, throat and
scription has a record of cures extend-, 2fflct,,?,nt Dab,,t maker's sore throat
(....,., nnriofl AxrPoHino- nnf-tbirH nf attended with hoarseness, dry. raspimr cough
5-rJi S JmKSgr!,llr!ni I ana kindred affections. Not only is Queen s
a century and embracing more genuine not specific in its curative action In all those
cases of full and complete recovery than affections, but In "Golden Medical Discov
any other medicine in its line can boast , ery" it is creatly assisted by the comblna
of. Thousands have been saved from the In with It of Golden Seal root. Stone root.
operat ng table and the surgeon's kn fe ' 'n5r3v,afK iiiooarooi. wun wnicn
hv tht- n?ft nf tl.l mar-lnii5lv nfflcai-lntu I it,s Wended in just the right proportion.
Dj the use. 01 mis maneiouai) emcauous s. k women aro invited to consult Dr.
specine ior woman's aliments, uiner
thousands have escaped the disagreeable
ordeal of the doctors' questionings, and
offensive examinations by taking this
remedy and being cured In the privacy
of their homes. It has cured thousands .
of bad. obstinate cases In which doctors
had failed and In which cures were!
thiwght to be Impossible.
fvhat It has done for others it will no
doubt, do fob you. if similarly afflicted,
and you give It a good, fair and faithful
In favor of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre
scription being regarded away above the
veret patent medicines of our time, is the
Sick women are Invited to consult Dr.
Pierce, by letter, free. Thereby they avoid
tho disagreeable questioning from which
most women shrink as well as the still moro
repulsive examinations which are generally
unnecessary. AH letters of consultation are
recarddd as sacredly confidential. Address
Dr. It. V. Pierce. Buffalo. . Y.
How to preserve health and beauty Is told
In Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Ad
viser. It is free. For a paper-covered copy
send Dr. Pierce as above directed. 21 one
cent stamps to cover cost of mailing only;
for cloth blndinsr 31 stamps.
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure bad.
foul stomach and constipation and so help
to cure nearly every disease ot mankind.
They regulate, tone up and Invigorate Stom
ach. Liver and Bowel.
Eighteenth. Mlas Mabelle Wakertetd. .. 1S.0CS
Nlnteenth. Ml Delia Wood 3.025
Twentieth. MWss Olive Graver 5.22.
Twnty-flrst. Mw Joyc Hwhnr .... 26,200
Twenty-second. MIm Mildred Looney .. 44.Y0U
Twenty-third. MIw Marie Mlckel 19.072.
Twenty-fourth. Miss Elva Hurlbert. ... 10,575
authorized to state what the Governor's
attitude is toward the case."
.. 01.011
.. 71.712
.. 2K.7PS
.. 2tsrr j
.. 19.&85
. 27.m
.. I9.-tl I
24.S2U f
r. 7,ri2 (
Washington Must Explain Delay in
Xorthcrn Securities Case.
WASHINGTON'. March 20. Chief Just-
Ice Fuller announced. In the Supreme
Court of the United States yesterday, that
on April 9 there would be a call of the
original docket the first since 1S77. The
purpose is to require of litigants of this
class to explain their delay In presenting
their cases. In the hope that some of them
can be eliminated from the docket. The
list- includes 2) cases. Including the State
of "Washington vs. Northern Securities
OLYMPIA. "Wash.. March 20. (Special.)
"We have been so busy with other mat
ters that I have not had time to give the
matter consideration." said Attorney-General
John D. Atkinson, when asked what
he will do in the suit of the State of
Washington vs. Northern Securities Com
pany. "Governor Mead is in San Fran
cisco tonisht. and no ono In the city is
Ilnrviman's A'Ul to Fnmine Fund.
SAX FRANCISCO. March 20. The
American Red Cross Society Is asked to
push work actively on the Pacific Coast In
raising a relief fund foJ the sufferers by
famine in Japan. Information ha? been
received here from New York that Mr.
Harrlman has auth&rlzed the ofllcers of
the Union Pacific. Southern Pacific and
the Pacific Mall companies to carry 1000
tons of freight free to Japan from each
of the ports of San Francisco and Portland.
The Truly Wonderful
Weser Orchestral Piano
Imitating mandolin, banjo, harp and
many other tones together with pro
ducing the regular piano tone, is sold
only by
Stores at Portland, Spokane, Boise,
San Francisco, Stockton, Oakland and
all other important points.
We will treat any single uncomplicated ailment for
$12.50 for the fee.
We care Skin D(eae, Blood Poison, Varicocele, Stricture, Nervous
Decliae, Weakacss, Plies, Fistula and Diseases of the Kidneys, Bladder
and Prostate.
Private Diseases Newly contracted and chronic cases cured. All
Burning. Itching and Inflammation stopped in 21 hours; cures effected In
seven days.
i Have a Talk With Us About Your Ailments
We make tip charge for a friendly talk. Come to us in the strictest
J confidence. We have been exclusively treating special diseases of men for
0 years. Nothing science can devise or psoney can buy is lacking in our of-
flee equipment. We will use you honestly, treat you skillfully and re-
store you to health In tha shortest time with theleast discomfort and
J expense.
Otjr methods are Hp-te-datc and are indorsed by the highest medical
authorities of Europe and America. Hence our success in the treatment
' ef Mea's Diseases. Remember, ear specialty Is limited to the diseases of
J MEN, and MEN OXIrf
Our offer is to you, t every one. only J 12.50 for a cure, payable at
your convenience, In such sums as you can spare. Could an offor be more
jr;enrreuf It saVora of honesty. It Is honest. No mutter what your
! trouble Is if you suffer frora neglect, from want of money or from un-
X skillful practicts hero is an opportunity to get the services of a skilled
specialist, a graduato physician, with years of ripa experience In treat-
ing complicated and special disorders of men onl j-. It will cost nothing
to talk to us. and may be the means of restoring yp.u'to health and happl-
J ness. Why not call today? Our offices arc very private. You see only the 9
doctor. If you cannot call, write for Jilaaks, as we extend the 3ame.-llb-
J feral offer to those who cannot call. In fact, there is no excuse for being
-. disordered or' sick while this liberal offer remains. It is a sift of price-
J 'less value, within the reach of all. Remember, only $12.50 for any disease.
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HOURS 3 to 5, to S daily; Sundays, 3 to 12.
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