EXPEC T CHANGE Grocers Are Closely Watching the Sugar Market. NEW COMPANY IN FIELD Spreckcls Buys Raw Material in Cuba to Make Up for Deficiency in Hawaiian Islands East ern Markets Strong. SUGAR New Hawaiian company's outout will soon be on market. WHEAT-Extra seed requirements exported. FLOUR No new export business re ported. VEGETABLES Large rocelpu. do not caute lower prices of vegetables. FRUIT Portland-bound bananas tlll detain at Billings. Oranges advimeo In Southern California. nt'TTBR Weaker feollnr on Trent street. I2GGS Reeolpta heaviest of present weak. POULTRY Firm on light arrivaK HOPS Sales In Hairlsburg district. 3K Rtvw, bath wholesale and rotall, are mitMBs the augur market with intere.-i these tejj. The new refinery of the American Hawaiian Cemiwny. at Crockett. Cal.. will Mr turning out Its product t-oon. and the rade will then know what policy the Inde pendent company ;has decided upon. The Oieekett refinery rocelvf-d it nrrt cargo of raw sugar from the Islands a short time ago. It was first announced that Us sugar would lc on the market March 1. and lln the date waa Ht for March 15. Now the time fixed Is March 20. to it is presumed the Hawallans will be h'iirJ from very noon. The ?mth1 opinion that ha been expressed from the Mart by the best ported Jobbers U that there wHI be no clauh hot ween the rival interoMr. Tlie new oom;titor Is believed to have !tered the field ae a bena fide com petitor of the "Western refinery, and not for the pvrpoiK. of tilling oat, like wrac of its smaller competitors. Nor If the Sprockets company exjeried to precipitate a tight, for food, sound butinette ruabons. Air a large part of the Hawaiian output is controlled by the independent company, the Wasters Refinery is forced to soak for Its raw material In other parts of the world, and in said to have chartered several railing vf-els In the part week to load ha Cuba for San Franolnco. TV general portion of the Eastern sugar market continues very strong, with an up ward tenoVney In raw sugar. A New York broker's woekly circular pays of the market: I -oat weok wo said that the chances are that we have een the lowo?t prices of the yr, and indication!; point to continued firm ness, with a slowly hardening tendency. We re further contirmed in thla opinion by the .-hji of the market during the week under review, with quite considerable transactions. Quotation!! on tin spot and for shipment have slightly advanced ty 3.14 cents per pound for tl degree tst centrifugals, duty paid, and is oqwlvakyit - S-52 crntB c, and f. for Cuban fUean-. The advance is not Important, but th. fact remains that there are ehanoux of a Pardoning tendency which should lead to fur ther Improvement, The Important feature landing in this direction Is the fact that fyban planter are telling ho far below the Hamburg parity for beet sugars, now 23 cents, as to cause a loss" to them of nearly all the coneMonK made under the Cuban reciprocity treaty. While prices of beet sugars continue -tady, and won have an advancing tendency, it is natural to suppose that after the liberal (mIom made by Cuba of her first production trum crop. ihe will be able to maintain a tirnx-r position for tho remainder of the crop, specially as at this time the total crop pro duction to date Is considerably less than at ;hr corresponding time last seaeon, although !r no means too late to be recovered from before the end of the campaign. Our special eabl from Cuba gives production to March 1 f .183,411 tons, against 539.1P4 tons for name 'im' last year, and total stock in the island f 13S.S2S torn, against 239.392 tons on same Uate last year. According to the .Belgian journal. La Meuc, c Llegc. the total beet-ugar crop of Euroje :r 1903-6 ie estimated at 0,853.000 tons, which :? an Increase of almost r0 pur cent over that the iirevtftUK year. It Is thought that the ex. -ess production for the current year will be aUtut 2.150.000 tons of law sugar, as com- jmred with the actual production or the year preceding, which would make the product for lfG the largest !n the history of- the Industry. ASPARAGUS PRICES HOLD UP. Advance at San Francisco Prevents Decline Here on Large Receipts. The steamer produce unloaded yesterday morning was in flret-claR condition, and met with a prompt demand. A large quantity .r asparagus was received, and In the natural . oure of things a drop in prlcce was ex- ected, but San Francisco advices reported a lgher market there, and the local price was therefore held at t cents In box lots and 10 ente for broken boxes. The three cars of bananas that were de yi ?jai'ird at Billings by tho storm are etlll 'ix-'Shere. Three cars of oranges were unloaded Vi,jSterday. Fancy lemons are very scarce. sr."'. life to tlie market yesterday aad prices were unchanged, though Improvement wan shown la the Eastern and foreign trade. A Portland cargo of bluestem was cold In Liverpool yes terday at 305, which, on the union freight rate, is equivalent to the prevailing quota tions here. The export flour market Is reported to be very dull. The Japanese are well (flocked up and are not expected to be In the market for month yet. and no hope Is held out for a revival of the Chin etc demand toon. A num ber of inquiries have been received from Vladivostok, but It Is Bald they hare not re sulted in business. WEAKER FEELING IN BUTTER. Lower Prices Looked for en Frost Street. Receipt of Egx Large. A weaker feeling Is noted In the butter market on Front street. Arrtvale clean up fairly well, but supplies are steadily Increas ing. The city creameries arc also fully sup plied, and some of them have a surplus. Cali fornia butter is being ordered more freely. Egg receipts were large yesterday, aggre gating over GOO cai.es, and more difficulty was found in maintaining tlie ruling quotation of 1CJ& cents. Some offers to sell on Front street were made by retailers, who have been getting liberal supplies direct from the country. Very few coops of poultry arrived, and prices held firm. Some dealers were satisfied with their recclpte, but others had orders they could not nil. Advance in Orange. A telegram received from the California. Fruitgrowers' Exchange yesterday afternoon announced a ttharp advance In oranges in Southern California. AH grades up to choice were marked -up J3 cent?, and -fancy 25 cents. This will add farther strength to the already strong position of the local market. HBrrUburg Hops r14. A quiet but fteady demand I reported in the hop maikct. About RK bales vt Harriebun; hops were bought by local dealers at 0 ce nte. Growers generally arc not disposed to sell. Bank Clearings. Hank clearings of the Northwestern dtlos yesterday were as follows: Clearings. Portland .....J tRC.M? Seattle l,S01.b64 Taootna 525. CRU Spokane ............... 571,273 v4T' n! have navanMi to $3.25. Choice lemons ' ;f J""f3Br Plentiful here and In the South. H-ft?!" ''&izP, Florida tomatoes have become a feature Afl " ?02etJ tbc early markets In that section, the fol- wlng from a New York paper regarding the rop of that state will be of interest: Private mail advices to a wcll-knpwn New ork firm from one of their members down Ilorlda. received this week, ntate that the niato cron on the Florida, e.utt inne v.ia 4aon will be very light. "Washouts, floods U continued heavy rains have done the dam- e, and it is estimated that the total out. of the eact coaet this season will not . ecd 300.000 crates, with that output ccn alized to a very great extent. Such com iratlvcly high spots at Danla, Fort Laudcr- i'e Boj-nton and Coolahatchee escaped com iratlvely lightly, and will be among the nclpal shipping stations. Cutler was wiped C the map as far as tomato shipments this gason are concerned, the rains having put rjean out of business. Some buyens. tho writer states, have con. cted for tomato crops on the hosts of $2.25 fancy and $1.50 for choice, taking cvery- up to May 10. being strengthened In Is point of view by the undoubted scarclty tne crop. Big prices have already been ob- ned, one grower around Little River. It is -arted. having received over $7 net for to- toes shipped to Chicago. MOKE SEED WHEAT REQUIRED. m Weather WHI Citt Down Available Sup ply for Milling and Shipment. Conflicting reports are coming in of the lage caused to the Winter wheat crop in the ind Empire by the cold snap. Some sCc- report practically no Injury, while elso- kre It Is said whole sections will have to (resown. It Is conceded that a considerable Jtlty of wheat that would otherwlso have lie to tidewater will be kept la the Interior re seeding purposes, and In view of the btness of stocks, there may he .some til Hi- In filling requirements during the re- Inder of tlie reason. There was sol much . . Balance!. $l,19.flU 3 S,767 59.041 ly cut. scored. sBurrata, aalr-lip?ed. weather beaten, or gruhby. 2c to Cc per pound Its. Salted hide: Steers, tound. 60 pounds aad over, per pousd. 10Ulc: steerr. souad. SQ to 40 pouads, per povad. lOJfllc: a teen, souad, under SO pounds, and cows, per pouad. &ffl0c; stags and bulla, sound, per pound. 7c; Up. sound, 15 to 30 pounds, per pound, 10c: vea.1. sound. 10 to 14 pound, per pouad. 11c: calf, sound, under 10 pounds, per pound, 11912c: green (unsalted). lc per pound less: culls, lc per pound lea. Sheepiktas: Shearltags. No. 1 butchers' trtoclc each 2&Y30c: short wool. No. 1 butchers stock, each SOtl&te: medium wool. No. 1 butchers clock, each 75c&$l: long wool. No. 1 butchers stock, each 1.2332: murrain pelts, from 10 to 20 per cent less, cr per pound, 160 10c; horse hides, salted, each, according to sise. Jl.50jr2.EfO: dry. each, ac cording to sire. $lgL50; colts hides, each. 25&50c: goat sklnc, common, each 15325c; Angora, with wool on, each dOcffSLSO. FURS No. 1 iklni: Bearskins, as to t-'.zr. each J530: cube. each. $193: badger, prime, each. 256T50c: cat, wild, with head perfect. 30050c: house cat, &&20e: fox. common gray, large prime, each. 50370c: red. each. $305: cross, each. tOf 15: stiver and black, each $100 if 300; fishers, each, $&eS; lynx. each. $4.K8: mink, strictly No. 1. each, accord ing to else, $193: marten, dark Northern, ac cording to size aad color, each $1015: pale, plae, acordlnc to size and color, each. $20S 4: muekrat, large, each 12015c; rkunk. each. iOQCOc; ch-et, or pole cat, each. 5015c; otter, for large, prime ekln. each $6310; panther, with head and daws perfect, each $265; raccoon, for prime large, each 50875c: moun tain wolf, with head perfect, ach $3.5093; prairie (coyote), 60c9$l: wolverine, fcach. 8S8; beavf.r. per skin, large. $556; medium, $367: small. 2191.50; kits. 50ffi75c ' BEESWAX Good, clean aad pure. SfSs per pouad. TALLOW Primo, per pound. 444e: No. 2 and crease, 293c. CASCARA SACRADA (chlttam bark 2Jj 63c accordlnr to eualltr. DreMed Meats. VEAL Drcswed, 75 to 125 poucds. 7(7'ic; 120 to 150 pounds. &SSVic: 150 to 200 pounds, CgHc: 200 pounds aad up. 3HQ4c. BEEF Dressed hulls. 2J4C3c per pouad; cows. 3&4Uc; country steers. 4tc MUTTON Dressed. faacy, EH&Oa p pound; ordinary. 4&5c: lambs. PORK Dwted. 100 to 150 pounds. $93Hc; 150 aad up, 66V4c per pouad. Oils. TTTRPKNTTNE Cases. SSc per rslloa. COAL TAR Cases, 20c per gallon ; ta&ks. 14tjc rer rail on. GASOLINE Stove gasoltne. cates. 25Hc; 72 test, 27c: S3 test, 35c: Iron taaks. Ic WHITE LEAD Toa lots. 7;c; 500-pouad lots. 8c: less than 500-pound lots. SUc, tin 25-P& una un palls, lc abov keg prise; 1 to 8-pound tin palls, lc atwve keg price: 1 to 5-pound tin cans. 100 pounds per case. 2He per pound above keg price.) LINSEED OIL Raw. In barrels. He: ia esses, &8c: be!ld In barrels. 56c: la cues, 61c; 250-gallca lots, lc less. PORTLAND JQUOTATIONS. Grain. Flour. Feed. Etc FLOUR Patents. $3.7534.30 per barrel; straight. U3.WgH.7Zi clears, $3.154f0.5(; Val ley. $3.40Q3.!5; Dakota hard wheat, patents, a.b0U, ciearo, V&; granam, $3.2'i.7&: whole wheat, $3.75Sf4; rye nour, local. S5; Eastern. $5i5.25. oornmeal, per bale. $l.iHr2.2P. WHEAT Club. WJOCIcj bluestem, 6067c; red. C4C5c Valley, 8c. OATS No. 1 white feed. $27.50; gray, $27 per ton. M1LL3TUFFS Bran, city, $17. country, $1 per ton, middlings, $2.50; snorts, city. 518; country $1& per ton; chop. U. S. Mills, $17.50; Unseed dairy food, $18; Acalfa meal, $18 per ton. CEREAL FOODS Rolled oats, cream, ex pounds sacks, $0.75: ldwer grades. $5.2538-50; oatmeal, steclcut. 50-pound sacks, $3 per bar rel; 10-pound sacks, $4.25 per bale; oatmeal (ground), 50-pound sacks. $7.50 per barrel; 10-pound sacks, $4 per bale; spill peas. $5 per 100-pound sacks; 25-pound boxes, $1.40; pearl barley, $4.25 per 100 pounds; 25-pound boxes, $1.25 per box; pastry flour, 10-pound sacas, $2.50 per bale. BARLEY Feed. $23024 per toa; brewing, $24024.50; rolled, $24.50325.50. BUCKWHEAT $2.25 per cental. HAT Eastern Oregon timothy. $13014 per ton; Valley timothy. JSQu; clover. $7,003$; cheat, $6427; grain hay. $7S. Vegetables. Fruits. Etc DOMESTIC FRUITS Apples $12.50 per box; cranberries. $12.5u3l4.50 per barrel. TROPICAL FRUITS lemons, $23.25 per box; oranges, na.els. $23.25 box: Japan ese. COo per skjgle box; tangerines, $LS3 pr half bjx: grapefruit $23.25; pineapples. $3.73 6(4 per dozen; bananas, 5c per pound. FRESH VEGETABLES Artichokes, SIC 1.25 per dozen; apparague, flQ'lf'c irr iounl; beans 22.c; cabbage. 1'isr-m.e xer nound; cautlflower. $2"2.25 per crate; clery. $4.r5; ohlekorj', 25cr cucumocrn. $1.2591.50 per dozen; head lettuce, 35-l0c per dozen; hot house. $1.2501.75: peas. 10ai2,c. peppers. 25(5 40c; radishes, 20c per cozen; rhubarb. $2.23 per box; tomatoes. California. 32.25Sj2.50 per crate; eprouts. Cft7c per nound; parsley. 23c ROOT VEGETABLES Turnips. OOcQJl per sack; carrots. C575c per sack; beete. S5cJ $1 per Back; garlic, lC4j 1214c per pound. ONIONS Buying prlet: No. 1. 70Q80c per sack: No. 2. nominal. POTATOES Buying c rices: Faacy graded Burbanks. 5of;00e ier hundred, ordinary, nominal: sweet potatoes. 24fi2i?c per pound. DRIED FRUITS Apples, llgiic per pound: apricots. 12ai2Ac; peaches, $10t40;12'4c: pears, none; Italian prunes. SUffOVfc; Call, tornla gr, white. In sacks, 5Kc pouna; black, 45c; brlcKs, 12-14 ounce packages, ?5?S5c per box: 5S-ounce, $202.40; Smyrna, 20c per pound: dates, Persian, 54Gc pound. RAISINS Seeded, 12-ounoe packages 89 8Hc; lG-ounce, 10c; loose muscateis, 2 crown, 77V4c; 3-crowa. TXQ'lic: 4-crovrn, 8G8c: unbleached scedlnss Sultanas. 697c; Thompson's fancy unbleached, 124j12)c; Lon don layers, 3-crown, whole boxes of 20 pounds. $1.70; 2 -crown, $2. Groceries. Nuts. Etc COFFEE Mocha, 20Sf28c; Java, ordinary 1822c; Costa Rica, faacy, 18fcf20c: good. 16 18c; ordlnarj'. lST22c per pound; Columbia roast, cases, 100s. $14.76; 50a. $14.75; Arbuckle. $10.38; Lion. $10.38. RICE Imperial Japan No. 1, 5iic: South ern Japan. 0.35c; head, 7c SALMON Columbia River, l-nound tails. $1.75 per dozen; 2-pound talis, $2.40; l-pound flats. $1.85: fancy. 1 to 1-pound flats $L80: H-Pound flats, $1.10; Alaska pink. i-pounJ Ulls, SOc; red, 1-pound tails, $1.25; sockeye 1-pound tails. $L70. ' SUGAR Sack basis, 100 pounds: Cube. $6.05; powdered. $5.80; dry granulated, $5.70; extra C. $5.25; golden C. $5.10; fruit sugar, 55. 4O. Advances over sack basis as follows: Barrels, 10c; -barrelt. 25c; boxes. 60c per 100 pounds. Terms: On remittances within 15 days deduct 14c per pound: If later than 15 days and within 30 days, deduct tc: surar granulated. $5.riO per 100 pounds; maple sugar. 1518c per pound. SALT California. $11 per ton. $L80 per hale; Liverpool. 50s $17; 100. $16.50: 200s. $16: -pounds. 100s. $7: 50s. $7.50 NUTS Walnuts. 13He per pound by rack "ic extrr for ls than sack: Brazil nuts! 16c; Alberts, 16c; pecans. Jumbos, 16c; extra large. 17c: almonds. 14VjQfl5c; chestnuts. Italian. 1291&c; Ohio. 20c; peanuts, raw 7"4c pound; roasted. Be; plnenuts. 10912c hickory nuts. "jfSc; cocoanuts. 35g$0c per dozen. BEANS Small white. 4e: ian-r, .hit. 3c; pink. 2c; bayou. 4ic: Lima, Stic: led Mexican. Be Batter. Eggs, Poultry. Etc BDTTEK City creameries: Extra cream. er-, 30c per pound. Suto creameries: Faacy creamery, 27HOS0s; stor butter. 169 EGGS Oregon ranch. 1815c per dozen. CHEESE -Oregon full cream, twinj.' hl 164c: Young America, 15616Vc POULTRY Average old hens. 13914 c mixed chickens. 12cei3c; broilers! 30M22e young roosters. 12912c: old roosters. lOfc 10?4c: dressed chickens, 14fl5c; turkem llve. 10QTl7c: turkeys, dressed, choice. I&920? geese, live, pound, SgOc; geese, drwsscdT ner pouad, 10912c; ducks, 1691S:; pigeons? $ia 2; Quabs. J293. ProvIrioBS sad Canned Meats. HAMS 10 to 14 pounds, 13c pound; 34 to 16 pounds. 13c; 18 to 20 pounds. 13c; Cali fornia (picnic), 9c: cottage bams. uc; shoul ders, Sc: boiled ham. l&c; boiled plcnlo ham. boBcless. lie BACON Fancy breakfast. 38Hc per pound; standard breakfast, 164c cnolce. lCUc; English breakfast, 11 to 14 pound. 1434c; peach bacon, 13Uc YJCKLED GOODS Pork barrels, $18; . barrels. $9.50: beef, harrels, $12; -barrels. $6.50. SAUSAGE Ham. ISc per pound; minced ham, 10c; Summer, choice dry, 17c; bolog na, long. Bc: welnerwurst, 8c; liver, ftc; pork. S&lOc; headcheese, de; blood, 6c: bo logna sausage, link. 4Hc CANNED MEATS Corned beef, pesads. per dozen. $1.25: two pounds. $2.1SB: six pounds, $7. Roast beef. Sat, poisnas, $1JB: two pounds. $2.25; six pounds, none. Roast neef. tall pounds, aone; two pounds, $2.35; six pounds, $7. DRY SALT CURED Regular short dears, dry salt. 10ic: smoked. llc; clear backs, dry salt, lOc: smoked. llVsc: clear bellies. 14 to 17 pounds average. Bene: Oregon ex ports. 20 to 25 pounds average, dry salt, 11c; smoked. 12c: Union bellies, 10 to 18 peuaax, average, none. LARD Leaf lard, kettle rendered: Tierces, 1054c: tube. MTie: Mr. iOUc: 30s, llHc; 10s. llc: 5. llc Standard pure; Tierces. SKc; tubs. 9Kc; 0s. BTic; 39a. 10Uc; 10. iec; Ss. 10c Csmpound: Tierces. 6Hc; tubs, 65ic: 60s. Siic: 20s. 7c: 5s, 7 Sc. Heps. Wool, Hides, "etc HOPS Oregon. 1&05, ckoiee, 16ei6Uc; prime. SVifHc; medlusa. 796c; elds, fefrc "WOOL Eastern Oregon average lst, 16 921c: Valley. 24946c per ped. MOHAIR Choice, a506c HIDES Dry: Na. 1. 16 pounds and up, per pound. lS936c: 4ry kip. No. 1, to 15 pmda. per penaa. 16918c: dry .calf. No. 1. under 6 pounds. 1821c: do salted, hull and eta. 1-3 less thas dry fllst; culls, meth-eatca. Md- IMPROVEMENT III WHEAT Chicago Market open? fiiui and oxe cent higher. GALL MONEY FIRM Hardening of Rate Disappoint ing to Stock Speculators. ' MARKET IS STILL SLUGGISH Much of the Strcnsth Lost "S'car the Middle or the Day on Prorit-Takinc;. CHICAGO. March 16. The greatest ftrength In the wheat market was rhown dur ing the first hour, when prices advanced 1 cent abvc yesterday's close. Liverpool came higher, and there were reports of heavy ship ments of flour from New York. An -x celled demand for ea-h wheat wsk reported at aI leading grain cem-ns of the United States. The market, h&wever. kct much of Hs firm ncfrs near the middle of the day. becaufe r profit-taking by local holders. .During the later part f the seIon the market ai steady. May opened ifUc to Hl?sic Elgin r st 7S4c. advanc-! to 7S?i7STc, declined to 78Uc and ctoed 'jSe hisher at 78ic Corn was Arm for the greater part of the day. Shorts who were Influenced by the up turn in what covered freely. May closed steady t,c higher at 43Hc Oats were firm early, hut weakened later. May cloe4 He lower at 2fl);fj29;c Tlie provIhn market w firm all day. At the clee. May pork wad up loc aad lard aad ribs -oli 2Vfc5c higher. Tlie loadtag futures ranged as follows: WHEAT. Open. High. .7S4 $ .7h ... .7Ss. .78; ... .7S .76fa CORN. ... .4X; -.43ii ... -44ti .4ii ... .44 .44la OATS. ... .30 -30 VI ... -29t; .fili ... .2SV4 -2SS MESS TORK. ...13.f3 15.JC May Jul- September May July September May July ijopiemocr Lrw. $ .77; ?H -77 Cto. : .78". .43H .I3i -441", .29?: .2$ .3 .43?, -44S Mas-July 15.SI 15.7m 13.t2 152t, May July September May July fceptomber 7.00 S.O( b.10 fi.42-4 $.45 7.M S.10 S.45 J-57(i 15.80 15.S5 LARD. 7.90 7.52 S.trt JJ-02H: .12i S.15 SHORT RIBS. S.45 S.47 S- 8.50 S.53 8.37 1 A Cah Quotations were as follows: Flour Firmer. "Wheat No. 2 Spring. 774JS0c; No. 3, 73 (g70 No. 2 red. &2t4frS2?iC Corn No. 2, 43 Vic; No. 2 yellow, 43c Oats No. 2, 2Sif20iic; No. 2 white 32 tic; No. X white, 2P463ia;e. Rye No. 2, CoqcoHc Barley Good fedlng. 37SC7e; fair to choice malting. -lOft.Vk. Flaxseed No. 1. f l.OS; No. 1 Northwestern. $1.14. Mcfs pork Per barrel, $13.50015.83. Iard Per 100 pounds, $7.S5. Short ribs rides Loore. $&308.40. Short clear sides Boxed, $5.0088.70. Clover Contract grade $13.63. Receipts. 23.000 9.000 153.200 I3D.7O0 C0.O00 4G. Estimate of Week's Currency 3rovc mcnt Indicates Gain From In terior IVill Offset Loss on" Sabtrcasury Opcrationi?. . NEW TORK. March 16. The stock market showed no marks of exteoloa beyond the pro fessional limits which have bounded It all thl wctk. The volume of trading was about the M3i as yesterday, but was very largely congested in the first hour, showtng the con tinued effect of the weakness of rpeclal stock which developed yesterday. Some sympathetic effect upon the general list was hown while this farther weakness was manifest, but prices were disposed to recover, and did so when the weak stocks rallied. The continued flrmncw of the call-money market aad an appreciative advance In inter en rates for time loans were dlsappolnUng to the supposition that "Wednesday's dividend dis bursements were alone responsible for the firmness of the money market, aad the effect of the free distribution of dividend money should be felt la the money market by this time The estimate of the week's currency move ment Indicated a gain upon the balance from the Interior by cxpreM about sufficient ip off set tho loss on Fubtreasury operations. Thla Is in contrast with an estimated loss of over $1,000,000 to the interior by the-export move ment of last week. New York exchange at Chicago, however, fell back to a small dis count today, after having ruled at a premium earlier In the week. Foreign exchange also reacted silently from yesterday's strength, al though foreign money market were reported to be still tight. The foreign trade statement for February ihowed the gratifying excess in value of mer chandise exports over imports of $.T7,317.7CJ, compared with only $3.786.3C0 In February of last year. This Increase In value of total exports, comparing the same periods, U mere than $11,000.(00 greater than the Increase in agricultural exports alone, thus Indicating the expansion In manufactured articles of export. The week's exports of grain, however, show a falling off of over 500.000 bushels of wheat and of 230.000 bushels of corn, compared with last week. Stocks closed at final! gen eral gains, but with the tone barely steady. Bonds were heavy; total ale. par value, $1.VMK0: United States bonds were all un changed en call. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. C!oln: Sales. High. Low. Adams Express Amalgam. rappr. JZ-.Jjo 107 iws Am. Car & Foand. HO 4131 4l'r do prof erred 20 101 101 Amer. Cotton Oil.. 100 34 U 31 U 600 1.400 47 800 I!) 136S KM, 271 Vi 93S 171 -11? 300 400 1.900 20?; 223( 17'" 200 30 635 33 Flour, barrels Wheat, bushels Com. buhel.. Oats, bushels.. Rye burnetii... Barley, t bushels Shipments. 23.600 58.000 233.500 23,7V) 7.000 Grain and Produce at New "York. NEW YORK. March 16. Flour Receipts. 12.000 barrels; exports, SOOO; firm. w4th a fair trade. Wheat Receipts. 33.000: spot firm: No. 2 red, 85 Jic elevator: No. 2 red, 87c f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 Northern Duluth. 87 4 f. o! h. afloat, A strong advance occurred, in wheat today bared on bullish cables, lighter Argen tine shipments, disturbing foreign political news and heavy covering. Part of the ad vance disappeared in the last hour through realizing sales, a bearish Modern Miller re port and favorable Western news. IjLrt prices were Utfc net higher. May closed 8515c; July. Stftc; September. 84c. Hops Quiet, Hides and wool Quiet. Grain st San Frascitco. SAN FRANCISCO, March 16. "Wheat steady; bailey easier. Spot quotations: "Wheat Shipping. 31.32H3L33; milling, $L37H9L47i. Barley-Feed. $1.174 1.21 Vi; brewing, nom inal OATS Red. $1.25eL65: white. $L551.70; black. $1.25&1.40. Call board sales: Wheat May J1.27. Barley May. $1.10,i. Corn Large yellow, $1.17$61.20. MJaaeapolls Wheat Market. MINNEAPOLIS. March 16. Wheat May. 76?ic; July. 76!sic: No. 1 hard. 77ic: No. 2 Northern, 76ic; No. 3 Northern. 74?iS-75j;c "Wheat at Liverpool. LIVERPOOL. March 16. March, nominal; May. 6s 6Hd; July. 6s Cd. Weather cloudy and threatening. Wheat at Taos ma. . TACOMA. March 16. Wheat, lc higher; export hluestem, 66c; club. 63c; red, 64c Dried Trait at New York. NEW YORK, March 16. The market for evaporated apples continue quiet, with very little demand for export. Prices, however, were firmly held where fruits show a de sirable quality. Common to fair, 79S!4c; fair to good, 3,98?: nearby to strict prime 4c choice 16c; faacy. 11 911 He Prunes and peaches are use hanged from yes texdsy. Apricots are In fair demand with choice 104c: extra choice 11c: faacy. ll912c Raisins are ua changed. Wool at St. Leuis. ST. LOUIS. March "16. Tfool Steady; ter ritory ad Western se!i.293c: R mt dluwE. 21fMc; lflHe do preferred.. American Express.. Am. Hd. & Lt, pf. American lee Amer. Linseed Oil do preferred Amer. Locomotive. do preferred..... ...... Am. Smelt, & Ref. 10.000 do preferred..... Am. Sugar Refin.. 3,6u0 Amer. Tobacco pfd. 100 Anaconda Mln. Co. 23.700 Atchfeon 2.500 do preferred Atlantic Coast Lino 1.4CU 1H2 Baltimore & Ohio. 700 lloi do preferred..... Brook. Ran. Tran. II, Canadian 1'aclflc... 2. COO Central Lcthr ... :KW do preferred Cent, of N. Jersey Chesapeake & Ohio K700 Chicago fi Alton do preferred Chi. Ut. Western.. Cht. Jfc Northwcrt. Chi.. Mil. & St- P. Chi. Term. & Tran. do preferred C C. C. & St. U Colo. Fuel & Iron. 12,000 Colo. & Southern.. 400 do lrt preferred do 2d preferred Consolidated Gas .. 37.30O Corn Products .... 1,200 do preferred 100 Delaw. & Hudson. DeL. Lack. . W. I Den. & R. Grande o preicrrca..... Distillers Secur... Erie do 1st preferred.. do 2-1 preferred.. General Electric .. Hocking Valley ... Illinois Central ... International Paper do preferred International Pump do preferred Iowa Central da preferred Kanras City South 00 prererrea... Louis. & Nashville 14.400 Manhattan L. .... 100 Metropol. Securities 100 Aieiropoi. tt, ity.. Mexican Central .. Minn, ti St. Lou It. M.. St, P. &. S.S.M. do preferred Missouri Pacific ..128.100 Mo., Kan. & Texas 2.600 do preferred National Lead .... Mex, Nt, R. R. pf. New York Central. N. Y.. Out. & W. Norfolk & Western do preferred. .... North American .. Northern Pacific. . Pacific Mall .. Pennsylvania People's Gas P.. C. C iz St. L. Prexsed Steel Car. do preferred Fullmaa PaL Car Reading bid. 21o I47 ltlt siv 223 46 U 6SW 150;i 159 V.t S(0 wo 1.200 2.500 200 200 10O 400 4CO 200 145i 17, 444i ii S7 37 4 42I 77i 07 lOdli jTiii 21 u, . 20J 29 6.S00 3.200 100 1.400 8.400 3.7CO 400 I.SX) l.POi) 152i 157 71 112i 150Ta wii 36 T2H S1H 40 1H 50 I 800 10U 00 218 ', 9.700 3.700 200 100 13S K a: '4 9S 50.10') 200 12S 91 do lt preferred. 00 34 preferred.. Republic Steel do preferred..... COO Rock Island Co.... 1,200 do preferred..... 100 Schloss-Sbtffleld .. 4,500 St. L. i S. F. 2 pf. 800 St. Louis Foutbw.. tioo do preferred 300 Southern Pacific... 6,000 do preferred Southern Railway. 24.100 do preferred..... 700 Tenn. Coal Iron. 100 150i Texas 4: i'acinc .100 34 Tol.. St, L. sc W. 200 36 do preferred..... 100 Union Pacific .... 2S.100 do preferred 200 U. S. Express 100 W S. Realty 100 U. & Rubber 2.100 do preferred 100 113 U. S. Steel 31,200 40T, do preferred 4,400 Vlrg.-Caro. Cheat.. 1.400 do preferred "Wabash 1.000 do preferred 2.700 eus-t-argo Exp Westlnghouie Elec 100 161 Western Union ... 1,300 98 "Whs!. L. Erie Wisconsin Central do preferred.. . 137i 101 Kfi loo?, 170'i 44 34 173 V, 142U 17 3l 44li 44 80 57 i 42V, H 67 RWV4 170U 21 82 Vi 150 137 71 112'; 2IH 73 150 "63" " sr4 soi 33 1, 143., 40?4 217 tiU 91 i 9S 127i 91 1004 26H 66 84 ; 434 24U 36 66H 4i"i 101 U MS 1.VJH 96 116 S4U S3i 106 52 50!, ico; 26 64 S3 43U 22 5j'.j 634 40ti 1011$ 150H 33 i 6 54 352 Yt W 116 84U 33 U 113 40i 103i SI 22S 43 H iei-" 92U 46 51.5 46 C5i 116 150i; IKli 103 it 2G0H tClib 102 161 ! llrt W.ii 81V, 170 41 icm, 215 17T.i "ti 5S5 63 3214 ; 7 H.-.1-. 17 33 293 410V, 44 86 37J 06 167 114 171 J 21 57 2Ui 131 T; 156Vi 71 i 112 245; to 150i 174 06 334 ioi 39 146 43 b74 01 'Ml 42tt 13U 94; 79 02H 07; 237 i2s; 891;, 90 29 i lomj 21 56 66 H 1174 40H 101 150 Hllnols Central. 173 4 :U. S. Steel 41H Louis. & Nash.. 154 HI do preferred. ..lOSi Mo.. Kas. & T.. 36 'Wabash 24 N. Y. Central... 131 I do preferred.., 52!4 Money. Fvch-siige. Etc. NEW YORK. MTarch 16. Money on call firm. 24 tf6 per cent; ruling rate. 5ri5 Pr cent; clcstn-f bid, 2j per cent: offered, 4 per cent. Time loans steady; firmer; 60 aad 90 days, 54 per cent; six months. 593 U per cent- Prime mercantile paper. 3954 per cent. Sterling exchange easy, with actual hcslscss in bankers' bills at tt.83604.S3SS tor de mand, and at $426094.8263 for 50 days; posted rates, $4.834 nd $4.SSaS4.S7; com mercial bills. S4.62Htl4.S2U. Bar sliver, 64 He Mexican dollars, 49Hc Government bonds steady; railroad bonds heavy. LONDON, March 16. Bar sliver steady. 29-Sd per ounce. Money. 3i?4 per cent. The rate of discount la the open market for short bills Is 3; per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for thrce-monttki bills Is 3S per cent, SAN FRANCISCO. March 13. Silver hari, 64Sc Mexican dollars. nomlnaL Drafts Sight, 5c; telegraph. 7e. Sterling Sixty day. $4.S5H: sight, $4.S64- Dally Treasury Statement. WASHINGTON. March 16. Today's state ment of the Treasury balances shows: Available cash balances ... $153,623,872 Gold coin and bullion 77.903,445 Gold certificates 46,613,750 LIVESTOCK MARKETS. Prices Quoted Locally oa Cattle, Sheen and . Hogs. The following livestock prices were quoted yesterday In the local market: CATTLE Good steers. $44.50; light weights. $3.23453.50; cows, good, $3.2333.50: fair to medium. $2.50fr6; calves, good. $1.50 95. SHEEP Good, fat rtieep. $056.25: fair to medium. $3.50. HOGS Good. $696,23; light and feeders, $6.506.75. XASTERN XTVESTOCK. Prices Current at Kanjas City, Omaha and Chicago. KANSAS CITY. Mo., March 16. Cattle Re ceipts. 2f0; market, steady; native steers, 34.2586; native cows and heifers. $2.2583.25; stockers and feeder?, $2.7584; Wcstarn cows, $2.7304.50; Western steers, $3.75fJ5.60; bulht, $394.13; calves. $336.75. Hois Receipts. 5000; market, 5S-7HC high er; bulk of sales. $6.056.20; heavy. $6,209 6-27 V; packers. $6.C5S622H; Pig and light, $3.23 c75. Sheep Receipts, C000; market, steady; mut tons. $l.50f?3.fJ0: lamb?. $3.500.63: range wether. $5.40fj6; fed ewes. $15fjS.35. CHICAGO. March. 16. Cattle Receipts, 2000: steady: beeves. $3.0086.30; stockers and feed er. $2.7504.73: cows and heifers, $I.65$3J; Texan fed steers. $3.63$4.50. Hogs Receipts today. 12.000. 5610c higher; tomorrow, estimated. 12,000: mixed and butch ers. $6.0536.374; good to choice heavy. $6,239 S6.37i ; rough heavy. $6.054 6.20; light. $69 6.324; pigs. $3.854j6.15; bulk of sales. $4.25Q 6.33. i?heep Recelpte 10,000; strong; sheep, $3.73 06.10; lambs. $!.60?7. SOUTH OMAHA. March 16. Cattle Re ceipts. 1600; market, steady to stronger: native steers. $IQ5.60; cows and heifers. $334.40; stoekers and feeders. J2.755 4.50; calves, $55 6.50; bulls, otsy?", etc-, $2.75-3 4. Hogs Receipts. 9000; market, stroag to 5c higher: heavy, J 6.034? 6. 13; mixed. $3.0336.10; light. $3.9366.10; pigs. $6,034)6.10. Sheep Receipts. 9500: market, steady; yearlings. $5,4096; wethers. J3.20fj3.SO; ewes. $i.5095.40;y lambs, $6.2036.60. Mining Stocks. SAN FRANCISCO. March 16. The official cloring quotations for mining stocks today were as follows: Alia $ .01 hlustloc $ .03 Andes 18 Mexican I.20 Belcher 22 Occidental Con. .94 Best & Belcher 1.05 'Ophlr 3.124 IPotosl Savage lScorplon ...... JSeg. Belcher... Sierra. Novada. .OS jSJlver Hill Bullion as Caledonia It Challenge Con. .13 Chollar 13 Confidents ... .70 Con. Cal. & V. 1.3.- Crown Point. Exeheouor .. Gould & Curry .12 lUtah Con... Halo & Nor... 1.25 Yellow Jacket-. .1.1 .10 .56 OS .06 .31 .28 .41 .02 .09 NEW YORK, March 16. Closing quotations: Adams Con.... 5 .23 Little Chief... $ .074 Alice Breece Brunswick C. Comstock Tun. Cob. Cal. & V. Horn Silver... Iron Silver.... Leadvllle Con. 3.70 M !2G 1.25 2.00 'Ontario "Ophlr ! I' hoe nix Potosl -Savage iSlerra Nevada. 5.23 ISmall Hopes. 2.00 3.12' .02 .13 .34 .31 .30 BOSTON. March 16. Closing quotations: Adventure ..$ 6.00 'Jtohawk $ 57.2." Allouez .... 37.75 iMont. C. & C Amalgamatd 107.12',iiOld Dominion Am. Zinc... 10.00 I Osceola Atlantic .... 21.23 Parrot Bingham ... 38.00 iQulncy Cal. & Hcla 6S5.0O (Shannon ... Centennial .. 26.00 -Tamarack .. Cod Ranee. 79.O0 .Trlnltv H.zr. lUnited Cop.. 10.1215 U. S. Mining. 12.25 If. S. Oil.... 22.30 SUtah 8.50 'Victoria 13.50 .Winona 143.00 Dalr West.. Franklin ... Granby . Isle Royale. Mass. Mining Michigan ... Wolverine . . 4.62 4...T.. 100.00 ST-l-Jti 91.23 6.S7'4 107.23- 10.624 66.50 36.23 72.00 61.00 S.50 .25 SO 54U 132S 95U 116 S4 33U 313 404 1034 31 U 113 46 it 233 161 ioU 26 Vi 55'a Total sales for the day. 574,500 aharee . BONDS. NEW YORK, March 16. Closing quota tions: U. S. ref. 2s reg. 103 !ijD. X: R. G. 4s... 99i do coupon IOIUIN. Y. C G. 34s. 98 U U. S. 3s reg....l03U;Nor. PaclHc 3s.. 77 do coupon 1034lNor. Pacific 4S..104U U. S. new 4s reg.l3l4So. Pacific 4s... 934 do coupon 1314!UnIon Pacific 4s. 104 '1 U. & old 4s rer.l03HWli. Central 4s.. 92 do coupon....! 64 i I Jap. 6Vjs. 1004 Atchison Adj. 4s 94 Uap. 4Hs 915 Sleeks at Leadsa. LONDON. March 16. Consols for money, 90 5-16; ceasols for accauat, 961. Anaccnaa 12. Atchison 96 j do preferred. .196 Baltimore O..H3 Can, Pacific 173H Ches. & Ohio... S&i C at. Western. 21 Hi CJ4. : si. r..l6l4 De Beers 18H D. it R. Grasde. 48 do preferred., 96Se. Paciflcj mu Erie 43 Uatec Pacific.... 157 k do 1st prer... S6 de preferred. . 99 do M pref,... 9iSpajls4i Fours... 91 Norfolk ft West. 894 da preferred.., 94 Ontario & West. 31 U Pestuylvaala ... 70 MM JtlBCS. .... 8 Readlsg 64 de preferred... 47 de 2d pref.... 30 Se. Railway 42 U de -pref srred... 1944 Metal Markets. NEW YORK, ilarch 16. The London tin market was unchanged to 10s higher, with spot closing at 164 13. and .futures at 163 1C. Locally, the market was steady and was a!o higher on the average, with spot quoted at 3S.504JC6.53c Copper was higher In the English market. with tspot closing at ISO 10. and futures at T8 10?. Locally, no change was reported. hut the market is firm in tone Lake Is quoted at lS.S051S.75c: electrolytic 18.250 18.50c. and casting. lM?lS.23e Lead was quiet at 5.33?3.43c In the local market, but declined to 16 2s 6d In London. Spelter wa unchanged at 23 In London. ami at 6.2003.300 In the local market. Iron was unchanged to a little higher abroad, witb standard foundry quoted at 48 4d. and Cleveland warrants at 4& 44d. Localy. tne market was reported quiet. Coffee aad Sugar. NEW TORK. March 10. Coffee futures c!vd Inactive, net unchanged to 10 points higher. Sales were reported of 34 COO bags. Including: May at 6.85c; July, 787.03c: Sep tember. 7.1507.20c; December. 7.45c; Febru ary, 7.53c. Spot Rio steady; No. 7. SUc; mud quiet. Sagar Raw strong: fair refining', 3 13-16c; centrifugal. 96 test, 3 17-32 r? 3 9-16c: molasses sugar. 2;;c: refined firm; crushed, $5.30; pow dered. $4.70; granulated. $4.60. LobiIoh Wool Sales. LONDON. March 16. The offerings at the wool auction sales today amounted to 13,8296 bales. Competition was animated, aad prices generally were 3 per cent above the opening rates. Greasy merinos were in active demand at extreme rates. Americans tecured a fair supply of medium fine Cross-breds were la keen request, and were taken mainly by home buyers. Cape of Good Hope aad Natal offer ing were firm. Dairy- Produce la the East. CHICAGO. March 16. Oa the Produce Ex change today the butter market was steady; creameries. 16fi26!4c; dairies. 15023c Eggs firm at mark, cases Included. 134c; firsts, 13Hc; prime. 14UC; y extras, 1 16c Cheese steady. Il;t312ic , NEW YORK. March 18. Butter, eggs and cheese steady, unchanged. New York Cot toa Market. NEW YORK. March 16. Cotton futures closed barely eteady at a net advance of 4911 points; March. 10.354jrl0.3Sc; Jane 10.579 10.53c; December. 10.19c FLOUR TRADE DULL San Francisco Market Has a Downward Tendency. OFFERINGS ARE Xo Aggressive- Support Given the Wheat Market High Prices Are Asked for Oranges Im provement Jn Potatoes. SAN FRANCISCO. March 16. (Special.) The flour trade here Is In a very satisfactory condition. Offerings are large and prices have a downward tendency. There Is only an average domestic demand to absorb these offerings. The export buslnew has seldom bcea smaller. Competition Is keen. The wheat market lacks any aggrwalvc sup port. Option prices were steadied today by a higher market In Chicago. Dealings in cash wheat were of a small, hand-to-mouth char acter, with prices nominally unchanged. Un expectedly, large receipts of barley weakened that market for spot and futures, Oats were under good control and firm, but trade was limited. Hay Is moving more freely here and In the country. Receipts of oranges were extremely light,. and the high prices asked diverted business Into apples, on account of their relative cheap- atsc The orange auction set for today was postponed tor lack of stock. Several carloads of cold-storage applet are being shipped to tho East on orders. Three carloads of Oregon potatoes arrived. Fancy met ylth better Inquiry, and sold up to $1.10. but common grades remained slow and easy at 73 to 90 cents. The onion market Is weaker. Two more carloads of Oretfon were received. The range of sales was $L23 to $1.40. Asparagus advanced sharply on light receipt;. All dairy products are unchanged In price. Butter is firm, despite unprecedentedly big arrivals. Receipts 182.600 pounds of butter. 61.400 pounds of cheese, aad 41,700 dozen eggs. VEGETABLES Cucumbers. $1.2551.50; gar lic. 3Q6c; green peas. 12gl24c string beans. S913c: asparsgu:. 4⪼ tomatoes, 73c5$1.50. POULTRY Turkeys. 1319c: roosters, old. $3,509-4.50; roostern. young. $6.5007.50: broil ers, small. $3ff4; broilers, large, $4.3085.50; fryers. $3.5036.50: hens. $4.3036.50; ducks. old. $3Q7; ducks, young, $SS- B UTTER Extra creamer', 23Jc; creamery seconds. 22c. EGGS Fancy ranch. ISc. CHEESE Young- America. 124S134e; Eastern, nominal; Western, nominal. HOPS S3 12c. WOOL South Plains and S. J.. I0fil3c; lambs, 89 16c MILLSTUFFS Braa, $17.301': middlings. $2Sfj 29.30. HAY Wheat. $11$16: wheat and oats. .50: barley. $S11; alfalfa, $11012.50; stock. $7.5038.50: straw, per bale, 30g33c FRUIT Apples, choice, $2; common. 50c: bananas. $1&2.75; Mexican Umcs. $4.505: California lemons, choice. $3: common, $1: oranges, navel, $1.503.25; pineapples. $1.50$ 3.50. POTATOES Early rose. 90cfj$l: Salinas Burbanks. $151.50: .weets. nominal; Oregon Burbanks. 73c4jr$L10. RECEIPTS Flour. 5627 quarter sacks: wheat, SOS centals: barley. 10.100 centate; oate 17SS centals: beans. 623 sacks'; corn, 723 centals; potatoes. 3390 sackt; bran. 2S0 sacks: middling. 250 sack; hay. 350 tons; wool, 73 bales; hides. 275. Albany Salt Lake City Toledo. O. ......... Rochester Atlanta Tacoma .............. Spokane. Wash.' .... Hartford Nashville Peoria Des Moines .......... New Haven Grand Rapids ....... Norfolk Augusta. Ga. ........ Springfield, Mass. ... Portland. Me Dayton .............. Sioux City Evansvllle Birmingham LARGE iteu"i-;'- Knoxvlile ..... ."111! Jacksonville. Fla. ... Wilmington, Del Wichita Wllkesbarre Chattanooga Davenport Little Rock Kalamazoo. Mich. ... Topeka. Wheeling, w. Va.... Macon Springfield. Ill Fall River Helena .. Lexington Fargo. N. D New Bedford ...aw... Youngstown "... Akron Rockford. Ill Cedar Rapids. Ia,.... canton, o Binghamton Chester. Pa Lowell Greensburg. Pa. ..... Bloomlngton. HI. .... Springfield. O. Qulncy. Ill Monsnem. o Decatur. Ill Sioux Falls. S. D. ... Jacksonville 111 Fremont. Neb. ...... South Rend. Ind Houston" ........ Galveston Fort Wayne ......... HELMS TIE SPRING TRADE WINTER STORM AFFECTS RE TAIL BUSINESS. 8.2 25.3 11.2 iilo 19.3 24.0 28.2 11.9 13.3 4.605.396 2" 4.776.353 77.2 4.S55.199 30.1 3.700,077 7.2 4.61S.C34 .... 4.709.963 66.3 3,890,161 31.1 3.719.97S 13.2 3,317.119 3.667.181 2.842,936 2,053.995 2.140.630 2,034.975 1.269.021 1.79r1.05 19.7 I,S?2.102 15.1 1.970.102 33.S 1,931.021 4.3 1.615.631 1.876.540 1.TO0.4S7 1 .333,873 1.291.S9S 1.478,094 27.7 1,331,607 1S.3 1.2S4.10S 23.1 1.001.084 9.3 072.312 13.3 1.161.115 18.9 911,620 10.1 1.110.103 1.62 701.538 S18.326 1.034.407 633.560 919.344 933.609 866.031 823.333 346.418 CSS.977 372,814 544.000 601.706 1.0S4.413 434.830 327.600 421.743 487.396 492.105 rtlO.rXtf 3GO.0S2 .... 323.987 13.1 306.707 347.319 393.014 2S2.262 261.3.0 430.612 1S.204.I7O 34.5 11,196.000 625.584 10.7 24.7 10.3 12.6 11.0 24.2 18.1 12.2 21.7 IS.l 16.6 S1.0 2.1 Total U. 3. Outside New Montreal Toronto . Winnipeg Ottawa Halifax Vancouver. B. C Quebec Hamilton St. John. N. B.. London. Ont. .... Victoria. B. C... $2,730,236,344 York... 902,311.191 CANADA. $ 23.65S.894 2.2113.I95 6.2 19.8 IS..". 7.9 4.7 24.6 2.8 13.4" G'.fi S'.O 3.t .5 K.385.6C3 2.311.365 1.372,160 1.944.938 40.S 1.48H.347 1.298.34S 21. S 976.9SS 10.O ... 931.063 7.3,... 9S0.059 24.3 ... 11. S "lis Total Canada.. 1....$ 65,587,2 9.1 Balances paid in cash. Not Included In totals because containing other Items than clearinzs. LOCAL ELKS FOR MARVIN Oakland Judge "Will Get Their Votes for Grand Exulted Ruler. Portland Elks have decided to combine with other Western lodges in support of Judge Marvin, of Oakland, Cal., for the position of Grand Exacted Ruler at tho Grand Lodge convention at Denver this Summer. A large delegation will prob ably go from Portland to the big conven-- tlon. A committee was announced yes terday afternoon to work up Interest and organize a Denver excursion. The com mittee consists of Judge William Rctd, Henry Grlflln. John Eckland and G. C. Mosor. who will accompany the expedi tion as an honorary escort to Exalted Ruler C. E. McDonell. AT THE HOTELS. Alleged Horse thief Caught. WALLA WALLA, Wash.. March 15. Henry Holdcrman. a half-breed Indian, was arrested at Prcscott and taken to Lcwlgton to answer to a charge of horse stealing. He was traced to Colfax, where fee sold the animal last week. A jra-ig has been stealing; horses from the ranges In the Clearwater country for three Ttwstlw. But Benefits Received hy Grain Crops Is Great Labor Situation Good. NEW YORK. March 16. Bradstrect's to morrow will ray: The widespread Winter 6torm has delayed the opening of Spring trade at retail, caus Ing some complaint of bad roads and Inter ruption to personal bidding at leading job bing centers. On the other hand, the benefits of accompanying heavy snows or rains to the crop probably far outweigh the damage due to thla cauw or injury caused to small fruits and truck interests by the freezing weather. Altogether, there is everything- to Indicate that the Spring trade, present and prospective. will break all past years records. Business failures In the United States for the week ending March 15 number 1S7, against 177 laut week and ISO a year ago. In Canada, failures for the week number 33. aa against 34 last week and 22 In thla week a year ago, Wheat, Including flour, exporta from the United States and Canada for the week end ing March 5 are 2,010.237 bushels, against 2.563.9S3 last week and 93,742 this week last year. From July 1 to date the exports are 99.132,792 bushels, against 45.590.111 last year. Corn export for the week are 2.335.2S2 bushels, against 2.894.4 lo last week and 3.841,411 a year ngo. From July 1 to date, the exports of corn are 89.132,449 bushels, against 52.071.263 last year. MOST REPORTS ARE FAVORABLE. V Wholesome Conditions Maintained la Com mercial Channel. NEW" YORK. March 16. R. G. Dun Co.'s weekly review of trade will say tomor row: Wholesome conditions are maintained in commercial channels, the tenor of most re ports being favorable, and comparatively little anxiety Is felt regarding the labor situation. The exports of farm staples In February exceeded last year's by $23,500,000, or about 45 per cent, and the movement of foreign commerce at this port for the last week show gains or X3.23S.43S In exports and 31.152,157 In Imports, aa compared with the same date in 1905. Railway earnings for the first week of March were S per cent larger than last year's. Nominal quotations ao longer prevail for packer bides, large transactions having been effected at pronounced concessions. Failures thla week nulnbered 229 In the United States, agalatt 250 last year and 34 In Canada, compared with 26 a year ago. Bank Clearings. NEW YORK. March 16. The following ta ble, compiled by Bradstrcet, shows the bank clearings at the principal cities for the week ended March 13, with the percentage of in crease and decrease as compared with the cor responding week lst year: P.C P.C. Inc. dec New York Chicago Boston Philadelphia - St. Louis - - Pittsburg Saa Francisco ...... Baltimore Ciectanatl ........ Kassajt City New Orleans Minneapolis Cleveland Louisville Detroit Lea Angeles Omaha Milwaukee Provides ee Buffalo Indianapolis St, Paul Denver Seattle Memphis Fort Worth Rtehatoad, - CfrlttfRbUS WaafelBgto St TOfr0Wfc SavasHMa FerUaad, Or. 3.0 10. 4.3 .. 1.7 8.4 ?1.763.723,13:; 201.043.399 149.733,316 132.430.811 34,6-.702 47,040.990 10.7 45.312,611 32.8 27.320,703 6.4 22.973.200 4.2 .... 21.112.760 5.4 .... 18.140,397 1 3.2 16.403,769 2.2 .... 14.4S6.072 2.4 .... 13.978.235 6.7 13.041.726 29.1 .... 12,536.154 48.3 10.766,309 8,984,400 8.033.100 6.686.779 , 6.032.677 ..... 7.436,694 6.112.E69 10.919,117 5.692.77 , 4.872,399 .. 5.993.179 26.4 96,900 .... 5.361,392 3.5 3,39,964 14.9 3.69&S79 ll.l S,7K,733 SX.S 23.1 3.1 2.9 2.6 17.5 20.8 4.3 82.8 4.2 19.3 "41I The Portland C. C. Cassldy, W. A. Wade. New York; E. C. Travis. San Francisco: A. Cooley. Maryvllle. Cal.; S. L. BIcmaur. San Francisco: C- E. Porter. Philadelphia; L. W. Adams. Boston: S. H. Clausln. Minneapolis; T. Concannon. Dublin; C. Hlldebrecht. B. S. Donaher. San Francisco; C. Becker. C. F. Reed and wife. New York; W. Trego. Hoopesston, HL: Mrs. J. N. Cunningham. Miss A. Moore. Boise: B. Clifton and wife, Anderson. Cal.: D. Duncan. San Francisco: C H. Franklin. New York: R. Jandorf. Cleveland; Mrs. S. P. Fafrmother. Wallace Idaho; Mrs. F. R. Page Spokane: W. R, K. Young. San Francisco; J. H. Morrison. Jr.. Duluth: O. F. Pcabody. J H. D. Peterson. Chicago; F. Clark and wife, San Francisco; O. F. Kendall. Boston: Mrs. Densmore, Mai den; E. S. Chandler. W. BokIc. W. R. Dun bar. Seattle: P. B. Carter. W. D. Cllpplnger, Cincinnati. O.; D. Wilson, Scdalla. Mo.; E. E. Kirkland. Utlca. N. Y.; M. Wollhclm. San Francisco: J. E. Knuble and wife. Vlcksburic. Mich.; R- Overpest. San Francisco: E. E. Stewart. Ogden: Mrs. M. J. Levy. Newark. N. J.: H. C Levy, Cascade Locks; B. G. Rlvenburgh, San Francisco: C. W. Thompson. Cascade Locks; H. W. Thompson. Eugene; H. B. Eastman and wire. Washington. D. C; L. M. Davis. New York: C. H. Davis. G. M. Stark. J. W. Fordney. Hoqulam; J. F. Kll lorne. Duluth: E. O. McGlauflln. Hoqulam; H. C. Pyke and wife. Seattle: F. A. Slm monds. New York; J. C Gardner, Chehalls; G. W. Mure. Chicago: J. W. Anderson, Spo kane: F. Parmlce and wife. Chicago; T. W. Synott and wife: A. W. McConstant and wife. Maine; W. McClalr, San Francisco: J. W. BIcknclI. Maiden. Mass.; W. R. Hume. Astoria; A. L. Llpman. San Francisco; WT H. Hahlo. Spokane: C. H. Lilly. Seattle: C. L. Bailey. Toronto: G. R. Ingles, Kansas City; L. H. Ryland. New York; W. J. Browne. San Francisco; S. Otis. F. H. Gil man. Seattle: F. H. Berger. Superior, Wis.; E. Westerman. city. The Oregon A. J. Milton. H. A. Murwin. Seattle: J. C Richards. St. Louis; M. D. Adler. New York; J. W. Avery. Minne apolis; J. W. Robinson. Baltimore: E. K. Stone. Qulncy. HI- W. M. Bennett, Minne apolis; Glenn Hallett. North Yakima; Mrs. J. A. Veness, Marie Veness. Wlnlock. Wash.; J. M. Woodruff, city; Monroe H. Starr and wife. New York; E. Duggan. Se attle; E. Z. Ferguson. Astoria; H. L. Buron. St, Paul: D. Campbell. Belllngham: E: O. Jassmer. Chicago; T. J. Pastor, city; Jamc3 T. Peters, The Dalles: E. P. Marshall. Pen; dleton: A. H. Grlswold. city: Mrs. C. W. Mathels. Vancouver: William Johnston. Vic toria; F- M. Morlarlty. San Francisco: L. M. Davis, New York; W. A. Ferguson. Rich mond. Va.; William O'Conncll. St, Paul; E. C Herlow. Miss A. S. Herlow. Mrs. Sophia Herlow. Los Angeles ; D. H. Heyneman and wife. San Francisco: E. C Talley. Talley, N. D.t O. O. Adams. Kenman. N. D.: S. D. Read, Elgin. .Or.; J. C Henderson. Moro, Or.: B. O. Armstrong. Helena: J. Council. Boone. N. C: Harry Green. Baltiomer: W. Livingston. Lexington: H. J. Armstrong, city; F. A. Gamble. San Francisco; N. G. Johnston. Ottumwa. Ia,: S. H. Carlson. St. Johns; B. G. Engle. Chicago. The rerklns Frank Poas and wife. Ne vada. Ia.; Elmer N. Downing. Salem. Or.; R. L West. San Francisco: E. P. Michel, Stevenson. Wash.; Harry DeWItt. Ingles. Or : B. Proppenbender. Oregon City: George Mackey. J. Mackey and wife. J. T. dyne Everett. Wash.; D. O. Ghormley. Tacoma: J. M. Cox. Bolllngham: L. J. Burnett. Seattle; James 31. Berry. St, Louis; J. J. McNair. Ashland: J. W. Barnes, city: B. D. Bennett. Nevada: L. B. Williams. Berkoley, Cal.; Neva Williams, Elsie Williams. Pomeroy: W. C. Renfrlcnd and wife. Latah. Wash.: Mrs. Fred Dussault. Butte; George F. Harris. Se attle; Charles Hamilton. Salem: T. J. Dillon. Minneapolis; T. T. Geer. Salem; George R. Talte Goble: F- P. Blair and wife, Dillon. Mont; H- D. Bclrnle, Minneapolis; A. N. Truedson. Jamestown. N. D.: C. L. J Barnes Wlnlock. Wash.; M. Gardiner. Se attle: L R. Stlnson. Salem, Or-: J. A. Ma lone Minneapolis: E. M. Yeaton. Buell. Or.; D. McKellop and wife, Medford. Or. The Imperial Mrs. K. Wade. C. Schmidt. LStorla J H. Smith. J. J. Klrby. Oakland; S Carpenter: J. Flnlayson, Astoria: T. S. Hill V C Dixon. Eugene: J. A. Manning. F T. Wruthtman. A. T. Walm. Salem: F. G Young. Eugene: T. H. Curtis. Astoria; J, M Stevenson. Cascades: W. J. Touney. Union; H G Van Dusen. Astoria; G. E; Johnson, Dallas; 3L O. Lownsdale. Lafayette: W. E. Bumham: Mrs. G. G. Bingham. Alice Bing ham. Salem: A. Seufert. The Dalles; J. H. Miller. R. R. Houser: D. W. Sheahan, Enter prise; G. B. Bent, Chicago; E. P. Cowcn. Nam pa: C Richardson. U. S. T. H. Service; J McHardy. Grand Rapids; W. McHardy. Dallas; C. W. Cotton. San Francisco; C. Guler. Guler. Wash.; C. A. Myers and wife. San Francisco: E. V. Carter. Ashland; J, S. Coke. J. M. Upton, Marshfleld; J. J. ..cal. Ashland. The Sr, Charles F. E, Banford. city: A. H. Emerson; T. J. Fllppln. Rainier; F. J. Huge!. Camas; J. J. Carlla, Seaside; W. H. Yaacy. E: H. Coler. Kelso: J. Davis. Oregon; G. Hockey. Ralaier; J. Williams. Seaside; W. Luckey. Eugene; J. J. Carlln aad wife. Sea side; M. Mulvlhlll, Mollne; J, J. Sabln, G.-C. Potter and wife, Coopervlllc; W. A. Ward, C. Newklrk. T. A. Billings; G. Nessllng. Dallas; N. H. McKay, Sauvles; R. R, Hill. Barton; W. Skldraore. St, Catherines; A. EC Davis. Barton: M. Lyons, city; W. A. Moore. Yacolt; H. A. Lamb, Woodland; Captain A, W. Gray. Astoria: G. A. Graham. Marshland; V. P. Comptoa. Dallas: J. B. Gascoyne Ca mas; W. E. Garber. Santa. Rosa; Mrs. Law ler. Forest Grove; E. Miller. Kelso; C Rog ers. Hood River; L. B. Ostberg, Cascade. Locks; W. Cosmer. Stevenson; C. O. Williams: G. H. Claasraeyer. Castle Rock: C. Pearce, The Dalles; H. Kcllr and wife. Salem; J. W. Kelly and wife. Oregon City. Hotel DosneUy, -Tannins, VsaUsftM. Xrpean ylaa. Ratts, 75 cats ta H-3 IHT day. St 'bXv