THE MORNING OREGOXIAX. FRIDAY. 3IAR.0H 16, 1906. HOPS LEFT IN STSTE Growers of Oregon Still Hold 11,300 Bales. STATISTICS OF SALEM FIRM Calculation by Luchmuiid & Pincus Show the 1905 Crop or the Slate to Have Been About 1 14,000 Bales Buying by Uorsl. HOPS Unsold supply In Oregon amouM.? to 11.300 bale. MOHAIR Weak and lewer. 1TATBS San. Francisco buyers resolve orders t go sieve. IfCGB Receipts begin to increase WK'UTJIY Local supply is Insuf ftefewt. lt"TTliK Steady and unchanged. VI9GKT A K LltS Milder weather eaaases ctrMEr demand. L4mmm4 & PlaoK. liop dealers of Salem, Haw nao a careful eomplIaUon of the quan tity of Imp remaining In first hands In this mat mi mtd Ok- amount to be 11.300 bale. TWa W rather mere than iconic members of she trad hod 0grt4 upon. Mont of the un paid hapc In Oregon arc around Salem and Mbwl Some of tho other sections are ec WreJjr downed out. The shipments by rait aetd water, from September 1 to march C were I4PLS8 bates, which Includes about 3500 balos f ofcta. Warehouse stocks on the latter .late tow feoe hales, of which -00O bales c Kit hi growers hand. This calcula tion of the Salem firm nhowrt the 1903 crop f thfc state to have been almebt 114,000 bales. TabtAaiod. the pesltlen of the Oregon crop Jettaws: naler. MpmoRU to .Ma reii 0 114.SO0 New by grower ll.r.oo loN by sal aterw .. G.200 Total nMfmud ami Mored ... hart M Alo)iu and stored .. ..122.300 .. S,500 Oregon 1105 crop 113.800 There ha not been much movement In the macket this wok, and most of the buying that ww aout wsf by the E. Clemens Horst Commas'. Ernest Wells, the Portland agent of the arm. by Mo latest operations, has cn try eteaaee out the McMlnnvlIIe section, ex. "ift ib FVtcK-r tot. In addition to the pur chewt by Mr. Wcthi. reported In a dispatch front MoMianvilte two day ago. ho secured the fottovrtogM Shepard lot. Gl bale. 9 Bryan, 27 bale. OH cents; Russell, 63 . H CMtlj. The bcM lot or bops he fit there wan the te crop of 42 bales, rot wtatoh be paid 10 cents. Joaoph Herri, of Salom. has bought 50 a mt eMe from Sangulnette. of Hubbard, .a estate. Contracting te being engaged In quite frcc ; Mt TOiwr parts of the --tnte. Lachmund Jfc haw drawn no year contracts at 10 far about 1200 bales on tho West Side Baontr ho papers tell of a meeting hold ? New York growers at Otsego at which . I- Leek, of Richland Springs, submitted Man ftr -Vevatin the market. Reporting b atK-rttoc. one of the papefw said: "" the plan of tho proposed association. "ctt grower la to receive 20 cents per pound :or Mft hope, regardless of quality, and the payments therefor are to be mado monthly fra December 1 to July 1. At that time Jl the hops remaining in the hands of the ojmoeaaUoR are to be divided among tho Wrwers. As the supply u to -be regulated Hv the demand, it le thought that the brewers wilt be glad to take the small furplus In lew of the advantages they will gain. If the association should be formed its working would be wmcwhat after the fol lowing: Every grower raises and bales his nope and out of his crop be takes three Bam i4e Ave Inches square. Upon each sample i Haced the grower's name, address, the num her of bales and the numbpr of pounds in all ne f the mmplen Is then sect to each of the centra! offices, to bv located in New York, Son Fmacisco and Chicago. " At the central ofllce an Inspector separ ate the MHtpic Into three different grades, t he oM itt IK. 20 and 22 cents. When a brewer peleci a sample the information is im m4tately wlrod to the other two offices so ibat eenfurkm may not arise. The growers receive Jhair pay In dividends at tho end of each month an explained. "In regard to the expense of organizing It the opinion of the promoters that the money saved each year by each grower In marketing bl hops will more than cover. In the aggregate, the cost of building and cqulp- i4ng the contra! buildings, while It la thought thai the nale of the sample will pay the -alartee of the officers and employee of the etetteB. TMa ptan will no doubt work beautifully as eoon as Mr. Locke can find the brewers h will ry the 18. 20 and 22 cents. KGG IlKCEirTS HEAVIER. Market Appear to Be Again on the Down ward Grade. Receipts of eggs were heavier all around ertordny and the tone of tho market was therefore weaker. Some small talcs were re vorted at 17 cent, but the ruling prico was 16 Vk cents. A Kront-strcct weekly price cur. rent says of the situation: "'Market firmed up somewhat in conse quence of cold and threatening weather, but for the past two or three dayB. since It be came apparent that nothing very severe was o happen, buyers have been cautious, know. ng full well that production would not te materially decreased, and that when It again became warmer receipts would be rry large. Wc sold a few at 17 cents, but "he market cased eff to 10H cents and we lok for another drop In a day or eo, for we tllcve that shipments will be vers heavy "W e advise shippers not to hold It will not lay at this time of the year, alse we are l-adly mistaken." A ' kinds of poultry were firm and the re c!ptK were much below requirements. Butter waa steady and unchanged. Tho weather had no appreciable effect on ocal cream receipts. rOTATO MARKET DEPRESSED. n FmncWo Shippers Advised to Go Slew irkh Their Baying. The depression has become acuto in the potato market. San Francisco shippers have almost ceased buying and as they have re duced their prices but little stock is being offered. One leading shipper yesterday re. c rived the following California advices Tfcta market is in a demoralised condition and the most desirable grades have now dropped & cent. The trado is loaded np on OrogoM and at a time we thought the mar vt vauUI lsnnrove it has Instead taken a turn for the worse. 94x carloads of Oregonc wert oa-rrted over from feat week and eight more ears, arrived on the 1Kb. bes!dee 3W tacks -on the Tertian boat a ad ltm from oo Bay. mMc that day's 'arrivals afcewt J0, aaofci. TfottM noVvtM.oWw bnyJor the rest of the season. Tho best thing the farmers can do Is to consign the rest of their holdings anV take their losses, for wo can sec no sign of improvement. It is also said in the trade that the late j cold snap has hindered many buyers from operating as they arc afraid of getting nipped stock. MOHAIR IS WEAKER. Dcalerh Estimate That Thin Year's Require ment Will Be Smaller. The fact that & surplus exists of last year's mohair clip of 400,000 pounds, more than the total output of Oregon, gave buy ers in this market somewhat of a shock yes terday. It was known that there was some carry-over stock, but Its largo proportions was not suspected. This surplus sufficiently explains the easier tendency of tho Eastern market, which has been noted in the trade papors for some time. Trices were accord ingly reduced here and dealers quoted 2328 cents, according to quality. It was stated that Eastern manufacturers would not pay within 4 cents of last year's prices. How ever, the Oregon market has not opened up yet and actual values will not be determined until tho buyers get to work. The strength or weakness of the market will naturally de pend on the character of 'the competition. rrndi rroaiice Mores Better. Tho milder weather caused much improve ment In the fruit and vegetable trade yeh terday and business was reported to be fully 50 per cant better. Cabbage and other green stuff and oranges moved freely. A car of cabbage, and cauliflower will arrive today and the steamer will have a general assort ment of small truck. Bank Clearings. Dank clearings of the Northwestern cities yccitorday were as follows: Clearings. Balance, ortland S S10..VC 97.147 Seattle 1,711. 1M 43T..1D1 Tacoma 477.GU" 12.liix Spakane fttU.SIS 73,255 PORTLAND QUOTATIONS. Grain. Hour, Peed. Etc. FLOUR Patents. S3.b5a'4.SQ ner barrel; straights. $3.40S4; clears, j-3.35trC.60; Val ley, i3.403.JA; Dakota hard wneat. patents. b.50uo, clear. $5; graftam, $3.2&a4.7; whole wheat. $3.75 tH: rye nour, local. 5. Eastern. tb.zaigo.itt: coram eai. per bale, si.vugf2.: WHEAT Club. O0t7c: bluestero. tf6Sc; red. (Vati5c; Valley. 70c. OATb o. l white leea. J-'i.WJ: gray, V-i per ton. uran, city. i: country. ia per ton; middlings, (24.50; shrts. city. Jib; country $1 per ton: chop. U. S. Mills. $17.50; llncccd dairy food, (IS; Acalfa meal, (la per ton. CERBAL FOODS Rolled cats, cream. 00- pounds sackt. $0.75; lower grades, (5.5.tK); oatmeal, steelcut, 50-pound sacks, $3 per bar rel; lv-pound sacks. $4.25 per bale; oatmeal (ground), ou-pound sacks, li.zv per carre:; 10-nound sacks, ii ner bale: spill peas. (5 per 100-pound sacks; 25-pound boxen, (1.40; pearl oaney. per 100 pounca; -pouaa noxes, (1.25 ;er box; pastry flour, 10-pound sacks, (2.50 per bale. BARLEY Feed. 222224 ner ton: brewlnr. (24S 24.50; rolled. 24.50?f25.50. uULatvHbAT (25 per cental. HAY Eastern Oregon timothy. 213S14 nr ton; Valley timothy. (S31. clover, (7.50SS; cheat, $037; grain hay, (78. Vegetables. Fruits. Etc. DOMESTIC FRUITS Apples 3102.60 per box; cranberries. (U.506 14.50 per barrel. TROPICAL FRUITS Lemons. $L503 ner box; oranges, navels, (283.25 box: Japan ese. 60s p:r single box; tangerines, (1.83 pr half b-x; grapefruit (23.25; pineapples. (3.70 Vi per cozen; san&nue, &c per pound. FRESH VEGETABLES Artlchokea, S1L25 per dozen; asparagus lOllo per tound; reans. c; caooagc, lftc per pouna; cauli flower. (232.5 per crate: eclerj'. S1.50SJ5; chlckorj. 25c; cucumoers. Jl.2531.50 per dozen; head lettuce, 3540c ier dozen; hot house. Sl.25fil.73: seas. 10S12c. seopars. 25Q40c; radiehes, 20c per cozen; rhubarb. (2.2S per dox; tomatoes, caitrm::. :.oo.iu per crate; cprouts. S7c per DounC; parsley. 25c IWOl VUUETABLJaS vocsx per sack: carrots. 65(375c ser aack: beets. S5c (1 per mck; garlic, 10S12VjC per pound. OXIOKS Buying xrlcos: So. 1. 7080c per sack: No. 2. nominal. POTATOES Buying prices: Fancy trait J Burbanks. 5000c per hundred; ordinary, noriinal: swet potatoes. 2VJ G2c per pound. DRIED FRUITS Apples, llS'ISc per pouad: apricots. 12S12V&C; peaches, (10S12c; pears, none; Italian prunes. 5ViwJUc; Call, fornla figs, white. In sacks. 5',ic pouna; black, 465c: brlcRs, 12-14 ounce packages, 753 E5o per dox: oo-ounce, srz.40; tmyrna, c jer pound; dates, Persian, 5i-Gc pound. RAISINS Seeded. 12-ounce oackacca. Sa Bic; 10-ounce, DtClOc; loose rauscateiit, 2 crown, 77c; G-crown, 7H7?ie; 4 -crown, fiJSc; unbleached aecdlcas Sultanas, C7c; Thompson's fancy unbleached, 124? 12 Hi c; Lon don layers. 3-crown, whole boxes of 20 pounds. (1.7C: 2-crown, (2. Qroceries. Nuts. Etc. COFFEE Mocha. 2GfT2ac: Java. onSlnrr Critic: ordinary. 10a 22c per pound: Columbia roast, cases, 100a, (14.75; 50s, (14.75; Arbucklc. RICE Imperial Japan No. 3, Cc; South cm Japan. 6.S5c; head, 7c. SALMON Columbia River. 1 -sound tails. (1.75 per dozen;. 2-pound talis, (2.40; 1-pound fiata, (1.85: fancy. 1 to 114-pound flats. (1.S0: t-pouaa naus. i.iu; Aiasxa pma, 1 -pound tails, 90c; red, 1-pound tails, (1.25; cockeye 1-pound tails. (1.70. SUGAR Sack basis. 100 rounds: rtrtut. (3.05; powdered. (5.80; dry granulated, (5.70; extra C. (5.25; golden C, (5.10; fruit sugar, SS.70. Advances over Back basis as follows: Barrels, 10c; -barrels. 25c; boxes. 50c per iw pounoa. Term: on remittances within 16 days deduct '4c per pound; if later than 15 days and within SO days, deduct Uc: cenr. granulated. (5.5u per 100 pounds; maple sugar. iuuidc per pouna. SALT California. 11 ner ton. 1 (Vv nr bale; Liverpool. 50s (17; 100s. $16.50; 200s, (16: 4-pounds. 100s. $7: 60s. (7.50. uainuut. i5y4c per pound by sack; ic cxtrr for lees than sack: Brazil nuts. ICc: Alberts, lCc; pecans. Jumbos, 16c; extra large. 17c: almonds. 14AH15c: ehetnnt Italian. 12',4lCc: Ohio, 20c; peanuts, raw. 7J5c pound: roasted. 8c; plneauts. 10l2c: uicKurjr iiuir. Taw oj, cucunouis, Kuwc per dozen. BEANS Small white. 4c: large irhlte. 8Ac: pink. 2c: bayou. ic; Lima, 5Hc: red Mexican, &c Butter. Eggs, Poultry. Etc. HOTTER atv creameries: rsrt rm. ery, 30c per ixurd. Bute creameries: Fancy creamery, 27H30c; otore butter. lGif EGGS Oregon ranch. JC'fcc per dozen. CHEESE Oregon full cream, twins, nu 16Hc: Young America. lSK91Ctr.c. POULTRY Average old hens, 13914c; mixed chickens. 12V4013c; broilers, 20322c; young roosters. 120l26c; old roosters, 109 10,&c: dressed chickens, 148:15c; turkeys, live, 16817c; turkeys, dressed, chelce, I84f20c; geese, live, pound, 849c; geece, dreased. per pound. 10$12c; ducks, 3618or Plgeoar, (iff 2: frQuabs. (293. Pro virions and Canned Meats. HAMS 10 to li pounce, 13c pound; 14 to 16 pounds, 18c; 18 to 2 pound. 13c; Cali fornia (picnic). 8c; cottage hams, 8Uc; ahoul-' ders, 8c; bolted ham, 18c; boiled plcnlo ham, boneless, lie. BACON Fancy breakfast, 16Uo per pound; standard breakfast, ISftci caolce. l&Virc; English breakfast, 11 to 14 pounds. 144c; peach bacon. 18 Uc PICKLED GOODS Pork Barrels, $18; H barrels. (8.50; beef, barrels. (12; "-barrels, (6. SO. SAUSAGE Ham, ISo per ponnd; minced liam, 10c; Summer, chelce dry. 17tc; bolog na, long. 84c: wemenrttrst, Sc: liver, 6c; fork. 810c; headcheese. 6c; blood, 6c; bc ogna sausage, link. 4c CANNED MEATS Corned beef, pounds, per dozen. (1.26; two. pounds. (2.2S: six pou&ds, (7. Roast beef. flat, poanda, (1.25: two poanda. (2.25; ctx pouada none. Roast oeef. tall pounds, none; two pour as. (2.(5; pIx pounds, (7. DRY SALT CURED Regular short clears, dry salt. 164c; taneked, llic; clear backs, dry salt, le&c: smoked. U4e: clear bellies, 14 to 17 pounds average, none: Oregon ex ports 20 to 35 pounds average, dry salt. 11c; smoked. 12c; Union bellies. 18 to IB pews is. average, none. . . LARD Leaf lard, kettle rendered: Tierces, 10Ac: tubs, 104c; Ws. 10c; 20s; 11 Me: 10a. llc: 6c, 11 &c Standard pnre: Tlercea, 8c; tubs. SHc; 60s. 8c: 20. 1 0H c: 10a. 10c: 5s. lOHc, ComponBd: 1 Tierces. 6ic; tubs. 65lc: 60. 6h.c: 20e. 7c; 5a. 7ic. Hops, JeeL 3 tides. Etc. HOPS Oregon. 1805. chalet. lOClOJfio; prime. SfS4c: medium. 76c; ftW. 67c- WOOL Eastern Oreg&n average beat. It 21c: Valley. 2l36c per pound. MOHAIR Choice. 2Mf36c HIDES Do: N0. 1. 16 pounds and up, per pound. lSWaec: dry kip. No. L 5 to 15 pounds, per pound. l&CISc: dry calf. No. 1. under 6 pounds, 184f21c: dry salted, bull aad stags. 1-3 less than dry flint: cutis, moth-eatea. bad ly cut, scored, murrain, halr-llppcd. weather beaten, or grubby, 2c to 2c per pound less. Salted hides: Steers, eownd. 89 pennda and over, per pound. 18f 11c: steers. aead, 98 to 89 pound, per pound. 18fLlc: steers, sonnd. nnder 88 pounds, nnd cows, per powsd.f 18e: s4acs and bulls, cenad. per penwd, 7e; kin, eund, 16 to 88 pounds, per nonrtd. 18c: veal, sonad. 18 to 14 pounds, per owd, lie: ocif. rowl, wider 18 ponnda, per pfrtrnd. llff: cren (tmoatted). Ie per ponnd less: ell Id nor pewd leos. SssvkhM: JjensMlhw, No. ,TTbtohe' atook. eaoh t8c; medtwm wool. No. 1 butchers stock, each 76cS(l: long" wool. No. 1 butchers stock, each (L3GfJ2; murrain pelts, from 10 to 20 per cent less, or per pound. 15$16c; horse hides, salted, each, according to size, (1.5062.50: dry. each, ac cording to sire. S1SL50: colts' hides, each, 2550c; goat eklnc, common, each 15925c; Anirora, with wool on. each GOcStl.50. FURS No. l skins: Bearskin, aa to size, each (520: cubs. each. (1(33: badger, prime, each. 253 50c; cat, wild, with head perfect. S0tf59c: bouse cat, 5020c: fox. common gray, large prime, each. 50 g 70c; red, each. (3Q5: cross, each. 456:15; sliver and black, each 510051300; fishers, each. (5 IS; l-nx. each. 4.504jtJ: mink, strictly No. 1. each, accord ing to size. (103: marten, dark Northern, ac cording to size and color, each (10015: pale, pine, acording to size and color, each. (2.509 4: rauekrat. large, each 12315c; skuak. each. 40Q60c: civet, or polo cat, each. 5915c; otter, for large, prime akin, each (6910: panther, with head and claws perfect, each (265; raccoon, for prime large, each 50975c: moun tain wolf, with head perfect, ach (3.50ro; prairie (coyote). eOcQfl: wolverine, each. (698; beaver, per skin, large. (586; medium. (307: small. 5161.50. kits. SOB 75c BEESWAX Good, clean and pure. 22325s per pound. TALLOW Prime, per pound. 494c: No. 2 and grease. 2&3c CAS CAR A SAGRADA (chlttam bark 2fj ttSc according to aualitr. Dressed Meats. VEAL Dreased, 75 to 125 pounds. 7fJ74c; 120 to 150 pounds. OQGVsc: 150 to 200 pounds, 554c. 200 pounds and up. 34Q4c BEEF Dressed bulls. 2H3c per pound; cows. 344Uc; country eteers. 4(3 5c MUTTON Dressed. fancy. 5 V; 6: per pound: ordinary. 4&3c; lambs. SQDfcc. PORK Dmased. 100 to 150 pounds, SSSVic; 260 and up, &5CV4c per pound. Oils. TURPENTINE Cases, c per rallcn. COAL TAR Cases, 20o per gallon: tasks. 14 He oer saltan. GASOLINE Stove gasoline, cat. 254c; 72 test. 27c: 6 test, 35c; Iron tanks. 18c. WHITE LEAD Ton lota. 7ic 600-pound lou. Sc; lias than 500-pound lots. SUc. (In 25-pound tin palls. 1c abcv keg price; 1 to 6-pound tin palls, lc score keg price: 1 to 6-pound Un cans. 100 pounds per case, -He per pound above keg price.) LINSEED OIL Raw. In barrels. 54c: In cases. 53c: bolId in barrels. 56c; In caxea. 61c: 250-ga!lc lots, lc It? 5. ' LIVESTOCK MARKETS. Prices Current at Kansas City. Omaha and Chicago. The following livestock prl were quoted yesterday in the local market: CATTLE Good rteer. (3.754J4: fair to me dium. (2.75$a.25; cows. good. (303.25: me dium. J2.50G2.70; calves, light. 160 to 173 pounds. (4.5X54.75. calves, heavy. (393.25. SHEEP Good, fat ehcep, .55.7536; common. (4.50&C. HOGS Best, suitable for packer. (C25iff C.75; fair medium grade. (5.50: light, fat welghtA 120 to 140 pound. (5$G.25. EASTERN LIVESTOCK. Prices Quoted Locally on Cattle, Sheep and Hogs. KANSAS CITY. Mo.. March 15. Cattls Receipts 4000; market steady to strong. Na tive Mccra. (4 ft 6; stackers and feeders. (2.73 64.50; Western cows. (2.7504.50: Western steers. (3,755.50; bulls. $2.00 4.23. Hogs Receipts 7000: market 5Q7c lower. Bulk of sales. (OgC.15; heavy. SG.12 S C..20; packers. 5C.1O06.17H; pigs and light, (5.4090.10. Sheep Receipts ,000: market strong. Muttons, $4,504 5.00: lambs. (5.75 0 6.75; range wethers. (5.C0C; fed ewe. (4.250' 5.23. CHICAGO. March 15. Cattle Receipts GEORGE ADE IN THE SUN DAY 0REG0NIAN. The most popular American humor ist will write 12 letters from Europe. The flrt will be publUhed next Sunday and there will be one each wrck thereafter. If yon are nol n regular subscriber. It will be well to order next Sunday's paper from jour newsdealer today. 5000. Beeves. $J.Wf? G.10; stockers and feederi". (2.7094.75; cows and heifers. (1.C0 5.15; Texas fed steers. (3.C5ff 4.45. Hogs Receipts today. 14.000; tomorrow, estimated, 14.000; market weak. Mixed and butchers, ?5.fiOQC25; good to choice heavy. (G.15Q6.2716; rough heavy. (5.90Q6.05: light, (S.S5 6G.17.: bulk of sales'. (0.13 6 0.20. Sheep Receipts 12.000; market alow and weak. Sheep. (3.750 C; lambs, (4.5066.S5. SOUTH OMAHA. March 15. Cattle Re ceipts 4000; market active and stronger. Native cteera. (4 d 5. 05; canners. (295: stockers and feeders, (2.7504.50; calves. (3 00.50; bull.H, stags, etc. 52.75 tj 4. Hogs Receipts 5500; market 5810c low er. Heavy. (d.050.10; mixed, (G6C.05: light, $5.9590.05; pigs. (505.80; bulk of hales. (C 0.05. Sheep Receipts S500; market slow and lower. Yearling. (5.406; wethers. (5.200 5.65; ewes. 34.5035.40; lambs. (0.25O6.CS. Metal Market. NEW YORK. March 15. The London tin market was somewhat reactionary, with spot at 100 15s and futures at 105. The local market was easy. 3G.40G3G.45c. Copper was Irregular In London, spot clos ing 2a Od higher, at ISO 2s GJ, while futures declined 2s 64 to 78 2s Cd. Locally no change was reported. Lake, lS.50eiS,75c; electrolytic. lS.2571&50c. and casting. ISg 18.25c. Lead was unchanged at 5.2565.43c for spot in the local market. It adanced Is Gd to ilO 3s 9d in the London market. Spelter was 2s Cd higher at 25 In Lon don. Locally the market continued dull, 6.20 o.30c Iron wai lower In the English market, with standard foundry quoted at 46s 3d and Cleve land warrants 4Ss 4d. Locally no change was reported. lirled Trait at New York. NEW YOIIK. March 33. The market fur evaporated apples shows an easier tone, ow ing to Indifferent fruit, but attractive grades are fairly held. Common to fair, 7&4c; fair to good. 1Ki5 crop. SJiOSTic; nearly to strict prime, &&9c; choice, 10c and fancy. llilll'jc Prunes are unchanged. 4 TiflSc. accerdlng to grade. Apricots are In fair demand, choice 10'Jc; txtra choice. 11c; fano. H1iG12'ic- Pcaches. unchanged, choice quoted at 10c; extra choice. 10H5 fancy. 10!itjlle. and ex tra fano. HHtJlSc Ralslns ars quiet and rather easy in tone. Coffee and Sugar. NEW YORK. March 15. Coffee futures closed steady, unchanged to 3 "points lower. Bales were reported of 4L750 bags, including May. 0.707.03c; July. 6.70c; September, 7.03 O7.10e: December. 7.4007.50c; Spot Rio, quiet; No. 7, Slc; mild, quiet Sugar Raw, strong; fair refining, Sc; cen trlfugal, 86 test, 3 17-32c; molasses sugar, 2 i c. Refined, firm: crushed, (3.30; powdered, (4.70; granulated, (4.60. Dairy Prodaee In the East. CHICAGO. March 15. On the Produce Ex change today the butter market was steady; creameries. 1&326hc; dairies, 15823c Eggs, steady at mark, cases included, 13c; llrsu, 134c; extras, 16c Cheese, steady, ll4Q12c. NEW YORK. March 15. Butter and cheese, unchanged. Eggs. Arm; Westers, firsts, 15c New York Cot t oh Market NEW YORK. March 15.-;Cotton futures closed barely steady, at an advance of S07 points. March. 10.24c: April. 10.20c: May, 10.40c; May,; June, lQ.46c: July. 10.52c; August. 10.4Sc; September. 10.20c; October, 10.10c; November. 10.12c Wool at St. LouU. ST. LOUIS, March 15. Wool, steady; me dium grades, comb In 5 and clothing. 2492ec. light fine. 2 1(3 25c; heavy fine. 18928c; tub washed. 32fM0c "Will Vote as Constituents Wish. EUGENE. March IS. Special.) Hon. G. W. Griffin ban declared his candtdacj for the Republican noralimtlea for State Sen ator. In his platform he declares for a, tax; las,; similar to that proposed by the Dek-elepmeat Leasw?. Improvement of the aiuei&tv, convict road work. He doee not subscribe to statement. No. 1. but 4ecare that In th erecUa of UnHe-d States Shstm tr fee will -rote aooereHn to the ok prouoed washes of W. oenstltanta. ONION PRICES DROP Heavy Receipts Attracted by the High Market. POTATOES NOW VERY WEAK Butter Declines to 23 1-2 Cents at San Francisco Slocks of Or anges Arc Small Grain Dealings Arc Light. SAN FRANCISCO. March 15. (Special.) Oregon onions were more plentiful today, and caused a weaker market. Arrivals by rail aad steamer were equal to 3H carloads, of which only one carload of very fancy sold aa high as (1.50. and a. good portion of the re mainder, mostly common stock, brought (1-25 OL40. Potatoes were very weak. Arrivals from Oregon were two ca triads by rail and 120O racks on the steamer Columbia. Few of the latter are unloaded. The price for fancy Burbanks settled down to (1 and lower grades were hard to move at 703 SO cents. Receipts of asparagus were much and prices advanced sharply. Rhubarb was weak. Other vegitables were in light supply and firm. Orange arrivals are still light. Stocks are small and prices well maintained. Lemon are steady. Limes and grapefruit are easy. Good apples and bananas arc in demand, and firm. Grain dealings were on a limited scale. Wheat and barley options showed mono firm ness. Cash wheat waa easy oa liberal offer ings. Receipts of barley are Icssenlmr and rpot Is more firmly held. Oats are firm and stocks small. Flour Is easy at the recent 10- cent reduction. Butter was weaker. Freah. extras and firsts are cent lower with liberal offerings on 'change. Eggs and cheese are unchanged. Re ceipts. 65.&00 pounds butter. U.iOO pounds cheece. 55.S60 dozen eggs. VEGETABLES Cucumbers. (IB2; garlic 36c; green peas. 12&t?13c: string beans. 123 gI5c; asparagus. 307c; tomatoes, (1&1.50. POULTRY Turkeys. 15fll8c: roosters, old. (3.50S4.60; roosters, young. fG. 50 117.50: broil ers, small, (384; broilers, large. (4.5065.50; fryers, (5.50S6.50; bens. (4.5fj-50f. ducks. old. (507: ducks, young. (333. BUTTER Extra, creamery, 23$c; cream ery seconds. 22c EGGS Fancy ranch. ISc CHEESE Young America. 1243 13'ic; Eastern, nominal; Western. somlnnL HOPS &912c WOOL South rialns and S. J.. 1013c; Iambs. D3IGC. MILLSTUFFS Bran. (17.50&1S; middlings. (2S529.50. HAT Wheat, (llfllO; wheat and oats. i0& 12.50. barley. iS≪ alfalfa. (11012.50; stock. J7.50feS.50; straw, per bale, 20355c FRUrr Apples, choice, (2; common. 50c; bananas. (102.75; Mexican limes. I4.50C0: California lemon, choice, (3; common, (1: c ranges, navel, $1.5053; pineapples. (1.509 3.50. POTATOES Early Rose. j0c4fl: Salinas Burbanks, 41 f? 1.50: sweets, nominal; Oregon Burbanks. 70cf?(l. RECEIPTS Flour, SO.DOO quarter sacks; wheat. 15.744 centals: barley, 2414 centals; cats, 3550 centals: oats. Oregon. 237; potatoes', 55S7 racks; bran. 00 sacks: middlings. 400 sacke; hay. 520 tons; wool. 205 bales; hides. 119. ADVANCE DID NOT GOME ANOTHER ALMOST STAGNANT DAY IN STOCK. 3LARKET. FIttrry in Call Money Hate to Nine Ter CcnL Emphasizes Weak ness of the General List. NEW YORK. March 15. According to the alternating movement of the stock market. which has become notlceablo this week, prices ehould have advanced today In reversal of the late decline of yesterday. As a matter of fact, a tendency towards recovering -became faintly perceptible In the market after some early extension of yesterday's decline. There was not sufficient motive power in the vol ume of transactions, however, to give the movement of prices much headway. The re covery was also impeded by the continued liquidation in some of the public utilities stocks. The dullness of 'the market was so ex treme as to leave the trading absolutely Idle for long perlOJ during which not a. single transaction was recorded on the tape. Some of the prominent stocks which take their place occasionally as market leaders were dealt In for only a few hundred shares, some of them not opening until the final hour of the session, whllo In a few cases the day failed to yield a single transaction. The continued collapse In the Chicago Union Traction shares caused come anxiety aa to possible consequences where these securities figure as a basis for credits. The relapse in People's Gas was regarded as sympathetic partly on account of liquidation Induced by the fall in the traction sares. and partly by the sentimental effect of disastrous conse quences possible from hostile municipal ac tion. -The continued liquidation in Consoli dated Gas and rumors of a varying cut in the dividend rate reinforced this Interprets tlon. Along tho same lines was the report that railroad officials, both of Western and East em lines, are dUctuslng the advisability of a voluntary rate reduction as a. concession to public opinion as x possible means of avert. lag some of the proposed measures of re striction or refutation of corporations. The etagnant market was attributed partly to the reassembling of the United Jimeworjcera- Con ventlon and the desire to await the outcome of Its deliberations. The call money market held Its firm tone today, the rate rising to 9 per cent during a late flurry. The day s dtviaena disburse ment. Including the (15.000.000 by the stand ard Oil Company, were estimated at OTer (18,- 000.000. The sub-Treasury look upwards of (1.000.000 from tho money market on the day's operations. Notwithstanding the rise In the money rate. foreign exchange continued to advance strong ly. Foreign markers were au inclined to harden, and Paris renewed Us demand upon London for gold. Foreign markets are aub- lect to the varying wnnence or a threatened recurrence of the Moroccan crisis, or with any promise of the clearing up or that question. the offering of a huge raesian icon. The Influence of the collapse in Chicago Union Traction stocks was emphasized by the late rise in the call money rate to 9 per r,nt and br the violent crop in Missouri ia eifle of 44 powle by Intervals of Vi to 1 point between sale. Tho poor showing of the annual report ana io receai reuranraui from the directorate of Important financial Interests were credited with the drop la the stock. The market closed wcaic Bonds were steady. Total sales, par val ue, (1.S45.O0O. United States boesd were un changed on cau. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. Closinr Sales. High. Low. bid. .-ma V.l HI ...... .. ..... 247 Araaigam. Copper. S,80 1G8 107 1074 ArnTcaTi Feiad- 1.400 42 41 41?; AmercetloblY.: " bSi MH 34H do preferred - w bkIhi Sxareos. ..... ..... 223 la. Ha. fc Lv. PC. -"H Aerlan IceTT.- 2. 4K 4?t Amor. Unseed Otl 2m do preferred - 4 Amer. LooomoUve. 1,480 Vi 88 do preferred..... ...... ..... liB feereV!?: & . AmeV.tNmVRef.. W 3 "fK m. r TVi 9K 388 ..7?.jr-vi: ,52 & XS L SUok. Msvp. Traau 6,9 Jst S H Baltimore & Ohio 1.4O0 1104 110 lTi oo prexerrco...... -w t Canadian Pacific... 000 19i ltK 1H Cent, of N. Jersey - 215 Central Leather .. 2,100 44S 444 44H Art nrafvrrvrf 4MI intlJ. 104 104 Chesapeake & Ohio 400 37 57 ?4 wntcago .iion.. ...... ..... ..... do nref erred..... ...... ..... ..... .3 Oil fit Wfrn SCO 30 201 2y4 Chi. Jk North wet. 70 224i 223V 223 Chi.. MIL & St. P. 300 174 nsi 1734 ChL Term. JL Tran. 100 14 14 12 Chi. Term. & Tran. co preferred C. C C. & St. L ICO 100 Colo. Fuel & Iron. S.400 644 Colo. & Southern. 600 33 do 1st preferred.. 200 70i do 2d preferred.. 10) 49 Consolidated Gas.. 41,400 130 Corn Products ... ICO 17i do preferred ICO 6d DeUw. & Hudson 200 200 Del.. Lack. & W Den. & R. Grande 100 44, do preferred 100 S7 Distillers Sccurlt. 1.700 58H 30 100 63; 32J.I 70i 49 145 17U 64 32 Va 70 4Sy 14& CM 55 205 '.4 205t, -lid 444 87 575 42i 77'i SI 37i 42 li 77, trie do 1st preferred.. do 2d preferred.. General Electric... Hocking Valley ... Illinois Central ... International Paper do preferred..... International Pump do preferred Iowa Central .... da preferred Kansas City South. 2,200 300 77S vin iBQti isn 16S ICO 115H 113H 1154 200 171f 170a 171 400 S3 S2rS S3 31 37 20 5S?4 150 U 158 7m 113 3 -MS 10O 100 S3 21 U S3 313 200 29 2S1 no preierrea..... ..... Louis. & Nashville 17. SCO 151 H 14? Manhattan L. 200 150 159 Metropol. Securities Metropol. St. Ry. 2.S0O 1141 113 Mexican Central .. 2.000 2i 24; Jiisn. Jk: at. ljomi. M.. St. P. & S.S.M. do preferred..... Missouri Pacific .. Mo.. Kan. & Texas do preferred..... National Lead ... V , T? T? nf 200 73 100 130U 150V 150; 7.S00 99S 55 04 ; S4?i 71 81 .; 145 b 87 H 7W 71 1! 9.300 S2? 71V. St 14V New York Central. 1.20O i47 N. Y.. Ont. & W. 100 87 01 91 Northern Pacific .. S.50O 21SVJ 217t. 217?", Pnelflr. Mall 42 Pennsylvania. 3.800 13S 1374 1374 People's Gas 14.900 W P.. C. C. & St. L. Pressed Steel Car. 1,000 53 do nrefrrred 10O OS ou 52 a OS 98 2375 127. M JT Pullman Pal. Car. Reading 43.700 12S'". 123; uo ist preierrea.. do 2d nrefrrl.- Republlc Steel ... 20H 294 3CO 101U loo; 101 Reck Island Co."... 4.2CO1 2dA co pre f errea.. K1 , - ,T 1' do preferred 4M tf04 83 45o 354 6Q Schloss-Sheffleld .. 500 St. US. F. 2 pf. 100 St. Lou If Southw. ...... 63 454 5i 66 434t 23Jj 53r C 117U do nrefemvl 10ft Southern Pacific .. 3,400 do nrtferred Southern Railway.. 39.400 4m tor ai nrererrea 100 101 101 "i nil Vi Tenn. Coal A. Iron. Texas & Pacific... 700 344 34 33V TOI.. Sit, L. A: W. iw a .io 100 540; 5tr. 54 A do preferred. Union Pacific .... 33.5CU 133 152 , 152 do preferred. &514 spress S. Realty . 11G 84 H 53U 113 4011 105U 32 113 224 51 1. 233 161 83 ; 104 21U ui mi: S. Rubber l.SOO 53-; 53 do preferred 100 113 113 ' S. stel 34.200 40: 40t; do preferreil 7.000 1054 1034 Mrg.-Caro. Chem.. do preferred 1.600 52i 31 ?4 Wabash 300 1.100 23H 31 22H 30Vi do nref erred Wells-Fargo hrp... Wcstlnghousi Elec Western Union ... WheeL &. L. Erie. ICO 03 i 93i Isconsln Central, do preferred 334 Total sales for the day, 323,400 shares. BONDS. NEW YORK. March 15. Closing quota tlons: SL ref. 2s rea-.103; r .t, rt n i as do coupon 1044 !nI Y. d G. 3Hs. 0714 . S. 3g reg.... 10314 do coupon 103'j Nor. Pacific 3s.. tov; IXor. Pacific 4s.. 104 'So. Pacific 4s... 83 do coupon 13 1S . S. old 4s reg. 1034 union Pacific 4s.l04ei ;wis. Central 4.. 92U ;jap. Cs. 2d S4r.. 1004 .Jap. 44"'. cer. .. 02 no coupon iut Atchison Adj. 4s 04 Stocks at London. LONDON. March 15. Consols for money. 00 3-16; oonsols for account. 904- Anaconda ll4!NorfoIk West. 90 Atchison OGrii do preferred... 9! do preferred.. 106 lOntario Sz West. 31 Vi Baltimore A O. .113 Pennsylvania ... 70 Can. Pacific 173U.Rnnd Mines S CheR & Ohio... 50;Readlng 33 C Gt. Western. 214 do lt pref.... 47 a. M. & St, P..1S2 do 2d nref 50 De Brers 184 'So. Railway 4l'i D. A R. Grande. 46ti do preferred... 104V& uo preferreu.. wiiso. pacific Erie 434 Union Pacific 133 i do 1st pref.... SO do preferred... ft 4 do 2d Dref 70 IU. S. Steel. .s... 411 Illinois Central. 1704' do preferred... 10SK Iouls. & rtush. .1.1 i 'Wabash ........ 24 Mo.. Kaa. & T.. 30U' do preferred... 524 N. x. Central... 152 (Spanish fours... uw Money. Exchange, Etc NEW YORK, March 13. Money on call, strong, higher. 5Q9 per cent; ruling rate. 34 per cent; .closing bid. 5; offered. 34. Time leans, steady. CO and 00 days, &fiuU per cent; six months, 3 per cent. Prime mercantile pa per. 5054 per cent Sterling exchange, strong; closing easier. with actual business in bankers bills at (455g I.S390 for demand, and at $4.S2704? 4.S273 for 00-day bills; posted rates, (4.834 and (4.S6I494.S7; commercial bills. (1.8243 4.83 Bar sliver, 64 Sc. Mexican dollars. 494e. Government bonds, strong; railroads steady. LONDON. March 13. Bar silver, steady. 29:id per ounce. Money. 354 per cent. Dis count rate, short bills, 34 per cent; thrco months bills, 34 per cent. SAN FRANCISCO. March 13. Silver bars. 04 tic. Drafts, sight. 7&c; telegraph, 10c Sterling. 60 days; (4.63: sight, (4.SO. Bally Treaaary Statement. WASHINGTON, "March 13. Today's state ment of the Treasury balances In the gen eral 'fund shows: Available cash balances .. (133.218.166 Gold coin and bullion 77.794.810 Gold certificates 46,137,400 Mining; Stock. SAN FRANCISCO. March 13. The official closing quotations for mining stocks today wore as follows: Alta. $ .01 Alpha Con 10 Andes 20 Belcher 23 Best & Belcher 1.10 Bullion ...... .23 Caledonia 41 Challenge Con. .11 Chollar 13 Confidence 70 Con. Cab & V. 1.33 Con. Imperial. .01 Crown Point.. .OS Exchequer ... .00 Gould & Curry .13 Hale & Nor... 1.25 'Julia t .07 'Justice 03 (Mexican 1.25 Occidental Con. .84 jOphlr Overman .... IPoto-t lavage ...... (Scorpion 3.374 .13 .12 .33 .08 .05 .34 1.SS .40 .02 .18 beg. Belcher.. Sierra Nevada. Silver Bill Union Con Utah Con Yellow Jacket.. NEW YORK, March 15. Closing quota tions: Adams Con....( -25 '(Little Chief....! .03 AUCO ......... iuity ....... Breece ....... .35 tOphlr Brunswick C. . .52 Phoenix Comstock Tun. .30 IPotosl Con. CaL V. 1.40 -Savage Horn Silver... 2.00 Sierra, Nevada. Iron Silver.... 5.30 (Small Hopes... LeadvUle Con. 2.03 (Standard 2.23 3.23 .02 .13 .60 .30 .45 3.23 BOSTON. March 13. Adventure ..( 6.30 Altouex 33.00 Axoalgamatd 107.124 Am, Zinc... 10.00 Atlantic .... 21.00 Bingham ... 38.30 , Closing quotations: Mohawk S 37.30 IN. Butte.... 87.26 Old Dominion 43.124 (Osceola 181.80 Parrot 37.00 Qulncy 91.80 (Tamarack .. 109.00 Cal. Hecia co.oo Centennial .. 23.30 Cop. Range. 79.50 Daly West.. 14.30 Franklin ... 10.50 Granny 12.50 Green Con.. 29.23 Isle Royale. - 22.00 Mass; Mining 9.00 Michigan ... 13.30 'Trinity 18.874 lunlteo cop.. a.30 U. S. Minisr. 44.73 C S. Oil 12.00 61,60 lUtah Victoria. .. M-12-4 twinoaa. .. 8.99 142.80 (Wolverine Lacklunnte Mohair PeoL TvnpnpvnrVCE. Or.. March 18. The Lncklamute mohair pool has bees organized t Air lie, witn xne reiiowmj ecu crra: rrm dent, A. C. StaaU; secretary, Maarlce Fawle; T. M. Simpson. A. C Staats and. Maurice van, a'-tsd a board of Rinseca. Thn new association already has a membership of So. representing 3083 fleeces. -It Is probable 15 more names are 10 oe aaaes 10 utc mens bershl soon. Keo) Sale at ll'aedkara. AURORA. Or.. March, 13. Xd Uerroa. the hepbuyer. this week bo tight the Joe Xeaaedy hop crop of 72 bales at WoodtoK. paymc better than 0 cents. The hops were ships sd Mr to Lendon. M. K. Ollherteon. Uhtmaa Urot,, agent here, went ta North Taattna Wsdneoday to look after eeveral a4g lots of hops there. Downing, Hopkins & Co. EstsVUhstl 15 9 J WHEAT AND STOCK BROKERS Room 4, Ground Floor 0 Minneapolis Mills Will Soon Resume Operations. CHICAGO WHEAT MARKET UP Estimated Decrease of One Million Bushels in Ai'gcntlna's Weekly Shipments Encourages Dulls. Oats and Corn Advance. CHICAGO. March 15. 'Despite the continu ance of favorable weather for Winter wheat In the United States, the market waa strong all day. Shorts and commufslcn-housea were actlre bidders, but offerings were limited. A feature of trading was the absence of. any heavy selling by local bear, the majority of offerings comic? from IongJ. who bad profits In sight. At the opening the market was strengthened by Arm cables and small receipts in the Northwest. As tho session advanced, prices acquired firmness through report from outside markets telling of a, lively demand for cash wheat and tlcur. A message from Min neapolis said iHveral large flour mill.-, would soon resume operation. Late in the day bulla were given additional encouragement by an t.imae which showed n decrease of more than l.OOO.OOO bushels in the exports from Argentina, as compared with the total move ment of last week. The market closed strong. The May option opened c higher, at 774c. sold up to 7Sr,c. and closed iCcT4c up, at 77i977Tic. Active covering by shorts resulted in a firm tone in the corn market. An advance of 'attic In the price of cash corn and the small movement from the country were the principal causes of the demand. The market closed strong. The May option opened 14c higher, at 43 'c, sold up to 434c and closed riSVjc higher, at 424Q434c. OaUi were firm on on active demand. May opened a shade to 434c higher, at 2946 20 Vic advanced to 29Ts30c, and closed 4tHi" higher, at 204c Provision) were firm for the greater part of tho day, but the volume of trading was not Urge. At the close May pork waa .up 124c lard was up 53 74 c, and ribs were 74 10c higher. The leading futures ranged as follows: WHEAT. Open. High. ( ,78Ji .78 .78 Low. ( .nv. .774 -77 Close. ( .77ti .7794 -774 May July $ .77; -77S -7714 eptember CORN. .43; .43 .434 .43TX . .44 .414 OATS. , .294 .30 , .2S .29 . .2S4 -284 May July .43 1; -34 .11 .434 .43Si 44 U September May July .20?i .294 .28 2S-4 beptemoer MESS PORK. May 15.674 15.83 13.60 July 13.60 13.774 13.321, ISi, 15.75 LARD. May July 7.SO 7.874 7.02-4 7.07 : 7. SO 7.90 1. a, 4? 7.97 li September 8.10 SHORT RIBS. . 8.30 8.42 !5 . 8.33 8.45 May 3.S0 8.35 8.40 8.424 July Cash quotations were aa follows: Flour Dull and easy. t Wheat No. 2 Spring, 764S7De; No. 3. 72 78c: No. 2 red. 79Ti$8l4c Corn No. 2. 414S42c: No. 2 yellow. 42c. Oat No. 2. 291ic; No. 2 white. 3232ic; No. 3 white. 294G315ic Rye No. 2, 00c. Barley Good feeding, 37374c; fair to choice malting. 4050c Flaxseed No. 1, (1.075; No. 1 Northwest ern. (1.144. Ttmothy seed Prime, (3.174 Mesa pork Per barrel, (15.70g: 15.75. Lard Per ICO pounds. (7.774. Short ribs sides Loose. (S.25J?8.33. Short clear sides Boxed. (3.55Q8.60. Clover Contract grade (13.65. Receipts. 22.7CO 918.000 30.900 142. S0O l.OOJi 4S.6CO Shipments Flour, barrels . 50,700 S6.MX 2C4.10O 149.400 1.500 Wheat, bushels Ccrn, buahcls . uats, Duancis . Rye. bushels . Barley, bushels 5,100 Grain' at 8aa Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO. March 15. Wheat and barley, easy. Spot quotations: Wheat Shipping. (1.32$ 1.33; milling. (1.37461.474. Barley Feed. (1.171.214. Oats Red. (1.23gl.e3; white. (1.53&1.70; black. (1.251.70. Call board sales: Wheat May, (1.204; De cember. (1.284 bid. Barley May. (1.20 bid; December. 95c. Corn Large yellow, (1.174 1.20. Grain and Produce at New York. NEW YORK. March 15. Flour Receipts 15.000 barrels: exports, 30,000 barrels. Quiet, steady. Wheat Receipts. 14,000 bushels; exports. 4000 bushels. Spot, Arm: No. 2 red. Slfto elevator; No. 2 red. d3c f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 Northern Duluth. 87 He f. o. b. afloat. Op tions closed 4&&c net higher. May, Sl4c; July, S44c: September, S44c Hops and wool Steady. Minneapolis Wheat Market. MINNEAPOLIS. March 15. Wheat. May, 76U9"a?ic: July. 784c: September. 774c; No. 1 hard. 76c: No. 1 Northern. 76Sc; No. Northern, 74ic Wheat at Liverpool. LIVERPOOL. March 15. Wheat. March. 6e 64d: May. 6s 54 d: Jsly. 6a 34d; weather. overcast. 4 Wheat at Tacoma. TACOMA. March 15. Wheat, unchanged. Bluestem. 05c; cmt. o4c; red. ujc. MN DAILY CITY STATISTICS Marriage UceHe. BAUER-BAUER Louto Bauer, 43; LenI Bauer. 48. PSNTON-MICKELSON T. S. Penton, 2S; Minnie Mlckelson. 30. -"' HOBIN-BOWSER Richard Hob In, 29, 2S9 Second street; Myrtle Bowser, 18. Births. PORTER At 777 Macadam street. March 9, to the wife of William Harper Porter, a son. MORGAN At 6474 First street, March 13, to the wife of George W. Morgan, a eon, Deaths. JAMES At Good Samaritan Hospital, March IS. Mr. Mary E. James, a native of Illi nois, aged 80 Tears and 11 months. Remains taken to Moro, Or., for Interment. ENGLE At St, Vlaeeat'a Hospital. March 14, David A. Engle, of 864 North Thirteenth street, a native of Pennsylvania, aged 57 years, 3 months aad 3 days. VICX At Good Samaritan Hospital. March 14, Andrew Tick, a native of Finland, aged 23 years. XjENNBTDY At Good Samaritan Hospital, Marsh IS. John Kennedy, aged 48 years. Re main sent to C-maha, Neb., for Interment. 8AlLrr At 845 Corhett St., March 13, Clif ton Manse, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Ber fen Lv BaH-ey. a native of Fertiasd. aged 2 'years. 8 months and 12 days. - BOYD At Geed Saasarttaa Hospital, March Chamber of Commerce 14. Mrs. J. Boyd, a native of Scotland, aged 20 yearc. 9 months and 3 days. BBlldlnjc Permits. J. F. SHEA Concrete basement for store. Second and Ankcny streets; (3000. MRS. ALICE LARRY Dwelling, East Sixth and East Couch streets; (1500. WOODARD. CLARKE & CO. Masonry for warehouse. Ninth and Hoyt streets; $12,000. LOUISE STRUBE Dwelling, East Burnalde. between East Ninth and East Tenth streets: (1500. Real Estate Transfers. William 31. Ladd and wife to Harry C Moore. E. 4 lots 1 and 4. block 10. Blacklstone's Addition $ 1.800 A. S. Ellis to T. J. Divine, E. 4 lots a and . block 2, Wllllams-Avenuc Addition Norman Draper and Wife to C. C. Wiley, et al.. lot 13. block 14, Ar leta Park No. 2 C U. Gantenbeln and wife to Charles E. Tooley. lot 8 and E. ., of tract "L." In M. Patton Tract Clara Barringer and husband to Edw. Laurlson. lot 7. block 19. 3It, Tabor Villa Alexander M. Wright to Charles E. Steelsmlth. lota 1 to 20. block 1. Ethel Lynn Addition Real Estate Investment Association to A. Horn, lot 16. block 62. Sell wood Same to Albert Horn, lot 17. block 02. Sellwood C. E. S. Wood, guardian, to Hattle L Ward, parcel lot 2. block 7. Port land Homestead, beginning at west line south Front btrcet. 85 feet north of Intersection said line with north lino of Second street Patrick J. Roddy to R. McLeod. lots 5. 0 and 7. block 9. Cloverdale Ex . tension 1,600 6U0 730 James W. Cook and wlto to Adam Getteg. lot 30. block 16, Cook's Ad dition 400 Herman Hirschberger to O. R. & N. 1:0.. lot 2. block 198. Couch's Ad dition 10,000 Board of Hospital Trustees to O. R. it .n. co., right or way luo feet wide over parcel land lytng north of Columbia Boulevard and begin ning 10 chains north and 260 feet west of southeast corner Cuthblrth and P. Stump D. L. C. in E. s section 0. T. 1 N.. R. 1 E.. pared about 268x20 feet 730' SO "SO, 430 1.350 S00 Artstenc N. Felts and husband to Ctnda Llnebaugh. lots 1 to 19. 23 to 37. block 10. Hawthorne-Avenue Addition Lydta Schultz and husband to George W. Woolctte and wire, undivided one-fifth of lots 12 and 14. block 2. Highland Park George W. Woolette and wife to Jen nie LIndell. undivided two-fifths of lots 12 and II. block 2. Highland Park Lottie LIndell to same, undivided one-fifth of same property J. E. Stansberry and wife to Alex ander Oliver, lots 4 and i. block 23. Wood lawn Charles H. Page to E. Charleston. Vi or w. of s. w. , section 5. T. 1 S.. R. E.. 40 acres T. J. Rowe and wife to J- V. Cemer. et a!.. lot 3 and fractional lot 4. block 3, Pleasant Home Ad dition Roswell B. Lamson. et al.. to Howard C. Berrlan. lot 2. block "O. Green way Robert Bruce Wilson to Alice E. Wil son, lot 7. block 26. Couch s Ad dition Merchants' Investment & Trust Co. to-" Henry A. French, lots 4 and , Lamargent Heights C H. Kennedy to G. B. Hegardt. trustees, lot 1, block 2. Gllham a Second Addition 1.S0O Eleanor Van Allen to H. O. Proeb- stel. trustee, lots 17 to 21. block 0. Mount Tabor Villa Annex... Frances Meyer to Theresa Stopfer, undivided half of south half lot 10. Everglado Theresa Stopfer and husband to Frances Meyer, same property Georgo W. Brown to Olive A. Bren nan. lots'? to 11. block 12. Chicago. J. A. HIgglns to W. X. Hlggins. lot 13. block 13. Klnzel Park Irene G. Gordon to Phil K. Gordon, undivided quarter of lot S. block 175. city E. L. Barnett and wife to John M. Ross. 30x100 feet, beginning 41 feet west of northeat corner lot 7, block 3. Sunnyside John A. Jonea and wife to Lou W. Reed. lots 11 and 12. block 0. Wil lamette E. C. Hurlbert and wife to Amanda Thomas, lot 5, block 3. Adam" Ad dition Sycamore Real Estate Company to John Van Nortwlck and wife. lots 17 and 18. block 9. Kern Park Portland Sanitarium & Benevolent As sociation to Sanitarium Food Co.. that part of lot 4. block S. Hanson's Addition, lying south of right of way of City & Suburban Railway Company August Meyer and wife to Francos H. Unnlger. lot 2. block It. Lin coln Park Annex John M. Ross to Eugenus L. Barnett. 20 acres, beginning 33 chains east of post 27.33 chains south of north west corner section 3. T. 1 S.. R 2 E David I. Clelland. et al.. to James T. Breeding, et al.. lots 15 and 16, block 4. Mabelvllle Peter Young and wife to Ralph M. Scott, lots 1 and 2. section 14. T. 1 N.. R. 2 E.. 81.00 acres, and ;,300 1,300 3,000 N 4 of N. E. Vi of section 14, su acres .5,000 Martha Fndress. et al.. to J. C Mc Grew. 22 acres beginning center of street 66 rods south of quarter post north line section. T. 1 S.. R. I E. .4 Same to George P. Lent. 10 acres be ginning northeast corner of N. W. U of S. W. U of section 20. T. 1 S.. SanieSo T. S Mcbanlel. lots H and 12. block 3. Maeglei Highland G. G. Gammans and wife to George W. Klmber. lots 13 and 16. block 11. Evelyn ' vA.l A. W. Lambert and wife to Port land Flouring Mills Co.. east 23 feet lots 2 and 4. west 23 feet lots 3 and . block 42. East Portland... J. J. Myer and wife to D. B. Quick. 3 acres beginning northeast corner S. G. Kelly's land, section 17. T. 1 S.. R. I E Clay Roberts to W. H. Monahan. lot 0. block 106. University Park Alexander Oliver to J. E. Stansbcrry. lots 4 and 3. block 23. Woodlawn.. Laura Klcpper to Joseph Essraan. lots n . . a v.imV V Mnltnnmah. . t,a a Mock 23. Multnomah. E-""Charteson and wlfo to Loyal E. Kern, et al.. N. U of W. "1 of S. W. section 3. T. 1 S.. R. 3 E. Jack Bergbeder to Clara N. Halt. parcel land beginning east line of North Twentieth street. 100 feet north of Intersection of said line with north line of Washington street '' L. B. Chlpman and wife to Patrick Skelly. lots 3. 4 and 14. block 2. Chlpman Addition ................ Clara G. Buffington to E. E. Mll- Ier. lot 24. block 20. Alblna........ H. S. Fine and wife to Samuel A. Whistler, lots 1 to 5. block 14. Capltan Addition , 2 Total. .StO.SOtf Eew Fires at Albany. AE.BANT. Or.. March 13. (Special.) This mornlns the first Are alarm that has aroused Albany people for several months was turned In. While the fire was of small moment and easily extinguished, much comment was heard on the fact thaf since Ions before the holidays the fire department has not been called upon a single time. Greatest Year in Fishing Industry. HOQUIAM, Wash., 3Iarch la. (Special.) The fishing season for steelhead salmon ends today, and the shippers say this is the greatest year ever In the history of the harbor. H. P. WILSON. V. ENG1NGEX- FKANK X. 7SXOWN. BROWN, WILSON S CO. INCORPORATED. FINANCIAL AGENTS INVESTMlTSECURITIES SAN FRANCISCO. NEW TORS. TjjIoN TXur BLDG. TRINITY JiLaKJ. 10. mo. 1 000 eoo S01 1 1 230' 1.10O 17rt 250 2.00O 1 10 1,762 r 1 i.soo