THE MORNING OREGOXIAN, TUESDAY, 3IAKCH 13, 1906. CITY NEWS IN BRIEF THE OHEGOXIAX TEIXPHOJTES. CcuntlsR.Roem Main 7879 Managing Editor .....Mala 7070 Hunday Editor Main 7070 City Editor Mata 7070 Society Editor Mala 7070 Composlnc-Rocm Mala 7070 Superintendent Bulldlnr Mala 7078 Eatt side Otfiea Eat CI AMUSEMENTS. WAKQUAM GRAND THEATER (Morrison tU. between Clli and 7th) Tonight at o'clock, iho favorite actor, Paul Gllmore. In tho romantic coait-dy-drama. "Captain Deb onnalrc." 3JAKER THEATER (."d and Yamhill) "Tho Avenue Glrla"; tonight at 8:15. EMPIRE THEATER (1'Jth and Morrison) "The Resurrection": tonight at 8:16- GRAND "IHiiATER (Park and Washington) Continuous vaudeville, 2:30, 7:30 and v P. M. PANTAGES' THEATER (4th and Stark)- Continuous vaudeville, 2;30, 7:30 and 0 P- M. S'iAK THEATER (Park and "Washington) Continuous vaudeville. 2:30. 7:30. 9 P. M. Grangu Convention Todat. The Grange County Convention for Multno mah County will be held this afternoon at 1:C0 o'clock, in tho Commercial build ins, for the purpose of electing three dele gates to attend the sessions of the State Grange. Delegates from tho ten Granges of the county are expected to attend this meeting. Mrs. Mary S. Howard, state socrotary. In her report shown that there are 25 Granges, with 5440 members. In this state, a gain of 340 members for the year. Petitions 1 and 2. for the tax Wlls. received In Multnomah County 1927 mid 1S77 signatures, respectively, very lnrgoly through the activity of J. J. John son, master of Evening Star Grange. The convention, which meets this afternoon, function except the selection of the representatives to the State Grange, Kit8k of mere expression of private opinion., although the porsonnel of the representatives may havo a bearing on le selection of the next state master. The positive refusal by Mrs. Clara H. WtUdo to be a candidate for state master loaves the field open. It is understood that Multnomah County may present tho mono of J. J. Johnson, master of Even ing Star Grange, for state master. Wants Him to Stop. Constable A. D. ICQonan, who Is a candidate for re-election as Constable of the East Side dis trict, is after the unknown man who Is advocating his nomination In a way that niny help to defeat him. For some time Uris man has been making a practice of going Into East Portland saloonp. where he announces that he Is working to se cure Constable Keenan's nomination. After making this announcement so that ovorybody hears it, ho walks up to the bar. where he calls for a single glass of boer. Turning to the crowd, he says: "Gentlemen. I am for Constablo Keenan; here's to your health and happiness." He then drains the glass, and walks out. Constable Keenan does not appreciate this sort of campaign work, and would like the man to desist. He does not think that it will prove effective in getting him voles at the coming primary, and is In clined to the belief that his friends, the enemy, have put him up to doing as he Is doing. To take a drink by himself in the face of a thirsty crowd Is not con sidered the best campaign tactics. Farm Bits Mutual, Telephone Com pajvt. Tlu Farmers' Mutual Telephone Company, to operate Independent tele phone circuits In Multnomah and Clack amas county, lias been organized, with IT. W. Snashall, of Pleasant Valley, who lias been foremost of the agitators for those rural telephones as general man ager. Manager Snashall has been in strjioted to hire men and proceed with the building of the circuits. The com pany will ask for the right to use tho roads both in Clackamas and Multnomah Counties, and also on the rtreets of Grwham. It has been decided to pro ceed at once with the erection of the lines, and when completed they will co operate with the Pacific States Telephone Company. It was announced yesterday that satisfactory arrangements had been made to co-operate with the Portland company, which will be mutually bene ficial. The next meeting will he held in Grcshani. March 19. when by-laws will be submitted for adoption. CoMPL.nTiNO Water Plant. Within a week the improvements to the Wood- mero Water Company's plant that sup plies the Arleta section will be completed, whjoh will provide an abundance of wa- tor. The pumping station it? located near the sawmill on Johnson Creek, where a well was sunk to gravel. Here a largo compound pump lias been installed which can throw 1500 gallons of water a min ute, which will supply 10.000 people. A, ton-men mam now extends to the reser voir at Stewart's Station. Arrangements were made so that another pump can he installed at the station. A 300,000-gaIlon ruservoir Is to be built this year near the 00,000-gullon reservoir, which stands at Stewart's Station, so that the entire plant can be doubled In capacity In a very short time. Besides this general plant there are several smaller plants in this section. St. Patrick's Dat Program ice. Tho Belasco Theater Is to be the scene of the celebration of the St. Patrick's day pro gramme of the local branches of the An v'iont Order of Hibernians. The pro gramme for the evening Includes the fol lowing numbers: Remarks ty chairman, John P. Kavanaugh; "Come Back to Erin" (Clarlbel), Miss Elizabeth Harwas; "Bandre Bay." James Burke; "Believe Me. If All Those Endearing Youn Charms." Kathleen L.awler; pration. John l'lomlng Shields; "KJllarney" (Balfe). Mrs. Rose Bloch Bauer: "Kathleen Ma vourneen." Miss Mae Breslin; "The Harp That Once Through Tara's Halls." Frank lin Shea: "Star-Spangled Banner." chorus. Middat Lenten Services. The daily porvlces held at 12:30 P. M. at the Cham ber of Commerce Hall, for business men, were well attended during last week, and the several talks on evcry-day, practical Christianity wore greatly enjoyed and ap preciated by those present. Similar serv ices will be held this week at the same time and place. Rcy. F. B. Short will conduct the services today, and will bo followed by Rev. J. A. Leas on Wednes day. Business men are urged to attend when possible. Mrs. T. I. Emot. under the auspices of the Unitarian Woman's Alliance, will read tomorrow afternoon some of her own writings. It has been a long time since Mrs. Eliot has read In public any of her own delightful stories, and this opportu nity is a rare one. The reading will begin at 2:30 o'clock In the Unitarian Chapel. Seventh and Yamhill. Admission, 50c. COPTRIOHTS A COMEDT. Mrs. J. C Buckley, who lives on the Section Line road, just, beyond Gllgaver, has written and copyrighted a three-act comedy en titled, "The Heirs to Daniel Towers." Mrs. Buckley has written several plays of -merit, and Is a writer of ability. Would Improve East Twentt-Eighth. J. C. Walker and eight 1 other property owners havo petitioned the Council for the improvement of East Twenty-eighth street, from the south line of East Stark to the north line of Belmont -Price Specials This Week. on mo hair and nunsvelllng waists, ladies' and misses outing flannel gowns and misses' cambric gowns, to close out. Beck's, 272 Washington street. ' Want Ivt Street Improved. Michael Lalsncr and 15 others have petitioned the Council for the improvement of Ivy street, between Williams. and Union ave nues. Adjourned Meeting. An adjourned meeting of tho St- Johns Council will he held this evening to finish some Important ' business on hand. Elegant New appointed offices; mod ern conveniences: Grand Theater Bids. Apply M S. Rentcry. Sherlock Bldg. Acke Oil. Co. sells the best safety coal oils &4 fine gasolines. Phone East .786. Dr. Lotbkz's nerve tonic la Wets at ?mU'8 Ffc&rntacy, &7 MorrJ&n gi. Tmmmik & Co-r wU paper. Remove e m WMttiMTte street. Eighth Ward Republican Club. About 13 Republicans mot last night at the East Side Justice Court, and effected the preliminary organization of the Eighth Ward Republican Club. Council man Dan Kcllahor was elected temporary chairman, and W. B. Cltasc temporary secretary- Remarks were made by all present In the interest of harmony and good feeling. It was decided to hold an other meeting next Monday evening at the same place at S o'clock, when perma nent organization will be effected. All Republicans of the Eighth Ward arc In vited to take part. Wit and Humor of the Bible. A lec ture will be given in the Fourth Presby terian Church, First and GIbbs streets, this evening at S o'clock, by tho Rev. Clarence True Wilson, of Grace Methodist Church. Tho subject of Dr. Wilson's lec- J ture will be "Wit and Humor of the Bible." This is the sixth lecture of the course given by the South Portland Li brary Association this season. These lec tures aro jriven free, for educational pur poses, and all Bible students are especial ly invited. A cordial Invitation is ex tended to all Will Canvass for a Steamer. A can vass will begin today by the commltteo from the Real Estate Exchange wnicu was appointed Saturday to raise money for the construction of a vessel on the Upper Columbia. The committee will en deavor to raise J20.000 for the project amontr the dealers and those who have been clearing money on Portland realty. The transportation committee of the Chamber of Commerce has already car ried on an extensive canvass among the merchants, ralFlng about $27,000. Inspect the Marquam Building. A thorough Inspection of tlie Marquam building was made yesterday by Chief Campbell, Battalion Chief Young and Fire Marshal Roberts, in company with fc. u. McNaughton, of the office of Architect Edgar Lazarus, who Is preparing plans for the changes which liave been ordered by the Executive Board. J. Thorburn Ross, manager of the Title. Guarantee & Trust Company, lias stated that the com pany will carry out fully the suggestions which have beon made. Owing to the unusually cold weather, the completion of the Knight Shoo Com pany's new stores, all around the north west corner of Third and Washington streets, has been delayed, and they will not be open for buslnee? at the new loca tion until Thursday. March 15. Big re moval sale now going on at the old store at Fifth and Washington sts. "Walk Over" and "Sorosis" shoos radically re duced. Every pair must bo sold, and prices are cut to the quick. Nothing held back. Runaway on Washkgton Street. Several persons were badly frightened at the corner of Third and Washington streets yesterday aftornoon by a runaway which left the street and careered across the sidewalk in front of Feldonhclmer's Jewelry store. The horse, which was hauling a light wagon, broke away from the rig at this place, but was soon cap tured, and the rig was removed before the driver's name or that of the firm by which he was employed could be learned. Oregon Labor Partts Plan. The ex ecutive board of the Oregon Labor party met last night In the office of the Labor Press and discussed means of organizing the forces of the Labor party for the pur pose of playing a part In the coming elec tion. The various unions In the city will be visited by members or the board and urged to co-operate In order to throw the undivided support of organized labor to such candidates as may be selected at fu ture meetings of the main body. Committee of Five Will Draft Con stitution. Tho commltteo of five ap pointed by Walls Nash, chairman of the Committee of One Hundred, to draft a constitution and by-laws for that body, will meet this afternoon at 3 o'clock at the law office of P. L. Willis, 511 Com morcial block. The committee consists of F. I. McKonna. P. L. Willis, John Van Zante, H. L. Chapln and O. W. Taylor. Auxiliart Entertainment. The La dles' Auxiliary of the Midway Improve ment Association will give an ontertaln ment in the new hall Thursday evening. All the friends of the auxiliary are in vited to attend. Improvement Association Meets. The East Side Improvement Association will meet this evening to hear reports in the East Side Justice of the Peace Court. Architect's Office Room. For rent, CC Sixth street. Just right for architect's office. See the Title Guarantee & Trust Co.. 240 Washington sL. corner Second. Wanted. Good houses to bo moved; state location and price. O SL Oregonian. PERSONALMENTION. V. S. McCIatchy. one of the owners of the Sacramento Bee. accompanied by Mrs. McClachy, is a guest at the Hotel Port land. John SIrey. of this city, received a dis patch from Leon Juston, stating that ho had arrived solely in acw lone rrom a European trip. Mr. Juston was joined in New York by his wifo and daughter. CHICAGO. March 12. (Special.) C. H. Deerlng and J. P. Deering, of Portland, registered today at the Great Northern. NEW YORK, March 12. (Special.) Northwestern people roglstored today as follows: From Portland D. XL Moore, at the Fifth Avenue: Miss A. Juston. Mrs. L. Juston. L. E. Juston, T. B. Wilcox, at the Imperial. From Seattle T. R. Shepard, at the Breslin. BRIEF TELEGRAPHIC NEWS New York. Thomas H. Carter. Senator from Montana. Sunday nlpht gave a lecture In Brooklyn on "Tho Pioneers of the Wct," for the benefit of the Monastery of the Pre cious Blood. Chicago. The Cltr Attorney denounces graft pure and staple claim for personal injuries. lie eaya street-car companies pay about 2, 000.000 and the city about $300, 000 a year on such claims. New York. The District Attorney will ask for about a score of Indictments of men lm plicated with Robert II. Rlcgs In the white slave trade. One woman tells of being bound and gagged for three -daA and another of being marred for a week for attempts to escape. New York. iRabbl Joseph Silverman said at a meeting of the New York State Confer ence of Religion. Sunday night, that ho wished all tho churches in the city could discard tneir aincreni n&roep and be num bered like public schools. Ills reason waa the! in this way the people would forget to what denomination they1 belonged, and the Inter denominational strife would be eliminated. EXPOSITION RINK NEWS The last masked skating carnival of the Winter is scheduled for Friday night, the eve of St. Patrick's day. Only maskers in costume allowed on tho floor from S until 10 o'clock. Galleries for spectators. All masks must be raised at the door, upon entering tho rink. WHEREJT0 DINE, All the delicacies of the reason at the Portland Restaurant: fine private apart ments for parties. Open all altat. 966 Washington, near Fifth. CARD Or THANKS. I desire to express to friends and neigh bors my heartfelt thanks for their many acts of kindness during the illness and death of my dear mother. MARY J. FLYNN. Mich-Grade Plane far Kent Asd seld en easy payments. FfcuM twalag &a4 repaing. H. Stasfeetater. 72 Tkkii sc For X eeatg, yen a pet Oartar's Little Liver Pitts the beet Mver rental tor in the tpkML Don't forget this. On. ttt a ee. AT THE-THETERS PaHl GUmerS la "Cafrtala DebeaBake" nt the MarqaajB. Renee DcCadltlxc Marie Pettes Madamo DeCadlllae. Adelaide Fltx Allen Daniel DcRcmy. ..Chas. J. Burbrldge Colonel DeSalliers K. M. Italngier Heinrich Blttaer. ...E. P. Atherton Frederlch Niergarth K. V. Strattoa Captain Louis DeCadlllae. "L De- bonnatrc" Paul Gllmore Captain Chambly. .. .Gtrard Cameron Lieutenant Yarrcnes Fred Sharp Lieutenant Sorel Leo II. White Lieutenant Vcrcherci.... Lewis Shay Sybout Van Brush George Centre Raoul DeCadlllae J. X. AppHbee Pierre Sol Solomon Egbert Van Borsum R. Hopkins Sergeant Roelof Charles Winter Cretchen Nellie Clair Frauleln Van UofC Celeste Holder Fraulcln Van Borsum '. Evelyn NlchoUon Frauleln Van Yetter. ..Dorothy Dean Herr Van Horen Frank Foster Heir ATan Berg S. Johnson Herr Van Deck Fred Fisher Wllhelm Schultz E. N. Glngerlch Paul Gllmore is a charming follow, and he has a beautiful play In "Captain De- bonnalre. " It may seem trito to say again that all the world loves a lover, but that warm fact la the secret of this play's appeal. Captain Debonnaire in about 16C0, we are led to believe, was a dare devil, a gentleman, a French officer and a nobloman, -who loved danger, women, sport, drink, fighting, roysterlng, gam ing, anything spirited -wherewith to pass an excitable hour. Like Edward Bellamy's hero In "Looking Back ward." he worships a miniature of a two-century-old ancestor. Rcnee de Cadillac At a dinner the Governor of Quebec says thnt this ancient portrait is thn face of a girl of the same name in New Amsterdam, and the Captain bets 2003 crowns that he will go and bring back the maid to be his bride by b o'clock of the coming Christmas. Then the race begins. The 17th century costuming is picturesque, the scenery elaborate, tho acting finished and In spiring. Oho. how the swashbuckling Captain mows down distance, and over powers the girl and her mother with his grandiloquent airs and rich ap parel! How he kills off men who want to hinder him in his progress. How well the ingenious lines and Mr. Gllmore s conception build up a character rilled with courage and illimitable bravado, and how It creeps Into our heart's af fections. Wo are so accustomed to seo Gllmore in parlor plays that we squirm at first at his exaggerated swagger, but as tho play moves on to Its destinies we feel that only such a man as Gll more portrays could pass bravely and successfully through tho multitude of hair-raising experiences and gain his girl at last. Thn atmosphere of ro mantic chance and royal do-or-dle business is admirably sustained throughout. And there are scenes a plenty of beautiful color and humorous tint. A pretty touch occurs when Reneo catches the Captain at their first meet ing In a game of blind man's butt. And again, the tendercst glint of the night Is when he acknowledges that he has laid a wager to bag this woman prize, but that now he really loves her. She answers: "ies. it was a gamoie. ao is life." That girl. Miss Mario Pcttes, has a voice UKe a crcmona vionn. ane is Infinitely tender. Miss Fitz Allen, who impersonated the mother of Renee, is a handsome young woman with uncom mon ability for light comedy work. Her bubbling vivacity is infectious. There are few men on the stage today who can make love as Mr. Gllmore can, and he has many opportunities in this play to glvo cards and spades to an mo male audience and beat them without turning a hair. He spills much blood in his mad career, cutting down his way through human rivals to his lady love, but he fetches her at the last stroke of the clock back to Quebec and his fel low officers, and, together -with the Governor of Canada, they sing all hands around, bless the merry bride and groom; there was a scandal in high life at the outset but there'll be a wed ding now. As a road production "Captain De- bonnalre" compares favorably with the i . - ... st, DC5I oi incm. -ur. oumure was u thusiastlcally received that be was constrained to come forward after re- peated curtain calls and make a short -,av. TV..n ( tc"i that vnn i onnlil get at his renned. nobly, clear-cut fea- tures and sain an impression of the at tractive man himself. He Is quite as meritoriously popular as Henry Miller and his bunch ever thought of meriting-, and I should say that if anyone mioses this romantic treat of unre strained lovemaklng' on the stage they are to be commiserated. A. H. BALLARD. NEW VAUDEVILLE BILLS Tlie Grand. With the opening of a new vaudeville week yesterday, the Grand put on as good a vaudeville show as one could reasonably expect to see for the money. Besides sev eral acts that are new to Portland, there are several others that ought to becomo more popular the more often seen. In this class is Box. the English comedian. Box opens a fine package of fun, and yes terday's first audience was kept convulsed during the time he was In sight. Clay, Robinson & Company follow with a com edy sketch that has real merit as a fun producer. Then, to offset the barrel of humor, comes a pathetic little sketch, "The Wairs Appeal." capably put on by Wilson & Company. Jones and Walton turn back the audience to laughter with their eccentric sketch, which took well yesterday. More music is introduced by D. Cole, baritone, and by Master Harold Hoft. the sonjr Illustrator. Moving pic tures conclude the programme, which will be presented all week. The Star. Something new and phenomenal In dos; culture is shown among the features at the Star this week. It is Sancho, tho ca nine mlndreader. Sancho Is an enigma even to those who are used to seeing ex hibitions of Intelligence on the part of dumb brutes. Sancho is easily the Anna Eva Fay of the world of dogdom. and those Interested in dogs will., doubtless, take no small amount of pleasure in the exhibition given by this pup. Among the good offerings should be noted Inez and Ody, two youngsters with a good singing and dancing act. Kitty Allen, comedienne. Is a pleasing entertainer; Montcll and Clifford are a team of physical giants who seem able to lift almost anything. The woman of the sketch is not far inferior to the man in the matter of lif tine capac ity. Margie Addle's comic singing is up to the mark: Kelscy and Parks do a good singing and dancing turn; Will Hoyt sings an Illustrated ballad, and a thrilling set of moving pictures condudo a good pro gramme. Same bill all week. P&ntagcs. The Gilbert Company In the old English comedy. ""A Woman of Few Words." leads Pantages' new kill this week, being one of the best comedy features Pantages has put on recently. The Gilberts are competent workers, and the result they produced yesterday was a continually con vulsed audience. The list of special fea tures Is longer asd better tbaa nguml thia time. Miss ScefteM, rWMult, renders a mMc prosrranme, aad mi frequently SHAW'S PURE WtAM BLUMAUER & HOCH 18 aad lie r earth street. Dtotrfettten far Orecea and Wfalartoa. INTENDING PURCHASERS AUBURN DELIVERY WAGONS SUPERIOR IN CONSTRUCTION, STYLE AND FINISH TO ALL OTHERS Those BROKEN-BODY WAGONS are "just the thing," so it is said, long wanted and never before found in Portland SOLD BY SCOTT & MJJNSELL VEHICLES IMPLEMENTS 321-329 EAST MORRISON STREET What Pretty-Teeth! You often hear that said In admira tion. A presentable mouth is always noticed. Take a careful look at your3. Is it all It ought to be? Weekly and monthly payments. WISE BROS., Dentists Failing Bide. Third and Washington. S A. 3L to 9 P. X Sundays 9 to 12. Main 2029. Dr. V. A. WIw. encored. S tans field, the barnyard imita tor, seemed to make the biggest bit with his Imitations of various noises common ly heard about the farm. MIs Jessie Gardner, billed as an operatic singer, proved to have a good voice; the DeVlllos gave a novelty offering In tho acrobatic line; the Golden West Quartet sans com ical songs In approved fashion, and were popular from the moment they opened their mouths on the stage; Leo White song an illustrated sonjr. and the blograph snowed the adventures of a persistent Insurance agent. Same bill all week. From a Socialist. PORTLAND. March 12. (To the Editor.) Yocr leading article la this mornlngn Omce nlan entitled. "Municipal Otrcerahlp and So elaluun." Is timely and In a central way a fair representation of what you term the So cialist creed and Its distinction from municipal ownership. While the newspapers have failed to publish the letter written by Joseph Me I!II Patterson, in his rentcnatloo to Mayor Dunne, of Cblcaso. and have utti ich por- f ln-. vruiM rMInl uvlallm tr TVitfarp- : . r an Investigation of condition In Eacland. Germany and France shows himself ! conclusively tn his letter a bold, brave. ln- : ' - who has knowledge -of Socialist doctrine. The collective means of produclnr and dls- ; trlbutlng tne xneamt of life means that what ( the people socially need they should socially i own, and what they privately need they should . privately own. This is the kernel of the so- ; ciaUft philosophy, founded upon the class ; struggle and economic determinism, which ta beginning to be accepted by all scholars. The "leveling process" Isjrolcg on regard- Tearing tlie Label out of a Gordon Hat takes none of its Quality but it does take away the Satisfaction that comes from knowing you have the Lest. Gordon Hats oo PIANOS Stelaway asd Test Other Best Makes Piano Players The Angelus Cabinet and Interior Talking Machines The Victor most satisfactory ef alL Wo havo quite a number of slightly used talking machines ef different makes, all in perfect condition, which we have taken in on Victors. We will sell these for J3, fit, fi and SS. Some of them are large sire with large horns. We sell all pianos at the lowest prlcu and on easiest terms. DundorePianoCo. JM gtxtfc ft- Off. OrMtnwIsa MMtec. Sheet Mwrte issaH hMtnwMU. America's ORIGINAL MALT WHISKY Without Rifal Today MALT SHOULD EXAMINE THE Dr. T. P. WIm. lesa of all common law. statute law or mu nicipal ordinances that are extant or that will be framed into law. Paradoxical as it may seem, while social ism Is a clas movement. It Is the only doc trine that will abolish all clams and for ever terminate the same and make It possible for a heightening process. Justice cannot ex ist or prevail until labor, which produces all wealth, shall bo given Its full product. This. Will abolish wace-Liverv asd therewith rent- Intern and prollt I. H. F. Stetson Hats Every man who first tries a Stetson wonders why he didn't do it years before. We atte the Sutsoa Salt xzi Octbr Hsti ia alt the ItzcH srlcs. SPECIAL AOENTS ROBINSON CO. 289 Washington St- Httt! PsrtitS BM'ff. Lawson on Insurance Graft In Everybody's for March, Lawson tells how the recent Insurance investigation was "steered" by the "System," making McCall and McCurdy the scapegoats; checking only the petty abuses, and glossing over and protecting the greater grabs (millions of dollars), directly traceable to the "System" and its generals. Read this and do what you can to protect your country against this terrible evil 15 ceatsacepy $1.50 a Tear T EiETH A. 912.M rail Set far FXKD FXKHX Ksb -M& DtkM MuttMrng. i sssssssssl IsssssVitsssssssssssssW Talking Machines FREE The Oregonian has a limited number of $25.00 Eilers Talking and Singing.Machines which will be given away to old or new subscribers for The Daily and Sunday Oregonian. How to Get a Machine for Nothing FORM OF CONTRACT I hereby subscribe for The Daily and Sunday Oregonian for 12 months, for which I will pay on demand at the rate of- -75 cents a month, and I am to receive at $25.00 Eilers Talking and Singing Machine free. I am to purchase $35.00 worth of records for said machine from the Eilers Piano House, Portland, Oregon. I will pur chase two or more records upon the delivery of the machine and one or more records each-week thereafter for 33 weeks. The said machine to remain the property of The Oregonian until the full number of records have been so purchased, and tlie subscription for The Oregon ian has been paid in full. In case of failure to comply with the terms of this contract, I agree to return said machine on demand without legal process. Eilers Piano House Room 200, Oregonian Park and Washington Sts. Main 7070. Private Exchange 23. I MILLINERY OPENING ! Advance Exhibit of Paris and New York Patterns Artistic Models from our own workrooms. Hundreds of them now ready for your inspection, your admiration and your criticism. Modish, Distinctive, Practical, Popular priced. Just such as would cost you one-fourth more over in the high-rent district. FRALEY FORMERLY BECKERS it Has a outer form Makes sole tend easily and outwear any ordinary make. The Tourist is as comfortable as tie old-fashioned cloth shoe, yet as stylish as the high, priced Paris models. It feels right; looks right; wear3 right; costs hut $3.00 Sold By the teat dealers everywhere. NORTH STAR SHOE CO, Minneapolis SAVE YOUR MONEY BY BRINGING CRIPPLED GLASSES TO US FOR QUICK AND THOROUGH REPAIRS COLUMBIAN OPTICAL CO. Denver, Omaha, K&nj&s City, Salt Lake, Dallas, Texas; Portland, Orejaa) 133 Sixth St. Successor to Walter Reed Oresronian Bid?. La Contributor CLEAR HAVANA cigar is made of better tobacco than any other of equal cost. Don't take our wordforthat, Testit. 3oId by the First Hetefs ef the East (St. St fit, Aiitr. IIff'vtam . Savty, Brulin an J it Jut 3) Ottered for the Cheke Custom ef the West. WILDMAN, RAPHAEL CO. Dbtrifctitors, PORTLAND. , HAND SAPOLIO FO TOILBT AND BATH Delicate enough for the softest skin, and yet efficacious in removing any stain. Keeps the skin in perfect condition. In the bath fives all ths desirable after-effects or a Turkish bath. It should be on every wash stand. ILL GROCEKS AND DRUGGISTS PREMATURE GRAYNE5S !a tbe fete of nuri yes fare. IMPERIAL HAIR nE8EMERATM s the onlr baralees preaaratloa (sown w&Jca when aotMled eauot be detected, Ss uaaffected by b&tha yr shaaiDeoiiMr: Bermlta cHrlinsr. Reetars Hair ta Its Natural Ce4er. .Sasapieorhairceieredfree. Friraar awmred eomuaoadune . HKtllL OB. WN Ce,. US W. 2M St, JWwr Ysfc sWd sseKti 214 THIRD STREET IT COMES OFF As you will find cheap paint always does. Get a durable paint in the first place, with no acids in it to dissolv.e the oil, and it will cost you less, en dure better and keep its color. The Bay States Paints are unrivalled for 0 beauty and durability. THE BIG PAINT STORE, FISHER, THORSEN 6 CO. Front and Morrison sts. Ladyfe Shoe layer between the inner and soles, especially prepared to a sort of cushion for the foot. A Skin of Beauty is a Joy Forever PL T. MIX GOBRACFS OMENTAL CREAM OR MAilCAl lEAUTIHEX fc- fVK 3ijoab8tr.sadd. m NKT cm NPQ Ss dtuction. It tu ttood Xa. Urt at 67 7 em, sad la so tuksataaa ve tteK la fee It Is properly ot 'Hs&ar eisb. Dr. h. A. SaTie ssll a Udj of t& bast toa (a paMtBtT; "As 70s Isdtos will we itm. I Teeaiasiasd faaarnHcl'a Creitm as tha Ieatt &sK&faTef aB ls ikla prapiruluns." Fr.r tale 07 all droottfta asd Yaaey Ooods nealeis ta the Halted State, CtsaUs asd Xsrepe. F0O.T.!m P. 37 errf -J fcwYrt POK S-VLE BY WOODAKD. CIxAUKE CO. 1 WLLYL PllLLlUri rALIAUj I LAST YEAR; SOME ONE I WAS SATISFIED.- J IN 2-PIEIOc PACKAGES.; J MERRELL-SOULE COMPANY J SYRACUSE , NEW YORK j Qchwah Printing C$ 47X ITARK STKttTl 1 W)ucil Mince nUh 111 tlft m t ... ... ft