3&sjr?i THE MORNING OKJEGQN1AN, MONDAY, 3IAR0H 12, 1D06. 11 .s-saaErxiiiRT bK'v: ; v - ill iii mn pi miii i i i ji . : WANTED MI S CE LLAXE O U S . HIGHBST CASK PRICE PAID FOR FUR r.Uur In any quantity; also take ease ea comratesios and punattt best result. Th PertTand Asctton Soosu, A. Schubsxa. prop. Phoce Mala MtS. Sll 1st st. rOU RENT SINGLE ROOMS; ALSO housekeeping suites; elegantly furnished; mest convenient for walking distance; lowest price in the city. The Otis, 3714 East Uurnslde st. WANTED TEAM OF HORSES. 1000 LBS. each: must be sound and gentle, and harness and wagon be cheap for cash. Address K 31. Orrtonlon. 1XG WANTED YOUNG ST. BERNARD dtg ir pup; give particulars and prre Ranted. Address P. W. Chrietetuscn, Box 7 tO. -Astoria, Or. WE CALL FOR DEAD HORSES AND CAT Ue o: all kinds. Phone East 2233. IFOR RENT. Rourai. THE OXFORD. COR. CTH AND OAK UN dor new monagement, Mrs. A. J. Walters. 1to. This elegant new brick hotel has J UK .been thoroughly renovated, walls re timed und refurnished entirely new through out: Mram heat, hot and cold runnmc water. eHctrlc light and callbclls In every ruarn. 5ome elegant front sulu. with or wttheut private baths. Rates reasonable. Main fcS. THE .AUDITORIUM. 208 THIRD. BET. Taylw and Salmon This elegant hotel has been thoroughly renovated and Is now one of the best ant? moat respectable rooming houses In Portland; elevator, steam heat, baths, hot and cold water In rooms: we cater to the traveling public Phone Hood 3S6. John Granstrom, proprietor. THE COMMERCIAL Nicely furnished roome, single or en suite. S2 jor week up. steam heat; hot and cold water, fiee bath?, free phone; dining-room tn connection; transients solicited; open all night, best location In the city; office and t-eadtng-room fround floor. 4SS Washington. THE ANTLERS JUST REOPENED UN dor new management and now ready for business. Everything new, clean and mod ern. Wc rent rooms -with private bath for the came as other hotels ask for a plain room. Rates reasonable. Phone Main 2333. Mr. F. U. Powers. Prop. fcWELLEST ROOMING-HOUSE IN PORT lano. Stone and brick bldg.; elegantly fur nished; electric lights, hot and cold water, furnace heat, porcelain baths. Hotel Ar tseslus, 410H Morrison, cor. 11th. Main 3203. I'LEASANT FRONT ROOM. 1 OR 2 GEN Ocmen; running water, heat, gas. bath, free photic, private family; 15 minutes walk; board if desired. Phone Pacific 22. 2CEW HOUSE. NEW FURNISHINGS, suites or single rooms, Tunning water, hot and cold, all rooms; furnace heat; very reasonable. 207 14th. Phone Main 1153. HOTEL KBNYON NEW, ELEGANTLY furnished rooms, gas, electric light, hot and cold water In rooms, steam heat, free baths. ISth and Washington. Pacific 406. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS IN MODERN fcriek, everything new and clean. 50c day wp. $2 week up. Hotel New Belmont, cor. 1st and Taylor. PLEASANT FRONT ROOM IN PRIVATE family, suitable for 1 or 2 gentlemen; gas and phone. 520 Kearney, near 16th-8t-uar line. HOTEL ALEXANDER. COR. 10TH AND AMr Steam heat, furnished rooms, rea sonable rates. B. N. Hlmebaugh. Main 1750. 122 12TH ST.. COR. WASHINGTON JUST ftpenet, new management. $2 up. thorough ly renevaled. central location. aiU ALDER, COR. 10TH HANDSOMELY fwralntacd large front room, pm-atc bath; stogie roem. first floor. 3-1RST-CLASS ROOMS. SINGLE OR EN Mitte. modern, convenience $S to $1S per month. 453 Morrison. 2l4fc 7TH ST. NICELY FURNISHED roem, suitable for one or two persons; all convenience; central. TWO LARGE. PRETTY ROOMS. STRICTLY medSrn.. 07 20th, near Washington; refer ences exchanged. THE FRANCES. COR. W. PARK AND MOR risen Modern, en suite or nlnglc, transient and regular. NEW S-ROOM COTTAGE. C07 NORTH RUP; modern, gas. Inquire 371 Lovejoy. Pnon'e Main 072C. 3tl 10TH ST. LOVELY-ROOMS. SINGLE OR connected, heat.' bath, - gas, low figures. Main -pJ3u. 446 TAYLOR COZY ROOMS. SINGLE OR EN suite; 5 minutes' walk center city; bath, gas, phone. THE COSMOS Furnished, unfurnished rooms; transients solicited. 268 Morrison, cor. 4th. 35 LEG A NTLY FURNISHED SUITE OF 3 housekeeping rooms. Inquire 220 1st st FURNISHED ROOMS WITH OR WITHOUT board; reasonable. 214 N. 10th. FURNISHED ROOM TO RENT TO WOMAN. $1 per week. 301 Taylor st. ROOMS AND OFFICES. LEWIS BLDG. IN quire White. "01 Dekum. TWO NICE ROOMS. CALL AFTERNOONS. 2S7 We.it Park t. Rooms With Board. HIK COLONIAL A SELECT FAMILY- HO fH. 1 "" 10th st . cor. Morrison; most con- anient, first-class location In city for burlnes people; fine rooms, nicely fur jdfhed; steam heat, porcelain bnths. plenty of hot wuter; handsome dining-room; Rastern cooking, with first-class table service at reasonable rates to permanent eple; table boarders accommodated. CAN ACCOMMODATE FEW MORE PERSONS with nicely furnished room and board, walk ing distance, best neighborhood; home cook ing, reasonable rate.i by month, furnace heat, light, bath and phone. Call 53 Ella St., between 20th and 21st, near Washington, or phone Pacific 950. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION. 17TH YEAR; rooms wit if board: use of sewing-room; use of library; Women's Exchange. Address Mrs. E. B. Hamlin. Supt. 510 Flanders. rNION HOTEL, 81 N. CTH ST. RATES: Dally. $1: weekly, 54.50 to $5; monthly, $18 to J20. J. 3L H. Andersen, prop. FURNISHED ROOMS. SUITABLE FOR 2 ladles, or gentleman and wlfo; with or without board. 528 Morrison st. THE HAWTHORNE. 221 1.1TH ROOMS with board, good home-cooked meals; cen tra! location; reasonable rates. rFIRST-CLASS ROOM AND BOARD FOR 2 reople. $45 month, with all conveniences. Astor Hoasc. 7th and Madison. FINE ROOMS. COMPLETELY FURNISHED, gas. bath, phone, nice yard; private resi dence; close In. 331 14th st. THE OZARK FRONT ALCOVE AND OTHER rooms with first-class service; hot and cold water. 225 11th st. 71 ALDER TWO LARGE FIRST-FLOOR furnished rooms; short walk, -bath, phone; board If desired. C95 12TH 2 FRONT. ONE SIDE ROOM, all .jmodern conveniences; lawn, fine board, private family. 3:LEGANT FRONT ROOM, GOOD HOME cooking, cheap for two people. 212 7th trt. Main 2238. ATTRACTIVE FRONT ROOMS. WITH board; one euite, $20 to $24 per jnonth. 442 Jefferson. ROOMS WITH OR WITHOUT BOARD. PRI vate .home, block M. car. 248 ti. 20th st. 120 I8ih, corner Gltsan Desirable rooms. firsS-clajn board; modern, private home. FURNISHED BOOMS WITH OR WITHOUT lioard; running water. 395 Morrison sf THE OS ARK. 225 31TH ST. ROOMS AND board; hot, cold water; table boarders. NOB HILL. rLEASANT ROOM& HOME cooking; prices reasonable. Pacific 022. NICELY FURNISHED SUITE , WITH board. .153 13th. rt... cor. Morrison. ROOMS WITH OR WITHOUT BOARD: modern. 350 Madison St.. cor. Park. Flats. 2CBW 6-ROOM -FLAT, GAS. HYDRAULIC woedholst. cenent basement; 10 minutes -walk from PostoSlce. Phono. before 2. Main 230. n- TOR RENT 7-ROOM MODERN NEW flat, 547H -ftth , Phone PaclHc 885. A. H, Maegly. 219 -4th st. CKNTXALLT LOCATED. COMPLETELY fwra4)ed aaodera S-room Sat with bath. Is 4re 18B W. Park et. LOW Kit FLAT. PARTLY FURNISHED; NO cMMren. Call to4ay. Main 1990. Office. IM4 K33. 3W 7tTa. .-ROOC FI7RNHSHKD RASEMENT FLAT. av i.. ii in ii.. Bear it8gtM; wamlag. e; sis. FOR KENT. JFlaSa. FURNISHED FLAT. 5 ROOMS, 3 MINUTES waiK from etn ana u&js; gtxxj jocaUon, de sirable adjoining tenants; adults only; ref erences. Phone evenings and forenoons, 3ast 209. FOR RENT 6-ROOM MODERN FLAT WITH gas range and' water beater installed. 304 E. 8th st. Apply pbese Mala 360. Pag 4s Eon. ISO Frost st. FOR RENT LOWER FLAT. 4 ROOMS, bath and laundry: newly fixed over; rnt $30. 7th and Oak. Appl O. N. W. Wil son Co.. 72 Cth. LARGE AND CONVENIENT ROOMS. BATH, gas; six. $16.50; rev en, $20: newly papered. 205 N. 16th. THREE-ROOM FLAT FOR HOUSEKEEP lng. Inquire flat D, 235 Market st. Pbose Main 518. UPPER FLAT OF 4 ROOMS. COMPLETE ly furnished: reasonable rent, 380 Park st. MODERN 0-ROOM UPPER FLAT. 370 13th. Call 455 Market. Phone Main 5593. IIoHfceke?plBjc Kooua, THE HOWLAND APARTMENTS. lt4 Washington s!. cor. 20th Nicely farnlsbta housekeeping rooms; gas ranges, hot water, free bath, free phone on both floors, nice tunny suites for $10 and $12 per mcatfc; the very best rooms Id lbs city for tss money. THE ONEONTA. 187 17TH ST.. NEAR TAM hlll New bouse, elegantly furnished apart, ments. In suites of 2. 3 and 4 room; hot and cold water; ras range in each kitchen; steam heat, baths, free phone on each floor. THE HEILER. 2S0i GRAND AVE. FUR nlshed and unfurnished housekeeping rooms, suites of 2 and 3; free water and phone, gas and electric lights rates low; xvalklng distance; quick car service. THE JEFFERSONIAN, 514 .JEFFERSON ST. Strictly modern 2 and -3-rooai furnlshe! housekeeping apartment, fre phone, fur nace heat, plenty hot water, elegant porce lain bathtubs, outside room. 313 I4TH ST. TWO OR THREE CONNECT ed neatly furnished rooms for housekeep ing, on first floor, with large front yard; bath and shono. FOR RENT BASEMENT OF 3 UNFUR nlshed rooms and laundry: rent $12.50. 7th and Oak. Apply O. N. W. Wilson Co., 72 Cth. $1.25 A WEEK UP CLEAN. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, with yard, parlor, laun dry, bath, furnace. tiiXlhi Stanton. U car. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM ALSp neatly furnished housekeeping rooms; cen tral and very reasonable. Tel. Main 1044. $1.75 PER WEEK. LARGE. CLEAN FUR nlthed housekeeping rooms: laundry and bat& 164 Sherman. South Portland. HOTEL NORTHERN FINE FURNISHED housekeeping suites. $10 and up. Corner 12th and Marshall sta. Main 1450. 207 CTH ST-TWO OR THREE NICELY furnished rooms with privilege of light housekeeping; near PostofXlcc. A FEW NICELY FURNISHED HOUSE keeplng rooms; also some elngle rooms, all fronting Cth at. 145 Cth ft. 471 ALDER SHORT WALKING DISTANCE, two large housekeeping rooms, first floor, bath, phone; reasonable price. FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED SUITE OF housekeeping rooms, upstalns; gaa and bath. Phone Main 4401. FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED HOUSE keeping rooms with light and beat. The Newcastle. 402 3d st. ' SUITE OF 2 UNFURNISHED HOU8EKEEP ing rooms, with gaa stove. $1.25 per week. S62 E. Yamhill st. 402 4TH FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING, walking distance, quiet, respectable loca tion; reasonable. 2 CONNECTING HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, heat, gas range and hot water. 545 Morri son st. T'"'RN1SHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, hot and cold water. Phone Main 3CS7. 344 4 th st. TWO NICE. LARGE ROOMS. PARTLY" FUR nishod or unfurnished for housekeeping. 5U4 Fifth. 3 ROOMS AND BATH. NICELY FURNISH ed; strictly private; reasonable, 220 Grant. FRONT ROOM ON FIRST FLOOR FOR light housekeeping. 347 Taylor . -HOUSEKEEPING SUITE OF 3 VERY NICE rooms, jet noor. -x jerrcrson. SUITE OF HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, close in. 321 7th. cor. Clay. t9 THREE ROOMS. NEATLY FURNISHED. Key CIS 7th. Main 4529. ITobsc. HOUSES FOR RENT BY C. H. KORELL. 251 Washington St.: ICtt EaK Cth, S rooms $20 S4 Belmont. S room5 J''2 2M Twenty-thlnJ. C rooms ........,.....$25 200. cor. 19th and Northrup, 5 room. . .120 781 Kearney, 10 rooms , $3S FOR RENT A NEW. MODERN. 0-ROOM house, lately built and up to date. All latest improvements, one block from car line. In quire 751 East Burnelde sL Phone East 21L FOR RENT 5-ROOM HOUSE. MODERN, newly painted and papered Inside; porce lain bath, gas. $18 per month. 5GS Mar shall st. Inquire 213 N. 18th st. 0:2 2D. COR. MEADE. $20: 8 ROOMS. CE ment basement, attic, fireplace, gas fix tures, all flint-class, nearly new; key next door. Owner, phone Main 1013. FOR RENT BY MARCH 15 SEVEN-ROOM cottage at 201 N. 23d. corner Kearney. In quire of F. J. Alex. Mayer. C2S Everett at., or 102 Sherlock bide. FOR RENT ONE-STORY HOUSE. SEVEN rooms, bath and bavemcnt. 407 10th st- Ap ply to F. T. Bunting, room 40. Worcester bldg. AN UP-TO-DATE 9-ROOM HOUSE. 475 MAIN st.. with all conveniences; in flrst-claes con- dltlon. Apply to J. Kracmer, Commercial bldg. FOR RENT NEAT COTTAGE 3 ROOMS, bath, gas, rtc. cor. 19th and Northrup. RcnL $20. C. H. Korell. 251 Washington. KADDERLY TRANSFER CO.. PROMPT w.d reliable piano and furniture movers. Phone main 1CS5. Office. 110 N. 3d st. DONALD G. WOODWARD. 218 STARK STl Rents and Insurance. Phone Main 345. ADMINISTRATOR OF ESTATES. M'FARLAND'S NEW COTTAGES. MOUNT Scott line, convenient, $10. $15. Phone Main 4498. Agent Stewart's Station. FOR RENT BY MARCH 20 MODERN 7 roorn house. 440 Clay st. Apply at Bulll vanf Grocery. 401 Jefferson st. FOR RENT MODERN 10-ROOM HOUSE. 17th. bet, Washington and Couch. Apply C3 N. 18th st, cor. Davis. $13.00 7-ROOM HOUSE. ' ELECTRICITY, bath, fine view. 830 E. 27th at., Kenll worth curve. Main 4329. -ROOM HOUSE. 5 BLOCKS NORTH OF Steel bridge. 1 block from L car line, in quire 440 Benton st. MODERN 7-ROOM HOUSE, GAS. REASON able to right party. 253 Hancock. Inquire J52 EL 12th North. CHEAP RENT TO DESIRABLE TENANTS Five rooms and bath. 1157 Belmont at. Key at etore. A MODERN 8-ROOM HOUSE. IN IRVING ton. 718 Chamber of Commerce. Phone Main 47G4. "-ROOM HOUSE. CENTRAL, GOOD CON- aiuon; auo -room cottage, inquire 401 JX Pine si. OROOM HOUSE. MODERN. GAS, STATION ary tubs. 31 E. 18th et. Inquire 127 E, 16th JrC FOR JtENT HOUSE OF 11 ROOMS, MOD ern Improvements. 323 12th st. Apply' 327 12th st. 9-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. S1 2D ST., $22. Inquire 405 Chamber of Commerce. Main 55C3. FOR RENT MODBRN C-ROOM FLAT, 429 Rodney avc.; rent reasonable. Phone East 907. 6-ROOM COTTAGE: ALL CONVENIENCES: $15. 103$ Eclmont st. Phone Main 4257. $4) NEAT FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE. KEY O'Nell's grocery, cor. Heed and Grant. HOUSES FOR RENT. EAST OR WEST Side. Hatfield & Smith. 16514 4th st. S6 E. STH NORTH MODBRN -ROOM boose, gas. shades, rbeae Mala a$78. FOR RENT 8-ROOM HOUSE. lf 1TH ST., coraer Taylor. lBqulre IS 16ta st. -412 PARK FOUR-ROOM COTTAGE: DMIB able location. InHire at JM7 Hall. FOR RENT S-ROOX HOCSB. $. X. CO. 1M. and Mea4. Ias.isirt 7 Ui, FOR RENT. COTTAGE OF 6 ROOMS AND RATH. 731 Hoyt st, Isanlre 1X2 Sic st, FOR RENT 8-ROOM HOUSE. 350 MONT gomery. Apply 3DS 7th. FOR RENT S-ROOM. HOUSEL PHONE MAIN 440. 249 Caruthers st. TWO FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 2S7 West Park st. FOR RENT 5-ROOM COTTAGE, SOS MILL at.; rent $14. FOR RENT 7-ROOM HOUSE. 497 MAR ket st. Fcnlshed Hesses. 7-ROOM HANDSOME FURNISHED HOUSE, all kinds of fruit and flowers, ground lOOx 200. Apply at premises. 394 Ellxa st-. sear Union are. SEVEN-ROOM HOUSE. COMPLETELY FUR nlsh'ed. $50 per month for three months, from April 1; adults only. Main 1513. 6-ROOM HOUSE. COMPLETELY FURN1SH ed. centrally located. West Side; reasonable. F. L. Waller. East 1305. .HeBses For Rest Fax-altare For Sale, FURNITURE OF 5-ROOM COTTAGE FOR sale; house for rent. Call 104 12th at,, sear Washington. SNAP S ROOMS. RENT $25; 7 FURNISHED. $250 cath; one block north Hotel Scott. 349 Couch. FURNITURE OF 7-ROOM FLAT. COM plcte. with piano, at a bargain. 230 J-i 10th street. MUST SELL FURNITURE OP MODERN 8 room houee at bargain. 327 Taylor st. FURNITURE OF JO-ROOM HOUSE FOR sale, reasonable. Phone Main 3770. Stores. FOR RENT STOREROOM SUITABLE FOR confectionery store or branch bakery la growing section of city. I Gevurtx block. Front and GIbbs sta.; reasonable rest. Apply to I. Gevurtz & Soar, 173 1st t. THE HEILER. 2S0H GRAND AVE COR ner Hawthorne 3 clean, large, unfur nished office rooms; gas and water; walk ing distance business center. STORE FOR RENT. 20X75. ON WASHING ton. near 12th st-; lease and fixtures for sale; rent $40. Inquire 250 14th st. CORNER STORE, LEWIS BLDG.. MORRI son and Park. Inquire White. 304 Dekum. or Simon, 311 Chamber Commerce. 2- STORY BUILDING. 22x30; ON R. R sear Salem; $10 per month Including na tures: lease. Reeves. 435 Wash. FOR RENT TWO SAMPLE ROOMS. 7TH and Oak. Apply to G. N. W. Wilson Co., 72 Cth. STORE. 271 STH ST.. OPPOSITE CITY HALL, with room Is rear. Apply upstairs. Ring bell. Offices. FOR RENT ROOM 12X30. ON CTH ST.: suitable for office or tailor- shop; ground floor; $25 per month. Call at No. 4 N. Cth st. Phone Hood 1C3S. OFFICES FOR RENT IN THE COLUMBIA and McKay bldgs. Apply to Thos. Meles berg. 311 McKay bldg. VERY DESIRABLE LARGE FRONT room. 5th floor, Washington st. Phone Main 514G. FOR RENT OFFICE ROOMS AND AUDI, torlum lodge hall. Room 3, Auditorium, 206 H Third SL OFFICES AND ROOMS. LEWIS BUILDING. Inquire White. 304 Dekum. FINANCIAL. LOANS MADE TO SALARIED PEOPLE holding permanent positions and respon sible arms; easy payments and strictly cos. fJdcntlal; also CHATTEL LOANS on personal property; rooming-houses & peclalty. NEW ERA LOAN &. TRUST COMPANY. 205 Ablngton Building. MONEY TO LOAN On Improved city property or for building purposes, for from 3 to 10 years time, with privilege to repay all or part of loan after two years. Loans approved from plans and money advanced as building progresses; mortgages taken up and replaced. FRED H. STRONG. Financial Agent. 242 Stark Street. THE STAR LOAN CO. Any salaried employe, wage-earntr. can get on his note, without mortgage Con sdestlal): Month, hi month. Week. $30 Repay to us.. $1X33 or $0.05 or $3.23 $25 Repay to us..$ 6.05 or 3123 or$LC5 $15 Repay to us.-$ 4.00 or $2.00 or $1.00 210 M'KAY BLDG., 102 THIRD. THE CRESCENT LOAN CO.. 425-429 MO hawk bldgt, 3d and Morrison, loans money to reliable salesmen, trainmen, moloromen. conductors or other salaried employes. Just on his note, in sums of $10 to $100. Re turnable In convenient weekly or monthly payments. Payments suspesded In case of sickness. Confidential. No Inquiries. MONET ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLE and others upon their own names without security; cheapest rates, easiest payments; office in 33 principal cities: save yourself money by getting our terms flirt, TOLMAN, 223 Ablngton bldg.. 100H 3d st. LOANS ON EASY PAYMENT PLAN TO salaried people at lowest rates: strictly confidential. Employes Loan Co.. room 710 the Dekum. 3d and Wash. sta. Phone 224. HIGHLY respectable place where ladles and gentlemen can borrow money on diamond and Jewelry. Collateral Loan Bank. 2C9 Washlsgton st Phone Held 431. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE AND other good securities; small building loans a specialty. W. H. Nuns. 552 Sherlock bldg. Phone Clay 529. " PRIVATE MONET FOR QUICK REAL Es tate loans; any amount. $S00 or over, at 3. 0 and 7 per cent. M. G. Griffin. 2G6 Stark st. LOANS ON FURNITURE. PIANOS AND other securities: lowest rates .&. W. King, room 45. Washington bldg. Phoss Main CI 00. DON'T BORROW MONEY ON SALARY UN til you. see Hutton Credit Co.. 512 Dekum bid. PRIVATE PARTY HAS FROM $500 TO $10.. 000 to loan os Portland real estate security at from 5 to 7 per cent, P. O. Box 314. city. MONEY LOANED IN SUMS OF $3 AND UP on all kinds of security. W. A. Hathaway, room 10. Washington bldg. Phone Clay 415. IMMEDIATE LOANS IN SUMS FROM $3 TO $500 on all securities. R. L Eckerson & Co.. room S, Washington bldg. Phone Clay 73. MORTGAGE AND INSTALLMENT LOANS quickly and easily arranged; $13,000, 0 per cent. P 42, Oregonlas. COLUMBIA LIFE & TRUST CO, 44 CON cord bldg. Loans made os city property. No commission. WILL LOAN $5000 OR LESS. PER CENT real estate. Farrtsgtoa. 318 Chamber o! Commerce. WANTED $600 FOR 6 YEARS; GOOD SB curtly; will pay 7 per cent. Address A 47, Oregoaian. MONEY TO LOAN ON ALL KINDS OF SE- curlty. Wm. Holl. rm. 9. Washington bldg. State funds loaned. 0 per cent. W. E. Thomas, state agt., Multnomah Co, 400 Cham, Com. LOWEST RA5ESON FURNITURE. PIANOS and other security. 449 Sherlock. Clay 325. $600,000 TO LOAN AT 3 AND 6 PER CENT Wbu G. Seek, room S67. Falling bldg. MONEY LOANED ON FIRST MORTGAGES. Uayses. 402 Commercial block. BUSINESS CHANCES. SALOON ONE OF THE BEST LOCATIONS In the city; dolnga business of $30 dally; rent free. Commercial Investment Co.. 165 Hi 3d et,. room A. $230 RELIABLE PARTNER WANTED Will pay you $18 to $2C weekly: experience unnecessary. Call 24&H Stark sC IF WANTING LBG ITIM ATE INVESTMENTS, see J. F. Hsrst &. Co., 396 McKay Bldg.. Portland. Oregon. CASH STORB PRICE 360. WILL .MAKE you $4 a day ever all expeaM. Call 2484 Stark st. SPECULATORS CALL MAIN 3S4 FOR BIO bargain la Hurst Railroad Switch stack. FOR SALE CORNER SALOON AT A BAR gate; InveeUgate this. Inavlre 334 GIImb st- FOR SALE 11 -ROOM ROOMING-HOUSE for sale cheap. 44 3d st. "FOUNDRY FOR SALS. IN QUIRK BOX 31. MtHsbwB, Or. BCSINBSS CHANCES. W. H. TAFT. J. 11. DIETZ. TAFT &. CO. Main 136. 273 Stark St.. C of a Bldg. Below Is a list of rooming and boarding houses that are gilt-edge tn every respect, and will stand the closest. Investigation, and the prices are the lowct that have ever becs offered. APARTMENT HOUSE. 100 rooms, assay corner, very nicely fur nished, cheapesc rent in Portland, good lease, and the best of all. is making good, big money, but on account of sickness own er will make a big sacrifice. No reason able offer will be refused. , For further particulars please call, TAFT & CO.. Mala 136. 273 Stark St. C. or C. Bldg. FAMILY BOARDING-HOUSE. 9) rooms, steam heat, hot and cold water In every room," nicely furnished. 40 steady boarders .and good transient trade, clear ing about $2& pet month. You can pick this up at 30 cents on the dollar. Prica $3500. TAFT tc. CO. Main 136. 275 Stark St, C of C Bldg. MAKE US AN OFFER. SO rooms, corner brick, steam heat, run ning water Is rooav. elevator. 3-year lease, very cheap rest, making good, big money, on the best comer is tho city. Owner has other business and must sell. Come In and make us an offer. TAFT & CO. Main 136. 273 Stark St. a of & Bldg. MONEY-MAKER HERE. 40 rooms, comer brick, ste&m heat, hot and cold water In room, rent. Including steam heat. $200 per month, elegantly fur nished, best location In the city, and Is positively clearing $430 per month above all expenses. This is one of the very beat houses la the city, asd first time os the market. TAFT & CO. Mais 336. 273 Stark st,. t of C. Bldg. APARTMENT-HOUSE. 33 rooms, cheap rest, rise location, nicely furnished, clearing $140 per month, fur nace heat: hot and cold water In all the rooms, very cheap for $2500. TAFT Si CO. Mala 350. 273 Stark's.. C. of C. Bldg. SWELL FAMILY HOUSE. 33 rooms, fine location, cheap rent, good lease; elegantly furnished; fine lawn, beau tiful veranda, asd all the comforts of home; you can bask $230 per month abo your Ilvlcg expenses; price $4500. , . TAFT & CO. Mala 336. 273 Stark st- C. of C. Bldg. GOOD BUY. 32 rooms asd large hall, brick building, steam heat, hot asd cold water la every room; 4 private baths, elegantly furnished, rent. Including the hall. $330 per month: hall rents for $300 per month; leaving $30 Per month for 33 rooms; house clears over $300 per month; a regular snap for some one; price $0000. TAFT & CO. Main 330. 275 Stark st,. C. of C Bldg. PRICE CUT ONE-HALF. 30 rooms, comer on Washington st., new. ly furnished, very low rent, 3-year lease, everything new and clean, and house Is making good mosey, but owner has been called East on account of slcknea and will sell for Just one-half what It cost to fur nish; price $1000. TAFT & CO. Main 15a 273 Stark St.. C. of C. Bldg. HOW IS THIS? 20 rooms, 2 blocks from Portland Hotel, steam heat, rent $100 per month, nicely fur nished, making good Income above all ex penses; price reduced to $1030. TAFT & CO. Main 156. 275 Stark st.. C of C. Bldg. PICK-UP. S rooms. 3 blocks from Portland Hotel, finely furnished, and you can buy It dirt cheap, at the owner U sick and out of the city, and must sel. Call for particulars. TAFT & CO. Main 139. 275 Stark st,. C. of C. Bldg. FINE HOME. 7 nice large rooms. 1 block from Wash ington st,. elegantly furnished. furnace heat; this house pays the rent, grocery and meat bill and then some: price $530. TAFT & CO. Main 166. 273 Stark st-. C. of C. Bldg. ROOMING-HOUSE HEADQUARTERS. ELLIS & KAHLER. Room 21.' Cambridge Building. 2C4 Morrison St-. S. W. Comer Third St. We have all the desirable room!nc-hoivs on our list that are for rale; the best as well as the cheapest, from 5 rooms to 100; prices $300 to $10,000. If you want to buy e what we have. A FEW SELECTIONS. The best house In Portland, brick, cen tral comer, entirely modem. long established, fine furnishings. If you can put $30C0 Into a business, better see this. .Swell 20-room bouse, near Morrison ft-; steam beat, modem, furnished extra well, full of high-class roomer'. Price $2100. 20 rooms, all one one floor, business dis trict, rent a snap. Great bargain at $350. 22 rooms, all one floor, buslne center, pays $100 a month net. Price only $550. worth $1200. 22 rooms, fine corner dwelling, furnace heat, modem house, large grounds, pays $100 over rent.- which Is only $0 on long lease. This is a awell place and Jirtc only $1200. 9 rooms, dwelling, nice place, west oC Imperial Hotel, cheap rent, full of steady roomers, paying $30 over expenres. Take It for $323. 40 rooms, all one floor, central, comer, brick, rent cheap, with long lease. If you can pay $100 cash down and wast the best bouse for the price asked, see this today. And we have others, good buys, all of them. Terms can be made on any. OTHER BUSINESS CHANCES. ELLIS & KAHLER. Room 21. Cambridge Building. 2C4 Morrison St,. S. W. Comer Third St, See the following list and If anything interests you. call for particulars: Swell little restaurant, central location, do ing big business, all good condition; It will pleas-; you; price only $7uo Restaurant, doing fine business, good lo. tlon. cheap rent; It Is a winner for. .$) Manufacturing buolness. pays now about $200 a month; can be Increased many times over $1750 Grocery. East Side, good location $I5CO Grocery. West Side, fine counter trade. KO Cigar and confectionery store, rent a snap, profits $100 a month ....$12oo Half Interest In good-paying well-located real estate office pay you $100 a month, for $230 Grocery and little bakery, living rooms.$273 .- ''AUSE I HAVE OTHER INTERESTS. I will sell ray gent's furnishing goods store located at Independence. Or.; stock about $7000. with good paying cash trade. Ad dress F. A. Douty, Portland. Or. Phone Exchange SO. A BARGAIN $000 WILL BUY THE FURNI ture and lease of a 14-room lodging-boot and a good paying res.aurant In a country town. Address C E. Camm. South Ben&. Wash. HAVE GOOD LOCATION IN SMALL TOWN for young doctor; will pay salary besides. Must apply before March 15. Address Stowell &. West, Vancouver. Wash. THE CITY DRUG STORE, AN OLD-ESTAB-llshed bunlnere, with a well-selected stock. Call or address Executor's Estato of 12. B. Cbarman at Oregon City, Or. OPPORTUNITY FOR BUSINESS MEN Good openings la all lines, city or country; details at offices of th Ames Mercaatlls Agency. Ablngton bldg. WANTED 44750 LOAN FOR ONE OR TWO years: safe, solid security, real estate; will pay S per cent: money for bulldng pur poses. L 40, Oregon I an. FOR SALE A DESIRABLE CIGAR AND fruit atand. with bootblack stand in connec tion; owner must leave for Alaska. Inquire at 151 North Cth st. GOOD OPENING FOR DRUG STORE NEW building, good, location and cheap rent. In quire at Dresser's Grocery, comer 20th and East Morrison st. WANTED PARTNER WITH NOT LESS than $250 to increase legitimate, already good-paying business. Give address, E 47. Oregonlas. FOR SALE SMALL SELECT STOCK OF groceries. In good town, close to Portland; cheap rest. See Moore Iaveatmeat Co.. 131 H 6th st. $1000 OR MORE WANTED IN LUMBER manufacturing enterprise; good position if deelred. Miller. 612 Commercial bldg. Main 3910. 12-ROOM ROOMING-HOUSE. VERY CEN tral; must be sold; any reasonable offer considered. Hatfield & Smith. 163 H -ith sL FOR SALE CORNER BOARDING-HOUSE; 8 rooms, famished, dishes, cutlery, linea; no agents. 1S1 N. 16th. Phone Main 4971. FOR SALE A SNAP. MODERN BRICK hotel, elegantly furnished. long lease. In quire Henry Gennlsgs. 1st asd YamhllL IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A SNAP IN cigar, sews aad confectionery store, good boslaess. cheap rent, call 1S6 Madison. WOOD YARD OWNBR WANTS TO RETIRE asd will tell on easy terra: will guarantee you $133 a month. Call 2iSr Stark at. BARGAIN FOR SALE. ONE OF THE BEST . located cigar stares Is the city: cheap rest; lease. Addrers J -44, Oregonian, FOR SALE BRAND-NBW SAWMILL ON rail asd water. 39.fjG9 capacity: best site on Co )mb Ma River. G 44, Oregoaian. FOR SALE GOOD MONEY-MAKING RUSI ass fr a lady: eatgse &z selilnc. sickness. Address J. F. Calvin, Belse, Idaho. OYSTER AND CHOPHOC2B. SPLENDID LO eaJn:.w4ft eM efeea. as I have to leave fer the S&X, riHM Mala UN. BUSINESS CHANCES. GO AND EXAMINE THE HURST AUTO matlc Railroad Switch Invention, now n ex hibition at 200 McKay bldg. If you think it ha merit and Is a good Investment, call at my office. I can sell this corporation's stock at a big discount. It will pay you to trade with me. W. J. Curtis, 215 Commercial blk. Phono Main S334. WANTED ACTIVE PARTNER TO BUY - ii esiaoiisnea joooiag ana ranaunc turing; half Interest to right party. $3000; if In position to Invest $2000 equally with present owner. Buslneao will be turned over free of debt, with plant and goods ready for expanding; orders crowding. A 4S. Ore sonian. PRINTING OFFICE EXCEPTIONALLY well equipped, doing good business. In coun JJ.eat, fine town; has been long estah. Ilsned; owner must go South: this is a fine opportunity for a good workman: don't re ply unless you have the cash. Address H 2S, Oregonlan. A YOUNG MAN WITH $400 CAN OBTAIN L. "i an oki estaoiisaea ou-inow which will guarantee $60 monthly., besides ptoflu; references exchanged. Commercial Investment Co.. 183H 3d at., room A. DO YOU WANT A SNAP? The best paying proposition In Portland. Party giving It up on account of sickscss; $2300 will handle It. If you mean busi ness address S 50. Oregonlan. WANTED A PARTNER WITH $3(0 TO take a half interest In a flrst-clasd amuse mest enterprise; fine opportunity to make large profits. Address R 31. Oregonlan. PARTNER WANTED IN DAIRY. 4tt COWS and 60 acres of pasture. Commercial In vestment Co.. 1C3H 3d st,. room A. SPECIAL NOTICES. Irreeosais Invited, NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE OF THB franchises asd property of the Oregon Traction Company. Notice Ls hereby glvtn that the stockholde-n of the Oregon Trac tion Company have adopted a resolution au thorizing asd directing ths dissolution of the said corporation and the dispoaltloa of all lu property. Pursuant to said resolution asd tho reso lution of the board of directors authorising and directing the sal of all of the property belong leg to the company. I will, at the hour cf IP o'clock A. M.. os Thursday, the 13th day of March. lUOtf. at the frost door of the County Courthouse, la the City of Portland. Multnomah County. Oregon, of fer at public sAle. to the highest bidder for cash, the franchises, roadbed, track, rights of way asd contracts for right cf way. to gether with all maps, proales. office fix tures asd furniture and all property of whatever kind owned by said corporation. The said property will be sold In bulk, asd as as entirety. The said franchises of said company re ferred to are as follows, to wit: A franchise authorizing the construction of a railway line through the City of H1H bors and a franchise grunting the rizht to construct a railway on and over certain streets In the City of Forest Grove. Waah-. ingion County, Oregon, and a franchise granted by the City of Portland. Or., by ordinance No. 14,364. entitled. "An ordi nance granting to the Oregon Traction Com pany, its successors and assigns, .he right to construct, lay down, maintain and eperate railways aad potea and wires and underground coadults tn the City of Port land. Or." (Approved by the Mayor of uld city oa the 6th day of April. 1B05.) The constructed track belonging to said company consists cf about 33S0 feat of double track laid oa Twelfth street, is the City of Portland. Or., between Bumside aad Overtoa streets, la said city, asd 260 feet of double track cc Pettygrove street, be tween Thirteenth and Fourteenth streets, la said city, aad three crossings oa Six teenth. Twenty-third aad Twesty-flfth streets, at the Intersection of Pettygrove street. The maps asd proales referred to show the survey of the projected eletcrta railway Use of the company from the City of Portland. Or, to the City of Forest Grove. Oregon. For ful information as to all property of the company, inquire of the office of the eefflDasy. room 23, Union block. City of Portias d. Or. The said corporation ls sow indabted in about the sum of S33.000. Of said sum about the amount of $3300 la due the Germanla National Bank, of San Pranclsco. Cah. far which $109,000 par value In amount of the bonds of the company, secured by a mortgage or deed of trust on all the prop erty of the company are deposited as col lateral and of which said total amount about the sum of $14,700 is secured by me chanics' Hens oa the franchise, roadbed and constructed track of the company ls the City of Portland, the remainder of said Indebtedness being unsecured. The said property shall be sold to the highest bidder. . The purchase price shall be paid la full, la cash, or by acceptable certified check at or before 3 o'clock P. M. cf the day of sale. Payment to b mads to the undersigned at the office of the com pany. Union block. Portland. Or. If the person offering the highest bid for all of said property shall sot pay the eatir pur chase price by 3 o'clock P. M. of said day of sale, the person offering the second highest bid shall be entitled to the convey ance of said property. If he shall pay the entire sum bid by him before 4 o'clock P. M. of said day of sale: aad If neither the la-'d highest or next highest bidder shall ray oa said day of sals the amount bid by him. the directors of the company at their option may sell said property to aay person bidding at said sale who makes full payment on the day of said sale of the sum eld by him. The right to reject any and all bids U reserved. By order of the board ef directors. W. L. GOULD. Secretary Oregon Traction Company. WAHA IRRIGATION SYSTEM. LEWISTON. Idaho. 1906. Sealed propoHils will be re ceived at the office of the Waha-Lewlston Land & Water Company, at Lewis ton. Idaho, until 3 P. M March 31. HX. for the con struction ef IS miles of flood-water catch ment ditch, 4 miles of main supply ditch and two storage retxrvolrs. situate on Craig Mountain, Ner Perce County, Idaho. This work Involves the handling of sume 310.000 cuWo yards of earth. cubic yards of nk and construction of about 1S.0O0 yards of concrete and other masonry, and about 4000 lineal feet of tunnels. A certified check or trust company's proposal bond for a sum equal to 3 per cent of the amount of tho bid must accompany each bid. and the suc cessful bidder will bo required to enter Into a contract at once and MrnUi satisfactory bond la the sum equal to 40 per cent of the amount of the contract as a guarantee of the proper execution of the contract within the time specified. The company re serves the right to reject any and all bids. Bids will b received (1) for the construc tion of the ditches, (2) the reservoirs and 13) the tunnels, or for the entire work. Plans and soeclficatlons are on file at the off lot of the company at Lewlston. Idaho. Addi tional Information furnished upon applica tion. Walter II. Graves. Engineer. CHIEF QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE. VAN couver Barracks. Wash., February 24, 1900. Sealed proposals. In triplicate, will be re ceived at this office until 11 o'clock A. M., March 23, 1906. and then publicly opened, for furnishing and Installing gymnastic appar atus at Fort Columbia. Wash. Full Infor mation will be furnished on application to this office and at the office of the Quarter master. Fort Columbia. Wash. The United States reserves the right to accept or re Jt any or all bids, or any part thereof. Envelopes containing proposals should bo In dorsed: "Proposals for gymnastic apparatus. Fort Columbia. Watih.". and addressed to the Chief Quartermaster, Vancouver Barracks, Wash. Mlseetlaaeeas. WE. THB UNDERSIGNED FURNITURE aad piano-movers, win require the payment of all charges upon delivery of goods after December 1. 1903: H. C Haack. C F. Har der. O. F. Huasey. Cosgrove Bros.. Portland Delivery Co.. Post Special Delivery Co.. Package Delivery Co, Holmaa Transfer Co, Northwestern Transfer Co, Oregon Auto Dispatch Co, John Hampton, James McLin den. Owen McLlnden. Pacific Transfer Co.. Oregon Transfer Co, Portland Van fc Stor age Co, Wakercan. Mors Transfer Co, East Sldo Transfer Co, C O. Pick Transfer U Storage Co, C M. Olsea. Baggage & Omni bus Transfer Co.. A. J. Murphy, Kadderly Transfer & Commission Co, John A. Lo'e, Andrew J. Murphy. F. M. Ireland. F. Mil Itr. Finch & Henderson. CASCADE RANGE FOREST RESERVE (Northern Division); applications for graz ing permits Notice is hereby given that all applications for permits to graze cattle, horses and sheep within the Northern Di vision of the Cascade Range Forest Re serve during the season of 1806. must be submitted to D. D. Bronson. Forest In-, spcor. Portland. Or, on or before April !, 1906. Full information in regard to the grazing fees to be charged, and blank forms to be used la making application, will b furnished upon request addressed to the above-named officer. Thomas H. Sher rard. Acting Forester. NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS MEETING The annual meeting of the stockholders of the Oregon &. California. Railroad Co. will be held at the office of the company. 343 Worcester bldg, Iortland. Or, on Tuesday. April 10. 10OS. at 11 o'clock A. M, for the purpose of electing directors for the ensuing year and the transaction of such other busi ness aa may legally come before the meet ing. W. W Cotton, secretary. Portland, Or, March 10. 1906. PERSONA-C YOUNG LADY GIVES FACE AND SCALP massage. The Cosmos, 26SK Morrison st, parlors 12 and 14. AN ELDERLY LADY DESIRES ACQUAINT ar.ee of elderly gentleman; object eaatrlmosy. H 43, Orexcnlan. SR. PAUL CROMWELL. THB COLORED Specialist. Sanitarium 127 N. 12th. Mala 347s. MRS. S. B. SElP. Most reliable seeress and prophetess ls tows. R43V4 Yamhill. Pac. 166. DR. AUSPLUND, DISKASBE OF WOMEN" and rmrxery.-Sec AUky fcWr, 34. & MrrlK. PERSONAL. CONFIDENTIAL MEDICAL ADVICB TO women We treat diseases of women ex clusively, curing with unvarying success all female ailments from the slightest local Ir ritation to the most complicated Internal troubles; maternity cases given special at tention; private hospital accommodation; professional lady surse la attendance; con sultation and advice free. X-Radlum Medi cal Institute and Sanitarium, 3d and Alder ts, entrance 233 Alder at-. Portland. THE PHYSIO. THERAPATHIC DISPENSARY, The only place la town that treats all chronic or nervous diseases for . 33.00 PER MONTH, Without the use of drugs. If you are sick, consult us free. 411 Morrison st. Phone Pacific 220S. Detective Agency Confidential investigations; reports made os any Individual, business or property; missing relatives found; bad debts collected; charges reasonable; correspondence solicited. Oregon Detective Service. 314-315 Columbia bldg, 303 Washington. Main 5615. SWEDISH TRAINED NURSE. HBLSING-J iurs- gTTuiuaie. positively curus rneumaiism. nervous disorders and stomach troubles by hand-rubbing; steam, sweat and tub hatha; both sexes. 7 E. 11th st, two doors from E. Ankeny car line. Phone East 260. SUITS PRESSED WHILE YOU WAIT. 50C To the visitors of Portland hotels and to the public at large: Suits pressed at COc at Gilbert, the tallor'H. 106H Sixth st, next to the Quelle. Ladles skirts pressed. 30c; Phone 'Pacific 2CSS. BE YOUR OWN BEAUTY DOCTOR! Free information and anatomical chart, the masterpiece of perfection. -Keeps circulation moving and muaclet young. Complexion ilkd a rose. X. Z. Cauftmas. Specialist, 1401 First ave.. Seattle. MADAME ENGLISH. MAGNETIC HEALER, cures all diseases by hand-rubbing and elec tric sweats; rheumatism a specialty. Prof. Rakard electric radiator used. 143& Uth. cor. Alder. THE CELEBRATED STAR HAIR REMEDY restores gray hair to Its original color; re moves dandruff, promotes the growth of new hair; not a dye. Paris Hair Store. 308 Washington st, sole agents. DRESS SUITS FOR RENT. ALL SIZES $1 a month keeps your clothing cleaned and preened, buttons sewed on, tips sewed up. Prompt calls and deliveries. Unique Tailor ing Co, 309 Stark, near 6tb. "BOOK OF NATURE." "AGNES," "DROLL Stories," "Her Hidden Charms." "A Hot Tamale." "A Modem Lover." 50c e3. Lists free. A. W. Schmale Co, 229 1st. LOST POWERS RESTORED BY THH great Dr. Lorenz Nerve Tonic Tablets; 23c a box. Write or call at Eyssell's Pharmacy, 227 Morrison st, bet. 1st and 2d. Manly vigor restored by Dr. Roberts' Nerve Globules. One month's treatment, $2; 3 months', $3. Seat securely scaled by mall. Agents, Woodard. Clarke & Co, Portland. WILL ACCEPT REASONABLE OFFER FOR a $30 prise credit good for that amount on any piano purchased from Allen Jfc Gilbert Ramaker Co, Address D 48. Oregonlan. I ITH AND TAUGHT BY MAIL BY Ex perienced teacher: low rates. Write for special terms. Mrs. Reed, 620 Chamber of Commerce FINE DAY BUY -MEREDITH'S UMBREL las; repairing and recovering; two stores: Washington and 6th and Washington and 5th. PROFESSOR NORMAN. ASTROLOGIST, palmist and clairvoyant. 323 Allaky bWg, cor. Morrison and 3d; try hire. 10- NEAT VISITING CARDS WITH TOUR name. 50c. 30 for 33c; 230 .business cards. $1. Schmale Co, 229 1st. LEARN ILLUSTRATING. CARTOONING show-card writing or window trimming by Mall. T 23. Oregonlan. BALM OF FIGS FOR ALL FEMALE Dis eases. 626 EX Belmont. Phone East 4034. YOUNG LADY GIVES FACE AND SCALP manage. Tho Tacoraa, 263 Stark, parlor 27. TWO LADIES. BATH. FACE AND SCALP maasage. 208 Sth. bet, Taylor and Salmon Turkish baths, massage, expert masseuse, la dles only. 351 Washington. Ph. Mala 7049. TWO YOUNG LADIES GIE FACE AND scalp massage. HOVj 4th st, cor. Wash. BOOKS BOUGHT, SOLD AND EXCHANGED at the Old Book Store, 229 Yamhill st. DR. IJIOTTES FRENCH CORN PAINT. The best com cure. 23c; all druggists. WATER-PROOF HALF SOLESs. 30c HOLLA baugh'er, 2671s Taylor, bet, 3d and 4th. LOST AND FOUND. TEN DOLLARS REWARD THE OREGON lan will pay $10 reward for the arrest and conviction of anyone caught stealing The Oregonlan from the doors of Its subscrib ers. Circulation Manager. FOUND A PLACE TO HAVE HAIR MAT tressen renovated and returned same day. 22S Front st. Main 474. Portland Curled Hair Factory. II. Metzgcr, proprietor. LOST LADY'S SOLITAIRE! DIAMOND ring. Saturday. West Side. Finder return to 305- Chamber of Commerce and get lib eral reward. LOST LADY'S BLACK PURSE. CONTAIN Ing small green purse, pair of glasses and cails addressed Barlow. Reward. Phone M.-fln 430S. LOST FOX TERRIER. ONE BLACK AND white ear, black spots on back, city li cense No. 13S4. Return 777 Overton st. Reward. LOST GOLD CHARM. INITIALS H. L, and opal setting. Leave at 251 Yamhill st. and receive reward. LOST BETWEEN Ev STH AND HANCOCK and 23d and Clackamas, gold brooch. Phone East 3234. Reward. LOST LARGE FLEA-BITTEN WHITE horse, with rope and halter. Call 413 Ever ett st-i reward. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Accountants. GEORGE T. MTJRTON. 534 CHAMBER OF Commerce. Phone Mala 4886. Bookkeeping, expertlng. teaching. Assay ers and Analysts. GREENLEY & CRAWFORD, ANALYTICAL chemists, mining engineer. 204 a Wash ington at. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE, 185 MORRISON st. Befit facilities. Prices reasonable. PAUL RAUMEL. ASSAYER AND ANALYST Gold dust bought, 207 Alder at. Attorneys. J. S. WINCHESTER. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. notary public 30 Washington bldg. Boatbulldexs. Graham's Boatyard, foot E. Pine; gasoline launches. Agent for Standard gasoline engine. Carpenters and Builders. W. L. Buckner. office, store fixtures, general Jobbing, contracting. 330 Stark. Main 3SS1. Carpet Cleaning. Sanitary carpet cleaning Carpets cleaned on floor: suction and compressed air. Main 5334. Cleaning and Dyeing. Oregon Steam Cleaning & Dyeing Works. 287 Bumside st, bet. 4th and 3th. Pacific 2119i CeeamUsien Merchants. HERMAN METZGER. PURCHASER OF hides, pelts, furs, wool, mohair, tallow, old rubber and old metal, and general com mission merchant- Front st. sr. Main. Port land. Or. Cash advanced on consignment TAYLOR. YOUNG & CO.. SHIP BROKERS and commission aasrehaats. Sherlock bldg, Portland, Or. ALLEN & LEWIS, COMMISSION AND produce merchants, Front and Davis sts. Portland. Or. Leather aad Findings. J. A. STROWBRIDGE LEATHER CO. Es tablished 1S3S. Leather and findings: stock ton sole leather and cut stock; full 11ns Eastern Jumbos. 186 Front st. Chiropodist and Manlcarlag. WM. D EVENT Jfc ESTELLB D EVENT. THE only scientific chiropodists.- parlors, room. 263 Drew bldg, 162 2d st. Phona Mala 3301. This to the long-haired gentleman. He Is the man you are looking for. Dancing WOODWARD'S DANCING ACADEMY Westers Academy of Music Hall. Monday asd Thursday, gents. 12 lessons. $5: ladies, 3d leHoes. 52-30. Comer 2d and Morrison, Machinery. 3. TRENKMAN Ic CO, MINING, SAW mlll. logging machinery: hydraulic pipes, casting; all kinds repaired. 104 N. 4th. THB K- G. ALBEE CO, SECOND-HAND aacaltery, sawmills, etc 218 Grand ave. BUSINESS DIRECTORY: Junk. Hides aad Pelts. L. SHANK & CO, PURCHASERS OF HIDES, pelts, wool. fers. tallow, old rubbers, met als and sacks. 312 Front st. Harness and Saddles. THB GEORGE LAWRENCE CO, WHOLE--ale saddles and harness mfrs, leather asd saddlery hardware. 80-86 1st. Main 226. Launches. SEE US FOR LAUNCHES. ANY 'SIZE, style and price. See our "Little Special" for S193. Relerson Machinery Co, 1&M-6 Morrison st Manicurists. CATHERINE E. JOHNSON, 129 7TH..BE twees Alder and Washington. Main 0432. Musical. MRS. B. F. DRISCOLL. PUPIL SHERWOOD. Chicago; piano lessons. 50 cents. Studio. 466 7th st,, near Jackson. E31IL THIELHORN. pupil of Sevcik. violin teacher. Studio, 193 6th. Tel. Mala 3908. Northwest Vlavl Co. LEWIS BLDG, PARK AND MORRISON sts. Call or send stamp for Health Book. Osteopathic Physicians. DRS. ADIX & NORTHRUP. 413-16-17 DE kum bldg, 3d and Washington-. 'Phone: Office. Main 349; residence. Main 1302; East 102S. Exam, free Sun. by appolntnvt. DR. L. B. SMITH. PIONEER OSTEOPATH of Oregon; graduate Klrkvllle, Mo. 403 Oregonlan bldg. Main 1242; res. M. 2732. Paints. Oils and Glass. RASMUSSEN & CO, JOBBERS, paints, oils. glas3. sash and doors. Cor. 2d and Taylor. Patent Lawyers. R. C. WRIGHT. DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN patents; Infringement cases. 604 Dekum. Sates. DIEBOLD VAULT WORK AND SAFES lead competitors. Steal ball-bearlng lifting J&cks. Metal fixtures. Lockouts opened, re pairs. Phone 1033. John E. Davis. 66 Third. THE GENUINE HALL'S SAFE & LOCK CO. afes; the Herrtng-HaU-Marvln. Portland Safe Co, agents. 92 7th st, near Stark. Showcases. Bank and Store Fixtures. R. 11. BIrdsall. designer: agt- 31. Winter Lum ber Co, 7 Hamilton bldg, 131 3d. M. 5339. THE LUTKE MANUFACTURING CO, COR. 6th and Hoyt. Phone Main 140S. PORTLAND SHOWCASE & FIXTURE CO, 348 1st. near Market. Phone Clay 1644. Sign Painters. WALL SIGNS. OFFICE DOORS AND WIN dows lettered at cut prices. Zlragiebel. 213 Washington, st. Phone Pacific 1453. Spiritualists. ORMONDE. EGYPTIAN ASTRAL SEER OF Delhi Dead tranco medium, clairvoyant palmist, astrologer, psychic healer. telU of marriage, love, buslnesa, health. law suits; restores lost or falling vitality, breaks weak habits. locates mines, burled treasures miss ing ones; makes good luck, removes evil in fluenccs. hastens marriages, unites the sepa rated, settles love, business or family trou bles; reliable readings by mall; also absent treatment for all ailments. HI luck; develops clairvoyance in others. 288. Washington. ZINGA. THE VEILED EGYPTIAN MYSTIC sccress of the Nile; bom with a double veil; astrologlst, clairvoyant and palmist; dead trance medium; healing done through pay chic force ZInga la the only person In Amer ica who has the oecret of tho ancients for luck and love: readings by mall as satisfac tory as In person; terms within reach of olU 26S& Morlrson. bet. 3d -4 tit. Cosmos Hotel. MRS. WALLACE. 23 YEARS PORTLAND'S most reliable medium; all In trouble ca'.l and get her valuable advice on all affair of life, business, love, troubles; absent friends a specialty. 2S6 Taylor st. Houra. 9 A. M. to S P. 31. MRS. S. H. SEIP, noted prophetess and psy cliomctrist. 23-i4 Morrison, cor. 2d: read ings daily; circles Tuesday and Friday. H P. 31. Pacific 106. MRS. LADD FINNICAN CAN BE CON sulted. 53 Selllng-Hlrsch bldg. Main 6179. MME. DREYFUS. PALMIST AND CARD reader. Offices 29II5 Morrison st, cor- 5tb. MRS. STEVENS. Portland's leading pal.-Ut. spiritual life reader. 169 7th. opp. Hotel 'P. Storage and Transfer. SAFES. PIANOS AND FURNITURE MOVED packed ready for shipping and shipped; alt work guaranteed; large 3-story brick fire proof warehouso for. utorago. Office, 123 1st, C. M. Olsen. Phone Main 347. C. O. PICK, OFFICE S3 1ST. BET. STARK and Cak. Phone 506. Pianos and furni ture moved and packed for shipment; com modious brick warehouse, with separate iron rooms. Front and Clay sts. FRED BICKEL. STORES AT 34 N. FRONT at, household goods and furniture, piano', trunks, tool chests, sewing machines and all movable articles at reasonable prices. Typewriters. New typewriters, all makes, rented, sold and repaired. Coast Agency. 231 Stark. Tel. 1407. Telegraphy. Telegraphy taught quickly; positions secured; Pacific Telegraph Institute. 40S Steams bids. Wholesale Grocers. ALLEN & LEWIS. WHOLESALE GROCERY, cor. N. Front and Davis sts, Portland. Or. BANKS. FIRST NATIONAL BANK. OF PORTLAND. OR. Designated Depositary and Financial Agent of the United States. President A. L. MILLS Cashier J. W. NEWKIRK Assistant Cashier.... W. C ALVORD Second Assistant Cashier.... B. F. STEVENS Letters of credit Issued available in Europ and tho Eastern States. Sight exchange and telegraphic transfers sold on New York. Boston. Chicago, S,. Louis. St. Paul. Omaha. San Francisco and the principal points of the Northwest. Sight and time bills drawn In sums to suit on London. Paris. Berlin. Frankfort-on-the-Maln. Hongkong. Yokohama, Copenhagen. Christianla. Stockholm. St. Petersburg. Mos cow. Zurich. Honolulu. Collections Mado on Favorable Terms. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. The Oldest Trust Company In Oregon. RESOURCES OVER $1,300,000. General basking. Exchange on all part of the world. Savings accounts. Time cer tificates. 3 to 4 per cent; short-call special certificates. $500 or over. 3 to 4 per cent. Call for Book of "ILLUSTRATIONS-' Phone Private Exchange 72. S. E. Corner Third ana Oak Streets. BEN J. I. COHEN President H. L. PITTOCK Vice-President B. LEE PAGET Secretary J. O. GOLTRA. .'. Assistant Secretary LADD & TILTON. BANKERS ESTABLISHED IN 1830. Transacts a General Banking Buslnezs. Interest Allowed on Time Deposits. Collections made at points on favorable terms. Letters of credit .issued available in Europe and all points in the United States. Sight exchange and telegraphic transfer sold on New York. Washington. Chicago. St, Louis. Denver. Omaha. San Francisco and various points in Oregon. Washington and Idaho. Montana and British Columbia. Exchange on London. Paris. Berlin. Frank fort. Hongkong. Yokohama. Manila and. Ho nolulu. MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK M PORTLAND. OR. - J J. FRANK WATSON. President R. L. DURHAM Vice-President 1L Wl HOYT... Cashier GEORGE W. HOYT Assistant Cashier TRANSACTS GENERAL BANKING " BUSINESS. United States Depositary. Drafts and letters, of credit issued,, avail able In all parts of the world. Collections a specialty. THE BANK OF CALIFORNIA (Established In 1864.) HEAD OFFICE. SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. President HOMER 8. KING Gen. Man. of Branches. . . W. MACKINTOSH Capital paid up $-l.000.lK)w Surplus and undivided profits. .. ...$9,770,148 A General Banking and Exchange Business Transacted. Letters of credit Issued, available in a!T parts of the world. Interest paid on. time deposits. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Accounts opened for sums of $19 and Up ward. W'M. A. MACRAE Manager J. T BURCHAELL- Assistant Manager UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND. OREGON. Northwest Corner Third asd Oak Sts. Transacts a General Banking Business. Drafts issued, available la all cities of the United States and Europe. Hesgkosg- asd Manila. Collections Mads on Favorable Terms. JPresident J. C AINSWQRTH Vice-President W. B. AYSK Vice-President.. R. LEA BARNES Cashier.. .R. V. SCHMEER Assistant Cashier A. M. WRIGHT Aniitaat Cashier. ,W, X HOLT is is -: