8 3Q . THE MORNING OREGONIAy, MONDAY, 3IARQH 12, 1906. Inlaid Linoleums Will Satisfy Only If They Arc 1st Of the Best Manufacture 2d Properly Laid We handle Wild's American Inlaid, as well as Rix dorf er German and Greenwich English, both winners of the Grand Prix at the St. Louis World's Expo sition.. That our workmanship and our prices are right is proved by the fact that we are just complet ing contracts aggregating several thousand yards. EXCLUSIVE CARPET HOUSE J. a MACK & CO. 86-88 THIRD I'MLL JT5CHAjr, Pres. Seventh sad WukUctei ftaropeui Plan - Valuable MSS. Found In Old Shoes. Harper's. Fronncnls of manuscripts to the num lr of KO havo recently been found In Turfan, in Chlueso Turkestan, "Which aro remnants of tho lonp-lost Manlchcan lit erature, the Bible, written by Man!, who is associated with Jcsua In the religion Vnown as Manlchelstn. Some of these fragments -were written on paper, one on Hlk. and a. few on white kid. Those on Wd were found In old shoes. In which they had been used as Inner soles. Tho work on the MSS. Included, miniatures, and was done with cxqulslto skill. The And Is a very Important one. Professor IMoomfleld gives extracts from the MSS. which arc similar In Import to the text of tho Christian Bible. AUCTION SAT.ES TODAY. At 201 North 23d and Kramer. 10 A- M.. by y. I. K. Gllman, Auctioneer. flr j. T. Wltom. at 210-214 Front rt.. comer Salmon, at 10 A. M. J. T. Wilt-on. Auctioneer. MEETING NOTICES. EXErrv firemen's assoclvtion- Rglar meeting thin (Monday) evening at 70 o'clock In tholr rooms. City Hall. By order of the president. R. M. DONOVAN, Secretary. MARTHA WASHINGTON CHAP TER, NO. 1. O. EX S. Stated com munication tlhs (Monday) 8 F. M., Burkbard bldg. By order W. M. BELLE RICHMOND. Sec HARMONY LODGE. NO. 12, A. F. &. A. M. Stated communication this (Monday) evening. 7:30 o'clock. Masonic Temple. 3d and Alder st. Work In tho M. M. decree. All 21. M. wolcomc. By order W. M. RUFUS R. BAI.I. Becretary. DIED. HAWKINS In thla city. March 11. UKXJ. Col onel I 1 Hawkins. ARed B7 yeim. 11 months and 22 daj-s. Funeral announcement later. ItARRT March 11. 11WW. at her late resi dence, 181 North 14th at., Mary Barry, sired 72 year, beloved uife ol Patrick Barry. Funeral notice hereafter. 2JOORE Tn thla city. March 11, 1W. at the family residence, 2W 4th Ft.. Mrx. Kula Moore, ared 20 years. Funeral announce ment later. BDSBT In thin city. March 11. lDM, James Alexander Busby, aged 34 years. 3 months aad IS days. Tho body will lie in tate until noon today at F. 8. Dunning eliBpel. thn taken to Vancouver. Wash. Notice of Juneral ulll be riven later. ITJNERAT, NOTICES. COBINE In this city. March 11. lSVMt, Robert Henry Cblne. aed 63 years, C month and 17 davK. Funeral will take place today (Monday), March 12. at 3 1'. M.. from his late residence on West avc. and O. R. & N. tracks. Frionda Invited. TLTERMAN In this city, March 10. 11KHV Moea Puterman. ased 10 year. Friends aro respectfully Invited to attend the funeral erviee. which will be held at Holman'n -hapel, corner 3d and Salmon, at 10 A. M., today (Monday), March 12. 0IARRT March 11. lOOrt. at 161 N. 14th at.. Mra. Mar" Barry, aged 73 years, beloved wife of Patrick Barry- Funeral Bcrvlcen ivill be held Tuesday at 0 A. M. at PL Mary' "athedral. Friend invited. Interment at Mu Calvary cemeten. WATTSON In thla city. March 11. 1SM)G. Granville 1. WattFon. aed SO years, C months and 2 day.. Frlendn are respect fully invited to attend the funeral ri-vlcefl. thi-h will be held at his late residence In teappoo.e. Or., at 10 A. M.. Tuesday. March IX Take Northern Pacific train at J:30 A. M., for Scappoope, Salem (O.) pa pers clcaye copy. GUT?rn-In this city. March 10. 1003. at tho residence of William Druck. S54 First t.. Emilia GlutKch. aged C7 yearn, 6 months and 19 days, beloved daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bmll Glutsch. Friends are. respectfully Invited to attend the funeral bervlces. which will be held at the above mdde'nce at 2 P. M today (Monday). March 12. Inter ment Rlvervlew cemetery. EDWARD HO AN A CO- the leadiac tuiiexal directors smd embalmers, 220 and 1X2 Tblrd street, corner SaJmoa, bare tbe et cstabUahmeBt and the most reaaoaable rbanrcs. We have aa cxperieaced lady who takes fad ehargo ef all ladr caaea. rheaa 3. T. UNLET SON Funeral directors sad Bsbalmer. No. Ml 3d st- oer. Madison. Bar r lat ealls promptly atteaded. Ex lerleed lady asatotaat irhea desired. Of. ee ef Coaatr Cereaer. Phose Mala 9. . DUNNING, M'ENTEE GDLBACGH, Sae reers te DsbbIbc Crbeob, BBdertakers ad ebalers aaodera fat every detail; 7th sad Ptae. Tfasa Male iSft. Lady asststaat. F. S. DUNNING. Oadertaker. 414 Eaat Aider. ladr assistant. Pbeae East S2. TXT.T.ER-BTKNX8 CO- tlBdertakera, E aahaers. 27 Russell. East 1M8. Zdy asst. TONSETH CO- florists. ArtlsUe floral deOcas. 12S 6tk st. Pheae Mala 5182. NEW TODAY. 5T500. Quarter block, southeast corner E. 7th and Bflmont. 100x100: solid Kround. II P IalmcrL- 329 Stark st. STREET C VV. KSOWLES, Mgr. Itreetn, Portland, Oregon. $1-00. $1-60. $2.00 per Day. AMUSEMENTS. Marquam Grand Theater fM, Tonight and Tomorrow Night, S:15 'Clock, The Favorite Actor. PAUL QILMORE In the Romantic Comedy Drama. "CAPTAIN IUTBONNAIRK." PRICES Parquette. $1.50. Parquette Circle, 51; llalcony. 75c and frf)c. Gallery, 35c. 25c. Boxes and I.oges. $in. S-lb now selling. Carrlarcs at 10.50 o'clock. Marquam Grand Theater 'jy1 Advance Sale Open Today. TSf&" PAULINE HALL Wednesday-Thursday Night. March 14-15. Comic Opera. "DORCAS. Excellent Company. Beautiful Music. PRICES -Lower Floor. $1.50. SI; Balcony. $1. 75c. COc; Gallery, 33c, 25c; Boxes and Loges. $10. Baker Theater Ctirtn Tr.itlrrCi.. Itm ItcL Biktr, 4rc Tamhlll and Third Sts. Phon Main 1507 Tbe Home of Popular MuMcal Burlesque Tonight, All Thli week. Matlncea Wednesday and Saturday. NOTE--Wed. Mat. Bargain Day. 2.V Any Feat. THE? AVENl'E GIRLS Extrax-agansa Company In Two Funny Burletta. "A Trip to Bohemia" and "The Goddess of the Moon" Saturday Matinee. 15c. 2Se. H.V. WV: eve ning prices. 2Tc, :kc. 50c. 7.V. Saturday Mat inro in the last uerforman Next Week Rcllly & Wood' Company. Empire Theater Twilfth trt Ksnitss IsMiKaln 117 Milton W Seaman. Manacer. ALL. THIS WEETK A Beautiful Production of Blanche WalMi's Famous Succors RESURRECTION A Story of Russian Treachery, with MISS hi'jaero in the Character of Katuitiia Maslo-a. Special Matinee Saturday. Matlne Prices, 10c. 15c. 25c; veninK Price, llic. 25c, 35c. 5.c. Next Attraction: IOok out for "Scotty," mnc oi ine ueHCrl line. Grand THEATER Week of Mch. 12. Sp'el EnRaBem-nt TED E. BOX, "The Little Man Who Makes You LauKh." Evenings, Sundays 3.c Mats 15c to Mist. Dolllnr Cole. Clay-Iloblnoon Co. William Schuster. Rlamphln & Hehr. Joncn Jt Wnlton. Harold Hoff. Grandoscope. and Holidays 15c, 25c. anv neat except boxes. STAR THEATER Week of Mcb. 12, Claude Wilson Company. "WAIF'S APPEAL." Inex Ody. Kitty Allen. Montell & Clifford. Marxle Addis. Kelcey A Iarkrs. Will C. Hoyt. StaroKope. 10c To any seat In the houpe except boxvs 10c. FIRST CHAMBKR MUSIC EVENING BY THE GRAHAM STRING QUARTET Assisted by Anne Beatrice Sheldon, foprano Arthur N DeVore. danlst UNITARIAN CHAPEL. Seventh and Yamhill I UtaDAY, MARCH 13 Admission $1 00 CLASSIFIED AD. RATES. "Rooms." "Rooms aad Board.- "Heas keeplar Rooms." "SituaUeas Wasted." IS cents: si to 25 words. 2S ceats, etc No ol- wbbi j w sHsiuoBai isso-ueas. UNDER ALL OTHER HEADS, except "Xr TnfJir in nMia tor IE mnli t... . 10 to 20 words. 40 cents: 21 to 2S nerdt, SO ceats. etc art lasertlea. Each additional der B8M tnnnfb ceats per Ilae, first lasertlea: 10 ceats 'per U IT WtCH SBBlUeBli IBSeTUSa. AXKUTRa rr AnT?nnKi-urvT . a dressed care The Orecealaa. aad left at tali fKce. should always be tecJeed ta sealed eBTelopes. No staap Is required a sack letters. Tbe Orejreslaa wtU aot be resaeasible fer errors la aayeruseBaeais laaea tarraca tat NEW TODAY. AN IDEAL HOME. 25 ACRES. ALL LEVEr.- 21 acre under cultivation, excellent for strawberries, splendid orchard, 130 tree; j:ood school, jrood neighborhood. Rood bulld tnc. eood water: 2 miles from Orecon City Courthouse; good road: price reasonable. Call on or address E. C Maddock, Orecoa uiy, ur. HENRY E. REED REAL ESTATE AND INVESTMENTS. No. X1Vi Sixth Street. Near Watalactea. Pheae Mala &SM. All kinds cf business, residence aad farra property and timber laada handled. Prompt and careful attention to orders. GOOD INVESTMENT 15,000 Good business corner: 'brings II per cent net oa your meney; J1LOO0 cash balance per cent. P. FUCHB, 1H Fir! St, ESTABLISHED IX 1SS7 IS GOVERNED BY an unusually strong and active Board of Directors, whose individual success in life portends prudence and conservatism in directing the finances of our depositors. (jfWhen opening a bank ac count or enlarging your present facilities, consider the safe management of this Banking House. J Resources over .$1,500,000. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF S. E. Cor. Sd and Oak St. Phone Ex. 72. RENJ. I. COHEN President H. U PJTTOCK Vice-President B. I-KE PAGET Secretary J. O. GO LTR A.... Assistant Secretary' R. M. Wilbur Real Estate Dealer Formerly 306 McKay BIdg, Now Moved to 110 2d St. Bet. Stark and Washington Same Telephone Number. Main 233a Has for sale brick buildlnzs from n.o to $85,009. paying from 7 per cent to 11 per cMit clear of taxes and Insurance. Lots on Savior and Thurmin t fmm UCOO to $3000; all street, newer and tvatcr improvements made. Warehouse sites, any size, on track on each side oC river. Two lots at 22d and Kearney. ach comer; Rood for residences, flats or bus!- hvsh. Good Buys $33,000 Pine corner on 7th st. N" 2 ear lines pasn door: 3-yrar iea.e. xz.ru narw n-. per cent net; property rapidly advancing In thin locality; rnnciDber. there will probably be a neiw car Hoe on 7th sL; term. $35,000 worth $50,000 Pull lol, 200 feet from eIl-FarRo & Co.' 12- flory skrraper: will be. worth $50,000 In two years. $35,000 . Quarter-block on Wahlnc ton M.; income-lM-arinr: verx little left on thU trcel $65,000 Sixth Ktrcct, near Oak. K. J. DALY, I'nilinc Bldg. Phone, Main SSM. Health, Wealth, Contentment Hood River Valley Is tho district that attracts home seekers, capitalists, business and pro fessional men. Healthy climate, pro ductive soil and good water. Write lis for booklet about Hood River. J, H. Heilbronner 6 Company Fruit Land and Kcal Lstate Hood River, Oregon. East Portland Investments WT.ishlnVton sts.; for this week STttO. jonjr, jvj ik-vi. uu jiurnton si., near Grand ave.. with buildings worth $7500. Price $15,000. half cash. wxiw on rast Aiomson. near union avc.. new buildings: pays sood Interest; $17.00. Corner. 100x100, on Union uvc, near East Morrison: STTiOO. THtt HEAI.Y IXVESTMEXT rn 210-214 AbiiiKton lOC'i Third Street. I INVESTMENTS t)Q finn Ha,f WJt on Ulh, with dJLO UUU brick warehoum. CKfi nnfl Quarter block S. "W. corner oU UUU Cth and Johnson; income, $375. CO Kflfl Quarter block. X. E. corner 4U uUU Sd -Couch; income $439 per month. CO Kflfl Quarter block. NT. W. cor 401 0UU ner 1st and Pine: three story brick on corner; two-story brick in side. Income over JjOO. BROOKE & KIERNAX, 31 Third Sl SEVENTH STREET 100x100 on southeast corner of Seventh and Flltnr?nt Jrt rt c Thla t a (tn. Kt,- fM nelshborhood which ts rapidly lmprwlac or lurxner ianicujars ee ROUNTREE & DIAMOND 241 Stark Street, corner Second. HAWTHORNE AVENUE Corner. 100x103. with Rood, substantial building. In the best part of Hawthorne avc: pays good interest on the price; $25 000 'THE HEAL.T INVESTMENT CO.. 210-214 AblnKton. 1KM Third StreeL Alder Street Corner. 23-foot front on Alder st. with trick building which pays bis Interest on the price: $34,000. on uood terms. TfiE HEAL.Y INVESTMENT CO.. 210-214 Ablngton. 100 Third Streeu $60,000 Corner, lUbc.o. on First sL. very central; pays blc Interest; can be bought on very favorablo terms. THE HEALY INVESTMENT CO 210-2H Ablngton. 10;u Third SL r. r mm m TAKES IT NIco level lot, V N K ZTHxJOO on North rup, between AUJrd &nd 23d sts. All street Improvements .made: faces car line: n bargain. C. H. KORELL, 231 Washington sL W TiA feet, Overton st, between 22d jj m and 23d. New cement walk, streef graded, lot lies 3 feet above tlATZ grade of streeL Price 9113 U Front sL Call M&Ia 44 for particulars. Overton Street 56xH9. between 21st an 23d; price $219. Call at H Frofit L, cor. Pine. THIS BANK PRIVATE MONEY FOR QUICK REAL Es tate loans: any amount. $SOO or over, at 5. 0 and 7 per cent. M. G. Griffin, 2C-3 Stark sL TOR SALE REAL ESTATE. ELEGANT S-ROOM HOUSE. ON 11TH ST., near Main, full cement basement, lance ball. 2 closets In each bedroom, porcelain bath. 2 toilets, fine fireplace, furnace. laun dry; In fact, everything modern. Wo must sell this within the next 5 days and offer It $1250 below It actual value. Price $6750. WESTERN OREGON TRUST COMPANY. 291 Stark ru J0O VERY CHOICE CORNER AND A fftfcndld S-room houe. Ho!!adays Add. S3300 New. modern -room boue. conveni ent to Steel Bridce: cement walk. ' J321A) -room house. 7th St.. lIolladays Ad dition: full lot. sewers In. X2700 S-room houte. large lot. Russell st., near Union ave. DOUGLAS MILLER. 714 Chamber of Commerce. FOR . IMPROVED OU UNIMPROVED CITY PROPERTY SEE BROOKE 4- KIKRNAN, 31 THIRD ST. LOOK! LOOK! AT THOSE CHOICE LOTS. K. 16th and 17th. bet. Yamhill aad Taylor. E 12th aad Taylor. E. Salmon near 30th. K. Alder and 17th; also modern C-room resi dence, full lot. choice location, bet. E. 17th and 1Mb; crlnce. sale, modern 3-room residence. 15tb and E. Taylor, full lot. C W. I'allett. 301 Fenton bide- FOR SALE A NEW. MODERN 12-ROOM coracr oouse. completely lumuncu, electric throushout; furnace heat, basement all cemented; also cement sidewalk and wall. Iron fence, rarace, larse shad trees, on car Ilae. Nob Hill. Inquire ICO N. -lt U 2 P. M. to S P. M- HOUSE 10 ROOMS; NEW AND ABSO lutely up to date; elegantly finished throughout: situated on two lots. In beat portion of West Side. Any one dulring an Al home trill do well to investigate. Phons owner. Main &S5, or call 103 Sherlock bldg. BIG BARGAIN NEW O-ROOM MODERN home. large kt, half-block from car. full basement, toilet, bath, picket fence, shade treca. hot water: $1350 cash; is worth $2500. Se Joe Nash In white bouse at Nashville Addition, on ML Scott car tin. FOR SALE NEW, SEVEN ROOMS. BATH and pantry, cement foundation, hot and cold water, painted two coat. 150 ft- from car line, 15-m!nute service. 5c fare, with lot 40x 100. $1000: 2 lots. $1123. Mount cott car. Geo. Klmbcr. Ninth avenue. MtOOM HOUSE. FULL HRICK BASE went. bath and gas, cornr lot, cement ualkK, rruli trees and lawn: lot alone la worth $1300. All can be bought for $30U0. HATFIELD Jfc SMITH. 1P5H Fourth St. j j if (0 EXCELLENT INVESTMENT VERY choice quarter block and fine tCfKO resi dence: room for 3 more housr: ckc In. Went Side; a real bargain. Apply to State Investment Co.. lis Ablagton bldg. $17.500 2 ACRES. WITHIN 20 IH.OCKS OF business center: will lay off Into 20 lots, iwmi suitable for business; a sure Invest HHnt epeculatlon. street Improvement alone oust $1500. C 49. Oregoalan. MODERN HOME. $1000. 7-rcont colonial house, nearly new. furnace. fuc. cement basement, pmcelaln bath, near Pettygrove and 23d. Ellis Jfc Kahler. room 21. 204 Morrison st. 3 LOTS IN EAST PORTLAND H BIGHTS or Richmond, for sale at a bargala for few days. HATFIELD Jfc SMITH. 163t, Fourth St. S-ROOM HOUSE. BARN. FRUIT TRBE3 and nice shrubbery: lot 45x127 feet; near car line; $1300. HATFIELD A- SMITH. 1G5H Fourth St. ACRE. TRACTS WE HANDLE ACREAGE as a specialty, within city limits or ouulda. Some acre with terms as low as $10 per month with water. A. C. Churchill & Co., Inc.," 110 24 st. FOR SALE OR RENT NEW 5-ROOM home and attic, full hajAmcnt. modern nn throughout: Holgate and 13th sis., on Mock from Sell wood -car line. Icqulra on premises. FOR SALE COZY 5-ROOM COTTAGE ON E 30th st.. near Sunnyslde car line; bath, gas. etc: brick foundation; price. $2000; ttrma to suit purchaser. Phone East 2175. UNION-AYE. LOT. $1650. Corner. fKA. near Broadway. llre w a snap. Iiett-r see It. Ellis Jc Kahler. nom 21. 204 Morrison st. KOR S.K LE FULL BLOCK. BOUSE. BARN, rood orchard: Pattern's Addition. North Al- ltna: $23O0: easy terms. Eeo owner, F. Vanduyn. 313 Washlncton. $1200 a ACRES. HIGH AND SIGHTLY, oett or son. ovcriooKinc river, highly cul tivated. 3 blocks car line. B. S. Cook & l O.. 251 Alder. $0noo 200 ACRES CLEARED BOTTOM land; oairy or stock: trood B-room house, larse barn: 3 miles of county seat. Box 222. Kalama. Wash. NICE BUILDING 5POT. 5ixl"0. near 13th and Clay, sightly kt mly $32t0. Ellis &. Kahler, room 21, 204 Morrison st. $47f-STRlCTLV MODERN NEV 7-ROOM house ami rumiture in irrinicton: half blook from car line. CTC Broadway. Ihoae Eont f25.0 BUYS QUARTER BLOCK ON YAM hill clofr in; 2 houses now paylnic $1S20 yeany; a gooa jecuiation. u 4. oreco nlan. $4000 SPLENDID S-ROOM HOUSE AND choice corner lot. fine location. Union ave.. Ho;ao,ey Add. Miller. 714 Cnaa. Con. HOOD RIVER CITY LOTS. IMPROVED OR unlmpicved. for sale or exchange far Port land lata. H. C Coe. Hood River. Oregon. ARE YOU INTERESTED IN EAST .SIDE acrcage7 II o. see taat Mae Real Estate Co., '407 Hawthorne ave. Phone East 11W7, 111 Y FOR SPECULATION 3 OR 6 ACRES fronting on car line; no better soli; $230 per Here. 231 Alder. B. S. Cook & Co. BARGAIN FOR SALE BY OWNER. 1ST claca comer with J store. 1 7roum bouse, 1 barn; rents for $35. CS7 Pettygrove st. FOR SALE A SNAP; BUY A HOME ON iDMuratoi ucr uan io leave town. Addrew T 4S. Oregonlan. EELLWOOD LOTS. $3.00 DOWN AND $3.00 a month; from $73.00 to $200.00. Sellwod Townslte Co. Phone East 4704. 100x100 ON G LI SAN, BET. 23D AND 24TH $3000 down, balance Ave years at 7 per cent. Room 12. Hamilton. Main (S3. $G50 lvxl00 IN FRUIT. SMALL HOUSE. 2 car lines, close in; bargain. State Invest ment Co.. 118 Ablngton bldg. TWO HIGH. SIGHTLY LOTS. WITH 6-HOOM quire Lowengardt, 33 Park. FOR RENT IN SOUTH PORTLAND ONE house. $7. one good 5-room cottage, $12. 035 Chamber of Commerce. EAST SIDE REAL ESTATE CO. EAST SIDE property a specialty. 407 Uawthomo ave. Phone East 10C7. TWO FINE LOTS ON HOYT ST.. WEST SIDE. ONLY $2630 EACIL PORTER. 222 Washington at. FOR SALE DESIRABLE RESIDENCE LOT facing Park street, $0000. Address C U, Oregonlan. ADDITION OF 34 FINE LOTS. WILL RE tall faat at $330 average. Porter, 222 Wash ington st. 30-FOOT LOT ON E. STH ST. NEAR AL berta In Highland. $300. Phone East 1022. CHOICE CITY REAL ESTATE. EAST terms Chas. A. Bryant. 303 Chamber Commerce. Houses bullL monthly payments; will furnish lots. Miller. C12 Commercial bldg. Main 1940 CHOICE LOT ON 22D ST. MRS. P. M. DALY, the Brown. Grand and Hawthorne ave. NEW. MODERN S-ROOM COTTAGE, $1630: easy tenna. Phone East 675. FOR SALE 5-ROOM COTTAGE AND LOT 30x100. S32 Union ave. N. FOR. SALE CHOICE COR. HOUSE. IN qulre 7W 1st. 6-ROOM MODERN HOUSE, $2S0; EASY terns. Pboae East 875. FOR KENT FARMS. FOR RENT OR SALS 0 ACRES. NEARLY all Improved. Orst-class balldlaga and water, on sew car lise. aaar G re ham. Or. Inquire Alfred Brssae-r. Greshaa, Or. 4-ROOM HOUSE; 5 ACRES GROUND. 13d fine fruit trees. "Warerly Woodstock car line: rent $1S aontbly. Phoce Main 1325. 90 ACRES. INSIDE CITY LIMTS. rrrr water, $We a year. 19 Unic ave., N, FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE MX HOME OF 11 acres sdjolnlnjc Salem; py farm la Clackamas County; small farm, near Cor TalJU fitted for dairying, fruit, retetablas; Corrallls homes on ths Installment plan; cholca lots In Newport, tha fine Summer re sort. Address; Wm. H. arae. Corrallls; Or. FOR SALE 10 ACRES OF LAND. S MILES from Portland. 1 mile from Tlyardvllle. rood black soil, plenty of water. 3 Rood butldlnx. on the main road. 1 acre orchard, all fenced. 8 acres clear, the Portland-Salem electrical car passes the door. Inquire at CS7 Pettygrove. Price $2000. FOR SALE DAIRY FARM. 330 ACRES, well Improved, best cattle in state except thoroughbreds. My exhibit of potatoes at Portland Exposition was awarded diploma. Add rein M. P. Whalen. Woodland. Wash. tO ACRES GOOD LAND. 1 MILS FROM Haley Station, oa O. W. J. R. It.; berries ripen on portion this land 10 days earlier than on land near; price $2100. Apsly to owner at 315 Beech, or phone East 4'3sQ. $10 AN ACRE ONLY ICO ACRES. GOOD apple land. 3 mile from White Salmon River. 4 acres cleared. 3-room house. 100 acrea good land. 00 acres hilly. R. Field & Co.. White Salmon. Wash. $3o DOWN. ONE ACRE. $30 DOWN. Buy an acre. Price of a lot, $10 per month. Fine sol), no gravel, all culti vated, nivervilla. on car line. B. S. Cook i Co.. 231 Alder. DAIRY FARM. 170 ACRES. 100 BEST BOT tom land: 2 mm of bulldlnss. 30 cows, all farming and dairy I a implements to rue 40 cows: good Investment, easy terms. Owner, 433 Everett lU FOR SALE OR WILL TRADE FOR INCOME property In the city. 03 acres, 3 miles frost Oregon City. 17 acres In cultivation: pries $2500. F. T. Berry, 4 N. 6th. Phoas Hood less. Sec Scottish American Farm Land Co.. for good dividend paylnit grain, fruit, stock, garden truck ranches. (Farmers having ranches for sale write) S. 402 Oregon Ian bid. BY OVTNKR. 31-ACRE FARM. WITir GOOD WoRa. 2ii miles soutn or Oregon City. mlttvated; no reasonable offer refused. Call 301 H 1st L FINE FARM. WITH DWELLING. 60 ACRES caltlratm. 30 mlnutta walk from Eetacada. Apply 433 12th sL TO EXCHANGE. TO EXCHANGE WELL-PAYING DEPART- ibchl aiuic in unt iww ouuuiaii .eorasxa. dolus a business of $30,000 annually: our stock. $10C0) to $12.(00. clean and up-to-date; want rood drygooda or general stock and business In Washington or Oregon. In good-sized town; will pay difference for larger stock If not too large. Is dean and with paying bos In em. Address S. E. Hart, 1304 L st.. Lincoln. Neb. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE OLDS RUNA- bout. in good running condition; tlren al most new; owner leaving city. D 47. Orego nlan. FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. LARGE TRACT OF FIR TIMBER FOR SALE This timber llts ten miles from Hood River and ? mile from railroad; mllo flume or chute, will deliver timber or prod uct to railroad; plenty of water; timber can be bought or can be put In against mill. Address John Leland Henderson, Hood River. Oregon. WANTED TO EXCHANGE STOCK OF DRY goods for timber land; fine cash trade; fM Ktock. Box 337, Hoquiam, Wash. COWLTTZ CO. TIMBER LANDS AND REAL estate. V. J. Barnard & Co.. Kalama. Wash. WANTED REAL ESTATE. HOUSES. t to S-room house. East Portland or , Hawthorne Addition. or S-room house. Holladay Addition r irvmgton. want this right away. S-room BOe. Upper Alblna or Williams- Areaae AdaltMa. WANTED LOTS. Want U block or corner lot. Holladay AAflition or irvingten. It In Upper Alblna or Wllllams-Ave. Aaaitton. Want two lt In Central Alblna or Highland. TAFT CO. 27 Ktark. Chamber of Commerce. I WANT TO INVEST FROM $!( TO $100. or0 In Portland property: mu b close In . What have you to offer? Don't answer un- !! you give exact location. lowest cash price aad amount of rental, etc.. or no notice taken. AJdre P. O. Box Sit. city. DO YOU SEE ANYTHING IN THE COM- Maed efforts of over loo real eat" firms working for the sale of your property at msc time? If so. llt your property with Pacific Real Estate Exchange, 222 Wash ington st. Phone Main 1323. WE WANT PROPERTY AND WE WANT IT Quick, and if the price Is right we will sell it oulck. Come In, phone In. write In. any way to gt It to us. Just eo we can deliver the good. Bripga-Ford Realty Co.. H first st. WE HAVE A CASH PURCHASER FOR ANY property at a lew price, from alCOO to $10. l0. Our customer means business. Let u know what you have. Morgan &. FUedner, suite 13. AbiRgxon meg. WE HAVE BUYERS FOR WEST SIDE property from $1300 to $3000. what have you? No agent. Call room 14. Mulkey jiir a ana jjorruon. WANTED INCOM E-BEA RING PROPERTY or good corner lot; fro.W.K) or Ir. G 47. uregeman. WANTED A FRAfTIONAL HOT SOUTH OF Harrison st. Addre.H X CO. Oregonlan FOR SALE-LAND SCRIP. ALL KINDS OF LAND SCRIP APPROVED and guaranteed. Military bounty warrants Mught and sold. Collins Land Co.. Helena. iicnu FOR SALE. Horses. Vehicles and Harness. JUST ARRIVED AT THE W. P. STABLE 2SO Rnssell st. 23 head of well-broke horses, all yeusg and sound, from HO) to 1300 lb, will now bs toId reasonable. HORSES AND BUGGIES FOR RENT BY day. week and month: special rates to builnezs houses. 0th and Hawthorne. TL uii 72. FINE YOUNG HORSE. NEARLY NEW RUB- bex-tlred top buggy, saddle, robes, etc; $173, 207 N. ISth st. Horses and vehicles bought, sold, rented or exchanged. 211 Washington. Pacific S07. We Buy. Sell. RenL Exchange.Horses.Wagoas, sacaiea. narness. ituoert & nan. zss 4th. 20 TEAMS. HORSES 2700 TO 3000 PER team. Krccdman Bros.. 12th and Flanders. SMALL HORSE. ABOUT 1100. FOR SALE alflj delivery wagen. Phone Eat 330S. A GOOD DELIVERY HORSE AND WAGON. for particuiara call at 213 6th sL ONE YOUNG CITY-BROKE HORSE FOR salt. 13 Lownsdaic at. Plaaos. $330 KIMBXLL PLVNO. PRACTICALLY new, beautiful cak case, $103. 673 East Aicer au FOR SALE CABLE Jfc 50NS CABINET Grand PUno, nearly new; cheap. T 40, Ore gunian. A NEW PIANO FOR SALE CHEAP. AD- uinw a ii. vregoman. Miscellaneoas. 30 SLIGHTLY DAMAGED SEWIXn UA- chines at very low prices; Singer. Wheeler & wusoc uomesuc. wn;:i. Household. Davis and others; to make room for new stock. Wheeler & Wilson and Singers. S. E. Elgel. 333 Morrison st.. MarQuam bldg. FOR SALE NEW AND SECOND-HAND billiard and pool tables; easy payments; w rent tames, with privilege of buylag; mod era bar fixtures; cheap prices. Brunswick Baike-couenaer. B Sd st. FOR SALE JERSEY BULL. SIRED BY urand com grand cam Golden Glow; an imported cow testing 18 lbs. 3 ox. batter in seven oayz. Address m. S. Woodcock. corvauu. ur. SECOND-HAND NATIONAL CASH REGIS ter. suitable for grocery, market or bar; scaa poaiai mna win cati ana scow register. COIN-OPERATING MACHINES FOR SALE bpectai lot. Marshfleld punchers, grip, shocks, lifts, etc.; a snap. Transcontlaental xacmne Co., 3M oak st. FOR SALE GOOD DRY LIVE 4-FT. FIR wood, delivered. 9S.73 per cord. Hoover, oiu oier u rngoo jaain -oao. t rough, pans, candy furnace, etc Western $100 CREDIT ON ALLEN Jfc GILB ERT-RAM- ax er co. ror sate at great cucotiat. or will trade, j'sonc Mam s&so. $30 PIANO CE RT IF1 CATE FOR SALE FOR FOR SALE CHEAP COMPLETE MOVING- plctcre outfit; also ras machine, concert phonograph, sons slides, film. 143 Sixth, room L SHOWCASES. COUNTERS. SHELVEfG. Sought, sold or exchange!, western sal vage Co.. 627 Washington st. Pacific 793. FOR SALE ARCTIC SODA FOUNTAIN. Stockton incubator, witn Drooaers. ai sac rifice. 137 Front. SAFE. DESK AND TYPEWRITER FOR sale: sell together or separately. Address T 33. Oregonlan. SALE DRY STOVE WOOD THIS WEEK only, cut-rate price. .rnone st wos. Brick cheao. FOR SALE TWO FRESH JERSEY COWS. gentle, rich milk, lllo Division. Fftone Union 1783. FOR SALE TWO SECOND-HAND 60-H. P. boilers: one CO-H. i. engine, r. 49. care Oregonlan. TWO FIRST-CLASS LAUNCHES FOR SALE cheap, considering the quality. 46. ore gonlan. FEMALE BULL TERRIER PUPPY FOR rnle; thoroughbred: $7.50. F 43. Oregonian. Donkey engines bought; sold and rnted. 324 c&amher commerce. Jffiono uain st. $100 PIANO CREDIT CERTIFICATE FOR $25. Address A. A.. 717 Vancouver ave. MANTEL BED. KITCHEN CHAIRS. CHEAP. ico ttn St., near Jacicson. HELP WANTED MALE. MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN BARBER trade In 8 weeks: the Moler sjstem or col leges have opened one of their famous bar ber schools In Portland. Graduates earn from $13 to $25 per week. Only reliable barber coltege In United States. Special terms to first 20 students. Be lively and gee special rates. MOLER SYSTEM COLLEGES. 35 N. "Fourth SC. Portland. WANTED FOR HIGH-GRADE INVEST- ments, capable man of unquestionable integ rity; an exceptional opportunity for success ful Insurance man heretofore connected with told line companies: no attention given un- paclty ta stated: all correspondence treated absolutely confidential. Address S 40, Ore gonlan. WANTED COOK, $14 WEEK; BRAKE- man. logging rood. $3; lumber pliers. $2.2a; men with families, houses $2 month: saw fllr. wooc. $3; man and wife. farm. $38. for bachelor; band resawyer, $2.30 up; wood turner, $3.30 up; open Sunday. Pio neer Etnploj-ment, 215 3Iorrlson and 233 Burnslde. WANTED FOR U. fc. ARMY ABLE-BO D- led unmarried men. between ages of 21 ana 35. citizens of United Statea. of good char acter and temperate habits, who can apeak, read and write Engllah. Apply to Recruit ing Officer, Alnsworth block. 3d and Oak sts.. Portland. Or. ALL DISEASES OF MEN SUCCESSFULLY treated; discharges positively cured In from 3 to 5 days; consultation free and strictly confidential: send for our symptom blank. X-Radlum Medical Institute. 3d and Aldsr ts., entrance 233 Alder sr.. Portland. RESPONSIBLE SALESMEN WANTED AT all times. A good proposition to experienced men. C. U. Clement, .superintendent of agencies. W. D. GARMAN CO.. Inc. 517 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED SALESMEN WANTED ON VE- hlcle and genera merchandise trade to han dle big selling line of harness, etc., on lib eral commission basis. Addrrws. stating pres ent employment, territory traveled, and giv ing references. L., 2170 West 24th at.. Los Angeles. Cat. SIX MEN WANTED IMMEDIATELY TO FIT for positions with the United State Gov ernment as railway mall clerks in Oregon. Application must be made at once to E. O. Heynen. 215 Columbia bldg.. 305 Washing ton st. FIRST-CLASS UPHOLSTERERS WANTED Also experienced wire weaver, shoddy man. cabinetmakers, machine man for woods hop. Washington Mattress &. Furniture Co.. Se attle. Wash. Men. women. learn watchmaking, engraving. jeweier work, optics, Easy terms, positions guaranteed; money made learning. Watch-xnaktng-EngraVg School. 142S 4th av. Seatth WANTED GOOD OUTSIDE SALESLN. A nustier. at once. Goal opportunities and chance for advancement. Cotumbla Phono graph Co.. 371 Washington st. WANTED YOUNG MEN: WE PREPARE you for position paying $123 per month; easily and quickly acquired. Call 40S Stearns bldg. WANTED A BIG. STOUT BOY TO WORK around a furniture store; one who Is not afraid of work; $3.00 per week. Apply 213 2nd st. WE WANT A NO I TRAVELING SALES- xnan to represent us on the road, on a com mission. Hotel Jfc Restaurant Supply Co.. 209 2d st. WANTED FIVE YOUNG MEN ON PERMA nent proposition: will pay $3 to $5 a das Call Monday and Tuesday mornings at 307 stark st. Any intelligent. person may earn good Income corresponding for newspapers; experience un necessary. Press Syndicate. Lockport, N. Y. MEN TO LEARN BARBER TRADE; WAGES wnue learning; position alter s weeks. GUI man's Barber College. 627 Clay. San Fran. 3 GOOD JOBBERS OR FURNACE MEN good wages for the right men. Apply A. F. Clzck Sheet .Metal Work to.. Tacoma THOROUGHLY EXPERIENCED PRODUCE and commission man. salary no oDject II tno ngni man. j -tv. uregonian. DON'T GET A JOB IF YOU WANT TO MAKE money, .-ell union Mutual sick and Acci dent Benefits. 70u Marquam lildg. WANTED FIRST-CLASS SALESMEN JN Portland and throughout state; big wages to rustlers. 203 McKay bldg. LEARN PRACTICAL BOOKKEEPING OF A, practical DooKxeeper. jauricn. ma account ant. 334 Chamber Commerce. FIRST-CLASS BROILER AND LUNCHMAN. Address G. M. Campbell, 320 James it.. d attle. Wash. GOOD COATMAKERS FOR COUNTRY; sieaay wunw. --yyij Jimtiua v.o., M 6th tt WANTED TWO PRACTICAL LINEMEN. gonlan. WANTED MEN'S OLD CLOTHING. SHOES. COOKS' AND BAKERS HEADQUARTERS WANTED A FIRST-CLASS CARRIAGE painter. A. r. reison, 10- union ave. WANTED APPRENTICE. WILLING TO learn oCK?'nit" nuc. imo c. uuiiuiur. COATMAKER FIRST-CLASS AND STEADY. EL A. Schlffler, Pendleton. Or. WANTED A MAN TO WORK ON FARM. Inquire 323 Ablngton bldg. WANTED GOOD PRES3ER ON PANTS. 410 Washington st.. room 7. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED EXPERIENCED POLLSUBR FOR combination shirt and collar machine; ref erence. B 50, Oregonlan. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSB work. small family. Phone East 58S2, or call S6d E. Ash st. WANTED EXPERIENCED GIRLS TO make Fltx-Well shirts and Bosa-of-Ali over alls at 75 1st st. WANTED GIRL BABY TO ADOPT. RANG lnc from 6 months up. Call 1224 Union ave.. room. 25. MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN TO TAKE CARE of sick lady, family of 2. 303 Morrison, corner 10th. COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL JIOUSE work. 5-rood cottage, family of 2. Phone East 601. WANTED A WOMAN TO TAKE CARE OF InfaaL Write for further Information, N 44. Oregonlan. GIRL WANTED TO ASSIST WITH HOUSE work. ssiall family. 528 Johnson, near 16th. WANTED TEACHERS FOR CHINESE Mis sion. Apply 206J4 3d st- at 7 o'clock P. M. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work and cooking. 811 Overton st. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR second work. Apply 575 Hoyt at. WANTED GIRlJ FOR GENERAL HOUSE woric Apply 598 Johnson sl EXPERIENCED GIRL WANTED TO DO second work. 22 N. 11th st. MAID TO TAKE CARE OF" 3. CHILDREN. Awlr 778 Irrlsff it. ATTENTION! Applicants for all kinds of work register with os. free of charge; so we may locate you on short notice. HANSEN'S LADIES AGENCY. 34314 Washington st.. cor. 7th. upstairs. WANTED COMPETENT STENOGRAPHER who has sufficient knowledge of bookkeep ing to act as assistant; state age. experi ence and references. Address Q 50 Orego nlan. LADIES EMPLOYED TO DO FANCY WORK at home during spare time; no experience required; good pay and steady. Write N. a Hulln. 1344 Market. San Francisco. YOUNG LADY WANTED TO EXPLAIN merits of valuable Invention; must be'brlght and Intelligent; good salary. Address R" 44, Oregonlan. WANTED MARRIED LADY WITHOUT children can have two housekeeping rooms for caring for rooming-house. McCoy, 271 H Morriron. WANTED COMPETENT GIRL FOR GEN eral housework and to help with children: good wages; no washing. 603 Hoyt at. Main 1130. DISEASES OF WOMEN A SPECIALTY X Radlum Medical Institute and Sanitarium. 3d and Alder; entrance 253 Alder st, Port land. WANTED LADY EXPERIENCED IN Busi ness to act as solicitor for Investment brokerage company. Apply 504 Dekum bldg., city. WANTED FtRST-CLASj LADY RBPRE sentatlvea In Portland and throughout state; good pay. Call or write 607 McKay bldx. WANTED HOUSEKEEPERS, WAITERS, cooks, chambermaids, general workersv St. LouU Agency. 230 ij Yamhill. Main 5413. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY, 43y Washington sr.. cor. 7th. upstair. Phon Main 2602. TAILORESS WANTED. CALL 2054 WASH Ington at., room 27. WANTED A GOOD DINING GIRL. 3tQ AN keny st. KIR. ST-CLASS TAILORESS. TEESDALE; 30t Marquam. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. 10 WAITRESSES. ARM. $7. HOTELS. CITY. country. apnngH. $zi: chambermaid. $20; housework, cooks- Men 25 laborers (mills), paper, $1.73; lumber, $2. Farmhands Chi nook. Napa vine. $23; elderly, $10. Drake'. 205H Washington. WANTED PERFORMERS. SINGERS, COM.- ecians, etc.. ror uramatic and vaudevlllo stage. Newman's Theatrical Circuit, 143'A Sixth. WANTED FIRST-CLASS BOOKKEEPER and stenographer. Address- T 38. Oregonlan. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. FIRST-CLASS SALESMAN WITH BEST. OF frrncea la ODen for encasement, cltv n. country. Address Q 38, Oregonlan. AM OPEN FOR AN ENGAGEMENT WITH a gouu tuwu, i3 m ui icieiences. Address N 3S. Oregonlan. Al SALESMAN, OPEN FOR AN ENGAGE- ment, city or roaa; Dest rererencss. Dond or security. Address O 38. Oregonlan. POSITION WANTED BY BOOKKEEPER and stenograpner; reiiaoie; experienced; ex cellent references. J 48, Oregonlan. Miscellaneous. JAPANESE DOMESTIC SERVANTS. FARM hands and other laborers furnished. The Nippon Employment Office, room 2. 29 N. 3d st. city. Mala 5154. P. O. Box 175. RESPONSIBLE MARRIED MAN WISHES work; handy with carpenter tools: furni ture store or factory preferred. V 33. Ore gonlan. JAPANESE LABOR ASSOCIATION CAN furnish domestic servants, farmers also; ail kinds of help. Main 4650. 268 Everett. JAPANESE-CHINESE EMPLOYMENT OF nce furnishes reliable help. Henry Tahara. 2i7 N. Everett. Phono Pacific 540. JAPANESE. FIRST-CLASS COOK. WANTS position In family boarding-house. Wata. 85 N. 5th. Pacific 98. Men's cast-off clothing, shoes, highest prices paid. 7314 N. 3d sL Phone Pacific 1004. WANTED WINDOW WASHING AND OF flce cleaning. Phone Main 373. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. Dressmakers. ALL KINDS OF SEWINO DONE BY Ex perienced party: skirts a pecialty; work guaranteed. 3854 East Washington, bet. Union and Grand ave. EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKER AND TAIL oress will go out by day. Phono Pacific 1039. 3SO 6th. EXPERIENCED SKIRT AND WAISTBANDS. Mrs. Rolfson, 2B Hamilton bldg. Domestics. JAPANESE SCHOOLGIRL WISHES Posi tion small family. Japanese Mission. phon Pacific 2148. WANTED PLACE FOR GENERAL HOUSE work; small family. H 30, Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED NURSE WISHES Posi tion. Address D 51. Oregonlan. Mlsceliaaeoiis. LADY COMPETENT TO TAKE CHARGE of first-class rooming-house, hotel or of fice, desires position; first-class references. L 40. care Oregonlan.- WORK WANTED FOR CHAMBERMAIDS, rooks, waitresses, housework, store, fac tors, office, laundry help. Drake's, 2054 Washington. WANTED CHILD TO BOARD; LOVELY room; terms reanonable. Phone Union 6034. GERMAN WOMAN WANTS WORK BY day or hour. Phone East 2687. A SPECIALTY IN WASHEN'G AND DOING up curtains. Phone East 5431. LADY WANTS HOUSECLEANING BX THE day. Phone Main 6625. WANTED AGENTS. WANTED 2 UNINCUMBERED GENTLE mn and 1 lady solicitor to represent a banking Institution In the city, to sell deposit contracts. Liberal contract to right parties. J 46. Oregonlan. AGENTS WANTED TO REPRESENT THE "Old Reliable Nurseries." Commissions ad vanced weekly. Write quick for cholcs of territory. Address the Albany Nurseries, Inc., Albany, Oregon. MALE AND FEMALE. AS SOLICITORS FOR Investment brokerage company. Apply 504 Dekum bldg. WANTED TWO PICTURE AGENTS ON our new offer. Rembrandt. Ablngton bldg. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO RENT HOUSES. COTTAGER. FLATS. ROOMING-HOUSES, STORES. ETC Our rental department has been enlargsd and provided with additional staff. We Invito listing from LANDLORDS, offer personal attention to and continuous npervlsloa over all property intrusted to our care. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. 8. SL Cor. Sd and Oak sts. Phone Ex. 72. WANTED TWO RELIABLE WORKING girls want a furnished room with use of piano and home privileges1: about $10. Ad dress L., Young Woman's Christian Associa tion. SMALL HOUSE. $6-8 A MONTH, MUST have range, few furniture, desirable, by re spectable single man. no companion. Ad dress M 50, Oregonlan. WANTED SUITE OF TWO ROOMS IN strictly private family by two gentlemen. Address F 48. Oregonlan. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED MEN'S CAST-OFF CLOTHTNG and shoes; highest price paid. 'Call at th "Fair Deal." 62 N. 3d. Phona Paclflq 1722. WANTED T WANT TO BUT A GOOD SEC-oad-hand donkey; state price and condition. J. H. Kelly. Box 137. Portland. W'ANTED A GOOD. SOUND DELIVERY horse and grocery wagon. 441 23d at. Phone West 111. list l-&Cf jli 1 f-r!' 4 -4J P8 A.Vi.'-t.'Jrf'.i