Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 10, 1906, Page 7, Image 7

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A Real Doctors Prescription
IJI jTorihe cure of those I If I,
ml cSfB II I
iP" If
What the Most Eminent Medical Au
thorities Say of the Ingredient
Contained in
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription,
LADY'S SLIPPER Cypripedium Puhesccns)
BLACK COHOSH Chnidfuga Raumosd)
UNICORN ROOT Pianudirhsm LuUum)
BLUE COHOSH CauhphyUum Thalidroidd)
GOLDEN SEAL Hydrastis Canadensis)
Lady's Slipper cures cramps, spasms
and convulsions, and has a specific action
in painful periods, nervous twitchings,
chorea and epilepsy. It quiets irritabil
ity of the nervous system, and causes
the mind to become calm and cheerful.
Its effects are most happy in hysteria,
melancholia, sleeplessness, nervous head
aches, excitability and sensitiveness. It
is also a tonic ol great power.
Black Cohosh is efficient in overcom
ing painful or suppressed periods, leu
corrhea, ovarian pains, bearing down
feelings, and the other diseases of the
uterine system; the headaches -which
accompany them and those of nervous
origin. It is employed successfully in
the treatment of nervous excitability, St.
Vitus's Dance and convulsions. It is
an appetizer of particular efficacy, is
used in rheumatic and neuralgic troub
les, and is a general as well as a uterine
Unicom root has distinctive medicinal
properties. It imparts tone and vigor
to. all -of the reproductive organs of
women, and removes diseased and ab
normal conditions. It is of the greatest
service in cases of falling or other dis
placements of the womb, and it unques
tionably makes childbirth easy and safe.
It is of great benefit in inflammation of
the bladder, dyspepsia, nausea and loss
of appetite.
Blue Cohosh prepares women for
childbirth and makes them more com
fortable in mind and body. It prevents
miscarriages, causes labor to be easier,
shorter and less painful, and diminishes
the number of the days of confinement
It stops the nausea and vomiting of
pregnancy and can be relied upon to
produce good results in painful or sup
pressed periods, leucorrhea, uterine in
flammation, and all the nervous symp
toms attending the diseases peculiar to
Golden Seal is a valuable tonic which
is especially useful in all inflammatory,
conditions of the mucous membranes ex
emplified by uterine and vaginal irrita
tions, leucorrhea and bladder troubles.
It quickly cures nausea, vomiting, indi
gestion and dyspepsia, and increases the
appetite. It is also a regulator of the
functions of the liver and the intestines.
All of these statements can be verified
in detail by reference to King's Ameri
can Dispensatory, Bartholow's, Scud
der's and other recent standard works
on the medicinal action of the native
drugs of North America.
The marvellously curative effects of
the special combination of these reme
dies in one medicine, namely,
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription
is testified to by the unanimous praises
it has received from many thousands of
women, each of whom has been restored
to health by it, after suffering from some
one or more of the diseases peculiar to
her sex. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription
in that it is the one jedi
cine for women, the mak
ers of which make confidants of their
patients and tell them exactly what they
are taking. This Dr. Pierce gladly
does, because the remedy has thousands
of cures to its credit, and is made by
such an intricate process that it cannot
be successfully imitated. Dr. Pierce's
Favorite Prescriptoin
table ingredients, namely, roots gathered
in the native woods and which contain
the healing principles elaborated by Na
ture in the earth of the silent forests un
contaminated by civilization's touch. Dr.
Pierce's Favorite Prescription
in that it contains
COHOL, and is free from all narcotics and
other poisonous principles, and hence
can be taken by the maiden, and wife,
and the elderly matron and spinster with
perfect safety and the assurance that it
will never establish a drug habit. Dr.
Pierce's Favorite Prescription
K DFflHIHf) m tnat it is a remedy
3 fXVULIrlK devised by a physician
with an experience of over one-third of
a century in treating women's diseases,
and is not a patent medicine in any
sense of the word. It is, however, a
household remedy which cures ninety
eight per cent, of the cases for which it
is taken, and is so firmly established in
popular favor that the carping criticisms
and unwarranted denunciations of those
who pose as reformers and show their
ignorence by acting as amateur advisers
of the sick cannot undermine the peo
ple's well founded faith in it.
Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical
Adviser, a non-technical medical book
of iooS pages, profusely illustrated, con
tains many things of interest to ailing
women. All of them should read it. It
will be sent free on receipt of stamps to
cover mailing 31 cents for cloth and
21 cents for the paper bound volume.
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets reg
ulate the activities of the liver and
bowels safely, painlessly and surely.
They are the best laxative known for
sick or invalid women.
1 '
Cohosh W
1 w 1
Big Turret Steamer Reaches
Harbor in Dark.
Pilot Kmkcn Brings Craft From
Astoria to Mills in Hie Upper
Harbor in Lcs Tlian
Twelve Hours.
The blc British turret steamer Suther
land arrived In the harbor at 11:30 o'clock
last night and made her way through
the four bridge-draws to the upper har
Ixjr and finally mad fast at the wharf of
InniRn, Poulson &. Co.'s mills. The Suth
erland registers over 2000 tons net and
It is not very often that craft of her
rfze are taken through the draws after
dark, but Pilot Harry Emken. who was
on the bridge, saw no danger and so pcr-
Due to Arrive.
Steamer FYom. Date.
Columbia. Fan KranrUco. ....Mar. 10
Alliance. Eureka, and way... Mar. 13
Roanoke, los AnscICB Mar. 13
Senator. San Francisco...... Mar. 15
Arabia. Orient Mar. IS
F. A. Kllburn. San Francisco. Mar. 18
Northland. San Francisco Mar. 20
AraBonla, Orient April 5
Duo to Depart.
Steamer Destination. Date.
Columbia. San Francisco. ...Mar. 12
Alliance. Eureka and way. ..Mar. l."
Roanoke, Lob Angeles Mar. 13
Senator. San Francisco Mar. 17
F. A. Kllburn, San Francisco. Mar. 20
Northland. San Francisco Mar. 25
Arabia, Orient Mar. 25
Araonla. Orient April 13
Carrying mall.
formed the feat. lie had a close call.
nowevcr. m going through tho Madison
street bridge draw, for Just as the big
tramp poked her nose Into tho stretch of
water between that bridge and tho Morrl
son-street structuro the towboat G. K.
Wentworth loomed up ahead with a large
jog ran in tow. The Sutherland barely
missed getting afoul of the big raft as It
passed through the draw opening. .
The Sutherland comes from the Orient
under charter to the Paclflc Export Lum
ber Company to load a cargo of lumber
for Shanghai and Manila. From Manila
she will return to Portland via 8an Fran
clsco with general cargo to take a sec
ond cargo of lumber to China. She ex
perienced some rough weather coming
across the Pacific and was slightly over
duo when she arrived. She mado a quick
run up the river, covering the distance
from Astoria to her berth at the mills In
less than 12 hours.
Falhami Encountered Severe Gales.
SEATTLE. Wash., March 9. (Spe
cial.) The British steamship Fulham,
which loaded h'ero for Vladivostok,
was all but blown back into port by a
series of hurricanes she encountered.
The seas that came aboard washed
away her house and stove In the
bridge and a part of the steel wheel-
house, writing- from Moji. Japan,
Captain Gow says the most severe
storms he has ever encountered on the
Pacific were met up to the time he
reached Mororan.
Mlslinp to the C. P. Snrsrcnt.
ASTORIA. Or., March 5). fSpecial.)-Th
American ship C. F. Sargent, that has
been lying in the lower harbor for several
days, lumber-laden for New York, has met
with hard luck that may delay her de
parture. Her anchors have been badly j
fouled, and while an attempt was bclnc
made to clear them yesterday, the vessel's
stern swung on to the sands. The ship
heeled over, some of her stays were
broken and a portion of the false work ,
on her bow was carried away. The Sar
gent was towed up to an anchorage oppo
site the city today..
Capital City Is En Kotitc.
The river steamer Capital City, which
was recently purchased by the D., P. &
A. N. Co.. of this city, to ply between
Portland and The Dalles, left Puget Sound
yesterday fqrlthe Columbia River under
her own steam. She passed Capo Flattery
and Is expected to roach the Columbia
this afternoon or Sunday morning.
Weather conditions off the coast are fa
vorable and the bar has been compara
tively smooth for several days.
Seattle Men Buy Astoria .Aim.
ASTORIA, Or.. March 9. (Spccial.)-The
sawmill and property of the Warrenton
Lumber Company that was recently pur
chased by Uamblct & Gosslln. of Port
land, at the salf by the trustee in bank
ruptcy, has been sold by the purchasers
to the Old Oregon Lumber Company, of
Seattle. The plant Is to be enlarged, and
will be utilized principally In cutting high
grade flooring for the Eastern markets.
For Alaskan Steamship Line.
The committee from the four commer
cial organizations of Portland which had
charge of the matter of the establishment
of a steamship line between this -port and
Alaskan points, will meet at the Commer
cial Club this afternoon at 1 o'clock. The
members of the committee say that new
plans have been placed on such a basis
that something may come of their work.
Marine Notes.
The British ship Argus has finished her
wheat cargo at Irving dock.
The olKcarrying steamer Asuncion
leaves down this morning.
The steamer Northland sailed for St.
Helena last night to take on some lumber
before proceeding to San Frandsco.
The Willamette Iron & Steel Company
has applied to the Port of Portland for
the use of one of its dredges for tho
deepening of the channel In front of the
company's newly acquired property in
North Portland.
The Empire Electric Company has ap
plied to the Port of Portland for permis
sion to lay a cable across the river from
the foot of Yamhill street, on the West
Side. Tho matter has been referred to
the superintendent of the dredges.
Charles Lundgren. a winchdrlver of the
crew of steamer F. A. Kllburn. which
sailed for San Francisco Thursday night,
was found to be suffering from smallpox
when the Mcamer reached Astoria. He
was removed to the pes tho use. The Kll
burn proceeded to Coos Bay with 40 pas
sengers on board.
Domestic and Foreign Ports.
ASTORIA March S.-Cosaltloa of the bar
at 5 P. M-. smooth; wind northwest; weather
clear. Arrived down during the night and
tailed at 9:20 A. M-. steamer Despatch, for
San Francisco; arrived down at Z A. M. and
sailed at 11 A. M.. steamer K. A. Kllburn.
for San Franclnco and way porta: arrived at
7:20 A. M. and left up at 12:30 P. M.. Brit
ish steamer Sutherland, from Tokoliama;
railed at 11:20 A. M-. schooner Halcyon, far
San Frandsco; sailed at 11:40 A. M-. British
bark Miltonburn, for United Kingdom; ar
rived at 12:20 P. M.. schooner Carrier Dove,
from Redondo.
San Franclfco, March P. Arrived Steam
er Xaly Mitchell, from Gray's Harbor;
schooner Charles R. Wilson, from Gray's
Harbor. Sailed Steamer Johan Paulson, for
ForUand; steamers Nuvadana, Atlas and
Georce Loomls, for Seattle; Norwegian
steamer TerJe "Viking, for Nanalmo; schoon
er Guide, for Gray's Harbor; schooner Wins
low, for PuRet Sound; brig Lurllnc, for
Gray's Harbor.
Seattle. March J. Arrived Steamer Czar
ina, from San Frandsco. Sailed Steamer
Dlrlgo. for Skasway.
New York. March t. Sailed Republic, for
Genoa and Naples; March S. Massach, for
San Frandsco.
Dover. March S. Fashed Abydos, from
San Francisco, etc, via Tenerlffe, for Ham
burg. Hongkong. March 7. Sailed Empress of
Japan, for Vancouver, via Yokohama.
london, March V. Arrived Abydos. from
San Francisco, via Central and South Amer
ican porta, for Hamburg.
Liverpool, March . Arrived Odrlc. from
New York. Sailed March 1 Mariana, for
Newport New.
Cherbourg. March a. Arrived Amorlka,
from New York.
Naples, March 9. Arrived Barbarora,
from New York.
Queenstown. March P. Sailed Imerlc. for
Boston: Haverford, for Philadelphia. Ar
rived "ropanla, from New York, for Liv
erpool, and proceeded.
Movllle. March 0. Arrived Furnesla, from
New York, for Glagow.
Genoa, March 0. Arrived Canoplc, from
Boston, for Naples and Alexandria.
"Western Colleges Bar Brutality and
Professional Coaches.
CHICAGO, March 9. Western college
are to have football this year, although
the style of game will be modified to
such an extent that alf brutality and un
necessary danger will be eliminated. This
was the decision reached here tonight by
faculty representatives of the "big nine"
colleges, who were called together in a
second "reform" conference by President
Angell. of the University of Michigan.
The professional coach Is to remain only
as long as existing contracts are In force.
This means that Indiana and Michigan
will be the only colleges in the organiza
tion this year which will have the serv
ices of the professional coach.
The training table, one of the principal
adjuncts of a football team. Is a thing
of the past.
In regard to the style of game to be
played, a committee was appointed with
authority to pass judgment on the rules
adopted by the American rules commit
Oakland Signs New Flayer.
OAKLAND. Cal.. March 3. Albert T.
Long, a "Bush League" outfielder, was
signed today ay tne uaKiand team.
Jail Looked Good to Him.
SEATTLE, Wash., March S. (Spe
clal.) County Jailer Oscar Wise had
to force R. A. Carmlchael to leave the
County Prison this morning-. Car
mlchael had been brought Into the. Jail
by friends, who wanted him to recover
from a debauch. When the effects of
the liquor wore off Carmlchael was in
fatuated with the place and demanded
the privilege of staying. For several
days ha has paid board and roomed In
the jail, but today the Jailer turned
him out.
Contest at Los Angeles Goes to the
Limit, and Is Declared
a Draw.
LOS AXGELES. March (Special.)
Jack (Twin) Sullivan and Hugo Kelly, of
Chicago, fought 3) fierce rounds to a draw
hern tonight. Kelly carried the fight Into
Sullivan's corner throughout, and inflict
ed severe punishment on him in the ear
lier rounds. Sullivan was bleeding pro
fusely after the fourth round, and until
the tenth. Kelly's straight left jabs to
the face confused him, and he left open
his guard several times, which gave Kel
ly a chance to step In and land effectively
on his head and jaw. Kelly knocked Sul
livan to the floor in the fifth round with
a left to the nose, and Sullivan took a
count of eight.
After the 14th" round Sullivan fought
fiercely and evened up matters, closing
like a madman in the 19th and 30th
rounds. In these two rounds Sullivan
showed his best form and earned a draw.
For 14 rounds it was all Kelly's way.
Bowlers Elect Officers and Abolish
bftlee of Treasarcr.
SALT LAKE, March 9. Denver was
chosen as the place of holding. the
next bowling tournament under the di
rection of the Western Bowling Con-gTcs-e,
this decision being- reached at
the annual meeting- in this city today.
The date will be fixed by the executive
committee Denver promised to raise a
fund of J1300 for the next tournament.
The following officers were elected:
President, W. S. Zchrlni?. Salt Lake;
secretary-treasurer. A. L. Jenkins.
Seattle: first vice-president. Dr. A. W.
Merrill, Oakland. Cal.: second vice
president. A. T. Stahl. Denver: third
vice-president, M. J. Sheehan, Butte.
As a board of governors there was
named one man from each city In the
congress not otherwise represented.
Those chosen were: A. W. Martin. San
Francisco: P. J. McGrath, Seattle: S.
P. Dysenger, Los Angeles; Forest Gil
man. Santa Monica. Cal.: X. C Camp.
Offden. Utah; II- J. Trelxe. Tacoma; C
J. McMenomy. Portland, Or.; William
El I wart. Pueblo.
The only change from the old plan
of administration was to abolish the
office of treasurer, combining the du
ties of that office with the secretary
ship and to create the new ofllce of
third vice-president.
The meeting of the congress ended
with tonight's games. The record
made by Kuppinger and Ellwcrt. of the
Denver Brunswlcks. yesterday stands
as the best play and leading: feature of
the meet.
The following scores were made today:
Singles: Kuppinger Denver. 5G; W. T.
Walker, Salt Lake, 513; Gosstt, Denver,
37; Barney, Provo. 451.
Butte Markle, 527, Klrkpatrick, IM to
tal, lull.
Denver Gaston, 532; Crisp, 574; total.
Denver McManamy, 5; Bishop, 60S;
total. 1136.
Seattle Brown, 473; Pampusch, 5S; to
tal, me.
McLeod. Salt Lake. 544; Sheehan. Butte.
551; Good. Denver, "541: Warren, Seattle,
572. - .---; ;
Salt Lake Walton, 52S: Mays. 352; to
tal. 1060.
Butte Undqulat, 503; Taylor. 557; total,
Denver Graw, 31S; Russell, 5o: total.
Salt Lake Hanes, 1S3; Schmicrcr, 523;
total. 1015.
Brewerton. Salt Lake, 377: Graw. Den
ver. 5S0: Ellis. Butte. 557: Klrkpatrick,
Butte. 530: Pcrham. Butte. 531; Lindqulst.
Butte. 53: Silvers. Salt Lake, 438: Bishop,
Denver, 517; Ellwcrt, Pueblo, 537; Shcffer,
Seattle. 49: Russoll, Denver, 611; Mcrklc,
Butte. 303-
Five-men teams:
Portland Brunswlcks Pollock. 4DS;
Kneyse. 4S5; Ficken. 535; Capcn. 313;
McMenomy. 51S; total. 2547.
Salt Lake Crescents Evans. 543;
Prince. 511: Wilson, 43S; Whitney, 486:
Probert. 573; total, 2553.
Salt Lake Commercials Ktlpatrick.
4SS; Mcllroy. 552; Kirkwood. 513: Will
iams, 53S; lllgham. 553: total. 2650.
Picked team (pacemakers not en
tered in tournament) Dyslnger. 537;
Pawlascck. W0; Sllvernalc. 450: Mc
Grath. 553: Warren. 530: total. 2690.
Salt Lake Allen, 55S; Gibson, 561:
total. 1099.
Salt Lake A. W. Smith. 612; Zeh
rinsr. 516; total. 112S.
Portland Capcn. 533; Kruse, 534;
total. 1067.
Salt Lake Talamantes. 503; Probert,
596; total. 1105.
golfers and a week later a team from the
Waverly Club, of Portland, will play
Old-Tlme Favorites Will Meet Brnln
ard Maroons on Diamond.
Tito llnc-up of the team which is to op
pone the Bralnard Maroons in the benefit
game for Mrs. McLean at the Vaughn
street grounds, tomorrow afternoon, has
been selected, and among the players who
will contest against the crack local ama
teur team are many of the old-time fa
vorite players of former Portland teams.
Ed Rankin will umpire the game.
The llno-up of the two teams follows:
Athenian. Position. Maroons.
Butler. Garvin
and French P. ....Johnson and KIser
Mrlan. Shea
aad Sueu C Brock
Joe Stmt IB : Trowbridge
Fam Vhrneux 2B c. Campbell
Jo Fay 3B Ash
Ivm Castro SS "Dolly" Gray
Alex Oliver L.F Hlnkle
"Buck- Keith CF Gains
W. Holman RF Smith
Utility men Athenian: Harrie Howland.
Steve Satnpolla. Heinle Hanno and Andy
Anderson. Maroons: Joe Mangold and John
son. Garvin. McLean and French may go
south with the Portland team tonight.
which would prevent their appearing with
the Athenian club.
W. "Brookfleld" Barnes. R. P. McDon
ald. J. Hlgglns. Harry Germaine. Ed Ja
cobs and others have volunteered their
services In making the event a success.
The came will start promptly at 2:30
P. M.
O. A. C. Defeats Ashland.
ASHLAND, Or., March 3. (Special.)
Th Oregon Agricultural College basket
ball team defeated the Ashland team at
the opera-house hero tonight by a score
of 65 to 21. The Corvallls team played a
strong game, outclassing the Southern
Oregon champions In the first half and
waking up the latter In the second half
to make a good record.
Seattle Caddies to Play GoIL
SEATTLE. March 9. (special.) The
first caddies golf tournament ever held
in Seattle- will be called tomorrow on the
links of the Seattle club. It will be a
medal handicap round of IS holes, start
ing at 3:20 o'clock. A Seattle team will
co to Tacoraa Sunday to et Tacoma
At Oakland.
SAN FRANCISCO, March 3. Oakland
race results: i
Four furlongs Tony Faust won. May L.
X. iecond. Menden third: time, 0:19.
Seven furlongs Lem Reed won. Homestead
second. May Holladay third; time. l:2St?
Five furlongs Meringue won. Lady Bimbo
!econd. Princess Wheeler third; time. 1:01
One mile and 100 yaruw Christine A. won.
Flrtier Boy second. Phalanx third: time. 1:17.
One mile Tavora won, Kotrou second.
Frolic third: time. 1:4314.
Six lurloncM. the Aloha handicap Tocolaw
won. Mlsty'a Pride second. Ruby third; time.
At Los Angeles.
LOS ANGELES, Cal., March 3. Ascot
race results:
Sir furlonsrs Iady KIspar won, Anona kqc
ond. Padtlco third: time. 1:144-
Brooka course Roatof won, Iehero second.
Mlreina third: time. 2:06.
Four and one-half furlongs Jack Gtlroy
won. Ponemax eecond. Alonza. third: time,
One mile Dewey won, VIona second. Hot
third; time. l:40?i.
One mile Rubinon won. Col. Bronaton sec
ond. Red Tape third; time, 1:40',4-
Rrooks course Piquet won. Northville sec
ond. Bill Curtis third: time. 2:03i.
Six furlong! The Major won. St. Wlnlfrede
second, Dunbar third: time. 1:11U-
Sullivan Athletic Diplomats.
WASHINGTON, March 10. Tnc Post
today says the President has selected
James E. Sullivan, of New York, as the
representative of the United States at
the Olympic games in Athens next month,
in accordance with a request of King
George of Greece.
Chclialis Beats Ccntralfa.
CHEHALIS. Wash.. March 3. (Special.)
At basket-ball tonight Chehalls won
from Ccntralia 32 to 12.
ose Vilv
Hahana Cigar, 50
Loved by Connoisseurs
A fine and trasrant Clear with a hizh flavor not too "heavy."
not too stronir. not too mild just a truly delightful smoke a
sootbinsr solace for lansruid brain and body.
50 sizes and shapes lOe to 50c each
Mad by
Berriraan Bros.
There is One Soda Cracker
and I Only I One.
You do not know that Soda
Cracker until you know
Uneeda Biscuit
To taste Uneeda Biscuit is to
fall in love with them. You
never forget that first taste, and
you renew it every time you eat
Uneeda Biscuit
In a dust tight,
moisture proof package
i-k 1