Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 10, 1906, Page 15, Image 15

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Future of Potato Market Is
About 75,000 Sacks or Common
Grade Potatoes in State, for Which
There Is No Market More
Activity in Hops.
POTATOES Poor outlook for un
sold stock In Oregon.
VEGETABLES Market well sup
piled nnd demand Active
MOHAIR So-cral email sales re-'
HOPS Over 700 bales bought In
two days.
POULTRT High prices check de
mand. EGGS Too wide a range is quoted.
BUTTER Small receipts Irom Cali
fornia. CHEESE Market has upward ten
dency. There is a very poor outlook for the holdei
of the 250 cars or more of potatoes that re
main untold In this state. San Francisco
has been the bent and almost the only out
side market for Oregon Burbanks. but con
dltiena thfire now and the promise of the
future are far from encouraging.
"I can see absolutely no relief at all In
the future of the potato market." said W.
H. McCorquodale yeMordny. "Growcro of
strictly fancy Mock, if they" hold until very
late, say toward June, may set a very
slight Increase over present prJcoF. but the
txtra labor they; would have to put In in
resproutinsr and also the extra low In shrink
age from now on would offset the difference.
"All the Southern markets have a very
heavy undertone, aa for every four cars re
ceived two probably are disposed of at market
prices and two are Huffed off at reduced
figures on account of poor quality. For this
roason It does not take very long; for a
large quantity to accumulate there and the
natural result is a big cut in prices to
get rid of them.
"From now on the only potatoes wanted,
irom the present outlook, will be strictly
gllt-edg clock, which means much more
careful tortlng and brighter colored potatoes
than have alroady been shipped. The farmer
that hasn't got good stock is certainly 'up
against it." There are probably, at a rough
estimate, 75,000 sacks of Inferior, Ill-Hhaped
oiatoes left in the state that nivr could
be sld except on a shortage down South
r in uomc other state?. Whnt the holder
f these potatoes arc going to do with them
1 would not care to prophecy The orders
mlng In now are very limited and no
one i buying at all oxcopt on a stray
order or so."
Over 700 Bale Have Been Bought in Ihe
rM Two Days.
The hep market has taken on a considerable
nfgree of life in the last two days and over
hV& bales have changed hands. The price
jid ranged from S to 9 cents. The heaviest
purchaser was the E. Clemens Horot Com
liany, who secured over 300 bales at the top
price. Several of the Portland dealers have
"received orders and more animation is hown
about the local offices than has been the
raw for several week.
The Horst purchases constated of the W.
L. Jerman lot of 126 bales at Woodburn.
the "Woodcock & Leslie lot of 75 bales at
Hubbard, George L. Fry's 90 bales at the
fame place, and the Vincent lot at "Wood
burn. For all these, 94 cento was paid.
A. J. Kay bought two lots of baby hops,
aggregating a carload, at 8 cent from Irish,
of Marquam, and Fuquen, of Gattton.
Joseph Harris, of Salem, secured the Mc
Kay lot, 123 bales, at Champoeg, at fcVa and
9 cents.
The Tom Fcnncll lot of 325 bale at Inde
pendence, was bought by T. A. Rlggs, of
Dallas, at 94 cent.
The same price wa paid bv the J. "W.
Seavey Hop Company to George Perkins, of
North Yamhill, for 79 bales. Mr. Perkins
also put 33 bales of hl crop into the Durst
A lot cf 74 bales of Oregon City hops was
takrn In by a Portland dealer at 7 and 8
Oscar Wcldner. of North Yamhill, has
closed contracts on the West Side in the
past ten day for about 1000 bales at 9 and
10 cents for Eastern account.
Buyers Object to the High Prices Asked.
The Egg Situation.
Th-ire Is a weaker feeling In the poultry
market receipts of chickens have been
quite large for two day and buyers do
not take hold of them readily, claiming tho
high prices interfere with retail sales. Prices
were no lowor yesterday, but If arrivals con
tinue heavy, it In likoly that quotations will
have to be reduced.
There was a difference of opinion as to
the condition of the egg market and 15c.
184c and 16c were all quoted an tho
actual value. Some few outside orders were
being filled, but most of the trade reported
that their telegrams met with no response.
From the appearance of the street, local
supplies are accumulating, and It Is also
evident that buying by the city trade is very
A small shipment of California butter ar
rived yesterday and was offered at 274
cents. City creameries reported trade slower.
Oregon full-cream cheese has become very
scarce, and a further adance Is predicted by
come handlers.
Bank Clearings Now and a War Ago.
Portland's bank clearings for the week end
ing Thursday, as compiled by Bradstrccts,
show a decrease of 4.9 per cent as compared
with the corresponding week of last year, the
figures for the past week being $4,908,999.
This does not indicate any actual decline in
the clearings, which have steadily gained this
year, but is rather due to the unusually
heavy clearings of the ame week a year
ago, which amounted to $5,225,015, and were
then CO per cent larger than for the corre
sponding week in 1904. The large volume of
exchanges in this week of 1103 was .caused
by the transfer of checks making tip the
J 1,000. 000 deposit made by Henry P. Scott
& Co.. the Delaware bankers, to the stock
holders of the Columbia River & Northern
Railroad for purchase of that property. The
clearings on March 6. 1603, amounted to $2,
OS5.47S. Greea Prodnce in Active Demand.
A car of oranges and a car of cabbago
and cauliflower arrived yesterday. A large
shipment of California asparagus was re
ceived by express and placed on sale at
lOfllc. A email shipment of extra-fancy
asparagus was also a-ecelved and ouoted
at $0 per 15-pound box. Celery is cleaning
up rapidly at full prices. Cauliflower la also
very firm. An exceedingly active movement
is reported In both the fruit and vegetable
Small Sales of 'Mohair.
There are some sign of activity In the
mohair market; though the business bolng
done Is very small as yet. Two or three
small lots were disposed of this week at
25 cents. x
Bank Clearing.
Bank clearings of the Northwestern cities
yesterday were as follows:
... 1,390.393.
... 680.681
... 628.536
. 4K9.374
Portland ..
Seattle ....
Tacoma . .
Spokane ...
Grain. TloHr, Ferd. Etc.
FLOUR Patent. I4.1O5C4.G0 per barrel:
straights, $1.6034.10; clears. J3.C533.S0: Val
ley. $3.C03.90; Dakota hard wheat, patents,
5.502ti; dears, $5; graham. 13.25(33.75; whole
wheat. $3.7534; rye flour, local. 5; Eastern.
(S.25&55; corameai, per bale. .1.9U52.29
WHEAT Club. 67c; bluettem. 068.5c:
red, C5c; Valley, 70c.
OATS No. 1 white feed. $27.50; gray, $27
per ton.
MILLSTUFFS Bran. city. $17; country. $la
per ton; middlings, $24.50; shorts, city. $1S;
country. 510 per ton; chop. l S. Mills. $17.50;
Unbred dairy food. $18; Acalfa meal.- $18 per
CEREAL FOODS Rolled oats, cream. 30
pounds tacks. $0.75; lower grades, $5.2506.50;
oatmeal, steelcut. 50-pound sacks, $3 per bar
rel: 19-pound sacks, $4.23 per bale; oatmeal
(ground), 50-pound sacks, $7.50 per barrel:
10-pound sacks, $4 per bale; split peas. $5 per
100-pound sacks; 25-pound boxen, $1.40; pearl
barley, $4.25 per 100 pounds; 25-pound boxes.
$1.25 ptr box; pastry flour, 20-pound sacks,
$2.50 per bale.
BARLEY Feed, J23&24 per ton; brewing.
$24024 50. tolled, $24625.
BUCKWHEAT $2.25 per cental.
HAY Eastern Oregon Jlmothy. $13014 per.
ton; Valley timothy. $S9: clover, $7.50(33;
cheat. $C&7; grain hay. $7(38.
Vegetables. Fruits. Etc
DOMESTIC FRUITS Apples $12.50 per
box; cranberries. $12.50014.50 per barrel.
TROPICAL FRUITS Lemons, $1.5033 rer
box; oranges, navels, S2&3.25 box: Japan
ese. COc per single box; tangerines, S1.K3 per
half box; grapefruit. $203.25; pineapples. $3.75
CJ4 per dozen; bananas, 5c per pound.
FRESH VEGETABLES Artichoke!, $lftl.25
per dozen; afjwragUK lOSllc per pound:
beans, 22 Vic: cabbage. l"4c per pound; cauli
flower. $2gx2.25 per orate; celery. $4.30$ 5:
chlckory. 25c; cucumbers. $1.2501.50 per
dozen; head lettuce. 35040c per dozen; Itot-houM-,
$1.2551.75: peas.- 103124c: p-pp'rs.
254f40c; radu-h-s. 20c per cozen; rhubarb. $2.25
per box: tomatoes. California. $2,236 2.50 per
crate: sprouts. G7e per pound; parsley. 5c
ROOT VEGETABLES Turnips, 90c3$l per
sack; carrots, 65075c per sack; beets. S5c$
$1 per tuck: garlic. 10jfl2"4c per pound.
ONIONS Buylnir price. No. 1, 70075c per
sack: No. 2. nominal.
POTATOES Buying nrict: Fancy graded
Burbankfc. 55 60c per hundred, ordinary,
nominal: sweet potatoes. 2?4ffi21sC per pound.
DRIED FRUITS Apples. 11612c per pound;
apricots. 1212Ac: peaches, $10"4?I24c;
pears, none; Italian prunes. SUGCUc; Call
fornta figs, white. In sacks. 5Vc pouna ; black.
45c: bricks, 12-14 ounce packages, 753S5o
per box: 58-ounce, $22.40; Smyrna, 20c per
pound; dates, Persian, 6;tjfGc pound.
RAISINS Seeded, 12-ounce package. SQ
6c; lC-ounce. DViQ'lOc; loose muscatels, 2
crown, 7&7$c; 3-crown. 7Ur7?ic; 4-crown.
8S8?4c: unbleached ecdles Sultanas, 607c;
Thompson's fancy unbleached. 12J12V,c; .Lon
don layers. 3-crown, whole boxes of 20 pounds,
$1.75: 2-crown. $2.
Groceries. Nuls. Etc
COFFEE Mocha. 202Sc; Java, ordinary,
lSST22c; Costa Rica, fancy. 16S20c; good. 10
Cflbc; ordinary. 10fo22c per pound; Columbia
roast, cases. loOi, $14.75; 50s. $14.75; Arbuckle,
$10.38: Lion. $10.38.
RICE Imperial Japan No. 1, SJjc; South
cm Japan. 2.35c; head, 7c
SALMON Columbia River, loound tails.
$1.75 per dozen: 2-pound talss, $2.40; 1-pound
fiat. $1.85: fancy. 1 to 1-pound flats. 41.&0:
-pound fiat. $1.10: Alaska pink, 1-pound
tal 1t, 0c; red, 1-pound tails, S1.25; cockeye.
1-pound talis. $L70.
SUGAR Sack basis. 100 pounds: Cube,
$6.05; powdered, $5.80; dry granulated, f5.70;
extra C. $5.25; golden C. $5.10: fruit sugar.
fo.70. Advances over sack basis as follows:
Barrels, 10c; -barrels. 25c; boxes. 60s per
100 pounds. Terms: On remittances within
days deduct 4c per pound: if later than
lo days and within 30 day, deduct He; ugar,
granulated. $5.50 per 100 pounds; maple sugar,
15818c per pound. .
SALT California. ll per ton. $1.00. per
bale; Liverpool. 50s $17; 100s. $10.50; 200s.
$10: -pounds. IfrDs. $7; 50. $7.50.
NUTS Walnut. 13Vc per pound by sack:
h?. e2.rr-t0T. J8 than cki Brazil .puis,
lue; fflbtrfi. ICc: pecans. Jumbos. 16c; "extra
large, 17c; almond. 14V015c; chestnuts.
Italian. J2$lGc: Ohio. 20c: peanuts, raw,
tlje pound; roasted. Oc: plnenuts. 1012c:
hickory nuts. 7Sc; cocoanuts, 35290c per
BEANS Small white. 4c: large white.
3Vc: pink. 2c; baj-ou. 4 He; Lima, 5jic;
red Mexican. 5c
Butter. Eggs. Poultry. Elc
BUTTER City creameries: Extra cream
ery. 30c per poiind. State creameries:
Fancy creamery. 2Jy30c; nloro butter, ICa
EGGS Oregon ranch, 15-lGe per dozen.
CHEESE Oregon full cream, twins, itu
15Hc: Young America. ir.H01CUc
POULTRY Average old hens, 13314c;
mixed chickens, 12Vi13c; broilers. 20a22c;
young roosters. 12fei25c; old roosters. 10&
10c: dressed chickens. 14515c; turkeys, live.
10017c; turkey, dressed, choice. 1820c;
geese, live, pound, SSc: geese, drwed, per
Iound, 10fil2c: ducks. JOJJISc; pigeons, $10
2; equabs. $23.
Provisions nnd Canned Stents.
HAMS 10 to 14 pounds. 13c pound; 14
lo 10 pounds. 13c; 18 to 20 pounds. 13c; Call
fornla (picnic). 8c; cottage hams, fltjc; shoul
ders. 9e; boiled ham, 10c; boiled picnic
ham. boneless. 14c
BACON Fancy breakfast. IS&c per pound:
standard breakfast. 16c; choice 15Hc;
English breakfast. 11 to 14 pound. 14Uc:
peach bacon. 13ic
PICKLED GOODS Pork barrels. $18: 4
barrels. $9.50: beef, barrels. $12; .barreisi
SAUSAGE Ham. 13c per pound; minced
ham. 10c; Summer, choice dry. 17.c; bolog
na, long. Stjc: welnerwuwt, Sc; liver. 6c;
pork. OgtOc: headcheese. 6c; blood, 6c: bo
logna sausage, link. 44c
CANNED MEATS Corned beef, pounds,
per dozen. $1.25; two pounds, $2.25: six
pounds, $7. Roast beef, flat, pound. $1 25
two pounds. $2.25; six pounds, none. Roast
beef, tall, pounds, none; two pounds, $2.33"
Fix pounds. $7. '
DRY SALT CURED Regular short clears
dry salt. lOc: smoked. llJc; clear backs,
dry salt. 104c: smoked. lltc: clear bellle.
14 to 17 pound average, none; Oregon ex
ports. 20 to 25 pounds average, dry salt, lie
hmokod. 12c; Union bellies. 10 to 16 pounds
average, none.
LARD Leaf lard, kettle rendered: Tierces.
10c; tubs. 10Tic; 60s. 10-4c: 20s. HUc
10t.' 115ic: .V. llc. Standard pure; Tierce.
8c; tubs. Tic; 60s. PTtc; 2f. lotic; 10s.
lO'S.c; 5s. 10c. Compound: Tierces. 6Uc:
tubs. C!ic: 50e. 6ic; 20s. 7Uc; 5s, 7?4c
TURPENTINE Cases, S3c per gallon.
COAL TAR Casts. 20c per gallon; tank-s
14 c per gallon.
GASOLINE Stove gasoline, cases. 25Hc;
72 test. 27c; 86 test. 35c: iron tanks. l$c
WHITE LEAD Ton lots. 7c; 500-pound
lots. 8c: less than 500-pound lots. 84c (In
25-pound tin palle, lc above keg price: 1 to
5-pound tin palls, lc above keg price; 1 to
5-pound tin cans. 100 pounds per case, 2He
per tound above keg price.)
LINSEED OIL Raw. in barrels, 54c: in
cases. 50c: boiled In barrels. 66c; in cases.
61c; 250-gallcs lots, lc les.
Dressed Meats.
VEAL Dressed, 75 to 125 pounds, 707-4C
120 to 150 pounds. 6964c; 150 to 200 pound.
5f3Hc: 200 pounds and up. 3t&J4c
BEEF Dressed bulls. 2HC3c per pound:
cows. 34tc: country tees. 45c
MUTTON Dreed. fancy. S49c per
pound: ordinary. 4t3fc; lambs. fcJfBUc
PORK Dreed. 100 to 150 pounds. SSHc:
150 and up, OQOMc per pound.
Hops, Wools, Hides. Etc
HOPS Oregon. 1903. choice, lOBlOHc
prime. SOVic; medium. 76Sc; old, setc
WOOLi Eastern Oregon average besc IS
C21c; Valley. 24K26c per pound.
MOHAIR Choice. 30c per pound.
HIDES Dry r No. 1. 16 lbs. and nn. per
pound. ;8e20c; drj' kip. No. 1. 3 to 16 IbaT
per pound. 1618c; dr' salt. No. 1. under 3
pounds, l321c; dry salted, bulls and Kags.
one-third less than dry flint; culla. moth
eaten, badly cut, scored, murrain, hair-clipped,
weather-beaten or grubby. 2c to 3c per lb.
les. Salted 'de: Steer?, sound. 60 lbs.
and over, per pound. ll$12e; sound. 60 to
60 lbs., per pound. lOSllc: sound, under 60
lbs. and cows, per pound. 10011c; trUf and
bulls, sound, -per pound. 7Se; kip, sound. IS
to 30 pounds, per pound. lOtillc; veal, sound.
10 to 14 lbs., per pound, 11612c; calf, sound,
under 10 lbs., per pound, liei2c: green un
salted). Ic per pound less; culls, lc per pound
lees. Shepeklns- Shearlings, No. 1 butchers
stock, each 25ff30c; short wool. No. 1 butch
ers' stock. 60Q60C each; medium wool. Nc
1 butchet stock, each 7c$l; lone ttooI.
No. 1 butchers stock, each $1.2532; murrain
pelts from 10 to 20 per cent . or per pound.
ISflfc: horse hides, salted, each, according
to size. $1.5032.50: dry. each, according to
size. $101.60; colts bides, each. 25050c;
goat ek Ins. common, each 1625c: Angora,
with wool on. each 30cML60.
FURS No. U according to lzo: Bearskl-u-,
$605.30 each; cubs. $13; badger. 10(JS0c:
wildcat, with head perfect, 16c: If $1-25: hous
cat, &ff20c; fcx. tcratooB gray. "jOcffCl.25:
red. $2S; cross, $6ri5; rllver and black,
$100300; fishers, $3910; lynx, $310; mink.
according to size. $105; marten, dsrk. ac
cording to size and color. $10015: xnutkrat,
large. S820c; skunk, 40c6$2; civet or pole
cat, 6325c: otter. $5620; paatber. $IS8;
raccoon, 50c9$3.60: xnounuln wolf, with
head perfect, $1.75(75; coyote. 60c(tL"0: wol
verine. $46: beaver, according to size. $1
BEESWAX Good, clean and pure, 22625c
per pound.
TALLOW Prime, per pound. 404Vjc; No.
2 and grease. 2fJ3c.
CASCAItA SAGRADA (chitUm bark) 2H
ff3c acccrdlnr to acalttv.
Dried IYalt at New York.
NEW TORK. March ..-The market for
evaporated apples Is in Arm position, owing
to the confidence of holders who will force
buyers for actual necewltle to nset their
views. Common to fair are quoted at 7fJSHc;
fair to good 1I05. S"JijS!c; nearly to strict
prime. S&0H; choice. 10c; fancy. 1 16 11 He.
Prunes are in good Jobbing demand and
price are firmly held at 4?i te Sc according
to trade
Apriroui are Una In tone, with hkc
quoted at loijc; extra choice 11c; fancy.
Peaches are. unchanged with cho4c quoted
at 10c; extra choice JO&c; fancy. 10?c all;
extra fancy. 11 '.3(0 13c.
Rairlns are quiet and prices more er less
nominal for the time being.
Coffee and Sugar.
NEW" YORK, March !. Coffe futures
eloped steady at a net loss of 15 and 20
point. Sales. 50.000 bags. Including March.
6.80c: April. 6.50c: May, aff?7.05c; July,
7.10c; September. 7.23c.
Spot Rio quiet. No. 7 invoice. SV,c; wild,
steady; sugar, raw, strong: fair refining.
2 1.V1&28; centrifugal M test. 3 15-1 03 i;
molasses sugar. 2 ll-lGC2',4c; refined, steady:
crushed. 3.30. powdered. $4.70; granulated,
$4. CO.
Eggs Arc Also Bcin lut Away at a
High Price Potatoes Arc
Dull and Weak.
SAN FRANCISCO. March f. (Special.)
The ppocalatlve demand for butter and eggs
Is very active and prices are again higher,
despite large arrivals which ar quickly ab
sorbed for storing purpose. The batter quo
tations or 'change aaaneed 1 cent for
fresh extras and H cent for flrMs. Selected
eggs, rose 2 cents, firsts 1 cent and lower
grades i cent. Cheese was firm, but un
changed. Receipts. 63.S00 pounds of butter.
19.400 pounds of cheese nnd 39.190 dozen
The orange market Is very firm. Stocks
are slender and the auction set for today
was postponed far lack of goods. Booming
markets for oranges in the East arc draw
ing heavily upn Southern California for
Mipplios and causing light shipments this
way. Conditions and prices for other fruits
are unchanged.
Potatoes are dull and very weak. Fenr
carloads of Oregon Burbanks arrived and
most of the sales were at 73 to 9A cents. X
few small lots f very fancy sold at $1.10.
which is the extreme top of the market for
Oregons. A 'carload of Southern California
onions sold at $1.25. No Oregon onions ar
rived. They are Wanted greatly and would
bring a lound premium. Receipts of aspara
gus and rhubarb were heavy and prices
sharply lower.
Wheat and barley options were weaker. but
cash prices were steady. Oat were firm,
pending the opening of the Government bids
tomorrow. Feedstuff wore cay.
VEGETABLES Cucumbers. Jl 1.25: gar
lic, 3fic; green peas. SCri2fcc: string
beans. Stfil2-cl; asparagus. 4tf7c; tomatoes.
POULTRY Turkey. 14910c; rs4crr. old.
Ki if 3.50; roosters, young. $0tJ7; broilers,
$5 (B6; ducks, young. $607.
BUTTER Extra creamery. 27c; creamery
seconds. 24c. "
EGGS Fancy ranch. 20c
CHEESE Young. America, 13lg-14c: East
ern. 16c; Western. 14 tjll 4c
HOPS Sj?12c
WOOL South Tlains and S, J., 10613c;
lambs. 9(c16c
MILLSTUFFS Bran, $1920.50; mid.
dllngs. J2SV2S.50.
HAY Wheat, $1116; wheat aid oats.
$8.5012.30; barley. ?S01I; alfalfa. $;il
12.50: stock. $7.5O?6.50; straw, per bale,
FRUIT Apples, choice. $2; common. 50c;
banana. $l2.73; Mexican limes. JSff 5.50:
California lemons, choice. ?2.50; common.
$1; oranges, navel. $1.5093: pineapples,
$1.30 3.50.
POTATOES Early Rose. 90c$1.10: Sa
linas Burbanks. $lI.r.0; sweet, nominal;
Oregon Burbanks. 75cf?$1.10.
RECEIPTS Flour. 909W quarter sacks;
wheat. 2343 centals; barley, 8130 centals;
oats. 41 centals; beans. 2762 sacks; potatoes.
2876 sacks: bran. 570 sacks; middlings. 460
facks; hay, 710 tone; wool. 44 bales; hides.
Prices Quoted Locally on Cattle. Sheep and
The following livestock prices were quoted
yesterday in the local market :
CATTLE Good stce-ns. $3.7564; fair to
medium. 2.753.23: cows. good. f34J3.25; me
dium. $2.5002.70; calves, light. 150 to 173
pounds. $4.5064.75; calve, heavy. $33.23.
SHEEP Good, fat sheep. $3.73f0; com
mon. $4.60SR.
HOGS Best, suitable for packers. $8.23g
6.75; fair medium grade. $3.30; light fat
weights. 120 to 140 pounds. $5gC.2S.
Price Current at Kana. City. Omaha and
SOUTH OMAHA. March 3. Cattle Re
ceipts ICdb: market steady. Native steers.
$4 43"5.60: cow and heifer. $364.40; can
ners, S2t?3: stockcrs "and feeder. $2.60
4.40: calves, $366.23: bulls, stags, etc. $2.75
Hogs Receipts 5300; market 3c higher.
Heavy. $6.1300.20; mixed. $6.12YS 6.17H-
Sheep Receipts 3000; market steady.
Yearlings. $3.40ifS.90: wethers. $3.2086.75;
ewes. $4-50 4? 3.30; lambs. $0.2000.70.
CHICAGO. March 9. Cattle Receipts 10.
000: market strong to 10c higher. Beeves.
$3.90(6.33: stock era and feeders. $2,639
4.70; cows and heifers. $1.6003; Texas fed
steers. $3.6594.30.
Hogs Receipts today. 21,000; tomorrow,
estimated, 17.000; market 5010c higher.
Mixed and butcher. $6.05f?C35; good to
choice heavy. fU.33ii6.40: rough heavy. $6.05
66-20; light. $6.05 & 6.30; pig. $5.70 8 6.25;
bulk of sales. $6.23 B 6.33.
Sheep Receipts .7000; market strong.
Sheep. $3.8066.10; lambs, 5 4.75 6.90.
KANSAS CITY. Ho, March 9. Cattle
Receipts 10.000; market steady. Native
steers. $4.25&"5; native cows and heifers.
f2.23tx5.10; stockcrs and feeders. $304.83;
Western cow. $2.505? 4.50: Western steers.
$3.30 13.50; bulls. $2.S04.13; calves. $3?7.
Hogs Receipts 6000; market strong. Bulk
of sales. $.106.20; hea-y. $6.20?G.27Vi;
packers. $6.1066.20; pigs and light. $5.30
6 6.15.
Sheep--Recelpts 31,000; market steady.
Muttons. $4.755.90; lambs. $3066,75;
range wethers. $3.3086: fed ewes, $f.50&
Metal .Market.
NEW YORK. March. 9. The London tin
market was irregular with pot 6s higher
and futures 2 6d lower at H64, 15s. 6J and
161 6s respectively. The local market was
quiet -with spot quoted at $36626.20.
Copper closed at 179 26 for pot and ITS 5s
for futures in London. Locally no change
was reported; lake is quoted at f 16.37 46
16.75: electrolytic. $1S.12H61S.60, and casting
at $18.00618.25.
Lead was unchanged at 15 10s in London
and at $6.3563.45 locally.
Spelter was quiet In both markets, being
quoted at 24 5s fn London and at -fa. 2006, 30
In the local market.
Iron was lower abroad, with standard foun
dry quoted at 4s and Cleveland warrant
abo 4S. Locally the market was quiet.
Dealings at New York Again
Over a Million Shares.
Professional Operations Arc on a
Iargc Scale The Reading Pool
Again Takes the Long;
Side of the Market.
NEW YORK. March 9. Speculation In the
stock msrket took on a cowlderable degree
of animation today, the volume of dealings
expanding again to over a million share.
There were many striking movement, but
the majority of the were In the class of
specialties and In stock which nave figured
In the operation of pools and pndcr the in
flutnce of rumors and mysterlr la the pail
dealing. An upward movement of moderate
proportion, however, was fairly comprehen
sive Yesterday" vigorous advances and the com
prehensive freedom from selling pressure where
those advance occurred evidently had a con
vincing effect on speculative sentiment and
large professional operation made their ap
ptarance In today' market. There ws a
marked revival of rumors which have lain
dormant as active fire In the market during
the reactionary period. The so-called merger
project was brought forward again Into at
tention. Buying of Colorado fuel was alleged
to bf for the purpose of the control of the
United States Steel Corporation.
The pool In Reading was said to have re
sumed operations on the long side of th
market, thus removing tho depressing influence.
of . that tstock's weakness from the general
market. There were renewed allusion to
the supposed Important developments In pros
pect in the affairs of the Amalgamated Cop
per Company and In the copper Industry. A
study of the distribution of the day's largest
dealings and of It widest advance wilt re
veal how large a part influences of this
character played In the day operation. Tho
upward nuh of fire points in Alchbon late
ywrterday was a large feature In the revival
of speculative confidence but the backwardnops
of that stock today under realizing had no
restraining effect on the advancn elsewhere.
Pennsylvania and the United States Steel
fctocks were inclined to be heavy, aa tho
companies are reported to be contemplating
additional band issues. Profit-taklag made
tiome ImpreMlon on tho day's extreme gain,
but the markot rallied again and closed active
and firm.
Bonds were firm. Total sale, par value,
$2,723.C1X. United States and the oM 4s ad
vanced ' per cent on call.
Sales. High
Adams Exrtrem ...
Low. bM.
Amalgam. Capper..l7S.0 USi
.m. uar tc rouno. i.iw t-jt
do preferred 300
Amer. Cotton OIL. 1.W.X) 31
do preferred
American Kxpres..
Are. I Id. & LU pf.
American Ice ....
Amer. Linseed OH
45 S
do preferred
Amer. Locomotive. 14,300
71 H ?
do preferred
Am. SmelL it Ref. 36.5W 13Si
do preferred 600 123
Am. Sugar Reftn.. 15.W 141.
Amer. Tobacco pfd. 600
155b J&'W
14UU 141 S
101 b 04S
Anaconda Mln. Co. 3.900 274ft
Atchison 4S5.100
do preferred.....
Atlantic Coast Line
Baltimore St Ohio.
do preferred
rO 103; 108'.t
i-jO 153 IM
900 110S UOb IWVi
Brook. Rap. Tran. 62,7.0
Canadian racinc.
Central Leather .
l.'KO 171S 17L
4.2J.) 43S 43
57 S
do pr-fcrrcd 51 106
.eni. i dvii-zj ......
Chesapeake & Ohio 5.700
Chicago & Alton.. 100
do preferred..... ......
Chi. nt. Western.. 1.000
21 ,
2s; 21
CM X- Vorthwest. tXO 226
223b 226
Cht, Mil. & St. P. 19.CV0 J77H 1764
CaL Term. & Tran
do preferred..... ..........
a. a. c & st, l. 1.700 100
Colo. Fuel & Iron. 40.600
Colo. &. Southern.. 2,300
do 2d preferred.. 600 51b 51 4Ub
Consolidated Gas. .
Corn Product ...
do preferred
Tie law. &. Hudson,
6.400 166b 165b 135.
600 IS IS 17 b
700 66 51 C6V4
300 206 205 2i6
Del., Lack. & W
ln. & R. Grande 2,400
do sref erred 200
iS h7b
6S 6SH
4K b
43 b
Distillers' Secur... !.
do 11 preferred..
do 2d preferred..
General Electric ..
Hocking Valley ...
Illinois Central ...
International Paper
do preferred.....
International Pump
G0b W1:
40-J 163?i 16Sb lb
400 116b no
OA) liO ltZI
it 21 ;
2C" Mi
HO 31
21 4
31 b
do preferred..... ...... ..... . .
Iowa Ontral 1,000 32i 31b
do preferred 600 30b Mb
Kanea City South, 200 20, . 23V
do nref erred 3i tw
LoulM. & Nashville 4.400 147b 146b 137b
Manhattan L.
MetropoL Securities 1.100
4 S
Metropou su Ky..
Mexican Centrat ..
Minn. & St. Louis
M.. St. P. A S.S.M.
do preferred.....
Mlfjcuri Pacific ..
1.700 116
4,500 23t5
200 77
200 171
170b 170
2.3CO 100b
Mo.. Kan. & Texas 0.200
do preferred..... 60y
National Lead ... 25.500
ilex. Nt. R. R. pf. 100
New York Central.
Norfolk & Western
do preferred.....
7.2V0 147;
8.30 M
KO 00b
North American
Northern Pacific
Pacific Mall ...
2.000 100b
30.000 223
2isb 221;
2.100 43b
Pennsylvania 216.0CO 133
63 b
People's Ga l.S 07U
P.. C.. C. z St. I. 4IO
Pressed Steel Car. 3.40rt
do preferred 2tO
Pullman Pal. Car.
Reading 14.S0O 129i 127
00 1st preirrea..
do 2d preferred.. ICO
Bepubllc Steel ... l.PCO
co preferred
Ttock Island Co...
300 104 1:
10.KO 27S
do preferred POO
Schloss-Sheffield .. 2.7CO
Ft. I A- F. F. 2 pf. 600
St. Loul Southw. 1.400
do preferred R
Southern Pacific .. 27.700
do preferred 400 US
117 117;
40, 40U
l!i loob
149 149
Southern Railway.. 1P.200 40b
do preferred 400 101
Tenn. Coal & Iron. 100 140
Texas & Pacific... 1.600
To!.. St. U t W. 100
do preferred 200
34 b
64 i
Union Pacific .... 11,100 165b 162b 133b
do preferred
S00 03b 05b 0.b
I'. S. nxpre
V. S. Realty
U. S. Rubber
63 S
do preferred.....
3.100 114
V. S. Steel TS0O
do preferred 22.300 10b 106b iwil
Vlrs-.-Canx Chem.. 600 51b 60 b 60 b
do preferred
do preferred.....
Well-Fargo Exp...
Westlngboute Elec
W-Atem Union ...
Wheel. Jk L. Krie.
Ucomln Central..
do preferred
30 U
100 ISOb lb
2ft0 03b 93H
Total sales for the day. 1.2OS.70O shares
NEW YORK. March . Closing quotations:
U. S. ref. 2s reg.l03U!D. & R. G. 4... vo;
do coupon 1034 'N. T. C G. 3bs. 97U
U. S. S reg 103 JNor. Pacific 3s.. 77
do coupon 103 iNor. Pacific 4s.. 104b
U. S. new 4s reg. 130 'So. Pacific 4s. ... 93
do coupon... .130 (Union Pacific Is. 1014
U. S. old 4s rec.103 JWIs. Central 4s.. 2b
do coupon 104 Jap. Cm, 2d sr. ..1004
Atchison Adj. 4s 9 44 Us p. 4b. cer.... 914
Stocks at London.
LONDON. March P. Consols for money,
00 9-16; consols for account, SO 13-10.
Anaconda 134'Norfolk & West. 00 b
Atchison .97 1 do preferred... 94
do preferred. .. 106b 'Ontario 4 West. 51i
Baltimore : O..U4 IPennrylvanla, ... 71b
Can. Pacific 176b;Rnd Mlns .... ei
Che, ic Ohio... 5S4,Readlng 664
C G. Western. 21b do lt pref. ... 17 U
C M. Sc St. P. .1RI4' do 2d pref 51
De Beer ISVSo. Railway 41b
D. & R. Grande. 46b do preferred... 103b
do preferred... WbSo. Pacific 6fiJ
Erl 444jUnlon Pacific 157S
do 1st pref.. 7PJ do preferred... 99
do 2d pref 70 jU. S. Steel 42i;
Illinois Central. 173bt do preferred... 100 1;
Louis. & Nash.. 131 IWabasb 24
Mo.. Kas. Jfc T.. 36b, do preferred... 32
N. T. Central... 131 TSpanlsh Fours... 91 L
jroney. Exchange. Etc.
NEW TORK. March 9. Money on call.
teady. 3b: ruling price. 3b: closing bid.
3b- Time loans, sllshtly easier; 60 and 90
day. 3b per cent: six months. 3b3b Pr
cent. Prime mercantile paper. 5$5b
Sterling exchange. Arm. with actual busi
ness In bankera' Nils at $4.S3I3S4.S320 for
demand, and at $4.S2fi4.S205 for 60 days;
posted rate. 34.S384.S3b and $4.&Jbr4.S7.
Commercial bill. $1.S1;.
Bar sliver 63ic
Mexican dollar ISc
Government bonds, strong: railroad, firm.
LONDON. March 9. Bar silver weak, 23
3-161 per ounce.
Money 3H84 per cent.
The rate of discount In the open market
for short bills Is 3btJ3b per cent.
The rate of dfooount In the open market
for three months bills is 3b Per cent.
SAN FRANCISCO. Mareh 9. Sllvtr bars,
63 c
Mexican dollars Nominal.
Drafts Sight. 7b: telegraph. 10.
Sterling. CO days. $4.63; ght. 4.E6.
Dally Treasucr Statement.
WASHINGTON. March 9 Today's tatement
of the Treasury balanees In the general fund
Available cah balance. 2151.907.330.
Gold coin a ixl Bullion. $76,117,524.
Gold certificates. $34,297,310.
Railway Earnings Make Striking;
Comparisons With One Year
Ago Exports Expand.
NKW YORK. March 9. Dun Weekly Re
view of Trade tomorrow will ray:
Some Irregularity k noted In trade reports
for the post week, but net more than is
reasonable, and mercantile collection are
generally prompt. The few minor strikes do
not seriously Interfere with pregrca?. and thus
far the only noticeable effect" of the coal
controversy trf th unusually large demand
for this season of the year In all fuel
matket and the disposition of email merch
ants in the Immediate vicinity of the anthra
cite mine' to allow stocks to become de
ploied. Prlee of eoromeditlea ret? slightly during
February. Dun's Index number being $101,204
on March 1 agalnet $104,011 a month ago
and $101,039 a year ago.
Railway earning continu to make striking
comparisons with last year tlgures, tho In
crease during February amounting to 24.3
per cent.
Foreign commerce at this port for the last
week showed an increase In exports of 926.
216 over the same week last year. "while Im
port decreased JTl.tSfO.
Seasonablo conditions continue to prevail
in tho hide market, the poor quality of of
ferings attracting little attention, and prices
rvlc fairly ady.
Failure this week number 221 agaliut
244 tet year, and in Canada 24 compared
with 25 a year ace.
Prices, Except In a Few Lines. Show Notable
NEW YORK. Mareh 9. Bradstreeta tomor
row will say:
Spring jobbing' trade i aa active as ever
at nearly all market: Winter wheat crop
reports are excellent: price, exeept of some
country produce, wheat and flour among
breads tuff, and bleached cotton goods, show
notable strength, and building activity, which
Is of large volume, go on without a break,
offering an opening for labor employment
rarely. If ever before, witnessed.
BuMaesa failure In the United State for
tho week ending March S. number li agalnat
10 hut week and 100 In the like week of
1&. Failure In Canada for the week num
ber 21 as against 30 last week and 40 In
thl week a year ago.
Wheat. Including flour, exports from tho
United State and Canada for the week ended
March S are 2.563,953 buhebi against 1.2S3.036
this week last year. Front July 1 to date
the exports are 97,142.533 bushels against
4I.70S.360 loot year.
Bank Clearings.
NEW YORK. Mareh 9. The following table,
compiled by Bradittreet. shews the bank clear
ings at the principal cities for the week
ended March t". with the percentage of in
crease nnd decrease aa compared with tho
corresponding week last year;
Inc. dec.
New York $2.141.S07.3S 17.2
231.862.137 16.2
St. Lotris
San Franckeo
Kansas City
New Orleaiw
Loo Angeles
Omaha ..........
St. Paul
Memphis .............
Fort Worth
St. Joph
Portland, Or. .......
Salt Lake City
Toledo O.
Spokane. Wash.
Des Moines
New Haven
Grand Rapidn
Anrusta. Ga
Springfield. Mass. ...
Portland. Me. -
Sioux City
Charleston. S. C
Jacksonville, Fkt. ...
Wilmington. Del
Little Rock
Kalamazoo. Mich.....
Wheeling. W. Va
Springfield. Ill
Fall River
Cedar Rapids, la
canton. O
Blnghamton .........
Chester. Pa.
Greenburg. Pa
Wcontlngton. Ill
Springfield. O.
Qutncy. lit
ManstVld. O
TVcatur. Ill
Sioux Falls. S. D.....
JseksonvlHe. IH
Fromoat, Nh
Fort Wayne ,
I6I.34S.324 19.4
156.1 60.S64 26.5
Hl.l2G.K7 4.4
63.445.861 22.4
40.445.630 33.4
2U.404.476 24.2
26.b49.70O 9.3
27.203,113 13.8
20.133.432 12.7
18.660.031 17.5
14.917.6S7 14.1
15.223.60S 25.5
12.S06.WX 22.3
12.496.011 23.2
12.762.071 21.8
10.522.643 39.6
7.512.400 14.1
7.030.461 11.6
6.615.230 17.3
7.033.S1S 35.6
6.719.174 10.4
10.474.416 12.0
5.100.641 11.0
6.000.203 2.9
0.42I.2UO 21.6
5.916,700 19.1
6.S66.636 37.3
7.323.631 30.7
3.343.379 17.3
4.063.099 ....
5.C50.422 33.1
4.627.473 SS.4
6.14S1.302 30.0
4.023.030 33.3
4.613.031 33.0
3.677.720 21.3
4.17P.3bO 30.9
4.526.004 12.5
3.612.410 14.2
4.210,514 17.2
4.099.73O 16.9
2.404.163 27.0
2.263.873 13.7
2.367.S52 27.S
1.2ri0.M2l 1.0
1.5479.727 20.3
1.967. 160 29.3
2.016.102 23.6
2.022.061 3.8
1.3S0.661 32.4
1.038.762 50.0
1.814.433 33.8
1.336.223 30.4
1.465,475 30.8
1.5S5.&44 27.0
1.428.&T2 14.6
1.305.958 " 37.5
1.119.6GO 3.3
1.125.674 32.0
1.394,604 42.6
2.133.627 36.3
1.26S.415 26.3
1.028.71S 28.7
1.376.214 S2.0
560.6S3 13.3
1.2S8.692 39.6
1.004.370 61.3
675.631 S.6
1.684.463 73.1
472.110 ....
540.0U) 19.3
360.43S 26.S
53S.437 29.4
1.363.369 70.3
433.S65 9.7
716.303 43.3
421.272 23. S
330.317 ....
610.965 44.5
46I.f)2t 41.4
17.026.797 47.3
I0.9S3.0OO ....
633.S70 11.7
Total U. S. $3,239,
Outside New York... 1.117,
Montreal $ 29,
223.412 1S.2
417,52 20.3
12. S
21 'A
Wlnnlpes .
'4 T
Vancouver. B. C. .....
Quebec -..
St. John. N. n
London. Ont
Victoria. B. C
Total Carta i $ 72.il0.976 13.S ....
Balance i In tah.
Not Includtd In total because containing
other than bank clearings.
ALL hews mm
Another Sharp Decline Noted
in Wheat at Chicago.
Favorable Weather In the Southwest,
Lower Cables, Larger Argentine
Exports and Increase in
India's Acreage Reported.
CHICAGO. March 9. The opening In the
wheat market was weak and Initial quota
tions showed sharp losses, the May option
being down HfTtie to lfglHc at 76t,376T$c
Fer a time, there wan general selling and
about the only buying was in the nature- of
covering by shorts. News of the day was
favorable to the bears. Weather in the Amer
ican Southwest was again highly favorable
for the Fall-sown wheat- Liverpool cabled
were lower. Shipments from Argentine for
the week were considerably In excess of the
exports of the corrcspodlng week one year ago.
and official reports from India indicated an
Increase of SSS.OOO acres sown to wheat. There
were several slight rallies during the day.
but each upturn !nerea,ed selling by local
bears and prices quickly eaed off again. The
market, however, became much steadier In
the last hour of trading. For May the lowest
point of the day was reached at 76ViC. The
close was steady with May at 76tifric. a
net loss of lc.
Clearance of wheat and flour were equal
to 216.000 bunhcls. Exports for the week,
an shown by Bradstrcets. were equal to 2,564.
000 bushels. Primary receipts were 437.000
burhels against 40S.OOO bushel a year ago.
The corn market was weak. Final quota
tions on May were at 42iV2C.
Trading In oats wan quiet. 'May declined
to 29"ic and closed at the lowest pojnt.
Provisions were quiet. At the close. May
pork was off 2tc at $!5.57': lard was down
2Ht?3c at $7.757.775 : ribs were off 37c
at 3S.20.
The leading futures ranged as follows:
Open. High. Low.
$ .76V,
May $ .76, $ .76TA $ .76U
July 77 4, .77 U. .76i
September ... .77"! j .76"i
,43H .?3Vi
.43t, .43H
.44 .11
.43 U
.27 a.
20 V-
13.70 15.77& 15.57 15.o7'i
........15.72V 13.75 13.57 15.57
May ....v....
September ...
7.S0 7.S0
7.925 7.025
8.00 S.00
7.97 h
.97 ti
May S.2.-I S.273
July 8.27 5 S.30
Cash quotations were as follows:
Flour Dull and nealected.
Wheat No. 2 Spring. 74Va'g-7Sc; No. 3, 72
x77c; No. 2 red. 7S57STsC.
Corn No. 2. 40t$iS41c: No. 2 yellow, 41c.
Oats No. 2. 29Uc: No. 2 white. 31Q32c;
No. 3 white. 29t?3lc.
Rye No. 2. 6S5c.
Barley Goo! feeding, 37$$37Uc; fair to
choice malting. 4150c.
Flaxseed No. 1, $1.07; No. 1 Northwestam.
Mess pork rer barrel. $15.4315.50.
Lard Per 100 pounds. $7.67 tj.
Short ribs sides Loose. $3.03ti8.15.
Short clear sides Boxed. SS.46SS.50.
Clover Contract grade. 513.75.
Rcc6lptJ. Shipments.
Flour, barrets 16.700 37.600
Wheat, bushels 6.000 26.600
Corn, bushels 154.200 376.6110
Oat, bushels 167.800 120.300
Rye, bushels 3.000 18.000
Barley, bushels 33.700 11.500
Grain at San Francisco.
SAN FRANCISCO. March 9. Wheat and
barley steady.
Spot quotations Wheat Shipping. $l.325
1.35: milling. Sl.37H01.47ti.
Barley Faed. SI.17S1.20: brewing, nom
inal. Oats Red. $1.3061.63; white. $1.5301.70;
black. $1.2391.70.
Call board sales Wheat May, $1.205; Bar
ley, May, S1.20i: corn, large yellow, $1.175
Grain and Produce In w York.
NEW YORK. March 9. Flour Receipts.
10.900: exports. 10.100; dull and lower to sell.
Wheat Receipts. 50.000; exports, 7000; spot
weak: No. 2 red, 83i. elevator: No. 2 red,
83ic f. o. b. afloat: No. 1 Northern Duluth,
65?i f. o. b. afloat. The option market
closed to "c net lower; May at 83s;
July. 63&: September. S2?.
Hors Easy.
Hides and wool Steady.
Minneapolis Wheat Market.
MINNEAPOLIS. March 9. Wheat May.
73'sc: July 7750-774c: So. 1 hard. TSfic; No.
1 Northern, 74"-;.
Wheat at Liverpool.
LIVERPOOL. March 9. Wheat March,
fo 5-4d; May. 6s 44d; July. 6a 4?id; weather,
part cloudy.
Wheat at Tacoma.
TACOMA. Mareh 9. Wheat Unchanged;
export bluestem. 63c: club. 64c: red. 63c
Dairy Produce In tho Kast.
CHICAGO. March 9. On the Produce Ex
change today the butter market was steady;
creameries. 168264; dairies. 13323.
Eggs Easy at market cases included 13c;
firsts. 13c; prime firsts. 14c.
Extras. 15'is.
Cheese Steady, llilSc
NEW YORK. March 9. Butter and cheese
unchanged. Eggs, firm; Western firsts.
llic: do seconds. 14Uc.
New York Cotton Market.
NEW YORK, March 9. Cotton future
closed barely steady and at a decline of 1
to 4 points. March. 10.60c; April, 10.56c; May.
10.69c: June 10.73c; December. 10.20c; Jan
uary. 10.33c
Wool at St. Louis.
ST. LOUIS. March 9. Wool Steady; ter
ritory and Western mediums; 2229c; fins
mediums. 21 1? 25c; fine, l&321c
Hops at London.
LIVERPOOL. March 9. Hop in London.
Pacific Coast, quiet. 12 103 3 10s.
Mining Stocks.
SAN FRANCISCO. . March 9. The official
closing quotations for mining stocks today
were as follows:
Alpha Con $ .09. Uustlce $ .03
Andes 15" .Mexican 1.10
Belcher 13 Occidental Con. .69
Best & Belcher .05 iOphir 5.00
Bullion 23 (Overman 14
Caledonia 42 iPotosl 07
Challenge Con. 1.30 ISavage 10
Chollar 10 (Scorpion 09
Confidence 67 iSeg. Belcher... .09
Con. Cal. & V. 1.13 Sierra Nevada. .25
Crown Point.. .03 iSilver Hill 53
Exchequer 50 Union Con 40
Gould : Curry .OS Utah Con 03
Hale & Nor... 1.00 I Yellow Jacket.. .83
Julia 06 I
NEW YORK. March 9. Closing quotations:
Adams Con....$ .23 iLlttle Chief $ .075
Alice 3.40 Ontario 2.23
"Breece 33 !OnhIr 5.00
Brunswick C. . .30 (Phoenix 07
Comstock Tun. .31 iPotosl 10
Con. Cal; & V. 1.10 ISavage 43
Horn Silver... 2.00 iSIerra Nevada. .31
Iron Silver.... 3.00 ISmall Hopes... .30
Leadrllle Con. .03 'Standard ..... 3.40
BOSTON. March 0. CloslEfT quotations:
Adventure ..$ 5.t2 5 "Mont. C. & C$ 3.23
Allouex 3S.00 tN. Butte S4.00
Amalgamatd JOS.OO 'Old Dominion 10.00
I Par rot ......
15 Qulncy
Shannon ....
! Tamarack . .
United Cop..
,U. S. Mining.
IC. S. Oil
'Victoria .....
Atlantic ....
Bingham . . .
Cal. & Hecla
Centennial ..
Cop. Range.
Daly West..
Dominion C.
Franklin ...
Granby .....
Isle Royale..
Mass. Mining
Michigan ...
Mohawk ....
1 wolverine ..
OLIVER At 1225 Union avenue.. March 5.
to the wife of Frank Oliver, a daughter.
MOORE At 6474 First street. March 7.
to the wlfo of Robert F. Moore, a daughter.
ROGNONE At 650 Fourth street, March
4. to the wife of Donato Roznone, a daugh
ter. . DE CICCO At 366 Hood street. March S.
to the wife of Louis De Clcco. a daughter.
RICE At 571 Hood street. March 7. to
the wife of Jame Rice, a ton.
MUIR At 393 West Park street. March
4, to the wife of Wlllam Mulr, a daughter
HATTON At 651 Thurman street. March
7, to the wife of Oscar Hatton, a daughter.
SMITH At Good Samaritan Hospital, March
5, W. B. Smith.
GENOTE At Baby Home. March 3, Harry
GANTENBEIN At 903 East Couch street.
March 8. Mrs, Lela Bell Gantenbeln. a native
of Oregon, aged 23 years. 11 months and 17
days. Remains sent to Hopewell, .Or., for
GUILD At North Pacific Sanitarium. March
S. Nell J. Guild, anatlvc of Oregon, aged
29 years. 1 month and 6 days. Remains sent
to Woodland. Wash, for Interment.
Building Permits.
J. A. SHEPHERD Erect wall around res
idence, Twenty-flrat and Everett streets,
0. P. 31. JAMISON Repair of dwelling.
Main, between Nartllla and Chapman streets,
pair of bank, building. Third and Oak streets.
MRS. WILDE Dwelling. Lake 'street, neai
Nlcolal avenue. $3C.
CHRIST MAYER Two dwellings. East
Seventh and East Harrison streets. $19X
hotel. $500.
Ileal Estate Transfers.
Arleta Land Co. to Minnie Anderson,
lot 27. block 7. Arleta Park No. 2..$" 100
Fred A. Vanklrk and wife to Ben
jamin Franklin Vanklrk. lots 7 and
8. Curry's Addition ; 730
William Irwin and wife to R. S. Far
rell. lot 4, block 119. Stephens Ad
dition 1
Alexander Velvlck to Clara Velvick.
lota 1 and 2. bloc kl. Mansfield 1
Eastern Investment Co.. Ltd.. to Vic
tor Land Co.. lots 21 and 22. block
1. Orchard Plnce 1
Investors' Mortgage Sec. Co.. Ltd..
to Mary L. Graham, et aL, east
hatf lots 7 and y. block 319. Aiken's
Addition 2,300
Slgel Grutze and wife to C. C.
Stelnel. lots I. 3 and 6, block 9,
Highland Addition 730
Orel Fowler to Reatha Fowler, lot
13. block t. East Tabor Villa 1
P. H. Marlay and wife to W. C.
Campbell. lot 31. block "A." Ports
mouth Villa Extended 1
Investment Co. to Michael O'Brien,
lot 1. block 3. Highland Place 1
Same to same, lot 3. block t. Beverly I
Diamond Land Co. to John B. Yeon,
et nt.. fractional lot 3, block 10.
Sherlock's Addition 3,000
William Sherlock Co. to same, north
halt block 10. ame Addition 12,000
William G. Eaton to same, fractional
lots 1. 2 and 4. block 10. Sherlock's
Addition; undivided U to Edw. Ly
ons, tenant in common, and undi
vided i Interest to said J. B.
Yeon. tenant In common 2.300
Char!e Cardlnell to Jesse Hobson,
lots 3 and 6, block 291. city SOO
E. II. Bobbins to estate of T. A.
Davis. Inc.. lot 4. block 10. Sher
lock's Addition t
C. L. Bennett and wife to same, same
property 6
Estate of T. A. Davis. Inc.. to Will
lam G. Eaton, same property 1
Same to same, certain fractions lots
3. 4. 3 and S, block 3; fractions
lots 1 and 2. block 10. Sherlock's
Addition, owned bv estate of T. A.
Davis. Inc ,,. . 3.000
Lon DeYarmond to Victoria DeYar
mond. lots 12 and 13. block 1; Sunny
side Addition 2
Alliance Trust Co.. Ltd.. to Eugene
F. Chard, north half of northeast
quarter fractional block 9, Sullivan's
Addition 500
L. H. Rlnghouse and wife to Tlllle
5. Smith, parcel N. W. K of N. E.
4 section 8. T. 1 S.. R. 1 E.. be
ginning 1050 feet west and 14S feet
south of northeast corner section 8.
and parcel N. W. "-i of N. E. U sec
tion 8. T. 1 S.. R. 1 E.. beginning
19S0 feet west and 260 feet south,
northeast corner section S '. ... 1
I. C. Furber to A. Matteson and
wife, lot 5. block 1. East Tabor
Villa 1
Adelbert Matteson and wife to Louis
Schumacher. -lot 5. block 1. East
Tabor Villa 1
Pacific Coast Abstract Guaranty &
Trust Co. to Anna M. Demme. lots 2
and 3. block 6. Bralnard Tract 223
Elizabeth C. Sprague to Martin Stan
Ich. lots 9 to 13, block 6. Norman
dale 300
Emerlnus Versteeg and wife to B. M.
Lombard, lots 7 to 13. block 2; lots
7 to 13. block 5; lot 6. block 7.
Versteeg!, Addition 1
Roger B. Slnnott. et al.. to Joseph M.
Healy. lota 7 and 8, block 98. East
Portland 41.000
Isaac Gratton to Mary J. Gratton.
lot 5, block 0; lots 3 and 4. block
98. Sellwood 1
Mary P. Montgomery to F. H. Coffin,
lots 5 to 9. block 69. Albina 1
Ernest House to Mrs. Marie House,
north half lot 3. block 233. city 1
William Reidt and wife to Frank
Kternan. south half of east quar
ter block 22. Wheeler's Addition... 1
G. G. Gammans and wife to same.
Iota 1 and 2. section 21. In E. 4
of N. W. U section 21, T. 1 N..
R. 1 E 1
Same to same, lot 2, section 21. T. 1
N.. R. 1 E 1
H. E. Noble and wife to same, lots
1 and 2. section 21. In E. of N. W.
H section 21. T. 1 N.. R. 1 E 1
Same to same, lot 2. section 21, T. I
N.. R. 1 E 1
S. J. Burrase. et al.. to same, lots 1
and 2. section 21. E. of N. W.
!i section 21. T. 1 N.. R. 1 E 1
Same to same. lot 2. section 21. T. 1
N-. R. 1 E 1
J. C. Alnsworth and wife to same. lot
2. section 21. T. 1 N.. R. 1 E 1
Same to same. lots 1 and 2. section
21. In E. Vt of N. W. U section 21.
T. 1 N.. R. 1 E 1
A. W. Ocobock and wife to same.
lots 1 and 2. section 21. E. u. of .
N. W. U section 21. T. I N.. R. 1 E. I
Same to same, lot 2. section 21. T. I
N-. R- 1 E 1
Annie L. Malarkey and husband to
same, same property 1
Same to same, lots 1 and 2. same
section - 1
Union Trust & Investment Co. to
same. lot 2. same section 1
Same to same, lots 1 and 2, same
section 1
Wood River Zinc Co. to Jennie R.
Smith. 204 acres -beginning west
line Plympton Kelly D. L. C-, 165.8
rods west of the northeast corner
of said claim, section 4. T. 1 S..
R. 2 E 12.000
Joseph Morris and wife to William
Barseh. lots 1 to 10. block 16; lots
13 to 29. block 17: lots 9 to 13,
block 23. Portland Park Addition... 1
H. E. Noble and wife to C. E. Fields.
east 90 feet lot S, block 22. East
Portland 5
Ernest Wlnkelmann to A. E. Leo. lot
6. block 18. Lincoln Park 630
Charles T. Schroder to Elizabeth
Mohrmann. lot 27, block 5, Arleta
Park No. 3 230
Melvlna Worlck and husband to Will
Mam N. Daniels. lots 20 to 24. block
4. Bralnard 10
John F. Caples. et al.. to Martha
Hammann. lot 5. block 4. Wood lawn 400
Phebe Gage to James F. Miller.
et al.. lot 13, block 38. Woodlawn.. i
Charles A. Myers to Irene Mclntlre.
south 66 2-3 feet lot 3, and west 13
feet of south 66 2-3 feet lot 6. block
3. Glencoe Park.....i 1.400
Robert W. Wilson and wife to J. W.
Campbell. lot 7. block 48. Sellwood.. 1
Louisa E. Akeyson and husband to J.
Roberts. Jr.. lot 10. block 60, Sell
wood 630
William E. Bralnard and wife to
Addle E. EHIott. lot 16. block 7.
Terminus Addition 300
Ida E. Roberts and husband to Will
lam E. Hartmus. west half lots 5
and 6. "block 21. Hanson's Second
Addition 800
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Spend a day In Salt Lako City, and an
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