1 12 THE MORNING- OREGOXIAN, SATTJItPAY, MARCH 10, ----- - HOTEL PERKINS Fifth and Washington Streets EUROPEAN Xooms, fl.W to W.W Pw T According to Location. j. F. DA VIES, President. St. Charles Hotel CO. (INCORPORATED) FRONT AND MORRISON STS., PORTLAND, OR. Furnnpan Plan First-Class Restaurant In Connection HOTEL OREGON CORNER SEVENTH AND STARK STS. Portland's Newand Modern Hotel Rates$l perDay and Up. European Plan Free Bus. WRIGHT- DICKINSON HOTEL CO., Props. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND. March 9. Maximum temper ature. C8 deg.: minimum. 40. River reading at S A. M . 5.2 feet; change In past 24 hours, rlw. of 0.2 of a foot Total precipitation, j 3. M. to 5 P. M-, none; total since September 1. Ifl03, 30.13 Inches: normal. 34.44 inches; loflelencv, 4.20 Inches. Total sunshine March S. 1P06, 7 hours and 50 minutes; possible, 11 n hours. PACIFIC COAST WEATHER. E a g v 3 Wind. .5 2. 2 o c - -T !!!. a IP? I ? 3 : : 0 STATIONS IBakcr City ...M'O.OO1 OlNW IClear ISnow (Cloudy (Cloudy ISnow ICloudy IClear iCloudy IClear IClear IClear IClear ICloudy iPt. Cldy. ICloudy IClear IClear IClear iRlsmarck. --- Ttoic- !58 0.00 4NAV Eureka :- iu.ihj 4 - w Helena 2S0.101 SN Kamloop. B. C... MC-COOi..' North Head 00,0.00:20 SW Pooatello '44!.00 SlSE Portland 'ASO.OOl 4 IE Red Bluff 178 0.00 0JS Reseburg '68 0.00 4lW Sacramento t74!0.00 OkS .salt Lake City ,54 0.001 4NW Pan Francisco '.72:0.00 14 W Spokane 4S 0JK)'12IE Seattle . - - .'.C'.O.OOi 4 N W Tstoosh Island... 52 0.00i 6NE Walla Walla 0 0.00 4 SW WEATHER CONDITIONS. The barometer has fallen rapidly during the last 12 hours in the North Pacific States. Hut tho sky remains clear except In Southern Idaho, where cloudiness has increased and threatening conditions prevail. Light to modcratelv heaw snow has fallen In West ern Montana. On the Pacific Slope the temperatures continue mild and much above normal. WEATHER FORECASTS. Forecasts made at Portland for 28 hours ending at midnight, March 10: Portland and vicinity Increasing eloudl es followed by showers and colder. Winds becoming southwesterly. Western Oregon Increasing cloudiness, followed by showers. Cooler Interior. South erly winds. Western Washington Showers. Southerly winds. Eastern Oregon. Eastern Washington and Idaho Increasing cloudiness, followed by fhowers. Cooler. CLASSIFIEDAD. RATES. "Rooms. "Room and Board- "House keeping Booms. "Situations Wasted." IB word or lew. 15 cent: 10 to ZO words. 30 tti: 21 to 25 words. 25 cents, etc No dls couat for additional insertions. UNDER ALL OTHER HEADS, except 'cw Today." 30 ceats for IB words or less: 16 to 20 words. 40 ceats: 21 to 25 words. 60 cents, etc, first Insertion. Each addltloaal Insertion, one-half: ao farther discount un der eae month "NEW TODAY (gauge measure- agate). 16 ceats per llae. first Insertion: 10 cent per Uae for each addltloaal Insertion. ANSWERS TO ADVERTISEMENTS, ad dressed care The Orecoalaa. aad left at this office, should always be iaclosed la sealed envelope. No stamp Is required on such letters. The Oregon Ian will sot be responsible for errors la advertisements takes through tha telephone. UNCALLED-FOR ANSWERS ANSWERS ARE HELD AT THIS OFFICE TOR THE FOLLOWING ANSWER CHECKS AND MAY BE HAD BY PRESENTING TOUR CHECKS AT THE OREGONIAN OFFICE: A 30. Jl IB. 27, 38. 37. C 8. 21. 24. 28. 37, 40, 45. D 28, 25. 26. 20. 34, 35, 37, 41. E 2. IB. 24. 35. F 25, 31, 33. G 8. 18. 27. 28. 35, 38. 3I. II 32, 33. 36. 40. 3 21, 26. 30, 34. 85, 40. K 8, IB, 36. I 8. 27, 28. 31. 34, 45. M 21. 27. 28. 37. 38, 39. 41, 78. N 1. 34. 88. 38. O 26. r 28, 26, 27. 29. 37, 300. Q 27. 30. 31. R 22. 2G. 32. S 26. 28. 31. T 19. 23. 33. 36. 38. 40. A' 26. 30. 32. 40. TV 28, 28, 31, 83. X 37. 40. 97. 101. Y 8. 31, 34. 38. MEETING NOTICES. ALB1NA. LODGE. NO. 101.. A. 5&! & A. si., special communication tnis Saturday) evening at 8 o'clock. ork In E. A. decree. visiting brethren cordially Invited. By order V. M. A. J. HANDLAN, Secy. WILLAMETTE LODGE. NO. 2. A. V. & A. M. Special communi cation this (Saturday) evening at 7:30 o'clock. Work in E. A. de Srce. Visiting brethren welcome. W. S. WEEKS. Secretary. I. O. O. F. Members of Hamalo Lodge. No. 15. will meet at their hall. 1st and Alder ts.. nt 1:4G r. M.. for the purpose of conducting she funeral of our late brother. T. J. CTiarK. Interment In Lone Fir cemetery. A full at tendance Is desired and members of tho order Invited to attend. HENRY BROWN. Secretary DIED. JUGGINS At the family residence. 579 Spo kane st.. geiiwood. Marcn n, Aimon T. liig gins, aged S3 years. Notice of funeral here after. FUNERAL NOTICES. C1.ARK In this city. March 9. 1906. at tho family residence, 694 Everett st-, Thomas James Clark, aged 4 years. 10 months and 15 dayii. Friends are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral services, which will te held at the above residence at 2 P. M tomorrow (Sunday). Interment L O. O. F. plot. Greenwood cemetery. EDWARD nOLMAN A CO.. the leadlnr faaeral directors and embalmers, 220 aad 222 Third street, corner Salmon, have the Baesi establishment aad the most reasonable charges. We hare an experienced lady who takes fall charge of all ladr eases. Phoae Xata 687. 3. V. TIN LEY ft SON Funeral directors mai enabalmers. No. 261 341 t cor. Madison. Par or night calls promstly attended. Ex perienced lady assistant when dealrea. Of aee ef Ceantr Coroner. Phone Mala 9. DUNNING, MENTEE GILBAUGH. Ssc cessera to Dnanhur Cample n, sadertakera and eahalmerat modern la every detail; 7th aad rtee. Pkoa Mala 43ft. Lady assistant. T. S. DUNNING. Undertaker. 414 East Aider. Lady aaatstaat. Phone East St. ZKLLER-BYXNES CO- Undertaken. Eat raisers. 2?S KasaelL East 1M6. Lady aas't. TONSETH CO- florists. Artistic floral AesJsTB. 13S tKa st. rheae Mala SIM. I : PORTLAND, OREGON PLAN Flrtt-Class Cheek "Kectasraai Connected With Hotel. C O. DAVXS, Sec aad Trsaa. Rooms 75c to $2 AMUSEMENTS. MARQUAM ?StX?ER PHONE MAIN TWO PERFORMANCES TODAT Special-Price Matinee 2:15 Lat Time Tonight 8:15 Geo. M. Cohan's Musical Comedy "LITTLE JOHNNY JONES" MATINEE PRICES 25c, 35c, 50c. 75c, 51. NIGHT PRICES 50c, 75c. 51 and $1.0. Marquam Grand Theater PHONE MAIN SOR. Monday, Tuesday Nights. March 12-13. I960 THE POPULAR ACTOR PAUL GILMORE In the Romantic Comedy Drama "CAPTAIN DEBONNAIRE." pnirr.K Pamurt xl.50. Parauet circle. SI. Balcony. 75c and 50c Gallery, 35c and 25c Boxes and loges. $ 10. SEATS NOA SELLING. Baker Theater Crips TfeitUrCr... lun CiB.LBair.Mtr. The Home of Popular Munlcal Burlesque. Yamhill and Third Sts. fnone warn iwi. Tonight Special Last Performance Mat In re Today at 2:15 "IMPERIALS" BURLESQUE COMPANY. MATINEE 15c 25c 35c and 50c NIGHT PRICES 25c 35c, 50c and 75c Next Week. Starting Tomorrow Matinee "THE AVENUE GIRLS." LlllpliC 1 11C a I CI fkcnimioin Milton W. Seaman. Manager. PORTLAND'S POPULAR THEATER. MATINEE TODAY. 2:15 LAST TIME TONIGHT. 8:15 THE FAMOUS ORIGINALS MURRAY & MACK AND THEIR ALL-FUN CROWD. 40 PEOPLE 10 IN "Around the Town" The Latest Musical Satire of New York Life, Evening Prices l&c. Z5C kc ana aw. Matins Trlees 10c. 15c and 25c Next Attraction, Startler Tomorrow Matinee Grand THEATER Week of Mar. 5. Field Hanson The Funnlett of Four Juggling Mortons Keouble Mms. AUmon & Ellsworth. IoIa Staatone. The Deatons. Harold Hon". Grandlscooe. Comedians. Note change of prices on and after Mon day. March 5. 1906: Evenings. Sundays and Holidays 15c 2jc. 35c Mats. 15c to any seat except boxes, j STAR THEATER "Week of Mar. 5. Seooad Week and Positively the hvt appear ance of the Royal Hawaiian Quintette. Charles Brooks. Phillips & Tarladena. White & Ahhton. Hiss Mildred Manning WH C. Hoyt, Staroscope. 10c To any sent in the house except boxes 10c PANTAGES FAMILY THEATER Cor. 4th and Stark. Week of March 5. Crawford Duff Musical Fletchers Clias. E. Royal Musical Comedy Company, .presenting- "xanaiora zor a uay. Leo White. Blograpb. Matinees dally at 2:30 P. M. Nights, 7:30 and 9. Admission. 10c Reserved scats, 20c Box seats. 25c. "NEW TODAY. AN IDEAL HOME. 25 ACRES. ALL LEVEL: 21 acres under euiu-aiion. excellent for sttrawbcrxiea, splendid orchard, ISO troan; good nchool. rood neignpornood. good build ing, good waterr 2 miles from Oregon City Courthouse: good road; price reasonable Call on or address E. C Maddock. Oregon City. Or. OLD GOLD. JEWELRY. BOUGHT. MADE over, exchanged; diamonds, precious stones. loose ana mounted; watencs, -jeweiry. paired. Uncle Myers, Jeweler, 143 34Alder. FOR SALE BY OWNER. IS LARGE LOTS fronting on car line; cheap, terms. 110 Grand ave. YORK-STREET Warehouse Property West Side; accessible: terminal facilities and least money to handle. Have party who will build under long lease to cult tenant. E. S. JACKSON & CO.. 246 Stark etreet. $17,500 100x100, less than 8 blocks from Portland Hotel. Suitable for flats or apartments. Fine location and income-bearing: A bar gain for icvr days. 211 Commercial block. HENRY E. REED REAL ESTATE AND INVESTMENTS. No. 167 Sixth Street. Near Washtagtea. .raene .Ham aw3. All kinds of business, residence and farm property and timber lands handled. Prompt and careful attention to orders. SNAP S8SOO Only for a Few Days. 50x106 a 17tk. near Everett, win two rooa ,-room Bouses; rental iv per eata. A. A. KERR Care. Russell Blyta, 824 Third. 35 1M fcet vcrtoP 8U between 23d vw " n.na i&xi j-cw cciiicni walk. street graded, lot uea 3 xeet aoove 4117c grade of Btreet.' Price U Front at. Call Mala 4t for particulars. XKK TOD AT. PointView (St. Johns) We are still selling lots at Point View at the old price, 100 a lot, though prices on all adjacent prop erty have "been advanced, and the price of these lots will be advanced I2V2 per cent on THURSDAY NEXT MARCH IS These beautiful lots are on the high ground, in the car-line loop, within a few minutes' walk of all the indus tries of the rapidly growing town of St. Johns It is safe to say that every lot on the Peninsula will double in value this Summer. The wise ones are buying now. Are you one of the number? The Title Guarantee & Trust Co. 240 WASHINGTON STREET (Corner Second Street) PORTLAND, OREGON. DON'T OVERLOOK This Investment Quarter block, the northeast corner of Second and Everett street. Has a two-story frame building on it that covers the whole quarter, but building recently had a fife in it and it will cost about $3000 to put it in good repair. This property can be bought any time within the next five days for S20.000. When building is in repair it will rent for $250 to $300 per month. Moore Investment Co. . i5iy2 SIXTH ST. Phone Main 16. Hartman)Ttiompson& Powers , Chamber of Commerce. Five lots In Wilson Addition can be picked up at the right figure. 3375 Splendid S-room house, full lot, on E. Couch, near nth. o better location on the East Side. S3850 Nice S-room modern house on East Couch. Worth looking up. $4400 New 7-room house, full lot. on Mar nhall street. $4500 Good house and lot n Everett, be tween 21st and 22d. Very reasonable terms can be made. $4750 Quarter-block on Northrup in choice residence dlMiict. Notice the price Is below market. S5300 Two new hous on E. 7th within walking distance, rented and always win be. income SIT per month, rood Investment. X5506 Beautiful 10-room house en E. l.6th Everything flret-cla. Owner lcalng the city. $6500 Quarter-block on Grand avenua with 10-roora house. Reasonable terms. $7500 Elegant residence on Ovrton only $2500 required, balance at per cent OWN YOUR OWN HOME Tour wife and children will be happier and more content, and you will be a bet ter citizen. The EAST SIDE has the most HOMES, haa the GREATEST population. is growinr tne most jtAfiUL-i. and the GREATER PORTLAND MUST and "WILL be there. HOLLADAY'S ADDITION Is tho geographical center of the city, and is the most DESIRABLE residence dis trict, and much or this will become BUSI NESS property, do not overlook these FACTS when making investments, and call and inspect the property, for scelnsr is bellcx-ing. THE OREGON REAL ESTATE CO. SS! Third SL, Room 4, Portland, Or. Health, Wealth, Contentment flood River Valley Is the district that attracts homc- scekers, capitalists, business and pro fessional men. Healthy climate, pro ductive soil and good water. Write us for booklet about Hood River. J. H. Heilbronner 6 Company xruit Land and Kcal Lstato Hood River, Oregon.. J. F. O'Donnell 6 Co, 2M Mohawk Building. Phone Main 5C37. CITY PROPERTY FARMS AND TIMBER LANDS We are prepared to take full charce of your property, whether large or small, se cure acsiraoie tenants, collect, your rent, supervise repairs without cost on work performed. List your property with us. ana you win oe treated right. R. M. Wilbur Real Estate Dealer Formerly 306 McKay Bldg. Now Moved to 110 2d st. Bet. Stark and Washington Fire! Insurance Life, accident and employers' liability policies written by J. F. O'DON NELL. &. CO.. 3M Mohawk Bldg. Phone Main 697. Have us call on you. E Sunnysido is due east from the center of tho city. Only 15. minutes by car over the Morrison-street bridge. Sunnyside has improved streets, city water and all city conveniences, schools, stores, churches and fire pro tection. Sunnyside lots may still be bought at the old price, 350 a lot, on very easy terms. But Listen On April 15 prices on all unsold lots in Sunnyside will be advanced 25 a lot. Make your purchase NOW. The Title Guarantee & Trust Co. 240 WASHINGTON STREET (Corner Second Street) PORTLAND, OREGON. Water Front 1K0 fect East Side river frontasc oppo site Government building: very level; deep water and railroad; price reasonable. J. F. O'DONNELL. 301 Mohawk Building. Phone Main SCOT. Choice Building Site For sale, in the most desirable resi dence section o the city, on West Park Street Sightly; commands a fine view of the mountains. Inquire of. owner, Koom 910, Oregonian Building. TOR SALE-REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE AT YORK AND GUILD STS. near 23rd. lot 34x11" ftel and new G-rootn bouse, modern In all respect; basement. attic, furnace, gas. fewr; prkv Sl5i terms half earn. The Title Guarantee tc Trust Co.. 240 Washington U. cor 2nd. Portland. Or. HOUSE 10 ROOMS; NEW AND ABSO lutely up to date: elegantly flnlsaed throughout: situated on two lot. In best portion of West Side. Any one desiring an Al home will do well to investigate. Phona owner. Main 5i5. or call ICO Sherlock bs. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Four lots, unexcelled view of mountains and city; very choice, for ale by owiwr, cheap. Geo. E. Waggoner. Phone Mala 5St. $1S50 4 ACRES. WELL IMPROVED. GOOD orchard. , acre strawberries, s-room noue. nearly new: one mile from county ut Yamhill County. Oregon. This Is a imap, Addrt-M Barkrt &. Hcllyer. McMlnnvllle. Or. FOR SALE AT WEST AVENUE STATION Mount Tabor. 50 feet from car. good house, h room, with lot 50x100 feet; price J-iWt terms reasonable. Title Guarantee & Trust Co.. 20 Washington cor Second. SIX-ROOM HOUSE. LOT 50x160. WALKING dlttance. East Side, street Improved; here in hometning you can't duplicate; price only Uio: juit think ot it. t. i. uerry. N. Clb at. Phone Hood IG35. ACRE TRACTS WE HANDLE ACREAGE aa a specialty, within city limits or ouulde. Some acre, with terms as low aa $10 per month with water. A. C. Churchill A Co. "Inc." 110 2d st. FOR .SALE $15f. BEAUTIFUL HOME; room bouse and bath, at a sacrifice; terraced lawn, nowers. fruit, on car line, close in $1250 cash, balance time. Inquire M 43, Oregonian. FOR SALE COZY S-ROOM COTTAGE ON E. 30th K.. near Sunnyside car line; hath. gas. etc: brick foundation: price. fm tenna to cult purchaser. Phone East 2175. FOR SALE FULL BLOCK. HOUSE. BARN, good orchard: Ration's Addition. North Al Una: $25vi; easy terms. See owner, F. vanduyn. 313 Washington. $20 FER FRONT FOOT. EAST 20TH AND Washington: 0 lots on West nr.. 15w. G W. Edmonds, owner, 1610 Base. Line road. I 'none Tabor SI. FOR SALE CHEAP FORTY ACRES. ONE- half mile from Needy, Clackamas County unimproved. Inquire Noland. u95 Unkm ave.. North, Portland. J6G00 200 ACRES CLEARED BOTTOM land; dairy or stock: sood 9-room boue, lance bam: 3 miles of county rtxt. Box Kalama. Wash. POSITIVELY THE BEST BARGAIN IN Eat Side business property: lot on Grand ave.. only ZlV). rorter. Washington SlHlIl 1525. MODERN 6-ROOM COTTAGE. FINE LOT on car line, union ave.. electric llchts. bath and cement basement. $2100. Phone Sub urban '-l. 2r..0"0 BUYS QUARTER BLOCK ON YASI hill t cke in; 2 housen. now paying '1320 3 cany; a gooa speculation, u 42. Orewo- nian. 0T0 SPLENDID S-ROOM HOUSE AN choice comer lot. fine location. Union ave,. HoXacay'a Add. illller. 714 Cnam. Con. HOOD RIER CITY LOTS. IMPROVED OR unimpicved. ror vie or excnasK for Port land lota, 1L C Coe. Hood IUver. Oregon. ARE YOU INTERESTED IN EAST .SIDE acreage; it i see tMX. sice ileal Eatate ia, 40 Jiawworoe ave. rnone east IC7 $ itJV -CORNER AND TWO INSIDE LOTS I liiKniano; terms i- per monin. or a per cent uiscouni tor casn. m -c. irresonMn, FOR SALE I-ROOM HOUSE WITH 2 lota. 121.'. Burton St.. Willamette Station mi St. Johns car line. Casper 3Iaeder. 0-ROOM RESIDENCE IN THE CHOlCtMT part of Irvlnrton. full lot and cheap. Phono Owners, East 1549. or L 41. Oregonian. TWO LOTS ON CAR LINE, 130 EACH; 20 mlnutra from Burnslde bridge; Improved streets: easy terms, . twrgonlan. ONE OR TWO IXTTS. UNDER J400 EACH on easy terms, located between Williams ana Union aves. u 41. ortcoman. HII.I.ADAVS AnnlTinV lYVr tlrv r- x c-il balance Installments, fi per cent; price 1000 net. uwner. -iv JJCi.ay mug. EELLWOOD LOTS. J5.00 DOWN AND J3.C0 a monin; zrom to aAi.w. seiiwood xownsite lm. rnone i-jji 100x110 ON GL1SAN. BET. 23D AND 24TH tXM) down, balance nve years at 7 per cent. Koom iz. Hamilton. Main tzu. FOR SALE NICE COTTAGE AND IJT. ZAx iiuprxiTcu ymr iiu, icrma. in autre at wi b. itnn .mwb. TWO H1GIL SIGHTLY IJyTS. WITH IROOM house, within walkim; uutance; 23ou. it. quire uowenrarai, m urn. JOHNSON ST. RESIDENCE OF O Itonuc Wet Side. ?i"0). Kinaell. C02 Commercial Otoe n. Main 5-1- EAST SIDE REAL ESTATE CO. EAST SIDE Pbonv KAV IWiti FOR SALE HOUSE Or V I'.UVUS. i LP AX 5 doa-n: suitable for 2 families, istb and E. Asn. Chas. A. Bryant. 303 Chamber Commerce. Haute built, monthly payments; will furnish lot. Mll'tr. 012 Commercial bldg. Main tOIJ CHOICE LOT ON 22D ST. MRS. P. M. DALY, the Bronrn. Ctand cnJ Hawthorne ave. FOR SALE CHOICE quire 7C6 lit. COR. HOUSE. IN- ID 1906. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. TAKE THE OPPORTUNITY AND BUY NOW and take advantage of the rise The only H block left fronting on East orrion near Grand are.; the price is ngni. laeome a per cent: this Is positively tne cheapest and best buy In the market. Those in need or arehouse sIUh wito ranroaa and side tracks. I have blocks and half- Wocks in the East Side district at lowest, prices. C. R. DeBurghr 212 Ablngton blag. Phone 773. FOR SALE A NEW. MODERN 12-ROOM corner house, completely furalihed. gas ana eieetrlc throughout; furnace heat, basement all cemented; also cement sidewalk and wall, iron fence, garage, large shade trees, on car lice. Nob Hill. inquire ICO N. 21st t-. - P. M. to 5 P. M. NOW IS YOUR TIME TO BUY DOORS. windows, flooring, rustics and all kinds of building materials at a great bargain. Ap ply to American Inn. Phone Pacific lOiii. FOR SALE FARMS. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE ITT HOME OF II acres adjoining Salem: my farm In Clackamas County; small farm near Cor vallU fitted tor dairying, fruit, vegetables; Cervallls homes on the Installment plan: choice lots In Newport, the fine Summer re sort. Addrt-M, Wo. H. Savage. CorvalllH. Or. J 10.00 PER ACRE. IRRIGATED LAND. J 10. CO Crook County. Oregon. Deed direct from State. Write for pamphlet and map. B. S. Cook it Co.. 231 Alder st.. Portland. Oregon. SO ACRES GOOD LAND. I MILE FROM Haley Station, on O. W. P. R. R.; berries ripen en portion this land lo days earlier than on land near; price 32100. Apply to owner at 31b Beech, or phone East 4069. $10 AN ACRE ONLY 160 ACRES. GOOD apple land. 3 milt from white Salmon River. 4 acres cleared. 3-room houee. luo acres good land. 00 acres hilly. R. Field & Co.. White Salmon. Wash. DAIRY FARM. 1T0 ACRES. 100 BEST BOT- tom land: 2 seui of bulkllnss. 50 cows, all farming and dairying Implements to run 40 cows: good Investment, eaay term, owner, 433 Everett st. FOR SALE OR WILL TRADE FOR INCOME property In the city. 00 acres. 3 miles from Oregon City. 17 acres In cultivation; price 12500. F. T. Berry. 4 N. 6th. Phona Hood 1633. See Scott Lib American Farm Land Co.. tor good dividend paying grain, fruit, stock. garden truck ranches. (Farmers having ranches far sale write) S. 402 Oregonian bid. FOR S.VLE 75A-ACRES FARM IN SOUTH- ern Oregon: luO acres In cultivation; soooo improvements'; well watered. Price 922 an acre. Address A. K. S locum. Portland Or. BY OWNER. 51-ACRE FARM. WITH GOOD bWKii, -Vi miles south of Oregon City. cultivated; no reasonable offer refused. Call 201 H 1st st. SMALL FARM. ABOUT 7 MILES FROM Portland, all In cultivation; good house, barn and orchard. Addree owner. X 40. Oregonian. W ACRES. $15 PER ACRE. 24 HOURS' drive from Portland; no brush. 445 Sherlock fcMg. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED TO PURCHASE 50 OR ICO acre, near Portland, to subdivide Into very cheap Miiramg iota; tana must ne wstnin reasonable distance of Portland and suit able at a suburb or as a Summer resort townslte: In reply you must state price and full particulars to j a. oregonian. HAVE CUSTOMERS FOR CLOSE-IN BUSI ness property. Income-bearing or vacant. West Side: also East Side warehouse prop erty ana urauu nu luiuu tc iou. r. j Daly. 222 Failing wag. WE HAVE A CASH PURCHASER FOR ANY property at a low price, from sioco to 510. iKO. Our customer means businesa. Let ua know what you have. Morgan jfc Flledner, suite -is. ADingion oiug. WB HAVE BUYERS FOR WEST SIDE property from Sl0O to 35000. What hav you? No agent. Call room 14. Mulkey DUIC a ana jiorruou. CORNER LOT OR QUARTER BLOCK. BE- tween East couen ana East Morrison. Grand ave. and Eat loth tts. L 44. Orezonlau. LOT SOxlOO. WEST SIDE. NOB HILL. OR between Jefferson and Washington, not be low 7th. R 40. Oregonian. WILL EXCHANGE A FINE PAYING GRO eery ror real eatate in or near cltv. 43. Oreronlan. FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. Large tract of fir timber for sale This Umber lies ten miles from Hood River and mile from railroad; Ji mile flume or chute, will deliver timber or prod uct to railroad; plenty of water; timber can be bought or can be put In against mill. Address John Leland Henderson, Hood River. Oregon. AVANTED TO EXCHANGE STOCK OF DRY good for timber imi; nne rash trade: $500 etock. Box 337. Hoqulam. Wash. FOR SALE TWO TIMBER CLAIMS; ONE n.wo.000 spruce and cedar, the other 3.0C0.0WI yellow pine. East 5fe3. Free Government land Timber claims. Irrigat ed tanas, ana nomrtfteauo. oio oregonian bid. COWLITZ CO. TIMBER LANDS AND REAL estate. F. J. Barnard &. Co.. Kalama. Wash. TO EXCHANGE. TO EXCHANGE WELL-PAYING DEPART- roent store in Best part souiueast .Nebraska, doing a blnej of $3U,0JO annually; our stock. $19.0uu to ? 12, COO. clean and up-to-date; want good drygoods or general stock and buslnees In Washington or Oregon. In geod'Sixed town; will pay difference for larger stock It not too large. Is clean and with paying buslnftw. Address S. IX. Hart 1304 L St., Lincoln, Neb. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Ml ACRES HI miles from Houlion. Or., level land, running water, partly Improved. 35 acres good tim ber, good market for cord wood or stave boit!: will sell or trade for Portland realty. Uhurchley Bros.. 42U Kearney st. TO EXCHANGE AA'ALL PAPER OR PAINT- ing awl aecorawHS ir ugni ueuvery wagon. 2V", Yarahlll. FOR RENT FARMS. FOR RENT OR SALE K ACRES. NEARLY all Improved. flrst-clasa buildings and water, on new car line, near Greaham. Or. Inquire Alfred Brunner. Gresham. Or. FOR SALE LAND SCRIP. ALL KINDS OF LAND SCRIP APPROATED and guaranteed. Military bounty warrants bacght and sold. Co 111 M Land Co.. Heleaa. Meat. TOR SALE. Horses. Vehicles and Harness. JUST ARRIA'ED AT THE W. P. STABLE?. 2 Ruill St. 25 head of well-broke horae?. all young and sound, from UCO to 130U lbs.; will now be hoM reasonable. HORSES AND BUGGIES FOR RENT BY day. week and month; special rates to buslneta bouses, utb and Hawthorne. Tel. East 72. FINE YOUNG TEAM. A" EIGHT 1S00. HAR nesa and nwell. low-down bakery wagon; also grocery wagon. 212 Alfeky bldg. SALE DRY STOA'E AVOOD THIS AVEEK only, cut-rate price. Phone Eaiit 5303. Brick cheao. Horses and vehicles bought, sold, rented or exchanged. 211 Washington. Pacific S07. We Buy. Sell. Rent. Exchange.Uorse. Wagons, saddle, harness. Hubert & Hall. 26(1 4th. 20 TEAMS. HORSES 270O TO 3C00 PER team. Freed man Bros.. 12th and Flanders. A GOOD DELIVERY HORSE AND WAGON. For particulars call at 215 tlth st. WANTED TWO GOOD DELIVERY HORSES, weight 1100. Phone Main 764. Miscellaneous. WOLFF-AMERICAN BICYCLES. CLOSING out; $40 blocles at $23; $35 racers. $30 for cash: 110 rlma. 50c on the dollar. S. S. Elgel. 335 Morrison st. SHOAVCASES. COUNTERS. SHELVING, bought, sold or exchanged. AA'tetern Sal vage Co.. 627 AVashlcgton st. Pacific 793. TWO FINE YOUNG JERSEY COWS. 1 SOON" fresh; also two dozen thoroughbred barred Plymouth hens. 212 Alfcky blcg. BAKERS OUTFIT. PORTABLE OA'EN. trough, pans, candy furnace, etc. AVcMern Salvage Co.. 027 Washington st. SCOTCH COLIJE. MALE. 14 MONTHS OLD. well .marked, mblr arut vrhlte. 42) East 12th St.. or phone East 6120. FOR SALE 650 FEET ll-INCH STANDARD pipe at half of new price.. M. Itarde & Son. Sth and Gltsan. SAFE. DESK XND TYPEWRITER FOR sale: sell together or separately, "Address T 33. Oregonian. FOR BALE. Mlce llaaeo as. 30 SLIGHTLY DAMAGED SEWING MA- chlnea at very low prices; Singer. Wheeler Sz WUson. Domestic, White, Household. Davis and others: to make room for nsw stock. Wheeler &. Wllion. and Singers. S. S. Elgel. 333 Morrison si. Marquam bldg. WILL OFFER AT PRIVATE SALE THE furniture In 073 Clinton, any time before Tuesday morning. March 13. 1006. The fur niture Is nearly new; I am going to leave the city. A. G. Wight. 975 Clinton st. FOR SALE NEW AND SECOND-H.VND billiard and pool tables; easy payments; wa rent tables, with privilege of buying; mod ern bar fixtures; cheap prices. Brunswick-Ba!ke-Co;iender. 40 3d st. FOR SALE JERSEY BULL. SIRED BY Grand Coin; grand dam Golden Glow; an Imported cow testing 18 lbs. 3 oz. butter In seven. days. Address M. S. Woodcock. Corvallla, Or. SECOND-HAND NATIONAL CASH REGIS- ter. suitable for grocery, market or oar; send postal and will call and show register. "Cash Register." P. O. box 45S. FOR SALE CHEAP COMPLETE MOVING- plcture outfit; also gas macnine. concert phonograph, song slides, nlm. 14314 Gth. room 1. A YOUNG. FULL-BLOODED CLYDESDALB jtalllon for sale. For particulars write to J. T. Rowcitffe. Rlckreall. Or.. R. F. D. No. L GENTS CLOTHING. FURNISHING GOODS. rhoes. showcases; must be sold In 30 days, regardless of cost. 22SVi lt. nar Salmon. Donkey engines bought, sold and rented. 324 Chamber Commerce. Phone aiara MANTEL BED. KITCHEN CHAIRS. CHEAP. 4tsu Ttc at., near Jackson. $1C0 PIANO CREDIT CERTIFICATE FOR $23. Phone Scott 106. HELP WANTED MALE. MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN BARBER trade In 8 weeks: the Moler system ot col leges have opened one of their famous bar ber schools In Portland. Graduates earn from $15 to 25 per week- Only reliable barber college In United States. Special terms to first 20 students. Be lively and get special rates. MOLER SYSTEM COLLEGES. 35 N. Fourth St.. Portland. MAC HINIST. STEADY WORK. $3; RATCHET sciicf tutu utnabc 1110.41, 0.11 u.i 1 i" v and S2.50: vard tallymen. S2.23 to S2.uO: camp cook for 15 men. $30; 4 men and - boys to work in and around planing mm. t- ana $1.30; 10 men for mill and yard work. $2. fare advanced; 30 loggers. 100 other. Lum bermen's Labor Bureau, 150 1st st. and 2So Burnslde. ALL DISEASES OF MEN SUCCESSFULLY treated; discharges positively cured In from S to 5 days; consultation free and strictly confidential: send for our symptom blank. X-Radlum Medical Institute. 3d and Alder sts.. entrance 253 Alder it.. Portland. RESPONSIBLE SALESMEN WANTED AT all times. A good proposition to experienced men. C. B. Clement, superintendent of agencies. W. D. CARMAN CO.. Inc. 517 Chamber of Commerce. SIN MEN AVANTED IMMEDIATELY TO FIT for positions with tho United Sstaten uov erntnent as railway mall clerks In Oregon. Application must be made at once to E. O. Hcynen. 215 Columbia bldg.. 3C5tWashlng ton st. A BUSINESS MAN WHO CAN INVEST $1000 and manage office; thla la an excep tional opportunity and wltl pay to the rlgnt party $250 per month permanently. Address lor personal Interview, T 44, Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS UPHOLSTERERS WANTED; also experienced wire weaver: shoddyman. $2.50; cabinet makers, machine man for wuodshop. Washington Mattress & Furni ture Co.. Seattle. Wash. WANTED TRAVELING SALBS3IAN TO carry our line south and east ot Portland: good commission to a good salesman. Ad drtto Tacoma Lounge & Mattress Co.. Ta coma. Wash Men. women, learn watchmaking, engraving. Jeweler work, optics. Easy terms, positions guaranteed; money made learning. Watch. xaaking-Engravg School. 142S 4th av. Seattli CHEESE-MAKER AVANTED FIRST-CLASS brick and Swiss chetee-maker; must give satisfactory references concerning skill and habits. B 41. Oregonian. WANTED YOUNG MEN; AVE PREPARE you for positions paying 51 per month; easily and quickly acquired. Cull 4 US Steam bldr. AAWNTED SALESMAN WITH GENERAL knowledge of dry goods, clothing, furnish ings ami shoes. Call or add reus Room 329 Marquam bldg. AVANTED A BIG. STOUT BOY TO AVORK around a furnt.ure tore; one who la not afraid of work; $6.00 per week. Apply 213 2nd st. WE WANT A NO 1 TRAVELING SALES man to represent us on the road, on a com mission. Hotel & Restaurant Supply Co.. 200 2d st. Any Intelligent person may earn good Income corresponding for newspapers; experience un necessary. Press Syndicate. Lockport. N. Y. MEN TO LEARN BARBER TRADE: WAGE3 while learning; position after S weeks, GUI man's Barber College. 627 Clay. San Fran. YOL'NG MAN FOR DBLIA'ERY. CITY Ex perience and reference required. Clerks' Registration Bureau. 265 Morrison st. TRAA'ELING SALESMEN FOR OREGON and AVashlngton. tirst-class opportunity to right partlea. Call 344 Sherlock bldg. THOROUGHLY" EXPERIENCED PRODUCE and commission man. salary no object If the right man. J 40. Oregonian. WANTED FIRST-CLASS .SALESMEN IN Portland and throughout state; big wages to rustlers. 206 McKay bldg. LE VRN PRACTICAL BOOKKEEPING OF A practical bookkeeper. Murton. the account ant. 531 Chamber Commerce. BOY TO SELL PAPERS; CAN GO TO ivhool; must live near depot; $10 per month. Apply at news-stand, depot. EXPERIENCED NEWSPAPER SOLICITORS wanted Good-paying proposition. AiIy at room 2C". Oregonian bldg. WANTED FIRST-CLASS CLOTHING AND furnishing talesman. Call or addresit Room 520 Maruuam bldg. WANTED CLERK FOR A BUTTER STORE, must have $250; pay $25 a week. Call 24S& Stark it. SIX HARNESS MAKERS AA'ANTED Steady work, good wages. Duncan & Sons. Seattle. AVash. FIRST-CLASS BROILER AND LUNCHMAN. Address G. M. Campbell. 320 James st.. S attle. AVaoh. GOOD COATMAKERS xteatly work. Apply D. h4 tith ot FOR COUNTRY B. McBrlde & Co.. AV NTED TWO PRACTICAL LINEMEN, experienced climbers. Address M 12. Ore- -gonlan. WANTED MEN S OLD CLOTHING. SHOES, highest price paid. 52 3d. Phone Pacific 46. COOKS' AND BAKERS' HEADQUARTERS Cal. Wine Depot, iu -nn at. Pacific 2183. FOUR NONUNION BRICK MASONS, $R DAY long Job. out of city. Sort Ankeny. cor. th. BOY ABOUT 16 YEARS OLD WANTED BY Pacific Tent Awning 0.. n 2. 1st st. AA'ANTED FIRST-CLASS JOB Itor. Apply Union Printing Co.. COMPOS ES 4th st WIDE-AWAKE PHOTO TICKET SALES, man; new offer. Lucerne studio. Dekum bid. COATMAKER FIRST-CLASS AND STEADY. E. A. ScniEJcr. i'cacie:on. ur. WANTED A HOUSE PAINTER, at 704 Everett at. at once. INQUIRE WANTED A GOOD COATMAKER. J. S. Jensen. The Dalles. Or. HELP J VANTE D FEMALE. COOK. WOMAN: MUST BE FIRST-CLASS cook and one with references. Apply Gold en West Hotel. MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN TO TAKE CARE of sick lady, family 01 syj Morrison. corner lOtn. SALESLADY. EXPERIENCED. FOR FANCY goad; also girl at pattern counter. "Apply 171 3d st. tv ANTED A WOMAN TO TAKE CA11K nv Infant. AVrlto for further Information, N 44, WANTED A GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work, 2 In family; Tsweds preferred. Phone East 5471k A COMPETENT GIRL house wcrk: gocd wages. FOR GENERAL Apply 573 Hoyt st. AVANT FIRST-CLASS WAIST FINISHER. .JIme. -L. Summer. fi21 Washington st. MAID TO TAKE CARE' OF 3 CHI rioV. Aooly 773 Irving, st HELP WANTED FEMALE. CAPABLE) WOMEN WANTED. If you work, why not earn mere than a living? Be Independent. Do good. The Vlavl Company already employs over 12.000 women. The work covers twenty-threo countries ot tho world. We will entertain applications from capa ble women. Not canvaaslng, but a helpful, dignified work. Address by mall only, THE VIAVI COMPANY. Lewis Building. Portland, Or. CASHIER AND COUNTER CLERK. MUST understand cash register; a neat-appearing, pleasant young woman with business refer ences; $lo a week and increase. HANSEN'S LADIES" AGENCY. 343 a Washington et.. corner 7th, upstairs. ATTENTION! Applicants for all kinds of work register with us. free of charge, so we may locato you on ahort notice. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 343 Washington st. cor. 7th. upstairs. WANTED EXPERIENCED LADY BOOK keeper for wholesale and retail business at Seattle, Wash.; must be quick and ac curate In figures and have good refer ences. Address box 300. Seattle. Wash. BRIGHT. GOOD APPEARING YOUNG Wo man to demonstrate package goods In a well-known store. Apply before 10 A. M. today. Prepared to start Immediately. Na tional BUcult Co.. 103 First St. CHAMBERMAID. $30. CALL EARLY; housegtrls. cooks, second gtrltt. others'. HANSEN'S LADIES AGENCY. 343 Washington St.. corner 7th. upstairs. LADIES EMPLOYED TO DO FANCY WORK at home during ppare time: no experience. required; good pay and steady. Wrlto N. C Hulln. 1344 Market. San Francisco. YOUNG LADY WANTED TO EXPLAIN merits of valuable Invention; must be bright and intelligent; good salary. Address H 44. Oreronlan. WANTED COMPETENT GIRL FOR GEN eral housework and to help with children: good wages; no washing. 605 Hoyt st. Main 1150. DISEASES OF WOMEN A SPECIALTY X Radlum Medical Institute and Sanitarium. 3d and Alder; entrance 233 Alder sr., Port land. WANTED LADY EXPERIENCED IN BUSI neus to act as solicitor for Investment brokerage company. Apply 504 Dekum bldg.. city. WANTED FIRST-CLASS LADY REPRE sentatlves In Portland and throughout state; good pay. Call or write 607 McKay bldg. WANTED HOUSEKEEPERS, WAITERS, cooks, chambermaids, general workers. St. Louis Agency. 230 Yamhill. Main 5113. NEAT OFFICE GIRL. OPERATE NEW Smith typewriter, near-by town. Clerks" Registration Bureau. 2t55 Morrison trt. WANTED WOMAN FOR GENERAL housework: four In family: no children. Call bet. 10 and 2 o'clock. 367 12th st. WANTED COMPETENT GIRL FOR GEN eral housework: muit be good cook. 12S 14th st.. bet. Washington and Alder. WOMAN TO ASSIST DURING ALL OR PART of each day; housework; Portland Heights. Call at room 5t4. Sherlock bldg. COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work: must be an experienced cook; best wages. 714 Everett, corner 22d. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 343& Washington st.. cor. 7th. upstairs. Phone Main 2632. WANTED EXPERIENCED GIRLS TO make Fltz-Well ehlru and Boss-of-All over alls at 75 1st st. FIRST-CLASS SKIRT AND JACKET FIN- lsher wanted. The J. M. Acheson Co., 5th and Alder. YOUNG WOMAN TO DO PLAIN COOKING. some washing: salary $25. Address J 42. Oregonian. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. 10 WAITRESSES. ARM. $7. HOTELS. CITY. country, springs. $20: chambermaids. $2t; housework, cooks. Men 23 laborers (mitl0. paper. $1.75: lumber, $2. Farmhands Chi nook. Napavlne. $23: elderly, $10. Drake's, 205i Washington. AA'ANTED PERFORMERS. SINGERS. COM- edlanf. etc.. for dramatic and vaudeville gtage. Newman's Theatrical Circuit. 145.',r 6th. WANTED FIRST-CLASS BOOKKEEPER and stenograpner. Adores 1 u. oregonian. EMPLOYMENT FOR A PART OR" ALL OF your time, can 3U3 btearng pin. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. FIRST-CLASS SALESMAN AVITH BEST OF references is open iur cngasenient, city or country. Address Q 33, Oregonian. AM OPEN FOR AN ENGAGEMENT WITH a good touse; can 5e uwt 01 reierences. Address N 3S, Oregonian. Al SALESMAN. OPEN FOR AN ENGAGE ment. city or road; best references, bond 01 security. Address O 38. Oregonian. WANTED SIDE LINE. BY SALESMAN with large esiaoiisnca ira traveling cio?e to Portland, calling on grocers and confec tioners East 36S3. Miscellaneous. JAPANESE DOMESTIC SERVANTS. FARM hands and other laborers furnished. Tha Nippon Employment Office, room 2. 2 N. 3d St.. city. Main 5154. P. O. Box 173. RESPONSIBLE MARRIED MAN WISHES work; handy with carpenter tools; furni ture store or factory preferred. V 33. Ore gonian. JAPANESE LABOR ASSOCIATION CAN furnish domestic servants, larmcru auo; an kinds ot help. Main 4650. 268 Everett. JAPANESE-CHINESE EMPLOYMENT OF flce furnishes reliable help. Henry Tahara. 2H7 N. Everett. Phone Pacific 540. JAPANESE. FIRST-CLASS COOK. WANTS position In family boarding-house. AVata. S5 N. 5th. Pacific 98. COMPETENT MARRIED MAN WISHES ANY employment: generally useful and handy. A 14. Oregonian. GOOD JAPANESE HOY WANTS TO DO housework in family. Name. Frank. 326 AVashlnston ot. JAPANESE BOY DESIRES POSITION TO do domestlo or outside; wpeaks EnglLsh. F 44. Oregonian. Men'R cast-off clothing, shoes, highest prices paid. 734 N. 3d st.- Phone. Pacific 1604. AA'ANTED HOUSE repairing. AV 30. OR GENERAL Oregonian. . SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenoographera. Dressmakers. ALL KINDS OF SEWING DONE BY Ex perienced party: skirts a specialty; wir guaranteed. 3S5a East Washington, bet. Union and Grand avta. Housekeepers. EXPERIENCED HOUSEKEEPER AA'OULD like position In hotel or apartment-house; first-Class references given. E 44, Orego nian. Domestic. SITUATION EXPERIENCED FAMILY COOK $35; neat housework girl, $20; capable sec ond girl, boardlng-hoaie. $25; boardlng houpe cook. $:t3: also experienced woman, sewing in dressmaker's shop. 2303 Yam hill. Main 5413. SWEDISH GIRL. LATE FROM SWEDEN, to assist in general housework; also Swell lh woman with 2-year-old girl wants work. Main 30SS. Scandinavian Employment Co., 0 North 2d. AVANTED EXPERIENCED FAMILY COOK, wages $35, and second girl. $25; also boarding-house cook. $10 per week. 2301i Yam hill. Main 5413. YOUNG GIRL WANTS ANY KIND OF work, chambermaid, general housework ur day work. Main 5454. Saturday any time. Miss Rlchter. REFINED. CAPABLE WOMAN DESIRES situation as nurse, semMnvalld; children, iFlckness. 230fc Yamhill. Main 5413. JAPANESE GIRL DESIRES POSITION AS general housework In family.- Addresa Jap. anese Mission. Phone Pacific 2143. , Si v " 1 ifflTHirasai iaBawa"a"saTi zSSaBaBa3affiBaal