Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 08, 1906, Page 7, Image 7

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41 7YZ':
yesterday laying the pJpc that . will oon- I
ey the gravel -from the suction pipe of I
the dredge, and the craft .will be shifted
to her position as soon as her work off
the Portland Flouring Mills property has
been finished.
The result of the first day's work will
be watched with great interest, for should
the dredge succeed in pumping the coarse
gravel from the river bed without too
great difficulty, the puzzling problem of
filling the large flats between union ave
nue and the river will have been solved.
Steamer Sutherland Will Make
Two Successive Trips to
the Orient.
Captain Released and Hall Refunded
Judge Wolvcrton. of the United States
Circuit Court, yesterday released Captain
Quatreveaus. master of the French bark
Jules Gommcs, from responsibility for the
escape of a sailor named Joseph Morri
seUx from the vessel when she was here
about a year ago, holding that the skipper
had taken every precaution to keep the
man from getting ashore. The cash ball
of $100 was ordered refunded.
3arsc British Tramp to Call at Ma
P " nlla for Freight After Ravins
Delivered the First I;um
her Shipment.
Tho large British" tramp steamer Suthcr
Imid which is now two days overdue from
Japan for this port, was chartered yester
day bv the Pacific Export Lumber Com
pany to take a second cargo or lumber
from locai mills to China and to bring out
a sonoral cargo from Manila on hor jeturn
frm the Orient, after having delivered
iHir first lumber carco. Returning from
Manlln. the Sutherland will touch at San
Francisco to discharge a part of the car
pn. of which hemp will, in all probability,
prove n prominent item.
The Sutherland left Mororan. Japan, on
Fcnnmry in for Portland, and the lookout
at North Cape has been expected to see
lHif loom up ofi" the river for the past two
day, but he has looked in vain, and she
is "still ai sea. The Sutherland registers
...Mar. 3
,..Mnr. in
,..Mar. 13
...Mar. 1
...Mar. 15
...Mar. 13
..April 5
Due to Arrive.
.Ft'amrr From.
'Northland. San KranHncn..
Columbia. San Franclw. .
Alliance. Eureka and way.
Ueanoke, Lts Anpel6
Sonator. San Francisco
Arabia. Orient
Ar&gunla. Orient
Due lo Drpart.
Cramer Destination. Date
1. A. Klllmrn. San Francisco. Mar. S
Cascade. San Francisco Mar. fl
Northland. San FranHsco Mar. 10
Columbia. San Tranclhoe Mar. 12
Alliance. Eureka and was. .. .Mar. "
Hoanoke. Los Angeles Mar. l
cnntm- Sun Francisco Mar. 1
Arabia. Orient x,ar-
AraKnla. Orient April 1."
r 4
Carryins mall.
77 tons net. and has a carrying capacity
of about WOO tons of general cargo, or
tnm.nrn feet of lumber. She comes light
from Japan, and will- be given quick dis
natch unon reaching port. She was char
tered for her first cargo several weeks
t. sr. Stevens & Co. chartered the
French bark Francois d'Ambois yesterday
to load wheat at this port for Quconstown
or Falmouth for orders. The vessel is at
Ean Francisco, where she arrived January
6. with a cargo of coal from Cardiff. She
was taken at the union rate of 27s (kj, but
the cargo will be delivered at tidewater by
the O. R. & N. Co., which means that
ihe shippers will get the benefit of the
reduction of 30 cents per ton to offset the
differential of Is 3d levied by the ship
owners' combine against Portland.
.STho Francois d'Ambois finished dis
charging a couple of weeks ago. and will
receive orders to proceed to Portland at
once. Under the most favorable clrcum
stances, she may cot here in time to clear
this month, but more than likely she will
come In on the April list of vessels cleared
Klcction of President, and Vole on
Bridge the Programme.
The most Important business to como
before the regular meeting of the Port of
Portland Commission this afternoon will
be the election of a president and the vote
on the application of the Portland & Scat
tic Railway Company for permission to
build a railroad bridge across the T illain
pttn In the vicinity of St. Johns. The
meeting will be called to order at
It is believed that the presidency will be
civon to Captain A. L. Pease, who has
loen acting in that capacity since the de
parturc of President C. F. Swlgcrt for
Europe. William D. "Wheelwright will sue
ceod Mr. Swigert on the commission, and
it has also been whispered about that the
honor may be bestowed upon the new
The bridge matter will in all probability
afford opportunity for some lrcatcd dls
cusslor.s. inasmuch as all mcmbqrs are
agreed what kind of a draw to recom
mend for the proposed bridge. Captain A.
1. Pease being In favor of a bascule span,
whereas other members contend that the
ordinary swing span will be more suit
able, these members coinciding with the
views of the majority report of the com
mittee sent East to Inspect the various
types of bridge draws.
Commissioner J. C. Alnsworth Is expect
ed to return from California this morning
and should he do .o. It will be for the first
time in sevemi months that the board will
meet with a full attendance.
The action of the Port of Portland Com
mission on the bridge question Is not final,
as -the matter will have to go before the
War Jjepartment. but Its recommendations
are expected to have a strong bearing on
the ultimate result. The resolutions
passed last Saturday by the Chamber of
Commerce favoring the building of ' the
bridge as proposed by the railroad engi
neers. . and in accordance with recom
mendations of the majorit- report of the
committee that inspected bridges in the
East, were filed with the secretary of the
commission yesterday.
Will Dc Repaired at This Port.
George Taylor. Jr., received a telegram
from the owners of the steamer Rcdondo
yesterday, authorizing the repairs of the
vessel at this port. Instead of taking her
to San Francisco, and in pursuance there
to the contract for the work will be let
without delay. Mr. Taylor believes re
pairs can be made In about five days. The
Rcdondo ran onto the SL Helens dyke
while bound down the river a few days
ago. and dented a couple of plates In the
Lumber-Carriers in the Stream.
Ready to proceed to sea, the British ship
Eskasonf and the American barkcntlne
James Tuft are at anchor In the stream,
awaiting a tow. They will probably start
down Friday inornlns. when the steamer
Harvest Queen will be back from Astoria.
The Eskasoni and the James Tuft arc
Mr. and Mrs. De Cicco Meet
in Pitched Battle.
Mrs. Rose Dc Cicco Is Accused of
Attacking- Former Husband "With
Dangerous Weapon Bound
Over to Grand Jury.
Mrs. Rose DcCIcco was held to the
grand Jury by 'Municipal Judge Cameron
yesterday on a charge of assault with a
dangerous weapon, the complaining wit-
ralncd front the skies," remarked Judge
Cameron. ,
"Well, I hardly believe the fish leaped
out of the wagon and into the pond, but
still they may have," replied Mr. Fitz
gcralu. The case was continued until today for
further evidence.
Through the arrest of John Davis, an
aged man said to have been at one time
Attorney-General of New Jersey, the po
lice yesterday inaugurated a crusade
against saloonkeepers who sell liquor to
persons already 'intoxicated. Davis was
taken Into custody Tuesday evening by
Acting Detectives Murphy. Welch and
Jones, and yesterday morning they se
cured a warrant for the arrest of Hlng
Kec. a Chinese merchant of SI Second
street, charging him with selling liquor to
Davis, who, It is alleged, was already
Anna Holman was found guilty of con
ducting a disorderly house, and was fined
J30.- She was the landlady of the Earl
House. Third and Taylor streets, which
was. raided bv policemen Sunday morning.
Four other women, arrested as Inmates,
were lined ii'J cacn.
C. II. Mallory. proprietor of the Echo
saloon, was found guilty of a violation of
police regulations relative to stairways
that connect drinking shops with disor
derly houses, and was fined H5. He was
ton. 121: Allen. CSS: Tobln. 457; ifcLcod, 518;
Talamantes. 4S1; total,-2417. .
San Francisco Imps Carroll, K3; "pnlnn,
out; .Martin mu; iierreii, -wi; xsurjse, 1;
mini wav?
Proceeds of Contest Next Sunday Go
to Mrs. J. B. 3IcLean. .
Prominent local fans have practically
completed arrangements for a. benefit
baseball game at Recreation Park next
Sunday afternoon, providing the weather
holds good. The proceeds of the game will
be given to Mrs. J. B. McLean, wife of the
popular catcher of the Portland team, who
has been ill at a local hospital for sev
eral weeks.
Messrs. Barnes. Stutt. Rowland and Ed
Rankin have the matter In hand, and
Manager McCredie has offered the use of
the ball park free for any Sunday they
may desire. This committee figured on
having some of the Portland players now
in the city assist as one of the teams in
the game, but as the manager had com
pleted arrangements for leaving Saturday
night, they will have to secure local talent.
Sammy Vigncur. Joe Fay. Claude
Scbmcer. Andy Anderson. Louis Castro
and several others have been asked, to
- ..V
Railroad Buys the Edith.
ASTORIA. Or.. March 7. (Speclal.)-A
bill of sale was filed in the Custom-House
today whereby J. G. Mcgier. the Brook-
field canncryman, soils the steamer Edith
to the Portland & Seattle Railway Com
pany. The consideration named in the
document is IL
Two Lumber-Carriers Depart.
The steamer llxrvcat Queen left down
yesterday afternoon with, the British ship
Miltonburn and the four-masted schooner
Virginia .In tow. The Miltonburn is bound
for Liverpool with 2,250,000 feet of lumber,
valued at JIT.fW, and the Virginia is bound
for San Francisco with 700,0(0 feet of
Steamer JIasMiIo in Commission.
The stamer Hassalo Is oiwating be
tween Portland and Astoria. In place of
the T. J. Potter. The latter will be given
yome minor repairs before going on her
Summer schedule to the seaside.
Marine Nolcs.
Admiral French E. Cluulwlck.
Rear-Admiral Colby 31. Chester.
The steamer F. A. K 11 burn
evening for San Francisco.
The British ship Argus is finishing load
ing wheat at Irving dock.
The steamer Senator sailed for San
Francisco last night with passengers and
a full cargo of flour.
The steamer Cascade discharged a lot
of freight at the Oak-street dock yester
day and left for LI union to load a ship
ment of lumber. She will return Friday
to take on miscellaneous freight and pas
sengers -for San Francisco.
After discharging some general freight
at tlie Couch-street wharf, the steamer
Northland shifted to the mills of lnman.1
i'oulscn A: Co., to load lumber. She goes
to St. Helens Friday to finish her cargo,
and will return Saturday for passengers.
A dispatch from Manila states that the
inter-island transport Ingalls has been re
floated and is apparently undamaged. She
went ashore on March -4 on Raporaho reef,
off the southern coast of the Island of
Domestic and Foreign Ports.
ASTORIA. Mareli 7. Condition erf the har
at Ti I. M Mnototh; wind, nerth; wiather.
cloudy. Arrived down at 11:30 A. M. and
nailed at '2:40 P. M. Steamer Alliance, for
Cook Bay and Rureka. Arrived at 2SW P. il.
Stiiamor Blmore, from Tillamook.
San Kranclnco. March 7. Sailed Schooner
Mabel Gal. for Portland.
Belllncham. March 7. Sailed Schooner
Willie It. Humes, for San Podre.
AMorla. Marrh 7. Arrived at 0:13 P. M.,
sU-amer Anunclon, from San Francisco.
Auckland. March 0. ArrivM Senoma.
from San Francisco, via Honolulu, for Syd
ney. X. S. TV. Sailed March 2 Sierra, for
San Francisco.
Hongkong. March 7 Arrived prvtHrty
Minnesota, from Seattle, via Yokohama.
San Francisco. March 7. Sailed Steamer
Curacao, for Gunyinan; bark Fresno, for
Tort Gamble. Arrived Steamer Meteor,
from Tacoma: steamer Signal, from Coos
Bay; jttcamer I'matlUa, from Victoria.
Seattle. Marrh 7. Arrived Steamer Jef
ferson, from Skapway.
GrayB Harbor. March 7. Arrived Schoon
er Henry Wilson, from San Francisco.
Port Townsend. March 7. Arrived French
bark Rene, from Barry; schooner Solano,
from San Pedro.
Port Angeles. March 7. Sailed Ship Occi
dental, for New York.
Pacific Grain Company Becomes
Ovvn'er of the Irving Dock.
The Irving dock was sold yesterday by
O. TV. McXear to Gay Lombard, for the
Pacific Grain Company, for 5G0.O00. The
new owner will take possession July 1.
a'nd It Is believed that by that time the
McXcar Interests will have made arrange
ments for its future home.
The Irving dock Is located on the cast
bank of ihe river, about 100 feet south of
the slip of the ferry' S. Mason. It
has capacity for about 15.000 tons of wheat,
and will be used for a warehouse in the
future as in the past. Some Improvements
will probably bo made.
C. E. Curry, manager of the Northwest
ern "Warehouse Company, of which G. TV.
McNear Is a part, said yesterday that so
far his company has made no arrange
ments for the future, but left the infer
ence that such steps would likely be taken
Getting Ready to Commence Fill.
Preparations are being made to com
mence dredging in the river for the East
Side frill in a few days. Men were at work
Petitions of the Candidates.
SALEM. Or.. March ".-(Special.)
George 9. Shepherd, of Portland, today
filed his notice of candidacy for the Re
publican nomination for Congress In the
Second District. He announces as his
motto: "Make dirt fly at Panama and save
12.0W miles to market.".
C. V. GantcnbelnujUcd notice of can
didacy for Republican nomination for Cir
cuit Judge in department No. 4 in Mult
nomah County.
R. X. Donnelly filed notice of candidacy
for Republican nomination for Representa
tive irora anerman, uuiiam and wheeler
Poor Outlook for Baseball.
HOQUIAM. 'Wash.. March 7. (Special.)
The baseball situation In this town Is
not looking any too bright for our league
team this year. The Southwest Washing
ton League has. no doubt, been killed, and
unless more life Is shown In this city.
Hoquiam will have no team. Aberdeen's
effort to get Into the Northwest League Is
holding back any plan which might be
adopted, and another team has to be
found to take Montcsano's place. Should
tne Aberdeen plan fall through, thon
something might be done, but not until
tnat city gets in line.
Three Bowling Records Broken.
CHICAGO. March 7. Three world's rec
ords were broken In one series of games
In the Chicago Bowling League tonight.
The Howards, leaders of the league, rolled
1207 in their second game against the West
Chlcagos the first 3200 tolal on record for
a five-man team. The other new record
was the average of 261 1-3. registered by
Ray Sterke, who had scores of 227, 279
ana 78.
Sclec Will -Manage Pueblo.
PUEBLO. Colo.. March 7. Frank Sclec.
one of the best-known baseball managers
In the country, and for the past few years
head of the Chicago National League Club
has accepted the position of manager of
the Pueblo Western League team. Sclec
was forced to retire from active work litst
year on account of 111 health.
Rear-Admiral Colby M. Chester. Superintendent of the Naval Obervatory
and commander ef the peclal service squadron which went to the Mediterran
ean last Summer to observe the eclipse of the run. and Admiral French R.
Chadwlck v.ere placed n the retired Mst February 25. Admiral Cheater, wbe
will be succeeded In charce of the Naval Obtervatery by Ilear-Admlral A.
Walker, will be retired en temporary duty In the Bureau of Navigation Ad
miral Ch oxter, n he Is 02 years of age. graduated from the United States Naval
Academy In 1882 and was assigned to the steam sloop Richmond, participating
in operations against MwMle. He was made Rear-Admiral In 199S. Admiral
Chadwlck. also 2 year of age. entered the Naval Academy In 1S01. . He was
captain of the New Yrfc and ehlef of rtaff to Admiral Sampson during the
war with Spain and participated in all the more Important action In Cuban
nraw being Tony DoCicco, hor former
The DeCiccos have boon In the lime
light for many montlis. first securing a
divorce, and since thon frequently having
quarrels and having to be fsubducd by
the police. They liave been In the Mu
nicipal Court many times on various
Charges, mostly assault and batter" an
using abusive language.
They had a pitched battle at Mrs. De-
Cicco's home in South Portland two
weeks- ago. and the case has since been
pending In court. Attorney Chnrlcs A.
Potrain. specially, named by Judge Cam
eron, acted for the defendant, while Al
bert B. Fcrrera appeared in the capacity
of private prosecutor.
There never has been a case that has
attracted such widespread attention In
the Italian quarter as this one. for It has
also fined $10 "for committing an immoral
act." by permitting women to loiter in his
establishment -
The DeClcco In Combat.
been In progress a long time and each
Signed Merely as a Protection Play
Pending RcInMatcincnl Gos
sip of the Diamond.
Manager McCredie places little credence
in the St. Louis dispatch stating that Tim
Flood had Jumped to the Altoonu Club In
the outlaw Pennsylvania League.
"I sent Flood's transportation to him
at St. Louis last Monday." said the local
manager yesterday, "and I believe he Is
on his way to Stockton at the present
time, for I have received no notification
! of the ticket pot having been taken up.
; Flood wrote me immediately after he had
been reinstated and awarded 'to us. that
he hail signed a contract with Altoona
but nad done so merely to protect himself
' in case he was not reinstated by this
! league.
l "I have no fear of his desertion, for it
I means too much to hint at the present
time, for he acknowledges that should lie
again be suspended ho would never receive
another chance In organized baseball."
The final arrangements for the depart
urc of the local contingent for the train
lug quarters were concluded yesterday
when the manager purchased seven tick
ots, including sleeper berths, for Stock
ton, and the party will leave Saturday
evening. The players expected to leave
are McCredie. Mitchell. McLean. Moore.
Callff. Howard and Garvin.
In the case of the Texan, no agreement
has as yet been reached relative to the.
contract, which he returned unsigned, and
i it Is possible that the long fellow will not
time tliere has been a clash tne cmorog- i go tlj. lennK it j3 also pos
no appears to nave grown more compii- R,blc lha, th,. iiinos. Qr j
cated. Many have expressed the belief
that very serious consequences may re
sult. If the pair arc not restrained.
"You're a sucker to get caught by a
policeman." said Clerk Frank Hennessy
to Mike Brussuh, arraigned on a charge
of dumping fish into the public streets
and peddling without a license.
Brussuh peddles fish about town, and
he could not talk well, but he declared
that he did not know how some of the
smelt he was- selling came to get Into a
pond in the middle of a North Portland
street. He was captured by Mounted Pa
trolman Croxford for having no license
Bar Freshmen From Football.
COLUMBUS, O.. March 7. At a confer
ence held here today of representatives of
12 Ohio colleges It was decided to accept
the rules barring freshmen and gradu
ates from football teams.
Belgrade. The Stjanovlch Cabinet baa
tendered Its resignation, giving as the rea
son that the Ministers cannot accept Aui
trla'e proposals for -the conclusion of a political-commercial
crreeatat with Servla.
sible that the Illness of Mrs. McLoan may
prevent the departure of the big catcher
with the rest of the team.
Manager McCredie hoard from Lister
and Sweeney, who arc on the way, and
they are expected to reach Los Angeles
tomorrow, which will bring them to the
training quarters on Sunday, If they are
on time.
Practically all the members of the team
will be on the ground by next W cdncsdny
and practice will be Inaugurated Imme
dlately on the arrival of the manager.
Collie Druhot. the Portland boy who
Joined the Cincinnati team at Marli
Springs. Texas, yesterday wrote to the
sporting editor of The Oregonlan from
San Francisco. In which he says that
George Hlldcbrand and Truck Eagan had
so far refused to sign contracts with the
San Francisco and Fresno clubs respect
Ivcly. owing to the cut In salaries offered,
which would Indicate that Portland Is not
the only club experiencing trouble in sign
lug up Its men.
Druhot states that AVhalon. Kccfe.
Byrnes and Charlie Graham have left to
join their respective clubs in the East
and that Joe Ncalon is still in San Fran
dsco. but would probably leave to Join
the Pittsburg team In a few days.
The .Mj-ktery of the Flh.
to peddle, and when landed at head
quarters was recognized by Policeman J.
F. Anderson as a man seen throwing
smelt In the pond.
"I think he Is telling a fish story when
he says he docs not know how those
smelt got Into the pond." said Deputy
City Attorney Fitzgerald.
"I have heard that sometimes Oeh are
Brttnsw icks Make High Score Anion
; Five-Men Teams.
SALT LAKE CITY. March 7. The West
cm Bowling Congress opened here today
with representatives from every large city
In the West. A meeting of the delegates
to select officers for the ensuing year
has been set for Friday. March 9. Four
five-men teams competed tonight, and the
Denver Brunswick came out with high
score. The schedule for tomorrow calls
for eight five-men teams and several two-
men teams. Todays scores:
Denver Brunswicks Gossett. C&l; Baker,
S59: Good. 538; Ellwcrt. m9; Kuppingcr, Ml
total. 2771.
Salt Lake Crystals Gyllcnswan. HS9
Collins. 412: Faddls, 251; Schmlercr, 457
Burt. s: total, 23-7.
Salt Lake Tuxcdoe-G. . Sralth,. 452-TVal
At Los Anjrclcs.
LOS ANGELES, Cal.. March 7. Ascot
ractt results:
Steeplechase, short eeorec Kubelitc won.
Decime second, Adams third: time. 2:59.
It lie and a Mxteenth Sandalwood wort.
Klncman second, Cofldotusi third; time.
Seven furlongs Ila won. Sir Brtnkler nec-
ond. Mellno third: time. 1:27.
One mile Bavarian won. arietiea eecond.
Cabin third: time. 1:40.
Futurity eouri" whea Rill. won. lTniter
TV. second. Don Do mo third: time. 1 :0O'-.
Six furlong? Bologna, won. Huachuca sec
ond. St. Wlnlfrcile third: time. 1:1304.
At Oukland.
SAN FRANCISCO. March 7. Results
of ruces at Oakland:
Six furlongs E. M. Brattain won. Sad
Sam second. Prince Magnet third: time.
One mile Chrimlne A. won. Red Light sec
ond. The Lieutenant third: time. l:tli.
t-our rurtongs Blagg won. Grace G. second.
Kamsack third; time. 0:43.
awe and a sixteenth Soutrlere won. A.
Muskoday second. Ncalon third: time. t:4tt.
five ana a hair ruriongn rrincexs untania
won. JIlMv's Pride second. The Mist third:
tkne. 1:07,.
six and a half furlenzn Bantam won. LI-
tare second. Owntllly third; time, 1:20.:.
At New Orleans City Park.
NEW ORLEANS, March 7. City Park
race results:
Three and a half furlongs Bozerian won.
Torn Doiaa second. Odd Trick third: time,
0:43 2-5.
One mile Colonel Bartlett won. Red Ruby
second. Long Bright third: time. l:4S2-5.
Hve and a half furlong Ziadx won. Al
cantara. send. Dr. Maek third: time. 1:10 5-3.
Six furlongs Pat Bulger won. Lucy Young
second. Merely Mary Ann third; time.
One mile Monochnrd won. Dunganncn sec
ond. Bert Oxra third: time, 1:40.
hteth race declared otr.
31 lie awl a hatf Btviue won. Hvmettus
tecond. Bradley V Pet third: time. 2:12 2-5.
At New Orleans Fair Grounds.
NEW ORLEANS. March 7. Fair
Grounds race results:
Five furlongs Phllador won. Catherine sec-
end. Quaint third: time. 1.-04.
Four and a naif furiocxs Our Own won.
Rig Store second. Gold Circle third: time.
0:55 3-5.
Six furlong anness won. Deu: Temns
second'. Mohave third: time. 1;!2 1-5.
Mile and an eighth James Redslck won.
TU Inland eond. Macey. Jr.. third; time.
Mile and a Quarter R. F. Williams won.
Svnoma Belle second. Judge HImes third:
time. 2:14.
One mnt Arabo won. "Rnverite second.
Celebration third; time. 1:45 4-3.
At Hot Springs.
HOT SPRINGS. Ark.. March 7. Oak
Lawn race results:
S4x fHrlons? Excitement won. Luretta. sec
ond. Mafakta. third: time. 1:17 7-5.
Four furlong Jacomo won. Klka Ino sec
ond. Mum Martha third: time. Q:5o'..
Mile ana i0 yards, owners handicap Jack
Voting won. Lubin second, Barbaras third:
time. J:4P.
Six furlongs Rroomhandle won. ii. L.
Frank second. Lucullus third: time. 1:17 3-5.
Three a rui a half furlongs Meehanet inn.
Mike Sttlon second. Maxim Gorki third: time.
Mile and a sixteenth tlarmakls won. San
Prlmo second. Charlie Thompson third: time.
Entries for Bcnnins TCaccs.
WASHINGTON. March 7. The full list
of entries for the Bennings Spring meet
Ing handicaps, the "Washington Nursery.
the Oxnard Dinner stakes, the Jesse
Brown cup. the Chevy Chase steeplechase
and the Spring handicap steeplechase
have been received, and in most cases
show a gratifying increase over previous
The Bennings handicap received 51 en
tries, one less than last year, but the five
others show appreciable increases, the
Oxnard Dinner stakes having 30, the Jesse
Brown cup 35. the Chevy Chase steeple
chase 13. the Spring handicap 40 and the
nshington Nursery, no less than 50.
There are three stakes for two-year-olds.
the Nursery, the Jesse Brown cup and the
Oxnard Dinner stakes.
May End Boxing Bouts.
VANCOUVER, Wash.. March 7.-(Spc
dal. It is ouite probable that action will
be taken by the city authorities to stop
any further boxing matches from being
held In this city. Considerable ooDosltlon
has been apparent since the bouts were
started hero under the auspices of Smith
&. Tracoy's Athletic Club, and In compli
ance with the wishes of the citizens here
the promoters or the club will probably bo
asked to discontinue the events.
For Zi cenLi. you can get Carter's Little
Liver Pins the best liver regulator in the
world. Pon t forget this. One pill a dose.
Even Better
Than Frumenty
Old English Dish Is Now Surpassed
"by a Malted Grain Food.
Writing on the food problem and
advocating a rational health diet. Dr.
Joslah Oldflcld. author of "The Claims
of Common Life" and other well
known works, declares a sufficiency of
grain food Is necessary and refers to
the old English dish of frumenty as a
most excellent article of food. He
also speaks of malted grain as a food
for increasing years. This eminent
author thus strikes the very lteynote
of health and strength.
There Is a modem food which em
braces all the qualities of frumenty
and has even more, for It Is malted
grain. Wc refer to Malta-Vita all
pure grain and nothing1 else.
Malta-VUa, Is made by an extended
and elaborated process of the old way
of making- frumenty. The whole wheat
grain Is thoroughly cleaned, then
boiled In water and cooked in steam
to gelatinize the starch. After the
starch cells have broken down, the
wheat is mixed with pure barley malt
extract, which converts the gelatin
ized starch Into maltose, or malt su
gar, highly nutritious and easily di
gested even by the weakest stomachs.
Then each grain of wheat Is rolled
Into little wafer flakes and goes to the
great ovens, where, under intense
heat. It Is baked crisp and brown,
"done to a turn," and ready for your
All groccra lell Malta-Vlta.
Talking Machines
The Orcgonian has a limited number of "$25.00 Eilers Talking- and
Singing Machines which will be given away to old or new subscribers
for The Daily and Sunday Oregonian.
How to Get a Machine for Nothing
I hereby subscribe for The Daily and Sunday Oregonian for 12
months, for which I will pay on demand at the rate of 75 cents a
month, and I am to receive at $25.00 Eilers Talking and Singing
Machine free. I am to purchase $35.00 worth of records for said
machine from the Eilers Piano House, Portland, Oregon. I will pur
chase two or more records upon the delivery of the machine and one
or more records each week thereafter for 33 weeks. The said machine
to remain the property of The Oregonian until the full number of
records have been so purchased, and the subscription for The Oregou
ian has been paid in full. In case of failure to comply with the terms
of this contract, I agree to return said machine on demand without
legal process.
Eilers Piano House Room 200, Oregonian
Park and "Washington Sts. Main 7070.
Private Exchange 23.
A soda cracker should be the most nutri
tious and wholesome of all foods made
from wheat
But ordinary soda crackers absorb moist
ure, collect dust and become stale and
soggy long before they reach your table.
There is however, one
soda cracker at once so pure, so clean, so
crisp and nourishing that it stands alone
in its supreme excellence the name is
Uneeda Biscuit
0 In a dust tight.
moisture proof package.
1 K
Delightful Aroma from, a
Jose VtitEL
at enlfaritfe3 of climate, temperature
and humidity that are found In the Vuelta Abajo District In
rrnha and nnshm else. Efforts to transplant the famous
Vuelta Abajo tobacco have disappointed planters in other locali
ties. When taken from the district so favored by nature, the
tobacco loses the characteristic rich flavor, although the shape
and appearance of the leaf remain.
You must set the genuine Vuelta Abajo-erown tobacco If you
want to enjoy the perfect flavor, delicious f ratrrancc and soothinsr
aroma so loved by connoisseurs In fine Havana cigars. It is used
exclusively in the Jose Vila cigar.
Made in Tampa by Skilled Cuban Workmen
lOc to 50c
Berriman Bros., Makers, CAMPBELL
Xampa Fla.
tie i' f S
We will treat any single uncom
plicated ailment under absolute
guarantee. No pay unless cured
Our Special Offer
In view of there hcins so
many afflicted -vvith private
chronic and pelvic diseases who are treating- -with
quack specialists and inexperienced physicians with
out receiving any benefit, we have decided to make a
special offer to charge only one-half of our regular
fee for curing those who arc now undergoing treat
ment elsewhere and arc dissatisfied. For Instance, if
you arc afflicted with eltlier Hydrocele. Stricture or Nervous Decline, our
charge for curing cither of which, without any complications, is $25, we
will guarantee to cure you for $12.50, and accept the money in any way
you wish to pay. "We will also cure Contagious Blood Poison for 512.53,
which is just one-half our regular fee. The liberal offer is made to enable
those to be cured who have spent their money in doctoring without relief,
and to show the many who have treated with dozens of physicians without
benefit that we have the only methods that produce a lifelong cure.
Our methods are up-to-date nad arc Indorsed by the hlchest medical
aathoritlcn of Europe aad America. Hence our kucccmh la the treatment of
rata' d!easeM. Iteraember oar Mpeclalty In limited to the diseases of MEN,
aad OXLY.
SPECIAL, DISEASES Newly contracted end chronic cases cured. All
burning. Itohing and Inflammation stopped in 24 hours: cures effected in T.
. days.
T cover the catlre flcld of private aad chronic, deep-seated, compli
cated diseases.
tVRITE. if you cannot call. All .correspondence strictly confidential,
and all replies sent in plain envelopes. No names, cases, letters or photo
graphs of patients published or exposed. Inclose 2-cent stamp to Insure
HOURS 8 to 5, 7 to 8 Daily; Sundays, 9 to 12.
St. Louis
Medical and
SB- -.