..Mr THE MORXDrtS- OHEGOXIAX, THURSDAY, MARCH 8, 1006 13 I 3i van kent. Ream. " THE OXFORD. COR. CTH AND OAK UN der new management, Mrs. A. J. Walter?. Prop. Thin elegant new brick hotel hnji Jtwt been thoroughly renovated, walls rc Unted and refurnished entirely new through out; ntcam heat, hot and cold running water, electric lights and callbells In every room; wme elegant front suites, with or without private hatha. Rates, reasonable Main 88. THE AUDITORIUM. 208 THIRD. BET. Taylor and Salmon This elegant hotel has been thoroughly renovated and Is now one or the beet and moat respectable roomlnt houes In Portland; elevator, steam heat, baths, hot and cold water In rooms: we cater to the travellnc public Phone Hood 386. John Granstrom, proprietor. THE ANTLERS JUST REOPENED UN der new management and now ready for business. Everything new. clean and mod ern. We rent rooms with private bath for the fame as other hotels ask for a plain room. Rates reasonable. Phone Main 2333. Mrs. F. H. Powers. Prop. HOTEL AVALON (EUROPEAN). 413 W Arl ington St., 4 blocks west of Imperial Hotel Newly furnished rooms, jtlnglc or en suite; hot and cold water, steam heat, electric light, bath and all modern conveniences, permanent roomers and tourists wllcltcd. SWELLEST ROOMING-HOUSE IN TORT land. Stone, and brick bldg.; elegantly fur nished; electric lights, hot and cold water, furnace heat, porcelain baths. Hotel Ar mtnius. 410 Morrison, cor. 11th. Main 5263. NEW HOUSE. NEW FURNISHINGS, suites or ninglc rooms, running water, hot and cold, all rooms, furnace heat, -ory reasonable. 107 14th. Phone Main 115.1. HOTEL. KDNYON NEW. ELEGANTLY furnished rooms, gas, electric light, hot and cold water in rooms, steam heat. fre baths. ltb and Washington. Pacific 400. LARGE FRONT AI.COVE FOR ONE OR two. hot and cold water In room, heat, gas. bath, free phone, $12; also board. Tel. Pacific 22. 12TH ST.. NEAR WASHINGTON Main 2N10. Modern elegantly furnished suite, suitable for two adults. Call after 6 P. M. BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED ROOMS. $1.73 per week and up; transient rooms, 30 cents per day and up. Hotel Now Belmont, l'JSfe First. HOTEL ALEXANDER. COR. 10TH AND Alder Steam heat. furnished rooms, rea sonable rates. B. N. Hlmeba'ugh. Main 17.10. DOUBLE PARLORS. ELEGANTLY FUR nlFhfd. $33; alsj other rooms reasonable; all modern con-enlencf. 453 Morrison Jt, 25S 13TH ST. PRIVATE FAMILY; ELE gantly furnished rooms; house new; every convenience; gentlemen only; reasonable. LARGE. BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED COR ner room, private, modem homo; central; reasonable to gentleman. Main 4714. 3P4 ALDER. COR. 10TH ST. NICELY furnished room with private bath; also single room; everything first-class. NEWLY FURNISHED FRONT ALCOVE room; use of bath and kitchen; private fam 11 ; rent reasonable. 433 Everett. 122 12TH ST., COR. WASHINGTON JUST opened, new management. $2 up, thorough ly renovated, central location. Rooms With Board. THE COLONIAL A SELECT FAMILY Ho tel. 103 10th et.. corner Morrison; most con venient; first-class locution In city for bunl nvt jM-opIe. fine rooms, nicely furntahed; ttcam heat, porcelain batlifi. plenty of hot water; handrome dining-room; Eastern cook ing, with first-clans table sen-lee at reason able rates to permanent people; table board ers accommodated. THE CARLBTON. Newly and elegantly furnished; excellent cuisine and service; apartments for bach elors: attractively located at 13th and Al der sta. Phone Pacific 1347. THE MANITOU. 201 13TH ST. HAND somely furnished steam-heated rooms, spa. rfous porches and lawn, fine baths, abund ant hot water, excellent home cooking, meals well served; table boarders solicited. THE BEVERLY. Centrally located at Park and YamhllL Large rooms, nicely furnished, steam heat, electric Ilchts. excellent table and service, at reasonable rate, table boarders solicited. THE GLENDORA. 19TH AND COUCH Suiter with running water, single rooms, flrst-clasb board; large parlor, bllllard-room. everything up to date; ratea $25 and up. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION. 17TH TEAR: rooms 'with board; us of sewing-room; use of library; Women's Exchange. Address Mrs. E. B. Hamlin. Supt,. 310 Flanders. CICELY FURNISHED BOOMS. WITH OR without board; cozy, homelike place Phone Pacific 950. or call 53 Ella xt.. between 20th and 21st st., near Washington. ONE. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED FRONT room with board. 2 persons, $53: 3 person. 70; modern houne. 175 14th. Phone Main 2(i23. "TOURAINE." 1S8 7TH. NEAR HOTEL Portland Front rooms with board for 2, $50; table board. $4 week. THE OZARK FRONT ALCOVE AND OTHER rooms with first-class service; hot and cold water. 225 11th st. 471 ALDER. TWO LARGE FIRST-FLOOR furnished rooms, short walk, bath, phone, board If desired. THE HAWTHORNE. 221 13TH "ROOMS with board: suite for two or four peopie; running water. 3P5 6TH ST.. COR. HARRISON NICELY furnished front parlor, with board. Phene Main 5400. 331, N. 17. COR. COUCH MODERN NEW flat, well furnished rooms, with or with out board. BOOM AND BOARD, $17 PER MONTH gotd home cooking. 814 Nlcolal st.. North Portland. BOOMS WITH OR WITHOUT BOARD. PRI vate home, block M. car. 248 N. 20th st. 120 lS:h. corner Gltsan Desirable rooms, flrst-clas board: modern, private home. THE OS ARK. 225 UTH . ST. ROOMS AND board; hot, cold water; table boarders. FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH OR WITHOUT board, running water. 395 Morrison t. NOB HILL. PLEASANT ROOMS. HOME i ooking; prices reasonable. Pacific 022. ROOMS WITH OR WITHOUT BOARD modern. 330 Madison st.. cor. Park. 552 YAMHILL ST. FRONT BOOM WITH or without board; very reasonable. BOARD. WITH OR WITHOUT BOOM. 347 Taylor at.; home cooking. BOOM AND BOARD. 4CS E. 0TH. SOUTH. Flats. FOR RENT LOWER FLAT. 4 BOOMS, bath and laundry: newly fixed over; rent $30. 7th and Oak. Apply G. N. W. Wil son Co.. 72 Gth. TWO G-ROOM MODERN FLATS, E. 14TH and Salmon. $25 and $27.50. Phone Main ..031). Edwards, Harris, Lamont Realty Co.. l"la Cth su TWO C-ROOM MODERN FLATS. E. 14TH and Salmon, $25 and $27.50. Phone Main 2039. Edwards, Harris, Lamont Realty Co 10i!i Cth st. ' EV S-ItpOM FLAT. GAS. HYDRAULIC woodholst. cement basement; lo minutes' walk from Postoffice. Phone before 2, Main MODERN 5-ROOM FLAT. INCLUDING tecl range and window shades. 20914 hi. cy. Inquire 288 Larrabee. FURNISHED FLAT. 5 MINUTES' WALK from th and Washington; 5 rooms1. Tele phone East 209. forenoon. e,e CENTRA LLY LOCATED. COMPLETELY furnished modern 3-room flat with bath. In quire 1C3 W. Park st. LOU ER FLAT PARTLY FURNISHED: REF erence: no children. Phone Main 1030. or m Hood 533. 203 7th. dMODERN 3-ROOM FLAT. TWO BLOCKS north of Steel bridge, fronting river. In quire 2SS Larrabee. NEWLY WELL-FURNISHED FLAT. $14 with privilege of bath. etc. 593 Jefferson t cor. Stout. LARGE AND CONVENIENT ROOMS. BATH. ga; six. $1C.30: seven. $20; newly napereJ. 205 N. 18th. THREE-ROOM FLAT FOR MOUSEKEBP Ing. Inquire flat D, 225 Market st. Phono Main 516. FOR RENT ONE LOWER AND ONE Up per flat, corner Gllsan and 16th sts. Phone State 764. FOR RENT MODERN 6-ROOM FLAT, 429 Rodney ave.; rent reasonable. Phone East 90T. MODERN 6-ROOM UPPER FLAT. 370 U ISth.. Call -155 Market. Phone Main 5593. FOR KENT. Tlata. FOR RENT 5-ROOM MODERN FLAT WITH gas range and water heater Installed. 30H E. 8th st. Apply Phone Main 201. Page it Son. 120 Front st, Housekeeping Rooms. THE HOWLAND APARTMENTS. 631 Washington st.. cor. 20th Nicely furnished housekeeping room; gas ranges, hot water, free bath, free phone on both floors, nice sunny miltes Tor $10 and $12 per month; the very best rooms la the city for the money. TWO FINE. CLEAN FURNISHED ROOMS for houfekeeplng. close in on East S16e. easy walking distance, also near all car line; fine private residence, modern con veniences, .electric light, furnace heat, bath, telephone; no children. Phone East 1316. THE ONEONTA. 1S7 17TH ST.. NEAR TAM hlll New house, elegantly furnished apart ments, in suites of 2, 3 and 4 room; hot and cold water; gas range In each kitchen; steam heat, baths, free phone on each floor. FOR RENT FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP ing room In bft brick block on East Side; gas ranges, bath, etc.; no transients; prices moderate. Logan block. 10S Union ave., corner East Alder. Phone East 4C21. THE JEFFERSONIAN. 514 JEFFERSON ST. Strictly modern 2 and 3-room furnished housekeeping apartments, free phone, fur nace htat. plenty hot water, elegant porce lain bathtubs; outside rooms. 333 12TH SITTE OF LARGE. LIGHT. COM pletely furnished housekeeping rooms. xrt vate residence, walking distance; bath, ga. furnace. Phone Main 5755. FOR RENT BASEMENT OF 3 ROOMS and laundry; newly fixed up: rent $12.50. 7th and Oak. Apply Q. 3C. W. Wilson Co., 72 Cth. UNFURNISHED AND FURNISHED HOUSB keeplng suites, cheap: newly renovated: every convenience; walking distance. 403 4th st. THE YALE. 291U GRAND AVE. HOUSE kwplng and single rooms; gas or wooJ stoves; free "oath; close In. Phone East 43G1. $1.2j A WEEK UP CLEAN. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, with yard, parlor, laun dry, bath, furnace. 203 tj Stanton. U car. $1.73 PER WEEK LARGE. CLEAN FUR slzhed housekeeping rooms; laundry and bath. 184 Sherman, .South Portland. HOTEL NORTHERN FINE FURNISHED housekeeping rultes. $10 and up. Corner 12th and Marshall sts. Main 1459. TWO HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. WITH AT tlr. basement, water and lawn. &i& Bel mont st.. take Sunnyide car. 412 ALDER. CORNER UTH TWO BOOMS (upstairs). furnUhed complete for house keeping. Call After V JU M. 471 ALDER SHORT WALKING DISTANCE, two lare housekeeping rooms, first floor, bath, phone, reasonable price. 2 FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS; heat, light, gas. wood stBVc ICS 11th. near Morrison. Main 1993. 313 14TH ST. SUITE OF THREE NEATLY lurnisneo: room for housekeeping; also 2 rooms with bath and phone. 101 10TH. COR. STARK TWO FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, bath, electric light, large pantry In kitchen. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. eiectnc lignts. gas. Mtoves. rent $11 a month and up. 20 Jefferson. 450 YAMHILL LARGE. WELL FURNISH- ea housekeeping room, first floor; quiet house: very desirable. 32S MAIN. BET. CTH AND 7TH NEATLY xumisnea housekeeping rooms; bath. ga. phone; very central. , SUITE OF HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. NICE and clean, bath, gas, phone, fine location. $12.30. 390 Park. 475 TATLOR. COR. HTM TWO LOVELY ironi Housekeeping rooms, for lady or gen tleman, for rent. SUITE OF 2 UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEP- uifc raaii, mia gaa siove, i. per week. 382 E. Yamhill st. 4 NEATLY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms on ground floor, gas. bath and phone. 40S Jefferson st. THE NEWCASTLE. 4024 31 HOUSEKEEP lng roomn; also single roome; heat, light and phone. NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms, at reasonable rates. 4SI W. Park. Main 6097. TWO. THREE OR FOUR HOUSEKEEPING jimaio. unc iiuu moacrn. aeo irvtng at., near 17th. THREE OR FOUR DESIRABLE ROOMS. compieioiy jumisnea ror housekeeping. 341 Cth at. 2 CONNECTING HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. a'i, bus iu)(c ana noi -water. 345 MOITl on st. PLEASANT FRONT BOOMS. FURNISHED for housekeeping, modem, cl.tip rent. 535 th st. THREE ROOMS. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED. tiuiji. jarauy give Jease and references. 429 3d. 180 13TH DESIRABLE COMPLETELY furnb-hed room and kitchen, with bath, gas. phone. 485 ALDER ST.. CORNER OF 12TH A iuuc i luramnea Housekeeping rooms. 3 UNFURNISHED MODERN HOUSEKEEP Ing rooms. 502 E. Pine. East 1000. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. $12 per month. "304 H Washington st. UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS The Jefferson. 5th and Jefferson. $9 THREE ROOMS. NEATLY FURNISHED. Key CI 8 7th. Muln 4529. House. DONALD G. WOODWARD. 240 STARK ST. Rents and Insurance. Phone Main 345. ADMINISTRATOR OF ESTATES. M-FARLAND'S NEW COTTAGES. MOUNT 5cott line, convenient. $10. $13. Phone Main 4498. Agent Stewart's Station. S-ROOM HOUSE, NO. 292 UTH ST.. CLOSE In. at $20; saves strcct-car fare. R. C Trlnce. agt.. 443 Sherlock block. 4S7 TAYLOR ST. NICELY FURNISHED front suite. 2d floor, new dwelling, furnace heat; modern conveniences. FOR RENT HOUSE C ROOMS: GAS. FUR nace. bath, good condition; $25. including water. Inquire 49-51 2d st. $13 7-ROOM HOUSE. ELECTRICITY, bath, fine view. S30 E. 27th St., Ktnll worth curve. Main 4529. MODERN 7-ROOM HOUSE. GAS. REAFON able to right party. 253 Hancock. Inquire 52 E. 12th North. NEW S-ROOM HOUSE. MODERN CONVEN iences, 14th and East Main. 616 Femes bldg.. Main f34. FOR BENT COTTAGE ON COOK AVE., near Mississippi ate. Inquire H. Sins helmer. 72 3d xt. FOR RENT 7-ROOM COTTAGE. 148 24TH st. North, between Hoyt and Irving. Key at 794 Irving. CHEAP RENT TO DESIRABLE TENANTS Five rooms and bath, 1157 Belmont st. Key at is to re. NEW 3 ROOM COTTAGE. 007 NORTHRUP modern, gas. Inquire 371 Lovcjoy. Phone Main 0720. 9-ROOM HOUSE. CENTRAL. GOOD CON dltlon; also 7-room cottage. Inquire 401 E. Pino st. MODERN 7-ROOM HOUSE ON 10TH ST.. between College and Jackson. Key at 4CS Park. FOR RENT 3-ROOM HOUSE ON THE Wwt Side. 271 N. ICth st. Phone Hood 1G35. $18 SIX-ROOM MODERN HOUSEL NEW 917 East Salmon and 30th. Phone East 523. $9 NEAT S-ROOM COTTAGE. KEY O'Nell's Grocery, cor. Hood and Grant. FOR RENT MODERN C-ROOM CORNER house, bath, attic Inquire 87 E. 17th at. MODERN S-ROOM HOUSE. LARGE TARD fine view. Inquire 913 Kelly. Take S car. SEVEN-ROOM HOUSE WITH BATH. GAS and stationary tubs. C14 Pettygrovc. FOR RENT P-ROOM HOUSE. 195 16TH 5T comer Taylor. Inquire 189 16th st. " SIX-ROOM HOUSE. MODERN; 31 E. ISTH St.. South. Inquire 127 E. 16th . HOUSE OF 7 ROOMS FOR RBNT. 432 Davie, cor. 14th. Call Main 6323. FOR RENT S-ROOM HOUSE-. 8. a COR. lt and Meade. Inquire 706 let. COTTAGE OF 6 ROOMS AND BATH. 731 Uloyt st. Inquire 132 6th st. FOR RENT S-ROOM HOUSB. THONE MAIN 446. 249 C&ruthers et FOR RENT. nrasea. FOR RENT A NEW MODERN. 6-ROOM house, lately built and up to date. All latest Improvements, one block from car line. In quire 751 East Burnslde st. Phone East 211. FOR RENT BY MARCH 15 SEVEN-ROOM cottage at 201 N. 23d. corner Kearney. In quire of F. J. Alex. Mayer. 62S Everett St., or 102 Sherlock bldr. AN UP-TO-DATE 3-ROOM HOUSE. 475 MAIN st.. with all conveniences; In first-class con dition. Apply to J. Kranner, Commercial bldg. KADDERLY TRANSFER CO.. PROMPT and reliable piano and furniture movers. Phone main 1CS5. OSloe. 110 X. 3d st. FOR RENT VERY DESIRABLE MODERN C-room house, furnace, shades, best plumb ing. 540 EL Ash. Phone Cast 1S17. S-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. 76C E. BURN- Jde; $30. Yteralsfeed Ilosiet. JO-ROOM HOUSE. COMPLETELY FUR- nlsbed for housekeeping; if sold by the iota. Jir-0. W 40. Oregonlan. . FURNISHED S-ROOM COTTAGE. TIANO. electric light, bath; adults only; rent $22-50. Phone East 26S1. FURNISHED 4-ROOM COTTAGE. ELEC tric lights, bath, central. Inquire 2734 7th. Honses Per Rrat Furniture For Sale. FURNITURE FOR PALE ON EASY TERMS Fie rooms furnished, one room unfur nished; rent $15 per month. Ames Mercan tile Agency, 204 Ablngtea bWg. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED 7-ROOM HOUSE, new furniture, including piano, large yard, good location. Call 212 AUsky bldg. BARGAIN FURNITURE rrROOM COTTAGE price 1K5. rent $20. 4GS Salmon it. Tel. West 337. SNAP-S ROOMS. RENT $23; 7 FURNISHED. $275 cash; one block north Hotel Scott. 310 Couch. FURNITURE OF 7-ROOM FLAT. COM irfete. with plane, at a bargain. 230 Ji 10th street. 7-ROOM HOUSE FOR RENT. FURNITURE for sale: upstairs all fall. C 2S. Oregontan. MUST SELL FURNITURE OF MODERN 9 room house at bargain. 527 Taylor st. Stores. FOR RENT THE CALUMET RESTAURANT. 140 7$h rt.. 1 for lease. For particulars we Parrlrh. Watklns & Co.. 230 AMer st. 2- STORY BUILDING. 22x50; ON R. rear Salem; $10 per month ineJudlns 3x turrs; lease. Reeves. 435 Wash. STORE. 271 5TH ST.. OPPOSITE CITY HALI. with rooms in rear. Apply upstairs. Ring bell. Office. FOR RENT ROOM 12X3e. ON CTH ST.; suitable to; office ar tailor shop: ground floor; $25 per month. Call at No. 4 N. Cth j-U Phone Hood 1635. OFFICES FOR RENT. LONG LEASE. LOW rent, good local Ion. Chapman, Langc Hotel, Cth and Washington. FOR RENT ROOMS FOR DOCTOR'S OF flce. known as Dr. Slocum office. 3J4 North Third rt. FOR RENT OFFICE ROOMS AND AUDI torium lodge hall. Room 3. Auditerlum. 2uSH Third st. VERY DESIRABLE FRONT ROOM. HxlS. In Wsjshlngton-strect bulhiiBg. Phone Main 5146. LOST AND FOUND. TEN DOLLARS REWARD THE OREGON lan -will pay $10 reward for the arrest and conviction of anyone caught stealing The Oregonlan from the doors of Its subscrib ers. Circulation Manager. FOUND A PLACE TO HAVE HAIR MAT tresscfl renovated and returned same day. 22S Front t. Main 474. Portland Curled Hair Factor-. H. Metxger, proprietor. LOST BETWEEN MEIER A FRANK'S and Postoffice. package containing spec tacles and sewing materials. Return 147 W. Park: receive reward. BEAVER COLIA RETTE. BETWEEN PARK and Wunhlngton xts. and Yamhill waiting room. Phone Main 47S. LOST FUR STOLE. EITHER ON WOOD lawn car or O. W. P.. Thursday; reward. I 'bone East 1157. LOST AN IRISH SETTER. MALE. RE- turae to 40i West Park st. Reward. Phuse Main 3172. LOST LEATHER WALLET. WALTER A. Brace. S29 Mehawk. reward. PERSONAL. Detective Agency Confidential lnvesUgatioaj; reports made on any individual, business or property; raisMng relatives found; bad debts collected; charges reasonable; corrtt-pondence solicited. Oregon Detective Service. 314-315 Columbia bldg.. 365 Washington. Mais 5615. SWEDISH TRAINED NURSE. HBLSING font graduate, positively cures rheumatism, nervous disorders and stomach troubles by hand-rubbtng; rteam. sweat and tub bktRa; both fecxrs. 7 E. 11th st., two doors from E. Ankeny car line. Phone East 200. SUFTS PRESSED WHILE YOU WAIT. 50C To the visitors of Portland hotols and to the public at large; Suits pressed at 50c at Gilbert, the tailor'. lOOfc Sixth rt.. next to the Quelle. Ladles skirts pressed. 30c Fhone Pacific 2CbS. BE YOUR OWN BEAUTY DOCTOR! Free information and anatomical chart, th masterpiece of perfection. Keeps circulation moving and mtucles young. Complexion like a rose. X. &. Cauflman, Specialist, 1401 First ave., Seattle. THE NAME SEXINE PILLS STANDS FOR the world's greatest tonic for men and women; price. $1 a box. 6 boxt $3, with full guarantee. Address or call J. A. Clexn enson. druggttt. cor. 2d and Yamhill sir., Portland, or. THE CELEBRATED STAR HAIR REMEDY restores gray hair to Its original color; re moves dandruff, promotes the growth of new hair; not a dye. Paris Hair Store, 308 Washington su, sole agents. DRESS SUITS FOR RENT. ALL SIZES $1 a month keeps our clothing cleaned and prenttd. buttons sewed on. rip sewed up. Prompt calls and deliveries. Unique Tailor ing Co.. 309 Stark, near 6th. DR G. V. KETCHUM CURES PRIVATE dUeases. kidney, nervous, skin and special female troubles; correspondence solicited. Red Cross Dispensary, cor. 3d and Ash sts. Phone Pacific SOI. "BOOK OF NATURE." "AGNB3." "DROLL Stories." "Her Hidden Charm." "A Hot Tamale." "A Modem Lover." 50c ea. Lists free. A. W. chsaale Co., 223 1st. LOST POWERS RESTORED BY TUB great Dr. Lotecx Nerve Tonic Tablet; 25a a box. Write or call at Eyssell's Pharmacy, 227 Morrison St.. bet. 1st and 2d. Manly vigor restored by Dr. Roberts Nerra Globules. One month's treatment, $2; 3 monms , sent, ecureiy ffeajed by malL Agents. Woodard. Clarke lc Co., Portland. FINE DAY BUY MEREDITH'S UMBREL las; repairing and recovering; two stores: Washington and Cth and Washington and 5th. 100 NEAT VISITING CARDS WITH YOUR name. 50c 5i for 33c; 250 business cards, $1. Schmale Co.. 229 1st. LEARN ILLUSTRATING. CARTOOVIvrj show-card writing or window trimming by YOUNG LADY GIVE3 FACE AND SCALP mawage. The toae, 26SH Morrison st., parlors 12 tusd 14. WATER-PROOF HALF SOLES. 50c HOLLA baugh'd, 267 i Taylor, bet. 3d and 4th. DR. PAUL CROMWELL. THE COLORED Specialist. Sanitarium 127 N. 12th. Main 54 Tx MRS. S. B. SEIP. Most reliable eeeresa and prophetess In town. 343V4 YamhllL Pac 106. DR. AUSPLUND. DISEASES OF OYOMEN and surgery. 306 Allsky bldg., 3d & Morrison. BALM OF FIGS FOR ALL FEMALE Dis eases, o-u z. ucuoffiiu x-nona - at -4034. MISS EFFIE HILL, SCIENTIFIC CARD, reader. 25c 169 7th. opposite Hotel Portland. YOUNG LADY GIVES FACE AND SCALP maa&age. The T acorns, 2C8H Stark, parlor 27. TWO LADIES. BATH. FACE AND SCALP jnansage. 20S 3th, bet. Taylor and Ealsoa. -fk.l. I . V. k,iK, . f .rnt .... . . dies only. 551 Washington. Pa. Mala TOiaT TWO YOUNG LADIES OrVE FAC3 AND calp massage, 1104 t st., cor. Waah. BOOKS BOUGHT. SOLD AND EXCHANGED at the Old Book Store. 228 Yamhill stt. 10 POST CARDS. ASSORTED. 2fc PRB paid. The A. W. Schmale Co.. 228 1st. ONE-MINUTE TOOTHACHE DROPS CURB teitiBtly. 15c; family alie, He PERSONAL. CONFIDENTIAL MEDICAL ADVICE- TO women We treat diseases or women ex clualrely. erring with unvarying success alt female ailments from the slightest local ir ritation to the raojc complicated Internal troubles: maternity can given special at tention; private hospital accommodation; professional lady nurse In attendance; con sultation and advice free. X-Radiua Medi cal Institute and Sanitarium. 3d and Alder ats entrance 253 Alder St.. Portland. THE PHYSIO THERAPATHIC DISPENSARY, The only place Is town that treats all chronic or nervou dbjeaes for $3.00 PER MONTH. Without the use of drugs. If you are sick, consult us free. 411 Morrison st. Phone Iaclflc 220S. SPECIAL NOTICES. Propocais IjrrltsdL NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE OF THE franchise and property of the Oregon Traction Company. Notice Is hereby given that the stockholders of tha Oregon Trac tion Company rat adopted a resolution au thorlxlag and directing the dlusolutloa of the said corporation asd th dUposttloa of an its property. Pursuant to said resolution a&d. the reso lution of the beard of directors authorlxlngl and directing the sale of an or tne property belonging to the tompany, I wl!L at tht hour of IP o'clock A. M.. on Thursday. th 15th day of March, 11)06. at the. front door of the County Ccurthouse. In the City of Pcrtlasd. Multnomah County. Oregon, of fer at public svUe. to the highest bidder for cash, the franchises, roadbed, track, rights of way asd contracts for right of way, to gether with all maps, pronle. c3ct fix tures and furniture, and all property of -whatever kind owned by said corporation. The said property will be sold in bulk, and as an entirety. The said franchises of said company re ferred to are as follows, to wit: A franthlse authorizing the con-strurlloH of a. railway line through the City of Hllta boro and a franchise granting the right to construct a railway on and over certain atreets in the City of Forest Grove. Wash ington County. Oregon, and a franchise granted by the City of Portland. Or., by ordinance No. 14,564. entitled. Aa ordi nance granting to the Oregon TractkHt Com pany, its successor-- and atMlgtux .He right to construct, lay down, maintain and operate railways asd poles and wires and underground conduits in tho City of Pert land. Or." (Approved by the Mayor of said dty on the Cth day of April. lftjO.) The constructed track belonging to said compasy consists of about 33&0 feel of dcuble track laid on Twelfth street, is tha City of Portland. Or., between BurnsWe and Overton streets, la said city, and 260 feet of doable track on PettygroTo street, be tween Thirteenth and Fourteenth streets. Is said city, asd three crocslnga on Six teenth. Ttrtnty-thlrd and Twenty-fifth streets, at the Intersection of Pettygrov street. The maps asd profiles referred to s-how tha survey of the projected eleteric railway line of the company from the City of Portland. Or., to the City of Forest Grove. Oregon. For full Information as to all property of the company, inquire of the of nee line company, room 23, Union block. City of Portland. Or. The said corporation is now Indebted la about the ram of $33,000. Of said sum about the amount of $3500 is due the Germaala National Bask, of San l-randsce. CaL. ror which 100. CC0 par value In amount of the bonds of the company, necured by a mortgage or deed of trust on all the prop erty of the company are deposited as col lateral asd of which said total amount about the, sum of $14,700 la secured by me chanics' Hens cs the franchise, roadbed ar.d 'constructed track of the company tn the City of Portland, the remainder of said isdebtedaen being unsecured. The said property shall bo sold to the highest bidder. The purchase price shall be paid In full, in cash, or by acceptable certified check at or before 3 o'clock P. M. of the day of rule. Payment to be made to the undersigned at the office of the com pany. Union block. Portland. Or. If the person offering tho highest bid for all of a!d property shall set pay the entire pur chase price by 3 o'clock P. M. of said day of sale, the person offering the second highest bid shall be entitled to the convey ance of said property. If he shall pay the entire sum bid by him before 4 o'clock P. M. of tald day of sale: and If neither the said highest or next highest bidder shall pay on said day of sal the amount bid by him. the directors of the company at their option may sell said property to asy person bidding at said sale who makes full payment on the day of said sale of the sum hid by him. The right to reject any and all bids Is reserved. By order of th board of directors. W. L. GOULD. Etcretary Oregon Traction Company. QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE. SEATTLE, Wash.. March 5. 1906. Sealed proposals, in triplicate, will be received here until 12 o'clock noon. Thursday. April 5. l(Mi, and then opened, for transportation of Govern ment troop, remain and suppliers from Se attle and Tuooma. Washington, to Ketchi kan. Fort William II. Hcward. Skagway. Juneau. Sitka. VaWex. Fort Llsewm. Seward. St. Michael. Fort Davis (Nome) and to potati on the Yukon and Tanana Rivers. In Alaska; from St. Michael. Alaska, to the various points on the Yukon River; aV between Fort Davis (Nome) abd St. Michael. Alaska, and for transportation In opposite directions between all points mentioned. For trans portation to and from point on the Yukon River via the White Pa and Yukon route; aVo between way points on the YnkAn River. Right Is reserved to reject or ac cept any or all proposals or parts thereof. Detailed information a to rrvice required will be fumlrhed upon application. En velopes containing proposal nhouM be marked "Proposals for Alaska Transporta tion." and addreeeed to Major W. S. Wood. Quartermaster. U, S. A.. Seattle, Washing ton. CHIEF QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE: VAN couver Barracks. Wash.. February 21, 10O. Sealed proposal, in triplicate, will be re ceived at this office until 11 o'clock A. M.. March 23. 1904. and then publicly opened. lor furnishing asd insulting gymnastic appar atus at Fort Columbia. Wash. Full Infor mation will be furnished on application to this office and at the office of the Quart er -ma.-ter. Fort Columbia. Wash. The United States reserves the right to accept or re ject any or all bMs. or any part thereof. Envelope containing proposals should be in dorsed: "Proposals for gymnastic apparatu. Fort Columbia. Wah.", and addressed to the Chief Quartermaster. Vancouver Barrack. Wash. OFFICE DISBURSING QUARTERMASTER. Portland. Or.. Feb. 19. 1906. Sealed propos als. In triplicate, will be received here un til 11 A. M.. Pacific time. March 10. 19T-G. for 3700 tons bay and 3300 tons oats for de livery t Seattle. Wash.; Portland, Or., er other prominent railroad points. Informa tion and blank proposal furnished at this office on application. The United States reserves the rUht to accept or reject any or all bids or any part thereof. Envelopes containing proposals should & Indorsed. "Proposals for hay and oats," and ad dressed to Alfred M. Palmer, Major and Qr. Mr.. U. S. A. Miscellaneous. WE. TUB UNDERSIGNED FURNITURE and piano-movers, will require the payment cf all charges upon delivery of goods after December 1. 1803: H. C Haaek. a F. Har der. O. F. llK3r, Cosgrovo Bros.. Portland Delivery Co.. Post Special Delivery Co.. Paekaee Delivery Co.. Uolman Transfer Ca. Northwestern Transfer Co., Oregon Auto Dispatch Co.. Jonn uampion. jamea McLla den. Owen McLlnden, Pacific Transfer Co.. Orcron Transfer Co.. Portland Van & Star. age Co.. Wakeman. Morse Transfer Co.. East Elfie Transier -o-. i. u. ncii iranafer & Storage Co.. C M. Olien. Baggage ic Omni bus Transfer Co., A. J. Murphy. Kadderry Transfer & Commission Co., John A. Lore, Andrew J. Murphy. F. M. Ireland. F. Mil ler. Finch St Henderson. CASCADE RANGE FOREST RESERVE (Northern DIvlM&n); applications for grax- ing prnniia .vikc iaiiricu; Ki'cn isai ail applications for permits to graze cattle, horses and sheep within the Northern Di vision of the Cascade Range Forest Re serve during the season of IPCS, must be submitted to D. u. iironson. Forest In oector. Portland. Or., on or before Aorlt 2. 1906. Full Information In regard to the graxlng fee to be charged, and Mask forms to be used In making application, will be furnished upon request addressed to the above-narneo otneer. l nomas II. sher rard. Acting Forester. COUNTY WARRANTS NOTICE 13 ncnt? by given that Multnomah County warrants, claxnea C asd D. the same havlnc ha drawn uoon the road fund, that were pre sented and Indorsed, "Not paid for want of funds." from December 1. 1WC. to Whra. ary 24. 1006. both dates Inclusive, will, if propeny inaoreea. oe paia on presentation at the office of the County Treasurer. In terest thereon ceases on and after the date of this notice. Portland. Or.. March $ 1906. John M. Lewis. County Treasurer. THE ANNUAL MEETING OF STOCK hclders of the "Baby Home" will be held In the rooms of the Chamber of Commerce, third floor, on Tuesday. March 13. 1906. at 2 o'clock P, M. Reports of officers will be heard; also the election of 10 director to serve the ensu ing year, asd such ether business as would properly coma before tha meeting. F. H. Akin, Secretary. THE UNDERSIGNED HAS SOLD THE ANN Arbor Rakery to E. Franz, and Is no longer connected with said bakery. Michael Shield. BUSINESS CHANCES. LEASE OF FINE BUSINESS LOCATION. Washington et. between 4th and 6th. Ad dress P 33. Oregonlan. IF WANTING LEGITIMATE INVESTMENTS, see J. F. Humt U. Co., 206 McKay Bldg.. Portland. Oregon. BUTTER AND EGG STORE WANT A young man as partner; only $230 required, v Call 24S Stark . BUSINESS CIL&NCES- ROOM1NG-UOUSE HEADQUARTERS. TV. H. Tafu TAFT Sc. CO. J- IL Dletx. Below Ua partial list of A No. 1 places that have been placed with us for Immedi ate sale: BIG MONEY-MAKER. 100 rooms, nice sunny corner, rent only $20i per month. Income $523. expenses $263. net profit $260. and nothing to do. On .account of sickness you can buy it lor $1500. TAFT i CO. Main 136. 273 Stark St. C. of. C. Bldg. -APARTMENT-HOUSE. 75 rooms, steam heat; rent. Including heat, only $300 per month: elegantly fur nished and clearing xbove all expenses $300 per month. For full particulars please call. TAFT & CO. Main 136. 273 Stark St. C. of C Bldg. EXTRA GOOD BUY. 32 rooms, brick, on Washington St.. very heart of the city, steam heat, elevator, running water In rooms; rent only $130 per month, with a 3-year lease. This Is the beat buy In the city for tho price For terras please call. TAFT & CO. Main 156. 275 Stark St. C. of C Bldg. REGULAR SNAP. 30 nice. new. clean rooms, finely fur nished, right on Washington st-i. making good money, but owner must leave the city; rent only $123 per month; 3-year letfsc; price cut to $2250. TAFT & CO. Mala 156. 275 Stark St. C. of C. Bldg. JUST WHAT YOU "WANT. 30 rooms, steam heat, brick building, hot and cold water In all rooms, elevator, ex tra well furnished: rent only $73 pr month; 5-year lease; clearing about $300 per month. For price and terms pleaao call. TAFT & CO. Main 156. 275 Stark SU C or a Btdg. APARTMENT-HOUSE. 35 rooms, hot and cold water in all rooms, furnace heat, nicely furnished; clearing $140 above all expenses; price $3000. A PICK-UP. 20 rooms. 2 blocks from the Portland Hotel; steam heat, nicely furnished, cheap rent and a good lease; clearing $100 per month; price $1100. We guarantee all titles and protect both buyer and seller. Plenty of money to loan on any of the above places. TAFT & CO. Main 156. 275 Stark St. C. of C. Bldg. CLOTHING. FURNISHING GOODS. SHOES. etc.; this is located in one oi me ocst towns In Southern Oregon and can be bought at n bargain; good lease; requirce about $0000. WhoJetoie commission buslnet. $10,000 to $15,000. Well-established office proposition earning large commission, requires a good business man with about SI 5. WO. General merchandise buslne. Valley town. $aw. Hardware buaincss. near big Washington town, J'XlO. Shoe etore. city. $9000. Sfecc more, suburban tows. $30CO. Centrally located grocery store, $3000. Suburban grocery. $1500. The above are all legitimate propositions and court Investigation. THE AMES MERCANTILE AGENCY, Ablngton Building. GO AND EXAMINE THE HURST AUTO matlc Railroad Switch Invention, now on ex hibition at 206 McKay bldg. If you think it ban merit and to a good Investment, call at my office- I can sell this corporation's stock at a big discount. It will pay you to trade with me. W. J. Curtis, 215 Commercial blk. I "bone Main 53S4. PARTNER WANTED IN AN OLD ESTAB li!hed business: ratMt be energetic and able U give references; $1200 required: purchas er can depend upon receiving $130 to $200 monthly. Commercial Investment Co., 165& 3d et.. room -A. ESTABLISHED SEATTLE WHOLESALE oroduce house wants party with $2500 to $3000 to open office in Portland: salary and big profits to hustler with good reference; line opening; experience unnecessary. B 35. Oregonlan. SWELL LITTLE RESTAURANT. Central location; good equipment: fine place; excellent business: cheap rent; price only $7tO. EJILs & Kahler. room 21. 264 Morrison st. 22 ROOMS. $S30. Rooming-house, central buslnera location; rent $$9; pays $100 above expenses: snap, take it quick. Elite & Kahler. room 21. 204 Morrison st. $2000 WILL BUY HALF-INTEREST IN A growing mercantile buMntMi; present owner having too much outride business to give it proper attention; no agents. Address IL 45, Oregontan. $1230. FULLY SECURED. WILL GET YOU into a cash buslne. open to your fullest Investigation and pay you $150 to $200 a month: duties easily learned. Call -IS": Stark st. ONE OF THE BEST LOCATED CIGAR AND confectionery stores In the city: flrst-c!a nxture and all eaeh trade: win be sold very cheap this week. Address K 30. Ore Senlan. $2SA PARTNER WANTED WHO CAN FUR nlh reference and be satisfied with $25 to $SO weekly: experience unnecessary. Com mercial Investment Co.. 1633 3d st., room A. THIS BEATS THEM ALL. SO-reom rooming-house, brick corner, very central, cheap rent, every room occupied; easy terms'. $2500. 221 4 Morrison at., room 10. THE CITY DRUG STORE. AN OLD-ESTAB- Hsned buslnefsr. with a well-selected stock. Call or add res Executor Estate of K. EL Charman at Oregon City. Or. SNAP 11 ELEGANT NEW FURNISHED rooms, steam heat, hot and cold water every room; gaa and electric light; best location In city. G 45. Oregonlan. OPPORTUNITY FOR BUSINESS MEN Good openings In all lines, city or country; detalts at offices of the Ames Mercantile Agency. Ablngton bldg. v A CORNER CASH GROCERY. DOING A bueinees of $3tt dally, with living rooms. cnean rent, commercial investment Co.. 163V3 3d St.. room A. HOTEL 3 STORIES. BRICK. 42x92. PI'R nlahed complete, nearly new. In good Vat- ley town, at a bargain. Alvord & Alvord, lt3 Morrison st. A GOOD RESTAURANT. CHEAP; FINE location, low rent; a fine opening for small capital. The Gem Restaurant. Vancou ver. Wash. GROCERY STORE FOR SALE INVOICED established 16 years, about $1600 required; gooii reasons tor selling; no agents, tr -15, Oregontan. FOR SALE DINING-ROOM AND THE kitchen at the Washington Hotel, corner of 3d and Flascera sts.; price reasonable; call any time. FOR SALE SMALL SELECT STOCK OF groceries. Is good town, close to Portland: cheap rent. See Moore Inveetment Ca. 151 & 6th at. $360 FISH. POULTRY. BUTTER AND egg mand; a money-maker; one of the best locations, in city. Address E 41. Orego- nian. COFFEE - HOUSE AND RESTAURANT, clearing good salary, for sale cheap: reason for xelling. leaving city. 312 Burnslde st. SALOON CENTRAL AND OFFERED TO- day at halt price; if you want a saloon you will buy thK one. Call 2IS Stark st. HAVE BUSINESS THAT PATS 3 PER cent per month on $.0W: will sell half or third to right party. X 35. Oregonlan. OYSTER AND CHOPHOUSB. SPLENDID Lo cation; will sell cheap, as I have to leave for the East. Phone Main 125. $130 A MONTH GUARANTEED ON $200 Investment; a good. legitimate business. Particulars. -ll Columbia bldg. CIGAR AND CANDY STORE LIVINC rooms. rent $10. central; bargain; snap. Beswlck & Co.. 250 Oak at, CREA M ERYMA N WITH CAPITAL AND many yearn experience Is looking for an opening. J 3S. Oregonlan. REAL ESTATE PARTNER WANTED; Ex perience unnecessary: imall capital required. Inquire 242 5th and -Main. "TOURAINE." 1SS 7TH. BET. YAMHILL and Taylor- Swell boerdlng-house; alt full asd making good money. ONE-CHAIR BARBER SHOP FOR SALE cheap Is suburb; cheap rent. Inquire 177 Maducn st. SMALL GROCERY. GOOD LOCATION. AT invoice coat; cheap . rent. Inquire W. HulL 5 First et. FOR SALTS CORNER SALOON AT A BAR galn; Investigate this. Inquire 354 Gllsan st. SPECULATORS CALL MAIN 33S4 FOR BIG Bargains in iiursi nauroaa switch stock. $250. WILL BUY M INTEREST IN A GOOD paying saloon. One location. Call 03 U. 6th. 34-ROOM ROOMING-HOUSE: WILL SACRI flee If sold this week. Q 40. Oregonlan. CIGAR STORE SMALL CASH PAYMENT will ret It todar. Call Start? r NEWSPAPER AT CARLTON FOR SALE. Address a. u raves, canton. Or. FOR SALE 11-ROOM ROMING-HOUSB FOR mi tncsp. -33 wa xi- BUSINESS CHANCES. WANTED $4730 LOAN FOR ONE OR TWO ycn; site, sona security, rca wwic. pay S per' cent; money for bulldnjr pur pcaes. L 40. Oregonlan. FIN AN CI AL- LOANS MADE TO SALARIED PEOPLE holding permanent positions and respon sible firms; easy payments and strictly con fidential; also CHATTEL LOANS on personal property; rooming-houses a sneclaltv NEW ERA LOAN & TRUST COMPANY. . 203 Ablngton Building. MONEY TO LOAN On Improved city property or for building purposes, for from 3 to 10 years time, with privilege to repay all or part of loan after two years. Loans approved from plana and money advanced as building progresses; mortgages taken up and replaced. FRED IL STRONG. Financial Agent. 242 Stark Street. THE CRESCENT LOAN CO.. 423-429 MO- nawk. bldg.. 3d and Morrison, loans money to reliable salesmen, trainmen, motoromen, conductors or other salaried employes. Just on his note, in sums of $10 to $100. Re turnable In convenient weekly or monthly payments; Payments suspended In case of sickness. Confidential. No Inquiries. THE STAR LOAN CO. Any salaried employe, wage-earner, can get on his note, without mortgage (Con fidential): Month. Vi month. Week. $30 Repay to us. .$13.35 or$6.65 or $3.2.3 $25 Repay to us.. 6.03 or $3.25 or $1.63 $13 Repay to us..$ 4.00 or $2.00 or $1.00 210 IT KAY BLDG.. 102 THIRD. MONET ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLE and others upon their own names without security; cheapest rates, easiest payments: offices in 33 principal cities; save yourault money by getting our terms first. TOLMAN. 223 Ablngton bldg.. 106& 3d "t- LOANS ON EASY PAYMENT PLAN TO salaried people at lowest rates: strictly confldentlaL Employes Lean Co.. room 716 tho Dekum. 3d and Wash. sts. Phone 224. HIGHLY respectable place where ladies and gentlemen can borrow money on diamonds and Jewelry. Collateral Loan Bank. 269 Washington at. Phone Hood 431. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE AND other good securities; small building loans a specialty. W. H. Nunn, 552 Sherlock bldg. Phone Clay 529. PRIVATE MONET FOR QUICK REAL Es tate loana; any amount at 0. 6 and 7 per cent. M. G. Griffin. 266 Stork St.. opposite Chamber of Commerce. LOANS ON FURNITURE. PIANOS AND other securities: lowest rates .S. W. King, room -43, Washington bldg. Fhone Main 6100. DON'T BORROW MONEY ON SALARY UN til you see Hutton Credit Co., 512 Dekum bid. MONEY LOANED IN SUMS OF $5 AND UP on all kinds of security. W. A. Hathaway, room 10. Washington bldg. Phone Clay 415. IMMEDIATE LOANS IN SUMS FROM $3 TO $500 on all securities. R. I. Eckeraon &. Co., room 5, Washington bldg. Phone Clay 73. COLUMBIA LIFE & TRUST CO.. 44 CON cord bldg. Loans made on city property. No commission. I WILL LOAN $1000 ON GOOD REAL Es tate security or gilt-edged chattels. Q 32. Oregonlan. WANTED TO BORROW $2500 FOR ONE year. S per cent; best of security. A 38, Oregonlan. WILL LOAN $5000 OR LESS. 6 PER CENT, real estate. Farrlngton. SIS Chamber of Commerce. WILL LOAN $5000 OR LESS. 6 PER CENT, real estate. Farrlngton, 31S Chamber of Commerce. MONEY TO LOAN ON ALL KINDS OF SE curlty. Wm. Holl, rm. 0. Washington bldg. State funds loaned. 6 per cent. W. E. Thomas, state agt,, Multnomah Co.. 400 Cham. Com. LOWEST RATES ON FURNITURE. PIANOS and other security. 449 Sherlock. Clay 52S. $500,000 TO LOAN AT 5 AND 6 PER CENT. Wm. G. Beck, room 307. Falling bldg. MONEY" LOANED ON FIRST MORTGAGES. Haynes. 402 Commercial block. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Accordion Plaiting. MISS O. GOULD. SOI MARQUAM BLDG Accordion and knife plaiting asd pinking. Accountants. GEORGE T. MURTON. 534 CHAMBER OF Commerce. Fhone Main 4SS0. Bookkeeping, expertlng. teaching. Assayers and Analysts. GREENLEY & CRAWFORD, ANALYTICAL chemists, mining engineer. 204& Wash ington st. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE. 1S6 MORRISON st. Beot facilities. Prices reasonable. PAUL RAUMEL. ASSAYER AND ANALYST Gold dust bought. 207 Alder st. Attorneys. J. S. WINCHESTER. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, notary public 30 Washington bldg. Boatbullders. Graham's Boatyard, foot E. Pine; gasoline launches. Agent for Standard gasoline engine. Curpcnters and Builders. W. L. Buckner. office, store fixtures, general Jobbing, contracting. 330 Stark. Main 38S1. Carpet Cleaning. Sanitary carpet cleaning Carpets cleaned on floor; suction and compressed air. 3Ialn 5534. Cleaning and Dyeing. Oregon Steam Cleaning 4: Dyeing Works. 2S7 Burnslde st.. bet. 4th and 5th. Pacific 2119. CommlMion Merchants. HERMAN METZGER. PURCHASER OF hides, pelts, rurs, wooi, raonair. tallow, old rubber and old metal, and general cum. mlselon merchant. Front st. nr. Main, Port land. Or. caan aavancea on consignments. TAYLOR. YOUNG & CO.. SHIP BROKERS and commission merchants. Sherlock bldg., Portland. Or. V ALLEN Si LEWIS. COMMISSION AND produce mercnanu rronL ana Davis sts., Portland, Or. Clairvoyants. ZING A. THE VEILED EGYPTIAN MYSTIC seeress of the Nile: born with a double veil; atttroJogist. ciairiiujwu ma paimist; dead trance medium; healing done through psy- lea who has the He ere t of the anclenta for iuc& muu . .j uui. a;, wimuic. tory as In person: terms within reach of all. 268 H Morlrson. bet. 3d4ih. Cosmos Hotel. Chiropodist and Manicuring. WM. DEVEJNY & ESTELLE DEVENY. THE only eclentlflc chiropodists; parlors room . 203 Drew bldg.. its: 'M. st. Phone Mam 1301. This ia the long-haired gentleman. He Is the mas you are looking for. CATHERINE E JOHNSON, 129 7TH. BE tween Alder and Washington. Main 6432. J. LINDELL. expert chiropodist ; all instru ment sterilized. 702 Marquam. Main 3256. Danclnsr WOODWARD'S DANCING ACADEMV Weatera Academy of Muslo Hall. Monday ana xnuraua, tcau, i lessons, jo; ladles. 10 lessons. $2.50. Corner 2d and Morrison. MATTINGLY ACADEMY OF DANCING. 269 14th. nr. Jefferson: private or class lessons. Draughtsmen. OREGON SURVEYING. MAP AND BLUB Print Co., iw steams oiag.. opposite Post office. Phone Main 6923. Harness and Saddles. THE GEORGE LAWRENCE CO.. WHOLE. jale saddlea and harneso mfrs.. leather and saaaiery noraware. ao-sa 1st. Main 2 Leather and Findings. J. A. STROWBRIDGE LEATHER CO. Es tablished 1858. Leather and findings: Stock ton sole leather and cut stock; full line Eastern Jumbos. 189 Front st. Musical. MRS. B. F. DRISCOLL. PUPIL SHERWOOD. Chicago; piano lessons. 50 cento. Studio. 466 7th St., near Jackson. EMIL THIELHORN. pupil of Sevcik. violin teacher, studio, luo otn. Tel. Main 3963. YODSR'S STUDIO. 553 E. COUCH: HALF rate ror closing term, roone East 5239. Northwest Ylavl Co. LEWIS BLDG.. PARK AND MORRISON BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Furniture. WANTED FURNITURE REPAIRING AND upholstering, mattress renovating, carpet cleaning. laying, picture framing. Boston ' Furniture Co., 47 Union ave. Phone East 6383. Junk. Hides and Pelts. L. SHANK & CO.. PURCHASERS OF HIDES, pelts, wool. furs, tallow, old rubbers, met als and sacks. 312 Front st. Launches. SEE US FOR LAUNCHES, ANY -SIZE. siyie ami price, hee our "Little special" for X195. Relcrson Machinery Co.. 1S2-4-6 Morrison st. Machinery. h TRENKMAN & CO.. MINING. S.VW mlll. logging machinery; hydraulic plpee, casting; all kinds repaired. 101 N. 4th. THE H. G. ALB EE CO.. SECOND-HAND macmncry. sawmill, etc. 243 Grand ave. Osteopathic Physicians. DRS. ADIX & NORTHRUP. 413-16-17 DE- Kum Diag.. aa ana wasnington. I'nones: Office. Main 349; residence. Main 1303; East 1028. Exam, free Sun. by appolntm't. DR. L. 3. SMITH. PIONEER OSTEOPATH oi uregon; graduate Kirkviue. mo. 403 Oregonlan bldg. Main 1242; res. M. 2732. Paint. Oils and Glatts. RASMUSSEN & CO.. JOBBERS, paints, oil. giass. sasn ana doors, cor. .a ana uay;or. F. E. Beach & Co.. tne Pioneer Paint Co.. window glass and glazing. 133 1st, M. 1334. Patent Lawyers. R, C WRIGHT. DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN patents; infringement cases. 001 Dekum. Piano Tuning. EXPERT PIANO TUNING. REPAIRING and polishing. Phone East 4155. Safes. DIEBOLD VAULT WORK AND SAFES lead competitors. Steel ball-bearing lifting Jacks. Metal fixtures. Lockouts opened, re pairs. Thone 1635. John E. Davis, 66 Third. THE GENUINE HALL SAFE & LOCK CO. sares; tho Herrlng-Hall-Marvln. Portland Safe Co., aaents. 92 7th st. Showcases. Bank and Store Fixtures. R. H. Blrdsall. designer: agt, M. Winter Lum ber Co.. 7 Hamilton bldg.. 131 3d. M. 5530. THE LUTKE MANUFACTURING CO., COR. 6th and Hoyt. Phone Main 1408. PORTLAND SHOWCASE &. FIXTURE CO. 34S let. near Market. Phone Clay 1644. Sign Painters. WALL SIGNS. OFFICE DOORS AND WIN dowa lettered at cut prices. Zlrnglebel. 213J4 Washington st. Phone Pacific 1433. Spiritualists. ORMONDE. EGYPTIAN ASTRAL SEER OF Delhi Dead trance medium, clairvoyant palmist, astrologer, psychic healer, tells of marriage. love, business, health, law suits; restores lost or falling vitality, breaks weak habits. locates) mines, burled treasures, miss ing ones; makes good luck, removes evil In fluences, hasten marriages, unites the sepa rated, fettles love, business or family trou bles; reliable readings by mall; also absent treatment for all ailments. Ill luck; develops clairvoyance in others. 2SS Washington. MME, ADWARD. SPIRITUALIST MEDIUM, can be consulted on business, lawsuit., love, matrimony; unites the separated, no mat ter the distance or cause; satisfaction guar anteed: reading. 50 cents. Hours, 10 A. 31. to 8 P. 31.. daily and Sunday. Parlor 3, The Berkshire, 232& 1st St., corner Main. No sign. MRS. "WALLACE. 23 YEARS PORTLAND'S most reliable .medium; all In trouble call and get ber valuable advice on all affairs of life, bulnew. love, troubles; absent friends a specialty. 286 Taylor st. Hour. 9 A, M. to 8 P. M. MRS. S. B. SEIP. noted prophete3 and ry chometrlst. 3434 Yamhill, cor. 7th: readings dally; circles Tues. and Fri. 8 P. 31. Pac. 106 MRS. LADD FINNICAN CAN BE CON oulted. 63 Selllng-Hlrsch bldg. Main 6179. MME. DREYFUS. KALMIST AND CARD reader. Office 291 Morrison St., cor. 3th. MRS. STEVENS, Portland's leading palmist, spiritual life reader. 100 7th. opp. Hotel P. Storage and Transfer. SAFES. TIANOS AND FURNITURE MOVED packed ready for shipping and shipped: all work guaranteed; large 3-story brick fire proof warehouse for Htorage. Office, 123 1st, C. M. Olsen. Phone 3Ialn 547. C. O. PICK. OFFICE SS 1ST. BET. STARK and Oak. Phone 596. Pianos and furni ture moved and packed for shipment; com moUlous brick warehouse, with separate Iron rooms. Front and Clay ats. FRED BICKEL. STORES AT 34 N. FRONT st,. household goodo and furniture, plana?, trunks, tool chests, sewing machine and all movable articles at reasonable prices. Typewriter. New typewriters, all makes, rented, sold and repaired. Coast Agency, 231 Stark. Tel. 1407. Telegraphy. Telegraphy taught quickly; portion secured: expense low. Pacific Telegraph Institute. 403 Stearns bldg. Wholesale Grocers. ALLEN & LEWIS.. WHOLESALE GROCERY, cor. N. Front and Davis sts.. Portland. Or BANKS'. MERCHANTS' NATIONAL BANK PORTLAND. OR. J FRANK WATSON President R. L. DURHAM Vice-President R. Wt HOYT Cashier GEORGE W. HOYT Assistant Cashier TRANSACTS GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. United States Depositary. Drafts and letters of credit Issued, avail- able in all parts of the world. Collections a specialty. THE BANK OF CALIFORNIA (Established In IS64.) HEAD OFFICE. SAN FRANCISCO. CAL President HOMER S. KING Gen. Man. ot Branches... W. MACKINTOSH Capital paid up Sl.000.oon Surplus and undivided profits $9.770.11S A General Banking and Exchange Business Transacted. Letters of credit Issued, available In alt parts of the world. Interest paid on tlmo deposits. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Accounts opened for sums of $10 and up ward. WM. A. MACRAE.. -r Manager J. T. BURCHAELL Assistant Manager UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND. OREGON. Northwest Corner Third and Oak Sts. Transacts a General Banking Business. Drafts issued, available In all cities of tho United States and Europe. Hongkong and Manila. Collections Made on Favorable Terms. President J. C AINSWORTH Vice-President W. B. AYER Vice-President R. LEA BARNES Cashier R. W. SCHMEER Assistant Cashier A. 31. WRIGHT Assistant Cashier W. A. HOLT FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND. OR. ' Designated Depositary and Financial Agent of the United States. President A. L. MILLS Cashier J. W. NEWKIRK Assistant Cashier W. C. ALVORD Second Assistant Cashier B. F. STEVENS Letters of credit issued available in Europ and the Eastern States. Sight exchange and telegraphic transfers sold on New York. Boston. Chicago, St, Louis. St, Paul. Omaha. San Francisco and the principal points of the Northwest. Sight and time bills drawn in sums to suit on London. Paris. Berlin. Frankfort-on-the-Maln. Hongkong. Yokohama. Copenhagen, Chrlstlanla. Stockholm. St. Petersburg, Mos cow. Zurich. Honolulu. Collections Made on Favorable Terms. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. The Oldest Trust Company In Oregon. RESOURCES OVER $1,500,000. General banking. Exchange on all parti of the world. Savings accounts. Time cer tificates. 3 to 4 per cent: short-call specla.' certificates. $500 or over. 3 to 4 per cent. Call for Book of "ILLUSTRATIONS." Phone Private Exchange 72. S. E. Corner Third and Oak Streets. BENJ. I. COHEN President H. L. PITTOCK VIce-Presiden' B. LEE PAGET Secretary J. O. GOLTRA. - Assistant Secretary LADD &. TILTON. BANKERS ESTABLISHED IN 1S50. Transacts a General Banking Business. Interest Allowed on Time Deposits. Collections made at points on favorable terms. Letters of credit issued available ir Europe and all points in the United States. Sight exchange and telegraphic transfer? sold on New York. Washington. Chicago, St Louis, Denver. Omaha. San Francisco and various points In Oregon. Washington an? Idaho. Montana and British. Columbia. Exchange on London. Paris. Berlin. Frank fort. Hongkong. Yokohama. Manila and Honolulu.