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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (March 6, 1906)
THE MORNING OREGOXIAX, TUESDAY, MARCH 6, 1906. conda, was reflected in the trading- on the Boston market, and big loftees were shown in the copper sfeares. compared with the closing Saturday. North Butte fell off points to 76, asd Bingham and Union Copper each lost S. Utah eased off 2, selling at GO at the close. United States Smelting, Refining aad Mining broke 34 to 51&. POGKETS IE THING STORE OPENS AT 5 A. M. C9 r- .HMfe$Nr 3ts STORE CLOSES AT 6 P. M. Precautions Taken by China "J Against Rebel Raid. Women Should Throw Away . Purses and Handbags. SACHEMS ARE INSTALLED 2 MS r 6t 3 a Partillery near capital on Every Road Leading to Pekln. American "War 'Prepara tions Cause Anger. LONDON, March 6. The Tribune corespondent at tokln' describes the Interesting strategic disposition of troops by Yuart'Shl Kal, 'commander of the Chinese forces. 'He has stationed four batteries of field artillery at Chlnchow. province of Hunan, on the Yuen River, under pretense that ban dint are approaching. This arrangement guards the north ern, approach to the capital cutting the caravan route from Manchuria to Pekin. He is also-sending- eight bat teries of rapid-lire guns to Shuntefu, under the pretext that a secret society there Is exhibiting unrest, thus guard lag the southern approach to the cap ital and cutting the Hankow and Pekln road. Yuan Shi Kal retains 26 modified Krupp guns, the most modern pieces in China, at the hunting park, throe miles south of Pekln. CniXA ANGRY WITH AMERICA Says War Preparations Show Nation Is Not Friendly. PKKIN, March B. The principal topic In the Chinese press relates to the reports coming: from America that the United States is making complete preparations to send a military expe dition to China. The newspapers re gard these reports as a manifestation of an unfriendly policy. The-flmports of Niuchwang for 1905. exclusive or military supplies, was the largest recorded. The total was $53, 000.000 gold, of which $22,000,000 came from America, 59,000,000 being In cottons. JAPAN HURRIES WARSHIP. Quick Response to Request for Pro tection Against Hostile Chinese. IX) N DON, March G. According to the Tokio correspondent of the Dally Tele graph, Japanese residents of China hav ing requested protection, the government has decided to send the warship Taka chlho to Chlneso waters. Soldiers at Sheridan Want War. CHICAGO, March 5. War fever has broken out at Fort Sheridan. Practically all the 1200 men there arc ready to go to the Orient and win martial honors. The "War Department has called for a complete and detailed report of how the roes are equipped to go Into the field on short notice. At the fort there are stationed one 'regi ment of Infantry the Twenty-seventh and two batteries of artillery the Twenty-first and Fourteenth. All are equipped fully. Nearly every organization has a fall quota of men, and those incomplete are filled out with recruits. Another Transport Sails. SAN FRANCISCO, March 5. The VnKed States Army transport Logan sailed today for tho Philippines. In addition to a number of cabin passen gers, she carried the Eighth Infantry and two troops of the Third Cavalry. She also took back two stowaways who arrived hero on the Buford. The transport Lawton wont to the Mare Island Navy Yard today. Will Send No More Troops. WASHINGTON, March 5. War Office Department officials state they are not endeavoring to charter any private steam chips on tho Pacific Coast for the trans portation of troopB to the Philippines, as has been reported. There Is no present Intention of dispatching any troops In addition to the two regiments and two batteries already oh the way to Manila, which will afford General Wood a com mand of about 15,000 men. STOCKS RUSH DOWNWARD Tammany Performs Ancient Cere mony With 3Iuch Secret Pomp. NEW YORK, March 5. In. the presence of the largest gathering of braves as sembled In years at an annual .meeting, the 13 sachems of the Society of Tam many, or the Columbian Order, were duly installed tonight in the Fourteenth street wigwam. The Interesting and ancient ceremony was held behind closed doors, none but members of tho order In good standing being admitted. Representative W. Bourke Cockran was installed as grand sachem in place of Supreme Court Jus tice OiGorman, who resigned recently. Democratic Campaign Committee. WASHINGTON. March 5. The Dem ocratic Congressional campaign com mittee is now fully made up and the following- men will be entitled to vote at .the meeting: called for tomor row night to elect a chairman and other officers: Representatives, Alabama, Burnett; Arkansas, Little: Florida, Clark; Georgia, Griggs; Illinois, Ralney: In diana. Zenor; Kentucky, Hopkins; Louisiana, Broussard; Maryland. Gill; Massachusetts, Keliher; Mississippi, Bowers: Missouri, Lloyd: Nevada, Van Duser;New Jersey, McDermott; New York, Ryan: North Carolina, W. W. Kitchln; Ohio, Garber; Pennsylavnia, Kline: Rhode Island, Granger; South Carolina, Finley; Tennessee, Gaines; Texas, Smith; Virginia, Southall; West Virginia, Davis; Wisconsin, Weisse. Senators Arkansas, Berry; Idaho, Dubois: Tennessee. Carmack; Montana, Clark; Texas. Culberson; Virginia, Martin; Florida, Taliaferro; Missouri, Stone; Nevada, Newlands. Delegate Smith, Arizona. Democrats Win Once in Lifetime. ROCKLAND. Me.. March B. (Special.) Rodney I. Thompson, Democrat, was elected Mayor today by 134 plurality, the Democrats carrying six of the seven wards in the city. They will have 24 members out of 2S comprising the new City Council. This Is the first Democratic victory here in 23 years. Socialist Conference Ended. NORTON, Conn.. March E. It was stat ed today at the Summer home of J. G. Phelps Stokes, where tho conference of men Interested In social reform was. held Saturday, that there would be no further meetings of Mr. Stokes' ;ruests. Bingham's Deputy Resigns. NEW YORK, March 5. Third Deputy Police Commissioner James F. Mack re signed today because of a disagreement between himself and Police Commissioner Bingham. Bears Stampede Market and Whole List Declines Rapidly. NEW YORK. March 5. Stocks broke badly today on the heavy outpouring of liquidation from all quarters. There was a well-ccntored bear attack on a number of stocks, which have become Vulnerable by the building up of extensive pool ac counts and manipulation in the market. The dissatisfaction over the money out look, the continued withdrawal of the banking reserve and the necessity of scal ing down credit accounts to keep pace with the declining reserves were respon sible for most of the selling. The unstable condition of stocks devel oped last week caused widespread dis trust and was the cause for sending out. large additional margins on speculative holdings. Failure to respond to these In duced throwing over of some holdings by commission houses. The battering down of prices by the bears had the effect of exhausting mar gins and uncovering stop loss orders. The weight on tho market was thus increased. Lenders of money also exercised increas ing discrimination against some stocks whose market position was distrusted when they appeared In collateral for loans. Reading was especially weak, and fell nearly six points below Saturday dur ing the morning. Northwestern was down six points, Northern Pacific, Amalgamated Copper and Sloss-Shcfflcld Steel 314 to 3, Colorado Fuel 4V4 and Union Pacific, Illi nois Central, Delaware & Hudson, Si Paul, Atlantic Coast Line, Smelting, Gen eral Electric, Hide & Leather preferred and some qthcrs .from 2 to 2i. The average level In the whole list yield ed between 1 and 2 points. Tho occasional rallies in the market were due to hasty proflt-taklng by the bears by buying to cover. Tho liquidation continued intermittently during, the afternoon at .an extreme de cline In Reading of over S points and in Amalgamated Copper, Locomotive, North- era Pacific and Great Northern preferred of over 4 points. Anaconda was carried down 16 points. The determined resist ance of Amalgamated Copper at par seemed to mark tho limits of the decline. and there was a jgeneral rally later in the day, when the" shorts began to cover to take profits on the day' movements. The market was quiet and showed evi dence of returning strength In the latter part of the day. Break Reflected Jr Boston. BOSTON. Muse.. March S. The break in the New Tork Stock Market today, os yoclallySa AJa)gaate4 Copjxrr and Asa- COALITION IS CRUMBLING Banf fy Secedes and Campaign Funds Cease to Pour In. BUDAPEST. Mar. S. The coalition gives signs of crumbling-. Baron BanfCy. one of Its leaders, in a letter to Francis Kossuth, announced his secession as a protest agalnt the coalition's professed desire to abolish the dual character of the mon archy. Baron Banffy contends that the European balance of power requires a strong state on the Danube, and that this would be Impossible under the system of personal union of Austria and Hungary advocated by the Independents. Further, according to Baron Banffy, per sonal union cannot be attained by peace ful means, and, if it were attacked. It would mean the ruin of the monarchy's post as a great power. In other directions, such as contribu tions to the campaign funds, the coali tion's prospects are weakening, and It is probable that other groups will follow tho lead of Baron Banffy. Edward Dines French Statesmen. PARIS. March 5. King Edward todar gave a dinner at the British Embassv to ex-President Loubet and ex-Foreign Min ister .Deicasse. The presence of the latter Is considered a graceful acknowledgment of M. Dclcasse's service in connection with the Anglo-French agreement. THE DAY'S DEATH RECORD Patrick O'Shea, Publisher. NEW YORK, March 5. Patrick O'Shea, the Nestor of the Catholic publishers In America, is dead at his home in Summit, N. J., In his 74th year, having been born March 17, 1832, in Kilkenny, Ireland. He came to this country In his ISth year, and In 1S54 began business in this city. Dur ing the 2 years that his business had been established he published a great number of Catholic story, school and ctandard books. He was the author and editor, as well as publisher, of most of his textbooks. During the Civil War Mr. O'Shea was an earnest advocate of the cause of the Union, and his letters, signed "An American Citizen." published in the Boston Pilot and the Dublin Nation, ex cited much interest. Gatacre, Who Was Whipped by Boers LONDON. March 6. The death is an nounced this morning of Major-General Sir William Forbes Gatacre, aed S years. General Gatacre served with distinction in the Soudan, but his persistent ill-for tune in, tho Boer War dimmed his reputa tion as a soldier. Miss 3Iary Lynch Wilkes. FLORENCE. Italy. March 5. Miss Mary Lynch Wilkes, daughter of the lato Rear-Admiral Wilkes, U. S. N., ,dled here today of meningitis. She was 45 years old. General Livingston Mimms. ATLANTA, Ga., March 5. General Livingston Mimms, formerly Mayor of Atlanta and widely known in the South, died here today, aged 76 years. theBaby Mellijis Food and good fresh milk is a combination that is hard to improve upon for a baby's food. Strong, kealthy, ragged children, fall ef lift mad vitality, are the racalts of ttekag Mellin's Food. Send for or free book of "Mellin's Feed Babies." tk CtlxB PKl2tt St. LmU. r4. Gila MtaaTT BfMt Awari, Fartlaai, . 19M.. MELLIN'S FOOD CO BOSTON. VMi TEMPTATION TO THIEVES President of Dressmakers' Associa tion Tells How to Diminish Crime Chicago Has Models of All but Bad Form. CHICAGO. March 5. (Special.) "Throw away your purses and your baadbass. Have a good-sized pocket j made In your inner skirt and carry j your valuables there." With this advice Miss Elizabeth A. j C White, president of the Dress- j makers' Protective Association of j America, toaay pointed a waj- o mc , women of Chicago to curtail crime. To j ttj take away temptation to rob Is half I the battle, she declared, in the fight of society against the criminal element and, if all women would only come to appreciate tho worth of this con sideration, she says, there would be far less robbery and much less work for the police to do. Preventive or Thuggery. Miss "White, who arrived In the city last night to supervise the convention of the dressmakers, which opened at the Auditorium Hotel this morning, said she had found time to read the accounts of the thuggery that prevails here and that it at once apealcd to her that an easy solution of the problem was at hand, if the Chicago women could only be convinced of the ad visability of the method. Models of All Shapes. Models thin, models fat, models of perfect proportions and others, who, because of a paucity of adipose tissue or a surplus thereof, believed they were competent to enter the freak class, were on hand early today to the number of 200. It did not toke the judges long to select those to poso in tho French importations, where long, graceful lines are wanted, but tho committee after an Inspection of the material in hand despaired of find ing a woman large enough or un gainly enough to pose as a "bad-form" model. . "Your Chicago women -have too good a carriage, are too well groomed and set up to even enter that class," eald one of the Judges. Miss "White declares the fashions in dross for this eeason are simple and Icsb expensive than ever before. White, gray and the quieter colors are to be more popular than the loud hues that have predominated the past Winter. Funeral of Governor Hogg. AUSTIN. Tex.. March 5. (Special.) Plain simple ceremonies, with no military display, marked the last rites over the body of ex-Go vemor Hogg. His favorite sonr. "Suwanee River." was sung by a large choir. The funeral was the largest In the matter of attendance ever held in Texas. If you want the best eye examination, the best glasses and the best results, con sult the Oregon Optical Co., 173 Fourth St., T. M. C A. Bids.' Examination free. 4- X SICK HEADACHE Pofcltirely cured by thee Little Pill. They also rcllrrc Distress from Dyspepsia, Indigestion and Too Hearty Eating. A per fect remedy for Dizziness, Nausea, DrowjJ. Bess, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Coated Tongue Pain in the Side. TORPID LIVER. They Regulate the Bowels. Pardy Vegetable SmaM PIH. Small Dott Small Prloa. Sm ilwiiW are Jm V befofo nin br CLUCTT. PCABOfY & . Greatest Variety of Correct Styles and Best Values in Women's Suits, Gowns, Jackets, Waists and Skirts, Smart Coats and Under-Apparel in the Northwest: (Grand Salons, Second Floor) In spite of the fact of a late Easter this year April 15 and the consequent young season, all former selling records for early March have heen hroken in the Apparel Salons The acceptance of the Olds, "Wort man & King fashions as authoritative is very clear. "We are showing the most extensive variety of correct styles in -women's smart garb in all the Northwest more than two garments and styles for every one shown by any other Portland store more new and correct styles in women's and girls7 attire than all other local stores combined. In these lines we have absolutely no competition among the other city stores. The Chiefess of the great Salons of Dress, upon whose expert knowledge, judgment and good taste we rely, has selected with remarkable insight as to where to draw the line in accepting or rejecting the varying expressions of indorsed styles. Among the many features that are drawing throngs of critical women here daily are: A Stirring Convention of Suits at $25 to $35 SMART, OHIO ETON AND JACKET MODELS -A SWELL COLLECTION OP SUITS AT $25.00. Handsome Jacket models of granite cloth, in dainty, modest, yet striking "twilight grays" with mannish coat collars of moire. Jacket is embellished with strappings, is lined throughout with taffeta, and has leg-o -mutton sleeves. The gored, circular skirt is plaited down front and back and trimmed in strap effects. A matchless value at $25.00 Get IK- Graves' Tooth Powder. Use it twice-a-d&y and you will have white teeth, hard gums, clean mouth, pure breath, good digestion and good health. Just ask your dentist about it. Is hMij metal mm er age. An Attractive Bevy of Tailored Beauty at $35 Modest but "natty" Homespuns made on the blouse jacket models and lined throughout with white x taffeta. French flannel effects in light stripes and invisible checks. The white taffeta vests are trimmed with sea green braids and dainty laces. Jacket trimmed with fancy cut metal buttons. The leg-o'-mufton sleeves have turnback cuffs. Skirts cut in round length, with umbrella flare, and are 15-gored. New Arrivals in Handsome Skirts, $5.50 Up New Shirtwaists $1.50 to $12.50 See the Aristocratic Track Coats THREE-FOURTH LENGTH. Handsome coaching models, very "toppy." Paris, New York and London have set the pace in these garments, and this store leads in the showings here. Piquant racing models adapted to cafo and theater wear and very attractive for the promenade. These gar ments come in plain and trimmed styles, from plaided and mixed materials imported from abroad, but " built 1 by expert New York tailors on imported models, thus possessing all the smartness of Parisian garments with the saving of Yankee price. These lines up from 315.00 to $75.00 "Toppy" London Coverts DASHING- NEW STYLES IN COATS. Charming 1906 garments that lead in the race for superiority of style. Countess Mayfair favorites. Topcoats that have the genuine glove fitting effect which requires the highest class tailoring with strap pings and tailor touches much out of the ordinary. Also generous choosing in swell box styles the newest and smartest covert coats shown tills year. Prices range from 5.00 to $45.00 Springtime Fancies in Women's Neck-Dress See First-Floor Stocks- Just imagine the prettiest and smartest convention o dainty neck wear for adornment of women who are particular and changeable in their ideas on neck-dress and always want the latest ideas of the style leaders the handsomest lot of Spring neck wear you ever saw in any one show ing, and you've got just about half an idea of the extent and beauty of this store's present expose. Not room here to tell you much of tho story, but the dainty white pique Croats especially appeal for mention, these at 35 Beautiful Four-in-Hands in generous widths to satisfy the season's demands, of pretty peau de soie in embroidered effects, also attract the eye of the visitor in the neckwear shops. These 50 up. A full new line of popular turnover collars trimmed with dainty Armenian laces will find many new owners today at $1.00 each! And but come and see it all for yourself you'll enjoy the prettiness as much as we do. 'TIS A SEASON OF GOLD In Women's Belts and Belting: See First Floor Displays Never before since the court days of the beautiful Josephine has gold been so distinc tively in fashion's favor as today in women's belts for Spring and Summer gowns. Gold Belts and gold trimmings are rampant among the dainty showings at the belt counter, and are meeting with immediate favor of dressy women, xou choose either belts daintily made up, or the gold belting, and make it up as your own fancy pleases. Price range is wide if you prefer to pick from the ready-to-don belts 75 5 tp $4.00. Belting by the yardage, either plain or fancy embroidered gold effects in contrasting colors, also exquisitely embossed gold and silver belting at from $1.00 to $3.00 the yard. YOUNG- MOTHERS TJKD MUCH OP IN TEREST THESE SPRING DAYS. In the Baby-to-Iiiss Salons Second Floor' New wearing apparel for infants and chil dren is arriving daily. Among the new things are large assortments of infants' Slips and Long Skirts, children's Dresses in dainty white and colored wash materials; a full line of Flannel "Wear, such as long and short skirts, bootees, shawls, bands, vests, kimonos, plain and fancy jackets and nightingales and in fants' soft-sole shoes in all colors and many styles. New Hosiery Showings 0U1, ASSORTMENT OP WOMEN'S NEW SWUNG HOSIERY Is very swell this season. All the new shades are in the showing, including vicux roses, pastells shades, clarets, gray suedes, myrtle, olive, eaerald, reseda, Nile, nut brown, Havana, lobster pink, geranium, French bine, Alice blue, marine blue, white, in immense quantities and great lines of black in laee and embroidered styles, also plain black laces. Prices range from, he pair 50 to $2.00 In Silk and Dress Goods Shows " NEW SPRING SILKS. We especially call rour attention to our $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 lines of Chiffon Taffetas, and the new Radium Silks at $1.25 per yard. Marie Antoinette Silks, the newest dress coat and suit silk shown at $1.50 a yard; and our leader $1.00 per yard in gun metal, steel and silver grays, checks, stripes and neat broche and jacquard effects; also the much Wanted stripes from, the narrow hairlines to the striking Pekin stripes, all included in our special line yard $1.00 SPECIAL IN BLACK CREPE DE PARIS. Handsome Black Crepe de Paris is reduced and Fashion sa3s a revival of black is booked for the new season. REDUCTIONS LIKE THESE: $1.50 quality, special at ........$1.23 $2.00 quality, special at $1.67 $3.00 quality, special at $2.57 $1.75 quality, special at $1.46 $20 quality, special at.. ?2.17 $3.50 quality, special at $3.07 New Spring Dress" Sfuffs New Gray Suitings are now in in Panamas and hard twisted worsteds, in all the soft, pretty gray shades; also a large assortment of new, neat, novelty effects at, yard. $2.00, $1.75, $L60, $1.25 and $1.00 New plain, checked and changeable 40-inch Lansdown in all colors, yard. $1.35 New Silk and Wool Poplins, .in all the late colorings, yard, $2.00, $1.50 and.... $1.25 NeV Cream Dress Goods in Panamas, Storm and Dress Serges, Mohairs, Poplins, Crepes, etc. Today's Special in Ribbons : To induce thousands to come to the Ribbon Shops today we shall offer an all-silk Taffeta .RibWn, in choice of 3, 4 and 5-inch widths, in white, black and' colors at, yard 15 Our Spring Millinery Triumph Second Floor Salons Annex The Millinery style-center becoming hats for everybody at every body's price. Best materials, best styles, best values these are the reasons for the leadership of this great Millinery Store. And isn't it a showing of ex quisite hats? As bright and en trancing as a rose garden in Oregon and the month of May. We won't attempt to describe the display simply can't! Might as well try to tell the full charm of the rose garden, which, as you know, is impos sible. It's a question of seeing. These are the merest hints: And the hats are trooping in by every express going out down every elevator, every mo ment, in possession of new and happy owners. Colorings are bright we said that before shapes are prettier than ever; Sailors are much in evidence. The new sailor has a large, deep crown with narrow brim, a little shorter in front than back. It is smartly trimmed with quills and wings. Flowers are used in profusion and with abandon. But we have neither time nor space to tell the pretty story in full, come in and meet the new guests; our courteous corps of ushers employed in the Millinery Salons will present them to you formally and show you 'round to your heart's content. Of course, if you want to buy, they'll .be happy to turn saleswomen, and sell you the beautiful millinery. The Newest Gloves See Firat-Floor Glove Shops LONG GLOVES HEADQUARTERS. Fashion is more critical than ever in the selection of just the right gloves. Long Gloves, preferably, of course. Now, as to color in Paris, gloves harmonize with the color of the costume, or repeat the shade pre dominating in the trimming; or hat, gloves and shoes will frequently be of one shade during the coming season. But whatever the gloves, they must harmonize. Fashion is as insistent on perfectly blended color-notes as a composer on the harmonized notes of a chord. We have led and still lead in the complete ness of our selection of Long Gloves in regular makes. We're sure our stock of Kid Gloves is sec ond to none on the Coast. Every wanted style and color are here makes of gloves that are the best in the world at the prices quoted on them. Among others: CELEBRATED "MONARCH" GLOVES The best-Kid Glove made at the price $2.00 THE "DERBY" KID GLOVES In Glace (dressed) or Suede (undressed) price, the pair $1.50 THE "ESKAY" THREE-CLASP KID GLOVE Is very dressy and most satisfactory to the wearer; price, the pair $1.50 OUR 16-BUTTON LONG SUEDE KID GLOVES In black, white and evening shades; also a lot of 16-button glace in -black, white, brown, tan and mode; price, the pair $3.00 Free Embroidery Instruction Resumed We have resumed the giving of instruction absolutely free to all who wish to take them in fine art embroidery. Our expert teacher has returned from her needed vacation, and will be pleased to meet all of her old pupils and as many new ones as wish to take instruction, at the. instruction room, fifth floor, in con nection with the Art Needlework Department on second floor.