OE!iasuiM gJWasi ir'.?;.rr.'u.. ;.'.v':-.j7.w '" THE MORNING OREGOXIAX, MONDAY, MARCH 5, 1906. 11 FOR XHNTT Rooms. THE OXFORD. CORNER CTH AND OAK unaer new management. Mrs. A- J. wai ter, proprietress This new and modern brick hotel has Just been thoroughly reno ated, walla retimed and refurnished en tirely new throughout; 75 elegantly furnUhid , room and wultcs; oteam heat, hot and colo running water, electric lights, call neiis, etc; suites with private bathe); rates reas uii m Die. mone Main So. AX INNOVATION FOR C ENTLEMEN AT niucr rU aojoinins inc Anmciun uud New management and newly renovated throughout; elegantly furnished rooms, with or without board, strictly home cooking; this 1 the raost exclusive, convenient and pleas ant quarters In the city lor tboae seeking quiet and high-class surroundings; references must dc xumisbed. Taylor and Salmon This elegant hotel has been thoroughly renovated and Is now on Of lhf hKt anil mnaf nunuiiM. rnnmln. houses In Portland: elevator, steam heat, baths, hot and cold water In rooms: we cater "jc traveling public, .Pnone nooa. .wo. JAnn nnmaiMM i . w... i.uuiu, varietur. THE ANTLERS JUST nEOPEVED UN dor new management and now ready for business. Everything new, clean and mod ern. We rent rooms with private bath for ie same as otner hotels aK lor a piain room, jtates reasonable. Phone Main 2333, -Mrs. v. H. Powers. Prop. . nnnMivr-.tiniTen TV PfiDT land. Stone and brick bldg.: elegantly fur- nisoca; electric lights, hot ana com water. menlUB. 410 Morrison, cor. 11th. Main 5263. HOTEL KENTON NEW. ELEGANTLT furnished rooms, gas, electric light, hot and coia water in rooms, steam heat, free baths, i oin ana Washington. 1'aclnc 400. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS LOW price. By asy. wmk or month; by the week. ana up; transient uusincse Elicited. ine urana. 387 Yamhill st. FOR RENT ONE UNFURNISHED ROOM -i floor, bath and phone: reference rcaulred, 74 7th. or apply O. N. IV. Wilson Co.. 72 vin sl. BEAUTI FULLY FURNISHED ROOMS. $1.73 per week and up; transient rooms. 50 cents per day ana up. Hotel New Belmont, 183 HOTEL ALEXANDER. COR. 10TH AND -iar bteam heat, furnished rooms, rea sonable rate. B. N. Himebaugh. Main 1750, DOUBLE PARLORS. ELEGANTLY Fl'R ntaited. S3.: also other rooms reasonable all modern conveniences. 453 Morrison sC PLEASANT FURNISHED ROOMS. SINGLY w to families; very desirable and rcanjn ame; on the car line. 414 5th t. South, 255 13TH ST. PRIVATE FAMILY: KLK- gantiy furnished room; house new; every convenience; gentlemen om ;, reasons Die. 34 ALDER. COR. 10TH ST. NICELY furnished room with private bath; also wsgie room; every tlilnfr first-class. NEWLY FURNISHED FRONT ALCOVK rwm; use or bath and kitchen: private fam it)-; rent reasonable. 433 Everett. PLEASANT ROOMS. GOOD BOARD AND moaern conveniences; private family; eas omnncc -is, a. .anKcny-tiiii. PLEASANT ROOMS. GOOD BOARD AND modern conveniences; private family; easy atetance. 4 li. AnKcny-yth. Tlin palm. ir?i- :n ST iivnrn -v-triv management; bedroomr. single, double, weck- i, iraiwieni a pociauy. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS ON CAR Hne; het, bath, phone. 108 11th, near .MerriHjn. Main iaar. 207 0TH ST. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS wim bath, gas and phone; centrally 1- eatea. near I'otonice. PLEASANT. NICELY FURNISHED, WELL- n'iu ruum in moaern iiax; gas, bath and pone. .iiU i tn. FOR RENT PLEASANT FURNISHED OU unfurnished front room. f.8l Flanders t- iieioroncoF. NICEL FURNISHED ROOMS. HEAT. Hsfcu tath. phone; reasonable. 31 10th . i mini' oa. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS. Monpmv Wrt Sid", close In; ladles preferred. Phono t-annc 4s. THE COSMOS Furnished, unfurnished rooms; tranrlcntw solicited. 208 Morrison, cor. 4th. MODERN FURNISHED FRONT ROOMS, r'asnnsbl. SI). Front and Harrison ELBGANTLT FURNISHED SUITE OF 3 housekeeping rooms. Inquire 223 V 1st st. NIj'ELY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT, 4 Hawthorne ave. FURNISHED ROOMS. VERY able, 400 Couch st. REASON NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS, si., cor. Aider eU 141 13T3I Rooms With Board. THE COLONIAL A SELECT FAMILY HO tea. 10o 10th st., corner Morrison; most con. vonlent; llrst-class location In city for busl HIM lDOtlo. rtno mnnm ...u-j team best, porcelain baths, plenty of hot VrfJi . " "'"'"B-rwm; Jiantern cook inc. with flrt-o!ass .table service at reason awe rates to permanent people; tabic board rs accommodated. ware THR r'ATJT.Tfrrnv N'iWi,S' anfl. rlcKan"' furnished; excellent "nice; apanments for bach, elors: attracUvely located at 13th and AI der sis. Phone Pacific 1347. THE BEVERLY. I eutrallv Inrit.j ... n-i. j . ... Ti ro,?n1'- cely furnished, steam heat. citiicbi iauic and service. Hclteda,?0na ratS: tRb,C boardcr" o- PRIVATI? ir-rTtv rAlriri-r, t- . separate parlor, modern conveniences! v, ' Juiy oi i io aauits; Main 3437 1 rcasonab,e Plce. Phone FIRST-CLARS ROOM AND BOARD. FOR rJT,;' ! V" J. . Iaml"- witn an convent wee; better look this up; alo table Madtoon Pr WCCk Aster Hovs 7tn and THE GLENDORA. 18TH AND COUCH Slit -H..'1 nn.,nK ter. single rooms, anst-clajis board; large parlor, bllliard-room. everything up to date; ratea $25 and up. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION. 17TH YEAR rooms with board; ue of sewing-room: use of library: Women's Exchange. Address Mrs. E. B. Hamlin. Supu. S10 Flanders. W ELL-FURNISHED FRONT ROOMS WITH board; one suite suitable for 3 or 4 ner sons; rates reasonable; modern conven iences. 442 Jefferson. c 448 TAYLOR COZY ROOMS. SINGLE OR EN- U imnuira wain 10 center of cltv bath. gas. phone; reasonable. TOURAINE." 1SS 7TH. NEAR HOTEL Portland Front rooms with board for -S50; table board, $4 week. SUITE OF ROOMS. RUNNING WATER cas. use phone; homn cooking. 395 Sal mon. Phone Main J809. THE OZARK FRONT ALCOVE AND OTHER rooms with first-class service; hot and cold water. 225 11th st. a co,a THE HAWTHORNE. 221 13TH BOOMfi with board: suite for two or four people running water. pcopie, 33 6TH ST.. COR. HARRISON NICELY MaTil8 W90frnt Parl0r' "tV,U boarJ- Phn THE SOUTHERN 374 YAMHILL ST ROOMS ratei? r n SUUe' Wlth boar3: reasonable NICE FRONT ROOM OR SUITE FOR oT ortwo. good board, private family. S05 MORRISON 2 LARGE FRONT ROOMS running water. 1 on let and 1 on 2d floor! ROOMS WITH OR WITHOUT BOARD. PRI vate home, block M. car. 248 N. 20th st. 120 18th. corner Glisan Desirable rooms, first-class board: modern, private home. THE OSARK. 225 11TH ST. ROOMS AND soardr lant. mM wo t . ,-vi. .-uiw uwuucre, NOB HILL. PLEASANT ROOMS, HOME cooking; prices reasonable. Pacific 322. ROOMS WITH OR WITHOUT BOARD: MOD crn. 3P0 M&dlson st., cor. Park. SUITE OF ROOMS, WITH BOARD. 153 13th, cor. Morrison. TTU. " ' NICTSLT FURNISH RD SIX-ROOM LOWER SL Teasosahlc; gas, bath, phone. 328 Ith street. FOR RENT A NEWLY WELL-FURNISHED flat. bath, piano; $16. 5S5 JeXeraoa su, cor. Stout. MODERN fi-ROOM UPEEB FLAT. S704 13i. Call 45 Market. Pfeaae Hate CM8. FORXENT. ITaU. FOR RENT C-ROOM MODERN FLAT WITH gas range and water heater tastalled. aeu E. 8th st. Apply phoM Mala 20L Par -Eon, 130 Front tU FOR RENT LOWER FLAT. 4 ROOMS. fii in ana. launary; newly fixed over; rent $30. 7thand Oak. Apply G. N. W. Wil son Co.. 72 Cth. Ml WASHINGTON ST. FLAT B FURNISH ed or unfurnished, reasonable to good tenant. Inquire Dr. Templeion, Hs mil too bldg. FOR RENT MODERN G-ROOM LOWER J.at ?ff.r sPeh School. 190 17th st. nesW Jamhlll. Inquire 1S3 leth sL. near Taj? lor. FOR RENT fl-ROOM MODERN FLAT. CEN trally located. $30 to responsible parties; no children. Inquire No. 00 N. 15th st. C-ROOM MODERN FLAT. S50H CORBETT. $12.0; 0-rooro modern flat. C07 Marshall. L. E. Thompson & Co.. 228 3d. CENTRALLY LOCATED. COMPLETELY furnished modern 3-room flat with bath, in quire ICS W. Park st. MODERN 5-ROOM FLAT. TWO BLOCKS north of Steel bridge, fronting river. In quire 283 Larrabee. THREE-ROOM FLAT FOR HOUSEKEEP ing. Inquire flat D, 225 Market st. Phone Main 510. 33 V, N. 17. COR. COUCH MODERN NEW flat, well furnished rooms, with or with out board. NEW FLAT. 3 BRIGHT ROOMS AND AL cove. gas. bath, central. Wet Side. - Phoat Pacific 00. Houw keep lac Rooms. THE HOWL AND APARTMENTS, 631U Washington st.. cor. 20th Nicely furnished housekeeping rooms; gas ranges, hot water, free bath, free phone on both floors, nice runny soltes for $10 and $12 per month; the very best rooms In the city for the money. THE ONEONTA. 187 17TH ST.. NEAR TAM hlll New bouse, elegantly furnished apart ments, in suites of 2. 3 and 4 room; hot and cold water: gas range in each kitchen; steam heat, baths, free pnoae on each flocr. FOR RENT FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP Ing room in bust brick block on East Side; gas ranges, bath, etc.; no transients; prices moderate. Logan block. It 4 Union ave.. corner East Alder. Phone East 4024. THE JEFFERSONIAN, T.I4 JEFFERSON ST. Strictly modem 2 and 3-room furnished hounckeeping apartments, free phone, fur nace heat, plenty hot water, elegant porce lain bathtubs; outside rooms. HOUSE. 111-113 NORTH STH ST.. HAS changed hands Rooms, furnished and un furnished, for housekeeping; also furnlfhed for day, week r month; all reasonable prices. Phone Pacific 313. NICELY FURNISHED MOUSEKEEPINR roomn; also one Meeting room, on ground floor, private family. a3 Burnstdc 3t-, nrar Seventh. FOR RENT BASEMENT OF S ROOMS and laundry; newly fixed up; rent $I2.f0. 7th and Oak. Apply G. N. AV. Wilson Co 2 0th. $1.60 A WEEK UP CLEAN, FURNISHED bou.-vke-riimt rooms, with yard, parlor, laun dry, bsth, furnace. 203 Stanton. U car. $1.75 PER WEEK LARGE. CLEAN FiR nlshed housekeeping rooms: laundry and bath. 184 Sherman. South Portland. HOTEL NORTHERN FINE FURNISHED housekeeping nultes, $10 and up. Corner 12th and Marshall sLa. Main 1459. TWO OR THREE NEATLY FURNISHED housekeeping rooms; private bath, electric light, phone. 101 10th, cor. Stark. TWO HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. WITH AT- iic oascment, water and lawn. 4S Bel mont St.; take Sunnyride car. 313 14TH ST. SUITE OF THREE NEATLY luraisnca rooms for houekeping; also 2 rooms with bath and phone. Ft RNISHED AND UNFURNISHED HOUSE keeplng rooms: bath, plume. 327 Glisan st.. between Cth and 7th. NICELY FURNISHED MODERN HOI'SE- "foj'ins rooms, gas. neat, rise location. 13 N. 13th, cer. Kearney. SlITE OF ROOMS IN MODERN FLAT. complete; Kitchen if desired, everything furnlhhcd. Main 3S0... TWO LARGE HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. -iicni. convenient; gas plate; 5 Woeks from Purtorriee. 108 11th. HOUSEKEEPING SUITES AND ROOMS. Ka. bath. 32) 2d st. FOR RENT SUITE OF ."mnvisiipn housekeeping rooms In modern flat: no children. 35 N. 17th. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING avt. el'vptii; rooms. cI&mj in. $1 week up: bath. J0 loth, near Stark. THREE UNFURNISHED ROOMS IN PRI- luinuj. Euiiauic i or i ami i or two gen tlemen. 300 1st st. SUITE OF 2 UNFURNISHED HOUSEKBEP- m SymsT twvt' per week rPPER FLOOR. PRIVATE RESIDENCE. n!i' rooms and alcove, furnished. 205 llth Call 10 to 12. 471 ALDER LARGE ROOM FOR HOUSE- Kvvvmg. uain. puone. dose to business; THE NEWCASTLE. 402li 3D HOUSEKEEP- ik roomw; aiso asigie room; heat, light TWO. THREE OR FOUR HOUSEKEEPING unc uai, moucrn. wsi inlng St.. near 17th. . ' 412 ALDER. CORNER I1TH TWO ROOMS lupstnirs;. jurniBHeo complete Tor house keeping. HOUSEKEEPING SUITE OF 3 ROOMS. ALL Grini: wm,n cw THREE FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING, EN ''".. uoin ana pnone. iyt 12th St. 402 4TH FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms, valuing distance; reasonable. HOUfeEKEKI'lNG ROOMS. ELECTRIC jiimr, uuu, puone. SvlD St. Houses. FOR RENT S-ROOM HOUSE. COR. E. "in anu jivimvm. per menui. c. H. Korell. 251 Washington st. SUNNYSIDE C-ROOM MODERN COTTAGE, "t""". "t4" o- vanauyn & Citon. 313 Washington at. FOR REXT HOUSE 0 ROOMS: GAS. FUR- iiKur, oam, gooa conaiuon; 2S, including water. Inquire 49-51 2d st. -ROOM HOUSES. MODERN. FRESHLY tinted, near Couch School. Phone East 2007 mornings or evenings. MODERN 8-ROOM HOUSE. DESIRABLE location, ui 11.na st. inquire 433 Glisan st. Phone Main 4576. COMPLETE 6-ROOM COTTAGE: FINE condition, corner; Al location; walking dis tance. Kcr 828 Park. NEWLY PAPERED FIVE-ROOM HOUSE. " sjjue; reasonable to Steady tenant. 105 E. Cth. $LV 7-ROOM HOUSE: ELECTRICITY. BATH fine view. 830 E. 27th St.. Kenllworth curve. Main 4529, FOR RENT--COTTAGE ON COOK AVE.. CHEAP RENT TO DESIRABLE" TENANTS x-jo luuma u.in. lliti jjeimont rt. Key at torc FOR RENT 7-ROOM COTTAGE. 148 21 TH ei. -ui iu, ucmciu tiufi. aula lTTing; KcT at 704 Irving. TWO C-ROOM COTTAGES. EAST SIDE. $S uu H'uiiiu. occ buj, wvenand .Ho tel. 1st St. FOR RENT SIX ROOMS. $15 PER MONTH- fumltiir fctT mIa on fnv t,m. -v- X 88, Oregonlan. 8-ROOM HOUSE. CENTRAL, GOOD CON- uiuon; ujsu j-roonx collage, inquire 4C1 H. Pine st. FOR RENT MODERN 6-ROOM COTTAGE. SEVEN-ROOM HOUSE WITH BATH. OAS ana Biauunary iuob. ui J'ettygTOVe. SIX-ROOM HOUSE, MODERN: 81 E. 18TH st.. South. Inquire 127 E. 16th L FOR RENT S-ROOM HOUSE. S. E. COR. COTTAGE OF 6 ROOMS AND BATH. 7X1 FOR RENT 8-ROOM HOUSE. PHONE MAIN ROOM MODERN HOUSE. 76 E.-.BURN. FOR KENT. Bses. HATFIELD k SMITH. RENTALS. "6SJ4 Fourth St. 11 -room house, furnace beat $30 8-room house, bath and tu 23 7-rocai house, fruit tree and lawn 23 .-room house, store mad gaa range 25 4- room cottage, furnished IS 5- room cottage, furnished 20 C-ROOM HOUSE. CfO E. TAYLOR. $30. S-room new house, with furnace, Han cock, near Williams ave.. $25. 5-room cotuge. E. 29th. near Oregon. $l. F- "W. TORGLER. 10 Sherlock Bldg. FOR RENT A NEW. MODERN. 6-ROOU house, lately bollt and up to date. All latest Improvements, one block from car line. In quire 751 East Bcrnaid xU Phone East 2IL TWO NEW 7-ROOM HOUSES GAS. ELEC trldty. furnace, yard. tubs, basement; nxxJ rn 4-room house; 3-room house; all doso In. Inquire 248 Lincoln, near Sd. FOR RENT BY MARCH 15 SEVEN-ROOM cottage at 201 N. 23d. comer Kearney. In quire of F. J-. Alex. Mayer. C2S Everett St.. or 102 Sherlock bide. FOR RENT ONE NEW C-ROOM HOUSE, close In on 11th t-. rent $20. "F. O. North rup & Co.. 211 Commercial block. 2d and Washington. FOR RENT NEAT COTTAGE. 5 ROOMS, bath. gas. etc. cor. 13th and Northrup. $20 per month. C. 1L Kerell, 251 Washing ton st. AN UP-TO-DATE S-ROOM HOUSE. 475 MAIN sL. with all conveniences: In f.nt-clax con dlUon. Apply to J. Kraemer, Commercial Wdg. . KADDERLT TRANSFER CO.. PROMPT sd reliable piano and furniture mover. Phone mala 1CS5. Office. 110 N. 3d st. FOR RENT VERT DESIRABLE MODERN C-room house, furnace, shades, best plumb- DONALD O. WOODWARD. 2M STARK ST. jtenis ana insurance. Phone Main 345. ADMINISTRATOR OF ESTATES. . FOR RENT MODERN 6-ROOM COTTAGE. 243 Adams St.. near Steel bridge. The Ore gon Keai Estate Co.. S5H 3d st. HOTEL CONTAINING 44 ROOMS. NEWLY papered and painted; cheap. Isqulra Hedges Griflllh. Oregon City. new s-imrm rrTT inr en? vnnTimrn modern, gas. Inquire 571 Lovejoy. Phone jkiain ti t -a. 3-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. GS1 2D ST.. Inquire 405 Chamber ef Commerce. Main M03. FOR RENT MODERN C-ROOM FLAT, 42D Rodney ave; rent reasonable. Phone East Hli. FOR RENT 7-ROOM HOUSE. INQUIRE 109 xu t'aiiay. Furslthrd Hosses. PORTION OF NICE HOUSE. ALL NEW. 10 minutes' walk of Pott office, completely furnlfhed; gas. heat, bath, phone; rent rea sonable tb two or three nice people.- K oregonlan. 321 11TH. COR. CLAT ELEGANTLY FUR nlhed. S rooms, to reliable parties: rea onabl rent. Inquire 231 Morrlfon st. MODERN 5-ROOM HOUSE. NEW FURNI- ture. piano, large yard; adults only. j-neno bast 4UJvj- 41 t Mh su 7-ROOM HOUSE. COMPLETELY FURNISH ed. centrally located. West Side; reasonable. l . l. waller. East 1305. FOR RENT FURNISHED S-ROOM COT- tage on car line. bath. 3S2 E. 7th. cor. j i am son. FURNISHED 4-ROOM COTTAGE. ELEC- trlc lights, bath, central. Iaqulrc 273 hi 7th. Bcuses For Rent Furniture Tor Sale. FURNITURE FOR SALE ON EASY TEfcMS ri-e rooms rurnUhed, one room unfur nlsbed: rent $15 per moatk. X 37, Orego- FURNITURE 4-ROOM COTTAGE. CHEAP; nouse win aiso be lor rent; handy to S rirrei-caroarns. inquire 37 2lth st. FOR PALE FURNISHED HOUSE. 19 rooms. nouseKcrpmg nais. excellent loca tion. S. YMJon. 14o 3d St. S ROOMS. AVELL FURNISHED: REASbN atl(j if sold soon; rent $20. Phone 5009. 1S7 W. Park. SNAP S ROOMS. RENT $25; 7 FURNISHED $275 eash; one block north Hotel Scott. 319 7-ROOM HOUSE FOR RENT. FURNITURE xor eaie; upstairs ail full, c 28. Oregonlan. MUST SELL FURNITURE OF MODERN 9 room bouse at bargain. 527 Taylor st. Stores. - STORY BUILDING. 22x50: ON R. R- rear Salem; $10 per month including fix tures; lease, jieevcs, 43s wash. STORE. 271 STH ST.. OPPOSITE CITY HALT. with rooms In rear. Apply upstairs. Ring 207 STARK ST.. ifiO. DONALD G. WOOD- wara. ascnt. 40 tark st. Offices. FOR RENT OFFICE ROOM&.AND AUDI torlum Io"ge hall. Room 3, Auditorium, 2os4 Third st. LODGE HALLS AND OFFICE AUsky bldg 3d and Morrison. ROOMS. FOR RENT PART OF OFFICE. treeL 132 3D PERSONAL. BE YOUR OWN BEAUTY DOCTOR I Free Information and anatomical chart, tbs masterpiece of perfection. Keeps circulation moving and muscltn young. Complexion like" a row. X. Z. Cauffman, Specialist, 1401 First ave., Seattle. THE NAME iEXINE PILLS STANDS FOR the world's greater! tonic for men and women; price. $1 a box. C boxw $5, with full guarantee. Address or call J. A. Clera enson. druggist, cor. 2d and Yamhill ats., Portland, or. MONEY TO LOAN. Three or four thousand dollars to loan on flrst-clats real estate security on favor able terms. Inquire room 12. Laboc bldg., 2d and Washington; no commlsMoa. DRESS SUITS FOR RENT. ALL SIZES $1 a month keeps your clothing cleaned and prswned. buttons sewed on. rips sewed up. Prompt calls and deliveries. Unique Tailor ing Co.. 309 Stark, near 6th. DR. G. V. KETCH UM CURES -PRIVATE diseases, kidney, nervous, skin and special female troubles; correspondence solicited. Red Cross Dispensary, cor. 3d and Ash ats. Phone Pacific SCI. MADAME ENGLISH. MAGNETIC HEALER, cures all diseases by hand-rubbing and elec tric sweats; rheumatism a specialty. Prof. Rakard electric radiator used. HiU Clh. cor. Alder. WD MAKE A SPECIALTY OF DISEASES of women. Private roams. Call or write. ,Lo"ls '?1,CJ and Surgical Dlipensary 230 ii Yamhill St.. cor. 3d. Portland. Or "BOOK OF NATURE." AGNIa3. "DROLL Stories." "Her Hidden Charms." "A Hot Tamale." "A Modem Lover." 60c es Lists free. A. W. "Schmale Co., 229 1st. LOST POWERS RESTORED BY THE great Dr. Lore ni Nerve Toole Tablets; 25a a box. Write or call at Eyssell's Pharmacy 227 Morrison su. bet. 1st and 2d. Manly vigor restored by Dr. Roberts' Nerve Globules. One month's treatment, $2- 3 months', $5. Sent securely aealed by inalL Agents, Woodard, Clarke & Co.. Portland LEARN ILLUSTRATING. CARTOONING anow-cara writing or window rimmlnir br Mall. T 2S. Oregonlan. Djr YOUNG LADY GIVES FACE AND SCALP - : - . . . 7 -tj -Kvrnsea sr.. parlors 12 and li. WATER-PROOF HALF SOLES. 60c HOLLA- TWO TOUNG LADIES GrE FACE AND iiiTc wrs -l, cor. wash. DR. L PAUL CROMWELU TOE COLORED peclailst, Sanltarlura 127 N. 12th. Main Sllai DR. AUSPLUND, DISEASES OF WOMHN' w ""-fc-. q & MOrrlSOB. BALM OF FIGS FOR ALL FEMALE DI3- w-i. vm, n. aamath CBODt ESSt 4GS4. YOUNG LADY GIVES FACE AND SCALP "' - v po-s sxarx, parlor 27 TWO LADIES. BATH. FACE AND SCALP "' ua aaimon. Turkish baths, massage, expert tcaeseuse. la OOKS BOUGHT. SOLD AND EXCHANGED ujc uib oo store, 3 xamnui or. WO POST CARDS. ASSORTED. S&c. jRjj- ie . . . ewMUt WU.. lit. ONE-MINUTE TOOTHACira DROPS CURS TERSOXAL. CONFIDENTIAL MEDICAL AD VI CD TO 'women We treat diseases of women ex clusively, curler with unvarying success all female ailments from the slightest local Ir ritation to the matt comsUcated Internal troubles: maternity case given special at tention; private hospital accommodation; professional lady nurse in attendance; con sultation and advice free. X-Radium Medi cal Institute and Sanitarium. 3d and Alder entrance 253 Alder St., Portland. IF DANIEL HALEY, WHO. ABOUT 12 years ago. lived Is Southern Oregon, and who once had a brother living In Paxidena. CaL. by the name of Michael Haley, wli: correspond with the undersigned, he can leam of aomethlcjc to h!a advantage. Wil liam Forbes. Clerk of Pasadena. Camp, W. O. W-. Pasadena. CaL Detective Agency Confidential Investigations; reports made on any Individual, business or property; missing relatives found; bad debta collected; charges reasonable; correapondenee solicited. Oregon Detective Service. 314-315 Columbia bldg.. 3S Washington. Main 5415. SWEDISH TRAINED NURSE, HBLSING fors graduate, positively curat rheumatism, nervous disorders and stomach troubles by hand-rubbing; gtcam. sweat and tub btu; both sexes. 7 E. 11th at., two doors from E. Ankeny car line. Phono East 200. SUITS PRESSED WHILE YOU WAIT. S0C To the visitors of Portland hotels and to tha public at large: Suits pressed at 50c at Gilbert, the tailor IOCS Sixth at., next to the Quelle. Ladles skirts prersed, 60c Phone Pacific 2065. FINE DAY BUY MEREDITH'S UMBREL las; repairing and recovering; two stared: Washington and 6th and Washington and 5th. 100 NEAT VISITING CARDS WITH TOUR name. soc. SO for 35c; 250 business cards. SPECIAL NOTICES. lTofcrtA13 IstvlUd. KOTICB OF PUBLIC SALE OF THS triarBisM ana property OI the Orsgaa Traction Company. Notice Is htnbr rin that the stockhotdsrs of the Oregon Trac tion Coanany have adonted a mointioa ma. thorlrlag and direction the dissolution cf me sua corporauos ana the disposition of ui lis property. Purrusnt to ssJd resolnllan and tht rA. letlcn of the beard of directors authorising and directing the sale of all of the property belonging to the company, I will, at the cour of 19 o'clock A. M.. on Thursdar. the 15th day of March. 1V00. at the front oor or lea taunty courtnooe. in the City Of Pcrtlsxd. Multnomah Countr. Clrrzai o-- fer at public sole, lo the highest btcder for caca. ue franchises, roadbed, track, rights ef way and contracts for right of way, to gether with all maps, u relies, office fix tures and furniture, and all property of woMtrtr tuna ownea Dy soia corporation. The said property will be sold In bulk, and as an entirety. The said franchises of said csoc&ay f erred to are aa follows, to wit; ' A franchise authorising the constructloa cf a rallwar line throcfh th CH-r at Htl!- boro and a fran zhlc granting the right to ccsatrust a railway aa and otst canals streets la th City of Fartst Qrorv Waaa- ugtoa c3itr. urtrta. aaa a fnssnts STanUd br ta Cltr of Iorttanl. Or by ordinance Nx H.SSI. ettltl3. "Aa ordl nasse rraatlag lo the Oregon Tractlea Com pany, its successors and assigns, the right 10 construct, lay cowa. maintain and cperate rallwajs and poles and wires and tsuutreuaa conauits ia tne (Jity o. ron land. Or." (Approved by the Mayor o! said cltr on the eih dar ef AorU. 1CCS.) The constructed track belonging to said ccmpany constsu of about 32-50 feet of double track laid oa Twelfth street, la the City of Portland. Or., between Burnslde and uvenoa streets, in icxl city, aad 2S0 feet of double track os Pettygrove strceu be tween Thirteenth and Fourteenth streets. la said city, and three crossings on Six teenth. Twenty-third snd Twenty-fifth streets, at the intersection of Pettygrove street. The maps aad profiles referred to s&ow the survey of the projected eletcrlc railway lice of the company from, the City cf Portland. Or to the City of Forest Grove. Oregon. For full Information as to all property of the com piny. Inquire at the ofnee ef the company, rocm 62. Union block. City of Portland. Or. The said corporation Is now indebted In about the sum of $35,000. Of said sum about the amount of $3500 Is due the Grmanla National Bank, of Saa Pranolsco. CaL. for which 5100.CCO par value la amount ef the bonds cf the company secured by a mortgage or deed of trust on all the prop erty o: the company are deposited as eel literal and of which said total amount about the sum of $14.7C0 Is secured by me chanics liens on the franchise, roadbed and constructed track of the company In the City of Portland, the remainder of said Indebtedness being unsecured. The said property shall be sold to th highest bidder. The purchase price shall be paid In full, la cash, or by acceptable certified check at or before 3 o'clock P. M. of the day of -ale. Payment to be roads to the undersigned at the ofnee of the com pany. Union block. Portland. Or. If the rersoa -effertng- tbe-b'sbrst Sid 'for all -of csld property shall net pay the entire pur chase price by 3 o'clock P. M. of said day of sale, the person offering the second highest bid shsll be entitled to the convey ance of raid property. If be shall pay the entire ran bid by. him before 4 o'clock P. M. of said day of sale; and If neither the aid highest or next highest bidder nhall ray ca said day of sale the amount bid by him. the directors of the company at their optica may sell said property to any person bidding at said sale who makes full payment oa the day of said sale of the sum bid by him. The right to reject any and all bids Is reserved. By order of the board ef directors. W. L. GOULD. Secretary Oregoa Traction Compaoy. CHIEF QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE, VAN"- couver uarracKS. asn.. reD. iz. l wti. Scaled propoealo. In triplicate, will be re ceived at this office until 11 o'clock A. M.. March 12. 1P0C and then publicly oeentd. for the construction at Fort Stevens'. Oregon, of a wacon shed and alteration of stable. Full Information will be furnished on ap plication to this office. Plans may also be seen at the office of the Depot Quartermas ter. Portland. Or.; Constructing Quartermas ter. Fort Stevens. Or. The United States rcrves the right to accept or reject any or all bids or any part thereof. Envelop containing proposals should be Indorsed: "Propotala for building wagon shed, etc. Fort Stsvens." and addrta-ed to the Chief Quartermaster. Vancouver Barracks, Wash- CHIEF QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE. VAN- couver Barracks. un.. February 21. 1005. Sealed proposals. In triplicate, will be re ceived at thta office until 11 o'clock A. M-, March 23. 1306. and then publicly opened, for furnishing and Installing gymnastic appar atus at Fort Columbia. Wash. Full Infor mation will be furnished on application to this office and at the office of Dm- Quarter mvtcr, Fort Columbia. Wash. The United States reserves th right to accept or re ject any or all bids, or any part thereof. Envelope containing proposal should be in dorsed: "Proposals for gymnastic apparatus. Fort Columbia. Wanh.". and addressed to the Chief Quartermaster. Vancouver Barracke, Wash. MlscellajkeoBs. WE, THE UNDERSIGNED FURNITURE and plaao-movers. win require the payment of all charges upon delivery of goods after December 1. 1305: IL C Haack. C. F. Har der. O. F. Hussey, Coegrove Bros.. Portland Delivery Co.. Post Special Delivery Co.. Package Delivery Co.. Uolmaa Transrer Ca. Northwestern Transfer Co., Oregon Auto Dispatch Co.. John Hampton. James McLta ien. Owen McLlnden. Pa cine Transfer Co. Oregoa Transfer Co.. Portland Van & SloA age Co.. Wakeman. Morso Transfer Ca. East Side Transfer Co. C O. Pick Transfer & Storage Ca. C M. Olsen. Baggage & Omni bus Transfer Co.. A. J. Murphy. Kadderiy Transfer & Commission Co., John A. Lore Andrew J. Murphy. F. M. Ireland. F. Mil ler, Finch & Henderson. CASCADE RANGE FOREST RESERVE tisonnerr. uivisionj; applications for graz ing permits Notice Is hereby given that all applications for permits to graze cattle, horses and sheep within the Northern Di vision of the Cascade Range Forrat Re serve during the season of 100C must be submitted to D. D. Bronson. Forest In spector. Portland. Or., on or before April 1 1906- Full Information In regard to the grazing fee to be charged, aad blank forma to be used In making- application, will be furnished upon request addrened to the above-named officer. w THOMAS IL SHERRARD. Acting Forester. BUSINESS CHANCES. ONE-HALF INTEREST IN BAKERY FOR saie at invoice: goou country town, popu lation SOOO: selling on account sickness, s 50. Oregonlan. FEW HUNDRED BUTE ESTABLISHED LA. cici ana men -s xurrusaing goods business, fine location, low rent, no old goods. Phono Pacific 1131. FOR SALE SMALL SELECT STOCK OF groceries. Ia good town, close to Portland -cheap rest. See Moore Investment Ca. 131 u 6th st. "WILL SELL STOCK: AND FIXTURES OF a nice agar ana cvxii ctiiancry Store; good business1; cheap rent; a bargain. 188 Mad ison. FOR SALE CIOAR. TOBACCO AND CAN dy store oa Mala sr.. Oregon City, opposite Postofflce. R. Seller, prop. FOR J5ALE CIGAR STORE "WITH LIV-iBg-room: reat $5. Come, make offer. 275 Froat at. CASH STORE. PRICE $350; WILL MAKE yo $5 a day over all expenses. Call.24su Stark st. CIGAR STOH.K. CENTRAL. LONO LEASE' price $. Call 24S Stark st. FOR SALE 11-ROOM OMING-H0USE FOR sale cheap. 4J, 3 s. BUSINESS CHANCES. ROOMING-HOUSE HEADQUARTERS. TV. H. TafL TAFT &. CX J.-H. Dletx Below is a partial list of A Na 1 places mai nave been placed with us tor immeai ate sale: BIG MONEY-MAKER. 100" rooms, nice sunny corner, rent only $209 per month. Income $525. expenses $205. net profit $2 CO, and nothing to do. On account of sickness you can buy it xer xtooo. TAFT & CO. Main 15- 273 Stark St C. of C. Bldg. APARTMENT-HOUSE. 5 rooms, steam beat; rent, including neat, only $300 per month; elegantly fur nished and clearing; above all expenses y ifKf laaaia. ror iui particulars picas caii. TAFT & CO. Main 136. 275 Stark St, C of C. Bldg. EXTRA GOOD BUT. 32 rooms, hrirt an Washington mt Vert- heart or the city, steam heat, elevator, running water In rooms; rent only $150 per month, with a 5-vear lease. This la the best buy la the city for the price. For fc.ras piease call. TAFT & CO. Main 156. 275 Stark St. C. of C. Bldg. REGULAR SNAP. 20 nice. new. clean rooms, flcelv fur, nlshed. right on Washington at.; making good money, but owner must leave the city; rent only $125 per month; 3-year lease; price cut to J.wS. TAFT & CO. Main 15. 275 Stark St C. or C. Bldg. JUST WHAT YOU "WANT. 30 rooms, steam heat, brick building, hot ana coia water In all rooms, elevator, ex tra well furnished; rent only $75 . per nwmn; -year lease: clearing about sxoo per month. For price and terms please can. TAFT & CO. Main 158. 275 Stark St. C. of a Bldg. BOARDING-HOUSE. CO rooms, steam hear,. hot and cold wa ter la all rooms, very .nicely furnished, steady boarders, good transient trade, cheap rent, fine location: price $3500. APARTMENT-HOUSE. 35 rooms, hot and cold water in all rooms, furnace heat, nicely furnished clteuiBc; $140 above all expenses; price IJVW. BOARDING-HOUSE. 53 rooms, swell location, finely fur nlshed. cheaD rent and a srood lease: nosl tlvely clearing- above all expenses $250 per xnontn; price $1500. A PICK-UP. 20 rooms. 2 blocks from, the Portland Hotel; steam heat, nicely furnished, cheap rent and a good lease; clearing $100 per month: price $1250. We guarantee all titles and' protect both buyer and seller. Plenty of money to loan oa any or me above places; TAFT & CO. Main 1S8. 275 Stark St, C. of C. Bldg. ROOMING-HOUSE HEADQUARTERS. ELLIS Jc KA TILER. Room 21. Cambridge Building. 2f Merrteon SC. S. W. cor. Third St. Wo have all the desirable roomlne house that are for sale, the best and also the cheapest, from 5 rooms to 100. prices WTO to SMJUO. If you want a place at bar. gain price, call AT ONCE. BARGAIN'S ARE GOING FAST. SEE THESE FOR BARGAINS. , 51 rooms, central brick corner, steam heat, all modern, best furnished house on the market: clears $200 a month over all expenses. Price $1800. 20 rooms, all or floor: rent a snan: business district, corner, great bargain for 22 rooms, fine corner residence In best location, paying $100 a mohth above rent, which Is only StJO on a long lease. Price onlv $1200. 22 rooms, all ono floor, business center; rent $!?0 with lease; fine buy for $S30. re duced from $1SOO. 9-room dwelling near Imperial Hotel cheap rent: ean make your rent and all expenses and then some. Price only $325. rooms, nice corner, near 10th nnd Mor rion; cheap rent. Price only $250. nd wo have others, good buys, all of them. Terms can be made on any. BUSINESS CHANCES. BLLIS & HAULER, Room 21, Cambridge Bulldlnc;. 284 Morrtcon St,. S. W. cor. Third St. Look ever the following; and If you want particular, with a view to engaging in any mtotaese aa the Hit. call at the above address. ReetauraBt. del hit good business. 10 tables $ G00 Produce commission .business, a snap 550 Grain ami feed commission, bit; bslnejMi 6.500 Manufacturing business, good paying 1.70 Grocery. Mast Side, good location.... 1.500 Grocery. West Side, fine cash trade.. COO Cigar stand, excellent central location 800 Clear aRd confectionery store, fine iraiU 1,200 Grocery and delicatessen. living-room 273 Real estate office outfit with list.... MY POSITION ENABLES ME TO BEAT ALL competitors In the price of the Hurst Switch stock. This great Invention can be seen at the company's orxice. 200 McKay bid., cr at their factory. 25th and Upshur sis. Don't fall to see me before purchasing-. am selling this corporation's shares at a big discount, W. J. CURTIS. 215 Commer cial Mock. Phone Mala 5334. ESTABLISHED SEATTLE WHOLESALE oroduce house wants party with $2500 to WX) to open office la Portland: salary and big prontft to hustler with good reference; nnc opening; experience unnecessary, a 35, Oregonlan. PARTNER WANTED IN A SOLID MANU- faeturlnc bulne!w to act as secretary and treasurer; good salary besides large prof its in the business; $3000. Commercial In vestment Co.. lC5Vi 3d st. room A. UP-TO-DATE JOB PRINTING OFFICE. OLD estaoiieaea business; beat location la city. now operating on paying basis:, modern equipment throughout; for eule at a bar gain tor casn. ai 25, oregonlan. WANTED TO BUY LUMBER PLANT ON raw and water, or would put In some money with the right people In a good lumbering enterprise. Call or address 315 Chamber of Commerce. PARTNER WANTED IN A WOOD AND coal yard to attend the office and check wootf; guarantee $130 monthly: $1000. Com merciai investment Co., lGSjr 3d at,. room THIS BEATS THEM ALL 80-rooai rooming-house, brick comer, very ceatral. cheap rent, every room occupied: easy terms, $2500. 221, Morrison st,, room STOCK COMPANIES INCORPORATED IF you nave stocks or bonds for sale. let me try and sell them for you. George M. Kel logg, broker. 345 Elllcott Square. Buffalo. A GOOD BUSINESS MAN WITH CAPITAL to invest ana to taxe cnarge of factory can have controlling interest If he desires. For particulars aaaren y j, oregonlan. PARTNER WANTED IN THE MOST COM- piete sieam Cleaning and dyeing establish ment in Portland, doing a very large busi ness; $750. A 3& Oregonlan. OPPORTUNITY FOR BUSINESS MEN Good openings In all lines, city or country; details at offices of the Ames Mercantile Agency. Ablnzton bldg. ROOMING-HOUSE. 23 ROOMS. VERY CEN- irai. cringing in about -tai per month: cheap rent; If sold at once. $1000. Hatfield & Smith. 165, 4th st. CASH GROCERY WITH LIVING-ROOMS; rem amy .911 munuiiy; sales JJD dally. Commercial Investment Co., 103 H 3d St.. room A. FOR SALE MOVING PICTURE MACHINE gas outfit, song slides, views, etc.; also bought and for rent. Room 1. 1434 Cth st. COFFEE-HOUSE AND RESTAURANT, clearing good salary, for sale cheap: reason for selling. leaving city. 312 Bdrcelde st. HAVE BUSINESS THAT PAYS 3 PER cent per month on $7000: will Bell half or third to right party. K 3S. Oregonlan. COMPLETE ABSTRACT BUSINESS. AMONG best, Oregon, no competition; clears $150 month. Address F 36. Oregonlan. WIGWAM SALOON. 233 1ST ST. ELE gant fixtures. long lease. Particulars. L. E. Thompson & Co.. 223 3d. FOR SALE BAKERY AND CONFECTION ery In country town; must sell; price $400 Address B 27. Oregonlan. SNAP TOURAINE," 1SS 7TH. BETWEEN Yamhill and Taylor; swell boarding-house; all full; making money. LEASE OF FINE BUSINESS LOCATION. Washington t- between 4th and Cth, Ad dress P 35. Oregonlan, $230 GROCERY. WEST SIDE, 3 LIVTNG- rooms. rurnisnea. rent io. Angeles. 242 3th and Main. IF WANTING LEGITIMATE INVESTMENTS, Portland. Oregon. SALOON FOR SALE AT REASONABLB price, also restaurant and rooasa. Inaulre 254 Market sL - SPECULATORS CALL MAIN $34 FOR BIO bargains In Hurst Railroad Switch stock. FOR SALE CORNER SALOON AT A BAR gain; Investigate this. Ieaulrc 34 Gllsaa st, SALOON MUST SELL TODAY": PRICE $450; big bargain. Call 219 H Stark st. FINANCIAL. LOANS MADE TO SALARIED PEOPLE holding permanent positions and respon slble firms; easy payments and strictly con naentiai; also CHATTEL LOANS on personal property; rooming-houses specialty. NEW ERA LOAN & TRUST COMPANY, -203 Ablngton Building. On Improved city property or for building purposes, for from 3 to 10 years time, wlh privilege to repay all or part of loan after two years. Loans approved from plans and money advanced as building progresses mortgages taxen up and replaced. FRED H. STRONG, Financial Agent. 242 Stark Street, THE CRESCENT I.ni' rn Jf afm tn hawk bldg., 3d and Morrison, loans money to reliable salesmen, trainmen, motoromen. condpetors or other salaried employes. Just on nis noie. in sums of $10 to $100. re turnable in convenient weeklv nr monthly- payments. Payments suspended in case of wckbcjs. connaenuai. ko inquiries. THE STAR LOAN CO. Any salaried employe, wage-earner, can get on nis note, witnout mortgage (Con saenuaij: Month. '4 month. Week 350 Repay to us.. $13.33 or $0,153 or $3.23 $23 Repay to us. .$ 0.03 or $3.25 or $1.85 $13 Repay to us..$ 4.00 or $2.00 or $1.00 21U Jl'KAI HUUU.. 102 THIRD. MONET ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLE and others upon their own names witnout security; cheapest ratea. easiest cayments office in 53 principal cities; save yourself money by getting our terms first. , TOLMAN. 223 Ablngton bldf.. I0ijt 3d et LOANS ON EASY PAYMENT PLAN TO salaried people at lowest rates: strictly confidential. Employes Loan Co., room 71rt the Dekum. 3d and Wash. ats. Phone HIGHLY respectable place where ladles and gentlemen can borrow money on diamonds and Jewelry. Collateral Loan Bank. 260 Washington st. Phone Hood 431. , MONEY TO LOAN ON REAT. ESTATE AND other good securities: small bulldlnc loans a specialty. W. II. Nunn. 532 Sherlock bldg. Phone Clay 529. PRIVATE MONET FOR QUICK REAL Es tate loans; any amount at 5. G and 7 per cent, ai. u. urimn. tt start st., opposite cnamDer or commerce. LOANS ON FURNITURE. PIANOS AND otner securities; lowest rates .S. W. King. room 43, Washington bldg. Phone Mala 0100. MONEY LOANED IN SUMS OF $3 AND UP on nil kinds of security. W. A. Hathaway, room 10. Washington bldg. Phono Clay 416. IMMEDIATE LOANS IN SUMS FROM S3 TO 55O0 on all securities. R. I. Eckerson & Co. room 5. Washington bldg. Phone Clay FROM $1000 TO $10,000 TO LOAN BY PRT vate party on city property at from 5 to 7 per cent. Address P. O. box 314. city. WE WANT $1500.00 FOR ONE YEAR; WILL give mwu" security; tnc security is AI Auaresrt fa no. ureconion. COLUMBIA LIFE & TRUST CO.. 44 CON cord bldg. Loans made on city property. . o commission. I WILL LOAN SIOOO ON GOOD REAL ES- inie security or gut-eaged chattels. Q 32. "WANTED TO BORROW $27,00 FOR ONE year. i per cent; beot or security. A 38, uregonian. WILL LOAN S5C0O OR LESS. K PRR f'TTV-r- rr csiaie. lamogion, ilia CnamBer of MONEY TO LOAN ON ALL KINDS OF SE curlty. Wm. Holl. rm. 9. W'ashlngton bldg. State funds loaned. C per cent. W. E. Thomas. Elsie nut., jiunnoraan co.. -juo cnam. com. LOWEST RATES ON FURNITURE, PIANOS sna otner security. 419 Sherlock. Clay 523. $500,000 TO LOAN AT 5 AND PER CENT, m. u. ucck. room oU7. r ailing bldg. MONEY LOANED ON FIRST MORTGAGES. jiaynes. 4i commercial block. LOST AND FOUND. TEN DOLLARS REWARD THE OREGON lan will pay $10 reward for the arrest and conviction of anyone caught stealing The Oregonlan from the doors of Its tiubscrlD- ers. Circulation Manager. WILL LADY WHO PICKED UP LADY'S gold watch on ICth-JC car No. 320 at 4th and Washington st. at 7:43 P. M. please return 10 .hi jonnson st. or pnone Main 02f and receive rewaru. LIBERAL REWARD FOR RETURN OF watch charm with inscription. "Presented to Brother A. Cole." etc. A. E. Cote, care aioyer Clothing Co. LOST COAL BLACK COCKER SFANIEL male on 4th and Burnslde; collar marked M. H. Dunham. Phone Scott 4672. Re ward. FOUND A PLACE TO HAVE HAIR MAT. tresses renovated and returned same day. juam 4i4. i-ortiana curled-Hair Factory. BlNCH OF KEYS FOUND AT 4TH AND Flanders. Loser prove Identity. Fulton saioon. 272 Aiuer. LOST SMALL. LIGHT-BROWN PURSE containing $3o. Return to Oregonlan office Reward. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Accountants. GEORGE T. MURTON. 534 CHAMBER OF voramercc i-uuuo ,'iiuu 100a. xsooKKeeptng, Assayers and Analysts. GREENLEY & CRAWFORD, ANALYTICAL cneniiaiv. uiuuui mtwcu, .vi wasa- Ington st. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE. 1SG MORRISON. st. is cm. lacuiucs. iTiccn reasonable. PAUI RAUMEL. ASSAYER AND ANALYST trOia ausi oougnr, ui .iaer st. Attorneys. J. S. "WINCH ESTER. . ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, notary puoiiir. otiiuiaKion oiog. Boatbullders. Graham's Boatyard, foot E. Pine; gasoline launcnes. .Agent lor aianuara gasoline engine. Carpenters and Builders W. L. Buckner. office, store fixtures, general InMilnr ronlraptlnr. MO Stn.V Aein kco. Carpet Cleaning. Sanitary carpet cleaning Carpets cleaned on .1, ft Inn omt mmnrMfHl nl- r.i. --- - , . ui uwt. Commlssloa Merchants. HERMAN MBTZUtlK. PURCHASER OF hiaes. pens. iun, wooi, monair, tallow, old rubber and old metal, and general com mission merchant. Front St. nr. Main. Port land. Or. Caah advanced on consignments. TAYLOR. YOUNG & CO.. SHIP BROKERS ana cuuuuuiuuu i3ucnoca DlCg Pcrtland, Or. ALLEN Sc. LEWIS. COMMISSION AND produce merchants, STont and Davis sis Portland. Or. Clairvoyants. ZING A. THE "VEILED EGYPTLVN MYSTIC seeress 01 uic .'11c. uore wna a aouble vell astrologlst. clairvoyant and palmist; dead" trance medium; heallngvdone through psy chic force? Zlnga Is the only person In Amer ica who has the secret of the ancienta for luck and love: readings by mall as satisfac tory as In person; terms within reach of all 268K Morlrson, bet. 3d -4th. Cosmos Hotel. Chiropodist aad Manicuring. WM. DEVENY & ESTELLH DEVENY. THE uuij kicuuac uuivywuui, pariors room 203 Drew bldg., 162 2d . st. Phone Mam 1301. This lo the long-haired genaeaian. He Is the man you are looking fo CATHERINE E. JOHNSON. 129 7TH. BE- iKtca uu" ! nuuuiguu, iiain 8432. Dancing WOODWARD'S DANCING ACADEMY Western Academy of Music Hall. Monday and Thursday; gents, 12 lessons. $5: ladles 10 lessons. $2.60. Corner 2d and Morrison! DraagBtsmeH. OREGON SURVEYING-, MAP AND BLUB i-riai iw oiciubs stag. opposite Poet office. Phone Main 6623. - Fh ml rare. "WANTED FURNITURE REPAIRING AND unholsterlnr. mattress rennvat In 3- deaxdag. laylsg. picture fraatiax. Beotoa yFurEltare Co., 47 Ualoa ave. Phoae Ease, Oardeaers. PLANTING OF ROSI AND TREES AND otnKi was case' gar- deaer. A. I. AMieneB, 41 MUl st; Mats M4, BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Harness aad Saddles. THE GEORGE LAWRENCE CO.. WHOLE jale saddled and harness mfrs., leather and saddlery hardware. 80-S6 1st, Mala 225. Junk. Hides and Pelts. L. SHANK & CO.. PURCHASERS OF HIDES, pelts, wool. furs, tallow, old rubbers, 'met als and sacks. 312 Front st. Leather aad findings. J. A. STROWBRIDGE LEATHER COV-rES. tabllshed 1S3S. Leather and findings: Stork ton sole leather and cut stock; full line Eastern Jumbos. ISO Front st. Musical. MRS. B. F. DRISCOLL. PUPIL SHERWOOD. Chicago; piano lessons. 50 cents. Studio, 168 7th st,, near Jackson. -" EMIL THIELHORN. pupil of Sevclk. vlolta teacfeer. Studio. 103 6th, TeL Miln. 39'JiS. Maelilaery. B. . TRE3NKMAN 4 CO.. MINiNG. SAW mlll. logging "machinery: hydraulic pipes, casting; all kinds repaired. 104 N. 4th. THE H. G. ALBEE CO.. SECOND-HAND machinery, sawmllln. etc. 24S Grand ave. Northwest Vlavl Co. LEWIS BLDG.. PARK AND MORRISON sts. Call or send stamp for Health Bo?k. Osteopathic Physicians. DRS. ADIX & NORTHRUP. 415-16-17 DE Kum bldg.. 3d and Washington. Phones; Office. Main 349; residence. Main 1503: East 1028. Exam, free Sun. by appolntm't. DR. L. B. SMITH. PIONEER OSTEOPATH or Oregon: graduate Klrkvllle, Mo. 40 Oregonlan bldg. Main 1242; res. M. 2732. Paints. Oils and Glass. RASMUSSEN & CO.. JOBBERS, paints, oil v glass, sash and doors. Cor. 2d and Taylor. Patent Lawyers. R. a WRIGHT. DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN patents; Infringement cases. C04 Dekum. Piano Tuning. EXPERT PIANO TUNING. REPAIRING and polishing. Phone East 4133."t Safes. DIEBOLD VAULT WORK AND SAFES lead competitors. Steel ball-bearing lifting Jacks. Metal fixtures. Lockouts opened, re palrs. Phone 1033. John E. Davis. 66 Third". THE ONLY GENUINE HALL'S SAFE: THE Herrlng-Hall-Marvin. Portland Safe Co.. agents. 92 7th st.. near Stark. Showcases. Bank and Store Fixtures. R- H. Blrdsall. designer; agt,M. Winter Lum ber Co.. 7 Hamilton bldg.. 131 3d. M. 3330. THE" LUTKE MANUFACTURING CO., COR. 6th and Hoyt. Phone Main 1408. PORTLAND SHOWCASE & FIXTURE CO.. 34S lt, near Market, Phone Clay 1614. Sign Painters. WALL SIGNS. OFFICE DOORS AND WIN down lettered at cut prices. Zlrnglebel. 2134 Washington st. Phone Pacific" H33. Spiritualists. ORMONDE. EGYPTIAN ASTRAL SBER OF Delhi Dead trance medium, clairvoyant palmist, astrologer, psychic healer, tells of marriage. love, business, health, law suits; restores lout or falling vitality, breaks weak habits. locates mines, burled treasures, miss ing ones; makes good luck, removes evil in fluences, hastens marriages, unites tho sepa rated, eettlcs love, business or family trou bles: rellabIe'rcadlnES by mall; also absent treatment for all ailments. Ill luck; develoua clairvoyance In others. 2&H Washington. MRS. WALLACE 23 YEARS PORTLAND'S most reliable medium1, all In trouble call and get her valuable advice on all affair of life, business, love, troubles; absent friends a specialty. 2SG Taylor st. Hours. 0 A. M. to S P. M. PROF. WALLACE. THE NOTED PALMIST, will continue to give his celebrated $3 readings for 30 cents for one,' week longer. 26SV, Morrison st. The Cosmos. MRS. S. B. SEIP. noted prophetess and pay chometrlst. 3434 Yamhill, cor. 7th: readings dally; circles Tues. and Frl. S P. M. Pac. I06 MRS. LADD FINNICAN CAN BE CON oulted. 53 Selllng-Hlrsch bldg. Main 6170. MME. DREYFUS. PALMIST AND CARD reader. Office 2915 Morrlson sC. cor. 5th. MRS. STEVENS. Portland's leading palmlet. spiritual life reader. 1C0 7th. opp. Hotel P. Storage and Transfer. SAFES. PIANOS AND FURNITURE MOVED T1IUkMl mnJv fnr- ahlnnhff .hlnn.,1' nil work guaranteed; large 3-story brick "fir proof warehouse for storage. Office. 123 1st. C. M. Olscn. Thono Main 547. C. O. PICK. OFFICE 88 1ST. BET. STARK and Oak. Phone 596. Pianos and furni ture moved and packed for shipment; com modious brick warehouse, with separate Iron rooms. Front and Clay sts. FRED BICKEL. STORES AT 34 N. FRONT sc. nousenoia gcoda ana furniture, pianos, trunks, tool chests, sewing machine! and all movable articles at reasonable prices. Typewriters. New typewriters, all makes, rented, sold and repaired, coast Agency, 231 Stark. Tel. 1407. Wholesale- Grocers. ALLEN & LEWIS. WHOLESALE GROCERY, cor. N. Front and Davis ats.. Portland, Or. BANKS. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND. OR Designated Depositary and Financial Agent of the United States. President A. L. MILLS Cashier J. W. NEWKIRIC Assistant Cashier.... W. C ALVORD Second Assistant Cashier B. F. STEVENS Letters of credit Issued available In Euror and the Eastern States. Sight exchange and telegraphic transfers sold on New York, Boston. Chicago. St. Louis. St. Paul. Omaha. San Francisco and tho principal points of the Northwest. Sight and time bills drawn In sums to suit on London. Paris, Berlin. Frankfort-on-the-Maln. Hongkong. Yokohama, Copenhagen. Chrlstlania. Stockholm, St- Petersburg. Mos cow. Zurich. Honolulu. Collections Made on Favorable Terms. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON, ine oiuesi x ruse company in ucegon. RESOURCES OVER $1,430,000. General banking. Exchange on all carts of the world. Savings accounts. Time- cer tificates. 5 to 4 per cent: short-call sneclal certificates. S500 or over, 3 to 4 per ctint Call for BOOK or ILLUSTRATIONS. Phone Private Exchange 72. S. ET Corner Third and Oak Streets. BENJ. I. COHEN President H. L. PITTOCK Vice-President B. LEE PAGET '. Secretary J. O. GOLTRA Assistant Secretary LADD !z TILTON. BANKERS- ESTABLISHED IN 1830. -Transacts a General Banking Business. Interest Allowed on Time Deposits. Collections made at points on favorable terms. Letters of credit Issued available in Europe and all points In the United States. Sight exchange and telegraphic transfers sold on New York. Washington. Chlcaco. St. Louis. Denver. Omaha. San Francisco " and various points in Oregon. Washington and Idaho. Montana and British Columbia Exchange on London. Paris. Berlin. Frank fort. Hongkong. Yokohama. Manila and Ho nolulu. MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK PORTLAND. OR. J. FRANK WATSON President B, L. DURHAM Vice-President R. W! HOYT , . .Cashier GEORGE W. HOYT Assistant Cashier TRANSACTS GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. United States Depositary Drafts and letters of credit Issued. av.-riU able in all parts of the world. collections a specialty. THE BANK OF CALIFORNIA (Established In 1864.) ... HEAD OFFICE. SAN FRANCISCO. CAT. President... -V, -HOMER S. KINO- Gen. Maru of,-Branches. .W. MACKINTOSH Capital paid up.... '. .uiwiftnn Surplus and undivided profits $9,770,443 A General Banking and Exchange Business Letters of credit Issued, available -In. all parts of the. .world Interest paid on -Unfa deposits. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Accounts opened for sums' of sia an-, -m. ward. WM. A. MACRAE.... ....... ,..Manir,. T. BURCHAELL -Assistant Manager UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK--: - Northwest Corner Third and Oak. Sts. Transacts a General Basking Buslaeoa. United States and Europe. Hoagkoag al Manila. President iwt...J. c. AINWCrTH- VIce-PresWeBt. . . .t . . w . w. B AXjra VIce-PreeWt , v . .R. LEA- BAXNlS . ... "--'.r' -- - A- --r2! Aa44aat Car..... ...... V.M' a. HOLT