Is THE HOBNDfG OREGOJflAlf, SATURDAY, 3LUtCH 3, 1906. KELP WANTED MALE OR FKMALX- NVANTED DRAMATIC PEOPLE WHO CAN act. comedian with specialties and other " useful people for repertoire; lady piano player to double parts; company now on road. A 26. Oregonlan. GOOD POSITION FOR MAN OR WOMAN. Apply 305 Steams bide, between 9 and 5. "WANTED SIMPLEX OPERATOR, drees Glacier, Hood River. Or. AD- SITUATION WANTEDMALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. POSITION IN OFFICE OR STORE, J IRS. experience In drugstore, and n KOtxl busi ness education. N 26. Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER. CAPABLE of taking full charge, seeks office position. Address R 27. Oregonlan. FIRST-CLASS STENOGRAPHER DESIRES position; two years" 'Xporlencc; bet of-reference. M 8. Oregonlan. YOUNG JAPANESE HOY WANTS A SITU atkm to do general housework and all kinds work. X 33. Oresonlan. JAPANESE BOY WANTS POSITION TO DO housework la family. Frank Oamura, H -0, Oregonlan. Miscellaneous. JAPANESE DOMESTIC SERVANTS. FARM hands and other laborers furnished. The Nippon Employment Office, room 2. 29 N. Sd St.. city. Main B154. P. O- Box 15. TUNG MAN. 30 YEARS. WANTS SITL'A ilon around private place, take care of horse, garden; seven years' work In one. place; Scandinavian. V 2C, Oregonlan. WANTED SITUATION BY EXPERT MILL wricht. one who understands mining and mill machinery of all kinds: can give bent of reference. S 35. Oregonlan. JAPANESE GOOD. EXPERIENCED FAM lly cook And all kinds work, wants posi tion in hlgh-claf small family. II 29, Ore genian. JAPANESE LABOR ASSOCIATION CAN fwraistt domestic servants, farmers also; all kinds of help. Main 4G50. 208 Everett. Mm" cvi-ott clothing, shoes, highest prices paid. 73 N. 3d st. Phone Green 423. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stcnoographers. YOUNG LADY. WELL EDUCATED. DE mre. position as bookkeeper In grocery store 'r oW work, or xpy clerk; experienced. Addres lOtR E. Morrison. EXPEKIKNCED STENOGRAPHER DESIRES potAlkm oMt of town: reference;; no legal work; competent. It 21. EXPKRiRXCOD STENOGRAPHER AND OF See rrlrl wants situation; good references. W 27. Oregoolan. Miscellaneous. 3LDEJtLY COUPLE WITH EXCELLENT references want work; mali wages and a pood kerne: wife can cook for small fam ily: husband understands gardening and rtileketw: thoroughly reliable. Inquire Y. w. C. A., employment and travele' aid department. 34 ADAM E ARTBLLA. MODISTE CIIII dren's uKk and costumes only. Room 2, The Melville, 2d and Market. Phone Clay 23. VLORKXCK TINGLET. DRESSMAKING AND fctdtes' tailoring: price reasonable. Room Ml Tourney bMg.. 2d and Taylor. SITUATION WANTED CAPABLE WOMAN boArdtng-hetMe cook or kltchf Helper. 230x Yamhill. Phone Main 5413. KXPMRIENOWO TEACHER WILL TEACH HntMi branches to pupils at their home, Address W X. Oresonlan. JAiI'ANUSE YOUNG LADY WISHES SITL'A ttoa m do homework and help cooking. V X. Oregonlan. KXPERIItNCBD COOK DESIRES POSITION, ihhm or toartng-bouc. 21 Zi. uregonian A OIRL WANTED Ilsooe East 1332. 447 WORK Ros st. BY DAY. WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS WANTED TO REPRESENT THE "Old ReliaWe Nurseries." Commission ad vaaced weekly. Write quick for choice of territory- Address the Albany Nurseries, Inc.. Albany, Oregon. RELIABLE MAN OR WOMAN TO TRAVEL. eiKtrlbnte rumples mid employ agents; local monagorrs also: $18 a week and expanses. Zlegter Co.. 225 Locust L. Philadelphia. ADVERTISING SOLICITORS ODDFEL lows. temperance, religious and other ot tnldtsbfd publications: commissions. Clyde King. 08 Chamber Commerce. MALE AND FEMALE, AS SOLICITORS FOR investment brokerage company. Apply 504 Dek ii m bldg. GENTLEMEN AGENTS IN PORTLAND AND through state: big wages. 410 Kenton bldg. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO RENT HOUSES. COTTAGES. FIATS. ROOMING-HOUSES. STORES. ETC. Our rental dupartment has been enlarged end provided with additional staff. We Invite listing from LANDLORDS, offer personal attention to and continuous oupervlslon ovor all property Intrusted to our care. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. S. B. Cor. Sd and Oak sts. Phone Ex. 72. BY A FAMILY OF 3 ADULTS AN UN furnished apartment of 4 rooms and bath or connecting rooms, suitable for light hom-ekeeping : must lie flrst-class. Portland Heights preferred. R 31, Oregonlan. WANTED TO RENT RANCH FROM 5 TO 13 acres; must be part orchard, house .and good outbulMlngE. 08 Commercial et. T 27. Oregonlan. WANTED TO RENT LAUNCH FOR 30 daw with privilege buying same. Address 312 Brooklyn st. IN OR NEAR BUSINESS PORTION OF elty. unfurnished house of 10 to 23 rooms. Phone Main K'S". WANTED A SMALL FURNISHED FLAT OR 4 houojkeeplng rooms, centrally located. D 20. Oregonlan. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR FT7R nlture In any quantity; also take sime on commission and guarantee best results. The Portland Auction Rooms. A. Schubach, prop. Phone Mala 653. 211 1st st. WANTED INVENTORS TO SEND FOR OUR free Illustrated handbook, a synopsis of patent laws and regulations. Mllo B. Stev ens & Co., Attorneys, 51 14th sL, Wash ington. D. C. k ANTED $7000 FOR 5 Y'EARS, INSIDE improved property, money to be used for further Improvement on same; will pay 0 per cent. Address N 33, Oregonlan. WANTED A LOAN JlfiOO ON HOUSE AND two lots in Valley town, valued at $2200; can pay $00 month Installment, Address G 20. Oregonlan. WANTED GASOLINE LAUNCH. 3C OR 20 feet Ivng: must be cheap. Call at or ad dress C, G15 Chambers of Commerce, city. WANTED MEN'S CAST-OFF CLOTHING and shoes: highest price paid. Call at the "Fair Deal." C2 N. 3d. Phone Pacific 1722. WE HAUL AWAY YOUR DEAD HORSES and cattle promptly and free of charge. Oregon Fertiliser Works. Main 1900. WE NEED FURNITURE AND WILL PAT full value. TrVestern Salvage Co., C27 Wash lngton nt. WE CALL FOR DEAD HORSES AND CAT tie of all kinds. Phone East 2233. TOR RENT. Rooms. THE OXFORD. CORNER CTH AND OAK Under new management. Mrs. A. J. Wal ters. proprietress Tills new and modern brick hotel has Just been thoroughly 'reno vated, walls rctlnted and refurnished tlrely new throughout; 75 elegantly furnished rooms and suites; steam heat, hot and cold running water, electric lights, call bells. etc.; eultea with private baths; rates reas- onaoie. mono Alain bS. HOTEL ALEXANDER. CORNER 10TII and Alder Steam heat, nicely larnlshed rooms, nice location: auiet auarter of city. yet near business center; reasonable rates lor regulars and traveling public. E WELLE ST RO0MING-H0USB IN PORT- laad. Stone and brick bldg.: elegantly fur nlshed; electric lights, hot and cold water, furnace neat, porcelain baths. Hotel Ar- meatus, 410 Morrison, cor. 11th. Mala S263. MODERN FURNISHED FRONT ROOMS, reasonaDie. avit from ana Harrison. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED SUITE OF 3 housekeeping rooms. Inquire 220 1st st. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT. Zi H&wtnorae ave. 1 FOR KENT. Xeesu. THE ANTLERS JUST' REOPENED UNDER new management and now ready for busi ness. Everything new, clean and modern. We rent rooms with private bath for the sune as other hotels ask lor a plain room. Rates reasonable. TeL Mala 2333, Mrs. F. 11. Powers, Prop. AN INNOVATION FOR GENTLEMEN AT 3S9 Alder st,. adjoining the Arlington Club New management and newly renovated throughout: elegantly furnished rooms, with ,or without board; strictly home cooking; this la the mwit exclusive, convenient and pleas ant quarters In the city for those seeking quiet and high-class surroundings; references must be furnished. THE AUDITORIUM. 20814 THIRD. BET. iByiur ana taimon mis elegant noiei i been thoroughly renovated and Is now one of the best ant most respectable rooming houses In Portland: elevator, steam heat, baths, hot and cold water In rooms; we cater to the traveling public. Phone Hood 3S6. John Gran sirom. proprietor. THE COMMERCIAL. Nicely furnished room, single or en suite, $2 cr week up; steam heat, hot and cold water, free baths, free "bus; dining-room In connection; transients solicited; ojea all night; beet location In the city: office and reading-room ground floor. 488 Washington. HOTEL KBNYON NEW. ELEGANTLY furnished rooms, gas, electric light, not ana cold water In rooms, steam beau free baths. 18th and Washington. Pacific IDS. FOR RENT ONE UNFURNISHED ROOM. 2d floor, bath and phone; reference require a. 74 7th, or apply G. N. W. Wilson Co.. 72 Uth sL 394 ALDER. COR. 30TH ST. NICELY FUR- nlshed suite on first floor; also ingie room, bah, heat, electric lights; everything first class. THREE VER' SWELL ROOMS, WELL FUR- n I shod; also one small room as Kitcnen; will rent single or en miltc. 453 MorrlHn. 25S 13TH ST. PRIVATE FAMILY: ELE- gantiy fumisncd room; nouse new; every convenience; gentlemen only; reasonable. LARGE. BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED COR- ner loom, private, modern nome; central; reasonable to gentleman. Main 4714. 471 JEFFERSON. NEAR 13TH PLEASANT rooms, every convenience, reasonable t gen tlemen, or ladles employed; reference. NEWLY FURNISHED FRONT ALCOVE room: use of bath and kitchen: private fam ily: rent reasonable. 438 Everett, TUB PALM. 18V)4 3D ST. UNDER NEW manAgement; bedrooms, single, oouwe. weon ly; transient a specialty. NICK FURNISHED ROOM IN PRIVATE family, rent ."i per month. i;5 N. 15th, corn or Kearney. FINE ROOMS. -MODERN HOUSE. CLOSB in. porcelain bath, phone Main 4301. or call 201 10th: THE COSMOS Furnished, unfurnlehed rooms; transient solicited. 2C8SJ Morrison, cor. 4th. FURNISHED ROOMS MODERN CONVBXI--nees. 21W Uth. . Room. With Board. THE CARLETON. Newly and elegantly furnished; excellent cuisine and. service: apartments for bach elors: attractively located at 13th and Al der sis. Phone Pacific 1347. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED LARGE AL oove front room and line table board In large, beautiful house; large grounds and choice neighborhood; everything strictly modern, strictly home cooking; minutes' walk from Oresonlan. Phone Main 23tli. A SUITE OF 2 ROOMS WITH FIRST-CLASS board for 3 or 4 gentlemen; all conveni ences; very reasonable; better look this up at once. Also table board ! week,. Aster House, th and Madison. PRIVATE FAMILY OFFERS GOOD ROOMS heparate parlor, modern eonvenlonees, home eooklng, for family of four to six adults; walking distance; reasonable price. Phone Main 3197. FIRST-CLASS ROOM AND BOARD. TOR 2 xople. $13 per month, with all conveni ence; better look this up; ale table boaid. 4 iter week. Aster House. 7th and Madison. THE GLENDORA. 19TH AND COUCH Suites with running water, single room, flret-class board; large parlor. billiard-room, everything up to date; rates 25 and up. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION. 17TH YEAR: rooms with board; use of sewing-room; use of library: Women's Exchange. Address Mrs. E. B. Hamlin. SupL. 310 Flanders. THE COZY. IPS 7TH NICK LARGE FRONT rooms, suitable for two gentlemen, one block from Portland Hotel. Pacific 1&C4; with or without itoard. LARGE FRONT ROOM. HOME PRIVI leges, good lome cooking, two preferred. k:o. J'hene Kast J403. THE HAWTHORNE. 221 13TH ROOMS with board: suite for two or four poHe; running-waier. 5 CTH ST.. COR. HARRISON NICELY furnished front parlor, with board. Phone Main 5100. THE SOUTHERN 374 YAMHILL ST. ROOMS single or en suite, with board; reasvinabk rates. NICE FRONT ROOM OR SUITE FOR ONE or two, good board, private family. 31)5- 12th. 305 MORRISON 2 LARGE FRONT ROOMS. running water. 1 on 1st and 1 on 2d floor. ROOMS WITH OR WITHOUT BOARD. PRI vate home, block M. car. 24b N. 20th st. 120 lS'.h, corner Gllsan Desirable rooms. first-das' board; modern, private home, THE OS ARK, 225 11TH ST. ROOMS AND board; not, cold water; tame boarders. Hats. C21 EVERETT THOROUGHLY MODERN furnished or unfurnished 5-room steam-heated fiat, excellent neighborhood. Morgan & Fllcdncr. 213 Ablngton bldg. FOR RENT 5-ROOM MODERN FLAT WITH gas range and water heater Installed. 30 Vi E. 8th st. Apply phone Mala 20L Page ii bon, 120 front st. 021 EVERETT THOROUGHLY MODERN unfurnished 5-room steam-heated flat, eel lent neighborhood. sMorgan & Flledner, 213 Ablngton bldg. FOR RENT MODERN C-ROOM LOWER flat near High School. 100 17th sL, Jffcar lammu. inquire 1S8 30th st,. near -Taylor. VERY DESIRABLE MODERN FLATS bright, large, tinted rooms, laundry and basement; very reasonable. 3uw. otn. 0 ROOMS. PARTLY FURNISHED LOWER noor, bouse 4G1 w. Park at-. -M. wai ton, agent, 455 W. Park. CENTRALLY LOCATED. COMPLETELY furnished modern 3-room flat with bath. In quire 1C3 W. Park st. LOWER FLAT. PARTLY FURNISHED: NO children; references. Phone Main 1030 or Hood 533. 203 7th. MODERN 5-ROOM FLAT. TWO BLOCKS north of Steel bridge, fronting river. In quire 2SS Larrabce. 5-ROOM FLAT. NEW. MODERN. STEAM heat, fino location, close In; no children. Tel. Clay 1702. NEW FLAT. 3 BRIGHT ROOMS AND Al cove, gas, bath, central. West Side. Pnons Pacific 00. 284 1GTH COZY. MODERN 4-ROOM FLAT, hall and porch; $18. Morgan, 213 Ablng ton bldg. NICELY FURNISHED SIX-ROOM LOWER flat, reasonable; gas, bath, phone. 32S 14th street- FOR RENT A NEWLY WELL-FURNISHED flat, bath, piano; $10. 595 Jefferson .st-. cor. Stout, FOR RENT TWO MODERN FLATS. G94 Lovcjoy. $25 each. Dooly & Co.. 3d. FOR RENT DESIRABLE 5-ROOM FLAT. South Portland. $10. Inquire G42 1st- MODERN G-ROOM UPPER FLAT. 370 13TH. Call 455 Market, Phone Main 5563. HoBsekeeplng Rooms. TWO FRONT ROOMS. FURNISHED FOR housekeeping; cheap rent to right parties; modem. 555 5th st. SUITE OF 2 UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEP Ing rooms, with gas I love, $1.25 per -week. 382 E. Yamhill st. 328 MAIN. BET. CTH AND 7TH NEATLY furnished housekeeping rooms, single or en suite; very central. 313 14TH NEATLY FURNISHED HOUSE kecping rooms; also sleeping-rooms, with bath and phone. TWO NICE ROOMS. 267 West Park zt. CALL AFTERNOONS. POR KENT. HesMkecBlas Rooms. THE HOWLAND APARTMENTS. KlVi Washington tU. cor. 20th Nicely furnished housekeeping rooms; gas ranges, hot irater. free bath, free phone on both floors, nice tunny mites for 910 and 312 per month; the very beit rooms la the city for the money. THE ONEONTA, 1ST 17TH ST.. NEAR TAM hlll New house, elegantly furnished apart ments. In suites of 2. 3 and 4 rooms; hot and cold water; gas range la each kitchen; - steam heat, baths, free phone on each floor. FOR RENT FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP Ing room In bt brick block on East Sloe, gas ranges, bath, etc.; no transients; prices moderate. Logan block. 30S6 Union ave.. corner East Alder. Phone East 4024. THE JEFFERSONIAN. 514 JEFFERSON ST. Strictly modern 2 and 3-room ruraunea housekeeping apartments, free phone, fur nace hear, plenty hot water, elegant porce lala bathtubs; outside rooms. HOUSE. 111-113 NORTH 9TH ST.. HAS changed hand Rooms, furnished ana un furnished, for housekeeping; also furnished for day. -week or month; all reasonable prices. Phone Pacific S19. TWO. THREE OR SIX FURNISHED CON- nectea nousekfeping rooms, aicore. xronis two streets, pleasant and reasonable: bath. Phone Main 43C3. &33 Yamhill, corner 17th utrcet. FOR RENT NICE SUITE OF HOUSEKEEP- Ing rooms, close in. for ..0 per moatn. with use of bath and phone, to married cou ple without dogs or children. Box 637. city. FURNITURE OF NICELY FURNISHED ulte In. Tourney block: suitable for light housekeeping; rent reasonable; a bargain. Phone Mala 90. $1.50 A WEEK UP CLEAN. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, with yard, parlor, laun dry, bath, furnace. 203 V4 Stanton. U car. HOUSEKEEPING BOOMS. ALL CONVENT- ences, ground floor, nice yard, good loca tlon, adjoining Lyric Theater. 348 Alder. THREE NICE. CLEAN. MODERN HOUSE keeping rooms, -walking distance; private family; adults only. Phono Pacific 131. $1.75 PER WEEK. LARGE. CLEAN FUR- Tiisnea noutexrepmg rooms: laundry 13(1 bath. 14 Sherman, South Portland. HOTEL NORTHERN FINE FURNfcSHED housekeeping nultes. $10 and up. Comer T2ta and Marshall sts. Mala 1459. 4TH PLEASANT FRONT HOUSE keeping suites of two: gas and wood ranges; reasonable; respectable; Investigate. TWO HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, WITH AT- Ur. basement., water and lawn. Mb lit: mont st.; take Sunnyslde car. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED jmlV: also large front room, first floor, with gas 9MUe; cheap. ltn. NICELY FURNISHED MODERN HOUSE Itoepitig rooms. ga, heat, fine locatloa. 103 N. 13th. corner Kearney. VERY DESIRABLE. WELL FURNISHED. large howtekeeping room, first floor; quiet. 4ii0 Yamhill, near 12th, $10 TWO COZY FURNISHED HOUSEKEKP- nc rooms; water, bath; West bide, dote in. Q 33, Oresonlan. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING AND deeping rooms, dose In. $1 week up; bath. ho join, near Mark. 471 ALDER LARGE ROOXI FOR HOUfeE keeping, bath, pbone, close to uualntw; re sonable ir!ee. TWO. THREE OR FOUR HOUSEKEEPING rooms, brick flat, modem. .Kj Irving st,. near THREE UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms; new flat; walking distance. 420 41b, FOR BI3NT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. electric lights, bath and pnone. 3io ioth st. 103 7TH ST. SUITE OF NEAT. CONVENT. ent rooms. Phone Pacific 1!G4. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING 164 N. 10th st. ROOMS, with phone. Houses. FOR RENT 1G Ii 1CTH ST.. ONE BLOCK from An ken v ear line, cottage rooms and bath;, gas and gas fixtures: large yard loo xli0 feet, plenty fruit. The Title Guar antee & Truft Co., 240 Washington t. COT 6 G-ROOM HOUSE. G90 K. TAYIX1R. KO. S-room new house, with furnace, nan- cock, near Williams ave.. $25. 5-roo cottage. E. 2fith. near Oregon. $15. l" , AV. TORGLER. 106 Sherlock bMg. FOR" RENT A NEW. MODERN. G-ROOM bouse, lately built and up to dale. All latest Improvements, one block from car line. In- qwre 751 East BurnMde st. Phone East 211. TWO NEW 7-ROOM HOUSES GAS. ELEC- triclty. furnace, vard. tubs, basement: rood era 4 -room house; 3-room house; all ctofe In. Inouire 248 Lincoln, near 3d. FOR RENT THE RESIDENCE OF THE late S. G. Reed, containing 20 rooms, bet. iw and 2d.. Montgomery and Harrison sts. Apply 441 3d St. FOR RENT 24 ROOMS. COR. HOLLADAY and Crosby, one block from bteel Bridge now building: rent, $00. C J. Wheeler. Phone Scott 2933. $25 NEW. MODERN HOUSE. M'MILLEN Ft., txwy walking distance. Western Ore gon Trust Co., 211 Stark t. Phone Pacific OPS. KADDERLY TRANSFER CO.. PROMPT and reliable piano and furniture movers. Phone main 1CS5. Office, 110 . 3d st. FOR RENT VERY DESIRABLE MODERN G-room house, furnace, shades, best plumb- 'tg. 540 a. Ash. Phone East lb IT. DONALD G. WOODWARD. 24G STARK ST. Rents and lnmirance. Phone Main 345. ADMINISTRATOR OF ESTATES. HOTEL CONTAINING 44 ROOMS. NEWLY pspered and painted; cheap. Inquire of Hedges & Griffith. Oregon City. 0-ROOM HOUSE. FINE LOCATION. WEST ide. newly burnished throughout; floont painted. 420 Commercial bldg. 5UNNYSIDE G-ROOM MODERN COTTAGE. electric llghtn and gas, $18. Vanduya & Walton, 313 Washington st. FOR RENT HOUSE C ROOMS: GAS. FUR nace. bath, good condition: $25. including water. Inquire 40-51 2d st. MODERN S-ROOM HOUSE. GAS. BATH choice fruit, flowers, bam. chicken park. Owner, phone East 5Gb0. FOR RENT NEATLY FURNISHED 5-ROOM cottage, electric light, piano and bath; adults only. Phone East 2C51. $15 7-ROOM HOUSE; ELECTRICITY. BATH. fine view. S30 E. 27th st,. Kenllwortb curve. Main 4529. FOR RENT GOOD S-ROOM HOUSE. 51S Clay st.. reasonable rent. Call on M. E. Lee. th st. $21 NEW 7-ROOM HOUSE, ELECTRICITY, gas. porcelain plumbing. 740 E. Clinton. Phone East 533L CHEAP RENT TO DESIRABLE TENANTS Five rooms ana bain, j 107 Belmont . Key at store. FOR RENT 7-ROOM COTTAGE. 148 24TH sL North, between Hoyt and Irving. Key at Tin Irving. - NEWLY PAPERED 5-ROOM HOUSE. CLOSB in. East hide; reasonable to steady tenant. lift li. utn. NEW 5-ROOM COTTAGE. C07 NORTHRUP modern, gas. Inquire 571 Lovcjoy. Phone Main G7o. 9-ROOM HOUSE. CENTRAL, GOOD CON- ditlon; also T-room cottage, inquire 401 a. Pine st. FOR RENT HOUSE OF 11 ROOMS. MOD. em Improvements. 325 12th st. Apply 327 13th st. FOR RENT GOOD G-ROOM HOUSE IN Woodlawn. 310 per montb. 31, E. Lee. 0314 otn si. FOR RENT MODERN G-ROOM FLAT. 429 Rodney ave-; rent reasonable. Phone East 107. FOR RENT MODERN 5-ROOM COTTAGE, close In. Apply 72 B. 7th North; no children. FOR BENT 4-ROOM COTTAGE. YARD. fruit trees. 449 11th n. Inquire 3SS 11th i. FOR BENT MODERN G-ROOM CORNER nouse. Dam. attic, inquire 3 ii. 17th sL C-ROOM HOUSE. 26S N. 1GTH ST.. CHEAP to small family. Call 42 N. Cth. 7-ROOM HOUSE WITH BATH. GAS AND stationary tubs. 614 Pettygrove. FOR BENT S-ROOM HOUSE. S. E. 1st and Meade. Inquire 70S First, COR. COTTAGE OF BOOMS AND. BATH. 731 Hoyt st. Inquire 132 Sth st. FOR BENT 5-ROOM HOUSE. PHONE MAIN 4143. 249 Caruthers st. 7-ROOM 'HOUSE. NEW. MODERN. 448 10TH, Key at 465 Pariot. COTTAGE. 4i 8TH APPLY COMMER clal bldg. TOK KENT. Famished Bosses. PORTION OF NICE HOUSE. ALL NEW. 10 minutes walk of Postornce. completely xur- nlihed; gas. beat. bath, phone; rent rea sonable to two or three nice people. Jv. zo, Oregon laa. MY HOMB, CONSISTING OF 7 ROOMS. com D'.rtelr furnished, modem and Sne loca- Alltky bldr. Phone west 3C3. ROOM HOUSE. COMPLETELY FUBNISH- ed, centrally located, west fciue; reasoaaoie. F. L. Waller. East ia. FURNISHED 4-ROOM COTTAGE. ELEC- trlc lights, bath, central, inquire -Vj ,ttu .Homes Tor Beat FHrsltare Tor Sabs. FOR SALE FURNITURE OF G-BOOM houne. good a aw; must sell; caeap ir sold this week. &C3 UTenoa. FOR SALE FURNISHED HOUSE. 10 rooms, housekeeping cats. exceiMt loca tion S. Weldoa. 1434 34 SL 10TH NEAR WASHINGTON SIX-ROOM house, furniture xztXL cau txr- ommercui block. .Main sss. FtL-nN-rTITRE 7-BOOM HOUSE. 730 RALEIGH st. Call after C P. M. on Saturday aaa Sunday. ENAP-S ROOMS. RENT $23: 7 FURNISHED. xzia casa; one mock aorta iiotei acoii. couch. 7-ROOM HOUSE FOR RENT. FURNITURE for sale; upstairs all full, c s. oregonian. ANCOUVER. WASH. 9 ROOMS. RENT $14; furniture. $200; near bridge, ii4 bin st. St errs. 2- STORY BUILDING. 22x50; ON B. R.. aear Salem; $10 per month inducing fu tures; lease. Reeves. 435 Wash. CORNER STORE. LEWIS BLDG.. MORRI- son and Park sts. N. D. fciroon. ail cham ber of Commerce. S07 STARK ST.. $G0. DONALD G. WOOD- ward, agent. 24G Stark st. Offices. For r-nt Auditorium lodge hall. Inquire room 3. Auditorium, 2GSH 3d. John Graastrem. LODGE HALLS AND OFFICE BOOMS. Alltky bldg.. 3d aad Morrlsoa. FINANCIAL. LOANS MADE TO SALARIED PEOPLE holding permanent positions and respon sible firms: easy payments and strictly con. naeatiai; also CHATTEL LOANS on personal property; rooming-houses specialty. NEW ERA LOAN & TRUST COMPANY. 203 Ablngton Building. MONEY TO LOAN On Improved city property or for building purposes, for from 3 to 10 years time, wllh privilege to repay all or part of loan after two years. Ians approved from plans sa money advanced as building progresses; mortgages taken up and replaced. FRED IL STRONG. Financial Agent. 242 Stark Street- THE CRESCENT LOAN CO.. 42S-429 MO- bawk bldg.. 3d and Morrison, loans money to reliable salesmen, trainmen, moteromen. conductors or other salaried employes. Just on his note. In sums of $10 to $100. Re turnable la convenient weekly or monthly payments. Payments suspended In cas of sickness. Confidential. No Inquiries. THE STAR LOAN CO. Any salaried employe, wage-earner, can get on his note, without mortgage (Con fidential): Month. i -month. Week. $(0 Repay to us. .$1X23 or$G.G5 or $3.23 $25 Repay to us.. $ 6.05 or $3.25 or$l.GS $15 Repay to us..$ 4.00 or $2.00 or $1.00 210 il KAY lll.Uli.. 1173 THIRD. LOANS ON EASY PAYMENT PLAN TO salaried people at lowest rates: strictly confidential. Employes Loan Co.. room 71G the Dekum. 3d and Wash. sts. Phone 224. MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLE and others without security: easy pay ments. Offices la 53 principal cities. Tol- man. 223 Ablngton bldg.. lOtlVi 3d st. HIGHLY rt spec table place where ladles and gentlemen can borrow money on aiamorxw and jewelry. Collateral Loan Bank. 200 Washington st. Phone Hood 431. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE AND other good securities; small building loans a specialty. W. II. .unn. 552 Sherlock bldr. Phone Clay 39. PRIVATE MONEY FOR QUICK REAL Es tate loacit; any amount at 5. G and per coat, M. G. Griffin. 2G0 stark st,. opposite Chamber of Commerce. LOANS ON ' FURNITURE. PIANOS AND other securities: lowest rates .S. W. King. room 45, Washington bldg. Phoae Main CI 00. MONEY LOANED IN SUMS OF $5 AND UP en all kinds of security. W. A. Hathaway, room 10. Washington bldg. Phone Clay 415. IMMEDIATE LOANS IN SUMS FROM $5 TO $500 on all securities. B..I. Eckerson & Co.. room 5. Washington bldg. Phone Clay 3. COLUMBIA 'LIFE & TRUST CO.. 44 CON- cord bldg. Loans made en city property. o commission. MONEY TO LOAN ON ALL KINDS OF SE- curlty. Wm. Hon. rm. 9. Washington bldg. State funds loaned. G per cent. W. E. Thomas. state act., Multnomah Co.. 400 Cham. Com. LOWEST RATES ON FURNITURE. PIANOS and other security, 449 Sherlock. Clay 52S. $500,000 TO LOAN AT 3 AND fl PER CENT. Wm. G. Heck, room 207. railing bldg. MONEY LOANED ON FIRST MORTGAGES. Haynes. 402 Commercial b!ok. $2000 TO LOAN ON GOOD SECURITY. Z7. Oregonlan. PERSONAL. CONFIDENTIAL MEDICAL ADVICE TO women We treat diseases of women ex clusively, curing with unvarying success all female ailments from the slightest local Ir ritation to the mortl complicated Internal troubles: maternity cases given special at tention; private hospital accommodation; professional lady nurse in attendance: con sultation aad advice free. X-Radlurn Medi cal Institute and Sanitarium. 3d and Alder ics., entrance 253 Alder St.. Portland. IF DANIEL HALEY. WHO. ABOUT 12 years ago. lived In Southern Oregon, aad who once had a brother living la Paxtdcaa. CaL. br the name of Michael Haley, wilt correspond with the undersigned, he can learn of sometmnj; to mo advantage. mi Ham Forbes. Clerk of Pasadena Camp. W. O. W., rasaceaa. cau A THOROUGH HORTICULTURIST. ABOVE reproach for good habits, sobriety and In dustry, no longer young, yet clear-eyed and hale, with moderate means, deslmi to meet a mlddle-ased laay wun moderate means. willing -to live on a model fruit ranch. D. IL Sherman, General Delivery, city. SWEDISH TRAINED NURSE. HBLSING- fors craduate. positively cure rheumatism. nervous disorders and stomach troubles by hand-rubblnr: nteam. sweat and tub baths: both rexes. 7 E. 11th St.. two doors from E. Ankeny car line. Phone East 200. SUITS PRESSED WHILE YOU WAIT. 50C To the visitors of Portland botels and to the public at large: Suits pressed at 50c at Gilbert, the tailor . 10CV, Sixth At,, next to tne uueiie. i-auiea iri press ea, owe Phone Pacific SOS. Learn Illustrating. cartooning, show-card writing or window trimming; practical. thorough courses by mail: easy Install ments; satisfaction guaranteed. Address T 25. Oregonlan. MADAME ENGLISH. MAGNETIC HEALER. curat an diseases oy naaa-ruooing and elec tric sweats; rheumatism a specialty. Prof. Bakard electric radiator used. 145 6lh. cor. Alder. Manly vigor restored by Dr. Roberts' Nerve Globules. One month's treatment. $2; 3 months'. $3. Sent securely sealed by malL Agents, woooaro, t Co.. portlaad. YOUNG LADY GIVES FACE AND SCALP massage. Tne cosmos1, f Morrison si, parlors 12 arid 14. WATER-PROOF HALF SOLES. 50c. HOLLA- baugh'H oiJ3 xayior. bet, 3d aad 4th. mVO YOUNG LADIES GIVE FACE AND scaip massage, uuft tin sc. cor. Wash. MISS EFFIE HILL, SCIENTIFIC CABD- reader. sac jw tin. oppoKie uoiei Portland. DR. PAUL CROMWELL. THE COLORED Specialist. Sanitarium 127 N. 12th. Mala 341s. DIL AUSPLUND. DISEASBS OF WOrr-V aad surgery. 306 Alltky bldg.. 3d & Morrison. BALM OF FIGS FOR ALL FEMALE Dis eases. C5 iMimoat. I'Eone ast 4034. YOUNG LADY" GIVES FACE AND SCALP ssasMXe. Tne xacosaa, osji atarx. parlor 27. TWO LADIES. BATH. FACE AND SCALP XOatfMgv. aiu, wi. iir aau saimoa. Turklth baths, masoace. expert massesse. la dles only. Ml waaniegtoa. rx JCala PERSONAL. WHY SUFFER LONGER? Wo will cure you. The Physlc-Thera- jvathlc Dispensary cure! rheumatism, stom ach trouble, kidney and liver troubles, con stipation. Indigestion, lung troubles, asth ma, ta grlpp, paraiysun, neuralgia. lemaie iroumes ana all diseases or a carocic or nerveus nature. We Improve the complex ion, strengthen the aerve tissues and in crease the circulation, thereby curing tho disease. OUR CHARGE IS 13 PER MONTH. NO MORE. NO LESS. 41fl Morrison sL Phone Pacific 220& TO CLOTHING MEN, TAILORS. HABER- oasaera iir. J. W. Collins, representing a well-known Chicago wholesale mere riant tailoring estahilshmenf. will he at Hotel lrttand Friday ami Saturday. March 2 and 3. for the purpose of placing the line la Portland. Any one wishing to secure and. represent a arst-c!as Chicago tailoring line will do well to eall at oace. Hours 0 to 10 A. M.. 12:30 to 2 P. M.. 0:30 to S P. M.. or by appointment. DR. G. V. KETCH UM. RECENTLY PHY3I- olaa at SL Louis Medical and Surgical Dis pensary, la now at Red Ctosh Dispensary. Square deal for all; charges moderate; be cured of spermatorrhoea. dally and night drains; Impotency. gonorrhoea, syphilis. wood Uinta, varicocele and hydrocele; te raale special troubles treated. Correspond ence oollelted. Bed Cross Dispensary, comer 3d aad Aa sts. Detective Agency Confidential Investigations; reports made en any individual, business or property; missing relatives found; bad debts collected; charges reasonable; correspondence solicited. Oregon Detective Service. 314-215 Columbia btdg.. 363 Washington. Mam 5di3. BE YOUR OWN BEAUTY DOCTOR! Free- Information and anatomical chart, the masterpiece of perfection. Keeps circulation moving and musclrn young. Complexion like rose. X. Z. CaafXmaa. Specialist. HOI First ave., Seattle. MONEY tQ LOAN. Three or four thousand dollars to loan on flrst-class real estate security on favor- aMe terms. Inquire room 12. Labbo bldg.. -i aad Washington; ao commission. DRESS SUITS FOR RENT. ALL SIZES $1 a month keeps your clothing cleaned aad pmred. buttons sowed on. rips sewed up. Prompt calls aad deliveries. Unique Tailor ing Co., 300 Stark, near Stk. WE- MAKE A SPECIALTY OF DISEASES of women. Private roossM. Call or write. St, Lotitt Medical and Surgical Dispensary. 2X0H Yamhill st.. cor. 34. Iortland. Or. "BOOK OF NATURK." "AGNES." "DROLL Stories." "Her HkMoa Charms." A Hot Tamole." "A Modern Lover." 50c ea. Lists free. A. W. ficamale Co.. 229 1st. LOST POWERS RESTORED BY TUB great Dr. Lorcnz Nerve Tonic Tabletn: 25e a box. tit or call at Eysselrs Pharmacy. 227 Morrison St.. bet, 1st and 2d. MRS. It. B. WEBBER. HISTORICAL TRIBE Evangelist, now located for business at 382 Morrison nt. Call aad. examine this wondorfui work free. FINE DAY BUY MEREDITH'S UMBREL- las: repairing and recovering; two store Washington aad 0th and Washington aad 3ta 100 NKAT VISITING CARDS WITH YOUR nam. Me. 50 for 35c: 250 business cards. $1. Schnmlo Co.. 228 lot. I WILL LOAN $MKM OR LESS. 8 FKR CENT. real eotato. romagton, 31 cnameer o: UIMtfM. BOOKS BOUGHT. SOLD AND EXCHANGED at the OM Book Store. 228 Yamhill st. 100 POST CARDS. ASSORTED. 29c. PRB- pald. The A. W. Schmale Co.. 1 1st. ONB-MINUTK TOOTHACHE DROPS CURB instantly, 16c; family slxe. 2&c SI'ECLVL NOTICES. Proposals lavltedU NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE OF THE franchUK aad property of the Oregoa Traction Com piny. Notice Is hereby given that the stockholders of the Oregoa Trac tion company have adopted a resomtloa an. thorixlng aad directing the dissolution o: the said corporation aad the disposition of an its property. Pursuant to said resolution aad the reso lution of the board of directors authorizing and directing the sale of all of the property bewBglar to tho comsaav. I win. at tas hour of 10 o'clock A. M.. on Thursday, the 13th day of March. laOC. at the front door or the county courthouse, in tne cuy of Portland. Multnomah Countr. Oregon, of fer at public sule. to the highest bidder for cash, the fraaebk-c. roadbed, trade, ngau of way aad contracts for right of way, to gether with all maps, proaies, oX2ce fix tures and furniture aad all property of whatever kind owned br takl coruoratloa. The said property will be sold la bulk, and as aa en tire tr. The said franchises of said comraay re ferred to are as follows, to wit: A franchise authorizing tho construction of a railway line through the City of Hlllv boro aad a franchise granting the right to construct a railway oa aad over certain streets in the Citv of Forest Grove. Wash ington County, Oregoa. aad a franchise granted by the City of Portland. Or., by ordinance N'n 14.&&I. entitled. "An ordl nance mnllnp f n the Oreean Traction Com pany. Its succesoors aad aislgas. the right to construct, lay down, maintain and cperate railway and poles aad wires aad uaaergrouad conduits in mo vuy 01 x-u.-land. Or." (Approved by the Mayor of M !fv in tfc riiv of Anrll. 1DC5.1 The constructed track belonging to said company comUts of about 33oO feet a mihl trrlr laid nn Twalflh Street, la th City of Portland. Or., between Burastde and Overton streets. In said city, aad 2CO feet of double track oc Pettygrove street, be tween Thirteenth aad Fourteentn streets, In 11 Ul rll- and three crossings on Six teentb. Twentv.thlrd and Twenty-fifth streets, at the intersection of Pettygrove streeL The maps and profiles referred to shew tfce survey of the projected eletcrie railway line of tho company from the City Grove. Orecon. For full Infarmatlan M ta all Property O the company. Inquire at the office of the compaay. room 62. Union block. City of Portland. Or. The said coma ration is bow Indebted la about the sum of JC3.CO0. Of said sum about the amount of $3500 Is due tne uermaau. riatloaai Bank, of ban irraacisco. -ai. for which $100,000 par value la amount o the bonds if the comnaar secured by s mortgage or deed of trust oa all the prop erty of the compaay are deposited as coi lateral and of which said total amoua' mhnnt the mm nf SI 4 TOO la iscured br me- chaalca lleca oa the franchise, roadbed and constructed track of the company In the City of Portland, the remainder 01 saio lndebtednesx beinf unsecured. The said property shall be sold to the highest bidder. The purchase price shall be paid la full, la cash, or by acceptable certified check at or before 3 o'clock P. M. of the day of sale. Payment to be made, to the undersigned at the office of the com mnr. Union block. Portland. Or. If the person offering the highest bid for all of said property shall not pay the entire pur chase price by 3 o'clock P. M. of said cay of sale, the person offering the second hlrheit bid shall be entitled to the convey ance of said property. If he shall pay the entire sum bid by him before 4 o'clock P. M. of said day of tale; aad If neither the aid highest or next highest bidder shall nay on said day of sale the amount bid by him. the directors or the compaay at their option may sell said property to any person bidding at said sale who makes full payment oa the day of said sale of the -sum bid by him. The right to reject any aad all bids U reserved. By order of the board ef directors. w. L. qould. Secretary Oregoa Traction Compaay. OFFICE OF CVFTODIAN, POSTOFFICE DWg.. I'ortwno. or, ren. ij, iwm-oeaieo. nniMMak will be received at this office un til 2 o'clock P. M-. on the 2th day of alarch, lm ana inea openeu, iot tne pur riuu and removal of the Government build Ings lately used for Government exhibits at the Lew Id aao ciarx Exposition, I'oruano. Or. In accordance with the specifications, copied of which may be had at this office. J. W. Alinio. cusioaian. Mlscellaaeons. TVV. TTTn USDEIlblUMiU FTrRXTTTTRK and plano-moTcn. iu iciuire inc payment of all charges upon delivery of goods after December 1. 1005: H. a Haack. a F. Har der. O. F. Hussey. Coagrove Bros.. Portlaad Delivery CO.. ro pecuu ueuvery io. Package Delivery Co.. Uolmaa Transfer Co. Northwestern Transfer Co.. Oregon Auto Dispatch Co.. Joba Hampton, James McLta n owea McLlnden. Pacific Transfer Co. nrrnm Transfer Co.. Portlaad Vaa &. Stor age Co.. Wakeman, Morse Transfer Co.. East Side Transter co., c u. ncn i rani re r at Storage Co.. C M. OUen. Baggage Sz Omni bus Transfer Co.. A. J. Murphy. Kadderly Transfer St commission co Joan a. Xove, Aadrew J. ilurpny. t ii. Ireland, i. MU ler. Flnca ueadersoa. BUSINESS CHANCES. VTlTt SALE GROCERY STORE AT TV. voice, about ibuu rrquirea; estaoilsned 14 years; good reasons-for selling; no agents. F 2T. uregOBian. FEW HUNDRED BUYS ESTABLISHED LA dies and men's lurnxamng gooes business. fine location, low rent, ao old gooco. Phoae Pacific 1131. CIGAR STORE WITH HOT AND COLD baths, suitable lor career tor sale cheap, 43 union ave. , SALOON FOR SALE AT. REASONABLE price, also restaurant aad rooms. Inquire oi jiarKer. si. LAUNDRY ROUTE FOR SALE F. P. Brown, care City Laundry Co., or phoae UK ii a. SPECULATORS CALL MAIN 5354 FOB BIG bare 1x4 la Muxst Railrojvi Switch, stock; BUSINESS CHANCES. MY POSITION ENABLES MB TO BEAT ALL competitors la the price of tho Hurst Switch stock. This great invention can bo seea at tho company's office. 203 McKay bid.. cr at their factory. 2dth and Upshur sts. Don't fall to see me before purchasing. I am selling this corporation's shares at a big dUcouat. W. J. CURTIS. 213 Commer cial block. Phone Main 53S4. PRINTING OFFICE EXCEPTIONALLY vreit Hininrwri rtnin- r-oort business. In coun ty seat, fine town; has been long estab lished; owner must go south: thla Is a line vvunltnoTlToYimT't re- I Address H I ply unless you have the cash. Si. Oregonlan. PARTSEft tCANTKn IX A WOOD AND coal yard, paying; $350 monthly; must rur nleli bank references: he Is expected to b cashier and take charge of collections; mutt inveat one-naif of invoice or Dusiness. wm- merclal Investment Co., 163i 3d room a. CASHIER WANTED TO ATTEND TO A store business; must furnish best references and be willing to do his part or. tne worK ana be satisfied with 330 weekly, commer cial Investment Co.. 163 3d st.. room A. LIGHT MASlTPACTtlRIXG BU3INESS which will pay purchaser $150 monthly, with a great future: we ask you to Inves tigate this proposition. Commercial Invest ment co.. 105 3d st.. room .v. ATTENTION, GROCER YM EN! WE ARE Ob structed to sell one of the moat centrally located cash rrocerleA in the city, showing J'jO dally sales. Commercial Investment o.. lKtYt 3d St.. room A. STOCK COMPANIES INCORPORATED IF you have stocks or bonds for sale, let mo try and sell them for you. George it. h.ei logg. broker. 345 KlUcott Square. Buffalo. A GOOD BUSINES3 MAN WITH CAPITAL to Invest and to take charze of factory can have controlling Interest If he desires. For particulars address Q S, Oregonlan. GOOD PAYING COFFEE-HOUSE AND lunch counter for sale, or will exchange for .Portland. St. Johns or Vancouver prop erty, w 2G. Oregonlan. OPPORTUNITY FOR BUSINESS MEN Good openings la all lines, city or country; details at offices of the Ames Mercaatlls Agency. Ablngton bldg. SWELL ROOMING-HOUSE PROPOSITION on ashIngton st,. monthly Income $400. rent $IOO; price $3WO. Room 6. 222 Wash ington st., porter. FOR SALE WELL ESTABLISHED HARD- ware. furniture business good comer. low- rent; poor health reason for selling. E 20. Oregonlan. FOR SALE SMALL SELECT STOCK OF groceries, in good town, clooe to Portland: cheap rent, bee iioore investment Co., 151 Gtb st. FOR SALE VERY FINE LOCATION IN thU city for drugs, hardware, bakery shoe store. Particulars 33S Cole st. TRIMMER WITH BUSINESS ABILITY TO open millinery parlors: small capital re quired. Address Q ZX. Oregonlan. FOR SALE BAKERY AND CONFECTION- ery in country town; muse sen; price $400. Address S oregonian. SNAP "TOURAINE." 1SS 7TH. BETWEEN Yamhill and Taylor; swell boarding-house; all full; maxing money. S500 TROFIT A TEAR WITH 12 HENS: method sure: send ixk: stamps to l'. o. box 574. Portland. Or. ONE POOL TABLE. BAR FIXTURES. ONE cash register, cnaira and tables; a snap; must sen. xzi Auingion otog. $150 RELIABLE PARTNER WANTED: will pay you 5 weekly: experience not necessary. Call 24S'4 Stark st. LEASE OF FINE BUSINESS LOCATION. Washington nt. between 4th and 0th. Ad dress P 33. Oregonlan. CIGAR STORE VERY CENTRAL AND long lease; will Invoice about 3G50. Call 24S& Stark st. FOR SALE INTEREST IN ONE OF THE best real estate propositions in tne city, t 31. Oregonlan. WANTED TO BUY" SMALL RESTAURANT or cigar store; prefer with living-room. T 35. Oregonlan. SALOON MUST SELL TODAY: PRICE JIW); best bargain ever offered. Call 218 Stark st. FOR SALE CORNER SALOON AT A BAR- gain; Investigate this. Inquire 31 Gllsan st. FOR SALE CHEAP A RESTAURANT ; look thte up, X 2G. Oregonlan. FOR SALE U-ROOM ROMING-HOUSE FOR sale cheap. 415 34 at. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Accountants. GEORGE T. MURTON, 534 CHAMBER OF Commerce. I'none aiatn isao. isooKKeeping, expertlng. teaching Assayers and Analysts. GREENLEY & CRAWFORD, ANALYTICAL chemists, mining engineer, -in 3 waan- Inzton st. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE. 18G 3IORRISON st. Best facilities. lncea reasonaDie. PAUL RAUMEL. ASSAYER AND ANALYST Gold dust bought. UT Alder st. Attorneys. J. S. WINCHESTER. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, notary puDiic. ;su wasnington oiag. Boatbullders. Graham's Boatyard, foot E. Pine; gasoline launches. Agent tor standard gasoline engine. Carpenter and Builders. W. L. Buckner, office, store fixtures, general Jobbing, contracting. 33U stark. 31am 3931. Carpet Cleaning. Sanitary carpet cleaning Carpets cleaned on floor; suction and compressed air. Jiain ..n. Chiropodist and Manicuring. -WM. DEVENY & ESTELLE DEVENY. THE only scientific cniropouisw; parlors room 203 Drew oiog., iuj su fnonc .nam 1301. This la the long-haired gentleman. He Is the man you are looking- for. J. LIXDELL. expert cnlropodlst: all Instru ments sterilized. r iarquam. Main 025Q. Clairvoyants. ZINGA. THE VEILED EGYPTLN 3IYSTIC secress or tne Niie; 00m wun a douoie veil; astrologlsr, clairvoyant, ana palmist; dead trance medium: healing done through osv- chic force: Zlnga Is the only person In Amer ica who has the eweret of the anclenta for luck and love; readings by mall as satisfac tory as In person; terms witnin reach of all. 2G3 Morirson. net. 3d-Hin, cosmos Hotel. Commission Merchant. HERMAN METZGER. PURCHASER OF hides, pelts, furs, wool, mohair, tallow, old rubber and old metal, and general com mission merchanL Front st. nr. Main. Port land, Or. casa advanced on consignments. TAYLOR. YOUNG & CO.. SHIP BROKERS and commission merchants, Sherlock bldg.. Portland, ur. ALLEN & LEWIS. COMMISSION AND produce mercnontsw rront and Davis sts., .roniano. ur. Draughtsmen. OREGON SURVEYING1: MAP AND BLUB Print CO.. 4UU Steams. Oiar.. ODDOsIte Vmte. office. Phone Mala 6923. Danclag WOODWARD'S DANCING ACADE3TT Western Academy of Music Hall. Monday 10 lessons, $2.50. Comer 2d and Morrison. Gardeners. PLANTING OF ROSES AND TREES AND care of lawas by experienced landscape gar dener. A. L Andersen. 41 Ella st. Main 1004. FuraltHre. WANTED FURNITURE REPAIBING AND upholstering, mattress renovating, carpet cleaning, laying, picture framing. Boston Furniture Co.. 47 Union ave. Phone East 63S3. Harness aad Saddles. THE GEORGE LAWRENCE CO.. WHOLE jale saddles and harness mfrs., leather and saddlery hardware. sihk 1st. Mala 228. Junk. Hide aad Pelts, L. SHANK & CO.. PURCHASERS OF HIDES. pests, wooi. turs. tauow. 01a runners, met- Leather aad. Findings. J. A. STROWBRIDOE LEATHER CO. Es tablished 1S38. Leather and findings: Stock ton sole leather and. cut stock; full line Eaotera Jumbos, ism Front st. Xertfewett Yiavl Co. LEWIS BLDG.. PARK AND MORRISOX X 0. c&a or ktm. stxap lac Usaltk Se!c. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Musical. FERDINAND KONRAD. TEACHER OF.' vlolla aad violoncello. Studio 410- Salmon street. Phono Main 5S2S. MRS. B. F. DRISCOLL. PUPIL SHERWOOD. Chicago: piano lessons. 50 cents. Studio, 4Gtl 7th St., near Jackson. EMIL THIELHORN. pupil of Sevclk. violin" teacher. Studio, 193 6th. Tel. Mala 30M. YODER'S STUDIO 1. 555 L COUCH; H.VLF late for closing term. Phone East 3239. ilachlaery. B. TRENKMAN & CO.. MINING. SAW- mlll. logging machinery: Hydraulic pipes, casting; all kinds repaired. 104 N. 4th. THE H. G. ALB EE CO.. SECOND-HAND 24S Grand ave. machinery, sawmills, etc Osteopathic Physicians. DRS. ADIX & NORTHRUP. 413-10-17 DE- kum bldg., 3d and Washington. Phones: utiice. iiain 34; residence, iiam iou.s; East 1028. Exam, free Sun, by appolntm't. DR. L. B. SMITH. PIONEER OSTEOPATH of Oregon: graduate Klrkvllle, Mo. 409 Oregonlan bldg. Main 1242; res. M. 2 Paints. Oils aad Glass. RASMUSSEN & CO.. JOBBERS, paints, oils. glass, sash and doors. Cor. 2d and Taylor. Patent Lawyers. R. C WRIGHT. DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN patents; infringement cases. 004 ueKum. Pluno Tuning. EXPERT PIANO TUNING. REPAIRING and polishing. Phone East 413a. Safes. DIEBOLD VAULT WORK AND SAFES lead competitors. Steel ball-bearing lifting jacks. Meial fixtures. Lockouts opened, re pairs. I'none 1035. John E. Davis. OB unira. Showcases. Bank aad Store Fixtures. R. H. Blrdsall. designer: agt. M. Winter Lum ber Co.. 7 Hamilton bldg.. 131 ad. n. THE LUTKE MANUFACTURING CO., COR. Bth and Hoyt, Phone Main 1403. PORTLAND SHOWCASE &' FIXTURE CO.. 343 1st. near Market. Phone Clay 1644. Sign Painters. WALL SIGNS. OFFICE DOORS AND WIN- dows lettered at cut prices. Zlrnglcbel. 2134 Washington st. Phone Pacific 1455. Spiritualists. ORMONDE. EGYPTTAN ASTRAL SBER OF Delhi Dead trance medium, clairvoyant palmist, astrologer, psychic healer, tells of marriage, love, bualneso. health, law suits; restores lost or falling vitality, breaks weak nanus. locates mines, burled treasures, miss ing ones; makes good luck, removes evil in fluences. hastcnH marriages, unites the wpa rated. settles love, business or family trou bles: reliable readings by mall: also absent treatment for all aliments. Ill luck: develops clalrvoyanco In others. 2SS? Washington. MRS. WALLACE. 25 YEARS PORTLAND'S most reliable medium: all in trouoie can and get her valuable advice on air affairs of life, business. love, troubles; abseut friends a specialty. 2SG Taylor st. Hours. 0 A. 31. to S P. 31. PROFESSOR NORMAN. ASTROLOGIST. palmist and medium, reveals every Incident of your life. past, present and future: spirit manifestations. 225 3th. MRS. S. B. SEIP, noted prophetess and pay- cnometrtst. 34aii Yamhill, cor. Ttn: readings dally; circles Tues. and FrI. S P. M. Pac. 106 MRS. LADD FINNICAN CAN BE CON- pulted. 53 Selllng-Hirach bldg. Main 6170. MJIE. DREYFUS. PALMIST AND CARD reader. Offices 2914 Morrison St.. cor. 5th. MRS. STEVENS. Portland's leading palmist. spiritual life reader. 1U9 7th. opp. Hotel f. Storage and Transfer. SAFES. PIANOS AND FURNITURE MOVED packed ready for shipping and shipped; an work guaranteed; large 3-story brick fire proof warehouse for storage. Office, 123 1st. C. 31. Olsen. Phone Main 547. C. O. PICK. OFFICE SS 1ST. BET. STARK and Oak. Phone 50G. Pianos and furni ture moved and packed for shipment; com modious brick warehouse, with separate Iron rooms. Front and Clay sts. FRED BICKEL. STORES AT 34 N. FRONT St.. household goodo and furniture, piano?, trunks, tool chests, sewing machine and all movable articles at reasonable prices. Typewriters. ! New typewriters, all makes, rented, sold and repaired. Coast Agency. 231 Stark. Tel. hi. Wholesale Grocers. ALLEN & LEWIS. WHOLESALE GROCERY. cor. N. Front and Davis sts., Portland. Or. LOST AND FOUND. TEN DOLLARS REWARD THE OREGON- laa will pay $10 reward for the arrest and conviction of anyone caught stealing Th Oregonlan from the doors of its subscrib ers. Circulation Manager. LOST UMBRELLA ON SUNNYSIDE CAR. pearl and gold handle wun initials is. m. S. Return to 401 Holladay ave.; reward. FOUND A PLACE TO HAVE HAIR MAT- tresses renovated and returned same day. Main 474. Portland Curled-Hair Factory. LOST RAILROAD TICKET. PORTLAND TO Reno. Nev. Return at once, important; re ward. Main 2100. BANKS. UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND. OREGON. Northwest Corner Third and Oak Sts. Transacts a General Banking Business. Tlraft. Issued, available In all cities of the United States and Europe. Hongkong and Manila. . . Collections 3Iade on ravorame ierms. President J. C. AINSWORTH Vice-President W. B. AYER Vice-President R. lea bakmss Cashier R- W. SCHMEER ...A. -M. WK1UH1 W. A. HOLT Assistant Cashier... FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND. OR. Designated Depositary and Flnanclaf Agent of the United States. President A. L. 3IILLS Cashier 1, w. wjswk.ikiv. Assistant Cashier W. C- ALVORD Second Assistant Cashier B. F. STEVENS Letters of credit Issued available In Europe and the Eastern States. Sight exchange ana teiegrapnic transiers sold on New ork. Boston. Chicago, St. Louis. St. Paul. Omaha. San Francisco and the principal points or tne nortnwesu Sleht and time bills drawn in sums to suit on London. Paris. Berlin. Frankfort-on-the-Maln. Hongkong. Yokohama. Copenhagen. Christlanla. Stockholm, st- A'etersDurg. .Mos cow. Zurich. Honolulu. Collections Made on b avoranie xerms. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON, The Oldest Trust Compauy In Oregon. RESOURCES OVER $1,400,000. General banking. Exchange on all parts of the world. Savings accounts. Time cer tificates. 3 to 4 per cent: short-call special certificates. $300 or over. 3 to 4 per cent. Call for Book o "ILLUSTRATIONS." Phone Private Exchange 72. S. E. Corner Third and Oak Streets. BEN J. L COHEN President H. L. PITTOCK Vice-President ?-E5AE.T Y ' 'i; "I '1 I J. ..c... . j LADD 4: TILTON. BANKERS ESTABLISHED IN 1850. Transacts a General Banking Business. Interest Allowed on Time Deposits. Collections made at points on favorable terms. Letters of credit Issued available In Europe and all points In the United States. Stxht exchange and teiegrapnic transfers sold on New York. Washington. Chicago, St. Louis. Denver. Omaha, ban Francisco and various points In Oregon, Washington and Idaho. Montana and British Columbia. Exchange on London. Fans. temn. Frank fort. Hongkong. Yokohama. Manila and Ho nolulu. MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK PORTLAND. OR. J. FRANK WATSON President R. L. DURHAM Vice-President B. W! HOYT Cashier GEORGE W. HOYT Assistant Cashier TRANSACTS GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. United States Depositary. Drafts and letters of credit Issued, avail able ta all parts of the world. Collections a specialty. THE BANK OF CALIFORNIA (Established in 1854.) HEAD OFFICE. SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. President HOMER S. KING Gen. Man. 01 ii es w. MACKINTOSH Capital paid-up... $4,000,000 Surplus and undivided profits $9,779,148 A General Banking and Exchasge Business Transacted. Letters of credit Issued, available Ib alt parts of the world. Interest paid oa time deposits. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Accounts opeaed for sums of $10 aad up ward. WM. A. MACRAE Maaarer J, T, SURCHALL.......aAsaistaat( Masasar mm mm